Usd 842385
Usd 842385
Usd 842385
(12 ) Howard
United States Design Patent ( 10) Patent No.: US D842 , 385 S
(45 ) Date of Patent: * * Mar. 5 , 2019
(54 ) EXPANDED OCTAHEDRAL BLOCK Primary Examiner — Cynthia M . Chin
(74 ) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Schwegman Lundberg &
(71) Applicant: T. Dashon Howard , Chicago , IL (US) Woessner, P . A .
(72 ) Inventor: T . Dashon Howard , Chicago , IL (US) (57) CLAIM
(* * ) Term : 15 Years The ornamental design for an expanded octahedral block , as
shown and described .
(21) Appl. No .: 29 /593,386 DESCRIPTION
(22 ) Filed : Feb . 8, 2017 FIG . 1 is a perspective view of an expanded octahedral lock ,
(51) LOC (11) CI. .... ......................... 21-01 showing our new design ;
(52 ) U .S . CI. FIG . 2 is a top plan view thereof, showing the vertical and
USPC ....... ........ .... D21/503; D21/492 horizontal symmetry of the design ;
(58 ) Field of Classification Search FIG . 3 is a bottom plan view thereof;
USPC ...... D21 /372, 373, 386 , 388 , 389, 468 , 478 , FIG . 4 is a front elevation view thereof;
D21 /479 ; D19 /59 , 60 , 51 FIG . 5 is a back elevation view thereof, which because of the
CPC ... ..... A63H 33 / 00 ; A63H 33 /04 ; A63H 33 / 06 ; vertical and horizontal symmetry of the design , is a mirror
A63H 33/08 ; A63H 33/ 082 , A63H image of the front elevation view ;
33 /084 ; A63H 33 / 10 ; A63H 33 / 102 ; FIG . 6 is a left side elevation view thereof, which because
A63H 33/ 105; A63H 33/ 12; A63H 33 / 16 ; of the vertical and horizontal symmetry of the design , is a
A63H 33 /40 ; GO9B 19 /00 ; GOIN 33 /26 ; rotation from the front elevation view ;
GOIN 33 /32 ; B21D 5 /00 ; B21D 11/ 00 ; FIG . 7 is a right side elevation view thereof, which because
B21D 11 /20 of the vertical and horizontal symmetry of the design , is a
See application file for complete search history . mirror image of the left side elevation view ;
FIG . 8 is another perspective view thereof;
(56 ) References Cited FIG . 9 is another perspective view thereof;
FIG . 10 is another perspective view thereof;
U . S . PATENT DOCUMENTS FIG . 11 is another perspective view thereof;
FIG . 12 is another perspective view thereof;
2 ,341,056 A * 2/1944 Moore ... B65D 75 /50
206 /822 FIG . 13 is another perspective view thereof;
3,038 ,649 A * 6 / 1962 Rausing ................. B65D 75 /50 FIG . 14 is another perspective view thereof,
222 /528 FIG . 15 is another perspective view thereof;
3,208,754 A * 9/ 1965 Sieve ................. A63F 9 /0415 FIG . 16 is another perspective view thereof;
273 / 146 FIG . 17 is another perspective view thereof;
3,255, 125 A * 6 / 1966 Block ............. CO8G 79 / 14 FIG . 18 is another perspective view thereof;
528/ 166 FIG . 19 is another perspective view thereof
D206 ,120 S * 11/ 1966 Johnson
son .... D12 /215
3 ,347, 363 A * 10 / 1967 Dykes ...... .. ..... B65D 75 /50 FIG . 20 is another perspective view thereof
206 /436 FIG . 21 is another perspective view thereof; and ,
3 ,618 ,758 A * 11/ 1971 Shaw ................... B65D 5 / 5021 FIG . 22 is another perspective view thereof.
206 / 436
(Continued ) 1 Claim , 22 Drawing Sheets
US D842 ,385 S
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FIG . 8
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FIG . 10
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FIG . 16
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FIG . 18
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FIG . 19
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FIG . 20
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FIG . 21
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FIG . 22