Budde Meier 1993
Budde Meier 1993
Budde Meier 1993
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An Enthusiast's
Guide Hogue's scholarshipembraces Saffo, M. B. 1992. Invertebrates in endosymbi-
vast geographicalterritoryand otic associations. Am. Zool. 32: 557-565.
PETERB. MOYLE Salvat, B. 1991. Bleaching and mortality of
generousnumbersof represen- scleractinian corals, event and causes, Soci-
byChrisMar vanDyck
tativeinsects,to serveboth the ety Islands, 1991. Paper presented at the
Moyle introducesus to the great annual meeting of the International Society
advancesin knowledgeof fish professionalentomologistand for Reef Studies, Berkeley, CA, 14 Decem-
the seriousamateur. ber 1991.
biologyand behaviorthathave $85.00 cloth,illustrated Schoenberg, D. A., and R. K. Trench. 1976.
occurred over the last twenty Specificity of symbioses between marine
years.VanDyck'sdramatic paint- cnidarians and zooxanthellae. Pages
423-432 in G. O. Mackie, ed. Coelenterate
ingsandexquisitelinedrawings Ecology and Behavior. Plenum Press, New
illustrateMoyle'sdescriptions. York.
$25.00 cloth,illustrated 1980a. Genetic variation in Symbio-
dinium (=Gymnodinium) microadriaticum
Freudenthal, and specificity in its symbiosis
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soluble protein patterns of axenic cultures
of Symbiodinium microadriaticum. Proc.
Manual R. Soc. Lond. B 207: 405-427.
.1980b. Genetic variation in Symbiodi-
HigherPlants nium (=Gymnodinium) microadriaticum
of California Freudenthal, and specificity in its symbiosis
with marine invertebrates. III. Specificity
JAMESC. HICKMAN,Editor and infectivity of Symbiodinium microa-
"A single work . . . simultan- driaticum. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B 207:
eously accessibleto dedicated AnnualCycles 445-460.
Smith, S. V., and R. W. Buddemeier. 1992.
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Annu. Rev. Ecol. Syst. 23: 89-118.
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chemistry of zooxanthellae symbiotic with
ingly diverse higher plants of Ecologyof the marine coelenterates. II. Liberation of fixed
14Cby zooxanthellae in vitro. Proc. R. Soc.
-Mildred E. Mathias,editorof
WeddellSeal Lond. B 177: 237-250.
Von Holt, C., and M. Von Holt. 1968. The
MICHAELA. CASTELLINI, secretion of organic compounds by zooxan-
Flowering Plantsin theLandscape RANDALLW. DAVIS,and thellae isolated from various types of
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BioScience Vol. 43 No. 5