BioWin Help, Tutorials and Examples
BioWin Help, Tutorials and Examples
BioWin Help, Tutorials and Examples
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Dialog box with clickable context sensitivity reminder (notice the mouse cursor)
Material in this manual divide into several parts:
• Chapter 1 : Welcome To BioWin
• Chapter 2 : Help, Tutorials and Examples
• Chapter 3 : General Operation
• Chapter 4 : Building Configurations
• Chapter 5 : Running Simulations
• Chapter 6 : Data Output
• Chapter 7 : Model Reference
• Chapter 8 : Power in BioWin
• Chapter 9 : Operating Costs in BioWin
Typeface Refers To
Note: you also may print out individual topics from within the online help system). If you wish, you may
install this document to your computer and print it out as you desire. However, if you wish to save disk
space, you may choose to leave it on the CD, where it is located within the MANUAL directory.
BioWin Tutorials
Learning Objectives
This set of tutorials and case studies is designed as a training exercise in the application of BioWin. The
primary objective is to provide "how to…" training on using the BioWin software itself. The case studies are
not intended as a course in wastewater treatment process engineering. Nevertheless, several of the case
studies focus on process applications and identify interesting design and operating issues.
Start off with Tutorial #1. This explains the basic concepts for applying BioWin and provides an overview of
features. You will be viewing a previously created file from the installation Data directory (a standard path
would be similar to: C:\Program Files\EnviroSim\BioWin x.x\Data where x.x is the version number). The
remaining tutorials all involve setting up new systems. Each tutorial is broken up into a number of
The tutorial examples ask you to save files with the name format My Tutorial XX in the Tutorials
subdirectory of the Data directory. Completed tutorial configurations are also stored in that directory for
reference as Tutorial XX.
Suggestion: Keep this Help file open and follow each tutorial step-by-step, switching back and forth to
BioWin. Alternatively, print a copy of the Tutorials (for printing instructions see How to Print the Manual.)
2. Move the cursor over the toolbar. A fly-by hint appears when you pause over a button.
3. A status bar at the bottom of the window displays various pieces of information.
4. Move the arrow cursor across the drawing board. The cursor changes to a hand ( ) as you cross
over elements on the drawing board. When you pause over an element, information on that
element appears in the two panes below the drawing board – physical data in the left pane and
performance data in the right pane. This function allows you to get a summary overview of system
5. Move the cursor over an element and click the right mouse button. A local menu appears. [Don’t
select any options yet!]. This will allow you to access various options for that element (see below).
Hint: As a general rule when using BioWin, clicking the right mouse button often helps!
1. Move the cursor over the Aerobic element (a completely mixed aerated bioreactor) and double
click – or click the right mouse button on the element and select the Properties command. A
tabbed editing dialog box opens (see below). These tabs contain all the physical and operational
data for the element. View the information on the Dimensions and Operation tabs. [Do not
Hint: Try right-clicking on the arrowhead of a pipe, and view the Properties. There are a number of
options for re-arranging the pipe layout.
Hint: When viewing influent data, point the cursor at a column heading and click the right mouse button.
There are many options for entering and manipulating data.
Hint: The pane at the lower right displays the flow-weighted average influent concentrations.
Note: Most steady state solutions are found in ten or so iterations. In unusual circumstances the solver may
“stick” – that is, the error value does not change from iteration to iteration. In this situation click on the stop
button. Often this indicates a difficulty with the influent data such as a nutrient deficiency (or an Alkalinity
deficiency in an aerobic digester, perhaps). Alternatively, you may have a “difficult-to-solve” system. One
trick is to try conservative solver settings. To do this, select the menu command Project|Current Project
Options…, click the Numerical parameters tab, and click the Options… button in the Steady State Solver
group. At the bottom of the resulting dialog box there is a large button that you can click to set conservative
solver parameters (see Steady State Solver Options in the “General Operation” chapter).
Note: Even if you are only interested in dynamic system response, it is useful to first calculate the steady
state solution, and then start the dynamic simulation from these “Current values” or the “Last steady state”.
Note: In the Album a time-series chart set up for 24 hours may appear blank or may not reflect a change you
expected to see. Perhaps you need to change the scale on the bottom axis depending on what you specified
as the starting date for the simulation.
It also is very easy to get results from BioWin into your word processor, spreadsheet or other applications.
