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Clockwork Heist V7 (New Image, 7.21)

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Clockwork Heist festival to pursuing the rampaging fortress,

attempting to win it back from the fanatical

Clockwork Heist is an adventure for 4 to 6 gnomes that have hijacked it.
characters of 6th -7th level. Like all our Won- This adventure is intended to be used with
drous One-Shots, this short adventure can be the special gnome Skinny Minis included in this
played along with any other 5e campaign, as a box. Use the provided male and female combat
stand-alone gaming session or as several short and spellcaster minis to fill the ranks of the
encounters. Any time the characters visit a set- Click-Clack Brigade!
tlement threatened by war, they can become
involved in this adventure! Tamrinos
The following local features, creatures, and A nation at war on multiple fronts, Tamrinos
locations are important parts of the adventure. battles orcs on their southern border, giants
The GM should be familiar with them, whether to the east, and an expansionist empire to
they’re adding this to an existing campaign or the northwest. With the country’s attention
running it on its own. focused outward, Tamrinos’ interior endures
widespread poverty and banditry. To gain the
upper hand, King Virnar invested in a few auda-
Overview cious creations, including a mobile clockwork
fortress built in Cogbrook.

Clockwork Heist takes the characters to an Cogbrook

industrious village, where a wondrous me- Cogbrook is an industrial town located a few
chanical fortress is being unveiled. The party miles north of Tamrinos’ southern border. Cen-
will find themselves catapulted from a peaceful tered around the narrow but fast-flowing Triple

Wondrous One-Shot
For more information on this adventure, the Greenwold, and
the rest of the Dungeon in a Box campaign, check out our site:

Copyright 2020 - Dungeon in a Box LLC
Written by Jessica Catalan. Cover art by Basit Ibrahim.
Dungeon In A Box is not affiliated, endorsed, or sponsored by Wiz-
ards of the Coast® or Hasbro®. Dungeons & Dragons®, and D&D®
are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast®.

Reading the Entries
This adventure references the three primary 5e sourcebooks–monster entries are found in
the MM, spells and rules for players are in the PHB and game rules & treasure are found in
the DMG.
• Monsters are listed in bold.
• Spells are listed in italics.
• Sidebars like this, provide optional rules and supplemental adventure information.

Brooks tributaries, Cogbrook boasts many determined to steal it. Calling upon old mil-
forges and smithies, and a factory specializing itary connections, he founded a gang called
in clockworks. The town has always been on the the Click-Clack Brigade and renamed himself
leading edge of development, featuring a large “General Drave.” With the Djinn, he plans to
population of clever gnomes. Cogbrook is the raid Tamrinos’ interior, preying upon the nation
domain of Baroness Orenna and is policed by that mocked and belittled him, thus proving his
her personal guard. Lady Orenna is hosting an superiorty.
inauguration festival to celebrate the comple-
tion of King Virnar’s mobile clockwork fortress. Click-Clack Brigade
If the fortress performs well, Cogbrook will be A crew of over twenty gnomes known for their
commissioned to build more. clockwork pets, the Click-Clack Brigade is led
by General Drave. Most were fleeing military
The Djinn service, poverty, or servitude when Drave
Lady Orenna and her engineers dubbed the found them and united them into a tight-knit
mobile clockwork fortress the Djinn, joking it family. Under the encouraging eye of their
could only be completed with a genie’s wishes. leader, the Click-Clack Brigade indulges their
Despite their doubts, they dove into the project, love of invention and mayhem. They traveled
innovating every step of the way. Now a symbol to Cogbrook in small teams and plan to regroup
of pride and perseverance, the Djinn’s inaugu- during the inauguration ceremony to hijack the
ration is highly anticipated. Djinn.

