V004t10a009 96 GT 013
V004t10a009 96 GT 013
V004t10a009 96 GT 013
GE MS7001 ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY UPRATE Turbine designs are influenced by basic research that is performed
Today's competitive world of Independent Power Producers and at corporate research and development centers and gas turbine product
electric wheeling has increased demand for lower operating and main- development for aircraft engines and heavy-duty gas turbines.
tenance costs and increased revenues. This need is driving gas turbine Developments such as improved materials and coatings, new cooling
research and development Application of advanced technology to oper- techniques and new design and manufacturing processes drive the intro-
ating units can increase output, improve total plant efficiency, increase duction of new machine designs such as GE's "F" and "H" technology
steam production and reduce maintenance costs. Cogen Technologies gas turbines. The development process can be taken one step further by
is one owner that has applied advanced technology to uprate five Frame transferring new technology to older units in the fleet. In this manner an
7EA gas turbines at its Linden plant and one unit at its Camden facility. older gas turbine can keep pace with the newer models and can avoid
At the Linden plant, total plant efficiency was improved by more than technological and economic obsolescence. This paper will discuss
2%. advanced technologies that have been successfully retrofitted at Cogen
This paper will discuss the components included in these advanced Technologies' facilities in New Jersey.
technology uprates, the gas turbine and combined-cycle plant perfor- Many of the improvements that have been incorporated into the
mance improvements that were realized, and an economic model that current production design MS700IEA gas turbines (Figure 1) can be
can be used to evaluate the potential benefits of an uprate. retrofitted into earlier MS7001 units in the field. New combustion sys-
;A ifi
DS 1st Stage Bucket
Figure 1. MS7001EA gas turbine
Presented at the International Gas Turbine and Aeroextgine Congress & Exhibition
Birmingham, UK — June 10-13,1996
terns have been introduced, buckets and nozzles have been improved "Chordal Hinge" Stage 1 Nozzle
through the use of advanced materials and coatings, and new cooling The current production MS7001EA stage 1 turbine nozzle incor-
and sealing techniques have been developed. The application of these porates several new features, including a "chordal hinge." This new
advanced technology components not only increases unit reliability but design is an example of aircraft engine technology that has been suc-
allows units to be uprated by increasing firing temperature to 2035 F cessfully applied to heavy-duty, or "Frame," gas turbines. The chordal
(1113 C), thereby increasing the output and efficiency of the gas tur- hinge is a straight line seal on the aft face on the inner sidewall rail
bine. (Figure 3). This hinge seats against the support ring and provides a
Each owner of heavy-duty gas turbines has the opportunity to eval- straight seal on a curved surface, thus maintaining a constant sealing
uate the overall economics and applicability of the various uprate pro- surface when the nozzle rocks slightly. In addition to the chordal hinge,
grams. Even recently installed plants may benefit from performance sealing between nozzle segments and between the nozzle segments and
Present Design Final Design
Chordal Hinge
; Seal
Lug Machining
• Pressure Side Film Holes Replaced With Slots to Provide Better Coverage
- Closer Spacing
- Better Exit Condition
• Modification Introduced With OSW Cooling Redesign
Modified Slot
Center Rib
Pressure Side
Film Cooling
Old Hole
Suction Side Pattem
Film Cooling
Holes Core plugs
Trailing Edge
Cooling Holes
Figure 4. Stage 1 nozzle design improvements
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Film Cooling Relocated to Cover Distressed Area
Stress Benefits G7D-111 (DS)
• Increased Tensile Strength: .25% •cto
-7 -1 4 10 18
Figure 7. Benefits of directionally solidified GTD-111
Figure 4 shows a cross section of a stage 1 nozzle vane airfoil. The
suction side core wall thickness for the 7EA was increased by 13% at
the pitch section. This modification decreased the aerodynamic induced
mechanical stress level and increased the nozzle creep life.
