Wjarr 2024 1016
Wjarr 2024 1016
Wjarr 2024 1016
to 7th, 2023
Ashish Kumar Meena *, Ashwani Sharma and Preetam Singh Gour
Publication history: Received on 21 February 2024; revised on 30 March 2024; accepted on 01 April 2024
This study investigates the ionospheric response to a period of heightened solar flare activity from August 5th to August
7th, 2023, by analysing ground-based observations of various ionospheric parameters. The data includes detailed
information on solar flare events, including their class, start time, maximum time, and end time, along with solar activity
indicators such as sunspot numbers, solar radio flux, and solar zenith angles. On August 5th, multiple C-class, M-class,
and an X1.63 flare were recorded, with the X-class flare being the most intense event. Ionospheric measurements
revealed enhancements in electron temperatures, reaching a peak of 2104K at 6 UT, coinciding with the onset of an
M1.6 flare. Additionally, a pronounced increase in total electron content (TEC) was observed, peaking at 34 TEC units
at 6 UT, suggesting increased ionization due to the flare's influence. On August 6th, an M5.51 flare was the most
significant event. Notably, the peak electron temperature of 2097K and the TEC maximum of 35.9 units were recorded
at 6 UT, several hours before the flare's maximum phase, indicating potential preconditioning effects from the flare's
preparatory stages. August 7th witnessed an X1.51 flare, along with multiple M-class flares. The peak electron
temperature of 2088K and the TEC maximum of 35.3 units were observed at 7 UT, again preceding the X1.51 flare's
peak, suggesting the influence of precursor effects. Throughout the observation period, the data exhibited typical
diurnal patterns in ion temperatures and TEC, consistent with regular ionospheric behavior driven by solar radiation
intensity variations. The study's findings provide evidence of the ionosphere's responsive nature to intense solar flare
activity, with significant enhancements in electron temperatures and TEC observed during flare events. Notably, the
effects were evident not only during the peak flare phases but also several hours prior, potentially due to the arrival of
energetic particles or precursor electromagnetic radiation, indicating the influence of preconditioning processes.
Furthermore, the data suggests that solar flares can impact the ionosphere's chemistry and dynamics, as inferred from
changes in the "Ion Percentage" parameter, representing relative ionospheric compositions. Continuous monitoring and
analysis of such events across different geophysical conditions are crucial for advancing the understanding of solar-
terrestrial interactions and their impacts on space-based technologies, contributing to the development of improved
space weather prediction and mitigation strategies.
Keyword: Total Electron Content (TEC); Electron temperatures; Solar flare (SF); Ion Percentage
1. Introduction
The Earth's ionosphere, a region of the upper atmosphere characterized by the presence of ionized gases, plays a crucial
role in various atmospheric and space-based communication, navigation, and remote sensing systems (Rishbeth &
Garriott, 1969; Schunk & Nagy, 2009). This ionized layer, extending from approximately 60 km to over 1000 km above
the Earth's surface, is formed primarily by the interaction of solar radiation, particularly extreme ultraviolet (EUV) and
X-ray emissions, with the neutral atmospheric gases (Schunk & Nagy, 2009; Kelley, 2009). The ionosphere's structure,
composition, and dynamics are heavily influenced by solar activity, including solar flares, coronal mass ejections
Corresponding author: Ashish Kumar Meena
Copyright © 2024 Author(s) retain the copyright of this article. This article is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Liscense 4.0.
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 22(01), 043–054
(CMEs), and high-speed solar wind streams, which can significantly perturb the ionospheric environment (Tsurutani et
al., 2009; Koskinen, 2011). Solar flares are intense bursts of electromagnetic radiation and energetic particles from the
Sun's surface, with X-ray and EUV emissions being the primary drivers of ionospheric disturbances (Qian et al., 2011;
Chamberlin et al., 2007). These flares are classified based on their peak intensity in the soft X-ray region, with C-class
flares being the weakest, followed by M-class and X-class flares, which are the most intense (Benz, 2017). During solar
flare events, the increased flux of X-rays and EUV radiation can dramatically increase ionization rates in the ionosphere,
leading to enhanced electron densities, elevated ion and electron temperatures, and changes in ionospheric composition
(Mendillo et al., 1974; Tsurutani et al., 2009; Le et al., 2007).
