December 2011.
December 2011.
December 2011.
(` in lacs)
Quarter Ended Nine Months Ended
Ended on
Particulars 31.12.2011 30.09.2011 31.12.2010 31.12.2011 31.12.2010 31.03.2011
Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Audited
1. Income
a. Sales/ Income from Operation 5,420.10 2,059.98 3,827.69 10,853.39 12,257.94 15,166.70
b. Other Operating Income - - - - - -
c. Currency Fluctuation 222.91 (11.29) 9.34 211.62 26.13 26.13
Total Income 5,643.01 2,048.69 3,837.02 11,065.01 12,284.07 15,192.83
2. Expenditure
a. (Increase)/Decrease in Stock (52.67) (48.77) (0.16) 276.77 59.35 (318.70)
b. Raw Material Consumption & Purchases 5,376.18 2,082.48 3,507.77 10,412.88 10,336.95 13,695.17
c. Staff Cost 12.11 13.51 13.66 39.00 39.96 52.83
d. Depreciation 3.04 0.70 3.39 9.14 10.17 13.56
e. Other Expenses 7.64 6.41 55.09 23.45 76.49 84.18
Total Expenses 5,346.32 2,054.32 3,579.75 10,761.26 10,522.92 13,527.05
3. Profit from Operations before Other Income, Interest
and Exceptional Items 296.70 (5.64) 257.27 303.76 1,761.15 1,665.78
4. Other Income - - - - - -
5. Profit before Interest and Exceptional Items 296.70 (5.64) 257.27 303.76 1,761.15 1,665.78
6. Interest & Finance Charges 72.18 31.73 5.94 126.58 27.55 47.38
7. Profit after Interest but before Exceptional Items 224.51 (37.37) 251.33 177.17 1,733.60 1,618.41
8. Exceptional Items - - - - - -
9. Profit from Ordinary Activities before tax 224.51 (37.37) 251.33 177.17 1,733.60 1,618.41
10. Provision for Current tax - - - - - -
11. Profit after tax 224.51 (37.37) 251.33 177.17 1,733.60 1618.41
12. Paid up Equity Capital(Face Value of `5) 899.40 899.40 899.40 899.40 899.40 899.40
13. Reserves excluding revaluation reserves (As per Balance
Sheet of Previous accounting year) 3,079.53
14. Basic & Diluted EPS (Not annualised) 1.25 (0.21) 1.40 0.98 9.64 9.00
15. Public Shareholding
- No. of Shares 4,527,120 4,527,120 4,527,120 4,527,120 4,527,120 4,527,120
- % of Shares 25.17 25.17 25.17 25.17 25.17 25.17
16. Promoters and promoter group shareholding
a. Pledged / Encumbered
- Number of shares - - - - - -
- Percentage of shares as a % of total Promoter
and promoter group holding. - - - - - -
- Percentage of shares as a % of total Share
Capital of the company. - - - - - -
b. Non-Encumbered
- Number of shares 13,460,880 13,460,880 13,460,880 13,460,880 13,460,880 13,460,880
- Percentage of shares as a % of total Promoter
and promoter group holding. 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
- Percentage of shares as a % of total Share
Capital of the company. 74.83 74.83 74.83 74.83 74.83 74.83
1. Previous period figures have been regrouped/rearranged wherever necessary .
2. The National Stock Exchange of India Limited (NSE) approved and admitted the dealing in Equity Shares of the Company on its exchange
w.e.f. December 14, 2011.
3. The Impact of Income Tax on account of MAT, if any, shall be incorporated in the accounts at the end of the accounting year.
4. The above statement of unaudited financial results were taken on record at the meeting of the Board of Directors held on 31st January, 2012.
5. The Company has only one segment i.e. Studded Diamond Jewellery.
6. The Statutory Auditors have carried out Limited Review as required under Clause 41 of the Listing Agreement.
7. The Company has not received any Investor's Compliants during the period under review.
For & On behalf of Board of Directors
Place : Mumbai (MR.HARSHIL P. KANANI)
Date : January 31, 2012 MANAGING DIRECTOR