GeneticDiversity ImportanceandMeasurements Chapter17 RIP 2016
GeneticDiversity ImportanceandMeasurements Chapter17 RIP 2016
GeneticDiversity ImportanceandMeasurements Chapter17 RIP 2016
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Genetic Diversity: Importance and
Genes are the fundamental units of all biological variations and constitute the
raw material for evolution. It is the source of the enormous variety of life
forms, communities, and ecosystems. Genetic variation shapes and defines
individuals, populations, subspecies, species, and ultimately the kingdoms
of life on earth. Genetic diversity among individuals reflects the presence
of different alleles in the gene pool, and hence different genotypes within
populations. Genetic diversity has a great importance from the individualistic
and population point of view. All the phenotypic plasticity is dependent on the
genetic variability of any organisms which also helps it to adapt to and evolve
in different environmental pressures. Mainly three lines of evidences are there
1 Cell and Molecular Biology Laboratory, Department of Zoology, University of North Bengal,
Siliguri-734013, West Bengal.
* Corresponding author email:;
252 Conserving Biological Diversity: A Multiscaled Approach
Genetic diversity is a study undertaken to classify an individual or population,
compared to other individuals or populations. It quantifies the magnitude of genetic
variability within a population which is a fundamental source of biodiversity. Genes
are the fundamental unit of biodiversity, the raw material for evolution, and the
source of the enormous variety of plants, animals, communities, and ecosystems
that we seek to protect, admire and use. Genetic variation shapes and defines
individuals, populations, subspecies, species, and ultimately the kingdoms of life
on earth. Genetic diversity among individuals reflects the presence of different
alleles in the gene pool, and hence different genotypes within populations. Genetic
diversity should be distinguished from genetic variability, which describes the
tendency of genetic traits to vary within populations (Laikre et al., 2010). Since
the beginning of the 20th century, the study of genetic diversity has been the major
focus of core evolutionary and conservation biology. The theoretical metrics
developed, such as genetic variance and heritability (Fisher, 1930; Wright, 1931),
provided the quantitative standards necessary for the evolutionary synthesis.
Further research has focused on the origin of genetic diversity, its maintenance and
its role in evolution. Simple questions such as “who breeds with whom” initiated
studies on the relatedness of populations. These investigations led to the formation
of ‘metapopulation’ theory, where a group of spatially separated populations of
the same species interact at some level and form a coherent larger group (Hanski,
Conserving Biological Diversity: A Multiscaled Approach 253
1998). The discovery of spatial structure in populations was a key element in the
early concepts and models of population ecology, genetics and adaptive evolution
(Wright, 1931; Andrewartha and Birch, 1954).
How different levels of genetic variation affect the rate of evolutionary change
within populations has also been intensively studied. Subsequently, the detection
of genetic variation has become more sensitive, firstly, through the utilization of
variations in enzymes (allozymes) and then through PCR-based marker systems,
allowing direct examination of DNA sequence variations. The precise detection of
genetic variation/diversity has greatly enhanced the studies of evolution. There is
no doubt that the genetic variation influences the fitness of individuals, and that
this is reflected in natural selection. In this regard, individual genotypes must vary
in ecologically important ways. Ecological adaptation is a significant factor for
example, in range expansion of different species. Species with different genotypes
conferring the highest levels of fitness are expected to survive and reproduce better,
shifting the gene pool over time towards higher frequencies of the alleles making
up the more successful genotypes (Ward et al., 2008). Fisher (1930) reported that
when an increase in fitness is allowed, genetic diversity can increase the population
growth rate, but only if the population is not regulated by other factors and if it
is experiencing directional selection. Despite the presence of genetic variation in
ecologically important traits, relatively little is known about the range of potential
ecological effects of genetic diversity on population dynamics, species interactions
and ecosystem processes (Hughes et al., 2008). This has led to the rise of the
field molecular ecology, which integrates the application of molecular population
genetics, phylogenetics and genomics to answer ecological questions.
Genetic diversity can affect the community at the same trophic level (Figure 1).
