Fabled Lands
Fabled Lands
Fabled Lands
Coastal Road
2-5 Attacked by highwaymen (-1 stam, 37 shards, leather armor, ring mail, sword, 2
bolts) (smoulder fish)
6-8 Meet militia patrol (aid if no weapon or armor and broke)
9-12 Attacked by wereboar (spear, were-boar tusk)
Temples: Lacuna (were-boar tusk quest [+1 scouting]) (15 shards for were-boar
tusk), Nagil (kill ghoul quest [amber wand, 500 shards or resurrection deal)
Explore: Magic 10 (-15 shards to buy salt and iron filings), Scouting 9 (11 if fail
magic) [-4 stam, ghoulbite], Charisma 9, Sanctity 9 [-2 stam]
Scouting 10 [-2 stam], Charisma 10 (+3 if wayfarer, +1 if lacuna) Willow druid
Tavern (retrieve book quest) (info about xinoc's tomb location: beyond spine of
harkun, beyond great steppes, in the foothills of the peaks at the edge of the
Temples: Maka (disease immunity, cure disease), Elnir (charisma blessing), Alvir
and Valmir (storms blessing, retrieve golden net quest), Tyrnal (combat blessing,
resurrection deal)
Explore by day:
poor quarter: sanctity 12 (seek akradai quest)
harbour (info for investing boost)
area around palace (charisma 11, +15 shards) [lose all money, left with 3 stam]
Explore by night:
rough part of town: Battle (+15 shards)
wealthy area: Thievery 10 (Thievery 12, verdigris key, go upstairs) [lose all
shards], Combat 12 [Talanexor the fireweaver]
merchant's storehouses: (if fight enmeshed, combat 13, -4 stam [death]) (if shout
badogor or repeat visit, bag of pearls, exotic feather) (if join them, gain
unspeakable cultist title, 20 shards x 3, -1 sanc perm)
Shadar Tor
Combat 9 (kill black dragon knight quest)
Examine runes: Magic 11
Swim underwater: if didn't accept golden net quest, fight with repulsive ones [ink
sac, 15 shards])
trust magical prowess: Magic 11 (golden net)
rack memory: scouting 11 (golden net)
Combat x3 repulsive ones: (45 shards, golden net, 3 ink sacs )
Go to beach: Sanctity 10 (Charisma 9, breathe underwater temp) [lose all posessions
except money]
1-2 Pickpocket (-10 shards), 3-4 Nothing, 5-6 lantern
River bank
1-2 stung by large golden insect (poisoned: -1 combat), 3-4 nothing, 5-6 smoulder
Road tavern
3 shards: Targdaz the magnificent story
Forest of larun
seek willow druid: scouting 12, sanctity 9 (50 shards, willow staff) [-3 stam]
venture deeper: if know password, magic 10 (thievery 9 (+1 ability perm) []) []
scorpion bight
combat: scorpion venom, poisoned if stung: -1 combat, thievery, scouting
magic 9: (book of seven sages) []
Main road
1-2 banged on head (lose 1 stam), 3-4 nothing, 5-6 mistaken for beggar (+10 shards)
caran baru
tavern: (info about baroness knight planning intrigue)
if ask about man with eyepatch, charisma 11 (if challenge, combat and flame opal,
if ambush, thievery 11 (25 shards, flame opal) [] , if refuse, thievery 11 (combat,
25 shards, dagger, flame opal) []) []
Temples: lacuna, tyrnai: magic 11 (thievery 11 [2-6 fail quest, reduced to 1 stam,
lose all money and posessions, enslasved, 7+ lucky, fail quest](combat 9 (thievery
12 (golden chain mail, sanctity 10 (cursed) [no penalty] ) [-5 stam, sanctity 8
(cursed) [no penalty] ))), three fortunes
climbing gear:
climb old fashioned: scouting 10 (if attack: -3 stam, 1-3: -4 stam, 4+: ) [-4 stam]
grieve marlock: -3 stam, 1-2 -6 stam, 3-4 -3 stam, 5-6 missed
convince captain vorkung: charisma 9
make assassinatinon attempt: if combat 12 (royal ring, if scouting 9 () [-10 stam,
1-3: death, 4+ outrun], if thievery 9 ()) [death], if thievery 12 (same as combat)
join rebels: (quest to slay provost marshal)
marlock city
Tavern: -3 shards (retrieve story quest)
Temples: house of priests (wake sul veneris quest, free refill stamina or cure
disease or poison), elnir, alvir and valmir, sig (steal golden armor quest)
barracks: if insult, combat 12 (25 shards, officer's pass) [reduced to 1 stamina]
barracks: if killed nergan (potion of strength)
street of entertainers: if help him (vial of yellow dust), if rob him (100 shards)
residential quarter: 2-6 unlucky, 7+ lucky (moonstone), ashes for 15 shards
palace (protect citadel quest if killed nergan)
if give coded missive: 150 shards
escape alone: thivery 10 [death]
1-2 lose one blessing, 3-4 nothing, 5-6 find sword
oliphard the wizardly: if verdigris key, can teleport to metriciens, sky mountain
or isle of mystery
if ask about ciphers, info about replacing with previous alphabet
eastern road
1-2 attacked by mad pilgrims (potion of godliness, staff), 3-4 nothing, 5-6 blessed
by priest (safety from storms)
Blessed springs
Tavern: gorlock story
Talk to alchemist: 250 shards and ink sac for potion of restoration, 50 shards and
scorpion venom for scorpion antidote
Holy waters: if use vial of yellow dust (retrieve magic chest quest, amulet of
Hill: if scouting 11 (500 shards, mace, silver nugget) [-4 stam, combat] if magic
11 (500 shards, mace, silver nugget) [-4 stam, combat]
Tavern: story about scorpion men
Village healer: can cure sting fever for 25 shards
Follow fourze: scouting 9 (combat, chain mail, sword) [same as head for farm]
head for farm: 1-3 lose all money and posessions, enslaved, 4+ shrug it off
(combat, chain mail, sword)
Hold on: sanctity 9 (faery mead, enchanted spear) [lose everything, wolf pelt,
silver nugget, rat poison]
1-2 attacked by wolves (combat, 2 wolf pelt), 3-4 nothing, 5-6 (10 shards)
Devil's peak
climb, requires climbing gear: if scouting 10 (sanctity 12 (+3 max stamina)
[combat, +3 max stamina]), if thievery 10 (same as scouting) [-4 stam]
if repeat climb: scouting 10 (combat with gryphons if already fought storm demon,
10 shards and bag of pearls), thievery 10 (combat with storm demon, 200 shards)
bronze hills
50 shards: if free, pikalik say will pay debt, if sell, 75 shards
100 shards: if free, nothing?, if sell, 150 shards
western foothills
enter cave, need wolf pelt, and lantern or candle: scouting 13 (can go to great
steppes) [2-6 death, 7+ escape]
northern road
1-2 lose 10 shards, 3-4 nothing, 5-6 sweet spring heal up to 3
eastern foothills
use climbing gear:
climb old fashioned: scouting 12 (magic 10 [if press on, scouting test])
ask about greatest story: +1 charisma permanently
wait for him to speak: +1 charisma permanently
1-2 teleport to coldbleak, 3-4 nothing, 5-6 leather armour
fort mereth
1-2 fight with drunken soldiers, 3-4 nothing, 5-6 opportunity to buy mandolin for
100 shards (combat, 2 maces)
fort estgard
damsel in distress quest
fort brilon
1-2 thief (drop one item of choice from backpack), 3-4 nothing, 5-6 manbeast's
Temples: tambu (scouting blessing), nisoderu (sanctity blessing, resurrection deal,
retrieve mirror quest), juntoku (charisma blessing), nai (combat blessing),
amanushi (thievery blessing)
visit tavern in thieves' kitchen: charisma 14 +1 if rogue, +1 if nightstalker (if
accept, make deal, if refuse, fight, +12 shards) [fight, +12 shards]
visit brotherhood: if not rogue, thievery 12 [drop an item of choosing] (sneak into
bedchamber quest)
rough area: fight 2 guys, 1-2 lantern, 3-4 5 shards, 5-6 rope
very rough area: combat 15 (15 shards, lockpicks) [lose everything]
exremely rough area: nothing until complete citadel of veris corin quest?? scouting
13 (if fight, combat with 3 assassins, if took damage, see bad outcome, otherwise,
3 daggers and lockpicks) [-1 stam, lose everything, if don't have 500 shards in
bank or stash, death]
tower of bakhan: (can remove curse for 100 shards, obtain witch's hand and parrot
fungus quest)
palace: thievery 14 +1 if have rope, +2 if have climbing gear (if take necklace,
death, if leave) [-13 stamina, sold as slave, -1 rank, charisma 12 (320 shards,
leather armour, katana, rope, flute) [2-6 death, 7+ taken to yamimura]]
south quarter: info to meet nyelm starhand in kunrir
waters near disaster bay
2-5 storm
6-9 nothing
10-12 scouting 12 [if sail straight, charisma 11 +crew quality +1 if rank 4 or
higher +1 if warrior (fight 2 wreckers, lose ship, gain barque with excellent crew,
100 shards, sextant) []]
afterwards: scouting 14 +crew quality +1 if have mariner's ruttier [if disembark,
see below]
1-2 scouting 9 (can trade bag of pearls, silver nuggets, smoulder fish for ink sac,
mariner's ruttier, magic trident) []
3-4 fight 2 sea spider, gold compass, enchanted crossbow
5-6 nothing?
