Labor Law and Social Legislation
Labor Law and Social Legislation
Labor Law and Social Legislation
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I (10) Career civil service employees separated from
LEGAL BASIS the service not for cause but as a result of the reorganization
shall be entitled to appropriate separation pay and to retirement
A. 1987 CONSTITUTION and other benefits under existing laws. In lieu thereof, they may
The basic rights of workers guaranteed by the also be considered for reemployment in the Government. Those
Constitution are: the rights to organize themselves; to conduct whose resignations have been accepted in line with the existing
collective bargaining or negotiation with management; to policy shall also have this right [Article XVIII, Section 16].
engage in peaceful concerted activities, including to strike in
accordance with law; to enjoy security of tenure; to work under Police Power of the State
humane conditions; to receive a living wage; and to participate The police power of the State. It is the power of
in policy and decision- making processes affecting their rights Government to enact laws, within constitutional limits, to
and benefits as may be provided by law. promote the order, safety, health, morals and general welfare of
Other provisions in the new Constitution protect the society [People v. Vera Reyes]. It is settled that state
rights or promote the welfare of workers. Among these legislatures may enact laws for the protection of the safety and
provisions are: health of employees as an exercise of the police power, and this
(1) The right of the people, including those employed is true even though such laws affect, not the health of the
in the public and private sectors, to form unions, associations, community generally, but the health or welfare of operatives in
or societies for purposes not contrary to law shall not be any given situation.
abridged [Article III, Section 8]. An example of valid regulation as an exercise of
(2) The right of self-organization shall not be denied police power is Department Order No. 1 (Series of 1988) which
to government employees. No officer or employee of the civil temporarily suspended the deployment of female domestic
service shall be removed or suspended except for cause workers abroad. The petitioner, an association of service
provided by law. Temporary employees of the Government exporters, challenged the constitutional validity of the
shall be given such protection as may be provided by law department order because "it does not apply to all Filipino
[Article IX-B, Section (2), (5) and (6)]. workers but only to domestic helpers and females with similar
(3) Regular farmworkers shall have the right to own skills," and that it violates the right to travel.
directly or collectively the lands they till. Other farmworkers
shall receive a just share of the fruits of the land they till. The Philippine Association of Service Exporters v.
State recognizes the right of farmworkers, along with other Drilon
groups, to take part in the planning, organization and Held: The Court denied the petition by explaining that the
concept of police power is well established in this jurisdiction. It has
management of the agrarian reform program. Landless
been defined as the "state authority to enact legislation that may
farmworkers may be resettled by the Government in its own interfere with personal liberty or property in order to promote the
agricultural estates' [Article XIII, Sections (4), (5) and (6)]. general welfare." The Court further ruled that the petitioner has shown
4) The State shall, by law, and for the common good, no satisfactory reason why the contested measure should be nullified.
undertake, in cooperation with the private sector, a continuing There is no question that Department Order No. 1 applies only to
program of urban land reform and housing which will make "female contract workers," but it does not thereby make an undue
available at affordable cost decent housing and basic services discrimination between the sexes. It is well-settled that "equality before
to underprivileged and homeless citizens in urban centers and the law" under the Constitution does not import a perfect identity of
rights among all men and women. It admits of classifications, provided
resettlement areas. It shall also promote adequate employment
that (1) such classifications rest on substantial distinctions; (2) they are
opportunities to such citizens [Article XIII, Section 9]. germane to the purposes of the law; (3) they are not confined to existing
(5) The State shall protect working women by conditions; and (4) they apply equally to all members of the same class.
providing safe and healthful working conditions taking into The Court is satisfied that the classification made — the preference for
account their maternal functions, and such facilities and female workers — rests on substantial distinctions.
opportunities that will enhance their welfare and enable them
to realize their full potential in the service of the nation [Article B. THE CIVIL CODE
XIII, Section 14]. It is the Civil Code, not the Labor Code, that
(6) Along with other sectors, labor is entitled to seats describes the nature of labor management relations. It states
allotted to party-list representatives for three consecutive terms that:
after the ratification of the Constitution [Article VI].
(7) The goals of the national economy are a more 'The relations between capital and labor are not
equitable distribution of opportunities, income, and wealth; a merely contractual. They are so impressed with public
sustained increase in the amount of goods and services interest that labor contracts must yield to the common good.
produced by the nation for the benefit of the people; and an Therefore, such contracts are subject to the special laws on
expanding productivity as the key to raising the quality of life labor unions, collective bargaining, strikes and lockouts,
closed shop, wages, working conditions, hours of labor and
for all, especially the underprivileged. The State shall promote
similar subjects." (Article 1700.)
industrialization and full employment based on sound This being so, "Neither capital nor labor shall act
agricultural development and agrarian reform, through oppressively against the other, or impair the interest or
industries that make full and efficient use of human and natural convenience of the public." (Article 1701.)
resources [Article XII, Section 1].
(8) Congress shall create an agency to promote the Similarly, no provision in the Labor Code requires
viability and growth of cooperatives as instruments for social that employment relationship should be voluntary. This is not
justice and economic development [Article XII, Section 15]. needed in the Labor Code because involuntary servitude is
(9) At the earliest possible time, the Government already proscribed in the Constitution's Bill of Rights and in
shall increase the salary scales of the other officials and Article 1703 of the Civil Code. It states: "No contract which
employees of the National Government [Article XVIII, Section practically amounts to involuntary servitude, under any guise
18]. whatsoever, shall be valid." Because of this law an employer
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cannot forbid an employee from resigning from his job, subject technically, and the courts must place a special and realistic
to the observance of the terms of the employment contract itself construction upon it, giving due consideration to the context in
and the procedure on resignation under Article 285 of the Labor which it is negotiated and the purpose for which it is intended
Code. to serve [Marcopper Mining v. NLRC].
The Civil Code further contains provisions regarding
wages, househelpers, and injuries sustained by employees. c. Quitclaims/Waivers
These provisions will be mentioned in the chapters of the Labor Courts must undertake a meticulous and rigorous
Code where they pertain. Among the labor-related issues that review of quitclaims or waivers, more particularly those
call for application of the Civil Code instead of the Labor Code executed by employees Quitclaims, releases and other waivers
are those relating to awards of damages, interpretation of a of benefits granted by laws or contracts in favor of workers
collective bargaining agreement, validity of a waiver, should be strictly scrutinized to protect the weak and the
preference of workers' claims, and fixed-period employment. disadvantaged. The waivers should be carefully examined, in
regard not only to the words and terms used, but also the factual
C. LABOR CODE circumstances under which they have been executed. Not all
waivers and quitclaims are invalid as against public policy. If
Article 4. Construction in favor of labor. - All doubts in the agreement was voluntarily entered into and represents a
the implementation and interpretation of the provisions of this reasonable settlement, it is binding on the parties and may not
Code, including its implementing rules and regulations, shall be later be disowned simply because of a change of mind. It is only
resolved in favor of labor. where there is clear proof that the waiver was wangled from an
unsuspecting or gullible person, or the terms of settlement are
In interpreting the Constitution's protection to labor unconscionable on its face, that the law will step in to annul the
and social justice provisions and the labor laws and rules and questionable transaction. But where it is shown that the person
regulations implementing the constitutional mandate, the making the waiver did so voluntarily, with full understanding
Supreme Court adopts the liberal approach which favors the of what he was doing, and the consideration for the quitclaim
exercise of labor rights [Euro-Linea Phils. Inc. v NLRC]. is credible and reasonable, the transaction must be recognized
In the matter of employment bargaining, there is no as a valid and binding undertaking [Periquet v. NLRC].
doubt that the employer stands on higher footing than the
employee. First of all, there is greater supply than demand for EDI-Staffbuilders v. NLRC
labor. Second, the need for employment by labor comes from Held: The Court finds the waiver and quitclaim null and
vital, and even desperate, necessity. Consequently, the law void for the following reasons:
must protect labor, at least, to the extent of raising him to equal 1. The salary paid to Gran upon his termination, in
footing in bargaining relations with capital and to shield him the amount of SR 2,948.00, is unreasonably low. As correctly pointed
from abuses brought about by the necessity for survival. It is out by the court a quo, the payment of SR 2,948.00 is even lower than
safe to presume, therefore, that an employee or laborer who his monthly salary of SR 3,190.00 (USD 850.00). In addition, it is also
very much less than the USD 16,150.00 which is the amount Gran is
waives in advance any benefit granted him by law does so,
legally entitled to get from petitioner EDI as backwages.
certainly not in his interest or through generosity but under the 2. The Declaration reveals that the payment of SR
forceful intimidation of urgent need, and hence, he could not 2,948.00 is actually the payment for Gran’s salary for the services he
have so acted freely and voluntarily [Sanchez v. Harry-Lyons rendered to OAB as Computer Specialist. If the Declaration is a
Construction]. quitclaim, then the consideration should be much much more than the
monthly salary of SR 3,190.00 (USD 850.00)—although possibly less
a. Rule in case of employment contracts than the estimated Gran’s salaries for the remaining duration of his
contract and other benefits as employee of OAB. A quitclaim will
The general rule remains that where the law speaks
understandably be lower than the sum total of the amounts and benefits
in clear and categorical language, there is no room for that can possibly be awarded to employees or to be earned for the
interpretations; there is only room for application [Leoncio v. remainder of the contract period since it is a compromise where the
MST Marine Services]. Contracts which are not ambiguous are employees will have to forfeit a certain portion of the amounts they are
to be interpreted according to their literal meaning and not claiming in exchange for the early payment of a compromise amount.
beyond their obvious intendment. Only when the law is The court may however step in when such amount is unconscionably
ambiguous or of doubtful meaning may the court interpret or low or unreasonable although the employee voluntarily agreed to it. In
construe its true intent. Thus, the liberal interpretation of the the case of the Declaration, the amount is unreasonably small compared
to the future wages of Gran.
Labor Code and its Implementing Rules in its Article 4 has been
3. The factual circumstances surrounding the
applied to employment contracts by virtue of Article 1702 of execution of the Declaration would show that Gran did not voluntarily
the New Civil Code which mandates that “all labor contracts” and freely execute the document. Consider the following chronology of
shall likewise be construed in favor of the labourer. events:
b. Rule in case of collective agreements a. On July 9, 1994, Gran received a copy of his
In the area of employment bargaining, the employer letter of termination;
stands on higher footing than the employee. The law must b. On July 10, 1994, Gran was instructed to depart
Saudi Arabia and required to pay his plane ticket;[65]
protect labor to the extent, at least, of raising him to equal
c. On July 11, 1994, he signed the Declaration;
footing in bargaining relations with capital and to shield him d. On July 12, 1994, Gran departed from Riyadh,
from abuses brought about by the necessity to survive [Sanchez Saudi Arabia; and
v. Harry Lyons Construction]. Thus, the rule is laid that while e. On July 21, 1994, Gran filed the Complaint
a CBA’s terms and conditions constitute the law between the before the NLRC.
parties, it is not an ordinary contract to which is applied the The foregoing events readily reveal that Gran was “forced”
principles of law governing ordinary contracts. Not being an to sign the Declaration and constrained to receive the amount of SR
2,948.00 even if it was against his will—since he was told on July 10,
ordinary contract as it is impressed with public interest, a CBA
1994 to leave Riyadh on July 12, 1994. He had no other choice but to
must be construed liberally rather than narrowly and
sign the Declaration as he needed the amount of SR 2,948.00 for the
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payment of his ticket. He could have entertained some apprehensions II
as to the status of his stay or safety in Saudi Arabia if he would not sign STATE POLICY TOWARDS LABOR
the quitclaim.
4. The court a quo is correct in its finding that the
Declaration is a contract of adhesion which should be construed against Article 3. Declaration of Basic Policy. – The State shall
the employer, OAB. An adhesion contract is contrary to public policy afford protection to labor, promote full employment, ensure equal
as it leaves the weaker party—the employee—in a “take-it-or-leave-it” work opportunities regardless of sex, race or creed and regulate the
situation. Certainly, the employer is being unjust to the employee as relations between workers and employers. The State shall assure
there is no meaningful choice on the part of the employee while the the rights of workers to self-organization, collective bargaining,
terms are unreasonably favorable to the employer. security of tenure, and just and humane conditions of work.
Thus, the Declaration purporting to be a quitclaim and
waiver is unenforceable under Philippine laws in the absence of proof The foregoing principles, being constitutionally
of the applicable law of Saudi Arabia. mandated, should be treated as the standard to which all labor
In order to prevent disputes on the validity and
laws and social legislations should conform and upon which
enforceability of quitclaims and waivers of employees under Philippine
laws, said agreements should contain the following:
their legality and validity should be gauged and measured. Both
1. A fixed amount as full and final compromise under the Constitution and Article 3 of the Labor Code, the
settlement; State is duty-bound to provide and guarantee the following:
2. The benefits of the employees if possible with
the corresponding amounts, which the employees are giving up in a. Full protection to labor;
consideration of the fixed compromise amount; b. Promotion of full employment;
3. A statement that the employer has clearly
c. Promotion of equal work opportunities
explained to the employee in English, Filipino, or in the dialect known
to the employees—that by signing the waiver or quitclaim, they are regardless of sex, race, or creed;
forfeiting or relinquishing their right to receive the benefits which are d. Regulation of relations between workers and
due them under the law; and employers;
4. A statement that the employees signed and e. Protection of the rights of workers to:
executed the document voluntarily, and had fully understood the
ii. Self-organization;
contents of the document and that their consent was freely given
without any threat, violence, duress, intimidation, or undue influence iii. Collective bargaining;
exerted on their person. iv. Security of tenure; and
It is advisable that the stipulations be made in English and v. Just and humane conditions of work.
Tagalog or in the dialect known to the employee. There should be two
(2) witnesses to the execution of the quitclaim who must also sign the
quitclaim. The document should be subscribed and sworn to under oath
preferably before any administering official of the Department of Labor
and Employment or its regional office, the Bureau of Labor Relations,
the NLRC or a labor attaché in a foreign country. Such official shall
assist the parties regarding the execution of the quitclaim and
waiver.[67] This compromise settlement becomes final and binding
under Article 227 of the Labor Code which provides that:
[A]ny compromise settlement voluntarily agreed upon with
the assistance of the Bureau of Labor Relations or the regional office
of the DOLE, shall be final and binding upon the parties and the NLRC
or any court “shall not assume jurisdiction over issues involved therein
except in case of non-compliance thereof or if there is prima facie
evidence that the settlement was obtained through fraud,
misrepresentation, or coercion.
It is made clear that the foregoing rules on quitclaim or
waiver shall apply only to labor contracts of OFWs in the absence of
proof of the laws of the foreign country agreed upon to govern said
contracts. Otherwise, the foreign laws shall apply.
Hanjin v. Ibanez
Held: Finally, the Quitclaims which the respondents signed
cannot bar them from demanding what is legally due them as regular
employees. As a rule, quitclaims and waivers or releases are looked
upon with disfavor and frowned upon as contrary to public policy. They
are thus ineffective to bar claims for the full measure of a worker's legal
rights, particularly when the following conditions are applicable: 1)
where there is clear proof that the waiver was wangled from an
unsuspecting or gullible person, or (2) where the terms of settlement
are unconscionable on their face. To determine whether the Quitclaims
signed by respondents are valid, one important factor that must be taken
into account is the consideration accepted by respondents; the amount
must constitute a reasonable settlement equivalent to the full measure
of their legal rights. In this case, the Quitclaims signed by the
respondents do not appear to have been made for valuable
consideration. Respondents, who are regular employees, are entitled to
backwages and separation pay and, therefore, the Quitclaims which
they signed cannot prevent them from seeking claims to which they are
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I “Direct Hiring” refers to the process of directly hiring
RECRUITMENT AND PLACEMENT OF workers by employers for overseas employment as authorized
MIGRANT WORKERS by the DOLE Secretary and processed by the POEA, including:
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(iii) Workers hired by a relative/family The Administrator was also given the power to order
member who is a permanent resident of the dismissal of the case of the suspension of the license or
the host country. authority of the respondent agency or contractor or recommend
to the Minister the cancellation thereof [TransAction v.
3. Entities Prohibited from Recruiting (D.O. Secretary of Labor].
5. Prohibited Practices
Section 5. Disqualification. – The following are not
qualified to engage in the business of recruitment and placement Article 34. Prohibited Practices. It shall be unlawful for
for local employment: any individual, entity, licensee, or holder of authority:
a. Those who are convicted of illegal recruitment, (a) To charge or accept, directly or indirectly, any
trafficking in persons, anti-child labor violation, or crimes amount greater than that specified in the schedule of allowable fees
involving moral turpitude; prescribed by the Secretary of Labor, or to make a worker pay any
b. Those against whom probable cause or prima facie amount greater than that actually received by him as a loan or
finding of guilt for illegal recruitment or other related cases exist advance;
particularly to owners or directors of agencies who have committed (b) To furnish or publish any false notice or information
illegal recruitment or other related cases. or document in relation to recruitment or employment;
c. Those agencies whose licenses have been previously (c) To give any false notice, testimony, information or
revoked or cancelled by the Department under Sec. 54 of these document or commit any act of misrepresentation for the purpose
rules. of securing a license or authority under this Code;
d. Cooperatives whether registered or not under the (d) To induce or attempt to induce a worker already
Cooperative Act of the Philippines. employed to quit his employment in order to offer him to another
e. Law enforcers and any official and employee of the unless the transfer is designed to liberate the worker from
Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE). oppressive terms and conditions of employment;
f. Sole proprietors of duly licensed agencies are (e) To influence or to attempt to influence any person or
prohibited from securing another license to engage in recruitment entity not to employ any worker who has not applied for
and placement. employment through his agency;
g. Sole proprietors, partnerships or corporations (f) To engage in the recruitment or placement of workers
licensed to engage in private recruitment and placement for local in jobs harmful to public health or morality or to the dignity of the
employment are prohibited from engaging in job contracting or Republic of the Philippines;
sub contracting activities. (g) To obstruct or attempt to obstruct inspection by the
Secretary of Labor or by his duly authorized representatives;
(h) To fail to file reports on the status of employment,
4. Suspension or Cancellation of License or
placement vacancies, remittance of foreign exchange earnings,
Authority separation from jobs, departures and such other matters or
information as may be required by the Secretary of Labor;
Article 35. Suspension and/or Cancellation of License or (i) To substitute or alter employment contracts
Authority. The Minister of Labor shall have the power to suspend approved and verified by the Department of Labor from the time
or cancel any license or authority to recruit employees for overseas of actual signing thereof by the parties up to and including the
employment for violation of rules and regulations issued by the periods of expiration of the same without the approval of the
Ministry of Labor, the Overseas Employment Development Board, Secretary of Labor;
or for violation of the provisions of this and other applicable laws, (j) To become an officer or member of the Board of any
General Orders and Letters of Instructions. corporation engaged in travel agency or to be engaged directly or
indirectly in the management of a travel agency; and
(k) To withhold or deny travel documents from
The penalties of suspension and cancellation of
applicant workers before departure for monetary or financial
license or authority are prescribed for violations of the above considerations other than those authorized under this Code and its
quoted provisions, among others. And the Secretary of Labor implementing rules and regulations.
has the power under Section 35 of the law to apply these
sanctions, as well as the authority, conferred by Section 36, not C. ILLEGAL RECRUITMENT
only to "restrict and regulate the recruitment and placement
activities of all agencies," but also to "promulgate rules and 1. Local Illegal Recruitment and Prohibited
regulations to carry out the objectives and implement the
Practices (P.D. No. 442)
provisions" governing said activities. Pursuant to this rule-
making power thus granted, the Secretary of Labor gave the
Section 42. Acts constituting illegal recruitment. – Illegal
POEA,6 "on its own initiative or upon filing of a complaint or
recruitment shall mean any act of canvassing, enlisting,
report or upon request for investigation by any aggrieved contracting, utilizing, hiring or procuring workers and includes
person, . . (authority to) conduct the necessary proceedings for referrals, contract services, promising or advertising for local
the suspension or cancellation of the license or authority of any employment, whether for profit or not, when undertaken by a non-
agency or entity" for certain enumerated offenses including — licensee or non-holder of authority; provided, that any such non-
licensee or non-holder of authority; provided, that any such non-
a. the imposition or acceptance, directly or licensee or non-holder of authority who, in any manner, offer or
promises for a free employment to two or more persons shall be
indirectly, of any amount of money, goods or
deemed so engaged.
services, or any fee or bond in excess of what is The following acts shall be unlawful when committed by
prescribed by the Administration, and any person whether or not a holder of a license or authority:
b. any other violation of pertinent provisions of the a. To charge or accept directly or indirectly any amount
Labor Code and other relevant laws, rules and or to make a worker pay the agency or its representatives any
amount greater than that actually loaned or advanced to him;
b. To furnish or publish any false notice or information
in relation to recruitment or employment;
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c. To give any false notice, testimony, information or same without the approval of the Department of Labor and
document or commit any act of misrepresentation for the purpose Employment;
of securing a license or authority; (j) For an officer or agent of a recruitment or placement
d. To induce or attempt to induce a worker already agency to become an officer or member of the Board of any
employed to quit his employment in order to offer him another corporation engaged in travel agency or to be engaged directly or
unless the transfer is designed to liberate a worker from oppressive indirectly in the management of travel agency;
terms and conditions of employment; (k) To withhold or deny travel documents from
e. To influence or attempt to influence any person or applicant workers before departure for monetary or financial
entity not to employ any worker who has not applied for considerations, or for any other reasons, other than those
employment through his agency; authorized under the Labor Code and its implementing rules and
f. To engage in the recruitment or placement of workers regulations;
in jobs harmful to public health or morality or to the dignity of the (l) Failure to actually deploy a contracted worker
Republic of the Philippines; without valid reason as determined by the Department of Labor
g. To obstruct or attempt to obstruct inspection by the and Employment;
Secretary or by his/her duly authorized representatives; (m) Failure to reimburse expenses incurred by the
h. To substitute or alter to the prejudice of the worker, worker in connection with his documentation and processing for
employment contract prescribed by the Department from the time purposes of deployment, in cases where the deployment does not
of actual signing thereof by the parties up to and including the actually take place without the worker's fault. Illegal recruitment
period of the expiration of the same without the approval of the when committed by a syndicate or in large scale shall be considered
Department. an offense involving economic sabotage; and
(n) To allow a non-Filipino citizen to head or manage a
2. Overseas Illegal Recruitment and Prohibited licensed recruitment/manning agency.
Illegal recruitment is deemed committed by a syndicate
Practices (R.A. No. 8042) if carried out by a group of three (3) or more persons conspiring or
confederating with one another. It is deemed committed in large
Section 6. Definition. - For purposes of this Act, illegal scale if committed against three (3) or more persons individually or
recruitment shall mean any act of canvassing, enlisting, as a group.
contracting, transporting, utilizing, hiring, or procuring workers In addition to the acts enumerated above, it shall also be
and includes referring, contract services, promising or advertising unlawful for any person or entity to commit the following
for employment abroad, whether for profit or not, when prohibited acts:
undertaken by non-licensee or non-holder of authority (1) Grant a loan to an overseas Filipino worker with
contemplated under Article 13(f) of Presidential Decree No. 442, as interest exceeding eight percent (8%) per annum, which will be
amended, otherwise known as the Labor Code of the Philippines: used for payment of legal and allowable placement fees and make
Provided, That any such non-licensee or non-holder who, in any the migrant worker issue, either personally or through a guarantor
manner, offers or promises for a fee employment abroad to two or or accommodation party, postdated checks in relation to the said
more persons shall be deemed so engaged. It shall likewise include loan;
the following acts, whether committed by any person, whether a (2) Impose a compulsory and exclusive arrangement
non-licensee, non-holder, licensee or holder of authority: whereby an overseas Filipino worker is required to avail of a loan
(a) To charge or accept directly or indirectly any amount only from specifically designated institutions, entities or persons;
greater than that specified in the schedule of allowable fees (3) Refuse to condone or renegotiate a loan incurred by
prescribed by the Secretary of Labor and Employment, or to make an overseas Filipino worker after the latter's employment contract
a worker pay or acknowledge any amount greater than that has been prematurely terminated through no fault of his or her
actually received by him as a loan or advance; own;
(b) To furnish or publish any false notice or information (4) Impose a compulsory and exclusive arrangement
or document in relation to recruitment or employment; whereby an overseas Filipino worker is required to undergo health
(c) To give any false notice, testimony, information or examinations only from specifically designated medical clinics,
document or commit any act of misrepresentation for the purpose institutions, entities or persons, except in the case of a seafarer
of securing a license or authority under the Labor Code, or for the whose medical examination cost is shouldered by the
purpose of documenting hired workers with the POEA, which principal/shipowner;
include the act of reprocessing workers through a job order that (5) Impose a compulsory and exclusive arrangement
pertains to nonexistent work, work different from the actual whereby an overseas Filipino worker is required to undergo
overseas work, or work with a different employer whether training, seminar, instruction or schooling of any kind only from
registered or not with the POEA; specifically designated institutions, entities or persons, except fpr
(d) To include or attempt to induce a worker already recommendatory trainings mandated by principals/shipowners
employed to quit his employment in order to offer him another where the latter shoulder the cost of such trainings;
unless the transfer is designed to liberate a worker from oppressive (6) For a suspended recruitment/manning agency to
terms and conditions of employment; engage in any kind of recruitment activity including the processing
(e) To influence or attempt to influence any person or of pending workers' applications; and
entity not to employ any worker who has not applied for (7) For a recruitment/manning agency or a foreign
employment through his agency or who has formed, joined or principal/employer to pass on the overseas Filipino worker or
supported, or has contacted or is supported by any union or deduct from his or her salary the payment of the cost of insurance
workers' organization; fees, premium or other insurance related charges, as provided
(f) To engage in the recruitment or placement of workers under the compulsory worker's insurance coverage.
in jobs harmful to public health or morality or to the dignity of the The persons criminally liable for the above offenses are
Republic of the Philippines; the principals, accomplices and accessories. In case of juridical
(h) To fail to submit reports on the status of persons, the officers having ownership, control, management or
employment, placement vacancies, remittance of foreign exchange direction of their business who are responsible for the commission
earnings, separation from jobs, departures and such other matters of the offense and the responsible employees/agents thereof shall be
or information as may be required by the Secretary of Labor and liable.
Employment; In the filing of cases for illegal recruitment or any of the
(i) To substitute or alter to the prejudice of the worker, prohibited acts under this section, the Secretary of Labor and
employment contracts approved and verified by the Department of Employment, the POEA Administrator or their duly authorized
Labor and Employment from the time of actual signing thereof by representatives, or any aggrieved person may initiate the
the parties up to and including the period of the expiration of the corresponding criminal action with the appropriate office. For this
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purpose, the affidavits and testimonies of operatives or personnel under R.A. No. 8042, which, it must be noted, has not been
from the Department of Labor and Employment, POEA and other changed by the latest amendment introduced by R.A. No.
law enforcement agencies who witnessed the acts constituting the 10022, the term illegal recruitment, unlike illegal recruitment
offense shall be sufficient to prosecute the accused.
as defined under the Labor Code which is limited to recruitment
In the prosecution of offenses punishable under this
section, the public prosecutors of the Department of Justice shall
activities undertaken by non-licensees or non-holders of
collaborate with the anti-illegal recruitment branch of the POEA authority [People v. Tolentino], now includes the commission
and, in certain cases, allow the POEA lawyers to take the lead in of the prohibited acts enumerated thereunder, “whether
the prosecution. The POEA lawyers who act as prosecutors in such commited by any person, whether a non-licensee, non-holder,
cases shall be entitled to receive additional allowances as may be licensee, or holder of authority.” Therefore, under Section 6 of
determined by the POEA Administrator. RA 8042 as amended, illegal recruitment (for overseas
The filing of an offense punishable under this Act shall employment) may be committed not only by non-licensees or
be without prejudice to the filing of cases punishable under other
non-holders of authority but also by licensees or holders of
existing laws, rules or regulations.
authority [Ibid]. Section 6 enumerates 14 acts or practices plus
7 additional prohibited acts, which constitute illegal
Section 7. Penalties. -
recruitment, whether committed by any person, whether a non-
(a) Any person found guilty of illegal recruitment shall
suffer the penalty of imprisonment of not less than twelve (12) years
licensee, non-holder, licensee or holder of authority. Except for
and one (1) day but not more than twenty (20) years and a fine of the last three acts [(l), (m), and (n)] as well as the seven
not less than One million pesos (P1,000,000.00) nor more than Two additional prohibited acts, on the list under Section 6, the first
million pesos (P2,000,000.00). eleven (11) acts or practices are also listed in Article 34 of the
(b) The penalty of life imprisonment and a fine of not Labor Code under the heading “Prohibited Practices.”
less than Two million pesos (P2,000,000.00) nor more than Five Simply put, under RA 8042, as amended, a non-
million pesos (P5,000,000.00) shall be imposed if illegal recruitment licensee or non-holder of authority contains illegal recruitment
constitutes economic sabotage as defined therein.
for overseas employment in two ways:
Provided, however, That the maximum penalty shall be
imposed if the person illegally recruited is less than eighteen (18)
years of age or committed by a non-licensee or non-holder of (i) By any act of canvassing, enlisting,
authority. contracting, transporting, utilizing,
(c) Any person found guilty of any of the prohibited acts hiring, or procuring workers, and
shall suffer the penalty of imprisonment of not less than six (6) includes referring, contract services,
years and one (1) day but not more than twelve (12) years and a
promising or advertising for
fine of not less than Five hundred thousand pesos (P500,000.00) nor
more than One million pesos (P1,000,000.00). employment abroad, whether for
If the offender is an alien, he or she shall, in addition to profit or not; and
the penalties herein prescribed, be deported without further (ii) By undertaking any of the acts
proceedings. enumerated under Section 6 of RA
In every case, conviction shall cause and carry the
8042 as amended.
automatic revocation of the license or registration of the
recruitment/mining agency, lending institutions, training school or
medical clinic. On the other hand, a licensee or holder of authority is
also liable for illegal recruitment for overseas employment
Section 12. Prescriptive Periods – Illegal recruitment
when he or she undertakes any of the prohibited acts or practice
cases under this Act shall prescribe in five (5) years: Provided, listed under Section 6 of RA 8042 [Ibid].
however, That illegal recruitment cases involving economic Consequently, if a recruiter is charged with violation
sabotage as defined herein shall prescribe in twenty (20) years. of any of the prohibited acts under Section 6, there is no more
need to prove whether he is a licensee or holder of authority or
3. Types of Illegal Recruitment not because it is no longer an element of the crime [People v.
a. Simple Illegal Recruitment Moreover, since illegal recruitment becomes
The following are the 2 elements of simple illegal qualified if committed by 3 or more recruiters (syndicated) or
recruitment: when there are 3 or more recruitees (large-scale), as the case
may be, the total number of recruiters and/or recruitees in order
(i) The offender has no valid license or for a case to remain one for simple illegal recruitment should
authority required by law to enable one to not be more than two (2) persons.
lawfully engage in recruitment and In light of the foregoing, the elements of simple
illegal recruitment should now be re-stated as follows:
placement of workers; and
(ii) He undertakes either any activity within
(i) That the offender engages in acts of
the meaning of “recruitment and
recruitment and placement of workers as
placement” defined under Article 13(b),
defined under Article 13(b) of the Labor
(see above enumeration) or any prohibited
Code, or in any prohibited activities
practices (see above enumeration) under
enumerated under the law, irrespective
Article 34 of the Labor Code.
whether the offender is a non-licensee,
non-holder of authority, licensee or holder
A survey indicates that the criminal cases where the
of authority;
foregoing elements were used as the guidepost in determining
the culpability of the accused for illegal recruitment, involve (ii) That the offender has no valid license or
persons who are non-licensees and non-holders of authority. authority required by law to enable himt o
The above enumeration of the elements curiously failed to lawfully engage in the recruitment and
consider that under the broadened concept of illegal recruit placement of workers; and
Page 10 of 191
(iii) That the number of recruiter/s who The essential elements of the crime of illegal
committed the unlawful acts and/or recruitment committed by a syndicate are as follows:
recruitee/s who fell victim/s thereto should
not be more than two (2) persons. (i) There are at least three (3) persons who,
conspiring and/or confederating with one
Relevant Principles another, carried out any unlawful or illegal
• Mere impression that a person could deploy recruitment and placement activities as
workers overseas is sufficient to constitute defined under Article 13(b) or committed
illegal recruitment. But if no such impression any prohibited activities under Article 34
is given, the accused should not be convicted of the Labor Code; and
for illegal recruitment. (ii) Said persons are not licensed or authorized
• Mere promise or offer of employment abroad to do so, either locally or overseas.
amounts to recruitment.
• There is no need to show that accused The law does not require that the syndicate should
represented himself as a licensed recruiter. recruit more than one (1) person in order to constitute the crime
of illegal recruitment by a syndicate. Recruitment of one (1)
• Referrals may constitute illegal recruitment.
person would suffice to qualify the illegal recruitment act as
• It is illegal recruitment to induce applicants to having been committed by a syndicate.
part with their money upon false
misrepresentations and promises in assuring People v. Sison
them that after they paid the placement fee, Held: Under RA 8042, a non-licensee or non-holder of
jobs abroad were waiting for them and that authority commits illegal recruitment for overseas employment in two
they would be deployed soon. ways: (1) by any act of canvassing, enlisting, contracting, transporting,
utilizing, hiring, or procuring workers, and includes referring, contract
• Recruitment whether done for profit or not is
services, promising or advertising for employment abroad, whether for
immaterial. profit or not; or (2) by undertaking any of the acts enumerated under
• The act of receiving money far exceeding the Section 6 of RA 8042.41
amount as required by law is not considered as In this case, Sison herself admits that she has no license or
“recruitment and placement” as this phrase is authority to undertake recruitment and placement activities'. The Court
has held in several cases that an accused who represents to others that
contemplated under the law.
he or she could send workers abroad for employment, even without the
• Actual receipt of fee is not an element of the authority or license to do so, commits illegal recruitment.42
crime of illegal recruitment. It is the absence of the necessary license or authority to
• Conduct of interviews amountsto illegal recruit and deploy workers that renders the recruitment activity
recruitment. unlawful. To prove illegal recruitment, it must be shown that "the
accused gave the complainants the distinct impression that she had the
• Absence of receipt is not essential to hold a power or ability to deploy the complainants abroad in a manner that
person guilty of illegal recruitment. they were convinced to part with their money for that end."43
• Conviction for illegal recruitment may be On the other hand, illegal recruitment committed by a
made on the strength of the testimonies of the syndicate, as in the present case, has the following elements: (a) the
offender does not have the valid license or authority required by law to
engage in recruitment and placement of workers; (b) the offender
• Absence of documents evidencing the undertakes any of the "recruitment and placement" activities defined in
recruitment activities strengthens, not Article 13(b) of the Labor Code, or engages in any of the prohibited
weakens, the case for illegal recruitment. practices enumerated under now Section 6 of RA 8042; and (c) the
illegal recruitment is "carried out by a group of three or more persons
• Only one person recruited is sufficient to
conspiring and/or confederating with one another in carrying out any
convict one for illegal recruitment. unlawful or illegal transaction, enterprise or scheme."44 In the third
• Non-prosecution of another suspect is element, it "is not essential that there be actual proof that all the
immaterial. conspirators took a direct part in every act. It is sufficient that they acted
• Execution of affidavit of desistance affects in concert pursuant to the same objective."45
The acts of Sison, Dedales, and Bacomo show a common
only the civil liability but has no effect on the purpose and and each undertook a part to reach their objective. Their
criminal liability for illegal recruitment. concerted action is evident in that either Sison or Dedales was receiving
• Defense of denial cannot prevail over positive payments from the recruits; that Dedales signed the acknowledgment
identification. Positive identification where receipt from Sison; and that the three accompanied their recruits
together in seeking out their visas in Malaysia and Indonesia. Further,
categorical and consistent and not attended by
the impression given to Castuera and other recruits was that the three
any showing of ill motive on the part of the were indeed working together.
eyewitnesses on the matter prevails over alibi Since it was proven that the three accused were acting in
and denial. Between the categorical concert and conspired with one another, their illegal recruitment
statements of the prosecution witnesses, on the activity is considered done by a syndicate, making the offense illegal
recruitment involving economic sabotage.
one hand, and bare denials of the accused, on
the other hand, the former must prevail.
Illegal Recruitment Involving
b. Illegal Recruitment Involving Economic Sabotage (Large-Scale)
Economic Sabotage (By a Syndicate) Illegal recruitment considered in large scale if
Illegal recruitment committed by a syndicate if it is committed against three (3) or more persons individually or as
carried out by a group of three (3) or more persons conspiring a group.
or confederating with one another.
Page 11 of 191
The elements of illegal recruitment in large scale, as
distinguished from simple illegal recruitment, are as D. LIABILITY OF LOCAL RECRUITMENT AGENCY
(i) The accused engages in the recruitment
and placement of workers as defined under 1. Solidary Liability
Article 13(b) or committed any prohibited
activities under Article 34 of the Labor Section 10. Money Claims. - Notwithstanding any
Code; and provision of law to the contrary, the Labor Arbiters of the National
(ii) The accused commits the same against Labor Relations Commission (NLRC) shall have the original and
exclusive jurisdiction to hear and decide, within ninety (90)
three (3) or more persons, individually or calendar days after the filing of the complaint, the claims arising
as a group. out of an employer-employee relationship or by virtue of any law
or contract involving Filipino workers for overseas deployment
People v. Abellanosa including claims for actual, moral, exemplary and other forms of
Held: We agree with the trial court and the CA that the damage. Consistent with this mandate, the NLRC shall endeavor
prosecution was able to establish that appellant was engaged in illegal to update and keep abreast with the developments in the global
recruitment in large scale. It was proved that appellant was a non- services industry.
licensee or non-holder of authority to recruit workers for deployment "The liability of the principal/employer and the
abroad; she offered or promised employment abroad to private recruitment/placement agency for any and all claims under this
complainants; she received monies from private complainants section shall be joint and several. This provision shall be
purportedly as placement or processing fees; that private complainants incorporated in the contract for overseas employment and shall be
were not actually deployed to Brunei; that despite demands, appellant a condition precedent for its approval. The performance bond to
failed to reimburse or refund to private complainants their monies; and de filed by the recruitment/placement agency, as provided by law,
that appellant committed these prohibited acts against three or more shall be answerable for all money claims or damages that may be
persons, individually or as a group. awarded to the workers. If the recruitment/placement agency is a
To recall, private complainants Pomar, Pastolero, juridical being, the corporate officers and directors and partners
Cathedral, Orias, Suobiron, Bueron, and Pelipog testified that appellant as the case may be, shall themselves be jointly and solidarily liable
went to Pavia, Iloilo and represented herself as a recruiter who could with the corporation or partnership for the aforesaid claims and
send them to Brunei for work; that appellant impressed upon them that damages.
she had the authority or ability to send them overseas for work by "Such liabilities shall continue during the entire period
showing them a job order from Brunei and a calling card; and appellant or duration of the employment contract and shall not be affected
collected processing or placement fees from the private complainants by any substitution, amendment or modification made locally or in
in various amounts ranging from P5,000.00 to P20,000.00; and that she a foreign country of the said contract.
did not reimburse said amounts despite demands. "Any compromise/amicable settlement or voluntary
In addition, it was proved that appellant does not have any agreement on money claims inclusive of damages under this section
license or authority to recruit workers for overseas employment as shall be paid within thirty (30) days from approval of the settlement
shown by the certification issued by the Philippine Overseas by the appropriate authority.
Employment Administration.16 "In case of termination of overseas employment without
Finally, appellant recruited seven persons, or more than the just, valid or authorized cause as defined by law or contract, or any
minimum of three persons required by law, for illegal recruitment to be unauthorized deductions from the migrant worker's salary, the
considered in large scale. worker shall be entitled to the full reimbursement if his placement
Verily, the RTC and the CA correctly found the appellant fee and the deductions made with interest at twelve percent (12%)
guilty of large scale illegal recruitment. per annum, plus his salaries for the unexpired portion of his
employment contract or for three (3) months for every year of the
unexpired term, whichever is less.
Distinguished from illegal recruitment by a "In case of a final and executory judgement against a
syndicate foreign employer/principal, it shall be automatically disqualified,
As distinguished from illegal recruitment committed without further proceedings, from participating in the Philippine
by a syndicate, illegal recruitment in large scale may be Overseas Employment Program and from recruiting and hiring
committed by only one (1) person. What is important as Filipino workers until and unless it fully satisfies the judgement
qualifying element is that there should be at least three (3) award.
victims of such illegal recruitment, individually or as a group. "Noncompliance with the mandatory periods for
resolutions of case provided under this section shall subject the
Recruitment in large scale or by a syndicate is malum
responsible officials to any or all of the following penalties:
prohibitum and not malum in se. "(a) The salary of any such official who fails to render
his decision or resolution within the prescribed period shall be, or
2. Illegal Recruitment and Estafa caused to be, withheld until the said official complies therewith;
Illegal recruitment and estafa cases may be filed "(b) Suspension for not more than ninety (90) days; or
simultaneously or separately. The filing of charges for illegal "(c) Dismissal from the service with disqualification to
recruitment does not bar the filing of estafa, and vice versa. Sy's hold any appointive public office for five (5) years.
"Provided, however, That the penalties herein provided
acquittal in the illegal recruitment case does not prove that she
shall be without prejudice to any liability which any such official
is not guilty of estafa. Illegal recruitment and estafa are entirely may have incured under other existing laws or rules and
different offenses and neither one necessarily includes or is regulations as a consequence of violating the provisions of this
necessarily included in the other. A person who is convicted of paragraph."
illegal recruitment may, in addition, be convicted
of estafa under Article 315, paragraph 2(a) of the RPC. In the Employees of a licensed recruitment agency may be
same manner, a person acquitted of illegal recruitment may be held liable for illegal recruitment as principal by direct
held liable for estafa. Double jeopardy will not set in because participation, together with his employer, if it is shown that he
illegal recruitment is malum prohibitum, in which there is no actively and consciously participated in illegal recruitment.
necessity to prove criminal intent, whereas estafa is malum in Good faith and merely following orders of superiors
se, in the prosecution of which, proof of criminal intent is are not valid defenses of an employee.
necessary [Sy v. People].
Page 12 of 191
A manager of a recruitment/manning agency is not a (b) Suspension for not more than ninety (90) days; or
mere employee. As such, he receives job applications, (c) Dismissal from the service with disqualifications
interviews applicants and informs them of the agency’s to hold any appointive public office for five (5) years.
requirement of payment of performance or cash bond prior to Provided, however, that the penalties herein provided
the applicant’s deployment. As the crewing manager, he was at shall be without prejudice to any liability which any such
the forefront of the company’s recruitment activities. official may have incurred under other existing laws or rules
and regulations as a consequence of violating the provisions of
2. Theory of Imputed Knowledge this paragraph.
Knowledge of the agent is deemed knowledge of the
principal but not the other way around. The theory of imputed II
knowledge is a rule that any information material to the EMPLOYMENT OF NON-RESIDENT ALIENS
transaction, either possessed by the agent at the time of the
transaction or acquired by him before its completion, is deemed A. ALIEN EMPLOYMENT PERMIT (AEP)
to be the knowledge of the principal, at least insofar as the
transaction is concerned, even though the knowledge, in fact, is Article 40. Employment Permit of Non-resident Aliens.
not communicated to the principal at all. Any alien seeking admission to the Philippines for employment
Sunace International Management Services, Inc. v. purposes and any domestic or foreign employer who desires to
NLRC - The High Court here has the opportunity to discuss the engage an alien for employment in the Philippines shall obtain an
application of the theory of imputed knowledge. The OFW employment permit from the Department of Labor.
(Divina), a domestic helper in Taiwan, has extended her 12- The employment permit may be issued to a non-resident
alien or to the applicant employer after a determination of the non-
month contract, after its expiration, for two (2) more years after
availability of a person in the Philippines who is competent, able
which she returned to the Philippines. It was established by
and willing at the time of application to perform the services for
evidence that the extension was without the knowledge of the which the alien is desired.
local recruitment agency, petitioner Sunace. The Court of For an enterprise registered in preferred areas of
Appeals, however, affirmed the Labor Arbiter’s and NLRC’s investments, said employment permit may be issued upon
finding that Sunace knew of and impliedly consented to the recommendation of the government agency charged with the
extension of Divina’s 2-year contract. It went on to state that supervision of said registered enterprise.
“It is undisputed that [Sunace] was continually communicating
with [Divina’s] foreign employer.” It thus concluded that “[a]s B. EXEMPTION
agent of the foreign principal, ‘petitioner cannot profess The following categories of foreign nationals are
ignorance of such extension as obviously, the act of the exempt from securing an AEP:
principal extending complainant (sic) employment contract
necessarily bound it.’” a. All members of the diplomatic service and
In finding that the application by the CA of this foreign government officials accredited by and
theory of imputed knowledge was misplaced, the High Court with reciprocity arrangement with the Philippine
ruled that this theory ascribes the knowledge of the agent, government;
Sunace, to the principal, employer Xiong, not the other way b. Officers and staff of international organizations
around. The knowledge of the principal-foreign employer of which the Philippine government is a
cannot, therefore, be imputed to its agent, Sunace. There being
member, and their legitimate spouses desiring to
no substantial proof that Sunace knew of and consented to be
work in the Philippines;
bound under the 2-year employment contract extension, it
c. Owners and representatives of foreign principals
cannot be said to be privy thereto. As such, Sunace and its
owner cannot be held solidarily liable for any of Divina’s whose companies are accredited by the POEA,
claims arising from the 2-year employment extension. As the who come to the Philippines for a limited period
New Civil Code provides: “Contracts take effect only between and solely for the purpose of interviewing
the parties, their assigns, and heirs, except in case where the Filipino applicants for employment abroad;
rights and obligations arising from the contract are not d. Foreign nationals who come to the Philippines
transmissible by their nature, or by stipulation or by provision to teach, present and/or conduct research studies
of law.” in universities and colleges as visiting, exchange
or adjunct professors under formal agreements
E. TERMINATION OF CONTRACT OF MIGRANT between the universities or colleges in the
WORKER Philippines and foreign universities or colleges;
In case of termination of overseas employment or between the Philippine government and
without just, valid or authorized cause as defined by law or foreign government, provided that the
contract, the workers shall be entitled to the full reimbursement exemption is on reciprocal basis;
of his placement fee with interest of twelve percent (12%) per e. Permanent resident foreign nationals and
annum, plus his salaries for the unexpired portion of his
probationary or temporary resident VISA
employment contract or for three (3) months for every year of
holders under Section 13(a-f) of the Philippine
the unexpired term, whichever is less.
Immigration Act of 1940 and Section 3 of the
Non-compliance with the mandatory periods for
resolutions of cases provided under this section shall subject the Alien Social Integration Act of 1995 (R.A.
responsible officials to any or all of the following penalties: 7917);
(a) The salary of any such official who fails to render f. Refugees and Stateless Persons recognized by
his decision or resolutions within the prescribed period shall be, DOJ pursuant to Article 17 of the UN
or caused to be, withheld until the said official complies Convention and Protocol Relating to status of
therewith; Refugees and Stateless Persons; and
Page 13 of 191
g. All foreign nationals granted exemption by law. foreign and local addresses, nature of employment and status of
stay in the country. The Secretary of Labor shall then determine if
they are entitled to an employment permit.
The following categories of foreign nationals are
excluded securing an AEP: III
a. Members of the governing board with voting
rights only and do not intervene in the A. AGE (R.A. 10911)
management of the corporation or in the day to
day operation of the enterprise. Section 5. Prohibition of Discrimination in Employment
b. President and Treasurer, who are part-owners of on Account of Age -
(a) It shall be unlawful for an employer to:
the company. (1) Print or publish, or cause to be printed or published,
c. Those providing consultancy services who do in any form of media, including the internet, any notice of
not have employers in the Philippines. advertisement relating to employment suggesting preferences,
d. Intra-corporate transferee who is a manager, limitations, specifications, and discrimination based on age;
executive or specialist as defined below in (2) Require the declaration of age or birth date during
the application process;
accordance with Trade Agreements and an (3) Decline any employment application because of the
employee of the foreign service supplier for at individual’s age;
least one (1) year continuous employment prior (4) Discriminate against an individual in terms of
to deployment to a branch, subsidiary, affiliate compensation, terms and conditions or privileges of employment
or representative office in the Philippines. on account of such individual’s age;
(5) Deny any employee’s or worker’s promotion or
e. Contractual service supplier who is a manager, opportunity for training because of age;
executive or specialist and an employee of a (6) Forcibly lay off an employee or worker because of
foreign service supplier which has no old age; or
commercial presence in the Philippines: (7) Impose early retirement on the basis of such
(i) Who enters the Philippines employee’s or worker’s age.
