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Abstract. Indigenous paddy soil rhizobacteria are one alternative to restore biological fertility and soil health. Plant Growth Promotion
Rhizobacteria (PGPR) that act as biofertilizer will help to increase the availability of nutrients and promote the plant growth. The
objective of this research was to study the effect of the PGPR consortium indigenous paddy soil to nutrient uptake, chlorophyll content,
and yield of rice. This research was arranged by Randomized Complete Block Design with the treatment was the combination of Plant
Growth Promotion Rhizobateria isolates originated from paddy soil. The treatments consisted of control, Rhizobium sp. LM-5, R08
isolate, R011 isolate, R08 isolate+Rhizobium sp. LM-5, R011 isolate+Rhizobium sp. LM-5, R011 isolate+R08 isolate, R011 isolate+R08
isolate+Rhizobium sp. LM-5. The result showed that the the consortium of PGPR was able to increase the root growth thereby increasing
nutrient uptake, chlorophyll content, and plant biomass. Application of single strain R11 isolate and the consortium of R11
isolate+Rhizobium sp. LM-5 were capable of giving the highest grain yield of 64.99 and 62.80 g plant -1 respectively. These finding were
PGPR consortium between IAA-producing bacteria combined with Rhizobium sp. LM-5 as N2 fixing bacteria in increasing nutrient
uptake, chlorophyll contents and crop yields, it can be recommended that PGPR consortium as a biofertilizer formula in rice cultivation
How to Cite: Purwanto, P., & Suharti, W. S. (2021). Nutrient Uptake, Chlorophyll Content, and Yield of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Under
the Application of PGPR Consortium. Biosaintifika: Journal of Biology & Biology Education, 13(3), 336-344.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15294/biosaintifika.v13i3.31990
Purwanto & Woro Sri Suharti / Biosaintifika 13 (3) (2021): 336-344
reported that on organic rice fields the abundance of type used in this research was Inceptisol soil with pH
useful microbes was dominated by Stenotrophomonas value of 5.91 (pH meter 1:5 IK5.4.c), N total of 0.24
maltophilia, Acinetobacter junii, Serratia % (Kjeldahl), K-available of 160 ppm (Morgan-
nematodiphila, Pseudomonas aeroginosa, Wolf), and P2O5 content of 6 ppm (Olsen). This
Exiguobacterium acetylicum, Bacillus cereus, and study was arranged by A Randomized Complete
Bacillus subtilis. PGPR isolates from paddy soil had Block Design with the treatment was the combination
the capacity to produce Indole Acetic Acid (IAA) of PGPR isolates originated from paddy soil. The
with the precursor of root exudate to increase root treatments consisted of 8 combinations of PGPR
length, and isolate R11 used in this study had the isolates i.e. control (K), Rhizobium sp. LM-5, R011
capacity to increase the rice yield (Purwanto et al., isolate, R08 isolate, R08 isolate+Rhizobium sp. LM-
2019a; Purwanto et al., 2019b). Sharma et al., (2014) 5, R011 isolate+Rhizobium sp. LM-5, R08 isolate +
reported that inoculation of Azospririllum. Lipoferum R011 isolate, R08 isolate + R011 isolate+ Rhizobium
in three rice genotypes increased the chlorophyll sp. LM-5. There were eight treatments with 3 times
content caused by improving the mineral nutrition of repetitions, so the total unit experiments were 24
the plant. On the other hand, the application of useful units. Each unit of experimental consisted of 8
microbes such as N-fixing bacteria and P solubilizing polybags and planted with 2 seedlings of rice. The
bacteria will increase root growth so that plant N and rice variety used in this research was Inpago Unsoed
P uptake increases, and the shoot growth rate are 1 with the characteristic of rice as aromatic rice.
better when compared to the absence of bacterial Polybag measuring 30x30 cm was filled with 9.952
inoculation (Setiawati et al., 2016; Santosa et al., kg soil according to the treatment.
2018; Safriani et al., 2020).
