Rashi On Ezra - en - The Judaica Press Complete Tanach With Rashi, Translated by A. J. Rosenberg - Plain
Rashi On Ezra - en - The Judaica Press Complete Tanach With Rashi, Translated by A. J. Rosenberg - Plain
Rashi On Ezra - en - The Judaica Press Complete Tanach With Rashi, Translated by A. J. Rosenberg - Plain
רש"י על עזרא
The Judaica Press complete Tanach with Rashi, translated by A. J. Rosenberg
Rashi on Ezra
Chapter 1
Verse 1
And in the first year of Cyrus, the king of Persia This book is arranged as a
continuation of the Book of Daniel, as is explained in Baba Bathra (15a), and the
word [ ]ּוְבְׁשַנתrefers back from this [book] to that one, for it is stated in Daniel
(9:2): “In the first year of his reign, I, Daniel, contemplated the calculations of
the number of the years that the word of the Lord had come to Jeremiah the prophet
from the destruction of Jerusalem, seventy years.” And so the entire chapter
proceeds to relate [the story] of the destruction of the Temple, the time of the
Babylonian exile, and his confession, in which he confessed Israel’s sin. The
beginning of this book is as follows: After Belshazzar was assassinated, Darius the
Mede reigned, as it says (Dan. 6:1): “And Darius the Mede received the kingdom
etc.” and after Darius’ death, this Cyrus, the king of Persia, reigned, and in the
first year of his reign, the seventy years for the remembrance of the Babylonian
exile, [counting] from the day that Jehoiakim was exiled, were completed, as it
says (Jer. 29:10): “At the completion of seventy years of Babylon, I will remember
you etc.” When Israel returned from the Babylonian exile to the land of Israel, in
that year, in the first year of Cyrus, Israel laid the foundation of the Temple,
and the adversaries of Judah and Benjamin slandered them to Cyrus, the king of
Persia, and he commanded [them] to curtail the work, no longer to build the edifice
of the Temple; and the Israelites were idle, for they did not build the Temple
during the entire reign of Cyrus and Ahasuerus, who succeeded him, until the second
year of Darius, the son of Ahasuerus, the king of Persia, who was Darius, the son
of Esther. And in the second year of his reign, they began building the Temple
until the building was completed. And from the first year of Cyrus until the second
year of Darius, the son of Ahasuerus the king of Persia, in whose days the Temple
was built, were eighteen years, to fulfill what was said (Dan. 9:2): “from the
destruction of Jerusalem, seventy years etc.” And now, in the second year of
Darius, seventy years had elapsed since the destruction of Jerusalem; [i.e.,] the
destruction of the Temple, when Zedekiah was exiled. From the exile of Jehoiakim
until the exile of Zedekiah, when the Temple was destroyed, were eighteen years,
and now in the first year of Cyrus, the king of Persia, seventy years since the
exile of Jehoiakim, when Israel was exiled to Babylon, were completed, and thereby
the verse that states (Jer. 29:10): “for at the completion of seventy years of
Babylon I will remember you etc.” was fulfilled. And this is the remembrance, that
Israel returned to their soil and built the foundation of the building of the
Temple, although it was not yet completed. We find that there were fifty-two years
from the exile of Zedekiah, when the Temple was destroyed, until the first year of
Cyrus, the king of Persia; and eighteen years after the first year of Cyrus, which
is the second year of Darius, when Israel commenced to build the edifice, and they
completed it. This is proven in Seder Olam (ch. 29), in Tractate Megillah (11b) and
in this book, as I explained.
at the completion of the word of the Lord from the mouth of Jeremiah at the time
that the word of the Holy One, blessed be He, which Jeremiah spoke, was completed,
as it says (Jer. 29:10): “for at the completion of seventy years of Babylon etc.”
the Lord aroused the spirit the will.
a proclamation He proclaimed a proclamation throughout his kingdom.
and also in writing And he also sent his letter throughout his kingdom about this
saying And so he said to them in his proclamation that he proclaimed and in his
epistle that he sent throughout his kingdom.
Verse 2
So said Cyrus, the king of Persia...delivered to me that I am the king and ruler
over all the kingdoms.
and He commanded me He commanded me through Isaiah the prophet to build for Him the
Temple in Jerusalem, as it says in the Book of Isaiah (44:28): “Who says to Cyrus,
‘He is My shepherd, and all My desire he shall fulfill,’ and to say to Jerusalem,
‘It shall be built, and the Temple shall be founded.’” (ibid. 45:1): “So said the
Lord to His anointed one, to Cyrus, whose right hand I held....” And this prophecy
was already stated by lsaiah.
in Jerusalem, which is in Judea whch is in the province of Judea.
Verse 3
Who is among you So did he announce and write to all the kingdoms, “Who is among
you of all His people,” [i.e., of the people] of the Holy One, blessed be He, may
the Holy One, blessed be He, be at his assistance, and let him ascend to build His
house that is in Jerusalem.
Verse 4
And whoever remains and every Jew who remains in his place, who cannot ascend
because he has no money.
shall help him I command the people of his place to provide him and help him with
silver, gold, possessions and cattle, in order that he be able to ascend to
Jerusalem with the donation that the people of his place will donate for the
building of the Temple, for also among the nations there were some who contributed
donations to the building of the Temple.
to the House of God, which is in Jerusalem From “So said Cyrus” until here is the
proclamation and the message of the written epistle.
Verse 5
of Judah and Benjamin the heads of the families of the tribes of Judah and
all whom... inspired They ascended to Jerusalem to build the Temple with all those
whom God inspired to ascend and to build the Temple.
Verse 6
And all those around them And all the nations who were Israel’s neighbors assisted
and strengthened the hands of the Jews with gold and silver and all these gifts in
order that they be able to ascend to Jerusalem.
besides all that was donated All this the neighbors of the Jews did, besides what
they [the Jews] themselves donated for the building of the Temple.