(b) It shall be unlawful for a labor contractor or
temporarily to supply a service subcontractor, if any, to refuse to refer for employment or
pursuant to a contract between otherwise discriminate against any individual because of such
his/her employer and a service person’s age.
consumer in the Philippines; (c) It shall be unlawful for a labor organization to:
(ii) Must possess the appropriate (1) Deny membership to any individual because of such
individual’s age;
educational and professional
(2) Exclude from its membership any individual because
qualifications; and of such individual’s age; or
(iii) Must be employed by the foreign (3) Cause or attempt to cause an employer to
service supplier for at least one year discriminate against an individual in violation of this Act.
prior to the supply of service in the (d) It shall be unlawful for a publisher to print or publish
any notice of advertisement relating to employment suggesting
preferences, limitations, specifications, and discrimination based
on age.
f. Representative of the Foreign
Principal/Employer assigned in the Office of Section 6. Exceptions. - It shall not be unlawful for an
Licensed Manning Agency (OLMA) in employer to set age limitations in employment if:
accordance with the POEA law, rules and (a) Age is a bona fide occupational qualification
regulations. reasonably necessary in the normal operation of a particular
business or where the differentiation is based on reasonable factors
other than age;
(b) The intent is to observe the terms of a bona fide
EMPLOYMENT seniority system that is not intended to evade the purpose of this
Article 41. Prohibition Against Transfer of Employment. (c) The intent is to observe the terms of a bona fide
(a) After the issuance of an employment permit, the alien shall not employee retirement or a voluntary early retirement plan
transfer to another job or change his employer without prior consistent with the purpose of this Act: Provided, That such
approval of the Secretary of Labor. retirement or voluntary retirement plan is in accordance with the
(b) Any non-resident alien who shall take up Labor Code, as amended, and other related laws; or
employment in violation of the provision of this Title and its (d) The action is duly certified by the Secretary of Labor
implementing rules and regulations shall be punished in and Employment in accordance with the purpose of this Act.
accordance with the provisions of Articles 289 and 29043 of the
In addition, the alien worker shall be subject to
deportation after service of his sentence.
SECTION 22. Right to Decent Work. — The State
shall progressively realize and ensure decent work standards for
E. SUBMISSION OF LIST women that involve the creation of jobs of acceptable quality in
conditions of freedom, equity, security, and human dignity.
Article 42. Submission of List. Any employer employing (a) Decent work involves opportunities for work
non-resident foreign nationals on the effective date of this Code that are productive and fairly remunerative as family living wage,
shall submit a list of such nationals to the Secretary of Labor within security in the workplace, and social protection for families, better
thirty (30) days after such date indicating their names, citizenship, prospects for personal development and social integration,
Page 14 of 191
freedom for people to express their concerns, organize, participate (i). Excluding disabled persons from membership in
in the decisions that affect their lives, and equality of opportunity labor unions or similar organization.
and treatment for all women and men.
(b) The State shall further ensure:
SECTION 33. Employment Entrance Examination :
(1) Support services and gears to protect them
Upon an offer of employment, a disabled applicant may be
from occupational and health hazards taking into account women’s
subjected to medical examination, on the following occasions:
maternal functions;
(a). all entering employees are subjected to such an
(2) Support services that will enable women to
examination regardless of disability;
balance their family obligations and work responsibilities
(b). information obtained during the medical condition
including, but not limited to, the establishment of day care centers
or history of the applicant is collected and maintained on separate
and breast-feeding stations at the workplace, and providing
forms and in separate medical files and is treated as a confidential
maternity leave pursuant to the Labor Code and other pertinent
medical record, Provided, however, That:
1). supervisors and managers may be informed
(3) Membership in unions regardless of status of
regarding necessary restrictions on the work or duties of the
employment and place of employment; and
employees and necessary accommodations;
(4) Respect for the observance of indigenous
2). first aid and safety personnel my be informed, when
peoples’ cultural practices even in the workplace.
appropriate, if the disability might require emergency treatment;
(c) In recognition of the temporary nature of
3). government officials investigating compliance with
overseas work, the State shall exert all efforts to address the causes
this Act shall be provided relevant information on request; and
of out-migration by developing local employment and other
4). the results of such examination are used only
economic opportunities for women and by introducing measures to
accordance with this Act.
curb violence and forced and involuntary displacement of local
women. The State shall ensure the protection and promotion of the
rights and welfare of migrant women regardless of their work D. SOLO PARENTS (R.A. 8972)
status, and protect them against discrimination in wages,
conditions of work, and employment opportunities in host Section 7. Work Discrimination. - No employer shall
countries. discriminate against any solo parent employee with respect to
terms and conditions of employment on account of his/her status.
Page 15 of 191
Page 16 of 191
I or prejudicial to the employee; nor does it involve a demotion
MANAGEMENT PREROGATIVE in rank or a diminution of his salaries, privileges and other
benefits.[10] Should the employer fail to overcome this burden
It is the employer’s prerogative, based on its of proof, the employee’s transfer shall be tantamount to
assessment and perception of its employees’ qualifications, constructive dismissal, which has been defined as a quitting
aptitudes, and competence, to move them around in the various because continued employment is rendered impossible,
areas of its business operations in order to ascertain where they unreasonable or unlikely; as an offer involving a demotion in
will function with maximum benefit to the company [Pecson v. rank and diminution in pay. Likewise, constructive dismissal
Robinson]. exists when an act of clear discrimination, insensibility or
Management is free to regulate, according to its own disdain by an employer has become so unbearable to the
discretion and judgment, all aspects of employment, including employee leaving him with no option but to forego with his
hiring, work assignments, working methods, time, place and continued employment [Blue Dairy v. NLRC].
manner of work, processes to be followed, supervision of In the resolution of whether the transfer of the
workers, working regulations, transfer of employees, work respondents from one area of operation to another was valid,
supervision, lay off of workers and discipline, dismissal and finding a balance between the scope and limitation of the
recall of workers. The exercise of management prerogative, exercise of management prerogative and the employees' right
however, is not absolute as it must be exercised in good faith to security of tenure is necessary. We have to weigh and
and with due regard to the rights of labor [Julie’s Bakeshop v. consider, on the one hand, that management has a wide
Arnaiz]. discretion to regulate all aspects of employment, including the
transfer and re-assignment of employees according to the
A. DISCIPLINE exigencies of the business; and, on the other, that the transfer
Management has the prerogative to discipline its constitutes constructive dismissal when it is unreasonable,
employees and to impose appropriate penalties on erring inconvenient or prejudicial to the employee, or involves a
workers pursuant to company rules and regulations [Artificio v. demotion in rank or diminution of salaries, benefits and other
NLRC]. privileges, or when the acts of discrimination, insensibility or
Among the employer’s management prerogatives is disdain on the part of the employer become unbearable for the
the right to prescribe reasonable rules and regulations necessary employee, forcing him to forego her employment [Chateau v.
or proper for the conduct of its business or concern, to provide Balba].
certain disciplinary measures to implement said rules and to Concerning the transfer of employees, these are the
assure that the same would be complied with [St. Luke’s following jurisprudential guidelines: (a) a transfer is a
Medical Center, Inc. v. Sanchez]. movement from one position to another of equivalent rank,
The employer’s right to conduct the affairs of his level or salary without break in the service or a lateral
business, according to its own discretion and judgment, movement from one position to another of equivalent rank or
includes the prerogative to instill discipline in its employees salary; (b) the employer has the inherent right to transfer or
and to impose penalties, including dismissal, upon erring reassign an
employees [Consolidated Food Corporation v. NRLC]. employee for legitimate business purposes; (c) a transfe
Right to dismiss or otherwise impose disciplinary r becomes unlawful where it is motivated by discrimination or
sanctions upon an employee for just and valid cause, pertains bad faith or is effected as a form of punishment or is a demotion
in the first place to the employer, as well as the authority to without sufficient cause; (d) the employer must be able to show
determine the existence of said cause in accordance with the that the transfer is not unreasonable, inconvenient, or
norms of due process [Makati Haberdashery, Inc. v. NLRC]. prejudicial to the employee [Automatic v. Deguildo].
Page 18 of 191
under receivership and ordered to close operation. In 1988, and other confidential programs and information from
it was ordered liquidated. competitors. We considered the prohibition against personal or
It is evident, therefore, that petitioner bank was marital relationships with employees of competitor companies
operating on net losses from the years 1984, 1985 and 1986,
upon Glaxo's employees reasonable under the circumstances
thus, resulting to its eventual closure in 1987 and liquidation
in 1988. Clearly, there was no success in business or
because relationships of that nature might compromise the
realization of profits to speak of that would warrant the interests of Glaxo. In laying down the assailed company policy,
conferment of additional benefits sought by private we recognized that Glaxo only aims to protect its interests
respondents. No company should be compelled to act against the possibility that a competitor company will gain
liberally and confer upon its employees’ additional benefits access to its secrets and procedures.
over and above those mandated by law when it is plagued The requirement that a company policy must
by economic difficulties and financial losses. No act of be reasonable under the circumstances to qualify as a valid
enlightened generosity and self-interest can be exacted from
exercise of management prerogative was also at issue in the
near empty, if not empty coffers.
1997 case of Philippine Telegraph and Telephone Company
v. NLRC. In said case, the employee was dismissed in
violation of petitioner's policy of disqualifying from work any
Management retains the prerogative, whenever
woman worker who contracts marriage. We held that the
exigencies of the service so require, to change the working
company policy violates the right against discrimination
hours of its employees. So long as such prerogative is exercised
afforded all women workers under Article 136 of the Labor
in good faith for the advancement of the employer’s interest
Code, but established a permissible exception, viz.:
and not for the purpose of defeating or circumventing the rights
[A] requirement that a woman employee must remain
of the employees under special laws or under valid agreements,
unmarried could be justified as a "bona fide occupational
this Court will uphold such exercise [Sime Darby Pilipinas Inc.
qualification," or BFOQ, where the particular requirements of
v. NLRC].
the job would justify the same, but not on the ground of a
general principle, such as the desirability of spreading work in
the workplace. A requirement of that nature would be valid
According to the Supreme Court, to justify a bona
provided it reflects an inherent quality reasonably
fide occupational qualification the employer must the two (2)
necessary for satisfactory job performance.
The cases of Duncan and PT&T instruct us that the
requirement of reasonableness must be clearly established to
a. That the employment qualification is reasonably
uphold the questioned employment policy. The employer has
related to the essential operation of the job the burden to prove the existence of a reasonable business
involved. necessity. The burden was successfully discharged in Duncan
b. That there is a factual basis for believing that all but not in PT&T [Star Paper v. Simbol].
persons meeting the qualification would be
unable to properly perform the duties of the job. G. POST-EMPLOYMENT RESTRICTIONS
In cases where an employee assails a contract
containing a provision prohibiting him or her from accepting
Anti-Marriage Clause competitive employment as against public policy, the employer
has to adduce evidence to prove that the restriction is
Article 134. Stipulation Against Marriage. It shall be reasonable and not greater than necessary to protect the
unlawful for an employer to require as a condition of employment employer's legitimate business interests. The restraint may not
or continuation of employment that a woman employee shall not be unduly harsh or oppressive in curtailing the employee's
get married, or to stipulate expressly or tacitly that upon getting
legitimate efforts to earn a livelihood and must be reasonable
married, a woman employee shall be deemed resigned or
separated, or to actually dismiss, discharge, discriminate or
in light of sound public policy [Rivera v. Solidbank].
otherwise prejudice a woman employee merely by reason of her Thus, in determining whether the contract is
marriage. reasonable or not, the trial court should consider the following
factors: (a) whether the covenant protects a legitimate business
While a marriage or no-marriage qualification may interest of the employer; (b) whether the covenant creates an
be justified as a "bona fide occupational qualification," The undue burden on the employee; (c) whether the covenant is
employer must prove two factors necessitating its injurious to the public welfare; (d) whether the time and
imposition, viz: (1) that the employment qualification territorial limitations contained in the covenant are reasonable;
is reasonably related to the essential operation of the job and (e) whether the restraint is reasonable from the standpoint
involved; and (2) that there is a factual basis for believing that of public policy. Not to be ignored is the fact that the banking
all or substantially all persons meeting the qualification would business is so impressed with public interest where the trust and
be unable to properly perform the duties of the job [Capin- interest of the public in general is of paramount importance
Cadiz v. Brent]. such that the appropriate standard of diligence must be very
The concept of a bona fide occupational qualification high, if not the highest degree of diligence [Rivera v.
is not foreign in our jurisdiction. We employ the standard Solidbank].
of reasonableness of the company policy which is parallel to
the bona fide occupational qualification requirement. In the Rivera v. Solidbank
recent case of Duncan Association of Detailman-PTGWO and Held: A post-retirement competitive employment
restriction is designed to protect the employer against competition by
Pedro Tecson v. Glaxo Wellcome Philippines, Inc., we passed
former employees who may retire and obtain retirement or pension
on the validity of the policy of a pharmaceutical company
benefits and, at the same time, engage in competitive employment.
prohibiting its employees from marrying employees of any We have reviewed the Undertaking which respondent
competitor company. We held that Glaxo has a right to guard impelled petitioner to sign, and find that in case of failure to comply
its trade secrets, manufacturing formulas, marketing strategies with the promise not to accept competitive employment within one year
Page 19 of 191
from February 28, 1995, respondent will have a cause of action against Considering the nature of the business in which the
petitioner for "protection in the courts of law." The words "cause of defendant is engaged, in relation with the limitation placed upon the
action for protection in the courts of law" are so broad and plaintiff both as to time and place, we are of the opinion, .and so decide,
comprehensive, that they may also include a cause of action for that such limitation is legal and reasonable and not contrary to public
prohibitory and mandatory injunction against petitioner, specific policy. Therefore the judgment appealed from should be and is hereby
performance plus damages, or a damage suit (for actual, moral and/or affirmed, with costs. So ordered.
exemplary damages), all inclusive of the restitution of the P963,619.28
which petitioner received from respondent. The Undertaking and the
Consulta v. Court of Appeals
Release, Waiver and Quitclaim do not provide for the automatic
Held: Consulta’s appointment had an exclusivity
forfeiture of the benefits petitioner received under the SRP upon his
provision. The appointment provided that Consulta must represent
breach of said deeds. Thus, the post-retirement competitive
Pamana on an exclusive basis. She must not engage directly or
employment ban incorporated in the Undertaking of respondent does
indirectly in activities of other companies that compete with the
not, on its face, appear to be of the same class or genre as that
business of Pamana. However, the fact that the appointment required
contemplated in Rochester.
Consulta to solicit business exclusively for Pamana did not mean that
Pamana exercised control over the means and methods of Consulta’s
Del Castillo v. Richmonde work as the term control is understood in labor
Held: placed upon the right of the plaintiff is, that he shall jurisprudence.[20] Neither did it make Consulta an employee of
"not open, nor own, nor have any interest directly or indirectly in any Pamana. Pamana did not prohibit Consulta from engaging in any other
other drugstore either in his own name or in the name of another; nor business, or from being connected with any other company, for as long
have any connection with or be employed by any other drugstore as as the business or company did not compete with Pamana’s business.
pharmacist or in any capacity in any drugstore situated within a radius The prohibition applied for one year after the termination of
of four miles from the district of Legaspi, municipality and Province of the contract with Pamana. In one of their meetings, one of the
Albay, while the said Shannon Richmond or his heirs may own or have Managing Associates reported that he was transferring his sales force
open a drugstore, or have an interest in any other one within the limits and account from another company to Pamana.[21] The exclusivity
of the districts of Legaspi, Albay, and Daraga of the municipality of provision was a reasonable restriction designed to prevent similar acts
Albay, Province of Albay." It will be noted that the restrictions placed prejudicial to Pamana’s business interest. Article 1306 of the Civil
upon the plaintiff are strictly limited (a) to a limited district or districts, Code provides that “[t]he contracting parties may establish such
and (b) during the time while the defendant or his heirs may own or stipulations, clauses, terms and conditions as they may deem
have open a drugstore, or have an interest in any other one within said convenient, provided they are not contrary to law, morals, good
limited district. customs, public order, or public policy.”
The law concerning contracts which tend to restrain
business or trade has gone through a long series of changes from time
to time with the changing conditions of trade and commerce. With
trifling exceptions, said changes have been a continuous development LABOR STANDARDS
of a general rule. The early cases show plainly a disposition to avoid
and annul all contract which prohibited or restrained any one from A. CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT
using a lawful trade "at any time or at any place," as being against the
benefit of the state. Later, however, the rule became well established 1. Coverage
that if the restraint was limited to "a certain time" and within "a certain
place," such contracts were valid and not "against the benefit of the
state." Later cases, and we think the rule is now well established, have Article 82. Coverage. The provisions of this Title shall
held that a contract in restraint of trade is valid providing there is a apply to employees in all establishments and undertakings whether
limitation upon either time or place. A contract, however, which for profit or not, but not to government employees, managerial
restrains a man from entering into a business or trade without either a employees, field personnel, members of the family of the employer
limitation as to time or place, will be held invalid. (Anchor Electric Co. who are dependent on him for support, domestic helpers, persons
vs. Hawkes, 171 Mass., 101; Alger vs. Thacher, 19 Pickering [Mass.], in the personal service of another, and workers who are paid by
51; Taylor vs. Blanchard, 13 Allen [Mass.], 370; Lufkin Rule Co. vs. results as determined by the Secretary of Labor in appropriate
Fringeli, 57 Ohio State, 596; Fowle vs. Park, 131 U. S., 88, 97; regulations.
Diamond Match Co. vs. Roeber, 106 N. Y., 473; National Benefit Co. As used herein, "managerial employees" refer to those
vs. Union Hospital Co., 45 Minn., 272; Swigert and Howard vs. Tilden, whose primary duty consists of the management of the
121 Iowa, 650.) establishment in which they are employed or of a department or
The public welfare of course must always be considered, subdivision thereof, and to other officers or members of the
and if it be not involved and the restraint upon one party is not greater managerial staff.
than protection to the other requires, contracts like the one we are "Field personnel" shall refer to non-agricultural
discussing will be sustained. The general tendency, we believe, of employees who regularly perform their duties away from the
modern authority, is to make the test whether the restraint is reasonably principal place of business or branch office of the employer and
necessary for the protection of the contracting parties. If the contract is whose actual hours of work in the field cannot be determined with
reasonably necessary to protect the interest of the parties, it will be reasonable certainty.
upheld. (Ollendorff vs. Abrahamson, 38 Phil., 585.)
In that case we held that a contract by which an employee In the situation where employment relationship
agrees to refrain for a given length of time, after the expiration of the exists* the next matter of concern is coverage, that is, who are
term of his employment, from engaging in a business, competitive with the employees that are or are not covered by the law on
that of his employer, is not void as being in restraint of trade if the
conditions of employment. Article 82 says that the whole Title
restraint imposed is not greater than that which is necessary to afford a
reasonable protection. In all cases like the present, the question is I — from Articles 82 to 96 (Working Conditions and Rest
whether, under the particular circumstances of the case and the nature Periods) — applies to all employees in all establishments,
of the particular contract involved in it, the contract is, or is not, except the following: (1) government employees, (2)
unreasonable. Of course in establishing whether the contract is a managerial employees, including other officers or members of
reasonable or unreasonable one, the nature of the business must also be the managerial staff, (3) field personnel, (4) the employer's
considered. What would be a reasonable restriction as to time and place family members who depend on him for support, (5) domestic
upon the manufacture of railway locomotive engines might be a very helpers, (6) persons in the personal service of another, (7)
unreasonable restriction when imposed upon the employment of a day
workers who are paid by results as determined under DOLE
Page 20 of 191
or P1,000 for the year.[20] Even foreigners, whether residents or
a. Government Employees not, can be members of the PNRC. Section 5 of the PNRC
As noted in the Preliminary Title, government Charter, as amended by Presidential Decree No. 1264, reads:
employees are governed by the Civil Service rules and
regulations, not by the Labor Code, particularly this Title on SEC. 5. Membership in the Philippine National
employment conditions. But this exclusion does not refer to Red Cross shall be open to the entire population in the
Philippines regardless of citizenship. Any contribution to
employees of government agencies and government
the Philippine National Red Cross Annual Fund Campaign
corporations that are incorporated under the Corporation Code. shall entitle the contributor to membership for one year and
To them the Labor Code applies. said contribution shall be deductible in full for taxation
Government employees are those in the national purposes.
government, its agencies, instrumentalities, local governments,
provincial, city, municipal governments, and government Thus, the PNRC is a privately owned, privately
owned and controlled corporations with original charter. And funded, and privately run charitable organization. The PNRC is
that last category is the problematic category, those that are not a government-owned or controlled corporation [Liban v.
employed by government owned and controlled corporations Gordon].
with original charter. With original charter came only in the
1987 Constitution. It was not in the 1973 constitution. All of b. Managerial Employees
the sudden in the 1987 Constitution, they broadened They are employees, there is ER EE relationship but
government employees, so that they will be under the labor not covered by labor standards. Hours of work, rates of pay,
code. leaves, and so on. They are not covered because managerial
As noted in the Preliminary Title, government employees are not engaged for the time that they put in. They
employees are governed by the Civil Service rules and are not time employees. They are engaged for their specific
regulations, not by the Labor Code, particularly this Title on qualifications, technical qualifications or the results that they
employment conditions. But this exclusion does not refer to would produce.
employees of government agencies and government Managerial employees and other officers or members
corporations that are incorporated under the Corporation Code. of the managerial staff are also excluded from the coverage of
To them the Labor Code applies. Articles 82 to 96. The Implementing Rules of Book III defines
The test to determine whether a corporation is the workers that belong to these categories. Since "managerial
government owned or controlled, or private in nature is employees" include managerial staff, the definition therefore
simple. Is it created by its own charter for the exercise of a covers more people than does the definition in Article 212(m).
public function, or by incorporation under the general "Managerial employee" in Article 82 includes supervisors, but
corporation law? Those with special charters are government "managerial employee" under Article 212(m) does not. In
corporations subject to its provisions, and its employees are effect, a supervisor is manager for purposes of Book III, but he
under the jurisdiction of the Civil Service Commission, and are is not so for purposes of Book V. It follows that under Book V,
compulsory members of the Government Service Insurance supervisors, unlike managers, are allowed to form, join or assist
System [PSPCA v. Court of Appeals]. the labor union of fellow supervisors. But under Book III,
The Boy Scouts of the Philippines is a public supervisors, like managers, are riot entitled to the benefits
corporation created by law for a public purpose attached to under Articles 83 through 96, such as overtime pay or rest day
DepEd under its charter (CA 111 as amended by RA 7278) and or holiday pay. If a supervisor is given these benefits, it is not
EO 292. Its funds are subject to COA audit. The BSP is a because of law but the employer's voluntary act or contractual
Public Corporation Not obligation.
Subject to the Test of Government The following are the Kinds of Managerial
Ownership or Control and Economic Employees:
Viability. The BSP is a public corporation or a government
agency or instrumentality with juridical personality, which (i) Those who manage the establishment
does not fall within the constitutional prohibition in Article XII, in which they are employed;
Section 16, notwithstanding the amendments to its charter. Not (ii) Other officers or members of the
all corporations, which are not government owned or
managerial staff
controlled, are ipso facto to be considered private corporations
as there exists another distinct class of corporations or chartered
Those who manage the establishment in
institutions which are otherwise known as "public
which they are employed.
corporations." These corporations are treated by law as
agencies or instrumentalities of the government which are not Employees are considered occupying managerial
subject to the tests of ownership or control and economic positions if they meet all of the following conditions, namely:
viability but to different criteria relating to their public
purposes/interests or constitutional policies and objectives and • Their primary duty consists of
their administrative relationship to the government or any of its management of the establishment in which
Departments or Offices [BSP v. COA]. they are employed or of a department or
PNRC is a Private Organization Performing Public subdivision thereof;
Functions. The PNRC is not government-owned but privately • They customarily and regularly direct the
owned. The vast majority of the thousands of PNRC members work of two or more employees therein;
are private individuals, including students. Under the PNRC • They have the authority to hire or fire other
Charter, those who contribute to the annual fund campaign of employees of lower rank; or their
the PNRC are entitled to membership in the PNRC for one year. suggestions and recommendations as to the
Thus, any one between 6 and 65 years of age can be a PNRC hiring and firing and as to the promotion or
member for one year upon contributing P35, P100, P300, P500
any other change of status of other
Page 21 of 191
employees are given particular weight assignment and tasks [Clientlogic v.
[Clientlogic v. Castro]. Castro].
Cruz v. BPI
Held: The test of “supervisory” or “managerial status”
San Miguel Brewery v. Democratic Labor
depends on whether a person possesses authority to act in the interest Organization
of his employer and whether such authority is not merely routinary or Held: Where after the morning roll call the outside or field
clerical in nature, but requires the use of independent judgment. sales personnel leave the plant of the company to go on their respective
In respondent's Position Paper before the NLRC and its sales routes and they do not have a daily time record but the sales routes
Memorandum,24 respondent stated that the responsibility of petitioner, are so planned that they can be completed within 8 hours at most, and
among others, were as follows: (1) to maintain the integrity of the they receive monthly salaries and sales commissions in variable
signature card files of certificates of deposits and/or detect spurious amounts, so that they are made to work beyond the required eight hours
signature cards in the same files; (2) to ensure that releases of original similar to piece-work, pakiao, or commission basis regardless of the
CDS are done only against valid considerations and made only to the time employed, and the employees' participation depends on their
legitimate depositors or their duly authorized representatives; (3) to industry, it is held that the Eighthour Labor Law has no application to
approve payments or withdrawals of deposits by clients to ensure that said outside or field sales personnel and that they are not entitled to
such withdrawals are valid transactions of the bank; and (4) to supervise overtime compensation.
the performance of certain rank-and-file employees of the branch. In our opinion, the Eight-hour Labor Law only has
Petitioner holds a managerial status since she is tasked to application where an employee or laborer is paid on a monthly or daily
act in the interest of her employer as she exercises independent basis, or is paid a monthly or daily compensation, in which case, if he
judgment when she approves pre-termination of USD CDs or the is made to work beyond the requisite period of eight hours, he should
withdrawal of deposits. In fact, petitioner admitted the exercise of be paid the additional compensation prescribed by law. This law has no
independent judgment when she explained that as regards the pre- application when the employee or laborer is paid on a piece-work,
termination of the USD CDs of Uymatiao and Caluag, the transactions pakiao, or commission basis, regardless of the time employed. The
were approved on the basis of her independent judgment that the philosophy behind this exemption is that his earnings in the form of
signatures in all the documents presented to her by the traders matched, commission is based on the gross receipts of the day. His participation
as shown in her reply dated April 23, 2002 to respondent's depends upon his industry so that the more hours he employs in the
memorandum asking her to explain the unauthorized work, the greater are his gross returns and the higher his commission.
preterminations/withdrawals of U.S. dollar deposits in the BPI Ayala This philosophy is better explained in Jewel Tea Co. vs. Williams,
Avenue Branch. CCA. Okla., 118 F. 2d 202, as follows:
The reasons for excluding an outside salesman are fairly
apparent. Such salesman, to a greater extent, works individually. There
(ii) Officers or Members of the Managerial are no restrictions respecting the time he shall work and he can earn as
Staff much or as little, within the range of his ability, as his ambition dictates.
They are considered as officers or members of a In lieu of overtime, he ordinarily receives commissions as extra
managerial staff if they perform the following duties and compensation. He works away from his employer's place of business,
responsibilities: is not subject to the personal supervision of his employer, and his
employer has no way of knowing the number of hours he works per
• The primary duty consists of the
performance of work directly related to
Union of Filipino Employees v. Vivar
management policies of their employer;
Held: It is undisputed that these sales personnel start their
• Customarily and regularly exercise field work at 8:00 a.m. after having reported to the office and come
discretion and independent judgment; back to the office at 4:00 p.m. if they are Makati-based. The petitioner
• (i) Regularly and directly assist a [union] maintains that the period between 8:00 a.m. [and] 4:00 or 4:30
p.m. comprises the sales personnel's working hours which can be
proprietor or a managerial employee whose
determined with reasonable certainty. The Court does not agree. The
primary duty consists of management of law requires that the actual hours of work in the field be reasonably
the establishment in which he is employed ascertained. The company has no way of determining whether or not
or subdivision thereof; or (ii) execute under these sales personnel, even if they report to the office before 8:00 a.m.
general supervision work along specialized prior to field work and come back at 4:30 p.m., really spend the hours
in between in actual field work. Despite the above ruling, the
or technical lines requiring special training,
entitlement to overtime pay of piece-work employees has to be
experience, or knowledge; or (iii) execute, reexamined under Article 101 where the different kinds of piece-work
under general supervision, special employees are explained.
Page 22 of 191
[I]t is undisputed that [the petitioners] as bus
Auto Bus Transport System v. Bautista drivers/conductors ply specific routes of [PSEI], x x x averaging 2 to 5
days per round trip. They follow fixed time schedules of travel and
Held: Bus drivers and conductors are supervised; their
follow the designated route of [PSEI]. Thus, in carrying out their
actual work hours are monitored. The definition of a "field personnel"
is not merely concerned with the location where the employee regularly functions as bus drivers/conductors, they are not at liberty to deviate
from the fixed time schedules for departure or arrival or change the
performs his duties but also with the fact that the employee's
routes other than those specifically designated for [PSEI], in
performance is unsupervised by the employer. As discussed above,
accordance with the franchise granted to the [PSEI] as a public utility
field personnel are those who regularly perform their duties away
provider. In other words, [the petitioners] are clearly under the strict
from the principal place of business of the employer and whose
supervision and control of [PSEI] in the performance of their functions
actual hours of work in the field cannot be determined with
otherwise the latter will not be able to carry out its business as public
reasonable certainty. Thus, in order to conclude whether an employee
utility service provider in accordance with its franchise.
is a field employee, it is also necessary to ascertain if actual hours of
The Court agrees with the above-quoted findings of the
work in the field can be determined with reasonable certainty by the
NLRC. Clearly, the petitioners, as bus drivers and/or conductors, are
employer. In so doing, an inquiry must be made as to whether or not
left alone in the field with the duty to comply with the conditions of the
the employee's time and performance are constantly supervised by the
employer. respondents' franchise, as well as to take proper care and custody of the
bus they are using. Since the respondents are engaged in the public
As observed by the Labor Arbiter and concurred in by the
utility business, the petitioners, as bus drivers and/or conductors,
Court of Appeals: It is of judicial notice that along the routes that are
should be considered as regular employees of the respondents because
plied by these bus companies, there are its inspectors assigned at
they perform tasks which are directly and necessarily connected with
strategic places who board the bus and inspect the passengers, the
the respondents' business. Thus, they are consequently entitled to the
punched tickets, and the conductor's reports. There is also the
benefits accorded to regular employees of the respondents, including
mandatory once-a-week car barn or shop day, where the bus is regularly
overtime pay and SIL pay.
checked as to its mechanical, electrical, and hydraulic aspects, whether
or not there are problems thereon as reported by the driver and/or
conductor. They too, must be at specific place as [sic] specified time, If usage of work hours is supervised, the employee
as they generally observe prompt departure and arrival from their point is not a "field personnel." Same rule applies to an employee
of origin to their point of destination. In each and every depot, there is paid on task or commission basis.
always the Dispatcher whose function is precisely to see to it that the The clause "whose time and performance is
bus and its crew leave the premises at specific times and arrive at the
unsupervised by the employer" did not amplify but merely
estimated proper time. These are present in the case at bar. The driver,
the complainant herein, was therefore under constant supervision while interpreted and expounded the clause "whose actual hours of
in the performance of this work. He cannot be considered a field work in the field cannot be determined with reasonable
personnel. certainty." The former clause is still within the scope and
The same is true with respect to the phrase "those who are purview of Article 82 which defines field personnel. Hence, in
engaged on task or contract basis, purely commission basis. "Said deciding whether or not an employee's actual working hours in
phrase should be related with "field personnel," applying the rule on the field can be determined with reasonable certainty, query
ejusdem generis that general and unlimited terms are restrained and must be made as to whether or not such employee's time and
limited by the particular terms that they follow. Hence, employees
performance is constantly supervised by the employer.
engaged on task or contract basis or paid on purely commission basis
are not automatically exempted from the grant of service incentive
leave, unless they fall under the classification of field personnel. Mercidar Fishing Corporation v. NLRC
Therefore, petitioner's contention that respondent [a driver- Held: In the case at bar, during the entire course of their
conductor plying Manila-Tuguegarao-Baguio] is not entided to the fishing voyage, fishermen employed by petitioner have no choice but
grant of service incentive leave just because he was paid on purely to remain on board its vessel. Although they perform non-agricultural
commission basis [7% of gross income per trip] is misplaced. What work away from petitioners business offices, the fact remains that
must be ascertained in order to resolve the issue of propriety of the grant throughout the duration of their work they are under the effective
of service incentive leave to respondent is whether or not he is a field control and supervision of petitioner through the vessel's patron or
personnel. master as the NLRC correcdy held. 2 Hence, the fishermen are not
"field personnel.".
Dasco v. Philtranco
Held: Guided by the foregoing norms, the NLRC properly Union Filipro v. Vivar
concluded that the petitioners are not field personnel but regular Held: The law requires that the actual hours of work in the
employees who perform tasks usually necessary and desirable to the field be reasonably ascertained. The company has no way of
respondents' business. Evidently, the petitioners are not field personnel determining whether or not these sales personnel, even if they report to
as defined above and the NLRC's finding in this regard is supported by the office before 8:00 a.m. prior to field work and come back at 4:30
the established facts of this case: (1) the petitioners, as bus drivers p.m., really spend the hours in between in actual field work. The
and/or conductors, are directed to transport their passengers at a requirement that "actual hours of work in the field cannot be determined
specified time and place; (2) they are not given the discretion to select with reasonable certainty" must be read in conjunction with Rule IV,
and contract with prospective passengers; (3) their actual work hours Book III of the Implementing Rules which provides: "Rule IV Holidays
could be determined with reasonable certainty, as well as their average with Pay Section 1. Coverage — This rule shall apply to all employees
trips per month; and (4) the respondents supervised their time and except: . . . (e) Field personnel and other employees whose time and
performance of duties. performance is unsupervised by the employer . . . The aforementioned
In order to monitor their drivers and/or conductors, as well rule did not add another element to the Labor Code definition of field
as the passengers and the bus itself, the bus companies put checkers, personnel. The clause "whose time and performance is unsupervised by
who are assigned at tactical places along the travel routes that are plied the employer" did not amplify but merely interpreted and expounded
by their buses. The drivers and/or conductors are required to be at the the clause "whose actual hours of work in the field cannot be
specific bus terminals at a specified time. In addition, there are always determined with reasonable certainty." The former clause is still within
dispatchers in each and every bus terminal, who supervise and ensure the scope and purview of Article 82 which defines field personnel.
prompt departure at specified times and arrival at the estimated proper Hence, in deciding whether or not an employee’s actual working hours
time. Obviously, these drivers and/or conductors cannot be considered in the field can be determined with reasonable certainty, query must be
as field personnel because they are under the control and constant made as to whether or not such employee’s time and performance is
supervision of the bus companies while in the performance of their constantly supervised by the employer.
Page 23 of 191
d. Employer’s Family Members Petitioner contends that it is only when the househelper or
Workers who are family members of the employer, domestic servant is assigned to certain aspects of the business of the
employer that such househelper or domestic servant may be considered
and dependent on him for their support, are outside the
as such an employee. The Court finds no merit in making any such
coverage of this Tide on working conditions and rest periods.
distinction. The mere fact that the househelper or domestic servant is
working within the premises of the business of the employer and in
e. Kasambahays relation to or in connection with its business, as in its staffhouses for its
Then the fifth group belong to the “domestics” guest or even for its officers and employees, warrants the conclusion
according to article 82, but because there has been a new law that such househelper or domestic servant is and should be considered
covering domestics. They are now called “kasambahay.” as a regular employee of the employer and not as a mere family
Domestic worker or "Kasambahay" refers to any househelper or domestic servant as contemplated in Rule XIII, Section
1(b), Book 3 of the Labor Code, as amended.
person engaged in domestic work within an employment
In the case at bar, the petitioner itself admits in its position
relationship such as, but not limited to, the following: general paper33 that respondent worked at the company premises and her duty
househelp, nursemaid or "yaya", cook, gardener, or laundry was to cook and prepare its employees’ lunch and merienda. Clearly,
person, but shall exclude any person who performs domestic the situs, as well as the nature of respondent’s work as a cook, who
work only occasionally or sporadically and not on an caters not only to the needs of Mr. Tan and his family but also to that
occupational basis. The term shall not include children who are of the petitioner’s employees, makes her fall squarely within the
under foster family arrangement, and are provided access to definition of a regular employee under the doctrine enunciated in the
education and given an allowance incidental to education, i.e. Apex Mining case. That she works within company premises, and that
she does not cater exclusively to the personal comfort of Mr. Tan and
"baon", transportation, school projects and school activities.
his family, is reflective of the existence of the petitioner’s right of
Excluded also from the coverage of the law on control over her functions, which is the primary indicator of the
working conditions are domestic servants and persons in the existence of an employer-employee relationship.
personal service of another if they perform such services in the Moreover, it is wrong to say that if the work is not directly
employer's home which are usually necessary or desirable for related to the employer's business, then the person performing such
the maintenance or the enjoyment thereof, or minister to the work could not be considered an employee of the latter. The
personal comfort, convenience or safety of the employer, as determination of the existence of an employer-employee relationship is
well as the members of the employer's household. defined by law according to the facts of each case, regardless of the
nature of the activities involved.34 Indeed, it would be the height of
However, house personnel hired by a ranking
injustice if we were to hold that despite the fact that respondent was
company official, a foreigner, but paid for by the company made to cook lunch and merienda for the petitioner’s employees, which
itself, to maintain a staff house provided for the official, are not work ultimately redounded to the benefit of the petitioner corporation,
the latter's domestic helpers but regular employees of the she was merely a domestic worker of the family of Mr. Tan.
company [Cadiz v. Philippine Sinter Corporation]. Since the We note the findings of the NLRC, affirmed by the Court of
rules require that domestic servants must perform their services Appeals, that no less than the company’s corporate secretary has
in the employer's home, a family cook, who is later assigned to certified that respondent is a bonafide company employee;35 she had a
work as a watcher and cleaner of the employer's business fixed schedule and routine of work and was paid a monthly salary of
₱4,000.00;36 she served with the company for 15 years starting in 1983,
establishment, becomes an industrial worker entlitled to receive
buying and cooking food served to company employees at lunch
the wages and benefits flowing from such status. Waiters of a and merienda, and that this service was a regular feature of
hotel do not fall under the term "domestic servants and persons employment with the company.37
in the personal service of another," nor under the terms "farm Indubitably, the Court of Appeals, as well as the NLRC,
laborers," "laborers who prefer to be paid on piece work basis," correctly held that based on the given circumstances, the respondent is
and "members of the family of the employer working for him;" a regular employee of the petitioner.
therefore, they do not fall within any of the exceptions provided
for in Section 2 of CA. No. 44, and their work is within the f. Workers paid by result
scope of the Eight-hour Labor Law. Workers paid by result are not covered by the law on
Section 4(d) of the Kasambahay Law pertaining to working conditions.
who are included in the enumeration of domestic or household There are two categories of employees paid by
help cannot also be interpreted to include family drivers results: (1) those whose time and performance
because the latter category of worker is clearly not included. It are supervised by the employer. (Here, there is an element of
is a settled rule of statutory construction that the express control and supervision over the manner as to how the work is
mention of one person, thing, or consequence implies the to be performed. A piece-rate worker belongs to this category
exclusion of all others — this is expressed in the familiar especially if he performs his work in the company premises.);
maxim, expressio unius est exclusio alterius [Atienza v. and (2) those whose time and performance are unsupervised.
Saluta]. (Here, the employers control is over the result of the work.
Workers on pakyao and takay basis belong to this group.) Both
Remington v. Castaneda classes of workers are paid per unit accomplished. Piece-rate
Held: The criteria is the personal comfort and enjoyment of payment is generally practiced in garment factories where work
the family of the employer in the home of said employer. While it may is done in the company premises, while payment
be true that the nature of the work of a househelper, domestic servant on pakyao and takay basis is commonly observed in the
or laundrywoman in a home or in a company staffhouse may be similar agricultural industry, such as in sugar plantations where the
in nature, the difference in their circumstances is that in the former
work is performed in bulk or in volumes difficult to quantify
instance they are actually serving the family while in the latter case,
whether it is a corporation or a single proprietorship engaged in [Lambo v. NLRC].
business or industry or any other agricultural or similar pursuit, service Examples are workers paid per piece and those paid
is being rendered in the staffhouses or within the premises of the per task. Their common denominator is that they are paid by
business of the employer. In such instance, they are employees of the results and not on the basis of the time spent in working, such
company or employer in the business concerned entitled to the as those being paid straight wages by the hour, day, week or
privileges of a regular employee. month. In the case of task work, the emphasis is on the task
itself, in the sense that payment is not reckoned in terms of
Page 24 of 191
numbers of units produced because one task may take hours or eight (48) hours, in which case, they shall be entitled to an
even days to finish, but in terms of completion of the work. additional compensation of at least thirty percent (30%) of their
Examples of this kind of work are plowing a piece of land at a regular wage for work on the sixth day. For purposes of this
Article, "health personnel" shall include resident physicians,
specific price, painting a barn, or digging a ditch, at so much a
nurses, nutritionists, dieticians, pharmacists, social workers,
cost. Pursuant to the statutory exclusion, piece-rate workers in laboratory technicians, paramedical technicians, psychologists,
the coconut industry whose rate was fixed by the Wage midwives, attendants and all other hospital or clinic personnel.
Commission are not entitled to overtime pay for work in excess
of eight hours a day. The Eight-hour Labor Law was enacted not only to
The reasons for excluding an outside salesman are safeguard the health and welfare of the laborer or employee, but
fairly apparent. Such salesman, to a greater extent, works in a way to minimize unemployment by forcing employers, in
individually. There are no restrictions respecting the time he cases where more than 8-hour operation is necessary, to utilize
shall work and he can earn as much or as little, within the range different shifts of laborers or employees working only for 8
of his ability, as his ambition dictates. In lieu of overtime he hours each [Manila Terminal v. Court of Industrial Relations].
ordinarily receives commissions as extra compensation. He Considering the purpose of the law, as mentioned
works away from his employer's place of business, is not above, it is not prohibited to have "normal hours of work" of
subject to the personal supervision of his employer, and his less than eight hours a day. What the law regulates is work
employer has no way of knowing the number of hours he works hours exceeding eight. It prescribes a maximum but not a
per day [San Miguel v. Democratic Labor Organization]. minimum. Article 83 does not say that the normal hours of work
Similarly, a taxi driver who is not observing any is or should be eight hours but that it shall not exceed eight.
working hours is not covered by the Eight-hour Labor Law [or Therefore, part-time work, or a day's work of less than eight
Article 87 of the Labor Code]. hours, is not prohibited.
It bears emphasizing that the employer retains the
Red V Coconut v. CIR management prerogative, whenever exigencies of the service
Held: Although the Eight-Hour Labor Law provides that it so require, to change the working house of its employees
does not cover those workers who prefer to be paid on piece-work basis
[Union Carbide Labor Union v. Union Carbide Philippines].
(Sec. 2, CA 444), nothing in said law precludes an agreement for the
payment of overtime compensation to piece-workers. And in agreeing
Moreover, the age-old rule which governs the relationship
to the provision for payment of shift differentials to the petitioners- between labor and capital or management and employee of “no
workers aforementioned. In the bargaining agreement, as well as work, no pay” or a “fair day’s wage for a fair day’s labor,”
in actually paying to them said differentials, though not in full, the remains the basic factor in determining the employees’ wages
company in effect freely adhered to an application and implementation and backwages [Durabilt Recapping Plant Company v. NLRC].
of the Eight-Hour Labor Law, or its objectives, to said workers. It The second paragraph of Article 83 applies
should be observed that while the provision in the bargaining particularly to health personnel. Health personnel covered by
agreements speaks of shift differentials for the "second shift" and the
the forty-hour workweek shall include, but not be limited to,
"third shift" and Group B has no third shift, said Group B has a second
shift, which performs work equivalent to that of the corresponding resident physicians, nurses, nutritionists, dieticians,
shifts of Group A. It follows that respondent court did not err in pharmacists, social workers, laboratory technicians,
ordering the company to pay the full and equivalent amount of said paramedical technicians, psychologists, midwives, attendants,
differentials (P.90) corresponding, under the bargaining agreements, to and all other hospital or clinic personnel.
the workers who performed 12 hours of work, from 4 P.M. to 4 A.M.
And, finally, the laborers in question are not strictly under San Juan De Dios Hospital Employees Assn v. NLRC
the full concept of piece-workers as contemplated by law for the reason Held: A cursory reading of Article 83 of the Labor Code
that their hours of work - that is, 12 hours per shift - are fixed by the betrays petitioners' position that "hospital employees" are entided to "a
employer. As ruled by this Court in Lara vs. Del Rosario, 94 Phil. 780, full weekly salary with paid two (2) days' off if they have completed
781-782, the philosophy underlying the exclusion of piece workers the 40-hour/5-day workweek." In other words they want seven days'
from the Eight-Hour Labor Law is that said workers are paid depending pay for five days' work. What Article 83 merely provides are: (1) the
upon the work they do "irrespective of the amount of time employed" regular office hour of eight hours a day, five days per week for health
in doing said work. Such freedom as to hours of work does not obtain personnel, and (2) where the exigencies of service require that health
in the case of the laborers herein involved, since they are assigned by personnel work for six days or forty-eight hours then such health
the employer to work in two shifts for 12 hours each shift. Thus it personnel shall be entided to an additional compensation of at least
cannot be said that for all purposes these workers fall outside the law thirty percent of their regular wage for work on the sixth day. There is
requiring payment of compensation for work done in excess of eight nothing in the law that supports then Secretary of Labor's assertion that
hours. At least for the purpose of recovering the full differential pay "personnel in subject hospitals and clinics are entitled to a full weekly
stipulated in the bargaining agreement as due to laborers who wage for seven (7) days if they have completed the 40-hour/5-day
perform 12 hours of work under the night shift, said laborers should be workweek in any given workweek." Needless to say, the Secretary of
deemed pro tanto or to that extent within the scope of the aforestated Labor exceeded his authority by including [in P.I. No. 54] two days off
law. with pay in contravention of the clear mandate of the statute. Such act
the Court shall not countenance. Administrative interpretation of the
2. Hours of Work law, we reiterate, is at best merely advisory, and the Court will not
hesitate to strike down an administrative interpretation that deviates
from the provision of the statute... Policy Instructions No. 54 being
a. Normal Hours of Work
inconsistent with and repugnant to the provision of Article 83 of the
Labor Code, as well as to Republic Act No. 5901, should be, as it is
Article 83. Normal Hours of Work. The normal hours of hereby, declared void.
work of any employee shall not exceed eight (8) hours a day.
Health personnel in cities and municipalities with a
population of at least one million (1,000,000) or in hospitals and
b. Hours Worked
clinics with a bed capacity of at least one hundred (100) shall hold
regular office hours for eight (8) hours a day, for five (5) days a Article 84. Hours Worked. Hours worked shall include
week, exclusive of time for meals, except where the exigencies of the (a) all time during which an employee is required to be on duty or
service require that such personnel work for six (6) days or forty-
Page 25 of 191
to be at a prescribed workplace; and (b) all time during which an should be counted as working time for purposes of overtime
employee is suffered or permitted to work. compensation.
Rest periods of short duration during working hours
shall be counted as hours worked. (i) Broken Hours
The normal eight working hours mandated by law do
Sections 3 and 4, Rule 1, Book III of the IRR not always mean continuous and interrupted eight hours of
provides: work. As may be required by peculiar circumstances of
employment, it may mean broken hours of, say, for hours in the
SECTION 3. Hours worked. — The following
morning and four hours in the evening or a variation thereof,
shall be considered as compensable hours worked:
provided the total of eight hours is accomplished within one
(a) All time during which an employee is
required to be on duty or to be at the employer's premises or work day as this term is understood in law.
to be at a prescribed work place; and
(b) All time during which an employee is (ii) Waiting time
suffered or permitted to work. Section 5, Rule 1, Book III of the IRR provides:
SECTION 4. Principles in determining hours
worked. — The following general principles shall govern in SECTION 5. Waiting time. — (a) Waiting time
determining whether the time spent by an employee is spent by an employee shall be considered as working time
considered hours worked for purposes of this Rule: if waiting is an integral part of his work or the employee is
(a) All hours are hours worked which the required or engaged by the employer to wait.cralaw
employee is required to give his employer, regardless of (b) An employee who is required to remain on
whether or not such hours are spent in productive labor or call in the employer's premises or so close thereto that he
involve physical or mental exertion. cannot use the time effectively and gainfully for his own
(b) An employee need not leave the premises of purpose shall be considered as working while on call. An
the work place in order that his rest period shall not be employee who is not required to leave word at his home or
counted, it being enough that he stops working, may rest with company officials where he may be reached is not
completely and may leave his work place, to go elsewhere, working while on call.
whether within or outside the premises of his work place.
