Compiled Volume 3
Compiled Volume 3
Compiled Volume 3
Volume III
1st Edition
December, 2020
Updated—July, 2021
© Government of Goa
Published by:
Department of Personnel,
Secretariat, Porvorim-Goa.
Printed at:
Government Printing Press,
Every effort has been made to make the Compendium free from any factual
errors, but yet some errors could remain. Readers/Departments are requested
and advised to refer the Circulars/Notifications/OMs, in its full context (and the
original source of publication). If any error is noticed, Department of Personnel
may be informed of the same for correction.
I sincerely hope that the administration will use this compendium for
reference. This publication is intended to reduce the burden of the officials for search
of instructions at many places. This will enable the Departments to prepare the
proposals with references and clarity enabling an informed decision.
I once again compliment Shri Maralkar and extend best wishes for
his career.
It gives me immense pleasure to know that the Government of Goa has decided
to publish a Compendium of various Rules, Office Memoranda, Circulars and other
important instructions issued by the Government of Goa from time to time, with the
efforts of Shri Yetindra M. Maralkar, Secretary, Goa Public Service Commission
along with the Department of Personnel, Government of Goa.
Shri Yetindra M. Maralkar has taken great pains to collect the vast tranche of
various administrative rules, instruction, guidelines, office memoranda issued by
Government of Goa since the liberation of Goa. The Compendium has meticulously
arranged instructions, department wise, and also sub-categorized it subject wise for
ease of reference. This Compendium personifies the hard work and methodical
working of Shri Yetindra M. Maralkar and I am sure it will inspire and encourage
other Departments to take up similar initiatives in sync with the motto of the
Government of a transparent and rule based Governance.
Chief Secretary
“The essence of a happy life and a peaceful society lies in
one sentence– What can I Give ? ” —A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
An attempt has been made, perhaps for the first time in the State administration to
cover major departments and key subjects, under one index. This compendium is a
compilation of instructions issued by key departments such as Personnel, Finance,
Administrative Reforms, Vigilance, Public Health, Social Welfare et al. A comprehensive
index of all the instructions will navigate the reader through the compendium. Inspite of the
best efforts, there could be some OMs/Orders/Instructions which may not have been
available for inclusion in this edition.
This publication will enable departments to process the proposal in accordance with
the extant instructions available as a ready reckoner. The bureaucracy as well as members of
the public at large will benefit from this compendium to refer and use the instructions for
the general good. This is a step towards comprehensive disclosure of all the Government
instructions and memoranda at a single place for a more transparent and responsive
governance and informed citizenry.
First and foremost, I would like to place on record my sincere thanks to our young
and dynamic Chief Minister Dr. Pramod Sawant for his unconditional support in preparation
of this Compendium. This publication would probably not have been possible without his
I would like to thank our respected Chief Secretary, Shri Parimal Rai, IAS who backed
this initiative whole heartedly and was instrumental in completing the compilation in the
time frame. His unflagging enthusiasm has been the driver to shape the Compendium.
My profound thanks to Shri Jose Manuel Noronha, Hon’ble Chairman, Goa Public Service
Commission for his co-operation and guidance.
My fond gratitude to, Shri Sharad G. Marathe, Ombudsman (former Addl. Secy. (Law),
Government of Goa) and Shri N. D. Agarwal, ex-Collector & District Magistrate (South Goa), both
my colleagues for inspiration. They have been skilfully steering the completion of this work,
all throughout with their valued interventions.
I thank the Officers & staff members of GPSC who have rendered their assistance to the
publication of this Compendium. I also thank Shri Mahesh Vengurlekar, Principal and
Shri Wilfred Goes, Asst. Professor of Goa College of Art for their contribution in designing the
Cover page.
Thanks to my family members Mrs. Sejal, Yukta and Saanvi for giving me the liberty
and luxury of extended timings at workplace for completing the task.
O.M./Circular/ Date of
Sr. Name of the Notification No. of Adoption by Page
Date Subject
No Department Central/State the State No.
Government Government
1. Department DI/INF/Advt 10/02/2021 Release of advertisement, tender 2
of Konkani/2021/3986 notice and public announcement
Information mandatorily to be released in atleast
and Publicity in one newspaper in each language
i.e. English, Marathi and Konkani.
2. Finance 7-5-2020/Fin(Exp.)-I 18/12/2020 All proposals costing 2 crores and 2
(Expenditure) above towards procurement of
(GOG) goods & services & infrastructure
works requires prior approval of
Finance (Exp.). The Circular
dated 26/11/2020 stands
3. Finance 7-5-2020/Fin(Exp)/ 26/11/2020 All proposals costing 2 crores and 2
(Expenditure) above towards procurement of
(GOG) goods & services & infrastructure
works requires prior approval of
Finance (Exp.)
4. Ministry of F.9/4/2020-PPD 12-11-2020 01-03-2021 Performance Security 3
5. Finance 7-5-2020/Fin (Exp) 16/09/2020 Prior approval of FD incase of 4
(Expenditure) extending the validity of contracts/
(GOG) tenders and placing orders for
execution of work/supply
6. Finance 8/1/2020-Fin(R&C) 16/06/2020 Permanent exemption of 5
(R&C) (GOG) officials/representatives of Dte.
Accounts from attending the tender
opening process.
7. Finance 7/11/2018-Fin(Exp) 05/06/2020 Adoption of General Financial 5
(Expenditure) Rules, 2017
8. Dept. of IT 8/33/DoIT/2019/SOP- 20/01/2020 Guidelines to undertake new 6
(GOG) SWAPP/1607 software application development
9. Department of 7(373)/2011/DoIT/e- 17/10/2019 Tenders costing above 5 lakhs by 7
Information procurement using e tendering/e-auctioning
Technology Correspondence/1053 solution
O.M./Circular/ Date of
Sr. Name of the Notification No. of Adoption by Page
Date Subject
No Department Central/State the State No.
Government Government
02 years
8. Personnel 1/49/76-PER(Pt.II) 06/08/2012 Enhancement of age by two years for 74
(GOG) Group C and Group D posts –the
notification shall remain in force for
02 years
9. Personnel 1-49-76-PER 06/06/2001 Not exceeding 40 years for entry for 75
(GOG) Group ―A‖ and ―B‖ posts (Relaxable
by 05 years for Govt. Servant)
10. Personnel 1-49-76-PER 09/04/2001 Not exceeding 40 years for entry for 75
(GOG) Group ―C‖ and ―D‖ posts (Relaxable
by 05 years for Govt. Servant)
11. Personnel 1/49/76-PER(Pt.II) 10/10/2000 Amendment of Recruitment Rules to 75
(GOG) Group ―A‖ and ―B‖ posts –Persons
who have crossed the age of 35 years
and on live register of Employment
Exchange shall be given 5 years
relaxation for employment
12. Personnel 1/49/76-PER(Pt.II) 29/08/2000 Amendment of Recruitment Rules to 76
(GOG) Group ―C‖ and ―D‖ posts – Persons
who have crossed the age of 35 years
and on live register of Employment
Exchange shall be given 5 years
relaxation for employment
13. Ministry of 43019/28/86-Estt(D) 01/02/1999 08/04/1999 Grant of Age Concession to blind, 76
Personnel, deaf-mute and orthopedically
Public handicapped persons for appointment
Grievances & to posts/services filled through Open
Pensions Competitive Examination
(GOI) 1/49/76-PER
14. Social 13/1/96-SWD 27/12/1996 Relaxation of upper age limit by 3 77
Welfare years for direct recruitment in respect
(GOG) of candidates belonging to Other
Backward Classes
15. Ministry of 15012/1/88-Estt.(D) 30/01/1990 02/03/1990 Relaxation of Upper Age limit for 77
Personnel, Public Departmental candidates for Group
Grievances & ―C‖ and ―D‖ posts.
15012/1/88-Estt.(D) 20/05/1988
Pensions (GOI)
Personnel (GOG)
2/38/75-PER (Vol.II)
16. Personnel 1-49-76-PER 13/07/1989 Upper Age 35 years for entry for 79
(GOG) Group ―B‖ posts
17. Personnel 1-49-76-PER 20/03/1989 Upper Age 35 years for entry for 79
(GOG) Group ―C‖ and Group ―D‖ posts
18. Ministry of 15034/13/887-Estt(D) 7/10/1987 13/11/1987 Relaxation of upper age limit for 79
Personnel, P.G. departmental candidates for
& Pensions appointment to Group ―C‖ and ―D‖
(GOI) posts.
19. Personnel 1/56/76-PER(Part) 06/03/1986 Upper age limit upto 35 years is 80
(GOG) relaxable to Govt. Servant.
20. Ministry of 35014/4/79-Esttt(D) 24/10/1985 26/11/1985 Relaxation of upper age limit for 80
Personnel & 4/4/74-Estt(D) 20/07/1976 departmental candidates for
Training Adm. appointment to Group ―C‖ and ―D‖
Reforms and posts in their own Department.
Public Griev. &
Pension (GOI)
Personnel & AR 2/38/75-PER
Compendium vi Index
O.M./Circular/ Date of
Sr. Name of the Notification No. of Adoption by Page
Date Subject
No Department Central/State the State No.
Government Government
Directorate 61-02-2019-
of Social BC/DSW/RES/977
11. Office of 50-314-97-98- 06/04/2018 Reservation for Persons with 96
Chief HC/Vol.I/234 Disabilities - maintenance of Roster
Compendium vii Index
12. Ministry of 36035/02/2017 15/01/2018 08/08/2018 Reservation for the persons with 97
Personnel, -Estt(Res) Benchmark disabilities - 4 %
Public reservation reg.
and Pensions
(GOI) 50-326-98-99-HC/Part-
Social I/2692
13. Social 61-25-2017- 25/09/2017 SC / ST migrated from the state of 102
Welfare BC/DSW/3872 origin to Goa for the purpose of
(GOG) seeking education, employment etc.
will be deemed to be SC ST of the
state of Origin and will derive the
benefits from the state of origin
14. Social 61-2-2002- 14/08/2017 Corrigendum to Circular dated 103
Welfare BC/(11)/PartI/3079 14/06/2017. Panel for DSC for
(GOG) filling up posts reserved for
SC/ST/OBC by Direct.
15. Home 11/13/91-HD(G)/2050 18/07/2017 Scheme for providing employment 103
(General) in Govt. to the children of freedom
(GOG) fighters
16. Social 61-2-2002-BC/(11)/Part 14/06/2017 Panel of DSC for filling up posts 103
Welfare I/1450 reserved for SC / ST / OBC by
(GOG) direct
17. Home 11/13/91-HD(G)/1226 02/05/2017 Scheme for providing employment 105
(General) in Govt. to the children of freedom
(GOG) fighters
36. Ministry of 336035/3/2004-Estt (Res) 29/12/2005 23/07/2010 Reservation for the persons with 133
Personnel, 36035/8/2003-Estt (Res) disabilities.
50-405(7)-2007-08- 26/04/2006
and Pensions
37. Social 13/19/89-SWD/921 17/06/2005 Constitution of Committee for 143
Welfare verification of caste certificate of
(GOG) the persons belonging to OBC
52. Ministry of 36012/2/96-Estt.(Res.) 02/07/1997 13/03/2002 i) Reservation Roster –Post Based- 156
Personnel, 36012/2/96-Estt. (Res.) 13/08/1997 Implementation of the Supreme
Public Pt. II Court Judgement in the case of R.
Grievances & K. Sabharwal v State of Punjab
Training ii) Reservation for S.C. & S.T. in
(GOI) 13-12-2000-SWD/5302
Compendium x Index
(GOG) 296/201
7. Directorate DA/Control/7- 09-05-2018 Implementation of Digital India 184
of Accounts 9(ix)/2018-19/TR-60/40 Programme… Providing PoS
(GOG) Machines reg.
8. Directorate DA/Control/7- 08-05-2018 Discontinuance of payment of PLI 184
of Accounts 25(88)/2018-19/TR- premium by book adjustment
(GOG) 59/39
9. Directorate DA/Control/7-9/2018- 03-05-2018 e-payment through ECS mode to all 185
of Accounts 19/TR-50/33 beneficiaries of schemes
10. Directorate DA/Control/7-9/2017- 13-11-2017 Timely presentation of monthly pay 188
of Accounts 18/TR-329-244 and allowances bills.
11. Directorate DA/Control/3-2/7- 16-06-2016 Implementation of Pay Roll 188
of Accounts 2/2016-17/63 Software(e-pagaar)
12. Directorate DA/Control/7-2/2013- 27-06-2013 Streamlining of Procedure reg. 189
of Accounts 14/TR-120/170 collection of energy/water charges
(GOG) and POL
13. Directorate DA/Control/7-2/2012- 09-11-2012 Payment of salaries to Non- 189
of Accounts 13/253/Tr-220 Gazetted establishment through "e-
(GOG) payment" module
14. Directorate DA/Control/7- 12-07-2012 submission of TDS online 190
of Accounts 25(ii)/2012-13/Tr-
(GOG) 112/121
15. Directorate DA/Control/7-10/2012- 30-05-2012 Debiting expenditure of bills to 192
of Accounts 13/81/TR-78 works regarding.
16. Directorate DA/Control/7- 03-05-2012 Filing of quarterly returns with the 192
of Accounts 25(ii)/2012-13/TR- TIN.
(GOG) 40/53
17. Directorate DA/Control/3-2/2011- 10-02-2012 Switching over to e-payment 194
of Accounts 12/532 through ECS mode while making
(GOG) payments to all beneficiaries of the
18. Finance 7/13/2011/Fin-Exp 15-12-2011 Switching over to e-payment 195
(Exp) (GOG) through ECS mode while making
payment of salaries to Gazetted
officer/Scheme of Central Govt.
19. Directorate DA/Control/2-3/TR- 04-02-2011 Instructions to indicate GPF 197
of Accounts 386/981 Account No. in all
(GOG) papers/communications/ salary bills
advance sanction orders/challans
20. Directorate DA/Control//2-3/09- 26-03-2010 Revision of recovery amount 198
of Accounts 10/TR-504/518 towards loss of token
O.M./Circular/ Date of
Sr. Name of the Notification No. of Adoption by Page
Date Subject
No Department Central/State the State No.
Government Government
O.M./Circular/ Date of
Sr. Name of the Notification No. of Adoption by Page
Date Subject
No Department Central/State the State No.
Government Government
1. Directorate of 1-572/2017- 08/05/2019 Sexual Harassment of Women at 207
Women & 18/DWCD/Writ Pet. Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition
Child (Civil)1224/2017/Vol.I and Redressal) Act, 2013
Development II/767
2. Ministry of 13018/1/2014-Estt(L) 15/03/2017 11/07/2017 Grant of leave of 90 days to the 209
Personnel, aggrieved female Govt. Servant -
Public during pendency of inquiry under
Grievance& Sexual harassment
Finance Exp. 7/8/2017-Fin (Exp.)
3. Directorate of 1/181/2012/W&CD/S 24/07/2014 Sexual Harassment of Women at 209
Women & ECTT.CELL/ Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition
Child and Redressal) Act, 2013 -
Development Constitution of Internal Committee
4. Directorate of 1/181/2001- 09/05/2014 Sexual Harassment of Women at 210
Women & DW&CD/06169 Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition
Child and Redressal) Act, 2013 - District
Development Collector to exercise the function
(GOG) under the Act- Constitution of
Internal Committee
5. Ministry of 14 of 2013 22/04/2013 03/03/2014 1) Constitution of Internal 210
Law & Justice -- Complaints Committee as
(GOI) mandated in the Sexual Harassment
1/181/2001/DW&CD/ 09/12/2013
Directorate of of Women at Workplace
Sectt. Cell(Part)/04441
Women & (Prevention, Prohibition and
Child Redressal) Act, 2013
Development 2) The sexual harassment of
(GOG) women at workplace (Prevention,
Prohibition & Redressal) Act, 2013
3) The sexual harassment of
women Rules, 2013
6. Personnel 2/8/92-PER(Part-I) 14/02/2013 Direction issued by Hon'ble 225
(GOG) Supreme Court in the matter of
Vishaka v/s State of Rajasthan reg.
Sexual harassment against the
woman. (with a copy of Judgement
of Hon’ble Supreme Court in Writ
Petition No. 173-177 of 1999.
O.M./Circular/ Date of
Sr. Name of the Notification No. of Adoption by Page
Date Subject
No Department Central/State the State No.
Government Government
1. General 26/1/88-GAD/840 15/07/2020 Declaration of Director, Non- 233
Administratio Conventional Sources of Energy as
n (GOG) Ex-Officio Jt. Secretary to the
2. General 26/1/88-GAD 08-06-2015 Grant of ex-officio status under 233
Administration single file system
3. General 26/1/88-GAD/251 29-04-2015 Grant of ex-officio status under 234
Administration single file system
4. Finance Budget 1-10-2013/Fin (Bud) 22-12-2014 Declaration of Director of Civil 234
(GOG) Aviation as Head of Department
5. General 13/7/2000/GAD 24-12-2013 Grant of ex-officio status under 235
Compendium xiii Index
O.M./Circular/ Date of
Sr. Name of the Notification No. of Adoption by Page
Date Subject
No Department Central/State the State No.
Government Government
14. Social Welfare 83-9-2006-SDB/Part 24/09/2015 Separate queue for Senior Citizens 261
(GOG) I/3905 and seating arrangements for Senior
15. Public DGP/COMMITTEE 10/06/2015 Replacement of an affidavit by a 261
Grievances self declaration
17. Office of Chief 3/5/2009-ARD 21/01/2015 Timely and expeditious clearance 262
Secretary of files containing "CRITICAL"
(GOG) proposals by Govt.
18. General 14/8/2013-GAD-LAQ 14/08/2014 LAQ to be submitted prior to 48 263
Administration hours
34. Ministry of AB. 14017/30/2006- 29/11/2006 11/01/2007 Implication of overstay while on 283
Personnel Estt.(RR) deputation
Grievances and
Compendium xvi Index
Personnel --
35. General 35/1/96-GAD 14/11/2003 No social, religious, private 284
Administration function shall be held in the office
(GOG) premises during hours on working
37. Personnel 15/42/2001-PER 09/01/2002 Taking part in politics and Election 285
(GOG) –Violation of CCS conduct Rules.
38. Personnel 7-6-99-PER(Part File) 10/09/2001 Route all papers through Hon’ble 286
(GOG) III C.M to Hon’ble Governor.
45. Personnel & 3/42/77-ARD Vol. III 02/12/1997 Procedure and & system on 289
A.R (GOG) maintenance and processing of
files - Brochure
49. Ministry of 7/2/90-Public 09/11/1993 07/12/1993 Dress for Civilian Officers (Men & 300
Home Affairs Women) Maintenance of proper
(GOI) decorum in dress on Independence
GAD (GOG) 29-3-85-GA&C(i)
Compendium xvii Index
O.M./Circular/ Date of
Sr. Name of the Notification No. of Adoption by Page
Date Subject
No Department Central/State the State No.
Government Government
11. Personnel 19/11/2002-PER 02-02-2011 Circular reg. tour (official / Private) 346
(GOG) outside the state
16. Ministry of 19030/3/2008-E.IV 22-01-2009 30-04-2009 Travelling Allowance Rules – 350
Finance (GOI) 8/9/2008-Fin (R&C) Implementation of Sixth Central
Finance Pay Commission.
(R&C) (GOG)
17. Finance 1-28-2007/Fin(Aud) 21-10-2008 Personnel Dept. is the nodal agency 351
(Audit) (GOG) for foreign tours in respect of all the
elected representatives, official of
Govt. Dept’s and Autonomous
bodies – Addendum to OM dated
22/02/2008 (Tourism is exempted
from the purview of above O.M)
18. Ministry of 11013/7/2008-Estt(A) 06-10-2008 13-11-2008 CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964- 351
Personnel, Permission to avail of mileage
Public points earned by Govt. Servants on
Grievances ticket purchased for official travel.
and Pensions
19. Personnel 19/11/2002-PER 05-09-2008 The proposal for grant of Political 352
(GOG) clearance to be made 6-8 weeks in
advance before the proposed date of
departure on foreign tour.
20. Personnel 19/1/2008-PER 23-04-2008 Secretaries to avoid tours during 352
(GOG) working season so that financial and
physical targets are met.
21. Finance 1-28-2007/Fin(Aud) 22-02-2008 Personnel Dept. is the nodal agency 353
(Audit) GOG for foreign tours in respect of all the
elected representatives, official of
Govt. Dept’s and Autonomous
22. Finance 1-28-2007/Fin(Aud) 22-02-2008 Personnel Dept. is the nodal agency 353
(Audit) GOG for foreign tours.
23. Personnel 19/3/2002-PER 21-01-2008 No ex-post facto approval for the 354
(GOG) foreign tour - instructions
24. Finance (Bud) 1-28-2007/Fin(Bud) 24-09-2007 No advance shall be allowed to 354
(GOG) draw to dignitaries/Officers without
submission of clearance from Govt.
of India
25. Ministry of 8232/FS/2007 02-07-2007 04-10-2007 Political Clearance for visits of High 354
External Dignitaries, Ministers and Officials
Affairs (GOI) of the Central Govt., State Govt. to
Personnel 19/11/2002-PER countries abroad.
26. Ministry of 23(2)/2006/E Coord. 18-08-2006 08-07-2013 Restriction on foreign visits - not 356
Finance (GOI) more than 4 times in a year
Department of 1-1C(2)/2013
27. Personnel 19/15/2002/PER-Part 15-12-2005 Delegation of powers to DGP to 356
(GOG) C/230 depute training outside Goa within
the country all categories of Police
Officials below rank of DySP.
28. Ministry of 19031/1/E-IV/2004 25-11-2004 16-03-2005 Admissibility for reimbursement of 357
Finance (GOI) Taxi/Scooter charges to officials
Finance while on tour.
3/4/79-Fin. (Exp.)
(Audit) (GOG)
29. Ministry of 32/52/EC/04 24-06-2004 22-07-2004 Foreign visits of C.M./ 357
Finance (GOI) Ministers/MLA/ State Govt.
Personnel officials to be submitted 2 months
Compendium xx Index
35. Finance (Exp) 7/3/97/Fin(Exp) Part II 16-06-1998 Declaring HoD/Jt. Secretaries as 364
(GOG) their own Controlling Officers for
the purpose of Rule 191 of the
Supplementary Rules
36. Cabinet 21/1/7/94-Cab. 30-03-1995 Instruction reg. foreign travel 365
37. Ministry of 1/67/EC/84 17-12-1985 Guidelines regarding foreign travel 373
Finance (GOI) of Ministers of State Government
and Union Territories…
38. Cabinet 21/1/1/81-Cab (GOI) 16-08-1982 Guidelines regarding foreign travel 374
Secretariat of Ministers of State Government
(GOI) and Union Territories…
O.M./Circular/ Date of
Sr. Name of the Notification No. of Adoption by Page
Date Subject
No Department Central/State the State No.
Government Government
1.. Personnel 10/1/2014-PER(Par-I) 10/03/2016 Goa State Training Policy, 2016 377
(GOG) 824
7. Ministry of 2/22/2008-Estt(Pay II) 03/11/2009 26/02/2010 Restriction on pay plus deputation 398
Personnel (duty) allowance – reg.
and Pensions
Personnel 13/4/74-PER
Personnel 13/4/74-PER
10. GAD (GOG) 14/37/97/GA&C (VolI) 23/02/2004 Transfer guidelines – OM. No. 401
14/3777/GA&C()Vol.II) dated
11. Personnel 13/4/74-PER 02/05/2001 Transfer on deputation of State 401
(GOG) Govt. employees to ex-cadre posts
– Deputation (Duty) allowance and
other terms and conditions. –
Amendment to O.M. dated
12. Personnel 13/4/74-PER 05/01/2000 Transfer on deputation of State 402
(GOG) Govt. employees to ex-cadre posts
– Deputation (Duty) allowance and
other terms and conditions- Para
5.4 of OM dated 12/02/1999 stand
13. General 14/37/77/GA&C Vol. II 17/09/1999 Transfer guidelines -Amendment 402
n (GOG)
14. Personnel 13/4/74-PER 12/02/1999 Transfer on deputation of State 402
(GOG) Govt. employees to ex-cadre posts
– Deputation (Duty) allowance and
other terms and conditions.
15. General 14/37/77/GA&C 16/03/1998 Transfer guidelines 407
n (GOG)
16. GA&C 14/37/77-GA&C (Vol. 01/04/1993 Transfer Policy & Adherence of 408
(GOG) II) 26/02/1996 transfer policy
14/37/77-GA&C (Vol.
17. Personnel 13/4/74-PER(Part) 10/10/1990 Transfer on deputation on State 411
(GOG) Government employees to ex-cadre
posts – Deputation (Duty)
Allowance and other terms and
18. Personnel and 2/1/79-PER 10/05/1983 Transfers under FR-15 – 415
AR (GOG) Corrigendum to O.M. dated
19. Personnel and 2/1/79-PER 21/04/1983 Transfers under FR-15 415
O.M./Circular/ Date of
Sr. Name of the Notification No. of Adoption by Page
Date Subject
No Department Central/State the State No.
Government Government
partial modification
6. Vigilance 13/60/2018-VIG/4280 23/08/2018 Timely furnishing of compliance 420
(GOG) report to the Lokayukta- vigilance
7. Vigilance 13/4/2018-VIG/545 09/02/2018 Govt. employees to stay away from 420
(GOG) agitation/ criticism
8. Vigilance 1/3/2004VIG/MISC/34 28/12/2017 Instruction reg. withholding of 421
(GOG) 16 Vigilance clearance
9. Vigilance 5/64/2015VIG/(Part- 25/10/2017 Registration of FIR without waiting 421
(GOG) I)/2812 for the outcome of disciplinary
10. Vigilance 13/7/2003- /(Part- 14/10/2017 Appointment of Inquiry officers 422
(GOG) I)2704 and Presenting officer taking into
the consideration the gravity of
charges and past experience in
performing the role of inquiry
11. Vigilance 15/18/2012-VIG/2523 27/09/2017 Completion of inquiry within the 422
(GOG) period of six months
12. Vigilance 13/7/2003VIG/PART- 04/08/2017 Grant of Honorarium to Inquiry 422
(GOG) II/2043 Officers / Presenting Officers
13. Vigilance 1/3/2004VIG/PER 03/04/2017 Vigilance clearance in respect of 423
(GOG) (14)/730 officers/ officials of vigilance
department through Personnel
14. Vigilance 13/1/2017-VIG/647 24/03/2017 Reg. Inquiry/ Vigilance cases 424
(GOG) vetting of charges through
Vigilance officer in case of Group
―C‖ and ―D‖ employees
15. Ministry of A-54/2/2014-AR (Ad- 12/03/2014 Guidelines for handling complaints 424
Personnel & I) 18/10/2013 in Ministers /Department - No
Public 104/76/2011-AVD action against anonymous
Grievances (I)Estt(Pay-I) complaints.
& Pensions
16. Ministry of 6/3/2013-Estt(Pay-I) 06/02/2014 28/03/2014 Regulation of pay on imposition of 425
Personnel & a penalty under CCS (CCA) Rules,
Public 1965
& Pensions
Personnel 2/3/96-PER
17. Directorate- 15/9/2006-VIG(Part) 10/04/2012 Constitution of Committee for 427
of Vigilance review of Suspension under rule 10
(GOG) of CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965
(GOI) 12/14/89-PER
21. Vigilance 1/3/93-VIG/2005 18/10/2005 Extension of jurisdiction of 430
(GOG) Vigilance over State Public Sector
Undertakings, Autonomous bodies
22. Vigilance 1/4/78-VIG(Vol.VII) 18/10/2005 Duties of the Vigilance Officers 431
23. Ministry of 142/4/2005-AVD.I 18/05/2005 02/09/2005 Delay in Disciplinary Proceedings 431
Personnel, and other related matters.
and Pensions
Personnel 12/14/89-PER
24. Ministry of 22012/1/99-Estt(D) 25/10/2004 09/12/2004 Cases of persons whose conduct is 432
Personnel, under investigation or against
Public whom a charge sheet is pending-
Grievances Consideration for promotion.
and Pensions
Personnel 12/14/89-PER
25 Vigilance 5/6/2004-Vig/1848 11/06/2004 Unauthorised absence 433
26 Vigilance 59/100/2003 STE/1966 02/06/2004 Implementation of directions issued 434
(GOG) by Directorate of Vigilance.
27. Vigilance 13/11/88-VIG(Vol.IV) 10/10/2003 Appointment of retired Govt. 434
(GOG) Officers as the Inquiry Officers
28 Vigilance 15/9/2000-VIG 21/12/2000 Review of suspension cases 435
(GOG) 13/11/88-VIG-Part V 20/12/2000
29. Vigilance 15-9-2000-VIG 17/08/2000 Report on review of cases of 436
(GOG) officials/officers placed under
30. Vigilance 5/48/99 11/10/1999 Instructions related to CCS 437
(GOG) (Conduct) Rules, 1964
31. Vigilance 13/3/99-VIG 11/02/1999 Improving Vigilance 445
(GOG) Administration
32. Ministry of 142/10/97ADV 14/01/1998 13/04/1998 Sanction for prosecution 446
and Pensions
Vigilance 1/1/98-VIG(B)
33. Ministry of 22011/4/91-Estt. A 14/09/1992 23/08/1993 Review of Instructions on 447
Personnel, promotion of Government Servants
Public against whom disciplinary
Grievances proceedings are pending and whose
and Pensions conduct is under investigation
Compendium xxv Index
O.M./Circular/ Date of
Sr. Name of the Notification No. of Adoption by Page
Date Subject
No Department Central/State the State No.
Government Government
Procurement / Tenders
Compendium 2 Procurement / Tenders
1. For better qualitative appraisal of the projects and efficient utilization of the State resources,
Government has decided that all proposals costing 2 crores and above towards procurement of goods
and services and infrastructure works shall require prior approval of this department before carrying
out tender formalities.
2. This has to be exercised without prejudice to the powers and mandate of Expenditure
Finance Committee and Goa State Works Boards as per OM: 7-5-2012/Fin(Exp)-II, dated 23/05/2012
and OM: 7-5-2012/Fin(Exp)-I, dated 23/05/2012 respectively. All proposals which require to be put
forth before EFC and GSWB shall be placed accordingly as per the provisions of the above mentioned
OMs, without giving effect to this Circular.
Compendium 3 Procurement / Tenders
3. All other proposals for Expenditure sanction below 2 crores shall be referred to this
department only after making sufficient budget provisions, administrative approval and after
following tender procedure.
4. This is issued with the approval of Hon‘ble Finance Minister and comes into force with
immediate effect.
(Premraj Shirodkar)
Under Secretary (Fin-Exp)
Ministry of Finance
No.F.9/4/2020-PPD Dated the 12th November 2020
As per Rule 171 of General Financial Rules (GFRs) 2017, Performance Security is to be
obtained from the successful bidder awarded the contract for an amount of five to ten percent of the
value of the contract to ensure due performance of the contract. Similar provisions also exist in the
Manual for Procurement of Works 2019 and Manual for Procurement of Consultancy & other
Services 2017 issued by this Department.
2. The Government is in receipt of many representations that on account of slowdown in
economy due to the pandemic, there is acute financial crunch among many commercial entitles and
contractors, which in turn is affecting timely execution of the contracts. It has also been represented
that this may affect the ability of contractors to bid in tenders and hence reduce competition. Requests
are being received for reduction in quantum of Security Deposits in the Government contracts.
3. In view of all above, it is decided to reduce Performance Security from existing 5-10%
to 3% of the value of the contract for all existing contracts. However, the benefit of the reduced
Performance Security will not be given in the contracts under dispute wherein arbitration/court
proceedings have been already started or are contemplated.
4. Further, all tenders/contracts issued/concluded till 31.12.2021 should also have the provision
of reduced Performance Security.
Compendium 4 Procurement / Tenders
5. In all contracts where Performance Security has been reduced to 3% in view of above
stipulations, the reduced percentage of Performance Security shall continue for the entire duration of
the contract and there should be no subsequent increase of Performance Security even beyond
Similarly, in all contracts entered into with the reduced percentage of Performance Security of
3%, there will be no subsequent increase in Performance Security even beyond 31.12.2021.
6. Wherever, there is compelling circumstances to ask for Performance Security in excess of
three percent as stipulated above, the same should be done only with the approval of the next higher
authority to the authority competent to finalise the particular tender, or the Secretary of the
Ministry/Department, whichever is lower. Specific reasons justifying the exception shall be recorded.
7. These instructions will be applicable for all kinds of procurements viz Goods, Consultancy,
Works, non-consulting Services etc and are issued under Rule 6 (1) of the GFRs 2017.
(Kotluru Narayana Reddy)
Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of India
1. It has been observed that some of the departments have been extending the validity of
contracts/tenders and are also placing orders for execution of work/supply of materials and services
without obtaining prior approvals/concurrence of the Finance Department as required under the
provisions of the Goa Delegations of Financial Powers Rules, 2008.
2. Some of the instances wherein cases are referred to the Finance Department for post facto
concurrence/expenditure sanctions and relaxation of financial rules are cited here below:
i) Extension of contracts for procurement of goods & services and execution of works.
ii) Procurement of additional quantities of materials/equipments for the parties, the tender
validity whereof has already expired.
iii) Execution of works by call of quotations where the cost exceeds rupees five lakhs citing
urgency of work and then processing the files for post factor expenditure sanctions after a periods of
three months or so, seeking relaxations.
iv) Execution of works and procurements of goods and services without following codal
v) Inviting tenders/calling of quotations without obtaining administrative approvals.
vi) Outsourcing of services/engagement of consultants without approval of Finance Department.
3. Subsequently, these files are referred to the Finance Department for seeking ex-post factor
financial approvals/concurrence.
4. In this connection, all the Heads of Departments/Budget controlling Authorities are informed
to strictly adhere to the relevant provisions of Financial Rules and instructions issued from time to
time for procurement of goods & services and execution of works and seek prior approvals of Finance
Department wherever required.
5. It may be noted that henceforth no proposal for ex-post facto concurrence/expenditure
sanctions shall be considered by the Finance Department and that the concerned departments shall
Compendium 5 Procurement / Tenders
have to take recourse to rule 7(2) of Rules of Business of the Government of Goa, 1991 for
regularization of such orders.
For strict compliance.
This is issued with the approval of the Hon‘ble Chief Minister/Finance Minister.
(Premraj Shirodkar)
Under Secretary (Fin-Exp.)
Department of Finance (Revenue & Control)
No. 8/1/2020-Fin(R&C) Dated:- 16/06/2020
All Heads of Department /Offices
The State Government is pleased to adopt the General Financial Rules, 2017. All the
provisions of these Rules will come into force with immediate effect.
The PDF copy of General Financial Rules is available at Link-
This is issued with the approval of Council of Ministers vide their decision XXVIth Cabinet
meeting held on 13/05/2020.
Compendium 6 Procurement / Tenders
(Pranab G. Bhat )
Under Secretary (Fin-Exp.)
Document for smooth transition of the application software to a new vendor (if required)
Directorate of Information Technology
No. 7(373)/2011/DOIT/e-Procurement correspondence/1053 Dated: 17-10-2019
Ref. 1) Circular No. 7/13/2011/Fin-Exp. Dtd. 7-6-2011
2) Circular No. 7/13/2011/Fin-Exp. Dtd. 13-10-2011
This has reference to the above mentioned circulars towards implementation of e-Tendering /e-
Auctioning project in the State of Goa which aims at enhancing Electronic platform for electronic
tendering and electronic auction (forward and reverse) thereby automating the entire procurement
2. The e-Tendering/e-Auctioning solution of M/s CI India Pvt. Ltd. Has been selected through the
State Designated Agency (SDA) M/s ITG for the project after floating the RFP and performing the
codal formalities as per the guidelines of the Government.
3. The new solution of e-Tendering /e-Auctioning will be hosted on
which also contains self learning cum training presentation and user/vendor manual for facilitating the
user to use the e-Tendering/e-Auctioning solution in efficient manner.
4. The training with regards to the new e-Tendering / e-Auctioning platform has been conducted
for the Departmental Users as well as the registered bidders wherein the necessary guidance,
instruction along with hands-on experience have been provided to the end users by the team from the
e-Tendering/e-Auctioning solution.
5. In view of the above, all the Departments/Corporations/Autonomous Bodies are requested to
float all their tenders costing above Rs. 5 Lakhs by using e-Tendering/e-Auctioning solution hosted on with effect from 17/10/2019 and not through old e-Tendering system
( However, ongoing tender issued before 17/10/2019 shall be processed
further through old e-Tendering system ( .
6. For any further assistance and information you may contact M/s Info Tech Corporation of Goa
at the following address.
M/s Info Tech Corporation of Goa Ltd.
IT Hub, 3rd Floor, Altinho, Panaji-Goa 403 001
Phone : +91(832)2226024, +91(832)2225192
7. This issues with the approval of Minister (IT) vide U.O. Number 189/F Dated 16/10/2019.
(Ankita Anand, IAS)
Director (IT)
Jt. Secretary to Government of Goa
Finance (Expenditure)
No. 7/13/2018-Fin.(Exp) Dated: 12/10/2018
Read : Circular No. 7(43)/2017-18/DoIT/SDA for Hardware Procurement/380 dated 15/06/2018
Vide Circular dated 15/06/2018 (read above), Government of Goa, through the Department of
Information Technology (DoIT), has nominated M/s InfoTech Corporation of Goa Ltd. (M/s ITG), as
the State Designated Agency for executing the procurement of all ICT equipments for all Government
Departments, PSUs and Autonomous Bodies. The Circular also stated that prior NOC of the
Department of Information Technology shall be obtained before placing the order with M/s ITG.
2. The Legislature Secretariat and the Directorate of Education, sought for exemption from the
operation of the Circular dated 15/06/2018 (read above) in respect of their Departments/Schemes of
Compendium 8 Procurement / Tenders
the Department. It is also seen that the Directorate of Higher Education and Directorate of Technical
Education, have different set of technical requirements for the ICT equipments and they have the
technical expertise to handle the procurement of such ICT equipments of their own .
Similarly, the Directorate of Accounts, Excise Department and Commercial Taxes (State
Taxes) Department; have separate set of technical requirements and with the assistance of NIC, Goa
(who are presently managing their ICT needs), the procurement can be handled individually by the
Departments concerned.
3. Likewise for the requirements of procurement/development/sourcing of any software needed
for various Departmental activities and e-Governance programmes, these Departments have their own
capabilities to meet the specific needs of the Department concerned.
4. The matter has been examined by the Government and Finance (Expenditure) Department in
file No. 7(43) /2017-18/DoIT/SDA for Hardware Procurement (1400049610), and in file No. IT/IT-
Cadre/13/2018/DHE (1400054156); and the Government has decided that the contents of the said
circular dated 15/06/2018 (read above) shall not apply in respect of the following Departments viz.-
i) Legislature Secretariat,
ii) Directorate of Education (and Institutions under its control),
iii) Directorate of Higher Education (and Institutions under its control),
iv) Directorate of Technical Education (and Institutions under its control)
v) Directorate of Accounts
vi) Commercial Taxes (State Taxes) Department, and
vii) Excise Department
So also, the aforementioned Departments are exempted from the requirement of obtaining
prior NOC for procurement/development/sourcing of any software and related matters, for their
Departmental activity and/or those related to e-Governance programmes being implemented in
Departments/Institutions concerned.
5. These Departments may choose to procure their requirements of ICT equipments through the Rate
Contract of M/s ITG (DoIT) or through the open market or through GeM portal (provided the dealers
/suppliers are registered and have their establishment in the State of Goa, as also, have a fully
functional after sales maintenance set up in the State); by following the codal procedures and with
prior approval of the Finance (Expenditure) Department.
6. This issues with the approval of Hon‘ble Finance Minister/Chief Minister vide u.o. No.
2102/F(1400049610) dated 06/08/2018, vide u.o. No. 2266(A)/F(1400054156) dated 01/10/2018 and
vide u.o. No. 2680(F) (1400056748) dated 10/10/2018.
(Sushama D. Kamat)
Under Secretary Finance (Exp.)
Directorate of Information Technology
No. 13(10)/2009/DOIT/Website-Circulars/1266 Dated: 03/10/2018
The Department of Information Technology (DoIT) acts as a nodal agency for
implementation of ICT(Information and Communication Technology) activities for the state of Goa.
In order to assist /facilitate the State Government Departments/Corporations and other entities falling
within the jurisdiction of the Government of Goa, has appointed M/s. Goa Electronics Ltd. (GEL) as
State Designated Agency (SDA) for all website related activities such as design, development,
hosting, security audit, STQC audit, GIGW compliance, maintenance and monitoring of State
Government websites.
Compendium 9 Procurement / Tenders
The cost towards design, development and maintenance of the website, SSL certificate
purchase, security audit and additional 5 % of service charge of the total cost of the website to be paid
to SDA shall be borne by the concerned intending department/corporation etc.
The said appointment shall be valid for a period of TWO years from the date of issue of this
circular. DoIT reserves the right to renew, extend or cancel the appointment of SDA based on its
The details of the contact persons from SDA are indicated at Annexure-I enclosed. The
standard operating procedures (SOP) to be followed by SDA are placed at Annexure II for reference.
The circular issues with the approval of the Hon‘ble Chief Minister/Finance Minister vide
U.O. No. 2016/F; dated : 02/08/2018.
(Praveen Volvotkar)
Director (IT)
Annexure I
Details of State Designated Agency : Goa Electronics Limited
Sr. Name of the Contact Person Address Phone No and email Id
No. form State Designated
1 Ms Revati Muzumdar Goa Electronics Ltd.
Chief Executive Officer (GEL) Ground Floor,
Shramshakti Bhavan,
EDC Complex Patto
Plaza, Panjim Goa
2 Shri Anant Yende Goa Electronics Ltd.
Chief Technical Officer (GEL) Ground Floor,
Shramshakti Bhavan,
EDC Complex Patto
Plaza, Panjim Goa
Annexure II
Standard Operating Procedures
i. M/s Goa Electronics Ltd (GEL) shall be the State Designated Agency (SDA) for all
website related activities such as design, development, hosting, quarterly security audit,
STQC audit, maintenance and monitoring of State Government websites as per the
requirements specified by the concerned department.
ii. SDA shall empanel the agencies for design, development and maintenance of websites
following Government prescribed codal formalities.
iii. SDA shall strictly abide by prevailing Guidelines for Indian Government websites
(GIGW Version 2.0) issued by the Government of India from time to time, and all
changes shall be incorporated in the websites accordingly to ensure quality, usability,
user-centricity and accessibility of websites across their lifecycle. The guidelines are
accessible at .
iv. SDA shall develop /enable Government websites in the state to be accessible to persons
with disabilities (Divyangjan) as per GIGW Version 2.0/WCAG 2.0 standards.
v. SDA shall comply with the Court order WP No. 29214/2015, Dated :09/12/2016 issued
by Hon‘ble High Court of judicature at Madras with respect to compliance of GIGW.
vi. SDA shall comply with website security guidelines issued by CERT-IN from time to time
which are available at in order to prevent websites being
Compendium 10 Procurement / Tenders
vii. SDA shall comply with metadata and data standards which are available at from time to time.
viii. SDA shall comply with State Data Centre (SDC) guidelines for deployment of websites at
SDC and for availing fourth level domain name.
ix. SDA shall submit a monthly report indicating website Updation status, last updated date,
last security audit conduct date to this department without fail for onward submission to
the Chief Secretary.
x. SDA shall develop an application to submit website Updation reports by the department
where in DoIT, Chief Secretary and Chief Minister/IT Minister can view the status
updation done by the departments for their websites at one glance.
xi. SDA shall assist departments to carry out websites security audit.
xii. SDA shall furnish Website Security Audit Certificate issued by CERT-IN and Website
Quality Certification issued by STQC to DOIT on completion of respective audit.
xiii. SDA shall assist the departments in procuring SSL certificate.
xiv. SDA shall ensure the timely updation of the content of websites and security of websites.
xv. SDA shall comply with guidelines issued by Government of India and /or Government of
Goa from time to time.
xvi. SDA shall act as a single point of contract for all matter related to State Government
websites, and any reports /status if required by DoIT shall be furnished in a time bound
xvii. Department shall obtain NOC from DoIT prior to creation of website through SDA.
xviii. State Departments/Corporations shall approach SDA for all website related activities such
as design, development, hosting, SSL certificates purchase, security audit, STQC audit,
GIGW compliance and maintenance, and SDA shall be carrying out these activities for
Government Department / Corporations only through empanelled agencies.
xix. The cost towards website related activities provided by ERNET India, Govt. of India will
act as base price for website related activities to be carried out by SDA, and the quotes
offered by SDA shall be comparable to the costing provided by ERNET India.
xx. A Service Charge of 5 % of the total cost of the website shall be paid by the intending
Department to SDA in addition to the website cost.
xxi. The cost towards design, development and maintenance of the websites, SSL purchase,
security audit and additional 5 % of service charge of the total cost of the website to be
paid to SDA shall be borne by the indenting Department.
xxii. Taxes if any, shall also be borne by the intending department.
The Government has therefore decided to nominate Info Tech Corporation of Goa Limited
(Government of Goa Undertaking) as the State Designed Agency (SDA) for executing the
procurement of all ICT equipments for all Government Departments, PSUs and autonomous bodies.
The SDA shall levy 5% service charges on the total amount of Procurements.
All State Government Departments, PSUs and autonomous bodies shall route all the
procurements of ICT equipments through the State Designated Agency.
All State Government Departments/PSUs and autonomous bodies shall obtain prior NOC of
Department of Information Technology and also obtain approval of all other competent authorities as
per the laid down government guidelines issued from time to time before placing the order with the
This issues, with the approval of Government vide U. O. No. 1390/F, dated: 16/05/2018 and
concurrence of Finance Department (Expenditure) vide U. O. No. 1400049610, dated: 02/05/2018.
Srinet Kothwale
Director (IT)
Directorate of Accounts
No. DA/Control/7-25/2017-18/TR-488/412 Date:- 08 March, 2018
Sub:- Accounting procedure for procurement of printing & stationery items through the
Department of Printing & Stationery–reg.
The Department of Printing & Stationery vide Circular No. 8/1 (A)/2008/GPP/2246 dated 25-10-
2010 issued instructions to all indenting departments to compulsorily furnish a certificate authorising
them to adjust the bill amount towards supplies by book transfer. This procedure necessitated the
proposing of Transfer entries by this Directorate thereby giving credit to the receipt head of the
Department of Printing and Stationery and debit to the respective expenditure head of the indenting
departments. The adoption of this procedure resulted in proposing a huge amount of transfer entries
leading to unnecessary generation of paper work which is against the green initiative policy of the
Streamlining of this procedure to fall in line with Government Accounting Rules and initiatives
was under the consideration of Government for quite some time.