afterwards: if drop anchor, see below
enter cave (requires candle or lantern): combat with vampire
press on inland: see below
swim: scouting 14 (magic 14 () [-3 stam, can retry swim]) [magic 14 (-3 stam, can
retry swim) [death]]
cross bridge: if have rope, lose rope and easy combat, knights sword and full plate
armour, otherwise, -10 stam and hard combat, knights sword and full plate armour
afterwards: if glass, 3000 shards, if zinc, death, if ice, death
second time?: if azure, death, if emerald, death, if scarlet, mythical sword
third time?: roll 4 dice or 3 if intiate of fortunes, 3-5 1000 shards, 6+ death
villa of hordeth
follow Luroc: thievery 12 (magic 13 (choose 3 things, if dust: +1 thievery
permanently, otherwise: fight luroc, left 1 stamina, lose everything, enslaved )
[take 3 things]) [scouting 14 (escape) [lose everything, left 1 stam, enslaved]]
pull out and warn avar: 250 shards, free room to stay
kaschuf's keep
combat, -4 stam, charisma 12 (info about golden locket) [have to come back and try
gemstone hills
magic 12 (if have faery mead: scouting 14 (if sing: charisma 13 (350 shards,
pathfinder's gem) [same as combat] if fight: 350 shards, pathfinder's gem) [1-3
same as sanctity fail, 4+ magic 13 () [tunnel one: bronze hills, tunnel two:
pyramid of xinoc]], if not: sanctity 13 (escape) [lose everything, wolf pelt, 75
shards, leather armour, selenium ore, verdigris key, -1 sanctity, +1 magic])
beladai's camp
assassinate: thievery 14 (magic 14 (if signal, otherwise, combat 18 +armour defense
bonus, +2 if warrior, +rank (-4 stam) [-14 stam, 2-6 death, 7+ escape]) [death])
if accept quest, can tell about interconnected tunnels, get officer's pass when
nomad camps
2-5 (see below), 6-7 nothing, 8-12 charisma 15 +3 if met akradai (access to camp,
can buy parrot fungus, can seek out akradai) [-7 stam]
Wrestle: Combat 14 (+1 charisma perm) [-7 stam, lose all items]
Say Fineitri: +1 charisma perm
Attack: Combat 20 (-7 stam, +1 stam, +1 charisma perm) [-7 stam, lose all items]
Run: -5 stam
sneak: Thievery 12 (info about bowing three times at bronze gate) [if run, -5 stam,
otherwise see above]
northern plains
2-5 if follow (-1 stam, sanctity 14 (sanctity 16 +2 if initiate of elnir (+1
charisma perm, selenium ore) [fight storm demon, selenium ore]) [fight storm demon,
selenium ore]) if huddle (-1 stam)
6-7 nothing
8-12 charisma 15 +2 if wayfarer (see below) [scouting 16 [-2 stam]]
Stay and listen: Charisma 11 (story about killing invulnerable maggot by repeatedly
striking snout, +1 stam) [+1 stam]
Talk to clan chief: nothing?
Ask shaman about rimewater and use uncanny salts to wake him: info about where to
find high king?
city of ruins
if have banner of shadar, enter, otherwise -4 stam
visit cave of bells: if use knowledge from shadar codex, 2000 shards, plate armour,
sword of shadar, gold holy symbol, sceptre of kings, if ring randomly, -4 stam.
once opened if visit again fight 4 wolves
vault of shadar: no way in
crypt of kings: magic 14 (easier combat, poisoned if took damage, scarab amulet)
[combat, poisoned if took damage, scarab amulet], if have obsidian key, pyramid
key, sword of shadar, full plate armour, uncanny salts, ring of defense, parrot
frozen wastes
2-5 sanctity 14 (can ride anywhere in steppes) [combat 16 (-4 stam) [-3 stam]]
6-7 nothing
8-12 if follow him, see below, in future combat with wolves (2 wolf pelts)
fight shamans: combat, -1 sanc perm, can lose stam for shards
help shamans: +1 sanc perm, witch's hand
pyramid of xinoc
if memory stirs:
if walk past idols: combat 14 [-1 stam]
if pyramid key: reclaim all shards and items
continue through archway: magic 14 [curse of shadar]
continue: stash everything here, 2-6 death, 7+ -1 stam, obsidian key
2-5 if lantern or candle, see below
press on main tunnel: see below
unblock side passage: see below
if know weakness: same as outcome of winning fight
turn and flee: -3 stam
fight: combat with gray worm, 3000 shards, see below
lift lid: -1 sanc perm,
6-7 nothing
8-12 if have pathfinder's gem, access to golden bazaar
ascend: -10 stam
if have blessed of tambu title: can descend
if attack: death
descend: lose title if not dead??, +1 scouting perm, 3 rod of teleportation
river of destiny
2-5 caravan
6-7 nothing
8-12 scouting 15 (if attack, fight 2 kelpie, see below) [if mount, lose 3 items]
agree: nothing?
kill: 50 shards, faery mead
river plain
scouting 14: [teleport to pyramid]
ice mine
check warehouse: can buy rime ice for 50 shards
take tour (need lantern or candle to enter dark tunnels): scouting 13 (see below)
[-1 rank]
wait: see below
if use uncanny salts: same outcome as pay/don't pay
ask to smash panel: see below
don't pay: hard combat, pickaxe
continue: if no wolf pelt, -10 stam
if fight: -1 rank
if enchant with song: charisma 16 +3 if troubadour (+1 rank) [same as if fight]
tigre bay
rouse them: scouting 14 () []
second visit onwards: can take cargo if docked ship
Northern mountains
Enter bronze gates: if chosen one of nagil, white sword and choose from one of the
other two choices, if initiate of nagil, heal all stam and leave, otherwise +rank
bonus 3-12 death, 13+ +1500 shards
If enter again: death
Climb: Scouting 14 +1 if rope +2 if gear (+1 scouting perm, if continue climb,
scouting 16 (if continue, -7 stam, scouting 21 +1 if rope +2 if gear (if descend
and get on barge, +3 stam, +1 scouting perm, rod of teleportation) [if rope, -3
stam, teleport to yarimura, otherwise death]) [-2 stam, scouting 18 [-6 stam,
scouting 18 [death]]]) [-4 stam]
Eastern plains
2-5 magic 12 (sanctity 13 (Shadar scroll, faery mead) [fight 4 redcaps, shadar
scroll, faery mead]) [fight 4 redcaps, shadar scroll]
6-7 nothing
8-12 if buy scroll, -5 shards and cursed
2-5 scouting 13 (sanctity 12 (banner of the shadar, 100 shards) [-1 rank]) [2-6
death, 7+ escape]
6-7 nothing
8-12 magic 12 (if shout and rope, cross staff and verdigris key, otherwise, -7
strange gully
if initiate of tambu, see below
item with no bonus: lose item and blessings
+1 item: lose item and blessings
+2 item: scouting blessing, cured of all diseases, poisons and curses
+3 item: gain blessed of tambu title
if loot (will lose 1 scouting perm): 1-2 shadar spear and flute 3-4 plate armour
and wolf pelt 5-6 faery mead and silver holy symbol
sky mountain
scouting 13 +1 if rope +2 if gear (free resurrection deal if freed pikalik and
future deals for 150 shards, otherwise -2 stam) [-2 stam]
City of mystery
Tavern: password of larun forest
Temple of molhern: can buy magic blessing
potion master: can make potion of restoration for 150 shards and ink sac
arena: can bet on finman, magic 18 (use fire and water, +1 magic perm, can come
anytime to cure anything)
Chief mage: runestone quest
river grimm
1-2 lose a blessing
3-4 nothing
5-6 smoulder fish
magwort fens
scouting 13 (potion of nature, golden katana) [combat with warthogs]
if return, fight 2 samuirai (2 splint armour and ivory helmet)
1-2 -1 stam
3-4 nothing
5-6 ink sac
Trade guild: info about trading
East road
2-6 recover stam
7-8 nothing
9-12 if rescue, combat 12 () [-4 stam, lose weapon and armor] if go on way, will
inform champion about damsel
Haggart's corner
Temples: Lacuna
Go out to standing stones: See below
2-5 trau arrive (need 1 mithral to leave, or death) trading: vulcanium mail, battle
axe, enchanted crossbow, sword of shadar, cobalt wand, selenium wand, magic
lockpicks, cross-staff, silver holy symbol, silver flute, faery mead, four leaf
clover, were boar tusk
6-12 nothing
tavern: story about ruined castle and feather
temples: alvir and valmir, three fortunes
if sail to marlock, -2 stam perm if no disease blessing
temples: alvir and valmir, three fortunes, nagil
explore: see below
2-4 if steal, thievery 12 (400 shards) [-3 stam]
5-7 info about citadel renovation
8-9 info about spice shipment, if invest, 2-3 con trick, 4-5 pirates attacked ship,
6-7 another shipment arrives, 8-9 double, 10+ triple
10-12 info about trau not using human coinage
investigate: if open right door (ring mail, 300 shards, compass)
wait for low tide: if seek piper, if chest, pearl breastplate and coral spear, if
shell, +1 char perm, if wait longer, combat
Temples: alvir and valmir, elnir, sig (if renounce, thievery 13 (potion of greater
stealth) [lose all shards, if track, scouting 10 (combat with 3 assassins, scarab
amulet, recover all shards, 3 leather jerkin)])
Can travel to castle ravayne for 5 shards
if ship to marlock, 1-3: 2-6 drowned, 7+ -2 stam, teleport to clifftops
if ship to yellowport: nothing
if ship to aku, 2-6: 2-5: 2-4 death, 5-9 -10 stam, enslaved, 10-12 slavers retreat,
6+ escape, 7-12 nothing
Tavern: story about gypsy greeting, info about knight of long knife plotting
against vanna
troilus inn
tavern: story about armour containing ghost
Trade guild: info about best buys locally
Temples: maka, nagil
old road (right of wheatfields)
2-5 if kiss, info about joining lacuna first at castle orlock
6-8 nothing
9-12 if try to escape, combat, meat cleaver and net
temples: three fortunes, see below
if have title of beloved of three fortunes and rabbit's foot and silver horseshoe
and four leafed clover, if give, +1 sanc perm, if keep, 1999 shards
if intiate, can join sacred games, 1: lose 1 item, 2: gain blessing, 3: -2 stam, 4:
+1 stam, 5: lose all blessing, 6: gain beloved title
dig for gold: 2-4 2 shards, 5-8 2 shards, if continue lose all money, 9-12 nothing
open country
2-6 if fight, -150 shards, +1 combat perm
7 nothing
8-12 2-4 lose all shards, 5-7 lose half shards if no maka blessing, gain candle,
exotic feather and horseshoe, 8-12 pirate captain's head
rainbow river
2-6 can buy rabbit's foot charm for 30 shards
7-8 nothing
9-12 if have fishing hook, large potion of nature
abbey of lacuna
magic 15: (see otherwise)
scouting 18:
otherwise: 2-6 can go to abbey, +2 stam, sanctity 12 (become initiate of lacuna)
[], 7-12 nothing
forsaken forest
enter hamlet: if have maka blessing, +1 sanc perm otherwise, acquire disease: -1
all stats and +1 sanc perm
talk to peasants: -5 stam
go along path: if heard armour story, plate armour and greatsword, else if fight,
combat (plate armour, greatsword)
left: see below
climb to get emerald: magic 12 [-2 magic perm]
enter crypt: if run, magic 12 [sanctity 15 (-16 stam) [death]] if wait, quest to
find key (search crypt for green medallion)
right: see below
west: if have key, otherwise thievery 13 (see below) [sanctity 13 [death?] ],
otherwise leave
approach wolves: if no green medallion, combat, if flee, -2 stam
climb: enchanted sword and regal helm
gather treasure: 2-10 +1 thievery perm, 11+ -100 stam
east: see below
sit and eat fill: magic 12 (large potion of intellect) [death]
wait and watch: thievery 12 (faery mead) [if base sanc greater than 5, faery mead,
leave path: see below
2-5 elfin pranks
6-9 nothing
10-12 severed head
afte leaving path: scouting 12 [see below]
2-5 combat with 3 giant spiders (50 shards, poisoned if injured)
6-7 scouting 10 (same as after leaving path)
8-9 magic 13 (-1 char perm) [undo spell]
10-12 if accept, magic 14 (if stick, 400 shards, if change, -16 stam, death if no
immunity to poison) [if stick with first choice, -16 stam, death if no immunity,
otherwise 400 shards] if attack, combat and green gem
cross stream: if have severed head, see below, otherwise ?
