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Diabetes Care Volume 44, December 2021 2673

Genome-Wide Meta-analysis Adem Y. Dawed,1 Sook Wah Yee,2

Kaixin Zhou,1 Nienke van Leeuwen,3
Identifies Genetic Variants Yanfei Zhang,4 Moneeza K. Siddiqui,1
Amy Etheridge5, Federico Innocenti,5
Associated With Glycemic Fei Xu,6 Josephine H. Li,7,8
Joline W. Beulens,9
Response to Sulfonylureas Amber A. van der Heijden,10,11
Roderick C. Slieker,3,10 Yu-Chuan Chang,2
Diabetes Care 2021;44:2673–2682 | https://doi.org/10.2337/dc21-1152 Josep M. Mercader,7,8
Varinderpal Kaur,7,8 John S. Witte,12
Ming Ta Michael Lee,4
Yoichiro Kamatani,13


Yukihide Momozawa,13 Michiaki Kubo,13
Colin N.A. Palmer,1 Jose C. Florez,7,8,14
Monique M. Hedderson,15
Leen M. ‘t Hart,3,16,17
Kathleen M. Giacomini,2,18 and
Ewan R. Pearson,1
for MetGen Plus, for the DIRECT

Sulfonylureas, the first available drugs for the management of type 2 diabetes,
remain widely prescribed today. However, there exists significant variability in 1
Population Health and Genomics, School of
glycemic response to treatment. We aimed to establish heritability of sulfonyl- Medicine, University of Dundee, Dundee, U.K.
urea response and identify genetic variants and interacting treatments associ- Department of Bioengineering and Therapeutic
Sciences, University of California, San Francisco,
ated with HbA1c reduction.
San Francisco, CA
Department of Cell and Chemical Biology,
RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, the
As an initiative of the Metformin Genetics Plus Consortium (MetGen Plus) and Netherlands
the DIabetes REsearCh on patient straTification (DIRECT) consortium, 5,485 Genomic Medicine Institute, Geisinger, Danville,
White Europeans with type 2 diabetes treated with sulfonylureas were recruited 5
Division of Pharmacotherapy and Experimental
from six referral centers in Europe and North America. We first estimated herita- Therapeutics, Eshelman School of Pharmacy, The
bility using the generalized restricted maximum likelihood approach and then University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,
undertook genome-wide association studies of glycemic response to sulfonylur- Chapel Hill, NC
Division of Research, Kaiser Permanente
eas measured as HbA1c reduction after 12 months of therapy followed by meta- Northern California, Oakland, CA
analysis. These results were supported by acute glipizide challenge in humans 7
Diabetes Unit and Center for Genomic Medicine,
who were naïve to type 2 diabetes medications, cis expression quantitative trait Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA
loci (eQTL), and functional validation in cellular models. Finally, we examined for Programs in Metabolism and Medical and
Population Genetics, Broad Institute of Harvard
possible drug-drug-gene interactions. and MIT, Cambridge, MA
Amsterdam UMC, location VUmc, Department
RESULTS of General Practice, Amsterdam Public Health
After establishing that sulfonylurea response is heritable (mean ± SEM 37 ± 11%), Research Institute, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Amsterdam UMC, location VUmc, Department
we identified two independent loci near the GXYLT1 and SLCO1B1 genes associ-
of Epidemiology and Data Science, Amsterdam
ated with HbA1c reduction at a genome-wide scale (P < 5 × 1028). The C allele at Public Health Research Institute, Amsterdam, the
rs1234032, near GXYLT1, was associated with 0.14% (1.5 mmol/mol), P = 2.39 × Netherlands
1028), lower reduction in HbA1c. Similarly, the C allele was associated with higher
Julius Centre for Health Sciences and Primary
Care, University Medical Centre Utrecht, Utrecht,
glucose trough levels (b = 1.61, P = 0.005) in healthy volunteers in the SUGAR- the Netherlands
MGH given glipizide (N = 857). In 3,029 human whole blood samples, the C allele 12
Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics,
is a cis eQTL for increased expression of GXYLT1 (b = 0.21, P = 2.04 × 10258). The C University of California, San Francisco, San
allele of rs10770791, in an intronic region of SLCO1B1, was associated with 0.11% Francisco, CA
RIKEN Center for Integrative Medical Sciences,
(1.2 mmol/mol) greater reduction in HbA1c (P = 4.80 × 1028). In 1,183 human liver Yokohama, Japan
2674 GWAS of Glycemic Response to Sulfonylureas Diabetes Care Volume 44, December 2021

samples, the C allele at rs10770791 is a cis eQTL for reduced SLCO1B1 expression (P = 1.61 × 1027), which, together with
functional studies in cells expressing SLCO1B1, supports a key role for hepatic SLCO1B1 (encoding OATP1B1) in regulation of
sulfonylurea transport. Further, a significant interaction between statin use and SLCO1B1 genotype was observed (P =
0.001). In statin nonusers, C allele homozygotes at rs10770791 had a large absolute reduction in HbA1c (0.48 ± 0.12% [5.2 ±
1.26 mmol/mol]), equivalent to that associated with initiation of a dipeptidyl peptidase 4 inhibitor.

We have identified clinically important genetic effects at genome-wide levels of significance, and important drug-drug-gene
interactions, which include commonly prescribed statins. With increasing availability of genetic data embedded in clinical
records these findings will be important in prescribing glucose-lowering drugs.