Rizost Mordrave Clockwork Heist Encounters

The Djinn was originally conceived by Rizost
Mordrave, a gnome and decorated war hero The following chapter details six unique en-
with a fondness for invention, who served counters that will take place over the course
under Baroness Orenna. Considered too of the adventure, with some random events
expensive and complex to build, the project occurring between the main encounters along
was buried by the Baroness and Mordrave's the way. These encounters are organized
career was ruined. Frustrated and ridiculed, according to the sequence in which they are
Rizost faked his own death and left the military, likely to occur, and detail any specific locations
disappearing into the underground. or terrain features necessary for the encounter
When Mordrave discovered his clockwork to take place.
fortress was under construction in Cogbrook,
and that the Baroness was claiming owner- Musicians in Peril
ship of the idea, he was furious. With no way This begins the adventure as the party hears
to be part of the project he bided his time, the sounds of combat while traveling a lightly

forested road. When they investigate, read the Cogbrook is a dreary place with tall soot-
following: stained buildings. Three narrow, fast-flowing
“Take that!” a pair of gnome musicians waterways rush through the town, each spanned
exclaim, brandishing blades at a large insect by small bridges and flanked by forges. A massive
dripping acid from its mandibles. Behind them, a clockwork factory belching thick black smoke
gleaming clockwork raccoon swings its club-like dominates the town’s eastern quarter. A manor
tail at a second bug. The ground rumbles as two in the north and an elaborate church and clock-
more insects emerge from the earth. tower in the town’s center complete Cogbrook’s
The creatures attacking the gnomes are bleak skyline. Loud music echoes through the
four ankhegs. The gnomes are siblings, Becca cobblestone streets from the north, where a
and Bricc (male and female bard skinny minis). crowd has formed around colorful tents.
Both are secretly members of the Click-Clack As the party arrives in Cogbrook, Becca and
Brigade. Bricc say farewell and leave for the festival with
When Becca and Bricc see the characters, Ticker.
they call for help. Use stats for druids, except Allow the party to buy, sell, and trade in
Becca wields a shortsword and Bricc a rapier. Cogbrook. Though most smithies and work-
Both gnomes reserve their spells for the heist. shops are closed, other businesses remain open
Ticker, the clockwork raccoon (see pg. 9), including Timely Stay (inn sitting in the clock-
protects the gnomes. The ankhegs focus most tower’s shadow), Border Inn (on the road to
of their attacks on the arriving characters. the warfront), Daily Catch (seafood restaurant),
After combat, Becca and Bricc thank the Vera’s Baked Delights (bakery), and Oddments
characters and introduce themselves. They (pawn shop).
invite the characters to accompany them to Characters gossiping with locals learn about
Cogbrook for the inauguration festival. If the Tamrinos, the southern warfront, Lady Orenna,
characters enquire after Ticker, Bricc explains and the Djinn. Citizens believe the Djinn was
it was a gift from a friend. created by Lady Orenna and are offended if
The journey to Cogbrook takes 6 hours. characters imply the idea was stolen.
Every 3 hours Ticker slows and Becca winds it When the characters approach the festival,
for a minute with a key worn around her neck. read the following:
During the journey, Becca and Bricc chat Cogbrook’s Inauguration Festival is a riot
with the characters about Cogbrook, the Djinn, of colorful tents and shifting crowds dominated
and the inauguration festival. Topics of conver- by an armored clockwork fortress nearly 40
sation may include: feet tall and 100 feet long. Perched on scores of
• “The citizens of Cogbrook have been building a crab-like legs, the fortress is a behemoth of blue-
clockwork war machine for the King!” gray metal, polished pipes, and magical crystals
• “The creator of the clockwork fortress is a alive with light. Glittering gold letters on the
gnome war hero called Major Rizost Mordrave, fortress’ stern reads "Djinn." Engineers traverse
but everyone says it’s Lady Orenna. I suppose its balconies, performing inspections and waving
because Mordrave’s dead they decided not to at the crowds. Rope strung between posts bar
give him any credit. Pretty rude, if you ask me.” curious onlookers from getting too close to the
• “Cogbrook’s celebrating the completion of the mechanical marvel.
clockwork fortress. There’s supposed to be In front of the Djinn, a stage surrounded by
games and music.” benches and crowds of dancing townsfolk hosts
musical performances. The festival’s center
The Cogbrook Festival is ringed by food stands, souvenir shops, and
games. The festival grounds are packed with
celebrating people.
When the characters approach Cogbrook, read The following free attractions are found at
the following: the festival.

