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Proposal Wima Technology Center 9k RCT

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Proposal ID 0840/RCT/05-24 Enquiry #.

Lintang Annurya Dewa

Client Name PT. Wima Technology Center Proposal For Recertification of ISO 9001:2015

Bureau Veritas Certification

Client’s Name: Proposal for Service:

PT. Wima Technology Center Recertification of ISO 9001:2015

To the Attention of: Bureau Veritas Proposal N°: 0840/RCT/05-24

Mr. Yohan Susanto Revision: R.0
Mr. Siswoyo
Proposal submitted by:
Client Address:
Jl. Wahab Affan RT 002/ RW 001 KM. 28, PT BUREAU VERITAS INDONESIA
Medan Satria, Kota Bekasi, Jawa Barat
17132 Indonesia Date: 27 May 2024


Proposal ID 0840/RCT/05-24 Enquiry #. Lintang Annurya Dewa
Client Name PT. Wima Technology Center Proposal For Recertification of ISO 9001:2015


1. BUREAU VERITAS AT A GLANCE ................................................................ 3

2. BUREAU VERITAS CERTIFICATION ............................................................ 5
3. GENERAL INFORMATION ............................................................................ 6
4. TECHNICAL INFORMATION ......................................................................... 8
5. SIGNATURES ........................................................................................... 112
6. LIST OF ANNEXURES ................................................................................ 12


Proposal ID 0840/RCT/05-24 Enquiry #. Lintang Annurya Dewa
Client Name PT. Wima Technology Center Proposal For Recertification of ISO 9001:2015


History at a Glance
Established in 1828, Bureau Veritas is a Global Leader in Testing, Inspection and Certification (TIC),
delivering high quality services to help clients meet the growing challenges of quality, safety, environmental
protection and social responsibility.

As a trusted partner, Bureau Veritas offers innovative solutions that go beyond simple compliance with
regulations and standards, reducing risk, improving performance and promoting sustainable development
through core values of integrity and ethics, impartial counsel and validation, customer focus and safety at

Bureau Veritas is recognized and accredited by major national and international organizations to respond to
the worldwide need of third party assessment of management systems and registration of these systems
against international and national standards (ISO 9000, ISO 14001, ISO 27001, ISO 22301 and ISO 45001
etc.) but also sector specific ones (IATF 16949, AS/EN 9100 Series, ISO22163, and many food sector’s



Proposal ID 0840/RCT/05-24 Enquiry #. Lintang Annurya Dewa
Client Name PT. Wima Technology Center Proposal For Recertification of ISO 9001:2015

Global Business

Geographical presence
An Extensive Geographical Footprint


Proposal ID 0840/RCT/05-24 Enquiry #. Lintang Annurya Dewa
Client Name PT. Wima Technology Center Proposal For Recertification of ISO 9001:2015




Q Quality • Transport SERVICE AND PRODUCT OR
H Health • Food
• Sustainability
S Safety
E Environment
• Enterprise Risk SOLUTIONS SECTOR
• Customised Audits
Social responsibility
• Training


Proposal ID 0840/RCT/05-24 Enquiry #. Lintang Annurya Dewa
Client Name PT. Wima Technology Center Proposal For Recertification of ISO 9001:2015



Company Information

Company Name PT Wima Technology Center

Proposal N° (if any) 0840/RCT/05-24

PT Wima Technology Center

Operational Site Name
(appearing on certificate) Site1

Company Address Jl. Wahab Affan RT 002/ RW 001 KM. 28, Medan Satria, Kota
Bekasi, Jawa Barat 17132 Indonesia

Invoicing address (if different)

Client Registration N°

Client Contact information

Last Name Susanto

First Name Mr. Yohan

e-mail Yohan.susanto@ptwitec.com; siswoyo@ptwitec.com
Phone 0812 2643 0722/ 021 885 3835

Client Approval
Last Name

First Name



Proposal ID 0840/RCT/05-24 Enquiry #. Lintang Annurya Dewa
Client Name PT. Wima Technology Center Proposal For Recertification of ISO 9001:2015



Wisma 76 Building, 21st Floor

Office address Jl. Let. Jend. S. Parman Kav.76
Slipi, Palmerah Jakarta Barat 11410, Indonesia

Contact Information
Last Name Dewa

First Name Lintang

e-mail Lintang.dewa@bureauveritas.com

Phone 0811 1921 6684

Last Name Suryaningtiyas

First Name Widiyowati

e-mail Widiyowati.suryaningtiyas@bureauveritas.com

Phone +62 21 53 666 861


Proposal ID 0840/RCT/05-24 Enquiry #. Lintang Annurya Dewa
Client Name PT. Wima Technology Center Proposal For Recertification of ISO 9001:2015


Standard Name ISO 9001:2015



Accreditation Bodies UKAS


Site(s) to be certified - Legal Name of Entity Site 1
Site 2
HO: Jl. Wahab Affan RT 002/ RW 001 KM. 28,
Medan Satria, Kota Bekasi, Jawa Barat 17132
Site 1: GIIC Cikarang BlockCI. NO 03, Deltamas,
Site(s) address(es)
Cikarang, Kab.Bekasi, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
Site 2: GIIC Cikarang Block CH. NO 01-02,
Deltamas, Cikarang, Kab. Bekasi, Jawa Barat,
- Total Employee :
- HO: 2 Persons
- Site 1: 31 Persons
- Site 2: 44 Persons
N° of Employees
- Total Effective employee QMS/EMS :
- HO: 2 Persons
- Site 1: 58 Persons
- Site 2: 44 Persons
- HO: 1 Shift
N° of Shifts - Site 1: 1 Shift
- Site 2: 1 Shift
Night Shift existing or to be audited? N/A
Is there any design activity in the site to be
- Where temporary project site exist, BV has rights
to visit and perform site assessment as part of
the audit requirements. Audited company shall
provide necessary transport and
accommodation arrangement for this purpose.
Other - When required by accreditation body or BV, the
company shall allow and accept witness visit for
the purposes of assessing the performance of
Bureau Veritas Certification audit team. BV will
be responsible for additional cost incurred from
the witness activity.