Charts, tables, the drawing board view of the system layout, etc. can be copied from BioWin and pasted to
your report. Tables can be exported as tabbed text and then quickly converted to tables. The File|Report to
Excel™ command generates an Excel spreadsheet containing data, tables and charts from your BioWin
simulation customized using preconfigured Excel templates. The File|Report to Word™ command generates
a customizable Word document that contains a screenshot of the BioWin flowsheet, tables summarizing all
model element dimensions and operating parameters, and the content of the Album (charts are pasted in as
enhanced metafiles for easy transfer between Office applications; tables are pasted as Word tables).
The Tools|Customize… command defines your “default” setup for when you start a new project; for
example, you may always want to start with US units. You can override these preferences for the current
project through the Project|Current Project Options… command.
Since project options are file specific, they “travel” with that file. For example, if you define a set of project
options for “Project A” on your copy of BioWin and then open the “Project A” file in someone else’s copy of
BioWin, you still will see your defined project options. As before, these project options will override any
similar settings that the owner of the other copy of BioWin has set as defaults using the Tools|Customize…
command. For more information on the various project options that may be set, please see the Managing
BioWin Projects section of the “General Operation” chapter.
Note: When building the configuration, do not interchange mixers with splitters or influents with effluents.
Note: In this tutorial we are using an ideal secondary settler. Tutorial 1 used a model settler.
1. Run BioWin and change to US units via the Project|Current Project Options… command.
2. Add each of the units shown in the screen view above. [We will connect units with pipes later].
Repeat the following three steps as you build the system in the drawing board:·
• Click the button corresponding to the element you want on the configuration toolbar.
• Move the cursor ( ) onto the drawing board. When you do this, the cursor will change to
the element placement cursor. Click on the drawing board where you want the element to be
3. Change the names of the elements from the defaults to those shown in the screen view above (i.e.
Influent, Zone #1, Zone #2, Zone #3, Zone #4, Aerobic #1, Aerobic #2, Settler, Effluent, Wastage).
Right-click on each element and select the Name… command from the popup menu.
Note: Your configuration may extend beyond the visible drawing board view. You may wish to change the
drawing board scale from the drop-down list on the Main toolbar.
Note: This configuration includes mixers for the RAS stream and mixed liquor recycle in front of the first
bioreactor. It is not necessary to include these mixers – the streams could be connected directly to the front
of the bioreactor. However, it provides you with a means to look at the combined influent to the first
element. On the Flowsheet tools toolbar, click the button to align left edges of selected units
select the group of elements to be moved and then, on the Flowsheet tools toolbar, click the
button to space units equally between the leftmost and rightmost units or the button to space
units equally between the topmost and bottommost units.
Note: You also can move multiple elements simultaneously. Select the group of elements you wish to move,
and then follow step 3, 4 or 5.
If you want to change the vertical or horizontal orientation of one or multiple elements:
1. Click on the element selection tool ( ) from the Configure toolbar.
2. Select the element(s) to be reoriented and then, on the Flowsheet tools toolbar, click the
button to visually switch the horizontal direction of flow for the selected elements or the
button to visually switch the vertical direction of flow for the selected elements.
3. It is also possible to reorient a single element. Right-click the element, and from the resulting popup
menu, choose Flip horizontal or Flip vertical (the latter option only is available for elements such as
splitters and mixers).
4. If the location is appropriate, a set of crosshairs will appear on the "pipe start" cursor ( ).
5. If the location is inappropriate, the cursor will change to a circle with a slash through it ( ) to
indicate that a pipe may not begin at that location.
6. Click the left mouse button once and move the cursor to the desired location of the element where
you wish the pipe to end and click the left mouse button again.
9. If the location is inappropriate, the cursor will change to a circle with a slash through it ( ) to
indicate that a pipe may not end at that location.
Repeat steps 3-9 until you have connected all your elements with pipes.
Note: To re-arrange a pipe’s position, click once on the arrow head of that pipe. A series of circles appear at
points along the pipe. Try dragging-and-dropping. This is important for arranging the configuration layout.
Note: Try right clicking on the arrow head of a pipe, and view the Properties. There are a number of options
for re-arranging the pipe layout and selecting pipe style.
