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Topic-Marketing And Analytical Approach Of

Mahindra and Mahindra on Customer products
and services with survey of consumer feedback
Sr No.
1. Introduction
2. History
3. Objectives of the study
4. Major players
5. Limitations
6. Data Analysis and interpretations
7. Comparison of two major players
8. Findings
9. Suggestions
10. Conclusions
11. Bibliography
12. Appendix


Marketing strategy

Marketing strategy is a process that can allow an organization to concentrate its

limited resources on the greatest opportunities to increase sales and

achieve a sustainable competitive advantage. A marketing strategy should be

centered on the key concept that customer satisfaction is the main goal.

Marketing strategy is a method of focusing an organization's energies and

resources on a course of action which can lead to increased sales and dominance

of a targeted market niche. A marketing strategy combines product

development, promotion, distribution, pricing, relationship management and

other elements; identifies the firm's marketing goals, and explains how they will

be achieved, ideally within a stated timeframe. Marketing strategy determines

the choice of target market segments, positioning, marketing mix, and allocation

of resources.

"Marketing" is an instructive business domain that serves to inform and educate

target markets about the value and competitive advantage of a company

and its products.

―Values worth derived by the customer from owning and using the product.


something better than their competition in a way that could benefit the customer.

Marketing is focused on the task of conveying pertinent company and product related

information to specific customers, and there are a multitude of decisions (strategies) to

be made within the marketing domain regarding what information to deliver, how much

information to deliver, to whom to deliver, how to deliver, when to deliver, and where

to deliver. Once the decisions are made, there are numerous ways (tactics) and

processes that could be employed in support of the selected strategies. As Marketing is

often misinterpreted as just advertising or sales, Chris Newton, in What is marketing?

(Marketing Help Online, 2008), defined marketing as every strategy and

decision made in the following twelve areas:

 Identifying and quantifying the need in the marketplace

 Identifying and quantifying the target markets

 Identifying the optimum cost effective media – online and offline - to reach the

target markets

 Reviewing the priorities of the product offering in your overall product mix matrix‘

 Identifying and developing the most effective distribution channels, be they

wholesaler networks, partnering alliances, franchising, or any number of

conduits to the market.

 Testing different ways of packaging the concepts or products to find their most

'easy-to- sell’ form

 Testing to find the optimum pricing strategies

 Developing effective promotional strategies and effective advertising and

supporting collateral, offers, and launch strategies

 Developing and documenting the sales process

 Finding the optimum execution of the sales process – through testing of selling

scripts, people selection, supporting collateral, skills and attitudinal training,

tracking, measuring and refining

 Ensuring that sales projections reflect realistic production capacities

 Developing nurture programs to optimize the lifetime value of the customer

The goal of marketing is to build and maintain a preference for a company and

its products within the target markets. The goal of any business is to build

mutually profitable and sustainable relationships with its customers. While all

business domains are responsible for accomplishing this goal, the marketing

domain bears a significant share of the responsibility. Within the larger scope of

its definition, marketing is performed through the actions of three

coordinated disciplines named: ―Product Marketing‖, ―Corporate Marketing‖,

and―Marketing Communications

Sales promotion

Sales promotion is one of the five aspects of the promotional mix. (The other 4

parts of the promotional mix are advertising, personal selling, direct marketing

and publicity/public relations.) Media and non-media marketing communication

are employed for a pre-determined, limited time to increase consumer demand,

stimulate market demand or improve product availability. Examples include

contests, coupons, freebies, loss point displays, premiums, prizes, product

samples, and rebates

Sales promotions can be directed at either the customer, sales staff, or

distribution channel members (such as retailers). Sales promotions targeted at

the consumer are called consumer sales promotions. Sales promotions targeted

at retailers and wholesale are called trade sales promotions. Some sale

promotions, particularly ones with unusual methods, are considered gimmicks

by many.

Sales promotion includes several communications activities that attempt to

provide added value or incentives to consumers, wholesalers, retailers, or other

organizational customers to stimulate immediate sales. These efforts can attempt

to stimulate product interest, trial, or purchase. Examples of devices used in

sales promotion include coupons, samples, premiums, point-of-purchase (POP)

displays, contests, rebates, and sweepstakes.

Sales promotion is implemented to attract new customers, to hold present

customers, to counteract competition, and to take advantage of opportunities

that are revealed by market research. It is made up of activities, both outside and

inside activities, to enhance company sales. Outside sales promotion activities

include advertising, publicity, public relations activities, and special sales

events. Inside sales promotion activities include window displays, product and

promotional material display and promotional programs such as premium

awards and contests.

Sale promotions often come in the form of discounts. Discounts impact the way

consumers think and behave when shopping. The type of savings and its

location can affect the way consumers view a product and affect their purchase

decision. Price discounts are the reduction of an original sale by a certain

percentage while bonus packs are deals in which the consumer receives more

for the original price. Many companies present different forms of discounts in

advertisements, hoping to convince consumers to buy their products.

Consumer sales promotion types

Short term sales to achieve short term objectives

 Price deal: A temporary reduction in the price, such as 50%off.

 Loyal Reward Program: Consumers collect points, miles, or credits for

purchases and redeem them for rewards.

 Cents-off deal: Offers a brand at a lower price. Price reduction may be a

percentage marked on the package.

 Price-pack/Bonus packs deal: The packaging offers a consumer a certain

percentage more of the product for the same price (for example, 25 percent

extra). This is another

 typeofdeal―inwhichcustomersareofferedmoreoftheproductforthesameprice‖.[2]

For example, a sales company may offer their consumers a bonus pack in which

they can receive two products for the price of one. In these scenarios, this bonus

pack is


purchase of a bonus pack, however, is not always beneficial for the consumer.

Sometimes consumers will end up spending money on an item they would not

normally buy had it not been in a bonus pack. As a result, items bought in a

bonus pack are often wasted and is viewed as a ―loss‖ for the consumer.

 Coupons: coupons have become a standard mechanism for sales & promotions.

 Loss leader: the price of a popular product is temporarily reduced below cost in

order to stimulate other profitable sales

 Free-standing insert (FSI): A coupon booklet is inserted into the local

newspaper for delivery.

 Checkout dispensers: On checkout the customer is given a coupon based on

products purchased.

 Mobile couponing: Coupons are available on a mobile phone. Consumers show

the offer on a mobile phone to a salesperson for redemption.

 Online interactive promotion game: Consumers play an interactive game

associated with the promoted product.

 Rebates: Consumers are offered money back if the receipt and barcode are

mailed to the producer.

 Contests/sweepstakes/games: The consumer is automatically entered into the

event by purchasing the product.

 Point-of-sale displays: -

o Aisle interrupter: A sign that juts into the aisle from the shelf.

o Dangler: A sign that sways when a consumer walks by it.

o Dump bin: A bin full of products dumped inside.

o Bidding portals: Gettingprospects

o Glorifier: A small stage that elevates a product above other product.

o Wobbler: A sign that jiggles.

o Lipstick Board: A board on which messages are written in crayon.

o Necker: A coupon placed on the 'neck' of a bottle.

o YES unit: "your extra salesperson" is a pull-out factsheet.

o Electroluminescent: Solar-powered, animated light in motion.

 Kids eat free specials: Offers a discount on the total dining bill by offering 1

free kids’ meal with each regular meal purchased.

 Sampling: Consumers get one sample for free, after their trial and then could

decide whether to buy or not.

Online deals vs. In-store deals

There are different types of discounts available online versus in the stores. On-

shelf couponing: Coupons are present at the shelf where the product is available.

* On-line couponing: Coupons are available online. Consumers print them out

and take them to the store. Although discounts can be found online and in

stores, there is a different thought process when shopping in each location. For

example, ―online shoppers are more price-sensitive because of the readily

available low search cost and direct price comparisons‖. Consumers can easily

go to other websites and find better deals as opposed to physically going to

various stores. In addition, buyers tend to refrain from purchasing bonus packs

online because of the skepticism (of fraud and scams) that may come with the

deal. Since ―…bonus packs are more difficult than price discounts to process

online, they are more difficult and effortful for the consumer to understand‖. For

example, a buy-one-get-one-free deal on a website requires more work than the

same bonus pack offered in a store. Online, consumers have to deal with

payment processing, shipping and handling fees, and days waiting for the

products ‘arrival, while in a store, the products are available without those

additional steps and delays.