• Ball and Cups: Delwen (male half-elf) hides a times the initial wager.
small ball under one of three matching cups, then
• Stage: Musicians register to perform atop this
shuffles the cups. A DC 17 Wisdom (Perception)
curtained stage. Becca, Bricc, and Ticker await
check determines the ball’s location. Prize:
their turn.
marbles (function as ball bearings).
• The Djinn: Characters examining the Djinn
• Ballista Shot: Orm (male dwarf) directs
notice a loading platform near ground level and
participants to strike wooden targets (AC 12)
ballistae on its balconies.
with bolts fired from a tiny toy ballista (range
10/30) 15 feet away. Prize: Build-your-own As the characters explore the festival, roll a
miniature ballista kit (functions as a hand d6 to see what events they encounter.
• Wickerball: Evalyn (female halfling) directs
participants to toss light wicker balls into tilted D6 Festival Event
baskets 6 feet away. A DC 13 Dexterity (Sleight of
Hand) check is required to get a ball in a basket 1 Baroness Orenna
without it bouncing out. Prize: six goodberry-
2 Click-Clack Brigade
oatmeal cookies from Vera’s Baked Delights (for
24 hours, eating a cookie heals 1d6 hit points). 3 Curious Children
• Ladder Climb: Lilika (female human) directs
4 Gnome Band
participants to climb a spinning rope ladder
fastened between the ground and a tall 5 Juggling Hustlers
pole. Ascending requires a DC 14 Dexterity
(Acrobatics) check or DC 16 Strength (Athletics) 6 Sore Losers
check. Prize: clockwork drum that plays loudly
when wound.
• Orc Wars: Mishann (female dragonborn) Baroness Orenna: Lady Orenna tours the
directs participants to knock down weighted festival alongside six guards. She enquires what
targets shaped like orcs (AC 13; requires brought the characters to Cogbrook. If the char-
4 damage to topple). Contestants have three,
acters are respectful, she notes her guards are
light wooden balls (range 10/20, damage
1d3) to throw at the targets which are 15 feet looking for competent warriors and mages to
away. Prize: glass globe containing colorful join their ranks, and suggests they speak with
smoke (functions as smoke grenade, DMG pg. Captain Laird to apply.
268). Click-Clack Brigade: 1d4 gnomes partici-
• Ring Toss: Carson (male human) directs pate in a festival game, eat at a food stand, or
participants to throw a small wooden ring examine the Djinn. These gnomes are secretly
around the neck of one of dozens of bottles members of the Click-Clack Brigade the party
10 feet away, requiring a DC 16 Dexterity will confront later. Characters who succeed on
(Sleight of Hand) check. Prize: a pint of oil. a DC 14 Wisdom (Insight) check can tell that
• Strength Challenge: A clockwork contraption these gnomes are less engaged in the festivities
that tests strength. Participants slam a heavy than they appear to be.
mallet onto a pressure plate, causing a large Curious Children: 2d4 children stalk
cog to spin up a pole. A DC 18 Strength check
the party for 30 minutes, asking about their
causes the cog to strike a bell, releasing a potion
of healing. adventures.
Gnome Band: Becca and Bricc perform
• Board Games: Tables hosting rounds of
wild music with flute and lute, accompanied
Dragonchess, Three Dragon Ante, and other
games. Participants are expected to buy a by Ticker playing a xylophone with its tail.
beverage from the drink stand that tends the Juggling Hustlers: Nico juggles while his
tables. Winning requires a DC 14 Intelligence sister, Mina, picks the pockets of distracted
or Wisdom check, which earns the character audience members. Use stats for spy.
double their initial wager. If a character beats
the DC by 5 or more, their winnings are four

