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Bca Vi Apr2019 Data Mining and Data Warehousing

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ItN I t flrthll lltr K19U 0184

Res. No.:

Vlsemester B.C.A. Degree (CBCSS - Beg./Supple /lmprov )

Examinalion, April 2019
(2014 Admission Onwards)
Core Course
Tjr.e : 3 Holls Max. l\,'larks :40


answer. (8:0 5=a)

1. One word
a) ls the process ol exiracling data lor warehouse from various

b) The problem oi finding h dden strucl re n unLabeled dala is called
c) Group oi slmiar objecls lhai diiier slgn licanllvirom olhers called
d) The c!boid thai holds the lowesl leveL oi summarizalion s called
e) Data mininq reiers io rnln ng irom dala.

t) l\,4arkel basket analyss is aiyplcalexample ot

g) STING s a based method oi clusierlng
lr) wrile the ful iorm of CART


wrre shon noles on any seven oi lhe tollowing quesuons Q'2=14'

2. Whal is maximalirequent set ?

3. Wile the Padllon alqorihm

5. What are iealures oJ STIRR ?

Kl9U 0184 [! [ UHT]l llI

6. Dellne overll.
7. Explain difierenl lypes ol lemporal dala.

L What is snowflake schema ?

9. Wile about spaila mining.

10. Whal is meant by ETL ?

11. Expa n D[4 applicauon in c me deleclon.


Answeranyfour oi lhe iollow ng queslions. l4xt =12J

1 2. What are add i ve properlies of Clrster fealu res ?

13. Explain the spllling indces.

14. Whai are the issues in DM ?

1s. Discuss lhe decsion lreo conslruclion algorilhrns.

16. Whal is botiom upcubingagoilhm?

17. Describe the workinq oi PinceF Search alqoithm.


Write an essay on anytwo oflhe io owing queslions. (2,ri=10)

18. Expla n dala warehouse archlteclure.

19. Disclrss diflereni dala mining leclrniques.

20. Explain apriori algorilhm.

21. Explain: a)CLAFANS b) FOCK.

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