(c) If the work performed was necessary, or it
Whether waiting time constitutes working time
benefited the employer, or the employee could not abandon
his work at the end of his normal working hours because he depends upon the circumstances of each particular case and is
had no replacement, all time spent for such work shall be a question of fact to be resolved by appropriate findings of the
considered as hours worked, if the work was with the trial court. The facts may show that the employee was engaged
knowledge of his employer or immediate supervisor. to wait or may show that he waited to be engaged. The
(d) The time during which an employee is controlling factor is whether waiting time spent in idleness is
inactive by reason of interruptions in his work beyond his so spent predominandy for the employer's benefit or for the
control shall be considered working time either if the employee's. For instance, the mere fact that a large part of the
imminence of the resumption of work requires the
time of the employees engaged in a stand-by capacity in the
employee's presence at the place of work or if the interval is
too brief to be utilized effectively and gainfully in the employer's auxiliary fire-fighting service was spent in idleness
employee's own interest. or in playing cards and other amusement, the facilities for
which were provided by the employer, did not render
The term “work day” means the twenty-four inapplicable the overtime provisions of the Act [Armour v.
consecutive-hour period which commences from the time the Wantock].
employee regularly starts to work. It must be emphasized that Similarly, a truck driver who has to wait at or near
“work day” does not necessarily mean the ordinary calendar the jobsite for goods to be loaded is working during the loading
day from 12:00 midnight to 12:00 midnight unless the period. If the driver reaches his destination and while awaiting
employee starts working at the unusual hour of 12:00 midnight, the return trip is required to take care of his employer's
in which case, his “work day” is the calendar day. property, he is also working while waiting. In both cases, the
employee is engaged to wait. Waiting is an integral part of the
NDC v. CIR job. On the other hand, for example, if the truck driver is sent
Held: Indeed, it has been said that no general rule can be from Manila to Dagupan, leaving at 6 a.m. and arriving at 12
laid down is to what constitutes compensable work, rather the question noon, and is completely and specifically relieved from all duty
is one of fact depending upon particular circumstances, to be until 6 p.m. when he again goes on duty for the return trip, the
determined by the controverted in cases. (31 Am. Jurisdiction Sec. 626 idle time is not working time. He is waiting to be engaged.
pp. 878.)
In this case, the CIR's finding that work in the petitioner (iii) Sleeping time
company was continuous and did not permit employees and laborers to
The rule is that sleeping time may be considered
rest completely is not without basis in evidence and following our
earlier rulings, shall not disturb the same. Thus, the CIR found: working time if it is subject to serious interruption or takes
While it may be correct to say that it is well-high impossible place under conditions substantially less desirable than would
for an employee to work while he is eating, yet under Section 1 of Com. be likely to exist at the employee's home. However, sleeping
Act No. 444 such a time for eating can be segregated or deducted from time will not be regarded as working time within the meaning
his work, if the same is continuous and the employee can leave his of the Act if there is an opportunity for comparatively
working place rest completely. The time cards show that the work was uninterrupted sleep under fairly desirable conditions, even
continuous and without interruption. There is also the evidence
though the employee is required to remain on or near the
adduced by the petitioner that the pertinent employees can freely leave
employer's premises and must hold himself in readiness for a
their working place nor rest completely. There is furthermore the aspect
that during the period covered the computation the work was on a 24- call to action employment [Skid v. Swift Co.].
hour basis and previously stated divided into shifts.
From these facts, the CIR correctly concluded that work in (iv) On-Call
petitioner company was continuous and therefore the mealtime breaks
Page 26 of 191
The time when a public health worker is placed on comparable workers at the employer's premises,
"On Call" status shall not be considered as hours worked but and be subject to the same appraisal policies
shall entitle the public health worker to an "On Call" pay covering these workers.
equivalent to fifty percent (50%) of his/her regular wage. "On • Receive appropriate training on the technical
call" status refers to a condition when public health workers are equipment at their disposal, and the
called upon to respond to urgent or immediate need for characteristics and conditions of
health/medical assistance or relief work during emergencies
such that he/she cannot devote the time for his/her own use.
• Have the same collectible rights as the workers
(Sec. 15, R.A. No. 7305)
at the employer's premises, and shall not be
(v) Travel Time barred from communicating with workers'
As for travel time, travel from home to office and representatives.
vice-versa is not compensable. However, travel away from
home on official duty is considered as compensable. The employer shall also ensure that measures are
taken to prevent the telecommuting employee from being
(vi) Lectures, Meetings, Training isolated from the rest of the working community in the
Programs company by giving the telecommuting employee the
Section 6, Rule 1, Book III of the IRR provides: opportunity to meet with colleagues on a regular basis, and
opportunity to meet with colleagues on a regular basis, and
SECTION 6. Lectures, meetings, training allowing access to company information.
programs. — Attendance at lectures, meetings, training
programs, and other similar activities shall not be counted c. Meal Periods
as working time if all of the following conditions are met:
(a) Attendance is outside of the employee's Article 85. Meal Periods. Subject to such regulations as
regular working hours; the Secretary of Labor may prescribe, it shall be the duty of every
(b) Attendance is in fact voluntary; and employer to give his employees not less than sixty (60) minutes
(c) The employee does not perform any time-off for their regular meals.
productive work during such attendance.
Page 28 of 191
• On a rest day, or special holiday or regular holiday:
d. Night Shift Differential plus 10% of the overtime hourly rate on a rest day
or special day or regular holiday.
Article 86. Night Shift Differential. Every employee shall • For overtime work in the night shift. Since overtime
be paid a night shift differential of not less than ten percent (10%)
work is not usually 8 hours, the compensation for
of his regular wage for each hour of work performed between ten
o'clock in the evening and six o'clock in the morning. overtime night shift work is also computed on the
basis of the hourly rate.
(i) Rationale • On an ordinary day: plus 10% of 125% of basic
Night work cannot be regarded as desirable, either hourly rate or a total of 110% of 125% of basic
from the point of view of the employer or the wage earner. It is hourly rate.
uneconomical unless overhead costs are unusually heavy. • On a rest day or special holiday or regular holiday:
Frequendy the scale of wages is higher as an inducement to plus 10% of 130% of regular hourly rate on said
employment on the night shift, and the rate of production is days or a total of 110% of 130% of the applicable
generally lower. The lack of sunlight tends to produce anemia regular hourly rate.
and tuberculosis and to predispose to other ills. Night work
brings increased liability to eyestrain and accident. Serious If it has been established in this case that their work
moral dangers also are likely to result from the necessity of is from 8am-5pm but extends from 5pm-12midnight. There is
traveling the street alone at night, and from the interference overtime and night shift differential. But who has the burden
with normal home life. From an economic point of view, of proof that the employee actually worked for that
moreover, the investigations showed that night work was additional hours? It is the employee. You must show proof
unprofitable, being inferior to day work both in quality and in as to what days you worked beyond 8 hours to be entitled to
quantity. Wherever it had been abolished, in the long run the night shift differential. Once it is established, the burden of
efficiency both of the management and of the workers was proof is now upon the employer to show that he has paid the
raised. Furthermore, it was found that night work laws are a corresponding labor standard benefit. The ruling in National
valuable aid in enforcing acts fixing the maximum period of Semiconductor vs. NLRC is correct because it has already been
employment [Shell Company v. NLRC]. established that the working schedule of the employee is from
10pm-6am. So, the burden of proof is with the employer that he
(ii) Not waivable has paid that additional 10% of his regular wage for the night
In Mercury Drug v. Dayao, the Supreme Court said shift differential.
that the "waiver rule" is not applicable in the case at bar.
Additional compensation for nighttime work is founded on e. Overtime Work
public policy, hence the same cannot be waived (Article 6, Civil
Code). On this matter, we believe that the respondent court Article 87. Overtime Work. Work may be performed
acted according to justice and equity and the substantial merits beyond eight (8) hours a day provided that the employee is paid for
of the case, without regard to technicalities or legal forms and the overtime work, an additional compensation equivalent to his
should be sustained. regular wage plus at least twenty-five percent (25%) thereof. Work
performed beyond eight hours on a holiday or rest day shall be paid
an additional compensation equivalent to the rate of the first eight
(iii) Night shift differential v. Overtime pay
hours on a holiday or rest day plus at least thirty percent (30%)
When the work of an employee falls at night time, the thereof.
receipt of overtime pay shall not preclude the right to receive
night differential pay. The reason is the payment of the night
Work rendered after or beyond the normal 8 hours of
differential pay is for the work done during the night; while the
work is called “overtime work.” An express instruction from
payment of the overtime pay is for work in excess of the regular
the employer to the employee to render overtime work is not
8 working hours.
required for the employee to be entitled to overtime pay; it is
sufficient that the employee is permitted or suffered to work.
(iv) Computation
In AL Ammen Transportation v. Borja, it was held
that a verbal instruction to render overtime work prevails over
• Where night shift (10pm-6am) work is regular work. a memorandum prohibiting such work. Petitioner claims that
the Court of Industrial Relations erred in disregarding the
• On an ordinary day: Plus 10% of the basic memorandum of the company prohibiting respondent from
hourly rate or a total of 110% of the basic working in excess of eight hours daily. Such memorandum
hourly rate. could not fairly apply to respondent because there was
• On a rest day, special holiday, or regular sufficient evidence showing that in spite of it, respondent had
holiday: Plus 10% of the regular hourly rate on received verbal instructions from superior authority to inspect
a rest day, special day or regular holiday or a the first trip, noon trip, and last trip; that he had submitted to
total of 110% of the regular hourly rate. petitioner a daily report of inspection which stated the period or
number of hours he had worked for the day; that respondent had
• Where night shift (10pm-6am) work is overtime been rendering overtime service with full knowledge of
petitioner. All these show conclusively that the Court of
Industrial Relations was right in awarding to respondent the
• On an ordinary day: plus 10% of the overtime hourly
corresponding overtime compensation.
rate on an ordinary day or a total of 110% of the
overtime hourly rate on an ordinary day. (i) Computation
Page 29 of 191
In computing overtime work, “regular wage” or Services (now Bureau of Local Employment), the non-payment
“basic salary” means “cash” wage only without deduction for by the employer of any overtime pay for overtime work is
facilities provided by the employer. justified and valid [Engineering Equipment, Inc. v. Minister of
• For overtime work performed on an ordinary In PESALA v. NLRC, where the period of normal
day, the overtime pay is plus 25% of the basic working hours per day was increase to 12 hours, it was held that
hourly rate. the employer remains liable for whatever deficiency in the
• For overtime work performed on a rest day or amount for overtime work in excess of the first 8 hours, after
on a special day, the overtime pay is plus 30% recomputation shows such deficiency.
of the basic hourly rate which includes 30%
f. Undertime Not Offset by Overtime
additional compensation as provided in Article
93[a] of the Labor Code.
Article 88. Undertime Not Offset by Overtime. Undertime
• For overtime work performed on a rest day work on any particular day shall not be offset by overtime work on
which falls on a special day, the overtime pay any other day. Permission given to the employee to go on leave on
is plus 30% of the basic hourly rate which some other day of the week shall not exempt the employer from
includes 50% additional compensation as paying the additional compensation required in this Chapter.
provided in Article 93[c] of the Labor Code.
• For overtime work performed on a regular Where a worker incurs undertime hours during his
holiday, the overtime pay is plus 30% of the regular daily work, said undertime hours should not be offset
against the overtime hours. If it were otherwise, the unfairness
basic hourly rate which includes 100%
would be evident from the fact that the undertime hours
additional compensation as provided in Article
represent only the employee's hourly rate of pay while the
94[b] of the Labor Code.
overtime hours reflect both the employee's hourly rate of pay
• For overtime work performed on a rest day and the appropriate overtime premium such that, not being of
which falls on a regular holiday, the overtime equal value, offsetting the undertime hours against the overtime
pay is plus 30% of the basic hourly rate which hours would result in the undue deprivation of the employees'
includes 160% additional compensation. overtime premium. The situation is even more unacceptable
where the undertime hours are not only offset against the
(ii) Premium pay vs. Overtime pay overtime hours but are also charged against the accrued leave
Premium pay refers to the additional compensation of the employee, for under this method the employee is made
required by law for work performed within 8 hours on non- to pay twice for his undertime hours because his leave is
working days, such as rest days and regular and special reduced to that extent while he is made to pay for the undertime
holidays. On the other hand, overtime pay refers to the hours with work beyond the regular working hours. The proper
additional compensation for work performed beyond 8 hours a method should be to deduct the undertime hours from the
day. Every employee who is entitled to premium pay may accrued leave but to pay the employee the overtime
likewise be entitled to the benefit of overtime pay if he/she has compensation to which he is entided. Where the employee has
rendered overtime work on such premium days as rest days and exhausted his leave credits, his undertime hours may simply be
regular and special holidays. deducted from his day's wage, but he should still be paid his
RULE: Simultaneous premium and overtime pay is overtime compensation for work in excess of eight hours a day
possible; but it shall not be included in the computation of 13th [NWSA v. NWSA Consolidated Unions].
month pay, retirement pay, and separation pay
g. Emergency Overtime Work
(iii) Waiver or Quitclaim
The right to overtime pay cannot be waived. The right Article 89. Emergency Overtime Work. - Any employee
is intended for the benefit of the laborers and employees. Any may be required by the employer to perform overtime work in any
stipulation in the contract that the laborer shall work beyond the of the following cases:
regular eight hours without additional compensation for the (a) When the country is at war or when any other
national or local emergency has been declared by the National
extra hours is contrary to law and null and void. Thus, in a case
Assembly or the Chief Executive;
where the appellant allegedly signed a quitclaim deed in favor (b) When it is necessary to prevent loss of life or
of the appellee to the effect that he was renouncing any and all property or in case of imminent danger to public safety due to an
kinds of claim against the appellee, the Supreme Court held that actual or impending emergency in the locality caused by serious
said quitclaim deed cannot deprive the appellant of his right to accidents, fire, flood, typhoon, earthquake, epidemic, or other
collect overtime and legal holiday wages under the provisions disaster or calamity;
of the Eight-hour Labor Law [Cruz v. Yee Sing]. (c) When there is urgent work to be performed on
But if the waiver is one in exchange for and in machines, installations, or equipment, in order to avoid serious loss
or damage to the employer or some other cause of similar nature;
consideration of certain valuable privileges, among them that
(d) When the work is necessary to prevent loss or
of being given tips when doing overtime work, there being no damage to perishable goods; and
proof that the value of said privileges did not compensate for (e) Where the completion or continuation of the work
such work, such waiver may be considered valid [Meralco started before the eighth hour is necessary to prevent serious
Workers Union v. MERALCO]. obstruction or prejudice to the business or operations of the
(iv) Built-in overtime pay Any employee required to render overtime work under
this Article shall be paid the additional compensation required in
In case of the employment contract stipulates that the
this Chapter.
compensation includes built-in overtime pay and the same is
duly approved by the Director of the Bureau of Employment
Page 30 of 191
The general rule remains that no employee may be (b) In cases of urgent work to be performed on the
compelled to render overtime work against his will. The machinery, equipment, or installation, to avoid serious loss which
existence of the abovementioned are the exceptions and an the employer would otherwise suffer;
(c) In the event of abnormal pressure of work due to
employee cannot validly refuse to render overtime work under
special circumstances, where the employer cannot ordinarily be
any of the foregoing circumstances. When an employee refuses expected to resort to other measures;
to ender emergency overtime work, he may be dismissed on the (d) To prevent loss or damage to perishable goods;
ground of insubordination or willful disobedience of the lawful (e) Where the nature of the work requires continuous
order of the employer. operations and the stoppage of work may result in irreparable
injury or loss to the employer; and (f) Under other circumstances
h. Computation analogous or similar to the foregoing as determined by the
Secretary of Labor and Employment.
Page 31 of 191
Article 94. Right to Holiday Pay. (a) Every worker shall execute, under general supervision,
be paid his regular daily wage during regular holidays, except in special assignments and tasks; and
retail and service establishments regularly employing less than ten (iv) Do not devote more than 20% of
(10) workers;
(b) The employer may require an employee to work on
their hours worked in a workweek
any holiday but such employee shall be paid a compensation to activities which are not directly
equivalent to twice his regular rate; and and closely related to the
(c) As used in this Article, "holiday" includes: New performance of the work described
Year's Day, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, the ninth of April, in paragraphs (a), (b), and (c)
the first of May, the twelfth of June, the fourth of July, the thirtieth
of November, the twenty-fifth of December and the day designated
by law for holding a general election.
(vi) Field personnel and those whose time and
a. Coverage performance are unsupervised by the employer,
Applies to all employees except: including those who are engaged on task or contract
basis, purely commission basis, or those who are paid a
(i) Government employees, whether fixed amount of performing work irrespective of the
employed by the National Government or any of its time consumed in the performance thereof.
political subdivisions, including those employed in
government-owner and/or controlled corporations with b. Overtime Pay on a Holiday
original charters or created under special laws; Section 5, Rule IV, Book III of the IRR provides:
(ii) Those of retail and service establishments
SECTION 5. Overtime pay for holiday work. —
regularly employing not more than 5 workers;
For work performed in excess of eight hours on a regular
(iii) Kasambahay and persons in the personal holiday, an employee shall be paid an additional
service of another; compensation for the overtime work equivalent to his rate
(iv) Managerial employees, if they meet all of for the first eight hours on such holiday work plus at least
the following conditions: 30% thereof.
Where the regular holiday work exceeding eight
hours falls on the scheduled rest day of the employee, he
(i) Their primary duty is to manage the shall be paid an additional compensation for the overtime
establishment in which they are work equivalent to his regular holiday-rest day for the first
employed or of a department or 8 hours plus 30% thereof. The regular holiday rest day rate
subdivision thereof; of an employee shall consist of 200% of his regular daily
wage rate plus 30% thereof.
(ii) They customarily and regularly
direct the work of two or more
c. Absences
employees therein; and
Section 6, Rule IV, Book III of the IRR provides:
(iii) They have the authority to hire or
fire other employees of lower rank; SECTION 6. Absences. — (a) All covered
or their suggestions and employees shall be entitled to the benefit provided herein
recommendations as to hiring, when they are on leave of absence with pay. Employees who
firing, and promotion, or any other are on leave of absence without pay on the day immediately
preceding a regular holiday may not be paid the required
change of status of other
holiday pay if he has not worked on such regular holiday.
employees are given particular (b) Employees shall grant the same percentage
weight. of the holiday pay as the benefit granted by competent
authority in the form of employee's compensation or social
(v) Officers or members of a managerial staff, security payment, whichever is higher, if they are not
reporting for work while on such benefits.
if they perform the following duties and
(c) Where the day immediately preceding the
responsibilities: holiday is a non-working day in the establishment or the
scheduled rest day of the employee, he shall not be deemed
(i) Primarily perform work directly to be on leave of absence on that day, in which case he shall
related to management policies of be entitled to the holiday pay if he worked on the day
immediately preceding the non-working day or rest day.
their employer;
(ii) Customarily and regularly exercise
d. Holiday During Shutdown
discretion and independent
Section 7, Rule IV, Book III of the IRR provides:
(iii) Regularly and directly assist a SECTION 7. Temporary or periodic shutdown
proprietor or managerial employee and temporary cessation of work. — (a) In cases of
in the management of the temporary or periodic shutdown and temporary cessation of
establishment or subdivision work of an establishment, as when a yearly inventory or
when the repair or cleaning of machineries and equipment
thereof in which he or she is
is undertaken, the regular holidays falling within the period
employed; or execute under shall be compensated in accordance with this Rule.
general supervision, work along (b) The regular holiday during the cessation of
specialized or technical lines operation of an enterprise due to business reverses as
requiring special training, authorized by the Secretary of Labor and Employment may
not be paid by the employer.
experience, or knowledge; or
Page 32 of 191
e. Monthly-Paid Employees
In Insular Asia v. Inciong, it was held that monthly g. Holiday for Certain Employees
paid employees are not excluded from the benefits of holiday Section 8, Rule IV, Book III of the IRR provides:
pay. However, the implementing rules on holiday pay
promulgated by the then Secretary of Labor excludes monthly SECTION 8. Holiday pay of certain employees.
paid employees from the said benefits by inserting, under Rule — (a) Private school teachers, including faculty members of
IV, Book Ill of the implementing rules, Section 2, which colleges and universities, may not be paid for the regular
holidays during semestral vacations. They shall, however,
provides that: "employees who are uniformly paid by the
be paid for the regular holidays during Christmas vacation;
month, irrespective of the number of working days therein, with (b) Where a covered employee, is paid by results
a salary of not less than the statutory or established minimum or output, such as payment on piece work, his holiday pay
wage shall be presumed to be paid for all days in the month shall not be less than his average daily earnings for the last
whether worked or not. " seven (7) actual working days preceding the regular
holiday; Provided, However, that in no case shall the
holiday pay be less than the applicable statutory minimum
Manstrade v. Bacungan
wage rate.
Held: Respondent arbitrator opined that respondent
(c) Seasonal workers may not be paid the
corporation does not have any legal obligation to grant its monthly
required holiday pay during off-season when they are not at
salaried employees holiday pay, unless it is argued that the pertinent
section of the Rule and Regulations implementing Section 94 of the
(d) Workers who have no regular working days
Labor Code is not in conformity with the law, and thus, without force
shall be entitled to the benefits provided in this Rule.
and effect. This issue was subsequently decided on October 24, 1984
by a division of this court in the case of Insular Bank of Asia and
American Employees’ Union (IBAAEU) v. Inciong, wherein it held as In Jose Rizal College v. NLRC, the Supreme Court
follows: "We agree with petitioner’s contention that Section 2, Rule IV, held:
Book III of the implementing rules and Policy Instruction No. 9 issued
by the then Secretary of Labor are null and void since in the guise of The problem, however, lies with its faculty
clarifying the Labor Code’s provisions on holiday pay, they in effect members, who are paid on an hourly basis, for while the
amended them enlarging the scope of their exclusion (p. 11, rec.). . . . Labor Arbiter sustains the view that said instructors and
"From the above-cited provisions, it is clear that monthly paid professors are not entitled to holiday pay, his decision was
employees are not excluded from the benefits of holiday pay. However, modified by the National Labor Relations Commission
the implementing rules on holiday pay promulgated by the then holding the contrary. Otherwise stated, on appeal the NLRC
Secretary of Labor excludes monthly paid employees from the said ruled that teaching personnel paid by the hour are declared
benefits by inserting under Rule IV, Book III of the implementing rules, to be entitled to holiday pay.
section 2, which provides that: ‘employees who are uniformly paid by Under [Article 94(a) and (b) of the Labor Code,
the month, irrespective of the number of working days therein , with and the Omnibus Rules, Book III, Rule IV, Section 8],
the salary of not less than the statutory or established minimum wage apparently, the JRC, although a non-profit institution is
shall be presumed to be paid for all days in the month whether worked under obligation to give pay even on unworked regular
or not." (132 SCRA 663, 672-673) This ruling was reiterated by the holidays to hourly paid faculty members subject to the terms
court en banc on August 28, 1985 in the case of Chartered Bank and conditions provided for therein.
Employees Association v. Ople, wherein it added that: "The questioned We believe that the aforementioned
Sec. 2, Rule IV, Book III of the Integrated Rules and the Secretary’s implementing rule is not justified by the provisions of the
Policy Instruction No. 9 add another excluded group, namely law which after all is silent with respect to faculty members
‘employees who are uniformly paid by the month’. While additional paid by the hour who because of their teaching contracts are
exclusion is only in the form of a presumption that all monthly paid obliged to work and consent to be paid only for work
employees have already been paid holiday paid, it constitutes a taking actually done (except when an emergency or a fortuitous
away or a deprivation which must be in the law if it is to be valid. An event or a national need calls for the declaration of special
administrative interpretation which diminishes the benefits of labor holidays). Regular holidays specified as such by law are
more than what the statute delimits or withholds is obviously ultra known to both school and faculty members as "no class
vires." (138 SCRA 273, 282. See also CBTC Employees Union v. days;" certainly the latter do not expect payment for said
Clave, January 7, 1986, 141 SCRA 9.) unworked days, and this was clearly in their minds when
they entered into the teaching contracts. On the other hand,
f. Field Personnel both the law and the Implementing Rules governing holiday
pay are silent as to payment on Special Public Holidays.
The requirement that "actual hours of work in the
It is readily apparent that the declared purpose of
field cannot be determined with reasonable certainty" must be the holiday pay which is the prevention of diminution of the
read in conjunction with Rule IV, Book III of the Implementing monthly income of the employees on account of work
Rules which provides: "Rule IV Holidays with Pay Section 1. interruptions is defeated when a regular class day is
Coverage — This rule shall apply to all employees except: . . . cancelled on account of a special public holiday and class
(e) Field personnel and other employees whose time and hours are held on another working day to make up for time
performance is unsupervised by the employer . . . The lost in the school calendar. Otherwise stated, the faculty
aforementioned rule did not add another element to the Labor member, although forced to take a rest, does not earn what
he should earn on that day. Be it noted that when a special
Code definition of field personnel. The clause "whose time and
public holiday is declared, the faculty member paid by the
performance is unsupervised by the employer" did not amplify hour is deprived of expected income, and it does not matter
but merely interpreted and expounded the clause "whose actual that the school calendar is extended in view of the days or
hours of work in the field cannot be determined with reasonable hours lost, for their income that could be earned from other
certainty." The former clause is still within the scope and sources is lost during the extended days. Similarly, when
purview of Article 82 which defines field personnel. Hence, in classes are called off or shortened on account of typhoons,
deciding whether or not an employee’s actual working hours in floods, rallies, and the like, these faculty members must
the field can be determined with reasonable certainty, query likewise be paid, whether or not extensions are ordered.
ORDER: (a) Exempting JRC from paying
must be made as to whether or not such employee’s time and
hourly paid faculty members their pay for regular holidays,
performance is constantly supervised by the employer [Union whether the same be during the regular semesters of the
of Filipro Employees v. Vivar].
Page 33 of 191
school year or during semestral, Christmas, or Holy Week Holiday, in addition to the two (2) nationwide special days, the
vacations; (b) but ordering JRC to pay said faculty members following rules shall apply:
their regular hourly rate on days declared as special holidays a) If unworked
or for some reason classes are called off or shortened for the
• No pay, unless there is a favorable
hours they are supposed to have taught, whether extensions
of class days be ordered or not; in case of extensions said company policy, practice or collective
faculty members shall likewise be paid their hourly rates bargaining agreement (CBA) granting
should they teach during said extensions. payment of wages, on special days even if
h. Holiday on a Sunday b) If worked
Section 9, Rule IV, Book III of the IRR provides: • 1st 8 hrs. — plus 30% of the daily rate of
SECTION 9. Regular holiday falling on rest
days or Sundays. — (a) A regular holiday falling on the • excess of 8 hrs. — plus 30% of hourly rate
employee's rest day shall be compensated accordingly. on said day
(b) Where a regular holiday falls on a Sunday,
the following day shall be considered a special holiday for c) Falling on the employee's rest day and if
purposes of the Labor Code, unless said day is also a regular worked
• 1st hrs. — plus 50% of the daily rate of
In Wellington v. Trajano, the basic issue raised in this
case is "whether or not a monthly-paid employee receiving a • excess of 8 hrs. — plus 30% of hourly rate
fixed monthly compensation, is entitled to an additional pay on said day
aside from his usual holiday pay, whenever a regular holiday
falls on a Sunday. The monthly salary in Wellington-which is 3) For those declared as special working holidays,
based on the so-called "314 factor" accounts for all 365 days of the following rules shall apply:
a year; with the exception only of 51 Sundays. The For work performed, an employee is entided only to
respondents’ theory that there was "an increase of three (3) his basic rate. No premium pay is required since work
working days resulting from regular holidays falling on performed on said days is considered work on ordinary working
Sundays" ; hence Wellington "should pay for 317 days, instead day.
of 315 days" would make each of the year in question (1988,
1989, 1990), a year of 368 days. Pursuant to this theory, no B. WAGES
employer opting to pay his employees by the month would have
any definite basis to determine the number of days in a year for 1. Definition
which compensation should be given to his work force. There "Wage" paid to any employee shall mean the
is no provision of law requiring any employer to make such remuneration or earnings, however designated, capable of
adjustments in the monthly salary rate set by him to take being expressed in terms of money, whether fixed or
account of legal holidays falling on Sundays in a given year, or, ascertained on a time, task, piece, or commission basis, or other
contrary to the legal provisions bearing on the point, otherwise method of calculating the same, which is payable by an
to reckon a year at more than 365 days. employer to an employee under a written or unwritten contract
of employment for work done or to be done, or for services
i. Double Holiday rendered or to be rendered and includes the fair and reasonable
Section 10, Rule IV, Book III of the IRR provides: value, as determined by the Secretary of Labor and
Employment, of board, lodging, or other facilities customarily
SECTION 10. Successive regular holidays. — furnished by the employer to the employee. "Fair and
Where there are two (2) successive regular holidays, like reasonable value" shall not include any profit to the employer,
Holy Thursday and Good Friday, an employee may not be or to any person affiliated with the employer.
paid for both holidays if he absents himself from work on The term facilities includes articles or services for the
the day immediately preceding the first holiday, unless he benefit of the employee of his family but does not include tools
works on the first holiday, in which case he is entitled to his
of the trade or articles or services primarily for the benefit of
holiday pay on the second holiday.
the employer of necessary to the conduct of the employer’s
business. They are items of expense necessary for the laborer’s
and his family’s existence and subsistence which form part of
the wage when furnished by the employer, are deductible
1) For regular holidays
therefrom, since if they are not o furnished, the labourer would
a) If it is an employee's regular workday
spend and pay for them just the same [State Marine
• If unworked — 100%
Cooperation v. Cebu Seamen’s Association].
• If worked lst 8hrs. — 200%
Example of an occupation where facilities are
• excess of 8 hrs — plus 30% of hourly rate customary: Waiter of a famous restaurant, part of your wages
on said day can be the meals that are granted to you. House helpers, waiters,
b) If it is an employee's rest day waitresses.
• If unworked — 100%
• If worked - 1st 8 hrs. — plus 30% of 200 What about supplements?
• excess of 8 hrs — plus 30% of hourly rate The term “supplements” means extra remuneration
on said day or special privilege or benefits given to or received by the
2) For declared special days such as Special Non- laborers over and above their ordinary earnings or wages [Atok
Working Day, Special Public Holiday, Special National Big Wedge Mining v. ABW Mutual Benefit Association].
Page 34 of 191
Facilities v. Supplements day's wage for a fair day's labor." It is hardly fair or just for an
The benefit or privilege given to the employee which employee or laborer to fight or litigate against his employer on
constitutes an extra remuneration over and above his basic or the employer's time [Sugue v. Triumph International].
ordinary earning or wage is supplement; and when said benefit Exception: When the laborer was able, willing and
or privilege is made part of the laborer’s basic wage, it is a ready to work but was illegally locked out, suspended or
facility. The criterion is not so much with the kind of benefit or dismissed, or otherwise illegally prevented from working
item (food, lodging, bonus or sick leave) given but its purpose. [Ibid].
Thus, free meals suspplied by the ship operator to crew
members, out of necessity, cannot be considered as facilities 3. Payment of Wages
btu supplmenets which could not be reduced having been given
not as part of wages btu as a necessary matter in the a. Payment By Results
maintenance of the health and efficiency of the crew during the
voyage [Mayon Hotel & Restaurant v. Adana]. Article 101. Payment by Results. - The Secretary of
Labor shall regulate the payment of wages by results, including
Some Principles on Facilities and Supplements: pakyao, piecework and other nontime work, in order to ensure the
payment of fair and reasonable wage rates, preferably through
• Facilities are deductible from wage but not supplements. time and motion studies or in consultation with representatives of
workers and employer's organizations.
• Legal requirements must be complied with before
facilities may be deducted from wages. The employer
Section 9, Rule VII, Book III of the IRR provides:
simply cannot deduct the value from the employee’s
wages without satisfying the following: SECTION 9. Workers Paid by Results. —
(1) Proof that such facilities are customarily a) All workers paid by results, including those
furnished by the trade; who are paid on piecework, takay, pakyaw, or task basis,
(2) The provision of deductible facilities is shall receive not less than the applicable statutory minimum
wage rates prescribed under the Act for the normal working
voluntarily accepted in writing by the employee;
hours which shall not exceed eight hours work a day, or a
(3) The facilities are charged at fair and reasonable proportion thereof for work of less than the normal working
value; and hours.
(4) There must be no financial or material gain on The adjusted minimum wage rates for workers
the part of the employer or anyone who is paid by results shall be computed in accordance with the
following steps:
affiliated with the employer.
1) Amount of increase in AMW - Previous
AMW x 100 = % Increase;
• An employer may provide subsidized meals and snacks to 2) Existing rate/piece x % increase = increase in
his employees provided that the subsidy shall not be less rate/piece;
than 30% of the fair and reasonable value of such 3) Existing rate/piece + increase in rate/piece =
Adjusted rate/piece.
facilities. In such a case, the employer may deduct from
Where AMW is the applicable minimum wage
the wages of the employees not more than 70% of the rate.cralaw
value of the meals and snacks enjoyed by the employees, b) The wage rates of workers who are paid by
provided that such deduction is with the written results shall continue to be established in accordance with
authorization of the employees concerned. Article 101 of the Labor Code, as amended and its
implementing regulations.
• The free board and lodging petitioner SIP furnished its
employees cannot operate as a sef-off for the
b. Forms Of Payment
underpayment of their wages [Art. 124].
Article 102. Forms of Payment. No employer shall pay
2. Principles the wages of an employee by means of promissory notes, vouchers,
coupons, tokens, tickets, chits, or any object other than legal
a. No Work, No Pay tender, even when expressly requested by the employee.
General Rule: If there is no work performed by the Payment of wages by check or money order shall be
employee, there can be no wage or pay. allowed when such manner of payment is customary on the date of
effectivity of this Code, or is necessary because of special
Exception: Unless the laborer was able, willing and
circumstances as specified in appropriate regulations to be issued
ready to work but was prevented by management or was by the Secretary of Labor and Employment or as stipulated in a
illegally locked out, suspended or dismissed [Philippine collective bargaining agreement.
Airlines v. NLRC].
Section 2, Rule VIII, Book III of the IRR provides:
b. Equal Pay for Equal Work
Employees working in the Philippines, if they are SECTION 2. Payment by check. — Payment of
performing similar functions and responsibilities under similar wages by bank checks, postal checks or money orders is
working conditions, should be paid equally. If an employer allowed where such manner of wage payment is customary
accords employees the same position and rank, the presumption on the date of the effectivity of the Code, where it is so
is that these employees perform equal work [International stipulated in a collective agreement, or where all of the
School Alliance of Educators v. Quisumbing]. following conditions are met:
a. There is a bank or other facility for
encashment within a radius of one (1) kilometer from the
c. Fair Wage for Fair Work workplace;
The age-old rule governing the relation between
labor and capital or management and employee is that a "fair
Page 35 of 191
b. The employer or any of his agents or "It is undisputed that because of security reasons, from the
representatives does not receive any pecuniary benefit time of its operations, petitioner NDMC maintained its policy of paying
directly or indirectly from the arrangement; its workers at a bank in Tagum, Davao del Norte, which usually took
c. The employees are given reasonable time the workers about two and a half (2 1/2) hours of travel from the place
during banking hours to withdraw their wages from the bank of work and such travel time is not official.
which time shall be considered as compensable hours Records also show that on February 12,1992, when an
worked if done during working hours; and inspection was conducted by the Department of Labor and Employment
d. The payment by check is with the written at the premises of petitioner NDMC at Amacan, Maco, Davao del
consent of the employees concerned if there is no collective Norte, it was found out that petitioners had violated labor standards law,
agreement authorizing the payment of wages by bank one of which is the place of payment of wages (p.109, Vol. 1, Record).
checks. Section 4, Rule VIII, Book III of the Omnibus Rules
Implementing the Labor Code provides that:
c. Time of Payment ‘Section 4. Place of payment. - (a) As a general rule, the
place of payment shall be at or near the place of undertaking. Payment
in a place other than the workplace shall be permissible only under the
Article 103. Time of Payment. - Wages shall be paid at following circumstances:
least once every two (2) weeks or twice a month at intervals not (1) When payment cannot be effected at or near the place of
exceeding sixteen (16) days. If on account of force majeure or work by reason of the deterioration of peace and order conditions, or
circumstances beyond the employers control, payment of wages on by reason of actual or impending emergencies caused by fire, flood,
or within the time herein provided cannot be made, the employer epidemic or other calamity rendering payment thereat impossible;
shall pay the wages immediately after such force majeure or (2) When the employer provides free transportation to the
circumstances have ceased. No employer shall make payment with employees back and forth; and
less frequency than once a month. (3) Under any analogous circumstances; provided that the
The payment of wages of employees engaged to perform time spent by the employees in collecting their wages shall be
a task which cannot be completed in two (2) weeks shall be subject considered as compensable hours worked.
to the following conditions, in the absence of a collective bargaining (b) xxx xxx xxx.’
agreement or arbitration award: (Italics supplied)
(1) That payments are made at intervals not exceeding
Accordingly, in his Order dated April 14, 1992 (p. 109, Vol.
sixteen (16) days, in proportion to the amount of work completed; 1, Record), the Regional Director, Regional Office No. XI, Department
(2) That final settlement is made upon completion of the of Labor and Employment, Davao City, ordered petitioner NDMC,
work. among others, as follows:
‘WHEREFORE, x x x. Respondent is further ordered to pay
d. Place of Payment its workers salaries at the plantsite at Amacan, New Leyte, Maco,
Davao del Norte or whenever not possible, through the bank in Tagum,
Article 104. Place of Payment. Payment of wages shall be Davao del Norte as already been practiced subject, however to the
made at or near the place of undertaking, except as otherwise provisions of Section 4 of Rule VIII, Book III of the rules implementing
provided by such regulations as the Secretary of Labor and the Labor Code as amended.’
Employment may prescribe under conditions to ensure greater Thus, public respondent Labor Arbiter Antonio M.
protection of wages. Villanueva correctly held that
‘From the evidence on record, we find that the hours spent
by complainants in collecting salaries at a bank in Tagum, Davao del
Section 4, Rule VII, Book III of the IRR provides: Norte shall be considered compensable hours worked. Considering
further the distance between Amacan, Maco to Tagum which is 2½
SECTION 4. Place of payment. — As a general hours by travel and the risks in commuting all the time in collecting
rule, the place of payment shall be at or near the place of complainants’ salaries, would justify the granting of backwages
undertaking. Payment in a place other than the work place equivalent to two (2) days in a month as prayed for.
shall be permissible only under the following ‘Corollary to the above findings, and for equitable reasons,
circumstances: we likewise hold respondents liable for the transportation expenses
(a) When payment cannot be effected at or near incurred by complainants at P40.00 round trip fare during pay days.’
the place of work by reason of the deterioration of peace and On the contrary, it will be petitioners’ burden or duty to
order conditions, or by reason of actual or impending present evidence of compliance of the law on labor standards, rather
emergencies caused by fire, flood, epidemic or other than for private respondents to prove that they were not paid/provided
calamity rendering payment thereat impossible; by petitioners of their backwages and transportation expenses."
(b) When the employer provides free Other than the bare denials of petitioners, the above findings
transportation to the employees back and forth; and stands uncontradicted. Indeed we are not at liberty to set aside findings
(c) Under any other analogous circumstances; of facts of the NLRC, absent any capriciousness, arbitrariness, or abuse
Provided, That the time spent by the employees in collecting or complete lack of basis. In Maya Farms Employees Organizations vs.
their wages shall be considered as compensable hours NLRC,[16] we held:
worked; "This Court has consistently ruled that findings of fact of
(d) No employer shall pay his employees in any administrative agencies and quasi-judicial bodies which have acquired
bar, night or day club, drinking establishment, massage expertise because their jurisdiction is confined to specific matters are
clinic, dance hall, or other similar places or in places where generally accorded not only respect but even finality and are binding
games are played with stakes of money or things upon this Court unless there is a showing of grave abuse of discretion,
representing money except in the case of persons employed or where it is clearly shown that they were arrived at arbitrarily or in
in said places. disregard of the evidence on record."
Page 37 of 191
factor in determining employees' wages.67 If there is no work computation of the 13th month pay, items
performed by the employee, there can be no wage.68 In cases where the that were expressly excluded by law has
employee's failure to work was occasioned neither by his abandonment
lasted for six (6) years, hence, was
nor by termination, the burden of economic loss is not rightfully shifted
to the employer; each party must bear his own loss.69 In other words, considered indicative of company practice.
where the employee is willing and able to work and is not illegally • Sevilla Trading Company v. A. V. A.
prevented from doing so, no wage is due to him. To hold otherwise Semana. - The act of including non-basic
would be to grant to the employee that which he did not earn at the benefits such as paid leaves for unused sick
prejudice of the employer.
In the case at bar, CCBPI's employees were not illegally
leave and vacation leave in the
prevented from working on Saturdays. The company was simply computation of the employees’ 13th month
exercising its option not to schedule work pursuant to the CBA pay for at least two (2) years was
provision which gave it the prerogative to do so. It therefore follows considered a company practice.
that the principle of "no work, no pay" finds application in the instant
• The 2010 case of Central Azucarera de
Having disposed of the issue on wages for unworked Tarlac v. Central Azucarera de Tarlac
Saturdays in consonance with the well-settled rule of "no work, no Labor Union-NLU, also ruled as company
pay," this Court deems it unnecessary to belabor on the CA ruling that practice the act of petitioner of granting for
the concerned employees should be paid their whole daily rate, and not thirty (30) years, its workers the mandatory
the amount equivalent to one-half day's wage, plus corresponding
13th month pay computed in accordance
with the following formula: Total Basic
Annual Salary divided by twelve (12) and
(ii) Company Practice
Including in the computation of the Total
The 2014 case of Wesleyan University-Philippines v.
Basic Annual Salary the following: basic
Wesleyan University-Philippines Faculty and Staff
Association, succinctly pointed out that the Non-Diminution monthly salary; first eight (8) hours
Rule found in Article 100 of the Labor Code explicitly prohibits overtime pay on Sunday and legal/special
employers from eliminating or reducing the benefits received holiday; night premium pay; and vacation
by their employees. This rule, however, applies only if the and sick leaves for each year.
benefit is based on any of the following:
(iv) Consistency and Intention
• An express policy; In Tiangco v. Leogardo, Jr., where the employer has
• A written contract; or consistently been granting fixed monthly emergency allowance
• A company practice. to the employees from November, 1976 but discontinued this
practice effective February, 1980 insofar as non-working days
are concerned based on the principle of “no work, no pay.” The
Company practice is a custom or habit shown by an
Supreme Court ruled that the discontinuance of said benefit
employer’s repeated, habitual customary or succession of acts
contravened Article 100 of the Labor Code which prohibits the
of similar kind by reason of which, it gains the status of a
diminution of existing benefits.
company policy that can no longer be disturbed or withdrawn.
Since there is no hard and fast rule which may be
(v) Not a Product of Erroneous
used and applied in determining whether a certain act of the
employer may be considered as having ripened into a practice, Interpretation or Construction of a
the following criteria may be used to determine whether an act Doubtful or Difficult Question of Law
has ripened into a company practice: or Provision in the CBA
The general rule is that if it is a past error that is being
• The act of the employer has been done for corrected, no vested right may be said to have arisen therefrom
a considerable period of time; nor any diminution of benefit may have resulted by virtue of
• The act should be done consistently and the correction thereof. The error, however, must be corrected
immediately after its discovery; otherwise, the rule on non-
intentionally; and
diminution of benefits would still apply.
• The act should not be a product of
The following cases would illuminate this principle:
erroneous interpretation or construction of
a doubtful or difficult question of law or • Globe Mackay Cable and Radio
provision in the CBA. Corporation v. NLRC, where the Supreme
Court ruled on the proper computation of
(iii) Considerable Period of Time
the cost-of-living allowance (COLA) for
If done only once as in the case of Philippine monthly-paid employees. Petitioner
Appliance Corporation (Philacor) v. Court of Appeals, where
corporation, pursuant to Wage Order No. 6
the CBA signing bonus was granted only once during the 1997
(effective October 30, 1984), increased the
CBA negotiation, the same cannot be considered as having
ripened into a company practice. COLA of its monthly-paid employees by
In the following cases, the act of the employer was multiplying the P3.00 daily COLA by 22
declared company practice because of the considerable period days which is the number of working days
of time it has been practiced: in the company. The union disagreed with
the computation, claiming that the daily
• Davao Fruits Corporation v. Associated COLA rate of P3.00 should be multiplied
Labor Unions. - The act of the company of by 30 days which has been the practice of
freely and continuously including in the the company for several years. The
Page 38 of 191
Supreme Court, however, upheld the the Labor Code allows such a deduction from the wages of the
contention of the petitioner corporation. It employees by the employer, only in three instances.
held that the grant by the employer of
benefits through an erroneous application Other permissible deductions from wages aside
of the law due to absence of clear from those enumerated under Article 113:
administrative guidelines is not considered
• Deductions for loss or damage under Article
a voluntary act which cannot be
unilaterally discontinued.
• Deductions made for agency fees from non-
• TSPIC Corp. v. TSPIC Employees Union
union members who accept the benefits under
[FFW], where the Supreme Court
the CBA negotiated by the bargaining union.
reiterated the rule enunciated in Globe-
This form of deduction does not require the
Mackay, that an erroneously granted
written authorization of the non-bargaining
benefit may be withdrawn without
union member concerned;
violating the prohibition against non-
diminution of benefits. No vested right • Union service fees;
accrued to individual respondents when • When the deductions are with the written
TSPIC corrected its error by crediting the authorization of the employee for payment to a
salary increase for the year 2001 against third person and the employer agrees to do so,
the salary increase granted under Wage provided that the latter does not receive any
Order No. 8, all in accordance with the pecuniary benefit, directly or indirectly from the
CBA. Hence, any amount given to the transaction;
employees in excess of what they were • Deductions for value of meal and other
entitled to, as computed above, may be facilities;
legally deducted by TSPIC from the • Deductions for premiums for SSS, PhilHealth,
employees’ salaries. employees’ compensation and Pag-IBIG;
• Withholding tax mandated under the NIRC;
But if the error does not proceed from the • Withholding of wages because of the
interpretation or construction of a law or a provision in the employee’s debt to the employer which is
CBA, the same may ripen into a company practice. already due;
• Deductions made pursuant to a court judgement
b. Wage Deduction against a worker under circumstances where the
wages may be the subject of attachment or
Article 113. Wage Deduction. No employer, in his own execution but only for debts incurred for food,
behalf or in behalf of any person, shall make any deduction from
the wages of his employees, except:
clothing, shelter, and medical attendance;
(a) In cases where the worker is insured with his consent • When deductions from wages are ordered by a
by the employer, and the deduction is to recompense the employer court;
for the amount paid by him as premium on the insurance; • Salary deductions of a member of a
(b) For union dues, in cases where the right of the
worker or his union to check-off has been recognized by the
employer or authorized in writing by the individual worker
concerned; and c. Withholding of Wages and Kickbacks
(c) In cases where the employer is authorized by law or
regulations issued by the Secretary of Labor and Employment. Article 116. Withholding of Wages and Kickbacks
Prohibited. It shall be unlawful for any person, directly or
The general rule is that an employer, by himself or indirectly, to withhold any amount from the wages of a worker or
through his representative, is prohibited from making any induce him to give up any part of his wages by force, stealth,
intimidation, threat or by any other.
deduction from the wages of his employees. The employer is
not allowed to make unnecessary deductions without the
knowledge or authorizations of the employees [Galvadores v. Although management prerogative refers to "the
Trajano]. right to regulate all aspects of employment," it cannot be
understood to include the right to temporarily withhold
salary/wages without the consent of the employee. To sanction
Apodaca v. NLRC
Held: The question is whether the nonpayment of stock such an interpretation would be contrary to Article 116 of the
subscriptions can be offset against a money claim of an employee Labor Code [SHS Perforated v. Diaz].
against the employer.
The corporation admitted that there was due to the employee d. Non-Interference in Disposal of Wages
the amount of PI 7,060.07, but this was applied to the unpaid balance
of his subscription in the amount of P95.439.93. The employee Article 112. Non-Interference in Disposal of Wages. No
questioned the set-off, alleging that there was no call or notice for the employer shall limit or otherwise interfere with the freedom of any
payment of the unpaid subscription and that, accordingly, the alleged employee to dispose of his wages. He shall not in any manner force,
obligation was not enforceable. compel, or oblige his employees to purchase merchandise,
The the set-off was without lawful basis, if not premature. commodities or other property from any other person, or otherwise
As there was no notice or call for the payment of unpaid subscriptions, make use of any store or services of such employer or any other
the same is not yet due and payable. Assuming that there was a call for person.
payment of the unpaid subscription, the NLRC cannot validly set it off
against the wages and other benefits due the petitioner. Article 113 of
Page 39 of 191
In addition to the Labor Code provisions on (b) Length of service; or
prohibitions regarding wages, the following provisions of the (c) Other logical bases of differentiation.
