CV Raja
CV Raja
CV Raja
Email : or
Phone : +6281396124424
Over 11 years of experience in the area of software development for mobiles and web, which
includes understanding requirement specification, working on software
design, coding, testing and maintenance.
Skilled in developing APIs using Laravel or Codeigniter.
Experienced of working on iOS platform and frameworks and customizing it as per
Having experience in Agile development methodology.
Experienced in UX Design, can translate concept design into user interface on mobiles like
iPhone & Android
Experienced in publishing Apps on Apple App Store.
Experience of iPhone mobile application development and testing on device and simulator
using Xcode and Swift.
Was involved in Usability testing of the application during early releases of the application to
modify any user experience elements to be changed.
Worked on various architectures such as MVC, MVP, MVVM, VIPER,
Singleton, Delegate and Notification patterns.
Experience of using version control and bug reporting tools like svn and git etc.
Knowledge of professional software engineering practices and best practices for the full
software development life cycle, including coding standards, code reviews, source control management,
build processes, testing, and operations.
Having basic Knowledge of Swift programming language.
Having working experience on SDK development in iOS.
Experience in using writing web technologies for mobile, which includes Javascript, HTML5,
Organization Description
GOJEK Group (Divisi Role : Technical Lead iOS Developer / Engineering Manager
Entertainment - GoPlay)
An Live Streaming Technology Technologies Used:
- Xcode 14, Swift 5.x, Cocoa Touch Frameworks, Google
(GoogleMaps, GoogleSignIn), Apple (AuthenticationServices &
AppAuth), FBSDKLoginKit, Alamofire, Modular Architecture,
MVVM & RxSwift, Sub Module, Kingfisher, Firebase (Analytics,
Crashlytics, Push Notification), UserDefault, Asphalt Aloha,
SnapKit, Kingfisher, Network Debugging (netfox),
IQKeyboardManagerSwift, Mobile app design guidelines,
MoEngage, AppsFlyer, Clevertap, Beacon
- Report to CTO
- Report to Head of IT
Technologies Used:
- Report to Head of IT
PT. Gtech Digital Asia (GITI Group) Role : Lead Mobile Developer
An Startup Company
Technologies Used:
- Report to Head of IT
- Develop car rental, shuttle, self drive and flight ticketing for iOS
Technologies Used:
- Develop car rental, shuttle, self drive and flight ticketing for iOS
Client Description
PT. Duit Orang Tua (RoomMe) Develop kost/property technology for iOS application
using swift 5, networking api using alamofire, layouting
using xib file, ios sdk, google sdk, firebase, design
pattern, realm, etc
PT. SehatQ Harsana Emedika (SehatQ) Develop health technology and ecommerce for iOS
application using swift 5, networking api using alamofire,
layouting using xib file, ios sdk, google sdk, firebase,
design pattern, realm, etc
PT. Digi Asia Bios (Kaspro) Develop financial technology (Kaspro) for ios application
using swift 4, networking api using moya, layouting using
xib file, ios sdk, google sdk, firebase, design pattern,
realm, etc
PT. Enviromate Technology Develop car rental ios application using swift
Jukir User Apps Develop jukir ios application using swift.
Module : login, register, otp code, forgot password,
home page, list vehicle, add vehicle, edit & delete
vehicle, history parking, edit profile, upload foto &
change password, top up (show qr code), payment
parking ( show qr code, scan qr code), history mutation
Rehab Plus (BNN) Develop rehab plus ios application using swift, rehab
plus promote it and also help them to contact with BNN
for the rehabilitation process
Individu Develop Ideal weight BMI calculator android application
using java android
PT. Horison Selaras Indonesia Develop helptask android application using java
android, post/get api using retrofit library, xml, create
database and api using codeigniter Development website and dashboard admin Development Website, develop android application, ios
PT. Cipta Integra Duta Develop Insurance Broker System
PT. Innola Develop Multimedia Applications for Lab School
SMA Negeri 7 Jakarta Development Website Development Website
Hitachi Develop module and reporting Human Resources
Management System
PT. Bina Management Konsultama Develop module and reporting Human Resources
Management System
Course Conducted By Place
Seminar certification for LAN – based network STMIK Jayakarta Jakarta
Seminar certification for web design and STMIK Jayakarta Jakarta
SQL Server and ASP. Net certification STMIK Jayakarta Jakarta
Database With SQL Server STMIK Jayakarta Jakarta
Seminar certification for Android STMIK Jayakarta Jakarta
Utilization of ICT in improving the quality of UHAMKA Jakarta
education in era digital
Hardware Personal Computer (Desktop), Mobile phone, Modem SMS Gateway.