The Government has now decided that for settlement of Inter departmental transactions as far as
indenting the material and supplies from the Department of Printing & Stationery is concerned, the
following procedure shall be adopted:-
a) The Consumer Department/DDO will make a requisition to the Department of Printing &
Stationery for supply of stationery items.
b) The Department of Printing & Stationery on supply of the stationery items will issue bills to
the Consumer Department/DDO concerned indicating therein the detailed Receipt Head of
Account to which the amount is to be credited by means of book adjustment through the
Directorate of Accounts.
c) The Consumer Department will prepare a fully Vouched Contingent Bill and submit the same
to the Directorate of Accounts.
d) The Directorate of Accounts on scrutiny of the bill, if in order, will settle the bill and credit the
amount under the appropriate Receipt Head of Account by means of Book Adjustment.
Compendium 12 Procurement / Tenders
Further, service tax was leviable @ 15% on 40% of the entire work (original work contracts) or on
70% of the entire work in cases of repairs & maintenance; based upon the extant guidelines of the
Service Tax Regime.
Considering the extant provisions of the earlier tax regime, the present GST, the costs inbuilt in the
GSR etc.; the calculations worked out for a given type of works contract reveals certain variation in
the works contract value; post implementation of G.S.T. w.e.f. 01-07-2017.
4. In view of the above, it has been decided that in all such works,—
(i) For the goods component (items including materials supply, machinery equipments etc.); the
rate quoted by the contractor shall be reduced by the relevant Excise Duty/Countervailing
Duty & Special Additional Duty (in case of imports)/CST or VAT and thereafter appropriate
incidence of GST shall be applied.
(ii) For service component, the rate of service tax leviable shall be reduced and appropriate
incidence of GST shall be levied.
(iii) In cases of ongoing works, for the portion of the work completed prior to 01-07-2017, the
extant guidelines and structure of taxation existing prior to implementation of GST shall be
applicable as per the provisions of the Central Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017, as well as,
the Goa Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017.
(iv) In cases of ongoing works and in all cases where, work orders are yet to be issued or where
tenders are being finalized or where NIT have been issued; the work order cost or estimate, as
the case may be, shall be analysed and reworked as per details given and formula prescribed
in Annexure appended.
(v) In case of variations in the rate exceeding (+) 05%, the proposal for issue of new work order
shall have to be referred to the Finance (Expenditure) Department for concurrence, alongwith
the detailed statement of the rate analysis done item wise.
(vi) The amount of ITC claimed by the works contractor may be reduced from the Running
Account bill, upon verification of documentary evidence of the ITC claimed by the works
contractor or DDO (Executive Engineer concerned) may seek a self declaration, stating
therein the amount of ITC claimed or not having claimed in the transaction leading towards
the supply of services and good of the works contract alongwith the copy 61 the relevant GST
return filed.
(vii) The extant rates of items in the GSR shall be revised by the appropriate authority concerned,
based upon the current incidence of tax rates.
5. All DDO's viz. the Executive Engineers are advised to adhere to these instructions carefully and
ensure that the claims for payments made by works contractors are correctly preferred.
The Directorate of Accounts is authorized to simultaneously carry out test audits to verify the
payments being done by the DDO's of the Works Divisions of such Works executing Departments
and Agencies. In the event of any difficulty being faced by the DDO's or the Directorate of Accounts
(Head Quarters, Panaji) or the O/o Jt. Director of Accounts (South Branch, Margao); they may seek
clarification on the applicability or incidence of the relevant rates of taxes from the O/o Addl.
Commissioner of Commercial Taxes/State Taxes at Panaji or Margao.
In case of any difficulties faced by the Works executing Departments arising out of these
instructions issued or in event of certain cases not fully covered by these instructions, then the matter
shall be referred to the Finance (Expenditure) Department for analysis and clarifications thereon.
6. These instructions shall also apply to Government autonomous agencies/Corporations which
execute various works contracts for the Government Departments.
(Sushama D. Kamat)
Under Secretary (Finance-R&C)
Compendium 14 Procurement / Tenders
Instructions for regulation of payments being made to work contractors post implementation of
GST w.e.f. 01-07-2017
(i) In all cases of ongoing works where the works contract value is below Rs. 20.00 lakhs, no
change in the contract value or in the bill payment process, shall be effected.
(ii) In all cases of ongoing works where the financially assessed work executed by the works
contractor exceeds 50% of the value of the works contract, where the work contract value is
more than Rs. 20.00 lakhs and does not exceed Rs. 05.00 crores; no change in the contract
value or in the bill payment process shall be effected.
(iii) In all other cases of ongoing works, which are not covered under clause (i) and clause (ii)
above; the payments of the bills (Running Account claims, etc.) shall be regulated as given
(a) Determine the value of taxes in the bill amount which have been subsumed in GST viz.
VAT (i.e. Tax on Works Contract), CST, Excise Duty, Countervailing Duty/Special
Additional Duty (in case of imports) and Service Tax.
(b) Reduce the amount of the Bill by the amount determined as per (a) above.
(c) Thereafter, calculate GST as applicable on the reduced value of the bill and process for
For the above purpose, the value of taxes in the Bill amount shall be determined as a
percentage value arrived at, in the formulation given below.-
% value for reduction = A+B+ (Pn x Qn)
(i) 'A' is the percentage value of VAT payable on the works contract as per %
component of materials forming part of the works contract as per WCT under Goa
VAT Act, 2005;
(ii) 'B' is the percentage value of the Service Tax payable on the works contract as per
% component of the services in the works contract (viz. 40% of for
original/networks and 70% for repairs & maintenance);
(iii) 'Pn' is the % weightage of the excisable components (n) in the works contract; and
(iv) 'Qn' is the rate of Excise Duty and / or CST @ 2% on the excisable components (n)
Consider that the amount of the Running Account Bill of a works contract, viz, execution of a road
works, is say Rs. 1,00,000/-.
(i) As per Goa VAT Act, 2005, and the provisions of WCT thereunder, 70% of the works contract
value was chargeable @8% as VAT.
(ii) Being a new/original work, the service tax was chargeable @ 15% on 40% of the gross
contract value.
(iii) In the road works of the material/goods utilized in the works contract is excisable and attracts
duty of averagely 12.5% while asphalt is 14%. The goods also involve CST @2% being
produced from outside the State.
Then, (a) A=5.185, calculated as
70 × 100+8 where 70 is the % component assessable for VAT and 08 is the rate of VAT for
(b) B=5.217, calculated as
Compendium 15 Procurement / Tenders
40 × 100+15 where 40 is the % component assessable for Service Tax and 15 is rate of
Service Tax
(c) P1=0.075, where 7.5% is asphalt component of the material used being excisable material
(d) Q1=16.28, calculated as
14 + 114 × 100 Where 14 is the rate of excise duty on asphalt and 2% is the CST chargeable
on the excisable material
(f) Q2=14.75, calculated as
12.5 + 112.5 × 100 Where 12.5 is the rate of excise duty and 2% is the CST chargeable on
the excisable material.
(e) P2=0.175, where 17.5% is the other excisable material.
(g) Therefore, the percentages value to be reduced from the RA Bill will be,
= 14.204
(h) Thus, the reduced value of the RA Bill is Rs. 85,796.
(i) On the reduced value add incidences of GST as applicable.
Note 1:- The above procedure as at clause (iii) above, shall apply for all new works, as well as, on
estimates, tendered amount quoted by the L1 contractor, reasonability of rates etc.; post
implementation of GST.
Note 2:- The above illustration is only of the purpose of understanding the methodology of calculation
and arriving at the % value of reduction. The rates of taxes & duties and actual % of the
excisable material as also % component of material forming part of the works contract, may
vary from case to case, depending upon the type of the works.
Department of Finance (Revenue & Control)
No. 38/5/2017-Fin. (R&C) Date: 12-10-2017
Sub: Applicability of Goods and Services Tax (GST) on supplies of goods and services in
Government Departments... Instructions on billings, payments and rates reg. ....
The Goods and Services Tax (GST) has been made applicable w.e.f. 01st July, 2017 in terms of the
provisions contained in the Central Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017, as well as, the Goa Goods and
Services Tax Act, 2017. Upon implementation of GST, certain central taxes and duties (like Excise
Duty, Service Tax, CST etc.) and certain state taxes (like VAT etc.) have been subsumed under one
rate of tax for a particular type of goods or services. Thus these taxes which formed the basis of
pricing a good or a service, has undergone a change and prices of a particular type of goods or
services has either increased or decreased. Suppliers of goods or services are now able to derive
benefits of Input Tax Credits (ITC) on the materials procured during the course of supply and
installation of a particular product and providing services. Thus, any benefit of the new tax regime,
availed by a supplier, in the course of supply of goods and services to Government Departments needs
to be passed on to the Government and vice versa any resultant increase in rates or pricing on the
supply of goods and services needs to be reimbursed to the supplier.
2. For the purpose of billing and certification of claims being made by the supplier of goods or
services, before processing the claims for payment; each Drawing and Disbursing Officer (DDO)
shall examine each claim, as per the following instructions:
(a) In cases of pure services (e.g. labour contracts, consultancy, watch and ward services etc.)
Compendium 16 Procurement / Tenders
being provided, and where the service tax component was inclusive of the prices, than the
claim of the supplier/contractor shall be reduced by the amount equivalent to that calculated on
the basis of the erstwhile service tax rate, and thereafter the relevant incidence of GST shall be
In the event, the prices were exclusive of service tax and the same was being charged
separately than the relevant incidence of GST as claimed shall be verified and the payments
made accordingly.
(b) In cases of services involving supply of materials or in which materials/goods are being
utilized (e.g. Operation and Maintenance services, sweeping and swabbing, housekeeping and
sanitation etc.), than the claim shall be reduced to such extent equivalent to the ITC availed by
the supplier/ contractor. For this purpose the DDO, shall either verify the documentary
evidence of the ITC claimed by the supplier/contractor or shall seek a self declaration, stating
therein the amount of ITC claimed or not having claimed in the transaction leading towards the
supply of services, alongwith the copy of the relevant GST return filed.
The bills will then have to be processed as specified in para (2)(a) above, after reducing the
amount of ITC claimed or declared.
(c) For supplies of goods and for contracts involving purely supply of materials:
In case of supply of goods and for contracts which wholly involve supply of materials and
goods (including fixtures, items involved in day to day requirement of operation and
maintenance etc.), the claims made by the supplier/contractor shall be analyzed and dealt with
item wise as per the following sub-cases viz. -
(i) In case of Imported material: In such a case, the Countervailing Duty and/or Special
Additional Duty (which stands subsumed in GST); shall be reduced and thereafter
incidence of GST should be calculated.
In case of GST or VAT (which also stands subsumed in GST), was levied/leviable, the
same should also be reduced before applying the relevant GST rate.
(ii) In case of material procured directly from the manufacturer: In such a case, the
Excise Duty and/or VAT chargeable or CST (in case of supplies from outside the state)
shall be reduced and thereafter incidence of GST shall be calculated.
(iii) In case of material procured from a supplier/trader (other than a manufacturer): In
such a case, the Excise Duty which is in built in the cost of the material, will have to be
verified and reduced accordingly, as also the CST and/or VAT chargeable. Thereafter,
incidence of CST shall be calculated.
Note 1: In the event of combination of one or more of the above instances, than the incidence
of GST will have to be calculated separately, for each case.
(iv) In case of ITC availed by the supplier: In case the supplier/ contractor is eligible for
availing or has availed ITC than amount equivalent to ITC claimed shall be deducted
from the claim raised by the supplier/ contractor.
3. All DOO's are advised to adhere to these instructions carefully and ensure that the claims for
payments made by suppliers/contractors are correctly preferred to the Directorate of Accounts. The
Directorate of Accounts is required to verify the claims made by DDO's and accordingly process them
for payments. In the event of any difficulty being faced by the DDO's or the Directorate of Accounts
(Head Quarters, Panaji) or the O/o Jt. Director of Accounts (South Branch, Margao); they may seek
clarification on the applicability or incidence of the relevant rates of taxes from the O/o Addl.
Commissioner of Commercial Taxes/State Taxes at Panaji or Margao.
(Sushama D. Kamat)
Under Secretary (Finance-R&C)
Compendium 17 Procurement / Tenders
DDO ―XYZ‖ purchases computers for the office costing Rs. 20,00,000/- (basic price) from a
local dealer.
On such a purchase incidence of GST as notified for such supplies to be charged by the local
dealer is 18% (i.e. 9% CGST plus 9% SGST). For any purchase done by Government above
Rs. 2,50,00/- a deduction of TDS @ 2% (i.e. 1 % CGST and 1 % SGST) has to be made;
except in cases of procurement done from a dealer outside the State of Goa.
The invoice given to DDO "XYZ", by the local dealer, will be as follows:
(i) Basic price ... Rs. 20,00,000-
(ii) CGST 9% ... Rs. 1,80,000/-
(iii) SGST 9% ... Rs. 1,80,000/-
(iv) Total ... Rs. 23,60,000/-
(b) Method to pay GST:
(i) The DDQ "XYZ" shall deduct 02% TDS in terms of Section 51 of the SGST Act and
CGST Act, in the following manner:
i) Basic Price ... Rs. 20,00,000/-
ii) 02% TDS ... Rs. 40,000/- (1% CGST plus 1% SGST)
Note 2: In terms of Notification No. 38/1/2017 - Fin (R&C)(6) dated 30-06-2017, section 51 of the
SGST Act, as also, section 51 of the CGST Act has not been brought into force and the
above levy shall be made on such supplies which are billed on or after the date on which
section 51 comes into force.
Note 3: ―Basic Price‖ means price after including base price, charges towards packaging &
forwarding, C & F, Insurance, Freight etc. except CGST and SGST plus cess. That is to
say, no tax shall be deducted on SGST, CGST or IGST (Integrated Goods and Services
Tax) tax amount shown in the bill or invoice.
(ii) While preparing the FVC (Fully Vouched Contingency) Bill, the above details as per
illustration (as given in 3(a) above) shall be provided on the FVC, wherein the amount
payable to the local dealer shall be as follows:
(i) Amount payable ... Rs. 23,60,000/
(ii) Less: TDS @2% ... Rs. 40,000/-
(iii) Net payable ... Rs. 23,20,000/- (amount payable to the local dealer)
(iii) The amount of TDS so deducted, shan be remitted into a separate bank account (current
account) permitted to be opened in the name of the DDO, in any branch of State Bank of
India only.
(iv) The DDO shall, as per the sub-section (2) of Section 51 of the SGST and CGST Acts,
make the payment of SGST as well as CGST, within ten days after the end of the month
in which such deduction is made. That is to say, by the tenth day of succeeding month, in
which the FVC bill has been cleared and paid by the Directorate of Accounts.
Illustration: In the example given above, if the invoice and supply was done by the dealer
on 02nd July, 2017 to the DDO, who thereafter processed the FVC bill for payment to the
Directorate of Accounts; which in turn was cleared on 22nd July, 2017; than the payment
of TSD shall have to be made on or before 10th August, 2017.
(v) For the purpose of making payment of TDS deducted as per clause 3(b)(ii) above, the
DDO, shall generate an online tax payment challan from the GST portal, in Form ―GST-
PMT-06‖. He may then proceed to make payment of this challan, by quoting the unique
CPIN (common portal identification number) which is generated alongwith the online tax
payment challan; either:-
Compendium 19 Procurement / Tenders
(1) through online payment, using SBI payment gateway or SBI Internet Banking
facility, or
(2) through NEFT/RTGS at any SBI branch; only.
Note 4: DDO should ensure that while making payments CPIN is clearly visible and quoted during
this transaction.
(vi) Thereafter, the DDO shall furnish a certificate in Form ―GSTR-7A‖ to the deductee (viz.
the dealer), electronically, in respect of the TDS deducted and paid to the Government;
clearly mentioning therein the contract value, rate of deduction, amount deducated and
amount paid to the Government. This certificate shall have to be issued not later than five
days from the date of making payment to the Government.
Illustration: in the example given under clause 3(b)(iv) above, if the payment of TDS
deducted was paid to the Government on 10th August, 2017; than the TDS certificate has
to be issued on or before 15th August, 2017.
Note 5: DDO should mention the CIN (challan identification number), which is generated after the
challan is paid, on the TDS certificate being issued so as to enable the deductee to avail
credit of TDS.
(c) DDO should note the provision of sub-sections (3), (4) and (6) of section 51 of the SGST as
well as CGST Acts; which interalia provides for penalties in delays in making tax payments
and issue of TDS certificate to the local dealer (compulsorily within five days of making such
payment) in the prescribed Form ―GSTR- 7A‖.
(d) DDO is required to file a monthly return, electronically, in the prescribed Form ―GSTR-7‖;
within ten days after the end of the month in which deductions are made, as provided under
sub-section (3) of section 39 of the SGST as well as CGST Acts.
Illustration: In the example given under clause 3 (b) (iv) above, since the deductions were
made in the month of July' 2017, the monthly return shall have to be files on or before 10th
August, 2017.
(e) In case the DDO fails to pay/remit to the Government the amount deducted, within the
prescribed time limits; he shall be liable to pay interest at the rate of 18% in addition to the
amount of tax deducted for the period of delay; in terms of sub-section (6) of section 51 read
with sub-section (1) of section 50 of the SGST as well as CGST Acts.
DDO shall be personally liable to pay this amount in case of the aforementioned default,
which shall be recovered from his pay and allowances.
Illustration: In the example given above, if the TDS deducted is paid on 30th September, 2017
beyond the prescribed date of 10th August, 2017; than an interest calculated at the rate of
18% will have to be paid for the period 11th August, 2017 to 30th September, 2017 (i.e. 51
days). The interest amount payable will be Rs. 1006/- {i.e. 40000 x (18/100) x (51/365)}.
(f) In case TDS certificate is not issued to the deductee within prescribed time limit, deductor i.e.
DDO shall be liable to pay late fee of Rs. 100/- per day, subject to the maximum amount of
Rs. 5000/-; from the expiry of the 05th day till the TDS certificate is issued.
DDO shall be personally liable to pay this amount in case of the aforementioned default,
which shall be recovered from his pay and allowances.
(g) If a deductor, i.e. DDO fails to deduct TDS as provided in section 51 of SGST as well as
CGST Acts, or deducts an amount which is less than the amount required to be deducted or
fails to pay to the Government the amount deducted as tax, then the deductor i.e. DDO shall
be liable to pay a penalty equivalent to the amount of TDS not deducted or short deducted or
deducted but not paid to the Government or Rs. 10,000/-, whichever is higher; in terms of
sub-section (1) of section 122 of the SGST as well as CGST Acts.
DDO shall be personally liable to pay this amount in case of the aforementioned default,
Compendium 20 Procurement / Tenders
(a) If, on the date of opening of a tender it is observed that a single response/offer is received, then
the Department concerned, may extend the date of opening of tender and further observe
whether there is sufficient competition and if additional bids can be obtained. Generally, the
date of opening of the bid/ tender may be extended by 10 to 15 days.
(b) In the event, after following the process as at (a) above, a single bid is received and in the event
it is technically qualified, then the Financial Bid may be opened and the rate compared with the
reasonable / justified amount arrived at by the Department prior to the date of opening of the
bid. In such cases and subject to the powers vested with the Heads of Departments
(HODs)/Administrative Authority (AA), the single tender/bid may be accepted, subject to the
certification by the HoD/AA:
(i) that the rates are reasonable, and re-tendering of the purchases/work may not be able to
attract additional bidders,
(ii) that the likely-hood of the chances of the prices going high to the disadvantage of the
Department are more; and
(iii) that the HoD /AA is personally satisfied that the offer received meets the requirement of
the Department concerned.
(c) If it is the opinion of the HoD/AA concerned that there is need of re-tendering by relaxing the
criteria/ specifications or making further changes in the specifications/criteria of the tender, as
per the existing market conditions, which may be beneficial in obtaining additional bids and
may result in better competition and better price discovery; than the HoD/AA concerned shall
proceed to issue a fresh tender with or without modifications.
(d) When a single bid is received and it is opinion of the HoD/AA that further issuance of tender
will not serve any purpose and will not be in the interest of the Department, then the single bid
may be accepted by fully justifying the case as detailed below, and the matter shall be
forwarded to the Government/Finance (Expenditure) Department as the case may be.
In such cases or when a single tender / single offer has to be accepted due to certain exigencies
of work / purchase, based upon the requirement of the Department concerned, then proper
justification should be recorded by the HoD / AA concerned highlighting-:
(i) that re-tender may not invite better competition / better price discovery,
(ii) that the work is of urgent nature and re-tendering will further delay the process beyond
reasonable time period thereby causing loss to the Government and will not sub-serve any
public interest, and,
(iii) that the HoD/AA is personally satisfied that the offer concerned meets the requirement of
the Department, due to exigency in executing the work/purchase and that the price is
reasonable considering the urgency of the purchase/work to be executed.
Yours faithfully,
(Sushama D. Kamat)
Under Secretary (Finance- Exp.)
initiatives undertaken by the State. The timely maintenance of these IT infrastructures is very much
essential after the expiry of warranty period.
To address this issue, Department of Information Technology has updated the Guideline for
Annual Maintenance Contract of IT Infrastructure (Version 2.0) and Info Tech Corporation of Goa
Limited (Government of Goa Undertaking) is identified as the State Designated Agency (SDA) for
executing the AMC of IT Infrastructure for all Government departments and organizations. The
guidelines may be downloaded from the Official Portal of Government of Goa i.e.
All Government departments & organizations including Info Tech Corporation of Goa Limited
(SDA) are requested to strictly follow these guidelines for timely & effective execution of Annual
Maintenance Contract.
The charges to be paid to SDA for execution of AMC include the following:
AMC charges : Lowest quote offered by empanelled AMC Vendor to SDA
Service charges of SDA : 7% of the AMC charges
Service Tax on Service Charges of SDA : Calculation as per applicable Service Tax
This issues with the approval of Government vide U. 0. No. 7457/F, dated 16/08/2013, and
concurrence of Finance vide U. O. No. 1803/F, dated 02/08/2014.
Note: NOC from Department of Information Technology is not required for entering into Annual
Maintenance Contract
(Nilesh B. Fal Dessai)
Director (IT
Annual Maintenance Contract of IT Infrastructure
Table of Contents
Table of Contents ...................................................................................................................................
1. Background ..................................................................................................................................
2. Objective ....................................................................................................................................
3. AMC Guidelines ..........................................................................................................................
3.1 Applicable to
3.2 Grounds for AMC.....................................................................................................................
3.3 Validity of AMC
3.4 Eligibility Criteria for AMC Vendor
3.5 Selection of AMC Vendor
3.6 General Guidelines
List of Abbreviations used:
AMC Annual Maintenance Contract
DoIT Department of Information Technology
IT Information Technology
Compendium 23 Procurement / Tenders
2. Objective
The technological advancements in Information & Communication Technology are very
rapid and continuous. The e-Governance Application development is in various stages of
implementation in almost all State Government Departments & Government Organizations.
The various Government Departments & Organizations has setup this IT Infrastructure for
use of e-Governance Application. In order to get efficient management of IT Infrastructure
existing in their Offices, a number of requests are received from these Departments &
Organizations. Maintenance of this IT Infrastructure is absolutely necessary.
It is therefore felt that Guidelines must be in place to address the concerns for management
of IT Infrastructure in various Departments and Organizations under the Government.
3. AMC Guidelines
3.1 Applicable to
All Government Departments/Institutions under GoG
All Corporations/ Autonomous Bodies/PSUs/Local Bodies under GoG
3.2 Grounds for AMC
Compendium 24 Procurement / Tenders
3.5.1 The SDA shall empanel the various AMC Vendors based on the AMC guidelines, which
shall be valid for a period of two (2) years. However for providing AMC of Server and
UPS (Online 5KVA & above), the AMC Vendors shall possess authorization letter
from the concerned OEM.
3.5.2 The SDA shall invite quotations from the empanelled AMC Vendors to determine the
lowest (L1) quote for IT Infrastructure. Thereafter;
a) The SDA shall than place before the empanelled AMC Vendors a list of the
lowest (L1) rates obtained for each of the IT Infrastructure Component/ Services
b) All the empanelled AMC Vendor shall be given an opportunity to match the
lowest (L1) rates obtained for each of the IT Infrastructure equipment obtained by
c) Before placing the AMC order of any Department/Organization/office on the
AMC Vendor, the SDA will communicate to the empanelled AMC Vendors about
their willingness to carry out the respective AMC. Based on the acceptance
communications received by SDA from the empanelled AMC Vendors, the AMC
order will be awarded. The objective is to provide prompt and efficient AMC
service to the various Departments/Organizations that are spread across the State.
Compendium 25 Procurement / Tenders
3.6.1 The AMC shall be on-site comprehensive, covering both preventive as well as corrective
maintenance of IT Infrastructure.
3.6.2 The AMC Vendor shall maintain adequate stock of spare parts for smooth execution of
AMC Contract.
3.6.3 The AMC Vendor shall check all the equipment before taking the AMC Contract and those
ICT equipment which are not working will be first repaired on approval of
Department/Organization and SDA, and then taken under AMC. The cost of the repairs
will be borne separately by the Department/ Organization.
3.6.4. Under corrective maintenance, any defects in the IT Infrastructure shall be rectified, and
all defective components of IT Infrastructure necessary for normal operation, except
Consumables such as tapes, ribbons, toners, cartridges, UPS Batteries etc., are to be
replaced with the respective OEM products/ parts of equivalent or higher
make/configurations, free of cost to the Department/Organization. If the respective OEM
products/parts are not available for any reason, the AMC Vendor shall replace the
defective products/ parts with similar or higher make/configurations by taking written
consent of the SDA for the type of products/parts being replaced and its warranty.
However problems caused by electric failure/surge, lighting, floods, physical damage,
etc., shall not be covered under AMC.
3.6.5. Preventive Maintenance activity shall include updation of Service packs, drivers &
Operating System patches, physical cleaning & testing of equipments, carrying out
system diagnostic tests & taking remedial action, point-to-point connectivity test etc. At
least one preventive maintenance activity shall be scheduled per quarter during the
maintenance period.
3.6.6. The Department/Organization shall initiate the process of AMC of IT Infrastructure well
in advance, preferably three (3) months before expiry of warranty period of IT
3.6.7. The Departments/Organizations shall identify the IT Infrastructure to be taken up for
AMC and approach the SDA with necessary details as per Annexure-l.
3.6.8. The SDA shall sign the agreement with the selected AMC Vendor in compliance with the
AMC Guidelines.
3.6.9. The AMC Vendor shall maintain the entire IT Infrastructure under the AMC Contract in
proper working condition throughout the Contract period to provide consistent AMC
support to the Department/Organization.
3.6.10. The SDA shall provide a detailed Service Escalation Matrix with contact details
(escalation hierarchy, contact person, number, address and e-mail) to which the
Compendium 26 Procurement / Tenders
Department/Organization shall contact for AMC support. The AMC Vendor has to
perform as per the defined Service Level Agreement (SLA), and any deviation to the
SLA shall attract penalty as per the agreement signed between SDA & the AMC Vendor.
3.6.11. The repair/replacement of defective products/ parts shall be carried out at the office
premises of the Department/ Organization only, and not to the repair centers. If the fault
is of serious nature and requires the support of the repair centre, thereby necessitating
shifting of the equipment, then the shifting/ transportation, installation, re-installation,
and loading of the software packages shall be carried out at no additional cost to the
Department/Organization and with prior approval of Department/Organization.
3.6.12. If the faulty equipment is required to be carried out of the office premises of the
Department/Organization, which may affect the business process of the
Department/Organization., then equivalent standby equipment has to be provided until
the original equipment has been repaired and brought back and installed successfully.
3.6.13. There shall be at least 90% uptime on all working days in respect of IT Infrastructure
covered under AMC, except for Servers and active networking equipments which shall
have 99% uptime. The uptime shall be computed on calendar month basis in a non-
cumulative manner.
3.6.14. Any activity, as a part of AMC, that requires stopping of services or shutdown of
equipments shall be carried out in consultation with the Department/Organization after
necessary intimation, and this activity shall be taken up only during the non-working
hours or on holidays in order to reduce non-availability of services.
3.6.15. The down-time penalty charges if not rectified within the stipulated time shall be as
Period Penalty that shall be levied by the
SDA to the AMC Vendor
3.6.16. In case of large volumes of IT Infrastructure i.e. 100 plus, covered under AMC, the AMC
Vendor has to provide appropriate certified skilled resident engineer at the
Department/Organization site. The resident engineer shall report to the
Department/Organization on all working days during office hours, and the record of the
same shall be maintained at Department/ Organization in the Health card.
3.6.17 In case of failure of the AMC Vendor in rectifying the faults within stipulated period as
defined in the SLA, the downtime shall be recorded in the Health Card. The SDA shall
validate the downtime against the committed service levels and the downtime penalty
charges as defined shall be deducted from the subsequent installment of AMC charges
to the AMC Vendor and passed to the respective Department/Organization.
3.6.18 If the AMC service provided by the AMC Vendor is found unsatisfactory, the
Department/Organization shall give written complaint to the SDA. In such case, SDA
shall ensure that the AMC Vendor provides satisfactory service to the
Compendium 27 Procurement / Tenders
3.6.19 The SDA and Department/Organization shall jointly review and monitor the performance
of the AMC vendor on a half yearly basis & the same shall be recorded by SDA for
future reference.
3.6.20 The Department/Organization shall release yearly payment to the SDA in equal
installments as a advance towards the maintenance charges on commencement of each
year. Additionally all the applicable service charges/fixed margin charges towards
execution of AMC shall be released to SDA by the Department/Organization in a single
installment before the commencement of AMC.
3.6.21 The payments towards the AMC charges shall be released to the AMC Vendor by SDA
after the expiry of each half year, and after getting certificate of good performance from
the SDA in consultation with Department/Organization. Any increase or decrease of
taxes, duties or prices of components, etc., shall not affect the AMC rates during the
entire period of AMC contract.
3.6.22. The AMC Vendor shall not sub-contract the AMC to any Organization, person, firm or
its franchisee. If, at any time, it comes to the notice of the SDA that such sub-letting has
been done, then the SDA, at its discretion, may terminate the contract without referring
the matter further to the AMC Vendor, and such Vendor shall be liable for blacklisting.
3.6.23 The Health Card shall be maintained by AMC Vendor in the Department/Organization for
all IT Infrastructure covered under AMC. The AMC Vendor shall record therein each
incident of IT Infrastructure malfunction, date/ time of commencement of downtime
and successful completion of the repair/ maintenance work, nature of repair work
performed on the IT Infrastructure along with description of the malfunction and the
root cause thereof.
3.6.24 It shall be the responsibility of the AMC Vendor to keep IT Infrastructure in working
condition. If the services of the AMC Vendor are found unsatisfactory during the AMC
period or if the AMC Vendor fails to carry out any of its obligations/ duties mentioned
as per the agreement, the SDA may terminate the contract by giving one month's notice
to the AMC Vendor in writing.
3.6.25 The AMC Contract may be terminated by the AMC Vendor by giving one month's notice
in writing to SDA. If the notice period is not given or if a shorter notice is given by the
AMC Vendor, any maintenance costs and / or damages incurred by the SDA to support
the maintenance of IT Infrastructure contracted to the AMC Vendor till alternate
arrangement is made, shall be deducted from the dues payable to the AMC Vendor, or
shall be paid by the AMC Vendor on demand if such dues fall short of such costs.
3.6.26 In case of termination of AMC contract, the SDA shall ensure to execute the AMC of IT
Infrastructure through alternate arrangement in compliance with AMC guidelines.
3.6.27 At the end of each AMC contract, the SDA in coordination with Department/Organization
shall certify that the IT Infrastructure is in satisfactory working condition and that no
faults or complaints are pending from AMC Vendor.
3.6.28. The DoIT reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to review and update the AMC
Guidelines as and when required.
(For the use by Government Departments/Organizations)
Name of Department/ Organization: ______________________
Compendium 28 Procurement / Tenders
If under
Description Warranty / AMC,
Sr. of IT Make/ Serial Purchase Purchase
Model Expiry date
No. Infrastructure Brand Number Cost Date
expiry Date of AMC
Department of Finance (Expenditure)
No. 7/3/2012/FIN(EXP) Date: 23-05-2012.
In order to control the huge expenditure on advertisement cost pertaining to publication of Notices
Inviting Tenders/Expression of Interest/ Request for Proposals etc., issued by various Government
Departments and Government Aided Institutions, Corporations, Autonomous Bodies etc.; it has now
been decided by the Government that all the Heads of Department including the Works Departments,
henceforth should publish only brief tender notice indicating the highlights and comprising maximum
of 02 to 03 column size and within maximum 05 to 10 centimeters column height. All the detail
information pertaining to the said Notice Inviting Tender etc. should be hosted/published on:-
(i) Website of the Department concerned.
(ii) Website of the Department of Information & Publicity:-
(iii) Goa Government Website:-
(iv) Website of the Directorate of Information & Technology:-
(v) Goa Vacancy and Tender Bulletin of the Department of Printing & Stationery.
2. This issue with the approval of Finance Minister/Chief Minister.
(Surendra F. Naik)
Under Secretary (Fin Exp.)
Department of Finance (Expenditure)
No. 7-5-2012/Fin. (Exp.)-I Date: 23-05-2012.
Sub :- Goa State Works Board.
In supercession of all Memorandum/Instructions/Orders and Guidelines issued on the above subject
matter, the Government has decided to reconstitute the Works Advisory Board which shall henceforth
be called as ―Goa-State Works Board (GSWB)‖.
The composition of the G.S.W.B. shall be as follows:
(i) Chief Secretary Chairman -- Chairman
(ii) Principal Secretary (Finance) Member -- Member
(iii) Secretary of the concerned Administrative Department -- Member
(iv) Pr. Chief Engineer (PWD)/Chief Electrical Engineer/Chief Engineer -- Member
(WRD)/Head of Department concerned (as the case may be)
Compendium 29 Procurement / Tenders
1. Name of Work :
2. Projected date of completion of the work [Project],
Based on PE & A/A & E/S (in the event ES has been granted) :
3. Ref. to administrative approval and expenditure 'sanction
(In the event of ES has been granted) :
(i) Authority :
(ii) No. & date :
(iii) Amount :
(iv) Corresponding amount available for the work included in the present tender :
(v) Total No. of packages :
(vi) Details of other packages :
Status including
Corresponding amount
Package Number Contents of Package amount of work
4. Position of balance items of works/Projects (not included in the tender) as per A/A & E/S in the
following format.
Sl. No. Description of sub-head/items Amount as per A/A & E/S Present Status
9. The date and time at which tenders were due to be received in Divisional Office :
(i) Postponed date and time, if any :
(ii) Reasons for postponement :
(iii) Reference to publicity in regard to postponement of tenders :
10. The date from which tenders were available for sale to contractors :
11. Particulars of contractors to whom tenders were sold. (Quote authority for issue of tenders to
contractors not eligible to tender in remarks column).
Class in which Department in Date issue of
Name of contractor Remarks
registered which enlisted tenders
1 2 3 4 5
13. List of persons who tendered for the job, with their tendered amount :
Name of Tendered amount percentage above or Net tendered amount after negotiations,
Compendium 32 Procurement / Tenders
execution of project):
Details of milestones.
Sl. Time allowed in days Amount to be withheld in case of
Description of milestones
No. (from date of start) non achievement of milestones.
Format for submitting the proposals to EFC
(i) Reasons and justification for proposal:
(ii) How did the need arise?
(iii) Are there any other alternative?
(iv) Ultimate objective sought to be achieved:
(v) What is the plan budgetary provision for the proposal?
(vi) Has the proposal been gone into by other Department concerned or by any Committee
(Department or Legislative) and what are the findings?
(i) What detailed studies have been made for establishing its need, its, economics and other
relevant aspects?
(ii) In case its nature is commercial what is the cost/benefit ratio, its Economic Rate of Return
(E.R.R) and its Financial Rate of Return (F.RR.)?
(iii) In case its nature is non-commercial what is the result of the Social Cost Benefit analysis?
(iv) What are the future 'financial implications after completion (including staff costs,
operational costs and other costs)?
(i) What is the total expenditure (non-recurring and recurring)?
(ii) What will be the year wise- expenditure till completion?
(iii) Details of budget provision. If no provision has been made, how funds are proposed to be
(iv) Has any expenditure been incurred already?
(v) Does proposal involve funding the scheme/work through borrowing from other Financial
Institutions/Banks, etc?
(vi) Does proposal involve Foreign Exchange Component? If Yes, details thereof (including
necessary clearances and availability of credit facility etc.)
(i) Has the implementation schedule been worked out in all its details? If so, add PERT chart
giving detailed time schedules for various activities particularly the following components:-
a) Land Acquisition:
b) Construction of buildings:
c) Other civil works:
d) Procurement of Plant & Machinery and other equipments
e) Manpower:
(ii) Target date for completion:
(iii) Expected date for commencement of benefits:
(i) Statement showing detailed cost benefits analysis and/or social cost benefit analysis:
(ii) PERT chart with detailed completion schedule for various activities/ components:
(iii) Numbers of posts required and the pay scales, together with basis adopted for staffing, both
in current year and future year for functioning of the scheme/work;
Compendium 36 Procurement / Tenders
(iv) Item wise details of expenditure on Building/Roads/other civil works etc. alongwith its
basis and phasing:
(v) Break up of total expenditure on various components viz. Land/Building/Plant &
Machinery/Equipments/Roads/Other civil works, etc:
6. Supplementary information if any:
7. Points on which decision/sanctions are needed; .,
Signature of the Head of Department
xiv. Minor maintenance and repairs of roads to the extent of repair to drains, storm water drains,
cross-drainage, culverts and re-surfacing.
xv. Minor maintenance and repairs of anti-sea erosion measures.
xvi. Operation and. Maintenance of sub-stations, transmissions and distribution networks, running &
maintenance of meter and relay testing laboratories/workshops/transformer repairs, pole,
manufacturing unit.
2. All the individual works costing upto Rs. 15.00 lakhs shall be sanctioned within the
administrative and financial powers to be exercised by the Principal Chief Engineer (PWD)/Chief
Engineer (WRD)/Chief Electrical Engineer/HoD‘s, as the case may be. Works beyond this limit shall
be taken under Plan sector. Artificial splitting of estimates below the limit of Rs.15.00 lakhs is strictly
prohibited and the HoD concerned shall be solely responsible for the same.
3. Strict watch and proper records shall be kept to control the expenditure under Non-Plan Budget
Head to bare minimum.
4. These instructions are in supercession of earlier order in these regards and shall come into force
with immediate effect.
By order and in the name of
the Governor of Goa
(Surendra F. Naik)
Under Secretary (Fin Exp.)
Department of Finance (Expenditure)
No. 7-5-2012/Fin. (Exp.)-IV Date: 23-05-2012.
Sub:- Review of all works which are approved but have not actually started during previous
financial years and obtaining· fresh expenditure & administrative approval regarding.
Several Expenditure/Administrative Sanctions for various projects/purchases were issued by
Finance Department (FD) or by other Expenditure Sanctioning Authorities in terms of the Goa
Delegation of Financial Power Rules, 2008; during the previous financial years. However, it is
understood that many of these projects/purchases have not been tendered or actual work has so far not
started or supplies not effected, even after issue of work/supply orders. All these
works/projects/purchases need to be reviewed.
2. Hence all the Heads of Departments (HoD's) are informed that financial sanctions already issued
by the Finance Department (FD) or by other Expenditure Sanctioning Authorities in previous
financial years in terms of the Goa Delegation of Financial Power Rules, 2008; are deemed to have
lapsed from the date of issue of these orders.
3. In case the works/projects/supplies & procurements are urgent in nature and are required to be
processed further for issue of tender/issue of works/supply orders/commencement of works etc.; the
HoD/ Work Executing Agency/procuring authority concerned, should submit a fresh proposal with
proper justification and with prior approval of the Minister-in-Charge of the Department concerned
for whom the work/project/supply is being considered, to the FD or other Expenditure Sanctioning
Authorities in terms of the Goa Delegation of Financial Power Rules, 2008; for issue of fresh financial
4. All HoD's are directed to review all such projects/works/supplies & procurements and obtain
fresh administrative approval and tender the work/supplies & procurements, which are essential and
Compendium 38 Procurement / Tenders
required, and thereafter refer the same to FD or other Expenditure Sanctioning Authorities in terms of
the Goa Delegation of Financial Power Rules, 2008 for post tender expenditure sanction.
5. In supercession of all previous instructions & provisions. contained in the
rules/guidelines/manuals etc.; all expenditure sanctions issued by the FD or other Expenditure
Sanctioning Authorities in terms of the Goa Delegation of Financial Power Rules, 2008, shall be valid
only for a period of one year i.e. till the end of the Financial year in which the expenditure sanction
has been issued. Request for revalidation of the Expenditure Sanction shall be on the basis of a proper
justification submitted to FD or other Expenditure Sanctioning Authorities in terms of the Goa
Delegation of Financial power Rules, 2008; alongwith commitments of funds, as provided in the
Budget for the succeeding Financial Year or else the proposal would be required to be considered
afresh for decision.
6. Further while submitting the proposals for expenditure sanction to FD or other Expenditure
Sanctioning Authorities in terms of the Goa Delegation of Financial Power Rules, 2008; it is required
that draft work orders/supply orders/expenditure sanction order as the case may be, should be placed
in file, conveying therein all the relevant details more particularly the firm amount of the work/
supply/purchases/ expenditure sanctioned, as the case may be.
Upon issue of the work of the orders/supply orders/expenditure sanction order as the case may be, a
copy of the same should be endorsed to the Directorate of Accounts. The Director of Accounts, shall
arrange to provide a copy to the Pay and Audit sections in the Directorate of Accounts, based on
which the concerned section shall process the claims for payments being submitted by the
HoD's/DDO's/Budget Controlling Authorities concerned. In case of works, the Director of Accounts
shall provide the copy to the Divisional Accountant/Asst. Accounts Officer/Dy. Director of Accounts.
Jt. Director of Accounts, in the departments concerned who in turn shall process the claims for
payments, strictly, based on the work orders supply orders expenditure sanction order issued.
In case of any doubts or complaints or for the purpose of test audit, the Director of Accounts may
verify the details of the work orders/supply orders/expenditure sanction order; by calling for the
original records from the Department concerned for verification and cross-reference. A report of such
cases, which are called for verification, should be provided to the FD on monthly basis.
7. These instructions shall come into force with immediate effect.
(Surendra F. Naik)
Under Secretary (Fin Exp.)
Department of Finance (Expenditure)
No. 7-5-2012/Fin. (Exp.)-V Date: 23-05-2012.
Sub:- Financial Sanctions for works & store purchases.
In supersession of all other guidelines/instructions contained in various OM's/Works Manuals
issued in this regard and in terms of Budget Announcement made by Hon'ble Finance Minister/Chief
Minister in Budget Speech for the Financial Year 2012-13; the Government of Goa hereby directs that
henceforth all expenditure sanctions shall be granted only after administrative approval and tender
process of the project/ work is completed.
2. The above instructions are applicable to all works under Plan/Non-Plan as well as to all store
Compendium 39 Procurement / Tenders
3. The Work/Supply orders should be issued within the financial year by all Competent Authorities
in which the Expenditure Sanction was issued, failing which the validity of the Expenditure Sanction
is deemed to have expired. Request for revalidation of the Expenditure Sanction shall be on the basis
of a proper justification submitted to Finance Department or other Expenditure Sanctioning
Authorities in terms of the Goa Delegation of Financial Power Rules, 2008; alongwith commitments
of funds as provided in the Budget for the succeeding Financial Year or else the proposal would be
required to be considered afresh for a decision.
4. These instructions shall come into force with immediate effect.
(Surendra F. Naik)
Under Secretary (Fin Exp.)
Department of Finance (Expenditure)
No. 7-13-2011/Fin-Exp Date: 23-05-2012.
Read: 1. Circular No.7 / 13/2011/ Fin-Exp dated 07-06-2011.
2. Circular No.7 /13/ 2011/ Fin-Exp dated 13-10-2011.
Vide Circular No. 7/13/2011/Fin-Exp dated 07-06-2011, Government was pleased to introduce e-
Procurement/e-Tendering procedure for all purchases /tenders costing Rs. 5.00 lakhs and above.
Further, vide Circular No.7/13/2011/Fin-Exp dated 13-10-2011, processing charges/fees were
prescribed for e-procurement/e-tender process.
2. As per the announcements in the Budget Speech of Hon'ble Chief Minister for the year 2012-13;
it has been decided by the Government, that all Departments, Autonomous Bodies, Corporations,
Agencies of the Government shall compulsorily switch over to e-procurement/e-tendering process by
30-06-2012 for all tenders and purchases costing Rs. 5.00 lakhs and above.
3. Pursuant to these instructions, Finance (Expenditure) Department shall not consider any case for
post tender financial sanction without a Certificate issued by the Budget Controlling Authority (see
Annexure-I) that the tender or purchase in question, for which expenditure sanction is sought for has
been undertaken through e-tendering/or e-procurement process. This shall also be accompanied by the
electronically generated statement under the e-tender process, indicating the financial bid details, duly
attested by the DDO/Budget Controlling Authority.
4. Further, the Director of Accounts shall not accept any bills/claims for payments in respect of any
works/purchases/supplies without an undertaking given by the Drawing and Disbursing Officer
(DDO) (see Annexure-I) to the effect that e-tendering /e-procurement process has been followed for
all purchases made /works costing Rs. 5.00 lakhs and above.
5. In the event any procurement/supply/services are to be incurred in proprietary cases, then prior
relaxation for procurement/supply/services without follow e-tendering/e-procurement shall be
obtained from Finance Department.
In the event of any emergency purchases arising out of unforeseen exigencies proper justification
shall be recorded by the Budget Controlling Authority/Drawing and Disbursing Officer with prior
Administrative Approval as well as concurrence of the Finance Department.
(Surendra F. Naik)
Under Secretary (Fin-Exp)
Compendium 40 Procurement / Tenders
(see para 3 and 4 of the O. M. No. 7/13/2011/Fin-Exp dated 23-05-2012.)
It is certified that e-procurement/e-tendering process has been followed in the present case for
procurement of goods/services/issue of tenders for the works undertaken in this Department and that
the undersigned shall be personally liable for the correctness of the above facts.
Budget Controlling Authority/
Drawing & Disbursing Officer
(Name of the Department/Office)
Department of Finance (Expenditure)
No. 7-13-2011/Fin-Exp/ Date: 13-10-2011.
