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Sma11 4634 Ebpspromisingpractices Idbd
Sma11 4634 Ebpspromisingpractices Idbd
for Disruptive
and Promising Behavior
Practices Disorders
Evidence-Based Interventions
for Disruptive
and Promising Behavior
Practices Disorders
This document was produced for the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
(SAMHSA) by Abt Associates, Inc., and the National Association of State Mental Health Program
Directors (NASMHPD) Research Institute (NRI) under contract number 280-2003-00029 with
SAMHSA, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Sylvia Fisher and Pamela
Fischer, Ph.D., served as the Government Project Officers.
The views, opinions, and content of this publication are those of the authors and contributors
and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, or policies of the Center for Mental Health
Services (CMHS), SAMHSA, or HHS.
Recommended Citation
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Interventions for Disruptive Behavior
Disorders: Evidence-Based and Promising Practices. HHS Pub. No. SMA-11-4634, Rockville, MD:
Center for Mental Health Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration,
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2011.
Originating Office
Implementation Considerations
Medication Management
What’s in Evidence-Based Practice
and Promising Practices
Introduction........................................................................ 1 Interventions
Triple P – Positive Parenting Program.................................... 3
Project ACHIEVE................................................................ 11 for Disruptive
Second Step...................................................................... 19
Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies........................... 25
First Steps to Success......................................................... 31 Disorders
Early Risers: Skills for Success............................................. 37
Adolescent Transitions Program.......................................... 43
Incredible Years................................................................. 49
Helping the Noncompliant Child........................................ 55
Parent-Child Interaction Therapy......................................... 61
Parent Management Training — Oregon............................. 67
Brief Strategic Family Therapy............................................ 73
Problem-Solving Skills Training........................................... 79
Coping Power................................................................... 83
Mentoring........................................................................ 89
Multisystemic Therapy....................................................... 95
Functional Family Therapy............................................... 107
Multidimensional Treatment Foster Care............................ 113
and Promising Practices
Figure 1
Intervention Description
Triple P – Positive Parenting Program
Type of EBP Prevention/Multilevel
Level 1 is a universal prevention approach and is Level 3 is a more narrowly focused intervention
intended for all parents interested in information designed for parents with specific concerns about
about their child’s development. Level 1 is intended their child’s behavior and development that require
to support communities that have already begun to consultations or active parent-skills training.
implement the other levels of Triple P. Strategies Services include one to four brief intervention
include the following: sessions combining advice, rehearsal, and self-
evaluation to learn how to manage specific
Media resources (newspaper-, radio-, or
behavior problems (for example, toilet training,
television-disseminated community service
tantrums, and sleep disturbances). The settings
and practitioners are the same as in Level 2.
Self-directed information resources (parenting
tip sheets and videos) with information about
how to solve developmental and minor behavior Level 4
problems; Level 4 is a more broadly focused parent training
Group presentations; and intervention for parents wanting intensive training
in positive parenting skills for children with more
Telephone referral services. severe behavior problems. Eight to 10 sessions
focus on improving parent-child interaction,
Level 2 applying parenting skills to a broad range of
focused behaviors, and generalizing skills. Services
Level 2 is a brief selective intervention aimed at may combine self-directed strategies, telephone
parents with specific concerns about their child’s or face-to-face meetings with a clinician, or group
behavior and development. Services include advice sessions. Practitioners are mental health, child
for specific child behavior problems and may be welfare, or other health care professionals.
self-directed or involve telephone or face-to-face
interaction with a clinician or participation in
group sessions.
Study population:
60% Male
40% Female
Connell, Sanders & RCT of families (n = 60) with a child (age 7–12) comparing No differences found between the therapist-directed and
Markie-Dadds (1997) Enhanced Triple P (for stepfamilies), Enhanced Self-Directed self-directed programs.
(in Sanders, Markie- Triple P and a waitlist (WL) control parents and stepparents
Children in intervention groups showed significant reductions
Dadds, & Turner, of children with ODD or (Conduct Disorder) CD.
in parent reported disruptive behaviors.
Significant reductions in parenting conflict were reported by
parents and stepparents in the intervention conditions only.
Sanders, Markie- RCT comparing Standard Triple P, Self-Directed Triple P, Children in the three intervention conditions showed greater
Dadds, Tully & Bor Enhanced Triple P and a waitlist (WL) control of parents improvement on mother-reported disruptive behaviors than
(2000) (n = 305) with children (mean age of 3 years) with clinically the waitlist (WL) control.
elevated disruptive behavior, and at least one family adversity
Only those in the Enhanced Triple P and the Standard Triple
factor (for example, low income, maternal depression,
P conditions showed significant improvement on observed
relationship conflict, single parent).
disruptive child behavior and father reports.
Study population:
Parents in two practitioner-assisted programs also showed
68% Male significant reduction in dysfunctional parenting strategies
32% Female (self-report) for both parents.
Predominately White
Sanders & McFarland RCT of parents (n = 47) with a child (3–9 years) with ODD Both interventions demonstrated:
(2000) or CD and mothers with major depression comparing Standard Reduction in observed and parent reported disruptive
Triple P and Enhanced Triple P. child behavior.
Reductions in parental levels of depression.
Increase in parental confidence.
Ireland, Sanders, & RCT of families (n = 44) concerned about their child’s (2–5 Both interventions were associated with significant:
Markie-Dadds (2003) years) disruptive behaviors and concurrent clinically elevated Improvements in parent-reported disruptive behavior.
marital conflict. Families assigned to Group Triple P or Group
Triple P with a partner support module. Reduction in dysfunctional parenting strategies.
Reduction in parenting conflict.
Improvements in relationship satisfaction and
Bor, Sanders, & RCT with parents of children (n = 87, Mean age=3) with co- Both intervention programs were associated with significantly
Markie-Dadds (2002) morbid significantly elevated disruptive behavior and attention lower parent reported child behavior problems and
problems. dysfunctional parenting and significantly greater parenting
Study population: confidence.
68% Male No condition effects were found for parent or teacher reports
of disruptive behavior or for parental adjustment, parenting
32% Female
conflict or relationship satisfaction.
Predominately White
Leung, Sanders, RCT of Chinese parents in Hong Kong (n = 91) with children Intervention was associated with significant:
Leung, Mak, & Lau (3–7 years) with conduct-related problems assigned to either Reduction in child behavior problems.
(2003) Triple P intervention group (n = 46) or the waitlist control
group (n = 45). 69 completed the study, 25 female and Reduction in dysfunctional parenting styles.
44 male. Increase in parental confidence.
Study population:
100% Chinese
Triple P America’s trainer staffing pattern Funding used for startup costs of Triple P include
is flexible. It can usually expand its capacity grants, state funds, and agency budgets. (R. Prinz
to accommodate new sites. personal communication, March 22, 2006.)
Age 3–14
Gender Males
Characteristics of the intervention
The following items are available for purchase: For information about implementing Project
ACHIEVE, contact Dr. Knoff.
Stop & Think Social Skills Program
(book, cue cards, stickers, stamps, t-shirts, Howard M. Knoff, Ph.D.
pencils, and other materials for use in the 49 Woodberry Road
classroom). Materials available for purchase Little Rock, AR 72212
at Sopris West Publishers (1-800-547-6747) or Phone: (501) 312-1484 Fax: (501) 312-1493
The Stop & Think Social Skills Program for
Parents (involving a manual and 75-minute
training DVD) is available through Dr. Knoff. Monitoring fidelity and outcomes
Information on training and materials can be A series of implementation check sheets address
obtained at: the different facets of the project to be used in
monitoring adherence to the protocol.
Two formal questionnaires for evaluating the
Cost of training/consulting
discipline and behavior management attitudes
Costs will vary, but on average it costs $25,000/ and staff interaction characteristics of the school
year ($75,000 total) to implement (see above). are used as pre- and post-measures of
organizational development and change.
Cost per pupil to implement ranges from $30
to $150/per student, many times it depends Formal fidelity measures have been developed
on the need and cost of substitute teachers through a number of Federal and state grants
to release staff for training and other activities. that have implemented Project ACHIEVE
in various schools.
All of these costs include consulting services,
travel, and materials (printed and DVD).
