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Grammar Exercise 4

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Practice Exercise – 4

Directions for questions 1 to 45: In the following questions, two sentences are given. There may be an error in the
sentence(s). Mark as your answer.

(A) if there is an error only in the first sentence;

(B) if there is an error only in the second sentence;
(C) if there are errors in both the sentences and
(D) if there is no error in either of the two sentences

Part – A
1. I. I did not know that he can be able to swim 6. I. The movie is neither educative nor enjoyable.
like that. II. He will not repair the car unless you will pay him
II. Having passed the M.B.A examination he joined in advance.
a reputed company.
7. I. She is waiting here for you since 7 p.m.
2. I. To take a pay and then not to work is II. He and I are enemies.
II. To respect both our parents are our duty. 8. I. While learning to dance, one of the most
important things is concentration.
3. I. The function had begun when we reached II. Young girls feel shy to talk to boys.
the hall.
II. He is the strongest and very bright boy the 9. I. If it will rain, I will not come to the function.
whole school. II. Though he is rich, he is humble.
4. I. My friend will not only receive you at the
station and also have you as a guest in 10. I. We was hungry after the journey, but I
his house. wasn’t tired.
II. I am so tired that I can't work anymore. II. The hotel was comfortable and it wasn’t
5. I. He is both the Principal and correspondent.
II. Both my brother and sister stay in America.

Part – B
11. I. Were the weather good when you were 15. I. Why you can’t come to the meeting tomorrow?
on holiday? II. It was my birthday last week and I got some
II. Was the shoes expensive? presents.
16. I. I lost my purse a few days before but fortunately
12. I. They used to live in the same street with she found it and gave it back to me.
us, so we often used to see them. II. I was needing some advice, so I asked her.
II. He used to work in a supermarket nowadays.
17. I. Would you like to go on a trip round the world?
II. When you are going to London, where are you
13. I. Which time do you have to go to the dentist going to stay?
18. I. I used to have a car but I sold it last year.
II. We doesn’t have to wait very long for the bus.
II. You can’t make me to go with you.

14. I. How often does you watch television? 19. I. The man don’t want the woman to take up
II. What did you take for dinner? a job.
II. They didn’t want anybody to know their secret.

20. I. He said that he will come, but he didn't. 34. I. Which colour do you prefer, black or white?
II. I admit, 'No news is good news now - a -days’. II. Can you tell me where the museum is?

21. I. I cannot see anything wrong with the plan. 35. I. I and my friend like to play tennis in grass court.
II. You may read the book if you have enough II. Each of the mistakes have to be corrected
time. before printing.

22. I. There is a little truth in what we have heard. 36. I. He informed me before he had posted the
II. You are not going to the theatre, isn't it? letter yesterday.
II. No one is as happy as he.
23. I. They have been living here since the last
three years. 37. I. Being a very hot day I remained in my room.
II. He had written a letter before he started. II. I hope you will excuse me leaving early today.

24. I. I can't stand him complaining at the dining 38. I. It is a fact that everybody wishes to enjoy life.
table everyday. II. Fools who came to scoff me remained to praise.
II. Either the teacher or the principal will give their
speech. 39. I. She worked in a bank from 1986 to 1989
II. We enjoyed in the party last night.
25. I. Only two-thirds of the work are complete.
II. I believe that character is more preferable than 40. I. It is a nice day today but last day it rained all day.
wealth. II. The accident happened last Sunday
26. I. The only good thing about these apples are
their colour and their size. 41. . The bill was passed on January the 2nd.
II. Being a short vacation the students had to . It is possible the bag may have been taken by
return dissatisfied. mistake.
27. I. Last year Rachel’s age was twenty-two years
old, so she is twenty three year old now. 42. . Since the time of ancient civilisations, ivory has
II. When I were a child, I were afraid of dogs. been an object of great desire.
. Ornaments and carvings have been fashioned
28. I. She has gone to the cinema thrice last week. out of ivory for centuries.
II. He came into the room, took off his coat and
was sitting down. 43. . The signature dish is not as delicious that it
used to be at a nearby restaurant.
29. I. I usually buy two newspapers every day. . When the weather is nippy yet not so chill to
II. Our friends come to see us every Friday. demand a sweater, a jacket is the best.

30. I. I always have a shower in the morning. 44. . All cities in the world are alike in more ways
II. I cleaned my teeth four times yesterday. than their residents realise.
. If I shall see him on the way to office, I shall
31. I. Do you think there will be a lot of people
give him your message.
for the party on Sunday?
II. The manager of the company is to be
leaving, so there will be a new manager soon. 45. . We consciously chose to stay closer home, not
geographically but contextually and
32. I. There has been an accident the day before economically.
yesterday. . The number of self-help books across the
II. When I got home, I was hungry but there wasn’t broadest spectrum of the genre does appear to
anything to eat. be on the rise.
33. I. There has been many mishaps on this road.
II. It is three miles from our house into the city


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