Civil Code should be noted:
Wage distortion presupposes a classification of
Article 1705. The laborer's wages shall be paid positions and ranking of these positions at various levels. One
in legal currency.
visualizes a hierarchy of positions with corresponding ranks
Article 1706. Withholding of the wages, except
for a debt due, shall not be made by the employer. basically in terms of wages and other emoluments. Where a
Article 1707. The laborer's wages shall be a lien significant change occurs at the lowest level of positions in
on the goods manufactured or the work done. terms of basic wage without a corresponding change in the
Article 1708. The laborer's wages shall not be other level in the hierarchy of positions, negating as a result
subject to execution or attachment, except for debts incurred thereof the distinction between one level of position from the
for food, shelter, clothing and medical attendance. next higher level, and resulting in a parity between the lowest
Article 1709. The employer shall neither seize level and he next higher level or rank, between new entrants
nor retain any tool or other articles belonging to the laborer.
and old hires, there exists a wage distinction. The concept of
wage distortion assumes an existing grouping or classification
e. Deposits for Loss or Damage
of employees which establishes distinctions among such
employees on some relevant or legitimate basis. This
Article 114. Deposits for Loss or Damage. No employer classification is reflected in a differing wage rate for each of the
shall require his worker to make deposits from which deductions
existing classes of employees [National Federation of Labor v.
shall be made for the reimbursement of loss of or damage to tools,
materials, or equipment supplied by the employer, except when the NLRC].
employer is engaged in such trades, occupations or business where The following are the elements of wage distortion:
the practice of making deductions or requiring deposits is a
recognized one, or is necessary or desirable as determined by the a. An existing hierarchy of positions with
Secretary of Labor and Employment in appropriate rules and corresponding salary rates;
regulations. ART. 115. Limitations. No deduction from the deposits
b. A significant change in the salary of a lower
of an employee for the actual amount of the loss or damage shall be
made unless the employee has been heard thereon, and his pay class without concomitant increase in the
responsibility has been clearly shown. salary rate of a higher one;
c. The elimination of the distinction between the
f. Deduction to Ensure Employment two levels; and
d. The existence of the distortion in the same
Article 117. Deduction to Ensure Employment. It shall be region of the country [Prubankers Association
unlawful to make any deduction from the wages of any employee v. Prudential Bank].
for the benefit of the employer or his representative or
intermediary as consideration of a promise of employment or Normally, a company has a wage structure or method
retention in employment.
of determining the wage of its employees. In a problem dealing
with wage distortion, the basic assumption is that there exists a
g. Retaliatory Measures grouping or classification of employees that establishes
distinctions among them on some relevant or legitimate bases
Article 118. Retaliatory Measures. It shall be unlawful [National Federation of Labor v. NLRC].
for an employer to refuse to pay or reduce the wages and benefits, Involved in the classification of employees are
discharge or in any manner discriminate against any employee who
various factors such as degrees of responsibility, the skills and
has filed any complaint or instituted any proceeding under this
Title or has testified or is about to testify in such proceedings. knowledge required, the complexity of the job, or other logical
basis of differentiation. The differing wage rate for each of the
existing classes of employees reflects this classification.
h. False Reporting
Elimination vs. Severe Contraction
Article 119. False Reporting. It shall be unlawful for any
In order to justify adjustment in wage rates, it is not
person to make any statement, report, or record filed or kept
pursuant to the provisions of this Code knowing such statement, required that there should be a complete elimination of
report or record to be false in any material respect. quantitative wage differences. The existence of “sever
contraction” of such quantitative wage differences is sufficient.
5. Wage Distortion The law mentions “intentional quantitative
Wage distortion contemplates a situation where an differences” in wage or salary rates between and among
increase in prescribed wage rates results in either of the employee-groups in an establishment. By term “intentional”
following: means that the quantitative differences had been arrived at
through the collective bargaining process and concluded by the
a. Elimination of the quantitative differences in the parties. The intention of the parties on the issue whether or not
the benefits under the CBA should be equated with those
rates of wages or salaries; or
granted by law must prevail and should be given full effect.
b. Severe contraction of intentional quantitative
differences in wage or salary rates between and
Prubankers v. Prudential Bank
among employee groups in an establishment as FACTS: On Nov 18 1993 the Regional Tripartite Wages
to effectively obliterate the distinctions and Productivity Board of Region V issued Wage Order No. RB 05-03
embodied in such wage structure based on the which provided for a Cost of Living Allowance (COLA) to workers in
following criteria: the private sector who had rendered service for at least 3 months before
(a) Skills; its effectivity, and for the same period thereafter, in the following
Page 40 of 191
P17.50 in Naga & Legaspi; Held: In this case, the majority of the members of the
P15.50 in the municipalities of Tabaco, Daraga & Pili and NLRC, as well as its dissenting member, agree that there is a wage
the city of Iriga; distortion arising from the bank’s implementation of the P25 wage
P10.00 in all other areas of the Bicol Region. On Nov 23 increase; they do differ, however, on the extent of the distortion that
1993 the Regional Tripartite Wages and Productivity Board of Region can warrant the adoption of corrective measures required by the law.
VII issued Wage Order No. RB VII-03, which directed the integration The "intentional quantitative differences" in wage among employees of
of the COLA mandated pursuant to Wage Order No. RO VII-02-A into the bank has been set by the CBA to about P900 per month as of 01
the basic pay of all workers. The wage order also called for an increase January 1989. It is intentional as it has been arrived at through the
in the minimum wage rates for all workers and employees in the private collective bargaining process to which the parties are thereby
sector as follows: concluded. The Solicitor General, in recommending the grant of due
P10.00 in Cebu, Mandaue & Lapulapu; course to the petition, has correctly emphasized that the intention of the
P5.00 in the municipalities of Compostela, Liloan, parties, whether the benefits under a collective bargaining agreement
Consolacion, Cordova, Talisay, Minglanilla, Naga and the cities of should be equated with those granted by law or not, unless there are
Davao, Toledo, Dumaguete, Bais, Canlaon and Tagbilaran. Pursuant to compelling reasons otherwise, must prevail and be given effect. In
the said wage orders, RESP granted a COLA of P17.50 to its employees keeping then with the intendment of the law and the agreement of the
at its Naga branch and integrated the P150.00 per month COLA into parties themselves, along with the often repeated rule that all doubts in
the basic pay of its rank-and-file employees at its Cebu, Mabolo and P. the interpretation and implementation of labor laws should be resolved
del Rosario branches. On June 7 1994, PET wrote to RESP requesting in favor of labor, we must approximate an acceptable quantitative
that a Labor Management Committee be convened to discuss and difference between and among the CBA agreed work levels.
resolve the wage distortions that resulted from the implementation of
the wage orders. PET also demanded that PET extend the application a. In organized establishments. – Where the
of the wage orders to its employees outside Region V & Region VII, application of any prescribed wage increase by
claiming that the regional implementation of the said orders resulted in
virtue of a Wage Order issued by the RTWPB results
a wage distortion.
VA: Ruled that the regional implementation of the wage in the distortions of the wage structure within an
orders by PET resulted in a wage distortion nationwide which should establishment, the employer and the union should
be resolved in accordance with Art. 124 of Labor Code. negotiate to correct the distortions. Any dispute
CA: Ruled that there was no wage distortion on the arising from wage distortions should be resolved
following grounds:
through the grievance procedure under their CBA
The variance in the salary rates in different regions are
justified by R.A. 6727.
and, if it remains unresolved, through voluntary
The distinctions between each employee group in the arbitration. Unless otherwise agreed by the parties in
region are maintained, as all employees were granted an increase in writing, such dispute should be decided by the
minimum wage rate. Voluntary Arbitrator or panel of Voluntary
PET’s contentions: RESP’s regional implementation: Arbitrators within ten (10) days from the time said
1. A wage distortion exists, because the implementation of
dispute was referred to voluntary arbitration.
the two Wage Orders has resulted in the discrepancy in the
compensation of employees of similar pay classification in different
regions. b. In unorganized establishments. – In cases where
2. Implementation violated the principle of equal work, there are no collective agreements or recognized
equal pay; labor unions, the employers and workers should
3. RESP-Bank when it adopted a uniform wage policy has
endeavour to correct such distortions. Any dispute
sufficiently established a management practice thus, it is estopped from
implementing a wage order for a specific region only. arising therefrom should be settled through the
ISSUE: WON a wage distortion resulted from RESP’s National Conciliation and Mediation Board
implementation of the aforecited Wage Orders? (NO) (NCMB) and, if it remains unresolved after ten (10)
HELD: NO. There was no wage distortion as there is no days of conciliation, should be referred to any of the
wage parity between employees in different rungs, instead there is a
Labor Arbiters of the appropriate branch of the
wage disparity between employees in the same rung but located in
different regions of the country. NLRC. It shall be mandatory for the NLRC to
A disparity in wages between employees holding similar conduct continuous hearings and decide the dispute
positions but in different regions does not constitute wage distortion as within twenty (20) days from the time said dispute
contemplated by law. – Different regional wages are mandated by the is submitted for compulsory arbitration.
law (specifically RA 6727) as there is recognition that there exist
regional disparities in the cost of living. RA 6727 recognizes that there
are different needs for the different situations in different regions of the c. Effect of pendency of a wage distortion dispute. –
country. The pendency of a dispute arising from wage
EQUAL PAY, EQUAL WORK: RA 6727 mandates that distortion shall not, in any way, delay the
wages in every region must be set by the particular wage board of that applicability of any increase in prescribed wage
region, based on the prevailing situation therein. Necessarily, the wages
rates pursuant to the provisions of the Wage Order.
in different regions will not be uniform. Thus, under RA 6727, the
minimum wage in Region 1 may be different from that in Region 13,
because the socioeconomic conditions in the two regions are different. Ilaw at Buklod v. NLRC
In this case, the fourth element of wage distortion is absent. Held: The strike involving the issue of wage distortion is
The Supreme Court emphasized that we are talking about different illegal as a means of resolving it. The legality of these activities is
regions with different minimum wages. This disparity in wages usually dependent on the legality of the purposes sought to be attained
between employees holding similar positions but in different regions and the means employed therefore. It goes without saying that these
does not constitute wage distortion. It is the hierarchy of positions and joint or coordinated activities may be forbidden or restricted by law or
disparity of their corresponding wages and other emoluments that are contract. In the instance of "distortions of the wage structure within an
sought to be preserved by the concept of wage distortion. Petition is establishment" resulting from "the application of any prescribed wage
DENIED. increase by virtue of a law or wage order," Section 3 of Republic Act
No. 6727 prescribes a specific, detailed and comprehensive procedure
for the correction thereof, thereby implicitly excluding strikes or
Metrobank v. NLRC
Page 41 of 191
lockouts or other concerted activities as modes of settlement of the supervisory employees a salary increase whenever rank-and-file
issue. employee are granted an increase is, in this case, unavailing.
The provision states that the employer and the union shall Basically, Metro's argument is that such increase was
negotiate to correct the distortions. Any dispute arising from wage merely a bonus given to supervisory employees. A "bonus" is an
distortions shall be resolved through the grievance procedure under amount granted and paid to an employee for his industry and loyalty
their collective bargaining agreement and, if it remains unresolved, which contributed to the success of the employer's business and made
through voluntary arbitration. Unless otherwise agreed by the parties in possible the realization of profits. It is something given in addition to
writing, such dispute shall be decided by the voluntary arbitrator or what is ordinarily received by or strictly due to the recipient.
panel of voluntary arbitrators within ten (10) calendar days from the The general rule is that a bonus is a gratuity or an act of
time said dispute was referred to voluntary arbitration. In cases where liberality which the recipient has no right to demand as a matter of
there are no collective agreements or recognized labor unions, the right.[8] A bonus, however, is a demandable or enforceable obligation
employers and workers shall endeavor to correct such distortions. Any when it is made part of the wage or salary or compensation of the
dispute arising there from shall be settled through the National employee.[9] Whether or not a bonus forms part of wages depends upon
Conciliation and Mediation Board and, if it remains unresolved after the circumstances and conditions for its payment. If it is additional
ten (10) calendar days of conciliation, shall be referred to the compensation which the employer promised and agreed to give without
appropriate branch of the National Labor Relations Commission any conditions imposed for its payment, such as success of business or
(NLRC). It shall be mandatory for the NLRC to conduct continuous greater production or output, then it is part of the wage. But if it is paid
hearings and decide the dispute within twenty (20) calendar days from only if profits are realized or if a certain level of productivity is
the time said dispute is submitted for compulsory arbitration. The achieved, it can not be considered part of the wage. Where it is not
pendency of a dispute arising from a wage distortion shall not in any payable to all but only to some employees and only when their labor
way delay the applicability of any increase in prescribed wage rates becomes more efficient or more productive, it is only an inducement
pursuant to the provisions of law or Wage Order. for efficiency, a prize therefor, not a part of the wage.
The legislative intent that solution of the problem of wage In the case at bar, the increase of P550.00 sought by private
distortions shall be sought by voluntary negotiation or arbitration, and respondent SEAM was neither an inducement nor was it contingent on
not by strikes, lockouts, or other concerted activities of the employees (a) the success of the business of petitioner Metro; or (b) the increased
or management, is made clear in the rules implementing RA 6727 production or work output of the company or (c) the realization of
issued by the Secretary of Labor and Employment pursuant to the profits. The demand for this increase was based on a company practice,
authority granted by Section 13 of the Act. Section 16, Chapter I of admitted by Metro, of granting a salary increase (and a premium) to
these implementing rules, after reiterating the policy that wage supervisory employees whenever rank-and-file employees were
distortions be first settled voluntarily by the parties and eventually by granted a salary increase. That those increases were precisely designed
compulsory arbitration, declares that, "Any issue involving wage to correct or minimize the wage distortion effects of increases given to
distortion shall not be a ground for a strike/lockout." rank-and-file employees (under their CBA or under Wage Orders),
highlights the fact that those increases were part of the wage structure
Wage Distortion, When Correctible of supervisory employees. The demanded increase therefore is not a
bonus that is generally not demandable as a matter of right. The
The employer cannot legally be obligated to correct
demanded increase, in this instance, is an enforceable obligation so far
“wage distortion” if the increase in the wages and salaries of as the supervisory employees of Metro are concerned.
the newly-hired employees was not due to a prescribed law or We conclude that the supervisory employees, who then (i.e.,
wage order but due to increases it voluntarily granted to them. on 17 April 1989) had, unlike the rank-and-file employees, no CBA
The wordings of Article 124 are clear. If it was the intention of governing the terms and conditions of their employment, had the right
the legislators to cover all kinds of wage adjustments, then the to rely on the company practice of unilaterally correcting the wage
language of the law should have been broad, not restrictive, as distortion effects of a salary increase given to the rank-and-file
it is currently phrased. employees, by giving the supervisory employees a corresponding
salary increase plus a premium. For reasons, however, shortly to be
The mere factual existence of wage distortion does
stated in the disposition of the second issue, we hold that the P550.00
not ipso facto result to an obligation to rectify it absent a law or increase is demandable by SEAM only in respect of the period
other source of obligation which requires its rectification. beginning 17 April 1989 and ending on 30 November 1989.
In the case of Bankard Employees Union v. NLRC, It is true enough that, in the present case, the wage distortion
the petitioner cited Metro Transit v. NLRC to support its claim to be corrected by the award of P550.00 increase for supervisory
that the obligation to rectify wage distortion is not confined to employees beginning 17 April 1989, was due to the time gap between
wage distortion resulting from government decreed law or the effectivity date (17 April 1989) of the increase of P500.00 per
wage order. Reliance on Metro Transit is, however, misplaced month given to rank-and-file employees under their CBA end the
effectivity date (1 December 1989) of the P800.00 increase given to
as the obligation therein to rectify the wage distortion was not
supervisory employees under their own CBA. It is also true that had
by virtue of Article 124 of the Labor Code but on account of a the P800.00 increase to supervisory employees been made retroactive
then existing “company practice” that whenever rank-and-file to 17 April 1989 by an appropriate synchronizing provision in the
employees were paid a statutorily mandated salary increase, Metro-SEAM CBA, no wage distortion would have arisen. The fact,
supervisory employees were, as a matter of practice, also paid however, remains that Metro and SEAM did not agree upon such
the same amount plus an added premium. remedy in their CBA and that the CBA increase given to rank-and-file
employees did produce a distortion effect by obliterating or drastically
reducing the previous gap between the salary rates of rank-and-file and
Metro Transit v. NLRC
supervisory employees. The point to be stressed is that considering the
Held: In respect of the issue of existence of a wage
prior practice of petitioner Metro, its supervisory employees had the
distortion, the Court finds and so holds that a wage distortion did occur
right to expect rectification of that distortion.
when the salaries of rank-and-file employees were increased by
We turn to the issue of whether the wage distortion referred
P500.00 per month on 17 April 1989 as stipulated in their CBA and no
to above was effectively rectified by petitioner Metro in accordance
corresponding increase was paid to the supervisory employees. This
with law.
fact was admitted by Atty. Virgilio C. Abejo, counsel for petitioner
This issue arises because, as already noted, the NLRC in its
Metro, during the oral hearing and Metro is bound by that admission.
30 March 1994 Decision decreed that Metro shall pay the "P550.00 per
In addition, Atty. Abejo explained that his client, as a matter
month wage increase effective April 17, 1989 and onwards" and
of practice, granted its supervisory employees a salary increase (and a
similarly ordered the payment of P600.00 per month which it found to
premium) whenever it paid its rank-and-file employees a salary
have been underpaid "effective December 1, 1990 and onwards."
It is helpful to recall the general principles laid down in
The defense of management prerogative or discretion
National Federation of Labor v. National Labor Relations
invoked by petitioner Metro in asserting that it is not obligated to grant
Page 42 of 191
Commission,[11] where the Court discussed at some length the determination of appropriate minimum wage and productivity
relatively obscure concept of wage distortion. Those principles may be measures at the regional, provincial or industry levels; and authorized
summarily stated in the following manner: the RTWPB to determine and fix the minimum wage rates applicable
(a) The concept of wage distortion assumes an existing in their respective regions, provinces, or industries therein and issue the
grouping or classification of employees which establishes distinctions corresponding wage orders, subject to the guidelines issued by the
among such employees on some relevant or legitimate basis. This NWPC. Pursuant to its wage fixing authority, the RTWPB may issue
classification is reflected in a differing wage rate for each of the existing wage orders which set the daily minimum wage rates, based on the
classes of employees. standards or criteria set by Article 124 of the Labor Code.
(b)Wage distortions have often been the result of Interpretation of the CBA Provision
government-decreed increases in minimum wages. There are, however, Furthermore, the Union’s reliance on the above quoted CBA
other causes of wage distortions, like the merger of two (2) companies provision and on the flawed arbitrator’s case disposition is really
(with differing classifications of employees and different wage rates) misplaced. Consider that in his decision, Chavez, after admitting that
where the surviving company absorbs all the employees of the NIASSI’s employees were receiving a wage rate higher than the
dissolved corporation. (In the present Metro case, as already noted, the prescribed minimum wage, proceeded to fault NIASSI for not
wage distortion arose because the effectivity dates of wage increases presenting evidence to show that the overage or excess resulted from
given to each of the two (2) classes of employees (rank-and-file and general wage increases granted by the company itself within one year
supervisory) had not been synchronized in their respective CBAs.) from the effectivity of the CBA in 1997. By simplistically utilizing the
(c) Should a wage distortion exist, there is no legal adage "doubt is resolved in labor," instead of relying on the case records
requirement that, in the rectification of that distortion by re-adjustment and the evidence adduced, the voluntary arbitrator extended the
of the wage rates of the differing classes of employees, the gap which coverage of WO RXIII-02 to include those who, by the terms of the
had previously or historically existed be restored in precisely the same order, are not supposed to receive the benefit. If only the voluntary
amount. In other words, correction of wage distortion may be done by arbitrator was circumspect enough to consider the facts on hand, he
re-establishing a substantial or significant gap (as distinguished from would have seen that the CBA provision on noncreditability finds no
the historical gap) between the wage rates of the differing classes of application in the present case, because creditability is not the real issue
employees. in this case. And neither is the interpretation of the CBA provision.
(d) The re-establishment of a significant difference in wage
rates may be the result of resort to grievance procedures or collective Restoration of Substantial Differentiation
bargaining negotiations.
It must be noted that in correcting wage distortion,
In the present case, the Court must confront the task of
determining whether the CBA forged by Metro and SEAM had, along the law does not require the difference which had previously
with the award of P550.00 per month from 17 April 1989 to 1 existed between and among the employees of different classes
December 1989, referred to in Part I above, adequately corrected the be restored in exactly the same amount. What is required is
wage distortion. substantial difference in such wage rates [National Federation
After careful examination of the provisions of the CBA of Labor v. NLRC].
between Metro and SEAM, in particular the provisions relating to
anniversary salary increases every 1 December beginning 1989 to 6. Minimum Wage
1991, we believe and so hold that together with the increase of P550.00
referred to in Part I above, those provisions will have adequately
rectified the wage distortion which arose in respect of rank-and-file and Article 99. Regional Minimum Wages. - The minimum
supervisory employees. wage rates for agricultural and non-agricultural employees and
workers in each and every region of the country shall be those
prescribed by the Regional Tripartite Wages and Productivity
Nasipit v. Nasipit Boards.
Held: Wage Order RXIII-02’s coverage is specific Section
1 of WO RXIII-02, an Section 1(a) of the IRR provides the Coverage
which states that “The minimum wage rates prescribed under the Order
"Statutory minimum wage" is the lowest wage rate
shall apply to the minimum wage earners in the private sector fixed by law that an employer can pay his workers.
regardless of their position, designation or status and irrespective of the Compensation which is less than such minimum rate is
method by which their wages are paid.” considered an underpayment that violates the law.
Moreover, Section 1(c) of the IRR provides that “Workers Regional minimum wage rates refer to the lowest
and employees who, prior to the effectivity of the Order were receiving basic wage rates that an employer can pay his workers, as fixed
a basic wage rate per day or its monthly equivalent of more than those by the RTWPBs, and which shall not be lower than the
prescribed under the Order, may receive wage increases through the
applicable statutory minimum wage rates.
correction of wage distortions in accordance with Section 1, Rule IV of
this Rules.
The employer cannot exempt himself from liability
Under the principle of expressio unius est exclusio alterius, to pay minimum wages because of poor financial condition of
the express mention of one excludes all others. The wage order is the company, the payment of minimum wages not being
specific enough to cover only minimum wage earners. Necessarily dependent on the employer's ability to pay. Thus, in one case,
excluded are those receiving rates above the prescribed minimum the heirs of a market cleaner of the Municipality of Ilagan sued
wage. The only situation when employees receiving a wage rate higher for underpayments under the Minimum Wage Law. The
than that prescribed by the Wage Order may still benefit from such municipality raised the defense that it was not liable for lack of
order is through the correction of wage distortions.
funds. It was held that the lack of funds is not a valid defense
Authority of RTWPB
Moreover, as discussed in Metropolitan Bank and Trust
on the part of the municipality to excuse the latter from paying
Company, Inc. vs National Wages and Productivity Commission: the minimum wage because the payment of such wage is
R.A. No. 6727 declared it a policy of the State to rationalize mandatory statutory obligation that is not dependent upon one's
the fixing of minimum wages and to promote productivity ability to pay [De Radio v. Municipality of Ilagan].
improvement and gain-sharing measures to ensure a decent standard of The acceptance by an employee of the wages paid
living for the workers and their families; to guarantee the rights of labor him without objection does not give rise to estoppel precluding
to its just share in the fruits of production; to enhance employment him from suing for the difference between the amount received
generation in the countryside through industrial dispersal; and to allow
and the amount he should have received pursuant to a valid
business and industry reasonable returns on investment, expansion and
minimum wage law where it does not appear that the employer
In line with its declared policy, R.A. No. 6727 created the changed his position to his own prejudice.
NWPC, vested with the power to prescribe rules and guidelines for the
Page 43 of 191
7. 13th Month Pay (P.D. 851) replicated, without regard to the time spent in producing the
a. Coverage The term "its equivalent" as used in item D.2 above
All employers are required to pay their rank-and-file shall include Christmas bonus, midyear bonus, cash bonuses,
employees thirteenth-month pay, regardless of the nature of and other payments amounting to not less than one-twelfth
their employment and irrespective of the methods by which (1/12) of the basic salary but shall not include cash and stock
their wages are paid, provided they worked for at least one (1) dividends, cost of living allowance, and all other allowances
month during a calendar year. The thirteenth-month pay should regularly enjoyed by the employee, as well as non-monetary
be given to the employees not later than December 24 of every benefits.
year. PD 851 contemplates the situation of land-based
The Labor Code, as amended, distinguishes a rank- workers, and not of seafarers who generally earn more than
and-file employee from a managerial employee. A managerial domestic land-based workers [Petroleum v. NLRC].
employee is one who is vested with powers or prerogatives to
lay down and execute management policies and/or to hire, d. Time of Payment
transfer, suspend, layoff, recall, discharge, assign, or discipline The thirteenth-month pay shall be paid not later than
employees, or to effectively recommend such managerial December 24 of every year. An employer, however, may give
actions. All employees not falling within this definition are to his or her employees one-half (1/2) of the thirteenth month
considered rank-and-file employees. The above distinction pay before the opening of the regular school year and the
shall be used as guide for the purpose of determining who are remaining half on or before December 24 of every year. The
rank-and-file employees entitled to the thirteenth-month pay. frequency of payment of this monetary benefit may be the
subject of an agreement between the employer and the
b. Minimum Amount recognized/collective bargaining agent of the employees.
The thirteenth-month pay shall not be less than one-
twelfth (1/12) of the total basic salary earned by an employee e. Thirteenth-Month Pay for Certain
in a calendar year. The "basic salary" of an employee for the Types of Employees
purpose of computing the thirteenthmonth pay shall include all Employees who are paid on piecework basis are
remunerations or earnings paid by his or her employer for entitled to the thirteenth-month pay.
services rendered. It does not include allowances and monetary Government employees working part-time in a
benefits which are not considered or integrated as part of the private enterprise, including private educational institutions, as
regular or basic salary, such as the cash equivalent of unused well as employees working in two or more private firms,
vacation and sick leave credits, overtime, premium, night shift whether on full-time or part-time basis, are entitled to the
differential and holiday pay, and cost of living allowance thirteenth- month pay from all their private employers,
(COLA). However, these salary-related benefits should be regardless of their total earnings from each of their employers.
included as part of the basic salary in the computation of the Employees who are paid a fixed or guaranteed wage
thirteenth-month pay if these are treated as part of the basic plus commission are also entitled to the thirteenth-month pay,
salary of the employees, through individual or collective based on their earnings during the calendar year (i.e., on both
agreement, company practice or policy. their fixed or guaranteed wage and commission).
In the consolidated cases of Boie Takeda Chemicals,
c. Exempted Employers Inc. vs. Dionisio de la Serna, and Philippine Fuji Xerox
The following employers are not covered by PD 851: Corporation vs. Cresenciano B. Trajano, the Supreme Court
ruled that commissions, while included in the generic term
(i) The government and any of its political wage, are not part of "basic salary/wage" and therefore should
subdivisions, including government-owned not be included in computing the thirteenth-month pay. Thus:
and controlled corporations, except those
In remunerative schemes consisting of a fixed or
corporations operating essentially as private
guaranteed wage plus commission, the fixed or guaranteed
subsidiaries of the government; wage is patently the "basic salary" for this is what the
(ii) Employers who are already paying their employee receives for a standard work period.
employees thirteenth- month pay or more in a Commissions are given for extra efforts exerted in
calendar year or its equivalent at the time of consummating sales or other related transactions. They are,
the issuance of PD 851; as such, additional pay, which this Court has made clear do
not form part of the "basic salary" (228 SCRA 329 [1993]).
(iii) Persons in the personal service of another in
relation to such workers; and f. Resigned or Separated Employee
(iv) Employers of those who are paid on purely An employee who has resigned or whose services are
commission, boundary or task basis, and those terminated at any time before the time of payment of the
who are paid a fixed amount for performing thirteenth-month pay is entitled to this monetary benefit in
specific work, irrespective of the time proportion to the length of time he or she has worked during the
consumed in the performance thereof (except year, reckoned from the time he or she has started working
those workers who are paid on piece-rate during the calendar year up to the time of his or her resignation
basis, in which case their employer shall grant or termination from the service. Thus, if he or she worked only
them thirteenth-month pay. from January to September, his or her proportionate thirteenth-
month pay should be equal to one-twelfth (1/12) of his or her
As used herein, “workers paid on piece-rate basis” total basic salary earned during that period.
shall refer to those who are paid a standard amount for every
piece or unit of work produced that is more or less regularly C. LEAVES
Page 44 of 191
1. Service Incentive Leave reckoned from the date the employee started working,
including authorized absences and paid regular holidays
unless the working days in the establishment as a matter of
Article 95. Right to Service Incentive Leave. (a) Every
practice or policy, or that provided in the employment
employee who has rendered at least one year of service shall be
contract is less than 12 months, in which case said period
entitled to a yearly service incentive leave of five days with pay.
shall be considered as one year.
(b) This provision shall not apply to those who are
already enjoying the benefit herein provided, those enjoying
vacation leave with pay of at least five days and those employed in The phrase “leave with pay” means that the employee
establishments regularly employing less than ten employees or in is entitled to his full compensation during his leave of absence
establishments exempted from granting this benefit by the from work.
Secretary of Labor and Employment after considering the viability The term “at least one year of service” should mean
or financial condition of such establishment. service within 12 months, whether continuous or broken,
(c) The grant of benefit in excess of that provided herein reckoned from the date the employee started working,
shall not be made a subject of arbitration or any court or
including authorized absences and paid regular holidays, unless
administrative action.
the number of working days in the establishment as a matter of
practice or policy, or that provided in the employment contract,
a. Coverage
is less than 12 months, in which case, said period should be
Section 1, Rule V, Book III of the IRR provides: considered as 1 year for the purpose of determining entitlement
to the service incentive leave benefit [Integrated Contractor
SECTION 1. Coverage. — This rule shall apply
and Plumbing Works v. NLRC].
to all employees except:
(a) Those of the government and any of its In JPL Marketing v. Court of Appeals, where an
political subdivisions, including government-owned and employee was never paid his service incentive leave during all
controlled corporations; the time he was employed, it was held that the same should be
(b) Domestic helpers and persons in the personal computed not from the start of employment but a year after
service of another; commencement of service, for it is only then that the employee
(c) Managerial employees as defined in Book is entitled to said benefit. This is because the entitlement to said
Three of this Code;
benefit accrues only from the time he has rendered at least one
(d) Field personnel and other employees whose
year of service to his employer. The computation thereof should
performance is unsupervised by the employer including
those who are engaged on task or contract basis, purely only be up to the date of termination of employment. There is
commission basis, or those who are paid a fixed amount for no cause for granting said incentive to one who has already
performing work irrespective of the time consumed in the terminated his relationship with the employer.
performance thereof;
(e) Those who are already enjoying the benefit 2. Maternity Leave (R.A. 11210)
herein provided;
(f) Those enjoying vacation leave with pay of at
Section 3. Grant of Maternity Leave.— All covered
least five days; and
female workers in government and the private sector, including
(g) Those employed in establishments regularly
those in the informal economy, regardless of civil status or the
employing less than ten employees.
legitimacy of her child, shall be granted one hundred five (105)
days maternity leave with full pay and an option to extend for an
In David v. Macasio, the payment of an employee on additional thirty (30) days without pay: Provided, That in case the
task or pakyaw basis alone is insufficient to exclude one from worker qualifies as a solo parent under Republic Act No. 8972, or
the coverage of SIL and holiday pay. They are exempted from the "Solo Parents’ Welfare Act", the worker shall be granted an
the coverage of Title I (including the holiday and SIL pay) only additional fifteen (15) days maternity leave with full pay.
if they qualify as “field personnel.” The IRR therefore validly Enjoyment of maternity leave cannot be deferred but
qualifies and limits the general exclusion of “workers paid by should be availed of either before or after the actual period of
delivery in a continuous and uninterrupted manner, not exceeding
results” found in Article 82 from the coverage of holiday and
one hundred five (105) days, as the case may be.
SIL pay. This is the only reasonable interpretation since the Maternity leave shall be granted to female workers in
determination of excluded workers who are paid by results every instance of pregnancy, miscarriage or emergency
from the coverage of Title I is “determined by the Secretary of termination of pregnancy, regardless of frequency: Provided, That
Labor in appropriate regulations.” for cases of miscarriage or emergency termination of pregnancy,
The Court has already held that company drivers who sixty (60) days maternity leave with full pay shall be granted.
are under the control and supervision of management officers
— like respondent herein — are regular employees entitled to Section 4. Maternity Leave for Female Workers in the
benefits including service incentive leave pay [HSY Marketing Public Sector.— Any pregnant female worker in the government
v. Villastique]. service, regardless of employment status, in National Government
Agencies (NGAs), Local Government Units (LGUs), Government-
Owned or -Controlled Corporations (GOCCs), or State
b. Right to Service Incentive Leave
Universities and Colleges (SUCs), shall be granted a maternity
Sections 2 and 3, Rule V, Book III of the IRR leave of one hundred five (105) days with full pay regardless if the
provides: delivery was normal or caesarian: Provided, That, in case the
employee qualifies as a solo parent under Republic Act No. 8972,
SECTION 2. Right to service incentive leave. — or the "Solo Parents’ Welfare Act", the employee shall be paid an
Every employee who has rendered at least one year of additional maternity benefit of fifteen (15) days. An additional
service shall be entitled to a yearly service incentive leave maternity leave of thirty (30) days, without pay, can be availed of,
of five days with pay. at the option of the female worker: Provided, further, That, the
head of the agency shall be given due notice, in writing, at least
SECTION 3. Definition of certain terms. — The forty-five (45) days before the end of her maternity leave: Provided,
term "at least one-year service" shall mean service for not finally, That no prior notice shall be necessary in the event of a
less than 12 months, whether continuous or broken
Page 45 of 191
medical emergency but subsequent notice shall be given to the head
of the agency. Section 6. Allocation of Maternity Leave Credits.— Any
Maternity leave of sixty (60) days, with full pay, shall be female worker entitled to maternity leave benefits as provided for
granted for miscarriage or emergency termination of pregnancy. herein may, at her option, allocate up to seven (7) days of said
benefits to the child’s father, whether or not the same is married to
Section 5. Maternity Leave for Female Workers in the the female worker: Provided, That in the death, absence, or
Private Sector.— Any pregnant female worker in the private sector incapacity of the former, the benefit may be allocated to an
shall be granted a maternity leave of one hundred five (105) days alternate caregiver who may be a relative within the fourth degree
with full pay, regardless of whether she gave birth via caesarian of consanguinity or the current partner of the female worker
section or natural delivery, while maternity leave of sixty (60) days sharing the same household, upon the election of the mother taking
with full pay shall be granted for miscarriage or emergency into account the best interests of the child: Provided, further, That
termination of pregnancy. written notice thereof is provided to the employers of the female
(a) A female Social Security System (SSS) member who worker and alternate caregiver: Provided, furthermore, That this
has paid at least three (3) monthly contributions in the twelve (12)- benefit is over and above that which is provided under Republic
month period immediately preceding the semester of her Act No. 8187, or the "Paternity Leave Act of 1996": Provided,
childbirth, miscarriage, or emergency termination of pregnancy finally, That in the event the beneficiary female worker dies or is
shall be paid her daily maternity benefit which shall be computed permanently incapacitated, the balance of her maternity leave
based on her average monthly salary credit for one hundred five benefits shall accrue to the father of the child or to a qualified
(105) days, regardless of whether she gave birth via caesarian caregiver as provided above.
section or natural delivery, subject to the following conditions:
(1) That the female worker shall have notified her Section 7. Maternity Leave for Women Regardless of Civil
employer of her pregnancy and the probable date of her childbirth, Status.— All female workers in the government and female
which notice shall be transmitted to the SSS in accordance with the members of the SSS, regardless of their civil status, shall be granted
rules and regulations it may provide; maternity leave, with full pay, upon compliance with the preceding
(2) That the full payment shall be advanced by the section.
employer within thirty (30) days from the filing of the maternity
leave application;
Section 8. Maternity Leave With Pay in Case of
(3) That payment of daily maternity benefits shall be a
Childbirth, Miscarriage, or Emergency Termination of Pregnancy
bar to the recovery of sickness benefits provided under Republic
After the Termination of an Employee’s Service.— Maternity leave
Act No. 1161, as amended, for the same period for which daily
with full pay shall be granted even if the childbirth, miscarriage, or
maternity benefits have been received;
emergency termination of pregnancy occurs not more than fifteen
(4) That the SSS shall immediately reimburse the
(15) calendar days after the termination of an employee’s service,
employer of one hundred percent (100%) of the amount of
as her right thereto has already accrued: Provided, That such
maternity benefits advanced to the female worker by the employer
period is not applicable when the employment of the pregnant
upon receipt of satisfactory and legal proof of such payment; and
woman worker has been terminated without just cause, in which
(5) That if a female worker should give birth or suffer a
case the employer will pay her the full amount equivalent to her
miscarriage or emergency termination of pregnancy without the
salary for one hundred five (105) days for childbirth and sixty (60)
required contributions having been remitted for her by her
days for miscarriage or emergency termination of pregnancy based
employer to the SSS, or without the latter having been previously
on her full pay, in addition to the other applicable daily cash
notified by the employer of the time of the pregnancy, the employer
maternity benefits that she should have received had her
shall pay to the SSS damages equivalent to the benefits which said
employment not been illegally terminated.
female member would otherwise have been entitled to.
In case the employee qualifies as a solo parent under
Republic Act No. 8972, or the "Solo Parents’ Welfare Act", the Section 9. Maternity Leave Credits.— The maternity
employee shall be paid an additional maternity benefit of fifteen leave can be credited as combinations of prenatal and postnatal
(15) days. leave as long as it does not exceed one hundred five (105) days and
(b) An additional maternity leave of thirty (30) days, provided that compulsory postnatal leave shall not be less than
without pay, can be availed of, at the option of the female sixty (60) days.
worker: Provided, That the employer shall be given due notice, in
writing, at least forty-five (45) days before the end of her maternity Section 10. Maternity Leave Benefits for Women in the
leave: Provided, further, That no prior notice shall be necessary in Informal Economy and Voluntary Contributors to the SSS.—
the event of a medical emergency but subsequent notice shall be Maternity benefits shall cover all married and unmarried women,
given to the head of the agency. including female workers in the informal economy.
(c) Workers availing of the maternity leave period and Female workers in the informal economy are entitled to
benefits must receive their full pay. Employers from the private maternity leave benefits if they have remitted to the SSS at least
sector shall be responsible for payment of the salary differential three (3) monthly contributions in the .twelve (12)-month period
between the actual cash benefits received from the SSS by the immediately preceding the semester of her childbirth, miscarriage,
covered female workers and their average weekly or regular wages, or emergency termination of pregnancy.
for the entire duration of the maternity leave, with the following
exceptions, subject to the guidelines to be issued by the Department Section 11. Maternity Benefits for Female Workers Who
of Labor and Employment (DOLE): are Non-Members of the SSS.— Female workers who are neither
(1) Those operating distressed establishments; voluntary nor regular members of the SSS shall be governed by the
(2) Those retail/service establishments and other Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth) Circular
enterprises employing not more than ten (10) workers; No. 022-2014 or the "Social Health Insurance Coverage and
(3) Those considered as micro-business enterprises and Benefits for Women About to Give Birth".
engaged in the production, processing, or manufacturing of
products or commodities including agro-processing, trading, and
services, whose total assets are not more than Three million pesos Section 12. Maternity Leave of a Female Worker With
(₱3,000,000.00); and Pending Administrative Case. — The maternity leave benefits
(4) Those who are already providing similar or more granted under this Act shall be enjoyed by a female worker in the
than the benefits herein provided. government service and in the private sector even if she has a
Provided, That said exemptions shall be subject to an pending administrative case.
annual submission of a justification by the employer claiming
exemption for the approval of the DOLE.
Page 46 of 191
Section 13. Maternity Leave for Female National
Athletes.— In the event a national athlete becomes pregnant, she a. Under Magna Carta of Women (RA
will be referred to the team physician or an accredited physician of 9710)
the Philippine Sports Commission (PSC) or an obstetrician-
gynecologist to determine her fitness to continue training. She will
be allowed to participate in all team-related activities, unless the SECTION 18. Special Leave Benefits for Women. —
physician advises that participation is not medically safe or should A woman employee having rendered continuous aggregate
be limited. Upon medical advice, she shall go on maternity leave employment service of at least six (6) months for the last twelve (12)
until cleared to return to training. She shall continue receiving her months shall be entitled to a special leave benefit of two (2) months
allowance and be entitled to the same benefits while on maternity with full pay based on her gross monthly compensation following
leave prior to childbirth and up to six (6) months after, unless she surgery caused by gynecological disorders.
can resume sooner as advised by her physician, in which case, she
will be entitled to the allowance and benefits she had prior to b. Under Anti-Violence Against Women
pregnancy: Provided, That a female national athlete employed in and their Children of 2004 (RA 9262)
the public sector shall not receive double compensation or benefits.
Section 15. Security of Tenure. - Those who avail of the 6. Compassionate Leaves
benefits of this Act, whether in the government service or private
sector, shall be assured of security of tenure. As such, the exercise
As proposed by Rillo in House Bill No. 4340, private
of this option by them shall not be used as basis for demotion in and public sector employees would be entitled to seven days of
employment or termination. The transfer to a parallel position or paid bereavement leave following the death of a spouse,
reassignment from one organizational unit to another in the same biological or adoptive parent or child, or a full or half-blood
agency or private enterprise shall be allowed: Provided, That it brother or sister.
shall not involve a reduction in rank, status, salary, or otherwise
amount to constructive dismissal. D. SPECIAL GROUPS OF EMPLOYEES
Page 48 of 191
Held: We do not find a reasonable business necessity in this
case. Petitioners’ sole contention that "the company did not just want Section 12. Employment of Children - Children below
to have two (2) or more of its employees related between the third fifteen (15) years of age shall not be employed except:
degree by affinity and/or consanguinity" is lame. That the second 1) When a child works directly under the sole
paragraph was meant to give teeth to the first paragraph of the responsibility of his/her parents or legal guardian and where only
questioned rule is evidently not the valid reasonable business necessity members of his/her family are employed: Provided, however, That
required by the law. his/her employment neither endangers his/her life, safety, health,
It is significant to note that in the case at bar, respondents and morals, nor impairs his/her normal development: Provided,
were hired after they were found fit for the job, but were asked to resign further, That the parent or legal guardian shall provide the said
when they married a co-employee. Petitioners failed to show how the child with the prescribed primary and/or secondary education; or
marriage of Simbol, then a Sheeting Machine Operator, to Alma Dayrit, 2) Where a child's employment or participation in
then an employee of the Repacking Section, could be detrimental to its public entertainment or information through cinema, theater,
business operations. Neither did petitioners explain how this detriment radio, television or other forms of media is essential: Provided, That
will happen in the case of Wilfreda Comia, then a Production Helper in the employment contract is concluded by the child's parents or
the Selecting Department, who married Howard Comia, then a helper legal guardian, with the express agreement of the child concerned,
in the cutter-machine. The policy is premised on the mere fear that if possible, and the approval of the Department of Labor and
employees married to each other will be less efficient. If we uphold the Employment: Provided, further, That the following requirements in
questioned rule without valid justification, the employer can create all instances are strictly complied with:
policies based on an unproven presumption of a perceived danger at the (a) The employer shall ensure the protection, health,
expense of an employee’s right to security of tenure. safety, morals and normal development of the child;
Disparate Impact Theory (b) The employer shall institute measures to prevent the
Petitioners contend that their policy will apply only when child's exploitation or discrimination taking into account the
one employee marries a co-employee, but they are free to marry system and level of remuneration, and the duration and
persons other than co-employees. The questioned policy may not arrangement of working time; and
facially violate Article 136 of the Labor Code but it creates a (c) The employer shall formulate and implement,
disproportionate effect and under the disparate impact theory, the only subject to the approval and supervision of competent authorities, a
way it could pass judicial scrutiny is a showing that it is reasonable continuing program for training and skills acquisition of the child.
despite the discriminatory, albeit disproportionate, effect. The failure In the above-exceptional cases where any such child may
of petitioners to prove a legitimate business concern in imposing the be employed, the employer shall first secure, before engaging such
questioned policy cannot prejudice the employee’s right to be free from child, a work permit from the Department of Labor and
arbitrary discrimination based upon stereotypes of married persons Employment which shall ensure observance of the above
working together in one company. requirements.
Lastly, the absence of a statute expressly prohibiting marital For purposes of this Article, the term "child" shall apply
discrimination in our jurisdiction cannot benefit the petitioners. The to all persons under eighteen (18) years of age.
protection given to labor in our jurisdiction is vast and extensive that
we cannot prudently draw inferences from the legislature’s silence that
married persons are not protected under our Constitution and declare Section 12-A. Hours of Work of a Working Child. - Under
valid a policy based on a prejudice or stereotype. Thus, for failure of the exceptions provided in Section 12 of this Act, as amended:
petitioners to present undisputed proof of a reasonable business (1) A child below fifteen (15) years of age may be allowed
necessity, we rule that the questioned policy is an invalid exercise of to work for not more than twenty (20) hours a week: Provided, That
management prerogative. Corollarily, the issue as to whether the work shall not be more than four (4) hours at any given day;
respondents Simbol and Comia resigned voluntarily has become moot (2) A child fifteen (15) years of age but below eighteen
and academic. (18) shall not be allowed to work for more than eight (8) hours a
day, and in no case beyond forty (40) hours a week;
(3) No child below fifteen (15) years of age shall be
c. Prohibited Acts allowed to work between eight o'clock in the evening and six o'clock
in the morning of the following day and no child fifteen (15) years
Article 135. Prohibited Acts. It shall be unlawful for any of age but below eighteen (18) shall be allowed to work between ten
employer: o'clock in the evening and six o'clock in the morning of the
(1) To deny any woman employee the benefits provided following day."
for in this Chapter or to discharge any woman employed by him Section 12-B. Ownership, Usage and Administration of
for the purpose of preventing her from enjoying any of the benefits the Working Child's Income. - The wages, salaries, earnings and
provided under this Code; other income of the working child shall belong to him/her in
(2) To discharge such woman on account of her ownership and shall be set aside primarily for his/her support,
pregnancy, or while on leave or in confinement due to her education or skills acquisition and secondarily to the collective
pregnancy; needs of the family: Provided, That not more than twenty percent
(3) To discharge or refuse the admission of such woman (20%) of the child's income may be used for the collective needs of
upon returning to her work for fear that she may again be the family.
pregnant. The income of the working child and/or the property
acquired through the work of the child shall be administered by
both parents. In the absence or incapacity of either of the parents,
d. Classification of Certain Women
the other parent shall administer the same. In case both parents
Workers are absent or incapacitated, the order of preference on parental
authority as provided for under the Family Code shall apply.
Article 136. Classification of Certain Women Workers. Section 12-C. Trust Fund to Preserve Part of the Working
Any woman who is permitted or suffered to work, with or without Child's Income. - The parent or legal guardian of a working child
compensation, in any night club, cocktail lounge, massage clinic, below eighteen (18) years of age shall set up a trust fund for at least
bar or similar establishments under the effective control or thirty percent (30%) of the earnings of the child whose wages and
supervision of the employer for a substantial period of time as salaries from work and other income amount to at least two
determined by the Secretary of Labor and Employment, shall be hundred thousand pesos (P200,000.00) annually, for which he/she
considered as an employee of such establishment for purposes of shall render a semi-annual accounting of the fund to the
labor and social legislation. Department of Labor and Employment, in compliance with the
provisions of this Act. The child shall have full control over the
2. Minors trust fund upon reaching the age of majority.
Page 49 of 191
Section 12-D. Prohibition Against Worst Forms of Child Section 7. Guarantee of Privacy. – Respect for the
Labor. - No child shall be engaged in the worst forms of child labor. privacy of the domestic worker shall be guaranteed at all times and
The phrase "worst forms of child labor" shall refer to any of the shall extend to all forms of communication and personal effects.
following: This guarantee equally recognizes that the domestic worker is
(1) All forms of slavery, as defined under the "Anti- obliged to render satisfactory service at all times.
trafficking in Persons Act of 2003", or practices similar to slavery
such as sale and trafficking of children, debt bondage and serfdom
Section 8. Access to Outside Communication. – The
and forced or compulsory labor, including recruitment of children
employer shall grant the domestic worker access to outside
for use in armed conflict; or
communication during free time: Provided, That in case of
(2) The use, procuring, offering or exposing of a child for
emergency, access to communication shall be granted even during
prostitution, for the production of pornography or for
work time. Should the domestic worker make use of the employer’s
pornographic performances; or
telephone or other communication facilities, the costs shall be
(3) The use, procuring or offering of a child for illegal or
borne by the domestic worker, unless such charges are waived by
illicit activities, including the production and trafficking of
the employer.
dangerous drugs and volatile substances prohibited under existing
laws; or
(4) Work which, by its nature or the circumstances in Section 9. Right to Education and Training. – The
which it is carried out, is hazardous or likely to be harmful to the employer shall afford the domestic worker the opportunity to finish
health, safety or morals of children, such that it: basic education and may allow access to alternative learning
a) Debases, degrades or demeans the intrinsic worth and systems and, as far as practicable, higher education or technical
dignity of a child as a human being; or and vocational training. The employer shall adjust the work
b) Exposes the child to physical, emotional or sexual schedule of the domestic worker to allow such access to education
abuse, or is found to be highly stressful psychologically or may or training without hampering the services required by the
prejudice morals; or employer.
c) Is performed underground, underwater or at
dangerous heights; or
Section 10. Prohibition Against Privileged Information. –
d) Involves the use of dangerous machinery, equipment
All communication and information pertaining to the employer or
and tools such as power-driven or explosive power-actuated tools;
members of the household shall be treated as privileged and
confidential, and shall not be publicly disclosed by the domestic
e) Exposes the child to physical danger such as, but not
worker during and after employment. Such privileged information
limited to the dangerous feats of balancing, physical strength or
shall be inadmissible in evidence except when the suit involves the
contortion, or which requires the manual transport of heavy loads;
employer or any member of the household in a crime against
persons, property, personal liberty and security, and chastity.
f) Is performed in an unhealthy environment exposing
the child to hazardous working conditions, elements, substances,
co-agents or processes involving ionizing, radiation, fire, b. Pre-Employment
flammable substances, noxious components and the like, or to
extreme temperatures, noise levels, or vibrations; or Section 11. Employment Contract. – An employment
g) Is performed under particularly difficult conditions; contract shall be executed by and between the domestic worker and
or the employer before the commencement of the service in a language
h) Exposes the child to biological agents such as bacteria, or dialect understood by both the domestic worker and the
fungi, viruses, protozoans, nematodes and other parasites; or employer. The domestic worker shall be provided a copy of the
i) Involves the manufacture or handling of explosives duly signed employment contract which must include the
and other pyrotechnic products." following:
(a) Duties and responsibilities of the domestic worker;
Section 14. Prohibition on the Employment of Children in (b) Period of employment;
Certain Advertisements. - No child shall be employed as a model in (c) Compensation;
any advertisement directly or indirectly promoting alcoholic (d) Authorized deductions;
beverages, intoxicating drinks, tobacco and its byproducts, (e) Hours of work and proportionate additional
gambling or any form of violence or pornography. payment;
(f) Rest days and allowable leaves;
(g) Board, lodging and medical attention;
3. Kasambahays (R.A. 10361) (h) Agreements on deployment expenses, if any;
(i) Loan agreement;
a. Rights And Privileges (j) Termination of employment; and
(k) Any other lawful condition agreed upon by both
Section 5. Standard of Treatment. – The employer or any parties.
member of the household shall not subject a domestic worker or The Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE)
“kasambahay” to any kind of abuse nor inflict any form of physical shall develop a model employment contract for domestic workers
violence or harassment or any act tending to degrade the dignity of which shall, at all times, be made available free of charge to
a domestic worker. domestic workers, employers, representative organizations and the
general public. The DOLE shall widely disseminate information to
domestic workers and employers on the use of such model
Section 6. Board, Lodging and Medical Attendance. – The employment contract.
employer shall provide for the basic necessities of the domestic In cases where the employment of the domestic worker
worker to include at least three (3) adequate meals a day and is facilitated through a private employment agency, the PEA shall
humane sleeping arrangements that ensure safety. keep a copy of all employment contracts of domestic workers and
The employer shall provide appropriate rest and shall be made available for verification and inspection by the
assistance to the domestic worker in case of illnesses and injuries DOLE.
sustained during service without loss of benefits.