Safe and Drug-Free School funds U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health
Safe Schools/Safe Community funds
Services Administration, Center for the
Counseling in the Schools funds Application of Prevention Technologies:
Private foundation funding
Collaborative for Academic and Social-
No Child Left Behind funds
Emotional Learning:
Medicaid dollars for services that are part of the
The Arkansas State Improvement Grant:
program (but cannot reimburse for the entire
program itself)
Gender Males
Anger management.
Improvement in self-regulation
of emotions.
After participants have attended one initial Approximately 80 percent of those who
training session, Committee for Children implement the Second Step program use
trainers are available to provide onsite Safe and Drug Free Schools funding to
consultation, booster sessions, or additional purchase the curriculum.
training. The fee for this service is $125
per hour. Often, some of the resources required for
training services derive from a site’s staff
The cost for materials will vary according to development budget.
the curriculum kits purchased and ranges from
$159 to $289. Volume discounts are available
for orders over a certain size.
No certification is needed to implement
the Second Step program.
Additional support is available in the form of Committee for Children trainers are also available
written materials that provide detailed information for travel to any community to deliver onsite
on a range of topics, such as how to secure buy-in, Second Step training exclusively for school, agency,
develop roll-out plans, involve families, provide or district staff, providing the opportunity to plan
ongoing support, and evaluate the program. program implementation as a group, address local
A funding specialist is on staff to provide up-to-date issues, and network with colleagues.
grant announcements and funding opportunities.
Training programs
Possible barriers:
Lack of sponsorship at school or district level. The Second Step Training for Trainers is a 2½-day
course designed to help participants learn to teach
Lack of buy-in—No commitment on the part the curriculum efficiently and return to their
of teachers and other adults responsible for schools or agencies to conduct their own staff
implementing the program. trainings, thus providing “local expertise.”
Lack of time—Some mandates have influenced
school districts to focus solely on academics, In addition, participants can provide ongoing
leaving little room for social and emotional “booster” trainings, train new staff as they are
learning programs. hired, and assist with implementation support.
Each participant receives a comprehensive
Constant leadership changes in administration
trainer’s manual, CD-ROM, and a set of four
affect the ability to sustain program
staff training videos.
implementation over time.
Lack of funding. Professional development credits are available for
Lack of parent or caregiver involvement, hence completion of the regional Second Step Training
no support outside of the classroom setting. for Trainers. (This training is available both
regionally and onsite.)
No ongoing implementation support.
A Supplementary Unit covers issues in friendship Research supports many positive outcomes of the
and moral decisionmaking and reviews lessons in PATHS intervention, such as reducing classroom
the other units. The large instructional manual aggression, internalizing problems, self-reporting
provides the scope and sequencing of the lessons depressive symptoms, and increasing developmental
for each developmental group. Younger children understanding of, and fluency with, discussing
are exposed to the Turtle Unit (Readiness and emotional experiences. Positive outcomes have
Self-Control), which teaches readiness and self- been noted in both 1- and 2-year followup studies.
control through metaphorical storytelling and See Table 4.
behavioral support.
The developers, Dr. Greenberg and Dr. Kusché, Fidelity measures are available for sites to
are actively involved in developing and modifying use. For some sites that are participating in
the program. However, PATHS, LLC, based in a research study, the fidelity measures are
Seattle, is responsible for assessing interested required and sent monthly to PATHS, LLC.
parties in the PATHS program, assigning trainers, However, sites that are not a part of a study are
and managing the training process. not required to collect or report fidelity measures.
Mark T. Greenberg, Ph.D. Both fidelity and teacher-reported outcome
Director, Prevention Research Center measures are available at no charge from the
Henderson South – 112 publisher (Channing-Bete, Inc). Sites are
Pennsylvania State University advised to collect and report their outcome
University Park, PA 16803 measures. PATHS, LLC does offer support to
Phone: (814) 863-0112 sites interested in using outcome data to better
Fax: (814) 865-2530 inform program decisionmaking.
The goal is to divert future antisocial behavior. Coaches will work alongside the teacher and
Within the past 2 years, more than 20 organizations, parent to provide them with skills to identify the
and between 1,500 and 2,000 practitioners have maladaptive behavior and reward good behavior.
been trained to deliver First Steps to Success.
Figure 5
Figure 6
Intervention Description
Early Risers: Skills for Success
Type of EBP n Prevention
Background Setting n Home
n School
The Early Risers: Skills for Success program Age n 6–12
is a multicomponent, competency skill-based Gender n Males
intervention designed for children ages 6 to 12 n Females
Monitoring and Mentoring School Support In addition, if indicated, more intensive and
(tailored): This feature occurs throughout each tailored parent skills training is provided.
school year and is intended to help and modify
academic instruction as well as address children’s
behavior while in school, through the support of Research Base and Outcomes
the family advocate. In addition, a primary goal
is to bridge family and school to foster continued The evaluation of the Early Risers program
success in learning. A home reading program is includes an initial efficacy study, an early-stage
such a bridge. effectiveness trial, and an advanced-stage
effectiveness trial, all with randomized control
The goal of the family-focused component is to designs. See Table 6. The initial study was
empower families and to allocate the appropriate conducted with a semi-rural, White sample, while
resources to help families reach their identified the validation study was conducted with a mostly
goals. Family-focused interventions include African American, urban sample.
the following:
Overall, research supports significant relationships
between children’s level of participation throughout
the Early Risers program (more than 1 year or
more) and social competence, school adjustment,
and academic achievement. August et al., (2004;
2006) point to the need for longer durations of
interventions or booster sessions to maintain positive
results, as well as the concern for attrition rates.
The Early Risers program and a no intervention control group were Dosage analysis, however, determined that program
compared. Data are published for 2-year immediate intervention effects. children who did attend at acceptable levels exhibited
gains on indicators of social and academic competence,
Study population:
and a math achievement test.
69% Male
It was concluded that attention to family engagement
31% Female and adequate resource allocation is essential to obtain
positive program effects.
89% White
11% Minority
Figure 7
Brief Description
Adolescent Transitions Program
Type of EBP Prevention/Multilevel
Background Setting School
Age 11–18
The Adolescent Transitions Program (ATP)
Gender Males
developed by Thomas Dishion, Ph.D., and Kate
Kavanagh, Ph.D., is a multilevel, family-centered
Training/Materials Available Yes
intervention that seeks to prevent teen antisocial
Outcomes Reduction in negative parent-
behavior and drug experimentation. ATP was child interactions.
designed as a group psychoeducational intervention Decrease in antisocial behaviors
focused on family management practices and at school.
52.5% Male
47.5% Female
95% White
Irvine, Biglan, Replication Study of Level 3 Research: For the intervention group:
Metzler, Smolkowski, Randomized clinical trial with high-risk rural families (n = 303) assigned Improvements in problem- solving interactions.
& Ary (1999) to parent-focused FMC intervention group or a waitlist control group. Parents’ overactivity and lax approach to child’s
Study population: behavior reduced.
61% Male Parent’s positive feelings toward child improved.
39% Female Parent-reported antisocial behaviors
decreased significantly.
88% White
Measures of child adjustment improved.
3% American Indian
2% Hispanic
7% Other
Dishion, Kavanagh, Multilevel Research Study Intervention reduced initiation of substance use
Schneiger, Nelson, 4-year longitudinal study of multiethnic 6th grade students (n = 672) and in both at-risk students and those not at risk.
& Kaufman (2002); their families randomly assigned to ATP intervention or to control condition. Families assigned to the Family Check Up
Dishion, Nelson, Study population: (FCU) intervention maintained positive parental
& Kavanagh (2003) monitoring practices; parents of high-risk
52% Male
adolescents decreased parental monitoring from
48% Female grades 7 to 9.
41% White Prevention effect of the FCU on substance abuse
was mediated by changes in parental monitoring.
32% African American
7% Hispanic
6% Asian American
2% American Indian
Level 2 Research Study
Within the context of the above study, high-risk youth and families (n = 71)
selected for either Family Check Up (FCU) intervention (n = 35) or to the
control group (no FCU) (n = 36).
Study population:
39% Male
61% Female
32% White
51% African American
14% Multiethnic
3% Hispanic
For information on the Child and Family Andrews, D. W., Saberman L. H., & Dishion, T. J.