Verse 7
and had placed them in the temple of his god that Nebuchadnezzar had placed in the
temple of his pagan deity.
Verse 8
by the hand of Mithderath the treasurer such was the name of Cyrus’s treasurer, and
Cyrus commanded [him] to take them out.
and he counted them out This treasurer counted them and delivered them to
Sheshbazzar, so that he would carry them and transport them to Jerusalem. Our
Rabbis said: “Sheshbazzar is identical with Daniel, and why was he called
Sheshbazzar? Because he endured six troubles ()ֵּׁשּׁש ָצרֹות.”
the prince of Judah He is the prince of the tribe of Judah.
Verse 9
Verse 10
bowls Heb. ְּכפֹוֵר י, bowls, and they were called ְּכפֹוֵר יfrom an expression of wiping,
like (Bava Mezia 24b): “who wiped ( )ְּד ָכַפרhis hands on his neighbor’s cloak,”
because the one who would receive the blood in a bowl would wipe the squirtings of
the blood that splattered on his hand on the rim of the bowl.
secondary Heb. ִמְּׁשִנים, secondary ones, other vessels of another kind.
Verse 11
All the vessels Now he totals the sum of those counted and those who were not
counted all into one number, but the important ones he counts.
when the exiles were brought up Heb. ֵהָעלֹות, [a passive] expression.
Chapter 2
Verse 1
And these are the people of the province These are the Children of Israel who are
from the province of the land of Israel, who are now coming up to Jerusalem from
the captivity that is in the exile.
and they returned And now they returned to Jerusalem.
and Judea And the people of Judea returned, each one to his city.
Verse 2
[Those] who came these people of the province, in the beginning, when they went
into exile from Israel to Babylon with Zerubbabel etc.
Mispar...the number Heb. ִמְסָּפר. [This word appears twice in this verse.] In the
first one, the “pay” is vowelized with a “kamatz,” and it is the name of a man; in
the second, the “pay” is vowelized with a “pattah”, and it is the construct state,
[meaning the number of].
the important men of the people of Israel These were the great and important
people, and the others followed them. Therefore, they were counted after them
Verse 3
The children of Parosh, etc. There are some in the chapter for whom the father’s
name is used for the family name [surname] and there are some who are called by the
name of their place, i.e., “the children of such-and-such a place.”
Verse 4
Verse 5
Verse 6
Verse 7
Verse 8
Verse 9
Verse 10
Verse 11
Verse 12
Verse 13
Verse 14
Verse 15
Verse 16
Verse 17
Verse 18
Verse 19
Verse 20
Verse 21
Verse 22
Verse 23
Verse 24
Verse 25
Verse 26
Verse 27
Verse 28
Verse 29
Verse 30
Verse 31
Verse 32
Verse 33
Verse 34
Verse 35
Verse 36
The priests: the children of Jedaiah Until here, he counted the children of Judah
and Benjamin, and from now on he counts the priests and the Levites, as he says
above (1:5): “So the heads of the families of Judah and Benjamin and the priests
and the Levites arose....”
Verse 37
Verse 38
Verse 39
Verse 40
Verse 41
The singers The Levites who were singers, and likewise, the gatekeepers are Levites
who were gatekeepers of the gates of the Temple.
Verse 42
Verse 43
The Nethinim Now he counts those Nethinim who were woodcutters and water-drawers
for the congregation, and from there they derived their livelihood.
Verse 44
Verse 45
Verse 46
Verse 47
Verse 48
Verse 49
Verse 50
Verse 51
Verse 52
Verse 53
Verse 54
Verse 55
Verse 56
Verse 57
Verse 58
and the children of Solomon’s slaves King Solomon had slaves, and these children
were of their descendants.
Verse 59
And these were the ones who ascended from Tel-Mela, etc. And what incident happened
to them? They could not tell....
and their children [i.e., the children] of their fathers, because they lost their
genealogical records and did not know if they were Israelites.
Verse 60
The children of Delaiah They too are included in “these were the ones who ascended
from Tel- Melah.”
Verse 61
who took Each one of the sons of Barzillai the Gileadite took a wife.
and was called by their name And the name of Barzillai was called on their name
because they took of his daughters.
Verse 62
These referring to the priests, who had to trace their lineage with that record,
and who could not find the record of their lineage.
and they were disqualified Heb. ַוְיגַאלּו, for they were defiled and purged from the
priesthood that they should no longer perform the service with the remaining
priests, because their genealogical record was not found.
Verse 63
Hattirshatha That is Nehemiah, the son of Hachaliah (Neh. 8:9), and our Rabbis said
(Yerushalmi Kid. 4:1) that he was named Hattirshatha because the Sages permitted
him ( )ָהֵּתרto drink ( )ָּׁשָּתאwine of gentiles because he was the king’s butler.
of the most holy sacrifices sin-offerings and guilt-offerings, like the other
until a priest arises, etc. like a person who says to his friend, “Until the
Messiah comes, this matter will not come about.” I cannot interpret it to mean:
until a priest arises for the Urim and Tumim in the Second Temple, because we find
in Yoma, chapter 1 (21b) that the Urim and Tumim were missing in the Second Temple.
Verse 64
The entire congregation together When they were all together with the priests, the
Levites and the Nethinim, they amounted to this number; and the Children of Israel
counted above were of the tribe of Judah and Benjamin, and those missing from this
number, which you will not find above, were of the other tribes. So it is explained
in Seder Olam (ch. 29): “‘The entire congregation together was forty-two thousand
etc.’ But if you add them up, they are only thirty thousand. Where are the thirteen
thousand? They ascended from the other tribes.”
Verse 65
Besides their slaves and their bondwomen who were not included in the congregation.
and they had two hundred male and female singers because they were going up
joyfully from Babylon to the land of Israel, they required male and female singers
in order that they should stroll among them in their great joy.