ask for blessing: blessing of maka
gossip: info that trau king in whistling heath has key
while leaving: rabbit's foot charm
follow stream: if approach man, return to bald man village
ruby citadel
base sanctity 8 or less: fight 3 undead warriors, otherwise skip combat
magic 13 (see below) [-2 stam, teleport to tiger bay]
if have flute or whistle, charisma 13 +1 if troubadour (see below) [-2 stam,
teleport to tiger bay] otherwise, charisma 15 +1 if troubadour (see below) [-2
stam, teleport to tiger bay]
+2 bonus 2-6, 7+ -14 stam, reduced by armour?
afterwards: +1 char perm, targdaz heads to hall of ebron to tell hetepek
if have verdigris key: can teleport to aku, caran baru, metriciens, sky mountain or
isle of mystery
can cross west to rese
haunted hills
2-4 combat with dragon, very hard and has fireball (dragon's head trophy)
5-6 lose all blessing and resurrections
7 nothing
8-9 thievery 13 (charisma 13 (+1 thievery perm, 300 shards) [-1 shard, +1 stam])
[charisma 13 ([-1 shard, +1 stam) [lose everything]]
10-12 sanctity 14 [-16 stam]
if show treasure, go left, need candle or lantern, copper chest, use password
magical, take magic shield
eerie woods
2-4 if heard of dancers, 200 shards, otherwise sanctity 15 [-1 max stam] or magic
15 (200 shards) []
5-6 thievery 13 (lantern, rabbit's foot charm, fishing hook) [lose all cash]
7-8 nothing
9-12 can pay 50 shards for faery mead, need to have heard copper pot story??
The haunt
2-6 if approach, charisma 12 (info about akatsurai leaving treasure in magwort
fens) [-100 shards to pay ransom, otherwise slaved in uttaku]
7 nothing
8-9 scouting 12 [if have climbing gear, otherwise lose everything and if have 150
gold with merchants guild, otherwise ] or thievery 12 (same as scouting)
10-12 magic 11 [teleport to haunted hills]
whistling heath
Checkpoint: beginning
east: louring hills checkpoint
west: gloomy dales checkpoint
north: wind sigh checkpoint
south: scudding clouds checkpoint
Checkpoint: riddle for door in old fort: she works hard to fill her larder. her
mother dined after killing father. see below
east: -5 stam
west: combat with troll and 3 goblin slinger, -5 stam
south: beginning checkpoint
north: lose 2 items
violet ocean
2-5 map of bazalek
6 nothing
7-12 250 shards, if refuse, gain golden locket
if arriving via ship: see below
have masked lord or masked lady title
have blue skin:
otherwise: 2-10 enter safely 11-12 lose all cargo, if salvage, -90 shards,
otherwise lose ship
palace: see below
slumlord quest: magic 12 (thievery 13 (200 shards, choose 2: silver holy symbol,
fine sabre, uttakin telescope) [charisma 13 (enslaved) [sent to red garden]]) [-8
have masked title:
have blue skin:
is initiate of ebron: see below
have courtier's mask: can enter
have blue skin:
otherwise: can pay 200 shards to enter, or challenge bokh +circles 4 or less thrown
into dungeons, greater than 4 can enter
audience chamber: see below
if 7 or more court status: +1 rank, masked lord title
compiler: if accept black pagoda quest (+1 ability perm? +3 court status +500
blender of spices: if visit again, amulet of ebron
conjuror: if accept, magic 13 (-1 max stam perm, +1 magic perm, +1 court status) [-
3 stam, +1 magic perm, 50 shards, +2 court status]
dance of majesty: quest to find spectral dance (+1 ability, 500 shards, +3 court
shung-bat: -1 combat perm, +1 court status
master of documents of fable: see below
if help her (only spend 1 week on book): +1 as unlucky: if rank or less, 250
shards, if higher than rank,
if quest to find hoard (only spend 1 week on book): thievery 15 (golden holy
symbol, hero's sword, 500 shards) [-3 stam]
if jump into portal (only spend 1 week on book): magic 15 (sextant, splint armour,
gloves of sig, 500 shards) [death]
afterwards: if spent 4 or less weeks writing i.e. did 2 or more of above, death,
otherwise pass quest, +2 court status
trade guild: info on best trade routes
bathhouse (unrepeatable): if approach, combat 14 (see below)
teach bokh: +1 bokh mastery
grant audience: nothing?
ask for help in becoming initiate: scroll of ebron
ask for 500 shards: +100 shards
explore: see below
walk streets: see below
2-5 if use magical talents, magic 13 (courtier's mask, 20 shards, scroll of ebron)
6-7 garden party
8-12 if don't have spotted scarf, see kunrir section
grand bazaar: see below
pick a pocket: thievery 14 (scroll of ebron and potion of blue liquid, or 100
shards, or curse of ebron -1 thievery -1 combat) [taken to dungeons]
wrestling match: if lose on purpose, +1 bokh mastery, otherwise -17 stam and lose
100 shards
declare great wizard: magic 15 (if have silver holy symbol and cobalt wand or buy
them with 2400 gold, see below, otherwise see negative outcome) [see kunrir
magic 16 (sanctity 10 (holy sword, ring of defence) []) [see kunrir section]
declare great wizard (2nd time onwards): 2-3 sent to prison, 4-7 nothing, 8-10
profit 50 shards, 11-12 scroll of ebron and 150 shards
preach: if preach ebron, sanctity 14 (intiate of ebron or spear of retribution if
already initiate) [arrested], if preach other god, sent to red garden
ameliorator of afflictions: if have masked title, if have blue skin,
ice bazaar: can sell rime ice for 100 shards
seek audience with slumlord: if have nightstalker title, quest to deliver message
to thieves' guild in yarimura
sail for kunrir: 2-3 lose everything, enslaved, 4-10 nothing, 11-12 ship capsizes
sail for chambara: 1 teleport to narai 2 -2 max stam 3-6 nothing
if have ship deed: brigantine with poor crew
tavern: info that nyelm starhand has sailed for city of dunpala in feathered lands
stroll: see below
2-5 if have spotted scarf, same as otherwise, if have striped scarf, otherwise if
don't pay 75 shards, see below
Run: score less than rank: escape, score more than rank: see go to dungeons
Go to dungeons: if have blue skin, if have masked lord or lady title, otherwise see
swap cells: scouting 15 (thivery 14 (50 shards, escape) [death]) [death]
hire: -150 shards, can pay 400 shards or take chances in court or trial by bokh +1
for each circle mastery -1 if no circles, if less or equal to 4, enslaved, if more
than 4, released
conduct own defence: charisma 11 (released) [enslaved]
6-7 city patrol
8-12 wingless hawk tribe quest
west road
2-5 if grab, thievery 13 (125 shards) [charisma 15 (thrown into dungeons)
[enslaved]]. if visit again, see negative outcome of thievery
6-7 nothing
8-12 see below
if have masked title:
if have blue skin:
otherwise: sanctity 12 +1 if member of ebron church (amulet of ebron) [-10 stam]
2-5 lose 1 charisma until visit river, village, town or city
6-7 nothing
8-12 if have selenium ore, see below
talk him out: charisma 13 (50 shards, if rob, thievery 14 (selenium ore, amulet of
ebron, cobalt wand, vade mecum) [death]) [100 shards, magic 13 (cobalt wand,
selenium ore, 250 shards, amulet of ebron, vade mecum) [death]]
counter spell: magic 13 (see above) [death]
attack him: -11 stam
mixen sumps
2-5 if free idol, +2 bonus less than rank: magic blessing, more than or equal to
rank: get red ague disease, magic blessing
6-7 nothing
8-12 see below
follow: +2 bonus less than rank, scouting 16 (escape) [reduced to 1 stam], higher
or equal to rank: death
refuse: if know who she is, otherwise, magic 19 (fight toad demon, +1 sanc perm) [-
6 stam]
hall of heroes
if accept quest, charisma blessing, see below
attack: combat, 300 shards
ask why: charisma 13 (choose 2 from: shadar scimitar, silver holy symbol, selenium
ore, cobalt wand, chain mail, 400 shards, can stash if revisit) [left 1 stam, lose
all cash]
2-5 if fight, fight 3 undead vampires, 150 shards and black dipthych, if turn them
back: sanctity 14 (if follow and enter crypt: death, if wait till morning: magic 12
(200 shards, selenium ore, chain mail, ebony wand, black diptych) [death] ) [same
as fight]
6-7 nothing
8-12 if kiss, see below, otherwise can run
attack: cursed
demand restore ears: nothing
demand to know secret: 75 shards, amulet of ebron, scroll of ebron, compass, deed
to wrath of god
coastal road
not allowed to pass if not member of ebron church??
