FPI RRP 58005 Final
FPI RRP 58005 Final
FPI RRP 58005 Final
This specification establishes the minimum requirements for training and approval of personnel carrying out
any non-destructive testing (NDT) for the inspection of gas turbine materials and components for, or on
behalf of, Rolls-Royce.
General Requirement:
Rolls-Royce and each of its suppliers approved to perform NDT processes shall establish a detailed procedure
(written practice) for qualifying, approving, and re-approving their NDT personnel in accordance with the
requirements of EN 4179 or NAS 410.
The written practice for each supplier shall be mandated through its quality management system and
authorised by the Responsible Level 3.
a) Suppliers holding Nadcap NDT accreditation are not required to submit their written practice to Rolls-
Royce for approval.
b) Suppliers that do not hold Nadcap accreditation shall submit their written practice to the relevant
Rolls-Royce Technical Authority for approval. Rolls-Royce shall be notified of any changes to the
written practice after approval. In countries where a National Aerospace NDT Board (NANDTB) exists, and
operations do not fall under a foreign board jurisdiction, NDT qualification examinations must be under
the control of that NANDTB.
Records of training, qualification and approval of NDT personnel shall be complete, accurate and available for
review. These records shall as minimum comply with the requirements specified in EN 4179 and/or NAS 410.
Proficiency Review:
All personnel who operate NDT equipment and/or make accept/reject decisions of production/flight hardware
shall be subject to an annual assessment of NDT performance comprising the following as a minimum:
a) Assessment of processing/inspection of a component
b) Demonstration of retrieval of applicable paperwork, and method of reporting for conforming and non-
conforming parts
c) Assessment of knowledge of controlling specification
d) Assessment of application of quality standard
e) Verification of activity in the NDT method
f) Review of eyesight record
g) Review of inspectors finding rate (where applicable) Part of the annual proficiency review will include a
check that an inspectors finding rate is being monitored on a continuous basis.
(Where use of NDT equipment and/or acceptance/rejection of hardware is part of Level 3 duties)