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Paper 1 Mock Test

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CAPF AC 2023


General Ability and Intelligence


Dr.Prashant Jagtap
(Ex.Asst.Comdt. CISF)


8530315222/6222 CAPFBABA

Pathfinders CAPF ACADEMY

Office No 55, Mall Road, Kingsway Camp, near GTB Nagar Metro Gate No-
01,near above Western Union Money Transfer office,1st floor,
1) Consider the following statements: a) the presence of more sweat pores
1. For a normal human eye the least depending upon greater surface area in a fat
distance of distinct vision of 25 cm. person
2. The person suffering of colour blindness b) increase in the size of pores on the skin
cannot distinguish the red and green colours depending upon greater pressure exerted by
distinctly. sweat
3. The colour blindness depends on various c) increased rate of fat metabolism
defects of the cylindrical (conical) cell of d) greater surface area in a lean person and,
the retina. therefore, increased rate of evaporation of
4. The presbyopia affected person uses sweat formed
bifocal lens and cylindrical lens. Answer: (c)
Which of the statemnts given above are
correct? 5) Honey that has a high concentration of
a) 1, 2 and 4 sugar does not decay because:
b) 2 and 3 a) bacteria cannot survive in an active state
c) 2 and 4 as it is totally deprived of oxygen
d) 1, 2 and 3 b) it contains natural antioxidant that
Answer: (d) prevents bacterial attack
c) bacteria cannot survive in an active state
2) In calves that consume large quantities of in a solution of high osmotic strength as
milk, the curdling of milk takes place due water is drawn out
to: d) none of these
a) The action of pepsin Answer: (c)
b) A large variety of useful bacteria
c) The action of rennin 6) if an electric current is passed through a
d) The high acid content of gastric juice nerve, the man:
Answer: (c) a) begins to laugh
b) begins to weep
3) Which of the following statements about c) is excited
Airplanes are correct? d) becomes insensitive to pain
1. Today’s jet aeroplane use the same Answer: (c)
principles of aerodynamics that the Wright
brothers used in 1903 to get their Flyer in 7) Which of the following statements about
the air. sexual reproduction in flowering plants are
2. Flight requires two things: thrust and lift. correct?
3. Thrust is the forward motion provided by 1. Stamen is present in the centre of a
a propeller or jet engine. flower.
4. A wing has to be designed not only to 2. Stamen produces pollen grains in the
produce lift, but also to minimize the ovary.
friction with passing air, which causes drag. 3. The swollen bottom part of carpel is the
Codes: ovary.
a) 1, 2 and 3 4. The fusion of germ cells gives rise to
b) 1, 3 and 4 zygote.
c) 2, 3 and 4 Select the correct answer using the codes
d) All the above given below:
Answer: (d) a) 2, 3 and 4
b) 2 and 4
4) On a hot sultry afternoon, a fat person c) 1 and 3
sweats far more profusely than a lean one d) all of these
of the some height. This is due to: Answer: (a)
Answer: (b)

8) The best way of sterilising a hypodermic 13) Pitch of the sound depends upon it:
syring for injecting medicine is by a) wavelength
a) keeping in alcohol for some time b) frequency
b) cleaning it with an alcohol-water mixture c) amplitude
c) boiling it in water d) periodicity and regularity
d) boiling it in water in pressure cooker Answer: (b)
Answer: (a)

