Marketing-Management (Set 4)
Marketing-Management (Set 4)
Marketing-Management (Set 4)
4 of 8 sets
301. Which one of the following sets represents 4C’s of the marketing mix?
A. Customer solution, cost, convenience, communication
B. Customer, cost, convenience, comfort
C. Convenience, communication, coverage, cost
D. Cost, coverage, communication, consultancy
304. Which among these is concerned with pricing policies for late entrants to a
A. Market penetration
B. Marketing research
C. Market skimming
D. Marketing skills
305. The unfavorable external factors or trends that may pose challenge to the
A. Strength
B. Weaknesses
C. Opportunities
D. Threats
306. In which stage of the product life cycle is advertising and promotion aimed at
retaining existing customers and persuading customers to switch from competitor
A. Introduction
B. Growth
C. Maturity
D. Declining
307. The four Ps represent the sellers’ view of the marketing tools available for
influencing buyers. From a buyer’s point of view, each marketing tool is designed
to deliver a customer benefit. Robert Lauterborn suggested that the sellers’ four Ps
correspond to the customers’ four Cs. The four Cs are .
A. customer focus, cost, convenience, and communication
B. customer solution, customer cost, convenience, and communication
C. convenience, control, competition, and cost
D. competition, cost, convenience, and communication
308. The firm uses any existing brand to introduce in market as a new product
brand is classified as
A. Brand extension
B. Sub brand
C. parent brand
D. product extension
309. When the companies combine existing brand with new brands, the brands are
A. Parent brand
B. Product extension
310. The pricing strategy practiced by company according to which prices are high
for products at introduction stage and drops overtime is classified as
A. Push pricing strategy
B. Market Penetration pricing
C. Market skimming pricing
D. Quality leadership pricing
311. Which of the following is not a type of decision usually made during the
product development stage?
A. Branding
B. product positioning
C. Packaging
D. Product Screening
314. Promotion mix includes Sales Promotion, Personal Selling, Advertising and
A. Marketing
316. The strategy that encourages dealers and distributors to sell a product is
known as
A. Push
B. Pull
C. Combination
D. Marketing
318. Colgate is offering scholarships worth one lakh rupees to Indian students. This
A. Advertising clutter
B. Corporate Social Responsibility
C. Advertising revolution
D. Mass advertising
320. Which one of the following is NOT the stage that customers go through in the
process of adopting a
A. Awareness
B. Interest
C. Evaluation
D. Culture
321. Which one of the following concepts is a useful philosophy in a situation when
the product’s cost is too high and marketers look for ways to bring it
A. Selling concept
B. Product concept
C. Production Concept
D. Marketing Concepts
322. Customer’s evaluation of the difference between all the benefits and all the
costs of a marketing offer relative to those of competing offers refers to which of
the following options?
A. Customer perceived value
B. Marketing myopia
C. Customer relationship management
D. Customer satisfaction
330. Marketing is both an “art” and a “science” there is constant tension between
the formulated side of marketing and the ?????????? side.
A. Creative
B. Management
C. Selling
D. Behavior.
336. Ensuring the availability of the products and services as and when required by
the customers is ????????? ??????????? utility.
A. Time
B. Place
C. Form
D. Profession.
338. A firm identifies the target market, needs and wants of customers through
A. Marketing research
B. Planning
C. Concepts
D. Segmentation.
339. fixing and maintaining the standards for quality , quantity, size and other
features of the product refers to ???????????????????????.
A. Standardization
B. Grading
C. Packaging
D. Labeling.
341. The traditional view of marketing is that the firm makes something and then
A. Market
B. Sells
C. Prices
D. Services.
342. A market where goods are sold in bulk quantities to the customers is known as
A. Retail market
B. Wholesale market
366. The process of moving the raw materials from the place of the suppliers to the
place of the producers is known as ??????????????????????.
A. Inbound logistic
B. Outbound logistics
C. Inventory management
D. Acquisition of raw materials.
367. The concept which deals with the entire process from production to delivery of
goods is known as ?????????????????.
A. S C M
B. V M S
C. Logistics
D. Distribution.
372. When organization in the same level of a channel work on a co?operative basis
, it is known as ?????????
A. V M S
B. S C M
C. Logistics
D. H M S.
385. ?????????????????? can be achieved only when all personal within the
organization understand the importance of the customer.
A. Profit maximization
B. Sales volume
C. Customer satisfaction.
D. none
399. An increasingly large number of firms are changing their organizational focus
from ??????????????? to ?????????????????????.
A. Product management; Functional management.
B. Brand management; Customer relationship management.
C. Global management; Regional management.
D. Product management; territory management.
400. Some companies are now switching from being product? centered to being
more ????????????????? centered.