These ionospheric perturbations can have significant impacts on various space-based technologies, including high-
frequency (HF) communication, Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), and over-the-horizon radar systems (Zolesi
& Cander, 2014; Tsurutani et al., 2009; Shaikh et al., 2018). HF communication, which relies on the reflection of radio
waves off the ionosphere, can experience disruptions due to changes in electron density and the formation of
ionospheric irregularities during solar flare events (Zolesi & Cander, 2014; Beniamini et al., 2003). GNSS signals, used
for positioning, navigation, and timing applications, can also be affected by ionospheric disturbances, leading to
positioning errors and signal degradation (Kintner et al., 2007; Shaikh et al., 2018). Over-the-horizon radar systems,
which utilize the ionosphere for long-range detection and tracking, can experience performance degradation and false
target detection due to ionospheric irregularities and fluctuations (Nickish et al., 2018).
Numerous studies have investigated the effects of solar flares on the ionosphere, utilizing various observational
techniques and modeling approaches. Ground-based instruments, such as ionosondes, incoherent scatter radars, and
GNSS receivers, have been widely employed to measure ionospheric parameters during solar flare events (Afraimovich
et al., 2002; Le et al., 2007; Tsurutani et al., 2009; Berngardt et al., 2018). These observations have revealed significant
enhancements in total electron content (TEC), peak electron densities, and ion temperatures associated with solar flares
(Mendillo et al., 1974; Alfonsi et al., 2008; Qian et al., 2011; Berngardt et al., 2018). For example, Mendillo et al. (1974)
reported an increase in the TEC of up to 50% during a solar flare event, while Qian et al. (2011) observed enhancements
in the peak electron density of over 100% in the ionosphere's F-region. In addition to ground-based observations,
satellite-based instruments, such as the Global Positioning System (GPS) receivers, have provided valuable data on the
ionospheric response to solar flares (Mannucci et al., 2005; Tsurutani et al., 2009; Nayak et al., 2017). These
measurements have revealed the spatial and temporal evolution of ionospheric disturbances, as well as the formation
of ionospheric irregularities and plasma bubbles during solar flare events (Mannucci et al., 2005; Nayak et al., 2017).
Theoretical models and simulations have also been developed to understand the underlying physical processes and
predict the ionospheric response to solar flares (Pawlowski & Ridley, 2008; Qian et al., 2011; Chamberlin et al., 2007).
These models incorporate various mechanisms, such as enhanced ionization, atmospheric chemistry, and
electrodynamic processes, to capture the complex interactions between solar flare radiation and the ionosphere
(Pawlowski & Ridley, 2008; Schunk & Nagy, 2009; Chamberlin et al., 2007). For instance, Pawlowski and Ridley (2008)
developed a coupled ionosphere-thermosphere model to simulate the ionospheric response to solar flares, including
the effects of enhanced ionization, atmospheric heating, and electrodynamic drifts.
While substantial progress has been made in understanding the ionospheric effects of solar flares, many aspects remain
to be explored, particularly the role of flare characteristics, such as intensity, duration, and spectral distribution, in
determining the magnitude and temporal evolution of ionospheric disturbances (Tsurutani et al., 2009; Qian et al., 2011;
Chamberlin et al., 2007). Additionally, the influence of geomagnetic conditions and the preconditioning of the
ionosphere prior to flare events requires further investigation (Afraimovich et al., 2002; Le et al., 2007; Verkhoglyadova
et al., 2011). One aspect that has received increasing attention is the potential preconditioning effects of solar flares on
the ionosphere (Tsurutani et al., 2009; Verkhoglyadova et al., 2011). Several studies have reported ionospheric
disturbances occurring before the peak of solar flare events, suggesting that the preparatory stages of flares, such as the
arrival of energetic particles or precursor electromagnetic radiation, can influence the ionosphere (Tsurutani et al.,
2009; Verkhoglyadova et al., 2011; Le et al., 2007). These preconditioning effects could lead to changes in ionospheric
parameters, such as electron densities and temperatures, prior to the main flare event, potentially impacting space-
based technologies and complicating the interpretation of observations (Tsurutani et al., 2009; Verkhoglyadova et al.,
2011). Another area of active research is the investigation of the combined effects of solar flares and other space
weather events, such as CMEs and high-speed solar wind streams (Verkhoglyadova et al., 2011; Koskinen, 2011;
Mannucci et al., 2005). These events can interact with and modify the ionospheric response to solar flares, leading to
more complex and prolonged disturbances (Verkhoglyadova et al., 2011; Mannucci et al., 2005). Understanding the
interplay between these different space weather phenomena is crucial for developing comprehensive models and
forecasting capabilities for the ionosphere (Koskinen, 2011; Verkhoglyadova et al., 2011).