Operating System Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Linux, Android, Macintosh
Application Software iOS SDK, Android SDK, Visual Basic, Delphi7, MySQL, SQL Server,
Visual Studio .Net 2008, PHP With MVC Framework (Codeigniter,
Laravel), Macromedia / Adobe Flash, Adobe Photoshop, Macromedia
Dreamweaver, Macromedia Director, Apache, HTML, HTML 5, CSS,
CSS 3, Ajax, Jquery, Jquery Mobile, Bootstrap, PhoneJS, AngularJS,
JSON/API, Framework Fuel PHP, XML, Mathlab, iOS Swift, ReactJS,
software testing Autoit, etc.
- Swift 5
SehatQ Apps Develop health technology and
- Cocoatouch
iOS ecommerce for ios application using - Xcode
- Alamofire
swift 5, networking api using Alamofire, - IOS SDK
- Design pattern
layouting using xib file, ios sdk, google - Google SDK
(MVVM) sdk, firebase, design pattern, rxswift, - Firebase RxSwift
d/app/sehatq/id1473822 realm, MoEngage (analytic, push - MoEngage
Custom view
Facebook SDK -
420 notification), Deeplink, etc - Xib File
- etc
- Swift 4.2
Metroney (user apps) Develop metroney ios application using
- Cocoatouch
iOS & Android swift, mapbox, mapbox navigation, - Xcode
- Alamofire
google maps, etc. - IOS SDK
- Design pattern Module : login, register, otp code, - Google SDK
d/app/metroney/id1482 forgot password, home page, list - Firebase
- Custom view
896737 vehicle, add vehicle, edit & delete
- Xib File
vehicle, history parking, edit profile,
upload foto & change password, top up - API/JSON
(show qr code), payment parking ( - etc
show qr code, scan qr code), payment
with linkaja & gopay, history mutation
- Swift 4.1
- Cocoatouch
- Xcode - Alamofire
Planet Sports Apps IOS SDK
- - Design pattern
iOS - Google SDK
Develop gamification and training (MVC)
- Firebase
program for ios application using - Custom view
https://www.planetsportsa - Facebook SDK
swift 4 - Xib File - Pedometer/core
motion - API/JSON
- etc
Cmapaign Apps
- Swift
iOS Develop a worldwide action platform. - Xcode
Through Campaign and Competition. - IOS SDK
- Post/Get API My Responsibility is to develop iOS - CometChat SDK
/app/campaign- Application based on - Facebook SDK
- Storyboard
forchange/id1153928765 website. - Google SDK
- Firebase
- - etc
- Swift 3
Nemob Apps
- Cocoatouch
- Alamofire
- Xcode
Develop Rent Car My library - IOS SDK
Responsibility is to develop iOS - Design
s/app/nemob/id117076591 - Facebook SDK
Application based on website. pattern(MVC)
3?mt=8 - Google SDK
- Storyboard
- Firebase Notification
- Xib File
- etc
Rehab Plus Apps
- Swift 3
- Cocoatouch
Create database and API for application
- Xcode - Alamofire Rehab Plus : login, signup, forgot
- Facebook SDK library
s/app/rehab- password, home, video chat, radio,
- Google SDK - Design
plus/id1359182998?ls=1& news, chat with admin, event,
- Firebase pattern(MVC)
mt=8 ecommerce, etc
- Zendesk SDK - Storyboard
- Xib File
- Realm
- etc
Curriculum Vitae
Campaign Apps
Develop a worldwide action platform. - Java Android
Through Campaign and Competition. - Android Studio - XML
My Responsibility is to develop - Android SDK - Post/Get API Android Application based on Facebook SDK (Volley)