Research Center at the University of Oregon, (1995). The adolescent transitions program for
see high-risk teens and their parents: Toward a
school-based intervention. Education &
For information about purchasing available Treatment of Children, 18(4), 478–498.
resources, see
cartscript.cgi?page=cpap/dishion.htm&cart_id. Dishion, T. J. (personal communication,
September 13, 2006).
For additional information, see also Dishion, T. J., & Andrews, D. W. (1995). Preventing
programs_1999/08_ATP.html. escalation in problem behaviors with high-risk
young adolescents: Immediate and 1 year
outcomes. Journal of Consulting and Clinical
Psychology, 63(4), 538–548.
Figure 8
Intervention Description
Incredible Years
Type of EBP Intervention
Background Setting Home
The Incredible Years series has been developed
Age 2–12
since the 1980s by Carolyn Webster-Stratton,
Gender Males
Ph.D., of the University of Washington. Numerous
studies have demonstrated many positive outcomes
Training/Materials Available Yes
for children and their families in a variety of
Outcomes Increase in parent’s use
settings and countries. of effective limit-setting,
nurturing, and supportive
The program has been disseminated in more
Improvement in teacher’s use
than 46 states, Canada, Norway, Denmark, Wales, of praise.
New Zealand, and Great Britain. In addition, the Reductions in conduct
program has been tested with different cultural problems at home and school.
Figure 9
Intervention Description
Helping the Noncompliant Child
Type of EBP n Intervention
Background Setting Clinic
Helping the Noncompliant Child (HNC) is a
Age 3–8
parent-training program that was developed out
Gender Males
of the original work in the late sixties by Constance Females
Hanf, Ph.D., and Rex Forehand, Ph.D., of the
Training/Materials Available Yes
Universities of Vermont and Georgia, respectively.
Outcomes Improvement in parenting skills
Robert McMahon, Ph.D., of the University of Improvement in child’s
Washington modified Hanf’s program to develop behavior and compliance
HNC more than 30 years ago.
Succession through the phases depends on parent’s Clinic laboratory observation studies
skill acquisition as assessed by the therapist to examine the effects of the individual
(observational forms available in training book). components of HNC.
During the Compliance Training phase, parents Clinic laboratory observation and comparative
learn to do the following: studies to examine immediate outcomes of the
Give clear, concise instructions to their child; program as a whole in the laboratory setting.
Provide positive attention for child compliance Studies in community settings using single
to the instruction; and group or comparison group with pre-post tests
and followup to examine generalizability of the
Use a brief time-out procedure for child
effects across time, settings, siblings,
and behaviors.
Parents also learn to use rules, and to implement Studies assessing: social validity, side effects,
the phase I and II skills in settings outside the procedures for enhancing generalization, and
home. Therapists extensively employ demonstration self-administered written forms of components
and role-play procedures to teach the different of the intervention.
skills to the parent and to the child who also Two independent replication studies comparing
participates in the treatment sessions. HNC to other interventions.
No formal readiness assessment is used for sites If staff turns over, the developers will consult
interested in becoming trained to deliver HNC. within the agency to help them train the
new staff.
To obtain information on training and materials, The developers are not actively involved in collecting
contact Dr. McMahon. fidelity measures for program sites, although sites
can choose to submit fidelity data to the developers.
Robert J. McMahon, Ph.D.
University of Washington Developers are willing to help sites develop
Department of Psychology, Box 351525 systems to collect, analyze, and use data to
Seattle, WA 98195-1525 improve services.
Phone: (206) 543-5136 Sites do not have to submit outcome measures
Fax: (206) 685-3157 to the developers, but it is highly recommended.
Figure 10
Intervention Description
Parent-Child Interaction Therapy
Type of EBP n Intervention
Background Setting Clinic
Age 2–7
Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) is a
Gender Males
parent training/coaching program for families
with children 2 to 7 years of age who are exhibiting
Training/Materials Available Yes
disruptive behaviors. This program has been in
Outcomes Improvement in parent-child
existence since the early seventies. interaction style.
Improvement in child behavior
It was developed by Shelia Eyberg, Ph.D., of the
University of Florida. The development of PCIT
was influenced by the earlier work of Constance
Hanf, Ph.D., and Diane Baumrind, Ph.D. PCIT is structured through 10 to 16 weekly 1-hour
sessions with either the parent alone or parent and
Dr. Hanf was focused on working with mothers to child together, and delivered by trained master’s
increase their child’s compliance, and Dr. Baumrind or doctoral level therapists. These sessions
studied how different parenting styles affect children. consist of the following (Herschell et al., 2002;
Currently, PCIT is being implemented in the, retrieved 2006):
United States, Puerto Rico, Norway, and Hong
Kong. It has been implemented in laboratory Pre-treatment assessment of child and family
clinical settings, community mental health systems, functioning;
Head Start programs, schools, and foster care Teaching, coaching, and feedback in the CDI
settings (R. Chase, personal communications, skills phase;
September 21, 2006).
Teaching, coaching, and feedback in the PDI
skills phase;
Characteristics of the intervention Teaching generalization skills related to rules
at home, behavior in public, and behavior
The program has two phases that are based on with siblings;
attachment theory and social learning theories.
In the first phase of the training, Child Directed Five to 10 minutes of homework per day
Interaction (CDI), parents learn how to strengthen practicing learned interactions; and
their attachment to their child through being warm, Posttreatment assessment of child and
responsive, and sensitive to their child’s behavior. family functioning.
In the second phase of the training, Parent Clients progress through the sessions of each phase
Directed Interaction (PDI), parents learn how to by achieving set skills that are monitored and
be strong authority figures with their child through assessed by the therapist. In research settings, the
giving directions in age-appropriate, positive ways; therapist uses a one-way mirror to observe the
setting consistent limits; and learning how to parent-child interactions and coaches the parents
appropriately implement consequences, such through a microphone in their ear (Herschell,
as time-out.
McNeil, Eyberg, Children (n = 30). Control Group design, but not randomly assigned. PCIT group reduced problem behaviors at home,
Eisenstadt, Children treated with PCIT (n = 10) compared with normative control group improvements on the number of classroom
Newcomb, (n = 10) and problem behavior control group (n = 10). measures for disruptive behaviors.
& Funderburk
Schuhmann, Boggs et al., (2004) In McMahon et al., (2005) Randomized control design Followup study from Schumann et al., (1998)
Foote, Eyberg, with families with 3–6 year old child with ODD (n = 64) assigned to compared 23 families that completed PCIT to 23
Boggs, and Algina treatment of PCIT or a waitlist control condition. families that dropped out.
(1998); Study population: PCIT group demonstrated greater reductions in child
77% White behavior problems; parents expressed decreases
in stress and increase in control; parent interacted
14% African American more positively with their child and were more
9% Hispanic, Asian American, and Multiethnic successful in gaining their child’s compliance. Effects
maintained at 4-month followup.
Families who completed treatment maintained gains
at followup. Families who did not returned to pre-
treatment levels of child behavior problems.
Nixon, Sweeney, Randomized control design with families with behaviorally disturbed Outcomes of an abbreviated version of PCIT
Erickson, & Touyz children (n = 54, ages 3–5) assigned to PCIT standard group, PCIT modified was comparable to the regular PCIT at 6-month
(2003, 2004) group, or no treatment control group. followup; treatment gains were maintained at 1
Study population: and 2 years.
70% Male
30% Female
95% White
5% Australian Chinese, Australian Indian, Australian Koori
Implementation in a community mental health The basic PCIT training involves a 5 full-day
system (Franco, 2005) presented the following intensive workshop in PCIT, which includes an
challenges and issues: overview of PCIT, assessment procedures, coding
Time commitment for implementation at system to identify interaction processes and skills
each level of PCIT needed from clinicians, acquired by parents in each phase, specific
supervisors, and families. clinician skills training in the two phases of
treatment, and adherence to the manualized
Management needed to remove barriers treatment sessions. Training involves didactic
to clinician and family involvement. instruction, role-playing, and a case demonstration.
Additional training to ensure fidelity, as well There is no standard booster training.
as ongoing supervision and consultation.