At no instance shall the employer withdraw or hold in
abeyance the provision of these basic necessities as punishment or Section 12. Pre-Employment Requirement. – Prior to the
disciplinary action to the domestic worker. execution of the employment contract, the employer may require
the following from the domestic worker:
Page 50 of 191
(a) Medical certificate or a health certificate issued by a shall deprive the domestic worker and the employer from agreeing
local government health officer; to the following:
(b) Barangay and police clearance; (a) Offsetting a day of absence with a particular rest
(c) National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) clearance; day;
and (b) Waiving a particular rest day in return for an
(d) Duly authenticated birth certificate or if not equivalent daily rate of pay;
available, any other document showing the age of the domestic (c) Accumulating rest days not exceeding five (5) days;
worker such as voter’s identification card, baptismal record or or
passport. (d) Other similar arrangements.
However, Section 12(a), (b), (c) and (d) shall be standard
requirements when the employment of the domestic worker is (iv) Assignment to Non-Household
facilitated through the PEA.
The cost of the foregoing shall be borne by the
prospective employer or agency, as the case may be.
Section 22. Assignment to Nonhousehold Work. – No
domestic worker shall be assigned to work in a commercial,
Section 13. Recruitment and Finder’s Fees. – Regardless
industrial or agricultural enterprise at a wage rate lower than that
of whether the domestic worker was hired through a private
provided for agricultural or nonagricultural workers. In such
employment agency or a third party, no share in the recruitment
cases, the domestic worker shall be paid the applicable minimum
or finder’s fees shall be charged against the domestic worker by the
said private employment agency or third party.
Page 51 of 191
(vii) Payment of Wages 4. Homeworkers
Section 25. Payment of Wages. – Payment of wages shall a. Regulation of Industrial Homeworkers
be made on time directly to the domestic worker to whom they are
due in cash at least once a month. The employer, unless allowed by Article 151. Regulation of Industrial Homeworkers. The
the domestic worker through a written consent, shall make no employment of industrial homeworkers and field personnel shall
deductions from the wages other than that which is mandated by be regulated by the government through the appropriate
law. No employer shall pay the wages of a domestic worker by regulations issued by the Secretary of Labor and Employment to
means of promissory notes, vouchers, coupons, tokens, tickets, ensure the general welfare and protection of homeworkers and
chits, or any object other than the cash wage as provided for under field personnel and the industries employing them.
this Act.
The domestic worker is entitled to a thirteenth month
pay as provided for by law. b. Distribution of Homework
Section 30. Social and Other Benefits. – A domestic Article 156. Mandatory Facilities. - Suitable first·aid
worker who has rendered at least one (1) month of service shall be facilities shall be made available for workers performing night
covered by the Social Security System (SSS), the Philippine Health work, including arrangements where such workers, where
Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth), and the Home Development necessary, can be taken immediately to a place for appropriate
Mutual Fund or Pag-IBIG, and shall be entitled to all the benefits treatment. The employers are likewise required to provide safe and
in accordance with the pertinent provisions provided by law. healthful working conditions and adequate or reasonable facilities
Premium payments or contributions shall be shouldered such as sleeping or resting quarters in the establishment and
by the employer. However, if the domestic worker is receiving a transportation from the work premises to the nearest point of their
wage of Five thousand pesos (P5,000.00) and above per month, the residence subject to exceptions and guidelines to be provided by the
domestic worker shall pay the proportionate share in the premium DOLE.
payments or contributions, as provided by law.
The domestic worker shall be entitled to all other
benefits under existing laws. Article 157. Transfer. - Night workers who are certified
as unfit for night work, due to health reasons, shall be transferred,
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whenever practicable, to a similar job for which they are fit to between an apprentice and an employer on an approved
work. apprenticeable occupation.
If such transfer to a similar job is not practicable, these “Apprenticeable Occupation” is an occupation
workers shall be granted the same benefits as other workers who
officially endorsed by a tripartite body and approved for
are unable to work, or to secure employment during such period.
A night worker certified as temporarily unfit for night work shall
apprenticeship by the Authority (RA 7796).
be given the same protection against dismissal or notice of dismissal
as other workers who are prevented from working for reasons of (i) Qualification
Article 59. Qualifications of Apprentice. To qualify as an
Article 158. Women Night Workers. - Measures shall be apprentice, a person shall:
taken to ensure that an alternative to night work is available to (a) Be at least fourteen (14) years of age;
women workers who would otherwise be called upon to perform (b) Possess vocational aptitude and capacity for
such work: appropriate tests; and
(a) Before and after childbirth, for a period of at least (c) Possess the ability to comprehend and follow oral and
sixteen (16) weeks, which shall be divided between the time before written instructions.
and after childbirth; Trade and industry associations may recommend to the
(b) For additional periods, in respect of winch a medical Secretary of Labor appropriate educational requirements for
certificate IS produced stating that said additional periods are different occupations.
necessary for the health of the mother or child:
(1) During pregnancy; (ii) Apprenticeship Agreement
(2) During a specified time beyond the period, after
“Apprenticeship Agreement” is a contract wherein a
childbirth is fixed pursuant to subparagraph (a) above, the length
of which shall be determined by the DOLE after consulting the prospective employer binds himself to train the apprentice who
labor organizations and employers. in turn accepts the terms of training for a recognized
During the periods referred to in this article: apprenticeable occupation emphasizing the rights, duties and
(i) A woman worker shall not be dismissed or given responsibilities of each party.
notice of dismissal, except for just or authorized causes provided
for in this Code that are not connected with pregnancy, childbirth • Contents
and childcare responsibilities.
(ii) A woman worker shall not lose the benefits regarding
her status, seniority, and access to promotion which may attach to Article 61. Contents of Apprenticeship Agreements. 62
her regular night work position. Apprenticeship agreements, including wage rates of apprentices,
Pregnant women and nursing mothers may be allowed shall conform to the rules issued by the Minister of Labor and
to work .at night only if a competent physician, other than the Employment. The period of apprenticeship shall not exceed six
company physician, shall certify their fitness to render night work, months. Apprenticeship agreements providing for wage rates
and specify, in the case of pregnant employees, the period of the below the legal minimum wage, which in no case shall start below
pregnancy that they can safely work. 75 per cent of the applicable minimum wage, may be entered into
The measures referred to in this article may include only in accordance with apprenticeship programs duly approved
transfer to day work where this is possible, the provision of social by the Minister of Labor and Employment. The Ministry shall
security benefits or an extension of maternity leave. develop standard model programs of apprenticeship.
The provisions of this article shall not leave the effect of
reducing the protection and benefits connected with maternity Republic Act No. 7796 (RA 7796), which created the
leave under existing laws. TESDA, has transferred the authority over apprenticeship
programs from the Bureau of Local Employment of the DOLE
Article 159. Compensation. The compensation for night to the TESDA. RA 7796 emphasizes TESDA's approval of the
workers in the form of working time, pay or similar benefits shall apprenticeship program as a pre-requisite for the hiring of
recognize the exceptional nature of night work." apprentices.
In Century Canning v. Court of Appeals, the
Article 160. Social Services. - Appropriate social services apprenticeship agreement was entered into between the parties
shall be provided for night workers and, where necessary, for
before petitioner filed its apprenticeship program with the
workers performing night work.
TESDA for approval. Petitioner and Palad executed the
apprenticeship agreement on 17 July 1997 wherein it was stated
Article 161. Night Work Schedules. - Before introducing
that the training would start on 17 July 1997 and would end
work schedules requiring the services of night workers, the
employer shall consult the workers' representatives/labor approximately in December 1997. On 25 July 1997, petitioner
organizations concerned on the details of such schedules and the submitted for approval its apprenticeship program, which the
forms of organization of night work that are best adapted to the TESDA subsequently approved on 26 September 1997.
establishment and its personnel, as well as on the occupational Clearly, the apprenticeship agreement was enforced even
health measures and social services which are required. In before the TESDA approved petitioner's apprenticeship
establishments employing night workers, consultation shall take program. Thus, the apprenticeship agreement is void because it
place regularly. lacked prior approval from the TESDA. The TESDA's approval
of the employer's apprenticeship program is required before the
6. Apprentices and Learners employer is allowed to hire apprentices. Prior approval from
the TESDA is necessary to ensure that only employers in the
a. Apprentices highly technical industries may employ apprentices and only in
“Apprentice” is a person undergoing training for an apprenticeable occupations. Thus, under RA 7796, employers
approved apprenticeable occupation during an established can only hire apprentices for apprenticeable occupations which
period assured by an apprenticeship agreement. must be officially endorsed by a tripartite body and approved
“Apprenticeship” training within employment with for apprenticeship by the TESDA.
compulsory related theoretical instructions involving a contract
• Signing of Agreement
Page 53 of 191
agreement, unless he has exhausted all available administrative
Article 62. Signing of Apprenticeship Agreement. Every remedies.
apprenticeship agreement shall be signed by the employer or his
agent, or by an authorized representative of any of the recognized • Deductibility of Training Costs
organizations, associations or groups and by the apprentice.
An apprenticeship agreement with a minor shall be
Article 71. Deductibility of Training Costs. An additional
signed in his behalf by his parent or guardian or, if the latter is not
deduction from taxable income of one-half (1/2) of the value of
available, by an authorized representative of the Department of
labor training expenses incurred for developing the productivity
Labor, and the same shall be binding during its lifetime.
and efficiency of apprentices shall be granted to the person or
Every apprenticeship agreement entered into under this
enterprise organizing an apprenticeship program: Provided, That
Title shall be ratified by the appropriate apprenticeship
such program is duly recognized by the Department of Labor and
committees, if any, and a copy thereof shall be furnished both the
Employment: Provided, further, That such deduction shall not
employer and the apprentice.
exceed ten (10%) percent of direct labor wage: and Provided,
finally, That the person or enterprise who wishes to avail himself
• Venue of Programs or itself of this incentive should pay his apprentices the minimum
Article 63. Venue of Apprenticeship Programs. Any
firm, employer, group or association, industry organization or civic (iii) Apprentices Without
group wishing to organize an apprenticeship program may choose Compensation
from any of the following apprenticeship schemes as the training
venue for apprentice:
(a) Apprenticeship conducted entirely by and within the Article 72. Apprentices Without Compensation. The
sponsoring firm, establishment or entity; Secretary of Labor and Employment may authorize the hiring of
(b) Apprenticeship entirely within a Department of apprentices without compensation whose training on the job is
Labor and Employment training center or other public training required by the school or training program curriculum or as
institution; or requisite for graduation or board examination.
(c) Initial training in trade fundamentals in a training
center or other institution with subsequent actual work b. Learners
participation within the sponsoring firm or entity during the final
stage of training.
Article 73. Learners Defined. Learners are persons hired
as trainees in semi-skilled and other industrial occupations which
• Sponsoring are non-apprenticeable and which may be learned through
practical training on the job in a relatively short period of time
which shall not exceed three (3) months.
Article 64. Sponsoring of Apprenticeship Program. Any
of the apprenticeship schemes recognized herein may be
undertaken or sponsored by a single employer or firm or by a “Learners” refer to persons hired as trainees in semi-
group or association thereof or by a civic organization. Actual skilled and other industrial occupations which are non-
training of apprentices may be undertaken: apprenticeable. Learnership programs must be approved by the
(a) In the premises of the sponsoring employer in the Authority.
case of individual apprenticeship programs;
(b) In the premises of one or several designated firms in
the case of programs sponsored by a group or association of (i) When Learners May Be Hired
employers or by a civic organization; or
(c) In a Department of Labor and Employment training Article 74. When Learners May Be Hired. Learners may
center or other public training institution. be employed when no experienced workers are available, the
employment of learners is necessary to prevent curtailment of
employment opportunities, and the employment does not create
• Investigation of Violation
unfair competition in terms of labor costs or impair or lower
working standards.
Article 65. Investigation of Violation of Apprenticeship
Agreement. Upon complaint of any interested person or upon its
own initiative, the appropriate agency of the Department of Labor
(ii) Learnership Agreement
and Employment or its authorized representative shall investigate
any violation of an apprenticeship agreement pursuant to such Article 75. Learnership Agreement. Any employer
rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the Secretary of desiring to employ learners shall enter into a learnership
Labor and Employment. agreement with them, which agreement shall include:
(a) The names and addresses of the learners;
(b) The duration of the learnership period, which shall
• Appeal
not exceed three (3) months;
(c) The wages or salary rates of the learners which shall
Article 66. Appeal to the Secretary of Labor and begin at not less than seventy-five percent (75%) of the applicable
Employment. The decision of the authorized agency of the minimum wage; and
Department of Labor and Employment may be appealed by any (d) A commitment to employ the learners if they so
aggrieved person to the Secretary of Labor and Employment desire, as regular employees upon completion of the learnership.
within five (5) days from receipt of the decision. The decision of the All learners who have been allowed or suffered to work
Secretary of Labor and Employment shall be final and executory. during the first two (2) months shall be deemed regular employees
if training is terminated by the employer before the end of the
• Exhaustion of Administrative Remedies stipulated period through no fault of the learners. The learnership
agreement shall be subject to inspection by the Secretary of Labor
and Employment or his duly authorized representative.
Article 67. Exhaustion of Administrative Remedies. No
person shall institute any action for the enforcement of any
apprenticeship agreement or damages for breach of any such (iii) Learners in Piecework
Page 54 of 191
(c) Discrimination against a person with mental-health
Article 76. Learners in Piecework. Learners employed in condition, as defined under Section 4(e) of this Act; and
piece or incentive-rate jobs during the training period shall be paid (d) Administering inhumane, cruel, degrading or
in full for the work done. harmful treatment not based on medical or scientific evidence as
indicated in Section 5(h) of this Act;
If the violation is committed by a juridical person, the
7. Persons with Disabilities penalty provided for in this Act shall be imposed the directors,
officers, employees or other officials or persons therein responsible
a. Discrimination for the offense.
If the violation is committed by an alien, the alien
(i) Magna Carta for Disabled Persons offender shall be immediately deported after service of sentence
without need of further proceedings.
(RA 7277)
These penalties shall be without prejudice to the
administrative or civil liability of the offender, or the facility where
SECTION 32. Discrimination on Employment : No such violation occurred.
entity, whether public or private, shall discriminate against a
qualified disabled person by reason of disability in regard to job
Discrimination refers to any distinction, exclusion or
application procedures, the hiring, promotion, or discharge of
employees, employee compensation, job training, and other terms, restriction which has the purpose or effect of nullifying the
conditions, and privileges of employment. The following constitute recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal basis with
acts of discrimination: others, of all human rights and fundamental freedoms in the
(a). Limiting, segregating or classifying a disabled job political, economic, social cultural, civil or any other field. It
applicant in such a manner that adversely affects his work includes all forms of discrimination, including denial of
opportunities; reasonable accommodation. Special measure solely to protect
(b). Using qualification standards, employment tests or the rights or secure the advancement of persons with decision-
other selection criteria that screen out or tend to screen out a
making impairment capacity shall not be deemed to be
disabled person unless such standards, tests or other selection
criteria are shown to be jobrelated for the position on question and discriminatory
are consistent with business necessity;
(c). Utilizing standards, criteria, or methods of b. Incentive for Employers (R.A. 7277)
administration that:
1). have the effect of discrimination on the basis of SECTION 8. Incentives for Employer :
disability; or (a) To encourage the active participation of the private
2). perpetuate the discrimination of others who are sector in promoting the welfare of disabled persons and to ensure
subject to common administrative control; gainful employment for qualified disabled persons, adequate
(d). Providing less compensation, such as salary, wage or incentives shall be provided to private entities which employ
other forms of remuneration and fringe benefits, to a qualified disabled persons.
disabled employee, by reason of his disability, than the amount to (b). Private entities that employ disabled persons who
which a non-disabled person performing the same work is entitled; meet the required skills or qualifications, either as regular
(e). Favoring a non-disabled employee over a qualified employee, apprentice or learner, shall be entitled to an additional
disabled employee with respect to promotion, training deduction, from their gross income, equivalent to twenty-five
opportunities, study and scholarship grants, solely on account of percent (25%) of the total amount paid as salaries and wages to
the latter’s disability; disabled persons: Provided, however, That such entities present
(f). Re-assigning or transferring a disabled employee to proof as certified by the Department of Labor and Employment
a job or position he cannot perform by reason of his disability; that disabled person are under their employ. Provided, further,
(g). Dismissing or terminating the services of a disabled That the disabled employee is accredited with the Department of
employee by reason of his disability unless the employer can prove Labor and Employment and the Department of Health as to his
that he impairs the satisfactory performance of the work involve to disability, skills and qualifications.
the prejudice of the business entities; Provided, however, That the (c). Private entities that improved or modify their
employer first sought provide reasonable accommodations for physical facilities in order to provide reasonable accommodation
disabled persons; for disabled persons shall also be entitled to an additional
(h). Failing to select or administer in the effective deduction from their net taxable income, equivalent to fifty percent
manner employment tests which accurately reflect the skills, (50%) of the direct costs of the improvements or modifications.
aptitude or other factor of the disabled applicant or employee that This section, however, does not apply to improvements or
such test purports to measure, rather than the impaired sensory, modifications of facilities required under Batas Pambansa Bilang
manual or speaking skills of such applicant or employee, if any; 344.
(i). Excluding disabled persons from membership in
labor unions or similar organization. E. SEXUAL HARASSMENT IN THE WORK
(ii) Mental Health Act (RA 11036)
1. Anti-Sexual Harassment Act (R.A. 7877)
Section 44. Penalty Clause. - Any person who commits
any of the following acts shall, upon conviction by final judgment, a. Work, Education or Training-Related
be punished by imprisonment of not less than six (6) months, but Sexual Harassment
not more than two (2) years, or a fine of not less than Ten thousand
pesos (P10,000.00), but not more than Two hundred thousand Section 3. Work, Education or Training-related Sexual
pesos (P200,000.00), or both, at the discretion of the court: Harassment Defined. – Work, education or training-related sexual
(a) Failure to secure informed consent of the service harassment is committed by an employer, employee, manager,
user, unless it falls under the exceptions provided under Section 18 supervisor, agent of the employer, teacher, instructor, professor,
of this Act; coach, trainor, or any other person who, having authority,
(b) Violation of confidentiality of information, as defined influence or moral ascendancy over another in a work or training
under Section 4(c) of this Act; or education environment, demands, requests or otherwise
requires any sexual favor from the other, regardless of whether the
Page 55 of 191
demand, request or requirement for submission is accepted by the
object of said Act. c. Liability of Employer, Head of Office,
(a) In a work-related or employment environment,
Education or Training Institution
harassment is committed when:
(1) The sexual favor is made as a condition in the hiring Section 5. Liability of the Employer, Head of Office,
or in the employment, re-employment or continued employment of Educational or Training Institution. – The employer or head of
said individual, or in granting said individual favorable office, educational or training institution shall be solidarily liable
compensation, terms, conditions, promotions, or privileges; or the for damages arising from the acts of sexual harassment committed
refusal to grant the sexual favor results in limiting, segregating or in the employment, education or training environment if the
classifying the employee which in any way would discriminate, employer or head of office, educational or training institution is
deprive or diminish employment opportunities or otherwise informed of such acts by the offended party and no immediate
adversely affect said employee; action is taken thereon.
(2) The above acts would impair the employee’s rights
or privileges under existing labor laws; or 2. Gender-Based Sexual Harassment In The
(3) The above acts would result in an intimidating, Workplace (R.A. 11313)
hostile, or offensive environment for the employee.
(b) In an education or training environment, sexual
harassment is committed: Section 16. Gender-Based Sexual Harassment in the
(1) Against one who is under the care, custody or Workplace. -The crime of gender-based sexual harassment in the
supervision of the offender; workplace includes the following:
(2) Against one whose education, training, (a) An act or series of acts involving any unwelcome
apprenticeship or tutorship is entrusted to the offender; sexual advances, requests or demand for sexual favors or any act
(3) When the sexual favor is made a condition to the of sexual nature, whether done verbally, physically or through the
giving of a passing grade, or the granting of honors and use of technology such as text messaging or electronic mail or
scholarships, or the payment of a stipend, allowance or other through any other forms of information and communication
benefits, privileges, or considerations; or systems, that has or could have a detrimental effect on the
(4) When the sexual advances result in an intimidating, conditions of an individual’s employment or education, job
hostile or offensive environment for the student, trainee or performance or opportunities;
apprentice. (b) A conduct of sexual nature and other conduct-based
Any person who directs or induces another to commit on sex affecting the dignity of a person, which is unwelcome,
any act of sexual harassment as herein defined, or who cooperates unreasonable, and offensive to the recipient, whether done
in the commission thereof by another without which it would not verbally, physically or through the use of technology such as text
have been committed, shall also be held liable under this Act. messaging or electronic mail or through any other forms of
information and communication systems;
(c) A conduct that is unwelcome and pervasive and
b. Duty of Employer or Head of Office creates an intimidating, hostile or humiliating environment for the
recipient: Provided, That the crime of gender-based sexual
Section 4. Duty of the Employer or Head of Office in a harassment may also be committed between peers and those
Work-related, Education or Training Environment. – It shall be the committed to a superior officer by a subordinate, or to a teacher by
duty of the employer or the head of the work-related, educational a student, or to a trainer by a trainee; and
or training environment or institution, to prevent or deter the (d) Information and communication system refers to a
commission of acts of sexual harassment and to provide the system for generating, sending, receiving, storing or otherwise
procedures for the resolution, settlement or prosecution of acts of processing electronic data messages or electronic documents and
sexual harassment. Towards this end, the employer or head of includes the computer system or other similar devices by or in
office shall: which data are recorded or stored and any procedure related to the
(a) Promulgate appropriate rules and regulations in recording or storage of electronic data messages or electronic
consultation with and jointly approved by the employees or documents.
students or trainees, through their duly designated representatives,
prescribing the procedure for the investigation of sexual a. Duties of Employers
harassment cases and the administrative sanctions therefor.
Administrative sanctions shall not be a bar to
prosecution in the proper courts for unlawful acts of sexual Section 17. Duties of Employers. -Employers or other
harassment. persons of authority, influence or moral ascendancy in a workplace
The said rules and regulations issued pursuant to this shall have the duty to prevent, deter, or punish the performance of
subsection (a) shall include, among others, guidelines on proper acts of gender-based sexual harassment in the workplace. Towards
decorum in the workplace and educational or training institutions. this end, the employer or person of authority, influence or moral
(b) Create a committee on decorum and investigation of ascendancy shall:
cases on sexual harassment. The committee shall conduct meetings, (a) Disseminate or post in a conspicuous place a copy of
as the case may be, with officers and employees, teachers, this Act to all persons in the workplace;
instructors, professors, coaches, trainors and students or trainees (b) Provide measures to prevent gender-based sexual
to increase understanding and prevent incidents of sexual harassment in the workplace, such as the conduct of anti-sexual
harassment. It shall also conduct the investigation of alleged cases harassment seminars;
constituting sexual harassment. (c) Create an independent internal mechanism or a
In the case of a work-related environment, the committee on decorum and investigation to investigate and address
committee shall be composed of at least one (1) representative each complaints of gender-based sexual harassment which shall:
from the management, the union, if any, the employees from the (1) Adequately represent the management, the
supervisory rank, and from the rank and file employees. employees from the supervisory rank, the rank-and-file employees,
In the case of the educational or training institution, the and the union, if any;
committee shall be composed of at least one (1) representative from (2) Designate a woman as its head and not less than half
the administration, the trainors, teachers, instructors, professors of its members should be women;
or coaches and students or trainees, as the case may be. (3) Be composed of members who should be impartial
The employer or head of office, educational or training and not connected or related to the alleged perpetrator;
institution shall disseminate or post . copy of this Act for the (4) Investigate and decide on the complaints within ten
information of all concerned. (10) days or less upon receipt thereof;
Page 56 of 191
(5) Observe due process; (b) Provide measures to prevent gender-based sexual
(6) Protect the complainant from retaliation; and harassment in educational institutions, like information
(7) Guarantee confidentiality to the greatest extent campaigns;
possible; (c) Create an independent internal mechanism or a
(d) Provide and disseminate, in consultation with all CODI to investigate and address complaints of gender-based
persons in the workplace, a code of conduct or workplace policy sexual harassment which shall:
which shall: (1) Adequately represent the school administration, the
(1) Expressly reiterate the prohibition on gender-based trainers, instructors, professors or coaches and students or
sexual harassment; trainees, students and parents, as the case may be;
(2) Describe the procedures of the internal mechanism (2) Designate a woman as its head and not less than half
created under Section 17(c) of this Act; and of its members should be women;
(3) Set administrative penalties. (3) Ensure equal representation of persons of diverse
sexual orientation, identity and/or expression, in the CODI as far
b. Liability of Employers as practicable;
(4) Be composed of members who should be impartial
and not connected or related to the alleged perpetrator;
Section 19. Liability of Employers.— In addition to (5) Investigate and decide on complaints within ten (10)
liabilities for committing acts of gender-based sexual harassment, days or less upon receipt, thereof;
employers may also be held responsible for: (6) Observe due process;
(a) Non-implementation of their duties under Section 17 (7) Protect the complainant from retaliation; and
of this Act, as provided in the penal provisions; or (8) Guarantee confidentiality to the greatest extent
(b) Not taking action on reported acts of gender-based possible.
sexual harassment committed in the workplace. (d) Provide and disseminate, in consultation with all
Any person who violates subsection (a) of this section, persons in the educational institution, a code of conduct or school
shall upon conviction, be penalized with a fine of not less than Five policy which shall:
thousand pesos (₱5,000.00) nor more than Ten thousand pesos (1) Expressly reiterate the prohibition on gender-based
(₱10,000.00). sexual harassment;
Any person who violates subsection (b) of this section, (2) Prescribe the procedures of the internal mechanism
shall upon conviction, be penalized with a fine of not less than Ten created under this Act; and
thousand pesos (₱10,000.00) nor more than Fifteen thousand pesos (3) Set administrative penalties.
Page 57 of 191
to the SSS so that the employer’s total contribution to his benefit the DFA through the Philippine embassies and the DOLE shall
plan and to the SSS shall be the same as his contribution to his negotiate further agreements to serve the best interests of the
private benefit plan before the compulsory coverage: Provided, OFWs.
further, That any changes, adjustments, modifications, (e) The DFA, the DOLE and, the SSS shall ensure
eliminations or improvements in the benefits to be available under compulsory coverage of OFWs through bilateral social security
the remaining private plan, which may be necessary to adopt by and labor agreements and other measures for enforcement.
reason of the reduced contributions thereto as a result of the (f) Upon the termination of their employment overseas,
integration, shall be subject to agreements between the employers OFWs may continue to pay contributions on a voluntary basis to
and employees concerned: Provided, further, That the private maintain their rights to full benefits.
benefit plan which the employer shall continue for his employees (g) Filipino permanent migrants, including Filipino
shall remain under the employer‘s management and control unless immigrants, permanent residents and naturalized citizens of their
there is an existing agreement to the contrary: Provided, host countries may be covered by the SSS on a voluntary basis.
finally, That nothing in this Act shall be construed as a limitation
on the right of employers and employees to agree on and adopt 2. Beneficiaries
benefits which are over and above those provided under this Act.
(b) Spouses who devote full time to managing the
The following are the beneficiaries –
household and family affairs, unless they are also engaged in other
vocation or employment which is subject to mandatory coverage, a. The dependent spouse until he or she
may be covered by the SSS on a voluntary basis. remarries,
b. the dependent legitimate, legitimated or
Section 9-A. Compulsory Coverage of the Self- legally adopted, and
Employed. — Coverage in the SSS shall also be compulsory upon c. illegitimate children, who shall be the primary
such self-employed persons as may be determined by the beneficiaries of the member:
Commission under such rules and regulations as it may prescribe,
including, but not limited to the following:
(a) All seif-empioyed professionals; Provided, That the dependent illegitimate children
(b) Partners and single proprietors of businesses; shall be entitled to fifty percent (50%) of the share of the
(c) Actors and actresses, directors, scriptwriters and legitimate, legitimated or legally adopted children: Provided,
news correspondents who do not fall within the definition of the further, That in the absence of the dependent legitimate,
term "employee" in Section 8(d) of this Act;
(d) Professional athletes, coaches, trainers and jockeys;
legitimated or legally adopted children of the member, his/her
and dependent illegitimate children shall be entitled to one hundred
(e) Individual farmers and fishermen. percent (100%) of the benefits. In their absence, the dependent
Unless otherwise specified herein, all provisions of this parents who shall be the secondary beneficiaries of the member.
Act applicable to covered employees shall also be applicable to the In the absence of all the foregoing, any other person designated
covered self-employed persons.
by the member as his/her secondary beneficiary.
Page 59 of 191
salary credit for a maximum of two (2) months: Provided, That an Secondary beneficiaries are the dependent parents
employee who is involuntarily unemployed can only claim and, subject to the restrictions on dependent children, the
unemployment benefits once every three (3) years: Provided, legitimate descendants;
further, That in case of concurrence of two or more compensable
contingencies, only the highest benefit shall be paid, subject to the
rules and regulations that the Commission may prescribe.
3. Benefits
a. Monthly Pension
f. Non-Transferability
Page 62 of 191
(b) The payment of such income benefit shall be in c) A loss of a wrist shall be considered as a loss of the
accordance with the regulations of the Commission. hand, and a loss of an elbow shall be considered as a loss of the arm.
A loss of an ankle shall be considered as loss of a foot, and a loss of
b. Permanent Total Disability a knee shall be considered as a loss of the leg. A loss of more than
one joint shall be considered as a loss of one-half of the whole finger
or toe: Provided, That such a loss shall be either the functional loss
Article 198. Permanent Total Disability. (a) Under such of the use or physical loss of the member.
regulations as the Commission may approve, any employee under (d) In case of permanent partial disability less than the
this Title who contracts sickness or sustains an injury resulting in total loss of the member specified in the preceding paragraph, the
his permanent total disability shall, for each month until his death, same monthly income benefit shall be paid for a portion of the
be paid by the System during such a disability, an amount period established for the total loss of the member in accordance
equivalent to the monthly income benefit, plus ten percent thereof with the proportion that the partial loss bears to the total loss. If
for each dependent child, but not exceeding five, beginning with the the result is a decimal fraction, the same shall be rounded off to the
youngest and without substitution: Provided, That the monthly next higher integer.
income benefit shall be the new amount of the monthly benefit for (e) In cases of simultaneous loss of more than one
all covered pensioners, effective upon approval of this Decree. member or a part thereof as specified in this Article, the same
(b) The monthly income benefit shall be guaranteed for monthly income benefit shall be paid for a period equivalent to the
five years, and shall be suspended if the employee is gainfully sum of the periods established for the loss of the member or the
employed, or recovers from his permanent total disability, or fails part thereof. If the result is a decimal fraction, the same shall be
to present himself for examination at least once a year upon notice rounded off to the next higher integer.
by the System, except as otherwise provided for in other laws, (f) In cases of injuries or illnesses resulting in a
decrees, orders or Letters of Instructions. permanent partial disability not listed in the preceding schedule,
(c) The following disabilities shall be deemed total and the benefit shall be an income benefit equivalent to the percentage
permanent: of the permanent loss of the capacity to work.
(1) Temporary total disability lasting continuously for (g) Under such regulations as the Commission may
more than one hundred twenty days, except as otherwise provided approve, the income benefit payable in case of permanent partial
for in the Rules; disability may be paid in monthly pension or in lump sum if the
(2) Complete loss of sight of both eyes; period covered does not exceed one year.
(3) Loss of two limbs at or above the ankle or wrist;
(4) Permanent complete paralysis of two limbs;
(5) Brain injury resulting in incurable imbecility or 2. Philippine Overseas Employment
insanity; and Administration-Standard Employment
(6) Such cases as determined by the Medical Director of Contract for Seafarers
the System and approved by the Commission. As part of a seafarer's deployment for overseas work,
(d) The number of months of paid coverage shall be he and the vessel owner or its representative local manning
defined and approximated by a formula to be approved by the
agency are required to execute the POEA-SEC. Containing the
standard terms and conditions of seafarers' employment, the
POEA-SEC is deemed included in their contracts of
In Government Service Insurance System v. Court of
employment in foreign ocean-going vessels [Sharpe Sea
Appeals, it was held that while permanent total disability
Personnel Inc. v. Mabunay].
invariably results in an employees loss of work or inability to
perform his usual work, permanent partial disability occurs
a. Compensation for Benefits for Injury
when an employee loses the use of any particular anatomical
or Illness
part of his body which disables him to continue with his former
work. Stated otherwise, the test of whether or not an employee
suffers from permanent total disability is the capacity of the (i) Medical Expenses
employee to continue performing his work notwithstanding the If the injury or illness requires medical and/or dental
disability he incurred. If by reason of the injury or sickness he treatment in a foreign port, the employer shall be liable for the
sustained, the employee is unable to perform his customary job full cost of such medical, serious dental, surgical and hospital
for more than 120 days and he does not come within the treatment as well as board and lodging until the seafarer is
coverage of Rule X of the Amended Rules on Employees declared fit to work or to be repatriated. However, if after
Compensability (which, in a more detailed manner, describes repatriation, the seafarer still requires medical attention arising
what constitutes temporary total disability), then the said from said injury or illness, he/she shall be so provided at cost
employee undoubtedly suffers from a permanent total disability to the employer until such time he/she is declared fit or the
regardless of whether or not he loses the use of any part of his degree of his/her disability has been established by the
body. Permanent total disability does not mean a state of company-designated physician [Sec. 20, A.2, POEASEC].
absolute helplessness, but means disablement of an employee
to earn wages in the same kind of work, or work of similar (ii) Sickness Allowance
nature, that he was trained for, or any work which a person of The seafarer shall also receive sickness allowance
similar mentality and attainment could do. from his/her employer in an amount equivalent to his/her basic
wage computed from the time he/she signed off until he is
c. Permanent Partial Disability declared fit to work or the degree of disability has been assessed
by the company-designated physician. The period within the
Article 199. Permanent Partial Disability. (a) Under such
seafarer shall be entitled to sickness allowance shall not exceed
regulations as the Commission may approve, any employee under 120 days. Payment of the sickness allowance shall be made on
this Title who contracts sickness or sustains an injury resulting in a regular basis, but not less than once a month [Sec. 20. A.3,
permanent partial disability shall, for each month not exceeding POEA-SEC].
the period designated herein, be paid by the System during such a
disability an income benefit for permanent total disability. (iii) Other Expenses
xxx The seafarer shall be entitled to reimbursement of the
cost of medicines prescribed by the company-designated
Page 63 of 191
physician. In case treatment of the seafarer is on an out-patient has sufficient justification to extend the
basis as determined by the company-designated physician, the period; and
company shall approve the appropriate mode of transportation • If the company-designated physician still fails
and accommodation. The reasonable cost of actual traveling to give his assessment within the extended
expenses and/or accommodation shall be paid subject to period of 240 days, then the seafarer's
liquidation and submission of official receipts and/or proof of disability becomes permanent and total,
expenses [Sec. 20, A.3, POEA-SEC].
regardless of any justification [Jebsens
Maritime Inc. v. Rapiz].
(iv) Post-Employment Medical
Total disability refers to an employee’s inability to
General Rule: The seafarer shall submit
perform his or her usual work. It does not require total paralysis
himself/herself to a post-medical examination by a company-
or complete helplessness. Permanent disability, on the other
designated physician within three working days upon his
hand, is a worker’s inability to perform his or her job for more
than one hundred twenty (120) days, or two hundred forty (240)
Exception: When the seafarer is physically
days if the seafarer required further medical attention justifying
incapacitated to do so. In which case, a written notice to the
the extension of the temporary total disability period, regardless
agency within the same period is deemed as compliance [Sec.
of whether or not he loses the use of any part of his body. The
20, A.3, POEA-SEC].
third-doctor rule does not apply when there is no valid final and
definitive assessment from a company designated physician
(v) Mandatory Reporting
[Talaroc v. Arpaphil Shipping Corp].
In the course of the treatment, the seafarer shall also b. Compensation and Benefits for Death
report regularly to the companydesignated physician In case of work-related death of the seafarer, during
specifically on the dates as prescribed by the company- the term of his contract, the employer shall pay his/her
designated physician and agreed to by the seafarer. beneficiaries the Philippine currency equivalent to the amount
Failure of the seafarer to comply with the mandatory of Fifty Thousand US dollars (US$50,000) and an additional
reporting requirement shall result in his forfeiture of the right amount of Seven Thousand US dollars (US$7,000) to each
to claim the above benefits [Sec. 20, A.3, POEA-SEC] child under the age of twenty-one (21) but not exceeding four
(4) children, at the exchange rate prevailing during the time of
(vi) Repatriation payment [Sec. 20, B.1, POEA-SEC].
In case a seafarer is disembarked from the ship for
medical reasons, the employer shall bear the full cost of (i) When Compensation Payable
repatriation in the event the seafarer is declared: 1. Fit for is Double
repatriation; or 2. Fit to work but the employer is unable to find
Where death is caused by warlike activity while
employment for the seafarer on board his/her former ship or
sailing within a declared war zone or war risk area, the
another ship of the employer [Sec. 20, A.5, POEA-SEC].
compensation payable shall be doubled [Sec. 20, B.2, POEA-
(vii) Guidelines for the Claim of
Other liabilities of the employer when the seafarer
Permanent Total Disability dies as a result of work-related injury or illness during the term
Benefits of employment are as follows:
The employer must also compensate the seafarer for
his/her permanent total or partial disability as finally • The employer shall pay the deceased’s
determined by the companydesignated physician. The beneficiary all outstanding obligations due the
following guidelines shall govern seafarers' claims for
seafarer under this Contract.
permanent and total disability benefits:
• The employer shall transport the remains and
personal effects of the seafarer to the
• The company-designated physician must issue
Philippines at employer’s expense except if
a final medical assessment on the seafarer's
the death occurred in a port where local
disability grading within a period of 120 days
government laws or regulations do not permit
from the time the seafarer reported to him;
the transport of such remains. In case death
• If the company-designated physician fails to
occurs at sea, the disposition of the remains
give his/her assessment within the period of
shall be handled or dealt with in accordance
120 days, without any justifiable reason, then
with the master’s best judgment. In all cases,
the seafarer's disability becomes permanent
the employer/master shall communicate with
and total;
the manning agency to advise for disposition
• If the company-designated physician fails to
of seafarer’s remains.
give his/her assessment within the period of
• The employer shall pay the beneficiaries of the
120 days with a sufficient justification (e.g.
seafarer the Philippine currency equivalent to
seafarer required further medical treatment or
the amount of US$1,000.00 for burial
seafarer was uncooperative), then the period
expenses at the exchange rate prevailing
of diagnosis and treatment shall be extended
during the time of payment [Sec. 20, B.4,
to 240 days. The employer has the burden to
prove that the company-designated physician
Page 64 of 191
(ii) When Compensation is Not on a regular basis, and opportunity to meet with colleagues on a
Payable regular basis, and allowing access to company information.
No compensation and benefits shall be payable in
respect of any injury, incapacity, disability or death of the
seafarer resulting from his willful or criminal act or intentional
breach of his duties, provided however, that the employer can
prove that such injury, incapacity, disability or death is directly
attributable to the seafarer [Sec. 20, D, POEA-SEC].
c. Prescription of Claims
All claims arising from this contract shall be made
within three (3) years from the date the cause of action arises,
otherwise the same shall be barred [Sec. 30, POEA-SEC].
1. Definition
2. Telecommuting Program
3. Fair Treatment
Page 65 of 191
Page 66 of 191
I employers may form labor organizations for their mutual aid and
The Right to Self-Organization includes: Article 254. [244] Right of Employees in the Public
Service. Employees of government corporations established under
the Corporation Code shall have the right to organize and to
a. The right to form, join, or assist labor bargain collectively with their respective employers. All other
organizations of their own choosing for employees in the civil service shall have the right to form
purposes of collective bargaining; associations for purposes not contrary to law.
b. The right not to join any union;
c. The right to vote by 2/3 majority of its general Article 255. [245] Ineligibility of Managerial Employees
membership to cancel registration of its union in to Join any Labor Organization; Right of Supervisory Employees.
a meeting called for the purpose; Managerial employees are not eligible to join, assist or form any
d. The right to file a petition for cancellation of labor organization. Supervisory employees shall not be eligible for
union registration and/or de-certification of the membership in the collective bargaining unit of the rank-and-file
union on grounds provided for by law. employees but may join, assist or form separate collective
bargaining units and/or legitimate labor organizations of their
own. The rank and file union and the supervisors' union operating
within the same establishment may join the same federation or
Rule II, Section 2 of DO 40-03 provides: national union.
Page 68 of 191
which had been enacted by virtue of the plenary powers of the institutions which can afford to pay two weeks, three weeks, or
Philippine Commission on March 1, 1906, a little over a year after even 13th-month salaries to their personnel from their
January 19, 1905, the time the petitioner emerged as a juridical budgetary appropriations. However, these payments must be
entity. Even the Corporation Law respects the rights and powers of
pursuant to law or regulation [Alliance of Government Workers
juridical entities organized beforehand, viz:
SEC. 75. Any corporation or sociedad anonima formed,
v. Minister of Labor].
organized, and existing under the laws of the Philippine Islands The general rule in the past and up to the present is
and lawfully transacting business in the Philippine Islands on the that "the terms and conditions of employment in the
date of the passage of this Act, shall be subject to the provisions hereof Government, including any political subdivision or
so far as such provisions may be applicable and shall be instrumentality thereof are governed by law" (Section 11, the
entitled at its option either to continue business as such corporation Industrial Peace Act, R.A. No. 875, as amended and Article
or to reform and organize under and by virtue of the provisions of this 277, the Labor Code, P.D. No. 442, as amended). Since the
Act, transferring all corporate interests to the new corporation which, if
terms and conditions of government employment are fixed by
a stock corporation, is authorized to issue its shares of stock at par to
the stockholders or members of the old corporation according to their law, government workers cannot use the same weapons
interests. (Emphasis supplied). employed by workers in the private sector to secure
As pointed out by the OSG, both the 1935 and 1987 concessions from their employers. The principle behind labor
Constitutions contain transitory provisions maintaining all laws issued unionism in private industry is that industrial peace cannot be
not inconsistent therewith until amended, modified or repealed. secured through compulsion by law. Relations between private
In a legal regime where the charter test doctrine cannot be employers and their employees rest on an essentially voluntary
applied, the mere fact that a corporation has been created by virtue of a basis. Subject to the minimum requirements of wage laws and
special law does not necessarily qualify it as a public corporation.
other labor and welfare legislation, the terms and conditions of
What then is the nature of the petitioner as a corporate
entity? What legal regime governs its rights, powers, and duties? employment in the unionized private sector are settled through
As stated, at the time the petitioner was formed, the the process of collective bargaining. In government
applicable law was the Philippine Bill of 1902, and, emphatically, as employment, however, it is the legislature and, where properly
also stated above, no proscription similar to the charter test can be given delegated power, the administrative heads of government
found therein. which fix the terms and conditions of employment. And this is
The textual foundation of the charter test, which placed a effected through statutes or administrative circulars, rules, and
limitation on the power of the legislature, first appeared in the 1935 regulations, not through collective bargaining agreements
Constitution. However, the petitioner was incorporated in 1905 by
virtue of Act No. 1258, a law antedating the Corporation Law (Act No.
1459) by a year, and the 1935 Constitution, by thirty years. There being In GSIS v. Villanueva, it was held that the right to
neither a general law on the formation and organization of private self-organization is not limited to private employees and
corporations nor a restriction on the legislature to create private encompasses all workers in both the public and private sectors,
corporations by direct legislation, the Philippine Commission at that as shown by the clear declaration in Article IX(B), Section 2(5)
moment in history was well within its powers in 1905 to constitute the that "the right to self organization shall not be denied to
petitioner as a private juridical entity. government employees." Article III, Section 8 of the Bill of
Time and again the Court must caution even the most Rights likewise states, "[t]he right of the people, including
brilliant scholars of the law and all constitutional historians on the
those employed in the public and private sectors, to form
danger of imposing legal concepts of a later date on facts of an earlier
date. unions, associations, or societies for purposes not contrary to
The amendments introduced by C.A. No. 148 made it clear law shall not be abridged."
that the petitioner was a private corporation and not an agency of the While the right to self-organization is absolute, the
government. This was evident in Executive Order No. 63, issued by right of government employees to collective bargaining and
then President of the Philippines Manuel L. Quezon, declaring that the negotiation is subject to limitations. Collective bargaining is a
revocation of the powers of the petitioner to appoint agents with powers series of negotiations between an employer and a representative
of arrest "corrected a serious defect" in one of the laws existing in the of the employees to regulate the various aspects of the
statute books.
employer-employee relationship such as working hours,
working conditions, benefits, economic provisions, and others
3. In the Public Sector [Ibid].
Social Security System Employees Association v.