old castle
if saved targdaz, gain castle and 5 recall spell, usage see below
2 lose everything
3-4 -2 charisma perm
5-6 -2 max stam
7+ no problem
if train with knights, combat 16 [-2 max stam]
when returning, 3rd visit?, sometimes see below +castle def bonus
3-6 death
7-9 lose but escape with life
10-13 -2 max stam and lose all castle defences
14+ 200 shards
singing forest
2-5 magic 14 (see below) [if stand ground, have to hit invisible enemy first with
12 combat and 22 def, then combat with 4 goblins, 50 shards, faery mead, magic
bronze axe]
yell war cry and attack: faery mead
leave: escape
threaten: faery mead and potion of restoration, if demand more, old map showing
treasure chest north of forest
6-7 nothing
8-12 scouting 13 (easier fight with 2 giant chameleon, magic 13 (chameleon cloak))
[fight 2 giant chameleon, magic 13 (chameleon cloak)]
afterwards: if have nightingale quest, see below
tempt one down: charisma 16 +4 if troubadour (silver nightingale)
set trap: scouting 14 (silver nightingale) [can retry]
climb and grab:
southern grumes
2-5 if look for shelter, scouting 10 (escape) [see 12 roll], if stand ground, fight
3 winged predators
6-8 nothing
9-11 magic 13 (escape) [-3 stam, combat with troll]
12 scouting 11 (escape) [-7 stam]
troll bridge
if refuse, fight troll
enter tomb: see below
if follower of ebron, sanctity 14 (holy avenger) [same as fight]
otherwise, if fight, fight spectre, followed by 2 more, followed by 3 more, holy
standing stones
2-5 fight 4 wolves, wolf pelt
6-7 nothing
8-12 if have faery mead, verdigris key
afterwards: if have verdigris key, can teleport to trefoille, metriciens, sky
mountain, isle of mystery, aku
northern grumes
2-4 scouting 10 () [lose 3 items]
5-7 nothing
8-11 fight 4 triplings
12: see below
if hunt: scouting 14 (unicorn horn) or thievery 14 (unicorn horn) or combat 14
(unicorn horn)
if befriend: magic 17 () or sanctity 17 (+1 magic perm +1 charisma perm) or
charisma 17 (nothing?)
afterwards: see lake of seven needles
icicle forest
2-5 magic 11 (magic 11 (sanctity 12 +1 if amulet of ebron (selenium ore, +1 sanc
perm) [same as initial failure]) [same as initial failure]) [lose everything,
selenium ore, faery mead, amulet of ebron, warhammer?, bag of pearls, teleport to
old harkuna]
6-7 nothing
8-12 if ask for info, -10 shards, if defense 14 or more, otherwise, -6 stam,
finally get info about cave of bells
west countryside
2-5 if go closer, -2 stam, fight storm demon, selenium ore
6-7 nothing
8-12 if intervene +1 if member of church (+1 scouting perm) [-10 stam]
central grumes
if accept gossamer net quest, otherwise sanctity 15 (escape) [-1 all abilities]
east countryside
2-5 nothing?
6-7 nothing
8-12 see below
try to take hostage: combat 14 (15 shards, magic lockpicks) [fight 2 bandits, 15
shards, magic lockpicks]
attack: same as negative outcome above
gai estuary
2-9 nothing
10-12 dangerous storm? 1-6 lose ship, scouting 14 (teleport to mukogawa) 7+
go upriver: teleport to moku river
Temples: sage, sanc 15 (become initiate) [-1 sanc perm] shrine, can buy or sell
wand and buy any blessing
explore: 2-5, if catch up, sanc 14 (100 shards) [], 6-12 if help, nothing, if ask
and is friends with kiyomori, befriend wistaria
mansion: see below
sneak: thievery 18 (1000 shards, tatsu pearl, uttaku long axe, silver chopsticks)
[lose everything, sent as slave to aku]. if repeat, same as earlier but thievery
difficulty +2
go up to gate: if friends with kiyomori, see 2 below
watch play: story about flying head goblins, can buy paper sword for 5 shards, go
to afterwards
sneak into house:
afterwards: 2-4 if can give him piece of mind: else char 13 (nothing) [lose
friendship], 5-12 nothing
palace: see below
first time: see below
search: golden katana, if hide, thievery 14 (return to city) [see below] if stay,
see below
carrying katana: if run, magic 16 (spirit mirror) [death], if stay, magic 18 (magic
16 (spirit mirror) [death]) [lose everything]
not carrying katana: same as below
go to gazebo: if troubadour, else scouting 17 +2 with light source (charisma 14 (10
shuriken, junior court rank) [lady's court robe, if return to palace, 150 shards])
[fail quest?]
second time onwards: see below
junior court rank: see below
play: if remember tale, see 2 below, if troubadour, otherwise lose junior title
if know most enticing song:
tell him you cannot: char 15 (masayori gets dismissed) [lose junior title]
otherwise: if introduced to merchants and wearing armor: see below
sell armor: if legendary, 4000 shards
refuse: fight 4 imperial guards
senior court rank: magic 17 (golden katana, lute) [] or sanctity. if visit again, 2
+50 shards 3 if offer royal sceptre, else unwelcome at palace, 4-12 nothing
moku river
step on serpent head: quest to retrieve sceptre. once return, if give, permanent
blessing of impervious to storm, if choose to keep, magic 25 (get royal sceptre)
[fail quest, lose all blessing and resurrection]
go long way round: sanctity 14 (poison blessing, see below 2) [no blessing, see
below 2]
continue: teleport to woodland
go thru gate: see 2 below
approach main shrine: see 3 below
spoken with feathery friends: same as advance with caution success
touch him: if run, death, if fight, fight goblin spider and poisoned every 2
rounds, if wasn't hit, despoiler, splint armour, 660 shards, then teleport to
advance with caution: thievery 15 (see 3 below) [same as touch him]
run: teleport woodland
fling crimson arrow: injure spider
fight: same as touch him
go to bell-tower: see below
ring bell: frighten them away
call up: char 17 +1 bonus every 50 shards paid (asked to visit tengu king) [same as
ring bell]
mikado road
2-8 nothing
9-12 if they take notice, combat 14 (teleport to shakuhachi fields) [enslaved] or
thievery 14 (teleport to shakuhachi fields) [enslaved]
shakuhachi fields
2-9 nothing
10-12 roll 2 dice +char score 2-10 ??? 11-20 +1 char perm 21+ -1 char perm
clearwater shrine
2-5 can offer 100 shards, every 100 offered reduce difficulty by 1, sanc 18 (see
below) [nothing] or char 18 () [nothing]
1: either gain or lose 1 combat perm
2: blessing of immunity to disease/poison
3: gain or lose 1 stam perm
4: blessing safety from storms
5: change profession to priest
6: -1 rank
6-7 nothing
8-12 if have ivory-encrusted helmet, if dissuade, fight 2 samurai, 9 shards and 2
katana and 2 ring mail, if explain, char 14 (if give helm, otherwise same as fight)
[same as fight] otherwise if join pilgrimage, same as 2-5
hunting lodge
can spend 3 shards to hunt: see below
go with guide for 10 shards: -1 stam, +1 scouting perm
go alone: scouting 14 (fight spectral badger, if eat badger, +1 combat perm)
afterwards: see below
2-8 see below
listen: safety from storms blessing
attack: -5 sanc perm,
9-12 nothing
temples: juntoku
manor: if have title, see below, if ally can restore lost stam
request audience: if no sealed letter, asked to go to yarimura, otherwise
see spymaster: quest to get sealed letter
return to see spymaster: if have crimson arrow, death, else 350 shards
honeycomb hills
2-8 nothing
9-12 if enter, can teleport to aku, great steppes, yellowport, hagashin
eastern road
2-8 nothing
9-12 see below
give dead head:
give pirate captain's head: befriend nephew of yoritomo
give ghoul's head: same as above
give dragon's head:
give hydra's tooth:
2-8 nothing
9-12 gain compass
2-8 nothing
9-12 if fight, ring mail, knife, 15 shards, see below. repeat: receive potion of
stealth if spared him
spare: if have dragon mask, +1 thievery perm
go up the hills: see below
stop execution: see below
fight all three: +1 combat, +1 max stam, return to town
surrender: enslaved
cut akugenda bonds: magic 15 (see 2 below) [death]
grab: akugenda gets away? teleport to inn of perfect contentment
stand and watch: see below
leap in front: magic 15 (make friends with kiyomori) [death]
drive off with prayer: sanctity 13 (make friends with kiyomori) [death]
drive off with prayer: sanctity 13 (make friends with kiyomori) [death]
second time visit palace: if tell him to know his place, see below
meet challenge: fight tadachika, if pick up sword, magic 14 (lose everything,
return to town) [death] if run past guards, -11 stam, magic 15 (lose everything,
return to town) [death] if run to town, see below
run: -10 stam, crimson arrow
visit again if bad rep: combat 17 (escape to town) [enslaved]
shrine: can pay 45 shards and charisma 14 or 10 if wayfarer for safe travel
2-7 nothing
8-12 see below
100 shards: dragon mask
300: tell all friends about you, dragon mask
750: tell all friends about you, dragon mask, large potion of comeliness
1000: same as above?
if swim across: scouting 13 (get across) [-5 stam]
rice paddies
2-8 nothing
9-12 if have catastrophe cert, nothing and lose cert, otherwise if have protection
of storms, nothing and lose protection, otherwise if priest, otherwise fight
thunder beast, roll magic 20 every round or take 1-6 dmg
temples: sage of peace
trade guild: can't invest until recognized as merchant at chambara
inner keep: if merchant, else see below
find swordsmith: -40 shards, charisma 22 +2 if warrior +2 with junior court rank?