A comprehensive treatment manual
Keeping the interest and motivation of families is available (Eyberg & Calzada, 1998).
to complete each phase of PCIT—it often takes
longer to master skills than prescribed. The materials are available in English
and Spanish.
Supervisor training involves a 3-day
advanced training.
The cost per clinician trainee is $3,000. Fidelity adherence checklists are used for
every session to monitor adherence to the
There is an additional cost for audiovisual
treatment manual.
equipment, which is desirable but not necessary.
See for pricing. Outcome measures for monitoring progress are
recommended and are described on the PCIT
There is no annual or ongoing cost
Web site. These include the following:
for consultation.
Eyberg Child Behavior Inventory;
Sutter-Eyberg Student Behavior Inventory-
Developer involvement
After the training, no ongoing formal relationship Dyadic Parent-Child Interaction Coding System
is expected between the developer and sites. to measure the quality of parent-child interactions;
However, consultation is available through
Therapy Attitude Inventory;
email, telephone, and onsite visits as needed.
Child Rearing Inventory; and
There are no ongoing data collection requirements
Parenting Locus of Control – Short Form.
by the developer, unless the site is part of a research
study. To contact the developer:
The developers do not follow a site to collect data
or monitor fidelity, unless the project is part of a
Sheila Eyberg, Ph.D.
formal research or evaluation grant.
Child Study Laboratory
Department of Clinical and Health Psychology
University of South Florida
Financing the intervention
P.O. Box 100165
Gainesville, FL 32610 PCIT has been funded through research and
Phone: (352) 273-6145 evaluation grants. In some states, it is financed
through private insurance companies and Medicaid
as family therapy.
Figure 11
Intervention Description
Parent Management Training — Oregon
Type of EBP n Intervention
Background Setting Clinic
The Parent Management Training–Oregon
Age 4–12
(PMTO) model is based on social interaction
Gender Males
theory developed by Gerald Patterson, Ph.D.,
Marion Forgatch, Ph.D., and colleagues at
Training/Materials Available Yes
the Oregon Social Learning Center (OSLC).
Outcomes Significant reductions in
Currently, Dr. Forgatch of OSLC is leading child’s behavior problems.
dissemination efforts. Reductions in coercive
Increases in effective parenting.
PMTO is considered a behavioral preventive and
clinical intervention model designed to enhance
effective parenting and reduce coercive practices
while making relevant adaptations for contextual Parents or guardians of identified children and
factors (Forgatch, Patterson, & DeGarmo, 2005). youth must participate in treatment, since it is
aimed at them.
Currently, PMTO is disseminated nationally in
more than 30 sites in Norway. In the Netherlands, PMTO is a manualized approach to treatment as
PMTO is disseminated with 30 therapists from detailed in Parenting Through Change (Forgatch,
four agencies who are currently in training within 1994) and Marriage and Parenting in Stepfamilies
three major regions in the country (Amsterdam, (Forgatch & Rains, 1997). Training materials are
Drenthe, and Leiden). also available (Forgatch, Rains, & Knutson, 2005;
Knutson, Rains, & Forgatch, 2006).
The purveyors of PMTO are mentoring four
supervisors in coaching. Within the United States, PMTO has five essential implementation components
PMTO has been disseminated in 13 sites in the (Forgatch, Patterson, & DeGarmo, 2005):
state of Michigan.
Skill encouragement teaches prosocial
development through breaking behavior down
Characteristics of the intervention to small steps and contingent positive
PMTO is designed for boys and girls ages 4 to 12
years who have displayed serious acting-out and Discipline decreases deviant behavior with
disruptive behaviors. It is implemented in clinic appropriate and contingent use of mild
and home-based settings by trained therapists sanctions.
(master’s level), lasting approximately 20 sessions,
Monitoring (supervision) tracks children’s
although it can vary depending on individual family
activities, associates, and location.
needs and skill acquisition.
78% Male
22% Female
Patterson, Randomized clinical trial design assigned families (n = 19) to parent Reductions in a child’s conduct problem behaviors
Chamberlain & training (PMTO) or waitlist control group (which became a comparison when parents have been exposed to parent
Reid (1982) In treatment group by default as 8 of the 9 families in the control group training versus waiting list control/comparison
McMahon, Wells, obtained treatment from other clinics in the community; treatment styles treatment group.
& Kotler (2005) ranged from eclectic to behavioral).
Study population:
68% Male
32% Female
Patterson & Families (n = 70) with children with conduct problems (6–12 years) Preliminary results indicated parent training
Chamberlain randomly assigned to parent training or eclectic family therapy. intervention reduced child conduct problem
(1988); behavior significantly.
Reid (1987) (in Mothers in parent training group reported
McMahon, Wells, significant reductions in self-reported
& Kotler (2005)) depression levels.
Bank et al., (1991) Randomized control trial design assigned families (n = 55) of chronically Results indicated that the parent training families
offending adolescent delinquents (13–18 years) to parent training courses exerted quick and effective control over their sons’
or services typically provided by the court system. official delinquency rates.
Study population: Relative to the controls, parent training families
100% Male were able to establish control with significantly
less reliance on incarceration.
Forgatch & Randomized control trial of divorcing mothers (n = 238) with sons in Grades Demonstrated positive effects of the intervention
Degarmo (1999) 1–3 (mean age 7.8 years) assigned to either treatment or control group to in reducing coercive parenting, prevented
examine the efficacy of group-based parent training. decay in positive parenting, and improved
Study population: effective parenting.
100% Male
86% White
1% African American
2% Hispanic
2% American Indian
9% Multiethnic
Martinez & Eddy Randomized control trial implementing a culturally adapted PMTO Findings provide strong evidence for the feasibility
(2005) intervention, “Nuestras Familias,” with Spanish-speaking Latino parents of delivering the intervention in a larger community.
(n = 73) with middle school-aged youth at risk for problem behaviors, Parent Outcomes:
assigned to either intervention group or control group.
Increased measures of general parenting, skill
Study population: encouragement, and overall effective parenting.
56% Male Youth Outcomes:
44% Female
Decreased measures of aggression, externalizing
100% Hispanic
likelihood of smoking and use of alcohol, marijuana,
and other drugs.
Contact information:
Marion S. Forgatch, Ph.D.
Executive Director
Implementation Sciences International, Inc.
Bank, L., Marlowe, J. H., Reid. J. B., Patterson, G.
2852 Willamette Street, #172
R., et al., (1991). A comparative evaluation of
Eugene, OR 97405
parent-training interventions for families of
chronic delinquents. Journal of Abnormal Child
Psychology, 19(1), 15–33.
A recent study by Forgatch, Patterson, & Christensen, A., Johnson, S. M., Phillips, S., &
DeGarmo (2005) found that using the Fidelity Glasgow, R. E. (1980). Cost effectiveness in
of Implementation Rating System to measure behavioral family therapy. Behavior Therapy,
adherence to the program was effective. 11, 208–226.
Specifically, if the program is implemented “true
to the model,” parenting practices were improved. DeGarmo, D. S., & Forgatch, M. S. (2005). Early
development of delinquency within divorced
families: Evaluating a randomized preventive
Financing the intervention intervention trial. Developmental Science, 8(3),
In Michigan, for example, the state and agency
collaborate in funding for PMTO training. DeGarmo, D. S., Patterson, G. R., & Forgatch,
Medicaid is also involved in financing. M. S. (2004). How do outcomes in a specified
parent training intervention maintain or wane
In Norway and the Netherlands, the government over time? Prevention Science, 5, 73-89.
pays for the majority of the training and services;
agencies share the cost. Fonagy, P., & Kurtz, A. (2002). Disturbance of
conduct. In P. Fonagy, M. Target, D. Cottrell,
J. Phillips, & Z. Kurtz (Eds.), What works for
whom: A critical review of treatments for
children and adolescents (pp.106–192). New
York: Guilford Press.
Figure 12
Intervention Description
Brief Strategic Family Therapy
Type of EBP n Intervention
Background Setting Clinic
Brief Strategic Family Therapy™ (BSFT™)
Age 6–18
is a family therapy intervention for children and
Gender Males
adolescents aged 6 to 18 years who have engaged,
or are engaging, in substance use, coupled with
Training/Materials Available Yes
behavioral problems at home and school.