Verse 66
Verse 67
Verse 68
Verse 69
According to their ability according to their ability and their money.
drachmas Heb. ַּד ְר ְּכמֹוִנים, the name of a golden coin.
and priests’ tunics in which to serve.
Chapter 3
Verse 1
Verse 2
Verse 3
And they set the altar on its bases in order to offer up sacrifices upon it,
because they were afraid of the peoples of the land, lest they taunt them and lest
they slander them to the king. And they built the altar to offer up burnt offerings
upon it, in order that the peoples hear and understand the matter, that they did it
with the sanction of the king and therefore they would hesitate to taunt them about
the building of the Temple.
for the morning and for the evening the daily sacrifice of the morning and the
daily sacrifice of twilight.
Verse 4
and the burnt offering of each day in its day, in the number the sacrifices of the
Festivals in their number, according to their ordinance.
Verse 5
And afterwards And after Succoth they would offer up sacrifices every day, for the
morning and for the evening.
and for the New Moon lit. and for the months. And at the beginning of the months
they would offer up the sacrifices of the New Moon.
and for all the appointed seasons of the Lord and for the rest of the appointed
seasons of their sacrifices.
and for everyone who willingly offered And for all those who willingly offered
their free-will offerings, the priests would accept them to sacrifice them, and
from the first day of Tishri they commenced to offer up sacrifices, but the
foundation of the Temple was not yet built.
Verse 6
Verse 7
to the Zidonians and to the Tyrians the people of Tyre and Zidon, who were the
artisans who built the Temple.
to the sea of Jaffa By way of the sea they would bring them.
according to the sanction of Heb. ְּכִר ְׁשיֹוןas the sanction of the king was upon them
to build the Temple. ְּכִר ְׁשיֹוןis an expression of permission ( )ְר ּׁשּותderived from רּׁשה
; since from אבהto want, he says [i.e., derives] ֶאְביֹון, a needy person; and from
צבה, to desire, ִצְביֹון, desire; and from חזהto see, ִחָזיֹון, a vision; and from ,רעה
ַר ְעיֹון, thought; from ֶחְביֹון,חבה, hiding; and from רּׁשה, he says ְר ּׁשּות, permission;
like from, ֱענּות,ענה, affliction; and from ְּׁשבּות,ּׁשבה,captivity; and from ְר אּות,ראה,
a sight; and from ְזנּות,זנה, harlotry. The result is that ְר ּׁשּותand ִר ְׁשיֹוןare
derived from the same root according to the gauge of grammar, and they are the same
expression. Menahem, (p. 34) however, associated it with (Ps. 21:3): “and the
speech of his lips ()ַַַַַוֲאֶר ֶּׁשת,” but he was not exact with its root. Nevertheless,
these two manners [of defining words] are close to each other in their meanings.
Verse 8
Verse 9
And Jeshua...stood They stood and recited the song together around the ones who did
the work of the foundation of the Temple.
Verse 10
And...laid the foundation ְוִיְסדּוThis is the strong conjugation of ְיסֹוד, like (Ezek.
25:4): “and they will settle ( )ְוִיְּׁשבּוtheir palaces.” Just as ְוִיְּׁשבּוis derived from
יּׁשבso is ְוִיְסדּוderived from יסד, and their meaning is, ְוִיְסדּו ְוִיְּׁשבּוin the
intensive conjugation with two “yud”s, one for the [continuous] action and one for
the radical, and their meaning is that they were laying the foundation, they were
And the builders laid the foundation And the builders were laying the foundation
[see above] of the Temple of the Lord at the time [that] they were harmonizing in
their song, and they stationed the priests attired with elegant garments with
trumpets in their hands to sound them.
and the Levites the sons of Asaph were the singers.
with cymbals Heb. ַּבְמִצְלַּתִים, like (Ps. 150:9): “with loud sounding cymbals ( ְּבִצְלְצֵלי
)ָּׁשַמע.” They are musical instruments.
through David for they were harmonizing and singing songs of David, the king of
Verse 11
And they sang aloud Heb. ַוַיֲענּו, an expression of raising the voice in song, like
(Exod. 15: 21): “And Miriam raised her voice in song to them.”
and with thanks and with thanksgivings.
for it is good to give thanks to the Lord.
and the entire people the rest of the people of Israel.
because...was laid They acted with all these rejoicings because of the building of
the foundation, which was laid in the House of the Lord.
Verse 12
when its foundation was laid Heb. ְּבָיְסדֹו, with its foundation. With the noun of יֹוֶסד
and from יסד, he says ְּבָיְסדֹו, like from ְּבָחְד ּׁשֹו,חֶד ּׁש, and from ְּבָק ְד ּׁשֹו,קֶד ּׁש.
this Temple When they would see the building of this Temple, they would weep
because they remembered the large building of the First Temple.
and many who had not seen the building of the First Temple, were rejoicing and
shouting for joy with a loud voice, out of their great joy that they had emerged
from their exile.
Verse 13
And the people did not recognize Those listeners did not recognize the voice of the
shout of joy, because of the voice of the people’s weeping, for the rejoicing
people were shouting with a great shout, and the voice of weeping was heard farther
and farther away.
Chapter 4
Verse 1
the adversaries of Judah and Benjamin They are the nations whom Sannecherib settled
in the land Israel, as it says (II Kings 17:24): “And the king of Assyria brought
[people] from Babylonia and from Cuthah and from Avvah and from Hamath and from
Sepharvaim, and he settled them in the cities of Samaria instead of the Children of
Verse 2
and said to them, “Let us build with you...” They said this in order that through
them the work of the Temple should be disrupted, that they should build no more.
since the days of Esarhaddon the king of Assyria the son of Sannecherib, for after
Sannecherib settled them there, as it says (II Kings 19:37, Isa. 37:38): “And he
was prostrating himself in the temple of Nisroch his god, and Adramelech and
Sharezer, his sons, slew him by the sword etc., and his son Esarhaddon reigned in
his stead.”
