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A Wide-Band 20W LDMOS Doherty Power Amplifier

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A wide-band 20W LDMOS Doherty power amplifier

Article in IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium digest. IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium · May 2010
DOI: 10.1109/MWSYM.2010.5515172

59 934

6 authors, including:

Igor Blednov
NXP Semiconductors


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A Wide-Band 20W LMOS Doherty Power Amplifier

J. H. Qureshi', N. Li', W.e. E. Neo2, F. van Rijs2, I. Blednov2 and L.e.N. de Vreede'
Dirnes, Delft University of Technology, Feldrnannweg 17, the Netherlands
NXP RF Power / Basestations, Gerstweg 2, Nijrnegen, the Netherlands

Abstract - This work discusses the efficiency bandwidth devices. Note that optimum wideband operation of the DPA
constrains in Doherty amplifiers. An analysis of the would require the transmission line TL to be a perfect
bandwidth limitations imposed by the impedance inverter impedance inverter over the whole desired frequency band.
and output capacitance of the active devices is given. Something that without changing the physical properties of
Alternative wideband matching and output connection the TL is not possible, since the electrical length of the TL
schemes for Doherty amplifiers are evaluated for their increases linearlY �i!p fre.flu.§n.fY..:.

efficiency performance both at full output power, as well as , I

in power back-off operation. The presented theory is verified
Vout I
using a Doherty demonstrator amplifier, which allows
independent control of the input signals for the main and �I <E--­
peak device. The related measurements show the largest
high-efficiency bandwidth reported up to date for a Doherty


Currently the Doherty Power Amplifier (DPA) [1]

represents the most commonly used high efficiency concept
Fig. 1 Basic schematic of a Doherty Power Amplifier
in Base Stations. Its popularity results from its high­
efficiency performance achieved at a low hardware Hence the TL forming the inverter will imposes
complexity and cost level. A well known disadvantage of bandwidth restrictions to the OPA concept. Note in view of
the DPA, however, is its narrow bandwidth (typically < this, also the phase relations versus frequency of the input
10%). This later property complicates its application in signals, which control the current sources should track
multiband / multi-standard communication systems. perfectly the phase delay provided by the TL impedance
Consequently, custom OPA solutions for each individual inverter at each frequency. In addition to this also the
need in the market have to be developed, raising costs and output capacitance of the PA devices proves to play a very
yielding logistic problems. To address this limitation, in this decisive role in defining the maximum bandwidth of the
work we invest how the OPA bandwidth for high efficiency DPA, something that we will also include later in our
operation can be expanded. The paper is organized as analysis.
follows. First we discuss the OPA bandwidth restrictions in
section II, in section III we evaluate various matching A. Bandwidth ofthe DPA with ideal devices
topologies and connection schemes that extends the OPA
To evaluate the frequency dependent efficiency behavior
bandwidth. The actual circuit realization is given in section
of the OPA we first assume that the PA devices can be
IV, followed by experimental verification in section V and
represented by ideal current sources with zero output
the conclusions in section VI.
capacitance. Moreover, the terminal voltages of the PA
devices (which are vital for efficiency) can be calculated
II. THEORY easily if the network enclosed by the dotted rectangle in the
Fig. 1 is represented by the impedance matrix [Z],
Doherty amplifier operation is a well established
technique to increase the average efficiency of microwave
power amplifiers [1][2][3]. The diagram of a two-way %
Zo(RLCOS(!,, )+ jZosin(J,, ) �
Doherty Power Amplifier (OPA) in its most elementary
Zo cost!"� %) + jRLsin(!" %) Zo cos(!,,!!...)+ jRLsin(!,,!!...)
form is given in the Fig. 1. Here the main and peak devices 2 2 (1)
are represented by current sources connected by a n:
transmission line (TL) impedance inverter, which has an ZoRL cos(J" 2)
electrical length of rrJ2 at the center frequency of the design.
Besides being vital for the operation of the DPA, the
impedance inverter is the only frequency dependent
Note that in (1) f. is the normalized frequency with respect
component in this elementary DPA schematic (Fig. I),
to the center frequency of the design (f.=f!f), Zo the
when implemented using ideal current source like PA
impedance of the TL impedance inverter and RL the load

978-1-4244-7732-6/101$26.00 ©2010 IEEE 1504 IMS 2010

impedance. The terminal voltages of the main (V,,) and the output capacitance of the active devices. Since practical PA
peaking amplifier (Vp) are simply given by (2) and (3), devices have both output and input capacitances, their
Vm=Z1/m+Z12 Ip (2) inherent bandwidth limitation (for a particular reflection
coefficient rm) due to input and output matching is given
Vp=Z2/m+Z2/P (3)
by the (Bode-Fano criteria [6]).