Outcomes Decrease in substance abuse.
Improved engagement in
BSFT™ was developed by the Spanish Family therapy.
Guidance Center (which later became the Center Decrease in problematic
for Family Studies) at the University of Miami,
Increased family functioning.
over 35 years ago to focus on drug use and behavior
Decrease in socialized
problems of Cuban American adolescents. aggression and conduct
For the first 15 years of BSFT™’s existence,
therapists worked solely within the Hispanic
population. However, since 1991, BSFT™
research has included African Americans. Within Sessions last for approximately 60 to 90 minutes,
for an average of 12 to 16 sessions. BSFT™
the past 2 years, more than 40 organizations and
focuses on three central constructs: system,
120 practitioners have participated in BSFT™
structure/patterns of interaction, and strategy
training (J. Szapocznik, personal communication,
(Szapocznik & Williams, 2000). The process
September 11, 2006).
of BSFT™ involves three components: joining,
diagnosis, and restructuring.
Characteristics of the intervention Joining is very important and occurs at two
levels. These levels involve, first, establishing a
BSFT™ can be delivered in a variety of settings, relationship with each family member and, then,
such as social service agencies, mental health establishing a relationship with the entire family
clinics, and local community health agencies. system. There are a number of techniques that
For youth to receive BSFT™ they must have a may be used to join with the family.
permanent family environment, thus excluding
foster children. BSFT™ is delivered by clinicians Diagnosis involves identifying the maladaptive
with master’s level or higher degrees. patterns that encourage the problematic youth
behavior. Therapists carefully observe and
examine the family’s interactions along five
domains: structure, resonance, developmental
stage, identified patient, and conflict resolution.
Possible barriers:
Cost of training/consulting
The culture of the agency can affect the
successful implementation of the practice of The cost for training workshops and supervision
BFST™. Specifically, some agencies put more in BSFT™ is $60,000 per agency. This figure
emphasis on seeing as many clients as possible. includes supervision for up to 8 months and all
On the other hand, some agencies are more the materials, workshops, and phone consultations.
actively engaged in retaining and keeping their Costs of BSFT trainer travel and per diem would
clients in treatment, which would be a good fit be separately reimbursed. Contact:
for the BFST™ model (J. Szapocznik, personal
communication, Sepstember 11, 2006). Adrienne Englert
BSFT™ Training Institute Manager
1425 NW 10th Ave
Training/coaching and materials Sieron Bldg, First Floor
Miami, FL-33136
Training infrastructure for the BSFT™
Phone: (305) 243-7585
intervention can be tailored to meet the
Fax: (305) 243-2320
individual needs of the agency. BSFT™ training
requires acquiring basic clinical skills in family
systems therapy.
BSFT™ involves four 3-day workshops followed Developer involvement
by weekly supervision. Training methods involve
didactic teaching, role playing, and videotape José Szapocznik, Ph.D., and colleagues of
reviews. These workshops are conducted at the the University of Miami’s Center for Family
agency site. The first workshop introduces the Studies are involved in actively implementing
basic concepts of BSFT™ using the training and refining BSFT™.
manual as guidance. The second workshop
uses videotapes to teach how to diagnose
family processes and to set up in-session
family interactions. After the second workshop,
therapists initiate treatment with new families,
tape their sessions, and then send the tapes
to be reviewed by BSFT™ trainers. The last
two workshops are devoted to rehearsing very
specific BSFT™ strategies for orchestrating
change within the family system.
Figure 13
Intervention Description
Problem-Solving Skills Training
Type of EBP n Intervention
Background Setting Clinic
Problem-Solving Skills Training (PSST) is a
Age 6–14
cognitive behavioral approach for treating children
Gender Males
ages 6 to 14 years with conduct and delinquency-
related problems. This intervention was developed
Training/Materials Available Yes
by Alan Kazdin, Ph.D., and his colleagues out
Outcomes Improvement in behavior as
of the earlier work of Myrna Shure, Ph.D., and rated by teachers and parents.
George Spivak, Ph.D., on problem-solving Family life functioning
techniques for children. improvements.
Study population:
80% Male
20% Female
77% White
23% African American
Kazdin, Esveldt- Psychiatrically hospitalized children (n = 40, ages 7–12) were randomly PSST/PMT group showed a reduction in aggression
Dawson, French, assigned to either a combined PSST and PMT intervention group or a at home and at school, as well as increases in
& Unis (1987) minimal intervention control group. prosocial behavior.
In Fonagy & Kurtz
Kazdin, Bass, Siegal, Random-assignment of mixed sample inpatient/outpatient children (n = Both PSST groups showed significant reductions in
& Thomas (1989) 112, ages 7–13) to a PSST group, a PSST group plus in vivo practice outside deviant behaviors at 1-year followup: children in
the treatment setting, or relationship therapy (control group). control group did not improve.
Kazdin, Siegel, Children referred for severe antisocial behavior (n = 97, ages 7–13) and All three groups were associated with significant
& Bass (1992) their families randomly assigned to a PSST only group, a PMT only group, improvements at home, in school and in the
or a combined PSST /PMT group. community. Improvement was demonstrated in
Study population: overall child dysfunction, prosocial confidence,
and aggressive/antisocial and delinquent behavior.
78% Male
There was a greater impact demonstrated in
22% Female the combined PSST/PMT group on measures
69% White of aggression, antisocial behavior, delinquency,
parental stress, and depression.
31% African American
Kazdin & Whitley Children (n = 127, ages 6–14) and their families randomly assigned Children’s disruptive behavior improved whether
(2003) to a PSST and PMT group or a PSST, PMT and Parent Problem-Solving or not the PPS intervention was introduced; the PPS
Intervention (PPS) group. families experienced greater therapeutic change
Study population: and reduced barriers to treatment participation.
79% Male
21% Female
69% White
21% African American
5% Hispanic
2% Asian American
3% Multiethnic
The Coping Power program is an empirically Parents of aggressive children also affect the way
supported program that was derived from the in which a child handles a situation, and a negative
original Anger Coping Program. In the original pattern can be created between parent and child.
Anger Coping Program, only a child component Therefore, Coping Power focuses on addressing
existed. In the Coping Power program, there is these cognitive distortions with the children and
a child and a parent component. assisting parents with modifying their reactions
to their children’s behavior.
The program was developed by John Lochman,
Ph.D., of the University of Alabama and Karen Figure 14
Wells, Ph.D., of Duke University School of
Coping Power
Medicine. Coping Power has been disseminated
Type of EBP n Intervention
and implemented in rural and urban settings
Setting n School
in North Carolina; three counties in Alabama;
Age 9–11
a residential school for deaf children; international
Gender n Males
locations such as the Netherlands, Puerto Rico,
n Females
and Spain; a university–public school system
Training/Materials Available n Yes
collaborative project; a medical school–community
Outcomes Decrease in substance abuse.
center and a graduate training center in Oregon.
Improvement in social skills.
Less aggressive belief system.
Figure 15
Intervention Description
Type of EBP Intervention
Background Setting Home
Age 6–18
Mentoring programs are the formal mechanisms
Gender Males
for developing positive, supported, professional
relationships between at-risk youth and caring
Training/Materials Available Yes
adults. The process of mentoring holds the belief
Outcomes Increased confidence in school
that when youth have the presence of a caring, performance.
available adult in youth’s lives, they are more likely Improved family relationships.
to become successful adults themselves. (Jekielek, Increased prosocial behaviors.
Moore, Hair, & Scarupa, 2002).
Factors to consider during the planning process The National Mentoring Institute provides
include the following (DuBois et al., 2002): a Checklist for Program Progress: Program
Design and Planning in Section IV of How
Recruitment of prospective mentors;
to Build a Successful Mentoring Program
Screening process of mentors to include Using the Elements of Effective Practice,
background checks; available online (
Levels of training and supervision provided This document outlines the process from
to mentors; pre-implementation to program evaluation.
Structured activities for mentors and youth The needs assessment is reviewed by the
(Dubois et al.). national staff.
The BBBSA program outlines fidelity standards Bloomquist, L., & Schnell, S. (2002). Helping
in Standards and Required Procedures for children with aggression and conduct problems:
One-to-One Service. Standards are reinforced Best practices for intervention. The Guilford
through training and conferences on the national Press: New York, NY.
and regional levels and agency evaluations.