Trade sales promotion techniques

 Trade allowances: short term incentive offered to induce a retailer to stock up

on a product.

 Dealer loader: An incentive given to induce a retailer to purchase and display a


 Trade contest: A contest to reward retailers that sell the most product.

 Point-of-purchase displays: Used to create the urge of "impulse" buying and

selling your product on the spot.

 Training programs: dealer employees are trained in selling the product.

 Push money: also known as "spiffs". An extra commission paid to retail

employees to push products.

Trade discounts (also called functional discounts): These are payments to

distribution channel members for performing some function

There are three types of sales promotion strategies. Push, Pull or a

combination of the two.

A push promotional strategy makes use of*a company’s sales force and trade

promotion activities to create consumer demand for a product. It involves

convincing trade intermediary channel members to push the product through the

distribution channels to the ultimate consumer via promotions and personal

selling efforts. The company promotes the product through a reseller who in

turn promotes it to yet another reseller or the final consumer.

In other words, the producer promotes the product to wholesalers, the

wholesalers promote it to retailers, and the retailers promote it to consumers.

Trade- promotion objectives are to persuade retailors or wholesalers to carry a

brand, give a brand shelf space, promote a brand in advertising, and/or push a

brand to final consumers. Typical

tactics employed in push strategy are: allowances, buy-back guarantees, free

trials, contests, specialty advertising items, discounts, displays, and premiums.

A good example of ―push selling is mobile phones, where the major handset

manufacturers such as Nokia promote their products via retailers such as Car

phone Warehouse. Personal selling and trade promotions are often the most

effective promotional tools for companies such as Nokia – for example offering

subsidies on the handsets to encourage retailers to sell higher volumes.

A pull strategy attempts to get consumers to ―pull‖ the product from the

manufacturer through the marketing channel. The company focuses its

marketing communications efforts on consumers in the hope that it stimulates

interest and demand for the product at the end-user level. A ―pull‖ selling

strategy is one that requires high spending on advertising and consumer

promotion to build up consumer demand for a product.

This strategy is often employed if distributors are reluctant to carry a product

because it gets as many consumers as possible to go to retail outlets and request

the product, thus pulling it through the channel. Consumer-promotion objectives

are to entice consumers to try a new product, lure customers away from

competitors‘ products, get consumers to

―load upon a mature product, hold &reward loyal customers, and build

consumer relationships. If the strategy is successful, consumers will ask

their retailers for the product, the retailers will ask the wholesalers, and the

wholesalers will ask the producers.

Typical tactics employed in pull strategy are: samples, coupons, cash refunds

and rebates, premiums, advertising specialties, loyalty programs/patronage

rewards, contests, sweepstakes, games, and point- of-purchase (POP) displays.

A good example of a pull is the heavy advertising and promotion of children‘s‘

toys – mainly on television.

Real Life Case Scenario:

Consider the recent BBC promotional campaign for its new pre-school

programme – the Fimbles. Aimed at two to four-year-old’s, 130 episodes of

Fimbles have been made and are featured every day on digital children‘s

channel CBeebies and BBC2.

As part of the promotional campaign, the BBC has agreed a deal with toy maker

Fisher- Price to market products based on the show, which it hopes will emulate

the popularity of the Tweenies. Under the terms of the deal, Fisher-Price will

develop, manufacture and distribute a range of Fimbles products including soft,

plastic and electronic learning toys for the UK and Ireland.

In 2001, BBC Worldwide (the commercial division of the BBC) achieved sales

of £90m from its children‘s brands and properties last year. The demand created

from broadcasting of the Fimbles and a major advertising campaign is likely to

―pull‖ demand from children and encourage retailers to stock Fimbles toys in

the stores for Christmas 2002.

Car dealers often provide a good example of a combination strategy. If you pay

attention to car dealers‘ advertising, you will often hear them speak of cash-back

offers and dealer incentives.

Sales Promotion and Advertisement:

Sales promotion and advertisement are two different forms of promotion.

Advertising is an indirect approach to present a product and persuade customers

to use it. On the other hand sales promotion is a direct method, which

encourages the customers to come and buy the product. Advertisement has long-

term objectives of brand building, positioning and building up customer loyalty.

Sales promotions objective is short term and it aims at increasing the sales

immediately. Advertising supports sales by adding value to the product. It has a

long-term effect in term of brand value. Sales promotion helps sales by

changing the price value equation of the product in favor of customers for a

short period. Thus advertising and sales promotion though both are tools of

promotion have very distinct role to play.

Sales Promotion Planning:

A full plan is needed to ensure that each stage of a promotion is reached:

1. Analyze the problem task.

2. Define objectives.

3. Consider and/ or set the budget.

4. Examine the types of promotion likely to be of use.

5. Define the support activities (e.g. advertising, incentives, auxiliaries)

6. Testing (e.g. a limited store or panel test).

7. Decide measurements required.

8. Plan timetable.

9. Present details to sales force, retailers.

10. Implement the promotion.

11. Evaluate the result.

Typically a sales promotion can be run in several ways:

i. Through point of sale display materials

ii. Through innovative packaging

iii. By obtaining prime positions in retail outlets

iv. Through in-house merchandising activities, such as free samples

v. Special offers and other incentives

vi. By use of sponsorships

vii. Through exhibitions

viii. By use of sales literature and other selling aids

Sales promotion is distinct from advertising or personal selling, but these three

forms of promotion are often used together in a coordinated fashion. There are

two categories of sales promotion:

i. Trade promotion is directed to the members of the distribution channel

ii. Consumer promotion is aimed towards the consumer.

The factors that contribute to the popularity of sales promotion are:

i. Short-term results:

Sales promotion such as couponing and trade allowances produces quicker,

more measurable sales results. However, critics of this strategy argue that these

immediate benefits come at the expense of building brand equity.

ii. Competitive pressure:

If competitors are offering the buyers price reductions, contests, or other

incentives, a firm may feel forced to retaliate with its own sales promotions.

iii. Buyers ‘expectations:

Once they are offered purchase incentives, consumers and channel members get

used to them and soon begin expecting them.

iv. Low quality of retail selling:

Many retailers use inadequately trained sales clerks or have switched to self-

service. For these outlets, sales promotion devices (such as product displays and

samples) often are the only effective promotional tools available at the point of


Sales promotion is aimed for 3 types of consumers. To understand this, suppose

one Airlines Company is organizing sales promotions for Kolkata-New Delhi

air route. Let us find out who could be the target customers.

i. Users of another brand in the same category:

These include the passengers who normally travel in other company like Indian

Airlines or Jet Airways

ii. Users in other categories:

These include the passengers who use other transportation medium like

railways to travel in the same route.

iii. Frequent brand switchers:

These are the people who are least loyal to the brands they use and always look out

for experimenting with new brands.

Objectives of Sales Promotion:

Because sales promotional tools are so varied in form, no single unified

objective can be identified for them. There are three major contributions of sales

promotions that have practical influence of the objectives of promotion: (Kotler


1. Communication – promotions gain attention and usually provide information

that may lead the consumer to the product

2. Incentive – they incorporate some concession, inducement or contribution

designed to represent value to the receiver

3. Invitation – promotions include a distinct invitation to engage in the transaction


Sales Promotion and its Target Sami class:

With the culture of freebies and discounts spreading widely in the Indian

context, brands need to consider their implications before embarking on a

discount strategy. Price discounting not only affects the profitability of brands, it

also affects their equity. For example, when two major detergent brands cut

their prices by significant levels, what kind of perception would it create among

consumers is an important implication from the viewpoint of marketing.

Why at all give discounts?

There are many reasons why brands offer discounted prices and sales promotion

that includes freebies. With the competition and communication clutter reaching

new heights during recent times, consumers seem to eternally shop for sales

promotion buys or look for the lowest prices. With fragmentation of retailing,

profit cut to the bones and consumers‘ involvement with prices, marketers

especially associated with fast moving consumer goods seem to have little

option but to cut prices or to offer some kind of

―value addition‖ to the buying’s pree of consumers.