14) It is easier to roll a barrel than to pull it

9) A green leaf placed in a dark room is because:
illuminated by red light. The leaf appears: a) the surface are of the barrel in contact
a) green with the road is more in the case of pulling
b) red b) rolling friction is much less than sliding
c) yellow friction
d) black c) of a reason other than those mentioned
Answer: (d) d) the full weight of the barrel comes into
play when it is pulled.
10) Which of the following statements Answer: (b)
regarding enzyme inhibition is correct?
a) Competitive inhibition is seen when a
substrate competes with an enzyme for 15) What is the ‘critical temperature’ of
binding to an inhibitor protein water vapour?
b) Competitive inhibition is seen when the a) 0℃
substrate and the inhibitor compete for the b) less than 100℃
active site on the enzyme c) 100℃
c) Non-competitive inhibition of an enzyme d) more than 100℃
can be overcome by adding large amounts Answer: (d)
of substrate.
d) Non-competitive inhibitors often bind to
the enzyme irreversibly. 16) An tron ball and a wooden ball are
Answer: (b) released from a height in vaccum. The
speed of the iron ball would be:
11) Total internal reflection of light can a) same to the speed of the wooden ball
occur only when light passes: b) more than the speed of the wooden ball
a) from denser to a rarer medium c) lesser than the speed of the wooden ball
b) from rarer to a denser medium d) none of these.
c) from one medium to another of equal Answer: (a)
refractive index
d) from one medium to another of equal
absorption coefficient 17) A person with blood group AB is
Answer: (a) sometimes called a universal recipient
because of:
12) Radio carbon dating is used to estimate a) the presence of antibodies
the ages of b) lack of antibodies
a) babies c) lack of antigens
b) fossils d) lack of bot antigens and antibodies
c) rocks Answer: (b)
d) ancient buildings
18) Which one of the following is NOT a 22) Who among the following was not a
part of early Jains literature famous jurist of medieval India?
a) Therigatha a) Vijnanesvara
b) Acarangasutra b) Hemadri
c) Sutrakritanga c) Rajasekhara
d) Brihatkalpasutra d) Jimutavahana
Answer: (a) Answer: (c)

19) Ther term ‘Apabhramsa’ was used in 23) Nastaliq was

medieval Sanskrit texts to denote a) A Persian script used in medieval India
a) outcastes among the Rajputs b) A raga composed by Tansen
b) deviations from Vedic rituals c) A cess levied by the Mughal rulers
c) early forms of some of the modem Indian d) A manual of code of conduct for the
language Ulemas
d) non-Sanskrit verse metres Answer: (a)
Answer: (c)

24) Which of the following writers has

20) Match List – I with List – II and select called Akbar’s Din-i-llahi as a monument
the correct answer using the codes given of his folly, not of wisdom?
below the lists. a) Badayuni
List – I (Author) b) Vincent Smith
A. Varahamihira c) Barni
B. Vishakhadatta d) W. Haig
C. Sudraka Answer: (b)
D. Bilhana
List II (Text)
1. Prabandha Chintamani 25) Which among the following ports was
2. Mrichchha-Katikam called Babul Makka (Gate of Makka)
3. Brihat-Samhita during the Mughal period?
4. Devi-Chandraguptam a) Calicut
5. Vikramankadeva-Charita b) Broach
Codes: c) Cambay
a) A-3, B-4, C-5, D-2 d) Surat
b) A-3, B-4, C-2, D-5 Answer: (d)
c) A-5, B-3, C-4, D-1
d) A-1, B-3, C-5, D-2
Answer: (b) 26) Which of the following Standing
Committees of Parliament has no MP from
Rajya Sabha?
21) The first Indian ruler, who established a) Public Accounts Committee
the supremacy of Indian Navy in the b) Estimates Committee
Arabian Sea was: c) Committee on Public Undertakings
a) Rajraja I d) Committee on Government Assurances
b) Rajendra I Answer: (b)
c) Rajadhiraja I
d) Kulottunga I
Answer: (a) 27) The item ‘Education’ belongs to the
a) Union List
b) State List
c) Concurrent List
d) Residuary Subjects
Answer: (c) 32) Vote-on-account means
a) Statutory acceptance of planning bill
b) Statutory acceptance of money bill
28) Who held the office of the Vice- c) Statutory acceptance of report of account
President of India for two full consecutive checking and documents produced by CAF
terms? d) Statutory acceptance of expenditure
a) S. Radhakrishnan related to demands of grants till the passage
b) V. V. Giri of planning bill
c) B. D. Jatti Answer: (d)
d) M. Hidaytullah
Answer: (a)
33) Certain 3 digit numbers have the
following characteristics:
1. All the three digits are different
29) An ordinary bill passed by the State 2. The number is divisible by 7.
Assembly can be delayed by the legislative 3. The number on reversing the digits is also
council for a maximum period of divisible by 7.
a) 1 month How many such 3 digit numbers are there?
b) 6 month a) 2
c) 3 month b) 4
d) 4 month c) 6
Answer: (d) d) 8
Answer: (b)