+3 wistaria clan (can buy weapons, esp war bow) [nothing]
find armorer: -50 shards, charisma 21 +2 for each ally, wistaria, kiyomori,
yoritomo (can buy crappy armor) [nothing]
visit patriach: if have favour of wistaria, can buy house, rest and pray at shrine
pray at shrine: can buy wands, get random blessing for 25 shards
explore: if told to visit chompo,
kito province
2-8 nothing
9-12 if get into basket, if recognize wizard, otherwise +1 scouting perm or
death???, teleport to scented coast
2-9 nothing
10-12 if offer to help, meet woman with no face and lose own face
seaside cottage
2-9 nothing
10-12 if priest, sanctity 18 (faery mead, 250 shards, ghoul head) [], otherwise
see below
run off: lose all money
stand up: fight ghoul, get ghoul's head
northern road
2-8 nothing
9-12 see below
if try to help: rabbit's foot charm, four-leaf-clover, silver horseshoe or lose all
satsu pass
2-9 nothing
10-12 scouting 15 (nothing?) [nothing?]
temples: sage of peace
grey mounds
2-7 nothing
8-12 if enter mound, see below
run: -4 stam
battle: fight skeleton spectre, death if no poison blessing, otherwise 2500 shards,
2-4 jade crown, 5-9 stone arrowhead, 10-12 vajra baton
oni heathland
2-5 receive lacquer box quest, if open it receive witch curse, -1 from all stats
6-12 nothing?
black pagoda
knock: see below
if have seal of black pagoda: see 3 below
drink: -1 all stats, see 3 below
offer faery mead:
attack: fight giant
leave: nothing
pretend to drink: offer faery mead (see below) or fight
offer faery mead: if give rope, combat 14 (see rewards) [fight giant] , if just
kill, fight giant,
attack: fight giant
if have lady's court robe, same as have seal of black pagoda??
have neither: -5 stam, fight very strong giant, if damage taken -5 max stam, see
below for rewards
rewards: +1 rank, rat poison, pirate captain's head, 3 plate armour, battle axe,
dragon's head, pink rice, 2500 shards
sneak: see below
risk and help yourself: thievery 16 (200 shards, if run -11 stam, if fight, fight
giant) [if run, -11 stam, if fight, fight giant]
just kill: if run, -11 stam, if fight, fight giant
back out: nothing
sugarloaf hills
2-4 see below
1-2 lose all blessings
3-4 lose resurrection deal
5 lose initiate status if any
6 -1 stam perm
5-9 if attempt scouting 15 (see below) [nothing], if attempt sanctity 13 (see
below) [],
10-12 +1 sanc perm
kwaidan forest
2-7 if press deeper, scouting 13 (go to gnarled branches) [back to beginning] if
look for path out, teleport to kwaidan heights
8-12 combat 16 (to beginning) [see below] or sanctity 16 (to beginning) [see below]
or fight, if have parchment, magic 14 (greatsword, chopsticks, go to beginning)
[see fight] else fight 5 vampires, get greatsword, silver chopsticks, dragon mask,
to beginning
if have lantern or candle, see below, else go to gnarled branches
left tunnel: see 3 below
help yourself: 50 shards, thievery 12 (see gnarled branches) [death]
leave: see gnarled branches
withdraw spear: get tenkei, if have chosen one of nagil title, see 2 below, else
let him drink blood: -3 max stam,
refuse: if fight, fight morituri with sanctity 20 check every round, get hyperium
wand and 2500 shards, if retreat above ground, -11 stam, fight morituri with
sanctity 17 check every round, get hyperium wand and 2500 shards, go to gnarled
right tunnel: if run, thievery 12 (see gnarled branches) [death] if fight, ?????
gnarled branches: see 2 below
penetrate: scouting 14 (see 2 below) [same as search for way out 1]
search for way out 2: 2-7 back to beginning, 8-12 -11 stam, back to beginning
go deeper: char 15 +2 if rogue -2 if 750+ gold (learn about tatsu, +2 max stam perm
first time, +1 thievery perm second time, third time see below, fourth time see
below, teleport to kwaidan heights first time, teleport to floodlands second time)
[-5 stam, lose all items and half gold, see search for way out 1]
third time visiting tengu: 2-6 -1 combat perm, 7 nothing, 8-12 +1 combat perm, then
teleport to satsu pass
fourth time visitng tengu: +1 magic perm, teleport to kwaidan heights
search for way out 1: 2-7 back to beginning, 8-9 fight bear -2 combat unless have
light source, back to beginning, 10-12 if remember important detail, avoid poison,
else -2 max stam perm, see below
go over: if met woman before, fight mujina, else back to beginning
stay hidden: if met woman before, go to after fight mujina, else back to beginning
after fight mujina: if put on original face, nothing, else charisma set to 12
kwaidan heights
2-8 nothing
9-12 see below
ask them: see 2 below
if made friends in high places: see 3 below
remember hearing: get dead head
leap up: fight 3 dead head (see below)
wait and watch: nothing?
make small talk: drink tea and see 2 below
leave: if drank tea, -2 stam, fight 3 dead head and gain 1 dead head, then magic 11
(nothing) [cursed -2 char, magic, thievery] or sanctity 11 (nothing) [cursed?]
spend night here: -2 stam, fight 3 dead head (see above)
urushi mountains
2-8 if search for monastery, teleport to noboro monastery
9-12 if it takes note of you, magic 14 (nothing?) [death] otherwise, charisma 14
(learn song, +1 char perm) []
urushi foothills
2-8 nothing
9-12 see below
accept: see below
hammer blow: test base combat? need learn oak limb from tengu king first?? roll 2
dice (+1 combat perm) []
finger strike: lose all shards
punch: lose all shards
kick: lose all shards
attack fully armed: weapon destroyed
noboro monastery
if train, see below
leave all posessions: go to tests
keep something: lose everything
first test: scouting 14 (go to second test) [asked to visit saint of vulture peak]
second test: thievery 14 (see below) [asked to visit saint of vulture peak]
run: asked to visit saint of vulture peak
fight: if lose, heal all stam, +1 sanc perm, gain enlightened one title, if win, +1
rank, heal all stam, +1 sanc perm or sanc set to 12??, gain enlightened one title
scented coast
2-8 nothing
9-12 roll 2 dice -1 if rogue -2 if initiate of three fortunes, if rank or less,
else -1 stam and get catastrophe certificate
temples: nai (blessing of divine wrath)
temples: can buy charisma, combat, scouting or magic blessing
if have 5 shards and generous donation (donated generously to actor): 2-8 story
about using iron fan to shield eyes from dragon, 9-12 story about old frog, slicing
to left of illusion
sail to chambara: 1 sunk 2 plague 3-6 nothing
shaku interior
2-5 if rescue, magic 18 (gain resurrection arrangement) [-2 magic perm]
6-8 nothing
9-12 if don't pay 200 shards, see below
queen's champion: celestium wand, fretwork key, green gem, scarab amulet, faery
otherwise: -5 max stam
temples: sanobu (blessing of safety from storms)
sail to chambara: 1 sink 2 plague 3-6 nothing
sail to metriciens: 1-2 lose all money, teleport to narai, 3-6 nothing
2-8 nothing
9-12 if have lacquer box, +1 combat perm, -2 sanc perm, otherwise -1 combat perm
desolate land
2-8 nothing
9-12 sanc 15 (nothing) [lose all money and silver nuggets]
kenen mountains
enter: scouting 14 +1 rope +2 climbing gear (proceed) [-17 stam]
ascend: scouting 16 +1 rope +2 climbing gear (can take many silver nuggets, then
descend) [-23 stam]
descend: scouting 16 +1 rope +2 climbing gear () [-23 stam]
2-6 see 3 below
show yourself: see 2 below
why not returned to life: go to how can you see me
how can you see me: see 2 below
insist: if agree, -2 magic perm, else nothing??
accept fate: nothing??
watch from hiding: if speak to them, go to show yourself, else nothing??
go back to bed: nothing??
7-9 nothing
10-12 if have mask of any kind, learn story about mujina in kwaidan forest,
otherwise learn story about knight slaying dragon to get magic pearl to save wife
help knights: combat 14 (gain hatamoto title, 2 axe and 1 spear) [death]
help barbarians: gain kama and lady's court robe
second time onwards visit: fight 3 giant spiders
yasai mountains
scouting 15 +1 rope +2 climbing gear (proceed) [-1 stam]
scouting 18 +1 rope +2 climbing gear (proceed) [scouting 17 +1 rope +2 climbing
gear (return to base) [-23 stam]]
if have iron fan, fight weakened blue dragon
otherwise: fight blue dragon
after fight: see below
recall what to do upon dragon's death: tatsu pearl, if swallow, gain dragonborn
title, +2 combat perm, +2 magic perm, -2 char perm, +2 max stam, sanc reduced to 1,
disqualified from priesthood
search lair: 6000 shards
stillness coast
2-5 nothing?
6-12 nothing
heaving seas
2-3 ship sinks, scouting 14 (teleport to narai) []
4-11 nothing
12 pirates
mizuchi strait
2-9 nothing
10-12 pirates??
orochi sea
2-10 nothing
11-12 pirates
11-12 pirates
ryujin's maw
2-10 nothing
11-12 storm
2-9 nothing
10-12 pirates
udai island
attack: fight 3 shrine warden, get 3 moon spade, if ignore him, gain 1000 shards,
lose all blessings, crew quality reduced to poor
make offering: lose 10% of current shards and drop 1 item, good deed will not go
unheard, gain safety from storms blessing
gojira trench
2-9 nothing
10-12 pirates
cape navigator
2-9 nothing
10-12 storm, teleport to gai estuary
gai estuary
2-9 nothing
10-12 storm
chu estuary
2-8 nothing
9-12 pirates (same rewards as other pirates except get bag of pearls and 350
kito bluffs
2 teleport to udai island
3-10 nothing
11-12 pirates (same rewards as other pirates except get iron fan and 550 shards)
oni's edge
2-5 storm
6-12 nothing
screaming coast
2-9 nothing
10-12 storm, teleport to gai estuary
seppuku strait
2-9 nothing
10-12 ship sinks
dragon island
magic 20 (+crew quality) [char 14 (sail off) []]
jawbone isles
scouting 13 +1 with mariner's ruttier (see below) []
go with him: char 15 (become queen's champion) [same as attack him]
attack him: nothing??
go south
sail south-west: teleport to empty horizon
sail south-east:
empty horizon
2-3 pirates (same rewards as other pirates except get pirate captain head and 600
4-5 storm
6-12 nothing
sea of reeds
2-3 storm
4-6 can buy some stuff like fish hook and water flask and scarlet macaw and violin
and fishing hook and green gem and smoulder fish and coral red tresses
7-8 nothing
9-12 see below
1-2 teleport to tropical current
3-4 can pay 100 shards to be set free, can barter with them to sell some stuff for
5 +1 with flask 1-2 die of thirst, 3-4 same as above 3-4, 5-6 teleport to
unnumbered isles
6 free?
unnumbered isles
know location of hideout: see below starting from enter bay openly
otherwise scouting 15 (see below) []
have medallion: scouting 14 (8500 shards, sword of the shadar, see below)
rely on charm: char 12 (learn about reaver hideout location) [] after that see
enter bay openly: char 15 +2 galleon +1 excellent crew (if on business, otherwise
if charge in, combat 16 (-6 stam, fine sabre, chain mail) []) []
go in alone: thievery 13 (see below) []
if chasing a contract:
if immediate benefit: 500 shards
leave: leave
trench of ys
2-3 pirates
4-5 storm
6-8 nothing
9-12 see sunken city of Ys
emerald dream
2-6 if king lives, asked to bring him selenium ore, otherwise
7-11 plain sailing
12 uncanny awakening, lose all money, lose one item of choice, +1 scouting,
teleport to chard's inn
baleful baleen
2-5 hags in sieves if sanctity 15 (if haul out, teleport to , if kill, witch's
hand) if magic 15 same as earlier
6-7 -7 stam, see below
use sorcery: magic 14 (nothing?) []
dive: -6 stam and lose ship and all money and teleport to slave pits of aku
climb down: nothing?