Proposal ID 0840/RCT/05-24 Enquiry #. Lintang Annurya Dewa
Client Name PT. Wima Technology Center Proposal For Recertification of ISO 9001:2015

Impartiality: Client Confirmed none of Bureau Veritas entity has been solicited for consulting services
in a period of 2 years before the solicited service being delivered


Proposal ID 0840/RCT/05-24 Enquiry #. Lintang Annurya Dewa
Client Name PT. Wima Technology Center Proposal For Recertification of ISO 9001:2015

Certification Scope:

Item Total Fees

(in IDR)


Administration Cost

Document Review & Audit Planning

Main Audit 40.000.000

Accreditation Fee (UKAS)

1 (one) Original Certificate


Surveillance Audit 1 22.500.000

Surveillance Audit 2 22.500.000


Additional Certificate (Original) YES / NO 500.000

Additional Logo in the certificate YES / NO 500.000

Adjustment Factor/Site YES / NO

If Yes, please complete following details,
Reason/ justification for adjustment :
1. Maturity of management system

Travel Costs

• Travel and accommodation expenses will be charged at cost where applicable


Proposal ID 0840/RCT/05-24 Enquiry #. Lintang Annurya Dewa
Client Name PT. Wima Technology Center Proposal For Recertification of ISO 9001:2015


• This quotation is including withholding tax but excluding VAT

Offer Validity Period

• This quotation is valid for 90 days for assessment carried out within six month from the
acceptance of this contract

Additional Information
• This quotation strictly covers the site and location detailed in Part 3. General Information and
4. Technical Information
• Any additional follow up visit will be charged at the applicable man-day rate
• Initial Audit shall be repeated when Initial audit was unsatisfactory or Main Audit was not
conducted less than 6 months after Initial audit
• Contract Amendment will be applicable if any changes that cause of additional man-days/ cost.
• All services offered under UKAS accreditation are performed under the management control of
Bureau Veritas Certification Holding SAS – UK Branch
• All services offered under KAN accreditation are performed under the management control of
Bureau Veritas Indonesia
• The Client must co-operate with Bureau Veritas Certification in all matters relating to the
Services; In particular in case of remote audit, the Client and Bureau Veritas Certification define
the suitable ICT means (Information and Communication Technology) to ensure an efficient
conduct of the audit and an appropriate level of confidentiality. Please note, where there is no
travel restriction imposed by the government, remote audit shall not be proceed and be
replaced by onsite audit.
• The overall scope of certification shall be remain auditable during 3 years certification cycle. If
some part of the scope are not available for audit, BV has rights to reduce certification scope
and revise current certificate

Payment Terms

• Payment Terms & Conditions will be 100% of audit price after each audit has been performed,
30 days after service receiving, against invoice receive date

Terms & Conditions

• General Conditions of Service
• Technical Terms and Conditions for Certification Services
• Commercial Terms and Conditions for Certification Services



Proposal ID 0840/RCT/05-24 Enquiry #. Lintang Annurya Dewa
Client Name PT. Wima Technology Center Proposal For Recertification of ISO 9001:2015

Both parties have read, understood and approved the content of present offer including:
• Payment Terms,
• Terms & Conditions
• This proposal for certification and wish to proceed with the Service


Last Name

First Name

Date of Signature



Last Name Ms. Suryaningtiyas

First Name Widiyowati

Date of Signature 27 May 2024




Generic Terms and Conditions for Certification Service

1. APPLICATION OF GENERAL CONDITIONS; DEFINITIONS 2.4 The Company performs surveys, inspections, verifications,
certifications, tests, assessments, audits and/or appraisals, as agreed
1.1 The definitions in this Article apply in these General Conditions: by the parties, with independence, impartiality and objectivity. Such
information is communicated to the Client in the form of the Reports.
Agreement: the Client’s acceptance of the Company’s proposal, any
other mutual agreement for provision of Services, the Company's 2.5 In providing the Services, the Company does not take the place of
acceptance of a completed Company Order Form or other instructions designers, architects, builders, contractors, manufacturers, producers,
for Services from the Client, or any instruction or request for services by operators, transporters, importers or owners, who, notwithstanding the
a Client and subsequent acceptance by the Company and performance Company’s actions, are not released from any of their obligations of
of Services by the Company for the Client. These General Conditions whatever nature. If and to the extent that the Client releases any third
govern each Agreement unless or until separate terms and conditions party from its liabilities, obligations and duties with respect to the Client’s
are agreed to in writing between the Client and the Company. products or services, or from its liabilities, obligations and duties with
respect to information upon which the Company relied in the
Certificate: the certificate issued by the Company confirming the performance of the Services, such unfulfilled liabilities of a third party
conformity of an asset, product, service, or process to stated referential will not cause the liability of the Company to increase and the Client
(such as standards) by means of assessment activities (such as shall assume and undertake as its own such liabilities, obligations and
inspection, audit, review). duties.
Company: the Bureau Veritas group company that has entered into the 2.6 For the avoidance of doubt, the Company does not fulfil the role of an
Agreement. insurer or a guarantor in respect of the adequacy, quality,
Company Order Form: the Company’s standard form to be completed merchantability, fitness for purpose, compliance or performance of
by the Client setting out the Services to be performed by the Company, products, services or other activities undertaken or produced by the
together with any other information concerning the performance of the Client to which the Services relate. Notwithstanding any provision to
Services under the terms of the Agreement. The Fees for the Services the contrary contained herein or in any Report, no warranty or
may be set out in the Company Order Form or in a separate document guarantee, express or implied, including any warranty of merchantability
or price list. or fitness for a particular purpose or use, is made by the Company for
any activities undertaken by the Client or any product manufactured,
Client: the person, firm, company, partnership, association, trust, or distributed, imported, or sold by the Client.