DuBois, D., Holloway, B., Valentine, J., & Harris
Adherence to the national standards is required
C. (2002). Effectiveness of mentoring programs
for member affiliation (McGill, 1998).
for youth: A meta-analytic review. [Special issue]
American Journal of Community Psychology,
30(2), 157–197.
Financing the intervention
The National Mentoring Institute provides Grossman, J., & Rhodes, J. (2002). The test of
information about how to develop a financial time: Predictors and effects of duration in youth
plan for diversified funding in Section V of mentoring relationships. American Journal of
the downloadable document How to Build Community Psychology, 30(2), 199–219.
a Successful Mentoring Program Using the
Jekielek, S., Moore, K., Hair, E., & Scarupa, H.
Elements of Effective Practice (http://www.
(2002). Mentoring: A promising strategy for
youth development. Child Trends Research
The U.S. Department of Education had a Brief. Washington, DC.
competition for funding under its Mentoring
Programs grants through FY 2009 when $50 McGill, D. E., Mihalic, S. F., & Grotpeter, J. K.
million was available for funding. This program (1998). Blueprints for Violence Prevention, Book
provided competitive grants to support school- Two: Big Brothers Big Sisters of America. Center
based mentoring programs for children in need for the Study and Prevention of Violence:
of assistance. The National Mentoring Institute Boulder, CO.
will work to restore funding.
Pryce, J., Kelly, M., & Keller, T. (2007). What
makes mentoring effective? How research can
guide you in selecting a program. Focal Point:
Research, Policy, & Practice in Children’s Mental
Health, 19–21.
For more information on MENTORING/
The National Mentoring Partnership, see Rhodes, J., & DuBois D. (2006). Understanding and facilitating the youth mentoring movement.
Social Policy Report: The Society for Research
For more on Big Brothers Big Sisters of America, in Child Development, 20(3), 3–18.
Tierney, J., Grossman, J., & Resch, N. (1995). Making
a difference: An impact study of Big Brothers Big
Sisters. Philadelphia: Public/Private Ventures.
Age 12–18
With respect to peers, therapists work with the Interventions are designed to promote
youth’s caregivers and the caregivers of the youth’s treatment generalization and long-term
peers to decrease association with delinquent and maintenance of therapeutic change.
drug-involved friends and increase association with
positive peers.
84% Male
16% Female
65% African American
35% White
Henggeler, Borduin, Randomized control trial with adolescent (n = 200) who were At 3 years, MST group demonstrated reduced
Melton, Mann, Smith, serious juvenile offenders. MST compared to individual counseling alcohol and marijuana use and decreased drug-
Hall, Cone, & Fucci and usual community services. related arrests.
(1991) Study population:
67% Male
33% Female
70% White
30% African American
Henggeler, Melton, & Randomized control trial with violent and chronic juvenile At 59 weeks, MST group improved family
Smith (1992); offenders relations, improved peer relations, decreased
Henggeler, Melton, (n = 84). MST compared to usual community services. recidivism (43%), decreased out-of-home
Smith, Schoenwald, & Studies population: placement (64%).
Hanley (1993) 77% Male At 2.4 years, MST group decreased recidivism
(doubled survival rate).
26% Female
56% African American
42% White
2% Hispanic
Borduin, Mann, Cone, Violent and chronic juvenile offenders (n = 176). MST compared At 4 years, MST group improved family relations,
Henggeler, Fucci, Blaske, to individual counseling. decreased psychiatric symptomatology, decreased
& Williams (1995); Studies population: recidivism (69%), decreased rearrests (54%).
Schaeffer & Borduin 68% Male At 13.7 years MST group decreased days
(2005) incarcerated (57%).
32% Female
70% White
30% African American
82% Male
18% Female
81% African American
19% White
Henggeler, Rowland, Randomized control trial with youths (n = 116, final sample n At 4 months postrecruitment: MST decreased
Randall, Ward, Pickrel, = 156) presenting psychiatric emergencies. MST compared to externalizing problems (CBCL), improved family
Cunningham, Miller, Psychiatric hospitalization. relations, increased school attendance, higher
Edwards, Zealberg, Studies population: consumer satisfaction, 75% reduction in days
Hand, & Santos (1999); hospitalized, 50% reduction in days in other
65% Male
Schoenwald, Henggeler, out-of-home placement, decreased rates of
Brondino, & Rowland 35% Female attempted suicide.
(2000); 65% African American Favorable 4-month outcomes noted above
Huey, Henggeler, dissipated.
38% White
Rowland, Halliday-
1% Other
Boykins, Cunningham,
Pickrel, & Edwards
Henggeler, Rowland,
Sheidow, Ward, Randall,
Pickrel, Cunningham, &
Edwards (2003);
Sheidow, Bradford,
Henggeler, Rowland,
Schoenwald, & Ward
Henggeler, Pickrel, & Randomized control trial with substance abusing and dependent At 1 year: Decreased drug use at posttreatment,
Brondino (1999); delinquents (n = 118). MST compared to Usual community decreased days in out-of-home placement (50%),
Schoenwald, Ward, services. decreased recidivism (26%, not significant), and
Henggeler, Pickrel, & Studies population: treatment adherence linked with decreased drug
Patel (1996); use.
79% Male
Brown, Henggeler, At 1 year: Incremental cost of MST nearly offset
21% Female
Schoenwald, Brondino, by between-groups, differences in out-of-home
& Pickrel (1999); 50% African American placement, increased attendance in regular
school settings.
Henggeler, Clingempeel, 47% White
Brondino, & Pickrel At 6 months: Decreased violent crime.
1% Asian American
(2002) At 4 years: Increased marijuana abstinence.
1% American Indian
1% Hispanic
Ogden & Halliday- Randomized control trial with Norwegian youths (n = 100) with At 6-month postrecruitment, decreased
Boykins (2004); serious antisocial behavior. MST compared to usual Child Welfare externalizing and internalizing symptoms,
Ogden & Hagen Services. decreased out-of-home placements,
(in press) Study population: increased social competence and, increased
consumer satisfaction,
63% Male
18-month followup, decreased externalizing and
37% Female
internalizing symptoms; decreases in out-of-home
100% Norwegian placements.
Timmons-Mitchell, Randomized control trial with juvenile offenders (felons, n = 93) At 18-month followup improved youth functioning,
Kishna, Bender, & at imminent risk of placement. MST compared to usual community decreased re-arrests (37%).
Mitchell (2006) services.
Study population:
78% Male
22% Female
77.5% White
15.5% African American
4.2% Hispanic
2.8% Multiethnic
Henggeler, Halliday- Randomized control trial with substance abusing and dependent At 12 months postrecruitment: MST enhanced
Boykins, Cunningham, juvenile offenders in drug court (n = 161). MST compared to four substance use outcomes. Drug courts were more
Randall, Shapiro, treatment conditions, including Family Court with usual services effective than Family Court at decreasing self-
& Chapman (2006) and Drug Court with usual services. reported substance use and criminal activity.
Study population:
83% Male
17% Female
67% African American
31% White
2% Multiethnic
Henggeler, Rodick, Quasi-experimental design study with delinquents (n = 57). MST At posttreatment, MST group improved family
Borduin, Hanson, comparison to diversion services. relations, decreased behavior problems, and
Watson, & Urey (1986) Study population: decreased association with deviant peers.
84% Male
16% Female
65% African American
35% White
MST Services can provide selection criteria The clinical interventions focused on the family,
for staffing an MST program. In addition, MST peer group, school, and identified youth are
Services offers protocols for supervisors and discussed, and participants practice assessing
therapists that include sample job advertisements, the nature of the problems and strategies to begin
initial screening criteria, and interview questions. to address them. Participants practice assessing
clinical problems and delivering MST interventions
in group exercises and role-plays.
Training/coaching and materials
This level of training is offered only once a year in Henggeler, S. W., & Schoenwald, S. K. (1998).