Verse 3
but we Heb. ִּכי, but we alone shall build. This ִּכיserves in place of ֶאָּלא, but.
Verse 4
the people of the land They are the adversaries of Judah and Benjamin.
were hindering to disrupt them from their work.
from building Heb. ִלְבנֹות, lit. to build, and so (Gen. 41:49): “until one ceased to
count ()ִלְסֹּפר.”
Verse 5
And they would hire Heb. ְוֹסְכִר ים. This is written with a “sammech,” but its meaning
is as though it was written with a “sin,” [meaning] that they would hire advisors
to disrupt the work.
all the days of the reign of Cyrus and the reign of Ahasuerus, who reigned after
Cyrus, until the second year of Darius, who reigned after Ahasuerus, the work was
Verse 6
And in the reign of Ahasuerus who reigned after Cyrus; he is the Ahasuerus who took
they wrote an accusation not to build the Temple.
against the dwellers of Judea and Jerusalem to inform on them and to chide them not
to build the Temple.
Verse 7
And in the days of Artaxerxes He is Cyrus, the king of Persia. The numerical value
of the letters of ּכֶר ּׁשequal the numerical value of the letters of ָּד ְר ָיֶוּׁש: [; ר20 = כ
300 = ; ּׁש200 =; total = 520. 300 = ; ּׁש6 = ו520 ;10 = ; י200 = ; ר4 = ;דtotal =
520.] And so we learned in Tractate Rosh Hashanah (3b): “The same one is Cyrus, who
is Darius, who is Artaxerxes.” [He was called Cyrus ּכֶר ּׁשbecause he was a worthy (
)ָּכֵּׁשרking; Artaxerxes, because of the kingdom, and in Seder Olam (ch. 30): “Darius
was Artaxerxes ()ַאְר ַּתְחַּׁשְּׁשָּתא, and the entire kingdom was called Artaxerxes, etc.”
[meaning that all the kings were called Artaxerxes].
wrote with peace wrote his letter with words of peace.
Mithredath Tabeel This is the name of a man, one of the adversaries of Judah and
and the rest of his colleagues Heb. ְּכָנוָתיו, his companies and his societies.
to Artaxerxes [as translated,] to Artaxerxes.
and the script of the epistle Heb. ּוְכָתב ַהִנְּׁשְּתָון.
written in Aramaic in Aramaic characters.
and explained in Aramaic The script was explained in the Aramaic language.
Verse 8
Rehum was the secretary Rehum was the secretary and the master of words to compose
the epistle.
and Shimshai was the scribe And Shimshai was the scribe: he is Shimshai the son of
Haman. So it is customary to mention the scribe and the secretary together because
they need each other; one composes and dictates, and the scribe writes, as it says
(I Kings 4:3): “Eliphoreph and Ahiah, the sons of Shisha, scribes, Jehoshaphat, the
son of Ahlud, the secretary,” and in another place it says (Isa. 36: 22): “And
Eliakim, the son of Hilkiah etc. and Shebna the scribe, and Joah, the son of Asaph
the secretary, came.”
they wrote a letter These two, Rehum and Shimshai, wrote the letter as Mithredath
Tabeel had commanded them, and they all were dwellers of the cities of Samaria.
about Jerusalem about the building of the Temple, which is in Jerusalem.
as is stated Aram. ְּכֵנָמא, as is stated, and that is similar to the expression of the
Gemara: “as we wish to say further.”
Verse 9
the Dinites, the Apharesattechites, etc. All these are names of nations whom
Sennacherib repatriated in the cities of Samaria.
the Apharesites They are the Persians whom Sennacherib settled in the cities of
the Archevites They are the people of Erech, as it says (Gen. 10:10): “and Erech
and Accad and Calneh.”
the Babylonians the people of Babylon.
the Shushanchites the people of Shushan, the capital.
the Elamites the people of Elam. Sennacherib settled all of these peoples in the
land of Israel, and all of them were settling and concurring with the commission of
this letter.
Verse 10
And the rest of the nations and the rest of the nations that Sennacherib exiled;
they have all concurred.
Asenappar Sennacherib.
the great and honored for he was a great and honored king, as it says (Isa. 36:4):
“So has the great king, the king of Assyria, said.”
Verse 11
This is the meaning of the letter and this is the interpretation of the letter.
the meaning Aram. ַּפְר ֶּׁשֶגןlike (Esther 3:14): “The meaning of ( )ַּפְתֶּׁשֶגןthe writ.
that they sent to him [as translated,] that they sent to him.
to Artaxerxes [as translated,] to Artaxerxes.
Your servants are the people of the other side of the river and Ke’eneth The people
of the other side of the river and the people of Ke’eneth are your servants. All
the nations counted here are included in this generalization, for they were all on
the side of the land of Israel, which is on the opposite side of the river of those
dwelling in Babylon, and this is the beginning of the letter: “Your servants are
the people of the other side of the river etc.” until, “...you will have no part.”
Verse 12
Verse 13
Verse 14
Now in view of this, that we wish to destroy the Temple Now in view of this matter,
that we wish to implement the destruction of the Temple. ִד י ְמַלחis an expression of
destruction and desolation, like Jer. 17:6): “barren ( )ְמֵלָחהland that is
we wish to destroy We wish to demolish and to destroy.
and... the king’s disgrace Aram. ְוַעְר ַות ַמְלָּכא, lit. and the king’s nakedness.
it is improper Aram. ָלא ַאִר יְך, it is improper for us to see. ַאִר יְךmeans proper, like
“Is it proper ( )ַאִר יְךor improper ( ”?)ָלא ַאִר יְךin Tractate Succah (44b).
therefore therefore we have sent and notified the king.
