10 1108 - Meq 10 2020 0227
10 1108 - Meq 10 2020 0227
10 1108 - Meq 10 2020 0227
Purpose – Environmental regulation policy and cleaner production technology innovation are the key links to
achieve sustainable economic development. This paper tests the impact of Two Control Zone (TCZ)
environmental regulation policy on cleaner production technology innovation and explains the heterogeneity
effect between them from the perspective of regional pollution intensity and R&D investment scale.
Design/methodology/approach – This paper takes TCZ policy as an environmental regulation policy and
collects the patent data related to coal desulfurization cleaner production technology innovation in prefecture-
level cities from 1994 to 2002 in China. This paper also tests the relationship between TCZ environmental
regulation policy and cleaner production technology innovation based on difference in difference (DID) model.
Take regional R&D investment scale and pollution intensity as category variables and analyze the
heterogeneity effect of TCZ environmental regulation policy on cleaner production technology innovation
based on difference-in-difference-in-difference (DDD) model.
Findings – TCZ environmental regulation policy effectively promotes China’s cleaner production technology
innovation, but it is more conducive to cleaner production technology innovation in heavy pollution areas. With
the increasing of R&D investment scale, the positive effect of TCZ environmental regulation policy on cleaner
production technology innovation is stronger.
Research limitations/implications – On the basis of this study, the authors should further explore the
regulatory factors of the relationship between TCZ environmental regulation policy and cleaner production
technology innovation and further expand the research object, so as to make the research conclusions more
practical and instructive.
Originality/value – This paper tests the impact of TCZ environmental regulation policy on cleaner
production technology innovation based on the prefecture city level data and DID model, and it handles the
endogenous problem caused by the missing variables and provides the accurate conclusions. Moreover, this
paper examines the heterogeneity effect of TCZ environmental regulation policy on cleaner production
innovation from regional R&D investment scale and pollution intensity two hands and expands the existing
theoretical research.
Keywords Environmental regulation policy, Cleaner production technology innovation, Biased technology
progress, Natural experiment
Paper type Research paper
1. Introduction
For different countries around the world, due to the low level of technology innovation in the
early stage, serious environmental pollution problems have occurred in the process of rapid
industrialization and urbanization. According to the bulletin on the state of China’s ecological
environment 2019 which issued in 2020, the air quality of 82% urban in China has reached the
Management of Environmental
Quality: An International Journal
Vol. 32 No. 4, 2021
pp. 737-751
Funding: This work is supported by the National Social Science Foundation Project (Grant Nos. © Emerald Publishing Limited
17BGL266) DOI 10.1108/MEQ-10-2020-0227
MEQ excellent level, but 18% of cities still have different degrees of environmental pollution
32,4 problems. In order to change the current situation of pollution from the source and get rid of the
old way of pollution before treatment, the fundamental solution of environmental pollution
depends on the cooperation of technology innovation of economic entities. Hence, with the
increasing of challenges in both the resource and environment, it is necessary to study the
factors which affect technology innovation direction, thus achieving the green economic
growth (Khorasanizadeh et al., 2016; Verdolini and Bosetti, 2017; Raghutla and Chittedi, 2021) .
738 Compared to the traditional pollution production technology innovation based on extensive
development mode, the core idea of cleaner production technology innovation is to eliminate
environmental pollution within taking pollution prevention strategies (Ferigotti et al., 2016).
Meanwhile, the solution of environmental pollution problems also depends on the cooperation
of environmental regulation policy (Asano, 2014; Dong et al., 2020; Egbetokun et al., 2019); it
refers to a series of environmental protection laws and plans formulated by the governments
(Jiang et al., 2018). However, influenced by many factors inside and outside of the enterprises,
the adoption of production technology innovation shows significant directionality under the
constraints of environmental regulation policy (Acemoglu, 2002; Haque and Ntim, 2018).
Distinguishing the effect of environmental regulation policy on cleaner production technology
innovation, extracting the key driving factors between them and promoting the coexistence of
environmental regulation policy and cleaner production technology innovation are important
links to realize economic sustainable development around the global (Fortunski, 2008; de Jesus
Lameira et al., 2012; Salvado et al., 2015).
The relationship between environmental regulation policy and cleaner production
technology innovation has been debated for a long period (Fan et al., 2021; Lima et al., 2020),
but have not formed a unified conclusion. Part of the scholars believed that environmental
regulation policy requires enterprises to invest in pollution control and introduces advanced
production equipment, so that squeezing the original funds were used for improving cleaner
production technology innovation (Lin and Xu, 2017). On the contrary, environmental
regulation policy effectively promotes the internalization of environmental governance costs
and then stimulates enterprises’ willingness of cleaner production technology innovation
(Acemoglu et al., 2012). In addition, evolutionary economics pointed out that regions and
enterprises are heterogeneous and hard to follow the same conduct rules, that is, not all
environmental regulation policies are effective for cleaner production technology innovation
(Darnall et al., 2008; Liu et al., 2018). Particularly, influenced by the driver factors of cleaner
production technology innovation, such as environmental governance cost, technology
innovation efficiency, R&D investment and so on (Guo et al., 2017), different individuals show
differentiated cleaner production technology innovation behavior under the constraint of
environmental regulation policy (Johnstone et al., 2017; Luo et al., 2021).