( J<�
with 1m and Ip representing the currents of the main and
peaking device respectively. Once the terminal voltages are 1
LlliJln _ (5)
known, the output power (Pout) and related effi ci en cy ( TJdpa) rm RC
of the total DPA as function of back-off power and However, this maximum bandwidth can only be only be
operating frequency, can be calculated as, achieved if the PA devices are matched using wideband
P 1C Re( V , . I;, )+ Re(Vou,.!p·)
o impedance matching techniques. This is traditionally done
TJdpa =�� (4) by matching the output of the PA as impedance. In such an
�c 4 i Vm(max) i I Im l+i Vp(max) iiIpi
approach first the reactive part is tuned out by a series
Note that class-B operation [4] is assumed in (4). The inductor, after which the remaining real part is matched by a
resulting efficiency curves are given in Fig. 2 for the multi-section wideband matching network (Fig. 3a) [7].
symmetrical two-way Doherty case [2]. r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -I


• 1li • I
" Multi-section Matching Netwo k
Matching Network For Rea I Part
...... 's.;.. I
For real Part
.....�.�... �----------------- b;----------------
• 'n...

Fig. 3a) Conventional wideband matching, b) matching topology

typically applied in load modulated PA's

Doherty operation, however, requires load modulation.

Normalized Frequency Consequently, it is more practical for DPA applications to
Fig. 2. Efficiency vs. frequency of the OPA of Fig.l at 6dB and
match the PA devices as admittance, such that the load
OdB power (back-off). OPA operation with ideal current sources
modulation can be applied directly at the output terminal of
without output capacitances (dashed lines), and the O PA with the PA devices. This is usually done by first tuning out the
capacitively loaded current sources that are compensated by shunt output capacitance by a parallel inductor, and then matching
inductors (solid lines). Class-B operation is assumed for the active the real part of the output admittance (see Fig.3 b). With this
devices. topology, the matching of the reactive part forms a parallel
resonator at the output of the PA device, which by itself will
Note that for ideal devices, that act like perfect current have a band pass characteristic and therefore not only limit
sources (dashed lines), the CW efficiency at the 6dB power the bandwidth the PA devices, but also of the total OPA.
back-off versus frequency in Fig. 2 show that Doherty This efficiency degradation of the PA devices, when
operation in its most elementary implementation allows an deviating from the center frequency of the design, can be
efficiency bandwidth (bandwidth where the efficiency is represented as,
within 10% of its maximum value) at 6dB power back-off 2
TJdegr d =cos (tan -1 (21Cf.Cou! RaP! (1- J" )))
a (6)
point of 28%, while having no bandwidth restrictions at full
power. Although relatively straightforward to analyze, these which proves to be related to the output capacitance and
results in itself are quite surprising, since conventional DPA optimum loading of the PA device for a given application.
implementations [2][3], show only very narrowband The effect of this efficiency degradation due to the parallel
performance, typically resulting in an efficiency bandwidth resonator can easily incorporated in the equations (I) to (4).
of only 5 to 10%. This fact indicates that in conventional The related results for a "NXP LOMOS Gen 6" device
designs the TL impedance inverter is not the only operating at 1.OGHz at a supply voltage of 28V are plotted
bandwidth limiting component. In view of this, attention in Fig.2 with solid-lines, illustrating the typical narrow-band
also needs to be given to the bandwidth constrain imposed behavior of practical OPA implementations using
by the output capacitances of the active devices, which can conventional design approaches.
direct us to new design methods that facilitate higher
bandwidths for practical OPA designs [5].

B. DPA bandwidth for devices with output capacitance

To make our efficiency bandwidth analysis more realistic,

the analysis is now extended by including the non-zero

978-1-4244-7732-6/101$26.00 ©2010 IEEE 1505 IMS 2010

QuasiLumpedT L@Fcentr·e cannot be chosen independently. Consequently, (8) limits

the maximum de sign frequency which can be selected for
Z in,,!
this particular DPA de sign technique with a g iven device
Once the length and the characteristic impedance of this
TL are known, then (9) can be used to refine the length and
characteristic impedance of the TL by including the effect
of the bond-wire inductances.

Fig .4. Principle schematic of a DPA which absorbs the device

F tan-' (:zJ , Z=
F (::���:� }
ZT (9)
output capacitances and bond-wires into the quasi lumped
Where BF and ZF are the electric length and the
transmission line impedance inverter.
characteristic of the final transmission line required.


