Economics CH 2
Economics CH 2
Economics CH 2
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Theme 3
An empire across three continents
• The emergence of Sasanian dynasty in Iran in 225 CE raised a serious threat to the Roman
• In a famous rock inscription,The Iranaian ruler Shapur 1 claimed he had annihilated a
Roman army of 60,000 and captured the eastern capital of Antioch
• The Roman empire also confronted the invasions of barbarians.
• The Germanic tribes such as the Alamanni,the Franks and the Goths invaded the Roman
provinces. The Romans were forced to abandon much of the territories beyond the Danube
• The rapid succession of emperors in third century (25 emperors in 47 years) is obvious
symptom of the strains faced by the empire in this period
8) Slavery was a tradition deeply rooted in ancient Roman world. Explain
• Slavery was a tradition in the Mediterranean and in the near East.
• During the republican period,the slave labour was used in most parts of the empire.Under
Augustus,there were 3 million slaves.Then the total population was 7.5 million
• But slaves were not used in all parts of the empire .In many parts,wage labour was used for
doing works.
• Slaves were considered as an investment.The upper class of society showed no mercy
towards them
• Romans usually kept prisoners of war as slaves
9) The Roman agricultural writers and employers paid great attention to the management of
• The Roman agricultural writers and employers (Eg.columella,a first century writer ) paid
great attention to the management of labour.They gave utmost importance to the supervision
• Employers believed that supervision was important to get works done
• Some times workers were grouped into gangs or smaller teams inorder to make supervision
• Pliny the elder,the author of the famous book’ Natural Historia’ condemned the use of slave
• The measures adopted by the employers for the managementof labour were rigid and cruel
like draconian laws
10) What is meant by Draconian laws ?
• Draco was a Greek law maker who lived in Athens in 6 th century BCE.He prepared a code
of law.
• Its provisions were harsh and rigid
11) Analyse the political economic and cultural transformation of Rome in Late Antiquity
• The final phase of the Roman empire was called Late Antiquity (Late Roman Empire ).It
refers to the period from 4 th to 7 th centuries
• The period saw considerable changes in cultural, economic, and administrative levels.
Changes during the period of Emperor Diocletian
• The emperor Diocletian abandoned territories with little strategic and economic importance.
• He fortified frontiers, recognised provincial boundaries and separated civilian from the
military functions.
• He granted greater autonomy to the military commanders who became powerful.
Reforms of Emperor Constantine I
He introduced Solidus,a coin weighing 4 % gm of pure gold.
The creation of a second capital at Constantinople.
Changes in the economic life.
The late Antiquity period witnessed considerable change in economic life.
Monetary stability and an expanding population stimulated economic growth.
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• The Roman Empire included regions that had a reputation for exceptional fertility.
E.g.Compania,Italy, Sicily, Fayum in Egypt, Galilee, Byzacium (Tunisia), southern Gaul,
• Trans humance was widespread in the country side of Numidia(Modern Algeria)
• As Roman estates expanded in North Africa, the pastures of those communities were
drastically reduced and their movements more tightly regulated.
• Even in Spain the north was economically much less developed. In these areas peasantry
who were Celtic-speaking lived in hilltop villages known as Castella.
• In the Roman Empire water power was very efficiently used around Mediterranean and
there were advances in the water powered milling technology, the use of hydraulic mining
techniques in Spanish gold and silver mines.
• Well organised commercial and banking networks existed.
• Widespread use of money indicates that the Roman Empire had sophisticated economy.
14) What are the social groups in Roman society described by Tacitus ?
• Tacitus, a Roman historian has described the social hierarchy of the early empire.
• Senators were at the top in the early Roman Empire
• Next were the leading members of equestrian classes.
• Respectable section of the people who were attached to the great houses was next in the
social order
• Then was the untidy lower classes and slaves came to the bottom
• In the fourth century by the time of Constantine I, the Senators and equities had merged in to
an expanded aristocracy
• Like Senators, most 'knights' were landowners
• Next in the social hierarchy was the middle class. It consisted of persons working in
bureaucracy and army, prosperous merchants and farmers.
Important words and terms
Annals-records of events year by year
Mediterranean -heart of Roman Empire - A sea connected to the Atlantic ocean
Aramaic-The language spoken by a large group of the North East
Coptic- The language spoken in Egypt
Punic- The language spoken in North Africa
Berber- The language spoken in North Africa
Celtic- The language spoken in Spain and North West
Dressel 20-A container carried Spanish olive oil
Amphorae-Large container used to transport wine and olive oil
Augustan age-The reign by Augustus from 27 BCE to 14 CE. His reign is remembered for peace
Gaul,Numidia,Tunisia,Macedonia etc-- Provinces of Roman Empire
The Emperor,The Senate, The army—Three Main players of the political history of the Roman
Tiberius-adopted son of augustus-ruled
Transhumans- Seasonal movement of herdsmen between mountain and lowland pastures