Consequent upon the introduction and implementation of e-tendering to improve and expediency in
tendering process vide Circular No. 7/13/2011 Fin-Exp dated 07-06-2011 and to encourage the e-
Tendering process, it has now been decided by the Government that the processing fees shall be
charged as per table below:
Details Processing Charges
1. a Estimate value Based tender 0.1% of Estimate tender value
Tender Type: Works (Zero point one percent only)
Electronic tender processing charges collected from each Minimum-Rs. 500/- only
participating Vendor. Maximum-Rs. 4000/- only
1. b Non-Estimate Value Based Tender Rs. 1500/- only (Flat Rate per
Tender Type: Goods/Consultancy vendor)
Electronic tender processing charges collected from each
participating Vendor.
2. Product Training for Department persons and the vendors. FREE for all the sessions
Hands on training for department official at respective offices or any
other premises indicated by the department throughout the State of
Goa. During training course material, user manuals and multimedia
training CD are to be provided.
3. Registration Charges in e-Tendering Website for Vendor/Supplier ` 1000/-
Includes help manuals, e-tender User Accounts, Support, training (Rupees one thousand only)
services, etc. (Payable annually by each Vendor/Supplier) per year
The total cost of tender documents including processing fee shall not exceed Rs. 10,000/- (for
Tenders above Rs. l.00 Crore). The Department should charge the fee maximum of Rs. 6,000/- for the
tender document. This amount will be paid to a separate account maintained by ITG, which ITG will
remit on weekly basis by e-challan to the Receipt Head of the respective Departments concerned.
The EMD amount as per the value specified in the e-tender shall be paid in a Single Common
Pooled Account maintained by ITG. This amount would be pooled, disbursed, refunded as the case
may be, at various stages of the tender process. This would also include remitting the amount of the
successful bidders to the State Treasury by means of e-challan as per the directives of the tendering
authorities. The MIS report would be generated indicating receipts, payments and balance, with entire
details of transaction in and out of the Single Common Pooled Account, on weekly basis.
Compendium 41 Procurement / Tenders
All the Departments are required to adhere to the contents of this Circular with immediate effect.
This issues with the approval of the Government vide U.O. No.45866 dated 19-09-2011.
(Surendra F. Naik)
Under Secretary Fin (Exp)
Department of Finance (Expenditure)
No. 7-13-2011/Fin-Exp Date: 07-06-2011.
Government of Goa has decided to implement e-Procurement/e-Tendering in order to improve the
transparency and expediency in Tendering process for all the Departments and Corporations. The
Government has decided to float all the tenders costing above Rs. 5.00 lakhs by using e-
Procurement/e- Tendering solution w.e.f. 1-7-2011 which will be implemented by M/s Info Tech
Corporation Limited (ITG), for a period of 4 years.
2. The e-Tendering/e-Procurement solution will be hosted on which also
contains self learning cum training presentation and User/Vendor Manual for facilitating, the users to
use e-Procurement Solution in efficient manner.
3. In order to implement this project in speedy and efficient manner, all the Department officials
are required to adhere to the following:
a. Identify all the Single Point of Contact (SPOC), by identifying the official in charge for the e-
Procurement/e-Tendering Project implementation.
b. Procure Digital Signatures for the Single Point of Contact directly from authorized certifying
authorities viz. NIC, MTNL, e-Mudhra, TCS, Safescrypt, GNFC, etc. details of these including
fee structure, application form, etc. are available on
c. The Department should inform the vendors/contractors to obtain the Digital Signature from the
above agencies mentioned at Point 3 b.
d. Department needs to contact ITG for hands on training on e-Procurement/e-Tendering solution
wherein IGT will be providing 1st session of training free of cost and subsequent training
session will be provided on chargeable basis at the rate of Rs. 10,000/-.
4. The contact details is as follows:
M/s Info Tech Corporation of Goa Ltd.,
Above Alcon Hyundai Showroom, 3rd Floor,
NH-17, Porvorim, Goa
Tel. Nos.: (0832) 2416024/2415192
Fax: (0832) 2412855
5. The Tender document fees and Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) from the participating contractor
will be collected through the existing manual method through Demand Drafts/Bank Guarantee and
submitted to the concerned Department‘s Single Point of Contact. Meanwhile, the online payment
System shall be introduced so that Vendors can use the e-Payment Gateway to make the payments
towards Tender document fees and EMD. All the Departments are requested to forward the bank
details and Single Point of Contact‘s details as per Annexure-A to ITG.
6. To ensure training/hand holding is imparted much before the date of publication of tender notice,
Single Point of Contact while making aforesaid request, are required to specifically inform M/s ITG
the following:
i. The necessary Digital Signatures of tender inviting officials (procurement) have been
physically obtained.
Compendium 42 Procurement / Tenders
ii. The User ID has been allotted to the Tender Inviting officials by ITG.
iii. The e-Tender process manual for the department has been obtained from ITG.
iv. The proposed date of publication of tender notice, the last date for sale of tenders, date and
time of receipt and opening of tenders.
v. Other information relevant to the easy execution.
7. For any further technical assistance and support clarifications the Departments are requested to
contact M/s Infotech Corporation of Goa.
8. All the Departments are requested to adhere to this Circular with immediate effect.
(Surendra F. Naik)
Under Secretary Fin (Exp)
Annexure-A (Challan Details):
Demand Number
Department of Finance (Expenditure)
No. 7/4/82-Fin (Exp) Date: 24th September, 2008.
Read Circulars:-
1. No. 11-62/74 Fin (Exp) dated 11-4-1972
2. No. 7-4/82-Fin (Exp) dated 4-9-1986
3. No. 7-4/82-Fin (Exp) dated 21-6-1989
4. No. 7-4/82-Fin (Exp) dated 23-6-1990
5. No. 7-4/82-Fin (Exp) dated 9-11-1990
6. No. 7-4/82-Fin (Exp) dated 7-7-1992
7. and Addendum dated 31-7-1992
8. No. 7-4/82-Fin (Exp) dated 1-3-199
9. No. 7-4/82-Fin (Exp) dated 13-11-1997
10. No. 7-4/82-Fin (Exp) dated 28-2-2000
11. No. 7-4/82-Fin (Exp) dated 28-2-2003
12. No. 7-4/82-Fin (Exp) dated 3-6-2006
Subject:- Supply of dietary and non-dietary items to Government Departments/Institutions, reg.
Under the Government Circular cited above at Sr. No. 1, instructions were issued for guidance of
all Government Departments and Institutions including Hospitals, Jails, Autonomous Bodies,
Government undertakings and Government aided Institutions etc. that the Departmental requirements
of dietary items such as food grains, groceries, etc. should hereafter be met by purchasing such
Compendium 43 Procurement / Tenders
articles preferably from Goa Co-operative Marketing and Supply Federation Ltd., provided that the
rates charged are certified as reasonable by the Assistant Registrar (Marketing). Tenders need not be
invited by the Indenting Department for supply of such dietary articles.
2 In supersession of Circular of even number dated 13-11-1997 cited at Sr. 9, it has now been
decided by the Government that the above instructions are also made applicable for purchase of
consumable stores from the following Co-operative Institution:-
1) Goa Bagayatdar Sahakari Kharedi Vikri Saunstha Maryadit, Ponda Goa.
3. In case of purchases of non-dietary items by the Government Departments/Institutions, they
should invariably obtain quotations in this regard from the Goa Co-operative Marketing & Supply
Federation Ltd. and should purchase such items from said Federation, if prices quoted by them are
found to be competitive. In case, purchase orders are not placed with the federation conserved
reasons, if any for not placing the orders shall be specifically recorded/included in the proceedings of
the Purchase Committee.
4. The above instructions are valid until further orders and shall be scrupulously followed
(S. M. Polle)
Under Secretary (Fin-Exp)
Department of Finance (Audit)
No. 1-3-2007/Fin (Aud) Date: 02-06 2008.
It has been observed that many Departments have been purchasing Computer Hardware and allied
equipments without proper planning. Resultantly, the procured hardware cannot be put to use due to
non-availability of either the application software or the installation locations or the power supply,
ere, thus leading to unnecessary expenditure/parking of funds.
The Government has taken a serious note of the same. It has, therefore, been requested that proper
analysis of the set-up in terms of hardware/software required, place of installation, site readiness, etc.
may be made before making any major purchases so as to avoid unnecessary expenditure/parking of
funds and to ensure proper utilization of the assets procured at a high cost.
This issues with the approval of the Secretary (Finance).
(Surendra F. Naik)
Under Secretary Finance (Audit)
The matter has been examined by the Government and it has been decided to make it
mandatory for Government Departments to release every advertisement to at least one newspaper in
each language ( to be decided by the Department of Information & Publicity) in English, Marathi and
This practice of releasing advertisement to one newspaper in English, Marathi and Konkani
shall put into practice with immediate effect.
This issues with the approval of the Government.
Nikhil U. Desai
Director, Information & Publicity
& Ex-Officio Jt. Secretary
Compendium 45 Recruitment Rules
Recruitment Rules
Compendium 46 Recruitment Rules
I. Instructions related to Recruitment Rules
Department of Personnel
No. RRs/MISC/2020-PER/1382 Dated 05/06/2020
Subject : Submissions to the Courts regarding Notification of Recruitment Rules – reg.
It has come to the notice of the Government that various Departments/Autonomous Bodies
are making submissions to the Court/s on matters relating to Recruitment Rules without consulting the
Personnel Department.
As per the Business of the Government of Goa (Allocation) Rules, 1987, the Personnel
Department has been entrusted with framing or amending of Recruitment Rules/making policy
regarding Recruitment Rules.
Framing or amending of Recruitment Rules involves thorough verification of provisions,
study of its implications, checking their conformity with the prevailing
Acts/Rules/guidelines/instructions, comparison with existing Recruitment Rules of similar posts in
other Departments etc. Thereafter, Recruitment Rules are submitted for Government approval, vetting
of Law Department and in case of Group ―A‖ and ―B‖ posts consultation with Goa Public Service
Commission is carried out. The exact timeline of framing and amending Recruitment Rules differs
based on the nature of posts and the Recruitment Rules.
However, it was observed that some Departments without consulting Department of
Personnel have made submissions before the Courts committing to timeline for notification of
Recruitment Rules. This is not practical and would result in the said Department being in contempt of
Court on account of not abiding to the timeline.
All the Head of Departments/Offices and Autonomous Bodies are instructed not to make
submissions without consulting Personnel Department on matters relating to framing and amending of
Recruitment Rules.
(Tariq Thomas, IAS )
Special Secretary (Personnel)
Department of Personnel
No. RRs/OMs/RELAX/2019–PER(PART-I) Dated:- 24/04/2020
It has come to the notice of the Government that various Departments are submitting proposals
for relaxation of qualifying service directly to the Goa Public Service Commission without routing the
file to Personnel Department.
2. The Departments are aware, that the recruitment rules are notified by the Personnel
Department under Article 309 of the Constitution of India, as per the Rules of Allocation of Business
of Government of Goa 1987.
3. The recruitment Rules for Group A and B posts are notified only after consultation with the
Goa Public Service Commission.
4. The Recruitment Rules contain a rule usually numbered at 5, namely power to relax which
reads as follows:
Where the Government is of opinion that it is necessary of expedient so to do, it may by Order,
for reasons to be recorded in writing and in consultation with the Goa Public Service Commission,
relax any of the provisions of these rules with respect to any class or category of persons.
Compendium 47 Recruitment Rules
I. Instructions related to Recruitment Rules
5. Invocation of this rule is done only in rarest of the rare case and cannot be invoked to relax the
fundamental features of the Recruitment rules such as age or essential qualification etc.
6. Proposal for relaxation of any provision of the Recruitment Rules shall be submitted to
Personnel Department since Rule 5 can be invoked only by the Personnel Department.
7. Proposal in respect of group A and B posts shall be referred to the Commission only by the
Personnel Department and not by the interested department.
This issues with the approval of Government.
(Tariq Thomas, IAS)
Special Secretary (Personnel)
Department of Personnel
No. 1/2/2012-PER/3084 Dated:-09-11-2018
In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution of India,
read with section 21 of the General Clauses Act, 1897 (Act 10 of 1897), the Governor of Goa hereby
amends the Recruitment Rules for the Group ‗C‘ and Group ‗D‘ post in various Departments under
the Government of Goa (hereinafter referred to as the ―principlel Rules‖), as follows namely:
In the principle Rules:—
(i) for the expression ―Group ‗C‘ and Group ‗D‘, wherever it occurs, the expression ―Group ‗C‘
shall be substituted;
(ii) for the expression ―Group ‗D‘ ‖, wherever it occurs, the expression ―Group ‗C‘ shall be
(iii) in the Schedule, —
(a) for the expression ―Group ‗D‘ ‖, wherever it occurs, the expression ―Group ‗C‘ shall be
(b) wherever the essential educational qualification specified is below S.S.C.E or equivalent or
I.T.I. pass, for such essential educational qualifications, the following essential educational
qualification and ‗Note‘ shall be substituted, namely:
―Passed the Secondary School Certificate Examination from a recognized
Successfully completed the course conducted by a recognized Industrial Training Institute or
equivalent, in the relevant trade.
(Note: Course conducted by the Industrial Training Institute or equivalent qualification, in the
relevant trade, shall be considered only in case of posts related to technical work.)
This Notification shall come into force from the date of its publication in the Official Gazette.
By Order and in the name of
the Government of Goa
(Isha Khosla, IAS)
Special Secretary (Personnel.)
Department of Personnel
No. 10/1/77-PER (Part) Dated:- 04-09-2017
Read: O.M. No. 1/2/2012-PER dated 21-11-2016.
Attention is invited to this Department‘s O.M. referred above wherein instruction are issued
classifying Group ‗D‘ employee as Group ‗C‘ and designated as ―Multi Tasking Staff‖. Further, all
Compendium 48 Recruitment Rules
I. Instructions related to Recruitment Rules
the Recruitment Rules relating to various posts in Group ‗D‘ categories shall be rescinded henceforth,
only one singular Recruitment Rule for Multi Tasking Staff shall be in force vide Notification dated
In case of other categories of employees in Group ‗C‘ having minimum qualification as non-
matriculate, the notified RRS shall stand rescinded. It was also decided that the Department of
Personnel shall notify the Recruitment Rules for said Group ‗C‘ post categories with minimum
qualification as SSCE (Xth)/ITI pass. The Individual Departments having such Group ‗C‘ post with
such Recruitment Rules, prescribing non-matriculate educational qualification were instructed to
inform the Department of Personnel for making changes to RRs concerned immediately.
However, it is noticed that many Department have not approach this Department for said
It is, therefore, enjoined upon all the Heads of such Department having such Group ‗C‘ posts
with Recruitment Rules prescribing ―non matriculate educational qualification‖ to submit the proposal
for changing the RRs of the concerned posts after obtaining administrative approval to this
Department in the prescribed format along with soft copy on or before 15/10/2017 positively. It may
be noted that, no such proposals the prescribed date will be entertained by this Department.
(Shashank V. Thakur)
Under Secretary (Personnel-II)
Name of the Department
Sr. Name Pay of the Categor Essential Desirable Duties Whether the Remar
N of the Post in pre- y of the Qualificati Qualificati of the post can be k
o. Post revised post on ons post classified
scale under MTS
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Department of Finance (Revenue & Control)
No. 8/1/2016-Fin(R&C) (B) Dated:-04-04-2017
Read: 1) O.M. No. 1/2/2012-PER dated 21-11-2016.
2) Order No. 8/1/2016 Fin (R&C) (A) dated 30-11-2016.
The Personnel Department vide above O.M. dated 21-11-2016 (read at (1) above) has issued
guidelines regarding extension of the benefits of the Sixth Central Pay Commission recommendation
of granting pay Band-1, Rs.5,200-20200 + GP Rs. 1800 to Group ‗D‘ employees.
Subsequently, Government vide Order date 30-11-2016 (read at (2) above) has implemented VII
Central Pay Commission recommendation as adopted by Government of India, to the employees of
the State Government and GIA Education Institutions.
The Directorate of Accounts has encountered with certain points of doubts during the process of
scrutiny/approval of pay fixation statements in respect of Group ‗D‘ employees and has requested the
Finance Department for intervention/examination and clarification with reference to the above
referred orders.
Finance (R&C) Department has examined the matter in detail in consultation with Department
of Personnel and in order to resolve the issue pertaining to pay and allowance in respect of Group ‗D‘
employees the following clarifications are given:
Department of Personnel
No. RRs /MISC/2015-PER Dated:-21-02-2017
Sub: Proposal for Framing/Amendment of Recruitment Rules.
It is observed that some of the Departments while submitting the proposal for
framing/amendment of Recruitment Rules, do not submit the same in the Form 4 prescribed for
framing of Recruitment Rules and Form 5 prescribed for amendment of Recruitment Rules, as the
case may be and also do not attach relevant documents.
It is, therefore instructed that while forwarding the proposal, either for framing or for
amendment of Recruitment Rules, Department should submit the same in prescribed Form 4/Form 5
Compendium 50 Recruitment Rules
I. Instructions related to Recruitment Rules
alongwith proposed draft schedule of Recruitment Rules, typed in font size of 14 and duly filled and
signed by the competent authority, with soft copies of both documents along with other relevant
documents such as copy of existing Recruitment Rules for the post proposed and up to lower rung in
the feeder grade, an extract of the noting of administrative approval of the Government, order of
creation of post, order of revival of post if any, order of up gradation/re-designation of post if any,
copy of Act/ Norms is applicable in case. Such proposals must be submitted vide letter instead of file
so as to avoid time consumption for taking Xerox of the papers in the file submitted by the referring
It is therefore, enjoined upon all Head of Departments to follow above procedure, so as to avoid
time consumption during examining/finalizing the proposals.
The receipt of this communication shall be acknowledged.
(Yetindra M. Maralkar)
Additional Secretary (Personnel).
Form for referring proposals for framing Recruitment Rules for posts.
1 Name of referring Department
2 Details of posts:
a) Name/Designation of the post (s)
b) Name of the Department in which posts exists
c) Number of posts as on:
d) Level in the Pay Matrix:
e) Group/Service/Department to which the posts belong:
f) Ministerial or non-Ministerial (as defined under F.R.9 (17)
3 Appointing authority:
a) Who is the appointing authority:
4 Duties attached:
a) Duties and responsibilities of the post in detail
5 Method adopted:
a) Describe briefly the methods (s) adopted for filling the post
hither to:
6 Method proposed:
a) Method (s) of recruitment proposed:
7 If promotion is proposed as a method of recruitment:
a) Designation and number of the posts proposed to be
included in the field of promotion:
b) Number of years of qualifying service proposed to be fixed
before persons in the field become eligible for promotion:
c) Percentage of vacancies in the grade proposed to be filled by
d) Reasons for proposing the percentage in (c) above:
e) Have recruitment rules been framed for the post proposed in
the field of promotion? If framed in consultation with the
Commission, please quote Commission‘s reference No. If
consultation with the Commission was not required, please
attach a copy of rules framed:
f) If recruitment rules were not framed for the post in field of
i) Please indicate briefly the method of recruitment actually
adopted for filling the posts. Please also state the percentage
of vacancies filled by each of the methods:
ii) Please state briefly the educational qualification
possessed by the persons in the field of promotion.
Compendium 51 Recruitment Rules
I. Instructions related to Recruitment Rules
iii) In case of feeder posts are filled by promotion the
recruitment rules for the still lower posts (including the
lowest post to which direct recruitment is one of the method
of recruitment) may be furnished.
g) (i) Is the promotion to be made on selection or non-selection
(ii) Reason for the proposal in (i) above:
h) If a D.P.C. exist, what is its composition:
(i) Indicate if the feeder posts are having promotion
channels other then the one under consideration
8. If promotion is not proposed as a method, please state why it
is not considered desirable/possible/necessary.
9 If direct recruitment is proposed as a method of recruitment,
please state:
a) The percentage of vacancies proposed to be filled by direct
b) Indicate if there are any promotional avenues for the direct
c) i) Age for direct recruits
ii) Is age relaxable for Government servants?
10 Qualifications:
a) Educational and other qualifications required for direct
recruits. (It may please be noted that the essential
qualifications prescribed are relaxable at Commission‘s
discretion in case of candidates otherwise well qualified):
b) Whether Essential qualifications to be prescribed are in
accordance with any Act(s)? If so please quote the relevant
Act(s) under which it is necessary and also supply relevant
extracts from the Act(s).
11 Earlier Advertisement:
a) Has the post been advertised by the Commission in the past?
If so, please quote Commissions reference number.
12 Other Methods:
a) If direct recruitment is not proposed as a method, please
state why it is not considered desirable/possible/necessary:
13 Educational qualification for promotion:
i) If promotion and direct recruitment are both proposed as
methods of recruitment, will the educational qualifications
proposed for direct recruits apply in case of promotion?
ii) If not to what extent are the educational qualifications
proposed to be relaxed in case of promotions:
14 Transfer on deputation:
a) Is deputation/transfer proposed as a method of recruitment?
If so, please state the reasons for the proposal. Please state
clearly whether deputation or transfer or both are proposed:
b) The percentage of vacancies proposed to be filled by this
c) The period to which deputation will be limited:
d) The names of the posts of grades or services etc. from which
deputation/transfer is proposed:
15 General:
a) If any of the method is proposed fails, by what method are
such vacancies proposed to be filled:
b) Whether the recruitment rules relate to a post which has
Compendium 52 Recruitment Rules
I. Instructions related to Recruitment Rules
been upgraded from Group ‗C‘ to Group ‗B ‘or Group ‗B‘ to
Group ‗A‖ or within the same group? If so, whether the
necessary provision for initial constitution has been
c) Whether the recruitment rules relate to a post which is
proposed to be down graded. If so, whether the necessary
safeguards have been suggested in respect of the existing
incumbents of that post?
d) If the post is to be filled on contract basis, please indicate
the period of contract and its terms and condition:
16 Consultation:
a) Special circumstances, if any, other than those covered by
the rules, in which the Commission may be required to be
b) Whether the Department of personnel has concurred in the
c) Whether the Department of Personnel and Finance
Department have concurred in for the grant of benefit of
added years of service under the Pension Rules?
17 Reference:
a) If these proposals are being sent in response to reference
from the Commission, please quote Commission‘s reference
18 Discussion authority:
Particular of Department‘s Representative with whom these
proposals may be discussed if necessary, for
clarification/early decision:
a) Name :
b) Address:
Designation of the Head of Department: Name of the Head of Dept.
Signature ________________
Office Seal
Enclosed : Schedule
FORM No. 5
Form for referring proposals for amendments of Recruitment Rules
1. Designation of the post
2. Name of the referring Department
3. Name of the Department in which post is located:
4. Reference number and date of the Commission‘s letter
approving existing Recruitment Rules (copy enclosed)
5. Proposed amendments:- (As follows)
Office Seal
Whether age
and Method of recruitment
s in which the
educational whether by direct
In case of recruitment by Goa Public
qualifications recruitment or by If a D.P.C./
Period of promotion/deputation/transf Services
prescribed for promotion or by D.S.C. exists,
probation, if er, grades from which Commission
the direct deputation/transfer/contr what is its
any promotion/deputation/transf is to be
recruits will act and percentage of composition
er is to be made consulted in
apply in the vacancies to be filled by
case of various methods
(8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
Model Recruitment Rules for the posts which were in Group ‗D‘ Scales prior to Sixth Pay
Commission and which have been placed in Group ‗C‘-Pay Band-1 (Rs.5,200-20.200)+ Grade
Pay Rs. 1,800/-.
1 Name of Post ¶¶
(To be indicated by the Ministry/Department/Organization
2 Name of Post (number) * (year of framing)
* Subject to variation dependent on workload
3 Classification General Central Service Group ‗C‘ Non-Gazetted, Non-
4 Pay Band and Grade Pay Pay Band – 1 (Rs. 5,200-20,200) + Grade Pay Rs. 1,800/-
5 Whether Selection post or non Not applicable
selection post
6 Whether benefit of added years of Not applicable
service admissible under Rule 30
of the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972
7 Age limit for direct recruitment Between 18 and 25 years of age
Note: The crucial date for determining the age limit shall be
the closing date for receipt of application from candidates in
India (and not the closing date prescribed for those in
Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur,
Nagaland, Tripura, Sikkim, Ladakh Division of J&K State
Lahual & Spiti district and Pangi Sub Division of Chamba
district of Himachal Pradesh, Andaman & Nicobar Island or
In the case of recruitment made through the Employment
Exchange, the crucial date for determining the age limit
shall be the last date upto which the Employment Exchange
is asked to submit the names.
8 Educational and other Matriculation or equivalent pass
qualifications required for direct OR
Compendium 58 Recruitment Rules
I. Instructions related to Recruitment Rules
recruits ITI pass*
May be adopted as per special requirements of the post, if
9 Whether age and educational Not applicable
qualifications prescribed for
direct recruitment will apply in
the cases of promotes
10 Period of probation, if any Two years
11 Method of recruitment whether By direct recruitment
by direct recruitment or by
promotion or by
deputation/absorption and
percentage of the vacancies to be
filled by various methods
12 In case of recruitment by Not applicable
grades from which
to be made
13 If DPC exists, what is its Group ‗C‘ Departmental Promotion Committee for
composition considering confirmation (specific composition to be
14 Circumstance in which UPSC is Not applicable
to be consulted in making
¶ ¶ (Designation of Multi Tasking Staff may be adopted for some of the more common categories as
indicated in Annex II)
DOP&T O.M. No. AB-1407/6/2009-Estt (RR) dated:-30-04-2010
(Erstwhile Group ‗D‘ posts of Peon, Daftary, Jamadar, Junior Gestener Operator, Farash, Chowkidar,
Safaiwala, Mali etc).
Note: The above list of duties only illustrative and not exhaustive. Ministries/Department may add to
the list, duties of similar nature ordinarily performed by officials at this level.
(Erstwhile Group ‗D‘ posts of Peon, Daftary, Jamadar, Junior Gestener Operator, Farash, Chowkidar,
Safaiwala, Mali etc).
New suggested designation: Multi Tasking Staff
The duties would broadly include:
a) Physical Maintenance of records of the Section.
b) General cleanliness & upkeep of the Section/Unit.
c) Carrying of files & other papers within the building.
d) Photocopying, sending of FAX etc.
e) Other non-clerical work in the Section/unit.
f) Assisting in routine office work like diary, dispatch etc., including on computer.
g) Delivering of dark (outside the building)
h) Watch & ward duties.
i) Opening & closing of rooms.
j) Cleaning of rooms.
k) Dusting of furniture etc.
l) Cleaning of building, fixtures etc.
m) Work related to his ITI qualifications, if it exists.
n) Driving of vehicles, if in possessions of valid driving license.
o) Upkeep of parks, lawns, potted plants etc.
p) Any other work assigned by the superior authority.
Note: The above list of duties only illustrative and not exhaustive. Ministries/Department may add to
the list, duties of similar nature ordinarily performed by official at this level.
Department of Personnel
No. 1/2/2012-PER Dated: 13th March, 2015
In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution of India, the
Governor of Goa hereby makes the following rules to regulate the recruitment to the Group ‗C‘, Non-
Gazetted, Non-Ministerial, Common post, Government of Goa, namely:—
1. Short title, application and commencement.— (1) These rules may be called the Government
of Goa, Group ‗C‘, Non-Gazetted, Non-Ministerial, Common post, Recruitment Rules, 2015.
(2) They shall apply to the post specified in column (1) of the Schedule to these rules
(hereinafter called as the ―said Schedule‖).
(3) They shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.
2. Number, classification and scale of pay.— The number of posts, classification of the said post
and the scale of pay attached thereto shall be as specified in columns (2) to (4) of the said Schedule:
Provided that the Government may vary the number of posts as specified in column (2) of the
said Schedule from time to time subject to exigencies of work.
Compendium 62 Recruitment Rules
I. Instructions related to Recruitment Rules
3. Method of recruitment, age limit and other qualifications.— The method of recruitment to the
said post, age limit, qualifications and other matters connected therewith shall be as specified in
columns (5) to (13) of the said Schedule.
4. Disqualification.— No person who has entered into or contracted a marriage with a person
having a spouse living or who, having a spouse living, has entered into or contracted a marriage with
any person, shall be eligible for appointment to the service:
Provided that the Government may, if satisfied that such marriage is permissible under the
personal law applicable to such person and the other party to the marriage and that there are other
grounds for so doing, exempt any person from the operation of this rule.
5 . Power to relax.— Where the Government is of the opinion that it is necessary or expedient so
to do, it may, by order, for reasons to be recorded in writing, relax any of the provisions of these rules
with respect to any class or category of persons.
6. Saving.— Nothing in these rules shall affect reservation, relaxation of age limit and other
concessions required to be provided for Scheduled Castes and other special categories of persons in
accordance with the orders issued by the Government from time to time in that regard.
By order and in the name of the Governor
of Goa.
Yetindra M. Maralkar,
Additional Secretary (Personnel).
Department of Personnel
No. 1/2/2012-PER Dated:- 04-01-2013
As per the Office Memorandum No.AB-14017/6/2009-Estt (RR) dated 30-40-2010 received
from Government of India, the 6th CPC recommended that all Group ‗D‘ posts in the Government will
stand upgraded to Group ‗C‘, pay Band-1 with Grade Pay of Rs.1,800, along with the incumbents
(after suitable training, wherever required). The other recommendation of the Commission, in this
regard include:
(i) There will be no further recruitment in Group ‗D‘.
(ii) The existing Group ‗D‘ posts will placed in Group ‗C‘ Pay Band-1 with Grade pay of Rs.
(iii) The minimum qualification for appointment to this level will be either 10 th pass or ITI
(iv) Multi-skilling, with one employee performing jobs hitherto performed by different Group ‗D‘
(v) Common Designation for these posts.
It is, therefore, felt that if the duties and responsibilities attached to Group ‗D‘ posts are similar,
it is required to up grade the posts to Group ‗C‘.
Compendium 63 Recruitment Rules
I. Instructions related to Recruitment Rules
All Heads of Departments/Offices are, therefore, requested to furnish a copy of Recruitment
Rules for all the Group ‗D existing in their Departments, alongwith details of duties and qualifications
entrusted to the posts and promotional avenues for the posts, if any as to enable this Department to
forward the same to the Finance Department to decide as to whether the said O.M. is to be adopted or
The details as requested be furnished on or before 11/01/2013 positively Even, nil information
should be sent to this Department within the above stipulated date.
(Umeshchandra. L. Joshi)
Under Secretary (Personnel-I)
Department of Personnel
1/49/76-PER (Pt. III) Dated 29th October, 2012
In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution of India,
and in supersession of the Government Notification No. 1/49/76-PER dated 7-3-1996, published in
the official Gazette Series II No. 14 dated 04-07-1996, the Governor of Goa is hereby pleased to order
that the column in the Schedule to the Recruitment Rules for Group ‗A‘ and ‗B‘ posts under the
Government of Goa, so far as it relates to knowledge of Konkani and/or Marathi, shall stand amended
as follows:—
―(i) Knowledge of Konkani is essential.
Note: in the case of non-availability of suitable candidates with the knowledge of Konkani for
the posts in professional colleges, Consultants in Directorate of Health Services and highly
technical/scientific posts, this requirement can be relaxed.
(ii) Knowledge of Marathi is desirable‖.
This is issued in constitution with the Goa Public Service Commission conveyed vide its letter
No. COM/II/13/89/2112 dated 12-10-2012.
By order and in the name of the Governor of Goa.
Yetindra M. Maralkar, Additional Secretary (Personnel).
Panaji, 29th October, 2012.
Department of Personnel
1/6/83-PER (Vol.II) (Pt. III) Dated 23rd October, 2012
In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution of India,
read with section 21 of the General Clauses Act, 1897 (Central Act 10 of 1897), the Governor of Goa
hereby amends the Recruitment Rules for Group ‗C‘ posts in various Departments under the
Government of Goa, as follows, namely:—
In the Schedules to the Recruitment Rules for the Group ‗C‘ posts in various Departments under
the Government of Goa, in the relevant column, for the essential qualification ―Higher Secondary
School Certificate/Std. XII or equivalent qualification from a recognized institution‖, the following
shall be substituted, namely:—
―Higher Secondary School Certificate or All Indian Council for Technical Education approved
Diploma awarded by a recognized State Board of Technical Education or equivalent qualification
from a recognized institution‖.
By order and in the name of the Governor of Goa.
Compendium 64 Recruitment Rules
I. Instructions related to Recruitment Rules
Yetindra M. Maralkar, Additional Secretary (Personnel).
Panaji, 23rd October, 2012.
Department of Personnel
No. 1/1/82-PER (Part-VI) Dated:-02-06-2015
A copy of below mentioned Office Memorandum No. I-11019/12/2008-CRD dated 20th
November, 2009 received form received Government of India, Ministry of Personnel, Public
Grievances and Pensions, Department of Personnel and Training New Delhi is forwarded for
information and necessary action.
(Umeshchandra. L. Joshi)
Under Secretary (Personnel-I)
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and training
No. 1-11019/12/2008-CRD Dated: November 20, 2009
Subject: Attributes of Organized Group ‗A‘ Central Services – Clarification regarding.
1. The Department of Personnel and Training has been receiving number of references seeking
clarifications about the attributes and definition of the Organized Group ‗A‘ Central Services. Many
service associations have also filed applications in various courts claiming the status of an Organized
Group ‗A‘ Service and the consequential benefits. It appears that the difference between an Organized
Group ‗A‘ Service and other Services/Cadres has not been appreciated in its true sense. The attributes
of an Organized Group ‗A‘ Service are clearly laid down in the existing Monograph on Cadre
Management published by this Department. In order however, to remove any doubt, the same are
reiterated below:
(i) The highest cadre post in such services is not below the level of Rs. 37,400 – 67,000 plus
Grade pay of Rs. 10,000 (SAG);
(ii) Such services have all the standard grades namely Rs. 15,600 – 39,100 plus Grade pay Rs.
5,400 (JTS), Rs.15,600 – 39,100 plus Grade pay Rs. 6,600 (STS) Rs.15,600 – 39,100 plus
Grade pay Rs. 7,600/Rs. 37,400 – 6,700 plus Grade pay of Rs. 8,700 (JAG/NFSG) and Rs.
37,400 – 67,000 plus Grade pay of Rs. 10,000 (SAG);
(iii) At least 50% of the vacancies in Junior Time Scale (JTS) in such services are required to be
filled by direct recruitment;
(iv) All the vacancies above JTS and upto SAG level in such services are filled up by promotion
from the next lower grade;
(v) While a service may comprise one or more distinct cadre (s), all such cadres should be
governed by composite Service Rules facilitating horizontal and vertical movement of
officers of a particular cadre at least upto SAG level. The cadre posts of an Organized Service
expressly belong to that service . The posts not belonging to any service are classified as
General Central Service and, therefore, an Organized Group ‗A‘ Service cannot have
posts/grades classisifed as General Central Service; and
(vi) Such a service consists of two distinct components, namely Regular Duty Posts and Reserves.
The Reserves are generally of four types, viz (i) Probationary Reserves. (ii) Leave Reserve,
(iii) Training reserve and (iv) Deputation Reserve. The various types of reserves are usually
created and accounted for in the Junior Time Scale.
Compendium 65 Recruitment Rules
I. Instructions related to Recruitment Rules
Note: The existing Organized Group ‗A‘ Services have evolved over a period of time and may have
minor deviations owing to their respective functional requirements. The Services already declared as
such need not, however, be reviewed.
1. The above are certain basic attributes of an Organized Group ‗A Service. There is, however,
nothing to suggest that the services/cadres fulfilling these criteria would be automatically
conferred the status of an Organized Group ‗A‘ Service. An Organized Group ‗A‘ Service is
one which is constituted consciously as such by the Cadre Controlling Authorities and such a
service can be constituted only through the established procedures.
(Pratima Tyagi)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
Finance (Rev. & Cont.) Department
No. 8/9/2008-Fin (R&C) Dated:-21-07-2009
The Administrative-cum-Accounts Officer,
River Navigation Department,
Betim – Goa.
Sub: Regarding clarification relating to the benefit of Pay Band-1 of Group ‗D‘ employees.
I am directed to refer to your letter dated 08-07-2009, on the above cited subject and to State the
Sixth Pay Commission has recommended that all Group ‗D‘ pay scales in the Government will stand
up graded to Group ‗C‘ alongwith the incumbents (after suitable retraining, wherever required) with
no further recruitment taking place in any of the existing Group ‗D‘ posts. The minimum Grade in
which all future recruitments takes place will be the PB-1 (Group ‗C‘ Pay Band of Rs. 5,200-20,200
with the grade pay of Rs. 1,800. The recruitment in this grade will be amongst the candidates
possessing minimum qualifications of either 10 or ITI or equivalent. As regards to the type of training
to be imparted to the class ‗D‘ staff clear instructions has been given at para 3 of the Circular dated
Your faithfully,
(Vasanti H. Parvatkar. )
Under Secretary Finance (R&C)
Department of Personnel
No. 2/3/96-PER Dated:-17-06-2009
A copy of the under mentioned paper is forwarded for information and necessary action to:
1) All Heads of Departments/Offices
2) All Department in the Secretariat
(Umeshchandra. L. Joshi)
Under Secretary (Personnel-I)
Compendium 66 Recruitment Rules
I. Instructions related to Recruitment Rules
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
(Department of Personnel and Training)
No. 11012/7/2008-Estt.(A) Dated 17th April, 2009
Subject: Classification of posts under the CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965
Under the Central Civil Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules, 1965, all Central
Government posts are classified into four categories, viz. Group ―A‖, ―B‖, ―C‖ and ―D‖. This
classification at present is based on the norms prescribed by the Department of Personnel and
Training vide S.O. 332(E) dated 20-04-1998 published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary.
2. A per clause (4) Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008 notified vide notification
No. G.S.R. 622(E) dated 29-08-2008, the pay band grade pay or the pay scales, as applicable, of
every post/grade specified in column 2 of the First Schedule thereto shall be as specified against it in
columns 5 and 6 thereof. Consequent upon the notification of the said rules, it has become necessary
to prescribe revised norms for categorization of posts into the above mentioned four categories based
on the pay band and grade pay or pass scales as applicable, as approved by the Government.
Accordingly, an Order classifying the various Central Civil Services posts into Group ―A‖, ―B‖, ―C‖
and ―D‖ based on the revised norms of pay has been notified in the Gazette of India Extraordinary
vide S.O. 946(E) dated 09-04-2009. A copy of the order is enclosed. All posts in the Central Civil
Services would now stand classified strictly in accordance with the norms of pay band and grade
scales as prescribed in the said Order.
3. In some Ministries/Departments, posts may exist which are not classified as per the norms laid
down by this Department. If for any specific reason, Ministry/Department proposes to classify the
posts differently, it would be necessary for that Department to send a specific proposal to Department
of Personnel and Training giving full justification in support of the proposal with in three months of
this O.M. so that the exceptions to the norms of classifications laid down in S.O. 946(E) dated 09-04-
2009 can be notified.
(P. Prabhakaran)
Deputy Secretary to the Government of India
Department of Personnel
No. 1/49/79-PER, Dated 7th March 1996
Read: Notification No. 1/49/76-PER dated 1-11-1995.
In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution, the
Governor of Goa is pleased to order that in the Recruitment Rules for Group ‗C‘ and ‗D‘ posts under
the Government of Goa, Column 7, so far as it relates to knowledge of Konkani and/or Marathi, shall
stand amended as follows;
―(i) Knowledge of Konkani is essential.
(ii) Knowledge of Marathi is desirable.‖
By order and in the name of
the Governor of Goa.
(S.S Keshkamat)
Joint Secretary (Personnel)
Department of Personnel
No. 1/49/79-PER, Dated 1st November, 1995
In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution, the Governor
of Goa is pleased to make the following amendment to the Recruitment Rules for all Group ‗C‘ and
‗D‘ posts in various Departments under the Government of Goa, namely:
In the Schedule annexed to the Recruitment Rules for various Group ‗C and Group ‗D‘ posts under
the Government of Goa, in column 7, wherever knowledge of Konkani is prescribed as a desirable
Compendium 69 Recruitment Rules
I. Instructions related to Recruitment Rules
qualification or wherever the requirement of Knowledge of konkani is not prescribed, ―Knowledge of
Konkani‖ shall be incorporated as on essential qualification.
By order and in the name of
the Governor of Goa.
(B. N Bhat)
Under Secretary (Personnel)
Department of Personnel
No. 2/38/75-PER (Vol. III) Dated 11th April, 1988
In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitutions, the
Government of Goa hereby amends all the rules relating to recruitment to all Group ‗C‘ and ‗D‘ post
under this Administration (hereinafter called the (‗said Rules‘) as follows, namely:
In the Schedule appended to the said Rules, after the existing entry in column 11, the following
note shall be added, namely:
Note: In computing the regular service in the grade the ad-hoc service, if followed without break by
regular appointment, shall be treated as regular services of the purpose of promotion:
Provided that where any official is considered for promotion, all persons senior to him in the
grade have successfully completed the period of probation shall also be considered
notwithstanding the length of service rendered by them in the grade.
Provided further that the ad-hoc appointment referred to above has been made after having
complied with the following criteria:
i) there existed a regular vacancy;
ii) the appointment was made as per then notified Recruitment Rules;
iii) the appointment was made on the recommendations of a duly constituted DSC/DPC and all
eligible candidates as sponsored by Employment Exchange or falling in the zone of
consideration, as the case may be, were considered.
By order and in the name of
the Governor of Goa.
(A.V. Pimenta)
Under Secretary (Personnel)
Department of Personnel
No. 1/49/76-PER Dated:-05-08-2016
The Government vide Notification No.1/49/76-PER dated 23-06-2016 published in the Official
Gazette Series I No. 12 dated 23-06-2015 has enhanced the upper age limit for Group ‗A‘ and ‗B‘
posts from present 40 years to 45 years.
Further, it has been decided that the cases in which the posts have been advertised for
recruitment under the above mentioned categories by any department and if the last date for receipt of
application is yet not over, the department shall issue a corrigendum in the form of notification in the
press informing about the relaxation of the age by the Government and also by extending the last date
for filling application by 10 days.
It is, therefore, enjoined upon all the Head of Department/Officers to take appropriate action in
view of the above decision of the Government.
(Yentindra M. Maralkar)
Additional Secretary (Personnel)
Department of Personnel
No. 1/49/76-PER (Pt.II) Dated: 24-06-2016
The Government vide Notification No.1/49/76-PER (Pt. II) dated 23-06-2016 has enhanced the
upper age limit for Group ‗C‘ and ‗D‘ posts from present 40 years to 45 years, which shall come into
force from the date of its publication in the Official Gazette.
Further, it has been decided that the cases in which the posts have been advertised for recruitment
under the above mentioned categories by any department and if the last date for receipt of application
is yet not over, the department shall issue a corrigendum in the form of notification in the press
informing about the relaxation of the age by the Government and also by extending the last date for
filling application by 10 days.
It is, therefore, enjoined upon all the Head of Department/Officers to take appropriate action in
view of the above decision of the Government.
(Meghana Shetgaonkar)
Under Secretary (Personnel -I)
Department of Personnel
No. 1-49-76-PER Dated: 23rd June, 2016
Read: (1) Government Notification No. 1/49/ 76-PER (Pt. II) dated 16-10-2012, published in
the Official Gazette, Series I No. 29 dated 18-10-2012; and
(2) Government Notification No. 1/ /49/76-PER (Pt. II) dated 12-11-2014, published in
the Official Gazette, Series I No. 34 dated 20-11-2014.
Compendium 72 Recruitment Rules
In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the constitution of India and
in consultation with the Goa Public Service Commission conveyed vide its letter No.
COM/13/54(1)/2014/495 dated 15-06-2016, the Governor of Goa is hereby pleased to make the
following amendment to the Recruitment Rules for Group ‗A‘ and ‗B‘ posts in various Departments
under the Government of Goa, as follows:—
In the Schedule annexed to the Recruitment Rules for various Group ‗A‘ and ‗B‘ posts under the
Government of Goa, for the existing entry prescribing age limit in the relevant column, the following
entry shall be substituted, namely:—
―Not exceeding 45 years (relaxable for Government servants upto five years in accordance with
the instructions or orders issued by the Government from time to time).
Note: This shall not be applicable to Group ‗A‘ and ‗B‘ posts wherever the present age limit is
above 40 years‖.
This Notification shall come into force from the date of its publication in the Official Gazette
and is issued in supersession of the Government Notification No. 1-49-76-PER dated 06-06-2001,
published in the Official Gazette, Series I No. 11 dated 14-6-2001.
By order and in the name
of the Governor of Goa.
Yetindra M. Maralkar,
Additional Secretary (Personnel)
Department of Personnel
No. 1-49-76-PER Dated: 23rd June, 2016
Read: (1) Government Notification No. 1/49/ 76-PER (Pt. II) dated 06-08-2012, published in
the Official Gazette, Series I No. 19 dated 09-08-2012; and
(2) Government Notification No. 1/49/76-PER (Pt. II) dated 28-10-2014, published in
the Official Gazette, Series I No. 31 dated 30-10-2014.
In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the constitution of India the
Governor of Goa is hereby pleased to make the following amendment to the Recruitment Rules for
Group ‗C‘ and ‗D‘ posts in various Departments under the Government of Goa, as follows:—
In the Schedule annexed to the Recruitment Rules for various Group ‗C‘ and ‗D‘ posts under the
Government of Goa, for the existing entry prescribing age limit in the relevant column, the following
entry shall be substituted, namely:—
―Not exceeding 45 years (relaxable for Government servants upto five years in accordance with
the instructions or orders issued by the Government from time to time).
Note: This shall not be applicable to Group ‗C‘ and ‗D‘ posts wherever the present age limit is
below 40 years‖.
This Notification shall come into force from the date of its publication in the Official Gazette
and is issued in supersession of the Government Notification No. 1-49-76-PER dated 09-04-2001,
published in the Official Gazette, Series I No. 7 dated 17-5-2001.
By order and in the name
of the Governor of Goa.
Yetindra M. Maralkar,
Additional Secretary (Personnel)
Compendium 73 Recruitment Rules
Department of Personnel
In the Schedule annexed to the Recruitment Rules for various Group ―A‖ and ―B‖ posts under
the Government of Goa, for the existing entry prescribing age limit in the relevant column, the
following entry shall be substituted, namely:—
―Not exceeding 42 years (relaxable for Government servants upto five years in accordance with
the instructions or orders issued by the Government)‖.
Note: (1) This shall not be applicable to Group ‗A‘ and ‗B‘ posts wherever the present age limit
is above 40 years.
(2) This Notification shall come into force from the date of its publication in the Official Gazette
and shall remain in force for a period of two years from the date of its commencement.