Charleston, South Carolina. It is designed for those MST Supervisory Manual. New York:
supervisors who have been in their position 6 Guilford Press.
months or more. Three different topical areas are
addressed at least once a year: Henggeler, S. W., Schoenwald, S. K., Borduin,
Group supervision; C. M., Rowland, M. D., & Cunningham,
P. B. (1998). Multisystemic treatment of
Clinician development; and antisocial behavior in children and adolescents.
Program continuous quality improvement Treatment manuals for practitioners. New York:
management. Guilford Press.
Strother, K. B., Swenson, M. E., & Schoenwald, S. MST Services is the university-licensed company
K. (1998). Multisystemic Therapy Organization responsible for the transfer of MST technologies
Manual. Charleston, SC: MST Institute. to community settings, and thus responsible for
supporting the transport and implementation
For information on training and materials, go to of MST. The MST model developers oversee the work of MST Services through their involvement
on its Board of Directors.
Additionally, when a system has developed its own Financing the intervention
MST Network Partner infrastructure, almost all of
Many sites pursue funding for MST through
the above costs are internal to the system itself in
various child human service systems, often juvenile
the form of salaries paid to staff and associated
justice or child welfare.
staff support costs.
Medicaid may provide reimbursement for some
components of MST.
Ellis, D. A., Naar-King, S., Frey, M. A., et al., Henggeler, S. W., Melton, G. B., Brondino, M. J.,
(2005). Multisystemic treatment of poorly et al., (1997). Multisystemic therapy with violent
controlled type 1 diabetes: Effects on medical and chronic juvenile offenders and their families:
resource utilization. Journal of Pediatric The role of treatment fidelity in successful
Psychology, 30, 656–666. dissemination. Journal of Consulting and
Clinical Psychology, 65, 821–833.
Farrington, D. P., & Welsh, B. C. (1999).
Delinquency prevention using family-based Henggeler, S. W., Melton, G. B., & Smith, L. A.
interventions. Children & Society, 13, 287–303. (1992). Family preservation using multisystemic
therapy: An effective alternative to incarcerating
Halliday-Boykins, C. A., Schoenwald, S. K., & serious juvenile offenders. Journal of Consulting
Letourneau, E. J. (2005). Caregiver-therapist and Clinical Psychology, 60, 953–961.
ethnic similarity predicts youth outcomes from
an empirically based treatment. Journal of Henggeler, S. W., Melton, G. B., Smith, L. A., et
Consulting & Clinical Psychology, 73 (5), al., (1993). Family preservation using multisystemic
808-818. treatment: Long-term follow-up to a clinical trial
with serious juvenile offenders. Journal of Child
Henggeler, S. W. (1993). Multisystemic treatment and Family Studies, 2, 283–293.
of serious juvenile offenders: Implications for
the treatment of substance abusing youths. In L. Henggeler, S. W., Pickrel, S. G., & Brondino, M. J.
S. Onken, J. D. Blaine, & J. J. Boren (Eds.), (1999). Multisystemic treatment of substance-
Behavioral treatments for drug abuse and abusing and -dependent delinquents: Outcomes,
dependence: National Institute on Drug Abuse treatment fidelity, and transportability. Mental
Research Monograph 137 (pp. 181–200). Health Services Research, 1, 171–184.
Rockville, MD: NIH Publication No. 93–3684.
Henggeler, S. W., Rodick, J. D., Borduin, C. M.,
Henggeler, S. W., Borduin, C. M., Melton, G. B., et al., (1986). Multisystemic treatment of
et al., (1991). Effects of multisystemic therapy juvenile offenders: Effects on adolescent
on drug use and abuse in serious juvenile behavior and family interaction. Developmental
offenders: A progress report from two outcome Psychology, 22, 132–141.
studies. Family Dynamics of Addiction
Quarterly, 1, 40–51. Henggeler, S. W., Rowland, M. D., Halliday-
Boykins, C., et al., (2003). One-year follow-up
Henggeler, S. W., Clingempeel, W. G., Brondino, of multisystemic therapy as an alternative to the
M. J., & Pickrel, S. G. (2002). Four-year follow- hospitalization of youths in psychiatric crisis.
up of multisystemic therapy with substance- Journal of the American Academy of Child &
abusing and substance dependent juvenile Adolescent Psychiatry, 42, 543–551.
offenders. Journal of the American Academy
of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 41, 868–874.
Huey, S. J. Jr., Henggeler, S. W., Rowland, M. D., Ogden, T., & Halliday-Boykins, C. A. (2004).
et al., (2004). Multisystemic therapy effects on Multisystemic treatment of antisocial adolescents
attempted suicide by youth presenting psychiatric in Norway: Replication of clinical outcomes
emergencies. Journal of the American Academy outside of the U.S. Child and Adolescent Mental
of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 43, 183–190. Health, 9(2), 77–83.
Jones, H. E., Wong, C. J., Tuten, M., & Stitzer, M. Petry, N. M. (2000). A comprehensive guide
L. (2005). Reinforcement based therapy: to the application of contingency management
12-month evaluation of an outpatient drug-free procedures in clinical settings. Drug and Alcohol
treatment for heroin abusers. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 58, 9–25.
Dependence, 79, 119–128.
President’s New Freedom Commission on
Kazdin, A. E., & Weisz, J. R. (1998). Identifying Mental Health (2003). Achieving the promise:
and developing empirically supported child and Transforming mental health care in America
adolescent treatments. Journal of Consulting and — Final Report. Rockville, MD: U.S.
Clinical Psychology, 66, 19–36. Department of Health and Human Services.
National Alliance for the Mentally Ill. (Fall, 2003). Roozen, H. G., Boulogne, J. J., van Tulder, M. W.,
NAMI Beginnings. A Publication Dedicated to et al., (2004). A systematic review of the
the Young Minds of America from the NAMI effectiveness of the community reinforcement
Child and Adolescent Action Center [Quarterly approach in alcohol, cocaine and opioid addiction.
publication],Arlington, VA: Author. Available Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 74 (1), 1–13.
Schaeffer, C. M., & Borduin, C. M. (2005). Long- Sheidow, A. J., Bradford, W. D., Henggeler, S.
term follow-up to a randomized clinical trial of W., et al., (2004). Treatment costs for youths
multisystemic therapy with serious and violent in psychiatric crisis: Multisystemic therapy
juvenile offenders. Journal of Consulting and versus hospitalization. Psychiatric Services, 55,
Clinical Psychology, 73 (3), 445–453. 548–554.
Schoenwald, S. K., Halliday-Boykins, C. A., & Sheidow, A. J., & Henggeler, S. W. (2003).
Henggeler, S. W. (2003). Client-level predictors Multisystemic therapy with substance using
of adherence to MST in community service adolescents: A synthesis of research. In N.
settings. Family Process, 42, 345–359. Jainchill (Ed.), Understanding and treating
adolescent substance use disorders. Kingston,
Schoenwald, S. K., Henggeler, S. W., Brondino, M. NJ: Civic Research Institute.
J., & Rowland, M. D. (2000). Multisystemic
therapy: Monitoring treatment fidelity Family Stanton, M. D., & Shadish, W. R. (1997).
Process 39, 83–103. Outcome, attrition, and family-couples
treatment for drug abuse: A meta-analysis and
Schoenwald, S. K., Letourneau, E. J., & Halliday- review of the controlled, comparative studies.
Boykins, C. (2005). Predicting therapist Psychological Bulletin, 122, 170–191.
adherence to a transported family-based
treatment for youth. Journal of Clinical Child Timmons-Mitchell, J., Bender, M.B., Kishna, M.A.,
and Adolescent Psychology, 34, 658–670. & Mitchell, C.C. (2006). An independent
effectiveness trial of multisystemic therapy with
Schoenwald, S. K., Sheidow, A. J., & Letourneau, juvenile justice youth. Journal of Clinical Child
E. J. (2004).Toward effective quality assurance and Adolescent Psychology, 35, (2), 227–236.
in evidence-based practice: Links between
expert consultation, therapist fidelity, and child U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
outcomes. Journal of Clinical Child and (1999). Mental health: A report of the Surgeon
Adolescent Psychology, 33, 94–104. General. Rockville, MD: U.S. Department of
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Schoenwald, S. K., Sheidow, A. J., Letourneau, of Health, National Institute of Mental Health.