Sulfonylureas are potent glucose-lower- orted, so the genetic contribution to how research ethics review boards, and partici-
ing drugs that reduce HbA1c by an aver- patients respond to sulfonylureas and pants provided written informed consent.
age of 1.5% (18 mmol/mol) (1). Despite clinical implication of this genetic varia-
an increasing trend to use more mod- tion have not been systematically studied. Sample Ascertainment
ern, expensive treatments, sulfonylureas As an initiative of the Metformin Genetics Clinical, prescription, and biochemical
remain commonly prescribed in the Plus Consortium (MetGen Plus) and the data were retrieved from the electronic
U.K., making up 27% of new prescrip- DIabetes REsearCh on patient straTifica- medical record systems. Participants
tions, second only to metformin (2). tion (DIRECT) consortium, we report here with type 2 diabetes aged >35 years at
Due to their very low cost, they are the first genome-wide meta-analysis of diagnosis who used sulfonylureas with
extensively used in low- and middle- glycemic response to sulfonylureas, mea- no history of insulin use were identified.
income countries. However, consider- sured as HbA1c reduction after 12 months They were stably treated with sulfony-
able variation exists in response to sul- of therapy. Based on these findings we lureas for at least 6 months with no
fonylureas, with 10–20% of people with then explore the impact of interacting other glucose-lowering drug started or
diabetes not responding at initiation of drugs and identify clinically important stopped within the study period. The
sulfonylurea therapy and 30–35% failing genotype-dependent statin-sulfonylurea baseline HbA1c was between 7% (53.0
to respond to monotherapy after 5 years interactions for this important class of dia- mmol/mol) and 14% (129.5 mmol/mol)
(3,4). It is likely that a combination of betes therapies. at sulfonylurea initiation.
genetic and nongenetic modifying fac-
tors underlies the clinical variability of Measurement of Glycemic Response
glycemic response to sulfonylureas. While and Definition of Variables
many clinical risk factors such as baseline List of abbreviations used throughout this Participants’ glycemic response to sulfo-
HbA1c, sex, duration of diabetes, and dose article and their corresponding explana- nylurea was modeled as the quantita-
are associated with glycemic response to tions are shown in Supplementary Table 1. tive phenotype of HbA1c reduction
sulfonylureas (5–7), modulatory genetic between baseline HbA1c and treatment
factors remain largely unexplored, with Study Design and Participants HbA1c while the patients were main-
the exception of a few proof of concept We established an international consor- tained on stable treatment. Baseline
studies with use of a candidate gene tium allowing recruitment of 5,485 unre- HbA1c was defined as the HbA1c mea-
approach (8–12). lated individuals of European ancestry sure closest to sulfonylurea initiation
Glycemic response to metformin is her- from six referral centers in Europe and and within 6 months before and 7 days
itable, with 34% of the variance in North America as part of MetGen Plus after this date. The treatment HbA1c
response explainable by common genetic and the DIRECT consortium (Supple- was the HbA1c measure closest to 12
variants (13–15). There have been no sim- mentary Table 2). Included participants months after initiation of sulfonylureas
ilar estimates for sulfonylurea response, had a clinical diagnosis of type 2 diabetes (between 6 and 15 months).
and to date, no genome-wide association and were treated with sulfonylureas as In all the studies, covariates were
studies (GWAS) of glycemic response to monotherapy or as an add-on to metfor- selected based on previous reports and
sulfonylurea treatment have been rep- min. This study was approved by respective univariate association between the

Department of Medicine, Harvard Medical Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the A.Y.D. and S.W.Y. are joint first authors.
School, Boston, MA Netherlands K.M.G. and E.R.P. are joint senior authors.
15 18
Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Institute for Human Genetics, University of
© 2021 by the American Diabetes Association.
University of California, San Francisco, San California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA
Readers may use this article as long as the
Francisco, CA
16 Corresponding author: Ewan R. Pearson, e.z. work is properly cited, the use is educational
Department of Biomedical Data Sciences,
pearson@dundee.ac.uk and not for profit, and the work is not altered.
Section Molecular Epidemiology, Leiden University
Received 31 May 2021 and accepted 20 August More information is available at https://www.
Medical Center, Leiden, the Netherlands
17 2021 diabetesjournals.org/content/license.
Department of General Practice Medicine,
Amsterdam Public Health Research Institute, This article contains supplementary material online
Amsterdam University Medical Center, Vrije at https://doi.org/10.2337/figshare.16593023.
care.diabetesjournals.org Dawed and Associates 2675