30) Members of the Union Public Service

Commission can be removed by the 34) A 2 digit number is reversed. The larger
a) Parliament after a resolution adopted of the two numbers is divided by the
with 2/3rd majority smaller one. What is the largest possible
b) President on a unanimous remainder?
recommendation from the Union Council a) 95
of Ministers b) 27
c) President on the basis of an inquiry and c) 36
and reporty by the Supreme Court. d) 45
d) President on recommendation from Answer: (d)
Central Administrative Tribunal
Answer: (c)
35) There are thirteen 2 digit consecutive
odd numbers. If 39 is the mean of the first
five such numbers, then what is the mean of
31) Elections to the House of the Prople and all the thirteen numbers?
the Legislative Assemblies of States in a) 47
India are held on the basis of b) 49
a) single transferable vote c) 51
b) limited suffrage d) 45
c) proportional representation Answer: (a)
d) adult franchise
Answer: (d)
36) There are three pillars X, Y, and Z of The sum of income of A and C is the same
different heights. Three spiders A, B and C as that of B and D taken together Moreover,
start to climb on these pillars A earns half as much as the sum of the
simultaneously. In one chance, A climbs on income of B and D whose income is the
X by 6 cm but slips down 1 cm. B climbs highest?
on Y by 7 cm but slips down 3 cm. C climbs a) A
on Z by 6.5 cm but slips down 2 cm. If each b) B
of them requires 40 chances to reach the top c) C
of the pillars, then what is the height of the d) D
shortest pillar? Answer: (b)
a) 161 cm
b) 163 cm
c) 182 cm 41) A bag contains 20 balls. 8 balls are
d) 210 cm green, 7 are white and 5 are red. What is the
Answer: (b) minimum number of balls that must be
picked up from the bag blindfolded
(without replacing any of it) to be assured
of picking at least one ball of each colour?
37) What is the total number of digits a) 17
printed? If a book containing 150 pages is b) 16
to be numbered from 1 to 150 c) 12
a) 262 d) 11
b) 342 Answer: (b)
c) 182
d) 450
Answer: (b) 42) If 2 boys and 2 girls are to be arranged
in a row so that the girls are not next to each
other, how many possible arrangements are
38) There are certain 2 digit numbers. The there?
difference between the number and the one a) 3
obtained on reversing it is always 27. How b) 6
many such maximum 2 digit numbers are c) 12
there? d) 24
a) 3 Answer: (c)
b) 4
c) 5
d) None of the above 43) The average rainfall in a city for the first
Answer: (d) four days was recorded to be 0.40 inch. The
rainfall on the last two days was in the ratio
of 4:3. The average of six days was 0.50
39) If for a sample, data Mean < Median < inch. What was the rainfall on the fifth day?
Mode then the distribution is a) 0.60 inch
a) Symmetric b) 0.70 inch
b) Skewed to the right c) 0.80 inch
c) Neither symmetric nor skewed d) 0.90 inch
d) Skewed to the left Answer: (c)
Answer: (d)

40) The sum of income of A and B is more 44) Suppose the average weight of 9
than that of C and D when taken together. persons is 50 kg. The average weight of the
first 5 persons is 45 kg, whereas the average equal amount of pure milk, then water in the
weight of the last 5 persons is 55 kg. Then new mixture will fall down to
the weight of the 5th person will be a) 25%
a) 45 kg b) 30%
b) 47.5 kg c) 35%
c) 50 kg d) 40%
d) 52.5 kg Answer: (a)
Answer: (c)