government agency or authority that purchases Services from the
Company and as identified in the applicable Company Order Form or 2.7 The Reports are given only in relation to the written information,
written instruction. documents and samples provided to the Company by the Client prior
to the performance of the Services. The Company cannot be held liable
Client Data: means any data, information or material provided or for any error, omission or inaccuracy in the Reports to the extent that
submitted to the Company by the Client for the performance of the the Company has been given erroneous or incomplete information by
Services. the Client. The Reports reflect the findings of the Company at the time
of performance of the Services only. The Company shall have no
Fees: the fees payable by the Client to the Company for the Services, obligation to update the Reports after issuance, except as otherwise
as set out in the Agreement, excluding accommodation, meals, stated in the Agreement.
subsistence, travel and any other incidental costs and expenses of the
Company incurred in respect of the performance of the Services, which 2.8 For those Services requiring sampling (which term includes but is not
will be charged separately as pre-agreed at a fixed rate or at the actual limited to auditing or other selected spot checks), the Reports will set
cost thereof. Party and Parties: individually the Company or the Client out the findings of the Company solely in respect of the samples
and collectively the Company and the Client. identified therein. Unless specifically and expressly indicated in the
Reports, the results set out in such Reports may not be indicative or
Reports: all documents, products and output from the Services created representative of the quality or characteristics of the premises, systems,
or provided by the Company or its agents, subcontractors, consultants bulk, lot or other grouping from which a sample is taken, and the Client
and employees in relation to the performance of the Services. “Reports” shall not rely upon the Reports as being so indicative or representative
include Certificates when Company provides certification Services. in general. Unless expressly agreed by the parties to the contrary, the
Company may, in its sole discretion, choose to retain, return to the Client
Services: the services to be provided by the Company to the Client or destroy samples which have been furnished to the Company for
under the Agreement and as set out in the applicable Company Order performance of the Services and which have not been destroyed in the
Form or in other instruction from the Client to the extent that they are course of the Services.
agreed by the Company and incorporated into the Agreement.
2.9 Documents concerning undertakings entered into between the Client
Taxes : any and all taxes imposed by any taxing authority including, and other interested parties, such as contracts of sale, supply or work
without limitation, withholding taxes, income tax on nationals and on contracts, letters of credit, bills of lading, specifications, datasheets,
foreigners, all corporate taxes, imports, duties, levies, stamp duties, letters of commissioning, certificates of acceptance or conformity, and
charges and other assessments and payments in the nature of taxes, which are divulged to the Company, shall be considered to be for
wherever payable, including VAT. information only, without either extending or restricting the Company’s
scope of Services or obligations under the Agreement.
1.2 For the avoidance of doubt, the Client's standard terms and conditions
(if any) attached to, enclosed with or referred to in any Company Order 2.10 The Company shall be entitled to replace offered and deployed
Form or other document shall not govern the Agreement. The personnel by other personnel with broadly equivalent expertise at any
Agreement constitutes the whole agreement between the Parties and time. The Company does not warrant or guarantee that the personnel
supersedes all previous agreements and communications between the possess any specific certification unless agreed in writing or required
Parties relating to the performance of the Services by the Company. under the mandatory provisions of any applicable accreditation scheme
or applicable provisions of mandatory law.
1.3 The Company acts for the Client only. Except as provided in the
Agreement, the Agreement is entered into solely between and may be 2.11 The Company will provide any interested person with the appeals and
enforced only by the Client and the Company. The Agreement shall not dispute procedure relating to accredited Services upon request.
be deemed to create any rights in third parties, including without
limitation suppliers or customers of a Party, or to create any obligation 3. CLIENT'S OBLIGATIONS
of a Party to such third parties.
3.1 The Client shall:
3.1.1 co-operate with the Company in all matters relating to the
2.1 The Company shall, with reasonable care, skill and diligence provide Services;
the Services and the Reports to the Client, in accordance with:
3.1.2 provide, or cause its suppliers to provide, in a timely manner and
2.1.1 the specific requirements as set out in the Agreement; and at no charge, access to the Client's facilities and personnel (and
those of other relevant parties) as required by the Company, its
2.1.2 such methods as the Company shall deem suitable on a case by agents, subcontractors, and representatives, to perform the
case basis having regard to professional industry standards, Services. The Client will be responsible for preparing and
directives given by competent authorities and applicable law. maintaining the relevant premises for the supply of the Services,
including identifying, monitoring, correcting or removing any
2.2 The Company shall endeavour to provide the Services in accordance actual or potentially hazardous conditions or materials from any
with any agreed dates but for the avoidance of doubt such dates shall of its premises before and during the supply of the Services at
be estimates only and time shall not be of the essence. those premises; and shall adopt all necessary measures to
2.3 The Company, in the capacity of an independent party, provides ensure safety and security of working conditions on site during
performance of the Services and inform the Company of all
information to its clients in the form of ascertainment, assessment or
recommendations, relative to regulatory requirements, general industry health and safety rules and regulations and any other reasonable
standards and/or any other standards that may be mutually agreed by security requirements that apply at any of the Client's premises;
the parties subject to the applicable laws where the Services are 3.1.3 provide the Company, its agents, subcontractors and
performed. representatives, in a timely manner and at no charge, with all