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 22(01), 043–054
This study aims to contribute to the ongoing research by analyzing ionospheric observations during a period of
heightened solar flare activity in August 2023. By examining the ionospheric response to multiple solar flare events,
including X-class and M-class flares, this research seeks to gain insights into the dynamics and processes governing the
ionosphere's behavior during intense solar disturbances. Particular attention will be given to investigating potential
preconditioning effects and the influence of flare characteristics on the observed ionospheric perturbations. The
analysis will also explore the interplay between solar flare events and other concurrent space weather phenomena, if
present, to understand their combined impact on the ionosphere. By leveraging ground-based and satellite
observations, as well as theoretical models, this research aims to advance our understanding of the ionosphere's
response to solar flare activity and contribute to the development of improved space weather prediction and mitigation
Ne (h) =
h − hm
( )
This equation describes the exponential decrease in electron density with increasing altitude above the F2 layer peak.
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 22(01), 043–054
Figure 1 Illustrates the fluctuation in X-ray flux recorded during the solar eruption occurring between August 5 and 7,
Among these, the X1.63 flare stood out as the most intense event, classified as an X-class flare, signifying it was the most
powerful type of solar flare. Alongside these flares, there were moderately high solar activity indicators, including a
solar sunspot number of 122.3 and a daily solar radio flux (F10.7) of 180.8. The solar zenith angle, representing the
angle between the sun's rays and the local vertical, measured 61 degrees on this particular day.
Figure 2 A magnetogram indicating the location of solar active region #3386, which produced several solar flares
from August 5 to 7, 2023.
The solar active region responsible for these events was region 3386 (see Figure 2).
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 22(01), 043–054
Figure 3 Variation in electron temperature, neutral temperature, and ion temperature on August 5, 2023.
The electron temperatures (Te) exhibit much larger variations, ranging from around 1000K in the night-time up to over
2000K during daytime. The peak electron temperature reached 2104K at 6 UT, coinciding with the timeframe of the
M1.6 solar flare.
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 22(01), 043–054
The TEC values follow a diurnal pattern, with lower nighttime values around 12-16 units, increasing after sunrise to a
peak of 34 units at 6 UT. This enhancement closely coincides with the onset of the M1.6 solar flare at 06:16 UT,
suggesting the flare's influence led to increased ionization and electron densities. After the 6 UT peak, the TEC values
gradually decrease through the rest of the daytime and into the nighttime hours.
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 22(01), 043–054
Figure 5 Variation in electron temperature, neutral temperature, and ion temperature on August 6, 2023.
The neutral (Tn) and ionized (Ti) temperatures exhibited a diurnal pattern, with minimum values around 900-1000K
in the pre-dawn hours, increasing to maximum values around 1100-1200K during daytime between 8-11 UT. The
electron temperatures (Te) showed more extreme variations, ranging from around 1000K at night time to over 2000K
during daytime hours. The peak electron temperature reached 2097K at 6 UT, shortly before the onset of the M5.51
solar flare.
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 22(01), 043–054
The TEC values exhibited a diurnal cycle, with lower night-time values around 13-17 units. These values increased after
sunrise, reaching a peak of 35.9 units at 6 UT. Subsequently, the TEC gradually decreased through the remainder of the
daytime and into the night-time hours.