outcome variable (HbA1c reduction) and where imputation was performed with SNPs from 5,485 independent individuals
explanatory variables. The best fit linear the HRC.r1-1 EUR reference genome of European ancestors treated with sul-
regression model was determined using (GRCh37 build) using the Michigan server. fonylureas (l = 1.008) (Supplementary
stepwise backward elimination. Accord- Postimputation, SNPs with poor imputa- Fig. 2).
ingly, baseline HbA1c, sex, age at diagno- tion quality (INFO < 0.6), monomorphic
sis, baseline BMI, average daily dose, variants, or MAF <5% were excluded Common Variant Heritability
time between baseline HbA1c and treat- (Supplementary Fig. 1). We used the generalized restricted max-
ment HbA1c, and drug group (sulfonylurea imum likelihood approach under the
monotherapy or sulfonylurea added to Genome-Wide Association Analysis LDAK assumptions using SumHer v5.1
metformin) were considered in the final Following imputation, GWAS was con- (23) to estimate how much of the vari-
model as available in each cohort ducted for each respective cohort under ance in HbA1c reduction after sulfonyl-
(Supplementary Table 3). Average daily an additive genetic model for assess- urea treatment could be attributed to
dose was calculated as the mean daily ment of the role of common variants common genetic variants (SNP-based
dose of prescriptions filled during the (MAF $5%) in glycemic response to sul- heritability [h2 SNP]). This method is a
study period (mean of percentage of fonylureas. Each SNP was tested for valid approach for estimating heritability
each sulfonylurea divided by maximum association with quantitative measure in studies in which acquisition of data
prescribable according to the British Nat- of sulfonylurea-related HbA1c reduction of family members with the same diag-
ional Formulary). Baseline weight was the with SNPTEST v2.536 (18) using multiple nosis who have received the same med-
measure nearest to the sulfonylurea start linear regression correcting for baseline ication and were assessed with use of
date (index date) and within 180 days on HbA1c, genotypic PCs, and other study- the same treatment outcome is not fea-
either side of the index date. Each study specific variables (Supplementary Table sible. In addition, SumHer uses GWAS
was adjusted for the top n principal com- 3). Genome-wide association analyses summary without requiring individual-
ponents (PCs) to account for 80–90% of were carried out separately by respective level data (23). Therefore, we estimated
the variation in population structure. study centers. Prior to meta-analysis, we the SNP heritability using summary sta-
The final response model was as fol- performed post-GWAS harmonization and tistics from the meta-GWAS. To avoid
lows: HbA1c reduction  baseline HbA1c quality control of GWAS results from the impact of extreme linkage disequi-
1 PCs 1 study-specific covariates.
each cohort to track possible errors in librium (LD) regions and disproportion-
the study-specific analyses. We used ately large effect size SNPs on herit-
Genome-Wide Array Genotyping,
the standard protocol accompanied by ability estimates, we exclude SNPs
Quality Control, and Imputation
the EasyQC R package (19). Specifi- within the MHC (chromosome 6: 25–34
For each respective cohort genome-wide
cally, we removed SNPs with MAF Mb) and SNPs that individually explain
genotyping was performed on a variety
<5%, low imputation quality (<0.6), >1% of phenotypic variation and SNPs
of arrays as illustrated in Supplementary
large absolute values of b-coefficients in LD with these (within 1 cM).
Table 3. Genotyping and quality control
and SEs ($10), low call rate (<0.98),
procedures for the Genetics of Diabetes
Audit and Research in Tayside Scotland and deviations from Hardy-Weinberg Conditional Analysis
(GoDARTS), Hoorn Diabetes Care System equilibrium (P < 106). Meta-analysis Given rs10770791 is in partial LD with
(DCS), and Pharmacogenomics of Met- was then performed with use of an previously established nonsynonymous
formin (PMET) cohorts have previously inverse variance–weighted fixed-effects variants, rs4149056 (*5; V174A, D0 = 1;
been described (13,15,16). Genotyping model, implemented in GWAMA v2.1.34 r2 = 0.17) and rs2306283 (*1B; N130D,
data for each platform were individually (20). Post–meta-analysis, SNPs with MAF D0 = 0.98; r2 = 0.63), we performed con-
cleaned by each study center. Standard <5%, available in fewer than six studies, ditional analysis by including these SNPs
postgenotyping quality control proce- with large absolute values of b-coeffi- in the model together. This analysis was
dures were applied to each data set cients and SEs ($10) were excluded carried out with individual-level data
(Supplementary Fig. 1). Monomorphic (Supplementary Fig. 1). Heterogeneity from the GoDARTS and PMET cohorts
single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) was assessed with the I2 metric from the (65% of the total population) and base-
with minor allele frequency (MAF) <1%, complete study-level meta-analysis. line HbA1c, PCs, and other study-specific
call rate <98%, or Hardy-Weinberg equi- Between-study heterogeneity was tested covariates.
librium <106 were removed. Samples with the Cochran Q statistic and consid-
with genotyping calls <98% or heterozy- ered significant at P < 0.1. We used the Biochemical Response to Glipizide
gosity >3 SDs from the mean or corre- commonly accepted threshold of 5.0 × To test weather meta-GWAS–identified
lated with another sample (identity by 108 for joint P values to determine sta- genetic variants are associated with
descent >0.125) were filtered out. All tistical significance. Nominal significance trough glucose levels, we performed a
genetic variants were mapped to and was considered to be P < 0.05. The lookup using data from the Study to
reported with Genome Reference Consor- CMplot package (21) in R was used to Understand the Genetics of the Acute
tium Human genome build 37 (GRCh37). generate Manhattan and quantile-quantile Response to Metformin and Glipizide in
Each data set was then imputed to the plots. Regional plots around genome-wide Humans (SUGAR-MGH). SUGAR-MGH
1000 Genomes CEU reference panel or suggestive genes were visualized using enrolled 1,000 participants at risk for anti-
(phase 1, version 3) with IMPUTE soft- LocusZoom (22). The final meta-analysis diabetes therapy in the future or indi-
ware (17), except PMET2 and Geisinger included 5,385,635 common autosomal viduals with lifestyle-controlled type 2
2676 GWAS of Glycemic Response to Sulfonylureas Diabetes Care Volume 44, December 2021