For example, multi-species communities of grassland plants with higher genetic
diversity per species maintained higher species diversity over time than the
communities with lower genetic diversity (Booth and Grime, 2003). In this system,
genotypic interactions between species contribute to the effects of overall genetic
diversity (Whitlock et al., 2007). Mechanisms underlying the effects of genetic
diversity on community may apply equally to the effects of species diversity on
community, but mechanisms specific to genetic diversity can also contribute to
community-level impacts. The effect of genetic diversity on kin recognition has
been implicated in the successful invasion of the Argentine ant (Linepithema
humile), where the low allelic diversity of the invader decreased the precision of
the recognition system, allowing this species to form large, competitively dominant
super-colonies (Tsutsui et al., 2003). Genetic diversity also appears to influence
behavior in this species, with ants from low diversity colonies showed greater
aggression and lower mortality in encounters with ants from high-diversity colonies
(Tsutsui, 2004). Several studies have been carried out how the genetic diversity
affects the higher trophic level in an ecosystem. The number of plant genotypes
affects the arthropod community translating into positive effects on total arthropod
species richness but not on total abundance (Johnson et al., 2006). The mechanisms
underlying these effects differed depending on arthropod trophic level, increases
with predator species richness and abundance could be attributed to spatial and
temporal niche, complementarity among genotypes contributed to the increase in
abundance of arthropod species. In the study mentioned above, genotypic richness
increased the abundance of plant-associated species by increasing plant abundance
(Reusch et al., 2005), while genotypic richness positively affected arthropod
species richness by increasing both the total abundance and the diversity of plant
resource availability (Crutsinger et al., 2006). Another study also suggested the
effects of plant genetic diversity on the abundance and/or diversity of invertebrate
260 Conserving Biological Diversity: A Multiscaled Approach
based on length variation in the regions between microsatellites. This method has
a wide range of uses, including the characterization of genetic relatedness among
populations, genetic fingerprinting, gene tagging, detection of clonal variation,
cultivar identification, phylogenetic analyses, detection of genomic instability
(Brenner, 2011), and assessment of hybridization. ISSR markers are also suitable
for the identification and DNA fingerprinting (Gupta and Varshney, 2000; Gupta
et al., 2002). ISSRs are like RAPDs markers in that they are quick and easy to
handle, but they seem to have better reproducibility of SSR markers because of the
longer length of their primers.
available SNP isolation strategies (Brumfield, 2003; Seddon et al., 2005). Typical
direct SNP discovery strategies involve sequencing of locus specific amplification
(LSA) products from multiple individuals or sequence determination of expressed
sequence tags (EST-sequencing) (Twyman, 2004; Suh and Vijg, 2005). Other direct
strategies include Whole Genome Shotgun Sequencing (WGSS) and Reduced
Representation Shotgun Sequencing (RRSS) approaches. If comparative sequence
data are available in public or other databases, various sequence comparison
algorithms that identify nucleotide differences provide an alternative means
to empirically discover SNPs (Guryev et al., 2005). The software applications
PyroBayes and Mosaik are being used to differentiate between true polymorphisms
and sequence errors (Hillier et al., 2008). The new development in technologies
that collect high-throughput data contributes substantially in the progress in
evolutionary genomics (Gilad et al., 2009). The next generation sequencing
(NGS) technologies have the potential to revolutionize genomic research and
enable to focus on a large number of outstanding questions more easily (Rafalski,
2002). The NGS provides the capacity for high-throughput sequencing of whole
genomes at low cost. They have advantage of improving the capacity to finding
novel variations that are not covered by genotyping arrays (Imelfort et al., 2009).
contain the genomic sequences that flank the restriction sites. These fragments are
then released from the streptavidin beads by restriction digestion at the original
restriction sites. The polymorphic loci, if present in any individual sample, will
not contain the tags for that loci in the purified RAD tag samples, thus resulting in
differential hybridization patterns of RAD tags on a microarray when compared
with other samples. However, the RAD tags that are present in all the individuals
of a population will not serve as an informative marker. Therefore, subtractive
hybridization of RAD tags with cDNA is used to enrich for sample-specific RAD
tags to produce a large number of informative markers. RAD-tag clone libraries
are generated from these enriched samples and are used as templates for PCR. The
products of the PCR amplification are used to produce RAD marker microarrays
(Miller et al., 2007a). RAD specifically isolates DNA tags directly flanking the
restriction sites of a particular restriction enzyme throughout the genome. More
recently, the RAD tag isolation procedure has been modified for use with high-
throughput sequencing on Illumina® platform, which has the benefit of greatly
reduced raw error rates and high throughput (Baird et al., 2008). The new procedure
involves digesting DNA with a particular restriction enzyme (SbfI, NsiI etc),
ligating the first adapter, called P1, to the overhangs, randomly shearing the DNA
into fragments much smaller than the average distance between restriction sites,
preparing the sheared ends into blunt ends and ligating the second adapter (P2),
and then using PCR to specifically amplify fragments that contain both adapters.