ore/apps/details?id=parat website. Google SDK API/JSON
- -
- etc
Android Apps
Ideal Weight(BMI
- Android Studio
Calculator) - Java Android
Develop ideal weight android - Android SDK
application - Google SDK - Realm
- Admob
ore/apps/details?id=com.l - etc
Helptask Apps
Create database and API for helper Android studio Java Android
application : login, signup, home, list Facebook SDK API JSON
booking, list history, list ongoing, Android SDK Post/Get API (Retrofit)
payment, booking, notification, profile, Firebase Realm
setting, etc Midtrans etc
Project Website
Curriculum Vitae
- Framework
PHP : Codeigniter
- NetBeans IDE 7.0.1
Develop a social bookmarking - HTML /
- SQL Manager 2010
website from planning, designing HTML 5 for MySQL
database and programming (backend - CSS / CSS 3
- TortoiseSVN
and frontend) - JQuery
- Beyond Compare
- Ajax
- Javascript
- Framework
- NetBeans IDE 7.0.1
PHP : Codeigniter
- SQL Manager 2010
- HTML /
for MySQL
Develop a competition platform HTML 5
- Adobe Photoshop
from planning, designing database, - CSS / CSS 3 CS3
programming and implementing - JQuery UI
- Visual Color Picker
system in server - Ajax
- TortoiseSVN
- Javascript
- Beyond Compare
- JQuery Mobile
- MySQL Workbench
- Phonegap
- Framework
- NetBeans IDE 7.0.1
PHP : Codeigniter, Fuel
- SQL Manager 2010
Develop a worldwide action for MySQL
- HTML /
platform. Through Campaign and - Adobe Photoshop
Competition. My responsibility is CS3
- CSS / CSS 3 planning, designing database, - Visual Color Picker
- JQuery UI
researching new technology - TortoiseSVN
- Ajax
(JQuery) and implementing system - Beyond Compare
- Javascript
in server - MySQL Workbench
- Angular JS
- Intel XDK
- Phonegap /
- Webmin 1.700
- Framework
- NetBeans IDE 7.0.1 PHP : Codeigniter,PHP
Develop an online travel from - SQL Manager 2010 - HTML /
backend until frontend. My for MySQL HTML 5 responsibility is planning, designing - Adobe Photoshop - CSS / CSS 3
database, programming and CS3 - JQuery UI
implementing system in server. - Visual Color Picker - Ajax
- Cpanel - Javascript
- Bootstrap
- Framework
- NetBeans IDE 7.0.1 PHP : Codeigniter,PHP
Develop an online company profile - SQL Manager 2010 - HTML /
from backend until frontend. My for MySQL HTML 5 responsibility is planning, designing - Adobe Photoshop - CSS / CSS 3
database, programming and CS3 - JQuery UI
implementing system in server. - Visual Color Picker - Ajax
- Cpanel - Javascript
- Bootstrap
- Magento
- NetBeans IDE 7.0.1
- Midtrans
Develop an ecommerce from - SQL Manager 2010
- Raja ongkir
backend until frontend. My for MySQL
- HTML / responsibility is planning, designing, - Adobe Photoshop
programming and implementing CS3
- CSS / CSS 3
system in server. - Visual Color Picker
- JQuery UI
- Cpanel
- Bootstrap
- Framework
- NetBeans IDE 7.0.1 PHP : Codeigniter,PHP
Develop an online company profile - SQL Manager 2010 - HTML /
from backend until frontend. My for MySQL HTML 5 responsibility is planning, designing - Adobe Photoshop - CSS / CSS 3
database, programming and CS3 - JQuery UI
implementing system in server. - Visual Color Picker - Ajax
- Cpanel - Javascript
- Bootstrap
Curriculum Vitae