diabetes naïve to treatment. Participants the SLCO1B1 and SLCO1B3 region, which (*5), previously established by our group
received a single dose of 5 mg glipizide are genes that are abundantly expressed (27). These cell lines were used to deter-
followed by measurement of glucose and in the liver. mine the uptake of 3H-glyburide, 3H-gli-
insulin levels at 30, 60, 90, 120, 180, and The human whole blood eQTL lookup pizide, and 3H-esterone sulfate (as
240 min. This was used to construct phe- was performed with use of data from positive control). In brief, each well was
notypes of acute glipizide response. The the DIRECT consortium in a total of 3, transfected with 200 ng DNA vector with
association of rs1234032 and rs10770791 029 subjects at high risk of developing 0.4 mL Lipofectamine LTX transfection
with glipizide response was assessed with type 2 diabetes or with recently diag- reagent (Thermo Fisher Scientific) in a
linear regression with baseline glucose, nosed type 2 diabetes (25). A detailed 48-well poly-d-lysine–coated plate.
age, sex, and the first 10 PCs as a covari- explanation of the eQTL analysis has Uptake studies were then performed
ate (see Supplementary Notes). previously been published (26), and after 48 h with the methods described
summary statistics are available (DOI: above and in triplicate wells.
Drug-Drug-Gene Interaction Analysis 10.5281/zenodo.4475681).
Given we have identified a genetic vari- Data and Resource Availability
ant in the SLCO1B1 (a gene encoding Cell Culture and In Vitro Transport Summary-level data that underlie the
hepatic transporter of statins) associated and Inhibition Studies results reported in this article are avail-
with glycemic response to sulfonylureas, Human embryonic kidney (HEK)-293 Flp- able upon request to the corresponding
we checked for interaction between In cells stably expressing empty vector author.
SLCO1B1 rs10770791 and statin use in a (EV), OATP1B1, and OATP1B3, were used
drug-drug-gene interaction model using for performance of in vitro transport and
linear regression, with HbA1c reduction inhibition studies to establish the potency
of inhibitors as IC50 (i.e., concentration of Glycemic Response to Sulfonylureas
as the dependent variable. This analysis
Is Heritable
was performed with use of individual- inhibitor required to inhibit 50% uptake
The SNP heritability estimate (h2) for a
level data from the GoDARTS and PMET of a particular OATP1B1 and OATP1B3
model-adjusted absolute reduction in
cohorts where we have access to pre- substrate). Stably transfected HEK-293
HbA1c was mean ± SEM 37 ± 11%, com-
scription data. Flp-In cells were maintained in DMEM
H-21 supplemented with 10% FBS, 100 parable with our previous estimate for
Statin-treated case subjects were
units/mL penicillin, 100 units/mL strepto- metformin (h2 = 34%) (14). This suggests
recipients of sulfonylureas who were
mycin, and 500 mg/mL geneticin. For that approximately one-third of the
also prescribed statins for at least the 3
transport studies, 150,000 cells/well were total variance of glycemic response to
months prior to the measurement of
treatment HbA1c. Statin untreated con- seeded the day before the experiment on sulfonylureas is due to the additive
trol subjects were those recipients of sul- a poly-d-lysine–coated 48-well plate. After effects of common variants.
fonylureas who did not receive a statin 16–24 h, media were removed and cells
prescription for at least 1 year prior to were incubated at 37 C for 5–10 min in GWAS Identifies Two Variants
0.5 mL Hanks’ balanced salt solution Associated With Altered Glycemic
measurement of the treatment HbA1c.
Response to Sulfonylureas
(HBSS) (Thermo Fisher Scientific). Uptake
Meta-GWAS identified two genome-
Expression Quantitative Trait Locus studies were initiated after removal of
0.3 mL of the HBSS above and addition wide significant variants, rs1234032
Expression quantitative trait loci (eQTL) of 0.15 mL HBSS containing a trace and rs10770791, both on chromosome
analysis seeks to identify genetic var- amount of 3H-glyburide (NET1024250UC; 12 (Fig. 1, Supplementary Fig. 2, and
iants that affect the expression of one PerkinElmer), 3H-glipizide (MT1855; Mor- Table 1). The most significant associa-
or more genes: a gene-SNP pair for avek), or 3H-esterone sulfate (as positive tion was obtained for rs1234032, with
which the expression of the gene is control, NET203250UC; PerkinElmer). After a mean ± SEM 0.14 ± 0.03% (1.5 ±
associated with the allelic configura- 5 min, radioactive substrates were rem- 0.3 mmol/mol) difference in HbA1c
tion of the SNP is referred to as an oved and washed twice with 1 mL ice- reduction per C allele; P = 2.39 × 108.
eQTL. eQTL lookups were performed in cold HBSS. For inhibition studies, the No statistical evidence for difference in
human liver and whole blood samples same methods above were used, where effect size between studies was obs-
for rs10770791 and rs1234032, respec- 3
H-glyburide was used as substrate and erved (P for heterogeneity [Phet] = 0.55)
tively. Additional lookups were per- various concentrations of atorvastatin (Fig. 3). We then examined data from a
formed using publicly available data (Cayman Chemical) or simvastatin (Cay- healthy volunteer population (SUG-
from the Genotype-Tissue Expression man Chemical) were added together AR-MGH, N = 857) given a single dose
(GTEx) consortium. with 3H-glyburide. For comparison of the of glipizide (28) and found that the C
The human liver eQTL lookups were uptake of 3H-glyburide and 3H-glipizide allele of rs1234032 was associated with
carried out using data from a previous in OATP1B1 reference and OATP1B1- higher postdose glucose trough levels
study performed by the group of F.I. 174A (*5)–expressing cells, studies were (b = 1.61, P = 0.005), and thus worse
(24). In brief, this eQTL study was per- performed using stable and transiently response, consistent with our GWAS
formed with 1,183 liver samples, com- transfected cells. The stable and tran- findings. rs1234032 is an intergenic SNP,
bined from four data sets (24). We sient experiments were carried out with near GXYLT1 (Fig. 2 and Fig. 3), a gene
looked up the top associated SNP, HEK-293 Flp-In cell lines expressing EV, that encodes a xylose transferase.
rs10770791, from this study, as it is in OATP1B1 reference, and OATP1B1-174A rs1234032 is a cis eQTL to GXYLT1 in the
care.diabetesjournals.org Dawed and Associates 2677