49) A watch loses 2 minutes in every 24

45) The monthly incomes of X and Y are in hours while another watch gains 2 minutes
the ratio of 4:3 and their monthly expenses in every 24 hours. At a particular instant,
are in the ratio of 3:2. However, each saves the two watches displayed an identical
Rs. 6000 per month. What is their total time. Which of the following statements is
monthly income? correct if 24 hour clock is followed?
a) Rs. 28,000 a) The two watches show the identical time
b) Rs. 42,000 again on completion of 30 days.
c) Rs. 56,000 b) The two watches show the identical time
d) Rs. 84,000 again on completion of 90 days.
Answer: (b) c) The two watches show the identical time
again on completion of 120 days.
46) Two walls and a ceiling of a room meet d) None of the above statements is correct
at right angles at a point P. A fly is in the air Answer: (d)
1 m from one wall, 8 m from the other wall
and 9 m from the point P. How many meters
is the fly from the ceiling? 50) A clock strikes once at 1 o’clock, twice
a) 4 at 2 o’clock and thrice at 3 o’clock, and so
b) 6 on. If it takes 12 seconds to strike at 5
c) 12 o’clock, what is the time taken by it to strike
d) 15 at 10 o’clock
Answer: (a) a) 20 seconds
b) 24 seconds
c) 28 seconds
47) if there is a policy that 1/3rd of a d) 30 seconds
population of a community has migrated Answer: (b)
every year from one place to some other
place, what is the leftover population of that
community after the sixth year, if there is 51) if a city, 12 per cent of households earn
no further growth in the population during less than Rs. 30,000 per year, 6 per cent
this period? households earn more than C 2, 00, 000 per
a) 16/243rd part of the population year, 22 per cent households earn more than
b) 32/243rd part of the population Rs. 1,00,000 per year and 990 households
c) 32/729th part of the population earn between Rs. 30,000 and Rs. 1, 00, 000
d) 64/729th part of the population per year. How many households earn
Answer: (d) between Rs. 1, 00, 000 and Rs. 2, 00, 000
per year?
a) 250
48) There is a milk sample with 50 per cent b) 240
water in it. If 1/3rd of this milk is added to c) 230
d) 225
Answer: (b) b) B, C and F
c) A, B and F
d) A, C and F
52) A freight train left Delhi for Mumbai at Answer: (b)
an average speed of 40 km/hr. Two hours
later, an express train left Delhi for
Mumbai, following the freight train on a 56) In a test, Randhir obtained more marks
parallel track at an average speed of 60 than the total marks obtained by Kunal and
km/hr. How far from Delhi would the Debu. The total marks obtained by Kunal
express train meet the freight train? and Shankar are more than those of
a) 480 km Randhir. Sonal obtained more marks than
b) 260 km Shankar. Neha obtained more marks than
c) 240 km Randhir. Who amongst them obtained
d) 120 km highest marks?
Answer: (c) a) Randhir
b) Neha
c) Sonal
53) Gopal bought a cell phone and sold it to d) Data is inadequate