In the Schedule annexed to the Recruitment Rules for various Group ‗C‘ and ‗D‘ posts under the
Government of Goa, the existing age limit in the column prescribed for direct recruitment shall be
enhanced by two years.
The relaxation in age limit provided to Government servants and other categories of personnel
wherever applicable shall be in addition to the above increase in age limit of two years.
This notification shall come into force from the date of its publication in the Official Gazette and
shall remain in force for a period of two years from the date of its commencement.
By order and in the name
of the Governor of Goa.
Yetindra M. Maralkar,
Additional Secretary (Personnel)
Compendium 75 Recruitment Rules
Department of Personnel
No. 1-49-76-PER Dated: 6th June, 2001
In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution and in
consultation with the Goa Public Service Commission conveyed vide their letter No. COM/ /II/13/89
dated 23-4·2001, the Governor of Goa is hereby pleased to make the following amendment to the
Recruitment Rules for Group ‗A‘ and ‗B‘ posts in various Departments under the Government of Goa,
as follows:-
In the Schedule annexed to the Recruitment Rules for various Groups ‗A‘ and 'B' posts under the
Government of Goa, for the existing entry in column (6), the following entry shall be substituted,
"Not exceeding 40 years (relaxable for Government servants by five years in accordance with
the instructions or orders issued by the Government)."
Note:— This shall not be applicable to Group ‗A‘ and 'B' posts wherever the present age limit is
above 35 years.
By order and in the name
of the Governor of Goa.
D. M. Borkar,
Under Secretary (Personnel)
Department of Personnel
No. 1-49-76-PER Dated: 9th April, 2001
In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution, the
Governor of Goa is hereby pleased to make the following amendment to the Recruitment Rules for
Group 'C' and Group 'D' posts in various Departments under the Government of Goa, as follows:—
In the Schedule annexed to the Recruitment Rules for various Group 'C' and Group 'D' posts
under the Government of Goa, for the existing entry in column (6), the following entry shall be
substituted, namely:—
"Not exceeding 40 years (relaxable for Government servants by five years in accordance with
the instructions or orders issued by the Government)" .
NOTE: This shall not be applicable to Group 'C' and 'D' posts wherever the present age limit is
below 35 years.
By order and in the name
of the Governor of Goa.
D. M. Borkar,
Under Secretary (Personnel)
Department of Personnel
No. 1/49/76-PER (Pt. II) Dated:- 10-10-2000
In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitutions, the Governor
of Goa is pleased to make the following amendment to Recruitment Rules for Group ‗A‘ and ‗B‘
posts in various Departments under the Government of Goa, as follows:
Compendium 76 Recruitment Rules
In the Schedule annexed to the Recruitment Rules for various Group ‗A‘ and ‗B‘ posts under the
Government of Goa after the existing entry in column number (6), the following shall be added,
―Note: persons who have crossed the age of 35 years and are on the live register of the
Employment Exchange as on the date of this Notification, shall be given
relaxation of 5 years for employment in Government service.
Whenever such persons apply for Group ‗A‘ and Group ‗B‘ posts, their
applications shall be accompanied by (i) the Employment registration; and (ii)
Evidence to the effect that they are on the live register of the Employment
Exchange as on date‖.
This issues with the approval of the Goa Public Service Commission vide their letter No.
Com/II/13/80 dated 12-9-2000.
By order and in the name of
the Governor of Goa.
(D.M. Borkar)
Under Secretary (Personnel)
Department of Personnel
No. 1/49/76-PER (Pt. II) Dated 29th August, 2000
In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution, the Governor
of Goa is pleased to make the following amendment to Recruitment Rules for Group ‗C‘ and ‗D‘
posts in various Departments under the Government of Goa, as follows:
In the Schedule annexed to the Recruitment Rules for various Group ‗C‘ and ‗D‘ posts under the
Government of Goa, after the existing entry in column number (6), the following shall be added,
“Note: Persons who have crossed the age of 35 years and are on the live register of the
Employment Exchange on the date of this notification shall be given relaxation of 5
years for employment in Government service.‖
By order and in the name of
the Governor of Goa.
(D. M. Borkar)
Under Secretary (Personnel)
Department of Personnel
No. 1/49/76-PER Dated 8th April, 1999
A copy of the O.M. No. 43019/28/86-Estt(D) dated 1-2-1999 received from the Government of
India, Ministry of Personnel Public Grievances and Pension (Department of Personnel and Training),
regarding grant of age concession to blind, deaf-mute and orthepaedically handicapped persons for
appointment to posts/services filled through open Competitive Examination is transcribed below.
The Government of Goa is pleased to adopt the instructions contained therein and make it
applicable to the employees of this State with immediate effect.
(G. J. Prabhudesai)
Joint Secretary (Personnel)
Compendium 77 Recruitment Rules
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievance and Pensions
(Department of Personnel & Training)
No. 43019/28/86-Estt(D) February 1-1999
Subject: Grant of age concession to blind, deaf-mute and orthopaedically handicapped persons
for appointment to posts services filled through open Competitive Examination.
The undersigned has been directed to invite reference to he Department of Personnel and
Training Office Memorandum No. 15012/6/77-Estt(D) dated July 27-1995 (copies enclosed) on the
afore-mentioned subject and to say that the question whether relaxation in the upper age limit should
be granted to physically handicapped persons for appointment to various post/services under the
Central Government filled through open Competitive Examination has been considered in
consultation with the Union Public Service Commission and the Comptroller and Auditor General of
India. It has now been decided to allow relaxation of ten years (15 years for SC/ST and 13 years for
OBC) in the upper age limit to blind, deaf-mute and orthopaedically handicapped persons for
appointment to all civil posts/services under the Central Government filled though Open Competitive
(K.K. JHA)
Director (Establishment)
(Smt. Prabha Chandran)
Under Secretary (Personnel)
Compendium 78 Recruitment Rules
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievance and Pensions
(Department of Personnel & Training)
No. 15012/1/88-Estt.(D) Dated:- 30-01-1990
Subject: Relaxation of Upper Age Limit for Departmental Candidates for Group ‗C‘ and ‗D‘ posts.
The undersigned is directed to say that this Department‘s O.M. dated 20 th May, 1988 provides that
departmental candidates may be allowed to compete alongwith candidates from open market for
appointment to Group ‗C‘ posts upto the age of 40 years in the cases of general candidates and 45
years in the case of candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Subject to the
usual condition that the Group ‘C‘ posts to which direct recruitment is being made are in the same line
or allied cadres and that a relation ship could be established that service rendered in the post will be
useful for efficient discharge of the duties in other categories of posts. It has been decided to extend
this concessions for departmental candidates for appointment to Group ‗D‘ posts also subject to the
same conditions.
2. it is also clarified that the age-relaxation upto 40/45 years, as the case may be, for appointment to
Group ‗C‘ and Group ‗D‘ post will be available only to those departmental candidates who have
rendered at least 3 years continuous service under Government.
(K. Sarkar)
Deputy Secretary
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievance and Pensions
(Department of Personnel & Training)
No. 15012/1/88-Estt.(D) Dated 20th May, 1988
Subject: Relaxation of Upper Age Limit for Departmental Candidates to Group ‗C‘ posts.
1. The undersigned is directed to invite attention to the instructions contained in this Department
O.M. No. F. 4/4/74-Estt. (D) dated the 20th July, 1976, and the Office Memorandum of the same
number dated 9th April, 1981, regarding relaxation of age limits for Departmental candidates for
appointment to Group ‗C‘ and ‗D‘ posts.
2. The staff Side of the National Council suggested for appointment that the age limit for the
departmental candidates for appointment to Group ‗C‘ and ‗D‘ posts should be liberalized. They
contended that in the case of Group ‗D‘ employees there is no scope for promotion in the normal
course and there is justification to increase the age limit at least for the Government servant to
compete for higher grades by direct recruitment. The matter has been carefully examined and it has
been decided that the departmental candidates may be allowed to compete along with candidates from
the open market up to the age of 40 years for Group ‗C‘ posts in the case of general candidates and 45
years in the case of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. This concession will be subject to the
usual conditions that the direct recruitment posts in Group ‗C‘ posts are in the same line or allied
cadres and a relationship could be established that service rendered in the posts will be useful for
efficient discharge of duties in the other categories of posts.
3. The Ministry of Finance etc. are requested to bring the above decision to the notice of all the
attached and subordinate offices under them for guidance.
(M.V. Kesavan)
Compendium 79 Recruitment Rules
Department of Personnel
No. 1-49-76-PER Dated: 13th July, 1989
In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution and in
consultation with the Goa Public Service Commission vide their letter. No. COM/II/13/42(2)/89 dated
7-6-1989, the Governor of Goa is pleased to make the following amendments to the Recruitment
Rules to the Group 'B' posts in various Departments under the Government of Goa.
In the Schedule annexed to the' Recruitment Rules to various Group 'B' posts under the
Government of Goa, for the existing entry under column 6, the following ,entry shall be substituted,
"Not exceeding 35 years (relaxable for Government servants by five years in accordance
with the instructions or orders issued by the Government)".
By order and in the name
of the Governor of Goa.
(Smt. Prabha Chandran)
Under Secretary (Personnel).
Department of Personnel
No. 1-49-76-PER Dated: 20th March, 1989
In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution, the
Governor of Goa. is pleased to make the following amendment to Recruitment 'Rules for Group 'C'
and Group 'D' posts in various Departments under the Government of Goa.
In the Schedule annexed to the Recruitment Rules for various Group 'C' and Group 'D', posts
under the Government of Goa, for the existing entry under column 6, the following entry shall be
substituted, namely:—
"Not exceeding 35 years (relaxable for Government servants by five years in accordance with
the instructions or orders issued by the Government) ".
By order and in the name
of the Governor of Goa.
Smt. Prabha Chandran,
Under Secretary (Personnel).
Department of Personnel
No. 2/38/75-PER Dated 13th November 1987
A copy of the under mentioned papers are forwarded for information and guidance to:
1. All Heads of Department/Offices.
2. All Departments in the Secretariat, Panaji.
(Smt. Prabha Chandran)
Under Secretary (Personnel)
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievance and Pensions
(Department of Personnel & Training)
New Delhi,
No. 15034/13/887-Estt.(D) Dated:- 07-10-1987
Subject: Relaxation of upper age limit for departmental candidates for appointment to Group
‗C‘ and ‗D‘ posts.
1. The undersigned is directed to say that as per this Department O.M. No. F. 4/4/74-Estt. (D) dated
the 20th July, 1976,read with the O.M. No. 35014/4/79-Estt(D) dated 24th October, 1985, age
Compendium 80 Recruitment Rules
relaxation upto 35 years is available for the departmental candidates in direct recruitment to Group
‗C‘ and ‗D‘ posts/services. The age relaxation in admissible to all those departmental candidates who
have rendered at least 3 years‘ continuous service and who are working in posts which are in the same
line or allied cadres and where a relationship could be established that the service already rendered in
a particular post will be useful for the efficient discharge of the duties of the posts recruitment to
which has been advertised. The question of determining the same line or allied cadres has been left to
be decided by the administrative Ministries/Departments in such cases.
2. The staff Selection Commission makes recruitment to all Group ‗C‘ non-technical posts. With a
view to reducing delays in processing of applications submitted by departmental candidates with
reference to advertisements issued by SSC, it has been decided that it will be entirely within the
discretion of the Staff Selection Commission to take a view whether the nexus principle is satisfied or
not individual cases, whether the duties of the posts concerned are not clear, the Commission may
consult the organizations in which the posts in question are located.
3. All the Ministries/Departments are requested to bring this decision to the notice of all the
Attached/Subordinate Office under their administrative control for their guidance.
(K.S.R Krishna Rao )
Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of India
Department of Personnel
No. 1-56-76-PER (Part) Dated: 6th March, 1986
In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution read with
the Government of India, Ministry of External Affairs Notification No. F. 7 (11) 62-Goa dated 25th
July, 1963, and in supersession of Notification No. 1/56/76-PER (Part) dated 12th March, 1984 and
published in the Official Gazette, Series I, No. 1, dated 5th April, 1984, the Lieutenant Governor of
Goa, Daman and Diu hereby makes the following amendment to all the existing Recruitment Rules
governing recruitment to Group ‗C‘ and Group ‗D‘ posts in the Union Territory of Goa, Daman and
Diu, namely:—
In the Schedule appended to all the existing Recruitment Rules for the various Group ‗C‘ and
Group ‗D‘ posts under this Administration for the entry under column 6, relating to relaxation of age
limit the following entry shall be substituted, namely:—
―The upper age limit shall be relaxable for Government servants upto the age of 35 years in
accordance with the instructions or orders issued by the Central Government‖.
By order and in the name of the
Administrator of Goa.
Daman and Diu.
N. P. Gaunekar
Under Secretary (Personnel)
Department of Personnel
No. 2/38/75-PER Dated 26th November 1985
A copy of the Government of India, Ministry of Personnel Training, Administrative Reforms
and Public Grievances & Pensions, Office Memorandum No. 35014/4/79-Estt.(D) dated 24th October,
1985, regarding Relaxation of upper age limit for departmental candidates for appointment to Group
‗C‘ & ‗B‘ posts in their own Department is forwarded herewith for information and guidance to:
Compendium 81 Recruitment Rules
1. All Heads of Department/Offices.
2. All Departments in the Secretariat, Panaji.
(N.P. Gaunekar)
Under Secretary (Personnel)
Ministry of Personnel, & Training, Admn. Reform
And Public Grievance and Pensions
(Department of Personnel & Training)
No. 35014/4/79-Estt.(D) Dated 24th October, 1985
Subject: Relaxation of upper age limit for departmental candidates for appointment to Group
‗C‘ and ‗D‘ posts in their own Department.
1. The undersigned is directed to say that as per this Department O.M. No. F. 4/4/74-Estt. (D)
dated the 20th July, 1976, (copy enclosed) the age relaxation upto 35 years in favour departmental
candidates for direct recruitment in group ‗C‘ and ‗D‘ posts/services will be available for the posts
under the control of the same Ministry/Department.
2. On a review of the above mentioned instructions, it is observed that the requirement of there
being a nexus between the duties of the post to which recruitment is being made and those of the post
held by the departmental candidate for availing of the age concession, is met even if the earlier service
was under some other Ministry/Department as the duties of common posts, e. g. Clerk, are same by
and large, in all the Ministries/Departments. This restriction of consideration of the department
candidates to the vacancies under the same Ministry/Department seems to be unnecessary.
Accordingly, it has been decided they the words ―and the age relaxation will be available for the posts
under the control of the same Ministry/Department‖ appearing in the last sentence of para 2 of this
Department‘s O.M. dated 20th July 1976 shall be omitted.
3. All other conditions for eligibility to avail of the age concession stipulated in the above
mentioned O.M. will continue to be applicable. The specific provisions relating to age relaxations
already existing in the recruitment rules for different services will continue to be operative.
4. Ministry/Departments are requested to bring the above decision to the notice of all the
Attached/Subordinate Offices under their control for their guidance.
(K.S.R Krishna Rao )
Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of India
Reservation/Maintenance of Roster
Compendium 84 Reservation/Maintenance of Roster
The said ―implementation of Unique Disability Identity Card (UDID)‖ project is accessible at
In case of any queries on implementation of Unique Disability Identity Card (UDID), the
Departments may call on 0832-2223784/0832-223225.
(Shripad Arlekar)
Under Secretary (GA)
In pursuance to the directions issued by the National Commission for Scheduled Castes
Government of India New Delhi vide their letter no. 39/Misc-2/IGR Committee/2020/SSW-I dated
29/07/2020 the Government of Goa is pleased to constitute a State Level Internal Grievances
Redressal Committee in order to redress internal grievances related to service/employment of
scheduled caste employees at various Government Department/Autonomous Bodies coming under the
administrative control of Government of Goa.
(Umeshchandra Joshi)
Department of Home
No.11/13/91-HD(G)/Vol.I/858 Dated:- 23-03-2021
Amendment of clause 3
Clause 3 (c) of the said scheme shall be read as under:
― (c ) However, the prevalent reservation of 2% points under Group ‗A‘ and ‗B‖ based on roster
points shall continue vis-a-vis posts filled through GPSC for further period of two years w.e.f. 1 st
March, 2021‖.
Amendment of clause 5
― (c) All eligible candidates who are registered with the department shall be temporarily engaged by
the Goa Human Resource Development Corporation as per their qualification, till such time that they
are provided employment benefits under the scheme‖.
Amendment of clause 6
Below mentioned clause shall be added after clause 6 (c)
Compendium 86 Reservation/Maintenance of Roster
―(d) The relevant Recruitment Rules shall be relaxed to provide employment benefits to such eligible
candidates, registered under the scheme who do not possess the requisite qualification, on case to case
Amendment of clause 7
― The scheme shall be valid for further period of two years w.e.f. 01-03-2021 to 28-02-2023‖.
Yours faithfully,
(Umeshchandra Joshi)
Director of Social Welfare
Ex-Officio Joint Secretary
Encl:- As above
R 2% 12% 27% ER FOR WHICH
10% EARMARKED 2% 12% 27% 10%
In view of the above, the word ―PROVISIONAL‖ which has been inserted at Annexure – I
(B), Annexure – II (B), Annexure – I (A) and Annexure – II (A) of the aforesaid Office Memorandum
stands deleted with immediate effect.
(Parag Nagarcenkar)
Director of Social Welfare &
Ex-Officio Joint Secretary
Department of Home
No.11/13/91-HD(G)/Vol.I/1941 Dated:- 11-07-2019
Whereas, the Government of Goa vide Notification No.11/13/91 HD(G) dated 20-08-2013,
published in the Official Gazette, Series I No.22 dated 29-08-2013 (hereinafter called the ―principal
Notification‖) framed the scheme for providing employment in Government to the children of
freedom fighters as announced in the Budget Speech 2013-14. As per the principal notification the
said scheme was initially valid upto 28-02-2015. The said scheme was extended from time to time.
The latest extension of the said Scheme was upto 28-02-2019 as extended vide the Government
Notification referred to at Serial No.(4) in the preamble.
And whereas, the Government desired that the continuity of the said Scheme is essential to
below the benefits under the Scheme to the children of freedom fighters registered with the Home
Department, the Government of Goa is pleased to extend the validity of the said Scheme for a further
period of two years with effect from 1st March, 2019. Consequently, the provision as contained in
Clause 3 (c) of the said scheme, regarding reservation of 2% posts under Group A and B based on
roster points shall continue for a further period of two years w.e.f. 1st March, 2019.
Now, therefore, the Governor of Goa is pleased to extend the validity of the said Scheme for a
further period of two years w.e.f. 1-03-2019 upto 28-02-2021.
Nilesh K. Dhaigodkar
Under Secretary (Home-I).
The Government of Goa has decided to adopt the O.M. No. 36039/1/2019-Estt(Res.) dated
31/01/2019 issued by the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions, Department of
Personnel & Training, New Delhi, Government of India. The Mamlatdars of the concerned Talukas
shall issue Income and Assets Certificate to the applicants from Economically Weaker Sections
(EWSs) for availing the benefits as stipulated in the aforesaid Office Memorandum. Copy of the
O.M. No. 36039/1/2019-Estt(Res.) dated 31/01/2019 is forwarded herewith. The Mamlatdar of
concerned taluka shall issue the Income & Assets Certificate in the format enclosed hereto in
accordance with the guidelines specified at Sr. No. 4 of the above said Office Memorandum.
(Parag Nagarsekar)
Director of Social Welfare &
Ex- officio Joint Secretary
In continuation to this Department‘s Office Memorandum of even number dated 19.01.2019, the
following instructions are issued in consultation with Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment
and Department of Legal Affairs regarding reservation for EWSs not covered under the reservation
scheme for SCs/STs/OBCs in respect of direct recruitment in civil posts and services in the
Government of India.
The persons belonging to EWSs who, are not covered under the scheme of reservation for SCs,
STs and OBCs shall get 10% reservation in direct recruitment in civil posts and services in the
Government of India.
(i) The posts should be in grades above the lowest grade in Group A of the service concerned.
Compendium 91 Reservation/Maintenance of Roster
(ii) They should be classified as ―scientific or technical‖ in terms of Cabinet Secretariat [OM
No. 85/11/CF-61 (1) dated 28.12.1961], according to which scientific and technical posts for which
qualifications in the natural sciences or exact sciences or applied sciences or in technology are
prescribed and, the incumbents of which have to use that knowledge in the discharge of their duties.
(iii) The posts should be ‗for conducting research‘ or ‗for organizing, guiding and directing
3.2 Orders of the Minister concerned should be obtained before exempting any posts satisfying
the above condition from the purview of the scheme of reservation.
Also persons whose family owns for possesses any of the following assets shall be excluded
from being identified as EWS, irrespective of the family income:-
i. 5 acres of agricultural land and above ;
ii. Residential plot of 1000 sq. ft. and above;
iii. Residential plot of 100 sq. yards and above in notified municipalities;
iv. Residential, plot of 200 sq. yards and above in areas other than the notified municipalities.
4.2. The property held by a ―Family‖ in different locations or different places/cities would be
clubbed while applying the land or property holding test to determine EWS status.
4.3. The term ―Family‖ for this purpose will include the person who seeks benefit of
reservation, his/her parents and siblings below the age of 18 years as also his/her spouse and children
below the age of 18 years
5.1 The benefit of reservation under EWS can be availed upon production of an Income and
Asset Certificate issued by a Competent Authority. The Income and Asset Certificate issued by any
one of the following authorities in the prescribed format as give in Annexure –I shall only be
accepted as proof of candidate‘s claim as belonging to EWS :-
5.2 The Officer who issues the certificate would do the same after carefully verifying all relevant
documents following due process as prescribed by the respective State/UT.
5.3 The crucial date for submitting income and asset certificate by the candidate may be treated
as the closing date for receipt of application for the post, except in cases where crucial date is fixed
5.4 The appointing authorities should, in the offer of appointment to the candidates claiming to
be belonging to EWS, include the following clause :-
―The appointment is provisional and is subject to the Income and asset certificate being verified
through the proper channels and if the verification reveals that the claim to belong to EWS is
fake/false the services will be terminated forthwith without assigning any further reasons and without
prejudice to such further action as may be taken under the provisions of the Indian Penal Code for
production of fake/false certificate.”
The appointing authority should verify the veracity of the Income and asset certificate submitted
by the candidate through the certificate issuing authority.
5.5 Instructions referred to above should be strictly followed so that it may not be possible for
an unscrupulous person to secure employment on the basis of a false claim and if any person gets an
appointment on the basis of such false claim, her/his services shall be terminated invoking the
conditions contained in the offer of appointment.
6.1 Department of Personnel and Training had circulated Office Memorandum No.36012/2/96-
Estt(Res) dated July 2, 1997 regarding implementation of post based reservation roster. The general
principles for making and operating post based reservation roster would be as per the principles laid
down in the said Office Memorandum.
6.2 Every Government establishment shall now recast group-wise post-based reservation roster
register for direct recruitment in accordance with format given in Annexure II, III, IV and V, as the
case may be, for effecting 10% reservation for EWSs interpolating them with the SCs, STs and OBCs.
While fixing roster point, if the EWS roster point coincides with the roster points of SCs/STs/OBCs
the next available UR roster point has been allotted to the EWSs and also the principle of ―squeezing‘
has been kept in view. While drawing up the rosters, the cadre controlling authorities may similarly
‗squeeze‘ the last points of the roster so as to meet prescribed 10% reservation.
6.3 Where in any recruitment year any vacancy earmarked for EWS cannot be filled up due to
non availability of a suitable candidate belonging to EWS, such vacancies for that particular
recruitment year shall not be carried forward to the next recruitment year as backlog.
6.4 Persons belonging to EWS selected against the quota for persons with benchmark
disabilities/ex-servicemen shall be placed against the roster points earmarked for EWS.
A Person belonging to EWS cannot be denied the right to compete for appointment against an
unreserved vacancy. Persons belonging to EWS who are selected on the basis of merit and not on
account of reservation are not be counted towards the quota meant for reservation.
Compendium 93 Reservation/Maintenance of Roster
The Ministries/Departments shall send single consolidated fortnightly report including their
attached/subordinate offices beginning from 15.2.2019 as per format at Annexure- VI.
9.1 Every Government establishment shall appoint a senior officer of the Department as the
Grievance Redressal Officer.
9.2 Any person aggrieved with any matter relating to discrimination in employment against any
EWS may file a complaint with the Grievance Redressal Officer of the respective Government
establishment. The name, designation and contact details of the Grievance Redressal Officer may be
displayed prominently on the website and in the office of the concerned establishment.
Encl: As above.
(G. Srinivasan)
(Parag Nagarsekar)
Director of Social Welfare &
Ex- officio Joint Secretary
2. In pursuance of the above Office Memorandum, it is hereby notified that 10% reservation would
be provided for Economically Weaker Sections (EWSs) in central government posts and
Compendium 95 Reservation/Maintenance of Roster
services and would be effective in respect of all Direct Recruitment vacancies to be notified on
or after 01.02.2019.
3. Detailed Instructions regarding operation of roster and procedure for implementation of EWSs
reservation will be issued separately.
(Gyanendra Dev Tripathi)
Joint Secretary to the Government of India
Annexure –I
Government of Goa
(To be issued by Mamlatdar of Concerned Taluka)
the applicant
* Note 1 : Income covered all sources i.e. salary, agriculture, business, profession, etc.
**Note 2: The term ―Family‖ for this purpose include the person, who seeks benefit of reservation, his/her parents and
siblings below the age of 18 years as also his/her spouse and children below the age of 18 years.
***Note 3: The property held by a ―Family‖ in different locations or different places/cities have been clubbed while
applying the land or property holding test to determine EWS status.
Office of the Chief Secretary
No. 50-314-97-98-HC/Vol.I/234 Dated:- 06-04-2018
Sub:-Reservation for Persons with Disabilities
Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act,
1995 casts responsibilities on the appropriate Governments to take measures for empowerment of
persons with disabilities (PWDs). As per section 33 of the said Act, every appropriate Government
shall appoint in every establishment such percentage of vacancies not less than three percent
vacancies in a cadre of Group A, B, C, and D in direct recruitment for persons or class of persons with
disabilities of which one percent each shall be reserved for persons suffering from (i) blindness or low
vision; (ii) hearing impairments; (iii) locomotors disability or cerebral palsy in the posts identified for
each disability.
In this regards various circulars/letters have been issued by Directorate of Social Welfare time to
time to all the Heads of Departments/Autonomous Bodies/Corporations etc. to maintain Roster for
Persons with Disabilities as per the guidelines.
However, it is noticed that some of the Departments have not maintained the Roster for Persons
with Disabilities as required. The review of the action taken by various Department in this regard is
being taken by the Hon'ble High Court in Writ Petition (Civil) No. 52 of 2017 filed by Gabriella
Chrystyn De Mello v/s State of Goa & 3 others, directing the Government to ensure compliance of
the direction of the Hon. Apex Court order dated 8th October 2013 in the matter of National
Federation of Blind vs Union of India & ors wherein vide para no. 55(3), Apex Court has directed all
the State Governments to scrupulously follow the guideline as regards the appointment's of Person
with Disabilities in Government services against the posts identified for them. Further, Hon'ble High
Court also directed the State Government to inform as to whether the State has earmarked 1%
vacancies to person with visual impairment in the services and whether these vacancies have been
filled up as required.
In view of the above all the Heads of Departments/Chief Executive Officers of Autonomous Bodies
are hereby directed to take following action immediately:
1. Maintain the Roster for Person with Disabilities as per the guidelines and submit it for the
verification by the Directorate of Social Welfare annually or after every round of recruitment to
ensure that the recruitment policy is properly followed.
2. All the Department shall ensure that while seeking the NOC for recruitment from the Personnel
Department necessary information is furnished regarding verification of roster and also take note that
no NOC will be granted by the Personnel Department unless the above directions are complied.
Failure to comply with the above directions shall invite disciplinary action against the concerned
Heads of Departments/Chief Executive Officers of Autonomous Bodies etc and the respective Liaison
Compendium 97 Reservation/Maintenance of Roster
Officers, as the case may be towards dereliction of duties mandated under the guidelines.
This is for strict compliance.
Dharmendra Sharma, IAS
Chief Secretary
A Copy of the under mentioned O. M. NO. 36035/02/2017-Estt (Res) Dated 15th January 2018,
issued by Government of India, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances &
Pensions, Department of Personnel & Training, North Block, New Delhi is forwarded for strict
compliance by all the Heads of Government Departments/Offices, Public Sector undertaking and
Autonomous bodies.
S. V. Naik
Director of Social Welfare
Ex-Officio/Addl. Secretary (SW)
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
No. 36035/02/2017-Estt (Res) Dated :-15-01-2018
With enactment of THE RIGHTS OF PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES ACT, 2016 from 19th
April 2017 and notification of THE RIGHTS OF PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES RULES, 2017'
on 15th June, 2017, the following instructions are issued in line with the provisions made therein
regarding reservation for Persons with Benchmark Disabilities, as defined under Section 2(r) of the
Act against the posts and services of the Central Government.
2.1 In case of direct recruitment, four per cent of the total number of vacancies to be filled up by
direct recruitment, in the cadre strength in each group of posts i.e. Groups A, B and C shall be
reserved for persons with benchmark disabilities.
2.2 Against the posts identified for each disabilities, of which, one per cent each shall be reserved
for persons with benchmark disabilities under clauses (a), (b) and (c) and one per cent, under clauses
(d) and (e), unless otherwise excluded under the provisions of Para 3 herein under:-
(a) blindness and low vision; (b) deaf and hard of hearing; (c) locomotor disability including
cerebral palsy, leprosy cured, dwarfism, acid attack victims and muscular dystrophy; (d) autism,
intellectual disability, specific learning disability and mental illness; (e) multiple disabilities from
amongst persons under clauses (a) to (d) including deaf-blindness.
3. EXEMPTION FROM RESERVATION: If any Ministry/Department in the Central
Government considers it necessary to exempt any establishment or any cadre or cadres fully or partly
from the provisions of reservation for persons with benchmark disabilities, it shall make a reference
to the Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities giving full justification for the
proposal, who having regard to the type of work carried out in any Government establishment by
notification and subject to such condition, if any, as may be specified in the notification, in
Compendium 98 Reservation/Maintenance of Roster
consultation with the Chief Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities (CCPD) may exempt any
Establishment or any cadre(s) fully or partly from the provisions of reservation for persons with
benchmark disabilities.
4.1 In the category of posts which are identified suitable for persons with benchmark disabilities, a
person with benchmark disability cannot be denied the right to compete for appointment by direct
recruitment against an unreserved vacancy. Thus a person with benchmark disability can be appointed
by direct recruitment against vacancy not specifically reserved for the persons with benchmark
disability, provided the post is identified suitable for persons with benchmark disability of the relevant
4.2 Persons with benchmark disabilities selected without relaxed standards along with other
candidates, will not be adjusted against the reserved share of vacancies. The reserved vacancies will
be filled up separately from amongst the eligible candidates with benchmark disabilities which will
thus comprise of candidates with benchmark disabilities who are lower in merit than the last candidate
in merit list but otherwise found suitable for appointment, if necessary, by relaxed standards.
A person who wants to avail the benefit of reservation will have to submit a certificate of disability
issued by a Competent Authority. Such certificate in the event of selection of such person for any
post, will be subject to such verification/re-verification as may be decided by the competent authority.
6.1 The number of posts to be reserved for persons with benchmark disabilities in case of Group C
posts shall be computed on the basis of total number of vacancies in the cadre strength of Group C
posts, in the establishment, although the recruitment of the persons with benchmark disabilities would
only be against the category of posts identified suitable for them. The number of vacancies to be
reserved for the persons with benchmark disabilities in case of direct recruitment to Group 'C' posts in
an establishment shall be computed by taking into account the total number of vacancies arising in
Group 'C' posts for being filled by direct recruitment in a recruitment year both in the identified and
non-identified category of posts under the establishment. Since reservation, wherever applicable, for
Persons with Benchmark Disabilities is provided computing total number of vacancies in the cadre
strength in identified category of posts as well as unidentified category of posts, it may be possible
that number of persons appointed by reservation in an identified category of post may exceed four per
6.2 Reservation for persons with benchmark disabilities in Group 'A' or Group 'B' posts shall be
computed on the basis of total number of vacancies occurring in direct recruitment quota in the cadre
in all the Group 'A' posts or Group 'B' posts respectively, and the computation of total vacancies shall
include vacancies arising in the identified and non-identified category of posts.
7.1 Every Government establishment shall maintain group-wise a separate vacancy based 100 point
vacancy based reservation roster register in the format given in Annexure for determining/effecting
reservation for the Persons with Benchmark Disabilities - one each for Group 'A' posts filled by direct
recruitment, Group 'B' posts filled by direct recruitment and Group 'C' posts filled by direct
7.2 Each register shall have cycles of 100 points and each cycle of 100 points shall be divided into
four blocks, comprising the following points:
1st Block - point No. 01 to point No. 25
2nd Block - point No. 26 to point No. 50
3rd Block - point No. 51 to point No. 75
Compendium 99 Reservation/Maintenance of Roster
employer shall fill up the vacancy by appointment of a person, other than a person with benchmark
8.3 If the nature of vacancies in an establishment is such that a given category of person cannot be
employed, the vacancies may be interchanged with the prior approval of Department of
Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, among the above mentioned four categories.
8.4 If any vacancy reserved for any category of benchmark disability cannot be filled due to non-
availability of a suitable person with that benchmark disability or, for any other sufficient reason, such
vacancy shall be carried forward as a 'backlog reserved vacancy' to the subsequent recruitment year.
8.5 In the subsequent recruitment year the 'backlog reserved vacancy' shall be treated as reserved
for the category of disability for which it was kept reserved in the initial year of recruitment.
However, if a suitable person with that benchmark disability is not available, it may be filled by
interchange among the categories of benchmark disabilities identified for reservation. In case no
suitable person with benchmark disability is available for filling up the vacancy in the succeeding year
also, the employer may fill up the vacancy by a person other than a person with benchmark disability.
If the vacancy is filled by a person with benchmark disability of the category for which it was
reserved or by a person of other category of benchmark disability by inter se exchange in the
subsequent recruitment year, it will be treated to have been filled by reservation. But if the vacancy is
filled by a person other than a person with benchmark disability in the subsequent recruitment year,
reservation shall be carried forward for a further period upto two recruitment years whereafter the
reservation shall lapse. In these two subsequent years, if situation so arises, the procedure for filling
up the reserved vacancy shall be the same as followed in the first subsequent recruitment year.
8.6 The Government establishment shall interchange vacancies only if due process of recruitment
viz. proper advertisement of vacancy to fill up the vacancies reserved for persons with benchmark
disabilities has been complied with.
8.7 In order to ensure that cases of lapse of reservation are kept to the minimum, any recruitment of
the persons with benchmark disabilities candidates shall first be counted against the additional quota
brought forward from previous years, if any, in their chronological order. If candidates are not
available for all the vacancies, the older carried forward reservation would be filled first and the
current vacancies would be carried forward if not filled up provided that in every recruitment, the
number of vacancies reserved for Persons with Benchmark Disabilities including carried forward
vacancies will be announced beforehand, for the information of all aspirants.
9.1 Reservation for backward classes of citizens (SCs, STs and OBCs) is called vertical reservation
and the reservation for categories such as persons with benchmark disabilities and ex-servicemen is
called horizontal reservation. Horizontal reservation cuts across vertical reservation (in what is called
interlocking reservation) and persons selected against the quota for persons with benchmark
disabilities have to be placed in the appropriate category viz. SC/ST /OBC/Unreserved depending
upon the category to which they belong in the roster meant for reservation of SCs/STs/OBCs. To
illustrate, if in a given year there are two vacancies reserved for the persons with benchmark
disabilities and out of two persons with benchmark disabilities appointed, one belongs to Scheduled
Caste and the other belongs to Unreserved category, then the SC candidate with benchmark disability
shall be adjusted against the SC point in the reservation roster and the Unreserved candidate with
benchmark disability against unreserved point in the relevant reservation roster. In case none of the
vacancies falls on point reserved for the SCs, the candidate under benchmark disability belonging to
SC shall be adjusted in future against the next available vacancy reserved for SCs.
9.2 Since the persons with benchmark disabilities have to be placed in the appropriate category viz.
SC/ST/OBC/Unreserved in the roster meant for reservation of SCs/STs/OBCs, the application form
for the post should require the candidates applying under the quota reserved for persons with
benchmark disabilities to indicate whether they belong to SC/S T /OBC or Unreserved Thus,
reservation for persons with benchmark disabilities is horizontal.
Compendium 101 Reservation/Maintenance of Roster
Respective Categories
(a) Blindness and low vision
(b) Deaf and hard of Hearing
(c) Locomotor disability including cerebral palsy, leprosy cured, dwarfism, acid attack victims and
muscular dystrophy
(d) Autism, intellectual disability, specific learning disability and mental illness
(e) Multiple disabilities from amongst persons under clauses (a) to (d) including deaf-blindness.
** If identifies reserved, write a/b/c/(d & e) as the case may be, otherwise write UR
*** Write a/b/c/(d & e) or None, as the case may be
Directorate of Social Welfare
No. 61/25/2017-BC/DSW/3872 Dated:- 25-09-2017
Sub:- Issue of Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe Certificate to migrants from
other States/Union Territories
Read:- Notification No. 13/19/89-SWD/709 dated 24-4-2001
1. It has come to the notice of the Government that persons belonging to SC/ST who have migrated
to Goa from other States/Union Territories for the purpose of employment, education, etc. experience
difficulty in obtaining caste/tribe certificate from the State/Union Territories from which they have
2. In order to remove this difficulty, the Government has decided that Caste Certificate to the
migrated SC/ST residing in the State of Goa shall be issued by the respective Deputy Collector & SDO
on the basis of the Caste Certificate issued to his/her father by the competent authority of the State of
father's origin. If, however, the Deputy Collector & SDO feels that detailed enquiry is necessary
through the State of origin before issue of the certificate, he should conduct the enquiry and issue the
certificate only after the enquiry is completed.
3. It is clarified that all SC/ST person who has migrated from the State of origin to Goa for the
Compendium 103 Reservation/Maintenance of Roster
purpose of seeking education, employment etc. will be deemed to be a SC/ST of the State of his origin
and will be entitled to derive benefits from the State of origin and not from Goa.
4. This supersedes Circular No. 15/14/06-PER/Part dated 30-1-1997.
S. V. Naik
Director of Social Welfare
Ex-Officio/Addl. Secretary
Social Welfare Department
No.61-2-2002-BC/(11)/Part I/3079 Dated 14/08/2017
In the Circular referred above, the name of the Officer stipulated at Sr. No. 12 may be read as
―Shri. Mahesh V. Corjuenkar‖ instead of Shri. Mahesh Chorjuvekar.
The rest of the contents of the above Circular shall remain intact.
Director of Social Welfare &
Ex-Officio Addl. Secretary (SW)
Department of Home (General)
No. 11/13/91-HD(G)/2050 Dated: 18/07/2017
Read:- 1) Notification No. 11/13/91-HD(G) dated 20-08-2013 Published in the Official
Gazette Series I No. 22 dated 29-08-2013.
2) Notification No. 11/13/91-HD(G) dated 18-05-2015.
3) Notification No. 11/13/91-HD(G) dated 15-06-2016.
4) Notification No. 11/13/91-HD(G) dated 02-05-2017.
After 6 (c) following may be added be added to the Notification dated 20-08-2013 referred above:-
―6(d) person selected for appointment in Government under the Scheme for providing Employment
in Government to the Children of Freedom Fighters shall be adjusted in the recruitment roster against
the appropriate category, viz, SC/ST/OBC/General depending upon the category to which he/she
belongs. For example if he/she belongs to SC category, he will be adjusted against the SC reservation
point and, if he/she belongs to General Category, he/she will be adjusted against the vacancy point
meant for General category‖.
The above instruction shall be effective from the date of issue of this Addendum.
By Order and in the name
of the Governor of Goa
Neetal P. Amonkar
Under Secretary (Home-I)
Directorate of Social Welfare
No. 61-2-2002-BC/(11)/Part I/1450 Dated:- 14-06-2017
Read: (i) Circular No. 61-2-2002-BC/(11)/8693 dated 11-01-2013.
In supersession of Circular referred above, Government is pleased to nominate the following
Officers on the Panel of Departmental Selection Committee/Departmental Promotion Committee
while filling up the posts reserved by direct recruitment and promotion for Scheduled Castes,
Compendium 104 Reservation/Maintenance of Roster
was pleased to extend the validity of the aforesaid scheme as per clause 7 of the Principal Notification
for a further period of two years with effect from 1st March, 2015.
As the Scheme is devised for the Children of Freedom Fighters. The Government of Goa decided
to accept belated applications subject to the conditions as mentioned below:-
1) Application for providing Employment for Children of Freedom fighters may be accepted
after the due date.
2) The belated application received after the due date for providing Employment for Children of
Freedom fighters would be covered or considered only after the present applications are
disposed off by the Home Department (General), Secretariat, Porvorim-Goa.
3) The belated applications for Employment of Children of Freedom Fighters after due date
would not below any right for granting employment or seniority.
4) No further extension in validity of the scheme will be granted. As such any applications
remain pending/unprocessed etc. during the validity period shall be deemed to be rejected
without any further notice/intimation.
By Order and in the name of
the Governor of Goa
(Rohan J. Kaskar)
Under Secretary (Home-I)
Directorate of Social Welfare
No. 13/19/89-SWD/5590 Dated:- 15-12-2015
Read:- Notification No. 13/19/89-SWD/921 dtd. 17-06-2005.
In supersession of the Government Notification referred to above, the Government of Goa is
pleased to reconstitute the Scrutiny Committee for verification of the Social Status Certificate issued
by the Competent Authority i.e. Dy. Collector & SDO's of the persons belonging to Other Backward
Classes, as per the directives of the Supreme Court as under:-
1. Secretary (Social Welfare) - Chairman
2. Director of Social Welfare and Ex-Officio Joint Secretary - Member
3. Shri. Jayant Tari -Expert Member from OBC Community
By Order and in the name of
the Governor of Goa
(Meena H. Naik Goltekar)
Ex-Officio Joint Secretary &
Director of Social Welfare
In pursuance to the Judgement and Order dated 23rd September, 2013 of Hon‘ble High Court
of Bombay at Goa in Writ Petition No. 268/2013, the following procedure shall be strictly adhered for
verification of Social Status (Caste Certificate).
(A) The Procedure to be adopted by the Vigilance Cell.- (i) Upon receipt of the Social
Status Certificate by the concerned Vigilance Cell from the Directorate of Tribal Welfare the
Vigilance Cell from the Tribal the Vigilance Cell shall forward the same to the concerned Police
Station. The Station House Officer of the concerned Police Station shall depute an Officer not below
the rank of Head Constables to conduct the preliminary inquiry pertaining to the Grant of Verification
Certificate by the Scrutiny Committee.
(ii) The concerned Head Constable shall obtain necessary information as contained in the
proforma and shall also make detailed inquiries regarding the veracity of the information provided by
the applicant. The Head Constable shall also obtain an Affidavit sworned by the Applicant before
Notary Public/Executive Magistrate and such other documentary evidence from the applicant in
support to the information furnished by the applicant.
(iii) The Head Constable shall submit the report of the preliminary inquiry along with the
documents submitted by the applicant to the concerned Station House Officer.
(iv) The concerned Station House Officer shall prepare a detailed report based on the
preliminary inquiry and the document submitted by the applicant. The concerned officer shall then
forward the report to the Vigilance Cell.
(v) The Vigilance Officer shall prepare a report based on the report based on the report of the
concerned Station House Officer and forward the same to the Scrutiny Committee. The inquiry by the
Vigilance Cell shall be completed within a period of three months from the date of receipt of the
application from the Director of Tribal Welfare.
(B) Procedure to be followed by Scrutiny Committee for Grant of Verification Social Status
(Caste) Certificate.- (i) The Scrutiny Committee shall obtain the report prepared by Sub-Divisional
Magistrate based on the information provided by the applicant at the time of issue of Provisional
Caste Certificate by the Sub-Divisional Magistrate/Deputy Collector.
(ii) The report of Sub-Divisional Magistrate shall be verified by the Scrutiny Committee, Vis-
à-vis with the inquiry report of the Vigilance Cell and the information furnished by the applicant on
an Affidavit duly sworned before Notary Public /Executive Magistrate.
(iii) The Scrutiny Committee shall independently verify the report prepared by concerned
Sub-Divisional Magistrate at the time of issue of Provisional Caste Certificate and compare the
information with the Vigilance Cell inquiry report and also information provided by the Applicant in
the Affidavit.
(iv) The Scrutiny Committee shall pass a brief reasoned Order incorporating the information
such as Vigilance Cell Inquiry Report, information provided by Applicant, report prepared by
concerned Sub-Divisional Magistrate etc.
(v) In case of refusal of Grant Verification Certificate, the Scrutiny Committee shall give a
reasonable opportunity to the applicant to show cause as to why the application for Grant of
Verification Certificate should not be rejected. Similarly if any objections are received by the Scrutiny
Committee for the Grant of Verification Certificate to the applicant then the Committee shall give a
reasonable opportunity to hear concerned applicant and the objector. The Scrutiny Committee then
shall pass an order dealing with all the issues raised by the objector.
It is enjoined upon all the concerned to follow the above mentioned instructions scrupulously.
This is issued in accordance with the guidelines of Supreme Court.
This issues in supersession of earlier order No. 13-35-2013-SWD/6755 dated 15-11-2013, and
this order will come into force w.e.f. 29th January, 2010.
By order and in the name of the
Governor of Goa
(Sandhya Kamat)
Compendium 108 Reservation/Maintenance of Roster
medical grounds, or when the said notice has been submitted due to a disability, the administrative
authorities shall examine as to whether the case is covered under Section 47 of the PwD Act,1995. In
case the provisions are applicable, the Government servant shall be advised that he/she has the option
of continuing in service with the same pay scale and service benefits.
5. In case a disabled Government servant reconsiders his decision and withdraws the notice for
voluntary retirement, his case shall be dealt with under the Provisions of the Section 47 read with the
Department of Personnel and Training OM dated 25th February, 2015, mentioned above. If however,
inspite of being so advised, such Government servant still wishes to take voluntary retirement, the
request may be processed as per the applicable rule.
6. All the Ministers and Departments are requested to keep the above in view while processing
cases of requests for voluntary retirement from disabled Government servant.