Importantly, the first adapter contains a short DNA sequence barcode, called MID
(Molecular IDentifier), which allows to pool different DNA samples with different
barcodes and to track each sample when they are sequenced in the same reaction
(Baird et al., 2008).
which is located between the large subunit and 5.8S rRNA cistronic regions. The
two spacers and the 5.8S subunit are collectively called the Internal Transcribed
Spacer (ITS) region. The ITS regions are believed to be fast evolving and therefore
may vary in length and sequences. The flanking regions of the ITS are usually
used to design universal PCR primers to enable easy amplification of ITS regions.
The number of copies of rDNA repeats is up to 30000 per cell (Dubouzet and
Shinoda, 1999). The ITS region evolves much more rapidly than other conserved
regions of rDNA, this makes the ITS region an interesting subject for evolutionary,
phylogenetic and bio-geographic investigations (Baldwin et al., 1995). The ITS
region is highly conserved intra-specifically, but variable between different
species, this makes ITS a suitable systematic molecular tool (Bruns et al., 1991;
Hillis and Dixon, 1991). The genetic diversity studies using ITS can be used by
either direct sequencing of the region from different individuals followed by tree
construction based on sequence comparison. The other method is by measuring
sequence variation by restriction digestion of the ITS region, which can be used
towards taxonomic goals. The ITS region was successfully used for the diagnostics
and quick identification of cyst nematodes (Subbotin et al., 2000). Comparisons of
PCR-RFLP profiles and sequences of the ITS-rDNA of unknown nematodes with
those published or deposited in GenBank facilitate quick identification of most
species of cyst nematodes (Subbotin et al., 2000; Subbotin et al., 2001).
Finally, mobile element based markers are co-dominant. There are several retro-
transposon-based markers available now-a-days like, Inter-Retro-transposon
Amplified Polymorphism (IRAP) and Retro-transposon-Microsatellite Amplified
Polymorphism (REMAP) which have been used in barley, wheat, oak, rice, banana,
Pisum and other important crops (Kalendar et al. 1999), Retro-transposon-Based
Insertion Polymorphisms (RBIP), in Pisum sativum (Flavell et al., 1998) and
Retro-transposon-based Sequence-Specific Amplification Polymorphism (SSAP)
in barley, pea, wheat and cashew (Grzebelus, 2006).
Band-based approaches
The easiest way to analyze banding patterns and to measure the diversity represented
by them is to focus on band presence or absence and to compare it between samples.
This method is routinely used at the level of the individual, and produces distances
generated from the bands rather than taking into account the diversity of the
population. The disadvantage is that it treats the data as polymorphism produced
by the markers rather than describing the genetic diversity of the organism.
Measuring Polymorphism
A locus is considered polymorphic when the band is present at a frequency of
between 5% and 95%. The polymorphism represented in the banding patterns can
be extracted simply by observing the total number of polymorphic bands (PB) and
then calculating the percentage of polymorphic bands (PP) present in any individual
based on this number. This “band informativeness” (Ib) can be represented on a
scale ranging from 0 to 1 according to the formula: Ib = 1 – (2 × |0.5 – p|), where p
is the portion of genotypes containing the band.
Conserving Biological Diversity: A Multiscaled Approach 271
Where, pa2 is the frequency of the ath of k alleles. By taking allele frequencies into
account, this descriptor of allelic richness is less sensitive to rare alleles.
Where, m number of analyzed loci. The range of this parameter from 0-1 and it is
maximized when there are many alleles at equal frequency.
fluctuating population size, (ii) breeding sex ratio, (iii) overlap of generations and
(iv) spatial dispersion. In should be noted that the effective size of a population is
an idealized number, since many calculations depend on the genetic parameters
used and on the reference generation. Therefore, a single population may have
many different effective sizes which are biologically meaningful but distinct from
each other.
The demographic stochasticity and genetic drift can negatively affect small
populations. Demographic stochasticity leads to the random extinction of small
populations, while genetic drift can cause a reduction of genetic diversity within a
population. These factors can interact in an extinction vortex (Figure 2) that can
eventually lead to the extinction of a population (Primack, 2000). Shaffer (1981)
proposed the concept of the Minimum Viable Population (MVP) by defining it
as the smallest isolated population (of a given species in a given habitat) having
a 99% chance of remaining in existence for 1,000 years, despite the effects of
demographic stochasticity, genetic drift, environmental stochasticity and natural
catastrophes (Shaffer, 1981). Populations smaller than the MVP are considered to
be at significant risk of entering into the extinction vortex and becoming extinct, so
a conservation program can be considered successful only if it raises the effective
population size above the MVP.