Ram at 10 per cent profit. Then Ram Answer: (d)
wanted to sell it back to Gopal at 10 per cent
loss. What will be Gopal’s position if he
agreed? 57) Consider the following
a) Neither loss nor gain A+B means A is the son of B.
b) Loss 1% A – B means A is the wife of B.
c) Gain 1% What does the expression P + R – Q mean?
d) Gain 0.5% a) Q is the son of P
Answer: (c) b) Q is the wife of P
c) Q is the father of P
54) 15 students failed in a class of 52. After d) None of the above
removing the names of failed students, a Answer: (c)
merit order list has been prepared in which
the position of Ramesh is 22nd from the top.
What is position ofrom the bottom? 58) The outer surface of a 4 cm ×4 cm × 4
a) 18th cm cube is painted completely in red. It is
b) 17th sliced parallel to the faces to yield sixty four
c) 16th 1 cm × 1 cm × 1 cm small cubes. How
d) 15th many small cubes do not have painted
Answer: (c) faces?
a) 8
b) 16
55) Six boys A, B, C, D, E and F play a c) 24
game of cards. Each has a pack of 10 cards. d) 16
F borrows 2 cards from A and gives away 5 Answer: (a)
to 10 cards. F borrows 2 cards from A and
gives away 5 to C who in turn gives 3 to B 59) The age of Mr X’s last year was the
while B gives 6 to D who passes on 1 to E. square of a number and it would be the cube
Then the number of cards possessed by D of a number next year. What the least
and E is equal to the number of cards number is of years he must wait for his age
possessed by to become the cube of a number again?
a) A, B and C a) 42
b) 38 2. Some supporters of ‘party X’, who
c) 25 apposed Z’s campaign strategy knew Z.
d) 16 3. No supporters of ‘party X, supported Z’s
Answer: (b) campaign strategy.
Which of the statements is/are not correct?
60) If second and fourth Saturdays and all a) 1 only
the Sunday are taken as only holidays for an b) 2 and 3 only
office, then what would be the minimum c) 3 only
number of possible working days of any d) 1, 2 and 3
month of any year? Answer: (b)
a) 23
b) 22 64) Consider the following:
c) 21 Statement: Good voice is a natural gift but
d) 20 one has to keep practising to improve and
Answer: (b) excel well in the field of music.
61) Consider the given Statement and the 1. Natural gifts neeed nurturing and care.
two conclusions that follow: 2. Even though one’s voice is not good, one
Statement: Morning walk is good for can keep practising.
health. Which one of the following is correct in
Conclusion: respect of the above statement and
1. All healthy people go for morning walk conclsions?
2. Morning walk is essential for a) Only conclusion 1 follows from the
maintaining good health. statement.
What is/are the valid b) Only conclusion 2 follows from the
conclusion/conclusions? statement.
a) 1 only c) Either conclusion 1 or conclusion 2
b) 2 only follows from the statement.
c) Both 1 and 2 d) Neither conclusion 1 nor conclusion 2
d) Neither 1 nor 2 follows from the statement.
Answer: (d) Answer: (d)