8-12 nothing
frostsheen longitude
2-4 sanctity 15 (spectral veil) []
5-6 charisma 13 (courtier's mask) []
7-8 nothing
9-12 if have made nemesis, lose ship and teleport to ???, otherwise
arcana drift
2-5 magic 15 (nothing?) []
6-8 nothing
9-12 murder see below
accuse second mate: if magic 14 (nothing) [], if sanctity 14 (nothing) []
accuse sailmaster: -1 sanc perm
look for clues: thievery 14 (+1 thievery) []
nothing: -1 char perm, char 13 (- crew quality) []
comozant horizon
2-5 magic 14 (nothing) []
6-12 nothing
singing breadth
2-5 if know about song, otherwise see below
+3 if troubadour, 2-3 nothing, 4+ death, changed even in afterlife
6-8 nothing
9-12 see below
prepare to board: 1-4 killed, 5-15 enslaved, 16-17 -1 stam, 18+ 950 shards,
flintlock mechanism and 5 sling bullets for first time only
ram: +3 if excellent crew, 1-6 same as prepare to board, 7-10 nothing, 11+ 450
rolling cradle
2-5 quest to tell steppes that khan was slain
6-8 nothing
9-12 see below
jump in: scouting 14 (+1 charisma, lose all armor) []
leave him to drown: char 15 +1 if warrior +2 if excellent crew (- crew quality) []
order to put about: -1 scouting perm
2-5 teleport to frostsheen longitude
6-8 nothing
9-12 meet Alkaeides and drop him off at next port
shallows of portent
2-8 nothing
9-12 vision in sunset, nothing??
straits of alvir
5-6 electric storm, if no blessing, +1 if copper ore 2-4 teleport to vervayen, 5-10
-crew quality and teleport to krakens deep, 11+ killed
7-9 nothing
10+ map of bazalek
krakens deep
2-5 can fly on targdaz horse back to castle, char 13 (ship dock at aku) []
6-9 nothing
10-12 see below + rank +2 die if galleon
2-9 ship lost
10-15 escape in cutter
16+ nothing
lavender stream
2-6 see below
2-3 if resist, magic 15 (nothing) [] if submit, transformed to bird then
transformed back, lose ship, can disembark at smogmaw or 30 shards to dweomer
4-12 50 shards as reward for dropping stowaway at port
7-12 nothing
eldritch brine
2-4 scouting 16 +1 if mariner's ruttier (selenium ore) [] then see below
if intiiate of molhern,
otherwise nothing
5-7 nothing
8-12 -1 stam, fight 2 resentful sailors w/o armor (3 rusty daggers)
2-4 pirates, same as other pirates (1200 shards, 1 spices, 1 pirate captain's head)
5-6 storm
7-12 nothing
tropical current
2-4 storm
5-8 can investigate island, if light source and sea green lens see below
initiate of alvir and valmir: see below
choose life: learn about journey towards rising sun, before reaching stars
encounter bay guarded by great serpent, fight it alone then get boon at highest
point of island
choose strength: learn about sailing away from dusk and death, before reaching land
of many headed ones will encounter grim stranger, struggle with him unarmed and
cast him 3 times to deck then he will grant boon
choose ease: learn about from nozama to grimm, from hypnos' isle to his black
winged mother's spire, will find contentment at heart of the cross you seek
otherwise: nothing?
9-12 roll 1 dice see below
1-2 teleport to treacherous waters
3-4 can head to dweomer or island, if head for dweomer +rank +1 die if wayfarer +1
with flask 2-7 death, 8-12 teleport to dweomer, if search for island, +1 with flask
2-6 death, 7-12 restart this area
5-6 run aground, after some checks? -3 stam, teleport to vervayen
star coast
2-5 wine-stained map
6-9 nothing
10-12 very bad storm, make sure have blessing
coral fields
2-4 storm
5-7 nothing
8-9 learn that being tone deaf can save from mermaid song
10-12 pirates
stinging tides
2-5 can buy furs for 125
6-9 nothing
10-12 scouting 16 +1 with mariner's ruttier (+1 charisma, teleport to tropical
current) []
unnerving expanse
6-7 crew quality set to poor
put to sea: 1-2 teleport to vervayen, 3-4 scouting 12 (can find way back to
reaver's hideout??, if have pirate captain's head, death, otherwise -1 stam, if
have silver medallion ???, otherwise lose everything and teleport to yarimura) [] ,
5-6 reach mainland
remain: crew quality set to poor, teleport to feathered point
8-9 see below
fight: combat 15 (nothing) []
drive off with prayer: sanc 19 (holy sword) []
if cast at mercy and have title chosen one of nagil, asked to go Chompo and
akatsurai to find clue to tomb of dawatsu morituri to set him free
10-12 -9 stam
rufescent current
2-4 char 13 (nothing) []
5-8 nothing
9-10 pirates
11-12 teleport to smogmaw
tavern: if see familiar faces,
temples: three fortunes, alvir, glimbinki, badogor
three fortunes: if intiate, otherwise if play game and don't pay, cursed with one
dice roll
alvir: 1 -9 stam, 2 lose all money, 3-6 nothing and gain blessing
glimbinki: quest to find idol
badogor: if unspeakable cultist, can offer pirate captain's head, witch's head or
severed head -1 sanc perm for 200 shards?, otherwise combat 17 (-6 stam, +1 combat,
200 shards, kris, exotic feather) []
explore: see below
visit moon of evening: cloak of feathers, info about king of eastern lands,
teleport to dunpala
take stroll: see below
2-4 combat 13 (nothing) []
5-9 nothing
10-12 shaman's hut, can buy magical items like spectral veil and hydra tooth and
witch's hand
treacherous waters
2-6 storm
7-12 nothing
gloom fathoms
2-4 storm, if pass checks teleport to fog bank
5-7 nothing
8-12 if sanctity 15 (2 metals) [], if magic 15 (2 metals) []
risky waters
2-5 pirates
6-12 nothing
hot water
2-6 see below roll 2 dice +rank +2 excellent crew
1-6 overtaken
7+ nothing
7-8 nothing
9-12 magic test? then sanctity 17 (nothing) []
knucklebones strait
2-4 pirates
5 storm
6-8 nothing
9-12 if jettison cat, +2 cargo, otherwise see below
mage: ???
otherwise: nothing
fog bank
2-5 learn about high king lying beneath rimewater
6-8 nothing
9-12 can trade timber, grain or fur for textiles
college: sanctity 14 (teleport to smogmaw) [become college student] if college
student see below
master of college: char 14 (learn password rebirth to tomb at larun) []
kitchens: if smoulder fish, 200 shards else char 12 (luck blessing, large potion of
intellect) []
lecture hall: pay 200 shards and roll 2 dice +rank, 2-10 snooze, 11+ +1 magic perm,
future visits magic blessing
library: pay 50 shards, magic 15 (see below) []
people and creatures: estragon, if ghosts -1 char perm, the gods, the key of stars,
Tekshin, mermaids, shadar, trau, uttakin
places: akatsurai, bluewood learn about wind spirit and formula, dangor, feathered
lands, old harkuna, innis shoals, forest of larun
explore: see below
seek gaspar:
look for rare artifacts:
if have ship's deed:
roam streets: if surrender, lose half cash, otherwise fight 3 scholars and gain 15
braelak beach
descend cliffs: can leave via ship if have
go to tower: -6 stam, if open casket, magic 16 (celestium wand, future visits fight
ghost) []
enter bluewood: see forest
search way out: scouting 15 (back to dweomer) []
press on: if have witch's hand, see below, otherwise same as search way out
scouting 17 (can teleport to chambara, dunpala, aku, brazen, dweomer, ringhorn,
smogmaw, yarimura, yellowport) []
magic 17 (same as above) []
copper isle
2-5 storm
6-12 nothing, can put in at brazen
temple: if illuminate of molhern, learn about starspike island, island of fire,
sleeping isle
investigate mines need light source: see below
left tunnel: see below
break down boards: see below
if already banished spectres: combat 13 (if stay and fight, fight 3 bandits, 117
shards, wine bottle, deck of marked cards, lantern, 3 maces) []
if have spectral veil: +1 rank +1 ability
banish: sanctity 13 (learn spectre's dance) []
leave: thievery 12 (nothing) []
venture deeper: fight trau if first time (enchanted pickaxe) then with verdigris
key can teleport to sokara, great steppes or bluewood
right tunnel: if see familiar face, ??? else sea green lens, pickaxe, copper ore
sleeping isle
explore island: see below
if haunted by nightmares:
else: magic 13 (see below)
know song to rouse them:
else: magic 17 (nothing) []
explore alone: see below
if haunted by nightmares:
else: magic 13 (see below)
still haunted:
else: magic 18 (see door?) []
gather supplies: see below
1-2 -3 stam, see 5-6
3-4 if blessing, if scorpion antidote, else -8 stam
5-6 if haunted by nightmares, ??? else
after all that: magic 12 (nothing) []
2-5 storm, if pass checks teleport to fog bank
6-8 nothing
9-12 see below
whistle tune: can use ritual if know how else magic 14 +2 if intiiate of alvir
(nothing) []
abandon ship: lose blessing and ship,
stay: +1 charisma, roll 1 die 1-2 others die of thirst, 3-4 fever, 5-6 escape
errant cay
2-8 nothing
9-12 see below
1: -crew quality
2-6: nothing?