Ref: General Conditions of Service – January 2024 13 / 20


Generic Terms and Conditions for Certification Service

necessary transportation and equipment, and ensure such accordance with local law and as limited by double tax treaties if
equipment, under the Client’s control and operation, to be in good applicable, invoiced amounts shall automatically be grossed up by the
working order and suitable for the purposes for which it is used Client sufficiently that after the deduction of withholding tax the original
in relation to the Services and conforms to all relevant and invoiced amount remains payable. The Parties shall then cooperate
applicable standards or requirements; reasonably in the recovery of withholding tax from applicable tax
authorities and a Party should provide any tax certificate that will be
3.1.4 provide the Company, either directly or through its suppliers and reasonably requested by the other Party.
subcontractors, in a timely manner, such information as the
Company may require for the proper performance of the Services 4.5 The Client shall not have a right of set off or retention. Any objections
and ensure that such information is accurate in all material to invoices must be raised within 30 days of receipt of invoice and no
respects; objection may be raised thereafter. Where it is agreed in writing that
timesheets must be provided the Client confirms that they shall be
3.1.5 where necessary, obtain and maintain all necessary licences and considered approved unless otherwise stated within 5 days of receipt.
consents and comply with all relevant legislation in relation to the
Services and the use of the Client's equipment; 4.6 In the event that the Client does not comply with its obligations under
Article 3 the Company reserves the right to suspend provision of the
3.1.6 ensure that all documents, information and material made Services and / or invoice and be paid for time and resources expended
available by the Client to the Company under the Agreement do arising from the Client’s non-compliance. This shall include but not be
not and will not infringe, or constitute an infringement or limited to charging for visits and time expended where equipment to be
misappropriation of, any patent, copyright, trademark, trade inspected cannot be found, is not made available for inspection or where
secret, licence or other intellectual property rights or proprietary waiting time is incurred pending such equipment being found, made
rights of any third party; and available or made ready.
3.1.7 take all necessary steps to eliminate or remedy any obstructions 4.7 In the event of a change of law or of Client policy which acts to increase
to or interruptions in the performance of the Services. the cost to the Company of delivering the Services the Parties agree
that the Fees for the Services may be increased to reflect these
3.2 To the extent that the Company renders Services, the Client agrees that increases in costs. The Company will provide such evidence of
the Company does not owe any specific success but only such increases as is reasonably practicable.
Services. The Client is responsible for exercising its own, independent
judgment with regard to the information and recommendations provided 4.8 Any postponement or cancellation of Services by the Client, including
by the Company. Neither the Company nor any of its agents warrant site visits shall be subject to no less than 5 working days advance notice.
the quality, outcome, effectiveness or appropriateness of any decision Any failure to provide such notice will entitle the Company to claim full
or action undertaken on the basis of the Reports provided under the payment of the Fees and the costs incurred in relation to the abortive
Agreement. visit/inspection.
3.3 If the Company's performance of its obligations under the Agreement is 4.9 Except as otherwise agreed, the Company shall be entitled to annually
prevented or delayed by any act, omission, default or negligence of the increase its Fees annually as specified in written notice to the Client.
Client, its agents, subcontractors, consultants or employees, the Where fixed Fees have been agreed in writing for a period, the first such
Company shall not be liable for any costs, charges or losses sustained annual increase shall be upon expiry of period for which Fees are
or incurred by the Client arising directly or indirectly from such agreed to be fixed and annually thereafter.
prevention or delay.
3.4 If the Client anticipates the use of any Reports in any legal proceeding,
arbitration, dispute resolution forum or other proceeding, it shall so notify 5.1 “Intellectual Property” shall mean all patents, rights to inventions, utility
the Company in writing prior to submitting the Company Order Form for models, copyright and related rights, trade marks, logos, service marks.
the Services and in any event prior to the use of such Reports in any
such proceeding. The parties agree that the Company has no obligation business and domain names, rights in trade dress or get-up, rights in
to provide an expert witness or witness of fact at such proceeding unless goodwill, rights in designs, rights in computer software, database rights,
the Company gives its prior consent in writing. topography rights, moral rights, rights in confidential information
(including know-how and trade secrets), methods and protocols for
3.5 The Client shall ensure that COVID-19 safety measures including safe Services, and any other intellectual property rights, in each case
social distancing are all in accordance with guidance issued by whether registered or unregistered and including all applications for and
governmental and other competent authorities are maintained at all renewals, reversions or extensions of such rights, and all similar or
times on that area of its premises that the Company’s employees are equivalent rights or forms of protection in any part of the world.
required to perform their services, access or egress the building or use
hygiene or recreational facilities. 5.2 Each Party exclusively owns all rights to Intellectual Property it has
created whether before or after the commencement date of the
3.6 The Client acknowledges that in the interests of health and safety, the Agreement and whether or not associated with any Agreement between
Company grants each of its agents, employees, subcontractors and the parties.
representatives a ‘stop work authority’ permitting them to stop work and
leave site at their sole discretion if they or other Company personnel 5.3 Neither Party shall contest the validity of the other Party’s Intellectual
have concerns of any nature in respect of health and safety and the Property rights nor take any action that might impair the value or goodwill
Client agrees that no liability of the Company shall arise from the associated with the Intellectual Property of the other Party or its affiliates.
exercise of such discretion, but that payment for such visit shall remain
due to the Company. 5.4 The names, service marks, trademarks and copyrights or any other
4. CHARGES AND PAYMENT Intellectual Property Rights of the Company and its affiliates shall not be
used by the Client except solely to the extent that the Client obtains the
4.1 The Client shall pay each valid invoice submitted to it by the Company, prior written approval of the Company and then only in the manner
in full and in cleared funds, within thirty (30) days of the date of the prescribed by the Company.
invoice, unless the Parties have agreed on a different payment term in
the Agreement. The Company may invoice part or all of the Services 5.5 For avoidance of doubt, nothing in the Reports or any other writing shall
prior to the provision of Services, convey any rights of ownership or licence whatsoever to the Company’s
4.2 For certification Services, in case a positive certification decision cannot Intellectual Property, its proprietary software, nor to the Company’s
be made by the Company, Fees for the Services remain due and proprietary audit methods, training materials and procedures, nor to the
payable by the Client. Company’s protocols, nor to the Company’s name, logo, marks, or other
trade dress nor any other existing or later developed Intellectual
4.3 If the Client fails to pay the Company on the due date, the Company Property rights or know-how developed and used to perform the
may charge interest on such sum from the due date for payment at the Services and Reports. These shall remain the sole property of the
monthly rate of 1.5% (or the maximum rate permitted by applicable local Company. The Reports do not convey ownership or licencing rights to
law if local law specifies a maximum which is less than 1.5%; or the any third party’s Intellectual property that may be contained or
minimum rate permitted by applicable law if local law specifies a referenced in the Reports.
minimum which is above 1.5%), accruing on a daily basis and being
compounded monthly until payment is made, whether before or after 6. CONFIDENTIALITY AND COMPANY'S PROPERTY
any judgment. If any payment due to the Company from the Client 6.1 "Confidential Information" shall mean any information disclosed in
under this Agreement or otherwise is late, the Company may (i) suspend whatever form, by a Party to the other Party including, but not
the provision of some or all of the Services including but not limited to necessarily limited to, technical, environmental, commercial, legal and
the provision of deliverables until overdue payment is received by it and financial information relating directly or indirectly to the Parties and/or to
shall be entitled to require payment in advance prior to continuance of the Agreement.
the Services or (ii) withdraw any Report and Certificate issued in relation
to the Services. 6.2 Each of the Parties shall not disclose or use for any purpose whatsoever
any of the confidential knowledge or Confidential Information or any
4.4 The Fees and any additional charges are exclusive of all applicable financial or trading information which it may acquire or receive within the
Taxes. In the event that any withholding taxes become payable in scope of the performance of the Agreement, without the prior written