Heterozygosity (H)
Heterozygosity can be regarded as the average portion of loci with two different
alleles at a single locus within an individual. It is commonly extended to the
whole or a sub-portion of an entire population and differentiated into observed and
expected heterozygosity. Expected heterozygosity (HE) or Nei’s gene diversity (D)
is the expected probability that an individual will be heterozygous at a given locus,
in multi-locus systems over the assayed loci. In other words, it is the estimated
fraction of all individuals that would be heterozygous for any randomly chosen
locus (Nei, 1973). It is often calculated based on the square root of the frequency
of the null (recessive) allele as follows:
H E =1 − ∑ i pi2
where pi is the frequency of the ith allele. Observed heterozygosity (HO) is the
portion of genes that are heterozygous in a population. It is calculated for each locus
as the total number of heterozygotes divided by sample size. Typically values for
HE and HO range from 0 (no heterozygosity) to nearly 1 (a large number of equally
frequent alleles). Expected heterozygosity is usually calculated when describing
genetic diversity, as it is less sensitive to sample size than observed heterozygosity.
If HO and HE are similar (they do not differ significantly) mating in the populations
is approximately random. If HO is less then HE, the population is inbreeding; if HO
exceeds HE, the population has a mating system avoiding inbreeding.
In population genetics, the most widely applied measurements besides
heterozygosity are F-statistics, or fixation indices. These were originally designed
to measure the amount of allelic fixation by genetic drift. F-statistics are used
to describe the structure of the population at different levels. It can describe the
inbreeding (coefficient) of an individual relative to the total population (FIT) or the
inbreeding (coefficient) of an individual relative to the subpopulation (FIS), and
can also express the “fixation” (index) resulting from comparing subpopulations to
the total population (FST) (Wright, 1977). In other words, different F-coefficients
explain the correlation of genes within individuals over all populations (FIT),
the correlation of genes of within individuals within populations (FIS), and the
correlation of genes of different individuals in the same population (FST). For a
given species this can be interpreted as the overall inbreeding (FIT), the inbreeding
within taxa (FIS) and the coefficient of co-ancestry (FST), which provides an
estimate of inter-specific genetic differentiation. The F-statistics are related to
heterozygosity and genetic drift. Since inbreeding increases the frequency of
homozygotes, as a consequence, it decreases the frequency of heterozygotes. In
Conserving Biological Diversity: A Multiscaled Approach 275
SHE Analysis
Shannon’s index describes two aspects of diversity: species richness and evenness.
Sometimes this notion makes interpretation difficult because the increase in
diversity may arise either as a result of greater richness or greater evenness or both.
Buzas and Hayek (1996) and Hayek and Buzas (1997) pointed out that Shannon’s
index is simply the sum of the natural log of evenness value (lnE) (where E= eH/S)
and natural log of species richness (lnS). This decomposes the Shannon’s index
into its two components H’= lnE + lnS. This allows the investigators to interpret
the changes in diversity pattern in a spatial or temporal scale. The SHE analysis
describes a relationship between the S (species richness), H (diversity measured by
Shannon’s index) and E (evenness). When a large number of samples are counted
or estimated there are five scenarios possible (Hayek and Buzas, 1997):
Phylogenetic Diversity
Besides estimation of genetic diversity, it is also obvious in molecular ecological
studies to represent the genetic structure of the population(s) examined. Such
information is extremely valuable because it can address many important issues
such as estimation of migration pattern, identification of conservation units, or
resolution of biogeographical patterns (Mantel et al., 2005). When geographical
locations are available for populations and sampling allows the detection of
spatial structure, then tree-based methods should be considered. These methods
allow graphical representation of the relatedness of individuals and exploration of
information on the spatial structure of populations. Therefore, the results can be
evaluated in the light recent dispersal or/and other biogeographical patterns, genetic
differentiation or even migration-drift equilibrium. The simultaneous evaluation
of the results of tree-based methods coupled with the distribution of individual
markers within and among identified groups provides some information on the
distribution of genetic diversity (Bonin et al., 2007). Knowledge of phylogenetic
structure of genetic variation in populations is essential for understanding what
the genetic diversity within a given species is likely to represent as part of the total
Conserving Biological Diversity: A Multiscaled Approach 277
Faith (1992) showed how the sum of the branch lengths on a minimum-spanning
path between any set of terminals on a cladogram could be used to calculate a
metric he termed Phylogenetic Diversity (PD) for that set. PD is important not
only because species in isolated, monotypic lineages usually represent much
more unique genetic diversity than ones in younger, more speciose groups, but
also because the very nature of these species means that they may actually be
disproportionately threatened by extinction (Purvis et al., 2000). Isaac et al.