7. Hindi version follows.
(Mukesh Chaturvedi)
Department of Home (General)
No. 11/13/91/HD(G) Dated:-18-05-2015
Read:- 1) Notification No. 11/13/91-HD(G) dated 20-08-2013 published in the Official Gazette
Series I No. 22 dated 29-08-2013,
The Government of Goa vide Notification No.11/13/91-HD(G) dated 20-08-2013 published in the
Official Gazette Series I No. 22 dated 29-08-2013 (hereinafter called the ―Principal Notification‖)
framed the scheme for providing employment in Government to the children of Freedom Fighters as
announced in the Budget Speech 2013-14. As per the Principal Notification the scheme is valid upto
Since the continuity of the scheme is essential to bestow the benefits under the scheme to children
of Freedom Fighters registered with the Home Department, the Government of Goa in partial
modification to the Principal Notification, is pleased to extend the validity of the aforesaid scheme as
per clause 7 of the Principal Notification for a further period of two years with effect from 1st March,
Further, in the Principal Notification, in clause 3(c), for the words, ―for two years‖ the words ―for
four years‖ after the expression ―vis-a-vis post filled through Goa Public Service Commission" shall
be substituted.
In the Principal Notification after the Para 4, the following proviso shall be added.
―Notwithstanding what is provided in the Principal Notification, all the eligible children of
Freedom Fighters who were qualified for registration under the said scheme as on the date of
publication of the principal notification, but could not submit their applications, may apply within a
period of 30 days from the date of publication of this Notification.‖
By Order and in the name of
the Governor of Goa
(Harish N. Adconkar)
Under Secretary (Home)
Compendium 110 Reservation/Maintenance of Roster
95, 98
ST (12%) 9, 17, 25, 35, 42, 50, 59, 69, 75, 84, 92, 100
SC (2%) 49, 99
Category Roster Entitlement
Disabled Persons 1, 34, 67
Ex-Servicemen 3, 32....Group ―C‖
(ii) The concerned Head Constable shall obtain necessary information as contained in the
proforma and shall also make detailed inquires regarding the veracity of the information
provided by the applicant. The Head Constable shall also obtain an Affidavit sworned by the
Applicant before Notary Public/Executive Magistrate and such other documentary evidence
from the applicant in support to the information furnished by the applicant.
(iii) The Head Constable shall submit the report of the preliminary inquiry along with the
documents submitted by the applicants to the concerned Station House Officer.
(iv) The concerned Station Hose Officers shall prepare a detailed report based on the preliminary
inquiry and the document submitted by the applicant. The concerned Officer shall then
forward the report to the Vigilance Cell.
(v) The Vigilance Officer shall prepare a report based on the report of the concerned Station
House Officer and forward the same to the Scrutiny Committee. The inquiry by the
Vigilance Cell shall be completed within a period of three month from the date of receipt the
application from the Director of Social Welfare or the Director of Tribal Welfare as the case
may be.
(B) Procedure to be followed by Scrutiny Committee for Gant of Verification Social Status
(Caste) Certificate.
(i) The Scrutiny Committee shall obtain the report prepared by Talathi/Sub-Divisional
Magistrate based on the information provided by the applicant at the time of issue of
Provisional Caste Certificate by the Sub-Divisional Magistrate/Deputy Collector.
(ii) The report of Talathi/Sub-Divisional Magistrate shall be verified by the Scrutiny Committee.
Vis-a-vis with the inquiry report of the Vigilance Cell and the information furnished by the
applicant on an Affidavit duly sworned before Notary Public/Executive Magistrate.
(iii) The concerned Research Officer/Expert Member as the case may be shall prepare a brief
report on the background of the Caste of the Applicant for which Social Status Certificate
has been sought by the applicant.
(iv) The Scrutiny Committee shall independently verify the report prepared by concerned
Talathi/Sub-Divisional Magistrate at the time of issue of Provisional Caste Certificate and
compare the information with the Vigilance Cell inquiry report and also information
provided by the Applicants in the Affidavit.
(v) The Scrutiny Committee shall pass a brief reasoned Order incorporating the information
such as Vigilance Cell inquiry Report, information provided by Applicant, Report prepared
by concerned Talathi/Sub-Divisional Magistrate, Report prepared by the Research
Officer/Expert Member.
(vi) In case of Refusal of Grant of Verification Certificate the Scrutiny Committee shall give a
reasonable opportunity to the applicant to show cause as to why the application for Grant of
Verification Certification should not be rejected. Similarly if any objections are received by
the Scrutiny, Committee from third party objection for the Grant of Verification Certificate
to the applicant then shall give a reasonable opportunity to hear concerned applicant and the
objector. The Scrutiny Committee then shall pass an order dealing with all the issues raised
by the Objector.
It is enjoined upon all the concerned to follow the above mentioned instructions scrupulously
(Meena H. Naik Goltekar)
Director of Social Welfare &
Ex-Officio Joint Secretary
(Social Welfare)
Compendium 113 Reservation/Maintenance of Roster
(ii) The parent, guardian, or the candidate, as the case may be shall file an Affidavit before the Dy.
Collector duly sworn and attested by a Competent Gazetted Officer with particulars of caste and
sub-caste, tribe, tribal community, parts or group of tribes or tribal communities, the place from
which he/she originally hails from and other particulars as prescribed by the Directorate
concerned, as per Annexure II (A) and II (B).
(iii) The application for Verification of Caste Certificate by the Scrutiny Committee shall be filed at
least 6 months in advance before seeking admission into educational institution or an
appointment to a post as per Annexure III (A) and III (B).
(iv) The Directorate concerned shall forward the copies of Status Certificate to the Vigilance Cell
for verification.
(a) The Vigilance Officer shall go to the local place of residence and original place from which the
candidate hails and usually resides or in case of migration to the town or city, the place from
which he originally hailed from. The Vigilance Officer shall personally verify and collect all the
facts of the Social Status claimed by the Candidate or the parent or guardian, as the case may
be. He shall also examine the school records, birth registration if any. He shall also
examine the parents, guardian or the candidate in relation to their caste etc. or such other
persons who have knowledge of the social status of the candidate and then submit a report to
the Directorate of Social Welfare or Directorate of Tribal Welfare as the case may be;
together with all particulars as envisaged in the Proforma as per Annexure IV(A) & IV (B),
in particular, or of the Scheduled Tribes relating to their peculiar anthropological and
ethnological traits, deity, rituals, customs, mode of marriage, death ceremonies, method of
burial of dead bodies etc. by the Castes or Tribes.
3. And Whereas, the Director concerned, on receipt of the report from the Vigilance Officer if he
found the claim for social status to be ―not genuine‖ or ―doubtful‖ or spurious or falsely or
wrongly claimed, the Director concerned shall issue Show-cause Notice supplying a copy of the
Compendium 114 Reservation/Maintenance of Roster
report of the Vigilance Officer to the Candidate by a Registered Post with acknowledgement
due or through the Head of the Educational Institution/Organization concerned in which the
candidate is studying or employed. The notice shall indicate that the representation or reply, if
any, would be made within two weeks from the date of the receipt of the Notice and in no case
on request not more than 30 days from the date of receipt of the Notice. In case, the candidate
seeks for an opportunity of hearing and claims an inquiry to be made in that behalf, the Director
on receipt of such representation/reply shall convene the meeting of Scrutiny Committee and
the Chairperson who shall give reasonable opportunity to the candidate/parent/guardian to
adduce all evidence in support of their claim. A public notice or any other convenient mode
shall be published in the village or locality and if any person or association opposes such a
claim, an opportunity to adduce evidence may be given to him/her. After giving such
opportunity either to the person or through Counsel, the Committee shall make such inquiry as
deems expedient and consider the claims vis-à-vis the objections raised by the candidate or
opponent and pass an appropriate order with brief reasons in support thereof.
4. Whereas, in case the report is in favour of the candidate and found to be genuine and true, no
further action needs to be taken, the concerned Directorate shall issue a Certificate or
Verification as prescribed in Annexure V, except where the report or the particulars given are
procured or found to be false or fraudulently obtained and in later event the same procedure as
in envisaged in para 3 above to be followed.
5. And Whereas, the findings recorded by the Scrutiny Committee holding that the certificate
obtained was false, on its cancellation and confiscating simultaneously, same shall be
communicated to the educational institution/organization concerned or the appointing authority
by registered post with acknowledgment due with a request to cancel the admission or the
appointment. The Principal of the educational institution responsible for making the admission
or the appointing authority shall cancel the admission/appointment and debar the candidate
from further study or continue in office in a post.
6. The Order passed by the Scrutiny Committee shall be final and conclusive only subject to the
proceedings under Article 226 of the Constitution of India.
7. Now therefore it is enjoined upon all the Government Departments, Educational Institutions
etc. to accept the provisional Status Certificates issued by competent authority till the final
decision is given.
By Order and in the name of
Governor of Goa
V. M. Paranjape
Director of Social Welfare &
Joint Secretary (Social Welfare)
I,Shri/Smt/Kum:____________________.___________________________hereby applies for
the issue of OBC certificate
I am submitting the following information‘s along with the documentary evidences in support of my
claim as:_________________________
1. Purpose for which certificate is required: _______________________________
2. Name of the applicant: _____________________________________________
3. Present Residential Address: ________________________________________
4. Contact No. _____________________________________________________
5. Date of Birth: ____________________________________________________
6. Present Occupation: _______________________________________________
7. Hereditary Occupation: ____________________________________________
8. Fathers Name: ___________________________________________________
9. Present Occupation: _______________________________________________
10. Name of the OBC community: ______________________________________
11. Synonym/Generic name if any: _____________________________________
12. Religion Professed by applicant: ____________________________________
13. Religion Professed by applicant‘s father: ______________________________
14. Name of original village with complete address in which applicant/applicants parents originally
hails from prior to 19.2.1968: ____________________________
15. Whether staying in the same village as on the date of this application: YES/NO
16. If No, kindly furnish the following details
a) Year of leaving original Village of residence: ______________________
b) Reason for leaving the original Village of residence:_________________
17. Place of birth: _____________________________________________
18. Name of the primary school in which applicant has studied: __________
__________________ from _________________ to__________________
19. Name of the Secondary School in which applicant has studied: _______
__________________ from _________________ to__________________
20. Annual family Income from all sources:- Rs. ______________________
(Excluding Salaries and Income from Agricultural land)
21. Whether applicant‘s father or any relatives from paternal side have obtained the Caste Certificate:-
22. If Yes; Kindly attach a copy of the certificate
Signature of the Applicant: _______________________
Date:- _________________
Place: _________________
(To be signed by applicant if he/she attained the age of 18 years. In case he/she is minor it will be
signed by father/guardian of the applicant)
I, ________________________________________________________________ son/daughter/wife
of _________________________________________________ do hereby declare that the facts given
Compendium 116 Reservation/Maintenance of Roster
in the application are correct and nothing has been concealed. I shall be liable for prosecution for
furnishing false and incorrect information/documents as per the provision of Indian Penal Code.
Signature: ________________________
Date: ________________________
Place: _______________________
Affidavit to be submitted to the Deputy Collector/SDO with the Application form to obtain a OBC
Certificate by the Applicant.
(To be sworn before the Executive Magistrate or Notary public of Rs. 20/- non judicial stamp paper
by the Parent/Guardian or Candidate)
I say that, the status certificate received by my near relative viz. (1)
_____________ (2) ____________ from paternal side is enclosed with the application. The said
person is my ____________ in relation. (if available)
I say that none of my parents (Father/Mother) is a Group ―A‖/Class I Officer under
Central/State Government or belongs to any service in any PSU, Bank, Insurance Company,
Educational Institution, or in Private employment comparable to Group A/Class I service under
Central/State Government or holds any Constitutional Post.
I say that none of my parents (Father/Mother) is a Group ―B‖/Class II Officer under
Central/State Government or belongs to any service in any PSU, Bank, Insurance Company,
Educational Institution, or in Private employment comparable to Group B/Class II service under
Central/State Government or holds any Constitutional Post.
I say that annual income of my parent‘s from Salaries is Rs. _________________ (in words)
I say that annual income of my parent‘s from other sources including business or properties is
Rs. _____________________ (in words)
I say I do/do not belong to Creamy layer.
I say that the present Affidavit is sworn by me in order to produce the same in the Office of
Dy. Collector and SDO _______________ for obtaining my status certificate for me/my
I say that the content of the foregoing paras are true and nothing is false.
The Director,
Directorate of Social Welfare,
Panaji – Goa 403 001.
( Applicant‘s Signature )
Place: _____________________
Date: ______________________
Government of Goa
Directorate of Social Welfare
18th June Road, Panaji-Goa
After considering the documents and associated facts, it is certified that Shri/Smt/Kum
____________________________ belongs to the ____________________________ (SC/OBC/ST)
Compendium 121 Reservation/Maintenance of Roster
(Name _________________________________)
The Deputy Collector &
Sub Divisional Officer Affix
------------------ Sub Division passport size
------------------ Goa photograph
I,Shri/Smt/Kum:____________________.___________________________hereby applies for
the issue of SC/ST certificate
I am submitting the following information‘s along with the documentary evidences in support of my
claim as:_________________________
(To be signed by applicant if he/she attained the age of 18 years. In case he/she is minor it will be
signed by father/guardian of the applicant)
I, ________________________________________________________________ son/daughter/wife
of _________________________________________________ do hereby declare that the facts given
in the application are correct and nothing has been concealed. I shall be liable for prosecution for
furnishing false and incorrect information/documents as per the provision of Indian Penal Code.
Signature: ________________________
Name in BLOCK LETTERS: __________________________________________
Date: ________________________
Place: _______________________
Documentary evidences in support of Caste Claim to be enclosed
1. Birth Certificate of the applicant
2. Birth Certificate of applicant‘s father or any relatives from parental side
3. Applicant‘s School Leaving Certificate or Bonafide Certificate issued by School Authorities
4. Document showing applicant‘s father or Grandfather belongs to SC/ST notified by Govt.
5. Documents showing that applicant/applicants family was residing in Goa prior to 19.2.1968
6. Affidavit in prescribed format.
Affidavit to be submitted to the Deputy Collector/SDO with the Application form to obtain a
Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled Tribe Certificate by the Applicant.
(To be sworn before the Executive Magistrate or Notary public of Rs. 20/- non judicial stamp paper
by the Parent/Guardian or Candidate)
I say that I am/my parents/Grand parents were/are originally hailing from __________village
prior to 19th February, 1968.
I say that, I have applied/not applied; Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled Tribe certificate to this
effect in the State of Goa or any other State.
I say that no one from my relatives from paternal side has been refused Scheduled Caste/
Scheduled Tribe certificate in the State of Goa or any other State.
I say that, the status certificate received by my near relative viz. (1)
_____________ (2) ____________ from paternal side is enclosed with the application. The said
person is my ____________ in relation.
I say that the present Affidavit is sworn by me in order to produce the same in the Office of
Dy. Collector and SDO _______________ for obtaining my status certificate for me/my
I say that the content of the foregoing paras are true and nothing is false.
Form of Application to be submitted to the SC/ST Scrutiny Committee for verification of SC/ST
The Director,
Directorate of Social Welfare/Tribal Welfare,
Panaji – Goa 403 001.
Object of the Scheme.— At present there is 2% reservation in Government job to the children of
freedom fighters for Group ‗A‘, ‗B‘,‗C‘, and ‗D‘ posts in Government Departments. However, even
after 50 years of Liberation of Goa, children of freedom fighters remained unemployed. The
Government of Goa has, therefore, decided to provide employment to children of freedom fighters in
Government Departments by filling 5% of vacancies under direct recruitment of Group ‗C‘ and ‗D‘
posts through this scheme.
1. The scheme shall be called the ―Scheme for providing employment in Government to the children
of Freedom Fighters‖.
2. Definitions.— (I) ―Freedom Fighter‖ means person declared by Home Department as a bonafide
freedom fighter as per the definition under the Goa Freedom Fighters Welfare Rules, 1988 and that
such declaration is not revoked or cancelled.
(II) ―Children of Freedom Fighters‖ means—(a) Son of freedom fighter including legally adopted son
(prior to publication of this scheme) below the age of 47 years as on the date of registration with
Home Department and not already employed under any Government Department or Corporations
owned by the Government or the local self governing bodies.
(b) Daughter of freedom fighter including legally adopted daughter (prior to publication of this
scheme) married daughter, below the age of 47 years as on the date of registration with Home
Department and not already employed under any Government Department, Corporations owned by
the Government or the local self governing bodies.
(b) Head of the Department in case of recruitment in case of offices other than Secretariat.
3. 5% vacancies to the Children of Freedom Fighters.— (a) 5% of the vacancies under direct
recruitment quota under Group ‗C‘ &‗D‘ shall be filled from freedom fighter category. The said
scheme shall be applicable for all vacancies under direct recruitment quota except vacancies under
Group A and B, for which recruitment is done by Goa Public Service Commission.
(b) The existing policy of 2% reservation in Government job shall cease to be in force from the date
of publication of this scheme.
(c) However, the prevalent reservation of2% posts under Group ‗A‘ and ‗B‘ based on roster points
shall continue vis-à-vis posts filled through GPSC for a period of two years.
(d) The above scheme shall be not applicable for posts of technical nature or which require successful
completion of physical test as a pre-condition for employment in any of the Government Departments
such as Police Force, Fire Department, etc.
4. Registration by Children of Freedom Fighters for availing benefit under the said Scheme.— (a)
All the eligible children of freedom fighters shall within a period of ninety days from the date of
publication of this notification register themselves with Home Department as per the form appended
here below.
(b) Upon culmination of the period of ninety days earmarked for registration, the Home Department
shall arrange to prepare a list of all such eligible children of freedom fighters as defined in the Scheme
after due process of scrutiny of the applications.
(c) The Home Department shall prepare seniority list based on the age of the candidate and the junior
most candidate shall be placed at the bottom.
(d) The primary classification of this list shall be based on educational qualification. For instance, a
basic list of non-matriculate candidates, those candidates who are holding matriculation certificate, a
list of those candidates who hold HSSCE certificate and so forth, shall be separately maintained.
(e) Further, the list shall be periodically pruned upon selection of candidate from the list and the
names of such candidates shall be deleted once intimation about his/her joining is received by the
Home Department.
5. “Procedure”.— (a) Whenever a Government Department desires to fill the ‗C‘ and ‗D‘ vacant
posts, the Competent Authority shall seek No Objection Certificate from the Personnel Department as
per rules and regulations in force (as per the practice in force).
(b) The Personnel Department shall seek list of children of freedom fighters to be considered under
this scheme from Home Department, Secretariat. Based on the request, Home Department shall
sponsor the candidates in the precedence of seniority by age from the eligible list.
6. “Other Conditions”.— (a) The age of the candidate shall be considered by the Home Department
as on the date of his application under this scheme and the candidate sponsored by the Home
Department shall be deemed to be within the prescribed age limit as on the date of his appointment in
relaxation of all rules in this regard.
(b) Upon culmination of recruitment process and finalization of select list of candidates, the
Competent Authority shall forward a list of candidates selected and appointed under this scheme for
information of Home Department.
(c) The inter se seniority of persons appointed under this scheme shall be fixed below the seniority of
direct recruitment candidates.
7. “Validity of the scheme”.— (a) The scheme shall be valid for 18 months from the date of issue of
the same.
Compendium 128 Reservation/Maintenance of Roster
Application Form for registering by Children of Freedom Fighters with the Home Department,
Secretariat, Provorim Goa under the Employment Scheme
The Under Secretary (Home-I),
Home Department (General),
Secretariat, Porvorim Goa
Sl. Particulars Details
1. Full Name of the Applicant:
2. Sex:
3. Date of Birth (proof):
Detailed Address H. No. ............... Wado ............... Village ..............
11. Mobile/Telephone No.:
12. Religion:
13. Category/Caste:
17. Experience:
18. Any other information:
19. Name of Siblings:
Sl. Name(s) of siblings Relationship Age Employed or not (if
No. with the employed particulars
applicant of employment)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
I hereby declare that whatever information provided herein above by the undersigned is true and
correct and shall be held responsible for any false information or for concealment of information.
Signature of the Applicant
Name ............................................
Documents to be attached
1. Copy of Birth Certificate.
2. Copy of Education Qualification Certificate.
3. Copy of Experience Certificate.
4. Copy of last 15 years Residence Certificate in the State of Goa.
5. Copy of Employment Card.
6. Copy of Aadhar Card.
7. Details of Freedom Fighters:
(a) P.P.O No.
(b) Copy of Certificate being Freedom Fighter.
Directorate of Social Welfare
No. 61-2-2006-BC/9326 Dated:- 19-10-2009
During the recent visit of National Commission for Scheduled Castes New Delhi to Goa State, it
has been emphasized by the Commission that concerned Department has to appoint a Liaison Officer.
The Liaison Officer appointed shall be responsible for reservation roster and the roster shall be signed
by the concerned liaison officer before the same submitted for verification to the Directorate of Social
All the Heads of the Departments/Corporations/Commissions/Municipalities and all other Public
Sector Undertaking are hereby enjoined upon to appoint liaison Officer for the purpose. A copy of the
appointment of Liaison Officer shall be pasted on the roster for the information of verifying
Department. It may also be noted here that while forwarding the de-reservation proposal a copy of the
Post Based Roster duly signed by the Liaison Officer be enclosed with the proposal.
All the Heads of Departments/Public Sector Undertakings are hereby requested to take note that
henceforth all the de-reservations proposals shall be submitted to this Directorate with the approval of
concerned Administrative Secretary.
Compendium 130 Reservation/Maintenance of Roster
Yours Faithfully,
(N. B. Narvekar)
Director of Social Welfare &
Ex-Officio Joint Secretary
Department Home(General)
No. 15/5/89-HD(G)Vol-I Dated:- 05-12-2008
Ref: O.M No. 15/5/89-HD(G) dated 27-11-1997
Attention is invited to the above referred Office Memorandum wherein the decision of the
Government reserving 2% Government jobs for the Ex-Servicemen in Group 'C' and 'D' posts by
direct recruitment was made. In the Office Memorandum cited above at para 2, the points 3 and 31 in
Group 'C' and 11 and 26 in Group 'D' were fixed in the 100 point roaster for Ex-Servicemen.
Due to switching over of reservation roaster from vacancy based to post based roaster Government
has earmarked point No. 3 and 32 for Group 'C' and point No.12 and 27 for Group 'D' posts with
immediate effect.
All the Heads of Department/Offices concerned with the filling up of Group 'C' and 'D' posts by
direct recruitment are hereby requested to implement the above decision without further delay.
This issues with the approval of Government.
Sidhivinayak Surendra Naik
Under Secretary (Home)
Department of Home
No. 11/13/91-HD(G) Dated:- 17/07/2008
Ref : 1) O.M. No. 11-13-91-HD(G) dated 11-09-1996
2) O.M. No. 11-13-91-HD(G) dated 15-01-1997
3) O.M. No. 11-13-91-HD(G) dated 09-05-1997
4) O.M. No. 11-13-91-HD(G) dated 07-08-2002
5) O.M. No. 11-13-91-HD(G) dated 24-12-2003
6) O.M. No. 11-13-91-HD(G) dated 12-07-2005
Attention is invited to the above referred Office Memorandum wherein the decision of the
Government reserving 2 % of Government jobs for the children of Freedom Fighters in group ―A‖,
―B‖, ―C‖ and ―D‖ posts by direct recruitment only has been communicated. In the Office
Memorandum cited above at Para 2, the points 9 and 59 have been fixed in the 100 point roster for
children of freedom fighters.
Due to switching over of reservation roster from vacancy based to post based roster point No.
9 & 59 which were earlier reserved for children of Freedom Fighters have gone to Schedule Tribe
category. Accordingly, Government has earmarked point no. 10 & 60 to be reserved for children of
Freedom Fighters for direct recruitment only.
Compendium 131 Reservation/Maintenance of Roster
All the Heads of Department /Offices concerned with the filling up group A, B, C & D post
by direct recruitment are requested to fill reserved post for the children of Freedom Fighters under
point No. 10 & 60 on Post Based Reservation Roster.
This issues with the approval of the Government.
Receipt of this OM may kindly be acknowledged.
(Diwan Chand)
Special Secretary (Home)
Social Welfare Department
No. 13-8-91/SWD/Misc/7185 Dated: 08/02/2008
Sub : Issue of Caste Certificate to SC/ST
Attention is invited to Government Notification No. 13/19/89-SWD dated 24/04/2001,
wherein as per directives of Hon‘ble Supreme Court, Dy. Collectors and SDOs concerned are
authorized to issue caste certificate (Social Status Certificate) for SC/ST/OBC.
It has been brought to the notice of the Government by the various representatives of the
Organization of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes that some of the Government Departments
and Educational Institutions, autonomous bodies etc. are not accepting the Social Status Certificates
issued by the Dy. Collector and SDO to the said communities on the ground that the validity period of
three years after issuing the caste certificate has expired and insisting for production of fresh
In regards of the SC and ST certificates issued by the concerned Dy. Collector and SDO, it is
clarified that income criteria is not applicable to the SC and ST people for obtaining their caste
certificates. Creamy Layer is also not applicable to the SC and ST category. Therefore, the certificate
issued to SC/ST community is valid for lifetime of the beneficiary. It must be therefore ensured that
the certificate holders are not made to suffer on basis of above cited ground.
(N.B. Narvekar)
Officio Joint Secretary &
Director of Social Welfare
Directorate of Social Welfare
No. 13/7/96-SWD Dated:-05-09-2007
1. Attention is invited to O. M. No. 27/12/73-Estt.(SCT) dated 7-10-1974 of the Government of
India, wherein it is clarified that the Government aided education institutions which are receiving
Grant-in-Aid from the Government should provide reservation for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled
Tribes in posts and services as per the policy of the State.
2. All the Government Departments which are providing Grants in Aid to the privately managed
Organizations/Institutions are hereby directed to incorporate the following provision in the Grants
Sanction Order while releasing Grant-in-Aid.
―(a) The recipient body employs more than 20 persons on a regular basis and at least 50 per cent of
its recurring expenditure is met from grant-in-aid from Central/State Government; and
(b) The body is a registered society or a cooperative institution and is in receipt of a general
purpose annual Grants-in-Aid of Rs. 2 lakhs and above from consolidated Fund of India.
(c) The organization shall maintain post based roster, and provide representation in services to
Compendium 132 Reservation/Maintenance of Roster
have identified the jobs/posts suitable to be held by persons with disabilities and the physically
requirement for all such jobs/posts vide their Notification No. 16- 25/99/NLI dated 03-05-2001. It
may however, be noted that:
a. The nomenclature used for any job/post & shall mean and include nomenclature used for other
comparable jobs/posts having identical functions.
b.The list of jobs /posts notified by the Ministry of Social justice & Empowerment is not
exhaustive the concerned Ministries/Departments shall have the discretion to identify jobs/posts in
addition to the jobs /posts already identified by the Ministry of Social justice & Empowerment
However, no Ministry/Department/Establishment shall exclude any identified job/post from the
purview of reservation at its own discretion.
c. If a job/post identified for persons with disabilities is shifted from one group or grade to another
group or grade due to change in the pay-scale or otherwise, the job/post shall remain identified.
is identified suitable only one category of disability, reservation in that post shall be given to Persons
with disability only. Reservation of 3% shall not be reduced in such cases and total reservation in the
post will be given to persons suffering from disability for which it has been identified. Likewise in
case the post is identified suitable for two categories of disabilities, reservation shall be distributed
between persons with those categories of disabilities equally, as far as possible. It shall, however, be
ensured that reservation in different posts in the establishment is distributed in such a way that the
persons of three categories of disabilities, as far as possible get equal representation.
identified suitable for persons with disabilities, a person with disability cannot be denied the right to
compete for appointment against an unreserved vacancy. Thus a person with disability can be
appointed against an unreserved vacancy, provided the post is identified suitable doe persons with
disability of the relevant category.
with disabilities selected on their own merit without relaxed standards along with other candidates,
will not be adjusted against the reserved share of vacancies. The reserved vacancies will be filled up
separately from amongst the eligible candidates with disabilities which will thus comprise physically
handicapped candidates who are lower in merit than the last candidate in merit list but otherwise
found suitable for appointment, if necessary, by relaxed standards. It will apply in cases of direct
recruitment as well as promotion, wherever reservation for persons with disabilities is admissible.
8. DEFINITIONS OF DISABILITIES: Definitions of categories of disabilities for the purpose
of those Office Memorandum are given below:
(i) (a) Blindness: "Blindness" refers to a condition where a person suffers from any of the
following conditions namely:-
(i) Total absence of sight; or
(ii)Visual acuity not exceeding 6/60 or 20/200(snellen) in the better eye with correcting lenses; or
(iii) limitation of the field of vision subtending an angle of 20 degree or worse;
(b) Low vision: "Person with low vision" means a person with impairment of visual functioning
even after treatment or standard refractive correction but who uses or is potentially capable of using
vision for the planning or execution of a task with appropriate assistive device.
(ii) Hearing Impairment:- ―Hearing Impairment" means loss of sixty decibels or more in the
better ear in the conversational range of frequencies.
(iii) (a) Locomotor disability: ―Locomotor disability" means disability of the bones, joints or
muscles leading to substantial restriction of the movement of the lambs or any form of cerebral palsy.
(b) Cerebral palsy: - "Cerebral palsy" means a group of non-progressive conditions of a person
Compendium 135 Reservation/Maintenance of Roster
characterized by abnormal motor control posture resulting from brain insult or injuries occurring in
the pre-natal, peri-natal or infant period of development.
(c) All the cases of Orthopaedically handicapped persons would be covered under the category of
"locomotor disability or cerebral palsy."
9. DEGREE OF DISABILITY FOR RESERVATION: Only such persons would be eligible
for reservations in services/posts who suffer from not less that 40% of relevant disability. A person
who wants to avail of benefit of reservation would have to submit a Disability Certificate issued by a
competent authority in the format given in Annexure I.
competent authority to issue Disability Certificate shall be Medical Board duly constituted by the
Central or a State Government. The Central/State Government may constitute medical Board(s)
consisting of at least three members out of which at least one a specialist in the particular field for
assessing locomotor/cerebral/visual/hearing disability, as the case may be.
11. The Medical Board shall, after due examination, give a permanent disability certificate in cases
of such permanent disabilities where there are no chances of variation in the degree of disability. The
Medical board shall indicate the period of validity of the certificate, in cases where there are chances
of variation in the degree of disability. No refusal of disability certificate shall be made unless an
opportunity is given to the applicant of being heard. On representation by the applicant, the Medical
Board may review its decision having regard to all the facts and circumstances of the case and pass
such orders in the matter as it thinks fit.
12. At the time of initial appointment and promotion against a vacancy reserved for persons with
disability, the appointing authority shall ensure that the candidate is eligible to get the benefit of
13. COMPUTATION OF RESERVATION: Reservation for persons with disabilities in case of
Group C and Group D posts shall be computed on the basis of total number of vacancies occurring in
all Group C or Group D posts, as the case may be, in the establishment, although the recruitment of
the persons with disabilities would only be in the posts identified suitable for them. The number of
vacancies to be reserved for persons with disabilities in case of direct recruitment to Group 'C' posts in
an establishment shall be computed by taking into account the total number of vacancies arising in
group 'C' posts for being filled by direct recruitment in recruitment year both in the identified and
non- identified posts under the establishment. The same procedure shall apply for Group 'D" posts.
Similarly, all vacancies in promotion quota shall be taken into account while computing reservation in
promotion in group 'C' and Group 'D' posts. Since reservation is limited to identified posts only and
number of vacancies reserved is computed on the basis of total vacancies (in identified posts as well
as unidentified posts), it is possible that number of persons appointed by reservation in an identified
post may exceed 3 percent.
14. Reservation for persons with disabilities in Group 'A' posts shall be computed on the basis of
vacancies occurring in direct recruitment quota in all the identified Group 'A' posts in the
establishment. The same method of computation applies for Group 'B' posts.
(a) All establishment shall maintain separate 100 point reservation roster registers in the format
given in Annexure II for determining/ effecting reservation for the disabled- one each for Group 'A'
posts filled by direct recruitment, Group B posts filled by direct recruitment, group 'C' posts filled by
direct recruitment, Group 'c' posts filled by promotion, Group 'D' posts filled by direct recruitment and
Group 'D' posts filled by promotion.
(b) Each register shall have cycles of 100 points and each cycle of 100 points shall be divided into
three blocks, comprising the following points:
1st Block -point No. 1 to point No. 33
2nd Block -point No. 34 to point No. 66
Compendium 136 Reservation/Maintenance of Roster
the category for which it was reserved or by a person of other category of disability by inter se
exchange in the subsequent recruitment year, it will be treated to have been filled by reservation. But
if the vacancy is filled by a person other than a person with disability in the subsequent recruitment
year, reservation shall be carried forward for a further period up to two recruitment years where after
the reservation shall lapse. In these two subsequent years, if situation so arises, the procedure for
filling up the reserved vacancy shall be the same as followed in the first subsequent recruitment year.
17. In order to ensure that cases of lapse of reservation are kept to the minimum any recruitment of
the disabled candidates shall first be counted against the additional quota brought forward from
previous years, if any, in their chronological order. If candidates are not available for all the
vacancies, the older carried forward reservation would be filled first and the relatively later carried
forward reservation would be further carried forward.
(a) While filling up the reserved vacancies by promotion by selection, the disabled candidates who
are within the normal zone of consideration shall be considered for promotion Where adequate
number of disabled candidates of the appropriate category of handicap are not available within the
normal zone, the zone of consideration may be extended to five times the number of vacancies and the
persons with disabilities falling within the extended zone may be considered. In the event of non
availability of candidates even in the extended zone, the reservation can be exchanged so that post can
be filled by a person with other category of disability, if possible. If it is not possible to fill up the post
by reservation, the post may be filled by a person other than a person with disability and the
reservation shall be carried forward for up to three subsequent recruitment years, where after it shall
(b) In posts filled by promotion by non-selection, the eligible candidates with disabilities shall be
considered for promotion. against the reserved vacancies and in case no eligible candidate of the
appropriate category of disability is available, the vacancy can be exchanged with other categories of
disabilities identified for it. If it is not possible to fill up the post by reservation .even by exchange the
reservation shall be carried forward for up to three subsequent recruitment years where after it shall
Reservation for backward classes of citizens (SCs STs and OBCs) is called vertical reservation and
the reservation for categories such as persons with disabilities and ex-servicemen is called horizontal
reservation. Horizontal reservation cuts across vertical reservation (in what is called inter-locking
reservation) and persons selected against the quota for persons with disabilities have to be placed. In
the appropriate category viz. SC/ST/OBC/General candidates depending upon the category to which
they belong in the roster meant for reservation of SCs/STs/OBCs. To illustrate, if in a given year there
are two vacancies reserved for person with disabilities and out of two persons with disabilities
appointed, one belongs to Schedule Caste and other to general category then the disabled SC
candidate shall be adjusted against the SC point in the reservation roster and the general candidate
against unreserved point in the relevant reservation roster. In case none of the vacancies falls on point
reserved for the SCs the disabled candidate belonging to SC shall be adjusted in future against the
next available vacancy reserved for SCs.
20. Since the persons with disabilities have to be placed in the appropriate category viz./SC/ ST/
OBC/General in the roster meant for reservation of SCs/STs/OBCs the application Form for the post
should require the candidates applying under the quota reserved for persons with disabilities to
indicate whether they belong to SC/ST/OBC or General category.
(i) Upper age limit for persons with disabilities shall be relax able (a) by ten years (15 years for
SCs/STs and 13 years for OBCs) in case of direct recruitment to Group 'C' and Group D. posts; (b) by
5 years (10 years for SCs/STs and 8 years for OBCs) in case of direct recruitment to Group ‗A‘ and
Compendium 138 Reservation/Maintenance of Roster
Group ‗B‘, posts where recruitment is made otherwise than through open competitive examination;
and (c) by ten years (15 years for SCs/STs and 13 years for OBCs) in case of direct recruitment to
Group 'A' and Group 'B' posts through open competitive examination. .
(ii) Relaxation in age limit shall be applicable irrespective of the fact whether the post is reserved
or not, provided the post is identified suitable for persons with disabilities.
22. RELAXATION OF STANDARD OF SUITABILITY: If sufficient number of persons with
disabilities are not available on the basis of the general standard to fill all the vacancies reserved for
them, candidates belonging to this category may be selected on relaxed standard to fill up the
remaining vacancies reserved for them provided they are not found unfit for such post or posts. Thus,
to the extent the number of vacancies reserved for persons with disabilities cannot be filled on the
basis of general standards, candidates belonging to this category may be taken by relaxing the
standards to make up the deficiency in the reserved quota subject to the fitness of these candidates for
appointment to the post/posts in question.
23. MEDICAL EXAMINATION: As per Rule 10 of the Fundamental Rules, every new entrant to
Government Service on initial appointment is required to produce a medical certificate of fitness
issued by a competent authority. In case of medical examination of a person with disability for
appointment to a post identified as suitable to be held by a person suffering from a particular kind of
disability, the concerned Medical Officer or Board shall be informed beforehand that the post is
identified suitable to be held by persons with disability of the relevant category and the candidate
shall then be examined medically keeping this fact in view.
FEE: Persons with disabilities shall be exempt from payment of application fee and examination fee,
prescribed in respect of competitive examinations held by the Staff Selection Commission, the Union
Public Service Commission etc. for recruitment to various posts. This exemption shall be available
only to such persons who would otherwise be eligible for appointment to the post on the basis of
standards of medical fitness prescribed for that post (including any concession specifically extended
to the disable persons) and who enclose with the application form, necessary Certificate from a
competent authority support of their claim of disability.
25. NOTICE OF VACANCIES: In order to ensure that persons with disabilities get a fair
opportunity in consideration for appointment to an identified post, the following points shall be kept
in view while sending the requisition notice to the Employment Exchange, the SSC, the UPSC etc.
and while advertising the vacancies:-
(i) Number of vacancies reserved for SCs/STs/OBCs/Ex-Servicemen/Persons suffering from
Blindness of Low Vision/Persons suffering from Hearing Impairment/Persons suffering from
locomotor disability or Cerebal Palsy should be indicated clearly.
(ii) In case of vacancies in posts identified suitable to be held by persons with disability. It shall be
indicate that the post is identified for persons with disabilities suffering from blindness or low vision;
hearing impairment; and/or locomotor disability or cerebal palsy, as the case may be, and that the
persons with disabilities belonging to the category/categories for which the post is identified shall be
allowed to apply even if no vacancies are reserved for them. Such candidates will be considered for
selection for appointment to the post by general standards of merit.
(iii) In case of vacancies in posts identified suitable for persons with disabilities, irrespective of
whether any vacancies are reserved or
(iv) not, the categories of disabilities viz blindness or low vision, hearing impairment and
locomotor disability or cerebal palsy, for which the post is identified suitable along with functional
classification and physical requirements for performing the duties attached to the post shall be
indicated clearly.
(v) It shall also be indicated that persons suffering from not less than 40% of the relevant disability
Compendium 139 Reservation/Maintenance of Roster
29. All the Ministries/Departments are requested to bring the above instructions to the notice of all
appointing authorities under their control.
(K. G. Verma)
Deputy Secretary
Certificate No. __________________ Date: __________________
Recent photograph
of the candidate
showing the
attested by the
Chairperson of the
Medical Board
Countersigned by the
Medical Superintendent/CMO/Head of
Hospital (With seal)
* Strike out which is not applicable.
Year of Cycle No. and Name Whether Unreserved or Name of the Whether the Remarks if
Recruit- point No. of Post identified suitable Reserved person persons any
ment for Persons with * appointed and appointed is
Disabilities date of the VH/HH/OH
suffering from appointment or none
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
* If identified reserved, write VH/HH/OH, as the case may be, otherwise write UR
** Write VH, HH, OH or None, as the case may be.
*** VH, HH, OH stand for visually handicapped, Hearing handicapped and Orthopaedically
PWD Report-I
(As on 1st January of the year)
Group Number of Employees
Total In Identified VH HH OH
1 2 3 4 5 6
Group A
Group B
Group C
Group D
Compendium 142 Reservation/Maintenance of Roster
VH stands for Visually Handicapped (persons suffering from blindness or low vision)
HH stands for Hearing Handicapped (persons suffering from Hearing impairment)
OH stands for Orthopaedically Handicapped (persons suffering from locomotor disability or
cerebal palsy)
PWD Report II
For the year ____________)
Group Direct Recruitment Promotion
No. of vacancies No. of vacancies
No. of appointments made No. of appointments made
reserved reserved
VH HH OH Total Indentified VH HH OH VH HH OH Total In Identified VH HH OH
Posts posts
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
GroupA Nil Nil Nil
Group B Nil Nil Nil
Group C
Group D
Note: VH stands for Visually Handicapped (persons suffering from blindness or low vision)
HH stands for Hearing handicapped (persons suffering from Hearing impairment)
OH stands for Orthopaedocally Handicapped (persons suffering from locomotor disability or
cerebal palsy)
There is no reservation for person with disabilities in case of promotion to Group A and B posts.
However, persons with disabilities can be promoted to such posts, provided the concerned post is
identified suitable for persons with disabilities.
with disabilities should be implemented in right earnest and there should be no deviation from the
scheme of reservation after the Act came into effect. In order achieve this objective, all the
establishments should prepare the reservation roster registers as provided in this Department‘s O.M.
No. 36035/3/2004-Estt (Res) dated 29-12-2005 starting from the year 1996 and reservation for
persons with disabilities be earmarked as per instructions contained in that O. M. If some or all the
vacancies so earmarked had not been filled by reservation and were filled by able bodied persons
either for the reason that points of reservation had not been earmarked properly at the appropriate time
or persons with disabilities did not become available, such unutilized reservation may be treated as
having been carried forward to the first recruitment year occurring after issue of this O.M. and be
filled as such. If it is not possible to fill up such reserved vacancies during the said rear recruitment,
reservation would be carried forward for further two years, where after it may be treated as lapsed.
3. It has been observed that some recruiting agencies declare in their advertisements that
blind/partially blind candidates need not apply and that separate examination would be conducted for
visually handicapped candidate. Attention is invited to para 7 of this Department‘s O.M. No.
36035/3/2004-Estt (Res) dated 29-12-2005 which provides that persons with disabilities selected on
their own merit will not be adjusted against the reserved share of vacancies. It means that persons
with disabilities who are selected on their own merit have to be adjusted against the unreserved
vacancies and reservation has to be given in addition. If visually handicapped candidate or any other
category of handicapped candidates are debarred from applying on the ground that a separate
examination would be eliminated.
Thus debarring of any category of handicapped candidates in the above manner is against the
provisions contained in the aforesaid O.M. It is, therefore, requested that persons with disabilities
should not be debarred from applying for the posts identified suitable for them and should be provided
opportunity to compete for the unreserved vacancies as well by holding a common examination.
4. Contents of this O.M. may be brought to the notice of all concerned.
(K. G. Verma)
Deputy Secretary
Department Social Welfare
No. 13-19-89-SWD/921 Dated:- 17-06-2005
Department of Personnel
No. 2/7/76-PER (Vol. III) (Part) Dated: 15-03-2005
The recruitment to the Group ‗C‘ and Group ‗D‘ posts in all Government Department reserved for
Ex-Servicemen is being done on the recommendation of Departmental Selection Committee and
Departmental Promotion Committee.
Now, the Government has taken a decision that Secretary (Department of Sainik Welfare) Panaji
shall be called to attend the interview whenever filling up of Group ‗C‘ and ‗D‘ posts reserved for Ex-
Serviceman are involved held up.
All Heads of Departments/Offices are therefore advised that Secretary Department of Sainik
Welfare shall be appointed as member of DSC DPC for the selection to the posts reserved for Ex-
The above instruction shall strictly be adhered to.
(Gurudas P. Pilarnekar)
Joint Secretary (Personnel)
Department Social Welfare
No. 13/7/2003-SWD/ST/4337 Dated:- 14-03-2005
Read:- Notification No. 13/07/2003-SWD/ST dated 20 October, 2004
In supersession of the Government Notification referred to above the Government of Goa is
pleased to reconstitute the Scrutiny Committee for verification of the Social Status Certificate issued
by the Competent Authority Dy. Collector & SDO‘s of the persons belonging to Scheduled Tribes, as
per the directives of the Supreme Court as under:-
1. Secretary (Social Welfare) - Chairman
2. Director of Social Welfare - Member
3. Shri Anthony D‘Souza - Member
By Order and in the name of
the Governor of Goa
(Sanjiv Gadkar)
Ex-Officio Joint Secretary &
Director of Social Welfare
Social Welfare Department
No. 13-14-90-SWD/(Vol-II)/3049 Dated: 24/12/2004
Keeping in view the Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe population in the State of Goa, the
Government of Goa is pleased to reserve in favour of Scheduled Castes 2 % and in favour of
Scheduled Tribes 12 % of all categories of posts (i.e in group A, B, C and D) in the State Government
Departments, Autonomous Bodies, Local Bodies, State Government Undertakings and all other
organizations /offices in this State for which reservation policy is applicable, both for direct
recruitment and promotions.
Compendium 145 Reservation/Maintenance of Roster
Accordingly, the 100 point roster to be maintained both for direct recruitment and promotions
for all categories of posts separately will be as per the points indicated below :
2. Scheduled Tribes 4, 13, 22, 30, 39, 48, 56, 64, 73, 81, 91 and 99 (12 %)
Further, in view of provisions contained in section 33 of the Persons with Disabilities (Equal
Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Acts, 1995 (Central Act 1 of 1996) the
Government of Goa is pleased to notify 3 % reservation of jobs and posts to the Physical disabled
persons in identified posts notified vide Government of India O.M. No. 36034/4/86/Estt (SCT) dated
25-11-1986 in groups A, B, C and D posts filled by promotions (i) from group ―C‖ to ―B‖, (ii) within
group ―B‖ and (iii) from group ―B‖ to the lowest rung of group ―A‖.
Accordingly, roster points No. 1,34 and 67 in the 100 point roster shall be earmarked for
persons with disability both for direct recruitment and promotions of all category of posts separately
as envisaged in Government of India‘s O.M. No. F.36034/4/86/Estt(SCT) dated 25-11-1986,
Government of India‘s letter No. 36035/7/87-Estt(SCT) dated 14/08/1987 and Government of India‘s
OM No. 36035/14/98-Estt(Res) dated 28-8-1998. The existing policy of reservation for Scheduled
Castes and Scheduled Tribes, including for the physically disabled, in promotion, in all groups shall
be applicable to all grades and services, where the element of direct recruitment does not exceed 75%.
In case disabled candidate belongs to the category viz. Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe
then the procedure as specified in O.M. No. 36035/7/95-Estt(SCT) dated 18-2-97 as modified by
O.M. 36025/7/95-Estt(SCT) dated 4-7-97 and O.M. No. 36035/7/95-Estt.(Res) 16-1-98 and O.M. No.