Note: To copy a pipe’s attributes (style, line and color) to other pipe(s), select the reference pipe with the
attributes you wish to copy. Then on the Flowsheet tools toolbar, click the button to copy the only
the pipe line and color attributes or the button to copy the pipe style, line and color attributes. The
image of the selected button now appears beside the cursor arrow. Click on the pipe(s) that you wish to
have the same attributes as the reference pipe.
Note: There are many options for specifying operational data for the units in BioWin. We only touch on a
few options in this tutorial. More complete information on the different options for each unit type is
provided in the Element Descriptions section of the “Building Configurations” chapter.
To specify data for each element (leave the influent for now):
1. Double click on the element – or click the right mouse button and select the Properties command.
Specify data from the information listed earlier.
2. For the influent element specify the type as Constant. In this tutorial we only consider steady state
Note: Mixers and splitters can be defined as "dimensionless"; that is, nodes without volume. This is
preferable to using very small volumes compared to other process units in the configuration because small
volumes may result in slow dynamic simulations.
Note: You can specify a local temperature for many of the units. For example, view the Operation tab in the
bioreactor dialog. This is not necessary in this example, but can be useful for special situations, e.g.
simulating treatment of a high-temperature sidestream.
Note: Although not necessary in this example, you can specify local model parameters for many of the units.
For example, view the Model tab in the bioreactor dialog and note the check box labeled Local kinetic
Note: Do not worry if you forget the check. BioWin will remind you about missing data. It may seem
unnecessary to check data for elements (such as mixers) where you generally will accept the default values.
However, this makes sure all input data is checked and only is required once.
1. Select Album from the View menu – or click on the Album toolbar button ( ) – or press Ctrl + A.
This opens the Album – it’s blank for now.
2. Select Add Page from the Album menu and click OK.
3. Right-click on the album page.
4. Select Table from the popup menu.
Note: You can change the order of rows and columns in the table very easily. Right-click on the table, select
the Edit table command, and use the Up/Down arrows.
Note: Moving the cursor over elements on the drawing board gives you a sneak preview of data in the panes
below the drawing board.
Note: Summary tables differ depending on the type of element. For example, we see an overflow rate for
the settler summary and an OUR for a bioreactor. For more detailed instructions review the section on
Album Element Information Displays in the "Data Output" chapter.
3. Run the steady state simulation. Tabulate the results, and note the nitrification, denitrification and P
removal performance.
4. You also need to record the SRT. Click on the Project|Plant|Active SRT command – or click on the
Active SRT button on the toolbar. You can give this SRT a name if you like (to distinguish it in case
you want to look at other SRT “scenarios”, e.g. a case where the sludge mass in the settler is
included in the SRT calculation). From the Select elements for total mass button, add all of the
bioreactors. Click the Select wastage elements button, expand the Sludge tree, and select the
Wastage element. If you were successful in finding a steady state solution in the previous steps, the
SRT will now appear on the status bar at the bottom of the screen.
5. Discuss possible retrofit options to achieve biological P removal in the existing tankage.
6. Try incrementally reducing the nitrified mixed liquor recycle rate (continue until this flow has been
reduced to zero).
Note: In specifying the wastage element(s) for the SRT calculation we selected the Wastage sludge output
element. We could also have selected the side stream (S) of the splitter where the waste stream is
withdrawn. However, do not select both elements as this would count the wastage twice!
Note: We are calculating SRT only based on the mass of sludge in the bioreactors. We could include the
sludge in the clarifier.
Note: If we include the secondary effluent in the SRT calculation we would be accounting for solids lost via
that stream.
Temperature: 20°C
Nitrification rate: 0.9 /d
Time Flow (ML/d) COD (mg/L) TKN (mg/L) TP (mg/L) ISS (mg/L)
Hint: To save on typing all those numbers, load the influent file “Dynamic Influent.ifd” from the
Data|Tutorials directory containing the table above.
Note: In this system we do not include mixers for the influent and RAS streams. Both streams are connected
directly to the front-end reactors in each train.
Setting up charts
There are many options for creating different types of charts in BioWin. This tutorial will only show a few
examples and a limited number of formatting options. These will be the ammonia and oxygen utilization
rate responses in the system. More example charts are included in the An Example.bwc file. For details on
charting options refer to the sections:
1. "Creating Charts & Adding Series"
2. "Chart Formatting Procedures"
3. "Series Formatting Procedures"
Note: The default chart template can be customized under Tools|Chart master.