62) Examine the following statements: 65) ‘Rights are certain advantageous
1. All colours are pleasant. conditions of social well-being
2. Some colours are pleasant. indispensable to the true development of
3. No colour is pleasant. the citizen.’ In the light of this statement,
4. Some colours are not pleasant. wich one of the following is the correct
Given that statement4 is true, what can be understanding of rights?
definitely concluded? a) Rights aim at individual good only.
a) 1 and 2 are true b) Rights aim at social good only.
b) 3 is true c) Rights aim at both individual and social
c) 2 is false good.
d) 1 is false d) Rights aim at individual good devoid of
Answer: (d) social well-being.
Answer: (c)
63) With reference to the above
information, consider the following 66) In a certain code, ‘256’ means ‘red
statements: colour chalk’, ‘589’ means ‘green colour
1. Some supporters of ‘party X ‘knew Z. flower’ and ‘254’ means ‘white colour
chalk’. The digit in the code that indicates (not necessarily in the same order) who
white’ is participated in a conference. Each one of
a) 2 them is specialized ina different subject,
b) 4 namely in Economics, Commerce, History,
c) 5 Sociology, Geography, Matheatics and
d) 8 Statistics (not necessarily in the same
Answer: (b) order). Further.
1. Lecturer from Kanpur is specialized in
67) Consider the following relationships Geography.
among the members of a family of six 2. Lecturer D is from Shillong.
persons A, B, C, D, E and F: 3. Lecturer C from Delhi is specialized in
1. The number of males equals that of Sociology.
females. 4. Lecturer B is specialized in neither
2. A and E are are sons of F. History nor Mathematics.
3. D is the mother of two, one boy and one 5. Lecturer A who is specialized in
girl. Economics does not belong to Hyderabad.
4. B is the son of A. 6. Lecturer F who is specialized in
5. There is only one married couple in the Commerce belongs to Srinagar
family at present. 7. Lecturer G who is specialized in
Which one of the following inferences can Statistics belongs to Chennai.
be drawn from the above?
a) A, B and C are all females 69) Who is specialized in Geography?
b) A is the husband of D a) B
c) E and F are children of D b) D
d) D is the daughter of F c) E
Answer: (d) d) Cannot be determined as data is
Answer: (a)
68) Consider the following relationships
among the members of a family of six 70) To which city does the Lecturer
persons A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are specialized in Economics belong?
standing in a row facing North. B is not a a) Hyderabad
neighbour of G. F is to the immediate right b) Mumbai
of G and is a neighour of E. G is not at the c) Neither Hyderabad nor Mumbai
extreme end. A is sixth to the left of E. H is d) Cannot be determined as data is
sixth to the right of C. Which one of the inadequate
following is correct in respect of the above? Answer: (b)
a) C is to the immediate left of A.
b) D is the immediate neighbout of B and F. 71) Who of the following belongs to
c) G is to the immediate right of D. Hyderabad?
d) A and E are at the extreme ends. a) B
Answer: (c) b) E
c) Neither B nor E
Direction for the following 3 (three) d) Cannot be determined as data is
questions: inadequate
Consider the given information and answer Answer: (b)
the three questions that follow. A, B, C, D,
E, F and G are Lecturers from different 72) In the context of Indian History, the
cities such as Hyderabad, Delhi Shillong, principle of Dyarchy (diarchy) refers to –
Kanpur, Chennai, Mumbai and Srinagar
a) Division of the Central legislature into 76) Under which article of Indian
two houses. Constitution, provision for Fundamental
b) Introduction of double government (i.e.) Duties has been made by the 42nd
Central Government and State Government Constitutional Amendment Act –
c) Having two sets of rulers; one in London a) Article 50
and another in Delhi b) Article 51 (A)
d) Division of the subjects into two c) Article 52
categories. d) Article 53
Answer: (d) Answer: (b)
73) Consider the following statements with
regards to the Preamble of the constitution 77) The authoritative text of the Indian
and give correct answer using the code Constitution in Hindi was authorised to be
given below – published by which of the following
1. The Objective Resolution by Jawaharlal Constitutional Amendment?
Nehru laid the foundation of Preamble. a) 57th Amendment 1987
2. It is Non-Justiciable b) 58th Amendment 1987
3. The basic features of the Constitution c) 59th Amendment 1988
cannot be amended under Article 368 d) 60th Amendment 1988
Code – Answer: (b)
a) only 1 and 2
b) only 2 and 3
c) only 1, 2 and 3 78) Who said that the emergency power of
d) only 1and 3 the President is a fraud with the
Answer: (c) Constitution?
a) K. M. Munshi
74) Which one of the following is the b) B. N. Rao
correct chronological order of the c) K. M. Nambiar
formation of following Indian States? d) H. N. Kunzru
1. Chhattisgarh Answer: (c)
2. Arunachal Pradesh
3. Jharkhand 79) Which among the following article of
4. Sikkim the Indian Constitution mentions about
Code – Inter State Council?
a) 4, 1, 3 and 2 a) Article 262
b) 4, 2, 1 and 3 b) Article 263
c) 3, 2, 1 and 4 c) Article 264
d) 1, 4, 2 and 3 d) Article 265
Answer: (b) Answer: (b)