Figure 1—Manhattan plot of genome-wide results from single marker association with glycemic response to sulfonylureas with use of an additive
genetic model in a meta-analysis consisting of 5,485 individuals with type 2 diabetes on sulfonylureas.

whole blood with use of 3,029 samples (P = 2.8 × 109), artery aorta (P = 3.4 × within the cis-regulatory elements (https://
from the DIRECT consortium, with the C 106), nerve tibial (P = 3.6 × 106) and screen.wenglab.org/). The C allele of
allele being associated with increased whole blood (P = 0.01) from the GTEx rs1234032 is also in LD with the A allele of
expression (b = 0.21, P = 2.04 × 1058). consortium (29), with the C allele associ- rs7964383 (D0 = 0.98, r2 = 0.41), which is
rs1234032 also showed a significant ated with increased expression. These highly associated with increased whole
association with GXYLT1 expression in significant eQTL analyses could be due blood gene expression (P = 1.7 × 104)
multiple tissues including adipose subcu- to strong linkage of rs1234032 (D0 = 1 (29) and circulating protein levels of
taneous (P = 8.1 × 105), artery tibial and R2 = 0.95) to rs7958582, which is GXYLT1 (30). Both rs7958582 (b per G

Table 1—Results for index variants in the top 15 independent loci (P < 1.0 × 1025) associated with glycemic response
rsID Chr Position Nearest gene EA NEA EAF b§ SE P N studies Phet N samples
rs1234032 12 42354629 GXYLT1 C T 0.252 0.141429 0.025 2.39 × 10 7 0.55 4,810
rs10770791 12 21338406 SLCO1B1 C T 0.498 0.107475 0.020 4.80 × 108 8 0.93 5,476
rs2217693 12 21107376 SLCO1B3–SLCO1B7 G A 0.925 0.188639 0.037 8.40 × 10 8 0.34 5,479
rs8062936 16 52475969 TOX3 G A 0.371 0.122292 0.023 1.57 × 107 7 0.39 4,810
rs7965567 12 21161025 SLCO1B3–SLCO1B7 T G 0.051 0.251377 0.051 7.81 × 10 6 0.57 4,591
rs7703659 5 83222316 LOC107986386 A G 0.132 0.14596 0.030 1.15 × 106 8 0.30 5,478
rs1900362 13 85059600 LINC00333 G A 0.339 0.102358 0.021 1.26 × 10 8 0.69 5,475
rs11816402 10 61491043 MRLN T C 0.082 0.217113 0.046 2.66 × 106 7 0.39 4,810
rs11667346 19 8817909 NFILZ G A 0.099 0.194814 0.042 4.39 × 106 6 0.37 4,591
rs59012839 9 138419280 LCN1 G A 0.097 0.216643 0.047 4.51 × 10 6 0.56 4,210
rs12928694 16 10067543 GRIN2A A C 0.159 0.123792 0.027 5.52 × 106 8 0.56 5,475
rs58013952 19 29917652 LOC284395 T C 0.115 0.160896 0.036 5.78 × 10 7 0.56 4,810
rs75553467 1 74014130 LINC02238 C G 0.059 0.233071 0.052 6.31 × 106 6 0.48 4,591
rs73239453 4 14122932 LINC01085 T C 0.106 0.160255 0.036 8.69 × 10 7 0.93 4,810
rs10250448 7 33489223 BBS9 G A 0.10 0.15 0.03 8.94 × 106 8 0.78 5,479

Data shown are for index variants identified in a GWAS meta-analysis of sulfonylurea users with type 2 diabetes. Chr, chromosome; EA, effec-
tive allele; EAF, effective allele frequency; NEA, noneffective allele; rsID, reference SNP cluster identifier. §Negative b value implies that the
effective allele is associated with reduced response to sulfonylureas.
2678 GWAS of Glycemic Response to Sulfonylureas Diabetes Care Volume 44, December 2021