Income-wise, the lower end and middle segments look for such discounting and

sales promotion as they have tight monthly budgets. Not all of them even

receive a monthly salary. Some may be paid weekly, some daily and some even

by the number of hours in a day. Aspiration levels enhanced by the advertising

blitzkriegs come into play in these segments. They prefer branded offerings but

may not always be in a position to afford them.

Among the lower segments, using offerings from the organized sector is

common and these consumers buy branded offerings at a lesser frequency than

their counterparts in the middle segment. There may be a huge base of

consumers who may be alternating between branded offerings across product

categories over a period of time.

They may try a branded tea during a week and when money is spent on a

branded fairness cream, for example, in some other week, they may balance this

expenditure by using loose tea. Hence discounting and sales promotion is likely

to drive such behavior towards greater usage of branded offerings.

Modern retailing, though it accounts currently for only two per cent of the total

organized retailing market in India, has to draw more consumers belonging to

the middle class or upper middle class by offering unique bundles of sales

promotions. In fact, this aspect may be a compelling reason for shoppers to visit

the departmental store.

A consumer may plan for ―an unplanned impulse in a departmental store known

for offering such bundled sales promotions. The consumer gets used to sales

promotions at the store and expects to take advantage of it, though she may not

clearly know what is likely to be on offer when she makes a visit. The consumer

may not also find such attractive offers in the neighborhood Kirana shop that

has been servicing the area for a longtime.

Utility of Sales Promotion:

i. Dissonance Reduction:

The housewife, who buys one brand of washing machine, may get confused

when she hears her neighbors praise a competitive brand. Sales promotions

reduce this confusion in the consumers‘ mind. For instance, Hyundai Motor

India announced the extension of warranty on all Santro's it had sold. This was a

promo aimed at rewarding existing customers, for having made Santro their


ii. First Move:

Use promotion now or your competitor will. As A1 Ries and Jack Trout say ―Be

the first to enter the consumer‘s mind‖. For instance, Britannia was the first to

launch the now famous promo, ―Britannia Khao, Crorepati ban Jao!, centered

on the popular TV game show ―Kaun Banega Crorepati‖.

iii. Jump-start Effect:

Sales promotion helps in getting the brand off the ground. A well-planned

promo attracts consumers to your brand. The jump-start effect is often used in

the retail context. When the consumer enters an outlet, she is attracted by the

product being promoted, and ends up buying several other products as well.

Lipton Ice tea being strategically placed between the entrance and the food

counters at Food World.


Promos leverage the key factors of customer motivation. They can urge trial,

keep the consumer coming back for more, or help him switch to the brand being


iv. Stimulate New Product Trial:

Introductory offers with either discounts or sales promotion enable the

consumer to try out a new brand in a familiar category. A brand of new cookies

can create trials through such offers. Trial is necessary for any new brand which

has the disadvantage of not having the equity enjoyed by well established

brands. Sales promotion can bring in consumers who may have otherwise not

done so to try the product. Dettol s liquid hand wash or a trial offer from Heinz

ketchup is likely to attract consumers who may not even be regular users of

these categories.

Real Life Case Scenario:

Sun-feast is a relatively new biscuit brand. Besides its strong celebrity

endorsements and distribution strengths, the brand‘s association with tennis and

contests for children (with the possibility of winners being ball boys/girls at

international tennis tournaments ) creates tremendous excitement in a mundane


Rewarding the current owners of the company‘s brands is one of the important

aspects of a sales promotion, especially with categories of durables that have

lengthy inter- purchase and replacement cycles. Among car brands, Maruti uses

this approach. It has even extended this approach to other brand owners who

would like to convert to its Balenomodel.

Akai, when it entered India, realized the potential of the TV replacement market

in the country as well as the potential for used second-hand sets in the country.

It used an exchange scheme that literally created a market for 29-inch television


Some important things to remember:

i. Compared to advertising, sales promotions yield faster and more measurable

responses in sales.

ii. Sales promotions do not tend to yield new, long-term buyers in mature

markets because they attract mainly deal-prone consumers who switch along

brands as deals become available.

iii. Loyal brand buyers tend not to change their buying patterns as a result of

competitive promotion.

iv. Advertising appears to be capable of deepening brand loyalty and hence the

impact is long-term.

v. Sales promotion is also a very good option for small-share competitors

because if Se they cannot afford to match the market leaders‘ large advertising

budgets nor can they obtain shelf space without offering trade allowances or

stimulate consumer trial without offering incentives. Price competition is often

used by a small brand seeking to enlarge its share, but it is less effective for a

category leader whose growth lies in expanding the entire category.

vi. Another opinion is that Sales Promotions provide a number of benefits that

are important to manufacturers as well as consumers. Sales promotions enable

manufacturers to adjust short-term variations in supply and demand. They

enable manufacturers to test how high a list price they can charge, as they can

always discount it. They induce consumers to try new products instead of never

staying form current ones.

They lead to more varied retail formats, such as everyday-low-price store and

promotional-pricing store. They promote greater consumer awareness of prices.

They permit manufacturers to sell more than they would normally sell at the list

price. They help the manufacturers adapt programmed to different consumer

segments. Consumers themselves enjoy some satisfaction from being smart

shoppers when they take advantage of price specials.

Relative Importance of sales promotion:

In determining the relative importance to place on sales promotion in the overall

marketing mix, a small business should consider its marketing budget, the stage

of the product in its life cycle, the nature of competition in the market, the target

of the promotion, and the nature of the product.

For example, sales promotion and direct mail are particularly attractive

alternatives when the marketing budget is limited, as it is for many small

businesses. In addition, sales promotion can be an effective tool in a highly

competitive market, when the objective is to convince retailers to carry a

product or influence consumers to select it over those of competitors.

Similarly, sales promotion is often used in the growth and maturity stages of the

product life cycle to stimulate consumers and resellers to choose that product

over the competition—rather than in the introduction stage, when mass

advertising to build awareness might be more important. Finally, sales

promotion tends to work best when it is applied to impulse items whose features

can be judged at the point of purchase, rather than more complex, expensive

items that might require hands-on demonstration.


Mahindra & Mahindra India Limited

Mahindra Rise

Type Public

BSE: 500520

Traded as
BSE SENSEX Constituent

Industry Automotive

Founded 1945 (Ludhiana)

Headquarters Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

Area served Worldwide

Key people Anand Mahindra (Chairman & Managing Director)

Products Automobiles, commercial vehicles, two-wheelers

Revenue 12,483 crore (US$15 billion) (2023)

Operating income 17,215 crore (US$1.72 billion) (2023)

Net income 87,505 crore (US$8.72 billion) (2023)

Total assets 21,635 crore (US$26.53 billion) (2023)

Number of employees 140,629 (Sept-2023)

Parent Mahindra Group

Mahindra two Wheelers limited

SsangYong Motor Company

Peugeot Motorcycles (51%)

Website www.mahindra.com

Mahindra and Mahindra Limited (M&M) is an Indian multinational

automobile manufacturing corporation headquartered in Mumbai, Maharashtra,

India. It is one of the largest vehicle manufacturers by production in India and

the largest manufacturer of tractors across the world. It is a part of Mahindra

Group, an Indian conglomerate.

It was ranked 25th in the list of top companies of India in Fortune India 500 in 2022.

Its major competitors in the Indian market include Maruti Suzuki, Tata Motors,

Ashok Leyland and others

Mahindra & Mahindra, branded on its products usually as 'Mahindra', produces

SUVs, saloon cars, pickups, commercial vehicles, and two wheeled motorcycles

and tractors. It owns assembly plants in India, Mainland (PRC), the United

Kingdom, and has three assembly plants in the United States. Mahindra

maintains business relations with foreign companies like Renault SA, France.

M&M has a global presence and its products are exported to several countries.

Its global subsidiaries include Mahindra Europe S.r.l. based in Italy, Mahindra

USA Inc., Mahindra South Africa and Mahindra (China) Tractor Co. Ltd.

