Organization of Library Resources 01 02 Shelving Procedure
03 Storage of Library Materials
01 ORGANIZATION OF LIBRARY RESOURCES Organization of Library Resources
1. To maximize search capabilities for 1. Ensure location of library material
users 2. Facilitate easy access for the material 2. Display the available resources 3. Enhance the effective utilization of the 3. Minimize physical, intellectual and time material barriers. 4. Attract users to the library Organization of Library Resources STEPS IN ORGANIZING LIBRARY MATERIAL
• To start organizing a library, a • After the librarian has accessed to the
librarian must know what users collection requirement, the next step is to need. begin acquiring the items.
• The first step is to identify • The steps involved;
collections requirements. 1. Select the material based on the availability of funds. 2. Place the order for purchase. 3. Acquire the material. 4. Maintain the records of the newly acquired material. Organization of Library Resources STEPS IN ORGANIZING LIBRARY MATERIAL ~ cont. 3. TECHNICAL PROCESSING OF • Library material must be maintained to LIBRARY MATERIAL stay effective and relevant to the • Libraries adopt various methods to organize changing technologies. their material. • Librarians must adopt various • Most libraries have open access facility for procedures related to maintenance to their users, the following steps are taken to keep the collection current and organize library material; functional. 1. Process new material • Cataloging of material • The procedures requires ; • Classification of material 1. Care of library resources 2. Physical processing 2. Shelf maintenance • Stamping 3. Maintaining records of collection • Pasting development and use • Labelling 4. Identifying the lost and damaged 3. Display the resources materials 4. Storing and shelving 5. Housekeeping activities for the collection Library Resources (Materials/Collections in Library) • The library material are the records of human knowledge on paper or in • Many libraries also offer online access to resources, allowing patrons to access electronic form. materials remotely. • Its for easy handling, storage, use and preservation. • To develop the collections in library, we need to know; • The information contained in the • The categories of reading material documents represent the content and • The types of library resources knowledge. • The forms of library resources • The usage and characteristic of each • These resources may vary depending on library resources. the type and size of the library, its focus (academic, public, special collections, etc.), and available funding. Library Resources 1. PRINTED 2. NON-PRINTED ; are available in 2 categories ~ Audio- • Books Visual & Electronic. • Periodicals AUDIO-VISUAL ELECTRONIC • Newspapers • Reference books • Audio-cassettes • e-books • Theses and dissertation • Videotapes • e-journals • Standards • Motion picture film • e-databases • Patents • Maps • Slides • e-magazines • Reports • Microforms • e-images • CD- ROMs • e-audio • DVDs • Digital library projects • Photographs • Electronic exhibitions 02 SHELVING PROCEDURE Introduction • The ideal situation in library is to shelve all the information on a • The physical segregation may alter the particular topic together, to make usage pattern and demand for maximum used of all materials. materials.
• Library need to consider its own
• The physical arrangement of different policies and user needs. types of materials however the varied in some libraries due to reason such • There is no arrangement which can as; be applied universally. • The formats of library materials • The need for security • A shortage of shelf space • The cost involved in processing materials Factors Influence the Shelving Procedure 1. Classification System - The library may use different classification systems such as Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC), Library of Congress Classification (LCC), or another system. The shelving procedure will depend on the chosen classification system and the rules associated with it. 2. Collection Size and Space - The size of the library's collection and available shelving space will affect how items are shelved. Libraries with limited space may need to employ compact shelving or prioritize certain materials for display. 3. Usage Patterns - Items that are frequently borrowed or accessed may be placed in more accessible locations, such as near the entrance or in high-traffic areas. This helps patrons easily find and retrieve popular materials. 4. Subject or Genre - Libraries often organize materials by subject or genre to facilitate browsing and retrieval. Fiction books, for example, may be organized by genre (e.g., mystery, romance) or author's last name, while non-fiction books are typically grouped by subject. 5. Accessibility and ADA Compliance - Libraries must ensure that shelving arrangements are accessible to all patrons, including those with disabilities. Shelving heights, aisle widths, and signage may be adjusted to comply with accessibility standards. Factors Influence the Shelving Procedure 6. Chronological Arrangement - Some libraries may shelve materials chronologically, particularly for archival or historical collections. This could include newspapers, periodicals, or other materials arranged by publication date. 7. Material Format - Different formats such as books, journals, DVDs, and audio recordings may have specific shelving requirements based on their size, weight, and fragility. 8. Security Considerations - Libraries may have security measures in place, such as security tags or locked cabinets, for certain high-value or rare materials. The shelving procedure may accommodate these security measures. 9. Special Collections - Libraries with special collections or archives may have unique shelving procedures to preserve and protect rare or valuable materials. These materials may be stored in climate-controlled environments or restricted access areas. 10. Library Policies - Each library may have its own policies and guidelines regarding shelving procedures, including how often materials are reshuffled, how items are labeled, and how damaged or worn materials are handled. Shelving Arrangements CLOSED ACCESS OPEN ACCESS • This arrangement does not allow the library user to collect materials directly from the shelves. ● This arrangement allows users to obtain required • Library staff will collect the materials for materials from the shelves. users. ● Most libraries are open • In some libraries, particular users may be access. given special authorization to access the closed area.