Ref: General Conditions of Service – January 2024 14 / 20


Generic Terms and Conditions for Certification Service

consent of the Party that disclosed the Confidential Information except related to the Services, the Reports, and the performance, or
as required for the Company to provide the Services. contemplated performance, of the Agreement shall, subject to Article
7.5, be limited to the greater of:
6.3 The confidentiality undertaking shall not apply to any information:
7.2.1 A sum equivalent to three (3) times the amount of Fees paid or
6.3.1 which is publicly available or becomes publicly available payable by the Client to the Company in respect of the Services
through no act of the receiving Party; that give rise to the Company's liability to the Client; or
6.3.2 which was lawfully in the possession of the receiving Party 7.2.2 Ten thousand (10,000) euros.
prior to its disclosure;
7.3 The Client shall indemnify the Company and its affiliates, and their
6.3.3 which is disclosed to the receiving Party by a third party who respective employees, directors, agents, consultants or subcontractors
did not acquire the information under an obligation of against, and hold them harmless against, all claims made by third
confidentiality; parties for loss, damage or expense of whatever nature (including, but
not limited to negligence and gross negligence) and howsoever arising,
6.3.4 which is independently developed or acquired by the receiving relating to the performance, purported performance or non-performance
Party without use of or reference to Confidential Information of any Service, to the extent that the aggregate of such claims for any
received from the disclosing Party; one Service exceeds the limitation of liability as set out in Article 7.2
6.3.5 which is required to be disclosed to an accreditation body or above.
under the rules of an accreditation scheme, in each case 7.4 Without prejudice to Articles 7.1 and 7.2, the Company shall not be liable
where applicable to the Services; to the Client for and the Client shall be precluded from bringing any claim
6.3.6 which is disclosed in accordance with the requirements of law, for losses, unless notice of such claim is received by the Company
any stock exchange regulation or any binding judgment, order before twelve (12) months after the earlier of (i) the date of performance
or requirement of any court or other competent authority; or by the Company of the Services which give rise to the claim, or (ii) the
date when the Services should have been completed in the event of any
6.3.7 which is disclosed to an affiliate of the Party on a need to know alleged non-performance.
7.5 Nothing in this Agreement limits or excludes the liability of either Party:
6.4 The Reports are the exclusive property of the Company. The Reports
are issued by the Company and are intended for the exclusive use of 7.5.1 for death or personal injury resulting from the negligence of that
the Client and shall not be modified, published, used for advertising Party; or
purposes, copied or replicated for distribution to any other person or 7.5.2 for any damage or liability incurred as a result of fraud, fraudulent
entity or otherwise publicly disclosed without the prior written consent of misrepresentation or fraudulent concealment by that Party; or
the Company. The Client agrees that Reports may be provided by
electronic means of delivery including but not limited to email. 7.5.3 for any other loss which by law cannot be excluded or limited.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, Reports (and its associated document if
any) issued by the Company can be reproduced by the Client, but only
to the extent such reproduction is strictly identical to the original issued 8. FORCE MAJEURE
by the Company. In case of accredited Services, the Client cannot refer
to the accreditation unless it reproduces the Reports issued by the 8.1 For the purposes of this Article 8, "Force Majeure" shall mean an event,
Company in their entirety. The Company shall not be held liable for any the occurrence of which is beyond the reasonable control of the claiming
error, omission or inaccuracy in any Report or Certificate to the extent Party, and which renders either the Client or the Company unable,
that such Report or Certificate has been modified in any way by the wholly or in part to carry out its obligations under the Agreement (other
Client. than the obligation to make payments of sums due to the other Party),
which inability could not have been prevented or overcome by the
6.5 Each Party shall be responsible for ensuring that all persons to whom claiming Party exercising reasonable foresight, planning and
Confidential Information is disclosed under the Agreement shall keep implementation.
such information confidential and shall not disclose or divulge the same
to any unauthorized person or entity, and shall assume full responsibility 8.2 If, as a result of Force Majeure, a Party is rendered unable, wholly or in
for any breach of said undertaking. part, to carry out its obligations under the Agreement:

6.6 Notwithstanding the provision of clause 6, the Company reserves the 8.2.1 The Force Majeure shall be immediately notified in writing by the
right to refer to the Client, using its name and/or logo, whether internally Party prevented from carrying out its obligations because of such
and externally, orally or in writing, and on any communication support, Force Majeure to the other Party explaining the causes, and
for referencing purposes without the prior consent of the Client being demonstrating the diligence used to remove or mitigate the
required. effects of such Force Majeure;

6.7 On expiry or termination of the Agreement for any reason and at the 8.2.2 The obligations under the Agreement shall be suspended until
direction of the other Party, each Party shall return or destroy the other the cessation of the Force Majeure, which shall be notified in
Party's Confidential Information which is at that time in its possession or writing.
under its control, provided, however, that nothing herein shall prohibit 8.3 Neither Party shall be liable for any loss or damage resulting from any
the Company from maintaining copies of Reports and analysis in delay or failure in performance of its obligations hereunder resulting
accordance with its record retention policies and document retention directly or indirectly from an act of Force Majeure. If the disability
policies as may be required by law or accreditation bodies. continues for more than fifteen (15) days, then the non-disabled Party
6.8 Notwithstanding the provision of this clause 6, the Client agree that the will have the right to terminate this Agreement without incurring any
Company and its affiliates will have the right to use, on an anonymous liability whatsoever.
basis, the Client’s data for benchmarking and analysis purposes during 8.4 In the event that the Company finds itself temporarily unable to deliver
the term of the Agreement and after its termination. Any such use by the some or all of the Services due to or in connection with COVID-19 either
Company will be in compliance with the applicable regulations, in at all or within agreed timeframes or to an agreed programme, this shall
particular regulations relating to personal data and data management. not be considered a Force Majeure event entitling one party to terminate
7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY the agreement. Instead the Parties agree that under such
circumstances delivery of that part of the Services that cannot be
7.1 With the sole exception of Article 7.5 but notwithstanding any other delivered shall be postponed until a date acceptable to both parties,
provision of the Agreement, neither Party shall be liable to the other each acting reasonably.
Party for:
(i) loss of business, or loss of use or loss of profit, loss of data, loss
of earnings, loss of production, loss of value, decrease in earnings 9.1 Both Parties undertake that they, their employees or any person acting
from any goods or property, loss of financial advantage, business on their behalf shall comply with all privacy applicable laws and
interruption or downtime; or regulations, in particular the EU General Data Protection Regulation
2016/679 of 27 April 2016, and shall complete an annexe detailing any
(ii) depletion of goodwill and/or similar losses; or personal information to be processed where necessary.
(iii) loss of contract; or 10. ASSIGNMENT AND SUBCONTRACTING
(iv) any special, indirect, consequential or pure economic loss,
costs, damages, charges or expenses. 10.1 The Company at its sole discretion may assign, cede, transfer its rights
and obligations or delegate the performance of all or a portion of the
7.2 Without prejudice to Article 7.1, the total liability of the Company and its Services under the Agreement, subject to compliance with the
affiliates, and their respective employees, agents, consultants, and requirements of any applicable accreditation scheme where relevant, to
subcontractors, in contract, tort (including, but not limited to, negligence, an affiliate, agent, or subcontractor of the Company without prior notice
gross negligence or breach of statutory duty), misrepresentation, to the Client, and the Client hereby consents to such delegation. The
restitution or otherwise arising in any manner in connection with or Client shall not without Company’s consent, cede, assign, transfer,

Ref: General Conditions of Service – January 2024 15 / 20


Generic Terms and Conditions for Certification Service

subcontractor or deal in any manner with all or any of its rights or 15. GOVERNING LAW AND JURISDICTION
obligations under the Agreement.
15.1 The Agreement, and any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection
11. REMOTE WORKING with it or its subject matter, shall be governed by, and construed in
accordance with, the laws of the country where Company is registered,
11.1 The Parties may agree from time to time in writing that the Company notwithstanding any conflicts of laws rules that could require the
shall provide some or all of the Service remotely by electronic or any application of any other lakws.
other means which may include but not be limited to video conferencing,
drones, camera, etc. The Client acknowledges that personal data 15.2 The parties irrevocably agree that the courts of the country where
(including personal image) is likely to be collected under these Company is registered shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any
circumstances. Therefore, the Client confirms that it has informed the dispute or claim that arises out of, or in connection with, the Agreement
persons whose personal data is likely to be collected. The Client also or its subject matter
confirms that it has obtained all necessary consents under applicable
law to allow the Company to process such personal data as well as the
images and sounds collected during the provision of the Services.