Mahindra started making passenger vehicles firstly with the Logan in April

2007 under the Mahindra Renault joint venture. M&M made its maiden entry

into the heavy trucks segment with the Mahindra Truck and Bus Division, the

joint venture with International Truck USA.

Mahindra produces a wide range of vehicles including MUVs, LCVs and three

wheelers. It manufactures over 20 models of cars including larger, multi-utility

vehicles like the Scorpio and the Bolero. It formerly had a joint venture with

Ford called India Private to build passenger cars.

At the 2008 Delhi Auto Show, Mahindra executives said the company was

pursuing an aggressive product expansion program that would see the launch of

several new platforms and vehicles over the next three years, including an entry-

level SUV designed to seat five passengers and powered by a small turbodiesel

engine. True to their word, Mahindra & Mahindra launched the Mahindra Xylo

in January 2009, selling over 15,000 units in its first six months.

Also in early 2008, Mahindra commenced its first overseas CKD operations

with the launch of the Mahindra Scorpio in Egypt, in partnership with the

Bavarian Auto Group. This was soon followed by assembly facilities in Brazil.

Vehicles assembled at the plant in Bramont, Manaus, include Scorpio Pick Ups

in single and double cab pick-up body styles as well as SUVs.

Mahindra planned to sell the diesel SUVs and pickup trucks starting in late 2010

in North America through an independent distributor, Global Vehicles USA,

based in Alpharetta, Georgia. Mahindra announced it would import pickup

trucks from India in knockdown kit (CKD) form to circumvent the Chicken tax.

CKDs are complete vehicles that were assembled in the U.S. from kits of parts

shipped in crates. On 18 October 2010, however, it was reported that Mahindra

had indefinitely delayed the launch of vehicles into the North American market,

citing legal issues between it and Global Vehicles after Mahindra retracted its

contract with Global Vehicles earlier in 2010, due to a decision to sell the

vehicles directly to consumers instead of through Global Vehicles. However, a

November 2010 report quoted John Perez, the CEO of Global Vehicles USA, as


spring 2011, although legal complications remained, and Perez, while hopeful,

admitted that arbitration could take more than a year. Later reports suggested

that the delays may be due to Mahindra scrapping the original model of the

truck and replacing it with an upgraded one before selling them to Americans.

In June 2012, a mass tort lawsuit was filed against Mahindra by its American

dealers, alleging the company of conspiracy and fraud.

Mahindra & Mahindra has a controlling stake in Mahindra Reva Electric

Vehicles. In 2011, it also gained a controlling stake in South Korea's SsangYong

Motor Company.

Mahindra launched its relatively heavily publicized SUV, XUV500, code named

as W201 in September 2011. The new SUV by Mahindra was designed in-house

and it was developed on the first global SUV platform that could be used for

developing more SUVs. In India, the new Mahindra XUV 500 came in a price

range between 1,140,000– 1,500,000. The company was expected to launch 3

products in 2015 (2 SUVs and 1 CV) and an XUV 500 hybrid. Mahindra's two

wheeler segment launched a new scooter in the first quarter of 2015. Besides

India, the company also targeted Europe, Africa, Australia and Latin America

for this model. Mahindra President Mr. Pawan Goenka stated that the company

planned to launch six new models in the year. The company launched the CNG

version of its mini truck Maxximo on 29 June 2012.A new version of the Verito

in diesel and petrol options was launched by the company on 26 July 2012 to

compete with Maruti's Dzire and Toyota Kirloskar Motor's Etios.

On 30 July 2015, Mahindra released sketches of a new compact SUV called the

TUV300 slated to be launched on 10 September 2015. The TUV300 design took

cues fromabattletankandusedadownsizedversionofthemHawkenginefoundonthe

XUV500, Scorpio and some models of the Xylo. This new engine was christened as
the mHawk80.

Organization Structure:

CEO Secretary
Anand Mahindra NS

Chairman of the Board CFO

Anand Mahindra Bharat Doshi

Director Automotive Sector

Anish Shah PG

Director Farm Equipment Sector

R.Kulkarni AC

Director Finance, Legal & Financial Services

Anupam Puri UP

Director Human Resources, After-Market &

Naraynan Vaghul Corporate Services

Director Information Technology Sector

M.Murugappan UY

Director Infrastructure Development Sector

Arun Dasgupta AN

Director Systems & Technologies Sector

Deepak Parekh HL

Director Trade, Retail & Logistics Sector

Nadir Godrej RM

SWOT Analysis of Mahindra & Mahindra with USP, Competition, STP
(Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning) - Marketing Analysis

Mahindra & Mahindra

Parent Company Mahindra

Category Sedans, SUV‘s, Two-wheelers

Sector Automobiles

Tagline/ Slogan Rise; Every 2 minutes a Mahindra is born

Mahindra SUV‘s have a stronghold in the Indian

commercial taxi market which have good performance o
tough terrains



Segment Complete automobile segment including sedans & SUV‘s

Target Group Young executives from the upper-middle income bracket

A brand which promotes new thinking, accepts no limits and

drives positive change

Product Portfolio

1. Mahindra Bolero2.Mahindra Renault Logan

3. Mahindra Scorpio4.Mahindra Verito

Brands 5. Mahindra Xylo

SWOT Analysis

1. Mahindra has been one of the strongest brands in the

Indian automobile market
2. Mahindra group give employment to over110,000
3. Excellent branding and advertising, and low aftersales
service cost
4. Sturdy SUV‘s good for Indian roads and off-road terrain

1. Mahindra‘s partnership with Renault did not live up to

international quality standards through their brand Logan
1. Developing hybrid cars and fuel efficient cars forth
2.Tapping emerging markets across the world and building
global brand
3.Fast growing automobile market

4.Growing in the market through electric car Reva
(controlling stake) and entry into two-wheeler segments

1. Government policies for the automobile sector across the

2. Ever increasing fuel prices

3. Intense competition from global automobile brands

Threats 4. Substitute modes of public transport like buses, metro



3.Nissan Motors
4. Hyundai Motors

5. Fiat

6. .Mitsubishi
7.Maruti Udyog
9. Skoda

10. Toyota

11. Volkswagen

12. Ford


Mahindra & Mahindra (M&M) was established in 1945 as Mahindra &

Mohammed. Later on, after the partition of India, one of the partners - Ghulam

Mohammad - returned to Pakistan, where he became Finance Minister. As a

result, the company was renamed to Mahindra & Mahindra in1948.

M&M started its operation as a manufacturer of general-purpose utility vehicles.

It assembled CKD jeeps in 1949. Over the passing years, the company expanded

its business and started manufacturing light commercial vehicles (LCVs) and

agricultural tractors.

Apart from agricultural tractors and LCVs, Mahindra & Mahindra also showed

its dexterity in manufacturing army vehicles. Soon, it started its operations

abroad, through its plants set up in China, the United Kingdom and the USA.

M&M partnered with companies prominent in the international market,

including Renault SA, International Truck and Engine Corporation, USA, in

order to mark its global presence. M&M also started exporting its products to

several countries across the world. Subsequently, it set up its branches including

Mahindra Europe Srl (based in Italy), Mahindra USA Inc., Mahindra South

Africa and Mahindra (China) Tractor Co. Ltd.

At the same time, M&M managed to be the largest manufacturer of tractors in

India, by holding leadership in the market of the country, for around 25 years.

The company is an old hand in designing, developing, manufacturing and

marketing tractors as well as farm implements. It made its entry to the passenger

car segment in India, with the manufacture of Logan (mid-size sedan) in April

2007, under the Mahindra Renault collaboration.

Soon after the considerable success of Logan, M&M started launching a wide

range of LCVs and three wheelers as well as SUVs including Scorpio and

Bolero. In the present time, Bolero has gained immense popularity in India. It is

one of the most opted vehicles in its class.


Mahindra Bolero is one of the most successful and popular utility vehicle of the

Mahindra and Mahindra Group. The car is robust in appearance and it has been

elegantly designed, keeping in mind the conditions of the Indian roads.