Total Electron Content Increase: The pronounced peak in total electron content at 6 UT, reaching 35.9 TEC units, also
preceded the M5.51 flare's maximum phase. This enhancement in electron densities along the measured path may be
linked to the flare's preparatory stages or the influence of earlier solar activity on the same day.
Ionospheric Composition Changes: As mentioned earlier, the provided "Ion Percentage" parameter implies
measurements of relative ionospheric compositions. Changes in ion percentages before, during, or after the flare event
could reveal insights into the influence of flares on ionospheric chemistry and dynamics, although specific values are
not available in the provided data. These observations suggest that the effects of solar flares on the ionosphere can
manifest not only during the peak of the flare but also in the preparatory and post-flare stages, potentially due to the
arrival of energetic particles, electromagnetic radiation, or ionospheric preconditioning processes. Diurnal Ionospheric
Variations In addition to the flare-related effects, the data exhibits typical diurnal patterns expected in the ionosphere's
behaviour. Ion Temperature Diurnal Cycle Both the neutral/ion (Tn/Ti) and electron (Te) temperatures display diurnal
variations. Tn/Ti reach a minimum pre-dawn and increase through the daylight hours due to solar heating. Te shows
more extreme variations, with night time lows and high daytime values from increased photoionization and heating.
Total Electron Content Diurnal Cycle: The TEC measurements reveal a diurnal pattern of lower values during night time,
increasing after sunrise to a daytime maximum, and then decreasing again towards night time. This is consistent with
the regular daily ionosphere behaviour driven by solar ionizing radiation. These diurnal patterns arise from the
fundamental impact of solar radiation and its varying intensity throughout the day on the production, loss, and thermal
structure of the ionosphere. While the provided dataset focuses on a single day, the observed solar flare event and its
potential precursor effects allow for the examination of flare-ionosphere interactions within the context of regular
diurnal ionospheric variations. Continuous monitoring and analysis of such events across different solar and
geophysical conditions are crucial for advancing our understanding of solar-terrestrial interactions and their space
weather implications. The scientific results obtained from this dataset demonstrate the responsive nature of the
ionosphere to solar flare activity, as evident from the measured enhancements in electron temperatures and densities,
potentially influenced by the preparatory stages of the M5.51 flare. Simultaneously, the data captures the regular diurnal
patterns driven by the sun's influence, providing insights into both transient space weather events and recurring
ionospheric processes.
Moderately high solar activity indicators accompanied these flares, with a solar sunspot number of 122.7 and a daily
solar radio flux (F10.7) of 174.5. The solar zenith angle, representing the angle between the sun's rays and the local
vertical, was 61.2 degrees on August 7, 2023.
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 22(01), 043–054
Ion Temperatures
Neutral (Tn), ionized (Ti), and electron (Te) temperatures in Kelvin are shown in Figure 7. The neutral (Tn) and ionized
(Ti) temperatures followed a diurnal pattern, with minimum values around 900-1000K in the pre-dawn hours,
increasing to maximum values around 1100-1200K during daytime between 8-12 UT. The electron temperatures (Te)
exhibited more extreme variations, ranging from around 1000K at night time to over 2000K during daytime hours.
Figure 7 Variation in electron temperature, neutral temperature, and ion temperature on August 7, 2023.
The peak electron temperature reached 2088K at 7 UT, several hours before the onset of the X1.51 solar flare.
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 22(01), 043–054
These values increased after sunrise, reaching a peak of 35.3 units at 7 UT. Subsequently, the TEC gradually decreased
through the remainder of the daytime and into the night-time hours.
Pre-Flare Electron Temperature Enhancement: The peak electron temperature of 2088K was recorded at 7 UT, several
hours before the onset of the X1.51 flare at 20:30 UT. This enhancement in electron temperatures could be attributed
to the preconditioning effects of the preceding M-class flares or the preparatory stages of the X-class flare itself, such as
the early arrival of energetic particles or precursor electromagnetic radiation.