Sore Losers: A trio of angry thugs accuse The Getaway
Delwen of cheating and push him down. If By the time the battle ends, the smoke has dis-
the characters don’t interfere, the thugs beat persed, and the Click-Clack Brigade has driven
Delwen unconscious and rob him before Lady off in the Djinn. A few guards have died, many
Orenna’s guards arrive. If the characters save engineers and townsfolk are wounded, and
Delwen, he offers to buy them breakfast tomor- Lady Orenna is wracked with hacking coughs.
row in gratitude. If the party chases the Djinn without further
incentive, award them each Inspiration.
The Inauguration If the party remains in Cogbrook, Captain
As dinner approaches, Lady Orenna takes to Laird approaches, commending the adventur-
the stage for the inaugural speech. Ensure ers for their heroism. With his guards over-
each character specifies where they choose to whelmed, and military forces too far off to call
watch the proceedings. A few minutes into her on, the adventurers are Cogbrook’s only hope
droning speech, there’s a loud CRACK! as the of stopping the getaway fortress. He offers the
stage and benches are blanketed with dense party 1,000 gp to retrieve the Djinn and can
smoke. Give the party a chance to react, then loan the party riding horses, if needed.
read the following: If the party haggles with Captain Laird,
The festival erupts in chaos as Lady Orenna they’re summoned by Lady Orenna, who has
coughs violently on stage, guards fight their way trouble breathing (curable with lesser resto-
to her side, and the crowds flee in panic. Two ration or a DC 16 Wisdom [Medicine] check).
dozen gnomes surge forth from the crowd and She admits to recognizing General Drave, leader
swarm up the Djinn’s loading platform and shim- of the Click-Clack Brigade, as the presumed de-
my up well-aimed grappling lines to the Djinn’s ceased war hero Major Rizost Mordrave – the
balconies. The violent little gnomes toss engineers original architect of the Djinn. She offers the
off walkways and balconies, while the handful of party an additional 1,000 gp and her periapt
guards fight desperately to hold them off. of wound closure as a reward for returning the
A gnome wearing the armor of a Tamrinos mil- Djinn. If the characters attempt to haggle further,
itary officer stands atop the Djinn and shouts at the she mentions Major Mordrave is a traitor and
crowd. “I appreciate your efforts, ya’ filthy thieves, King Virnar will likely reward the heroes who
but this beauty belongs to the Click-Clack Brigade!” bring him to justice.
If the characters intervene, they’re intercept-
ed by Becca, Bricc, and Ticker. “You shouldn’t get Taking the Djinn
involved,” Becca tells them, “General Drave’s only
taking back what’s his.” If the characters persist,
Becca, Bricc, and Ticker fight the party. Becca The party can use any method at their dispos-
and Bricc use stats for druid, except Becca fights al to chase down the Djinn. It leaves a trail of
with a shortsword, and Bricc with a rapier. On churned earth, trampled farms, and toppled
their spell list, replace druidcraft, produce flame, trees in its wake, making it easy to follow. It’s
and shillelagh with prestidigitation, blade ward, expected the party catches up to the Djinn in
and vicious mockery; replace entangle with cure under an hour, but you can expand this with
wounds; replace animal messenger and barkskin the rules for chases and wilderness chase
with blindness/deafness and heat metal. complications (DMG pg. 252–254), if desired.
During the battle, the Djinn fills the area When the party catches up to the Djinn,
with the sounds of hissing steam, groaning they have two ways to gain entrance: the upper
metal, and countless ticking gears. Soon it balconies 20 ft. above the ground (Area 2), and
lurches away from Cogbrook, causing the earth the loading platform, a 15 ft. by 15 ft. ramp
to shudder with every scuttling step. currently lowered (located at ground level
beneath Area 10). Using the loading platform
requires flight or a DC 14 Strength (Athletics)