Mahindra Bolero is also among the best fuel-efficient cars of India as the

manufacturer has equipped it with a 2500 cc diesel engine with5- speed



Mahindra & Mahindra Limited launched Mahindra Scorpio as its first Sports

Utility Vehicle in India in 2002.

This SUV has redefined the expectations for the design of SUVs with its sturdy

looks and powerful performance, the sophisticated interior design adds to the

further glory to the appearance.


Mahindra & Mahindra is planning to launch a new multi-purpose vehicle

(MPV) to take on the Toyota Innova and the Chevrolet Tavera in both the

individual buyer and taxi segments. Mahindra has currently named the project

Ingenio. The vehicle is expected to hit the market in 2009


Much awaited Mahindra-Renault Logan has been launched in India. This

compact sedan is a spacious, practical and affordable vehicle. The outlook of

Logan is impressive and the basic version is a value for money, however the

top-end versions are a bit high on price. The prominent feature of this car is its

performance, interiors and economy.


Mahindra & Mahindra Limited launched their latest Multi Utility Vehicle (MUV)


that are seen in today‘s sedans, with the ample space of a utility vehicle. Xylo's

muscular stance contributes to its commanding road presence. Fully packed

with the latest features, the MUV is sure to impress Indian consumers and

provide a stiff competition to the other vehicles within its class.

Performance Of Mahindra XYLO

Under the hood of Mahindra Xylo lies a 4-cylinder turbocharged, mEagle diesel

engine, which generates a power of 112bhp @ 3800 rpm and a peak torque of

24 kgm @ 1800- 3000 rpm. The powerful engine is developed on the NEF

CRDe platform and is mated to 5-gears manual transmission. The car

accelerates from rest to 60 km/h in just 5.8 seconds.


 The Mahindra XUV500 has 2 Diesel Engine and 1 Petrol Engine on offer. The Diesel
engine is 2179 cc and 1997 cc while the Petrol engine is 2179 cc . It is available with
Manual & Automatic transmission. Depending upon the variant and fuel type the
XUV500 has a mileage of 16.0 kmpl & Ground clearance of XUV500 is 200mm. The
XUV500 is a 7 seater 4 cylinder car and has length of 4585mm, width of 1890mm and a
wheelbase of 2700mm. The XUV500 gets Mahindra Blue Sense App which allows the
user to control various car functions like climate control and infotainment system and
view vehicle stats like fuel range and mileage or tyre pressure on a smartphone or a
The electric sunroof along with large windows make the XUV500’s cabin feel airy and
spacious, The cabin gets plush and premium-looking tan leather upholstery

Named after the Thar Desert, the Mahindra Thar was first introduced in 2010 as a
modernized version of the Mahindra Legend, which was based on the Mahindra
MM540, a vehicle that was in production in India since the 1980s.

The Thar was designed to be a rugged, reliable, and affordable off-road vehicle that
could handle the rough terrain found in many parts of India. Its design is based on
the iconic Jeep CJ series, which Mahindra had been producing under license since
the 1940s.

The first generation Mahindra Thar was powered by a 2.5-liter turbocharged diesel
engine that produced 105 horsepower and 247 Nm of torque. The vehicle was
available in two trim levels: the DI 2WD and the DI 4WD. The DI 2WD was a basic
version that came with a soft top and no air conditioning, while the DI 4WD came
with air conditioning and a hardtop. In 2015, Mahindra introduced an updated version
of the Thar called the Thar CRDe. The CRDe stood for "common rail diesel engine,"
which was a more advanced engine that produced 105 horsepower and 247 Nm of
torque. The Thar CRDe also had updated safety features, such as airbags and ABS,
and was available in two trim levels: the CRDe 4WD and the CRDe 4WD AC.

In 2020, Mahindra introduced the second generation Thar, which was a completely
redesigned version of the vehicle. The Thar 2020 has a new, more modern design
that features a bold grille, LED headlights, and a hardtop roof. It is powered by either
a 2.0-liter turbocharged gasoline engine or a 2.2-liter turbocharged diesel engine,
both of which are mated to either a six-speed manual or a six-speed automatic
transmission. The Thar 2020 also has updated suspension and drivetrain
components, as well as a range of new features, such as a touchscreen infotainment
system, a rear-view camera, and an adventure statistics display. The Thar 2020 is
available in two trim levels: the AX and the LX, with the latter being the more
premium option.

The Mahindra Thar has been well-received by both off-road enthusiasts and the
general public in India. It has become a popular vehicle for adventure enthusiasts, as
it is capable of handling some of the most challenging terrains in India.

The second generation Thar was unveiled on August 15, 2020.[3][4] It became
available in October 2020.

It comes with two engine options, a 2.0-litre petrol and a 2.2-litre diesel. Both are
offered with a choice of 6-speed automatic transmission (with a torque
converter gearbox) made by Aisinor 6-speed manual transmission. Customers have
the option to choose between a hard top, soft top or soft top with convertible like
folding down mechanism.[5][6]


Mahindra has unveiled five new electric SUVs as part of their Mahindra Born Electric
Vision and these SUVs will be positioned under Mahindra’s two EV brands – XUV, and the
all-new electric-only brand called BE. The SUVs are based on Mahindra’s purpose-built
INGLO platform, using components from the Volkswagen MEB platform. The first of these
SUVs will be launched by the end of 2024, and these products promise to be very impressive
be it in terms of design, the technology on offer, and more critically, the performance and
range figures claimed. You’ve certainly got our attention Mahindra!

To simplify things for you, Mahindra has unveiled 5 e-SUVs and these SUVs will be
positioned under the carmaker’s two new electric brands, called XUV and BE. The XUV
brand will continue forward with the Mahindra Twin Peaks logo as we know it today, and
have EV versions of ICE cars. The BE brand is an altogether separate brand that will be EV-
only and will attempt to bring in new buyers to the Mahindra fold. The XUV has two e-SUVs
to begin with: the XUV.e8 which will be launched by December 2024 and the XUV.e9 which
is slated to launch by April 2025.


M&M’s 61st year was studded with a number of


achievements, prestigious prizes and glittering awards.



‖ instituted by the National Institute of Industrial Engineering (NITIE),

Mumbai. Chairman, Mr. Keshub Mahindra was also awarded the prestigious

IBS Kolkata Lifetime Achievement Award for his ‗unparalleled contribution to

industrial growth and social and economic development of the community‘.

The Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts of India‘s (ICFAI) India Business

School (IBS) presented it, Kolkata, at the Strategy Summit 2007, held in



Mr. Anand Mahindra, VC & MD, Mahindra Group, received a number of

prestigious awards in 2006-07, including:

o The prestigious CNBC Asia Business Leader of the Year Award for the

Year 2006 as well as the CNBC TV India―Business Leader of the Year


o The ‗CEO of the Year‘ award at the India Brand Summit 2006 co-sponsored

by Business Standard and ITM Business School in association with Times

Now and DNA newspaper.

o The LMA Entrepreneur of the Year 2006 award, instituted by the Ludhiana

Management Association(LMA).

o The Most Inspiring Corporate Leader of the Year‘ Award by NDTV Profit

o The NDTV Profit – Car & Bike Award 2007 for Automobile Man of the Year.


M&M has received the highest Governance & Value Creation rating, CRISIL

GVC Level - I from CRISIL for the ability to create value for all stakeholders,

while adopting sound corporate governance practices.



Mahindra & Mahindra was rated as the leading Indian company in the

Automobile - Tractors sector in the ‗Dun & Bradstreet – American Express

Corporate Awards 2006‘. The Automobile Sector comprises of three categories

– Passenger Vehicles, Commercial Vehicles and Tractors.

These awards recognize the virtues of size and growth in the awards

methodology. M&M ranked No. 1 in these two segments in the premier Dun &

Bradstreet India publication, India‘s Top 500 Companies2006.


Mahindra & Mahindra was honored with the Amity HR Excellence Award at

the Fourth Amity Global HR Summit 2007 held at the Amity International

Business School, Noida. The Amity HR Excellence Award recognized

Mahindra as one the most admired companies across the global on account of its

innovative strategies for Human Resources Management and Development.