75) How many years does a person of 80) Who among the following first used the
Indian origin need to reside in India to word Swaraj and accepted Hindi as the
become a citizen of India under the National language?
Citizenship Act 1955? a) Raja Rammohan Roy
a) 5 years b) Swami Dayanand
b) 3 years c) Swami Vivekananda
c) 7 years d) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
d) 9 years Answer: (b)
Answer: (c)
81) Yugantar party was led by –
a) Jatindernath Mukherjee
b) Sachidranath Sanyal 1. Bodo is the only tribal language that is
c) Rasbihari Bose listed in the Eighth Schedule of the
d) Subhash Chandra Bose Constitution.
Answer: (a)
2. Bodo Language is only spoken in Assam.
82) Name the magazine published by Select the correct statements
Mahatma Gandhi during his stay in South a) 1 Only
Africa – b) 2 Only
a) Navjeevan c) Both 1 and 2
b) India Gazette d) Neither 1 nor 2
c) Africaner Answer (a)
d) Indian Opinion
Answer: (d)
88) The ‘Tishreen Revolution’ is associated
83) Who of the following is known as with
Deshbandhu? a) Iraq
a) Chandra Shekhar b) Hong Kong
b) Chittaranjan Das c) Tibet
c) A. O. Hume d) Bolivia
d) Annie Beasant Answer (a)
Answer: (b)
89) Which of the following countries was
84) In which of the following movements
women’s participation is considered to be reinstated into the Commonwealth as its
the maximum? 54th member state?
a) Non-corporation Movement a) Sudan
b) Salt Satyagraha b) Maldives
c) Bardoli March c) Madagascar
d) Quit India Movement
d) Mauritius
Answer: (b)
Answer (b)
85) The word Sarvodaya was primarily
used by – 90) ‘Velutheeyam’ is an alloy of
a) Mahatma Gandhi a) Tin and Aluminum
b) Pandit Nehru b) Aluminum and Copper
c) Vinoba Bhave c) Silver and Gold
d) Jayaprakash Narayan d) Copper and Zinc
Answer: (a)
Answer (a)
86) Which of the following had
recommended to hold the Indian Civil 91) Consider the following statements with
Service Examination simultaneously in respect to ‘NavIC’
India and England? 1. It is India's own navigation system,
a) Aitchison Commission similar to the U.S.' GPS.
b) Mobhouse Commission 2. It is designed for a position accuracy
c) Montagu-Chelmsford Report better than 20 metres in India, its primary
d) Lord Cornwallis
coverage area and an area of 1,500 km from
Answer: (c)
the Indian boundary will also be covered by
87) Consider the following statements this system.
Select the correct statements
a) 1 Only 96) Abhilashitartha Chintamani is
b) 2 Only associated with which of the following
c) Both 1 and 2 Dynasties/Empires?
d) Neither 1 nor 2 a) Guptas
Answer (c) b) Chalukyas
c) Marathas
92) The highest number of Indians abroad d) Ahom
are living in the Answer: (b)
a) United States
b) United Kingdom 97) ‘Prydz Bay’ is located in
c) United Arab Emirates a) Antarctica
d) Saudi Arabia b) Sweden
Answer (a) c) Canada
d) New Zealand
93) ‘FRINJEX’ is a bilateral military Answer (a)
exercise between India and
a) United Kingdom 98) The ‘Gallipoli campaign’ is associated
b) France with which of the following counties?
c) Japan a) United States of America
d) Russia b) Turkey
Answer (b) c) Israel
d) Germany
94) ‘Mount Aconcagua’ is located in Answer: (b)
a) Chile
b) Argentine 99) Recently ‘Lithium’ Reserves in India
c) Uruguay have been found in
d) Paraguay a) Karnataka
Answer: (b) b) Odisha
c) Assam
95) Consider the following statements with d) Rajasthan
respect to ‘International Fund for Answer: (d)
Development (IFAD)’ 100) ‘Call for Action’ and ‘Monitored
1. It is an international financial institution Jurisdiction’ is associated with
and specialized United Nations agency. a) Financial Action Task Force on Money
2. It is headquartered in Geneva, Laundering (FATF)
Switzerland. b) Dispute Settlement Body (DSB) of the
Select the correct statements World Trade Organization (WTO)
a) 1 Only c) Global Counterterrorism Forum (GCTF)
b) 2 Only d) Organisation for Economic Co-operation
c) Both 1 and 2 and Development (OECD)
d) Neither 1 nor 2 Answer: (a)
Answer (a)
101) Consider the following statements c) BIMSTEC
with respect to ‘Blue Dot network’ d) BBIN Initiative
1. It is jointly launched by India and the US. Answer: (a)
2. It primarily deals with infrastructure
development. 106) Which of the following statements
Select the correct statements with respect to ‘National Security
a) 1 Only Council’?
b) 2 Only 1. It is a three member constitutional body.
c) Both 1 and 2 2. It is headed by the Union Minister of
d) Neither 1 nor 2 Home Affairs.
Answer: (b) Select the correct statements
a) 1 Only
102) ‘B K Sharma Committee’ is associated b) 2 Only
with c) Both 1 and 2
a) Assam Accord d) Neither 1 nor 2