Most of the research studies stayed in the identification of the relationship between
environmental regulation policy and cleaner production technology innovation. Even though
parts studies have recognized the nonlinear relationship between them, but still not fully identify
the regulatory factors. On the one hand, faced with environmental regulation policy constraints,
the increasing of pollution control costs crowd out cleaner production technology innovation
resources. In order to stimulate innovation will, reduce the cost and risk of innovation, the
supporting of local governments is important. On the other hand, influenced by technological
dependence, environmental regulation policy is difficult to carry out clean production
technology innovation effectively if traditional production pollution technology still can
obtain part of economic benefits, that is, the intensity of regional pollution will directly determine
the impact of environmental regulation policy on cleaner production technology innovation.
In order to test the nonlinear relationship between environmental regulation policy and
cleaner production technology innovation, and explore the driving factors of the nonlinear
relationship between them, this paper took the Two Control Zone (TCZ) policy as an
environmental regulation policy and collected the patent data related to coal desulfurization Impact of TCZ
cleaner production technology innovation in prefecture-level cities from 1994 to 2002. And environmental
then, it quantitatively tested the relationship between TCZ environmental regulation policy
and cleaner production technology innovation based on difference in differences (DID) model,
took the R&D investment scale and the regional pollution intensity as the indicators of policy
category variable and analyzed the heterogeneity impact of TCZ environmental regulation
policy on cleaner production technology innovation. Compared with the existing literature,
the contributions of this paper are mainly reflected in the following three aspects: 739
(1) Due to the actual operator of environmental regulation policy is local government, this
paper used the prefecture city level data to conduct empirical analysis, thus controlling the
important individual nature and eliminating the estimation bias. (2) This paper employed DID
method to examine the impact of TCZ environmental regulation policy on cleaner production
technology innovation; it excludes the factors that affect both TCZ environmental regulation
policy implementation and cleaner production technology innovation, and effectively handles
the endogenous problem. (3) This paper examined the heterogeneity impact of TCZ
environmental regulation policy on cleaner production technology innovation from regional
R&D investment scale and regional pollution intensity two hands, thus providing a new
perspective to explain the formation mechanism of the nonlinear relationship between TCZ
environmental regulation policy and cleaner production technology innovation.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: section 2 introduces policy background and
develops theoretical hypotheses; Section 3 gives an overview of model setting and data
description; Section 4 presents empirical research and in section 5 and section 6, conclusions
and implication are discussed. Moreover, this part analyzes the limitations and further study
-Geographical location
Pollution Intensity R&D investment scale -Economic scale
-Industrial structural
Hypothesis 1 Hypothesis 2 -Foreign direct investment
-Financial expenditure
-Time effect
-Fixed effect
CPTit ¼ β2 TCZi •Postt •Indi þ wTCZi •Postt þ τTCZi •Indi þ μPostt •IndI þ xit þ ai þ δt
þ εit
742 Di = 1
Di = 0
Figure 2.
DID method
t0 t1
and 0 otherwise. Postt is a dummy time variable for TCZ policy: it equals 1 after 1998 and
0 otherwise. β1 is the parameter of primary interest in this paper and captures the average
effect of TCZ environmental regulation policy on cleaner production technology innovation.
Indi is a category dummy variable that includes regional R&D investment scale (RD) and
regional pollution intensity (PI). β2 is the parameter of primary interest in DDD model, refers
to the heterogeneity effect of TCZ environmental regulation policy on cleaner production
technology innovation among different regions. ai is the city fixed effect, and δt is the year
fixed effect. εit is the error term.
xit is a set of control variables that represent the prefecture-level city i’s socioeconomic and
demographic characteristics in year t. According to the research of Cai et al. (2016), the control
variables include geographical factors, namely, northern regions (NOR) and coastal regions
(COA), economic scale (GDP), economic structure (INS), the proportion of FDI in GDP (FDI)
and local fiscal expenditure scale (LFE).
1 - 15
16 - 70
71 - 511
3.2.3 Category variable. PI is measured by the total amount of sulfur dioxide emissions per
square kilometer in different regions. Based on the median of PI, the region is divided into
light pollution areas and heavy pollution areas. If regional pollution intensity is greater than
the median, PI is equal to 1 and 0 otherwise. RD is expressed by the R&D expenditures.
Similarly, the sample is divided into two kinds: R&D intensive and non-R&D intensive. If
R&D investment scale is greater than the median, RD is equal to 1 and 0 otherwise. The data
are collected from the China City Statistical Yearbook.