Figure 2—Regional association plots around genome-wide significant SNPs, rs1234032 (left) and rs10770791 (right) locus at chromosome 12, for
the meta-GWAS. The purple diamonds in both plots indicate the top SNPs in the locus.

allele = 0.10, P = 1.84 × 1006) and cohorts with similar effect sizes with no rs10770791 Is an eQTL for SLCO1B1
rs7964383 (b per A allele = 0.06, P = significant heterogeneity (Phet = 0.94) That Encodes OATP1B1, a
0.003) were also nominally associated (Fig. 3). rs10770791 genotype was not Transporter of Sulfonylureas
with glycemic response to sulfonylureas. significantly associated with sulfonylurea Focusing on the SLCO1B1 locus, we per-
The second variant, rs10770791, is dose modification (P = 0.16) or drug formed locus-wide meta-analysis to iden-
located in an intron of SLCO1B1 (Fig. 2), group (the likelihood of being on mono- tify the candidate causal gene (Fig. 2).
and each copy of the C allele (frequency or dual therapy) (P = 0.29). No significant We also examined two established com-
49.8%) was associated with a mean ± association between rs10770791 and mon nonsynonymous variants in SLCO1B1,
SEM 0.11 ± 0.02% (1.2 ± 0.2 mmol/mol) postglipizide trough glucose concentra- rs4149056 (*5; V174A) and rs2306283
greater HbA1c reduction; P = 4.80 × tion was observed in healthy volun- (*1B; N130D) (30). rs4149056 (D0 = 1; r2 =
108. Stratified analyses showed a con- teers given glipizide in SUGAR-MGH 0.17) and rs2306283 (D0 = 0.98; r2 = 0.63)
sistent direction of association across (b = 0.37, P = 0.46). were in partial LD with rs10770791, with

Figure 3—Forest plot of the meta-analysis of the association of HbA1c reduction with rs1234032 (left) and rs10770791 (right) variants after sulfo-
nylurea treatment. Information on the various cohorts can be found in Supplementary Data. The numbers in parentheses indicate the number of
individuals in each of the cohorts. The last column shows the effect size [95% CI].
care.diabetesjournals.org Dawed and Associates 2679

Figure 4—Glyburide and glipizide uptake in HEK-293 Flp-ln cells recombinantly expressing SLCO1B1 or SLCO1B3. A: Uptake of [3H]-glyburide and
[3H]-glipizide in HEK-293 Flp-ln stable cells expressing EV, SLCO1B1, or SLCO1B3. Rifampicin (50 mmol/L) is used as a canonical inhibitor of SLCO1B1
and SLCO1B3 P values, representing significance from EV, were determined by one-way ANOVA followed by Dunnett two-tailed test. ****P <
0.0001; ***P < 0.001; **P < 0.01; *P < 0.05. Bars represent the mean ± SEM uptake from three wells. Values shown are from a representative
experiment of at least three independent studies. B: Uptake of [3H]-estrone sulfate, [3H]- glyburide, and [3H]-glipizide in HEK-293 Flp-ln stable cells
expressing EV, SLCO1B1, and SLCO1B1 V174A. Estrone sulfate is a canonical substrate of SLCO1B1 and is used as a positive control in this assay.
P values, for significance from EV, were determined by one-way ANOVA followed by Dunnett two-tailed test. ****P < 0.0001; ***P < 0.001;
**P < 0.01; *P < 0.05. Bars represent the mean ± SEM uptake from four wells from a representative experiment. The uptake values for [3H]-gly-
buride and [3H]-glipizide shown are from at least four independent studies with three or four replicates per study. C: Inhibition of [3H]-glyburide
uptake by atorvastatin and simvastatin acid in HEK-293 Flp-ln stable cells expressing SLCO1B1 and SLCO1B3. Each point represents the mean ± SEM
uptake from four wells. Values shown are from a representative experiment of two independent studies.

both rs4149056 (mean ± SEM b = 0.10 ± (b = 0.06 ± 0.05% [0.7 ± 0.4 mmol/mol], Glyburide is a substrate of both
0.03% [1.1 ± 0.3 mmol/mol], P = 2.72 × P = 0.19) not significant. OATP1B1 and OATP1B3 (31–35), whereas
10 4) and rs2306283 (b = 0.08 ± 0.02% We then undertook eQTL lookups of there are conflicting reports about glipi-
[0.9 ± 0.2 mmol/mol], P = 4.32 × 105) SLCO1B1 expression in 1,183 liver sam- zide, which has been shown to be a sub-
nominally associated with sulfonylurea ples of European ancestry (24) and dem- strate of OATP1B3 but not OATP1B1
response. However, in a conditional analy- onstrated that the C-allele of rs10770791 (31). We therefore undertook functional
sis where we have individual-level data was associated with decreased SLCO1B1 studies on sulfonylurea transport and
from the GoDARTS and PMET cohorts, expression (b = 5.24, P = 1.61 × 107) observed that both glyburide and glipi-
n = 3,557 (65% of the total population), and, marginally, with decreased SLCO1B3 zide were substrates of OATP1B1 and
only rs10770791 remained strongly associ- expression (b = 2.46, P = 0.01). We OATP1B3 in HEK-293 cells recombinantly
ated with sulfonylurea response (b = 0.15 ± found directionally consistent but nonsig- expressing the transporters (Fig. 4A). Fur-
0.05% [2 ± 0.4 mmol/mol], P = 1.4 × 103), nificant associations in the 208 liver sam- ther, we observed that OATP1B1 Ala174
with rs4149056 (b = 0.03 ± 0.05% [0.3 ± ples examined in the GTEx project (b = (c.521C) had a significantly lower uptake
0.4 mmol/mol], P = 0.58) and rs2306283 0.06, P = 0.13 for SLCO1B1). of glyburide (P < 0.002) and a trend
2680 GWAS of Glycemic Response to Sulfonylureas Diabetes Care Volume 44, December 2021

