ETABS 20.2.0-Report Viewer Spreader Bar HB200
ETABS 20.2.0-Report Viewer Spreader Bar HB200
ETABS 20.2.0-Report Viewer Spreader Bar HB200
1. Structure Data 4
2. Properties 6
2.1 Materials 6
2.2 Frame Sections 6
2.3 Shell Sections 6
2.4 Reinforcement Sizes 6
2.5 Links 7
2.6 Tendon Sections 7
3. Assignments 8
4. Loads 9
5. Analysis Results 11
6. Design Data 14
1 Structure Data
This chapter provides model geometry information, including items such as story levels, point coordinates, and
element connectivity.
Ux Uy Rz Story
Tower Name Type Size Color
m m deg Range
T1 G1 Cartesian 0 0 0 Default 1250 Gray6
Is Auto X Y DZBelow
Point m m m
1 No 0 20 0
2 No 12 20 0
3 No 1 20 0
4 No 2 20 0
5 No 3 20 0
6 No 4 20 0
7 No 5 20 0
8 No 6 20 0
9 No 7 20 0
10 No 8.1 20 0.0102
11 No 9.1 20 0.0102
12 No 10.1 20 0.0102
13 No 11.1 20 0.0102
14 No 0.5 20 0
15 No 11.5 20 0
1.5 Mass
Table 1.6 - Mass Source Definition
kg kg kg
Story2 12.26 12.26 0
Story1 621.17 621.17 0
Base 0 0 0
Self Self
Mass X Mass Y Mass Z
Group Mass Weight
kg kg kg
kg kN
All 633.44 0 633.44 633.44 0
1.6 Groups
Table 1.9 - Group Definitions
2 Properties
This chapter provides property information for materials, frame sections, shell sections, and links.
2.1 Materials
Table 2.1 - Material Properties - General
Total Deck
Element Deck
Name Type Material Thickness Depth
Type Material
mm mm
Deck1 Deck Membrane 4000Psi 162.5 Steel 75
Plank1 Slab Membrane 4000Psi 200
Slab1 Slab Shell-Thin 4000Psi 200
Wall1 Wall Shell-Thin 4000Psi 250
Diameter Area
mm cm2
6 6 0.3
8 8 0.5
10 10 0.8
12 12 1.1
14 14 1.5
16 16 2
18 18 2.5
20 20 3.1
22 22 3.8
25 25 4.9
26 26 5.3
28 28 6.2
32 32 8
36 36 10.2
40 40 12.6
50 50 19.6
2.5 Links
Table 2.5 - Link Property Definitions - Summary
Name Material Color Notes
Tendon1 A416Gr270 1.5 Red
3 Assignments
This chapter provides a listing of the assignments applied to the model.
3.1 Joint Assignments
Table 3.1 - Joint Assignments - Summary
Design Length Analysis Design Station
Story Label UniqueName Number Releases
Type m Section Section Spacing
Story2 B4 4 Beam 5.7009 SL-19 SL-19 3 Yes
Story2 B5 5 Beam 5.3189 SL-19 SL-19 3 Yes
Story1 B1 1 Beam 12 HB-200 HB-200 0.5 Yes
4 Loads
This chapter provides loading information as applied to the model.
4.1 Load Patterns
Table 4.1 - Load Pattern Definitions
Is Auto
Name Type Weight
~LLRF Yes Other 0
Dead No Dead 1
Live No Live 0
SIDL No Super Dead 0
Absolute Absolute
Relative Relative
Load Load Distance Distance Distance
UniqueName Story Label Direction Distance Distance
Pattern Type Type A B
m m
1 SIDL Story1 B1 Force Gravity Relative 0 1 0 12
4.3 Functions
4.3.1 Response Spectrum Functions
Period Damping
Name Value
sec Ratio
UnifRS 0 1 0.05
UnifRS 1 1
Name Value
RampTH 0 0
RampTH 1 1
RampTH 4 1
UnifTH 0 1
UnifTH 1 1
Name Type
Dead Linear Static
Live Linear Static
Modal Modal - Eigen
SIDL Linear Static
Name Type Is Auto SF Notes
Comb1 Linear Add No Dead 1.4
Comb1 SIDL 1.4
DStlD1 Linear Add Yes Dead 1 Dead [Deflections]
DStlD2 Linear Add Yes Dead 1 Dead + Live [Deflections]
DStlD2 Live 1
DStlS1 Linear Add Yes Dead 1.4 Dead [Strength]
DStlS1 SIDL 1.4
DStlS2 Linear Add Yes Dead 1.2 Dead + Live [Strength]
DStlS2 Live 1.6
DStlS2 SIDL 1.2
5 Analysis Results
This chapter provides analysis results.