Note: No lines appear in the chart yet. You must first run a dynamic simulation (see below).
Note: Setting up charts automatically adds the plotted items to the database.
Note: Current value charts also can be used to plot mass rates.
Dynamic simulations
1. From the main simulator window, set the dynamic simulation running for 1 day either from the
Simulate|Dynamic simulation menu command or by clicking on the Dynamic simulation toolbar
button ( ). After pressing the start button select the Simulate from project start date and Current
values options, and a simulation time of 1 day.
2. When the dynamic simulation is complete press the stop button in the player dialog.
Note: You can switch to the Album while the simulation runs.
Hint: Try starting a dynamic simulation by pressing the F7 key when the Album is open or clicking on the
Dynamic simulation button on the Album toolbar located beneath the Album tabs.
Note: Move the dialog box to one side of the chart. That way you will see the changes happen immediately
without having to close the dialog.
Note: In this example the wastage stream effectively is withdrawn from the bioreactor, not the underflow.
This is termed hydraulic SRT control. The reason for choosing this mode is that, irrespective of the underflow
rate and the underflow TSS, the reactor TSS concentration will remain relatively constant. By wasting mixed
liquor from the reactor we will maintain a relatively constant SRT even when the underflow rate changes. In
this case wasting 6 ML/d from a bioreactor volume of 30 ML translates into a 5 day SRT (but remember we
are not accounting for sludge in the settler in this SRT calculation).
Note: this step perhaps is not necessary – you will be able to get all the required information from the main
simulator window (TSS values, settler solids loading rate – SLR, settler specific overflow rate – SOR, etc.).
2. We will record simulation results in the table below. All of this information can be found either in
the two-pane page you added to the Album or by moving the cursor over elements in the drawing
board and noting values displayed in the lower right pane.
Note: In this case we are simulating the settler as 10 layers in the vertical direction – numbered from top to
bottom as 0 to 9.
Note: The settling parameters used to generate the gravity flux curve are shown in red at the bottom of the
chart. If you change these parameters, the gravity flux curve will be updated on the fly.
Dynamic Simulations
1. Add a page to the Album with two horizontal panes. In the upper pane set up a time series chart
(Fast Line style) for the settler surface overflow rate, SOR. Set minimum and maximum values on the
left axis of 0 and 20. In the lower pane set up a time series chart (Fast Line style) for the settler
solids loading rate, SLR. Set minimum and maximum values on the left axis of 0 and 200.
Note: Initially the charts will be blank because we have yet to run a dynamic simulation.
2. Add another page to the Album with two horizontal panes. In the upper pane set up a time series
chart (Fast Line style) for the effluent TSS. Set minimum and maximum values on the left axis of 0
and 30. In the lower pane set up a time series chart (Fast Line style) for the settler underflow TSS.
Set minimum and maximum values on the left axis of 0 and 16,000.
Hint: If you start the simulation from the BioWin main window the Album disappears. You can keep it open
while the simulation is running if you use the dynamic simulation button in the Album toolbar located below
the Album tabs, or press the F7 key to start the simulation.
4. When the simulation is paused change the RAS rate to 100 ML/d. Continue the simulation for
another 3 days.
5. When the simulation is paused change the RAS rate to flow-paced at 33% (based on the influent
flow). Continue the simulation for another 3 days.
6. From the Project|Parameters|Settling... menu, on the Modified Vesilind tab, change the maximum
sludge compactability to 8,000 mg/L. Continue the dynamic simulation for another 6 days. Watch
the settler profile and effluent TSS in the Album.
7. Try other situations with changes to the settler area/depth, and changes to the sludge settling
Note: Setting a low sludge compactability may cause problems with steady state simulations not converging.
This is a result of numerical solver problems because there can be multiple solutions to the mass balance
equations. In this situation, what you may wish to do in place of a steady state simulation is run a dynamic
simulation for an extended period of 3 - 4 SRTs. This should move to the steady state solution.
3.0 20 0.5 2
4.5 20 0.5 2
6.0 20 0.5 2
4.5 12 0.5 2
4.5 20 0.5 4
4.5 20 0.8 2
Note: data for the top and bottom reactors should be the same. If not, you must have an error because the
two systems should be set up identically, each receiving half of the influent flow. Tabulate one set of the
4. Change the depth of the lower bioreactor in steps from 3.0 m to 4.5 and then 6.0 m. For each
change, re-run the steady state simulation, and tabulate the results for the new depth.