Verse 15
That one should search that a seeker should search and seek in the annals of your
fathers, the first kings.
and you will find And you will find in the annals, and you will know that this city
is a rebellious city, and it injures the kings and the countries.
and they have made rebellion in its midst And its inhabitants were making rebellion
in its midst, for Israel would rebel against the kings of the nations.
since days of yore Aram. ִמן יֹוָמת ָעְלָמא, from days of yore. Since ancient times, it
has been their custom to rebel against the kings of the nations.
because of this Because of this, this city was destroyed.
Verse 16
We make known to the king [as translated,] we make known to the king.
that if this city that if this city is built, and its walls are founded.
because of this In view of this and because of this, you will have no part in the
entire other side of the river, because Israel will rebel against you and take
everything out of your hands.
in the other side of the river That is the entire area of the side of Israel, which
is on the other side of the river of those who are in Babylon.
Verse 17
Verse 18
The letter The writ of the letter that you sent to us was explained and read before
Verse 19
the order was given And the order was given by me, the matter of a command that I
and they searched and found And they searched in the annals of the kings and found
written that this city, from days of yore, would raise itself up and exalt itself
over all the kings of the nations.
and rebellion. and disobedience were committed there to rebel against the kings of
the nations.
Verse 20
And mighty kings and mighty kings were in Jerusalem who were the rulers and
governors over the entire side of the river on the side of Israel, as it says
regarding Solomon (I Kings 5:4): “For he had dominion over all this side of the
river, etc.” And taxes and the head tax were given to them, for the nations paid
them tribute.
Verse 21
Now issue an order Now give out a word to announce in the land to stop these men,
the Children of Israel, from the work, and the city of Jerusalem shall not be built
until orders are given with my knowledge and my authorization.
Verse 22
And beware of committing an error And you shall beware of committing any
postponement or error. ָּׁשלּוis desto(u)rber in Old French, to violate.
of committing...in this matter [as translated,] of committing in this manner.
Why should...increase Why should the act of destruction in this city increase to
injure the kings? Until here is Cyrus’ reply, which he sent back.
Verse 23
Verse 24
Then Then the work of the building of the House of God, which was in Jerusalem, was
suspended until the second year of Darius, the king of Persia; for after Cyrus,
Ahasuerus, who married Esther, reigned, and after Ahasuerus, Darius, the son of
Ahasuerus, who was the son of Esther, reigned. And from the first year of Cyrus,
the king of Persia, until the second year of Darius were eighteen years, which
completed the seventy years from the destruction of Jerusalem. For from the
destruction of the Temple, when Zedekiah was exiled, until the first year of Cyrus,
were fifty-two years, as is explained in Seder Olam (ch. 29). There were then
eighteen years from the first year of Cyrus until the second year of Darius,
totaling a complete seventy years, and in the second year of Darius they commenced
to build the Temple until they completed it.
Chapter 5
Verse 1
Now Haggai the prophet...prophesied And now in the second year of Darius, there
came a prophecy to Haggai and Zechariah, the prophets to the Jews who were in the
land of Judea and in Jerusalem, in the Name of the God of Israel to them, to build
the edifice of the Temple without the authorization of King Darius.
to the Jews Aram. ָעל ְיהּוָד ֵיאlit. On the Jews.
to them Aram. ֲעֵליהֹון, lit. on them.
Verse 2
Verse 3
At that time, there came upon them At that time, there came upon them these
adversaries of Judah and Benjamin to accuse and to slander them regarding the
matter of the building.
the governor of the other side of the river [as translated,] the governor of the
other side of the river.
and their companies [as translated,] and their companies.
and so they said to them [as translated,] and so they said to them.
Who issued to you Who ordered you, regarding the matter of building the Temple?
and to found these walls Aram. ְוֻאַּׁשְר ָנא, and to found these walls, like (4:12): “and
the walls ( )ְוֻאַּׁשָיאthey have joined,” the building of walls of bricks ( )ְלֵבִניםso did
Menahem (p. 36) associate it.
Verse 4
Verse 5
And the eye of their God And the eye of the Holy One, blessed be He, Who is their
God, was on the elders of the Jews to upraise them (sic) in the work of the
and they did not stop them And they did not stop the builders.
until the matter came to Darius And the elders of the Jews answered a word to those
adversaries that they should not stop the building until the matter would go to
King Darius.
and then they would answer And then the Jews would answer the writ of the letter
concerning this, concerning Darius’ reply.
Verse 6
Verse 7
Verse 8
was done quickly Aram. ָאְסַּפְר ָנא ִמְתַעְבָד ה, was done quickly.
ָאְסַּפְר ָנאis (espleytosement in Old French), rapidly.
and they succeeded at it Aram. ּוַמְצַלח ְּבֶיְד הם. And this work was successful in their
Verse 9
Verse 10
also...their names We also asked them the names of the builders, the heads of the
construction, in order to let you know.
that we should write that we should write to you the names of the men.
who are at their head in whose counsel and authorization they arose to build the
Verse 11
Verse 12
But now But now, since our forefathers angered the God of the heavens, He delivered
them into the hands of the Chaldean king of Babylon, and he destroyed this House
and exiled the people to Babylon.
Verse 13
But But in the first year of Cyrus, king of Babylon, Cyrus issued a command to
build the House.
Verse 14
And also the vessels the holy vessels of silver and gold, which Nebuchadnezzar had
taken out of the Temple that is in Jerusalem and brought to his temple that is in
Babylon. Cyrus took them out of the temple of the king of Babylon and delivered
them to the hand of Sheshbazzar—Daniel, who was called by that name.
and brought them [as translated,] and brought them.
had taken out [as translated,] had taken them out.
whom he appointed governor for he was a prince and a governor and was called by the
name governor.
Verse 15
And he said to him And so did Cyrus say to Sheshbazzar, “Take these vessels and
bring them down into the Temple that is in Jerusalem, and the House of the Holy
One, blessed be He, shall be built on its place.”