36035/14/98-Estt.(Res) dated 28-8-1998 issued by Department of Personnel and Training,
Government of India, shall be followed for reservation to the physically handicapped in case of
promotion as well as direct recruitment.
This supercedes the earlier Notification No. 13/14/90-SWD(Vol-II) /189 dated 22-4-2003.
Subject:- Clarification regarding zone of consideration for promotion to ―Selection posts ― for
Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes.
I am directed to forward herewith a copy of Government of India, Department of Personnel &
Training, New Delhi, O.M. No.22011/1/02-Estt.(D) dated 15.11.2002 on the subject captioned above
for compliance.
It is, therefore, enjoined upon all the Heads of Departments/Offices and all affiliated
Institutions/Colleges/Municipalities to adhere scrupulously to the instructions contained in the
aforesaid Office Memorandum.
( A. K. Wasnik)
Director of Social Welfare
Ex-Officio Joint Secretary
The undersigned is directed to say that extant instructions on the subject of zone of
consideration to be adopted while determining the number of officers to be considered for promotion
to posts in any Group by ‗selection‘, including an extended zone of consideration for SC/ST
employees are prescribed vide this Department‘s O.M. No.22011/1/90-Estt.(D) dated 12th October,
1990 read with O.M. No. 22011/1/90-Estt (D) dated 22nd April, 1992 (copies enclosed).
2. Reference have been received in this Department seeking to know whether various instructions of
Department of Personnel and Training relating to the size of zone of consideration for selection posts,
particularly in regard to zone of consideration for SC/ST candidates, that were issued prior to
12.10.1990 continue to be valid, as aforementioned DOPT Office Memorandum dated 12.10.1990
(read with Office Memorandum dated 22.4.1992) do not specifically provide that they have been
issued in supersession of the earlier orders on the subject issued by this Department.
3. To clear the doubts expressed in this regard, it is, hereby, clarified that provisions of this
Department‘s Office Memoranda dated 12.10.1990 and 22.4.1992 ibid are self-contained and are in
replacement of all previous orders issued by this Department for regulating the size of zone of
Compendium 147 Reservation/Maintenance of Roster
consideration for promotion by ‗selection‘ to posts, in all Groups, including an extended zone of
consideration for filling up vacancies reserved for SC/ST candidates. Therefore, for any original
DPC held after issue of aforesaid Office Memoranda, the size of zone of consideration/extended
zone of consideration wadis required to be considered only on the basis of provisions of these Office
Memoranda and no reference is to be made to any other instruction on the subject issued by this
Department prior to 12.10.1990.
(Alok Saxena )
Deputy Secretary to the Government of India
NB:- ** Point No. 100 in the second cycle of Roster for OBC has to be skipped and will be
made available for General Candidate.
By order and in the name of
Governor of Goa.
(A.K. Wasnik)
Director of Social Welfare
& Ex-Officio Joint Secretary
Department Social Welfare
No. 50-300-97-98-HC/2285 Dated:- 21-08-2002
Sub:- Reservation for person with Disabilities in Group ―A‖ and Group ―B‖ posts.
Ref: 1. Govt. of India, Dept of Personnel and Training
O. M. No. 36035/16/91 Estt (Sct) Dt. 18-2-1997
2. O. M. No. 36035/7/95 Estt (Sct) dt. 16-1-1998
3. O. M. No. 36035/14/98 Estt (Res) dt. 28-8-1998
4. O. M. No. 50-36-91-92-HC/2634 dt. 10-11-1999 issued by Directorate of Social
Welfare, Panaji.
Section 33 of ―The person with Disabilities (Equal opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full
Participation) Act, 1995 (Central Act of 1996) envisages that Government shall appoint in every
establishment such percentage of vacancies not less than 3% for person or class of persons with
Disabilities of which 1% each shall be reserved for persons suffering from
(i) Blindness or low vision
(ii) Hearing/speech impairment
(iii) Locomotor Disability or cerebral palsy
2. With the enactment of the aforesaid law, the Government of Goa is pleased to extend the
reservation of jobs/posts to the physically disabled persons to identified Group ‗A‘ and ‗D‘ posts
filled through Direct recruitment as well as post filled by promotion (i) from Group ‗C‘ to group
‗B‘ (ii) within Group ‗B‘ and (iii) from Group ‗B‘ to the lowest rung of Group ‗A‘.
3. The existing policy of reservation for SC/ST including for the physically disabled in promotion
in all groups shall be applicable to all Groups and services applicable to all grades and services
where the element of direct recruitment does not exceed 75%
4. The applicability of the reservation will however be limited to the promotion being made to
these posts that are identified as being capable of being filled/held by the appropriate category of
physically disabled persons. A list of identified post as being held by persons with disabilities
have been notified vide O. M. No. 36035/4/86 Estt (SCT) dt. 25-11-1986 issued by Govt. of
5. For effecting the reservation for physically disabled in Group A and B post for direct
recruitment as well as well as in promotion each Department shall maintained separate roaster of
100 points and roaster point‘s no. 1, 34 and 67 shall be earmarked for persons with Disabilities
in a cycle of 100 vacancies.
6. In case disabled candidates belong to the category viz SC/ST then the procedure as specified in
O. M. No. 36035/7/95-Estt (SCT) dt. 18-2-1997 as modified by O. M. No. 36035/3/97-Estt
(Res) dt. 4/7/1997 and O. M. No. 36035/7/95 Estt (Sct) dated 16-01-1998 Issued by Deptt. Of
per. And Training Govt. of India shall be followed for the reservation to the physically
Compendium 149 Reservation/Maintenance of Roster
The order passed by the Scrutiny Committee shall be final and conclusive only subject to the
proceeding under article 226 of the Constitution.
By order and in the name of
Governor of Goa.
(A.K. Wasnik)
Director of Social Welfare
& Ex-Officio Joint Secretary (SW)
Department of Personnel
No. 2/8/92-PER Dated:- 22-04-1999
A copy of the under mentioned papers are forwarded for information and guidance to:-
1. All Heads of Departments/Offices.
2. All Departments in the Secretariat, Panaji.
3. All autonomous bodies/Corporations/Boards.
G. J. Prabhudessai
Joint Secretary (Personnel)
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
No. 36036/8/98-Estt(Res) Dated:- 16-03-1999
The Chief Secretaries of All States and
Administrators of all UTs
Sub:- Verification/acceptance of caste certificates produced by candidates.
I am directed to say that the Government has decided to accept the following recommendation of
the National Commission for SCs/STs contained in its third report:-
―The Government of India should also issue and reiterate instructions to all its
Ministries/Departments and Public Sector Enterprises, educational and Professional institutions and
other bodies under its control to take necessary steps for proper verification of caste/community
certificate and for taking suitable action against the offenders. Suitable instruction on similar lines
should also be issued to the States/UTs. It is all the more necessary to check the certificates at the time
of entry in educational institutions, where the false caste certificates holders can really deprive the
deserving candidates of an opportunity to gain knowledge and skills and subsequently to secure
2. Attention is invited to Ministry of Home Affairs O. M. No. 42/34/52-NGS dated 17th April, 1953
according to which the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes should be appointed provisionally on
the basis of whatever prima facie evidence they are able to produce in support of their claim to be
belonging to SCs or STs and that such claim should then be verified through the District Magistrates
of the places where they and/or their families are ordinarily resident in the prescribed manner. If in
any particular case the verification reveals that the candidate‘s claim is false, his services should be
3. Attention is also invited to O. M. No. 36012/6/88-Estt. (SCT) dated the 24-4-90 according to
which the appointing authorities should, in the offer of appointment include a clause as follows:-
―The appointment is provisional and is subject to the castes/tribes certificates being verified
through the proper channels and if the verification reveals that the claim to belong to Scheduled Caste
and Scheduled Tribe, as the case may be is false, the services will be terminated forthwith without
assigning any further reasons and without prejudice to such further action as may be taken under the
provisions of the Indian Penal Code for production of false certificate.‖
4. All States Governments/UTs are required to strictly observe the above quoted instructions
regarding verification of caste certificates and also bring the same to the notice of all concerned.
Yours faithfully,
J. Kumar
Under Secretary
Compendium 152 Reservation/Maintenance of Roster
Department of Personnel
No. 1/49/76-PER Dated:- 08-04-1999
A copy of the O. M. No. 43019/28/86-Estt(D) dated 1-2-1999 received from the Government of
India, Ministry of Personnel Public Grievances and Pensions (Department of Personnel and Training),
regarding grant of age concession to blind, deaf-muto and orthopaedically handicapped persons for
appointment to posts/services filled through Open Competitive Examination is transcribed below.
The Government of Goa is pleased to adopt the instructions contained therein and makes it
applicable to the employees of the State with immediate effect.
G. J. Prabhudessai
Joint Secretary (Personnel)
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
No. 43019/28/86-Estt(D) Dated:- 01-02-1999
Subject: Grant of age concession to blind, deaf-mute and orthopedically handicapped
persons for appointment to posts/services filled through Open Competitive
The undersigned has been directed to invite reference to the Department of Personnel and Training
Office Memorandum No. 15012/6/77-Estt(D) dated July 27, 1995 (copies enclosed) on the
aforementioned subject and to say that the question whether relaxation in the upper age limit should
be granted to physically handicapped persons for appointment to various posts/services under the
Central Government filled through Open Competitive Examination has been considered in
consultation with the Union Public Service Commission and the Comptroller and Auditor General of
India. It has now been decided to allow relaxation of ten years (15 years for SC/ST and 13 years for
OBC) in the upper age limit to blind, deaf-mute and orthopedically handicapped persons for
appointment to all civil posts/services under the Central Government filled through Open Competitive
K. K. Jha
Director (Establishment)
Department of Social Welfare
No. 13-8-91/SWD/Part/2008 Dated:- 03-09-1998
Government of Goa, after considering the inclusion of various Communities in the State list of
Other Backward Classes, is pleased to prescribe the following guidelines as regards the issue of
O.B.C. certificate:
The guiding principle is that no person who was not Other Backward Class by birth will be deemed
to be a member of Other Backward Class merely because he or she married a person belonging to
Other Backward Class.
Similarly a person who is a member of Other Backward Class would continue to be a member of
Compendium 153 Reservation/Maintenance of Roster
that Other Backward Class even after his or her marriage with a person who does not belong to a
Other backward Class.
S. V. Shirodkar,
Ex-Officio Joint Secretary (S. W.).
Subject:- Reservation roster – post based – implementation of the Supreme Court Judgement in
the case of R.K. Sabharwal v. State of Punjab.
The undersigned is directed to say that under the existing instructions, vacancy-based rosters
have been prescribed in order to implement the Government's policy relating' to reservation of jobs
for the Scheduled Castes, the Scheduled Tribes and the Other ,Backward Classes. The application of
reservation on the basis of these rosters was called into question before Courts. The Constitution
bench of Supreme Court in the case of R. K. Sabharwal Vs. State of Punjab as well as J.C. Mallick
Vs. Ministry of Railways has held that the reservation of Jobs for the Backward Classes SC/ST/OBC
Compendium 154 Reservation/Maintenance of Roster
should apply to posts and not to VACANCIES. The Court further held that the vacancy-based rosters
can operate only till such time as the representation of the persons belonging to the reserved
categories, in cadre, reaches the prescribed percentage of reservation. Thereafter, the rosters cannot
operate and vacancies released by retirement, resignation and promotion, etc of the persons belonging
to the general and reserved categories are to' be filled by appointment of persons from the respective
category so that the prescribed percentage of reservation is maintained.
2. The 'Court also held that persons belonging to the reserved categories, who are appointed on the
basis of Merits - and not on account of reservation.- are not to be counted towards the quota meant for
3. With a view to bring the policy of reservation in line with the law laid down by the Supreme Court.
It has been decided that the existing 200 point, 40 point and 120 point VACANCY based roster shall
be replaced by POST based rosters. All Ministries/Departments and concerned authorities are
requested to prepare the respective rosters based on the principles elaborated in Explanatory/Notes
given in Annexure-I to this Office Memorandum and illustrated in the Model Rosters annexed to this
O.M. as Annexures - II, III and IV, Similarly, the concerned authorities may prepare rosters to replace
the existing 100 point rosters in respect of local recruitment to Group ‗C‘ & ‗D‘ posts on the basis of
the same principles.
4. The Principles for preparing the rosters, elaborated upon in the explanatory notes are briefly
recapitulated below:-
(a) Since reservation for OBCs does not apply in promotions, there shall be separate rosters for
direct recruitment and for promotions.
(b) The number of points in the roster shall be equal to the number of post in cadre. In case
there is any increase or decrease in the Cadre strength in future, the rosters shall be
expanded/contracted correspondingly;
(c) Cadre, for the purpose of a roster, shall mean a particular grade and shall comprise the
number of posts to be filled by a particular mode of recruitment in terms of applicable recruitment
rules. Thus, in a cadre of, say 200 posts, where the recruitment rules prescribe a ratio of 50:50 for
direct recruit and promotion, two rosters one for direct recruitment and one for promotion (when
reservation in promotion apply) each comprising of 100 points shall be drawn up on the lines of the
respective model rosters;
(d) Since reservation does not apply to transfer on deputation/transfer, where the recruitment
rules prescribed percentage of posts to be filled by this method, such post shall be excluded while
preparing the rosters;
(e) In small cadre up to 13 posts, the method prescribed for preparation of rosters does not
permit reservation to be made for all the three categories. In such cases, the Administrative
Ministries/Departments may consider grouping of posts in different cadres as prescribed in this
Department‘s O.M. No.42/21/49-NGS, dated 28-1-1952 and subsequent orders reproduced at page 70
to 74 of the Brochure on reservation for Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe (eight editions) and
prepare a common rosters for such groups. In the event it is not possible to resort to such grouping,
the enclosed roster (Appendices to Annexures - II, III & IV) for cadre strength up to 13 post may be
followed. The principles of operating these rosters are explained in the explanatory notes.
5. At the stage of initial operation of roster, it will be necessary to adjust the existing appointment in
the roster. This will also help in identifying the excesses/shortage, if any, in the respective categories
in the cadre. This may be done starting from the earliest appointment and making an appropriate
remark ―utilized by SC/ST/OBC/Gen‖ as the case may be, against the each point in the roster as
explained in the explanatory notes appended to the model rosters. In making these adjustments,
appointment of candidates belonging to SCs/STs/OBCs which were made on merit (and not due to
Compendium 155 Reservation/Maintenance of Roster
reservation) are not to be counted towards reservation so far as direct recruitment is concerned. In
other words, they are to be treated as general category appointments.
6. Excess, if any, would be adjusted through future appointments and the existing appointment would
not be disturbed.
7. All Ministries/Departments are requested to initiate immediate action to prepare rosters and operate
them according to these guidelines.
8. That the existing order on the subject are deemed to have been amended to the extent herein.
9. The Orders shall take effect from the date of their issue. However, where selection have already
been finalized, they did not be disturb and the necessary adjustment in such cases may be made in
future. In other cases; recruitment may be withheld till the revised rosters are brought into operation
and recruitment effected in accordance with these instructions.
O.M. No.36012/2/96-Estt. (Res.) dated 2.7.1997
1. As hitherto, these rosters are only an aid to determine the entitlement of different categories
with regard to the quota reserved for them. They are not to determine seniority.
2. The model rosters have been drawn of keeping in mind two fundamental principles – the
reservation for the entitled categories is to be kept within the prescribed percentage of reservation
and the total reservation should in no case exceed 50% of the cadre.
3. There should be separate roster for direct recruitment and for promotions, where reservation
in promotion applies.
4. The number of points in each roster shall be equal to the number of posts in a cadre.
5. While cadre is generally to be construed as the number of posts in a particular grade, for the
purpose of preparation of roster, it shall comprise post required to be filled by particular mode of
recruitments in terms of the applicable recruitment rules. To illustrate, in a cadre comprising 200
posts, where the recruitment rules prescribed a ratio 50:50 for direct recruitment and promotion, the
roster for direct recruitment shall have 100 points and that for promotion shall have 100 points thus
making a total of 200.
6. As indicated in the model roster, the method for making a roster is to multiply each post by
the prescribed percentages of reservation for the different reserved categories. The point at which the
multiple for a community obtains a complete numbers or oversteps the number is to be reserved for
that community – while taking care to evenly space out the different reserved categories. Thus, at
point No.15, in the roster at Annexure-II, both OBC and SC get entitled. However, since earlier
reserved point has gone to OBCs point No.15 has been reserved for SC and point No.16 for OBC.
7. Since reservation does not apply to transfer/transfer on deputation, where rules prescribed a
percentage of posts to be filled by this method, the corresponding proportion of post should be
excluded while drawing up the rosters.
8. It would be noted that at the end of the roster, ―squeezing‖ has been done for the reserved
categories to reach the number of posts to be reserved for them without violating the 50 percent limit
laid down by the Courts. While the drawing up the rosters, -the cadre controlling authorities should
similarly ―Squeeze‖ the last point of the roster. Such squeezing may not, however, be done where it
would violate the rule of 50 percent.
9. Whenever there is any increase or decrease in the cadre strength the roster shall be
correspondingly expanded or contracted. The same will also apply whenever there is change in
recruitment rules which affects the proportion of posts to be filled by a particular mode of
Compendium 156 Reservation/Maintenance of Roster
10. The roster is to be operated on the principle of replacement and not as ―running account‖ as
hitherto. In other words, the points at which reservation for different categories applies are fixed as
per the roster and vacancies caused by retirement, etc., of persons occupying those points shall be
filled by appointment of persons of the respective categories.
11. While operating the roster, person belonging to communities whom reservation has been
made, but who were appointed on merit and not owing to reservation, should not be shown against
reserved points. They will occupy the unreserved points.
12. In the case of the same cadres (upto 13 posts) all the posts shall be earmarked on the same
pattern as in the model post based rosters. Initial recruitment against these post shall be by the
category for which the post is earmarked. Replacement of incumbents of posts shall be by rotation as
shown horizontally against the cadre strength as applicable. While operating the relevant rosters,
care will have to be taken to ensure that on occasion the percentage of reserve category candidates
exceed 50% if such a situation occurs at any time, the relevant reserved point occurring as a result of
rotation will be skipped.
1. At the point of initial operating of the roster, it will be necessary to determine the actual
representation of the incumbents belonging to the different categories in a cadre vis a vis the points
earmarked for each category viz SC/ST/OBC and general in the roster. This may be done by plotting
the appointment made against each point of roster starting with the earliest appointee. Thus, if the
earlier appointee in the cadre happens to be candidate belonging to the Scheduled Caste, against point
number 1 of the roster, the remark ―utilized by the SC‖ shall be entered. If the next appointee is
general category candidate, the remark ―utilized by general category‖ shall be made against the point
No. 2 : and so on and so forth till appointment are adjusted in the respective roster. In making these
adjustments, SC/ST/OBC candidates on merit, in direct recruitment shall be treated as General
category candidates.
2. After completing the adjustment as indicated above, a tally should be made to determine
actual percentage of representation of appointees belonging to the different categories in the cadre. If
there is an excess 50%, it shall be adjusted in the future recruitment. Vacancies arising from
retirement, etc. of candidates belonging to such categories shall be filled by appointment of candidate
belonging to the categories to which the relevant roster points against which the excesses occurs,
3. Since, recruitment is generally vacancy based it may happen that the actual number of
promotees and direct recruit in the cadre doesn‘t correspond to the number of post earmarked in the
respective reservation of roster. For the purpose of calculations of representation of reserved category
in a cadre, total of promote and direct recruit may be taken. Rectification of the representation as per
prescribed percentage by the prescribed mode of recruitment at the earliest possible however should
be the goal.
2. Consequent to the Judgement in Indra Sawaney‘s case, the Constitution was amended by the
Constitution (seventy seventh Amendment) Act, 1995 and Article 16 (4A) was incorporated in the
Constitution. This Article enables the State to provide for reservation in matters of promotion, in
favour of the Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe, which in the opinion of the State are not adequately
represented in the services under the State.
3. In pursuance of Article 16 (4A), it has been decided to continue the reservation in promotion,
as at present, for Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe in the services/posts under the Central
Government beyond 15.11.1997 till such time as the representation of each of the above two
categories in each cadre reaches the prescribed percentage of reservation whereafter, the reservation
in promotion shall continue to maintain the representation to the extent of the prescribed percentages
for the respective categories.
4. All Ministries/Departments are requested to urgently bring these instructions to the notice of
all their attached/subordinate offices as also the public sector Undertakings and statutory bodies etc.
( Y. G. Parande )
Director (Reservation )
Objective:- Representation of each of the reserved category at no point of time exceed the
reservation prescribed for it.
Objective:- Representation of each of the reserved category should at no point of time exceed the
reservation prescribed for it.
Objective:- Representation of each of the reserved category at no point of time exceed the
reservation prescribed for it.
Department of Personnel
No. 15/14/86-PER/Part Dated:- 30-01-1997
Sub:- Issue of Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe Certificate to migrants from other
States/Union Territories.
Compendium 172 Reservation/Maintenance of Roster
It has come to the notice of the Government that persons belonging to SC/ST who have migrated
to Goa from other States for the purpose of employment, education, etc. experience difficulty in
obtaining caste/tribe certificate from the State from which they have migrated.
2. In order to remove this difficulty the Government has decided that caste certificate to the
migrated SC/ST residing in the State of Goa shall be issued by the respective Mamlatdar as per the
format enclosed on the basis of the Caste Certificate issued to his/her father by the competent
authority of the State of the father‘s origin. If however, the Mamlatdar feels that detailed enquiry is
necessary through the State of origin before issue of the certificate, he should conduct the enquiry and
issue the certificate only after the enquiry and issue the certificate only after the enquiry is completed.
3. It is clarified that all SC/ST person who was has migrated from the State of origin to Goa for the
purpose of seeking education, employment etc. will be deemed to be a SC/ST of the State of his origin
and will be entitled to derive benefits from the State of origin and not from Goa.
S. S. Keshkamat
Joint Secretary (Personnel)
Form of Certificate as prescribed in Ministry of Home Affairs O. M. No. 42/21/49-N.G.S., dated
28-1-1952, as revised in Department of Personnel & A.R. letter No. 36012/6/76-Estt.(S.C.T.), dated
29-10-1977, to be produced by a candidate belonging to a Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe in
support of his claim.
(Note: This certificate shall not entitle the holder to any benefit in the State of Goa.)
Signature ......................................
Designation ..................................
Palce ..........................
Date .............................
Note 1: This certificate shall not entitle the holder for any benefit in the State of Goa He/She shall
avail of the benefit in his/her State of origin.
Note 2: The term ―Ordinarily resides‖ used here will have the same meaning as in Section 20 of
the Representation of the peoples Act, 1950.
Social Welfare Department
No.13/7/96-SWD Dated 18/11/1996
(1) Keeping in view the SC/ST population in the State of Goa, the Government is hereby pleased
to reserve in favour of SCs and STs respectively of this State, 2 % and ½ of all categories of
posts (Group A, B, C, and D) in the Government Departments, Autonomous bodies, local
bodies and State Government undertakings and all other organizations/offices in this State to
which the reservation policy is applicable, both for direct recruitment and for promotion, with
immediate effect.
(2) 100 point roster shall be maintained both for direct recruitment and for promotion for all
categories of posts. The reserved points for various categories of posts in 100 point roster
shall be as under :-
(i) Scheduled Castes -- 1 and 50 (2 %)
(ii) Scheduled Tribes -- 4 ( ½ %)
(iii) Other Backward Classes -- 7 and 57 ( 2 %) (for direct recruitment only)
(iv) Handicapped -- 34, 67, 100 (3 %) (for direct recruitment only)
Explanation :- However, in case of STs, in view of ½ % reservation, one full roster will be
skipped after a vacancy is filled up and before next vacancy is available.
(3) While advertising Group ―A‖ and ―B‖ vacancies in the reserved category, the option to treat
the posts as unreserved may be exercised in case suitable candidates are not found.
(4) This supersedes the Government Notification of even number dated 25-9-1996, published in
the Official Gazette series II no. 28. dated 10-10-1996.
By order and in the name of
the Governor of Goa.
(E. Silveira)
Under Secretary (Social Welfare)
Department of Personnel
No. 2/9/94-PER Dated:- 13-07-1995
Read: Office Memorandum No. 2/9/94-PER dated 8-12-1994
After the issue of Office Memorandum read above many Departments approached this Department
seeking clarifications on various points which are reproduced below:-
1) Whether the decision can be made applicable so far as the reservation for the Professional
College is concerned.
2) From what date this decision is to be made applicable
3) Whether Scheduled Caste Government employees earlier migrated from other State, and who
are presently in Government services can be given the benefit of reservation, so far as their
further promotion is concerned.
4) Which is the cut point date of migration
5) Some children of the migrated Scheduled Caste Government servants or individuals, who
(children) were born in Goa, studied solely in Goa, whether they can be given or not the benefits
as envisaged in the Office Memorandum read above.
Compendium 175 Reservation/Maintenance of Roster
6) Some Scheduled Caste Officers from outside states have been recruited to different posts in this
Administration by virtue of All India advertisement. Are they to be considered as migrated
The matter has been examined in consultation with Law Department and the point-wise
clarifications as approved by the Government are reproduced below for information & necessary
action of All Heads of Departments/Offices.
1) The decision is applicable to all the Departments and as such it is applicable also to all
Institutions run by the Government.
2) Decision is effective from the date of the issue of Office Memorandum read above.
3) The Scheduled Caste Government employees earlier migrated from other states and who are
presently in Government service should not be granted the benefit of reservation so far as their
further promotion is concerned.
4) The date of entry in this State.
5) Children of the Migrated Scheduled Caste Government servants or individuals who are born in
Goa, studied solely in Goa can be considered for the benefits of the said reservation provided
their castes is included in the list of Scheduled Caste declared for this State.
6) Some Scheduled Caste Officers from outside the States recruited to different posts in this
Administration by virtue of All India Advertisement should be considered as migrated.
By Order and in the name of
the Governor of Goa
B. N. Bhat
Under Secretary (Personnel)
Department of Personnel
No. 2/9/94-PER Dated:- 08-12-1994
The question to whether a candidate belonging to SC/ST and migrated from other State could be
entitled to appointment in the Government of Goa against vacancy reserved for such categories was
engaging attention of Government. The matter has been examined in consultation with Law Secretary
and Advocate General.
2. It is observed that in a case which came up before the Supreme Court, (reported, in SCC 1990
Vol. III page 130,) the Supreme Court has taken a view that a Scheduled Caste candidate on migration
to another State is not entitled to get the benefits available to SC in that State. The aforesaid decision
has been reiterated by the Supreme Court in the decision in the case of Action Committee on issue of
Scheduled Castes & Another v/s. Union of India and Another (reported in Judgement Today 1994,
Vol. 4, Page 423.) As such a scheduled caste of other State cannot claim appointment to a post
reserved for a scheduled caste in the State of Goa, in light of Article 341 of the Constitution of India.
3. In view of the above position, Government has decided that the benefits of reservation for S.C.
in the State of Goa shall not be extended to the S.C. migrated from other States.
4. All Heads of Departments are, therefore, requested to take note of the above. They may also
communicate the decision to all Public Sector Undertakings, Institutions, and Local Bodies under
them, wherever the reservation policy is followed.
By Order and in the name of
the Governor of Goa
Compendium 176 Reservation/Maintenance of Roster
S. S. Keshkamat
Under Secretary (Personnel)
Home Department
No.5/3/89-HD(G) Dated:- 25/04/1994
The Commandant General Home Guards and Director, Civil Defence, Panaji represented Goa
Administration in 10th All India Civil Defence and Home Guards Biennial Conference held at New
Delhi from 11th to 13th September, 1989. In the said conference it was informed that many states have
reserved vacancies of constables/Guards in Police Force and Excise Department for Home Guards.
The said conference recommended all other states to consider reservation of vacancies for Home
Guards in various Departments to provide them incentives to put in spirited work and be regular for
2. The recommendations of the above conference have been considered by this state
Government and it has been decided in principle to reserve 10% vacancies of Police Constables,
Excise Guard, Jail Guard, Fireman and Forest Guard in favour of the Home Guards personnel subject
to the condition that the candidates fulfil the conditions laid down in the Recruitment Rules for the
respective post.
3. For the purpose of implantation this decision it was felt necessary to examine further whether
an amendment to the Recruitment Rules is needed or it can be implemented by issue of O.M./order as
the reservation is also sought to be made in different Departments.
4. The Cabinet in its meeting held on 25-2-1994 considered these issues and approved
reservation of 10% of vacancies to Home Guards in the post of Police Constables, Excise Guard, Jail
Guard, Fireman and Forest Guard. For this purpose it has been decided that the concerned Department
shall maintain a 100 point roster and fill up the reserved vacancies/posts at point nos. 5, 15, 25,35,45,
55, 65, 75, 85, 95 etc of this roster.
5. The receipt of this O.M. may be acknowledged.
(S.S. Keshkamat)
Under Secretary (Home)
The Government of Goa is pleased to adopt the instructions contained therein and make it
applicable to the employees of this State with immediate effect. A list of identified posts is available
in Swamy‘s Compilation – ― Reservation and Concessions in Govt. Services‖.
S. V. Shirodkar
Compendium 177 Reservation/Maintenance of Roster
Directorate of Accounts
A reference is invited to the above mentioned circular wherein it is envisaged to roll out the
Pay Roll Software or e-Pagaar20 to the Gazetted and Non-Gazetted employees in a phased manner.
The e-Pagaar20 Payroll Software has been rolled out in 5 phases covering 498 DDO‘s for
online submission of non-gazetted salary bills.
Now, in the sixth phase all the Gazetted Officers should submit the July 2021 salary bills
online before the due date for submission of salary bills as per the prevalent norms.
The Gazetted Officers shall generate salary bills using e-pagaar20 Pay Roll Software
only and submit a physical copy of the bill to the Directorate of Accounts alongwith online
submission by printing the bill from the report tab of E-Pagaar website. The Login id and
password will be sent to the mobile number of the individual Gazetted Officer via SMS text
Further, it may be noted that a Help Video for Gazetted Officers for assistance in submitting
their pay bills online is available on the E-Pagaar website which can be accessed at http: NIC will also run a hand holding service everyday from 12.00 pm to 1.00
pm on Google Meet from 12.07.2021 to 31.07.2021, the link of which is available on the above
website. Any query arising in the course of preparing and submitting bills online can be addressed
The concerned Heads of Departments are requested to bring the contents of this Circular to
the notice of all Gazetted Officers in their Department. A copy of this circular is available on this
Directorate website
(Dilip K. Humraskar)
Directorate of Accounts
Signature ________________
Name of the Pensioner
Place : P P O No. :
Date : TS/PS No. :
Certificate of Re-Employing Authority in respect of Re-employed pensioner.
(To be obtained and submitted in Pension Disbursing Authority only once after re-employment)
Place :- Signature
Date:- Designation
Address of Office/Department
Directorate of Accounts
No. DA/Control/7-2/2020-2021/222 Dated:- 24/11/2020
Subject : Implementation of Pay Roll Software (e-Pagaar)
Government has contemplated the implementation of Pay Roll Software, which is known as
―e-Pagaar‖ designed by NIC (Goa) for all the Gazetted and Non-Gazetted employees of Goa
Government by December, 2020.
Pay Roll Software or e-Pagaar aims at digitally submitting pay bills by the respective DDOs
and Gazetted Officers. It is web based application and shall substitute existing system of submission
of pay bills, which varies in each Department.
In this regard, a presentation cum training session has been organized for all the Heads of
Departments tentatively on 01st and 02nd December 2020 at Seminar Hall, Secretariat Porvorim-Goa.
The detailed schedule for the training is being announced / circulated by FD separately.
Compendium 181 Salaries / TDS Deductions
Other Payments
(Dilip K. Humraskar)
Director of Accounts
Directorate of Accounts
No. DA/Control/7-2/2020-2021/222 Dated:- 24/11/2020
Subject: Implementation of Pay Roll Software (e-Pagaar)
Pay Roll Software or e-Pagaar aims at submission of digitally signed pay bills by the respective
DDOs and Gazetted Officers. It is a web based application and shall substitute existing system of
submission of pay bills, which varies in each Department.
In order to implement this system of Pay Roll Software,‗e-Pagaar‘ it has been decided to impart
training on 01st December and 02nd December 2020at SCERT Building (as per the schedule enclosed
at Annexure I) to all the Departments.
The Heads of Departments may attend the training along with one dealing hand from their
Accounts Section, having computer knowledge and well conversant in preparation of Pay bill.
The trainees are requested to get along with them few sample cases of Gazetted and Non-
Gazetted Staff (at least 05 samples in each category) which shall include the employee name, date of
birth, date of entry in Government Service, PAN No., Aadhar Card Number, Pay Level and relevant
Pay Cell, details of earnings and deductions, GPF A/c No, PPAN/PRAN (A/c number), loan account
number allotted by Directorate of Accounts, if advances are drawn, designation, address of the
employee, gender, qualifications, residential status, entitlement to TA and HRA along with a copy of
the latest Pay bill.
All the Heads of Departments are hereby requested to make it convenient to attend the training
as per the schedule given in the enclosed annexure, so as to implement the Pay Roll Software,‗e-
Pagaar‘ in the State of Goa in a time bound and phased manner by December 2020.
2.Government of Goa had further given directions to the Directorate of Accounts to issue
separate guidelines as regards making payments for office telephone bills etc. through their DDO
current account. Accordingly it has now been decided to discontinue the present system of issuing
PAO (MICR) cheques towards payment of office landline telephone charges.
3.The following guidelines are hereby issued which would come into force from 1st June, 2019:
a) The DDOs shall prepare a Fully Vouched Contingent (FVC) Bill for settlement of the
landline office telephone bill and the ECS Receipt will be in favour of the current account of the DDO
opened in accordance with the above stated Circular dated 20/09/2018.
b) Directorate of Accounts shall electronically transfer the amount to the respective current
accounts of the DDO after the verification and settlement of the FVC bill by the Directorate.
c) The DDO concerned, in turn will make arrangements to transfer the funds to the telephone
service provider i.e. BSNL etc in electronic mode only. For this purpose, the DDO concerned shall
obtain and provide mandatory details such as name of service provider, bank account number, IFSC
code and amount to their banks.
d) The bank will then transfer the amounts into the bank account of the telephone service
provider as per the details provided by DDOs and thereafter immediately inform the DDO concerned
the unique transaction code/record details.
e) The DDO concerned shall then inform the details of the payment to the telephone service
provider giving all details i.e. bill number, amount and unique transaction code/record details.
f) The amount credited to the current account towards telephone charges shall be transferred
to telephone service provider within 5 days from the date of credit in the account.
g) The certificate to be forwarded by the DDO concerned as per Para 4 (vii) of the Circular
dated 20/09/2018 to the Directorate of Accounts in the monthly salary bill shall be modified as under:
―Certified that the amount credited to the current account other than payment of
telephone charges, has been fully disbursed in favour of the respective parties and balance
therein is NIL as on date‖.
4. The above guidelines are applicable only for payment of office landline telephone
bills and not for telephone (landline) provided at the residence and/or mobile connections
allotted to the Government Officers (which are to be settled as per reimbursement
procedure/instructions set out by the General Administration Department, Secretariat).
5. No PAO (MICR) cheque shall be issued for the purpose of payment of office
landline telephone bill and/ or landline bill provided at residence/mobile connections etc. from
the month of June 2019.
6. All the Heads of Departments are requested to bring the contents of this Circular to
the notice of the Drawing and Disbursing Officers as well as Heads of Offices functioning
under them. Copy of this circular is available on this Directorate website
7. This issue with the approval of Finance Department vide their U.O. no.1400065076
dated 06-05-2019.
(P.R. Pereira)
Director of Accounts
Compendium 183 Salaries / TDS Deductions
Other Payments
Signature ____________
Place ________ Name: ______________
Date: ________ Designation: __________
Directorate of Accounts
No. DA/Control/7-9(xi)/2018-19/TR-296/201 Dated:- 01/10/2018
Your kind attention is invited to Circular No. 7/13/2011/Fin(Exp) dated 20/09/2018 issued by
Finance (R&C) Department (Copy enclosed) regarding switching over from the present mode of
payment being made to the ―third parties‖ i.e from present system of issuing PAO (MICR) cheques to
“e-payment” effective from the monthly salary bills of staff for the month of October 2018.
The instructions/guidelines to be followed are already summarized in the Circular referred
above issued by Finance (R&C) Department, to all Head of Departments and Drawing and Disbursing
Compendium 184 Salaries / TDS Deductions
Other Payments
All the Drawing and Disbursing Officers including self Drawing and Disbursing Officers are,
therefore, directed to adhere to the instructions contained in the said Circular, as this Directorate shall
not issue PAO (MICR) cheques (third party cheques) for the purpose of salary effective from the
month of October 2018.
(P.R. Pereira)
Director of Accounts
Department of Accounts
No. DA/Control/7-9(ix)/2018-19/TR-60/40 Dated:- 09-05-2018
Subject: Implementation of Digital India Programme… Providing Pos Machines-reg.
The Digital India programme is a flagship programme of the Government of India with a
vision to transform India into a digitally empowered society and economy. With an aim to
promote digital payments and converting India to a cashless society, a large number of
policy and implementation initiatives are being taken by the Government.
With a view to the above, the Hon'ble Chief Minister has recently announced that within
six months from 01st April 2018, the State Government transactions will be 100% digitized
and no Government payments will be accepted in cash from 01st October 2018 onwards.
As a step towards implementation of the Digital India Programme in the State, the
Directorate of Accounts on behalf of the Government has signed an agreement with the State
Bank of India to provide PoS machines to the Government Departments. The Department
shall be provided with one PoS machine per DDO. In case of specific requirement of
additional PoS machine, the Department can place an intent with the State Bank of India and
the same may be provided based on the operational requirements.
All the Departments are hereby requested to contact the below mentioned officials of the
State Bank of India, Zonal Office, St.-Inez, Panaji Goa for installation of PoS machine as per
their requirement.
1) Shri M. Senthilkumar, Nodal Officer - 8806661165
2) Shri. Mulla Kassam, Nodal Officer - 8806660770
All the Heads of Departments are requested to bring the contents of this Circular to the
notice of all the Drawing and Disbursing Officers as well as Heads of Offices functioning
under them. Copy of this circular is available on this Directorate website
(P. R. Pereira)
Director of Accounts
Department of Accounts
No. DA/Control/7-25(88)/2018-19/TR-59/39 Dated:- 08-05-2018
Subject:- Discontinuance of payment of PLI premium by book adjustment.
References have been to this Directorate regarding the difficulties faced for remittance of the Postal
Life Insurance (PLI) amount of Government employees to the Department of Posts. It is brought to
the notice of this Directorate that the premium amount, which needs to be deducted on monthly basis
from the salary bill of the employee, changes frequently due to revision in tax rates, surcharges, etc.
These changes in the premium amount are usually communicated by the Department of Posts, after a
Compendium 185 Salaries / TDS Deductions
Other Payments
11. Can mandate uploaded by eddo (electronic drawing and disbursing officer) user be
Yes, ECS mandate can be edited by using the option ‗Edit Mandate‘. If the ‗Edit Mandate‘
option does not allow for changes/editing the ECS code, then a written request shall be
forwarded to DOA, for unlocking the respective ECS code for the purpose of editing the same
by the eddo user.
12. What if the bank mentioned by the beneficiary is not available on eddo (electronic drawing and
disbursing officer)?
In such cases, the eddo (electronic drawing and disbursing officer) shall send a written request to
DOA along with a copy of cancelled cheque of the bank desired to be uploaded on eddo.
Alternately, the request can be made through e-mail by attaching a scanned copy of the cheque.
13. Can eddo user upload bills on eddo (electronic drawing and disbursing officer) programme?
Yes, eddo user has been given different type of options to upload all types of bills alongwith
options to edit, import and view bill. The eddo user can also check the status of its bills which
are uploaded on eddo server.
14. Can eddo user transfer its employee to another eddo user?
Yes, under certain circumstances eddo user can transfer its employee to another eddo user by
using the option ‗Manage Employees‘. The eddo user can also allow its Head of Accounts to be
used by another eddo user under ‗Allow Heads‘.
15. How to handle ECS rejections?
A) In such cases, eddo users are advised to cross check the details of mandate uploaded on eddo
server. If the details are not matching with the mandate form or found to be inaccurate, the
eddo user is advised to make necessary changes by using the ‗Edit Mandate‘ option. If the
‗Edit Mandate‘ option does not allow for changes/editing the ECS code, then a written
request shall be forwarded to DOA for unlocking the respective ECS code. Later on, the
eddo user shall edit the respective ECS code, save the corrections affected and then click on
the rectified box under the option ‗ECS Status‘ for successful authentication ECS
B) If the ECS Code is edited and on clicking the save button a message ―Account Number
already exists in the system‖ then a letter from the concerned office should be made to this
Directorate to transfer the amount from the existing ECS Code to the desired ESC Code
having the required bank details.
16. How to deal with ECS code which is rejected due to multiple ECS code for a same beneficiary?
Under such circumstances, the eddo users are advised to locate/find the correct ECS code of the
respective beneficiary by cross checking on the bank details. Then, a written request shall be
forwarded to DOA for rectification thereby mentioning the details thereon.
17. What documents are required to upload bank/branch?
DDO concerned shall submit the photocopy of cancelled cheque/passbook for uploading the
18. Request for UNLOCK of ECS code/ auto Unlock of ECS Code?
DDO concerned shall submit a letter requesting to UNLOCK ECS Code to Directorate of
Accounts. There is auto UNLOCK OF ECS Code when the rejection takes place for which
separate request to unlock of ECS code is not required.
19. Request for rectification of ECS entries, unlocking?
All the requests for rectification of ECS entries/unlocking can also be sent through email from the concerned office/department
official email ID generated on Government portal under the authority of the DDO concerned.
Compendium 188 Salaries / TDS Deductions
Other Payments
Directorate of Accounts
No. DA/Control/7-9/2017-18/TR-329/244 Dated: 13/11/2017
Sub : - Timely presentation of monthly pay and allowances bills
Reference is invited to this Department‘s Circular No. DA/Control/7-2/2012-13/253/TR-220
dated 09-11-2012 whereby instructions were clearly given, to present the monthly pay and allowances
bills of the Gazetted as well as non-Gazetted Government employees on or before 15th of every month
(instead of 20th of the month) in order to ensure timely credit of the salary of all Government
employees. It was also stated that Directorate of Accounts shall not be responsible for delay in
crediting the salary, due to presentation of bills after 15th of the month.
Inspite of above instructions, it has been noted that a large number of Drawing & Disbursing
Officers (both Gazetted & non-Gazetted) do not submit their monthly pay and allowances bills in
time, resulting in late credit of salary to the bank account of the employees.
It is therefore once again enjoined upon all the Departments to ensure that the monthly pay
and allowances bills are presented, on or before the 15th of the month, and further to take note that the
Directorate of Accounts shall not be responsible for crediting the salary in time due to delay in
presentation of bills by the concerned Departments.
All the Heads of Department are requested to bring the contents of this O.M. to the notice of
all the Heads of Offices as well as Drawing & Disbursing Officers functioning under them.
(P.R. Pereira)
Director of Accounts
Department of Accounts
No. DA/Control/3-2/2016-17/63 Dated:- 16-06-2016
Subject: Implementation of Pay Roll Software (e-Pagaar).
Government is contemplating of implementing Pay Roll Software, which is known as ‗e-Pagaar‘
designed by NIC (Goa) for all the Gazetted and Non-Gazetted employees of the Goa Government.
Pay Roll Software or e-Pagaar aims at submission of digitally signed bills by the respective DDOs
and Gazetted Officers. It is a web based application and shall substitute existing system of submission
of pay bills, which varies in each Department.
The Pay Roll Software or e-Pagaar envisages seeding of the employee data available on the first
page of Service Book/Service Card and other details such as date of entry in Government service,
PAN, Aadhar Card Number, GPF account number, NPS/PPAN/PRAN (account number), loan
account numbers i.e. HBA/MCA allotted by Directorate of Accounts alongwith amount sanctioned,
number of installments recovered/outstanding, etc. The PAN will be used as an unique ID for the
employees of the State Government.
All the Heads of Departments/Heads of Offices/DDOs are therefore requested to ensure that all the
relevant details in respect of employees under their control are obtained in a time bound manner and
kept ready for seeding in the upcoming e-Pagaar portal.
All the Heads of Departments are requested to bring the contents of this circular to the notice of
Head of Offices/DDOs under their control for strict compliance.
This issues with the approval of Finance Department.
Compendium 189 Salaries / TDS Deductions
Other Payments
(G. P. Kanekar)
Director of Accounts
Directorate of Accounts
No.DA/Control/7-2/2013-14/Tr-120/170/ Dated:-27/06/2013
The streamlining of procedure regarding collection of energy charges, water charges and POL
by the Electricity Department and Public Works Department respectively from the Government
Departments/DDOs has been attracting attention of the Government for quite some time. It has been
observed that under the presently prevailing system a PAO cheque is obtained from the Directorate of
Accounts by the consumer i.e. the respective DDO/HOD and thereafter forwarded to the Electricity
Department or Public Works Department for crediting to their Head of Account (Receipt Head
concerned ) which is tedious and time consuming process.
The matter has been examined and it has been decided that the following procedure shall be
1. The Department of Electricity and Public Works Department shall as issue bills to the
user/consumer Department/ DDO concerned along with a separate slip indicating therein the detailed
Head of Account to which the amount is to be credited by means of book adjustment through the
Directorate of Accounts.
2. Directorate of Accounts on scrutiny of the bill shall admit the bills, if in order, and credit the
bill amount under the appropriate Head of Account by means of Book adjustment.
3. The consumer Department/HOD/DDO concerned shall compulsorily intimate to the
respective Department the details of settlement of bill with the relevant details such as voucher
number, date of payment, amount of bill etc.
4. The Electricity and Public Works Department shall reconcile the receipts periodically as per
the existing procedure.
5. This revised procedure comes into force with effect from 01/07/2013 and thereafter no PAO
cheques will be issued for this purpose.
6. If the POL, Water & Electricity charges are not settled by the HOD/DDO within a time
frame of 30 days, than the Electricity Department/Public Works Department shall intimate the details
of amount and the name of the DDO/HOD; and the Directorate of Accounts, shall without any further
intimation, proceed to settle the amount by means of Book adjustment from any Head of Account of
the DDO/HOD concerned where funds are available.
All the Heads of Departments are requested to bring the contents of this circular to the notice of
DDOs under their control for strict compliance.
Copies of this circular are also available at this Departments web site
This issues with the approval of Finance Department.