(2007) devised a measure they termed Evolutionary Distinctiveness (ED), which
represents the relative contribution of an individual species to a clade’s PD. They
further showed how extinction risk could be combined with ED to identify species
that are both Evolutionarily Distinct and Globally Endangered (EDGE) species.
Hierarchical Populations
First Order A and B
First Order C and D
Second Order A, B and C
Fourth Order A, B, C, D,
E, F and G
orders of the hierarchy. The triangles indicate the collection spots and curved line
indicate the river streams (adapted from Meffe and Carroll, 1997).
At the lowest level of hierarchy inbreeding individuals are genetically more similar.
As move through the hierarchy the genetic differences among more geographically
separated populations are greater (Meffe and Carroll, 1997). Genetic hierarchy
occurs because the divergence component of diversity (Dpt) can be subdivided into
geographic hierarchy in the distribution of species. Therefore, genetic divergence
exists between different populations because of different level of gene flow among
them. Populations that are geographically proximate show continuous gene flow
and are genetically more similar than the more distant populations. Thus a species
can be visualized as having a spatial genetic architecture. Perhaps the clearer picture
of genetic and geographic hierarchy is observed in riverine species because river
forms a geographic structure with natural hierarchy (Meffe and Carroll, 1997).
The river forms the first order, second order and so on hierarchical structures. The
first order stream joins to form second order streams, and the second order streams
join to form the third order streams and so on. In figure 3, the first order hierarchy
constitutes the A and B populations, and C and D populations. The second order
hierarchy constitutes the A, B and C populations, and D, E and F populations. The
third order hierarchy constitutes the A, B, C and D, E, F populations. Whereas the
fourth order hierarchy constitute the A, B, C, D, E, F and G populations (Figure 3).
Therefore, the overall diversity of any river stream is determined by calculating
genetic diversity and genetic divergence of the individual hierarchical order of
the river stream and finally adding the values of genetic diversity and genetic
divergence of the individual first, second, third and fourth hierarchical orders.
Table 1: List of some freely available software used to analyze genetic diversity.
Relatedness Mac Estimates genetic relatedness, calculates Freeware from Queller and
v. 5.0.4 symmetrical and asymmetrical relatedness http://www.bioc. Goodnight
and jackknife standard errors. (1989)
Analyse Mac Likelihood analysis, estimating Fst, Fis, Freeware from Barton and
v. 2.0 and standardized linkage disequilibrium, http://helios.bto. Baird (1998)
estimating variation between clines.
Conserving Biological Diversity: A Multiscaled Approach 279
Arlequin Windows Calculates gene and nucleotide diversity, Freeware from Schneider et
v. 1.1 mismatch distribution, http://anthropolo al.(1997)
haplotype frequencies, linkage
disequilibrium, tests of Hardy-Weinberg arlequin
equilibrium, neutrality tests, pairwise
genetic distances,
DnaSP Windows DNA sequence variation within and Freeware from Rozas and
v. 2.52 between populations, also linkage Rozas (1995,
disequilibrium, recombination, gene flow, 1997)
gene conversion parameters, and neutrality aSP.html
Fstat DOS/ Gene diversity, computes jackknifing Freeware by Goudet
v. 1.2 Windows and bootstraping using a permutation writing to J. (1995)
algorithm. Goudetatjerome.
GDA Windows Standard gene diversity measures, Freeware; Weir (1996)
F-statistics, genetic distance http://chee.unm.
matrices, UPGMA and neighbor- edu/gda
joining dendrograms, exact tests for
GENEPOP DOS Exact tests for Hardy-Weinberg Freeware from 3 Raymond
v. 3.1b equilibrium, population differentiation, ftp sites: and
genotypic disequilibrium, allele ftp://ftp.cefe.cnr Rousset
frequencies, Fst, and other correlations, (1995a, b)
linkage disequilibrium.
GENETIX Windows/NT Genetic distances, variability parameters, Freeware from Belkhir et al.
v. 3.3 Wright’s fixation indices, linkage http://www. (1998)
disequilibrium. univmontp2.
Migrlib Unix Estimates the pattern of migration in Freeware from Tufto et al.
v. 1.0 a subdivided population from genetic http://www.math (1996)
differences likelihood ratio tests between
alternative models such as the island migration
model and the stepping stone model.