5.1 Structure Results
Table 5.1 - Base Reactions
Case Type
Case kN kN kN kN-m kN-m kN-m m m m
Dead LinStatic 0 0 6.2127 124.2546 -37.2345 0 0 0 0
Live LinStatic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
SIDL LinStatic 0 0 36.2896 725.7912 -217.7631 0 0 0 0
Comb1 Combination 0 0 59.5032 1190.0641 -356.9966 0 0 0 0
DStlS1 Combination 0 0 59.5032 1190.0641 -356.9966 0 0 0 0
DStlS2 Combination 0 0 51.0027 1020.0549 -305.9971 0 0 0 0
DStlD1 Combination 0 0 42.5023 850.0458 -254.9975 0 0 0 0
DStlD2 Combination 0 0 42.5023 850.0458 -254.9975 0 0 0 0
Output P VX VY T MX MY
Story Case Type Location
Case kN kN kN kN-m kN-m kN-m
Story2 Dead LinStatic Top -0.1112 0 0 0 -2.2249 0.6675
Story2 Dead LinStatic Bottom 0.0665 0.0158 0 -0.3159 1.3305 -0.0333
Story2 Live LinStatic Top 0 0 0 0 0 0
Story2 Live LinStatic Bottom 0 0 0 0 0 0
Story2 SIDL LinStatic Top 0 0 0 0 0 0
Story2 SIDL LinStatic Bottom 0 0 0 0 0 0
Story2 Comb1 Combination Top -0.1557 0 0 0 -3.1148 0.9344
Story2 Comb1 Combination Bottom 0.0931 0.0221 0 -0.4422 1.8626 -0.0466
Story2 DStlS1 Combination Top -0.1557 0 0 0 -3.1148 0.9344
Story2 DStlS1 Combination Bottom 0.0931 0.0221 0 -0.4422 1.8626 -0.0466
Story2 DStlS2 Combination Top -0.1335 0 0 0 -2.6698 0.801
Story2 DStlS2 Combination Bottom 0.0798 0.019 0 -0.379 1.5965 -0.0399
Story2 DStlD1 Combination Top -0.1112 0 0 0 -2.2249 0.6675
Story2 DStlD1 Combination Bottom 0.0665 0.0158 0 -0.3159 1.3305 -0.0333
Story2 DStlD2 Combination Top -0.1112 0 0 0 -2.2249 0.6675
Story2 DStlD2 Combination Bottom 0.0665 0.0158 0 -0.3159 1.3305 -0.0333
Unique Output FX FY FZ MX MY MZ
Story Label Case Type
Name Case kN kN kN kN-m kN-m kN-m
Story2 8 14 Dead LinStatic 0 0 0.1112 0 0 0
Story2 8 14 Live LinStatic 0 0 0 0 0 0
Story2 8 14 SIDL LinStatic 0 0 0 0 0 0
Story2 8 14 Comb1 Combination 0 0 0.1557 0 0 0
Story2 8 14 DStlS1 Combination 0 0 0.1557 0 0 0
Story2 8 14 DStlS2 Combination 0 0 0.1335 0 0 0
Unique Output FX FY FZ MX MY MZ
Story Label Case Type
Name Case kN kN kN kN-m kN-m kN-m
Story2 8 14 DStlD1 Combination 0 0 0.1112 0 0 0
Story2 8 14 DStlD2 Combination 0 0 0.1112 0 0 0
Story1 13 13 Dead LinStatic 0 0 3.1619 0 0 0
Story1 13 13 Live LinStatic 0 0 0 0 0 0
Story1 13 13 SIDL LinStatic 0 0 18.8319 0 0 0
Story1 13 13 Comb1 Combination 0 0 30.7914 0 0 0
Story1 13 13 DStlS1 Combination 0 0 30.7914 0 0 0
Story1 13 13 DStlS2 Combination 0 0 26.3926 0 0 0
Story1 13 13 DStlD1 Combination 0 0 21.9938 0 0 0
Story1 13 13 DStlD2 Combination 0 0 21.9938 0 0 0
Story1 14 15 Dead LinStatic 0 0 2.9396 0 0 0
Story1 14 15 Live LinStatic 0 0 0 0 0 0
Story1 14 15 SIDL LinStatic 0 0 17.4576 0 0 0
Story1 14 15 Comb1 Combination 0 0 28.5561 0 0 0
Story1 14 15 DStlS1 Combination 0 0 28.5561 0 0 0
Story1 14 15 DStlS2 Combination 0 0 24.4767 0 0 0