The nozzle material FSX-414, a cobalt-based super-alloy, is still FSX-014
used. This material has demonstrated excellent oxidation and hot cor-
rosion resistance and high resistance to thermal fatigue with good weld- 8 0.6 -
ability and casting characteristics.
Stage I Buckets
The most significant improvement to the first stage I bucket 02
involved changing the bucket material and casting process. Current GT13222
production Frame 7EA buckets are made from "Directionally 0 .000 10 20 30 40 50 BO
Solidified" MS) GTD-111, a precipitation-hardened, nickel-based Thne- Idw
super alloy. DS grain structure offers a substantial increase in material • 200 F/111 C Creep Strength Impronment Over FSX-414
strength in comparison to equiaxed GTD-111 (Figure 7). The advan- • -40% Tensile Strength 1mi:covenant Over FSX-414
• MS7001 Stage 2 and 3 Nozzle MOMS
tage of the DS construction stems from the elimination of transverse
grain boundaries within the bucket, the traditional weak link in a buck- GT2•26
Figure 8. GTD-222 vs. FSX-414
et's microstructure.
The bucket coating has also been upgraded. Because of its loca- Figure 8 shows the relative improvement in nozzle creep resistance
tion, it is essential to coat this bucket to prevent oxidation and corrosion. provided by GTD-222 in comparison to the FSX-414 material it
Since 1975, GE has used a progression of improved coatings. The cur- replaces. The nozzle also has an aluminide coating applied to the Gm-
rent bucket coating, Plasmaguard GT29 IN-PLUS', includes an Wu- 222 to increase oxidation resistance. The improved creep resistance of
minide coating of the internal air cooling passages to protect the inter- GTD-222 permits a reduction in cooling air flow to the nozzle. The
nal surfaces from oxidation. stage I shroud blocks control the cooling air flow to the stage 2 nozzle.
The stage I bucket retains the "blunt leading edge" airfoil design. Cooling flow is reduced by installing new longer tuning pins into
The use of 12 cooling holes reduces thermal gradients and improves redesigned shroud blocks that have smaller cooling orifices. This
fatigue life. The blunt leading edge directionally solidified (BLF—DS) reduction in cooling air flow provides approximately 0.8% more output
bucket is directly interchangeable in complete sets with sharp leading while maintaining nozzle cooling requirements.
edge design buckets found on older machines.
Stage 3 Nozzle
Stage 2 Nozzle The stage 3 nozzle also tends to experience creep, but to a lesser
In the past, the most significant maintenance issue associated with degree due to the lower operating temperatures at its location. As with
stage 2 nozzles has been the result of material creep. GTD-222 mater- the stage 2 nozzle, the FSX-414 material has been changed to GTD-222
ial was introduced to provide greater creep strength and resistance to to improve creep resistance. No performance improvements are real-
downstream deflection. This deflection can increase sealing losses and ized since the nozzle is not air cooled. When the chord length of the
cause problems if nozzle material begins to rub into the forward face of nozzle was increased, an internal airfoil rib (similar to the design used
the stage 3 bucket. on the stage 1 nozzle) was included. As the airfoil chord length is
increased, the nozzle tends to behave less like a beam, causing the suc- increased reliability. GTD-450 material is a precipitation-hardened,
tion and pressure panels to become more independent and to buckle martensitic stainless steel with increased tensile strength, high cycle
and/or warp with typical nozzle loading. The addition of the internal fatigue strength, and superior corrosion resistance due to higher con-
airfoil rib prevents this behavior. centrations of chromium and molybdenum. Tests have shown that
uncoated G1D-450 gives better corrosion resistance than the coated
Compressor High Pressure Packing Type 403 material it replaces. New tight clearance, self lubricating
New high-pressure packing brush seals have been designed to bushings help to prevent blade cracks due to binding of the IGV shaft_
replace the high-low labyrinth tooth/land seals historically used to Figure 10 details the improvements provided by the reduced camber
reduce leakage of high-pressure compressor discharge air into the #2 IGV designs.