(G.S. Potekar)
Director of Accounts
Department of Accounts
No. DA/Control/7-2/2012-13/253/Tr-220 Dated:- 09-11-2012
Subject:- Payment of salaries to Non-Gaz. Est. through ―e-payment‖ mode.
Vide Circular No. 7/13/2011/Fin-Exp dated 07-11-2012 issued by the Finance Department, the
disbursement of salaries including arrears of pay and allowances to all the employees under Non-
Compendium 190 Salaries / TDS Deductions
Other Payments
Gazetted establishments of the State Government have been brought under the purview of ―e-
payment‖ mode compulsorily with effect from the payment of salary for the month of November,
2012 onwards. As envisaged therein w.e.f. 15-11-2012, the Directorate of Accounts shall accept all
types of bills duly processed for ―e-payment‖ clearance only (i.e. ECS/NEFT/RTGS) except in case of
time bound & utility claims like telephone bills, postage stamps, recoupment of permanent advance
bills and AC Bills.
Needless to state that monthly salary is to be credited to the respective bank account of the
Government servant on the stipulated date. In order to ensure this requirement, the existing system has
been reviewed and following revised guidelines/instructions are issued.
1) In partial modification to the existing instructions, the date for submission of pay bills
(Gazetted as well Non-Gazetted establishment) shall stand advanced to 15th of every month
instead of 20th. This arrangement has been done to meet the pre-audit and banking
requirement. It may please be noted that the Directorate of Accounts shall not be held
responsible for delay in credit of salary amount for bills presented after 15th of the month.
2) DDO‘s shall take utmost care and ensure that the pay bills presented to this Directorate are
error free with respect to overwriting, mathematical calculations etc. The pay bills found not in
order are liable to be returned for compliance, since the ―e-payment‖ software does not allow
intervention once uploaded. It may please be noted that for pay bills resubmitted after
compliance, the corrections/over writings if any, should be attested by the concerned DDO
3) DDO‘s are advised to make use of pay roll package software developed by NIC, Goa or IT
Department for generating computerized clean and neat pay bills and further avoid manual
4) In cases where the DDO prepares more than one bill, it shall be ensured that as far as possible,
all the bills shall be presented at the cash counters of this Directorate at a time.
5) Each pay bill shall tally by itself for the third party payments in who‘s favour the cheques have
been requested. That is to say that for eg. LIC, bank deductions in respect of employees
included in a particular bill shall be for the employees included in the said bill itself. While
efforts are being made and procedure worked out for making e-payments to the third parties
also, it may please be noted that this Directorate shall issue cheques for effecting payments
towards third party i.e. LIP, banks etc. as usual.
6) It is once again brought to the notice of all the concerned that with effect from 15-11-2012, the
Directorate of Accounts shall accept all types of bills due processed for ―e-payment‖ clearance
only (i.e. ECS/NEFT/RTGS) except in case of time bound & utility claims like electricity bills,
water supply bills, POL bills, telephone bills, postage stamps, recoupment of permanent
advance bills and AC Bills)
Contents of this circular may be brought to the notice of all the Heads of Offices/Drawing and
Disbursing Officers under your control for strict compliance.
Copies of this circular are also available at the following website:-
(G. S. Potekar)
Director of Accounts
Department of Accounts
No. DA/Control/7-2/2012-13/Tr-112/121 Dated:- 12th July, 2012
A reference is invited to the contents of Circular No. DA/Control/7-25(ii)/2012-13/Tr-40/53 dated
03-05-2012 issued by this office wherein detailed instructions/guidelines have been issued regarding
Compendium 191 Salaries / TDS Deductions
Other Payments
submission of month wise TDS figures with effect from the financial year 2010-11 and 2011-12, to
facilitate this office in filing of Income Tax statement in Form No 24-G and thereafter generate and
make available the necessary Book Identification Number (BIN) to the respective DDO‘s/TAN
holders. In spite of specific directions it is observed that quite a few number of DDO‘s/TAN holders
have not submitted the requisite information. Needless to state that filing of income returns is a time
bound matter and any delay thereon attracts penalty.
The existing procedure therefore has been reviewed with reference to relevant income tax rules &
guidelines in force, so as to enable this office as well as the DDO‘s/TAN holders to file the returns
within the time frame.
National Informatics Centre (NIC), Goa have now developed a separate module to suit the
requirement which would facilitate DDO‘s/TAN holders to submit the TDS figures online. The
existing procedure therefore stands modified to the following extent.
1. Each DDO/TAN holder shall log in site ―e-DDD Online Fund Allocation System‖ software
using ‗‘‖ address and select ―Monthly TDS‖ menu. On selection of
this menu a screen showing Month, Year, TAN Number, Income Tax Head, Description of
Head and Amount will appear. The screen will also display the amount of income tax
deducted/collected by this office through the various types of bills under various heads of
accounts from the particular DDO through the IBPS i.e. ―Integrated Bill Processing System‖
2. The DDO/TAN holder shall then enter the amount of tax deducted for the month as per the
classification/Head of Account in the appropriate column. This entry of tax deduction should
be verified with the income tax deduction figure indicated by Directorate of Accounts and any
difference/mismatch therein should be reconciled. There have been instances in the past
wherein DDO‘s have furnished gross amount of pay/salary instead of tax deduction amount.
Due care should be taken to avoid such errors.
3. DDO/TAN holder shall check the correctness of data shown in the list and enter the TDS figure
and if any mismatch is found in the list, bring it to the notice of Directorate of Accounts to
make necessary rectification in the TDS data.
4. The requisite data shall be entered in the system commencing from the month of March, 2012
onwards regularly. While the backlog data i.e. from March, 2012 onwards till date should be
entered immediately, the details of each month thereafter should be entered regularly
(excluding Gazetted Officers) by 2nd of the succeeding month. In case 2nd of the month is a
holiday/non working day the same.
5. Failure to enter the requisite data by stipulated date will automatically deactivate ECS
uploading facility and the same would be activated only after necessary data is entered.
6. Directorate of Accounts shall file income tax returns/24G and make available the requisite BIN
details on ―e-ODD Online Fund Allocation System‖ and also in the Departmental website which in turn would facilitate all the DDO‘s/TAN holders to
file quarterly returns with the TIN facilitation centre. Alternately DDO‘s/TAN holders may
also obtain the BIN number by registration of TAN number at the TIN centre or by accessing
Income Tax Department /NSDL site.
7. The existing procedure of furnishing tax deduction details in Annexure-A prescribed vide
circular of even number dated 03-05-2012 stands withdrawn. However data up to the financial
year 2011-12 shall be furnished by following the old/existing procedure only i.e. by
This revised procedure comes into force with immediate effect. All the Heads of Departments are
requested to bring the contents of this circular to the notice of Heads of Ofices/DDO‘s/TAN holders
under their control for strict compliance.
Compendium 192 Salaries / TDS Deductions
Other Payments
Copies of this Circular can be also downloaded from the department website:
(G. S. Potekar)
Director of Accounts
Directorate of Accounts
No. DA/Control/7-10/2012-13/81/TR-78 Dated:- 30-05-2012
Subject : Debiting expenditure of bills to works regarding
It has been observed since quite a long time that expenditure of following types of bills viz.
advertisement, water, electricity, telephone, petty bills of payments etc. was debited to the estimate of
works under contingencies and was accounted in the Government Account through monthly accounts
of the Divisions sent to the Directorate of Accounts.
It has now been decided by the Government to desist debiting the cost of these types bills to
works account and prefer the same for settlement through Fully Vouched Contingent bills under
Revenue Account allotted to the Division. The revised procedure shall come into force with
immediate effect. This issues with the concurrence of Finance Department vide their Advice No.
Contents of this circular may be brought to the notice of all the concerned for strict
Copies of this circular are also available at this Departments web site
(G.S. Potekar)
Director of Accounts
1. The Principal Chief Engineer,
Public Works Department,
Altinho, Panaji-Goa
2. Chief Engineer,
Water Resources Department,
3. Chief Engineer,
Electricity Department,
Vidhyut Bhavan, Panaji-Goa
4. Director,
Directorate of Agriculture,
5. Principal Chief Engineer,
Forest Department,
Directorate of Accounts
No. DA/Control/7-25(ii)/2012-13/TR-40/53 Dated:- 03-05-2012
Compendium 193 Salaries / TDS Deductions
Other Payments
A reference is invited to the CBDT Notification No. 41/2010 dated 31/05/2010 wherein
Income Tax Rules, 1962 have been amended substituting therein Rule 30, 31, 31A and 31AA and
inserted a new Rule 30 namely ―Time and mode of payment to Government account of tax deducted
at source or tax paid under sub-section (1A) of Section 192‖.
Rule No. 30(4) therein provides that in case of an office of the Government, where tax has
been paid to the credit of the Central Government without production of a challan, the Pay and
Accounts Officer reports the tax so deducted and who is responsible for crediting such sum to the
credit of the Central Government shall :- (a) Submit a statement in Form 24 G within 10 days from the
end of the month to the agency authorized by the Director General of Income Tax (Systems) in
respect of tax deducted by deductors and reported to him for that month; and (b) Intimate the unique
number viz. Book Identification Number (BIN) generated by the agency to each of the deductors in
respect of whom the sum deducted has been credited.
The matter has been examined in this Directorate and following instructions are issued for
immediate compliance.
All the Heads of Departments are requested to bring the contents of this circular to the notice of
Heads of Offices/D.D.O‘s/TAN holders under their control for strict compliance.
Copies of this Circular can be also downloaded from the following website :-
(G.S. Potekar)
Director of Accounts
Compendium 194 Salaries / TDS Deductions
Other Payments
Directorate of Accounts
No. DA/Control/3-2/2011-12/532 Dated:- 10/02/2012
A reference is invited to the contents of circular no. 7/13/2011/Fin-Exp dated 15-12-2011
issued by Finance Department wherein Government decision has been conveyed to switch over to
―e-payment‖ through ECS mode while making payments to all the beneficiaries of the schemes of
Central and State Government including payments being done by the State Government as part of its
day to day functioning ; instead of present system of issuance of PAO cheques.
For implementation ECS system as envisaged in the aforesaid circular, NIC Goa is in the
process of designing the necessary software programme and the same is being test checked before
being rolled out for the final usage by all the departments. Needless to point out that this would
require imparting of necessary training to all the user departments.
For a smooth switch over to ECS mode it is proposed to implement the system in a phased
manner. To begin with all the FVC(fully vouched contingents bill) bills would be bought under the
purview of ECS mode with effect from 16-02-2012. All DDO‘s will submit their FVC from
/Directorate of Accounts using the software, this will also serve as training in use of the same.
Necessary help will be provided at DOA in the matter. Thereafter the DDO shall submit the bills at
the cash counter for further processing.
Following instructions are therefore issued for information and necessary action:-
1) The DDO shall depute to the Directorate of Accounts (training hall) an official who is
computer literate with the FVC Bill and bank details of the suppliers in the format
prescribed overleaf.
2) The bank details of the suppliers shall be entered using the software and a unique ECS
Transaction Code (ECSTXNCODE) and receipt will be generated for the bill. This shall
be enclosed to the FVC bill. The respective DDO would be responsible for correctness of
the data fed therein.
3) The ―ECSTXNCODE‖ shall be quoted on GFR-8 and on face of the FVC bill.
4) The FVC bill shall be then submitted to the cash counter of this Directorate as usual.
5) Once the official is fully acquainted with the procedure involved, the bills shall be
submitted directly to the case section of this Directorate as usual by accessing the
necessary website.
6) Those offices which do not have internet facility/connectivity shall use the facility
available at their respective Head of Office or Head of the Department as the case may be.
7) This revised procedure comes into force with effect from 16-02-2012 for FVC Bills
except those exempted vide Para 3 (Time Bound Utility bills like electricity bill,
telephone bills, water supply bills fuel/POL bills) of the circular dated 15-12-2011.
Contents of the circular may please be bought to the notice of all the Heads of
Offices/Drawing and Disbursing Officers under their control for strict compliance.
(P.S. Gude)
Director of Accounts
Compendium 195 Salaries / TDS Deductions
Other Payments
Signature of D.D.O.
1. All the payments of salary to all Gazetted Officers would be compulsorily done through ECS
payment. All Gazetted Officers should be covered under ECS mode to be effective from the
payment of salary for the month of January, 2012. So also, all claims for TA/DA, medical
reimbursement, phone bill reimbursement, etc., for all Gazetted Officers would be done
through ECS mode only.
2. The Directorate of Accounts and the Secretariat (GAD) should themselves take the lead and
move for disbursing salaries for the month of January, 2012 onwards to their employees
through ECS mode only, as being done in some Departments like Directorate of Settlement &
Land Records, Directorate of Art and Culture etc. Henceforth all other claims pertaining to
the employees of Non Gazetted establishments in all Departments like payment of T.A. /D.A.,
medical reimbursement, tuition fee reimbursement, overtime allowance etc., should be paid
through ECS mode only.
3. All FVC bills (except utility bills like electricity bill, telephone bills, water supply bills,
fuel/POL bills) shall be paid through ECS payment mode only. Inorder to facilitate payments
to various parties/suppliers etc., the concerned Drawing and Disbursing Officer, shall provide
the bank account details of the party concerned, alongwith the FVC bills, as per the proforma
prescribed herein below :
Bank details,
Amount to be
credited to the
Sr. Name of the party to whom number &
IFSC code bank / amount to
No. the payment is to be done name of the
be paid
Bank with
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Compendium 196 Salaries / TDS Deductions
Other Payments
Signature of DDO
The DDO shall verify the details so provided and the statement as above duly signed by the
DDO shall be submitted alongwith FVC Bill. No FVC Bills without the enclosure in the proforma as
above, shall be processed for payment.
5. Payments to all beneficiaries under various schemes of the Government (wherever payment is done
through PAO cheque mode) shall be done through ECS payment mode. Departments concerned
should obtain Bank Account details to the individual beneficiary and provide the same alongwith the
FVC claim with a soft copy (in MS Excel format) and a hard copy to the Directorate of Accounts
without which the bills /claims concerned shall not be accepted by Directorate of Accounts. However,
this instructions shall not be applicable for disbursement of amounts/claims under Natural Calamity
Relief programme, Disaster Relief etc.
6. It has also been decided to switch over from the present mode of payments to the contractors of
various works i.e from present system of issuing PAO/MICR cheques to payments through ECS mode
The present system of issuing of PAO/MICR cheque by the Executive Engineer of the
Division/Section concerned for payment to various works to the contractors pertaining to PWD,
WRD, Electricity Department, Agriculture (Soil Conservation Division), Forest Department etc. shall
be discontinued and will be switched over to payments by ECS mode only. Every month the
Executive Engineer of the Division /Section concerned shall forward to the Directorate of Accounts, a
format of bills pending for payment in the order of precedence (first in – first out), duly signed by the
Executive Engineer of the Division/Section concerned and countersigned by Principal Chief
Engineer/Chief Engineer /Head of Department of the Department concerned as per the prescribed
format below.
Emergency work
/ maintenance
Budget Head with details
Sr. work/ Regular
Name of the work of BE Amount spent and Plan/Non Plan
No. Work / New
Amount Balance
Project (Give
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Running Name of the PAN details Bank Account IFSC code for
Account Bill contractor/ number with Bank
No. /Final works execution details
payment (give agency
Compendium 197 Salaries / TDS Deductions
Other Payments
7. Further, it has been decided to introduce the CINB (Corporate Internet Banking) System and the
Checker and Maker powers would be vested with the Directorate of Accounts. This system will be
started on trial basis in Division-I of PWD.
8. It has also been decided in consultation with the Senior Officers from the State Bank of India, that
State Bank of India (SBI) would not charge any transaction fees/ transfer charges in respect of
payment of salary, other claims in respect of Government servants and payments to be made to
beneficiaries of various schemes of Government of Goa/Government of India, including Grant-in-Aid
to Institutions etc. and SBI would be free to levy transfer charges/transaction fees as prescribed by
RBI in case of payments being made to contractors/other agencies / parties /suppliers etc. as per the
prevailing system /rates being followed by the banks concerned.
This issues with the approval of F.M. /C.M.
(Surendra Naik)
Under Secretary (Fin-Exp)
Directorate of Accounts
No.DA/Control/2-3/TR-386/981 Dated:- 04/02/2011.
Attention of all concerned is invited to this Directorate‘s circular No. DA/Control/2-3/TR-
312/176 dated 27/9/2002, containing therein instructions to invariably indicate the GPF Account
Number of the employees in all papers, communications, bills and advance sanction orders (viz.
HBA, MCA, OCA etc) issued by them as well as in the schedules of recovery attached to the pay bills
including chalans in case the amount is credited into Treasury so as to facilitate proper and accurate
accounting of advances given and to get quick information at any given time. In spite of these
instructions it has been observed that quite a number of D.D.O.‘s do not adhere to these instructions
and are enclosing recovery schedules pertaining to their employees without quoting the GPF Account
number. Accounts of this Directorate have been computerized, and in absence of the GPF number it
becomes very difficult to identify and thereafter post/credit the recovery to the respective Government
servants account. On some occasions credit recoveries are kept out of the account under suspense
head due to non-identification of concerned account holder. Needless to point out that this further
delays the closure of monthly/annual accounts.
In view of the above, it is once again reiterated that GPF Account Number should be
invariably mentioned in all papers, communications, salary bills, advance sanction orders and chalans
(in case of amount credited to treasury) without fail. In respect of employees covered under New
Defined Contributory Pension Scheme the 16- digit PPAN number shall be quoted. It may please be
noted that failure for compliance of these instructions may result in return of salary bills unpassed for
which this Directorate shall not be held responsible.
The Heads of Departments are requested to bring the contents of this circular to the notice of
Heads of offices and DDO‘s working under their control for strict compliance.
Compendium 198 Salaries / TDS Deductions
Other Payments
(P.S. Gude)
Director of Accounts
Directorate of Accounts
No. DA/Control/2-3/09-10/TR-504/518 Dated:- 26/03/2010
As per the standing instructions, whenever a token is lost by the Department, an amount of
Rs. 10/- per token is payable by challan in State Bank of India and the token is removed from
circulation. The amount of Rs. 10/- so charged at present for loss of one token is negligible and
instances have come to the notice of this Directorate that due to negligible recovery amount towards
the cost of lost token, the officials of Departments entrusted with the work of submitting bills and
collecting the tokens do not take care in handling the movement of tokens properly resulting in
increase in loss of tokens. The number of lost token is on increase every year and this number and
corresponding value is required to be written off.
The question of enhancing the recovery amount charged for the lost tokens has been under
consideration of the Government for quite some time so that at least some care is taken by the
concerned officials of the Department to handle the movement of tokens.
Government has now decided to revise the quantum of recovery amount towards loss of token
from Rs. 10/- to Rs. 50/- with effect from 01-04-2010.
All the Heads of Departments may bring the contents of this order to the notice of all
D.D.O.s under their control.
This issues with the concurrence of Finance Department vide U.O. No. 627-F dated 8/3/2010.
Seniority Rules
Compendium 200 Seniority Rules
Department of Personnel
No. 2/33/76-PER Dated:- 19-07-2002
Read: Notification No. 2/33/76-PER dated 12-06-2002.
In terms of the proviso to clause (ii) of rule 6 of the Goa Government (Seniority) Rules, 1967,
inserted vide the Goa Government (Seniority) (Second Amendment) Rules, 1997, circulated vide
Notification of even number dated 23-4-1997, if a candidate belonging to the Schedule Caste or the
Scheduled Tribe is promoted to an immediate higher post/grade against a reserved vacancy earlier
than his senior general/OBC candidate who is promoted later to the said immediate higher post/grade,
the general/OBC candidate will regain his seniority over such earlier promoted candidate of the
Scheduled Caste and the Scheduled Tribe in the immediate higher post/grade.
The aforesaid proviso to clause (ii) of rule 6 of the said Rules, 1967 has been omitted with effect
from 2-5-1997 vide Notification of even number dated 12-6-2002. Consequently, Seniority of SC/ST
is required to be revised.
All the Heads of Departments/Offices are, therefore requested to finalise the seniority of SC/ST
and consequential benefits to them as follows:-
(1) Seniority drawn in accordance with the Goa Government (Seniority) (Second Amendment)
Rules, shall be revised as if the said rules were never issued.
(2) On the basis of the revised seniority, consequential benefits like promotion, pay, pension,
etc. should be allowed to the concerned SC/ST Government servants (but without arrears by
applying principle of no work no pay).
(3) For this purpose, senior SC/ST Government servants may be granted promotion with effect
from the date of promotion of their immediate junior general/OBC Government servants.
(4) Such promotion of SC/ST Government servant may be ordered with the approval of
Appointing Authority of the post to which the Government servant is to be promoted at each level
after following normal procedure of D.P.C. (including consultation with G.P.S.C.).
(5) Except seniority, other consequential benefits like promotion, pay etc. (including retiral
benefits in respect of those who have already retired) allowed to general/OBC Government
servant by virtue of the Goa Government (Seniority) (Second Amendment) Rules, 1997 and/or in
pursuance of the directions of C.A.T./Court should be protected as personal to them.
(6) Necessary action to implement the decisions contained in paragraph (1) above may be
completed within three months from the date of issue of this O.M. and decision in paragraph (2)
above may be completed within 6 months from the date of issue of this O.M.
(D. M. Borkar)
Under Secretary (Personnel)
Department of Personnel
No. OSD/RRVS/43/66 Date: 21-02-1969
OSD/RRVS/43/66 dated 21-02-1969 published in Government Gazette Series I No. 49
dated:- 06-03-1969
In exercise of the powers conferred by proviso to article 309 of the Constitution, read with the
Government of India, Ministry of External Affairs letter no. F.7 (11)/62-Goa, dated the 25th July, 1963
and Ministry of Home Affairs letter no. F.1/29/68-GP dated 29th January, 1968, the Administrator of
Goa, Daman and Diu is pleased to make the following rules for determining the seniority inter-se of
Compendium 201 Seniority Rules
an order different from the order of merit indicated at the time of promotion, seniority shall follow the
order of confirmation and not the original order of merit.
(ii) Where promotions to a grade are made from more than one grade, the eligible persons shall be
arranged in separate lists in the order of their relative seniority in their respective grades and the
selecting authority shall select persons for promotion from each list upto the prescribed percentage, if
any, and arrange all the candidates selected from different lists in a consolidated order of merit which
will determine the seniority of the persons on promotion to the higher grade.
5[ ]
Explanation.— Where promotions are made on the basis of selection by a selecting authority,
the seniority of such promotees shall be in the order of merit in which they were recommended for
such promotion by the authority. Where promotions are made on the basis of seniority subject to
the rejection of the unfit, the seniority of persons considered fit for promotion at the same time
shall be the same as the relative seniority in the lower grade from which they are promoted. Where,
however, a person is considered as unfit for promotion and is superseded by a junior, such persons
shall not, if he is subsequently found suitable and promoted, take seniority in the higher grade over
a junior who had superseded him.
Illustration.— Where 75% of the vacancies in the grade of Head Clerk are reserved for
promotion from the grade of Upper Division Clerk and 25% from the grade of Store-keepers, the
eligible Upper Division Clerks and Store-keepers, shall be arranged in the separate lists with
reference to their relative seniority in those grades. The selecting authority will make selection of
three candidates from the list of U.D.C.s and one from the list of Store- keepers. Thereafter the
selected person from each list shall be arranged in a single list in a consolidated order of merit
assessed by the selecting authority, which will determine the seniority of the persons on promotion
to the higher grade.
7. Relative seniority of direct recruits and promotees.— The relative seniority of direct recruits
and of promotees shall be determined according to the rotation of vacancies between direct recruits
and promotees which shall be based on the percentage of vacancies reserved for direct recruitment
and promotion respectively in the recruitment rules.
Note (1) A register should be maintained based on the reservation of vacancies for direct
recruitment and for promotion in the Recruitment rules. Where 75% of the vacancies are reserved for
promotion and 25% for direct recruitment, each direct recruit shall be ranked in seniority below three
promotees. Where the percentage is 50% each, every direct recruit shall be ranked below a promote
and the roster shall run as follows :-
1. Promotion,
2. Direct recruitment,
3. Promotion,
4. Direct Recruitment, and so on.
Appointment shall be made in accordance with this roster and seniority determined accordingly. If
for any reason a direct recruit or a promote ceases to hold the appointment in the grade, the seniority
list shall not be re-arranged merely for the purpose of ensuring the proportion concerned.
Note (2) A promotee shall not necessarily be placed over a direct recruit. The relative seniority of a
departmental promote vis-a-vis a direct recruit depends on the starting point in the roster as
determined by the appointing authority. If the first point in the roster starts with a direct recruit, the
relative order of seniority against the departmental promotees and direct recruits will be, first direct
recruit followed by a departmental promotee and vice-versa
3[Provided that the principle of rotation of quotas will still be followed for determining the inter-se
seniority of direct recruits and promotees, the present practice of keeping vacant slots for being filled
up by direct recruits of later years, thereby giving them unintended seniority over promotees who are
Compendium 203 Seniority Rules
already in position, shall be dispensed with. In case an adequate number of direct recruits do not
become available in any particular year, rotation of quotas for purpose of determining seniority will
take place only to the extent of the available direct recruits and the promotees. In other words, to the
extent direct recruits are not available, the promotees will be bunched together at the bottom of the
seniority lists, below the last position up to which it is possible to determine seniority, on the basis of
rotation of quotas with reference to the actual number of available direct recruits. The unfilled direct
recruitment quota vacancies shall, however, be carried forward and added to the corresponding direct
recruitment vacancies of the next year (and to subsequent years where necessary), for taking action
for direct recruitment for the total number according to the usual practice. Thereafter, in that year
while seniority will be determined between direct recruits and promotees, to the extent of the number
of vacancies for direct recruits and promotees as determined according to the quota for that year, the
additional direct recruits selected against the carried forward vacancies of the previous year shall be
placed en-bloc below the last promotee (or direct recruit as the case may be), in the seniority list based
on the rotation of vacancies for that year. The same principle holds good in determining seniority in
the event of carry forward, if any, of direct recruitment or promotion quota vacancies (as the case may
be), in the subsequent years.
Where the Recruitment Rules provide 50 % of the vacancies in a grade to be filled by promotion
and the remaining 50 % by direct recruitment, and assuming there are 10 vacancies in the grade arising
in each of the year 1986 and 1987 and that 2 vacancies intended for direct recruitment remained unfilled
during 1986 and they could be filled during 1987, the seniority position of the promotees and direct
recruits of these two years
1986 1987
1. P1 9. P1
2. D1 10. D1
3. P2 11. P2
4. D2 12. D2
5. P3 13. P3
6. D3 14. D3
7. P4 15. P4
8. P5 16. D4
17. P5
18. D5
19. D6
20. D7
In order to help the appointing authorities in determining the number of vacancies to be filled
during a year under each of the methods of recruitment prescribed, a Vacancy Register giving a
running account of the vacancies arising and being filled from year to year may be maintained in the
proforma enclosed.
With a view of curbing any tendency of under-reporting/suppressing the vacancies to be notified to
the concerned authorities for direct recruitment, it is clarified that promotees will be treated as regular
only to the extent to which direct recruitment vacancies are reported to the recruiting authorities on
the basis of the quotas prescribed in the relevant Recruitment Rules. Excess promotees, if any,
exceeding the share falling to the promotion quota based on the corresponding figure, notified for
direct recruitment shall be treated only as ad-hoc promotees.
Seniority already determined in accordance with the existing rules on the date of issue of this
Notification will not be reopened. In respect of the vacancies for which recruitment an action has
already been taken, on the date of issue of this Notification either by way of direct recruitment or
promotion, seniority will continue to be determined in accordance with the existing rules.]
Compendium 204 Seniority Rules
8. Transferees.— (i) The relative seniority of persons appointed by transfer to the various grades
from offices of the Central Government or State Governments/Union Administrations shall be
determined in accordance with the order of their Selection for such transfer, provided that, if
transferees have also competed with Direct recruits, the provisions of Rule 5 will apply to them.
(ii) Where such transfers are effected against specific quotas in the recruitment rules therefore, the
relative seniority of such transferees vis-a-vis direct recruits and promotees shall be determined
according to rotation of vacancies which shall be based on the quotas reserved for transfer/direct
recruitment and promotion respectively in the recruitment rules.
(iii) Where a person is appointed by transfer in accordance with a provision in the recruitment rules
providing for such transfer in the event of non availability of a suitable candidate by direct
recruitment or promotion, such transfers shall be grouped with direct recruits or promotees, as the
case may be, for the purpose of rule 7. He shall be ranked below all direct recruits or promotees, as
the case may be selected on the same occasion.
9. Regulation of seniority of officers selected for appointment to different posts in the same
grade requiring different qualifications.— The relative seniority of persons selected for
appointment to various posts in the same grade requiring different qualification (e.g. posts of Asst.
Lecturer in History, Economics, Physics, Chemistry, etc.) shall be determined by the consolidated
order of merit drawn up by the selecting authority which shall invariably be asked by the department
concerned while sending their requisitions for recruitment to such posts, to indicate such an order of
merit while making selection to such posts.
The authority responsible for approving appointments by transfer shall indicate the inter-se order of
seniority of selected persons.
In cases where no order of merit has been indicated by the selecting authority/authorities approving
appointment by transfer, the relative seniority of direct recruits/transferees shall be determined on the
basis of their length of service in the next lower grade. In cases of equal length of service, older in age
shall rank senior to the younger one.
10. Ad-hoc appointees.— Until persons appointed on ad-hoc basis to a grade are replaced by persons
approved for regular appointment by direct recruitment, promotion or transfer as the case may be, they
will be shown in the order of their ad-hoc appointments and below all persons regularly appointed to the
11. Regulation of seniority of certain special categories of officers.— Notwithstanding anything
contained in these rules, the seniority of officers belonging to the following categories shall be
regulated by the instructions contained in the Office Memorandum against each such category, as
amended from time to time :-
(a) Ex-Govt. servants penalised for their patriotic activities - M/O Home Affairs O.M. No. 6/4/5/2-
STNG, dated 29-5-1957.
(b) Central Govt. Employees discharged on account of affliction with T.B. pleurisy or leprosy -
O.M. No. 37/1/52-DGS, dated 10-7-1964, No. 13/4/56-RPC dated 29-9-1956 and No. 13/44/57-RPS
dated 14-7-1958.
12. Removal of difficulties.— If any difficulty arises in giving effect to the provisions of these
rules, the competent authority, may by order, as occasion requires do anything which appears to it to
be necessary for the purpose of removing the difficulty.
13. Interpretation.— If any question arises relating to the interpretation of these rules, the matter
shall be referred to be competent authority whose thereon shall be final.
G. K. Bhanot
Chief Secretary
Compendium 205 Seniority Rules
1. Substituted vide Notification No. OSD/RRVS/43/66 dated 16-10-1971 published in the Official Gazette Sr. I No. 31
dated 28-10-1971.
2. Substituted vide Notification No. 2/33/77-DIV-I dated 12-8-1977 published in the Official Gazette Sr. I No. 20 dated 18-
3. Substituted vide Notification No. 2/33/76-PER dated 5-1-1987 published in the Official Gazette Sr. I No. 45 dated 05-02-
4. Inserted the following proviso in Rule 6 after clause (ii) vide Notification No. 2/33/76-PER dated 23-04-1997 published
in the Official Gazette Sr. I No. 5 dated 02-05-1997 ―Provided that if a candidate belonging to the Schedule Caste or
Schedule Tribe is promoted to an immediate higher post/grade against a reserved vacancy earlier than his senior
General/OBC candidate who is promoted later to the said immediate higher post/grade, the General/OBC candidate will
regain his seniority over such earlier promoted candidate of the SC/ST in the immediate higher post/grade.
5. Ommitted vide Notification No. 2/33/76-PER dated 12-06-2002 published in the Official Gazette Sr. I No. 14 dated 04-
Compendium 206 Sexual Harassment of Women
at workplace
All Head of Department,
All Chief Officers and Mamlatdars of respective Talukas / Municipalities are appointed as
―Nodal Officers‖ in their respective jurisdiction by the District Officer/District Magistrate of South
Goa District vide Order 22/08/2014.
As per the provisions of Section 4 of the Act, every department /Organisation /undertaking
/industrial establishment, educational institutions /private sector organization, hospitals, Sport
Institutes, etc. are required to constitute Internal Complaint Committee at workplace.
The composition of the Internal Complaint Committee is as under :-
a) A ―Presiding Officer‖ who shall be a woman employed at a senior level at workplace from
amongst the employees ;
b) Not less than two Members from amongst employees preferably committed to the cause of
women or who have had experience in social work or have legal knowledge.
c) One member from amongst non-governmental organizations or associations committed to the
cause of women or a person familiar with the issues relating to sexual harassment
The Committee constituted shall be in force for a period of three years and subsequently it is
required to be re-constituted.
As per the Provisions 6 (1) of the Act where the Internal Complaint Committee has not
been constituted due to having less then 10 workers or if the complaint is against the employee,
complaint can be entertained by the Local Complaint Committee.
As per the Provisions 6 (2) of the Act, the nodal Officers designated by the District
Officers in all block/Taluka i.e. Mamledar & Municipality shall receive the complaints from
aggrieved woman and forward them to the respective Local Complaint Committee within a
period of seven days.
It is mandatory, as per the provisions of Section 19 of the Act, the employer is required to
provide safe working environment, display the gist of the provisions of the Act at any conspicuous
place in the workplace, create awareness programmes at regular intervals, to assist women etc.
As per the provisions of Section 21 (1) of the Act, the Internal Complaint Committees are
required to submit Annual reports to the respective District Officer.
All the Govt. departments / Organisations / undertakings / industrial establishments,
educational institutions /private sector organizations, hospitals, Sport Institutes, etc are hereby
directed to ensure the implementation of the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention,
Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013, failure shall attract penalty which may extend to Rs. 50,000/- as
prescribed under Section 26 of the Act for non compliance of the Provision of the Act.
Further all stake holders are hereby directed to display this notice as well as the Order of the
constituted Internal Complaint Committee at the prominent place.
Director & Ex-officio Jt. Secretary to the Government
Women & Child Department
Compendium 209 Sexual Harassment of Women
at workplace
In continuation to above referred Circular issued by this Department, it is observed that most
of the Departments/Organizations/Undertaking/Industrial establishment and educational institutions in
the State have not complied with provision of section 4 of the Act as regards to constitution of
Internal Complaints Committee under the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention,
Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013.
Compendium 210 Sexual Harassment of Women
at workplace
In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 5 of the Sexual Harassment of Women at
Work Place (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 (Central Act No. 14 of 2013)
(hereinafter referred to as the ―Said Act‖), the Government of Goa hereby notifies the District
Magistrate of North-Goa and the District Magistrate of South Goa as the District Officers to exercise
powers and discharge functions under the said Act, within the limits of their respective jurisdiction
with immediate effect.
By order and in the name of the Governor of Goa
(Vikas S. N. Gaunekar )
Director & Ex-officio Jt. Secretary to the Government
Women & Child Department
Department of Women & Child Development
No. 1/181/2001/DW&CD/Sectt. Cell (part)/04441 Dated:- 03-03-2014
Sexual harassment of women at workplace is a violation of women‘s right to gender equality,
life and liberty. The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Probation and
Redressal) Act, 2013 has come into force from 09/12/2013. The Rules under this Act have also been
Compendium 211 Sexual Harassment of Women
at workplace
notified on 09/12/2013. The Act needs to be implemented in an effective manner in order to provide a
safe and secure working environment to women. A copy of the Act and Rules is enclosed which are
also available at Ministry‘s website i.e.
As mandated under the Act, an Internal Complaints Committee is required to be constituted in
every department/organisation/undertaking/industrial establishment and educational institutions.
All the stakeholders viz every department/organisation/undertaking/industrial establishment and
educational institutions are therefore hereby requested to ensure constitution of Internal Complaints
Committee as mandated in the Act, immediately.
Sunil P. Masurkar
Director & Ex-Officio Jt. Secretary
to the Government Women & Child Development
An Act to provide protection against sexual harassment of women at workplace and for the
prevention and redressal of complaints of sexual harassment and for matters connected therewith or
incidental thereto.
Whereas sexual harassment results violation of the fundamental rights of a woman to equality
under articles 14 and 15 of the Constitution of India and her right to life and to live with dignity under
article 21 of the Constitution and right to practice any profession or to carry on any occupation, trade
or business which includes a right to a safe environment free from sexual harassment;
And whereas the protection against sexual harassment and the right to work with dignity are
universally recognised human rights by international conventions and instruments such as Convention
on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women, which has been ratified on the 25th
June, 1993 by the Government of India;
And whereas it is expedient to make provisions for giving effect to the said Convention for
protection of women against sexual harassment at workplace.
Be it enacted by Parliament in the Sixty-fourth Year of the Republic of India as follows:-
1. Short title extent and commencement.— (1) This Act may be called the Sexual Harassment of
Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013.
(2) It extends to the whole of India
(3) It shall come into force on such date as the Central Government may, by notification in the
Official Gazette, appoint.
Compendium 212 Sexual Harassment of Women
at workplace
(i) ―Local Committee‖ means the Local Complaints Committee constituted under section 6;
(j) ―Member‖ means a Member of the Internal Committee or the Local Committee, as the
case may be;
(k) ―prescribed‖ means prescribed by rules made under this Act;
(l) ―presiding Officer‖ means the Presiding Officer of the Internal Complaints Committee
nominated under sub-section (2) of section 4;
(m) ―respondent‖ means a person against whom the aggrieved woman has made a complaint
under section 9;
(n) ―sexual harassment‖ includes any one or more of the following unwelcome acts or
behaviour (whether directly or by implication) namely:-
(i) Physical contact and advances; or
(ii) A demand or request for sexual favours; or
(iii) Making sexually coloured remarks; or
(iv) Showing pornography; or
(v) any other unwelcome physical, verbal or non-verbal conduct of sexual nature;
(o) ―workplace‖ includes—
(i) any department, organisation, undertaking, establishment, enterprise institution, office
branch or unit which is established, owned, controlled or wholly or substantially financed by
funds provided directly or indirectly by the appropriate Government or the local authority or a
Government company or a corporation or a co-operative society;
(ii) any private sector organisation or a private venture, undertaking, enterprise, institution,
establishments, society, trust, non-governmental organisation, unit or service provider carrying
on commercial, professional, vocational, educational, entertainmental, industrial, health services
or financial activities including production, supply, sale, distribution or service;
(iii) hospitals or nursing homes;
(iv) any sports institute, stadium, sports complex or competition games venue, whether
residential or not used for training sports or other activities relating thereto;
(v) any place visited by the employee arising out of or during the course of employment
including transportation provided by the employer for undertaking such journey;
(vi) A dwelling place or a house;
(p) ―unorganised sector‖ in relation to a workplace means an enterprise owned by individuals or
self-employed workers and engaged in the production or sale of goods or providing service of any
kind whatsoever, and where the enterprise employs workers, the number of such workers is less
than ten.
3. Prevention of sexual harassment.— (1) No woman shall be subjected to sexual harassment at any
(2) The following circumstances, among other circumstances, if it occurs or is present in relation to
or connected with any act or behaviour of sexual harassment may amount to sexual harassment:-
(i) implied or explicit promise of preferential treatment in her employment; or
(ii) implied explicit threat of detrimental treatment in her employment; or
(iii) implied or explicit threat about her present or future employment status; or
(iv) interference with her work or creating an intimidating or offensive or hostile work environment
Compendium 214 Sexual Harassment of Women
at workplace
for her; or
(v) humiliating treatment likely to affect her health or safety.
Chapter II
4. Constitution of Internal Complaints Committee.— (1) Every employer of a workplace, shall, by
an order in writing, constitute a Committee to be known as the ―Internal Complaints Committee‖.
Provided that where the offices or administrative units of the workplace are located at different
places or divisional or sub-divisional level, the Internal Committee shall be constituted at all
administrative units or offices.
(2) The Internal Committee shall consist of the following members to be nominated by the
employer, namely:-
(a) a Presiding Officer who shall be a woman employed at a senior level at workplace from
amongst the employees:
Provided that in case a senior level woman employee is not available, the Presiding Officer shall be
nominated from other offices or administrative units of the workplace referred to in sub-section (1):
Provided further that in case the other offices or administrative units of the workplace do not have a
senior level woman employee, the Presiding Officer shall be nominated from any other workplace of
the same employer or other department or organisation;
(b) not less than two Members from amongst employees preferably committed to the cause of
women or who have had experience in social work or have legal knowledge;
(c) one member from amongst non-governmental organisation or associations committed to the
cause of women or a person familiar with the issue relating to sexual harassment;
Provided that at least one-half of the total Members so nominated shall be women.
(3) The Presiding Officer and every Member of the Internal Committee shall hold office for such
period, not exceeding three years, from the date of their nomination as may be specified by the
(4) The Member appointed from amongst the non-governmental organisations or associations shall
be paid such fees or allowance for holding the proceedings of the Internal Committee, by the
employer as may be prescribed.
(5) Where the Presiding Officer or any Member of the Internal Committee.—
(a) contravenes the provisions of section 16; or
(b) has been convicted for an offence or an inquiry into an office under any law for the time being
in force is pending against him; or
(c) he has been found guilty in any disciplinary proceedings or a disciplinary proceeding is pending
against him; or
(d) has so abused his position as to render his continuance in office prejudicial to the public
such Presiding Officer or Member, as the case may be, shall be removed from the Committee and
the vacancy so created or any casual vacancy shall be filled by fresh nomination in accordance with
the provisions of this section.
Compendium 215 Sexual Harassment of Women
at workplace
5. Notification of District Officer.— The appropriate Government may notify a District Magistrate
or Additional District Magistrate or the Collector or Deputy Collector as a Director Officer for every
District to exercise powers or discharge functions under this Act.
6. Constitution and Jurisdiction of local complaint committee.— (1) Every District Officer shall
constitute in the district concerned, a committee to be known as the ―Local Complaints Committee‖ to
receive complaints of sexual harassment from establishment where the Internal Complaints
Committee has not been constituted due to having less than ten workers or if the complaint is against
the employer himself.
(2) The District Officer shall designate one nodal officer in every block, Taluka and tehsil in rural
or tribal area and ward or municipality in the urban area, to receive complaints and forward the same
to the concerned Local Complaints Committee within a period of seven days.
(3) The jurisdiction of the Local Complaints Committee shall extend to the areas of the district
where it is constituted.
7. Compositor, tenure and other terms and conditions of local complaint committee.— (1) The
Local Complaints Committee shall consist of the following members to be nominated by the District
Officer, namely:-
(a) a Chairperson to be nominated from amongst the eminent women in the field of social work and
committed to the cause of women;
(b) One Member to be nominated from amongst the women working in block, taluka or tehsil or
ward or municipality in the district;
(c) two Members, of whom at least one shall be a woman, to be nominated from amongst such non-
governmental organisations or associations committed to the cause of women or a person familiar
with the issue relating to sexual harassment, which may be prescribed;
Provided that at least one of the nominees should, preferably, have a background in law or legal
Provided further that at least one of the nominees shall be a woman belonging to the Scheduled
Castes or the Scheduled Tribes or the Other Backward Classes or minority community notified by the
Central Government, from time to time;
(d) the concerned officer dealing with the social welfare or women and child development in the
district, shall be a member ex-officio.
(2) The Chairperson and every Member of the Local Committee shall hold office for such period,
not exceeding three years, from the date of their appointment as may be specified by the District
(3) Where the Chairperson or any Member of the Local Complaints Committee—
(a) contravenes the provisions of section 16; or
(b) has been convicted for an offence or an inquiry into an offence under any law for the time being
in force is pending against him; or
(c) has been found guilty in any disciplinary proceedings or a disciplinary proceeding is pending
against him; or
(d) had so abused his position as to render his continuance in office prejudicial to the public
such Chairperson or Member, as the case may be, shall be removed from the Committee and the
vacancy so created or any casual vacancy shall be filled by fresh nomination in accordance with the
provisions of this section.
(4) The Chairperson and Members of the Local Committee other than the Members nominated
Compendium 216 Sexual Harassment of Women
at workplace
under clauses (b) and (d) of sub-section (1) shall be entitled to such fees or allowances for holding the
proceeding of the Local Committee as may be prescribed.
8. Grants and audit.— (1) The Central Government may, after due appropriation made by
Parliament by law in this behalf, make to the State Government grants of such sums of money as the
Central Government may think fit, for being utilised for the payment of fees or allowances referred to
in sub-section (4) of section7.
(2) The State Government may set up an agency and transfer the grants made under sub-section (1)
to that agency.
(3) The agency shall pay to the District Officer, such sums as may be required for the payment of
fees or allowances referred to in sub-section (4) of section 7.
(4) The accounts of the agency referred to in sub-section (2) shall be maintained and audited in
such manner as may, in consultation with the Accountant General of the State, be prescribed and the
person holding the custody of the accounts of the agency shall furnish, to the State Government,
before such date, as may be prescribed, its audited copy of accounts together with auditors‘ report
9. Complaint of Sexual Harrasment.— (1) Any aggrieved woman may make, in writing a
complaint of sexual harassment at workplace to the Internal Committee if so constituted, or the Local
Committee, in case it is not so constituted, within a period of three months from the date of incident
and in case of a series of incidents, within a period of three months from the date of last incident:
Provided that where such complaint cannot be made in writing, the Presiding Officer or any
Member of the Internal Committee or the Chairperson or any Member of the Local Committee, as the
case may be, shall render all reasonable assistance to the woman for making the complaint in writing:
Provided further that the Internal Committee or, as the case may be, the Local Committee may, for
the reasons to be recorded in writing, extend the time limit not exceeding three months, if it is
satisfied that the circumstances were such which prevented the woman from filing a complaint within
the said period.
(2) Where the aggrieved woman is unable to make a complaint on account of her physical or
mental incapacity or death or otherwise, her legal heir or such other person as may be prescribed may
a complaint under this section.
10.(1) The Internal Committee or, as the case may be, the Local Committee may before initiating
an inquiry under section 11 and at the request of the aggrieved woman take steps to settle the matter
between her and the respondent through conciliation;
Provided that no monetary settlement shall be made as a basis of conciliation.
(2) Where a settlement has been arrived at under sub-section (1) the Internal Committee or the
Local Committee, as the case may be, shall record the settlement so arrived and forward the same to
the employer or the District Officer to take action as specified in the recommendation.
(3) The Internal Committee or the Local Committee, as the case may be, shall provide the copies of
the settlement as recorded under sub-section(2) to the aggrieved woman and the respondent.
(4) Where a settlement is arrived at under sub-section(1), no further inquiry shall be conducted by
the Internal Committee or the Local Committee, as the case may be.