Interaction and compatibility of the combination PGPR isolates preparation
of rhizobacteria determines the effectiveness of the PGPR isolate used was a collection of the
application of organic fertilizers on plant growth. The Agronomy and Horticultural Laboratory of the
application of the Bacterial Consortium is expected to Faculty of Agriculture, UNSOED. Before being used
bring about multifaceted effects through synergies, in this study, PGPR isolates were rejuvenated by
nutrient supply, removal of inhibitory products, and transferring the isolates from the old NA medium to
interaction between bacteria through mutual the new NA medium using a loop needle to improve
stimulation by physical and biochemical activities. the nutrition of the bacterial isolates. Bacterial stock
This can improve some beneficial aspects of the cultures were prepared by dissolving 5% molasses in
physiology of the plant. growth (Pandey et al. 2012). 1 liter of distilled water. Molasses was put in 10
Simarmata et al. (2016) found that application of Erlenmeyers with a volume of 100 ml each. Two
consortium of rhizobacteria enriched with inoculation loops of PGPR isolate were inoculated in
Trichoderma sp. can increase significantly the grain each Erlenmeyer, then shaken at 180 rpm for 3 days.
yield of rice and reduce the sheath blight and Then the total plate count (TPC) was carried out to
bacterial leaf blight symptom. Tennakoon et al. determine the abundance of bacteria up to 107 cfu ml-
(2019) reported that application of Azospirillum sp. . The stock culture was stored in a refrigerator after
strain 6 + Rhodococcus sp. gave a significant increase use. The application of the PGPR consortium was
in leaf N content of tea plant at range of 3.27-3.80%. carried out by immersing the roots of rice seedlings in
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect a 1% concentration PGPR consortium solution before
of the PGPR consortium indigenous paddy soil to planting. Additional PGPR applications were carried
nutrient uptake, chlorophyll content, and yield of rice. out at the age of 15, 30, and 45 days after planting by
This knowledge is very useful in developing spraying a 1% concentration of PGPR solution.
biofertilizer technology to support sustainable rice
production The observed variables
The observed variable consisted of N content
METHODS measured by Kjedahl method (Jiang et al. 2014), P
and K content determined by HNO3 and HCLO4
Study site and experimental design reaction (Islam et al. 2016), the uptake of nutrients by
The research was conducted from October 2018 to rice plants calculated by multiplying the nutrient
February 2019 at Laboratory of Agronomy and content in plants by the total plant biomass, the leaf
Horticulture and Experimental Station of Faculty of area and plant biomass measured by Hasanah et al.
Agriculture, Jenderal Soedirman University. The soil (2021) methods, the chlorophyll content measured by
Purwanto & Woro Sri Suharti / Biosaintifika 13 (3) (2021): 336-344
spectrophotometric methods (Proklamasiningsih et al. by 2067.70 cm, although it was not significantly
2013), the root length measured by intersection different from R11 single strain isolate (1430.00 cm)
methods (Delory et al., 2017), and rice yields are and Rhizobium sp. LM-5 + R08 isolates (1883.10 cm)
harvested when the rice grains are physiologically treatments (Table 1).
ripe. The ability of PGPR to increase plant root length
is through the ability of plants to produce growth
Data analysis regulators such as the auxin group, including Indole
Acetic Acid (IAA) (Paul & Sharma, 2006). The
Data was analyzed by analysis of variance (ANOVA) results of our previous study showed that all bacterial
using SAS 9.1 software. If there were significant isolates used (R11 isolate, Rhizobium sp. LM-5, and
differences in ANOVA results, we continued the R08 isolate) are indigenous rhizobacteria of paddy
analysis using DMRT α=0.05. soil that can produce IAA and stimulate root growth
of rice plants both in vitro and in vivo, and Rhizobium
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION sp. LM-5 is capable of fixing N2 from the air
(Purwanto et al. 2017; Purwanto et al. 2019b). Based
The effect of PGPR consortiums on nutrient on the research results, it is known that the
uptake and root growth consortium application gave an increase in root
The results showed that inoculation of the length by 56.63% compared to single strain
indigenous PGPR consortium of paddy soil was able applications. The interaction between isolates showed
to improve the physiological characters and the level a positive effect on rice root length. The application
of nutrient uptake of rice plants. Plant roots are the of a consortium of IAA-producing bacteria will
organs that first interact directly with the soil and soil increase the concentration of growth regulators to an
microorganisms. The results of this research showed optimum level in the rhizosphere so that it can
that PGPR inoculation both single strain and stimulate a better growth. Oluwambe (2016) stated
consortium was able to increase rice root length by an that the low to the optimum concentration level of
average of 366.31% compared to control. The total IAA produced by rhizobacteria will promote root
root length of control group reached 301.2 cm, while elongation.