4. Results
4.1 Basic regression result
This subsection examines the impact of TCZ environmental regulation policy on cleaner
production technology innovation based on formula (1). The regression results are listed in
Table 1. The coefficient of TCZ 3 POST in column (1) equals to 0.628 and passes the
significance test at 1% level; thus, the implementation of TCZ environmental regulation
policy significantly improves the regional cleaner production technology innovation in China.
The regression coefficients of TCZ 3 POST is still significant in columns (2) after adding the
control variables, it means that the positive impact of TCZ environmental regulation policy
on cleaner production technology innovation is robust.
Figure 4.
Tendency of cleaner
production technology 100
in TCZ and non-TCZ
from 1994 to 2002 0
1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002
considered that the treatment group and control group have a parallel trend. At the same
time, except for the variable year1999 , the regression coefficients are significant after the
implementation of TCZ environmental regulation policy, so it can be considered that the
implementation of TCZ environmental regulation policy has an impact on cleaner production
technology innovation. In particular, the regression coefficient of year1999 is not significant,
which can explain the lag effect of TCZ environmental regulation policy implementation on
cleaner production technology innovation.
TCZ 3 Post 0.187 (0.86) 0.075 (0.22) 0.050 (0.21) 0.051 (0.14)
TCZ 3 PI 0.038 (0.17) 0.544 (0.67)
Post 3 PI 0.149 (0.57) 0.152 (0.40)
TCZ 3 Post3 PI 1.126** (2.50) 1.294*** (2.59)
TCZ 3 R&D investment 0.123 (0.59) 0.773 (0.48)
Post 3 R&D investment *
0.450 (1.77) 0.248 (0.65)
TCZ 3 Post 3 R&D investment 0.922** (2.06) 0.994** (1.98)
cons 0.217** (2.00) 0.173 (0.833) 0.149 (1.35) 0.078 (0.04)
Control variables N Y N Y
Time effect N Y N Y
Fixed effect N Y N Y
Observations 1,584 1,584 1,584 1,584 Table 3.
R2 0.036 0.322 0.041 0.323 Heterogeneity test
Note(s): N 5 None, Y 5 Yes results
production technology innovation in R&D intensive areas. In addition, columns (2) and (4)
show the results obtained by adding the control variables into the regression equation, the
results shows that the conclusions are robust.
4.4 Robustness test
In this subsection, this paper conducts a series of further robustness test. On the one hand, along
with the implementation of TCZ environmental regulation policy, the financial crisis erupted in
Asia in 1998. Hence, this paper collects the data of the ratio of import and export trade value to
the GDP in 1997 and creates an Asian financial crisis indicator. Due to the absence of import and
export volume in the prefecture-level cities, provincial data are collected for building an indicator.
The results of including the exogenous policy shock are shown in columns (1) to (3) of Table 4. On
the other hand, although the model of DID and DDD in this paper effectively handles the
endogenous problem, this paper re-estimates the regression coefficient based on the system
GMM method. The results are shown in columns (4) to (6) of Table 4.
The coefficients of TCZ 3 Post, TCZ 3 Post 3 PI and TCZ 3 Post 3 R&D investment
scale are significant after adding the financial crisis indicator into the regression equation; it
Table 4.
Robustness test results
Variables (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
TCZ 3 Post 0.628** (2.54) 0.075 (0.22) 0.051 (0.14) 0.475*** (4.45) 8.058*** (5.71) 8.973*** (4.24)
TCZ 3 PI 0.544 (0.67) 3.859* (1.74)
Post 3 PI 0.152 (0.40) 3.140*** (2.33)
TCZ 3 Post 3 PI 1.294*** (2.59) 20.952*** (6.97)
TCZ 3 R&D investment scale 0.773 (0.48) 4.386 (1.56)
Post 3 R&D investment scale 0.248 (0.65) 6.012*** (2.73)
TCZ 3 Post 3 R&D investment scale 0.994** (1.98) 21.623*** (5.13)
Import and export trade value 0.348 (0.22) 0.132 (0.09) 0.055 (0.02)
Control variables Y Y Y Y Y Y
Observations 1,584 1,584 1,584 1,584 1,584 1,584
R2 0.035 0.322 0.564
AR(1) 0.000 0.000 0.000
AR(2) 0.269 0.606 0.292
Sargen test 0.000 0.000 0.000
Note(s): Y 5 Yes
means that conclusion of the impact of TCZ environmental regulation policy on cleaner Impact of TCZ
production technology innovation is robust. In addition, the results based on system GMM environmental
show the conclusions obtained in this paper are robust. The value of AR(2) proves that the
null hypothesis is accepted at 10% significance level. In addition, the value of Sargen test is
greater than 0.1, that is, the instrument variables are available. policy
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Corresponding author
Xianyou Pan can be contacted at: pxybetter@163.com
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