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Final Thesis Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

This chapter presents, analyze and interprets the gathered data answered by the seventy

(70) any courses selected students of Lanao central college incorporated in Marawi City on the

challenged faced by the undergraduate working student of Lanao central college incorporated.

A. Demographic Profile of the Respondents

The respondent's demographic profile includes the following: age, gender, civil status,

courses and monthly income, respectively.

Table 1

Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondent's Age

Age Frequency Percentage

Below – 20 years old 17 24.28%

21 – 25 years old 46 65.71%

26 – above years old 7 10%

Total 70 99.99%

Table 1 presents the frequency and percentage distribution of the respondent's age. As

shown in the table, there are seventeen (17) respondents aged below - 20 years old having a

percentage of 24.28%; there are forty-six (46) respondents aged 21 - 25 years old with a
percentage of 65.71%; and there are seven (7) respondents aged 26 – above years old with a

percentage of 10%.

The table reveals that great majority (46 or 65.71%) of the respondents are 21 - 25 years

old. The findings implied that age is an important factor, those teenagers is a special group who

are uniquely exposed in determining the difficulties in surviving the college life. In this case of

age ranging from 21 - 25 years old, is considered to be the age of college students as a legal age

of deployment in a working student or part time job.

Table 2

Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondent's Gender

Gender Frequency Percentage

Male 34 48.57%

Female 36 51.42%

Total 70 99.99

Table 2 presents the frequency and percentage distribution of the respondent's gender. As

shown in the table, there are 36 respondents with female gender having a percentage of 51.42%

and there are 34 respondents with male gender having a percentage of 48.57%.

The table reveals that there is a high proportion of female compared to the male

respondents. It implies that majority (36 or 51.42%) of the college students who engaged being a

working student or part-time job while attending in school were female. Female population is

more dominant in male that's why in this table female has the high proportion than male.
There are many reasons for the increase in student employment. Some of the reasons why

more students working while attending college are: earning money for covering basic essentials

or related expenses (Callender, 2008), relieving the financial burden of parents (Hall, 2010),

improving the network with managers, employees, and customers (Curtis, 2007).

Table 3

Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondent's Courses

Courses Frequency Percentage

BSSW 23 32.85%

BS-CRIM 10 14.28%

BSCE 12 17.14%

BEED 11 15.71%

BS-AGRI 6 8.57%

BSCS 8 11.42%

Total 70 99.97%

Table 3 presents the frequency and percentage distribution of the respondent's courses.

As shown in the table, there are 23 respondents attending the course Bachelor of Science in

Social work (BSSW) having a percentage of 32.85%, 10 respondents taking up Bachelor of

science in Criminology (BS - Crim) having percentage of 14.28%, 12 respondents are taking up

Bachelor of science in civil engineering (BSCE) having a percentage of 17.14% and there are 11

respondents taking up Bachelor of Elementary education (BEED) having a percentage of

15.71%, and there are 6 respondents taking up bachelor of science in agriculture (BS Agri)
having a percentage of 8.57%, and the last one is the bachelor of science in computer science

have a 8 respondents having a percentage of 11.42%.

This table reveals that many (23 or 32.85%) of the respondents who were taking working

or part-time job outside the school parameters while attending classes were the social work

students. It implies that being a working student or part-time job has an impact on the academic

performance of the social work students due to the course they've chosen. This course has a lot of

activities inside and outside the school campus which the social worker students tend to take the

part-time job as a working student.

Table 4

Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondent's Civil Status

Civil Status Frequency Percentage

Single 64 91.42%

Married 6 8.57%

Total 70 99.99%

Table 4 presents the frequency and percentage distribution of the respondent's civil status.

As shown in the table, there are 64 respondents were single having a percentage of 91.42%, only

six (6) respondent is married having a percentage of 8.57%.

It reveals that almost (64 or 91.42%) of the respondents were single because they are

more dominant than those married students. The research is all about the working college

students that's why single respondents are higher than those other civil status. It implies that the

working students who are engaged in a part-time job are single by status.
The trend of employment among university and private, students has been increasing

rapidly in the last decade. Some suggest that economic reasons are mainly the factor for this

trend. With an increase in the number of students taking part-time job outside campus, its effect

on students’ academic performance of students has been questioned by many researchers (Green,

1987). Issues such as the number of hours worked, whether the student’s jobs pertain to their

majors, and student’s workloads (Watanabe, 2005).