longest root length was achieved in the inoculation
treatment of the consortium R08 isolate + R11 isolate
Purwanto & Woro Sri Suharti / Biosaintifika 13 (3) (2021): 336-344
Increasing the rice root length will allow an + R11 isolate was a PGPR consortium that provides
increase in the area of the roots that interact directly the highest P uptake by 0.324 mg plant-1. PGPR
with soil colloids, thereby enabling an increase in the consortium application tended to increase the P
process of nutrient absorption by plants through the uptake by 44% compared to control, however, the
roots. This can be seen in the nutrients absorption increase between single strain and consortium was
variables. The results showed that the PGPR only 13.09%. The effect of rhizobacteria on P uptake
application, both single strain, and consortium, were was influenced by the ability of rhizobacteria as P
able to increase nitrogen uptake by 422.07% solubilizing bacteria, so that the P uptake of rice
compared to control. The highest result was achieved plants increased both single strain or PGPR
in the treatment of the Rhizobium sp. LM-5 + R11 consortium.
isolate by 1067.60 mg plant-1, while the control only The results of previous studies indicated that
reached 157.40 mg plant-1. In general, PGPR Rhizobium sp. LM-5, R08 isolate, and R11
consortium applications have higher nitrogen uptake rhizobacteria strain isolates did not show P
values than single strains with an average of 1020.45 solubilizing activity. Potassium (K) nutrient uptake in
mg plant-1 or an increase of 83.27%. Rhizobium sp. the PGPR application both single strain and
LM-5 is a nitrogen fixing bacteria indigenous paddy consortium affects increasing potassium nutrient
soil and is capable of producing IAA (Purwanto et al., uptake. The PGPR consortium showed higher K
2017). Backer et al. (2018) stated that diazotrophs can nutrient uptake, but no significant difference from the
provide nitrogen for various plants compared to R08 isolate+Rhizobium sp. LM-5, R11 isolate
rhizobia, and on the other hand bacteria that are +Rhizobium sp. LM-5, R11 isolate+R08 isolate, and
unable to fix nitrogen can increase N uptake through R08 isolate + Rhizobium sp. LM-5+R11 isolate
increased nitrogen fertilization efficiency due to treatments with 1353.60, 1308.00, 1323.10, and
increased root growth. 1516.10 mg plant-1, respectively (Table 2). The
The effect of the PGPR consortium application on consortium application was able to increase K
P nutrient uptake shows that the Rhizobium sp. LM-5 nutrient uptake by 67.72% compared to single strain
Purwanto & Woro Sri Suharti / Biosaintifika 13 (3) (2021): 336-344
applications with only 819.90 mg plant-1 in average. isolate, and R11 isolate+ R08 isolate+Rhizobium sp.