check made to jump aboard. Reaching a balcony cally shut, unlocked, and open easily. They can
requires flight, use of a grappling hook and be locked or unlocked with a DC 15 Dexterity
rope, or climbing the side of the Djinn with a check made with Thieves’ tools. All enclosed
DC 17 Strength (Athletics) check. areas have a ceiling height of 10 ft. and are
Each balcony is occupied by one laughing dimly lit by glowing crystals. Many rooms have
gnome that fires a ballista (DMG pg. 255) at the windows that let in sunlight during the day.
party. The gnomes compete over who can skewer The air is damp, humid, and stinks of oil and
the most PCs and hurl the most creative insults. smoke. The whine of machinery, incessant tick-
The gnomes in the forward balconies are knights ing of cogs and gears, and the destruction of the
and the gnomes in the rear balconies are scouts. surrounding countryside by the Djinn’s passing
The party is in sight of no more than two ballistae makes it difficult to hear. Wisdom (Perception)
at once. checks to listen are made at disadvantage.
The loading platform is manned by three The Djinn is an experimental creation. It
gnomes: one mage and two berserkers. As the sways irregularly as it moves. Every time the
party struggles to catch up, the gnomes taunt characters enter a chamber or engage in com-
them and make rude gestures. When the party bat, roll a d8 to see what malfunctions occur.
is within 60 feet of the Djinn, the gnomes sud-
denly look worried. The berserkers (Kal and
D8 Malfunctions
Ro) take turns throwing kegs of gunpowder
(DMG pg. 267) at the characters, while the 1 Bumpy Ride
mage (Salissa) uses firebolt to make each keg
2 Burst Pipes
explode. The kegs have AC 10 and explode if
they take fire damage. The kegs are located 3 Crackling Crystals
within the Djinn, 20 ft. away from the loading
4 Oil Bath
platform. Picking up or hurling a keg is an ac-
tion. The gnomes have 2d4 power kegs stacked 5 Ominous Noise
on the loading platform when the party arrives
6 Smoke
If the party gains access to the Djinn
through the landing platform, Salissa backs up 7 Snag
into the Djinn’s interior – a 30 ft. by 30 ft. empty 8 Strobing Lights
metal chamber intended for storage – while the
berserkers try to shove the characters off the
ramp. Being pushed off the ramp causes 2d6 Bumpy Ride: The Djinn tilts violently
falling damage, but a successful DC 12 Dexterity as it crosses rough terrain. At the start of a
(Acrobatics) check reduces the damage by half. creature’s turn, they must succeed at a DC 15
The mage pulls a nearby lever that controls the Dexterity (Acrobatics) check or fall prone.
loading platform, causing it to rise up over two Burst Pipes: Pipes burst, expelling a gout
rounds as it closes and locks. At the far end of of steam or scalding water, dealing 7 (2d6) fire
this chamber are a pair of stairs that wind up damage to a random creature (no damage on
to the Djinn’s upper deck (Area 1). successful DC 18 Dexterity saving throw).
If the party gains access to the balcony, see Crackling Crystals: Magical crystals over-
Area 2 in The Upper Deck. load for 2d4 rounds, releasing bolts of electric-
ity. (Ranged Attack: +3 to hit, range 10/30 ft.,
The Upper Deck one random target. Hit: 10 (3d6) electricity
Despite its external grandeur, the Djinn has an damage.
unpolished feel, with exposed piping, valves, Oil Bath: A ruptured tube sprays oil on the
and cogs as a common sight. The walls and floor (functions as the grease spell with DC 13).
doors are constructed from metal and vibrate Ominous Noise: A loud noise sounds like
while the Djinn is in operation. Doors are typi- something’s about to break.