exotic lanes
2-5 see below
order violet man seized: see below
cut cable: nothing
take party of seaman aloft: -3 stam, see below
left door: -3 stam, fight 3 violet men (3 sabres, fretwork key)
right door: -3 stam, 400 shards
advance passage: -4 stam, see below
inhale: -1 char perm, get gift of stillbreath no need oxygen to go to high places
exhale: -4 stam
let him do work and depart: nothing
6-8 nothing
9-12 if warrior, ??? else nothing
starspike isle
climb: scouting 13 (see below) []
use fretwork key: thievery 20 (+1 thievery, scouting 15 (+1 char perm) []) []
try unlock:
strange horizon
2-8 nothing
9-12 teleport to errant cay
wistful deep
2-6 -1 cargo
7-9 nothing
10-12 death
smogmaw shallows
2-4 pirates, if beat them teleport to coral fields
5-6 fight 4 flying shark
7-9 nothing
10-12 storm
tlaloc's current
2-5 see below
assist baron moonshine: +rank +3 excelent crew 0-9 killed 10-14 forced to retreat
15+ deed of safe passage
help other: +2 rank 8 or higher +2 warrior +2 excellent crew 1-5 killed 6-9 -4 stam
-crew quality 10+ 300 shards and 1 spices
6-7 nothing
8-9 bad storm
10-12 see below
cast overboard: char 16 (nothing) []
remain: sanctity 17 (nothing) []
sea of hydras
2-4 storm
5-8 nothing
9-12 lose everything, thievery 15 (recover everything) []
feathered point
2-6 if have cargo, -1 cargo and +800 shards
7-9 nothing
10-12 teleport to island of fire, see below
2-6 see below
evacuate: lose all cargo, +2 galleon 1-3 ship capsize 4+ blessing of storms
intercede: sanctity 14 (nothing?) []
set sail: leave
7+ nothing
lonely cay
2-5 learn about tomb in great steppes where possible to gain entrance when gods not
looking, have outer chambers, +1 marnier's ruttier, +1 smoulder fish, +1 spices
6-8 nothing
9-12 see below +2 excellent crew
0-3 everyone killed
5-7 -4 stam, lose everything
7-9 heavy losses
10+ hydra's tooth
forlorn waters
2-5 storm
6-7 nothing
8-10 sanctity 15 (nothing) []
11-12 magic 14 +1 if troubadour (see below) []
speak in verse: see below +1 if troubadour
2-9 fight vampire, 6000 shards
10+ can run or fight, see above
something else: see below
holy words: sanc 15 (6000 shards) []
attack: same as fight vampire above
striped waters
2-5 see below
if have deed of safe passage: nothing, lose deed
surrender: lose ship and all money, teleport to vulture peak
attempt escape: see below
can jettison cargo, roll 2 dice +1 excellent crew +1 no cargo less than 11: see
below 11+: escape
roll 2 dice: less than 7: can enter storm +1 galleon +1 excellent crew 0-6 ship
sinks 7-9 heavy dmg 10+ -1 cargo -crew quality and teleport to, or attack his
flagship or surrender, 7+: see below
attack his flagship: see below +2 rank 10 or higher +2 excellent crew
1-5 defeat
6-10 see surrender below
11+ see below
if he suffered important loss:
else fight him (shadar scmitar, -crew quality)
surrender: char 19 (-1 rank, thievery 14 (-4 stam, teleport to shamsar) []) []
6-7 nothing
8-9 char 16 (kris) []
10-12 bad storm
moonshine waters
2-6 see below
if have deed of safe passage:
surrender: see surrender above
escape: +1 excellent crew -1 cargo 10 or less: 10+ escape
7-8 nothing
9-12 see below
go below decks: +1 combat, +1 shard, -crew quality, then see below after talk
talk: spiral amulet, see below roll 2 dice
equal or less than rank: see below
1-4: nothing
5-6: lose all shit
higher than rank:
last shore
2-5 see baron's fleet
6-9 nothing
10-12 sorcery check? and then char 16 (+crew quality) []
temple of pyahil: can sacrifice bullfrog, macaw or kakpi bird to become initiate
and get flint knife too
temple to vinti:
temple to huan-da: can buy clarity blessing
tavern: can buy mechanical idol for 300 shards
explore: see below
artificer: can make yrindi's spear, sacrosanct sword or equilibrium, champion's
gaunlets, circlet of mastery, crocodile hide armour, darkling cloak, flask of
oblivion, periapt of purity sanc 17 (nothing) [], seeking string, wisp-spider
ora'i well: quest to restore well's power
bimari hama: if nahual 1 or more: char 13 (roll 2 dice see below)
2-3 -1 ability, then see mingle
4-6 -5 stam
7-9 see mingle
mingle: see below
buy picture of broken sword: gain access to artificer
buy storm scene: lose everything, teleport to vervayen
buy picture of night black horse: get sooty mark
10-12 -1 nahual, then see mingle
library: if name on list, can read for free else can pay 100 shards
silver curtain:
sands of regret
2-5 receive quest for finding emerald, after finish quest, hero's sword if not
troubadour else better weapon??? after finish quest future vists recover stam
6-8 nothing
9-12 if grim is stalking, see below, otherwise nothing
have beeswax candle: nothing
else: fight grim (grim spine)
shifting pall
2-5 asked to tell szairax that his child is held in dust palace, get +3 dragon
feathers. second time onwards -3 stam, see below
scouting 17 (see below) []
1-3 copper ore
4-6 hot fight astral demon (demon stone)
6 if no blessing, teleport to sands of regret
7-10 nothing
11-12 water flask, tent, ball of string, fine sabre
shrieking gullies
2-5 thievery 15 (nothing) []
6-9 nothing
10-12 if nahual, spirits lifted???, otherwise nothing
eksmark's despot
if have wine-stained map, 1000 shards and ashen cloak
accuser vista
bury: pickaxe and wine bottle
drag out: pickaxe and wine bottle
after all that, can repair, see below
scouting 13 (roll 2 dice, 2 serious accident, 3 -all condition, 4 -condition, 5 -1
stam, 6-10 nothing, 11-12 +condition)
greentop range
2-6 nothing
7-12 if nahual, see below
if keeper of spire:
else see below
1-3 -9 stam and heal diseases
4-6 heal stam
otherwise if not nahual see below
1-3 -4 stam
4-6 holy symbol and water flask
after all that: name put on shamsar library
bladed fields
if drawn ire of serpent king (how? is it shamsar library or nahual?), see below
take hand: lose everything, see sentenced
fight: hot fight watchman idol (jet orbs)
after all that: scouting 14 (nothing) []
if next step of long trail, ??? otherwise nothing
king's home: get quest to find out what happened to his son, after finish quest
learn about begotombo tavern man, get merchant's cloak, +1000 shards
temple of quetzil: if suffering from kerep's touch, ???
temple of eleuia: nothing?
shrime of galami: can ask about birdsong at dawn and learn broken hand's location
east of lake firewater
shrine of shimae: if have nopalti's balm, ??? can buy luck blessing for 35 but may
get shimae curse (-2 to next ability roll)
tavern: can search for nyelm starhand and find that he was killed???, can visit
call of eagles workshop and buy aeonian flute, xibalban lantern or crystal knife
explore: see below
visit theatre: if have invitation, get birdsong at dawn quest, otherwise can pay 15
shards to watch various plays? can learn stuff? if finished birdsong quest, see
try to banish: if magic 16 +1 nahual +1 xibalban lantern (150 shards, ball of
silver thread) []
talk to it: char 15 (150 shards, silver thread) []
attack kaimren: lose weapon, fight him (cobalt wand, enchanted sword)
convince expel: char 14 (772 shards, animal totem) []
allow to stay: +1 sanctity
explore by day: see below
2-6 thievery 12 (can buy scarlet macaw, green gem, crocodile skin) []
7-8 if have violet-flecked stone, learn about kerep tlotor, otherwise see below
1-2 -3 stam, -1 random item
3-5 learn about dangor?
6 learn about decoy-building spiders in west jungle
9-12 if nahual, roll 1 dice see below, else nothing
equal nahual score or less: -16 stam
higher than nahual: nothing
explore by night: see below
2-6 see below, future vists 5 shards
capture: fight murderer and 2 brigands, 300 shards and violet-flecked stone
help him escape: thievery 13 (bamboo invitation) []
neither: violet-flecked stone
7-8 char 16 (nothing) []
9-12 see below
2-6 -1 charisma blessing
7-9 nothing
10-12 +1 luck blessing
fluttering bank
2-5 if try to catch: scouting 16 (gain luck blessing) []
6-8 nothing
9-12 see below
merchant's cloak: char 14 (nothing) []
else fight 2 nyar (pathfinder's gem, macuahuitl, spear)
kchen chennar
approach openly: see below
if have sigil of vinti: char 15 (asked to return next time to tell of tarshesh or
plateau of dragons) []
if chamessa or have merchant's cloak:
else: killed
sneak: thievery 20 (gold dagger, ancestor's spear, jaguar armour, feathered shield,
4 spears, 4 shortswords, 350 shards, future visits spear and animal helm) []
macaw grounds
2-7 nothing
8-12 see below
help: char 15 (see below) []
ask about serpent king: char 14 (learn ??) []
ask about jungle tribles: char 14 (learn ??) []
ask to craft soulcatcher if have jaguar's tooth: char 14 () []
leave: spear, animal helm, potion of strength
market: if buy book of jungle perils, learn about scammers?
tavern: if don't have what he is looking for, ???, else can roll 2 dice, if roll
other than 7, runic circlet, else lose resurrection deal and any future
temple of vinti: receive quest, get sigil of vinti, after finish quest get gold
holy symbol and relic of tarshesh
temple of zaos: can buy blessing of obfuscation
temple of ko: if offer item of choice, ???, then can buy bluestone amulet for 100
explore: see below
pay 50 shards: learn ??? if scoop up, gain 34 shards and lose scouting and thievery
pray to animal shrine: can donate shards for chance to get scouting blessing
hills of toil
business as usual: ???