b) National Population Register
c) Foreign Direct Investment 107) Which of the following countries do
d) Genetically Modified Crops not open into the ‘Yellow Sea’?
Answer: (a) a) China
b) North Korea
103) ‘AJEY WARRIOR ’ is exercise c) South Korea
between India and d) Mongolia
a) Russia Answer: (d)
b) France
c) Japan 108) ‘Operation Sunrise’ was carried out on
d) United Kingdom which of the following borders?
Answer: (d) a) Sudan and South Sudan
b) Indo-Myanmar
104) Consider the following statements c) Israel-Palestine
with respect to ‘Nord Stream’ d) North & South Korea
1. It is a river interlinking project to tackle Answer: (b)
global warming
2. It is an initiative of all the Scandinavian 109) Which of the following statements
countries is/are correct?
Select the correct statements 1. Bitcoin has zero carbon footprint
a) 1 Only 2. Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies is
b) 2 Only primarily based on the technology of
c) Both 1 and 2 ‘Internet of Things (IoT)’
d) Neither 1 nor 2 Select the correct statements
Answer: (d) a) 1 Only
b) 2 Only
105) ‘Kunming Initiative’ is also referred to c) Both 1 and 2
a) BCIM Forum d) Neither 1 nor 2
b) ASEAN Answer: (d)
a) 3 5 1 4
110) ‘Operation Ganga’ is associated with b) 3 1 2 5
a) Maldives c) 2 1 3 4
b) Djibouti d) 1 4 2 5
c) Mozambique Answer: (b)
d) Ukraine
Answer: (d) 114) Which of the following pairs is not
properly matched?
111) Which of the following group of a) The largest planet of Solar – Jupiter
Indian states/UT does not share its System
boundaries with Pakistan? b) The smallest planet of Solar System –
a) Punjab, Jammu and Kashmir, Rajasthan Mercury
and Gujarat c) The brightest planet of the Solar System
b) Punjab, Gujarat, Jammu and Kashmir – Venus
and Rajasthan d) The slowest moving planet of Solar
c) Punjab, Haryana, Jammu and Kashmir System – Mars
and Rajasthan Answer: (d)
d) Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Rajasthan
and Gujarat 115) In the New Millennium, first ray of the
Answer: (d) sun was seen in which of the following
meridians in India?
112) Which of the following have the oldest a) 82°30’N
rocks in the country? b) 82°30’E
a) Himalayas c) 92°30’W
b) Indo-gangetic plain d) 92°30’E
c) Siwaliks Answer: (d)
d) Aravallis
Answer: (d) 116) Great Ice Age is related to –
a) Pleistocene
113) Match the List – I and List – II and b) Oligocene
select the correct answer c) Holocene
List – I d) Eocene
A. Deccan Traps Answer: (a)
B. Wester Ghats
C. Aravali Range 117) High altitude clouds are –
D. Narmada-Tapti Aluvial deposits a) Altocumulus
List – II b) Altostratus
1. Late Cenozoic c) Cumulus
2. Pre Cambrian d) Cirrostratus
3. Cretaceous Eocene Answer: (d)
4. Cambrian
118) Datum line –
5. Late Pleistocene
a) Is a horizontal line to the sea level from
where heights and depths are measured
b) is the mean of primary and secondary 122) Consider the following statements –
data 1. Angel investors are willing to invest in
c) International date line start-ups or small companies because they
d) Is an imaginary line which passes can earn massive returns on their
through zero degree meridian investments if these companies are a
Answer: (a) success.
2. Venture capitalists are focused on
119) Halophytes grow well in – helping startups take their first step rather
a) Acidic Soils than the possible profit they may get from
b) Clayey Soils the business.
c) Sandy Soils Which of the above statement(s) is/are
d) Saline Soils correct?
Answer: (d) a) 1 only
b) 2 only
120) The formal development of Terra c) Both 1 and 2
rossa takes place in that part of the land d) Neither 1 nor 2
which consist of- Answer: (d)
a) Limestone
b) Kyanite 123) The cause of Inflation is –
c) Granite a) Increase in money supply
d) Sandstone b) Increase in money supply and fall in
Answer: (a) production
c) Fall of production
121) Match List – I and List – II and select d) Decrease in money supply and fall in
the correct code using the code given below production
– Answer: (b)
List – I
A. European transcontinental railway
B. Trans-Andean railway 124) Which of the following is-are the Core
C. Trans-Siberian Industries in India?
D. Orient Express a) Electricity
List-II b) Coal
1. Paris to Istanbul c) Petroleum Products
2. Leningrad to Vladivostok d) All of these
3. Buenos Aires to Valparaiso Answer: (d)
4. Paris to Warsaw
Code 125) SIDBI has been established to –
ABCD a) Finance cottage industries
a) 4 3 2 1 b) Finance small scale industries
b) 1 3 2 4 c) Finance large scale industries
c) 2 3 1 4 d) Finance public sector undertakings
d) 1 2 3 4 Answer: (b)
Answer: (a)

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