Article 254. Right of Employees in the Public Service. Court of Appeals explains that instead of a collective
Employees of government corporations established under the
bargaining agreement or negotiation, government employees
Corporation Code shall have the right to organize and to bargain
must course their petitions for a change in the terms and
collectively with their respective employers. All other employees in
the civil service shall have the right to form associations for conditions of their employment through the Congress for the
purposes not contrary to law, issuance of new laws, rules, or regulations to that effect:
Government employees may, therefore, through their unions or
In the public sector, all rank-and-file employees of all associations, either petition the Congress for the betterment of
branches, subdivisions, instrumentalities, and agencies of the terms and conditions of employment which are within the
government, including government-owned and/or controlled ambit of legislation or negotiate with the appropriate
corporations with original charters, can form, join or assist government agencies for the improvement of those which are
labor organizations called “employees organizations” of their not fixed by law.
own choosing. In PCSO v. Chairperson Pulido-Tan, et al., the
As to collective bargaining, it is the legislature or, in Commission on Audit disallowed the monthly cost of living
proper cases, the administrative heads of government and not allowance being received by Philippine Charity Sweepstakes
the collective bargaining process nor the concessions wrung by Office's officials and employees. This Court held that the
labor unions from management that determine how much the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office's charter does not allow
workers in government-owned or controlled corporations may its Board complete liberty to set the salaries and benefits of its
receive in terms of salaries, 13th-month pay, and other officials and employees. This Court emphasized that as a
conditions or terms of employment. There are government government-owned and controlled corporation, the Philippine
Page 69 of 191
Charity Sweepstakes Office is covered by the compensation
and position standards issued by the Department of Budget and (m) "Managerial employee" is one who is vested
Management and applicable laws. PCSO underscored that the with the powers or prerogatives to lay down and execute
power of a government-owned or controlled corporation to fix management policies and/or to hire, transfer, suspend, lay-
off, recall, discharge, assign or discipline employees.
salaries or allowances of its employees is subject to and must
Supervisory employees are those who, in the interest of the
conform to the compensation and classification standards laid employer, effectively recommend such managerial actions
down by applicable law: Upon the effectivity of R.A. No. 6758, if the exercise of such authority is not merely routinary or
GOCCs like the PCSO are included in the Compensation and clerical in nature but requires the use of independent
Position Classification System because Section 16 of the law judgment. All employees not falling within any of the above
repeals all laws, decrees, executive orders, corporate charters, definitions are considered rank-and-file employees for
and other issuances or parts thereof, that exempt agencies from purposes of this Book
the coverage of the System, or that authorize and fix position
classification, salaries, pay rates or allowances of specified Article 255 is constitutional
positions, or groups of officials and employees or of agencies, Although the definition of "supervisory employees"
which are inconsistent with the System, including seems to have been unduly restricted to the last phrase of the
the proviso under Section 2 and Section 16 of P.D. No. 985. definition in the Industrial Peace Act, the legal significance
given to the phrase "effectively recommends" remains the
4. Labor Organization Only For Mutual Aid same. In fact, the distinction between top and middle managers,
And Protection and Not For Collective who set management policy, and front-line supervisors, who
Bargaining Purposes are merely responsible for ensuring that such policies are
carried out by the rank and file, is articulated in the present
Article 253. [243] Coverage and Employees' Right to definition. When read in relation to this definition in Art.
Self-Organization. All persons employed in commercial, industrial 212(m), it will be seen that Art. 245 faithfully carries out the
and agricultural enterprises and in religious, charitable, medical, intent of the Constitutional Commission in framing Art. III, 8
or educational institutions, whether operating for profit or not, of the fundamental law [United Pepsi-Cola v. Laguesma].
shall have the right to self-organization and to form, join, or assist Nor is the guarantee of organizational right in Art. III,
labor organizations of their own choosing for purposes of collective 8 infringed by a ban against managerial employees forming a
bargaining. Ambulant, intermittent and itinerant workers, self-
union. The right guaranteed in Art. III, 8 " is subject to the
employed people, rural workers and those without any definite
employers may form labor organizations for their mutual aid and
condition that its exercise should be for purposes not contrary
protection. to law."
This refers to the right to engage in group action, Rational Basis of prohibiting managerial
provided it is peaceful, to support the organization's objective employees
which is not necessarily collective bargaining but, simply, to In the case of Art. 245, there is a rational basis for
aid and protect its members. But this kind of group action must prohibiting managerial employees from forming or joining
be differentiated from strike which, because it is work labor organizations.
stoppage, must observe certain regulations; otherwise, the As Justice Davide, Jr., himself a constitutional
strike may be declared illegal and its leaders may be thrown out commissioner, said in his ponencia in Philips Industrial
of their jobs. Development, Inc. v. NLRC:
However, nothing in the foregoing implementing
In the first place, all these employees, with the
rules which provides that workers, with definite employers,
exception of the service engineers and the sales force personnel,
cannot form or join a workers' association for mutual aid and are confidential employees. Their classification as such is not
protection. Section 2 thereof even broadens the coverage of seriously disputed by PEO-FFW; the five (5) previous CBAs
workers who can form or join a workers'... association. Thus, between PIDI and PEO-FFW explicitly considered them as
the Court agrees with Samahan's argument that the right to form confidential employees. By the very nature of their functions,
a workers' association is not exclusive to ambulant, intermittent they assist and act in a confidential capacity to, or have access to
and itinerant workers. The option to form or join a union or a confidential matters of, persons who exercise managerial
functions in the field of labor relations. As such, the rationale
workers' association lies with the workers themselves, and
behind the ineligibility of managerial employees to form, assist or
whether... they have definite employers or not [Samahan v.
joint a labor union equally applies to them.
In Bulletin Publishing
B. PERSONS INELIGIBLE Co., Inc. v. Hon. Augusto Sanchez, this Court elaborated on
this rationale, thus:
1. Managerial Employees
. . . The rationale for this inhibition has been
Article 255. [245] Ineligibility of Managerial Employees stated to be, because if these managerial employees would
to Join any Labor Organization; Right of Supervisory Employees. belong to or be affiliated with a Union, the latter might not
Managerial employees are not eligible to join, assist or form any be assured of their loyalty to the Union in view of evident
labor organization. Supervisory employees shall not be eligible for conflict of interests. The Union can also become company-
membership in the collective bargaining unit of the rank-and-file dominated with the presence of managerial employees in
employees but may join, assist or form separate collective Union membership.
bargaining units and/or legitimate labor organizations of their To be sure, the Court in Philips Industrial was
own. The rank-and-file union and the supervisors' union operating dealing with the right of confidential employees to organize.
within the same establishment may join the same federation or But the same reason for denying them the right to organize
national union. justifies even more the ban on managerial employees from
forming unions. After all, those who qualify as top or
middle managers are executives who receive from their
Article 219(m) provides:
Page 70 of 191
employers information that not only is confidential but also Not allowed to join any labor Allowed to join a supervisory
is not generally available to the public, or to their organization union but not the union of rank-
competitors, or to other employees. It is hardly necessary to and-file employees and vice
point out that to say that the first sentence of Art. 245 is versa
unconstitutional would be to contradict the decision in that
case. Under Labor Standards, a supervisory employee is a
managerial employee. In Labor Relations, however, a
a. Types of Managerial Employees managerial employee is not a supervisory employee in the
There are three (3) types of managerial employees for sense that he cannot join any labor organization because
purposes of determining whether they could exercise their right supervisory employees can join unions different from rank-
to self-organization. and-file employees.
Page 72 of 191
a. They assist or act in a confidential capacity; "(3) the Accountant, who heads the Accounting
b. To persons or officers who formulate, Department, is also one of the authorized signatories of petitioner and,
determine, and effectuate management policies in the absence of the Manager or Cashier, acts as substitute approving
officer and assumes the management of the entire office. She handles
specifically in the field of labor relations.
the financial reports and reviews the debit/credit tickets submitted by
the other departments."
The two (2) criteria are cumulative and both must be Petitioner's explanation, however, does not state who
met if an employee is to be considered a confidential employee among the employees has access to information specifically relating to
that would deprive him of his right to form, join, or assist a its labor relations policies. Even Cashier Patricia Maluya, who serves
labor organization [TPMAB v. Asia Brewery]. as the secretary of the bank's Board of Directors may not be so
A confidential employee may be a rank-and-file or classified. True, the board of directors is responsible for corporate
supervisory employee but because in the normal course of his policies, the exercise of corporate powers, and the general management
of the business and affairs of the corporation. As secretary of the bank's
duties, he becomes aware of management policies relating to
governing body, Patricia Maluya serves the bank's management, but
labor relations, he is not allowed to assist, form or join a rank- could not be deemed to have access to confidential information
and-file union or supervisory union, as the case may be. To specifically relating to SRBI's labor relations policies, absent a clear
allow him to join a union would give rise to a potential conflict showing on this matter. Thus, while petitioner's explanation confirms
of interest. Management should not be required to handle labor the regular duties of the concerned employees, it shows nothing about
relations matters through employees who are represented by the any duties specifically connected to labor relations.
union with which the company is required to deal and who, in
the normal performance of their duties, may obtain advance Southern Philippines Federation of Labor v.
information on the company’sn position with regard to Ferrer-Calleja
collective bargaining negotiations, the disposition of Held: As regards the employees in the confidential payroll,
grievances, or other labor relations matter [San Miguel the petitioner has not shown that the nature of their jobs is classified as
Supervisors and Exempt Employees Union v. Laguesma]. managerial except for its allegation that they are considered by
However, the mere access of an employee to management as occupying managerial positions and highly
confidential. Neither can payment or non-payment of union dues be
confidential labor relations information which is merely
the determining factor of whether the challenged employees should be
incidental to his duties and, therefore, knowledge thereof is not excluded from the bargaining unit since the union shop provision in the
necessary in the performance of said duties, does not make such CBA applies only to newly hired employees but not to members of the
employee a confidential employee. If access to confidential bargaining unit who were not members of the union at the time of the
labor relations information is to be a factor in the determination signing of the CBA. It is, therefore, not impossible for employees to
of an employee’s confidential status, such information must be members of the bargaining unit even though they are non-union
relate to the employer’s labor relations policies. Therefore, members or not paying union dues.
access to information which is regarded by the employer to be
confidential from the business standpoint, such as financial Filoil Refinery v. Filoil Supervisory &
information or technical trade secrets, will not render an Confidential Employees Association
employee a confidential employee under this rule. An Held: The other principal ground of petitioner's appeal
employee may not be excluded from an appropriate bargaining questioning the confidential employees' inclusion in the supervisors'
unit merely because he has access to confidential information bargaining unit is equally untenable. Respondent court correctly held
concerning the employer’s internal business operations which that since the confidential employees are very few in number and are
by practice and tradition identified with the supervisors in their role as
is not related to the field of labor relations [NATU-Republic
representatives of management vis-a-vis the rank and file employees,
Planters Bank Supervisors v. Secretary]. such identity of interest has allowed their inclusion in the bargaining
Confidential employees cannot be classified as rank unit of supervisors-managers for purposes of collective bargaining in
and file. As previously discussed, the nature of employment of turn as employees in relation to the company as their employer.
confidential employees is quite distinct from the rank and file, No arbitrariness or grave abuse of discretion can be
thus, warranting a separate category. Excluding confidential attributed against respondent court's allowing the inclusion of the
employees from the rank and file bargaining unit, therefore, is confidential employees in the supervisors' association for as admitted
not tantamount to discrimination [Metrolab v. Confesor]. by petitioner itself, supra, the supervisors and confidential employees
enjoy its trust and confidence. This identity of interest logically calls
for their inclusion in the same bargaining unit and at the same time
Sugbuanon Rural Bank v. Laguesma fulfills the law's objective of insuring to them the full benefit of their
Held: Petitioner contends that it has only 5 officers running right to self-organization and to collective bargaining, which could
its day-to-day affairs. They assist in confidential capacities and have hardly be accomplished if the respondent association's membership
complete access to the bank's confidential data. They form the core of were to be broken up into five separate ineffective tiny units, as urged
the bank's management team. Petitioner explains that: by petitioner.
"...Specifically: (1) the Head or the Loans Department
initially approves the loan applications before they are passed on to the
Board for confirmation. As such, no loan application is even considered NATU-Republic Planters Bank Supervisors v.
by the Board and approved by petitioner without his stamp of approval Secretary
based upon his interview of the applicant and determination of his Held: As regards the other claim of respondent Bank that
(applicant's) credit standing and financial capacity. The same holds true Branch Managers/OICs, Cashiers and Controllers are confidential
with respect to renewals or restructuring of loan accounts. He himself employees, having control, custody and/or access to confidential
determines what account should be collected, whether extrajudicially matters, e.g., the branch's cash position, statements of financial
or judicially, and settles the problem or complaints of borrowers condition, vault combination, cash codes for telegraphic transfers,
regarding their accounts; demand drafts and other negotiable instruments, pursuant to Sec.
"(2) the Cashier is one of the approving officers and 1166.4 of the Central Bank Manual regarding joint custody, this claim
authorized signatories of petitioner. He approves the opening of is not even disputed by petitioner. A confidential employee is one
accounts, withdrawals and encashment, and acceptance of check entrusted with confidence on delicate matters, or with the custody,
deposits, He deals with other banks and, in the absence of the regular handling, or care and protection of the employer's property. While Art.
Manager, manages the entire office or branch and approves 245 of the Labor Code singles out managerial employees as ineligible
disbursements of funds for expenses; and to join, assist or form any labor organization, under the doctrine of
Page 73 of 191
necessary implication, confidential employees are similarly be allowed to affiliate with the federation with which the rank-
disqualified. This doctrine states that what is implied in a statute is as and-file union is also affiliated and where the federation
much a part thereof as that which is expressed, as elucidated in several actively participates in the union activities in the company. The
cases the latest of which is Chua v. Civil Service Commission where
intent of the law is clear especially where the supervisors will
we said:
No statute can be enacted that can provide all the details
be co-mingling with the rank-and-file employees whom they
involved in its application. There is always an omission that may not directly supervise in their own bargaining unit [Pepsi Cola v.
meet a particular situation. What is thought, at the time of enactment, Secretary of Labor].
to be an all-embracing legislation may be inadequate to provide for the The law now explicitly allows the more extreme
unfolding events of the future. So-called gaps in the law develop as the situation of a rank-and-file union and a supervisors’ union
law is enforced. One of the rules of statutory construction used to fill in operating within the same establishment joining one and the
the gap is the doctrine of necessary implication x x x x Every statute is same federation or national union as affiliates thereof.
understood, by implication, to contain all such provisions as may be
necessary to effectuate its object and purpose, or to make effective
rights, powers, privileges or jurisdiction which it grants, including all E. EFFECT OF INCLUSION AS MEMBERS OF
such collateral and subsidiary consequences as may be fairly and EMPLOYEES OUTSIDE OF THE BARGAINING
logically inferred from its terms. Ex necessitate legis x x x x UNIT
In applying the doctrine of necessary implication, we took
into consideration the rationale behind the disqualification of
Article 256. [245-A] Effect of Inclusion as Members of
managerial employees expressed in Bulletin Publishing Corporation
Employees Outside the Bargaining Unit. - The inclusion as union
v. Sanchez thus: "x x x if these managerial employees would belong to
members of employees outside the bargaining unit shall not be a
or be affiliated with a Union, the latter might not be assured of their
ground for the cancellation of the registration of the union. Said
loyalty to the Union in view of evident conflict of interests. The Union
employees are automatically deemed removed from the list of
can also become company-dominated with the presence of managerial
membership of said union.
employees in Union membership." Stated differently, in the collective
bargaining process, managerial employees are supposed to be on the
side of the employer, to act as its representatives, and to see to it that The inclusion in a union of disqualified employees is
its interests are well protected. The employer is not assured of such not among the grounds for cancellation, unless such inclusion
protection if these employees themselves are union members. is due to misrepresentation, false statement or fraud under the
Collective bargaining in such a situation can become one-sided. It is circumstances enumerated in Sections (a) and (c) of Article
the same reason that impelled this Court to consider the position of 247 of the Labor Code [Air Philippines v. Bureau of Labor
confidential employees as included in the disqualification found in Art.
245 as if the disqualification of confidential employees were written in
the provision. If confidential employees could unionize in order to
Clearly then, for the purpose of de-certifying a union,
bargain for advantages for themselves, then they could be governed by it is not enough to establish that the rank-and-file union
their own motives rather than the interest of the employers. Moreover, includes ineligible employees in its membership. Pursuant to
unionization of confidential employees for the purpose of collective Article 247 (a) and (c) of the Labor Code, it must be shown that
bargaining would mean the extension of the law to persons or there was misrepresentation, false statement or fraud in
individuals who are supposed to act "in the interest of" the employers. It connection with the adoption or ratification of the constitution
is not farfetched that in the course of collective bargaining, they might and by-laws or amendments thereto, the minutes of ratification,
jeopardize that interest which they are duty-bound to protect. Along the
or in connection with the election of officers, minutes of the
same line of reasoning we held in Golden Farms, Inc. v. Ferrer-
Calleja reiterated in Philips Industrial Development, Inc. v. NLRC, that
election of officers, the list of voters, or failure to submit these
"confidential employees such as accounting personnel, radio and documents together with the list of the newly elected-appointed
telegraph operators who, having access to confidential information, officers and their postal addresses to the BLR [Ibid].
may become the source of undue advantage. Said employee(s) may act
as spy or spies of either party to a collective bargaining agreement." II
In fine, only the Branch Managers/OICs, Cashiers and BARGAINING UNIT
Controllers of respondent Bank, being confidential employees, are
disqualified from joining or assisting petitioner Union, or joining,
assisting or forming any other labor organization. But this ruling should As defined in Department Order No. 40-03 which is
be understood to apply only to the present case based on the evidence now the revised Book V of the Rules Implementing the Labor
of the parties, as well as to those similarly situated. It should not be Code, "bargaining unit" refers to a group of employees sharing
understood in any way to apply to banks in general. mutual interests within a given employer unit, comprised of all
or less than all of the entire body of employees in the employer
D. COMMINGLING OR MIXED MEMBERSHIP unit or any specific occupational or geographical grouping
within such employer unit.
RA 9481 amended Article 255 by adding the phrase: It may also refer to a group of employees of a given
“The rank-and-file union and the supervisors’ union operating employer, comprise of all or less than all of the entire body of
within the same establishment may join the same federation or employees, which the collective interests of all the employees,
national union.” By reason of this amendment, the so-called consistent with equity to the employer, indicated to be best
“separation of unions doctrine” enunciated in Atlas Litographic suited to serve reciprocal rights and duties of the parties under
Services v. Laguesma, and in other related cases no longer the collective bargaining provisions of the law [Belyca
applies. This doctrine prohibits the situation where the Corporation v. Ferrer-Calleja].
supervisory union and the rank-and-file union operating within An employee does not become a member of a
the same establishment are both affiliated with one and the bargaining unit. He becomes a member of the union. His
same federation because of the possible conflict of interest position falls under the positions covered by the bargaining unit
which may arise in the areas, inter alia, of discipline, collective being represented by the union. If the employee does not belong
bargaining and strike. Thus, if the intent of the law is to avoid to that community of interest represented by the bargaining
a situation where supervisors would merge with the rank-and- unit, the union has the freedom to reject him. The union may,
file or where the supervisors’ labor union would represent however, accept him but he is not covered by the benefits of the
conflicting interests, then a local supervisors’ union should not CBA.
Page 74 of 191
There is no hard and fast rule in how the Med-Arbiter it would not be for the best interest of these employees if they
should determine an appropriate (not most appropriate) would further be fractionalized. The adage ‘there is strength in
bargaining unit. The test whether the designation of a number’ is the very rationale underlying the formation of a
bargaining unit is appropriate is whether it will best assure to labor union.”
all employees the exercise of their collective bargaining rights. In San Miguel Corporation Supervisors and Exempt
There should be a community of interest which should be Employees Union v. Laguesma, the fact that the 3 plants
reflected in groups having substantial similarity of work and comprising the bargaining unit are located in 3 different places
duties or similarity of compensation and working conditions, was declared immaterial. Geographical location can be
among other criteria [Democratic Labor Association v. Cebu completely disregarded if the communal or mutual interests of
Stevedoring]. the employees are not sacrificed. The distance among the 3
In International School Alliance of Educators v. plants is not productive of insurmountable difficulties in the
Quisumbing, there are certain tests which may be used in administration of union affairs. Neither are there regional
determining the appropriate collective bargaining unit, to wit: differences that are likely to impede the operations of a single
bargaining representative.
a. Community or mutuality of interest doctrine; In University of the Philippines v. Ferrer-Calleja, all
b. Globe doctrine; non-academic rank-and-file employees of UP Diliman, Quezon
c. Collective bargaining history doctrine; and City, Padre Faura, Manila, Los Banos, Laguna and the Visayas
d. Employment status doctrine were allowed to participate in a certification election as one
bargaining unit.
Inclusion of excluded employees
In DLSU v. DLSU Employees Association, it was San Miguel Corporation v. San Miguel
held: Supervisors
Held: Thus, applying the ruling to the present case, the
The Court agrees with the Solicitor General that the Court affirms the finding of the CA that there should be only one
express exclusion of the computer operators and discipline bargaining unit for
officers from the bargaining unit of rank-and-file employees in the employees in Cabuyao, San Fernando, and Otis 25 of
the 1986 collective bargaining agreement does not bar any re- Magnolia Poultry Products Plant involved in "dressed" chicken
negotiation for the future inclusion of the said employees in the processing and Magnolia Poultry Farms engaged in "live" chicken
bargaining unit. During the freedom period, the parties may not operations. Certain factors, such as specific line of work, working
only renew the existing collective bargaining agreement but may conditions, location of work, mode of compensation, and other relevant
also propose and discuss modifications or amendments thereto. conditions do not affect or impede their commonality of interest.
With regard to the alleged confidential nature of the said Although they seem separate and distinct from each other, the specific
employees’ functions, after a careful consideration of the tasks of each division are actually interrelated and there exists
pleadings filed before this Court, we rule that the said computer mutuality of interests which warrants the formation of a single
operators and discipline officers are not confidential employees. bargaining unit.
As carefully examined by the Solicitor General, the service record Petitioner asserts that the CA erred in not excluding the
of a computer operator reveals that his duties are basically clerical position of Payroll Master in the definition of a confidential employee
and non-confidential in nature. As to the discipline officers, we and, thus, prays that the said position and all other positions with access
agree with the voluntary arbitrator that based on the nature of their to salary and compensation data be excluded from the bargaining unit.
duties, they are not confidential employees and should therefore This argument must fail. Confidential employees are
be included in the bargaining unit of rank-and-file employees. defined as those who (1) assist or act in a confidential capacity, in
The Court also affirms the findings of the voluntary regard (2) to persons who formulate, determine, and effectuate
arbitrator that the employees of the College of St. Benilde should management policies in the field of labor relations.26 The two criteria
be excluded from the bargaining unit of the rank-and-file are cumulative, and both must be met if an employee is to be considered
employees of Dela Salle University, because the two educational a confidential employee - that is, the confidential relationship must
institutions have their own separate juridical personality and no exist between the employee and his supervisor, and the supervisor must
sufficient evidence was shown to justify the piercing of the veil handle the prescribed responsibilities relating to labor relations. The
of corporate fiction. exclusion from bargaining units of employees who, in the normal
course of their duties, become aware of management policies relating
A. SUBSTANTIAL MUTUAL INTERESTS RULE to labor relations is a principal objective sought to be accomplished by
Under this doctrine, the employees sought to be the "confidential employee rule."
represented by the collective bargaining agent must have
community or mutuality of interest in terms of employment and San Miguel Corporation Employees Union v. Confesor
working conditions as evinced by the type of work they Held: With respect to the second issue, there is, likewise, no
perform. It is characterized by similarity of employment status, merit in petitioner-union’s assertion that the employees of Magnolia
and SMFI should still be considered part of the bargaining unit of SMC.
same duties and responsibilities and substantially similar
Magnolia and SMFI were spun-off to operate as distinct
compensation and working conditions [San Miguel companies on October 1, 1991. Management saw the need for these
Corporation Employees Union v. Confesor]. transformations in keeping with its vision and long term strategy as it
In San Miguel Corporation v. Laguesma, the explained in its letter addressed to the employees dated August 13,
Supreme Court applied this principle in the petition of the union 1991:
which seeks to represent the sales personnel in the various x x x As early as 1986, we announced the decentralization
Magnolia sales office in Northern Luzon. Petitioner took the program and spoke of the need for structures that can react fast to
competition, a changing environment, shorter product life cycles and
position that each sales office should constitute one bargaining
shifts in consumer preference. We further stated in the 1987 Annual
unit. In disagreeing this proposition of petitioner, the Court
Report to Stockholders that San Miguel’s businesses will be more
said: “What greatly militates against this position is the meager autonomous and self sufficient so as to better acquire and master new
number of sales personnel in each of the Magnolia sales office technologies, cope with a labor force with different expertises and
in Northern Luzon. Even the bargaining unit sought to be expectations, and master and satisfy the changing needs of our
represented by respondent union in the entire Northern Luzon customers and end-consumers. As subsidiaries, Magnolia and FLD
sales area consists only of approximately 55 employees. Surely,
Page 75 of 191
will gain better industry focus and flexibility, greater awareness of [T]here are various factors which must be satisfied and
operating results, and speedier, more responsive decision making. considered in determining the proper constituency of a bargaining
xxx unit. No one particular factor is itself decisive of the
We only have to look at the experience of Coca-Cola determination. The weight accorded to any particular factor varies in
Bottlers Philippines, Inc., since this company was organized about ten accordance with the particular question or questions that may arise in a
years ago, to see the benefits that arise from restructuring a division of given case. What are these factors? Rothenberg mentions a good
San Miguel into a more competitive organization. As a stand-alone number, but the most pertinent to our case are: (1) will of the employees
enterprise, CCBPI engineered a dramatic turnaround and has sustained (Globe Doctrine); (2) affinity and unit of employees’ interest, such as
its sales and market share leadership ever since. substantial similarity of work and duties, or similarity of compensation
We are confident that history will repeat itself, and the and working conditions; (3) prior collective bargaining history; and (4)
transformation of Magnolia and FLD will be successful as that of employment status, such as temporary, seasonal and probationary
CCBPI.[17] employees x x.
Undeniably, the transformation of the companies was a xxx
management prerogative and business judgment which the courts can An enlightening appraisal of the problem of defining an
not look into unless it is contrary to law, public policy or appropriate bargaining unit is given in the 10th Annual Report of the
morals. Neither can we impute any bad faith on the part of SMC so as National Labor Relations Board wherein it is emphasized that the
to justify the application of the doctrine of piercing the corporate factors which said board may consider and weigh in fixing appropriate
veil.[18] Ever mindful of the employees’ interests, management has units are: the history, extent and type of organization of employees; the
assured the concerned employees that they will be absorbed by the new history of their collective bargaining; the history, extent and type of
corporations without loss of tenure and retaining their present pay and organization of employees in other plants of the same employer, or
benefits according to the existing CBAs.[19] They were advised that other employers in the same industry; the skill wages, work, and
upon the expiration of the CBAs, new agreements will be negotiated working conditions of the employees; the desires of the employees; the
between the management of the new corporations and the bargaining eligibility of the employees for membership in the union or unions
representatives of the employees concerned. As a result of the spin- involved; and the relationship between the unit or units proposed and
offs: the employer’s organization, management, and operation x x.
1. Each of the companies are run by, supervised and x x In said report, it is likewise emphasized that the basic
controlled by different management teams including separate human test in determining the appropriate bargaining unit is that a unit, to be
resource/personnel managers. appropriate, must affect a grouping of employees who have substantial,
2. Each Company enforces its own administrative and mutual interests in wages, hours, working conditions and other subjects
operational rules and policies and are not dependent on each other in of collective bargaining (citing Smith on Labor Laws, 316-317;
their operations. Francisco, Labor Laws, 162) x x.
3. Each entity maintains separate financial statements and Finally, we take note of the fact that the separate interests of
are audited separately from each other. the employees of Magnolia and SMFI from those of SMC has been
Indubitably, therefore, Magnolia and SMFI became distinct recognized in the case of Daniel Borbon v. Laguesma.[26] We quote:
entities with separate juridical personalities. Thus, they can not belong Even assuming in gratia argumenti that at the time of the
to a single bargaining unit as held in the case of Diatagon Labor election they were regular employees of San Miguel, nonetheless, these
Federation Local 110 of the ULGWP v. Ople. We elucidate: workers are no longer connected with San Miguel Corporation in any
The fact that their businesses are related and that the 236 manner because Magnolia has ceased to be a division of San Miguel
employees of Georgia Pacific International Corporation were originally Corporation and has been formed into a separate corporation with a
employees of Lianga Bay Logging Co., Inc. is not a justification for personality of its own (p. 305, Rollo). This development, which was
disregarding their separate personalities. Hence, the 236 employees, brought to our attention by private respondents, necessarily renders
who are now attached to Georgia Pacific International Corporation, moot and academic any further discourse on the propriety of the
should not be allowed to vote in the certification election at the Lianga elections which petitioners impugn via the present recourse (p. 319,
Bay Logging Co., Inc. They should vote at a separate certification Rollo).
election to determine the collective bargaining representative of the
employees of Georgia Pacific International Corporation.
University of the Philippines v. Ferrer-Calleja
Petitioner-union’s attempt to include the employees of
Held: When first confronted with the task of determining
Magnolia and SMFI in the SMC bargaining unit so as to have a bigger
the proper collective bargaining unit in a particular controversy, the
mass base of employees has, therefore, no more valid ground.
Court had perforce to rely on American jurisprudence. In Democratic
Moreover, in determining an appropriate bargaining unit,
Labor Association vs. Cebu Stevedoring Company, Inc., decided on
the test of grouping is mutuality or commonality of interests. The
February 28, 1958, the Court observed that "the issue of how to
employees sought to be represented by the collective bargaining agent
determine the proper collective bargaining unit and what unit would be
must have substantial mutual interests in terms of employment and
appropriate to be the collective bargaining agency" * * * "is novel in
working conditions as evinced by the type of work they
this jurisdiction; however, American precedents on the matter abound
performed.[22] Considering the spin-offs, the companies would
** (to which resort may be had) considering that our present Magna
consequently have their respective and distinctive concerns in terms of
Carta has been patterned after the American law on the subject." Said
the nature of work, wages, hours of work and other conditions of
the Court:
employment. Interests of employees in the different companies
" * * Under these precedents, there are various factors which
perforce differ. SMC is engaged in the business of beer
must be satisfied and considered in determining the proper constituency
manufacturing. Magnolia is involved in the manufacturing and
of a bargaining unit. No one particular factor is itself decisive of the
processing of dairy products[23] while SMFI is involved in the
determination. The weight accorded to any particular factor varies in
production of feeds and the processing of chicken.[24] The nature of
accordance with the particular question or questions that may arise in a
their products and scales of business may require different skills which
given case. What are these factors? Rothenberg mentions a good
must necessarily be commensurated by different compensation
number, but the most pertinent to our case are: (1) will of the employees
packages. The different companies may have different volumes of
(Globe Doctrine); (2) affinity and unit of employees' interest, such as
work and different working conditions. For such reason, the employees
substantial similarity of work and duties, or similarity of compensation
of the different companies see the need to group themselves together
and working conditions; (3) prior collective bargaining history; and (4)
and organize themselves into distinctive and different groups. It would
employment status, such as temporary, seasonal and probationary
then be best to have separate bargaining units for the different
employees. * *.
companies where the employees can bargain separately according to
their needs and according to their own working conditions.
"An enlightening appraisal of the problem of defining an
appropriate bargaining unit is given in the 10th Annual Report of the
We reiterate what we have explained in the case of University of the
National Labor Relations Board wherein it is emphasized that the
Philippines v. Ferrer-Calleja that:
factors which said board may consider and weigh in fixing appropriate
Page 76 of 191
units are: the history, extent and type of organization of employees; the two separate bargaining units, the first consisting of the rank-and-file
history of their collective bargaining; the history, extent and type of non-academic personnel, and the second, of the rank-and-file academic
organization of employees in other plants of the same employer, or employees, is the set-up that will best assure to all the employees the
other employers in the same industry; the skill, wages, work, and exercise of their collective bargaining rights. These special
working conditions of the employees; the desires of the employees; the circumstances, i.e., the dichotomy of interests and concerns as well as
eligibility of the employees for membership in the union or unions the dissimilarity in the nature and conditions of work, wages and
involved; and the relationship between the unit or units proposed and compensation between the academic and non-academic personnel,
the employer's organization, management, and operation. * *. bring the case at bar within the exception contemplated in Section 9 of
" * * In said report, it is likewise emphasized that the basic Executive Order No. 180. It was grave abuse of discretion on the part
test in determining the appropriate bargaining unit is that a unit, to be of the Labor Relations Director to have ruled otherwise, ignoring plain
appropriate, must affect a grouping of employees who have substantial, and patent realities.
mutual interests in wages, hours, working conditions and other subjects
of collective bargaining (citing Smith on Labor Laws, 316-317;
Belyca Corporation v. Ferrer-Calleja
Francisco, Labor Laws, 162). * *. "
Held: Hence, still later following the substantial-mutual
The Court further explained that "(t)he test of the grouping
interest test, the Court ruled that there is a substantial difference
is community or mutuality of interests. And this is so because ‘the basic
between the work performed by musicians and that of other persons
test of an asserted bargaining unit's acceptability is whether or not it is
who participate in the production of a film which suffice to show that
fundamentally the combination which will best assure to all employees
they constitute a proper bargaining unit. (LVN Pictures, Inc. v.
the exercise of their collective bargaining rights’ (Rothenberg on Labor
Philippine Musicians Guild 1 SCRA 132 (1961]).
Relations, 490)." Hence, in that case, the Court upheld the trial court's
Coming back to the case at bar, it is beyond question that
conclusion that two separate bargaining units should be formed, one
the employees of the livestock and agro division of petitioner
consisting of regular and permanent employees and another consisting
corporation perform work entirely different from those performed by
of casual laborers or stevedores.
employees in the supermarts and cinema. Among others, the noted
Since then, the "community or mutuality of interests"
difference are: their working conditions, hours of work, rates of pay,
test has provided the standard in determining the proper constituency
including the categories of their positions and employment status. As
of a collective bargaining unit. In Alhambra Cigar & Cigarette
stated by petitioner corporation in its position paper, due to the nature
Manufacturing Company, et al. vs. Alhambra Employees' Association
of the business in which its livestock-agro division is engaged very few
(PAFLU), 107 Phil. 23, the Court, noting that the employees in the
of its employees in the division are permanent, the overwhelming
administrative, sales and dispensary departments of a cigar and
majority of which are seasonal and casual and not regular employees
cigarette manufacturing firm perform work which have nothing to do
(Rollo, p. 26). Definitely, they have very little in common with the
with production and maintenance, unlike those in the raw lead
employees of the supermarts and cinemas. To lump all the employees
(malalasi), cigar, cigarette, packing (precintera) and engineering and
of petitioner in its integrated business concerns cannot result in an
garage departments, authorized the formation of the former set of
efficacious bargaining unit comprised of constituents enjoying a
employees into a separate collective bargaining unit. The ruling in
community or mutuality of interest. Undeniably, the rank and file
the Democratic Labor Association case, supra, was reiterated
employees of the livestock-agro division fully constitute a bargaining
in Philippine Land-Air-Sea Labor Union vs. Court of Industrial
unit that satisfies both requirements of classification according to
Relations, 110 Phil. 176, where casual employees were barred from
employment status and of the substantial, similarity of work and duties
joining the union of the permanent and regular employees.
which will ultimately assure its members the exercise of their collective
Applying the same "community or mutuality of interests"
bargaining rights.
test, but resulting in the formation of only one collective bargaining unit
is the case of National Association of Free Trade Unions vs. Mainit
Lumber Development Company Workers Union-United Lumber and B. GLOBE DOCTRINE
General Workers of the Phils., G.R. No. 79526, December 21, 1990, This principle is based on the will of the employees.
192 SCRA 598. In said case, the Court ordered the formation of a single It is called Globe doctrine because this principle was first
bargaining unit consisting of the Sawmill Division in Butuan City and enunciated in the United States case of Globe Machine and
the Logging Division in Zapanta Valley, Kitcharao, Agusan Norte of
Stamping Co., where it was ruled, in defining the appropriate
the Mainit Lumber Development Company. The Court reasoned:
"Certainly, there is a mutuality of interest among the bargaining unit, that in a case where the company’s production
employees of the Sawmill Division and the Logging Division. Their workers can be considered either as a single bargaining unit
functions mesh with one another. One group needs the other in the same appropriate for purposes of collective bargaining or as three (3)
way that the company needs them both. There may be difference as to separate and distinct bargaining units, the determining factor is
the nature of their individual assignments but the distinctions are not the desire of the workers themselves consequently, a
enough to warrant the formation of a separate bargaining unit." certification election should be held separately to choose which
In the case at bar, the University employees may, as already representative union will be chosen by the workers
suggested, quite easily be categorized into two general classes: one, the
[Mechanical Department Labor Union v. CIR].
group composed of employees whose functions are non-academic, i.e.,
janitors, messengers, typists, clerks, receptionists, carpenters, In International School Alliance of Educators v.
electricians, grounds-keepers, chauffeurs, mechanics, plumbers; Quisumbing, the High Court ruled that foreign-hired teachers
and two, the group made up of those performing academic functions, do not belong to the bargaining unit of the local hires because
i.e., full professors, associate professors, assistant professors, the former have not indicated their intention to be grouped with
instructors -- who may be judges or government executives -- and the latter for purposes of collective bargaining. Moreover, the
research, extension and professorial staff. Not much reflection is collective bargaining history of the school also shows that these
needed to perceive that the community or mutuality of interests which groups were always treated separately.
justifies the formation of a single collective bargaining unit is wanting
between the academic and non-academic personnel of the university. It
would seem obvious that teachers would find very little in common C. COLLECTIVE BARGAINING HISTORY
with the University clerks and other non-academic employees as DOCTRINE
regards responsibilities and functions, working conditions, This principle puts premium to the prior collective
compensation rates, social life and interests, skills and intellectual bargaining history and affinity of the employees in determining
pursuits, cultural activities, etc. On the contrary, the dichotomy of the appropriate bargaining unit. However, the existence of a
interests, the dissimilarity in the nature of the work and duties as well prior collective bargaining history has been held as neither
as in the compensation and working conditions of the academic and decisive nor conclusive in the determination of what constitutes
non-academic personnel dictate the separation of these two categories
an appropriate bargaining unit [San Miguel Corporation v.
of employees for purposes of collective bargaining. The formation of
Page 77 of 191
It was ruled in National Association of Free Trade Once certified, what is represented by the SEBA are
Unions v. Mainit Lumber Development Company Workers not only its members but also those who are members of other
Union that there is mutuality of interest among the workers in unions, called “minority” unions, who are included in the CBU
the sawmill division and logging division as to justify their [National Brewery & Allied Industries Labor Union v. San
formation of a single bargaining unit. This holds true despite Miguel Brewery].
the history of said two divisions being treated as separate units An unorganized establishment becomes an
and notwithstanding their geographical distance from each “Organized Establishment” where there exists a recognized or
other. certified sole and exclusive bargaining agent.
In San Miguel v. Laguesma, despite the collective The SEBA of the employees in a CBU may be
bargaining history of having a separate bargaining unit for each determined through any of the following modes:
sales office, the Supreme Court applied the principle of
mutuality or commonality of interests in holding that the (a) Request for SEBA certification (which repealed
appropriate bargaining unit is comprised of all the sales force and replaced “Voluntary Recognition” as a
in the whole of Northern Luzon. mode of securing SEBA status);
(b) Certification election;
The determination of the appropriate bargaining unit (d) Run-off election.
based on the employment status of the employees is considered
an acceptable mode. For instance, casual employees and those A. SEBA CERTIFICATION
employed on a day-to-day basis do not have the mutuality or Before, it was voluntary recognition, which refers to
community of interest with regular and permanent employees. the free and voluntary act of the employer of extending and
Hence, their inclusion in the bargaining unit composed of the conferring full recognition to a union as the sole and exclusive
latter is not justified [Philippine Land-Air-Sea Labor Union v. bargaining representative of the employees in an appropriate
CIR]. bargaining unit, for purposes of collective bargaining.
Department Order No. 40-I-15, Series of 2015 has
International School Alliance of Educators v. expressly repealed the entire set of Rules applicable to
Quisumbing Voluntary Recognition in the Labor Code’s Implementing
Held: A bargaining unit is "a group of employees of a given Rules and replaced it with the freshly-minted mode of securing
employer, comprised of all or less than all of the entire body of the status of a SEBA through a Request for SEBA Certification
employees, consistent with equity to the employer indicate to be the
or simply “Request.”
best suited to serve the reciprocal rights and duties of the parties under
the collective bargaining provisions of the law." The factors in
Any legitimate labor organization may file a Request
determining the appropriate collective bargaining unit are (1) the will in the DOLE Regional Office which issued to it its Certificate
of the employees (Globe Doctrine); (2) affinity and unity of the of Registration or Certificate of Creation of Chartered Local, as
employees' interest, such as substantial similarity of work and duties, the case may be [IRR].
or similarity of compensation and working conditions (Substantial
Mutual Interests Rule); (3) prior collective bargaining history; and (4) B. CONSENT ELECTION
similarity of employment status. The basic test of an asserted Consent election refers to the process, voluntarily
bargaining unit's acceptability is whether or not it is fundamentally the
and mutually agreed upon by the contending unions, of
combination which will best assure to all employees the exercise of
their collective bargaining rights.
determining through secret ballot the SEBA of the employees
It does not appear that foreign-hires have indicated their in an appropriate CBU for purposes of collective bargaining
intention to be grouped together with local-hires for purposes of with the employer. It is conducted with or without the
collective bargaining. The collective bargaining history in the School intervention of the DOLE [IRR].
also shows that these groups were always treated separately. Foreign-
hires have limited tenure; local-hires enjoy security of tenure. Although Consent Election vs. Certification Election
foreign-hires perform similar functions under the same working Consent election is but a form of certification
conditions as the local-hires, foreign-hires are accorded certain benefits
election. They may be distinguished from each other in the
not granted to local-hires. These benefits, such as housing,
transportation, shipping costs, taxes, and home leave travel allowance,
following manner:
are reasonably related to their status as foreign-hires, and justify the
exclusion of the former from the latter. To include foreign-hires in a a. The former is held upon the mutual agreement
bargaining unit with local-hires would not assure either group the of the contending unions; while the latter does
exercise of their respective collective bargaining rights. not require the mutual consent of the parties as
it is conducted upon the order of the Med-
III Arbiter [IRR].
BARGAINING REPRESENTATIVE b. The former may be conducted with or without
the control and supervision of the DOLE; while
The term sole and exclusive bargaining agent the latter is always conducted under the control
(SEBA) refers to a legitimate labor union duly certified as the and supervision of the DOLE [IRR].
sole and exclusive bargaining representative or agent of all the c. The former is being conducted as a voluntary
employees in a collective bargaining unit (CBU). A labor union mode of resolving labor dispute; while the latter,
certified as a SEBA means that it shall remain as such during although non-adversarial, is a compulsory
the existence of the CBA, to the exclusion of all other labor method of adjudicating a labor dispute.
organizations existing and operating in the same CBU, and no d. The former is given the highest priority; while
petition for certification election (PCE) questioning its majority the latter is resorted only when the contending
status shall be entertained nor shall certification election be unions fail or refuse to submit their
conducted outside the 60-day freedom period immediately representation dispute through the former
before the expiry date of the 5-year term of the CBA. [IRR]. This is so because under the
Page 78 of 191
Implementing Rules, as amended, even in cases representative [PAL Employees’ Association v. Ferrer-
where a PCE is filed, the Med-Arbiter, during Calleja]. It is held to ensure that the employees are properly
the preliminary conference and hearing thereon, represented in the exercise of their right to collective bargaining
is tasked to determine the possibility of a with their employer [FOITAF v. Noriel]. No obstacle must be
consent election. It is only when the contending placed to the holding of a certification election for it is the
unions fail to agree to the conduct of a consent statutory policy that it should not be circumvented [Trade
election during the preliminary conference that Unions of the Philippines v. Laguesma]. It is not a litigation
the Med-Arbiter will proceed with the process proceeding in a sense in which this term is commonly
of certification election by conducting as many understood. It is a mere investigation of a non-adversary fact-
hearings as he may deem necessary up to its finding character in which the DOLE plays the part of a
actual holding. But in no case shall the conduct disinterested investigator seeking merely to ascertain the
of the certification election exceed 15 days from desires of the employees as to the matter of determining which
the date of the scheduled preliminary labor organization will represent the employees in their
conference/hearing after which time, the PCE is collective bargaining with the employer [The Heritage Hotel v.
considered submitted for decision. Secretary of Labor]. It is not therefore bound by the technical
e. The former necessarily involves at least 2 or rules of evidence [Associated Labor Unions v. Ferrer-Calleja].
more contending unions; while the latter may In case of doubt, the PCE should be resolved in favor of the
only involve 1 petitioner union. holding of a certification election [National Federation of
f. The former may be conducted in the course of Labor v. Secretary of Labor].
the proceeding in the latter or during its The facts sought to be determined in a certification
pendency. election are: first, whether the Bargaining Unit wants
g. The purpose of the former is only to determine representation; and second, who will represent them if they
(i) who has the majority representation of all the want representation.
workers in the appropriate collective bargaining A certification election proceeding directly involves
unit; where as the purpose of the latter is to two (2) issues, namely: (a) the proper composition and
determine (i) whether the bargaining unit wants constituency of the bargaining unit; and (b) the validity of
representation; and (ii) who will represent them majority representation claims. It is therefore incumbent upon
if they want representation. the Med-Arbiter to rule on the appropriateness of the
bargaining unit once its composition and constituency is
Warren v. BLR questioned [Holy Child v. Sto. Tomas].
Held: The records show that petitioner admitted that what
was held on August 25, 1985 at the Company’s premises and which 2. Where to File
became the root of this controversy, was a consent election and not a A petition for certification election shall be filed with
certification election (underscoring supplied). The election held on the Regional Office which has jurisdiction over the principal
August 25, 1985 was not for the purpose of determining which labor
office of the petitioner. The petition shall be in writing and
union should be the bargaining representative in the negotiation for a
collective contract, there being an existing collective bargaining
under oath [IRR].
agreement yet to expire on July 31, 1986; but only to determine which Under the omnibus rules implementing the Labor
labor union shall administer the said existing contract. Code as amended by D.O. No. 9, it is supposed to be filed in
As correctly distinguished by private respondent, a consent the Regional Office which has jurisdiction over the principal
election is an agreed one, its purpose being merely to determine the office of the employer or where the bargaining unit is
issue of majority representation of all the workers in the appropriate principally situated. The rules further provide that where two or
collective bargaining unit while a certification election is aimed at more petitions involving the same bargaining unit are filed in
determining the sole and exclusive bargaining agent of all the
one Regional Office, the same shall be automatically
employees in an appropriate bargaining unit for the purpose of
collective bargaining. From the very nature of consent election, it is a
consolidated. Hence, the filing of multiple suits and the
separate and distinct process and has nothing to do with the import and possibility of conflicting decisions will rarely happen in this
effect of a certification election. Neither does it shorten the terms of an proceeding and, if it does, will be easy to discover. Notably,
existing CBA nor entitle the participants thereof to immediately under the Labor Code and the rules pertaining to the form of
renegotiate an existing CBA although it does not preclude the workers the petition for certification election, there is no requirement for
from exercising their right to choose their sole and exclusive bargaining a certificate of non-forum shopping either in D.O. No. 9, series
representative after the expiration of the sixty (60) day freedom period. of 1997 or in D.O. No. 40-03, series of 2003 which replaced the
former. Considering the nature of a petition for certification
C. CERTIFICATION ELECTION election and the rules governing it, we therefore hold that the
Certification election refers to the process of requirement for a certificate of non-forum shopping is
determining through secret ballot the SEBA of the employees inapplicable to such a petition [SAMMA-LIKHA v. SAMMA].
in an appropriate CBU for purposes of collective bargaining
with the employer. A certification election is conducted only 3. Who may File
upon the order of the Med-Arbiter of the BLR [IRR].
a. Organized Establishments
Pendency of a petition for cancellation
The pendency of a petition for cancellation of union Article 268. [256] Representation Issue in Organized
registration does not preclude certification election or Establishments. In organized establishments, when a verified
collective bargaining. petition questioning the majority status of the incumbent
bargaining agent is filed by any legitimate labor organization
1. Nature of Certification Election including a national union or federation which has already issued
Certification election is the most democratic method a charter certificate to its local chapter participating in the
certification election or a local chapter which has been issued a
of determining the choice of the employees of their bargaining
charter certificate by the national union or federation before the
Page 79 of 191
Department of Labor and Employment within the sixty (60)-day Role of Employer in Certification Election
period before the expiration of the collective bargaining agreement,
the Med-Arbiter shall automatically order an election by secret
Article 271. [258-A] Employer as Bystander. - In all cases,
ballot when the verified petition is supported by the written consent
whether the petition for certification election is filed by an
of at least twenty-five percent (25%) of all the employees in the employer or a legitimate labor organization, the employer shall not
bargaining unit to ascertain the will of the employees in the be considered a party thereto with a concomitant right to oppose a
appropriate bargaining unit. To have a valid election, at least a in such proceedings shall be limited to: (1) being notified or
majority of all eligible voters in the unit must have cast their votes. informed of petitions of such nature; and (2) submitting the list of
The labor union receiving the majority of the valid votes cast shall employees during the pre-election conference should the Med-
be certified as the exclusive bargaining agent of all the workers in Arbiter act favorably on the petition.
the unit. When an election which provides for three or more choices
results in no choice receiving a majority of the valid votes cast, a
run-off election shall be conducted between the labor unions In issues as to the appropriateness of employees in a
receiving the two highest number of votes: Provided, That the total bargaining unit, the employer has a proper role. He can object
number of votes for all contending unions is at least fifty percent to the appropriateness of the bargaining unit through a motion
(50%) of the number of votes cast. In cases where the petition was or a manifestation. Once the bargaining unit is already
filed by a national union or federation, it shall not be required to established, neither the employer nor the employees can change
disclose the names of the local chapter’s officers and members. its configuration.
At the expiration of the freedom period, the employer
shall continue to recognize the majority status of the incumbent
bargaining agent where no petition for certification election is filed. 4. When to File the Petition for Certification
In the absence of a CBA duly registered in
b. Unorganized Establishments
accordance with Article 237, a petition for certification lection
may be filed at any time.