PMLE12 Windows or Gene flow maximum likelihood. Freeware from Rannala and
v. 1.2 Mac For discrete generationisland model, http://mw511.biol. Hartigan
theta=2Nm. For acontinuous-generation (1996)
islandmodel, theta is the ratio ofthe bruce/exec.html
immigration rate phi tothe individual birth
rate lambda.
280 Conserving Biological Diversity: A Multiscaled Approach
POPGENE Windows Genetic diversity measures, tests of Hardy- Freeware from Yeh and
v. 1.21, Weinberg Equilibrium, F-statistics, genetic http://www.ualb Boyle
distances, UPGMA dendrogram, neutrality (1997); Yeh
tests, linkage disequilibrium. index.htm et al.(1997)
TFPGA Windows Calculates descriptive statistics, genetic Freeware from Miller (1997)
distances, and F-statistics. Performs tests
for Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, exact
tests for genetic differentiation,
Mantel tests, and UPGMAcluster analyses.
Bottleneck Windows Effective population size, the observed Freeware from Cornuet
v. 1.1.03 heterozygosity, expected heterozygosity, http://www.ensam. and Luikart
expected at mutation-drift equilibrium and (1997)
assuming a given mutation model
Fluctuate Windows, Estimates the effective population size Freeware from Kuhner et al.
v. 1.50B Mac, UNIX and an exponential growth rate of a single http://evolution. (1995, 1998)
population using maximum likelihood and genetics.washin
Metropolis-Hastings importance sampling
of coalescent genealogies. html
Migrate-0.4 Windows, Menu driven, character-based program that Freeware from Kuhner et al.
v. 0.4.3 Mac, finds 4+1maximum-likelihoodestimates http://evolution. (1995, 1998)
LINUX of population parameters for a two genetics.
population model.
Migrate-n Windows, Menu driven, character based program Freeware from Kuhner et al.
v. Alpha- Mac, that finds n*nmaximum-likelihood http://evolution. (1995, 1998)
LINUX estimates of population parameters for genetics.
Recombine Windows95, Fits a model which has a single Freeware from Kuhner et al.
v. 1.0, NT, population of constant size with a single http://evolution. (1995, 1998)
Mac, recombination rate across all sites. It genetics.
LINUX estimates 4Nu and r, where N is the
effective population size, u is the neutral lamarc.html
mutation rate per site, and r is the ratio of
the per-site recombination rate to the per-
site mutation rate.
SITES DOS, Generates tables of polymorphic sites, Freeware from Hey and
v. 1.1 Mac indels, codon usage. Computes numbers http://heylab. Wakeley
of synonymous and replacement base (1997)
positions, pairwise sequence differences html#software Wakeley and
and GC content. Performs group Hey(1997)
comparisons and polymorphism analyses
and estimates historical population
parameters. Primarily intended for datasets
with multiple closely related sequences.
Conserving Biological Diversity: A Multiscaled Approach 281
The study of genetic diversity is very much essential from the standpoint of
conservation and management purpose. Presently earth faces a huge threat to
genetic diversity, especially to several endemic and threatened taxa. The genetic
diversity of several species has gradually degraded and might be reaching a
critical condition in near future. Several anthropogenic and environmental
pressures are the main causative agents behind this phenomenon. Therefore, the
proper identification and estimation of genetic diversity of such critical/threatened
species is important for proper conservation and management purposes. Previously
developed molecular tools and statistical procedures and recent advances in
molecular genetics methods open a new door for better understanding the
particular conservation and management unit and allow investigators to answer
the empirical questions of genetic diversity regarding the conservation concern.
The recent advances in computational biology, mathematical biology, biostatistics
and bioinformatics have opened a new window for the researchers to investigate
the questions concerning genetic diversity and conservation in unequivocal way.
The above review gives a clearer insight into the importance and ecological
consequences of genetic diversity degradation. Moreover, it also gives some idea
regarding the basic molecular and analytical statistical tools used in the genetic
diversity study. Although not exhaustive, Table 1 lists some of the freely available
computer softwares, with their utilities and sources that implement analyses of
genetic diversity. Diversity clearly makes the world a more interesting place
and the idea that we should conserve genetic diversity is therefore tempting. Yet
when we imagine imposing genetic diversity to secure this same good, its value
is revealed as elusive, especially if we concede recognize it must be achieved at
the cost of the well being of some individuals whose existence has been used to
produce a benefit enjoyed mainly by others.
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