Mahindra & Mahindra won the Global HR Excellence Award for Innovative

HR practices (Manufacturing Sector), in the Asia Pacific HRM Congress, held

in Mumbai. These awards recognize organizations and individuals who have

embraced change, encouraged constructive challenges and demonstrated

entrepreneurial skills in the corporate world.



AWARD 2006-07

M&M was presented with the coveted Bombay Chamber Good Corporate

Citizen Award 2006-07 at a glittering ceremony held to celebrate the Chamber‘s

172nd Foundation Day on September 21, 2007. Mr. Bharat Doshi, Executive

Director, M&M Ltd. and Mr. Rajeev Dubey, Member of the Group

Management Board and Chairman, Mahindra & Mahindra CSR Council,

received the award on behalf of the company. This Award recognizes and

honors conspicuous achievement by corporate organizations by way of service

to the civic community, in addition to outstanding operational performance. It

takes into account several parameters, including Business Performance,

Corporate Interests, Employee Welfare, Customer and Stakeholder Satisfaction

and Social Investment.



Mahindra & Mahindra won the coveted Golden Peacock Award for Excellence

in Corporate Governance 2006. This award validates the company‘s ‗Best-in-

Class‘ corporate governance practices and reflects its transparent and ethical

dealings with stakeholders across the entire value chain. It recognizes the

Management‘s commitment to the highest standards of corporate conduct and

its commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility as a distinct activity that

helps build commendable social values and adds to the ethical fiber of the




Mahindra &Mahindra has been awarded as the organization with the

―Best Automotive Manufacturing Supply Chain Excellence‖. The awards were

presented by India Times Mindscape (Times of India Group) along with the

Business India Group at the Express, Logistics & Supply Chain Awards held

in Mumbai on September 28, 2007. A. C. Neilson is accredited with the

research for the award nominees and winners.


M&M was ranked second in the prestigious e Most Trusted Car Company in

India study conducted by TNS. M&M scored 127 points, just seven points

below the top ranking company, according to a TNS communiqué.

 M&M was ranked 14th in The Economic Times prestigious ‗ET 500‘

list of top achieving companies in India. The company has moved up

four ranks from last

 M&M was ranked 22nd in Business India‘s annual survey of the

country‘s top companies - Super100






Features and Bolero SLX

Make Mahindra
Model Bolero
Variant SLX
Body Type SUV
No. of Doors 5

Fuel Efficiency:
City Mileage 9.4 kmpl
Highway Mileage 15.9 kmpl
Fuel Capacity 60 liters
Fuel Type Diesel
Fuel Grade -

Engine Parameters:

Displacement 2523cc
Bore -
Stroke -

Cylinder Configuration 4 inline

Valve Gear Operation -
Compression Ratio -
No. of Valves 8
Aspiration Turbo Charged
Fuel System DI
Horse Power 63.12@3200 ps@rpm
Torque 180@1440Nm@rpm

Steering and Suspension

Steering Type Rack and pinion, power assist
Power Steering Yes
Front Suspension Independent with coil spring
Rear Suspension Leaf spring


Length 4056 mm
Height 1880 mm
Width 1660 mm
Wheel Base 2680 mm
Clearance 200 mm
Boot -
Front Head Room Min: 60mm Max: 60mm
Front Legroom - -
Rear Head Room Min: 60mm Max: 60mm
Rear Legroom Min: 74mm Max: 94mm
Krebs Weight Min: 1615kg Max: 1615 kg
Gross Weight

Drive Train

Type Manual
Gears 5
Drive Line RWD

Comforts Features

AM / FM Radio Present

Except AM / FM radio there is no other comfort is provided.

Safety: There is no safety feature included in Bolero SLX including antitheft system

Feature and Specification
Make Mahindra
Model Bolero
Variant SLE
Body Type SUV
Number of Doors 5

Fuel Efficiency:
City Mileage 9.5 kmpl
Highway Mileage 13.2 kmpl
Fuel Capacity 60 liters
Fuel Type Diesel
Fuel Grade -

Engine Parameters:

Displacement 2523cc
Bore -
Stroke -
Cylinder Configuration 4 inline
Valve Gear Operation -
Compression Ratio -
No. of Valves 8
Aspiration Turbo Charged
Fuel System DI
Horse Power 63.12@3200 ps@rpm
Torque 180@1440Nm@rpm

Steering and Suspension

Steering Type Rack and pinion, power assist
Power Steering Yes
Front Suspension Independent with coil spring

Rear Suspension Parabolic Leaf spring


Length 4056 mm
Height 1880 mm
Width 1660 mm
Wheel Base 2680 mm
Clearance 180 mm
Boot -
Front Head Room -
Front Legroom -
Rear Head Room -

Rear Legroom -
Krebs weight Min: 1615kg Max: 1615 kg
Gross weight -

Drive Train

Type Manual
Gears 5
Drive Line RWD

Comfort Features

Air-Conditioning Yes

Except Air conditioning, no other comfort features are present in the

Bolero SLE. Same as SLX no safety features are present in the Bolero


Feature and Specification
Make Mahindra
Model Bolero
Variant DIZ
Body Type SUV
Number of Doors 5

Fuel Efficiency:
City Mileage 9.5 kmpl
Highway Mileage 13.2 kmpl
Fuel Capacity 60 liters
Fuel Type Diesel
Fuel Grade -

Engine Parameters:
Displacement 2523cc
Bore -
Stroke -
Cylinder Configuration 4 inline
Valve Gear Operation -
Compression Ratio -
No. of Valves 8
Aspiration -
Fuel System DI
Horse Power 63.12@3200 ps@rpm
Torque 137.5@2000-2500Nm@rpm

Steering and Suspension
Steering Type Rack and pinion, power assist
Power Steering Yes
Front Suspension Independent with coil spring & anti
roll bar
Rear Suspension Parabolic Leaf springs

Length 4056 mm
Height 1880 mm
Width 1815 mm
Wheel Base 2680 mm
Clearance 200 mm
Boot -
Front Head Room -
Front Legroom -
Rear Head Room -
Rear Legroom -
Krebs weight Min: 1615kg Max: 1615 kg
Gross weight 5.4 kg

Drive Train
Type Manual
Gears 5
Drive Line RWD

This model of Mahindra Bolero do not consist any comfort features and safety
Feature and Specification
Make Mahindra
Model Bolero
Variant DI

Body Type SUV
Number of Doors 5

Fuel Efficiency:
City Mileage 10.7 kmpl
Highway Mileage 15.9 kmpl
Fuel Capacity 60 liters
Fuel Type Diesel
Fuel Grade -

Engine Parameters:
Displacement 2523cc
Bore -
Stroke -
Cylinder Configuration 4 inline

Valve Gear Operation -

Compression Ratio -
No. of Valves 8
Aspiration Turbo Charged
Fuel System DI
Horse Power 63.08@3200 ps@rpm
Torque 180@1440 Nm@rpm

Steering and Suspension

Steering Type Rack and pinion, power assist
Power Steering No
Front Suspension Independent with coil spring
Rear Suspension Leaf springs

Length 4260 mm

Height 1810 mm
Width 1815 mm
Wheel Base 2680 mm
Clearance 183 mm
Boot -
Front Head Room Min: 60mm Max: 60mm
Front Legroom -
Rear Head Room Min: 60mm Max: 60mm
Rear Legroom Min: 74mm Max: 94mm
Krebs weight Min: 1615kg Max: 1615 kg
Gross weight -

Drive Train
Type Manual
Gears 5
Drive Line RWD

Comfort Features

Air-Conditioning Yes

Except Air conditioning, no other comfort features are present in the

Bolero SLE. Same as SLX no safety features are present in the Bolero
Feature and Specification
Make Mahindra
Model Bolero
Variant Plus
Body Type SUV
Number of Doors 5

Fuel Efficiency:
City Mileage 9.4 kmpl
Highway Mileage 15.1 kmpl

Fuel Capacity 60 liter
Fuel Type Diesel
Fuel Grade -

Engine Parameters:

Displacement 2523cc
Bore -
Stroke -
Cylinder Configuration 4 inline
Valve Gear Operation -
Compression Ratio -
No. of Valves 8
Aspiration Turbo Charged
Fuel System Direct Injection
Horse Power 63.08@3200 ps@rpm
Torque 180@1440-1550 Nm@rpm
Steering and Suspension
Steering Type Rack and pinion, power assist
Power Steering No
Front Suspension Independent with coil spring &
anti roll bar
Rear Suspension Parabolic Leaf springs

Length 4440 mm
Height 1977 mm
Width 1660 mm
Wheel Base 2794 mm
Clearance 195 mm
Boot -
Front Head Room -
Front Legroom -
Rear Head Room -
Rear Legroom Min: 74mm Max: 94mm

Krebs weight Min: 1615kg Max: 1615 kg
Gross weight -

Drive Train
Type Manual
Gears 5
Drive Line RWD

Comfort Features

Air-Conditioning Yes

Except Air conditioning, no other comfort features are present in the

Bolero SLE. Same as SLX no safety features are present in the Bolero


United Automobiles has franchise of M&M Company. M&M Company

manufacturer various types of MUVs and LCVs.
These are:


D2 (BASE VERSION) 8,56,824

D4 (LOWER VERSION) 8,04,283

H4 (SPORTZ VERSION) 9,74, 973

H9 ( TOP VERSION ) 11,10,312



SCORPIOS2 8,92,873

SCORPIOS4 9,37,737

SCORPIO S4 PLUS 4WD 11,37,705

SCORPIO S10 4WD AT 14,38,638

SCORPIO Vle mHawk 10,18,427



BOLERO DI BSIII 6,93738 (WHITE), 6,05,738 (SILVER)






LOGAN GLE 1.4 5,84,471

LOGAN GLX 1.4 6,09,696

LOGAN GLX 1.6 6,47,169

LOGAN GLS 1.6 6,75,727

LOGAN GLSX 1.6 6,95,292

LOGAN DLE 1.5 5,97,605

LOGAN DLX 1.5 6,40,791

LOGAN DLS 1.5 6,86,631

LOGAN DLSX 1.5 7,06,195

LOGAN GLX 1.4 EDGE 5,41,752

LOGAN GLSX 1.6 EDGE 6,27,378

LOGAN DLX 1.5 EDGE 6,72,850

LOGAN DLS 1.5 EDGE 7,20,204

LOGAN DLSX 1.5 EDGE 7,39,787


1. To study the level of satisfaction towards after sales services of Mahindra


2. To study the factors those satisfy and delight the customer.

3. To analyze customer opinion about Mahindra‘s after sales services.

4. To find out the customers requirement from the Mahindra.

5. To find out the problems faced by customers.



Research methodology is a process to systematically solve the research

problem. It may be understood as a science of studying how research is done
scientifically. Why a research study has been undertaken, how the research
problem has been defined. In what way and why the hypothesis has been
formulated, what data have been collected and particular method has been
adopted. Why particular technique of analyzing data has been used and a host of
similar other questions are usually answered when we talk of research
methodology concerning a research problem or study.

A research design serves as a bridge between what has been established (the
research objectives) and what is to be done, in the conduct of the study. In this
project research done is of conclusive nature. Conclusive research provides
information that help in making a rational decision.

Descriptive design was choose to measure the satisfaction level of customers

on the basis of different parameters such as quality, price, features, technology,
after sale services etc.

This design ensured complete clarity and accuracy. It also ensured minimum
bias in collection of data and reduced the errors in data interpretation. Statistical
method was followed in this research because the data was of descriptive nature
and it also enabled accurate generalizations.


Primary data:

Primary data are those which are collected a fresh and for the first time, and thus
happen to be original in character. It was collected through questionnaire and
personal interviews.

Secondary data:

The secondary data are those which have already been collected by someone
else and which have already been through the statistical process. The data were
collected in the form of company profile and produce profile from the web sites
and newspaper. Some of the books were referred for theoretical concepts.

Data source- Primary data

Research Approach- Survey Approach

Research Instruments- Questionnaire

Sample collection- 50 customers, New Delhi

Sample Technique- Random Sample Technique

Sample Area:
New Delhi
Sample Size- 50
Primary Data- Questionnaire

Limitations of the study

 The scope of study is limited to the respondents are selected from in and
around New Delhi,U.P
 Measurement of customer satisfaction is complex subjects, which uses
non- objectives method, which is not reliable.
 The sample unit was also 50respondents.

 There may be some biased response from the respondents.

 Some respondents did not provide the full data.

 However, Mahindra and Mahindra Automobile showrooms are located

in other places i.e. locally and even in the neighboring states. Only
opinion of respondents of New Delhi city was consider for finding out
the opinions of respondents. The project is valid for the predefined area
of work New Delhi (Uttar Pradesh).

Data Analysis
Table No. 1 Satisfaction towards Mahindra & Mahindra
78% 22%


Interpretation 1:

The sample drawn on probability basis shows that 78% of the customers
were satisfied with Bolero variant and only 22% were not satisfied with Bolero

Most of the respondents approached were satisfied with Mahindra &


Table No: 2 Factors affecting customer satisfaction towards Mahindra &
Factor Percentage

Features 12%

Low Maintenance 34%

Comfort 18%

Style 16%

After Sales Service 20%


Factor Affecting Customer Satisfaction

34 %
% 16
18 o
20 %
% m

Interpretation 2: The sample drawn on the probability basis clearly shows that
34% (51respondents) are the opinion that low maintenance is the satisfaction
factor Mahindra & Mahindra and 20 %( 30 respondents) of them who view
After Sales Service as a vital

respondents), Style with 16%(respondents) and only 12%(18 respondents) of

them view that feature of Mahindra & Mahindra as satisfaction factor.


Majority of the respondent are of the idea that low maintenance of the top
most feature contributing to customer satisfaction followed by after sales
services comfort style and features As such, Mahindra should focus on the
aspects, which will enhance the customer satisfaction and thus the market share

Table No: 3 Customer opinions towards fuel consumption.

Factor Percentage

Extremely Satisfied 27%

Satisfied 49%

Neutral 17%

Dissatisfied 7%

Total 100%

Figure: 3

Consumer Opinions
toward Fuel
7 Consumption
17 % 27
% % More Satisfied
Not Satisfied &

Interpretation 3: 100% of the respondents 49% of the respondents approached

were satisfied with the fuel consumption of the Bolero. Followed by 27% was
extremely satisfied, 17% are neutral and rest of the 7% is more dissatisfied with
fuel consumption of Mahindra & Mahindra.

Observation: As majority of the respondents are satisfied with the fuel

consumption of Mahindra & Mahindra, the company should maintain the same
standard and it is suggested to come up with suitable measure to reduce the
negative opinion among the consumer who are of the opinion that the fuel
consumption is a dissatisfying factor.

Table No: 4 Customer opinions toward Safety and Comfort.

Factor Percentage

Extremely Satisfied 23%

Satisfied 47%

Neither Satisfied & Dissatisfied 20%

Dissatisfied 10%

Total 100%

Figure: 4

Customer Opinions toward

Safety and Comfort
20 % Extremely
% Satisfied
% ied

Interpretation 4: 100% of the respondents 47% of the respondents approached

were satisfied with the safety and comfort feature of the Bolero. Followed by

27% was extremely satisfied, 17% are neutral and rest of the 7% was
dissatisfied with safety and comfort feature of Mahindra & Mahindra.

Observation: As majority of the respondents are satisfied with the safety and
comfort feature of Mahindra & Mahindra, the company should maintain the
same standard and it is suggested to come up with suitable measure to reduce
the negative opinion among the consumer who are of the opinion that the fuel
consumption is a dissatisfying factor.

Table No: 5 Customer opinions toward Design.

Factor Percentage

Extremely Satisfied 20%

Satisfied 40%

Neutral 27%

Dissatisfied 13%

Total 100%

Figure: 5

Customer Opinions Toward Design

13 20
% % Extremely
% Neutral
% ied

Interpretation 5: 100% of respondents 40% of the respondents approached

were satisfied with the Design of the Bolero. 20% were more satisfied, 27% of
them neutral and 13% are dissatisfied with the design of the Mahindra &

Observation: As majority of the respondents are satisfied with the design of
Mahindra & Mahindra, the company should maintain the same standard and it is
suggested to come up with suitable measure to reduce the negative opinion
among the consumer who are of the opinion that the fuel consumption is a
dissatisfying factor.