toward a lower uptake of glipizide (P = (Supplementary Table 6). C allele (glibenclamide), glimepiride, tolazamide,
0.06) compared with OATP1B1 Val174 homozygotes at rs10770797 had a 0.48 and tolbutamide were prescribed for the
(c.521T) (Fig. 4B). ± 0.12% (5.2 ± 1.26 mmol/mol) greater subjects in this study. Approximately 90%
absolute HbA1c reduction than T allele of the prescriptions in GoDARTS were for
Statins Inhibit Sulfonylurea homozygotes. gliclazide, and glipizide was the main sul-
Transport via OATP1B1; Genetically fonylurea in the PMET cohorts. While gli-
Reduced OATP1B1 Transport Has a CONCLUSIONS clazide and glimepiride are substrates of
Large Effect in Nonstatin Users OATP1B1 (31,34), glyburide has been
We report the first meta-GWAS on glyce-
Given the high frequency with which shown to be a substrate of both
hypercholesterolemia and diabetes co- mic response to sulfonylureas and estab-
lish that this trait is heritable with a 37% OATP1B1 and OATP1B3 (31,34–36,41,42).
occur, statins are often taken concom- However, there are conflicting reports
itantly with sulfonylureas. OATP1B1, heritability estimate. We have identified
about glipizide, which has been shown to
expressed on the basolateral membrane two novel loci at chromosome 12 and
be a substrate of OATP1B3 but not
of human hepatocytes (36), contributes confirmed a potential involvement of the
OATP1B1 (36). Here we show that both
to the hepatic uptake of sulfonylureas GXYLT1 and SLCO1B1 genes in glycemic
glyburide and glipizide were substrates of
and statins from portal blood (37). We response to sulfonylureas. We report
OATP1B1 and OATP1B3. Further, we
therefore sought to examine whether large clinical effects of variants in
observed a significantly lower uptake of
SLCO1B1, which encodes a transporter
the initiation of statins in patients glyburide (P < 0.002) and a trend toward
receiving sulfonylurea is associated with for sulfonylureas in the liver where it is
a lower uptake of glipizide (P = 0.06) for
glycemic response in a drug-drug-gene metabolized, and report interaction with
OATP1B1 Ala174 (c.521C) compared with
interaction model with a sample of coprescription of statins.
OATP1B1 Val174 (c.521T). Examination of
3,566 adults, where we have access to The SNP rs1234032 is an eQTL for
other known missense variants (rs60140950
individual-level data. On the basis of GXYLT1 in multiple tissues including whole
[p.Gly256Ala], rs11045681 [p.Tyr311Ser], and
retrospective data from the GoDARTS blood. GXYLT1 adds the first xylose to O-
rs11045819 [p.Pro155Thr]) in the SLCO1B3
and PMET cohorts, 2,096 (59%) sulfo- glucose–modified residues in NOTCH1
and SLCO1B3–SLCO1B7 regions that are in
nylurea users were coprescribed statins (31), which is a major determinant of partial LD with rs10770791 showed no signif-
and 1,470 (41%) were not. In a multiple pancreatic islet cell mass and insulin icant association. Taken together these
linear regression model adjusted for secretion and is a risk factor for diabetes results suggest that the pharmacogenetic
baseline HbA1c, statin cotreatment was (32). The C allele at rs1234032 was associ- mechanism for the effect of rs10770791 on
associated with greater HbA1c reduction ated with increased expression of GXYLT1. sulfonylurea response is primarily a result of
on initiation of sulfonylurea, but only Transgenic overexpression of human altered hepatic expression of SLCO1B1 and,
with adjustment for rs10770791 (mean GXYLT1 was previously shown to impair to a lesser extent, SLCO1B3. Partial LD of
± SEM 0.22 ± 0.09% [2 ± 1.0 mmol/ Notch signaling (39). Notch signaling rs10770791 with various missense variants
mol], P = 0.02). These results highlight a pathway is known to play an important may contribute to its effect on sulfonylurea
significant interaction between statin role in regulating development of pan- response; however, conditional analysis dem-
use and SLCO1B1 genotype (rs10770791) creas and also shown to be expressed in onstrated association of rs10770791 with gly-
(P = 0.001) (Supplementary Table 4). In adult pancreas (40). In a recent study, cemic response independent of the mis-
support of these results, we show that Eom et al. (40) compared glucose levels, sense variants. The reduced SLCO1B1 expres-
atorvastatin acid and simvastatin acid insulin secretion, and islet and b-cell sion likely results in less OATP1B1-mediated
inhibited OATP1B1- and OATP1B3-medi- masses in Notch1 antisense transgenic transport of sulfonylurea into the liver and
ated uptake of glyburide, with IC50 val- (NAS) and control mice after intraperito- potentially higher plasma concentrations
ues ranging between 0.2 and 2.9 mmol/L neal glucose tolerance test. Higher glu- available at the site of action (pancreas).
(Supplementary Table 5), consistent with cose levels, lower insulin secretion, and There is a high prevalence of multi-
previous studies showing that these two decreased total islet and b-cell masses morbidity and subsequent polyphar-
statins inhibit OATP1B1-mediated uptake were shown in NAS in comparison with macy in type 2 diabetes, highlighting a
of estradiol-17b-glucuronide (38). control mice. In line with this, we have need to consider drug-drug as well as
We then performed stratified analysis shown increased trough glucose concen- drug-drug-gene interactions in predic-
to see whether statin use modifies the tration with the C allele in healthy volun- tion models of glycemic response to sul-
association between rs10770791 and sul- teers who were naïve to type 2 diabetes fonylureas. Given that statins are often
fonylurea-related HbA1c reduction using a medications who received a glipizide chal- taken concomitantly with sulfonylureas,
similar model. We observed that the lenge and, hence, worse response. with both being substrates of OATP1B1,
effect of rs10770791 was abolished in sul- The C allele at rs10770791 was sig- we examined for a possible drug-drug-
fonylurea users prescribed statins (mean nificantly associated with reduced gene interaction and showed a signifi-
± SEM b = 0.053 ± 0.03% [0.6 ± 0.3 expression of SLCO1B1 mRNA in the cant interaction between statin use and
mmol/mol)], P = 0.11). However, among liver and worse glycemic response to SLCO1B1 genotype (rs10770791) (P =
users of sulfonylureas without statins, we sulfonylureas. SLCO1B1 encodes the 0.001). Stratified analysis by statin use
found a pronounced HbA1c reduction organic anion-transporting polypeptide, showed differential effects of rs10770791
associated with the C allele of OATP1B1, which facilitates the hepatic in statin users and nonusers. While the
rs10770791 (b = 0.23 ± 0.049% [2.4 ± uptake of clinically relevant drugs such association between rs10770791 and gly-
0.6 mmol/mol], P = 3.1 × 106 ) as statins. Gliclazide, glipizide, glyburide cemic response to sulfonylureas was
care.diabetesjournals.org Dawed and Associates 2681