strange happenings: see below
enter side tunnel: if have message for her, else
search for foreman: can buy metals cheaply
vulture peak
if have peculiar rock: combat 18 (fight nobou, potion of health, bullfrog,
blackwood lyre) []
otherwise: nothing
speaking rock
each time visit poem change, third time visit lose 1 of each ability perm, fourth
time visit can gain back 3 abilities
cove of camazotz
if do so: -2 stam, gain combat blessing?
gibbering thicket
push on: see below
keeper of spire:
else roll 4 die +1 die nahual, -1 die sooty mark, -1 die ritual circlet rank or
less: see below, higher than rank: lose everything, teleport to vulture peak
enter: magic 16 (-7 stam, see below) []
initiate of quetzil:
learned necessary rituals:
crab beach
if vague memory:
else: nothing
innards of cuatl
scouting 14 (nothing) []
shimae's needle
magic 18 (see below) []
touch: thievery 16 (-9 stam? teleport to yarimura, or curse of crazed vim +3 action
points double dmg taken, teleport to pachara's grove or skin turn blue teleport to
yarimura) [teleport to dunpala]
drums of tlaloc
learn that warrior in Tarshesh is tired of fighting, should evade
prowler beach
2-8 nothing
9-12 if rank 10 or higher: quest to retrieve blackwood lyre, after finish quest,
can sell lyre for 700 shards and kill them for 100 shards
trading banks
1-2 -6 stam
3-4 bullfrog
5-6 staff
dripping death
2-6 scouting 16 (-1 stam) []
7-12 nothing
jade canopy
2-5 see below
run: thievery 16 (nothing) []
scare them: combat 19 (nothing) [lose 2 items random]
6-8 nothing
9-12 can give 2 items for +1 scouting and info??
barrier beach
2-7 nothing
8-12 hot fight with 3 tribal scouts (3 spears, bone club, feathered shield, quilted
yrindi's call
2-5 if nahual 3 or more, see below else nothing
sanctity 19 +1 with soulcatcher (-1 sanc perm) []
6-8 nothing
9-12 get yrindi branch, if lost spear ???, else nothing
serene beach
if grim has scent, see below else nothing
2-7 if have beeswax candle, nothing, else fight grim, get grim spine
8-12 nothing
2-6 if unspeakable cultist, ??? else hot fight with 5 cannibal hunters (bone club,
3 daggers, spear, animal helm, feathered shield)
7-9 nothing
10-12 if have verdigris key, can teleport to blessed springs, copper island, isle
of druids, icicle woods, kaiju, marmorek, plateau of dragons, shamsar
ruined tarshesh
if nahual 1 or more, see vision about army yelling traitor, else see below
if know who is responsible for fall of tarshesh, see below
cook: +1 scouting, jade beads, +1 nahual
merchant: +1 thievery, jade beads, +1 nahual
priestess: +1 sanctity, jade beads, +1 nahual
bodyguard: +1 combat, jade beads, +1 nahual
uemec: blade of equilibrium, +1 nahual
nobody: blade of equilibrium, +1 nahual
enter wrecked temple: if is initiate of god, cannot enter, else see below
give silver mirror:
give mirror of sun goddess:
give spirit mirror:
show relic of tarshesh: learn cook's name to blame
investigate ruined palace: if have gold weapon, see below, else nothing
discard weapon: learn someone to blame
fight spectral warrior: +1 combat
descend staircase: see below
rogue or troubadour: can get curse of frenzied might (+1 damage -4 defence cost 1
ability), blessing of charm???, can pay resurrection deal to learn about tarshesh??
gained recognition as merchant:
have onyx bracelet: same as above
examine well: if have water flask or water bottle, see below else nothing
if know name: learn uemec to blame
biting bank
swim to eastern bank: scouting 16 (teleport to meeting place) []
meeting place
2-5 if nahual 2 or more, -4 stam and get vision???, else see below
have scarlet macaw:
have kakpi bird: +1 combat, -1 sanc
hunt for bird: scouting 15 (+1 combat, -1 sanc) []
6-8 nothing
9-12 if chamessa or have merchant's cloak, ??? else roll 2 dice, if rank or less,
nothing, else
swim to western bank; scouting 16 (teleport to biting bank) []
2-5 roll 2 dice if rogue otherwise 3, if rank or less, nothing, else
6-8 nothing
9-12 need light source to enter, see below
nahual 2 or more: learn about namagal
look around: info?? nothing??
pachara's grove
else: scouting 21 (see below) [teleport to godswalk]
talk about whispering wind's son: asked to bring back flower from spider's island
tell her about experience in cave to far west: learn about namagal, ponopa seed
tell her about encoutenr with Grim: can exchange 4 grim spines for beeswax candle
ask about spirit realm: -6 stam, can lose 1 ability for pachara's circlet
ask about spirits: -3 max stam, can lose 1 ability to gain 1 nahual
can pay 1 ability for resurrection deal
healer: can ask about upari tree after talking to merchant, can make potions to
cure all diseases and curses
temple of quatzil: learn about upari tree??
temple of huan-da: if have oilsoaked cloth, can learn about merchants selling venom
sweltering tangle
2-5 scouting 15 (-1 stam) []
6-8 nothing
9-12 see below
know story of mala inchi: nothing
meandering ooze
2-6 scouting 18 (nothing) [disease of swamp blindness -1 combat -2 thievery]
7-8 nothing
9-12 -8 stam
approach: if have activation lodestone, ???
enter settlement: can buy gold dagger
panyck falls
else: see below
fill bottle: see below
if know story of running mouse and have bullfrog: get bottle of panyck water
agree: scouting 17 -defense () [roll 1 die rank or less: -11 stam, teleport to
borotek, more than rank:]
bathe: heal stam, cure wounds and disease
the lea
2-5 see below
chamessa or have merchants cloak:
bribe: fight administrator and 4 soldiers (4 spears, 2 animal helm, 4 quilted
talk: char 15 (nothing) []
launch surprise attack: fight administrator and 3 soldiers (same rewards as above)
6-9 nothing
10-12 meet Melora
if help them, see below
combat 16 (-5 stam, learn about small hole in top of musician's head) []
if know weakness, moonstone brooch and blessed ash
nyar's charge
scouting 15 (see below) []
call out: if chamessa or have merchant's cloak, ???, else combat 16 (thievery 17
(teleport to upari's shadow) []) []
flee to dunpala: thievery 15 (teleport to dunpala) []
flee into jungle: thievery 17 (teleport to upari's shadow) []
pipiltin's charge
approach: see below
if chamessa or have merchant's cloak:
else: char 15 (see sentenced) []
step off: theivery 15 (see below) []
north: teleport to caua-tel
south: teleport to plateau of dragons
snare grounds
thievery 17 (nothing) []
well of lies
spend night: roll 3 dice +nahual score +1 if magic or sanc above 10 +1 with
soulcatcher see below
3-8 nothing
9-13 -15 stam
14-17 see below
1-2 fight kaschuf spiritual (+1 max stam)
3-4 magic 18 -nahual score (-2 stam) [] or sanctity 18 -nahual score (-2 stam) []
5-6 magic 18 -nahual score (-2 stam) [] or sanctity 18 -nahual score (-2 stam) []
sinking death
2-5 if met melora, see below
throw rope:
stretch: combat 16 (magic 16 (400 shards, monkey paw ring) []) []
leave: +1 thievery, magic 16 (400 shards, monkey paw ring) []
6-9 nothing
10-12 see below
if priest:
else: magic 15 (fight 5 marsh ghouls) []
after all that, scouting 14 (nothing) []
plateau of dragons
scouting 17 +1 with rope +2 with climbing gear (see below) []
scouting 21 +1 wih rope +2 with climbing gear (see below) [death]
if have arranged resurrection deal with grove dweller: lose everything and
resurrection deal, get greatsword and quilted armour, get quest to learn more about
namagal and learn holy words, teleport to great cradle, can tell szairax about egg
else: death
great cradle
2-8 nothing
9-12 thievery 19 (lose 2 items at random, possibility to recover???) []
great river
if have merchant's cloak, can pay 20 shards to sheka-tel, 15 shards to borotek, 15
shards to panyck
kapok groves
2-6 see below
initiate of zaos: restore all stam
else: magic 18 (nothing) [] or sanctity 18 (nothing) []
7-12 nothing
spirit realm
wander streets: spirit fight king scabb if have rat poison +3 attack (-2 entropy,
learn valuable information after taking to child in pyramid???). second time
onwards see below
allow them to come closer: +1 sanc, combat 14 (-1 entropy) []
flee: thievery 14 (if visited pyramid before? see below) []
thievery 14 (-1 entropy) [] or combat 14 (-1 entropy) []
search for budu: thievery 14 (see first time pyramid, -1 entropy) []
enter octogonal temple: if question weighs upon you, ???, else -6 stam
enter palace of dust: -1 entropy, roll 3 dice +2 rank 9 or higher +2 char more
than 9 +2 scouting more than 9
16+ see below
built sturdy house before: dragon egg, -1 entropy
continue working:
climb: see below, second time dented helmet
fight: -6 stam, combat 18 (learn about Namagal's arrogance and asked to teach
humility, -1 entropy) []
leap: scouting 15 (-13 stam, -1 entropy) [lose all but 1 stam, -1 entropy]
will yourself back to physical:
leave: if have sufficient power to go on is it nahual 2+?, see below, else nothing
try to break loose: combat 16 (see grim) []
use magic: magic 15 (see grim) []
reason: char 15 (see grim) []
grim: see below
use sanc to escape: magic 15 (leave spirit realm) []
use magic to escape: magic 15 (leave spirit realm) []
fight: ???
grim future visit:
if have beeswax candle: -1 entropy, see below
approach hills: spirit fight yourself, (learn about namagal)
remain: learn about namagal
return to physical:
macaw village
2-6 see below
visit market: char 15 +2 with merchant's cloak (can buy stuff like scarlet macaw
and bullfrog)
listen to storyteller: can ask about experience in caua-tel
look around: can give kakpi bird to get winged idol
7-9 nothing
10-12 roll 1 dice rank or less, teleport to sweltering tangle ,higher than rank,