Article 269. [257] Petitions in Unorganized
Establishments. In any establishment where there is no certified However, no certification lection may be held under
bargaining agent, a certification election shall automatically be the following rules:
conducted by the Med-Arbiter upon the filing of a petition by any
legitimate labor organization, including a national union or (a) Certification year-bar rule;
federation which has already issued a charter certificate to its (b) Negotiations-bar rule;
local/chapter participating in the certification election or a (c) Bargaining deadlock-bar rule; or
local/chapter which has been issued a charter certificate by the (d) Contract-bar rule.
national union or federation. In cases where the petition was filed
by a national union or federation, it shall not be required to disclose
the names of the local chapter’s officers and members. a. Certification Year Bar Rule
Although the Labor Code does not contain any
provision on when the CBA negotiation process should start
When a duly organized union files a petition for
after a union is duly certified as the SEBA of the employees it
certification election, the Med-Arbiter has the duty to
seeks to represent in a given bargaining unit, there is, however,
automatically conduct an election. He has no discretion on the
this provision in the Rules when the Med-Arbiter may dismiss
matter [Philippine Scout Veterans v. Secretary of Labor].
the PCE if the same is filed within one (1) year reckoned and
c. When an Employer May File
(i) From the date the SEBA certification is
Article 270. [258] When an Employer May File Petition.
When requested to bargain collectively, an employer may petition
issued by the DOLE Regional Director in
the Bureau for an election. If there is no existing certified collective cases of Request for SEBA Certification
bargaining agreement in the unit, the Bureau shall, after hearing, filed in an unorganized establishment with
order a certification election. only one (1) legitimate labor organization;
All certification cases shall be decided within twenty (20) or
working days. (ii) From the date of issuance of certification
The Bureau shall conduct a certification election within as SEBA and not from the date of the
twenty (20) days in accordance with the rules and regulations
conduct of valid certification, consent, run-
prescribed by the Secretary of Labor.
off or re-run election [IRR].
A petition for certification election may be filed by: In the first instance, the period is counted from the
issuance of the SEBA certification which shall have the effect
(i) A legitimate labor organization, including: (i) a of barring the filing of a PCE by any labor organization. It is
national union or federation that has issued a only upon the expiration of this 1-year period that any
charter certificate to its local chapter/chartered legitimate labor organization may file a PCE in the same
local. The former is filing the PCE for and on collective bargaining unit (CBU) represented by the certified
behalf of the latter; or (ii) the local SEBA, unless a CBA between the employer and the certified
chapter/chartered local itself which has been SEBA was executed and registered with the DOLE Regional
issued a charter certificate by the national union Office [IRR].
or federation; or (iii) an independently In the second, there must be a distinction made
registered union; between the reckoning of the 1-year statutory bar and the 1-year
(ii) An employer, when requested to bargain certification year bar. The 1-year period in the former should
collectively in a bargaining unit where no be counted from the date of election; while the 1-year period in
registered CBA exists and the status of the union the latter should be from the date of certification of the SEBA.
is in doubt. The union will be deprived of its entitlement to the critical one
(1) year as a certified SEBA if this period is reckoned from the
Page 80 of 191
actual date when the certification, consent, run-off or re-run Held: Was there a bargaining deadlock between CMC and
election was conducted. The union is certainly entitled to a full respondent union, before the filing of petitioner of a petition for
12 months as SEBA. Until certification is made in its favor, its certification election, which had been submitted to conciliation or had
become the subject of a valid notice of strike or lockout?
status as SEBA is not definite.
In the case of Divine Word University of Tacloban v.
Where an appeal has been filed from the order of the Secretary of Labor and Employment, we had the occasion to define
Med-Arbiter certifying the results of the election, the running what a deadlock is, viz:
of the one (1) year period is deemed suspended until the "A 'deadlock' is xxx the counteraction of things producing
decision on the appeal has become final and executory [IRR]. entire stoppage; xxx There is a deadlock when there is a complete
If the SEBA fails to commence the collective blocking or stoppage resulting from the action of equal and opposed
bargaining process within said period, its being the SEBA may forces xxx. The word is synonymous with the word impasse, which xxx
be questioned by another union through the filing of a new 'presupposes reasonable effort at good faith bargaining which, despite
noble intentions, does not conclude in agreement between the parties. '
PCE. This is best illustrated by the case of KAMPIL-
KATIPUNAN v. Trajano, where the SEBA failed to initiate the Although there is no "deadlock" in its strict sense as there is
collective bargaining process within a period of more than 4 no "counteraction" of forces present in this case nor "reasonable effort
years thereby enabling another union to file a new petition for at good faith bargaining, "such can be attributed to CMC's fault as the
certification election. bargaining proposals of respondent union were never answered by
CMC. In fact, what happened in this case is worse than a bargaining
b. Negotiations Bar Rule deadlock for CMC employed all legal means to block the certification
Under the negotiations bar rule, a certification of respondent union as the bargaining agent of the rank-and-file; and
use it as its leverage for its failure to bargain with respondent union.
election petition may not be filed while the SEBA and employer
Thus, we can only conclude that CMC was unwilling to negotiate and
have commenced and sustained negotiations in good faith in reach an agreement with respondent union. CMC has not at any
accordance with Article 261 within one (1) year from the date instance shown willingness to discuss the economic proposals given by
of entry of SEBA certification, or from the date of a valid respondent union.
certification, consent, or run-off election or from the date of As correctly ratiocinated by public respondent, to wit:
issuance of the SEBA certification by the DOLE Regional "For herein petitioner to capitalize on the ensuing delay
Director in cases of Request for SEBA Certification. which was caused by the hospital and which resulted in the non-
Once the CBA negotiations have commenced and conclusion of a CBA within the certification year, would be to negate
and render a mockery of the proceedings undertaken before this
while the parties are engaged in this process, no challenging
Department and to put an unjustified premium on the failure of the
union is allowed file a PCE that would disturb the negotiation respondent hospital to perform its duty to bargain collectively as
process and unduly delay, preempt or forestall the prompt and mandated in Article 252 of the Labor Code, as amended, which states."
timely conclusion thereof. "Article 252. Meaning of duty to bargain collectively - the
It must be noted that there is no law or rule that duty to bargain collectively means the performance of a mutual
imposes a time limitation or caps as to when the parties should obligation to meet and convene promptly and expeditiously in good
negotiate and conclude a CBA. The parties have all the freedom faith for the purpose of negotiating an agreement with respect to wages,
and leeway to negotiate the CBA’s terms and conditions hours of work and all other terms and conditions of employment
including proposals for adjusting any grievance or questions arising
without being constrained by any time restriction. In other
under such agreement and executing a contract incorporating such
words, the negotiation process may last for days, weeks, agreements if requested by either party but such duty does not compel
months, even years, and during the entire duration thereof, no any party to agree to a proposal or to make any concession."
PCE may be filed by any challenging union. The duly certified bargaining agent, CMCEA - AFW,
should not be made to further bear the brunt flowing from the
c. Bargaining Deadlock Bar Rule respondent hospital's reluctance and thinly disguised refusal to
Collective bargaining deadlock refers to a situation bargain."
where there is failure in the collective bargaining negotiations If the law proscribes the conduct of a certification election
when there is a bargaining deadlock submitted to conciliation or
between the SEBA and the employer resulting in an impasse or
arbitration, with more reason should it not be conducted if, despite
stalemate [San Miguel Corporation v. NLRC]. This happens attempts to bring an employer to the negotiation table by the certified
when, despite their efforts at bargaining in good faith, the bargaining agent, there was "no reasonable effort in good faith" on the
parties have failed to resolve the issues and it appears that there employer to bargain collectively.
are no other definite options or plans in sight to break the In the case of Kaisahan ng Manggagawang Pilipino vs.
standoff. Simply stated, there is a deadlock when there is a Trajano, 201 SCRA 453 (1991), penned by Chief Justice Andres R.
complete blocking or stoppage in the negotiation resulting from Narvasa, the factual milieu of which is similar to this case, this Court
the action of equal and opposing forces [Capitol Medical allowed the holding of a certification election and ruled that the one
year period known as the "certification year" has long since expired.
Center Alliance of Concerned Employees v. Laguesma].
We also ruled, that:
Under this rule, a certification election petition may "xxx prior to the filing of the petition for election in this
not be filed when a bargaining deadlock to which an incumbent case, there was no such 'bargaining deadlock xx (which) had been
SEBA is a party has been submitted to conciliation, compulsory submitted to conciliation or arbitration or had become the subject of a
or voluntary arbitration or has become the subject of a valid valid notice of strike or lockout.' To be sure, there are in the record
notice of strike or lockout [IRR]. assertions by NAFLU that its attempts to bring VIRON to the
The Deadlock Bar Rule simply provides that a negotiation table had been unsuccessful because of the latter's
petition for certification election can only be entertained if there recalcitrance, and unfulfilled promises to bargain collectively; but there
is no proof that it had taken any action to legally coerce VIRON to
is no pending bargaining deadlock submitted to conciliation or
comply with its statutory duty to bargain collectively. It could have
arbitration or had become the subject of a valid notice of strike charged VIRON with unfair labor practice; but it did not. It could have
or lockout. The principal purpose is to ensure stability in the gone on a legitimate strike in protest against VIRON's refusal to bargain
relationship of the workers and the management [NACUSIP v. collectively and compel it to do so; but it did not. There are assertions
Trajano]. by NAFLU, too, that its attempts to bargain collectively had been
delayed by continuing challenges to the resolution pronouncing it the
CMCEA-AFW v. Laguesma sole bargaining representative in VIRON; but there is no adequate
Page 81 of 191
substantiation thereof , or of how it did in fact prevent initiation of the (vii) When there is a schism in the union
bargaining process between it and VIRON." resulting in an industrial dispute wherein
Although the statements pertinent to this case are merely the CBA can no longer foster industrial
obiter, still the fact remains that in the Kaisahan case, NAFLU was
peace. The conduct of a certification
counselled by this Court on the steps that it should have undertaken to
protect its interest, but which it failed to do so.
election in such a situation becomes
This is what is strikingly different between the Kaisahan imperative to clear any doubt as to the real
case and the case at bench for in the latter case, there was proof that the and legitimate representative of the
certified bargaining agent, respondent union, had taken an action to employees [Firestone Tire and Rubber
legally coerce the employer to comply with its statutory duty to bargain Company Employees Union v. Estrella].
collectively, i. e., charging the employer with unfair labor practice and (viii) When there is an automatic renewal
conducting a strike in protest against the employer's refusal to provision in the CBA but prior to the date
bargain.[25] It is only just and equitable that the circumstances in this
when such automatic renewal became
case should be considered as similar in nature to a "bargaining
deadlock" when no certification election could be held. This is also to effective, the employer seasonably filed a
make sure that no floodgates will be opened for the circumvention of manifestation with the BLR of its intention
the law by unscrupulous employers to prevent any certified bargaining to terminate the said agreement if and when
agent from negotiating a CBA. Thus, Section 3, Rule V, Book V of the it is established that the SEBA does not
Implement Rules should be interpreted liberally so as to include a represent anymore the majority of the
circumstance, e. g. where a CBA could not be concluded due to the workers in the bargaining unit [PLDT
failure of one party to willingly perform its duty to bargain collectively. Employees’ Union v. PLDT].
Page 82 of 191
during the freedom period does not affect the petition for certification
election filed by another union. Substitutionary Doctrine
Under this doctrine, employees are allowed to change
Schism their SEBA, but the CBA continues to bind them up to its
Excepted from the contract bar rule are certain types expiration date. They may bargain however for the shortening
of contracts which do not foster industrial stability, such as of said expriation date.
contracts where the identity of the representative is in doubt. Thus, the new SEBA cannot negotiate a new CBA, it
Any stability derived from such contracts must be subordinated can only administer the old CBA, but the new SEBA is not
to the employees’ freedom of choice because it does not bound by the personal obligations imposed by the old CBA
establish the type of industrial peace contemplated by law. such as the “no strike, no lockout rule.”
Where, therefore, the fact of disaffiliation has been
demonstrated beyond doubt, a certification election is the most Benguet Consolidated v. BCI Employees
expeditious way of determining which labor organization is to Held: In support of an affirmative answer to the first
be the exclusive bargaining representative [Firestone Tire and question, BENGUET first invokes the so-called “Doctrine of
Rubber Company Employees Union v. Estrella]. Substitution" referred to in General Maritime Stevedore's Union v.
South Sea Shipping Lines, L-14689, July 26, 1960. There it was
Associated Workers Union-PTGWO v. NLRC
“We also hold that where the bargaining contract is to run
Held: While it is true that AWUM as a local union, being an
for more than two years, the principle of substitution may well be
entity separate and distinct from AWU, is free to serve the interest of
adopted and enforced by the CIR to the effect that after two years of
all its members and enjoys the freedom to disaffiliate, such right to
the life of a bargaining agreement, a certification election may be
disaffiliate may be exercised, and is thus considered a protected labor
allowed by the CIR; that if a bargaining agent other than the union or
activity, only when warranted by circumstances. Generally, a labor
organization that executed the contract, is elected, said new agent
union may disaffiliate from the mother union to form a local or
would have to respect said contract, but that it may bargain with the
independent union only during the 60-day freedom period immediately
management for the shortening of the life of the contract if it considers
preceding the expiration of the CBA. Even before the onset of the
it too long, or refuse to renew the contract pursuant to an automatic
freedom period (and despite the closed-shop provision in the CBA
renewal clause.” (Italics supplied)
between the mother union and management) disaffiliation may still be
The submission utterly fails to persuade Us. The above-
carried out, but such disaffiliation must be effected by a majority of the
quoted pronouncement was obiter dictum. The only issue in the
members in the bargaining unit. This happens when there is a
General Maritime Stevedores’ Union case was whether a collective
substantial shift in allegiance on the part of the majority of the members
bargaining agreement which had practically run for 5 years constituted
of the union. In such a case, however, the CBA continues to bind the
a bar to certification proceedings. We held it did not and accordingly
members of the new or disaffiliated and independent union up to
directed the court a quo to order certification elections. With that,
the CBA's expiration date.
nothing more was necessary for the disposition of the case. Moreover,
the pronouncement adverted to was rather premature. The possible
ALU v. Calleja certification of a union different from that which signed the bargaining
Held: The Court has long since declared that: contract was a mere contingency then since the elections were still to
... Basic to the contract bar rule is the proposition that the be held. Clearly, the Court was not called upon to rule on the possible
delay of the right to select represen tatives can be justified only where effects of such proceedings on the bargaining agreement
stability is deemed paramount. Excepted from the contract which do But worse, BENGUET’s reliance upon the Principle of
not foster industrial stability, such as contracts where the identity of the Substitution is totally misplaced. This principle, formulated by the
representative is in doubt. Any stability derived from such contracts NLRB[7] as its initial compromise solution to the problem facing it
must be subordinated to the employees' freedom of choice because it when there occurs a shift in employees’ union allegiance after the
does nto establish the type of industrial peace contemplated by the execution of a bargaining contract with their employer, merely states
law. 11 that even during the effectivity of a collective bargaining agreement
At this juncture, petitioner should be reminded that the executed between employer and employees thru their agent, the
technical rules of rpocedure do not strictly apply in the adjudication of employees can change said agent but the contract continues to bind
labor disputes. 12 Consequently, its objection that the evidence with them up to its expiration date. They may bargain however for the
respect to the aforesaid repudiiation of the supposed collective shortening of said expiration date.
bargaining agreement cannot be considered for the first time on appeal In formulating the “substitutionary” doctrine, the only
on the Bureau of Labor Relations should be disregarded, especially consideration involved was the employees’ interest in the existing
considering the weighty significance thereof. bargaining agreement. The agent’s interest never entered the picture. In
Both petitioner and private respondent GAW Trading, Inc. fact, the justification for said doctrine was:
allege that the employees of the latter are now enjoying the benefits of ". . . that the majority of the employees, as an entity under
the collective bargaining agreement that both parties had forged. the statute, is the true party in interest to the contract, holding rights
However, We cannot find sufficient evidence of record to support this through the agency of the union representative. Thus, any exclusive
contention. The only evidence cited by petitioner is supposed payment interest claimed by the agent is defeasible at the will of the principal..
of union fees by said employees, a premise too tenuous to sustain the .” (Italics supplied)
desired conclusion. Even the actual number of workers in the Stated otherwise, the “substitutionary” doctrine only
respondent company is not clear from the records. Said private provides that the employees cannot revoke the validly executed
respondent claims that it is two hundred eighty-one (281)13 but collective bargaining contract with their employer by the simple
petitioner suggests that it is more than that number. The said parties expedient of changing their bargaining agent. And it is in the light of
should be aware that this Court is not an adjudicator of facts. Worse, to this that the phrase “said new agent would have to respect said contract”
borrow a trite but apt phrase, they would heap the Ossa of confusion must be understood. It only means that the employees, thru their new
upon the Pelion of uncertainty and still expect a definitive ruling on the bargaining agent, cannot renege on their collective bargaining contract,
matter thus confounded. except of course to negotiate with management for the shortening
Additionally, the inapplicability of the contract bar rule is thereof.
further underscored by the fact that when the disputed agreement was The “substitutionary” doctrine, therefore, cannot be invoked
filed before the Labor Regional Office on May 27, 1986, a petition for to support the contention that a newly certified collective bargaining
certification election had already been filed on May 19, 1986. Although agent automatically assumes all the personal undertakings — like the
the petition was not supported by the signatures of thirty percent (30%) no-strike stipulation here — in the collective bargaining agreement
of the workers in the bargaining unit, the same was enough to initiate made by the deposed union. When BBWU bound itself and its officers
said certification election. not to strike, it could not have validly bound also all the other rival
Page 83 of 191
unions existing in the bargaining units in question. BBWU was the when a certification election which provides for three (3) or
agent of the employees, not of the other unions which possess distinct more choices result in no choice receiving a majority of the
personalities. To consider UNION contractually bound to the no-strike valid votes cast; provided, that the total number of votes for all
stipulation would therefore violate the legal maxim that res inter alios
contending unions is at least fifty percent (50%) of the number
acta alios nec prodest nec nocet.
Of course, UNION, as the newly certified bargaining agent,
of votes cast.
could always voluntarily assume all the personal undertakings made by Thus, a run-off election may only be conducted under
the displaced agent. But as the lower court found, there was no showing the following elements:
at all that, prior to the strike,[11] UNION formally adopted the existing
CONTRACT as its own and assumed all the liabilities imposed by the (i) There are three (3) or more unions competing in
same upon BBWU. a certification or consent election;
(ii) None of the contending unions garnered the
5. Appeal majority of the valid votes cast;
(iii) But the total number of votes for all contending
Article 272. [259] Appeal from Certification Election unions, if added, is at least fifty (50%) of the
Orders. Any party to an election may appeal the order or results of number of valid votes cast;
the election as determined by the Med-Arbiter directly to the (iv) If the above three (3) elements are present, a
Secretary of Labor and Employment on the ground that the rules
run-off election will be conducted between the
and regulations or parts thereof established by the Secretary of
labor unions receiving the two (2) highest
Labor and Employment for the conduct of the election have been
violated. Such appeal shall be decided within fifteen (15) calendar number of votes in such certification election or
days. consent election. The third union and the others,
if any, will no longer be allowed to participate
6. Conduct of Certification Election in such election. And for obvious reason, the
The process of certification election requires the choice of “No Union” should no longer be
application of the double majority rule for the following twin included in the run-off election [IRR].
If the above conditions that justify the conduct of a
(i) To have a valid certification election; and run-off election are present and there are no objections or
(ii) To declare the winning union that will be challenges which, if sustained, can materially alter the election
certified as a SEBA. results, the Election Officer should motu proprio conduct a run-
off election within 10 days form the close of the election
a. First Majority: To be a valid proceeding between the labor unions receiving the two highest
certification election, at least a majority number of votes [IRR].
of all eligible voters in the bargaining
unit should have cast their votes E. RE-RUN ELECTION
The first majority is essential to validate the This mode of choosing the SEBA is not expressly
certification election process itself. According to Article 268, provided in the Labor Code nor in the rendering of its
in order to have a valid certification election, it is required that implementing rules. It was only in 2015 that an issuance of the
at least a majority of all eligible voters in the bargaining unit DOLE Secretary has introduced this term for the first time as
must have cast their votes [Samahan ng Manggagawa v. an amendment to the Rules to Implement the Labor Code and
Laguesma]. If less than such majority have cast their votes, the defines it as follows:
certification election process itself is not valid and, therefore,
“‘Re-run election’ refers to an election doncuted
not one of the contending unions therein, even if chosen by the
to break a tie between contending unions, including between
majority of the votes cast, can be certified as the SEBA to ‘no union’ and one of the unions. It shall likewise refer to
represent the CBU. an election doncuted after a failure of election has been
declared by the Election Officer and/or affirmed by the
b. Second Majority: Majority vote of the Mediator-Arbiter.”
valid votes cast in order to be chosen as
the SEBA A re-run election is obviously in the nature of a
After establishing the validity of the certification corrective action meant to cure a seriously defective and
election process itself, the next point to ascertain and establish distorted certification election. Consequently, a third ground
is whether the petitioning union, in a single-union contest, or that may be cited as would justify the conduct of a fair re-run
any of the unions, in a multi-union election, has garnered the election is when the certification, consent or run-off election
majority of the valid votes cast. has been invalidated or nullified due to certain serious
Under the same Article 268, it is required that only irregularities that have been committed during the conduct
“the labor union receiving the majority of the valid votes cast thereof, such as, inter alia, disenfranchisement of the voters,
shall be certified as the exclusive bargaining agent of all the lack of secrecy in the voting, fraud or bribery or acts of
workers in the unit” and under Article 267, it is likewise terrorism, force, threat and intimidation employed by any of the
provided that the labor organization designated or selected by contending unions or the employer. Such invalidation would
the majority of the employees in an appropriate CBU is the necessitate the conduct of a re-run election among the
exclusive representative of the employees in such unit for contending unions to determine the true will and desire of the
purposes of collective bargaining [Peral v. United Employees employees-electorate [Confederation of Citizens Labor Unions
Welfare Association]. v. Noriel].
Page 87 of 191
period and employee's status during the applicable payroll (ix) Right against unauthorized
period. The payroll of the month next preceding the labor assessment or fees
dispute in case of regular employees and the payroll period at No special assessment or other extraordinary fees
or near the peak of operations in case of employees in seasonal may be levied upon the members of a labor organization unless
industries [Tancinco v. Ferrer-Calleja]. authorized by a written resolution of a majority of all the
members in a general membership meeting duly called for the
(iv) Right to vote in determination of purpose.
major policies by secret ballot
The members shall determine by secr3et ballot, after (x) Right against unauthorized
due deliberation, any question of major policy affecting the deductions from salary
entire membership of the organization, unless the nature of the Other than mandatory activities under the Code, no
organization or force majeure renders such secret ballot special assessments, attorney’s fees, negotiation fees or any
impractical, in which case, the Board of Directors of the other extraordinary fees may be checked off from any amount
organization may make the decision on behalf of the general due to an employee without an individual written authorization
membership. duly signed by the employee. The authorization should
specifically state the amount, purpose and beneficiary of the
(v) Right to a receipt of any payment to deduction.
the union It is very clear from the above-quoted provision that
Every payment of fees, dues, or other contributions attorney's fees may not be deducted or checked off from any
by a member shall be evidenced by a receipt signed by the amount due to an employee without his written consent except
officer or agent making the collection and entered into the for mandatory activities under the Code. A mandatory activity
record of the organization to be kept and maintained for that has been defined as a judicial process of settling dispute laid
purpose. down by the law. In the instant case, the amicable settlement
entered into by the management and the union cannot be
(vi) Right against unauthorized considered as a mandatory activity under the Code. It is true
expenditures that the union filed a claim for emergency cost of living
The funds of the organization shall not be applied for allowance and other benefits before the Ministry of Labor. But
any purpose or object other than (a) those expressly provided this case never reached its conclusion in view of the parties’
by its constitution and by-laws or (b) those expressly authorized agreement. It is not also shown from the records that Atty.
by written resolution adopted by the majority of the members Benjamin Sebastian was instrumental in forging the said
at a general meeting duly called for the purpose. agreement on behalf of the union members [Vengco v.
For this purpose, registered labor organizations may Trajano].
assess reasonable dues to finance labor relations seminars and For special assessment, attorney’s fees, negotiation
other labor education activities. fees, and other extraordinary fees, automatic check-offs require
(1) written resolution of the majority of all the members at a
(vii) Right to report from the treasurer general membership meeting called for the purpose; and (2)
or other responsible officer to individual written authorization for check-off duly signed by
render an account the employee concerned.
The treasurer of any labor organization and every Article 228 provides:
officer thereof who is responsible for the account of such
organization or for the collection, management, disbursement, Article 228. [222] Appearances and Fees. - (a)
custody or control of the funds, monies, and other properties of Non-lawyers may appear before the Commission or any
the organization, shall render to the organization and to its Labor Arbiter only:
1. If they represent themselves; or
members a true and correct account of all moneys received and
2. If they represent their organization or
paid by him since he assumed office or since the last day on members thereof.
which he rendered such account, and of all bonds, securities (b) No attorney’s fees, negotiation fees or
and other properties of the organization entrusted to his custody similar charges of any kind arising from any collective
or under his control. The rendering of such account shall be bargaining agreement shall be imposed on any individual
made: charged against union funds in an amount to be agreed upon
(1) At least once a year within thirty (30) days after by the parties. Any contract, agreement or arrangement of
the close of its fiscal year; any sort to the contrary shall be null and void.
(2) At such other times as may be required by a
resolution of the majority of the members of the organization; Article 222(b) of the Labor Code, as amended,
and prohibits the payment of attorney's fees only when it is effected
(3) Upon vacating his office. through forced contributions from the employees from their
The account shall be duly audited and verified by own funds as distinguished from union funds. Hence, the
affidavit and a copy thereof shall be furnished the Secretary of general rule is that attorney's fees, negotiation fees, and other
Labor. similar charges may only be collected from union funds, not
from the amounts that pertain to individual union members. As
(viii) Right to inspect financial records an exception to the general rule, special assessments or other
during office hours extraordinary fees may be levied upon or checked off from any
The books of accounts and other records of the amount due an employee for as long as there is proper
financial activities of any labor organization shall be open to authorization by the employee [Marino v. Gamilla].
inspection by any officer or member thereof during office
hours. When individual authorization not required
Page 88 of 191
i. Assessment from non-members of the wages and remits them directly to the union [Gabriel v.
bargaining agent of “Agency Fees;” Secretary of Labor].
ii. Deductions for fees for mandatory This only applies to the SEBA and not to the minority
activities; union.
iii. Check-off for union service fees authorized Check-off may refer to two (2) things:
by law;
iv. Deductions for withholding tax (NIRC); i. Collection of union dues, special
v. Deductions for withholding of wages assessments and fees (such as attorney’s
because of employee’s deb to the employer fees, negotiation fees or any other
which is already due; extraordinary fees by the SEBA from its
vi. Deductions made pursuant to a judgment members; and
against the worker under circumstances ii. Collection of agency fees from non-
where the wages may be subject to members of the SEBA but covered by and
attachment or execution but only for debts included in the collective bargaining unit
incurred for food, clothing, shelter, and (CBU) who accept the benefits provided in
medical attendance; the Collective Bargaining Agreement
vii. Deductions from wages ordered by the (CBA).
viii. Deductions authorized by law such as The first kind mentioned requires for its validity, the
premiums for PhilHealth, SSS, Pag-IBIG, execution by the employees of individual written authorization
ECC and the like. which should specifically state the amount, purpose,
beneficiary of the deduction; but the second kind does not
Agency Fee require any such authorization since the law itself recognizes
Article 259(e) provides: and allows it upon the non-SEBA member’s acceptance of
benefits resulting from the CBA [Holy Cross v. Joaquin].
(e) x x x. Employees of an appropriate To effect the check-off of agency fees, no individual
bargaining unit who are not members of the recognized authorization is necessary unlike members under Article
collective bargaining agent may be assessed a reasonable 250(o).
fee equivalent to the dues and other fees paid by members
In ABS-CBN Supervisors-Employees Union
of the recognized collective bargaining agent, if such non-
union members accept the benefits under the collective Members v. ABS-CBN Broadcasting Corporation, the Supreme
bargaining agreement: Provided, That the individual Court declared that Article 250 of the Labor Code, as amended,
authorization required under Article 250, paragraph (o) of speaks of three (3) requisites, to wit: (1) authorization by a
this Code shall not apply to the non-members of the written resolution of the majority of all members at the general
recognized collective bargaining agent; membership meeting called for the purpose; (2) secretary's
record of the minutes of the meeting; and (3) individual written
Agency Fee means a fee deducted by an employer authorization for check-off duly signed by the employee
from the salary or wages of an employee who is not a member concerned.
of an employee organization, which is paid to the employee
organization that is the exclusive bargaining agent for the (xi) Right to information
bargaining unit of the employee [IRR]. It shall be the duty of any labor organization and its
This fee is collected when the bargaining agent officers to inform its members on the provisions of its
successfully negotiates a CBA with the employer. It is imposed constitution and by-laws, collective bargaining agreement, the
on non-members who are employees covered by the bargaining prevailing labor relations system and all their rights and
unit being represented by the bargaining agent – in case they obligations under existing labor laws.
accept the benefits under the CBA.
The fact that the non-member is also paying union b. Conditions of Membership
dues to their own unions does not free them from their
obligations to pay the agency fee, and vice versa. Thus they are (i)Individuals belonging to subversive
required to pay (a) union dues and special assessments of their organization or engaged in
own union; and (b) agency fee to the bargaining agent. subversive activity
It is neither contractual nor statutory but quasi- No labor organization shall knowingly admit as
contractual. Payment of agency fee to the bargaining members or continue in membership any individual who
union/agent which negotiated the CBA is but a reasonable belongs to a subversive organization or who is engaged directly
requirement recognized by law, to prevent non-union members or indirectly in any subversive activity.
from enriching themselves at the expense of union members
[Holy Cross of Davao v. Joaquin]. The non-member does not (ii) Persons convicted of a crime
become a member when he pays the agency fee. involving moral turpitude
No person who has been convicted of a crime
Check-Off involving moral turpitude shall be eligible for election as a
Check-off is a method of deducting by the employer union officer or for appointment to any position in the union.
from the employee’s pay at prescribed periods, any amount due
for fees, fines or assessments [AL Ammen Transportation v. (iii) Collection or disbursement of funds
Bicol Transportation Employees]. Strictly speaking, it is a No officer, agent or member of a labor organization
process or device whereby the employer, on agreement with the shall collect any fees, dues, or other contributions in its behalf
union certified as the SEBA, or on prior authorization from its or make any disbursement of its money or funds unless he is
employees, deducts union dues or agency fees from the latter’s duly authorized pursuant to its constitution and by-laws.
Page 89 of 191
report such violation to the Bureau. The Bureau shall have the
(iv) Action involving funds power to hear and decide any reported violation to mete the
Any action involving the funds of the organization appropriate penalty. Criminal and civil liabilities arising from
shall prescribe after three (3) years from the date of submission violations of above rights and conditions of membership shall
of the annual financial report to the Department of Labor and continue to be under the jurisdiction of ordinary courts.
Employment or from the date the same should have been
submitted as required by law, whichever comes earlier: B. COLLECTIVE BARGAINING
Provided, That this provision shall apply only to a legitimate
labor organization which has submitted the financial report 1. Duty To Bargain Collectively
requirements under this Code: Provided, further, That failure of
any labor organization to comply with the periodic financial Article 263. [252] Meaning of Duty to Bargain
reports required by law and such rules and regulations Collectively. - The duty to bargain collectively means the
promulgated thereunder six (6) months after the effectivity of performance of a mutual obligation to meet and convene promptly
this Act shall automatically result in the cancellation of union and expeditiously in good faith for the purpose of negotiating an
registration of such labor organization; agreement with respect to wages, hours of work and all other terms
and conditions of employment including proposals for adjusting
any grievances or questions arising under such agreement and
Who can file a complaint executing a contract incorporating such agreements if requested by
If it is a general complaint, the complaint must be either party but such duty does not compel any party to agree to a
under oath with written consent of at least 20% of the total proposal or to make any concession
membership of the labor organization, or it may be exercised
by the Secretary of DOLE motu proprio. Noteworthy in the above definition is the requirement
The Regional or Bureau Director may inquire into the on both parties of the performance of the mutual obligation to
financial activities of any legitimate labor organization and meet and convene promptly and expeditiously in good faith for
examine their books of accounts and other records to determine the purpose of negotiating an agreement [Colegio de San Juan
compliance with the law and the organization’s constitution and de Letran v. Association of Employees and Faculties of Letran].
by-laws. Such examination shall be made upon the filing of a The duty does not compel any party to agree blindly
request or complaint for the conduct of an accounts to a proposal nor to make concession. While the law imposes
examination by any member of the labor organization, on both the employer and the bargaining union the mutual duty
supported by the written consent of at least 20% of its total to bargain collectively, the employer is not under any legal
membership [IRR]. obligation to initiate collective bargaining negotiations [Kiok
If it is a specific complaint and it involves the Loy v. NLRC].
member only, there is no need for the written consent of 20% The duty to bargain collectively does not exist when
of the members. If it involves the entire membership, it must be the majority status of the employees’ representative is not
supported by the written consent of 30% of the total established. The employer has no such duty to bargain with the
membership. individual workers or with the minority union [Lakas ng
Any complaint or petition with allegations of Manggagawang Makabayan v. Marcelo Enterprises]. In
mishandling, misappropriation, or non-accounting of funds in Philippine Diamond Hotel v. Manila Diamond Hotel
violation of Article 250 shall be treated as an intra-union Employees Union, it was held that since the respondent union
dispute. It shall be heard and resolved by the Mediator-Arbiter is not the exclusive representative of the majority of the
pursuant to the provisions or Rule XI [IRR]. employees of petitioner, it could not demand from petitioner
Where the issue involves the entire membership of the right to bargain collectively in their behalf. Petitioner’s
the labor organization, the complaint or petition shall be refusal, therefore, to bargain collectively with respondent union
supported by at least 30% of its members [IRR]. cannot be considered ULP.
Obviously, the ultimate purpose of collective
(v) Compensation of officers bargaining is to reach an agreement resulting in a contract
Any action involving the funds of the organization binding on the parties; but the failure to reach an agreement
shall prescribe after three (3) years from the date of submission after negotiations continued for a reasonable period does not
of the annual financial report to the Department of Labor and establish a lack of good faith. The statutes invite and
Employment or from the date the same should have been contemplate a collective bargaining contract, but they do not
submitted as required by law, whichever comes earlier: compel one. The duty to bargain does not include the obligation
Provided, That this provision shall apply only to a legitimate to reach an agreement [Union of Filipino Employees v. Nestle
labor organization which has submitted the financial report Philippines].
requirements under this Code: Provided, further, That failure of
any labor organization to comply with the periodic financial a. Duty to Bargain Collectively in the
reports required by law and such rules and regulations Absence of a CBA
promulgated thereunder six (6) months after the effectivity of
this Act shall automatically result in the cancellation of union Article 262. [251] Duty to Bargain Collectively in the
registration of such labor organization; Absence of Collective Bargaining Agreements. - In the absence of an
agreement or other voluntary arrangement providing for a more
c. Effect of Violation of Rights and expeditious manner of collective bargaining, it shall be the duty of
Conditions of Membership employer and the representatives of the employees to bargain
Any violation of the above rights and conditions of collectively in accordance with the provisions of this Code
membership shall be a ground for cancellation of union
registration or expulsion of officers from office, whichever is Clearly, the law gives utmost premium and extends
appropriate. At least thirty percent (30%) of the members of a due respect to the voluntary arrangement between the parties
union or any member or members specially concerned may on how they will discharge their respective duties to bargain
Page 90 of 191
collectively before resort to the procedure laid down in the of labor-management relations in order to create a climate of a
Labor Code may be made. In other words, it is only when there sound and stable industrial peace. In construing a CBA, the
is no such voluntary arrangement that the procedure laid down courts must be practical and realistic and give due consideration
in Article 261 of the Labor Code should be followed. to the context in which it is negotiated and the purpose which it
is intended to serve [Rivera v. Espiritu].
b. Duty to Bargain Collectively When The CBA embodies all the agreements reached after
There Exists a CBA negotiations between the employer and the SEBA with respect
to the terms and conditions of their employment relationship
Article 264. [253] Duty to Bargain Collectively When [Pantranco North Express v. NLRC]. Consequently, from the
There Exists a Collective Bargaining Agreement. - When there is a moment it is perfected and during its lifetime, it is considered
collective bargaining agreement, the duty to bargain collectively the law between the parties [SMTFM-UWP v. NLRC] and as
shall also mean that neither party shall terminate nor modify such such, they are bound not only to the fulfillment of what has been
agreement during its lifetime. However, either party can serve a
expressly stipulated but also to all consequences which,
written notice to terminate or modify the agreement at least sixty
(60) days prior to its expiration date. It shall be the duty of both
according to their nature, may be in keeping with good faith
parties to keep the status quo and to continue in full force and effect [Goya v. Goya Employees Union] and the mandate of the law
the terms and conditions of the existing agreement during the 60- [Supreme Steel v. NMS-IND-APL]. Being the law between the
day period and/or until a new agreement is reached by the parties. parties, any violation thereof can be subject of redress in the
court [Faculty Association of Mapua v. Court of Appeals].
This last 60-day period is the freedom period. It is In United Kimberly-Clark Employees Union
denominated as such because it is the only time when the law Philippine Transport General Workers Organization
allows the parties to freely serve a notice to terminate, alter or (UKCEU-PTGWO) v. Kimberly-Clark Philippines, Inc., this
modify the existing CBA. It is also the time when the majority Court emphasized that:
status of the SEBA may be challenged by another union by
filing the appropriate petition for certification election [MRR As a general proposition, an arbitrator is
confined to the interpretation and application of the
Yard Crew v. PNR].
collective bargaining agreement. He does not sit to dispense
Another exception is the so-called Fractual
his own brand of industrial justice: his award is legitimate
Bargaining. This is when the change that gradually occurs only in so far as it draws its essence from the
because of the actual practice of the employer which in fact CBA, i.e., when there is a rational nexus between the award
increases the benefits provided in the CBA. and the CBA under consideration. It is said that an arbitral
award does not draw its essence from the CBA; hence, there
Automatic Renewal Clause is an unauthorized amendment or alteration thereof, if:
The last sentence of Article 253 refers to the so-called 1. It is so unfounded in reason and fact;
2. It is so unconnected with the working and
"automatic renewal" of a CBA. The parties shall continue the
purpose of the agreement;
CBA in "full force and effect" until they reach a new
3. It is without factual support in view of its
agreement. language, its context, and any other indicia of the parties'
It is clear from the above provision of law that until intention;
a new Collective Bargaining Agreement has been executed by 4. It ignores or abandons the plain language of
and between the parties, they are duty-bound to keep the status the contract;
quo and to continue in full force and effect the terms and 5. It is mistakenly based on a crucial assumption
conditions of the existing agreement. The law does not provide which concededly is a nonfact;
for any exception nor qualification as to which of the economic 6. It is unlawful, arbitrary or capricious; and
7. It is contrary to public policy.
provisions of the existing agreement are to retain force and
xx xx
effect, therefore, it must be understood as encompassing all the If the terms of a CBA are clear and [leave] no
terms and conditions in the said agreement [New Pacific doubt upon the intention of the contracting parties, the
Timber v. NLRC]. literal meaning of its stipulation shall prevail. However, if,
in a CBA, the parties stipulate that the hirees must be
Effect of CBA Renewal or Registration Before or presumed of employment qualification standards but fail to
During the 60-Day Freedom Period state such qualification standards in said CBA, the VA may
resort to evidence extrinsic of the CBA to determine the full
It is well settled that the 60-day freedom period based
agreement intended by the parties. When a CBA may be
on the original CBA shall not be affected by any amendment,
expected to speak on a matter, but does not, its sentence
extension or renewal of the CBA for purposes of certification imports .ambiguity on that subject. The VA is not merely to
election. rely on the cold and cryptic words on the face of the CBA
In the case of Warren Manufacturing Workers Union but is mandated to discover the intention of the
v. Bureau of Labor Relations, it was held that an agreement parties. Recognizing the inability of the parties to anticipate
prematurely signed by the union and the company during the or address all future problems, gaps may be left to be filled
freedom period does not affect the petition for certification in by reference to the practices of the industry, and the step
which is equally a part of the CBA although not expressed
election filed by another union.
in it. In order to ascertain the intention of the contracting
parties, their contemporaneous and subsequent acts shall
2. Collective Bargaining Agreement be principally considered The VA may also consider and
A Collective Bargaining Agreement is “a contract rely upon negotiating and contractual history of the parties,
executed upon request of either the employer or the exclusive evidence of past practices interpreting ambiguous
bargaining representative incorporating the agreement reached provisions. The VA has to examine such practices to
after negotiations with respect to wages, hours of work and all determine the scope of their agreement, as where the
other terms and conditions of employment, including proposals provision of the CBA has been loosely formulated.
Moreover, the CBA must be construed liberally rather than
for adjusting any grievances or questions arising under such
narrowly and technically and the Court must place a
agreement.” The primary purpose of a CBA is the stabilization
practical and realistic construction upon it
Page 91 of 191
binding only between the parties. A labor contract merely
a. Law Deemed Written or Incorporated creates an action in personally and does not create any real right
As in all contracts, the parties in a CBA may establish which should be respected by third parties. This conclusion
such stipulations, clauses, terms and conditions as they may draws its force from the right of an employer to select his
deem convenient provided these are not contrary to law, employees and to decide when to engage them as protected
morals, good customs, public order or public policy. Thus, under our Constitution, and the same can only be restricted by
where the CBA is clear and unambiguous, it becomes the law law through the exercise of the police power. As a general rule,
between the parties and compliance therewith is mandated by there is no law requiring a bona fide purchaser of assets of an
the express policy of the law [Hongkong Union v. HSBC]. on-going concern to absorb in its employ the employees of the
Parties may validly agree in the CBA to reduce wages latter. However, although the purchaser of the assets or
and benefits provided such reduction does not go below the enterprise is not legally bound to absorb in its employ the
minimum standards [Manila Fashions v. NLRC]. employers of the seller of such assets or enterprise, the parties
If the CBA provides for just the minimum wage rates, are liable to the employees if the transaction between the parties
the CBA is void for being a Sweetheart contract. is colored or clothed with bad faith [Sundowner v. Drilon].
Page 92 of 191
bargaining agreement which had practically run for 5 years constituted the law. Moreover, it is a familiar rule in
a bar to certification proceedings. We held it did not and accordingly interpretation of contracts that the various
directed the court a quo to order certification elections. With that, stipulations of a contract shall be interpreted
nothing more was necessary for the disposition of the case. Moreover,
together, attributing to the doubtful ones that
the pronouncement adverted to was rather premature. The possible
certification of a union different from that which signed the bargaining
sense which may result from all of them taken
contract was a mere contingency then since the elections were still to jointly [Coca-Cola v. Ilo-Ilo Coca Cola Plant
be held. Clearly, the Court was not called upon to rule on the possible Employees].
effects of such proceedings on the bargaining agreement
But worse, BENGUET’s reliance upon the Principle of 3. Provisions Subject To Collective Bargaining
Substitution is totally misplaced. This principle, formulated by the
NLRB[7] as its initial compromise solution to the problem facing it
Article 263. [252] Meaning of Duty to Bargain
when there occurs a shift in employees’ union allegiance after the Collectively. - The duty to bargain collectively means the
execution of a bargaining contract with their employer, merely states performance of a mutual obligation to meet and convene promptly
that even during the effectivity of a collective bargaining agreement and expeditiously in good faith for the purpose of negotiating an
executed between employer and employees thru their agent, the agreement with respect to wages, hours of work and all other terms
employees can change said agent but the contract continues to bind and conditions of employment including proposals for adjusting
them up to its expiration date. They may bargain however for the any grievances or questions arising under such agreement and
shortening of said expiration date. executing a contract incorporating such agreements if requested by
In formulating the “substitutionary” doctrine, the only either party but such duty does not compel any party to agree to a
consideration involved was the employees’ interest in the existing proposal or to make any concession.
bargaining agreement. The agent’s interest never entered the picture. In
fact, the justification for said doctrine was:
". . . that the majority of the employees, as an entity under a. Non-Economic/Non-Monetary/Political
the statute, is the true party in interest to the contract, holding rights This covers the following provisions that the parties
through the agency of the union representative. Thus, any exclusive to a CBA usually stipulate: (a) Coverage or Scope of the
interest claimed by the agent is defeasible at the will of the principal.. Agreement; (b) Exclusions; (c) Rights and Responsibilities of
.” (Italics supplied) Parties; (d) Union Security Arrangement; (e) Job Security
Stated otherwise, the “substitutionary” doctrine only (Security of Tenure); (f) Management Rights and Prerogatives;
provides that the employees cannot revoke the validly executed
(g) Company Rules and Regulations; (h) Discipline of
collective bargaining contract with their employer by the simple
expedient of changing their bargaining agent. And it is in the light of Employees; (i) Union Dues and Special Assessments; (j)
this that the phrase “said new agent would have to respect said contract” Agency Fee; (k) Check-Off; (l) Grievance Machinery; (m)
must be understood. It only means that the employees, thru their new Voluntary Arbitration; (n) Labor-Management Council (LMC);
bargaining agent, cannot renege on their collective bargaining contract, (o) No-Strike, No-Lockout; (v) Waiver and Completeness of
except of course to negotiate with management for the shortening Agreement; and (q) Duration and Effectivity of Agreement.
The “substitutionary” doctrine, therefore, cannot be invoked b. Economic/Monetary/Non-Political
to support the contention that a newly certified collective bargaining
This includes: (a) Wage Increases; (b) Allowances;
agent automatically assumes all the personal undertakings — like the
no-strike stipulation here — in the collective bargaining agreement (c) Premiums for Work on Rest Days, Holidays, etc.; (d) Meal,
made by the deposed union. When BBWU bound itself and its officers Rice and other Subsidies; (e) Leave Benefits; (f) Union Leave;
not to strike, it could not have validly bound also all the other rival (g) Uniforms; (h) Union Office; (i) Promotions; (j) Bonuses;
unions existing in the bargaining units in question. BBWU was the (k) Insurance; (l) Hospitalization; (m) Retirement; (n)
agent of the employees, not of the other unions which possess distinct Excursion; and (o) Others which have monetary values.
personalities. To consider UNION contractually bound to the no-strike
stipulation would therefore violate the legal maxim that res inter alios c. Personal
acta alios nec prodest nec nocet.
These are provisions solely for the benefit of the
Of course, UNION, as the newly certified bargaining agent,
could always voluntarily assume all the personal undertakings made by union and which the new EBA are not bound to.
the displaced agent. But as the lower court found, there was no showing
at all that, prior to the strike,[11] UNION formally adopted the existing 4. Procedure In Collective Bargaining
CONTRACT as its own and assumed all the liabilities imposed by the
same upon BBWU. Article 261. [250] Procedure in Collective Bargaining. -
The following procedures shall be observed in collective
f. Principles bargaining:
(a) When a party desires to negotiate an agreement, it
shall serve a written notice upon the other party with a statement
• The CBA is executed not only upon the request of its proposals. The other party shall make a reply thereto not later
of the EBA but also upon request of the than ten (10) calendar days from receipt of such notice;
employer. (b) Should differences arise on the basis of such notice
• Unilateral changes in the CBA are not allowed and reply, either party may request for a conference which shall
• CBA should be construed liberally begin not later than ten (10) calendar days from the date of request.
• Workers are allowed to negotiate wage (c) If the dispute is not settled, the Board shall intervene
upon request of either or both parties or at its own initiative and
increases separately and distinctly from
immediately call the parties to conciliation meetings. The Board
legislated wage increase. shall have the power to issue subpoenas requiring the attendance
• The literal meaning of the stipulations of the of the parties to such meetings. It shall be the duty of the parties to
CBA, as with every other contract, control if participate fully and promptly in the conciliation meetings the
they are clear and leave no doubt upon the Board may call;
intention of the contracting parties. Thus, where (d) During the conciliation proceedings in the Board, the
the CBA is clear and unambiguous, it, becomes parties are prohibited from doing any act which may disrupt or
impede the early settlement of the disputes; and
the law between the parties and compliance
therewith is mandated by the express policy of
Page 93 of 191
(e) The Board shall exert all efforts to settle disputes be for six months only. In the absence of any other
amicably and encourage the parties to submit their case to a information, the plain and natural presumption will be that
voluntary arbitrator. petitioner would resume operations after six months, and
therefore, it follows that a new CBA will be needed to
a. Phases of the Collective Bargaining govern the employment relations of the parties, the old one
having already expired. Clearly then, under the
circumstances, the respondent Secretary cannot be faulted
nor considered to have gravely abused his discretion for
(i) Negotiation Phase ordering the parties to enter into a new CBA.