Story1 14 15 DStlD1 Combination 0 0 20.3972 0 0 0
Story1 14 15 DStlD2 Combination 0 0 20.3972 0 0 0
Modal 1 3466897.452 0.9489 0 0 0.9489 0 0 0 0.9489 0
Modal 2 3466897.452 0.0313 0 0 0.9803 0 0 0 0.0313 0
Modal 3 2147065.574 0.0002 0.1046 0 0.9805 0.1046 0 0.1046 0.0002 0.8834
Modal 4 1276103.155 0.0006 0.8452 0 0.9811 0.9498 0 0.8452 0.0006 0.0911
Modal 5 534560.559 0.0002 0.0017 0 0.9813 0.9515 0 0.0017 0.0002 0.0035
Modal 6 -500981.376 0.0185 0.0224 0 0.9998 0.9739 0 0.0224 0.0185 0.0219
Modal 7 742.768 0.0002 0.0251 0 1 0.999 0 0.0251 0.0002 0.0001
Modal 8 528.142 3.666E-06 0.001 0 1 1 0 0.001 3.666E-06 4.965E-06
Static Dynamic
Case ItemType Item
% %
Modal Acceleration UX 100.02 100
Modal Acceleration UY -153412.43 100
Modal Acceleration UZ 0 0
Case Mode UX UY UZ RZ
Modal 1 3466897.452 1 0 0 0
Modal 2 3466897.452 1 0 0 0
Modal 3 2147065.574 0 0.014 0 0.986
Modal 4 1276103.155 0 0.005 0 0.995
Modal 5 534560.559 0 0 0 1
Modal 6 -500981.376 0.002 0.002 0 0.996
Modal 7 742.768 0 0 0 1
Modal 8 528.142 0 0 0 1
6 Design Data
This chapter provides design data and results.
6.1 Steel Frame Design
Table 6.1 - Steel Frame Design Preferences - AISC 360-16
Item Value
Multi-Response Design Step-by-Step - All
Frame Type SMF
Seismic Design Category D
Importance Factor 1
Design System Rho 1
Design System Sds 0.5
Design System R 8
Design System Omega0 3
Design System Cd 5.5
Design Provision LRFD
Analysis Method Direct Analysis
Second Order Method General 2nd Order
Stiffness Reduction Method Tau-b Fixed
Add Notional Load Case No
Beta Factor 1.3
Beta Omega Factor 1.6
Phi (Bending) 0.9
Phi (Compression) 0.9
Phi (Tension-Yielding) 0.9
Phi (Tension-Fracture) 0.75
Phi (Shear) 0.75
Phi (Shear-Short Webbed Rolled I) 1
Phi (Torsion) 0.9
Ignore Seismic Code? No
Ignore Special Seismic Load? No
Doubler Plate Plug-Welded? Yes
HSS Welding Type ERW
Reduced HSS Thickness No
Consider Deflection? Yes
DL Ratio 120
SDL+LL Ratio 120
LL Ratio 360
Total Ratio 240
Total Camber Limit 240
Pattern Live Load Factor 0.75
D/C Ratio Limit 0.95
Maximum Iterations 1
Unique Design Hinge
Story Label Design Section Frame Type Omega0 Connection Type
Name Type Distance
Sh/L Left
Yield Line Hinge BRB BRB
Perform RBS DL
Yc/h Distance Beta Beta*Omega Check Deflection? Deflection Type
Capacity Design Ratio
Parameter Sh/L Factor Factor
0 0 0 0 Program Determined Program Determined Program Determined 0
0 0 0 0 Program Determined Program Determined Program Determined 0
0 0 0 0 Program Determined Program Determined Program Determined 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Program Determined 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Program Determined 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Program Determined 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0