Verse 16
Verse 17
And now And now, if it pleases the king, let the matter be known and searched out
in the king’s archives, which is located in Babylon.
whether it is so whether this incident is so, that permission was issued by Cyrus
to build this House, which is in Jerusalem.
and the will of the king And the will of the king concerning this he shall send to
to us Aram. ֲעֶליָנא, lit. on us. Until here is the text of the letter that Tattenai
and Shethar-bozenai sent.
Chapter 6
Verse 1
Verse 2
And there was found in a pouch And a text of one scroll was found there in an
ַאְחְמָתא. So did the interpreters interpret, that it is a receptacle made for letters,
written sheets and books, and they established it from the root of (Gen. 21:14): “a
skin of water ()ְוֵחַמת ַמִים,” and the “aleph” in the word is not a radical, like the
rest of the Aramaic language.
in the citadel in that citadel that was in the province of Media.
and so was written and so was written therein its memorandum.
Verse 3
the House of God in Jerusalem regarding the House of God in Jerusalem; what should
be with it? “The House should be built.”
a place where they offer up sacrifices which is a place where they offer up
and its walls should be founded Aram. ְוֻאּׁשֹוִהי. And its walls should be founded, like
(4:12): “and its walls ( )ְוֻאַּׁשָיאthey have joined.”
its height sixty cubits the height of the House was sixty cubits, and sixty cubits
was its width.
Verse 4
rows Aram. ִנְד ָּבִכין, an expression for walls. The walls were of marble. marble Aram.
( ְּגָללmarmre in Old French).
and a row and a wall of new wood from within, in the manner of the building of the
Temple that Solomon built.
and the expenditures And the expenditures for the needs of the House and for the
other matters pertaining to the House shall be given them from the royal palace.
Verse 5
And also the vessels of and also the sacred vessels of the House of God, of gold
and silver, which Nebuchadnezzar took out of the Temple in Jerusalem and brought to
let them be given over [as translated,] let them be given over.
and brought which he brought.
and brought Let all this work be brought to the Temple that is in Jerusalem, to its
and it shall be deposited And it shall be deposited in the House of the Holy One,
blessed be He.
Verse 6
Now, Tattenai This is the reply with which Darius answered Tattenai and Shethar-
who are on the other side of the river to the side of the land of Israel, which is
the other side of the river to those in Babylon
distance yourselves from there Distance yourselves from the building of the Temple,
so that you do not disturb the workers.
Verse 7
Verse 8
And from me shall be issued an order And from me this command will go forth.
regarding what you shall do regarding that building, the work that you shall do
with these elders of the Jews to build the House of the Holy One, blessed be He.
and from the king’s property And from the king’s property they shall make ths
from the taxes of the other side of the river from the taxes of the other side of
the river, which belong to the king. taxes Aram. ִמַּד ת, tax, like (4:13): “the king’s
due ()ִמְנָּד ה, the head tax, or the meal tax.” quickly Aram. ָאְסַּפְר ָנא. The building
shall quickly be built; esploytosemant in Old French.
The expenses shall be given The expenses shall be given to these men so that they
should not idle from their work.
Verse 9
And what they require and what they are concerned about.
and young bulls young bulls, rams and lambs for burnt offerings to the God of
wheat for fine flour. salt for sacrifices. wine for libations. and oil for the
meal-offerings. When the priests who are in Jerusalem will say [what they need],
that shall be given to them the requirements of each day on its day.
without delay Aram. ( ִּד י ָלא ָּׁשלּוson destorber in Old French).
Verse 10
That they should in order that they should offer up pleasing sacrificing to the God
of the heavens, and that they should pray for the life of the king and his
Verse 11
And an order is issued by me And a command is issued by me, along with the issue of
a word regarding any person who disobeys this word.
shall be torn Aram. ִיְתְנַסח. The beams of his house shall be destroyed. ִיְתְנַסחis like
(Deut. 28:63): “and you shall be uprooted ( )ְוִנַסְחֶּתםfrom the land.”
and a gallows upon which to place him And a gallows upon which to hang him shall be
[raised up] high, so that he be hanged upon the gallows.
and his house shall be made a dungheap and his house shall be made a dungheap
because of this. ְנָולּוconnotes filth and excrement.
Verse 12
Verse 13
Verse 14
And the elders of the Jews And the elders of the Jews were building and succeeding
in their work, according to the prophecy of Haggai and Zechariah, and they built
and founded the building by the command of the God of Israel and by the
authorization of Cyrus, the first king of Persia, in whose days the laying of the
foundation was commenced, and by the authorization of this Darius, the king of
and Artaxerxes He is Darius, but he was called Artaxerxes because of the province
and the kingdom, for all kings of Persia were thus named just as all the kings of
Egypt were called Pharaoh.
Verse 15
And the completion of this House And the end of the completion of this House was
until the third day of the month of Adar, which is the sixth year of King Darius;
hence the building of the House took four years.
Verse 16
Verse 17
And they offered up for the dedication They offered up for the dedication of this
House these sacrifices, and it was a temporary ruling.
Verse 18
Now they set up the priests in their divisions for the priests were divided in
their service and the Levites in their watches.
Verse 19
the Passover [offering] Now Israel made the Passover offering on this fourteenth of
Nissan, which followed this Adar, when the building was completed.
Verse 20
and for themselves Heb. ְוָלֶהם, lit. and for them, and for themselves.
Verse 21
and whoever separated They are the proselytes, who were separated from the
defilement of the nations to cleave to Israel.
Verse 22
and turned the heart of the king of Assyria toward them And the Holy One, blessed
be He, turned the heart of the king of Assyria toward the Israelites who were
dwelling under his dominion in the land of Assyria, to strengthen them and to
assist in the work of the building.
Chapter 7
Verse 1
Verse 2
Verse 3
Verse 4
Verse 5
Verse 6
Verse 7
in the seventh year That is a year after the completion of the Temple.
of Artaxerxes That is Darius.