11.2 The provision of Services by remote means as envisaged by Article 11.1

is subject to the availability and performance of acceptable network and
internet bandwidth and the availability of appropriate third party software
solutions, including but not limited to video connectivity and video
recording solutions. In the event that the performance of such remote
working tools is not considered to be reasonably sufficient in the
circumstances by either party, the parties shall (each acting reasonably)
seek to rearrange the provision of the Services or agree an alternative
method of delivery and agree in writing any additional fees that may
arise from such change. The Client acknowledges that the Company is
not responsible for such third party remote working tools and
accordingly the Company shall not be liable for the performance of such


12.1 “Trade Laws”: any applicable economic or financial sanction regulation,

trade embargo or export control law or regulation implemented,
administered or enforced by a Sanction Authority.

12.2 “Sanction Authority” means an international institution or applicable

national or regional government, or subdivisions thereof that possess
the authority to enact and implement applicable economic and/or
financial sanctions regulations or other economic controls upon
individuals, organizations, corporations, political entities and other

12.3 Client shall not take any action or make omissions that would cause
Company to violate Trade Laws or be subject to sanctions, fines and
penalties under Trade Laws. Client shall bear any fines or penalties or
additional costs resulting from such violation.

12.4 Client warrants that Company will not directly or indirectly provide
Services relating to items that are prohibited by Trade Laws. Should
items subject to Services are prohibited, Client shall provide Company
with a copy of any relevant license or other authorization.


13.1 There are no third-party beneficiaries of this Agreement and nothing in

this Agreement, express or implied, is intended to confer on any person
other than the parties hereto (and their respective successors, and
permitted assigns), any rights, remedies, obligations, or liabilities.
Except as expressly agreed in writing by Company, no person or entity
other than Client is entitled to rely upon the Reports or any matter to
which they refer.


14.1 A waiver of any right under the Agreement is only effective if it is in

writing and it applies only to the circumstances for which it is given. No
failure or delay by a Party in exercising any right or remedy under the
Agreement or by law shall constitute a waiver of that (or any other) right
or remedy, nor preclude or restrict its further exercise. No single or
partial exercise of such right or remedy shall preclude or restrict the
further exercise of that (or any other) right or remedy.

14.2 If any provision of the Agreement (or part of any provision) is found by
any court or other authority of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, illegal
or unenforceable, that provision or part-provision shall, to the extent
required, be deemed not to form part of the Agreement, and the validity
and enforceability of the other provisions of the Agreement shall not be

14.3 Nothing in the Agreement is intended to, or shall be deemed to,

constitute a partnership, joint venture, trust or association of any kind
between the Parties, nor constitute any Party the agent of the other
Party for any purpose.

14.4 To the fullest extent permitted by law and except as expressly provided
for in the Agreement, a person who is not a party to the Agreement shall
not have any rights under or in connection with the Agreement.

14.5 The Company may terminate the Agreement at any time and for any
reason, without incurring any liability to the Client, by giving not less than
30 (thirty) days’ written notice to the Client. Without prejudice to any
other rights or remedies which the Company may have, the Company
may terminate the Agreement, without liability to the Client, immediately
on written notice to the Client if the Client acts in breach of laws, Trade
Laws, or is subject to international sanctions.

Ref: General Conditions of Service – January 2024 16 / 20

Technical Terms and Conditions for Certification Services

1. GENERAL 2.2.5 Where a Multi-Site Offer is made, this will be based on the
information supplied by the Client and includes the multi-site
1.1 To achieve and preserve certification, Bureau Veritas criteria of the accreditation rules according to the latest
Certification’s (here below referred as BVC) Clients are edition of the relevant Accreditation Body rules for each
required to develop and maintain their management systems certification schemes. Where any subsequent audit
in accordance with applicable specifications, allowing information supplied by the Client is found not to be accurate,
unconditional access to BVC to audit or otherwise verify BVC reserves the right to amend and correct its offer and/or
these management systems against the applicable the Agreement accordingly to ensure compliance with the
specifications, including but not limited to: aforementioned rules.
- Accreditation standards of the EN ISO/IEC 17021 series
2.2.6 BVC is accredited / authorized in accordance with several
- Applicable IAF Mandatory Documents schemes, e.g. DIN EN ISO 17021, rules of IATF, UNIFE,
- Technical Regulations of the Accreditation Bodies KBA and VDA. To the extent relevant, these schemes shall
also apply to the relationship between the Parties to the effect
- BVC Generic Terms and Conditions for Certification that the measures and codes of conduct Bureau Veritas
Services Certification is subject to in accordance with such regulation
- BVC Marks and Logos procedure must also apply to the Client.
1.2 The certification awarded by BVC covers only, as the case The details of the Services to be provided must be agreed between
may be, those services or products manufactured and/or the Client and BVC prior to BVC commencing any such
supplied under the scope of the Client’s management Services.
systems certified by BVC. For certain certification schemes,
amplification of the contents of this document is required. 2.3.1 STAGE 1 AUDIT
This is provided separately for the scheme concerned.
(a) BVC will undertake a readiness review to determine the
Clients remain solely liable for any defect in their services
and products and shall defend, protect and indemnify BVC preparedness of Stage 2 of the audit (understanding the
requirements, collecting information of the scope of the
from any and all defects, claims or liability arising from said
management system, processes and location of the Client,
services and products.
reviewing the allocation of resources for Stage 2, planning for
1.3 The issued certification does not exempt Clients from their Stage 2, evaluating the internal audit system).
legal obligations in respect of the services or products or any
other requirement in the scope of their management 2.3.2 STAGE 2 AUDIT
systems. (a) BVC will provide an audit programme prior to the
1.4 BVC shall be authorized to make copies of Client Information, commencement of the audit.
as required by ISO/IEC 17021-1 or as may be required by (b) The BVC audit team will meet with the Client’s management
the Accreditation Body’s retention policy. to discuss the details of the audit process and consider
possible issues relating to the performance of the audit. The
BVC audit team will discuss any nonconformities,
2.1 DEFINITIONS observations and opportunities for improvement if and when
they are identified during the audit.
2.1.1 Capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein shall
have the meaning given to such terms by the (c) The BVC audit team will prepare and present to the Client’s
“Conformity Assessment” vocabulary as stated in the management a Report of the audit, which will include the
ISO/IEC 17000 standards complemented by IAF or EA audit findings, the non-conformities identified and the scope
mandatory documents if any. of certification.
2.2.1 For the purpose of any accredited Services provided under (a) If as result of the Stage 1 Audit, BVC determines that the
this Agreement, the accredited entity (which holds the Stage 2 arrangements (i.e. changes in the scope, man-days,
accreditation for the services) will be : auditors, sites) shall be adjusted, the Agreement may be
(a) Bureau Veritas Certification Holdings SAS UK Branch, for
services under UKAS and ACCREDIA accreditation. (b) If, based upon the information gathered during Stage 1 of the
(b) Bureau Veritas Certification Holdings SAS for services under audit, BVC decides that the required information were not
ANAB and SAAS accreditation or UNIFE recognition. provided and/or complete, this may result in a major non-
conformity at Stage 2 with respect to the effective
(c) the local Bureau Veritas legal entity for services under their implementation of the management system.
(c) When the Stage 1 & 2 Audits are planned back to back, BVC
The accredited entity will be named towards the Client. The has the right to postpone the Stage 2 Audit at the expenses
accredited entity is entitled to legally enforce the certification of the Client if the results of the Stage 1 Audit are not
relevant activities towards the Client. satisfactory to proceed with the Stage 2 Audit.
2.2.2 The Client shall supply, through an Application Form, 2.3.4 NONCONFORMITY
detailed information about the size and scope of its
operations that will be subject to the Services. (a) When major non conformity occur BVC undertakes a “special
follow up visit”, which is charged at BVC’s current rates.
2.2.3 Upon receipt of such information from the Client, BVC shall
issue a Proposal. (b) All fees to review Client’s proposed actions to close any non-
conformities (major and minor) are charged on reimbursable
2.2.4 For quality, environmental, and occupational health & safety basis for professional time and expenses.
management systems, BVC will determine the audit duration
based on the information submitted by the client and the 2.3.5 ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL AND
applicable IAF Mandatory Documents. The justification of the REPORTS
calculation can be made available to the Client