Collective bargaining formally takes the fort of
negotiations when major conditions of employment to be (ii) Administration Phase
written into an agreement are under consideration and of The duty to bargain imposes on the parties during the
grievance committee meetings and arbitration when questions term of their agreement the mutual obligation "to meet and
arising in the administration of an agreement are at stake confer promptly and expeditiously and to good faith for the
[Republic Savings Bank v. Court of Industrial Relations]. purpose off adjusting any grievances or question arising under
such agreement and a violation of this obligation is an unfair
Some Principles labor practice [Ibid].
i. A proposal not embodied in the CBA is not part
thereof. (iii) Renegotiation Phase
ii. Minutes of CBA negotiation has no effect if its This is the phase where the duties in phase 1 and 2
contents are not incorporated in the CBA. are carried over.
iii. Making a promise during the CBA negotiation
is not considered bad faith. b. Procedure is Mandatory
iv. Adamant stance resulting in impasse is not bad The procedure in collective bargaining prescribed by
faith. the Labor Code is mandatory because of the basic interest of
v. The DOLE Secretary cannot order inclusion of the State in ensuring lasting industrial peace. As held in the case
terms and conditions in CBA which the law and of Kiok Loy vs. NLRC, the company's refusal to make counter-
the parties did not intend to reflect therein. proposal to the union's proposed CBA is an indication of its bad
vi. Signing bonus is not demandable under the law. faith. Where the employer did not even bother to submit an
vii. Allegations of bad faith are wiped out with the answer to the bargaining proposals of the union, there is a clear
signing of the CBA. evasion of the duty to bargain collectively. In the case at bar,
petitioner's actuation show a lack of sincere desire to negotiate
Effect of the Refusal of a Party to Sign the CBA rendering it guilty of unfair labor practice [Colegio de San Juan
A party to a fully-concluded CBA may be compelled de Letran v. Association of Employees and Faculty of Letran].
to sign it, especially if said refusal to sign is the only remaining
hitch to its being implemented. Such refusal is considered c. Kiok Loy Doctrine
unfair labor practice [Roadway Express v. General Teamster]. The doctrine is based on the ruling in Kiok Loy v.
NLRC, where the petitioner, Sweden Ice Cream Plant, refused
CBA negotiated and concluded during suspension to submit any counter-proposal to the CBA proposed by its
of operations employees’ certified SEBA. The Court rules that the employer
In San Pedro Hospital of Digos v. Secretary of Labor, had thereby lost its right to bargain the terms and conditions of
it was held: the CBA. Consequently, all the terms and conditions of the
CBA as proposed by the SEBA are deemed approved and
Temporary suspension of operations is accepted lock, stock and barrel (LSB) by the erring employer.
reorganized as a valid exercise of management prerogative
This case epitomizes the classic case of negotiating a
provided it is not carried out in order to circumvent
provisions of the Labor Code or to defeat the rights of the CBA in bad faith consisting of the employer’s refusal to bargain
employees under the Code. The determination to cease or with the SEBA by ignoring all notices for negotiations and
suspend operations is a prerogative of management that the requests for counter-proposals made to the former by the latter.
State usually does not interfere with, as no business can be Such refusal to send its counter-proposals to the SEBA’s
required to continue operating at a loss simply to maintain proposals and to bargain on the economic terms of the CBA
the workers in employment. Such an act would be constitutes an unfair labor practice [General Milling
tantamount to a taking of property without due process of Corporation v, Court of Appeals].
law, which the employer has a right to resist. But where it
In Divine Word University of Tacloban v. Secretary
is shown that the closure is motivated not by a desire to
prevent further losses, but to discourage the workers from of Labor and Employment, the university refused to perform its
organizing themselves into a union for more effective duty to bargain collectively. Hence, the Court upheld the
negotiations with management, the State is bound to unilateral imposition on the university of the CBA proposed by
intervene. the Divine Word University Employees Union.
If a legitimate, valid and legal suspension of In General Milling Corporation v. Court of Appeals,
operations does not terminate but merely suspends the the Supreme Court imposed on the employer the draft CBA
employee-employer relationship, with more reason will an
proposed by the SEBA for the last 2 years commencing from
invalid and illegal suspension of operations, as in this case,
the expiration of the 3-year term of the original CBA. This was
not affect the employment relationship.
The foregoing premises considered, it is clear because of the employer’s refusal to counter-propose to the
that there is no basis for petitioner to claim that a new CBA SEBA’s proposals which was declared as an ULP.
should not be entered into or that collective bargaining
should not be conducted during the effectivity of a d. CBA Deadlock
temporary suspension of operations. In this instance, In case of a deadlock in the initial negotiation or re-
petitioner expressly represented that the suspension was to negotiation or renewal of the CBA, the law provides that the
Page 94 of 191
parties may exercise their respective rights under the Labor instrument to promote industrial peace. Hence, it bears the
Code which include the following: blessings not only of the employer and employees
concerned but even the Department of Labor and
Employment. To set it aside on technical grounds is not
a. Submission of the deadlocked issue to
conducive to the public good.
conciliation and mediation by the NCMB. This
means that the deadlock may be taken
6. Duration of the CBA; Retroactivity
cognizance of motu proprio by the NCMB or
through the filing of a notice of strike by the
Article 265. [253-A] Terms of a Collective Bargaining
union or notice of lockout by the employer or Agreement. Any Collective Bargaining Agreement that the parties
notice of preventive mediation by any of the may enter into shall, insofar as the representation aspect is
parties, concerned, be for a term of five (5) years. No petition questioning
b. Declaration and actual staging of a strike by the the majority status of the incumbent bargaining agent shall be
union or lockout by the employer. entertained and no certification election shall be conducted by the
c. Referral of case to compulsory or voluntary Department of Labor and Employment outside of the sixty-day
arbitration. period immediately before the date of expiry of such five-year term
of the Collective Bargaining Agreement. All other provisions of the
d. In case of industries indispensable to the
Collective Bargaining Agreement shall be renegotiated not later
national interest, filing of petition for than three (3) years after its execution. Any agreement on such
assumption of jurisdiction over the labor dispute other provisions of the Collective Bargaining Agreement entered
or certification thereof to the NLRC for into within six (6) months from the date of expiry of the term of
compulsory arbitration. such other provisions as fixed in such Collective Bargaining
Agreement, shall retroact to the day immediately following such
5. Publication, Ratification, and Registration of date. If any such agreement is entered into beyond six months, the
The CBA parties shall agree on the duration of retroactivity thereof. In case
of a deadlock in the renegotiation of the Collective Bargaining
Article 237, Paragraph 2 of the Labor Code provides;
Agreement, the parties may exercise their rights under this Code.
Within thirty (30) days from the execution of a
Collective Bargaining Agreement, the parties shall submit Under this provision, insofar as representation is
copies of the same directly to the Bureau or the Regional concerned, a CBA has a term of five years, while the other
Offices of the Department of Labor and Employment for provisions, except for representation, may be negotiated not
registration accompanied with verified proofs of its posting later than three years after the execution [Rivera v. Espiritu].
in two conspicuous places in the place of work and The duty to renegotiate not later than 3 years after its
ratification by the majority of all the workers in the execution is more serious than the duty to negotiate the CBA
bargaining unit. The Bureau or Regional Offices shall act
during the 60-day freedom period. During the 3-year period, the
upon the application for registration of such Collective
Bargaining Agreement within five (5) calendar days from duty to bargain is mandatory. However, during the 60-day
receipt thereof. The Regional Offices shall furnish the period, the duty to bargain is permissive.
Bureau with a copy of the Collective Bargaining Agreement The "representation aspect" refers to the identity and
within five (5) days from its submission. majority status of the union that negotiated the CBA as the
exclusive bargaining representative of the appropriate
If the CBA is not registered, will it bar a petition for bargaining unit concerned. "All other provisions" simply refers
certification election? to the rest of the CBA, economic as well as non-economic
No. In Trade Unions of the Philippines v. Laguesma, provisions, except representation [San Miguel Employees v.
it was held: Confesor].
Page 96 of 191
b. Article 259 which enumerates the ULPs that
may be committed by employers; Article 305. [290] Offenses. Offenses penalized under
c. Article 260 which enumerates the ULPs that this Code and the rules and regulations issued pursuant thereto
may be committed by labor organizations; shall prescribe in three (3) years.
d. Article 274 which considers violations of the All unfair labor practice arising from Book V shall be
filed with the appropriate agency within one (1) year from accrual
CBA as no longer ULPs unless the same are
of such unfair labor practice; otherwise, they shall be forever
gross in character which means flagrant and/or barred.
malicious refusal to comply with the economic
provisions thereof;
e. Article 278(c) which refers to union-busting, a
form of ULP, involving the dismissal from
1. Bad Faith Bargaining
employment of union officers duly elected in
It is essential that the employer and employees
accordance with the union constitution and by-
should both act in good faith when it comes to collective
laws, where the existence of the union is
bargaining. Good faith bargaining requires that claims made by
threatened thereby.
either bargainer should be honest.
In Union of Filipro Employees v. Nestle Philippines,
3. Parties Who May Commit ULP
it was held:
An Unfair Labor Practice may be committed by an
employer or by a labor organization. Article 259 describes the
Obviously, the purpose of collective bargaining
ULPs that may be committed by the employer; while Article is the reaching of an agreement resulting in a contract
260 enumerates those which may be committed by the Labor binding on the parties; but the failure to reach an agreement
Organization. after negotiations have continued for a reasonable period
On the part of the employer, only the officers and does not establish a lack of good faith. The statutes invite
agents of corporations, associations or partnerships who have and contemplate a collective bargaining contract, but they
actually participated in or authorized or ratified the ULPs are do not compel one. The duty to bargain does not include the
obligation to reach an agreement.
criminally liable.
The crucial question, therefore, of whether or
On the part of the union, only the officers, members not a party has met his statutory duty to bargain in good faith
of governing boards, representatives or agents or members of typically turns on the facts of the individual case. As we
the labor associations or organizations who have actually have said, there is no per se test of good faith in bargaining.
participated in or authorized or ratified the ULPs are criminally Good faith or bad faith is an inference to be drawn from the
liable. facts. To some degree, the question of good faith may be a
question of credibility. The effect of an employer’s or a
4. Elements of ULP union’s individual actions is not the test of good-faith
bargaining, but the impact of all such occasions or actions,
Before an employer or labor organization may be said
considered as a whole, and the inferences fairly drawn
to have committed ULP, the following elements must concur: therefrom collectively may offer a basis for the finding of
the NLRC.
a. There should exist an employer-employee For a charge of unfair labor practice to prosper,
relationship between the offended party and the it must be shown that Nestlé was motivated by ill will, “bad
offender; and faith, or fraud, or was oppressive to labor, or done in a
b. The act complained of must be expressly manner contrary to morals, good customs, or public policy,
mentioned and defined in the Labor Code as a and, of course, that social humiliation, wounded feelings, or
grave anxiety resulted x x x” in disclaiming unilateral grants
as proper subjects in their collective bargaining
negotiations. While the law makes it an obligation for the
Absent one of the elements aforementioned will not employer and the employees to bargain collectively with
make the act an unfair labor practice. each other, such compulsion does not include the
The first requisite is necessary because ULP may commitment to precipitately accept or agree to the proposals
only be committed in connection with the right to self- of the other. All it contemplates is that both parties should
organization and collective bargaining by employees. approach the negotiation with an open mind and make
Necessarily, there must be an employment relationship in order reasonable effort to reach a common ground of agreement.
Herein, the union merely bases its claim of
for the organizational right to be validly and lawfully invoked.
refusal to bargain on a letter dated 29 May 2001 written by
The second requisite should be present since the
Nestlé where the latter laid down its position that “unilateral
Labor Code itself requires that the ULP be “expressly defined grants, one-time company grants, company-initiated
by this Code.” If an act is not covered by any of the ULPs policies and programs, which include, but are not limited to
expressly mentioned in the law, it cannot be so deemed a ULP the Retirement Plan, Incidental Straight Duty Pay and
act. Calling Pay Premium, are by their very nature not proper
subjects of CBA negotiations and therefore shall be
5. Closure of Business excluded therefrom.” But as we have stated in this Court’s
Decision, said letter is not tantamount to refusal to bargain.
In the case of Chronicle Securities Corp. v.
In thinking to exclude the issue of Retirement Plan from the
NLRC, we ruled that even an employer who is “found guilty of CBA negotiations, Nestlé, cannot be faulted for considering
unfair labor practice in dismissing his employee may not be the same benefit as unilaterally granted, considering that
ordered so to pay backwages beyond the date of closure of eight out of nine bargaining units have allegedly agreed to
business where such closure was due to legitimate business treat the Retirement Plan as a unilaterally granted benefit.
reasons and not merely an attempt to defeat the order of This is not a case where the employer exhibited an
reinstatement.” indifferent attitude towards collective bargaining, because
the negotiations were not the unilateral activity of the
bargaining representative. Nestlé’s desire to settle the
6. Prescription
dispute and proceed with the negotiation being evident in its
Page 97 of 191
cry for compulsory arbitration is proof enough of its based its economic proposals on data of rank-and-file
exertion of reasonable effort at good-faith bargaining. employees and the prevailing economic benefits received by
In the case at bar, Nestle never refused to bargain bank employees from other foreign banks doing business in the
collectively with UFE-DFA-KMU. The corporation simply
Philippines and other branches of the bank in the Asian region,
wanted to exclude the Retirement Plan from the issues to be
taken up during CBA negotiations, on the postulation that
hence, it cannot be said that the union was guilty of ULP for
such was in the nature of a unilaterally granted benefit. An blue-sky bargaining.
employer’s steadfast insistence to exclude a particular
substantive provision is no different from a bargaining 5. Surface Bargaining
representative’s perseverance to include one that they deem Surface bargaining is defined as going through the
of absolute necessity. Indeed, an adamant insistence on a motions of negotiating without any legal intent to reach an
bargaining position to the point where the negotiations agreement. It is a form of ULP that may only be committed by
reach an impasse does not establish bad faith.[fn24 p.10] It
the employer. In the same case of Standard Chartered Bank
is but natural that at negotiations, management and labor
adopt positions or make demands and offer proposals and Employees Union, it involves the question of whether an
counter-proposals. On account of the importance of the employer’s conduct demonstrates an unwillingness to bargain
economic issue proposed by UFE-DFA-KMU, Nestle could in good faith or is merely hard bargaining. There can be no
have refused to bargain with the former – but it did not. And surface bargaining, absent any evidence that management had
the management’s firm stand against the issue of the done acts, both at and away from the bargaining table, which
Retirement Plan did not mean that it was bargaining in bad tend to show that it did not want to reach an agreement with the
faith. It had a right to insist on its position to the point of union or to settle the differences between it and the union. Here,
admittedly, the parties were not able to agree and thus reached
a deadlock. However, it must be emphasized that the duty to
bargain does not compel either party to agree to a proposal or
Boulwarism is a negotiation tactic named after the
require the making of a concession. Hence, the parties’ failure
former vice president of General Electric, Lemuel Boulware,
to agree does not amount to ULP under Article 259(g)
who pioneered this strategy. It is a labor law principle in which
[Standard v. Confesor].
management opens the negotiation with a generous effort that
is not meant to be negotiated. In other words, it is an offer which
is ultimate and to which no further revisions will be made. This
“take it or leave it” offer or counter-offer does not constitute
Article 259. [248] Unfair Labor Practices of Employers. -
proper collective bargaining not only within the contemplation It shall be unlawful for an employer to commit any of the following
of United States laws but also under Philippine law [Philippine unfair labor practices:
National Railways v. Union de Maquinistas]. (a) To interfere with, restrain or coerce employees in the
exercise of their right to self-organization;
2. Refusal to Bargain (b) To require as a condition of employment that a
The failure of the employer to submit its counter- person or an employee shall not join a labor organization or shall
proposals to the demands of the SEBA does not, by itself, withdraw from one to which he belongs;
(c) To contract out services or functions being
constitute refusal to bargain as would amount to ULP
performed by union members when such will interfere with,
[Philippine Marine Radio Officers Association v. CIR]. restrain or coerce employees in the exercise of their right to self-
However, it is different if the employer refuses to submit an organization;
answer or reply to the written bargaining proposals of the (d) To initiate, dominate, assist or otherwise interfere
SEBA. In this case, unfair labor practice is committed. While with the formation or administration of any labor organization,
the law does not compel the parties to reach an agreement, it including the giving of financial or other support to it or its
does not contemplate that both parties will approach the organizers or supporters;
negotiation with an open mind and make a reasonable effort to (e) To discriminate in regard to wages, hours of work
and other terms and conditions of employment in order to
reach a common ground of agreement [Kiok Loy v. NLRC].
encourage or discourage membership in any labor organization.
Other examples of ULP are: (a) stonewalling, or the Nothing in this Code or in any other law shall stop the parties from
refusal to communicate or cooperate; and (b) giving flimsy requiring membership in a recognized collective bargaining agent
excuses for the delay in the negotiation. as a condition for employment, except those employees who are
already members of another union at the time of the signing of the
3. Individual Bargaining collective bargaining agreement. Employees of an appropriate
To negotiate or attempt to negotiate with individual bargaining unit who are not members of the recognized collective
workers rather than with the SEBA is ULP. For instance, the bargaining agent may be assessed a reasonable fee equivalent to the
dues and other fees paid by members of the recognized collective
act of the employer in notifying absent employees individually
bargaining agent, if such non-union members accept the benefits
during a strike following unproductive efforts at collective under the collective bargaining agreement: Provided, That the
bargaining that the plant would be operated the next day and individual authorization required under Article 250, paragraph (o)
that their jobs were open for them should they want to come in of this Code shall not apply to the non-members of the recognized
has been held to be a ULP, an active inference with the right of collective bargaining agent;
collective bargaining through dealing with the employees (f) To dismiss, discharge or otherwise prejudice or
individually instead of through their collective bargaining discriminate against an employee for having given or being about
representative. to give testimony under this Code;
(g) To violate the duty to bargain collectively as
prescribed by this Code;
4. Blue-Sky Bargaining (h) To pay negotiation or attorney’s fees to the union or
Blue-Sky Bargaining means making exaggerated or its officers or agents as part of the settlement of any issue in
unreasonable proposals. This is a kind of ULP which can only collective bargaining or any other dispute; or
be committed by a SEBA. (i) To violate a collective bargaining agreement.
In Standard Chartered Bank Employees Union v. The provisions of the preceding paragraph
Confesor, the minutes of the meeting show that the SEBA notwithstanding, only the officers and agents of corporations,
Page 98 of 191
associations or partnerships who have actually participated in, b. The act of the employer in presenting the letters
authorized or ratified unfair labor practices shall be held by 13 union members signifying resignation
criminally liable. from the union clearly indicative of the
employer’s pressure on its employees to prove
In summarized form, the nine U.L.P. acts of an that the union no longer enjoyed the support of
employer under Article 248 are: (1) interference, (2) fellow the workers [General Milling v. Court of
dog" condition, (3) contracting out, (4) company unionism, (5) Appeals].
discrimination for or against union membership, (6) c. The employer’s refusal to bargain to its acts of
discrimination because of testimony, (7) violation of duty to economic inducements resulting in the
bargain, (8) paid negotiation, and (9) violation of CBA. promotion of those who withdrew from the
It is the union which has the burden of proof to union, the use of armed guards to prevent the
present substantial evidence to support its allegations of unfair organizers to come in, and the dismissal of
labor practices committed by the employer. union officials and members [Hacienda Fatima
By the very nature of an unfair labor practice, it is not v. National Federation of Sugarcane Workers].
only a violation of the civil rights of both labor and d. Termination of employee in order to strip the
management but is also a criminal offense against the State union of a leader who would fight for the right
which is subject to prosecution and punishment [Hongkong and of her co-workers at the bargaining table
Shang Hai Banking v. NLRC]. [Colegio de San Juan de Letran v. Association
of Employees and Faculty of Letran].
1. Interference e. Dismissing a supervisory employee on account
The employer commits interference by way of speech of his union activities related to the formation of
when it contains a promise of a reward or a threat of reprisal. the supervisory union [Cathay Pacific Steel
This kind of speech is no longer protected by the Constitutional Corp. v. Court of Appeals].
right to free speech except if done in the Conciliation f. Employer assigns active union members to do
Proceedings in the NCMB under Article 239. overtime work on the day of the union meeting
According to the case of Insular Life Co., Ltd., to prevent them from attending.
Employees Association v. Insular Life, the test of the g. The employer unilaterally closing its
employer’s interference with, restraint or coercion of establishment on the pretext that the demands of
employees within the meaning of the law is whether the its employees are excessive [St John’s Colleges
employer has engaged in conduct which may reasonably tend v. St. Johns Academy Faculty and Employees
to interfere with the free exercise of the employees’ twin rights Union].
to self-organization and collective bargaining. It is not h. Offer of reinstatement and attempt to bribe the
necessary that there be direct evidence that any employee was strikers with comfortable cots, free coffee and
in fact restrained, intimidated or coerced by the statements or occasional movies, overtime pay for work
threats of the employer; what matters is that there is a performed in excess of 8 hours and offer of
reasonable inference that the anti-union conduct of the arrangements for their families so they would
employer does have an adverse effect on the exercise of said abandon the strike and return to work, which
rights. constitute strike-breaking which is a ULP
[Insular Life Assurance Co., Ltd., Employees
Totality of Conduct Doctrine Association v. Insular Life Assurance].
The totality of conduct doctrine means that i. Dismissal of employees after they have
expressions of opinion by an employer, though innocent by organized their union and about to start with the
themselves, may be held to constitute ULP because of the effort at having it certified as their SEBA
circumstances under which they were uttered, the history of the [Samahan ng Manggagawa sa Bandolino v.
particular employer’s labor relations or anti-union bias or NLRC].
because of their connection with an established collateral plan j. Transferring, laying off or assigning employees
of coercion or interference. An expression which may be more difficult work or tasks, or otherwise
permissibly uttered by one employer might, in the mouth of a punishing them because they engaged in
more hostile employer, be deemed improper and consequently organizing and forming a union [T&H
actionable as ULP [Samahan ng Manggagawa sa Bandolino v. Shopfitters Corporation/Gin Queen Corp. v.
NLRC]. The past conduct of the employer and like T&H Shopfitters/Gin Queen Workers Union].
considerations, coupled with an intimate connection between k. Establishing a savings account for the union
the employer’s action and the union affiliation or activities of where all collected union dues and agency fees
the particular employee or employees taken as a whole, may will be deposited and held in trust and
raise a suspicion as to the motivation for the employer’s discontinuing normal relations with any group
conduct. The failure of the employer to ascribe a valid reason within the union including the incumbent sets of
therefor may justify an inference that his unexplained conduct officers at the height of an intra-union dispute
in respect of the particular employee or employees was inspired involving the election of officers of the union
by the latter’s union membership and activities [Royal [De La Salle University v. De La Salle
Undergarment Corporation v. CIR]. University Employees Association].
Examples are: l. In RMC Faculty Union v. NLRC, it was
established that said teachers were permanent
a. Interference in the choice of union’s bargaining employees who had rendered six (6) to twenty
panel [Standard Chartered Bank Employees (20) years of service. Their permanent status
Union v. Confesor]. notwithstanding, they were dismissed because
Abellera feared that if their contracts were
Page 99 of 191
renewed, there would be a strike in the school sections of the company, is violative of the existing CBA. It
the following semester. This is indisputably an could have been purely an exercise of management prerogative
unwarranted interference with the right of on the part of the company if it were not bound by what was
workers to self-organization and to engage in stipulated in the CBA to continue to maintain a security guard
concerted activities. An apprehension that there section at least during the lifetime of the agreement.
might be a future strike in the school is not a
ground for dismissal of the workers. While a BPI Employees Union v. BPI
strike may result in hardships or prejudice to the Held: It is to be emphasized that contracting out of services
school and the studentry, the employer is not is not illegal perse. It is an exercise of business judgment or
without recourse. If the employer feels that the management prerogative. Absent proof that the management acted in a
action is tainted with illegality, the law provides malicious or arbitrary manner, the Court will not interfere with the
exercise of judgment by an employer. In this case, bad faith cannot be
the employer with ample remedies to protect his
attributed to BPI because its actions were authorized by CBP Circular
interests. Decidedly, dismissal of employees in No. 1388, Series of 1993 issued by the Monetary Board of the then
anticipation of an exercise of a constitutionally Central Bank of the Philippines (now Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas). The
protected right is not one of them. circular covered amendments in Book I of the Manual of Regulations
for Banks and Other Financial Intermediaries, particularly on the matter
2. Yellow Dog Contract of bank service contracts. A finding of ULP necessarily requires the
Paragraph [b] of Article 259 describes what is alleging party to prove it with substantial evidence. Unfortunately, the
commonly known as yellow dog contract. It is one which exacts Union failed to discharge this burden.
Much has been said about the applicability of D.O. No. 10.
from workers as a condition of employment that they shall not
Both the NLRC and the CA agreed with BPI that the said order does
join or belong to a labor organization, or attempt to organize not apply. With BPI, as a commercial bank, its transactions are subject
one during their period of employment or that they shall to the rules and regulations of the governing agency which is the
withdraw therefrom in case they are already members of a labor Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas. The Union insists that D.O. No. 10 should
organization. prevail.
A typical yellow dog contract embodies the The Court is of the view, however, that there is no conflict
following stipulations: between D.O. No. 10 and CBP Circular No. 1388. In fact, they
complement each other.
Consistent with the maxim, interpretare et concordare leges
(a) A representation by the employee that he is not
legibus est optimus interpretandi modus, a statute should be construed
a member of a labor organization; not only to be consistent with itself but also to harmonize with other
(b) A promise by the employee that he will not join laws on the same subject matter, as to form a complete, coherent and
a union; and intelligible system of jurisprudence. The seemingly conflicting
(c) A promise by the employee that upon joining a provisions of a law or of two laws must be harmonized to render each
labor organization, he will quit his employment. effective. It is only when harmonization is impossible that resort must
be made to choosing which law to apply.
The act of the employer in imposing such a condition In the case at bench, the Union submits that while the
Central Bank regulates banking, the Labor Code and its implementing
constitutes ULP. Such stipulation in the contract is null and
rules regulate the employment relationship. To this, the Court agrees.
void. The fact that banks are of a specialized industry must, however, be
taken into account. The competence in determining which banking
3. Contracting Out of Services and Functions functions may or may not be outsourced lies with the BSP. This does
This is also called “ULP Contracting.” Paragraph [c] not mean that banks can simply outsource banking functions allowed
of Article 259 describes when the act of the employer of by the BSP through its circulars, without giving regard to the guidelines
contracting out of services or functions being performed by set forth under D.O. No. 10 issued by the DOLE.
SEBA members is considered ULP. While D.O. No. 10, Series of 1997, enumerates the
permissible contracting or subcontracting activities, it is to be observed
As a general rule, the act of an employer in having
that, particularly in Sec. 6(d) invoked by the Union, the provision is
work or certain services or functions being performed by SEBA general in character – "x x x Works or services not directly related or
members contracted out is not per se ULP. This is so because not integral to the main business or operation of the principal… x x x."
contracting-out of a job, work or service is clearly an exercise This does not limit or prohibit the appropriate government agency, such
by the employer of its business judgment and its inherent as the BSP, to issue rules, regulations or circulars to further and
management rights and prerogatives. Hiring of workers is specifically determine the permissible services to be contracted out.
within the employer’s inherent freedom to regulate its business CBP Circular No. 1388 enumerated functions which are ancillary to the
and is a valid exercise of its management prerogative subject business of banks, hence, allowed to be outsourced. Thus, sanctioned
by said circular, BPI outsourced the cashiering (i.e., cash-delivery and
only to special laws and agreements on the matter and the fair
deposit pick-up) and accounting requirements of its Davao City
standards of justice. The employer cannot be denied the faculty branches. The Union even described the extent of BPI’s actual and
of promoting efficiency and attaining economy by a study of intended contracting out to BOMC as follows:
what units are essential for its operation. It has the ultimate right "As an initiatory move, the functions of the Cashiering Unit
to determine whether services should be performed by its of the Processing Center of BPI, handled by its regular rank and file
personnel or contracted to outside agencies [Manila Electric employees who are members of the Union, xxx [were] transferred to
Company v. Quisumbing]. BOMC with the Accounting Department as next in line. The
It is only when the contracting out of a job, work or Distributing, Clearing and Bookkeeping functions of the Processing
Center of the former FEBTC were likewise contracted out to BOMC."
service being performed by the SEBA members will interfere
Thus, the subject functions appear to be not in any way
with, restrain or coerce employees in the exercise of their right directly related to the core activities of banks. They are functions in a
to self-organization that it shall constitute ULP. processing center of BPI which does not handle or manage deposit
In Shell Oil Workers Union v. Shell Oil Company, the transactions. Clearly, the functions outsourced are not inherent banking
Court ruled that the contracting out of security services to an functions, and, thus, are well within the permissible services under the
outside private security agency to undertake the work of the circular.
company security guards who were re-assigned to other
Lockout means the temporary refusal of an employer As a general rule, strikes or lockouts that are validly
to furnish work to its employees as a result of an industrial or declared enjoy the protection of the law and cannot be enjoined
labor dispute [Article 219(p)].
Page 115 of 191
unless illegal acts are committed or threatened to be committed Thus, an "innocent bystander," who seeks to enjoin a labor
in the course thereof. This policy applies even if the strike strike, must satisfy the court that aside from the grounds specified in
appears to be illegal in nature. The rationale for this policy is Rule 58 of the Rules of Court, it is entirely different from, without any
connection whatsoever to, either party to the dispute and, therefore, its
the protection extended to the right to strike under the
interests are totally foreign to the context thereof. For instance,
Constitution and the law. It is basically treated as a weapon that in PAFLU v. Cloribel, supra, this Court held that Wellington and
the law guarantees to employees for the advancement of their Galang were entirely separate entities, different from, and without any
interest and for their protection [Caltex Refinery Employees connection whatsoever to, the Metropolitan Bank and Trust Company,
Association v. Lucero]. against whom the strike was directed, other than the incidental fact that
However, in some cases, injunctions issued to enjoin they are the bank's landlord and co-lessee housed in the same building,
the conduct of the strike itself and not only the commission of respectively. Similarly, in Liwayway Publications, Inc. v. Permanent
illegal or prohibited acts in the course thereof, were held to be Concrete Workers Union, this Court ruled that Liwayway was an
"innocent bystander" and thus entitled to enjoin the union's strike
valid. In IBM v. NLRC, it was held that it is the legal duty and
because Liwayway's only connection with the employer company was
obligation of the NLRC to enjoin a partial strike staged in the fact that both were situated in the same premises.
violation of the law. Failure to promptly issue an injunction by In the case at bar, petitioner cannot be said not to have such
the NLRC was held therein to be an abuse of discretion. connection to the dispute. As correctly observed by the appellate court:
Coming now to the case before us, we find that the
1. When Equity and Justice Requires "negotiation, contract of sale, and the post transaction" between
In Bulletin Publishing v. Sanchez, an injunction was Philtread, as vendor, and Siam Tyre, as vendee, reveals a legal relation
allowed against the strike which was staged to compel the between them which, in the interest of petitioner, we cannot ignore. To
be sure, the transaction between Philtread and Siam Tyre, was not a
employer to ignore the law. The reason is that when trade
simple sale whereby Philtread ceased to have any proprietary rights
unionism and strikes are used in violation of the law, misuse over its sold assets. On the contrary, Philtread remains as 20% owner
thereof can be subject of judicial intervention. of private respondent and 60% owner of Sucat Land Corporation which
was likewise incorporated in accordance with the terms of the
2. Innocent Bystander Rule Memorandum of Agreement with Siam Tyre, and which now owns the
In situations where the picket affects not only the land were subject plant is located. This, together with the fact that
employer but also the business operations of other private respondent uses the same plant or factory; similar or
establishments owned by third parties, an injunction may be substantially the same working conditions; same machinery, tools, and
equipment; and manufacture the same products as Philtread, lead us to
secured by the latter from the regular courts to enjoin the picket.
safely conclude that private respondent's personality is so closely
Picketing strikers cannot prevent employees of other linked to Philtread as to bar its entitlement to an injunctive writ. Stated
companies from using the same premises being picketed. A differently, given its close links with Philtread as to bar its entitlement
picketing labor union has no right to prevent employees of to an injunctive writ. Stated differently, given its close links with
another company which is not their employer, from getting in Philtread, we find no clear and unmistakable right on the part of private
and out of its rented premises; otherwise, it will be held liable respondent to entitle it to the writ of preliminary injunction it prayed
for damages for its acts against an innocent bystander for below.
[Liwayway Publications v. Permanent Concrete Workers ....
We stress that that in so ruling, we have not touched on the
issue of . . . whether or not private respondent is a mere dummy or
continuation of Philtread. . . .
MSF Tire & Rubber v. Court of Appeals Although, as petitioner contends, the corporate fiction may
Held: In Philippine Association of Free Labor Unions be disregarded where it is used to defeat public convenience, justify
(PAFLU) v. Cloribel, this Court, through Justice J.B.L. Reyes, stated wrong, protect fraud, defend crime, or where the corporation is used as
the "innocent bystander" rule as follows: a mere alter-ego or business conduit, it is not these standards but those
The right to picket as a means of communicating the facts of the "innocent bystander" rule which govern whether or not petitioner
of a labor dispute is a phase of the freedom of speech guaranteed by the is entitled to an injunctive writ. Since petitioner is not an "innocent
constitution. If peacefully carried out, it can not be curtailed even in the bystander", the trial court's order, dated July 2, 1996, is a patent nullity,
absence of employer-employee relationship. the trial court having no jurisdiction to issue the writ of injunction. No
The right is, however, not an absolute one. While peaceful motion for reconsideration need be filed where the order is null and
picketing is entitled to protection as an exercise of free speech, we void.
believe the courts are not without power to confine or localize the
sphere of communication or the demonstration to the parties to the
3. Industry Indispensable to the National
labor dispute, including those with related interest, and to insulate
establishments or persons with no industrial connection or having Interest
interest totally foreign to the context of the dispute. Thus the right
may be regulated at the instance of third parties or "innocent a.Hospitals, Clinics, or Medical
bystanders" if it appears that the inevitable result of its exercise is Institutions
to create an impression that a labor dispute with which they have The second paragraph of Article 278(g) provides:
no connection or interest exists between them and the picketing
union or constitute an invasion of their rights. In one case decided (g) xxx
by this Court, we upheld a trial court's injunction prohibiting the union In line with the national concern for and the
from blocking the entrance to a feed mill located within the compound highest respect accorded to the right of patients to life and
of a flour mill with which the union had a dispute. Although sustained health, strikes and lockouts in hospitals, clinics and similar
on a different ground, no connection was found between the two mills medical institutions shall, to every extent possible, be
owned by two different corporations other than their being situated in avoided, and all serious efforts, not only by labor and
the same premises. It is to be noted that in the instances cited, peaceful management but government as well, be exhausted to
picketing has not been totally banned but merely regulated. And in one substantially minimize, if not prevent, their adverse effects
American case, a picket by a labor union in front of a motion picture on such life and health, through the exercise, however
theater with which the union had a labor dispute was enjoined by the legitimate, by labor of its right to strike and by management
court from being extended in front of the main entrance of the building to lockout. In labor disputes adversely affecting the
housing the theater wherein other stores operated by third persons were continued operation of such hospitals, clinics or medical
located. (Emphasis added) institutions, it shall be the duty of the striking union or
(3) Article 278(g) [263(g)] - (National Interest Colegio de San Juan de Letran v. Meris
Cases) where strikers who violate orders, Held: The fact that eight students were made beneficiaries
prohibitions and/or injunctions as are issued of such increase does not justify the irregular alteration since the rule
by the DOLE Secretary or the NLRC, may be is, the rating of the pupil should be based on his scholastic record, even
imposed immediate disciplinary action, if the same is non-tested or qualitative in nature, as in the case at bar.
Respondent’s prerogative to give her students the grade that they
including dismissal or loss of employment
deserve is not incoherent with having a fair and reasonable basis
status. therefor.
(4) Article 259(e) [248(e)] - (Union Security To our mind, the acts of the respondent in altering the grades
Clause) where violation of the union security in the Clean Records even after the same were already reviewed and
agreement in the CBA may result in approved by the subject coordinators; of effecting the alterations and
termination of employment. Under this clause, erasures without placing her initials thereon; of not informing the
the bargaining union can demand from the subject coordinators of such alterations and erasures; of allowing the
employer the dismissal of an employee who discrepancies to last without any effort to reconcile the same to avoid
any doubts on the grading system of petitioner; of refusing to accept
commits a breach of union security
the memo informing her of the aforesaid tampering and snubbing any
arrangement, such as failure to join the union explanation relevant thereto, are all acts of transgression of school
or to maintain his membership in good rules, regulations and policies. Truly, then, respondent had committed
standing therein. The same union can also a misconduct, serious enough to warrant her dismissal from
demand the dismissal of a member who employment under paragraph (a) of Article 282 of the Labor Code, as
commits an act of disloyalty against it, such as well as Section 94(b), Article XVII of the Manual of Regulations for
when the member organizes a rival union. Private Schools, which provides that the employment of a teacher may
be terminated for negligence in keeping school or student records, or
tampering with or falsification of the same.
The Secretary of Labor has extraordinary, express
power to intervene in a labor dispute to enjoin a potential
termination Settled Principles
Article 292 [b] of the Labor Code provides:
• Serious misconduct implies that it must be of such
Subject to the constitutional right of workers to grave and aggravated character and not merely trivial
security of tenure and their right to be protected against or unimportant.
dismissal except for a just and authorized cause and without • Simple or minor misconduct would not justify the
prejudice to the requirement of notice under Article 283 of termination of the services of an employee.
this Code, employer shall furnish the worker whose
• Possession or use of shabu or other drugs is a valid
employment is sought to be terminated a written notice
containing a statement of the causes for termination and
ground to terminate employment.
shall afford the latter ample opportunity to be heard and to • Immorality, as a general rule, is not a just ground to
defend himself with the assistance of his representative if he terminate employment. The exception is when such
so desires in accordance with company rules and regulations immoral conduct is prejudicial or detrimental to the
promulgated pursuant to guidelines set by the Department interest of the employer
of Labor and Employment. Any decision taken by the • Immoral act committed beyond office hours is a valid
employer shall be without prejudice to the right of the
ground to terminate employment.
worker to contest the validity or legality of his dismissal by
filing a complaint with the regional branch of the National • Sexual intercourse inside company premises
Labor Relations Commission. The burden of proving that constitutes serious misconduct.
the termination was for a valid or authorized cause shall rest • The act of a 30-year old lady teacher in falling in love
on the employer. The Secretary of the Department of Labor with a 16-year old student is not immoral.
and Employment may suspend the effects of the termination • Fighting is a ground for termination but only the
pending resolution of the dispute in the event of a prima
instigator or aggressor and not the victim who was
facie finding by the appropriate official of the Department
constrained to defend himself should be dismissed.
of Labor and Employment before whom such dispute is
pending that the termination may cause a serious labor • Challenging superiors to a fight is a just cause for
dispute or is in implementation of a mass lay-off. termination.
• Assaulting another employee is a just cause for
1. Serious Misconduct termination.
Employee is given a reasonable period to answer We note a marked difference in the standards of
charges due process to be followed as prescribed in the Labor Code
In R.B. Michael Press v. Galit, the Supreme Court and its implementing rules. The Labor Code, on one hand,
reiterated the rule enunciated in King of Kings Transport v. provides that an employer must provide the
Mamac, that the reasonable period within which an employee employee ample opportunity to be heard and to defend
himself with the assistance of his representative if he so
being cited administratively should submit his written
desires. x x x
explanation is five (5) calendar days from receipt of the first
The omnibus rules implementing the Labor
notice to give him an opportunity to study the accusation Code, on the other hand, require a hearing and
against him, consult a union official or lawyer, or gather data conference during which the employee concerned is given
and evidence, and decide on the defenses he will raise against the opportunity to respond to the charge, present his
the complaint. evidence or rebut the evidence presented against him.
Therefore, while the phrase "ample opportunity
CBA Grievance proceedings, held after employee to be heard" may in fact include an actual hearing, it is not
limited to a formal hearing only. In other words, the
had been dismissed, do not take the place of the required
existence of an actual, formal "trial-type" hearing, although
procedure demanded by the Labor Code before effecting
preferred, is not absolutely necessary to satisfy the
dismissal employee's right to be heard.
In Standard Electric Manufacturing v. Standard
Electric Employees Union, the Court held: In sum, the following are the guiding principles in
connection with the hearing requirement in dismissal cases:
Further, we cannot subscribe to the petitioner's
contention that the due process requirement relative to the
dismissal of respondent Javier was duly complied with
(a) "ample opportunity to be heard" means any
when he was allowed to explain his side during the meaningful opportunity (verbal or written) given
grievance machinery conferences. Indeed, in the case at bar, to the employee to answer the charges against him
the petitioner did not conduct any investigation and submit evidence in support of his defense,
whatsoever prior to his termination, despite being informed whether in a hearing, conference or some other
of respondent Javier's predicament by the latter's siblings, fair, just and reasonable way.
his Union and his counsel. The meetings held pursuant to (b) a formal hearing or conference becomes
the grievance machinery provisions of the collective
mandatory only when requested by the employee
bargaining agreement were only done after his dismissal
in writing or substantial evidentiary disputes exist
had already taken effect on February 5, 1996. Clearly, well-
meaning these conferences might be, they cannot cure an or a company rule or practice requires it, or when
otherwise unlawful termination. similar circumstances justify it.
(c) the "ample opportunity to be heard" standard in
2. Conduct of hearing. the Labor Code prevails over the "hearing or
After serving the first notice above, the employer conference" requirement in the implementing
should schedule and conduct a hearing or conference wherein rules and regulations:
the employee will be given the opportunity to: (i) under Article 292(b) of the Labor Code,
the employer is required to afford the
(a) Explain and clarify his defenses to the charge/s employee “ample opportunity to be heard
against him; and to defend himself with the assistance
(b) Present evidence in support of his defenses; and of his representative if he so desires”;
(c) Rebut the evidence presented against him by the while –
management. (ii) Under Section 2(d), Rule I, Book VI of
the IRR, the employee is required to
During the hearing or conference, the employee afford the employee a “hearing or
should be given the chance to defend himself personally, with conference during which the employee
the assistance of a representative or counsel of his choice. concerned, with the assistance of
Moreover, this conference or hearing could be used by the counsel, if he so desires, is given
parties as an opportunity to come to an amicable settlement. opportunity to respond to the charge,
present his evidence or rebut the
Perez Doctrine: New Guiding Principle on the evidence presented against him.”
Hearing Requirement
The above 2007 King of Kings concept of hearing as If the employee admits his responsibility for the act
part of due process has been significantly changed in 2009 in he was accused of, a formal hearing is no longer necessary, as
the en banc case of Perez v. Philippine Telegraph and held in Bernardo v. NLRC.
Telephone Company. It enunciates the new guiding principles The unilateral confession made by an alleged co-
on the hearing aspect of procedural thus, a formal hearing or conspirator cannot be the basis for terminating an employee.
conference is no longer mandatory. It becomes mandatory only Such confession must be corroborated by other competent and
under any of the following circumstances: convincing evidence. Absent any such corroborative evidence,
the confession must be received with considerable caution
a. When requested by the employee in writing; or [Century Textile Mills, Inc. v. NLRC]. Likewise, it was held that
b. When substantial evidentiary disputes exist; or the act of the employer in making “prior consultation” with the
c. When a company rule or practice requires it; or
It is important to stress that the rights of an a. Termination of project, seasonal, causal or fixed-
employee whose services are sought to be terminated to be term employment.
informed beforehand of his proposed dismissal (or b. Termination of probationary employment on the
suspension) as well as of the reasons therefor, and to be
ground of failure of the probationary employee to
afforded an adequate opportunity to defend himself from the
charges levelled against him, are rights personal to the qualify as a regular employee in accordance with
employee. Those rights were not satisfied by petitioner reasonable standards made known to him at the start
Corporation's obtaining the consent of or consulting with of the employment.
the labor union; such consultation or consent was not a c. Termination due to abandonment of work.
substitute for actual observance of those rights of private d. Termination due to authorized causes under Article
respondent Calangi. The employee can waive those rights, 298. In such cases, there are no allegations which the
if he so chooses, but the union cannot waive them for him. employees should refute and defend themselves
That the private respondent simply 'kept silent" all the
from by way of a hearing.
while, is not adequate to show an effective waiver of his
rights. Notice and opportunity to be heard must be accorded e. Termination due to disease under Article 299.
by an employer even though the employee does not f. Termination by the employee (resignation) under
affirmatively demand them. Article 300.
g. Termination after 6 months of bona-fide suspension
NOTA BENE: It is surprising that the SC does not of operation under Article 301. For purposes of
quote from a long line of decisions starting from Rabago v. satisfying due process, what is required is simply hat
NLRC (1991); Rase v. NLRC (1994); Libres v. NLRC (1999). notices provided under Article 298 be served to both
Those cases, and many more thereafter, held that personal the affected employees and the DOLE at lease one
confrontation and cross examination cannot be invoked as a (1) month before the termination becomes effective.
matter of right in procedural due process of employee dismissal h. Termination due to retirement under Article 302.
cases. The right to cross-examine belongs to the accused only i. Termination due to expiration of tenure made
in criminal prosecutions by the “people of the state. In coterminous with lease.
Manggagawa ng Komunikasyon v. NLRC (1992), the Court j. Termination due to closure or stoppage of work by
however conceded that “actual adversarial proceedings may be government authorities when non-compliance with
necessary for clarification purposes or when there is need to the law or implementing rules and regulations poses
propound searching questions to unclear witnesses.” That has grave and imminent danger to the health and safety
to do with the duty of the trier of facts, usually the labor arbiter, of workers in the workplace.
to ascertain whether or not there is “substantial evidence” k. Termination of employee who has admitted his guilt
supporting a claim. for the offense charged.
Article 301 of the Labor Code allows the bona Floating Status
fide suspension of operations for a period not exceeding six (6) At the outset, it bears reiterating that although placing
months. During the suspension, an employee is not deemed an employee like a security guard on “floating” status (or
terminated. As a matter of fact, the employee is entitled to be sometimes called temporary “off-detail” status) is considered a
reinstated once the employer resumes operations within the 6- temporary retrenchment measure, the Supreme Court, in
month period. However, Article 301 is silent with respect to Exocet v. Serrano, recognized the fact that there is similarly no
the rights of the employee if the suspension of operations lasts provision in the Labor Code which treats of a temporary
for more than 6 months [Manila Mining Corp. Employees v. retrenchment or lay-off. Neither is there any provision which
Manila Mining Corp.]. provides for its requisites or its duration.
Manila Mining Corp. Employees v. Manila
Retirement and dismissal are entirely different from
each other. Retirement is the result of a bilateral act of the
Held: MMC subscribes to the view that for purposes of
determining employer responsibility, an employment should likewise parties, a voluntary agreement between the employer and the
Labor Relations Division (LRD) refers to the The Mediator-Arbiter has the following
following units in the DOLE Regional Office: (1) Labor administrative functions:
Organization and CBA Registration Unit; and (2) Med-
Arbitration Unit. a. Grant or deny a Petition for Certification
The BLR and the LRDs in the Regional Offices have Election
concurrent jurisdiction over the cases described in Article 232. b. Conduct preliminary conference and hearing to
This concurrent character is stressed not only in the provision determine: (i) the bargaining unit to be
of this article but in Article 219 of the Labor Code which represented; (ii) contending labor unions; (iii)
defines the term “Bureau” as referring to both the BLR and/or possibility of a consent election; (iv) existence
the LRD in the regional offices. of any of the bars to certification election under
For purposes of clarifying the issue of jurisdiction Section 3 of this Rule; and (v) such other matters
over cases mentioned in Article 232, there is a need to cite first as may be relevant for the final disposition of the
the following labor officials who exercise such jurisdiction, to case.
NOTE: The Med-Arbiter can rule on all issues
a. Mediator-Arbiters (Med-Arbiters); pertaining to the existence of employer-employee relationship
b. DOLE Regional Directors; and raised before the Med-Arbiter during the hearing and in the
c. BLR Director pleadings
Such authority is in pursuance of the NCMB’s duty In the absence of any of the aforesaid three (3)
to exert all efforts at mediation and conciliation to enable the requisites, the Labor Arbiters have original and exclusive
parties to settle their dispute amicably and in line with the State jurisdiction over all claims arising from employer-employee
policy of favoring voluntary modes of settling labor disputes relations, other than claims for employees’ compensation,
[NCMB Primer]. social security, PhilHealth and maternity benefits.
Section 4. Jurisdiction of voluntary arbitrator or Moreover, the VA has the power to issue a writ of
panel of voluntary arbitrators. - The voluntary arbitrator or execution to enforce final decisions and in connection therwith,
panel of voluntary arbitrators shall have exclusive and it shall be his duty too see that his decision is fully satisfied,
original jurisdiction to hear and decide all grievances arising inquire into the correctness of the execution, consider
from the implementation or interpretation of the collective supervening events during execution, and determine every
bargaining agreements and those arising from the question of fact and law which may be involved in the
interpretation or enforcement of company personnel execution.
policies which remain unresolved after exhaustion of the
As a general proposition, an arbitrator is confined to
grievance procedure.
They shall also have exclusive and original the interpretation and application of the collective bargaining
jurisdiction, to hear and decide wage distortion issues agreement. He does not sit to dispense his own brand of
arising from the application of any wage orders in organized industrial justice: his award is legitimate only in so far as it
establishments, as well as unresolved grievances arising draws its essence from the CBA, i.e., when there is a rational