abolished in statin users, it was more ween rs10770791, a cis eQTL for SLCO1B1 ported by NIDDK, NIH, T32-DK007028. J.C.F. is
pronounced in statin nonusers. In those expression in the liver, and glycemic supported by NIDDK, NIH, K24-DK110550.
Geisinger MyCode type 2 diabetes project
not treated with statins nearly one-quar- response to sulfonylureas, with reduced was supported by the Geisinger Health Plan
ter of the population who carry two C SLCO1B1 expression associating with Quality Pilot Fund (Principal Investigator:
alleles at rs10770791 had a 0.48% (5.2 increased response to sulfonylureas. Our M.T.M.L.). E.R.P. has received honoraria for
mmol/mol) greater HbA1c reduction com- results suggest the potential of rs10 speaking from Lilly and Sanofi. J.C.F. has
pared with T allele homozygotes. These received honoraria for speaking at scientific
770791 to be a biomarker for stratified
conferences from Novo and for consulting
large effects are the equivalent of those medicine in diabetes. In addition, we from Goldfinch Bio. No other potential con-
in starting a dipeptidyl peptidase 4 inhibi- have highlighted significant drug-drug- flicts of interest relevant to this article were
tor (43) and equated to a dose difference gene interactions for sulfonylurea, statin reported.
of 28 mg gliclazide. Our findings suggest use, and rs10770791, with clinically act- Author Contributions. A.Y.D, S.W.Y, L.M.‘t.H.,
K.M.G., and E.R.P. contributed to conception
that the previous reported observational ionable genetic effects with pronounced
and design of the study. A.Y.D., S.W.Y., N.V.L.,
association between statins and hypogly- differences in HbA1c reduction in a sub- Y.Z., M.K.S., A.E., F.I, F.X., J.H.L., R.C.S., and
cemia in sulfonylurea users (44) may be group of patients treated with sulfonylur- Y.-C.C. contributed to data analysis. S.W.Y., A.E.,
explained by interactions at SLCO1B1, eas without statins. Over the next 5 years F.I., J.M.M, V.K., J.S.W., M.T.M.L., Y.K., Y.M., M.K.,
depending on the underlying genotype. we will see an ever-increasing availability C.N.A.P., J.C.F., M.M.H., and L.M.‘t.H. contrib-
uted to data collection and genotyping. A.Y.D.,
The findings are consistent with previous of genotype or sequence data embedded S.W.Y., K.M.G., and E.R.P. contributed to manu-
studies in healthy volunteers and rodents in the medical records; given replication, script writing, with contributions from all
demonstrating that atorvastatin adminis- the SLCO1B1-statin interaction could be authors on the final version. A.Y.D. S.W.Y, K.M.G.,
tration is associated with increased levels clinically actionable and will need to be and E.R.P are the guarantors of this work and,
of glimepiride (45) and glyburide (46), taken into account at the point of pre- as such, had full access to all the data in the
study and take responsibility for the integrity of
respectively. Given that there is a strong scribing sulfonylureas. the data and the accuracy of the data analysis.
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