Table 5

Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondent's Family Monthly Income

Monthly Income Frequency Percentage

₱500 to ₱1,000 47 67.14%

₱2,000 to ₱5,000 17 24.28%

₱5,000 above 6 8.57%

Total 70 99.99%

Table 5 presents the frequency and percentage distribution of the respondent's monthly

income. As shown in the table, there are 47 respondent's ₱500 - ₱1,000 monthly income having a

percentage of 67.14%, there are 17 respondent's ₱2,000 - ₱5,000 monthly income having a

percentage of 24.28% and 6 respondents who have ₱5,000 above monthly income having a

percentage of 8.57%

It reveals that majority (47 or 67.14%) of the respondent's monthly income is ₱500 -

₱1,000 It clearly indicates that the working students were belong to the low socio-economic

status which is under the poverty line.

The common reason of the respondents in relation to why they need to have part time job

are due to income needs to fulfill their education needs such as tuition fees, or school stuffs and

looking for experience to advance their skills in the future.

B. Respondent's Perception on the Challenges Faced by The Undergraduate Working

Student of Lanao Central College Incorporated.

Table 7

Mean of Respondent's Perception on the challenges faced by the undergraduate working

student of Lanao central college incorporated

Statement N Mean
1. It is hard for me to complete my homework. 70 3.22 Agree
2. I can’t manage my time both studying and 70 3.27 Agree
3. Skip in makeup class to attend the part time 70 3.05 Agree
4. Make a conflict time in part time job schedule. 70 3.14 Agree
5. I am not be able to do assignments on time due 70 3.02 Agree
to tiredness after work.
6. It is hard for me to balance my academic 70 3.02 Agree
requirements and part time job.
7. My memorizing both school and working can 70 3.21 Agree
affect my academic.
8. I consider that one of my challenges in my life 70 2.98 Agree
is being a working student.
9. I can’t focus in school before the exam 70 2.94 Agree
because of my work.
10. It is hard to me balance my daily task after 70 2.92 Agree
11. My teacher discriminates me for being a 70 2.85 Agree
working student.
12. My teacher strict to me for being a working 70 2.72 Agree
student and not attend to her class discussion.
13. Working hour can’t affect my studying time. 70 2.5 Agree
14. I got a lower score because of lack of 70 3.08 Agree
preparedness cause of working.
15. My work affects my time allotted for 70 2.78 Agree
completing my school requirements.
16. It is hard for me to participate in school 70 3.08 Agree
17. My job helps me when it comes to my school 70 3.2 Agree
18. It is hard for me to wake up early in the 70 3.07 Agree
morning because of overfatigue caused by my
work and school.
19. My manager can’t treat me right as his/her 70 2.87 Agree
20. My manager discriminates me. 70 2.8 Agree


1.0 – 1.49 – Strongly disagree

1.50 - 2.49 – disagree
2.50 - 3.49 – agree
3.50 - 4.00 – strongly agree

Table 7 presents the mean and visual interpretation of respondent's perception on the

challenged faced by the undergraduate working student in Lanao central college incorporated.

As shown on the table based from the responses of the 70 respondents, in terms of statement,

they agree “to the question we provide to them” which has a mean response of 3.27 Likewise,

they “agree” to the statement number one “It is hard for me to complete my homework.” which

has a mean response of 3.22 The second they “agree” again “I can’t manage my time both

studying and working.” which has a mean response of 3.27 “Agree” “Skip in makeup class to

attend the part time job.” which has a mean response of 3.05 “Agree” “Make a conflict time in

part time job schedule.” which has a mean response of 3.14 “Agree” “I am not be able to do
assignments on time due to tiredness after work.” which has a mean response of 3.02 “Agree” “It

is hard for me to balance my academic requirements and part time job.” which has a mean

response of 3.02 “Agree” “My memorizing both school and working can affect my academic.”

which has a mean response of 3.21 “Agree” “I consider that one of my challenges in my life is

being a working student.” which has a mean response of 2.98 “Agree” “I can’t focus in school

before the exam because of my work.” which has a mean response of 2.94 “Agree” “It is hard to

me balance my daily task after working.” which has a mean response of 2.92 “Agree” “My

teacher discriminates me for being a working student.” which has a mean response of 2.85

“Agree” “My teacher strict to me for being a working student and not attend to her class

discussion.” which has a mean response of 2.72 “Agree” “Working hour can’t affect my studying

time.” which has a mean response of 2.5 “Agree” “I got a lower score because of lack of

preparedness cause of working.” which has a mean response of 3.08 “Agree” “My work affects

my time allotted for completing my school requirements.” which has a mean response of 2.78

“Agree” “It is hard for me to participate in school activities.” which has a mean response of 3.08

“Agree” “My job helps me when it comes to my school requirement.” which has a mean

response of 3.2 “Agree” “It is hard for me to wake up early in the morning because of

overfatigue caused by my work and school.” which has a mean response of 3.07 “Agree” “My

manager can’t treat me right as his/her employee.” which has a mean response of 2.87 “Agree”

“My manager discriminates me.” which has a mean response of 2.8.

It implies that most of the respondents responded “agree” it seems that they like our

survey questioner that they feel connect and they can also relate to each question in terms of the

challenge faced by the undergraduate working student of Lanao central college incorporated are

not often to “I can’t manage my time both studying and working”. It means that the students
haven't yet organized their time management as a result of bad impact on their challenges as a

working student for their academic performance in which it is difficult for them to manage the

schedule of attending in class discussions at the same time in conflict with the working days

Chapter 5

Summary, Findings, Conclusion and Recommendations

This chapter presents the summary of the conduct and findings of the study, the

conclusion and recommendation of this study based on the result presented in the previous



This study aimed to investigate and determine the (1) demographic profile of the

respondents in terms of age, gender, civil status, college level, courses, and monthly income, (2)

What are the Challenges faced by the undergraduate working students of Lanao central college

incorporated? (3) What implication can be drawn from the findings of the study.

This study used quantitative-descriptive research design method. The participants of the

study were selected 70 college students in the six (6) different private school courses of Lanao

central college incorporated in Marawi City. This study was focused on determining the

Challenges faced by the undergraduate working students of Lanao central college incorporated,

as facilitated by the distribution of seventy (70) self-made questionnaire with the descriptive

survey method to assess the demographic profile of the respondents. The sampling method to be

used is random selection.


Based on the data gathered, the following findings have been drawn:

1. Great majority (46 or 65.71%) of the respondents are 21 - 25 years old.

2. Majority (36 or 51.42%) of the college students were female.

3. Many (23 or 32.85%) of the respondents who were taking part-time job or

working student outside the school parameters while attending classes were the BS social

work students.

4. Almost all (64 or 91.42%) of the respondents were single.

5. Many (47 or 67.14%) of the respondents have ₱500-₱1,000 monthly income.

6. More than (70 or 100%) of the respondents were third Year College or graduating


7. Respondent's Perception on Challenges Faced by The Undergraduate Working

Student of Lanao Central College Incorporated in aspects of the statement given, all most

of the respondents responded “Agree” to the survey questioner that we distributed.


As a result of the study conducted, the researcher concluded that being a working student

part-timer has a negative impact on the part of the students to their academic performance in

school this is the one but not the most challenges being a worker and student but it helps them to

cover the financial problems of the students in school expenses. Working student or Part time job

has a negative impact on the academic performance of the students due to poor time
management. It is difficult for them to separate the schooldays and workdays as a result of

absences in class discussions.

The researcher also found out that according to the responses of the respondents, the

grade result was affected. They got a lower grade for having no preparation in attending

examination as an output of their study habits.


In line with the findings and conclusions of the study, the researcher prepared

recommendations as a guide for succeeding endeavors on the field as follows:

1. The school faculties should give consideration to the working students and allow

them to pass the late submission of project, assignments and other discussion matters.

2. The part-timers or working students must be responsible in terms of time

management to manage the schedules for schooldays and workdays. They also

informed their school teachers about their transactions outside the campus in order

for them to be aware of it.

3. The researcher recommends that the school Administration needs to give a special

attention to the poor students in terms of some opportunities such as scholarships and


4. The Commission on Higher Education should prioritize the students who are under

poverty line with low socio-economic status for working students, non-working

students to have a chance in pursuing the study.

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