Verse 8
in the fifth month i.e., the month of Av, for the first of the month of Nissan was
the beginning of their ascent from Babylon, and on the first of the month of Av
they arrived in Jerusalem.
Verse 9
was the commencement of the ascent the foundation of the commencement of the
according to the...hand of his God as the hand of the Holy One, blessed be He,
caused him to succeed, for His hand was good upon him to make him succeed in his
Verse 10
For Ezra... Therefore, he went and prospered in his way, because Ezra prepared his
heart, etc. He gives a reason for his words.
Verse 11
Verse 12
And God, Who caused His name to rest there [as translated,] and God, Who caused His
name to rest there.
who has mastered... and Ke’eneth He has mastered it in his hand.
Verse 13
Verse 14
Because of this Because of this, you are sent from the king and his seven advisors
who saw the king’s face.
and his seven advisors and his seven advisors; they are the seven who see the
king’s face.
to search out Judea An order to seek and to search out the Jews who are in
Jerusalem, to see whether they are engaged in the Torah of the Holy One, blessed be
He, which is in your hand.
Verse 15
And to bring and to bring the silver and gold of the king and his advisors that
they donated to the God of Israel, to maintain His House, Whose habitation and
House are in Jerusalem.
Verse 16
And all the silver and gold and all the silver and gold that you will find in the
province of Babylon, together with the donations of the people and the priests that
they will donate to the House of the Holy One, blessed be He, which is in
Jerusalem; you shall take everything to Jerusalem.
Verse 17
Because of this And because of this, because it is for the service of the
Sanctuary, you shall quickly purchase with this money cattle, rams and lambs;
sacrifices, meal-offerings, and libations, and you shall offer them up on the altar
of the Holy One, blessed be He.
Verse 18
And what pleases you And what pleases you and your brethren (to do) with the rest
of the silver and the gold, according to the will of the Holy One, blessed be He,
you shall do.
Verse 19
And the vessels And the vessels that are given to you for the service of the Holy
One, blessed be He, give in their entirety before the Holy One, blessed be He, in
Verse 20
And the rest of the necessities and the rest of the necessities that you will
require for the House of the Holy One, blessed be He, to purchase, for which you
will have to give the money; you shall give from the royal treasury.
Verse 21
And from me—I And from me—I, King Darius—is issued a command and an authorization
to all the treasurers who are on the other side of the river of the side of Israel,
who receive my taxes from the nations, that anything that Ezra the priest, the
scholar of the Law of the Holy One, blessed be He, requests of you, shall be
performed quickly. They should not delay his request up to a hundred talents of
silver, with which to purchase sacrifices, and a hundred kors of wheat for meal-
offerings, and up to a hundred measures of wine for the libations, and a hundred
measures of oil to mingle the meal- offerings, and salt for the sacrifices,
according to the matter that is stated (Lev. 2:13): “And every meal-offering you
shall salt with salt.”
Verse 22
which is not written And salt, regarding which no measure is written, they shall
give according to how much is needed.
Verse 23
Whatever is with the authorization Whatever is with the authorization of the Holy
One, blessed be He, and His command, shall be done with alacrity, with the seal of
the king for the House of the Holy One, blessed be He.
with a seal Aram. ַאְד ַר ְזָּד א, seal in Arabic.
for why should there be For why should there be wrath against the realm of the king
and his sons? Therefore, the treasurers shall provide all the needs of the House.
Verse 24
And we are making known to you And we are making known to you that [over] all the
priests, the Levites, the musicians, the gatekeepers, and the Nethinites, who are
wood cutters and water drawers for the altar, and those who serve in this House of
the Holy One, no man shall be empowered over them to levy upon them any tribute or
head tax, but they shall be free from the service of the king.
Verse 25
And you, Ezra, according to the wisdom of your God, which is in your hand and you,
Ezra, according to the wisdom of your God, which is in your hand [and which is]
greater than that of the judges and the magistrates who judge all the people beyond
the river to the side of Israel, the people knowledgeable in the Torah.
and whoever does not know and the judge who does not know how to judge, inform him
of the judgment that he should execute it.
Verse 26
And whoever does not fulfill and whoever does not fulfill the law of the Holy One,
blessed be He, and the law of the king promptly, viz. that he delays the law and
the judgment.
judgment The judgment shall be inflicted upon him, upon the one who obstructs
whether to be executed [as translated,] whether to be executed.
uprooted whether to uproot him from the world, him, his offspring and his family (
ִלְּׁשרִׁשיis desraziner in Old French, to uproot).
fined to be punished with money.
or tortured or to torture him with tortures. Until here is the writ of the letter
that King Darius gave to Ezra the scribe in order that he convey it to Jerusalem to
show it to the priests and the Levites and the king’s treasurers, in order that
they persist in performing the commandments and worshiping the Lord in the Temple
and keeping the Torah properly.
Verse 27
Blessed be the Lord Ezra wrote this in his Book when he gave thanks to the Holy
One, blessed be He.
Verse 28
and his advisers They are his seven advisers mentioned above (verse 14).
according to the hand of the Lord my God upon me as the help of the Holy One,
blessed be He, was upon me; and I gathered from the Israelites remaining in Babylon
the chiefs of the fathers’ houses and the great men to ascend with me from Babylon.
Chapter 8
Verse 1
And these are the heads of their fathers’ houses of the immigrants.
and the lineage and their lineage to which they attributed their descent.
Artaxerxes He is Darius.
Verse 2
Verse 3
Of the sons of Shechaniah, of the sons of Parosh That is one family, and Zechariah
was the head of the family.
and with him With his lineage, the males of his family traced their lineage.
Verse 4
Verse 5
Verse 6
Verse 7
Verse 8
Verse 9
Verse 10
Verse 11
Verse 12
Verse 13
the last ones who were the last ones to go after Ezra.