monks attack as soon as the characters let down
Smoke: Smoke heavily obscures the room.
their guard, attempt to restrain or tie them up,
Snag: Creatures that end their turn adja- or enter a fight with other gnomes. Use veteran
cent to a wall must succeed at a DC 13 Dexterity stats, but replace all instances of longsword and
or Strength saving throw or their clothes get shortsword with unarmed strike (1d6 damage).
snagged in an exposed gear, making them • Area 8: Meeting Hall: A meeting hall containing
restrained. a long table surrounded by chairs and a podium,
Strobing Lights: Magical crystals rapidly with maps and other paperwork covering the
flicker, blinding all creatures that fail a DC 14 table and walls. A mage (Jellameen) armed
Constitution saving throw for 1d4 rounds. with a quarterstaff and four spell scrolls
(conjure elemental, resilient sphere, protection
from energy, slow) and a spy (Inkle) examine
• Area 1: Stairwell: A stairwell that connects the the maps on the walls that depict Tamrinos and
lower and upper decks. A door at the top of the the southern warfront. Confidential documents
stairs leads outside to Area 2. worth 1,000 gp to Tamrinos' foes can be
• Area 2: Balcony: A balcony containing a recovered from a locked safe (DC 18) protected
ballista (DMG pg. 225). Each forward balcony by a poison needle trap.
is occupied by one gnome knight (Arcel and • Area 9: Officer’s Quarters: These simple
Zedra) and each rear balcony is occupied by bedrooms contain a bed, desk, chair, and an
one gnome scout (Inna and Taber). Balconies empty bookshelf.
on the same side are connected by an open-
air walkway with a three-foot tall guardrail. • Area 10: Captain’s Quarters: This fancy
Combat on a balcony draws the attention of the bedroom contains a bed, desk, and chair. The
gnome on the same side. back wall is lined with windows. A gladiator
(Worla) and two warlocks (Elavil and
• Area 3: Ammunition Storage: Contains 3d10 Florimand) are looting this room. A sack holds
ballista bolts. crystals (worth 100 gp), silver knick-knacks
• Area 4: Maintenance Room: Contains (worth 250 gp), and a wind fan. The warlocks
clockwork mechanisms, machinery, water use cult fanatic stats, replacing the cantrips
tanks, and two hunting traps. Findrick the with blade ward, eldritch blast, and true strike;
wizard examines the machinery. Use mage replacing the 1st-level spells with armor of
stats, except replace the spell mage hand with agathys, hellish rebuke, and hex; and replacing
shocking grasp, and the spells counterspell and spiritual weapon with mirror image.
fly with fear and lightning bolt. • Area 11: Cockpit: Proceed to the General
• Area 5: Clockwork Workshop: A workshop Drave encounter.
for creating and repairing clockwork devices.
A mage (Ronolby) wearing a clockwork key, General Drave
wielding a quarterstaff, and accompanied by
A flight of stairs climbs up 15 ft. from the
his clockwork owl familiar (use owl stats with
clockwork creature abilities on pg. 9) takes Upper Deck of the Djinn to a raised platform
inventory of the equipment. He happily lectures in the cockpit. Atop this platform stands Gen-
the party on clockwork components for hours, eral Drave, leader of the Click-Clack Brigade.
berating them if ignored. A gem of brightness Dressed in gleaming full plate, a feathered
sits atop a bucket of crystals in the corner. helm, and medals earned for his military ser-
• Area 6: Mess Hall: A dining hall with two long vice, General Drave surveys the surrounding
tables flanked by benches. Two druids (Ash and countryside through the cockpit’s many win-
Fern) and a spy (Gadget) celebrate their victory dows. Short stairs on each side of the platform
here alongside two clockwork raccoons that descend 5ft. to the rest of the cockpit where a
have wound down. Ash challenges the party
complicated series of levers, buttons, wheels,
to a dance-off (group Charisma [Performance]
check). If defeated, the gnomes give the party a and other clockwork machinery control the
pair of sending stones and leave the Djinn. Djinn. Two gnome priests (Hubwick and
Nisaya) operate these consoles, driving the
• Area 7: Kitchen: Two gnome monks (Drin and
Pria) raid the kitchen for a snack. At the sight Djinn through southern Tamrinos as they make
of the characters they grin and surrender. The their getaway. Hubwick and Nisaya are clerics