It can be concluded from the previous section that if the
output capacitance of the PA device can be compensated A 20-W wideband DPA was designed to evaluate the
differently, or in a more wide-band manner, the overall forgoing theory. Two bare dies of IO-W NXP Gen 6
bandwidth of the DPA can be significantly improved. One LDMOS devices were used for the branch amplifiers
attractive technique is to compensate it by absorbing it in operating in class-AB mode. The design frequency is set to
the TL forming the impedance inverter. Note that by doing 1.95 GHz, in order to avoid the frequency limit imposed by
so the efficiency versus frequency improves, since in this (8). The required length and the impedance of the final
situation we are only limited by the bandwidth of the quasi­ transmission line were calculated using (7) and (9). The
lumped transmission line, rather than by the bandwidth of complete circuit diagram of the DPA along-with the biasing
parallel resonator at the output of the active device. Fig. 4 lines / harmonic terminations is shown in the Fig. 5. Note
shows the related DPA schematic, which now also includes that the impedance of these biasing lines represents an
output capacitance and connecting bond-wires of the active important design parameter, since their related frequency
devices. Note that the transmission line along with bond­ dependent loading reactance can interact with the output
wires and output capacitance of the PA devices, indeed circuitry of the active devices. The related resonances
results in a quasi lumped TL. Consequently, if the length should be kept away from the intended operating band of
and the characteristic impedance of this artificial TL are the DPA to avoid degradation of its wideband performance.
adjusted in the proper way, it will act as an impedance This can be achieved by selecting the characteristic
inverter at the design frequency. impedance of these biasing lines such that they meet the
In order to evaluate the usability and limitations of the condition,
proposed concept, an analysis of this quasi lumped 1

ZBias < (10)
transmission line is performed. For this purpose we first
7r es
neglect the bond-wire inductances in the initial analysis for 27rhesCdev tan
sake of simplicity. Doing so, (7) gives the electrical length
and characteristic impedance of the required connecting Moreover, also the connection of the peaking amplifier to
transmission line needed to absorb the output capacitance of the load is very important, since the impedance inversion
the PA devices in the quasi-lumped inverter. path of the main to peak amplifier should not be partially
Z shared by the DPA output connection to the external load.
8 c -'(WC Z) Z 0

os dey , T0 . (8)
- _
( 7) For this reason in our design the peaking amplifier is
T directly bonded to the load along with bonding it directly to
Where, Zo is the cha ra ct erist ic impe dan ce of th e orig ina l full the quasi lumped TL (Fig. 5).
AJ4 impe dan ce in ve rte r, while BT and Zr are the calculated The remaining tasks in the circuit design of the DPA are the
electrical length an d ch aract erist ic impe dan ce of the TL, wideband output match to the 50 Ohm load, and the
wh ich forms th e in ve rter along -with the output ca pac itan ce s wideband input match of the PA devices [7]. In our design it
of the PA devices. Equation (7) also imposes a restriction has been chosen to have two individual inputs to the DPA to
on the maximum capacitance value which can be absorbed allow independent control of the phase relations of the main
in the quasi lumped transmission line, which for a particular and peak device in order to maximize its wideband
frequency is given by (8), performance.
0) < ---
As discussed befo re, 'Z'o is normally equal to the optimum
load of the active devices for delivering maximum power.
The refo re, when assuming linear power sca ling, the pro du ct
of Zo an d Cdev is fixed for a particu la r te chno log y, an d

978-1-4244-6057-1/101$26.00 C2010 IEEE 1506 IMS 2010

Dies La

lQ Modul"t.o<'S

Fig. 7. Block diagram of the measurement setup used to

Fig. 5. Simplified block diagram of the 20-W NXP Gen 6 characterize the wideband DPA

wideband DPA demonstrator.



� 80::- 9
' 00:!;:;:- --2
0 ---:: 'OO:----:::
:: 00""0 ---::27:: :::! 30·0
Frequency (MHz)

Fig. 8. Measured efficiency at peak output power and 6dB power

back-off versus frequency of the 20W wide-band Doherty Power
Frequency (MHz) amplifier demonstrator.

Fig. 6. Simulated efficiency vs. frequency at full output power and

at 6dB power back-off of the 20W wideband Doherty Power VII. CONCLUSIONS
amplifier The bandwidth limitations of Doherty amplifiers have
been evaluated. A wideband output power combing
technique for Doherty amplifiers has been proposed, which
V. SIMULATED RESULTS has been applied in a two-way Doherty amplifier with
The circuit has been designed using Agilent's Advanced independently controlled input signals for the main and
System Design (ADS). Fig. 6 shows the simulation results peaking devices. The achieved bandwidth at both a full
for full output power and at 6 dB power back-off operation. power, as well as, at 6 dB power back-off is to the best of
As expected, the DPA has its highest bandwidth at full the authors' knowledge the largest reported up to date.
power while still providing an excellent bandwidth
(>300MHz) at 6dB power back-off. The slow efficiency
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Microwave Theory & Tech., pp. 866-879, May 2007

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978-1-4244-6057-1/101$26.00 C2010 IEEE 1507 IMS 2010

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