5. Set the depth of each bioreactor to 4.5 m. The global temperature for the system is 20°C. Double
click on the bottom cell to open the Properties dialog. On the Operation tab, check the local
temperature option, and specify a temperature of 12°C. Re-run the steady state simulation, and
tabulate the results for the new temperature.
6. Re-set the temperature to 20°C. Change the DO setpoint in the lower bioreactor to 4 mg/L, re-run
the steady state simulation, and tabulate the results.
7. Re-set the DO setpoints to 2 mg/L in each reactor. Change for the lower reactor to 0.8 (double-
click on the Bottom Cell, click the Model tab– you can find aeration parameters such as alpha and
beta on the Model tab). Re-run, and tabulate the results.
8. Switch on oxygen transfer and DO modeling in the Project|Current Project Options… menu on the
Model tab. Re-run the steady state simulation, and discuss differences in model predictions.
9. Re-set the values to 0. Instead of specifying DO setpoints, switch to air flow rate and adjust the
The System
We wish to set up an SBR system with four identical units in parallel. The layout of the system is shown in
the figure below. Each unit will operate on the same cycle, with equal periods for fill, react, settle and
decant (1 hour each, with a total cycle time of 4 hours, and 6 cycles per day). Influent to the system is
directed sequentially to each of the four units for a fill period of one hour. That is, SBR #1 receives influent
for 1 hour (while SBR #2 is decanting, SBR #3 is settling, and SBR #4 is reacting). At the end of the hour
influent is directed to SBR #2 and each of the SBRs moves to the next stage in its cycle (SBR #1 starts the
react period, SBR #3 starts decanting, and SBR #4 starts settling). In summary, each SBR is operated on the
same cycle, but the cycles are offset from the adjacent unit by one hour.
Hint: It is simplest if you adjust the cycle times in the order Mix start time, Decant start time, Cycle length.
BioWin is continually checking your input data and will not allow things like decanting after the end of the
Hint: When reducing times from 1:00:00 (i.e. 1 day, zero hours, zero minutes) to say 4 hours, first increase
the number of hours to 4 (i.e. 1:04:00) and then reduce the day unit (i.e. 0:04:00).
1. On the SBR operation tab start by setting the Mix until / Start settling at time to 2 hours (i.e. fill +
2. Set the Decant / Draw starting at time to 3 hours.
3. Set the Cycle length or duration to 4 hours.
4. Select the To minimum decant level option so that the SBR is decanted to 50% each cycle.
5. Click on the SBR aeration button and specify a constant DO setpoint of 2 mg/L.
Note: All the required information has been specified. When you are finished use the File|Save As…
command – or click on the Save button ( ) on the toolbar - to save the configuration as My Tutorial 6 in
the Data/Tutorials directory.
Note: No lines appear in the charts until you run a dynamic simulation (see below).
13. Check that the SBR volume response is correct, as shown in the view below. There should be 6
cycles over the 24 hours. At the start of each cycle the volume should be 10 ML (50% hold-up). For
the first hour, the level increases. From 1:00 to 1:45 the level is constant, and then decreases by a
small amount (208 m3) when wasting occurs over the last 15 minutes of the mixing period.
Decanting starts three hours into the cycle, and continues until the level reaches the 50% minimum
at 4 hours (end of the cycle). During different cycles the extent of filling differs because the influent
Note: The file is being saved "as is". This means that at a later date the file can be loaded, and re-run using
the Simulate from project start date and Current values options (i.e. the status of the system at the time of
saving the file). This obviates the need to run for an extended period to reach steady state.
The BioWin file for this system can be found in the Data/Tutorials directory under the name: Tutorial
The Album includes charts for a large number of parameters.
Important note: Making changes to SBR physical or operational data often requires running the simulation
for an extended period to attain a new steady state.
When you click on one of these configurations, BioWin will prompt you to save any work that you currently
have open. Next, the selected file will open in the background and BioWin prompts you to save it under a
different name and in a different location from where it was opened. If you plan to work with the file
extensively, it is recommended that you follow these steps. However, you can select Cancel and do this