Verse 14
Verse 15
to the flowing river Heb. ֶאל ַהָנָהר ַהָּבא, lit. to the coming river.
to Ahava to that river.
and we encamped there and we were camping there.
and I surveyed the people I directed my attention to survey the people who had
gathered with me.
Verse 16
Verse 17
And I commanded them, etc. I sent them and commanded them to speak to Iddo, who was
the greatest and most esteemed in Casiphia.
to Iddo Heb. ַעל ִאדֹו, lit. about Iddo.
and I put...into their mouth I put into their mouth words to speak as my emissary
to Iddo and his brother, who were placed and settled in Casiphia, to bring us
servants to serve in the Temple.
in Casiphia the name of a place in Babylon.
Ahiv the name of a man.
who were settled Heb. ַהְנִתיִנים, like ַהְנתּוִנים, those who were settled. Therefore, it
is written with a “vav.”
Verse 18
according to the hand of our God just as the success of the Holy One, blessed be
He, was upon us.
a man of intellect a wise man.
of the sons of Mahli... All these were Levites.
Verse 19
Verse 20
And of the Nethinites And of the slaves, the Nethnites that King David had
appointed, and the chefs of Israel ascended with them.
Verse 21
Verse 22
For I was ashamed For I was ashamed of the king, and I did not wish to request of
him chariots and horsemen in order to guide us.
for we had said For we had already said to King Darius that the Holy One, blessed
be He, benefits those who seek Him and pours out His wrath and His anger upon those
who forsake Him.
Verse 23
Verse 24
And I separated And when I was there by the river Ahava, I separated some of the
chiefs of the priests and weighed out the silver and the gold for them to deposit
into the treasuries of the House of the Lord.
Verse 25
Verse 26
and one hundred silver vessels by talents one talent for each vessel.
Verse 27
Verse 28
Verse 29
the chambers of the House of the Lord in order to deposit them in the chambers of
the Temple.
Verse 30
Verse 31
Verse 32
Verse 33
Verse 34
Everything was counted and weighed The number of the vessels and their weights was
the same when they received them as when they itemized them.
Verse 35
Those coming from captivity, the people of the exile those who came with Ezra.
offered up burnt offerings all were burnt offerings, and it was a temporary ruling.
Verse 36
And they gave the king’s decrees These returnees from exile related King Darius’s
mandate to the officers of the king, those who see his face.
and the governors Heb. ּוַפֲחוֹות, like ְוַפחֹות.
the land beyond the river those on the side of the land of Israel, who are
considered as being beyond the river of the inhabitants of Babylon.
and they exalted They were exalting and assisting.
Chapter 9
Verse 1
Verse 2
was first in this treachery for they commenced to deal treacherously by
intermarrying with the peoples of the lands.
Verse 3
bewildered Heb. ְמּׁשֹוֵמםmiserable and bewildered, like (Ez. 3:15): “...seven days
bewildered among them.”
Verse 4
Verse 5
Verse 6
Verse 7
we were delivered Heb. ִנַּתנּו, like ִנַּתְננּו. The “dagesh” in the “nun” is instead of
another “nun,” like (II Chron. 14:10): “for we rely ( )ִתְּׁשַענּוon You,” like ִנְּׁשַעְננּו.
(Gen. 34:16): “... then we will give ( )ְוָנַתנּוour daughters,” like ְוָנַתְננּו.
as of this day as appears this day, for the Ten Tribes have already been exiled,
and many of the exiles still remain in Babylon.
Verse 8
Verse 9
Verse 10
Verse 11
Verse 12
and you shall cause...to inherit You shall give the land to your children as an
inheritance to eternity.
Verse 13
And after all that has come upon us after all the calamity that has befallen us
because of our evil deeds.
You have punished less You have held back from our iniquities until below them
[i.e., less than them], for our iniquity was lessened by the expiation effected by
our exile. We may also interpret it in this manner: You held Yourself back from
collecting from us all our iniquity, and You collected from us below [less than]
the iniquities, and You requited us according to all our sins.
Verse 14
Verse 15
for we cannot lit. for there is nothing; i.e., we do not have the power of good
deeds to stand and exist before You, because of this transgression.
Chapter 10
Verse 1
Verse 2
Verse 3
by the counsel of the Lord by the counsel and the will of the Holy One, blessed be
and those who hasten to [perform] the commandment of our God and the God-fearers,
they shall cast them out.
and according to the Law it shall be done he who performs this act, who will cast
out his gentile wife and children.
Verse 4
Verse 5
Verse 6
Verse 7
Verse 9
Verse 10
Verse 11
confess Heb. ּתֹוָד ה, [which, in this case, means] ִוּדּוי, confession.
Verse 12
Verse 13
and it is the rainy season for the rains are falling upon us.
and the work And this separation from sin cannot be executed so quickly.
Verse 14
Verse 15
Verse 16
Verse 17
And they completed everything And they completed the rectification of the matter of
the men who had brought in heathen wives, for they cast them out.
of the first month until the first day of Nissan.
Verse 18
Verse 19
And they advised them Heb. ַוִיְּתנּו ָיָד ם, lit. and they gave their hand, their advice,
like (II Sam. 14:19): “Behold Joab’s advice ( )ַיד יֹוָאבis with you in all this
for their guilt This was a temporary ruling.
Verse 20
And of the sons of Immer All these are priests until (verse 23): “And of the
Levites, etc.”
Verse 21
Verse 22
Verse 23
Verse 24
Verse 25
Verse 26
Verse 27
Verse 28
Verse 29
Verse 30
Verse 31
Verse 32
Verse 33
Verse 34
Verse 35
Verse 36
Verse 37
Verse 38
Verse 39
Verse 40
Verse 41
Verse 42
Verse 43
Verse 44
and some of them had wives by whom they had children And some of them had heathen
wives by whom they had children. They cast out all of them, both the wives and the