Case Study Ethical Decision-Making
Case Study Ethical Decision-Making
Case Study Ethical Decision-Making
Mitchell, P. A. (Ed.). (2019). Ethical decision-making : Cases in organization and leadership. Myers Education Press.
Created from nu on 2023-03-26 16:59:35.
Te Case of the Missing Performance Reviews 123
have a good retirement package, not to mention the severance you’ve con-
vinced me to ofer. Letting them go will let us lower our overhead and save
jobs for the younger people—you know, the ones with young kids and fami-
lies just starting out.” Margo thought for a moment. “Have these employees
been informed that their performance has not been satisfactory” she asked?
“Well, good question,” the CEO responded. “I’ve tried to talk with each one
of them, or most of them, in any case, informally every year and we’ve talked
in general about when they might want to consider retiring for a number of
years now. It’s true, some of them seemed to get the hint, others didn’t. But in
Mitchell, P. A. (Ed.). (2019). Ethical decision-making : Cases in organization and leadership. Myers Education Press.
Created from nu on 2023-03-26 16:59:35.
124 et h i c a l d e c i s i o n - m a k i n g
any case, we have got to do what is in the best interests of the company, don’t
we? If we don’t, in this competitive environment, no one will have a job.”
As they got up from the table, the CEO put her arm around Margo’s shoul-
der. “By the way,” she said, “you should know that both the executive commit-
tee and I think you’ve really been doing a good job. Tis makes me feel good
about what a good choice I made when I hired you!” she said with a smile.
“Also, I’m glad you talked with me today about these employees. It’s a good
reminder that you and I always need to keep all communication channels
open!” Margo smiled in return as she lef the CEO’s ofce. But as she walked
down the corridor, she knew there were some important issues she needed
to think about.
Mitchell, P. A. (Ed.). (2019). Ethical decision-making : Cases in organization and leadership. Myers Education Press.
Created from nu on 2023-03-26 16:59:35.