Vacuum Arcs Cathode-Spot Components and Current Density
Vacuum Arcs Cathode-Spot Components and Current Density
Vacuum Arcs Cathode-Spot Components and Current Density
VACUUM ARCS: CATHODE-SPOT COMPONENTS AND but little detail is given. However, most observers have used
CURRENT DENSITY a low-resolution-power photographic technique, which did not
Indexing terms: Arcs, Cathodes allow studies of the cathode spot structure to be made.
Abstract There is evidence that the cathode-spot fragments consist of
smaller constituents representing the actual emission sites.
A series of high-speed frame and streak photographs These have been observed by Kesaev7 on mercury cathodes
of vacuum-arc-cathode spots, with magnifications and thin-film solid-metal cathodes (magnification x 250), and
of about x 20, has been used to investigate spot be Seeker and George4 when studying the erosion marks left
structure. The size of a cathode spot was deter- on solid-metal cathodes (magnification x 5000). However, no
mined with a microphotometer, and the current further division of the fragments could be detected in the
densities obtained were in the range 5xi0°-10 1] - A/m 2 . present studies when the photographs were examined visually
or analysed with a microphotometer.
A sample densitometer trace, with, the direction of the scann-
ing perpendicular to the streak, is shown in Fig. 2! Nearly
Measurements of the arc-cathode current density in low- all the fragment profiles observed2 can be approximated by a
pressure1 discharges have been reported several times. bell-shaped function exp {— (x/w) } , where w is the halfwidth
Froome *2 has used optical observations of the discharge- at the 0*608 level. Therefore integration due to streaking does
cathode region, and Wroe3 and Seeker and George4 have not alter the shape of the profile, and traces obtained from
examined the erosion marks left by the arc on the cathode both frame and streak photographs can be analysed in a simi-
surface. Recently, Sanger and Seeker5 have reviewed previous lar manner.
measurements of cold-cathode current densities.
Further, it is assumed that the flat top portion of a profile
This letter describes experimental results obtained in vacuum (Fig. 2) can be associated with the actual emitting area on the
arcs with a cathode consisting of a 2 mm-thick copper strip cathode surface. This region coincides with that of the high-
sandwiched between two 1 mm molybdenum sheets. This est density of the excited atoms, which is the most significant
arrangement limited the cathode-spot movement, which is source of light, and envelops the zone in which the primary
essential for high-magnification optical studies. The spot electrons experience inelastic collisions. This means that
usually remained on the copper part of the cathode. A con- the dimension of the densitometer trace may be equal to or
stant-current supply over a period of 10 ms was used, the greater than the dimension of the electron-emitting area.
discharge current being 25-100 A. The steeply sloping parts of the profile correspond probably
Photographs of the cathode surface at a magnification of to the constriction zone of the discharge, and the less steeply
about x 20, were obtained, using an image-convertor camera, sloping wings may be associated with the plasma column.
in both framing and streaking modes of operation. In the
former case, the exposure time was 10 \xs, and, in the latter
case, the writing speed was 0*25 mm/Vs. It was found that
the streak orientation with respect to the cathode did not
essentially influence the results.
Sample streak photographs of the cathode spot are illustrated
in Fig. \. The cathode spot is seen to experience continuous
rebuilding in the form of motion and variations in the size
and brightness of its constituent parts (or spot fragments)
as well as fluctuations in the number of fragments. The aver-
age number of fragments is approximately 1*2 for 25 A arcs
and approximately 2'5 for 50 A and higher currents.
The existence of spot fragments in low-pressure arcs with 6
metal electrodes has been reported recently by Zykovaet al.,
0 2 4 6 8 °
x, m
Fig. 2
Sample densi/omeler trace
Magnification x 250