• Stored collections such as non-print
materials, short loan and high use collections, archives, manuscript and rare books. Factors Affecting Choice between Closed Possible Arrangement and Open Access
1. The nature of information – whether Parts of the collection may be arranged ;
up-to-date or archival 2. The size of collections and the 1. By format – e.g. videos shelved together accommodation 2. In alphabetical order – e.g. fictions 3. The need to avoid damage caused by books handling 3. In numerical order – e.g. volumes within 4. The availability of staff to service the sets collection 4. By classification number order – e.g. 5. The cost and difficulty of replacing non-fiction, serial (sometimes) items 5. By audience – e.g. junior, adult 6. The availability and location of 6. By lending conditions – e.g. loan, short equipment necessary to use an item loan 7. The need to preserve the privacy of 7. By size of print – e.g. large print material. Location FIXED LOCATION RELATIVE LOCATION ● If the collections is closed access, ● Most libraries, prefer to shelve the items can be shelved in a fixed their materials in a relative location. location, because users are able ● The styles ; to browse them on shelves. 1. Prescribe place – new items are ● The styles ; added at the end of the 1. Items are grouped by subject sequence. – classification number such 2. No subject order – item can be as DDC, LCC. access by catalog. 2. As the collections expands, 3. Used for storage areas – rare items will be moved along books collections the shelves but still remain in 4. Fixed location use a running the same position relative to number – e.g. 123, 124, 125, ... other items Integration TOTAL NON- PARTIAL INTEGRATION / INTERGRATION INTEGRATION INTERSHELVING SHELVING SHELVING All library materials, regardless of their All formats are stored Some materials are format, are shelved in separately according shelved together, one sequence. This is their needs. The less especially in similar the ideal arrangement suitable for a format, while others for a browsing browsing collection. are shelved collection. separately. Most common option used in library. Shelving Practice ● Library staff need to be familiar with classification schemes to ensure they shelve materials in the correct location.
● Shelving is important process in all
libraries, because users need to be able to access material without difficulty.
● A misplaced items is considered lost.
Shelving Procedure The shelving process can be divided into several steps; 1. Sort material by format – if the library 2. Sort within each format according to a does not have a fully integrated shelving broad unit – the range of Classification system. The categories ; scheme (DDC /LCC) • Reference books • Fiction books 3. Place the items on trolleys for • Junior books reshelving, then arrange fully by call • Large print books number. • Non-fiction books • Videos 4. Shelve the items • CDs • Current periodicals 5. Records statistics on the number of • Bound periodicals items shelved each say. • Microform Arrangement of library materials ~ Different format
• Most libraries have separate sequences
of shelving to house different sizes and formats of materials.
• The usually use adjustable shelving to
cater for different requirements.
• If all materials are shelved together, the
library has to allow the maximum heights on each shelf, which it takes up much more space. 02 STORAGE OF LIBRARY MATERIALS INTRODUCTION ● The basic aim of a library is to provide information for its users.
● Choosing the right form of storage for each
format (of materials) are important to ensure that all items remain in good condition.
● The storage method, depends on the following
factors; 1. Cost 2. Appearance 3. The space available 4. The library users 5. The staffing levels 6. The need to prevent damage to materials 7. The rarity of the materials 8. The special need/care for the specific formats (materials) • Most books are stored on bookshelves with book supports to keep them upright. PRINTED BOOKS • They should be shelves too tightly, because they are likely to be damaged when users try to remove them.
• Books can withstand frequent handling before
needing repair or rebinding, but some libraries cover books to prolong their life.
• Paperback books may be stored in wire,
freestanding baskets for ease of access.
• Large books should be stored horizontally on
shelves, but if several are piles on top of each other the weight will causes damage. • Rare or valuable manuscripts may be needed MANUSCRIPTS to be stored in secure area Example – In a locked storeroom or cupboard
• If they are on flat sheets, manuscripts may be
bound into books, files in loose-leaf folders or stored in boxes.
• Rolled manuscripts are stored in cylinders.
• Most libraries display current issues of periodicals on rack which hold the items rigid and some use transparent plastic PERIODICAL covers to protect the issues.
• Unbound back issues of periodicals are
usually stored in pamphlet boxes.
• Some libraries microcopy back runs or buy
microform copies to save space and preserve information. ● These formats are best stored flat in MAPS, PLAN plan cabinets, but some libraries roll & DIAGRAMS and store them in plastic, metal or cardboard cylinders placed in pigeon-hole racks.
● If they are fragile, they should be
interleaved with acid-free paper.
● Frequently used items may be
laminated. • Recent issues of newspapers are often stored in hanging file. NEWSPAPERS & NEWSPAPER CUTTING • Older issues may be bound and stored horizontally on specially designed shelving. • Some libraries store older issues in archives boxes or shrink-wrap their newspapers. • Newspaper cuttings are usually clipped and stored in filling cabinets or shallow drawers. • Because newsprint deteriorates quickly, many libraries preserve the information by micro-copying newspapers or by purchasing microform copies or stored in CD-ROM. • Microfiche maybe stored in envelopes, boxes or slotted plastic panels. MICROFORMS
• Microfilm is usually stored in small
reels in cardboard boxes which are housed in special cabinets. FILMS & SLIDES • Roll film is best stored in metal canisters.
• Film strips may be stored in boxes.
• Slides are usually housed in slotted
drawers of in transparent plastic sleeves. VIDEOTAPES & • Videotapes are usually stored on shelves because their outer casing is SOUND RECORDING strong enough to protect them from damage and can stand upright. •Some libraries use video stands.
• Compact disc (CDs) are stored on
display racks, in a tower or on shelves.
• Cassette tapes are usually stored in
cases or drawers or shelves in similar cases to video containers. • Computer software are used to be in diskettes, but nowadays are in COMPUTER SOFTWARE CDs. & ELECTRONIC RESOURCES • Electronic resources in library consisting of data and/or computer programs encoded for reading connected to the computer by CD-ROM drive or network.
• Software applications, electronic
text, bibliographic databases, web sites, e-books, e-journals AAM 30 THANKS Does anyone have any questions?
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