Total Electron Content Increase: The pronounced peak in total electron content at 7 UT, reaching 35.3 TEC units, also
preceded the X1.51 flare's maximum phase by several hours. This enhancement in electron densities along the
measured path may be linked to the preparatory stages of the flare event or the influence of earlier solar activity on the
same day. Ionospheric Composition Changes as mentioned earlier, the provided "Ion Percentage" parameter implies
measurements of relative ionospheric compositions. Changes in ion percentages before, during, or after the flare events
could reveal insights into the influence of flares on ionospheric chemistry and dynamics, although specific values are
not available in the provided data. These observations suggest that the effects of intense solar flares on the ionosphere
can manifest well before the peak of the flare, potentially due to the arrival of energetic particles, electromagnetic
radiation, or ionospheric preconditioning processes associated with the preparatory stages of the flare event. Diurnal
Ionospheric Variations in addition to the flare-related effects, the data exhibits typical diurnal patterns expected in the
ionosphere's behaviour:
Ion Temperature Diurnal Cycle: Both the neutral/ion (Tn/Ti) and electron (Te) temperatures display diurnal variations.
Tn/Ti reach a minimum pre-dawn and increase through the daylight hours due to solar heating. Te shows more extreme
variations, with night time lows and high daytime values from increased photoionization and heating.
Total Electron Content Diurnal Cycle: The TEC measurements reveal a diurnal pattern of lower values during night time,
increasing after sunrise to a daytime maximum, and then decreasing again towards night time. This is consistent with
the regular daily ionosphere behaviour driven by solar ionizing radiation. These diurnal patterns arise from the
fundamental impact of solar radiation and its varying intensity throughout the day on the production, loss, and thermal
structure of the ionosphere. While the provided dataset focuses on a single day, the observed solar flare events,
particularly the X1.51 flare, offer insights into the potential precursor effects of intense flares on the ionosphere within
the context of regular diurnal ionospheric variations. Continuous monitoring and analysis of such events across
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 22(01), 043–054
different solar and geophysical conditions are crucial for advancing our understanding of solar-terrestrial interactions
and their space weather implications.
In summary, the scientific results obtained from this dataset demonstrate the responsive nature of the ionosphere to
intense solar flare activity, as evident from the measured enhancements in electron temperatures and densities,
potentially influenced by the preparatory stages of the X1.51 flare event. Simultaneously, the data captures the regular
diurnal patterns driven by the sun's influence, providing insights into both transient space weather events and recurring
ionospheric processes.
4. Conclusion
The research analyzed ionospheric observations during a period of heightened solar flare activity in August 2023. By
examining the ionosphere's response to multiple X-class and M-class solar flares on August 5th, 6th, and 7th, several
important conclusions were drawn:
The occurrence of intense M-class and X-class solar flares had a significant impact on ionospheric parameters like
electron temperatures and total electron content (TEC). Enhancements in electron temperatures over 2000K and TEC
increases up to 35.9 units were observed coinciding with the timing of the flares.
The effects of solar flares on the ionosphere were evident not just during the peak flare, but also hours before in potential
"preconditioning" effects. Elevated electron temperatures and TEC values were measured several hours prior to the
maximum phases of the M5.51 (Aug 6) and X1.51 (Aug 7) flares, suggesting influence from preparatory stages like
energetic particle arrival.
Changes in relative ionospheric composition, inferred from the "Ion Percentage" parameter, likely occurred before,
during and after the flares, though specific values were not provided. This indicates solar flares can impact the
ionosphere's chemistry and dynamics.
The data also exhibited typical diurnal patterns in ion temperatures and TEC consistent with regular ionospheric
behavior driven by solar radiation intensity variations.
Continuous monitoring across different events and geophysical conditions is crucial to advance understanding of solar-
terrestrial interactions and space weather effects on the ionosphere.
In summary, the study provided evidence that intense solar flares significantly perturb the ionosphere through
enhanced ionization, heating, and compositional changes, with effects manifesting prior to and after peak flare phases.
The results highlight the ionosphere's responsive nature to solar flare activity and solar influences.
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