Technical T&Cs 17021 Accredited Services 17 / 20 Revision December 2023 – version 2.3
Technical Terms and Conditions for Certification Services

(a) BVC will issue the final Report if and when all corrective final consumer or in any other way that may be interpreted
actions agreed between the Client and the BVC audit team as denoting product conformity.
have been completed.
(b) BVC will not take a positive certification decision until the
necessary requirements are fully met. 2.7.1 The Client shall allow the BVC’s Accreditation Body or their
representatives’ access to any part of the audit or
(c) BVC will issue a Certificate of Approval to the Client once a surveillance process for the purposes of witnessing the BVC
positive certification decision have been made. audit team during its performance of the audit of the
management system to determine conformity with the
(d) The Certificate of Approval will detail the specification(s) to requirements of the applicable standards. The Client shall
which the Client has been found compliant at the time of not have the right to refuse such a request either by the
audit, the scope of the management system, the Accreditation Body, its representatives or BVC. Refusal to
geographical location and the validity period of certification. accept a witness assessment by the Accreditation Body must
be justified and accepted by Bureau Veritas and the
2.4 CERTIFICATION MAINTENANCE Accreditation Body and could result in withdrawal of
accredited certification where reasons are not accepted. The
2.4.1 SURVEILLANCE Client authorises BVC to disclose relevant data to the
(a) BVC operates a surveillance audit programme to record Accreditation Body.
whether the Client’s certification is found to be maintained. 2.8 SUSPENSION, WITHDRAWAL CANCELLATION OR
The programme is ongoing and is agreed with the Client in RESTORATION OF THE CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL
the Agreement.
2.8.1 BVC reserves the right to suspend, withdraw, reduce, extend
(b) Once BVC has agreed the dates, the Client should make all or cancel the Certificate of Approval at any time and shall
necessary arrangement to maintain the agreed dates. give the Client a three (3) months’ written notice or shorter
Surveillance audits shall be conducted once a calendar year notice as the situation may require depending upon the
and the date of the first surveillance audit following initial information available to BVC. If such aforementioned actions
certification shall not be more than twelve (12) months from are deemed necessary by BVC, the Client will be fully briefed
the certification decision date. and will be given every possible opportunity to take corrective
2.4.2 RE-CERTIFICATION action before a final decision is taken on what action BVC
should take after the expiration of such notification period.
Every three (3) years BVC will automatically review the Client’s
certification and, subject to the satisfactory results from the 2.8.2 Unannounced visits may also be conducted as a follow up on
surveillance audits and/or the re-certification audit (including clients which certification has been suspended.
all corrective actions which have been agreed between the 2.8.3 Suspension is lifted and certification is restored upon
Client and the BVC audit team and completed), BVC will re- satisfactory clearance of non-conformities and verification by
issue the Client’s certification and the Certificate of Approval. BVC of the compliance of Client’s management system.
It should be noted that this needs to be completed before
expiry of the current Certificate of Approval to preserve the 2.8.4 BVC reserves the right to publish the fact that such action
continuity of the certification. Once completed, certification has been taken.
will be reconfirmed.
3.1 The Client must not reproduce the Certificate of Approval or
The Client is required to inform BVC promptly of any significant the Reports or make copies thereof without the prior written
changes to its product(s) or services that may impact the consent of BVC. Neither the Client nor any third party is
certified management system(s) or any other circumstances, entitled to rely on any reproduction or copy of a Certificate of
which may affect the validity of its certification. Change of Approval or the Reports for which the prior written consent of
site, additional sites (even temporary sites), change of BVC has not been obtained.
process, change of ownership, change of scope, change of
number of employees, change of management etc are 3.2 The Certificate of Approval or the Reports are issued by BVC
considered as changes which may affect the validity of the and are intended for the exclusive use of the Client and shall
certification. BVC will then take the appropriate action, such not be published, used for advertising purposes, distributed,
as conducting a special audit, an unannounced visit and/or copied or replicated for distribution to any other person or
changing the certification at the then current rates. entity or otherwise publicly disclosed without the prior written
Unannounced visits can be conducted as well to investigate consent of BVC. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Client is
complaints received about the Client. permitted to use the Certificate of Approval as proof of
certification of the management system towards third parties.
3.3 The Certificate of Approval or the Reports are given only in
2.6.1 The Client shall use the certification mark in accordance with relation to the written instructions, documents, information
the instructions for use that BVC provides including the and samples provided to BVC by the Client prior to the
requirements related to intellectual property. Use of the mark performance of the Services. BVC cannot be held liable for
of the Accreditation Body is prohibited. any error, omission or inaccuracy in the Certificate of
Approval or the Reports to the extent that the Client has given
2.6.2 The use of the certification mark is regulated by BVC through BVC erroneous or incomplete information.
a policy document available on the BVC Website, explaining
how to display and use the certification mark and associated 3.4 The Certificate of Approval or the Reports will reflect the
logos, which is available upon request and communicated to findings of BVC at the time of performance of the Services
customers at the time of issuance of their certification only and in respect of the Client Information made available
documents. BVC will audit the use of the certification mark to BVC prior to or during the performance of the Services.
and/or associated logo by the Client at subsequent BVC shall have no obligation to update the Certificate of
surveillance visits. Approval or the Reports after issuance, except as otherwise
stated in the Agreement or agreed in writing between the
2.6.3 There shall be no ambiguity, in the mark or accompanying Parties.
text, as to what has been certified. Certification mark shall
not be used on a product or product packaging seen by the 3.5 The Client (not BVC or its Affiliates or their respective
representatives) is solely and exclusively responsible for