devoted to a gnome god or god of invention
appropriate to your campaign. They consider
Alternate Campaign Settings
piloting the Djinn the highest honor and won’t This adventure can be fit into any
abandon their posts. campaign world that includes inventive
When the party enters, read the following: gnomes - including some well known D&D
A proud gnome stands atop a raised plat- worlds - such as Lantan in Faerun, or the
form in the Djinn’s cockpit. The sun glints off Eberron campaign setting, where war,
his polished armor and medals, making him advanced constructs and gnomes are all
look like a heroic military general – if only he common. Cogbrook could be located near
weren’t a wanted criminal. The gnome raises Zilargo, or related to the mobile fortress of
an eyebrow, smirks and claps his hands slowly. Argonth.
“Well done,” he exclaims with equal measures
of interest and surprise. “You’ve done well to
get this far. But your journey ends here. I’ll not the Djinn back to Cogbrook, becoming heroes,
give up my clockwork darling. I’ve waited a long or flee in it, becoming outlaws.
time for this moment. Too long.” The gnome If the characters flee, they’ve made an
draws his sword. “Come! I shall make you pay enemy of Lady Orenna, Cogbrook, and King
tenfold for every ounce of gnome blood you Virnar. They’re branded traitors to the crown
spilled to get this far!” and a huge bounty is placed on their heads.
During the battle, General Drave remains on If the characters return the Djinn to
the raised platform if possible. If the heroes re- Cogbrook, the citizens cheer their arrival.
main at the base of the stairwell, he backs up to The inauguration festival resumes the next
the front of the platform, cutting off their line of day with the party as guests of honor. They
sight due to the angle and his height. Hubwick receive all rewards promised and a medal
and Nisaya use their movement each round to from Lady Orenna for their service. She
operate the Djinn, and use their actions to sup- offers them work as members of her per-
port General Drave with spells. Neither General sonal guard and asks if they would escort
Drave nor the clerics surrender. the Djinn to the warfront, to keep it safe
When General Drave is slain, he howls until it’s handed over to the military. If the
in sorrow, “No! They stole it from me! I only characters intend to petition King Virnar for
wanted…it…back…” He wears an amulet of a reward for the defeat of General Drave and
proof against detection and location. He has a the Click-Clack Brigade, Lady Orenna pens a
strange map in his back pocket. letter of introduction.
Operating the Djinn requires a DC 15 If any members of the Click-Clack Brigade
Intelligence (Investigation or Arcana) check. escaped, they regroup at their base near Tam-
Operating the legs requires two characters, rinos’ northern borders. They soon connect
who must use their move action to do so. The with General Drave’s sky pirate sister, Zarabi,
Djinn moves 60 ft. a round on two successful to plot revenge.
checks, 30 ft. on one successful check, and 0 ft. General Drave’s map may lead to an ancient
on no successes. ruin, dragon’s hoard, forgotten tomb, or bur-
All other gnomes in the Djinn flee if they see ied treasure. Whatever the prize, obtaining it
proof that General Drave is dead. should be an adventure in itself.