E. J., & Liao, J. G. (2003). Transportability of
multisystemic therapy: Evidence for multilevel U.S. Public Health Service (2001). Youth violence:
influences. Mental Health Services Research, 5, A report of the Surgeon General. Washington,
223–239. DC: Author.
Schoenwald, S. K., Ward, D. M., Henggeler, S. W., Van Wijk, A., Loeber, R., Vermeiren, R., et al.,
Pickrel, S. G., & Patel, H. (1996). Multisystemic (2005). Violent juvenile sex offender compared
therrapy treatment of substance abusing or with violent juvenile nonsex offenders:
dependent adolescent offenders: Costs of Explorative findings from the Pittsburgh Youth
reducing incarceration, inpatient, and residential Study. Sexual Abuse, A Journal of Research and
placement. Journal of Child and Family Studies, Treatment, 17, 333–352.
5, 431–444.
Age 11–18
Cognitive therapy techniques are used to help FFT has been implemented in rural and urban
replace negative or maladaptive attributions settings, and with families from diverse racial/
such as hopelessness and lack of motivation, ethnic groups, including Caucasian, African
with positive ones. American, Asian American, Hispanic/Latino,
and American Indian. (Diverse populations were
primarily included in replication studies). As of
Behavior change:
2002, the developers noted recidivism rates did
Various behavioral techniques are applied not vary across ethnic/racial groups, supporting
during this phase, such as cognitive reframing, the generalizability of the intervention (Alexander
communication skills training, and contingency et al., 2002).
management. In this phase, the therapist is
modeling, labeling, and directing positive In addition, research from the Washington State
behavioral change. Institute for Public Policy 2004 report on the
cost effectiveness of evidence-based practices
for prevention and intervention provides support
for FFT; in 2003, the national rate net benefit over
In this phase, the clinician’s job is to sustain the costs per child was $26,216, or $13.25 per day
momentum of change as well as to foster family (Aos et al., 2004).
independence from therapy. If families are
involved in multiple systems, clinicians help Included in Table 17 is a sample of the studies that
the family address these various systems, such demonstrate positive outcomes across varied group
as school and legal. participants (Alexander et al., 1998).
FFT only,
Individual Therapy only, or
Control Group with minimum attention from a probation officer.
Study population:
Predominately White
Alexander & Adolescents (n = 99, ages 13–16) arrested and detained for running FFT group demonstrated significant improvements
Parsons (1973) away, declared ungovernable or habitually truant, randomly assigned in family interactions compared to all other groups.
to one of 4 groups:
Client-Centered Family Therapy,
Eclectic psychodynamic family therapy,
Nontreatment control group.
Study population:
44% Male
56% Female
Predominately White
Regas & Sprenkle Adolescents (n = 55) diagnosed with ADHD, referred to child protective Positive increases in family concept of FFT group;
(1982) from services randomly assigned to one of three groups, both treatment groups demonstrated significant
Alexander (2002) FFT, improvements on ADHD behaviors at home and
at school.
Group therapy, or
No treatment control group.
Friedman (1989) Adolescent drug abusers (n = 166, mean age =17.8) randomly assigned FFT group demonstrated greater parental
to one of two groups: involvement and lower family dropout rate.
FFT or
parent group.
Study population:
60% Male
40% Female
89% White
11% Nonwhite
Hannson (1998) 2-year study of Swedish Adolescents (n = 95) referred following arrest for Reduced maternal depression, somatization,
from Alexander serious offenses, randomly assigned to one of two groups: FFT or social and anxiety in FFT group.
(2002) service as usual.
Study population:
Predominantly male
100% Swedish
Through the initial readiness assessment, FFT Inc. Requires 1 year of training with supervision
works to gain buy-in. Depending on the community, and followup support.
consumers are sometimes involved in the decision
to adopt the program.
FFT clinical supervisor:
Financing the intervention Alexander, J., Pugh, C., Parsons, B., & Sexton, T.
(2000). Blueprints for violence prevention:
FFT can be financed in various ways, depending Functional Family Therapy. Golden, CO:
on state policies and practices. For example, in the Venture Publishing.
state of Washington, current legislation and funding
is attached to programs such as FFT. In Pennsylvania, Friedman, A. (1989). Family therapy vs. groups:
grant dollars are used to pay for FFT to develop Effects on adolescent drug abusers. American
a statewide quality improvement process for the Journal of Family Therapy, 17(4), 335–347.
Commission on Crime and Delinquency.
Henggeler, S. W., & Sheidow, A. J. (2003). Conduct
Medicaid dollars may be used to pay for some of disorder and delinquency. Journal of Marital
the services, but again it may be state dependent. and Family Therapy, 29(4), 505–522.
FFT Medicaid codes are available in the states of
New Mexico and Pennsylvania. Additionally, some Kopp, D. (personal communication,
states may use a Medicaid waiver, rehabilitation, June 13, 2006).
or home-based and community-based service codes.
McMahon, R. J., Wells, K. C., & Kotler, J. S.
(2005). Conduct Problems. In E. J. Mash &
R. A. Barkley (Eds.). Treatment of childhood
disorders: Third edition (pp. 137–268). New
York: Guilford Press.
Figure 18
Intervention Description
Multidimensional Treatment Foster Care
Type of EBP n Intervention
Background Setting Clinic
Multidimensional Treatment Foster Care (MTFC)
was developed in the early 1980s by Patricia
Age 3–18
Chamberlain, Ph.D., and colleagues at the Oregon
Gender n Males
Social Learning Center to address serious and
n Females
violent juvenile offenders who would otherwise
Training/Materials Available n Yes
need to be placed in a group or residential program.
Outcomes Decrease in arrest rates.
Decrease in violent activity
Thirteen years later, Philip Fisher, Ph.D., and involvement.
colleagues developed the MTFC program for Fewer runaways.
Table 18: Multidimensional Treatment Foster Care: Research Base and Outcomes
Reference Research Design and Sample* Outcomes
Chamberlain (1990) Youth committed to state training schools (n = 32, ages 12–18), matched TFC participants spent fewer days incarcerated.
comparison design on age, sex, and date of commitment. Youth selected
for either Treatment Foster Care (TFC) group or another community based
Followup period of 2 years.
Study population:
Male 62.5%
Female 37.5%
Chamberlain & Reid Randomized control trial design with youth from Oregon State Hospital, TFC placed out of hospital at higher rate; more TFC
(1991) (n = 20, ages 9–18) assigned to either TFC or typical community treatment. were placed in family homes.
Followup period of 7 months.
Study population:
Male 60%
Female 40%
Chamberlain, Randomized control trial design with foster care families (n = 70) ETS group had greater foster parent retention and
Moreland & Reid assigned to assessment only group (AO), increased payment only group (IP), fewer disruptions in placement than AO or IP group.
(1992) or enhanced training and support (ETS) with TFC methods.
Followup period of 7 months.
Study population:
Male 60%
Female 40%
86% White
6% African American
4% Hispanic
4% American Indian, Asian American, Mixed
Chamberlain & Reid Randomized control trial of male juvenile offenders (n = 79, 12–17 years, At follow up, MTFC group had half as many
(1997) mean offenses = 13), assigned to MTFC or group care for 1-year period. arrests, fewer days incarcerated, and higher rates
Study population: of program completion.
100% male
85% White
6% African American
6% Hispanic
3% American Indian
Female 100% MTFC group has 42% fewer criminal referrals than
GC youth at 12-month followup.
74% White
12% American Indian
9% Hispanic
2% African American
1% Asian American
2% Other or Mixed Ethnicity
Chamberlain (1990) Youth committed to state training schools (n = 32, ages 12–18), matched TFC participants spent fewer days incarcerated.
comparison design on age, sex, and date of commitment. Youth selected
for either Treatment Foster Care (TFC) group or another community
based treatment.
Followup period of 2 years.
Study population:
Male 62.5%
Female 37.5%
Cost of training/consulting
The development of the Guide was funded by the Child, Adolescent and Family
Branch of the SAMHSA Center for Mental Health Services. The Guide was
developed by a team composed of:
The development team would like to extend our deepest appreciation to the scores of individuals who
contributed their valuable time in reviewing, editing, and providing feedback to enhance the usefulness of
this Guide to the field. In particular, we would like to thank: