AI based OS
Future of Operating System
Shivam Vishwakarma
Computer Science and Engineering, Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalya, Bhopal, MP, India
Abstract—This research paper analyses how AI can be useful networks, pattern recognition, prediction, and other AI features
in obtaining an OS which not only offers features related to are used to develop the AI operating system.
software management, hardware management and common AIOS will have features related to hardware management,
system services, but also uses intelligence in management of software management and common system services. The main
the system. Strong Artificial intelligence-based methods can be difference from traditional OS will be the intelligence in the
used for AI based OS. Expert system, neural networks, pattern management of the OS. AIOS will use intelligence of a
recognition, fuzzy logic prediction, and other AI features are computer or a machine in order to solve complex problems
useful to develop the AI operating system. AI based OS will with ease. Operating system architecture evolved from old
have abstraction association AI thinking, perceptive IBM Mainframe to Linux and macOS. Soon AI will play an
intelligence, imaginations context specific search, context important role in Operating System architecture. Windows
priming, and other AI techniques. This paper also includes metro showed some of the features of Artificial intelligence in
some of the OS projects that already exists or being developed. the operating system.
We will also discuss pros and cons of AI based OS.
Keywords—AIOS, expert system, fuzzy logic prediction,
intelligence management system The following are some major features of AIOS:
Monitor and optimize their own performance
I. INTRODUCTION Smart Process Management
An artificial intelligence operating system (AIOS) is a form Smart Memory Management
of system software that manages computer hardware and Predicting results
software resources and provides common services for Using the right resources
computer programs via general artificial intelligence. The AI Making sure that resources are available by predicting
operating system is a component of the system software in a before a process asks for it
computer system. Suggesting alternative options to a problem.
Search internally and externally for information to
This paper talks about Artificial Intelligence based help themselves.
Operations system which has perceptive intelligence, Deriving a solution to problem by themselves
imaginations context specific search, context priming,
Healing themselves and getting immune to viruses
abstraction association thinking and other AI techniques.
after attack.
These methods help in cutting down the operation time by
using parallelization of processes, good management of Communicate to other OS
memory, and improved security. New operating systems have
digital assistants, translation services, voice recognition, user III. WORKING
interaction, profile management, security scanning, and user The operating system consists of kernel, shell and system
reporting. AIOS will have features related to hardware services. User interacts with the terminal for shell services.
management, software management and common system The services are components related to authentication,
services. The main difference from traditional OS will be the authorization, scheduling, managing files, and reporting. The
intelligence in the management of the OS. AIOS will use kernel has capability to scale elastically, execute run-time
intelligence of a computer or a machine in order to solve independent of the technology stack, and abstract the container
complex problems with ease. Operating system architecture from specific implementation. The containers can be easily
evolved from old IBM Mainframe to Linux and macOS. Soon deployable across different clouds. This operating system will
AI will play an important role in Operating System be useful for AI based data modeling, machine learning, and
architecture. Windows metro showed some of the features of deep learning. The data need to be processed and analyzed for
Artificial intelligence in the operating system. training, testing and executing the AI models. The operating
Type of AI needed: system can select the specific container which has the
technology stack to analyze the machine learning models. It
AI can be classified into two types Weak AI and Strong AI. can be based on Tensor Flow, Keras, Caffe, scikit-learn or R
Weak AI, also known as narrow AI, focuses on performing a based technology stack. Managing and integrating with
specific task, such as answering questions based on user input different data sources will be easy in the operating system as it
or playing chess. It can perform one type of task, but not both, is AI based. Using the elasticity pattern, operating system can
whereas Strong AI can perform a variety of functions, scale easily using multiple nodes and storage management
eventually teaching itself to solve for new problems. features. It can have features such as self-correcting, self-
Strong Artificial intelligence-based methods are used for optimizing and auto scaling. The operating system can have
AI operating system. Fuzzy logic, expert system, neural discoverability services related to finding the different
services, functions, models, data sources, and technological
components. Similar to App Stores, this operating system will
National Conference on “Unprecedented and Advanced Concepts of Computer Vision” NCUACC-2021, 11-12 May 2021,
Global Nature Care Sangathan Group of Institutions, Faculty of Engineering and Management, Jabalpur 16 | P a g e
Conference Proceeding Issue Published in International Journal of Trend in Research and Development
(IJTRD), ISSN: 2394-9333,
have an app store which will have applications which can be information after it is fuzzified. A fuzzy logic system allows
deploy-able easily. Vendors and developers can publish the operation of computer systems for the users in convenient and
applications. natural manner in both certain and uncertain environments.
Fuzzy logic systems make the computer systems work
IV. SYSTEM LIFE CYCLE efficiently and economically under fuzzy and precise
Like a classical operating system, the important features
remain same from booting to shut down. The code runs from
the boot disk and locates the partition boot record. This record VI. CURRENT PROGRESS
locates the booting specific code files. These files are loaded Some projects on AI based OS by various organizations
for execution. After the loading of the files, user is presented are:
with a user-friendly interface. At this point, the services related
to artificial intelligence methods are initialized. Boot sequence Black Swan: An Israeli software services developer
ensures starting these services to help the user to perform his debuting this week positions its platform service as an
tasks. AI services take over from the boot module and help the enterprise AI operating system that combines deep
user to process his requests by command line, text, gestures, and machine learning, natural language processing,
user interface menus, and voice. These services keep track of neural networks as well as data operations.
user data, patterns, navigation, behavior, and use the data for Algorithmia’s AI OS: Algorithmia’s CEO, recently
learning. The communication services use signal-based gave at the 2017 GeekWire Tech Cloud Summit,
channels to send and receive messages. AI Basic module is titled “Building an Operating System for AI”.
processing information and helping different services to
manage the system. User actions are stored and updated in a NeurOS: Artificial neural network-based OS named
data store. The application specific behavior, file naming, NeurOS is developed. Its functions including
organization of content, and information processing are perception, pattern learning and recognition, working
persisted in the data store. To handle language processing memory, imagination, prediction, context priming,
related to voice, text, and command line methods, NLP & attention, abstraction, classification, associational
NLU modules are used to process the content. Neural network- thinking and behavior. NeurOS applications are
based module helps in learning the user input patterns in voice, inherently portable, scalable, networkable, extensible
text and gestures. Personal usernames, passwords, preferences, and embeddable.
profile data to fill the forms, and user data are stored in a
Cognition: AIOS based Operating system namely
secured data store. The operating system provides a better
Cognition has been developed which helps as an
login experience where there are minimal inputs from the user.
intelligent assistant, electronic advisor, offer engines
and Chatbots.
A) Expert System: An expert system is a computer system VII. ADVANTAGES
emulating the decision-making ability of a human expert.
Expert systems are designed to solve complex problems by
reasoning through bodies of knowledge, represented mainly as AIOS can be considered as future of Operating
if–then rules rather than through conventional procedural code. Systems. The benefit of an AI based OS is it will
The first expert systems were created in the 1970s and then provide help in defense systems, bio-medical
proliferated in the 1980s.Expert systems were among the first researches, scientists, education and many more.
truly successful forms of artificial intelligence (AI) software. The biggest advantage or feature of this OS is that
An expert system is divided into two subsystems: the inference using AI it will be continuously learning and will
engine and the knowledge base. The knowledge base grow itself with time. As a human learns thongs from
represents facts and rules. The inference engine applies the his/her previous mistakes similarly this OS will
rules to the known facts to deduce new facts. Inference engines become better and better as it grows.
can also include explanation and debugging abilities.
The AI will also help users to perform complex and
B) Neural Network: Evolving nature of the neural network expert task in short amount of time.It opens doors for
will help the operating system to learn about the user and will ease in modification i.e., you don’t have to wait for
help in creating a better experience for the user. A neural company to release an update, or restart your
network is a series of algorithms that endeavors to recognize machine. The OS will automatically update itself in
underlying relationships in a set of data through a process that run time. Modifying the AI does not affect the
mimics the way the human brain operates. In this sense, neural structure of an AI, hence AIOS would reduce the
networks refer to systems of neurons, either organic or crashes that often occur in Operating Systems.
artificial in nature.
The AIOS would be a great merger from traditional
C) Pattern Recognition: Pattern recognition is the
Operating Systems to the OS which could reduce time
automated recognition of patterns and regularities in data. It
of operation, parallel process management,
has applications in statistical data analysis, signal processing,
improvised memory management, provide better
image analysis, information retrieval, bioinformatics, data
security and understand the user to some context
compression, computer graphics and machine learning.
D) Fuzzy Logic System: Fuzzy logic systems receive VIII. DISADVANTAGES
incomplete, ambiguous, distorted, or inaccurate (fuzzy) input
but in turn it provides acceptable definite output. The approach
of FL imitates the way of decision making in humans. It’s easy for AI to understand natural language, so it is
Elements of an operating system such as process management, possible that the OS is able to understand your emails,
file management, storage management, distributed system messages, and even calls which can be threat for a
management, etc., can be used to tackle the problems by fuzzy user.
National Conference on “Unprecedented and Advanced Concepts of Computer Vision” NCUACC-2021, 11-12 May 2021,
Global Nature Care Sangathan Group of Institutions, Faculty of Engineering and Management, Jabalpur 17 | P a g e
Conference Proceeding Issue Published in International Journal of Trend in Research and Development
(IJTRD), ISSN: 2394-9333,
Setting up AI-based machines, computers, etc. entails unimaginable how much fast and good an OS can become
huge costs given the complexity of engineering that using AI as a tool and as AI grows so does the OS will grow.
goes into building one. Further, the astronomical As a conclusion there is a need of AI based OS but, before
expense doesn’t stop there as repair and maintenance releasing, it should be trained very well, also if it gets in wrong
also run into thousands of dollars. hands, they can make it harmful for humans and cause
terrorism. The goal of artificial intelligence is to create systems
AI is making humans lazy with its applications whose intelligence equals or surpasses humans.
automating the majority of the work. Humans tend to
get addicted to these inventions which can cause a References
problem to future generations. As AI requires lot of [1] Nadeesha O. Ranasinghe, “Artificial Intelligence in Distributed
calculations, predictions, speech recognition and Operating Systems”
decision making its possible that it could slow down [2] Bhagwan Kommadi, “Artificial Intelligence OS”
the OS and also it would require more external [3] Jatin Borana, “Applications of Artificial Intelligence & Associated
storages. Lack of common sense while reasoning will Technologies”, Proceeding of International Conference on Emerging
Technologies in Engineeing, Biomedical, Management and Science
also disappoint the user of AIOS. [ETEBMS-2016], 5-6 March 2016
[4] S. Rusell and P. Norvig, “Artificial Intelligence: A Modern
CONCLUSION Approach”,Prentice Hall Series in Artificial Intelligence, 2nd edition,
The evolution of Artificial Intelligence is at great December 2002
[5] Nils J. Nilsson, “Artificial Intelligence, A New Synthesis”, Morgan
heights, and yes, we are using a machine to create it, and Kaufmann Publishers, Inc.
evolve it. It’s going to be amazing when the AI created by the
machine itself helps to evolve the OS running on it. It’s
National Conference on “Unprecedented and Advanced Concepts of Computer Vision” NCUACC-2021, 11-12 May 2021,
Global Nature Care Sangathan Group of Institutions, Faculty of Engineering and Management, Jabalpur 18 | P a g e