Table No: 6 Customer opinions toward space availability in Mahindra &


Factor Percentage

More Satisfied 27%

Satisfied 53%

Neither Satisfied & Dissatisfied 17%

Dissatisfied 3%

Total 100%

Figure: 6

Customer Opinions Toward Space

17% 27%
Extremely Satisfied
Satisfied Neutral

Interpretation 6: The sample drawn on the probability basis shows that out of
100% of respondents 53% of the respondents approached were satisfied with the
space availability of the Bolero. 27% were more satisfied, 17% of neither

satisfied and dissatisfied and 3% are dissatisfied with the space availability of
the Mahindra & Mahindra.
Observation: As 80% of the respondents are happy with the space availability
of the Mahindra & Mahindra vehicle, it can be conducted that the company has
undertaken proper R&D in this aspect.

The 20% of the respondents who have answered negatively may be comparing
with the vehicle in the same category launched very recently.
Table No: 7 Customer satisfactions toward Maintenance of Mahindra &

Factor Percentage

Extremely Satisfied 23%

Satisfied 51%

Neutral 21%

Dissatisfied 5%

Total 100%


Customer Opinions Toward Maintenance


51% Dissatisf

Interpretation 7: The sample drawn on the probability basis shows that out of
100% of respondents 51% of the respondents approached were satisfied with the
maintenance of the Mahindra & Mahindra. 23% were extremely satisfied, 21%
of neutral and 5% are dissatisfied with the maintenance.

Observation: Though majority of the customer are satisfied that the
maintenance cost of Mahindra & Mahindra’s less, around 20% are not satisfied
which may be because of

comparison of Mahindra & Mahindra with the newly launched competing brands
coming with even lower maintenance cost.
Table No: 8 Customer awareness about power steering.

Option No. Of Respondents (%)

Aware 80%

Unaware 20%

Total 100%

Figure: 8

Customer Awareness About Power

80 eUnawa
% re

Interpretation 8: Out of 100% of respondents, 80% of the respondents

approached were aware of the power steering present in some variant of
Mahindra & Mahindra and 20% were not aware of the power steering present in
some variant of Mahindra & Mahindra.

Observation: Most of the respondents approached were aware of power steering
system introduced in some variants of Mahindra & Mahindra.

Table No: 9 Customer perceptions about Mahindra & Mahindra

Very Good Good Average Bad Very Bad

20% 47% 21% 12% -

Figure: 9

Customer Perception About

Very Good
47% Average

Interpretation 9: The sample drawn on the probability basis shows that out of
100% of respondents 47% of the respondents gave Good response to Mahindra
& Mahindra. 20% gave Very Good response, 21% gave Average response and
12% gave bad response to Mahindra &Mahindra.
Observation: As 67% of the respondents are satisfied that they are happy with

the company were to identify the pitfalls in their product and undertake remedial
measure, thus it will lead to more good word of mouth publicity.


Based on the data gathered by administrating schedules to customers the following

observations are made.

1. Mahindra & Mahindra has excellent percentage of customer satisfaction

according to the data shown in table 1 of the data analysis and
Interpretation topic.

2. Most of the people are satisfied with its low maintenance cost and after
sales service provided by Mahindra &Mahindra.

3. Based on the fuel consumption, most of the people are satisfied with-it.

4. Based on Safety and Comfort, Design, Space, Maintenance most of the

people are satisfied with-it.
5. Large numbers of Mahindra & Mahindra user are aware of its power steering.

6. If we took the satisfaction level of people toward Mahindra & Mahindra,

it becomes good.

7. Its features and style satisfy most of the people.


 Mahindra Company has to implement good customer relationship

management strategy that enhances customer satisfaction level.

 The company can undertake R&D to improve the existing feature which
helps to increase the customer satisfaction.
 The company should promote about the entire features offered by it. As
majority of the customer give opinion that they are satisfied by the
factor, services and design of the product, the company should not only
maintain the existing standard but also enhance them.

 As majority of the respondents are satisfied with the safety and comfort
feature of Mahindra SUV, the company should maintain the same
standard and it is suggested to come up with suitable measure to reduce
the negative opinion among the consumer who are of the opinion that the
fuel consumption is a dissatisfying factor.

 As such, Mahindra should focus on the aspects, which will enhance the
customer satisfaction and thus the market share.


1. Mahindra & Mahindra has a very good market share in the state of New
Delhi. for the SUV segment.
2. The company is offering good services, which is reflected on the
satisfaction of the customer.
3. Majority of the customer are satisfied with the design of the vehicle.

4. Mahindra and Mahindra Motors have a very good market share in the
state of New Delhi for the SUV segment.
5. The company is offering good services, which is reflected on the
satisfaction of the customer.
6. Majority of the customer are satisfied with the design of the vehicle.

7. Mahindra & Mahindra motors are providing better facilities compare

with other brand.
8. As 67% of the respondents are satisfied that they are happy with
Bolero, it satisfies that the customer satisfaction levels are very high. If
the company were to identify the pitfalls in their product and undertake
remedial measure, thus it will lead to more good word of mouth

9. Though majority of the customer are satisfied that the maintenance cost
of Mahindra & Mahindra is less, around 20% are not satisfied which
may be because of comparison of Mahindra & Mahindra with the newly
launched competing brands coming with even lower maintenance cost.
As 80% of the respondents are happy with the space availability of the
Mahindra & Mahindra vehicle, it can be conducted that the company has
undertaken proper R&D in this aspect.

10. The 20% of the respondents who have answered negatively may be
comparing with the vehicle in the same category launched very recently.

Mahindra and Mahindra Co. is a Good automobile company in India.

They also provide good features vehicles every year for their customer
for increase the satisfaction level of customer they always launched the
motors according to customer demand but in heavy competition market.
Mahindra Company must need to focus on updated features in vehicles
and design.


Books :
 Kothari. C.R (2004): Research Methodology Methods & Techniques‟, New Age
International Publishers, New Delhi, 2ndEdition.

 Richard I. Levin, David S. Rubin (2004): „Statistics for Management‟, Prentice Hall
of India Private Limited, New Delhi, 7thEdition.

 Jayaram, N. and Sandhog, R.S. (1998), Housing in India - Problems, Policy and
perspectives, B.R. Publishing Corporation, Delhi.

 Jeffrey Gitomer (1998), Customer satisfaction is worthless: Customer loyalty is

priceless: How to make customers love you, keep them coming back and tell
everyone they know, Austin TX: BoardPress.





1) Customer profile
a) Name b)Occupation
c)Age d)Income
e) Address:-

1) Are you a satisfied with Mahindra &Mahindra?

a. Yes
b. No

2) If “Yes” Which factor you consider is satisfies you most?

a. Feature
b. Low Maintenance
c. Looks
d. After Sales Service

3) Are you satisfy with the fuel consumption of Mahindra &Mahindra?

a. Extremely Satisfied
b. Satisfied
c. Neutral
d. Dissatisfied

4) Are you satisfied with the Safety and Comfort of Mahindra &Mahindra?
a. Extremely Satisfied
b. Satisfied
c. Neutral
d. Dissatisfied

5) Are you satisfied with the Design?

a. Extremely Satisfied
b. Satisfied
c. Neutral
d. Dissatisfied

6) Are you satisfied with space available in Mahindra &Mahindra?
a. Extremely Satisfied
b. Satisfied
c. Nor Satisfied &Dissatisfied
d. Dissatisfied

7) Are you satisfied with Maintenance cost?

a. Extremely Satisfied
b. Satisfied
c. Neutral
d. Dissatisfied

8) Are you aware about power steering present in Mahindra &Mahindra?

a. Yes
b. No

9) Your general perception about Mahindra &Mahindra.

a. Very Good
b. Good
c. Average
d. Bad

10) Do you want to give any suggestion about any change in the
Mahindra & Mahindra?


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