The Aftermath

With the death of General Drave, the Click-Clack

Brigade is no more. The characters may drive

Template: Clockwork Creature
Construct, unaligned a clockwork requires 1 minute. This enables
Clockwork creatures are mechanical marvels the clockwork to function for a number of
hours equal to its Challenge Rating. After
created in the image of other living creatures
this time, the clockwork is wound down for
and driven by a complicated configuration of a number of minutes equal to its Challenge
cogs, gears, and other machinery. Clockwork Rating, becoming under the effects of slow.
creatures can be created to mirror nearly any When the clockwork is no longer wound down,
creature, although most are built in the image it stops functioning. Alternatively, you can
of animals and function as pets or familiars. spend an action to hastily wind the clockwork,
To create a clockwork creature, select a living which enables it to function for a number of
rounds equal to its Challenge Rating.
non-humanoid creature and add the following
abilities and features: Many clockwork pets have unique abilities
• It is an unaligned construct. It doesn’t require and increased statistics, such as the clockwork
air, food, drink, or sleep. raccoons used by the Click-Clack Brigade.
• It has damage resistance to
bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
non-magical attacks that aren’t
• It is immune to poison and psychic
• It is immune to the charmed,
frightened, paralyzed, petrified, and
poisoned conditions, and to exhaustion.
• It understands one language but can’t
• It must be wound to function. Winding

Clockwork Raccoon
Small construct, unaligned

Armor Class 15 (natural armor) Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive

Hit Points 12 49 (11d6+11) Perception 10
Speed 20 ft., Climb 20 ft. Languages understands Gnome but
can’t speak
STR DEX CON Challenge 3 (700 xp)
16 (+3) 12 (+1) 12 (+1)
Constructed Nature. A clockwork raccoon
INT WIS CHA doesn’t require air, food, drink, or sleep.
3 (-4) 10 (+0) 1 (-5)
Damage Resistances bludgeoning,
piercing, and slashing from Multiattack. A clockwork raccoon makes
non-magical attacks that aren’t two tail attacks.
adamantine Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,
Damage Immunities poison, psychic reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (2d4+3)
Condition Immunities charmed, bludgeoning and piercing damage.
exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed,
petrified, poisoned
General Rizost
Small humanoid (gnome), neutral evil

A proud gnome wearing a

feathered helm, the armor of a
Tamrinos officer, and multiple
medals, holds a heavy sword in
hand, ready to fight.
Once a decorated major in Tamri-
nos’ military, Rizost Mordrave faked
his own death and fled after his
ground-breaking ideas were ridiculed.
Rizost remade himself into General
Drave - mysterious leader of the ban-
dits known as the Click-Clack Brigade.
Now that one of his grandest ideas has
come to fruition, he has returned to
steal it.

General Drave
Small humanoid (gnome), neutral evil

Armor Class 18 (plate) Gnome Cunning. General Drave has

Hit Points 12 113 (15d6+60) advantage on all Intelligence, Wisdom, and
Charisma saving throws against magic.
Speed 25 ft. Tactical Precision. General Drave deals an
extra 4 (1d8) damage when he hits with a
STR DEX CON weapon attack (included in the attacks).
16 (+3) 11 (+0) 18 (+4)


16 (+3) 13 (+1) 14 (+2) Multiattack. General Drave makes three
melee attacks or two ranged attacks.
Skills Athletics +6, Intimidation +5, Battleaxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit,
Persuasion +5 reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 12 (1d8+3
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive plus 1d8) slashing damage, 13 (1d10+3
Perception 11 plus 1d8) slashing damage if wielded
Languages Common, Gnome with two hands.
Javelin. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit,
Challenge 6 (2,300 xp) range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 11
(1d6+3 plus 1d8) piercing damage.
Clockwork Prepare to take your table
Heist into this wondrous one-shot!

No-good gnomes have stolen the clockwork fortress!

• Take your party on an adventure through a town festival. What

will the heroes do when chaos breaks out, and a band of no-good
gnomes try to pull off a dangerously wild heist?
• This Wondrous One-shot is intended to be played as a stand-alone
adventure, compatible with 5e.
• Use the adventure maps for the Mobile Clockwork Fortess and
Festival Grounds to run the adventure presented in this one-shot!

Visit our site for more information!


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