Technical T&Cs 17021 Accredited Services 18 / 20 Revision December 2023 – version 2.3
Technical Terms and Conditions for Certification Services

exercising its own, independent judgement with regard to the

Certificate of Approval or the Reports, information provided
by BVC and for any decision or action undertaken by the
Client or any third party on the basis of the Certificate of
Approval or the Reports provided by BVC. Neither BVC nor
any of its Affiliates or their respective officers, external
auditors and technical experts, employees, representatives
or assigns warrant the quality, outcome, effectiveness or
appropriateness of any decision or action taken by the Client
on the basis of the Certificate of Approval or the Reports
provided under the Agreement.
3.6 BVC is under no obligation to refer to or report on any facts
or circumstances which are outside the scope of the Services
and accepts no liability for not referring to or reporting on
such facts or circumstances.
4.1 Should the Client wish to appeal against or dispute any
decision of BVC, it should do so in accordance with the BVC
appeals procedure, available on BVC website or upon
4.2 Should a complaint arise about BVC, such complaint shall in
the first instance be made to the local BVC office. If the Client
does not wish to complain directly to the local BVC office, the
complaint shall be sent in writing to the corresponding
Accredited Entity or the related Accreditation Body or
Scheme Owner.

Technical T&Cs 17021 Accredited Services 19 / 20 Revision December 2023 – version 2.3
Commercial Terms and Conditions for Certification Services

1. DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATION automatically after the first three years cycle; as a
1.1 Fees means the fees payable by the Client to Bureau minimum, these charges will be adjusted to take into
Veritas Certification for the Services, as set out in the account the inflation rate, any significant variation of the
applicable Order Form, Proposal or agreed written exchange rates, labour costs or costs implied by
instructions, excluding accommodation, meals, changes in the applicable certification schemes.
subsistence, travel and any other incidental costs and 4.2 Notwithstanding clause 4.1, Bureau Veritas Certification
expenses of Bureau Veritas Certification incurred in will be entitled to claim an increase or modification in the
respect of the performance of the Services, which will be Fees if conditions or circumstances arise that were not
charged separately as pre-agreed at a fixed rate or at reasonably foreseeable at the time the Agreement was
the actual cost thereof; entered into or which were beyond the reasonably
control of Bureau Veritas Certification or if the Client
2. FEES AND PAYMENT request any postponement or rescheduling of the
2.1 In consideration for the provision of the Services by Services, or any part thereof. If the Client refuses to
Bureau Veritas Certification, the Client will pay the Fees accept any such increase or modification in the Fees
in accordance with this clause 2, unless otherwise then Bureau Veritas Certification reserves the right not
agreed in writing between the Parties. The Fees are to commence or continue with the provision of the
exclusive of all applicable taxes, unless stated Services, or any part hereof.
2.2 Bureau Veritas Certification shall invoice Clients on RESCHEDULING OF THE SERVICES
delivery of the Services. Under no circumstances will the
Certificate of Approval be released until full payment has 5.1 Should the Client wish to cancel, postpone or
been received by Bureau Veritas Certification. reschedule commencement or further provision of the
Services, or any part thereof, the Client must provide
2.3 The Client will pay each valid invoice submitted to it by Bureau Veritas Certification with prior written notification
Bureau Veritas Certification, in full and in cleared funds of not less than thirty (30) days in the event of
and without deduction or set-off, within thirty (30) days postponements or rescheduling and not less than three
of the date of the invoice. (3) months in the event of cancellations.
2.4 Without prejudice to any other right or remedy that 5.2 Any cancellation, postponement or rescheduling of the
Bureau Veritas Certification may have, if the Client fails Services will in all instances entitle Bureau Veritas
to pay Bureau Veritas Certification the initial deposit or Certification to claim full payment of the Fees for the
advance payment, if any, or any subsequent invoice on Services that have been rendered and any and all costs
or before the due date, Bureau Veritas Certification may, incurred by Bureau Veritas Certification as at the date of
in its sole and absolute discretion: cancellation, postponement or rescheduling on
• charge interest on such sum from the due date for presentation by Bureau Veritas Certification of an
payment at the monthly rate of 2.5%, accruing on a invoice in respect thereof.
daily basis and being compounded monthly until 5.3 In addition, a cancellation charge, as provided in the
payment is made in full (both dates inclusive), Agreement between the Parties, will be levied by Bureau
whether before or after any judgment; and/or; Veritas Certification in the event of any cancellation,
• suspend all Services until payment has been made postponement or rescheduling of the Services. In the
in full. event that the initial deposit or advance payment, if any,
2.5 All fees are exclusive of accommodation, meals, exceeds the cancellation charge, such excess amount
subsistence, travel and any other incidental costs and will be refunded to the Client (unless any other amount
expenses and will be charged by Bureau Veritas is due and owing by the Client to Bureau Veritas
Certification as pre-agreed at a fixed rate or at the actual Certification). The Client agrees that any such
cost thereof. cancellation charge is a reasonable measure of the
costs incurred by Bureau Veritas Certification in
2.6 Unless otherwise agreed between the Parties in writing, preparation of provision of the Services.
all sums payable to Bureau Veritas Certification will
become immediately due and payable on termination of 5.4 Under no circumstances will Bureau Veritas Certification
the Agreement for any reason whatsoever, despite any be liable for any claims, costs, damages or losses of any
other provision of the Agreement. This clause is without nature whatsoever and howsoever arising as a result of
prejudice to any right of Bureau Veritas Certification to the Client’s cancellation, postponement or rescheduling
claim interest, collection costs, legal costs or any other of the Services, or any part thereof.
right in terms of law or the Agreement.
3.1 Bureau Veritas Certification may, in its sole and absolute
discretion, require the Client to provide an initial deposit
or advance payment of an amount or percentage of the
Fees as determined by Bureau Veritas Certification, as
security for payment of the Fees, on or before the date
specified by Bureau Veritas Certification or, if no date is
specified, prior to commencement of the Services.
Bureau Veritas Certification will not commence provision
of the Services unless and until any such upfront
payment has been received in full by Bureau Veritas
3.2 The payment of an initial deposit or advance payment in
no way relieves the Client of timeous payment of any
4.1 Bureau Veritas Certification reserves the right to review
and amend its charges annually and, in any case,

Commercial Terms and Conditions for Certification Services_Rev 2 20 / 20 July 22, 2020

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