bearing and forward stage 1 wheel space area.. The new brush seals are
11% TIC
.•1 0.4
8% TIC
Variable 00
Minim's° 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Airfoil Mean Stress Qcsi)
Figure 10. GTD-450 reduced camber inlet guide vane (IGV)
Cogen Technologies operates six Frame 7EA gas turbines in base
load and partially dispatchable service (down to 47% of plant capacity)
at two locations in New Jersey. The five units located at the Linden
/Honeycomb Seal plant deliver steam to the Bayway Refining Company and up to 64.5
MW (on a 92 F/33 C day) of electric power to Con Edison of New York.
•—•Ns. The contractual arrangements with the utility company provide forcer-
rain bonuses/penalties with regard to the fuel efficient delivery of power
Cutter Teeth to the grid. The sixth gas turbine at the Camden plant is in a base loaded
135 MW cogeneration facility. This plant's power purchase agreement
is unique. Some owners have an attractive power sale agreement and ing, whether now or in the future. By replacing these parts earlier rather
value the additional capacity. Other owners may be limited in the than later, there is a future cost that may be avoided and benefits that
capacity that can be sold but place a high value on plant efficiency. can be realized sooner.
Some owners may be interested in increased reliability and reduced Table 2 shows an evaluation for a typical owner. In this case, the
maintenance costs. All of these owners can benefit from an advanced owner can generate additional revenue through increased electric power
technology uprate package. Each one of them would, however, perform sales and/or steam sales. Increased efficiency reduces fuel consump-
a different economic analysis. tion. The analysis includes a line item termed "parts life equalization"
Since gas turbine components require periodic maintenance and which addresses the fact that, at the end of the evaluation period, each
replacement, any economic analysis should be based on the incremen- scenario has different parts life remaining.
tal cost associated with improved components. For example, if a stage 1
OPERATION YEAR 1990 1997 1994 1999 2092 2001 2032 2003 2004 2005 Tar
INSPECTION TYPE 5 2 2 Ml 2 2 5 a 2 MI
Raplacensed Parts 42.747 40 4839 $799 40 40 61.729 GO 40 62.023 $7.937
Retie Pars 1384 W SO $415 $0 $0 1541 Kt $O 1222 11.592
arts Lite Equalization SO SO so SO SO $0 10 ea o
$0 113.320 113.3241
707AL 43.111 so sew $1.214 40 $0 •2.32o w $o 1410781 46.205
Cumulative Cosh $3.111 $3.111 53.750 14.904 $4.984 54,054 47.284 47.284 17.284 $0.205 40
OPERATOR YEAR 1996 1997 1995 1999 2000 toot 2002 2003 2004 2003 Teals
Replacement Pads • 14.324 SO 1761 1763 40 40 $1.721 $O 60 11.031 01.577
Repalr Part 12811 10 6122 1364 10 4141 4235 $0 xi 11593 11011
an Lite Entstanden $O 40 10 GO $0 60 $0 W 142,010 02.6181
Adettbanal revenue 142761 linen (s3044 11318) 113351 1$3521 113681 143881 04071 164281 1130171
Rol &WW1 161101 141101 161221 111281 111341 111411 1$1481 1$1551 0163/ 111711 111.307/
TOTAL 14.226 144051 6457 $OW 114691 1$3521 61.448 ($5431 16570/ 161.9841 62.460
Cumulative Oasts 44.226 13.021 $4.278 14.958 64.4119 14.137 15.565 65.042 14.472 $2.488 GO
OPERATION YEAR 1996 1997 1998 1919 2000 2001 2002 2004 2003 TOMS
hicrernenlal Corsi ($1.115) $405 siez $533 $489 $352 $872 $543 $570 $908 $3,717
NPY $1351.35
IRR 36%
Table 2. Comparison of Replace in kind maintenance vs. uprate economic evaluation - two unit site