In general, the application of PGPR can increase LM-5 (Table 3). The PGPR consortium application
nutrient uptake of nitrogen, phosphate, and potassium shows a positive interaction with the increase in leaf
up to several times compared to control. Likewise, chlorophyll levels of rice plants when compared to
the consortium application is better in increasing the control and single strain. The application of
nutrient uptake than the single strains. This result is in PGPR consortium was able to increase chlorophyll a
line with Jha et al. (2013) where enrichment of rice and b levels by 89.28% and 101.04%, respectively.
straw compost with Pseudomonas, Azospirillum, and Chlorophyll is a photosynthetic apparatus for
Cyanobacteria increased nitrogen and sulfur uptake plants so that the process of obtaining carbohydrates
by three times, phosphate by 2 times more, and 1.3- for energy for plant growth is available and some
1.9 times more of micronutrients. PGPR can increase carbon compounds will be translocated to the storage
the supply of nutrients in the rhizosphere and/or section as plant products. Chlorophyll molecules
stimulate the rooted ion transport system through two promote the conversion of solar energy into chemical
mechanisms, namely phosphate solubilizing and energy by collecting light energy, transferring
nitrogen fixation so that nitrogen is available to plants excitation energy to the reaction center and
(Vacheron et al., 2013). facilitating charge separation at the reaction center.
Croft & Chen (2017) stated that chloroplast contained
The effect of PGPR consortiums on chlorophyll the majority of plant nutrients and 70-80 percent of
contents, leaf area, and plant biomass the total of leaf nitrogen content is found in
The results showed that the PGPR application of chloroplastic proteins of C3 plants. The application of
both single strains and the PGPR consortium were the PGPR consortium in rice plants can increase
able to increase the chlorophyll content. The average nitrogen nutrient uptake so that leaf chlorophyll
increase in chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b levels due levels increase. Nitrogen is one of the elements that
to PGPR treatment was 85.71% and 83.67%, make up the structure of chlorophyll. Esfahani et al.
respectively. The highest chlorophyll content of rice (2008) stated that leaf chlorophyll content was
plants in the PGPR application were achieved in the closely correlated with nitrogen content in leaves.
treatment of the R08 isolate+Rhizobium sp. LM-5 by Furthermore, Fiorentini et al. (2019) stated that the
0.028 mg g-1 and 0.015 mg g-1, respectively, although increasing availability of nitrogen will increase the
they did not show significant differences with the higher chlorophyll concentration in leaf tissue which
Rhizobium sp. LM-5 + R11 isolate, R11 isolate+R08 determines the increase in leaf greenness.
Table 3. The effect of PGPR consortium on leaf area, plant biomass, and chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b
Chlorophyll a Chlorophyll b Leaf area (cm2) Biomass
(mg g-1) (mg g-1) (g)
Control 0.014 c 0.007 c 410.30 c 13.71 c
Rhizobium sp. LM-5 0.024 b 0.010 b 1047.00 b 42.90 ab
R08 isolate 0.026 ab 0.013 ab 1291.40 ab 45.24 ab
R11 isolate 0.026 ab 0.013 ab 973.40 b 28.15 bc
R08 isolate +Rhizobium sp. LM-5 0.028 a 0.015 a 1205.70 ab 43.75 ab
Rhizobium sp. LM-5 + R11 isolate 0.025 ab 0.012 ab 1492.30 ab 71.04 a
R11 isolate+R08 isolate 0.027 ab 0.013 ab 1419.50 ab 67.50 a
R11 isolate+ R08 isolate+Rhizobium sp. LM-5 0.026 ab 0.014 ab 1600.10 a 64.03 a
Note: Numbers followed by the same letter in the same column were not significant different according to
DMRT α=0.05
The results of this research showed that the 1600.10 cm2, although it was not significantly
application of the PGPR consortium increased the different from the R08 isolate+Rhizobium sp. LM-5,
growth of leaf organs indicated by the wider leaf area Rhizobium sp. LM-5 + R11 isolate, and R11 isolate
leaf area variable compared to the single strain and +R08 isolate with 1205.70, 1492.30, 1419.50 cm2,
control groups. The widest leaf area was obtained in respectively (Table 3). The yield of dry biomass of
the R11 isolate+ R08 isolate+Rhizobium sp. LM-5 by rice plants in the PGPR single strains and consortium
Purwanto & Woro Sri Suharti / Biosaintifika 13 (3) (2021): 336-344
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