11. Inquiry into complaint.— (1) Subject to the provisions of section 10, the Internal Committee or
the Local Committee, as the case may be, shall, where the respondent is an employee, proceed to
make inquiry into the complaint in accordance with the provisions of the service rules applicable to
the respondent and where no such rules exist, in such manner as may be prescribed or in case of a
domestic worker, the Local Committee shall, if prima facie case exist, forward the complaint to the
Compendium 217 Sexual Harassment of Women
at workplace
police, within a period of seven days for registering the case under section 509 of the Indian Penal
Code, and any other relevant provisions of the said Code where applicable:
Provided that where the aggrieved woman informs the Internal Committee or the Local Committee,
as the case may be, that any term or condition of the settlement arrived at under sub-section (2) of
section 10 has not been complied with by the respondent, the Internal Committee or the Local
Committee shall proceed to make an inquiry into the complaint or, as the case may be, forward the
complaint to the police:
Provided further that where both the parties are employees, the parties shall, during the course of
inquiry, be given an opportunity of being heard and a copy of the findings shall be made available to
both the parties enabling them to make representation against the findings before the Committee.
(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in section 509 of the Indian Penal Code, the court may,
when the respondent is convicted of the offence, order payment of such sums as it may consider
appropriate, to the aggrieved woman by the respondent, having regard to the provisions of section 15.
(3) For the purpose of making an inquiry under sub-section (1), the Internal Committee or the
Local Committee, as the case may be, shall have the same powers as are vested in a civil court under
the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 when trying a suit in respect of the following matters, namely:—
(a) summoning and enforcing the attendance of any person and examining him on oath;
(b) requiring the discovery and production of documents; and
(c) any other matter which may be prescribed.
(4) The inquiry under sub-section (1) shall be completed within a period of ninety days.
12.Action during pendency of inquiry.— (1) During the pendency of an inquiry, on a written
request made by the aggrieved woman, the Internal Committee or the Local Committee as the case
may be, may recommend to the employer to
(a) transfer the aggrieved woman or the respondent to any other workplace; or
(b) grant leave to the aggrieved woman up to a period of three months; or
(c) grant such other relief to the aggrieved woman as may be prescribed
(2) The leave granted to the aggrieved woman under this section shall be in addition to the leave
she would be otherwise entitled.
(3) On the recommendation of the Internal Committee or the Local Committee, as the case may be,
under sub-section(1), the employer shall implement the recommendations made under sub-section(1)
and send the report of such implementation to the Internal Committee or the Local Committee, as the
case may be.
13. Inquiry report.— (1) On the completion of an inquiry under this Act, the Internal Committee or
the Local Committee, as the case may be, shall provide a report of its findings to the employer, or as
the case may be, the District Officer within a period of ten days from the date of completion of the
inquiry and such report be made available to the concerned parties.
(2) Where the Internal Committee or the Local Committee, as the case may be, arrives at the
conclusion that the allegation against the respondent has not been proved, it shall recommend to the
employer and the District Officer that no action is required to be taken in the matter.
(3) Where the Internal Committee or the Local Committee, as the case may be arrives at the
conclusion that the allegation against the respondent has been proved, it shall recommend to the
employer or the District Officer, as the case may be—
Compendium 218 Sexual Harassment of Women
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(i) to take action for sexual harassment as a misconduct in accordance with the provisions of the
service rules applicable to the respondent or where no such service rules have been made, in such
manner as may be prescribed;
(ii) to deduct, notwithstanding anything in the service rules applicable to the respondent, from the
salary or wages of the respondent such sum as it may consider appropriate to be paid to the aggrieved
woman or to her legal heirs, as it may determine, in accordance with the provisions of section 15;
Provided that in case the employer is unable to make such deduction from the salary of the
respondent due to his being absent from duty or cessation of employment it may direct to the
respondent to pay such sum to the aggrieved woman;
Provided further that in case the respondent fails to pay the sum referred to in clause (ii), the
Internal Committee or, as the case may be, the Local Committee may forward the order for recovery
of the sum as an arrear of land revenue to the concerned District Officer.
(4) The employer or the District Officer shall act upon the recommendation with sixty days of its
receipt by him.
14. Punishment for false or malicious complaint and false evidence.— (1) Where the Internal
Committee or the Local Committee, as the case may be, arrives at a conclusion that the allegation
against the respondent is malicious or the aggrieved woman or any other person making the complaint
has made the complaint knowing it to be false or the aggrieved woman or any other person making
the complaint has produced any forged or misleading document, it may recommend to the employer
or the District Officer, as the case may be, to take action against the woman or the person who has
made the complaint under sub-section (1) or sub-section (2) of section 9, as the case may be, in
accordance with the provisions of the service rules applicable to her or him or where no such service
rules exist, in such manner as may be prescribed:
Provided that a mere inability to substantiate a complaint or provide adequate proof need not attract
action against the complainant under this section:
Provided further that the malicious intent on part of the complainant shall be established after an
inquiry in accordance with the procedure prescribed, before any action is recommended.
(2) Where the Internal Committee or the Local Committee, as the case may be arrives at a
conclusion that during the inquiry any witness has given false evidence or produced any forged or
misleading document, it may recommend to the employer of the witness or the District Officer, as the
case may be, to take action in accordance with the provisions of the service rules applicable to the said
witness or where no such service rules exist, in such manner as may be prescribed.
15. Determination of compensation.— For the purpose of determining the sums to be paid to the
aggrieved woman under clause (ii) of sub-section (3) of section 13, the Internal Committee or the
Local Committee, as the case may be, shall have regard to—
(a) the mental trauma, pain, suffering and emotional distress caused to the aggrieved woman;
(b) the loss in the career opportunity due to the incident of sexual harassment.
(c) medical expenses incurred by the victim for physical or psychiatric treatment;
(d) the income and financial status of the respondent;
(e) feasibility of such payment in lump sum or in instalments.
16. Prohibition of publication or making known contents of complaint and inquiry proceedings.—
Notwithstanding anything contained in the Right to Information Act, 2005, the contents of the
complaint made under section 9, the identity and addresses of the aggrieved woman, respondent and
witnesses, any information relating to conciliation and inquiry proceedings, recommendations of the
Internal Committee or the Local Committee, as the case may be, and the action taken by the employer
or the District Officer under the provisions of this Act shall not be published, communicated or made
known to the public, press and media in any manner:
Compendium 219 Sexual Harassment of Women
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Provided that information may be disseminated regarding the justice secured to any victim of
sexual harassment under this Act without disclosing the name, address, identity or any other
particulars calculated to lead to the identification of the aggrieved woman and witnesses.
17. Penalty of publication or making known contents of complaint and inquiry proceedings.—
Where any person entrusted with the duty to handle or deal with the complaint , inquiry or any
recommendations or action to be taken under the provisions of this Act, contravenes the provisions of
section 16, he shall be liable for penalty in accordance with the provisions of the service rules
applicable to the said person or where no such service rules exist, in such manner as may be
18. Appeal.— (1) Any person aggrieved from the recommendations made sub-section(2) of section
13 or under clause (i) or clause (ii) of sub-section (3) of section 13 or sub-section (1) or sub-section
(2) of section 14 or section 17 or non-implementation of such recommendations may prefer and
appeal to the court or tribunal in accordance with the provisions of the service rules applicable to the
said person or where no such service rules exist then, without prejudice to provisions contained in any
other law for the time being in force, the person aggrieved may prefer an appeal in such manner as
may be prescribed.
(2) The appeal under sub-section (1) shall be preferred within a period of ninety days of the
19. Duties of employer.— Every employer shall –
(a) provide a safe working environment at the workplace which shall include safety from the
persons coming into contact at the workplace;
(b) display at any conspicuous place in the workplace, the penal consequences of sexual
harassments; and the order constituting, the Internal Committee under sub-section (1) of section 4;
(c) organize workshops and awareness programmes at regular intervals for sensitizing the
employees with the provisions of the Act and orientation programmes for the members of the Internal
Committee in the manner as may be prescribed;
(d) provide necessary facilities to the Internal Committee or the Local Committee, as the case may
be, for dealing with the complaint and conducting an inquiry;
(e) assist in securing the attendance of respondent and witnesses before the Internal Committee or
the Local Committee, as the case may be;
(f) make available such information to the Internal Committee or the Local Committee, as the case
may be, as it may require having regard to the complaint made under sub-section (1) of section 9;
(g) provide assistance to the woman if she so chooses to file a complaint in relation to the offence
under the Indian Penal Code or any other law for the time being in force.
(h) cause to initiate action, under the Indian Penal Code or any other law for the time being in
force, against the perpetrator, or if the aggrieved woman so desires, where the perpetrator is not an
employee, in the workplace at which the incident of sexual harassment took place;
(i) treat sexual harassment as a misconduct under the service rules and initiate action for such
(j) monitor the timely submission of reports by the Internal Committee.
Compendium 220 Sexual Harassment of Women
at workplace
20. Duties and powers of District Officer.— The District Officer shall,
(a) monitor the timely submission of reports furnished by the Local Committee;
(b) take such measures as may be necessary for engaging non-governmental organizations for
creation of awareness on sexual harassment and the rights of the women.
21. Committee to submit annual report.— (1) The Internal Committee or the Local Committee, as
the case may be, shall in each calendar year prepare, in such form and at such time as may be
prescribed, an annual report and submit the same to the employer and the District Officer.
(2) The District Officer shall forward a brief report on the annual reports received under sub-
section (1) to the State Government.
22. Employer to include information in annual report.— The employer shall include in its report
the number of cases filed, if any, and their disposal under this Act in the annual report of his
organization or where no such report is required to be prepared, initimate such number of cases, if
any, to the District Officer.
23. Appropriate Government to monitor implementation and maintain data.— The appropriate
Government shall monitor the implementation of this Act and maintain data on the number of cases
filed and disposed of in respect of all cases of sexual harassment at workplace.
24. Appropriate Government to take measures to publicise the Act.— The appropriate Government
may, subject to the availability of financial and other resources,—
(a) develop relevant information, education, communication and training materials, and organize
awareness programmes, to advance the understanding of the public of the provisions of this Act
providing for protection against sexual harassment of woman at workplace.
(b) formulate orienteation and training programmes for the members of the Local Complaints
25. Power to call for information and inspection of records.— (1) The appropriate Government, on
being satisfied that it is necessary in the public interest or in the interest of women employees at a
workplace to do so, by order in writing,—
(a) call upon any employer or District Officer to furnish in writing such information relating to
sexual harassment as it may require;
(b) authorise any officer to make inspection of the records and workplace in relation to sexual
harassment, who shall submit a report of such inspection to it within such period as may be specified
in the order.
(2) Every employer and District Officer shall produce on demand before the officer making the
inspection all information, records and other documents in his custody having a bearing on the
subject matter of such inspection.
26 Penalty for non-compliance with provisions of the Act.— (1) Where the employer fails to—
(a) constitute and Internal Committee under sub-section (1) of section 4;
(b) take action under sections 13, 14 and 22; and
(c) contravenes or attempts to contravene or abets contravention of other provisions of
his Act or any rules made thereunder,
he shall be punishable with fine which may extend to fifty thousand rupees.
(2) If any employer, after having been previously convicted of an offence punishable under this
Act subsequently commits and is convicted of the same offence, he shall be liable to —
Compendium 221 Sexual Harassment of Women
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(i) twice the punishment, which might have been imposed on a first conviction, subject to the
punishment being maximum provided for the same offence:
Provided that in case a higher punishment is prescribed under any other law for the time being
in force, for the offence for which the accused is being prosecuted, the court shall take due
cognizance of the same which awarding the punishment;
(ii) cancellation, of his licence or withdrawal, or non-renewal, or approval, or cancellation of
the registration, as the case may be, by the Government or local authority required for carrying on
his business or activity.
27. Cognizance of offence by court.— (1) No court shall take a cognizance of any offence
punishable under this Act or any rules made thereunder, save on a complaint made by the
aggrieved woman or any person authorised by the Internal Committee or Local Committee in this
(2) No court inferior to that of a Metropolitan Magistrate or a Judicial Magistrate of the first
class shall try any offence punishable under this Act.
(3) Every offence under this Act shall be non-cognizable.
28. Act not in derogation of any other law.— The provisions of this Act shall be in addition to
and not in derogation of the provisions of any other law for the time being in force.
29. Power of appropriate Government to make rules.— (1) The Central Government may, by
notification in the Official Gazette, make rules for carrying out the provisions of this Act.
(2) In particular and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing power, such rules may
provide for all or any of the following matters, namely:—
(a) the fees or allowances to be paid to the Members under sub-section (4) of section 4;
(b) nomination of members under clause (c) of sub-section (1) of section 7;
(c) the fees or allowances to be paid to the Chairperson, and Members under sub-section (4) of
section 7;
(d) the person who may make complaint under sub-section (2) of section 9;
(e) the manner of inquiry under sub-section (1) of section 11;
(f) the powers for making an inquiry under clause (c) of sub-section (2) of section 11;
(g) the relief to be recommended under clause (c) of sub-section (1) of section 12;
(h) the manner of action to be taken under clause (i) of sub-section (3) of section 13;
(i) the manner of action to be taken under sub-sections (1) and (2) of section 14;
(j) the manner of action to be taken under section 17;
(k) the manner of appeal under sub-section(1) of section 18;
(l) the manner of organizing workshops, awareness programmes for sensitising the employees
and orientation programmes for the members of the Internal Committee under clause (c) of
section 19; and
(m) the form and time for preparation of annual report by Internal Committee and the Local
Committee under sub-section (1) of section 21.
(3) Every rule made by the Central Government under this Act shall be laid as soon as may be
after it is made, before each House of Parliament, while it is in session, for a total period of thirty
days which may be comprised in one session or in two or more successive sessions, and if, before
the expiry of the session immediately following the session or the successive sessions aforesaid,
both Houses agree in making any modification in the rule or both Houses agree that the rule
should not be made, the rule shall thereafter have effect only in such modified form or be of no
Compendium 222 Sexual Harassment of Women
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effect, as the case may be; so, however, that any such modification or annulment shall be without
prejudice to the validity of anything previously done under that rule.
(4) Any rule made under sub-section (4) of section 8 by the State Government shall be laid, as
soon as may be after it is made, before each House of the State Legislature where it consists of
two Houses, or where such Legislature consists of one House, before that House.
30. Power to remove difficulties.— (1) If any difficulty arises in giving effect to the provisions
of this Act, the Central Government may, by order published in the Official Gazette, make such
provisions, not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, as may appear to it to be necessary for
removing the difficulty:
Provided that no such order shall be made under this section after the expiry of a period of two
years from the commencement of this Act.
(2) Every order made under this section shall be laid, as soon as may be after it is made, before
each House of Parliament
Secy. to the Govt. of India
person who has expertise on issues relating to sexual harassment and may include any of the
(a) a social worker with at least five years‘ experience in the field of social work which leads to
creation of societal conditions favourable towards empowerment of women and in particular in
addressing workplace sexual harassment;
(b) a person who is familiar with labour, service, civil or criminal law.
1. Fees or allowances for Chairperson and Members of Local Committee.— (1) The
Chairperson of the Local Committee shall be entitled to an allowance of two hundred and fifty
rupees per day for holding the proceedings of the said Committee.
(2) The Members of the Local Committee other that the Members nominated under clauses (b)
and (d) of sub-section (1) of section 7 shall be entitled to an allowance of two hundred rupees per
day for holding the proceedings of the said Committee and also the reimbursement of travel cost
incurred in travelling by train in three tier air condition or air conditioned bus and auto rickshaw
or taxi, or the actual amount spent by him on travel, whichever is less.
The District Officer shall be responsible for the payment of allowances referred to in sub-rules
(1) and (2).
6. Complaint of sexual harassment.— For the purpose of sub-section (2) of Section 9,—
(i) where the aggrieved woman is unable to make a complaint on account of her physical
incapacity, a complaint may be filed by—
(a) her relative or friend; or
(b) her co-worker; or
(c) an officer of the National Commission for Women or State Women‘s Commission;
(d) any person who has knowledge of the incident, with the written consent of the aggrieved
(ii) where the aggrieved woman is unable to make a complaint on account of her mental
incapacity a complaint may be filed by
(a) her relative of friend; or
(b) a special educator; or
(c) a qualified psychiatrist or psychologist; or
(d) the guardian or authority under whose care she is receiving treatment or care; or
(e) any person who has knowledge of the incident jointly with her relative or friend or a
special educator or qualified psychiatrist or psychologist, or guardian or authority under
whose care she is receiving treatment or care;
(iii) where the aggrieved woman for any other reason is unable to make a complaint, a
complaint may be filed by any person who has knowledge of the incident, with her written
(iv) where the aggrieved woman is dead, a complaint may be filed by any person who has
knowledge of the incident, with the written consent of her legal heir.
7. Manner of inquiry into complaint.— (1) Subject to the provisions of section 11, at the time
of filling the complaint, the complainant shall submit to the Complaints Committee, six copies of
the complaint along with supporting documents and the names and addresses of the witnesses.
(2) On receipt of the complaint, the Complaints Committee shall send one of the copies
received from the aggrieved woman under sub-rule (1) to the respondent within a period of seven
working days.
Compendium 224 Sexual Harassment of Women
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(3) The respondent shall file his reply to the complaint along with his list of documents, and
names and addresses of witnesses, within a period not exceeding ten working days from the date
of receipt of the documents specified under sub-rule (1).
(4) The Complaints Committee shall make inquiry into the complaint in accordance with the
principles of natural justice.
(5) The Complaints Committee shall have the right to terminate the inquiry proceedings or to
give an ex-parte decision on the complaint, if the complainant or respondent fails, without
sufficient cause, to present herself or himself for three consecutive hearings convened by the
Chairperson or Presiding Officer, as the case may be:
Provided that such termination or ex-parte order may not be passed without giving a notice in
writing, fifteen days in advance, to the party concerned.
(6) The parties shall not be allowed to bring in any legal practitioner to represent them in their
case at any stage of the proceedings before the Complaints Committee.
(7) In conducting the inquiry, a minimum of three Members of the Complaints Committee
including the Presiding Officer or the Chairperson, as the case may be, shall be present.
8. Other relief to complainant during pendency of inquiry .— The Complaints Committee at
the written request of the aggrieved woman may recommend to the employer to.
(a) restrain the respondent from reporting on the work performance of the aggrieved woman or
writing her confidential report, and assign the same to another officer;
(b) restrain the respondent in case of an educational institution from supervising any academic
activity of the aggrieved woman.
9. Manner of taking action for harassment.— Except in cases where service rules exist, where
the Complaints Committee arrives at the conclusion that the allegation against the respondent has
been proved, it shall recommend to the employer or the District Officer, as the case may be, to
take any action including a written apology, warning, reprimand or censure, withholding of
promotion, withholding of pay rise or increments, terminating the respondent from service or
undergoing a counselling session or carrying out community service.
10. Action for false or malicious complaint or false evidence.— Except in cases where service
rules exist, where the Complaints Committee arrives at the conclusion that the allegation against
the respondent is malicious or the aggrieved woman or any other person making the complaint
has made the complaint knowing it to be false or the aggrieved woman or any other person
making the complaint has produces any forged or misleading document, it may recommend to the
employer or District Officer, as the case may be, to take action in accordance with the provisions
of rule 9.
11. Appeal.— Subject to the provisions of section 18, any person aggrieved from the
recommendations made under sub-section (2) of section 13 or under clauses (i) or clause (ii) of
sub-section (3) of section 13 or sub-section (1) or sub-section (2) of section 14 or section 17 or
non-implementation of such recommendations may prefer an appeal in the appellate authority
notified under clause (a) of section 2 of the Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946
(20 of 1946).
12. Penalty for contravention of provisions of section 16.— Subject to the provisions of section
17, if any person contravenes the provisions of section 16, the employer shall recover a sum of
five thousand rupees as penalty from such person.
13. Manner to organize workshops, etc.— Subject to the provisions of section 19, every
employer shall-
(a) formulate and widely disseminate an internal policy or charter or resolution or declaration
for prohibition, prevention and redressal of sexual harassment at the workplace intended to
Compendium 225 Sexual Harassment of Women
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promote gender sensitive safe spaces and remove underlying factors that contribute towards a
hostile work environment against women;
(b) carry out orientation programmes and seminars for the Members of the Internal Committee;
(c) carry out employees awareness programmes and create forum for dialogues which may
involve Panchayati Raj Institutions, Gram Sabha, women‘s groups, mothers committee,
adolescent groups, urban local bodies and any other body as may be considered necessary;
(d) conduct capacity building and skill building programmes for the Members of the Internal
(e) declare the names and contact details of all the Members of the Internal Committee;
(f) use modules developed by the State Governments to conduct workshops and awareness
programmes for sensitising the employees with the provisions of the Act.
14. Preparation of annual report.— The annual report which the Complaints Committee shall
prepare under Section 21, shall have the following details:-
(a) number of complaints of sexual harassment received in the year;
(b) number of complaints disposed off during the year;
(c) number of cases pending for more than ninety days;
(d) number of workshops or awareness programme against sexual harassment carried out;
(e) nature of action taken by the employer or District Officer.
[F. No. 19-5/2013-WW]
Department of Personnel
No. 2/8/92-PER(Part-I) Dated:- 14-02-2013
Attention is invited to this Departments circular of even number dated 26-03-1998, 27-2-
2001, 25-7-2002, 13-7-2004, and order dated 13-3-2006, by which directions issued by the Hon‘ble
Supreme Court in Vishaka v/s State of Rajasthan have been circulated for compliance. Now, the
Hon‘ble Supreme Court has issued directions in WP (Crl.) No. 173-177 of 1999.
A copy of relevant extract judgement of Supreme Court of India is hereby circulated for
N. P. Signapurkar
Under Secretary (Personnel-II)
T.C. (c) No of 2001 Civil Appeal No 5009 of 2006
Compendium 226 Sexual Harassment of Women
at workplace
appropriate steps to prevent sexual harassment. Without prejudice to the generality of this obligation
they should take the following steps.
(a) Express prohibition of sexual harassment as defined above at the workplace should be notified,
published and circulated in appropriate ways.
(b) The rules/regulations of government and public sector bodies relating to conduct and discipline
should include rules/regulations prohibiting sexual harassment and provide for appropriate penalties
in such rules against the offender.
(c) As regards private employers steps should be taken to include the aforesaid prohibitions in the
standing orders under the Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946.
(d) Appropriate work conditions should be provided in respect of work, leisure, health and hygiene
to further ensure that there is no hostile environment towards women at workplaces and no women
employee should have reasonable grounds to believe that she is disadvantaged in connection with her
4. Criminal Processings:
Where such conduct amounts to a specific office under the Indian Penal Code or under any other
law, the employer shall initiate appropriate action in accordance with law by making a complaint with
appropriate authority.
In particular, it should ensure that victims or witnesses are not victimized or discriminated against
while dealing with complaints of sexual harassment. The victims of sexual harassment should have
the option to seek transfer of the perpetrator or their own transfer.
5. Disciplinary action:
Whether such conduct amounts to misconduct in employment as defined by the relevant service
rules, appropriate disciplinary action should be initiated by the employer in accordance with those
6. Complaint mechanism:
Whether or not such conduct constitutes an offence under law or a breach of the service rules, an
appropriate complaint or mechanism should be created in the employer‘s organization for redress of
the complaint made by the victim. Such complaint mechanism should ensure time-bound treatment of
7. Complaints Committee:
The complaint mechanism, referred to in (6) above, should be adequate to provide, where
necessary, a Complaints Committee, a special counsellor or other support service, including the
maintenance of confidentiality.
The Complaints Committee should be headed by a woman and not less than half of its members
should by women. Further, to prevent the possibility of any undue pressure or influence from senior
levels, such Complaints Committee should involve a third party, either NGO or other body who is
familiar with the issue of sexual harassment.
The Complaints Committee must make a annual report to the Government Department concerned
of the complaints and action taken by them.
The employers and person-in-charge will also report on the compliance with the aforesaid
guidelines including on the report of the Complaints Committee to the Government Department.
8. Worker‘s initiative:
Employees should be allowed to raise issues of sexual harassment at workers meeting and in other
appropriate forum and it should be affirmatively discussed in employer-employee meetings.
9. Awareness:
Awareness of the rights of female employees in this regard should be created in particular by
prominently notifying the guidelines (and appropriate legislation when enacted on the subject) in a
suitable manner.
Compendium 228 Sexual Harassment of Women
at workplace
details as to what steps have been taken in pursuance of this direction within a period of eight weeks.
Details may be furnished as shown in the format furnished by the petitioners in the paper books. A
copy of this format shall for part of the order. The above facts are required at the next date of hearing.
A copy of this order be sent to the Chief Secretary and Chief Labour Commissioner of each State for
taking suitable action.‖
8. From the affidavits filled y the State Governments the following position emerges in respect of
each of these States:
The amendments in the Civil Services Conduct Rules and the Standing Orders have not been made
so far.
9. From the affidavits filed by the State Governments, it transpires that the States of Orissa,
Meghalaya, Himachal Pradesh, Goa, Arunchal Pradesh and West Bengal have amended the Rules
relating to duties, public rights and obligations of the government employees but have not made
amendments in Civil Services Conduct Rules. Similarly, the States of Sikkim, Madhya Pradesh,
Gujarat, Mizoram, Orissa, Bihar, Jammu & Kashmir, Manipur, Karnataka, Rajasthan, Meghalaya,
Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Assam, NCT of Delhi, Goa, Nagaland, Arunchal Pradesh, Jharkhand and
Tamil Nadu have not carried out amendments in the Standing Orders. These States appear to have not
implemented the order passed by this Court on 26-4-2004 quoted above. The States which have
carried out amendments in the Civil Services Conduct Rules and the Standing Orders have not
provided that the report of the Complaints Committee shall be treated as a report in the disciplinary
proceedings by an Inquiry Officer. What has been provided by these States is that the inquiry,
findings and recommendations of the Complaints Committee shall be treated as a mere preliminary
investigation leading to a disciplinary action against the delinquent.
10. The States like Rajasthan, Meghalaya, Himachal Pradesh, Assam and Jammu and Kashmir
seem to have not formed Complaints Committees as envisaged in the Vishaka guidelines. Some States
have constituted only one Complaints Committee for the entire State.
11. The Union Territories of Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Daman and Diu, Lakshadweep, Dadra
and Nagar Haveli and Puducherry have not made amendments in the Standing Orders. The Union
Territory of Chandigarh does not seem to have carried out amendments in the Civil Services Conduct
Rules. Some of the Union Territories like Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Chandigarh are reported to
have not yet formed Complaints Committees, Daman and Diu have formed one Complaints
Committee for the Union Territory.
12. While we have marched forward substantially in bringing gender parity in local self-
governments but the representation of women in parliament and the Legislative Assemblies is dismal
as the women represent only 10-11 per cent of the total seats. India ranks 129 out of 147 countries in
United Nations Gender Equality Index. This is lower than all South-Asian Countries except
Afghanistan. Our Constitution framers believed in fairness and justice for women. They provided in
the Constitution the States commitment of gender parity and gender equality and guarantee against
sexual harassment to women.
13. The implementation of the guidelines in Vishaka has to be not only in form but substance and
spirit so as to make available safe and secure environment to women at the workplace in every aspect
and thereby enabling the working women to work with dignity, decency and due respect. There is still
no proper mechanism in place to address the complaints of sexual harassment of the women lawyers
in Bar Associations, lady doctors and nurses in the medical clinics and nursing homes, women
architects working in the offices of the engineers and architects and so on and so forth.
14. In seems Lapcha this Court gave the following directions:
―(i) The State Government shall give comprehensive publicity to the notifications and orders issued
by it in compliance of the guidelines framed by this Court in Vishaka‘s case and the directions given
in Medha Kotwal‘s case by getting the same published in the newspapers having maximum
circulation in the State after every two months.
(ii) Wide publicity be given every month on Doordarshan Station, Sikkim about various steps taken
Compendium 230 Sexual Harassment of Women
at workplace
by the State Government for implementation of the guidelines framed in Vishaka‘s case and the
directions given in Medha Kotwal‘s case.
(iii) Social Welfare Department and the Legal Service Authority of the State of Sikkim shall also
give wide publicity to the notifications and orders issued by the State Government not only for the
Government departments of the State and its agencies/instrumentalities but also for the private
15. As a largest democracy in the world, we have to combat violence against women. We are of the
considered view that the existing laws, if necessary, be revised and appropriate new laws be enacted
by parliament and the State Legislatures to protect women from any form of indecency, indignity and
disrespect at all places (in their homes as well as outside), prevent all forms of violence-domestic
violence, sexual assault, sexual harassment at the workplace, etc.; and provide new initiatives for
education and advancement of women and girls in all spheres of life. After all they have limitless
potential. Lip service, hollow statements and inert and inadequate laws sloppy enforcement are not
enough for true and genuine uplilftment of our half most precious population the women.
16. In what we have discussed above, we are of the considered view that guidelines in Vishaka
should not remain symbolic and the following further directions are necessary until legislative
enactment on the subject is in place.
(i) The States and Union Territories which have not yet carried out adequate and appropriate
amendments in their respective Civil Services Conduct Rules (By whatever name these Rules are
called) shall do so within two months from today by providing that the report of the Complaints
Committee shall be deemed to be an inquiry report in a Complaints Committee shall be deemed to be
an inquiry report in a disciplinary action under such Civil Services Conduct Rules. In other words, the
disciplinary authority shall treat the report/findings etc. of the Complaints Committee as the findings
in a disciplinary inquiry against the delinquent employee and shall act on such report accordingly. The
findings and the report of the Complaints Committee shall not be treated as a mere preliminary
investigation or inquiry leading to a disciplinary action but shall be treated as a finding/report in an
inquiry into the misconduct of the delinquent.
(ii) The State and Union Territories which have not carried out amendments in the Industrial
Employment (Standing Orders) Rules shall now carry out amendments on the same lines, as noted
above in clause (i) within two months.
(iii) The States and Union Territories shall form adequate number of Complaints Committees so as
to ensure that they function at taluka level, district level and state level. Those States and/or Union
Territories which have formed only one Committee for the entire State shall now form adequate
number of Complaints Committees within two months from today. Each of such Complaints
Committees shall be headed by a woman and as far as possible such Committees and independent
member shall be associated.
(iv) The State functionaries and private and public sector undertakings/organisation/bodies/
institutions etc. shall put in place sufficient mechanism to ensure full implementation of the Vishaka
guidelines and further provide that if the alleged harasser is found guilty, the complainant-victim is
not forced to work with/under such harasser and where appropriate and possible the alleged harasser
should be transferred. Further provision should be made that harassment and intimidation of witnesses
and the complainants shall be met with severe disciplinary action.
(v) The Bar Council of India shall ensure that all bar associations in the country and persons
registered with the State Bar Councils follow the Vishaka guidelines. Similarly, Medical Council of
India, Council of Architecture, Institute of Chartered Accountants, Institute of Company Secretaries
and other statutory Institutes shall ensure that the organizations, bodies, associations, institutions and
persons registered/affiliated with them follow the guidelines laid down by Vishaka. To achieve this,
necessary instructions/circulars shall be issued by all the statutory bodies such as Bar Council of
India, Medical Council of India, Council of Architecture, and Institute of Company Secretaries within
two months from today. On receipt of any complaint of sexual harassment at any of the places
referred to above the same shall be dealt with by the statutory bodies in accordance with the Vishaka
guidelines and the guidelines in the present order.
Compendium 231 Sexual Harassment of Women
at workplace
17. We are of the view that if there is any non-compliance or non-adherence to the Vishaka
guidelines, orders of this Court following Vishaka and the above directions, it will be open to the
aggrieved persons to approach the respective High Courts. The High Court of such State would be in
better position to effectively consider the grievances raised in that regard.
18. Writ petitions (including T.C.) and appeals are disposed of as above with no orders as to costs.
.................................................. J.
(R. M. Lodha)
.................................................. J.
(Anil R. Dave)
.................................................. J.
NEW DELHI (Ranjan Gorgoi)
October 29, 2012
Compendium 232 Single File System / Grant of Ex-Officio Status
The Secretary, Civil Aviation shall be overall in charge of Civil Aviation Department and all
matters not within the competence of the Ex-Officio Joint Secretary shall be referred to the Secretary
(Civil Aviation) in the Secretariat.
In his capacity as Ex-Officio Joint Secretary to Government, the Director of Civil Aviation shall
sign the communications, orders and Notifications on behalf of Government with due approval of the
Secretary/ Ministers/Chief Minister.
The Secretary, Civil Aviation shall specify the powers/duties that may be exercised by the Ex-
Officio Joint Secretary to Government as far as Secretariat work in concerned.
If any further clarification concerning the Secretariat work is required, the same shall be issued by
the Secretary, Civil Aviation Department.
By order and in the name
of Governor of Goa
(Varsha S. Naik)
Under Secretary (GA-I)
Department of General Administration
No. 26/1/88-GAD/251 Dated:- 29-04-2015
Read: 1) Government Notification No. 26/1/88-GA&C dated 29-08-1996.
2) Government Notification No. 26/1/88-GA&C dated 24-11-2003.
3) Government Notification No. 26/1/88-GA&C dated 04-07-2013.
Consequent upon posting of selection Grade Officer of Goa Civil service as Director of Vigilance
vide Order No. 6/4/91-PER(Part III) B dated 20-09-2013, the Government of pleased to declare the
Director of Vigilance as Ex-Officio Addl. Secretary to Government with immediate effect.
Consequently, the Ex-Officio status accorded to the post of Addl. Director of Vigilance and Dy.
Director of Vigilance stands withdrawn.
By order and in the name
of Governor of Goa
(Prashant P. Shirodkar)
Under Secretary (GA-I)
Department of Finance Budget
No. 1-10-2013/Fin(Bud) Dated:- 22-12-2014
Government of Goa is pleased to declare the Director of Civil Aviation as Head of Department
under sub-rule (g) of Rule 2 of Goa Delegation of Financial Powers Rules, 2008.
The exercise of these powers shall be subject to the restrictions and conditions laid down in the
Goa Delegation of Financial Powers Rules, 2008 as well as other special or general orders issued by
the Government from time to time relating to the aforesaid Rules.
By order and in the name
of Governor of Goa
(Meena Priolkar)
Under Secretary (Budget-I)
Compendium 235 Single File System / Grant of Ex-Officio Status
Department of Personnel
No. 6/20/97-PER Dated:- 06-06 2003
Sanction is hereby accorded for up-gradation of one post of Deputy Director of Vigilance included
in the Goa Civil Service in the pay scale of Rs. 8000-275-13500 to that of Additional Director of
Vigilance in the pay scale of Rs. 10000-325-15200.
This issues with the concurrence of Finance (R&C) Department and Administration Reforms
Department vide their U.O. No. 1755-F dated 20-5-2003 and U.O. No. US/AR/279-F dated 27-5-2003
By order and in the name
of Governor of Goa
(Vikas Mardolkar)
Under Secretary (Personnel)
Compendium 238 Single File System / Grant of Ex-Officio Status
2. It has now come to the notice of the Government that some of the Under Secretaries/Joint
Secretaries/Additional Secretaries, whenever their respective Secretaries are on leave/tour, are
sending the files directly to the Minister concerned without routing through the link officer to the
respective Secretaries. This is not envisaged in the Single File System. It is, therefore, reiterated that
whenever any Secretary is on leave/tour the respective files of the Secretary concerned should
invariably be sent to the link officer by the Under Secretary/Joint Secretary/Additional Secretary. Any
departure from the same will disrupt the smooth functioning of the Government.
3. It is impressed upon all concerned to followes these instructions.
By order and in the name of
Governor of Goa
(Anthony Ferrao)
Under Secretary (GA)
(Anthony Ferrao)
Under Secretary (GA)
Compendium 245 Single File System / Grant of Ex-Officio Status
2. After considering all the aspects in the Single-File-System, the following instructions are issued
for due compliance:—
(i) The Single-File System would come into force w.e.f. 2-9-96 in the Departments of
Agriculture, Animal Husbandry & V.S. Fisheries, R.D.A. Labour, Employment, Art &
Culture, Archives, Sports & Youth Affairs, P.W.D. Irrigation, Power, Information &
Publicity, Tourism, Town & Country planning, Urban Development (Municipalities),
Weights & Measures, Printing & Stationery and Inspector of Factories & Boilers.
(ii) The Secretaries would work out the modalities for introduction of Single File System w.e.f.
2-9-1996 with the respective Heads of Departments who have been declared as ex-officio
Addl. Secretaries/Joint Secretaries/Under Secretary, as the case may be while moving the
files/ papers by the Heads of Departments to the respective Secretaries, they shall link up all
the previous papers/Correspondence/Govt. decisions, complete in all respects.
3. All the Secretaries would ensure that Heads of Depts./Offices for the Department, mentioned at
para 2 (i) who have declared ex-officio Addl. Secretary/Joint Secretary/Under Secretary, carry out all
the secretariat work pertaining to their subjects w.e.f. 2-9-96.
(i) The Jt. Secretary/Under Secretary concerned for the Departments mentioned at para 2 (i) above
would prepare a detailed handling over note highlighting the matters which may need immediate
attention and also the problem areas which need to be focused and make over the same to the
respective secretaries. In addition the Jt. Secretary/Under Secretary concerned would hand over all the
periodical reports/files which are required to be sent to various Ministries from time to time, to the
Secretary concerned. To facilitate this work, J. S. (Dev.) J. S. (Ind. & Lab.), U. S. (Edn), U. S.
(PWD),U. S. (Inf. & Tourism), U. S. (U.D.) and U. S. (Civil Supplies) would list out all the reports
which are to be sent periodically to various Ministries and hand over the same with a copy of the
format to the Secretary concerned.
(ii) It is specifically made clear to all the Secretaries that no additional-hand would be given to
them or posted to the .respective Head of Depptt. unless a specific request is received from the
Secretaries justifying the need for posting of such staff.
(iii) The Secretariat Departments in which Single-File-System would be introduced in the first
phase w.e.f. 2-9-96, with the assistance of the staff under the supervision of Section Officer and
Under Secretary, would start listing the files under the charge of each dealing hand w.e.f. 19-8-96.
They should first identify all the records/files/papers which are to be handed over to the Head of
Department and complete this task without fail on or before 2-9-96. Thereafter, from 2-9-96 onwards,
they should sort out all the records as per the standing instructions from General Admn. Department
Compendium 246 Single File System / Grant of Ex-Officio Status
the records/files papers which are to be sent to the Record Room. While doing so, they shall
scrupulously comply with the instructions issued in this regard, from time to time. Thereafter, they
shall identify the records/files/papers which are required to be weeded out from their respective
Departments and the respective dealing hands may do so after following the laid down procedure. The
Under Secretaries of the respective Departments shall be responsible for completing the work and also
to render the required certificates. While carrying out this operaton, if any doubt arises about
preservation of any ·file or weeding it out, the decision of the Secretary concerned shall be final.
While the Under Secretaries would be responsible for completing this task on or before 30-9-96, the
overall responsibility shall be of the secretary concerned.
(Dr. G. C. Srivastava)
Chief Secretary
Compendium 247 Streamlining of Office Procedure
All the offices are hereby directed to discontinue use of single use plastic water
bottles/glasses/plates etc and to use item/equipments which are eco-friendly and re-usable, to provide
water and other items in the offices/meeting and functions.
It is further directed that single use plastic water bottles/glasses/plates shall also not be used in
the Departmental canteens.
Note : Only official (Govt.) email will be accepted and treated as authenticated
for both NIC co-ordinator & Nodal Officer.
Imp Note : Apart from all these details each employees photograph in jpg format (max size
150KB) is also required for seeding employees data in attendance portal.
Annexure D
Hardware and BAS details
1. Name of the Office with complete Address :
2. Total Number of Employees in this location :
(include Contractual & Outsourced Employees)
3. Total Number of employees entered in attendance System :
4. Total No. of Desktop in working condition :
5. Total No. of Printers in working condition :
6. Network Connectivity :
LAN Yes/No If Yes, No of nodes :
Wi-Fi Yes/No If Yes No of access Points :
7. Electrical points at AEBAS installation premises : Yes/No
If Yes, details :
8. No. of AEBAS devices already installed :
9. IS AEBAS implemented ?
10. ISUPS Power Supply available ?
If yes, Capacity of UPS :
Backup time :
General Administration Department-II
No. GA&C(Misc)/2000-GAD-II/1643 Dated:- 23-05-2017
Read: Circular No. 27/12/91-GA & C dated 04-03-2002.
Circular regarding display of the Portraits of the following National Leaders in all the Government
Offices/Government Primary Schools/Government Secondary & Higher Secondary
Schools/Government Colleges/Autonomous bodies was issued on 04-03-2002. The contents of the
same are reiterated.
1. Mahatma Gandhi.
2. Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar
3. President of India.
4. Prime Minister of India.
Compendium 256 Streamlining of Office Procedure
A. Office Procedure
All the concerned Head of Departments/Offices/Principals of Government Colleges/Principals of
Secondary & Higher Secondary Schools/Headmasters of Primary Schools/Head of Autonomous
Bodies are directed to comply with aforesaid instruction and to furnish their requirements of the
portraits of the above mentioned National Leaders directly to the Directorate of Information &
Publicity, Government of Goa, Panaji on or before 31st May, 2017.
This supersedes the earlier Circular read in preamble.
Varsha S. Naik
Under Secretary (GA-II)
General Administration Department-II
No. 2/1/2016-GAD_II (MISC) (CIR)/2727 Dated:- 24-08-2016
It is known all over world that Khadi is the heritage fabric in India and is providing employment
opportunities to lakhs of rural artisans in the country. Khadi is hand woven and hand spun, skin
friendly fabric and has zero carbon footprints which is available in cotton, silk, woollen and with
polyester blends.
The Hon‘ble Prime Minister has also given a clarion call through his ―Man Ki Baat‖ to all
countrymen to buy at least one product of Khadi to support the rural artisans. Presently, the mission of
the Government of India is to pursue the concept of Khadi popularization in a true spirit of democracy
and personal choice of people, underlined by an aspiration to enhance life support to the artisans who
weaver this earthy fabric in the broad rural expanse of India.
The spirit of this mission secures inspiration from Gandhiji‘s appeal to the nation in the pre-
independence days to wear and encourage khadi as a means of strengthening self-reliance and
providing sustenance to rural India.
Keeping in the spirit of ―Make in India‖ campaign, the Khadi & Village Industries Commission,
Government of India, appeals to the people and organisation in India to support this symbol, of India‘
self-reliance by way of considering wearing it. The basic idea behind this is to pursue a mission of
National re-awakening on the product.
The Government, therefore, appeals all the employees of Government of Goa to wear khadi fabrics
voluntarily for one day in a week, i.e. on Friday to pursue the concept of khadi popularization in the
State of Goa.
All the Heads of Departments/Offices, Autonomous Bodies/Corporations/Boards are, therefore,
requested to bring the contents of the appeal to the notice of all concerned for compliance.
Prashant P. Shirodkar
Under Secretary (GA-II)
Department of Information & Publicity
No. DI/Advt./SC-Guidelines/15/2016-17/729 Dated:- 13-05-2016
Read: (1) Circular No. DI/Advt./SC-Guidelines/15/763 dated 25 May, 2015.
Vide Circular referred above issued by the Chief Secretary, directions were issued inter-alia not to
include photographs of any State functionaries not allowed by the Hon‘ble Supreme Court in terms of
the Judgment dt. 13-05-2015 passed in WP (Civil) No 13 of 2003.
Compendium 257 Streamlining of Office Procedure
A. Office Procedure
The Hon‘ble Supreme Court has recently reviewed its earlier Judgment in Review Petition No.
1879-1881/2015 in W.P. (C) No. 13 of 2003, 197 of 2004 and 302 of 2012 and has passed order dt.
18-03-2016 permitting the publication of certain other photographs.
A copy of the said order dt. 18-3-2016 is enclosed herewith for information & compliance of all the
Government Department/Autonomous Bodies/Corporations.
R. K. Srivastava
Chief Secretary
R.P. (C) No. 1876-1877/2015 in W.P.(C) No. 197/2004, R.P.(C) No. 1834/2015 in
W.P.(C) NO. 197/2004, R.P.(C) Nos. 2703-2705/2015 in W.P.(C) Nos. 13/2003,
197/2004 & 302/2012, R.P.(C) Nos. 3191-3193/2015 in W.P. (C) Nos. 13/2003,
Compendium 260 Streamlining of Office Procedure
A. Office Procedure
197/2004 & 302/2012, R.P. (C) Nos. 3275-3277/2015 in W.P.(C) Nos. 13/2003,
197/2004 & 302/2012, R.P.(C) No. 3259/2015 in W.P.(C) No. 197/2004, R.P.(C)
Nos. 3674-3676/2015 in W.P.(C) Nos. 13/2003, 197/2004 & 302/2012, R.P.(C) Nos.
123-125/2016 in W.P.(C) Nos. 13/2003, 197/2004 & 302/2012.
1. We have heard the learned counsels for all the contesting parties. Upon due consideration, we
review our judgement dated 13th May, 2015 passed in Writ Petition (Civil) No. 13 of 2003, Writ
Petition (Civil) No. 197 of 2004 and Writ Petition (Civil) NO. 302 of 2012 to the extent indicated
(i) The exception carved out in paragraph 23 of the aforesaid judgement dated 13 th May, 2015
permitting the publication of the photographs of the President, Prime Minister and Chief
Justice of the country, subject to the said authorities themselves deciding the question is now
extended to the Governors and the Chief Ministers of the States
(ii) In lieu of the photograph of the Prime Minister, the photograph of the Departmental (Cabinet)
Minister/Minister In-Charge of the concerned Ministry may be published is so desired.
(iii) In the States, similarly, the photograph of the Departmental (Cabinet) Minister/Minister In-
charge in lieu of the photograph of the Chief Minister may be published, if so desired.
(iv) All other observations/directions in the aforesaid judgement dated 13th May, 2015 shall
continue to remain in force subject to the above modification.
2. The review petitions are disposed of in the above terms.
.................................................. J.
(Ranjan Gorgoi)
.................................................. J.
(Pinaki Chandra Ghose)
Department of Personnel
No. 22/55/85-PER (Part)/166 Dated:- 02-02-2016
It has been observed that proposals regarding service matters for seeking advice/clarifications are
merely forwarded to this Department without examining in detail as per the guidelines in force,
although time to time necessary guidelines are being issued by the Personnel Department. As a result,
this Department has to return the proposals to the Department concerned which consumes a
considerable time, delay in disposing of the matters and also amounts to duplication of work.
It is, therefore, enjoined upon all Heads of Departments/Offices to get the proposals examined with
reference to the guidelines/rules in force and then submit the proposals for advice/clarification to this
Department. The heads of Departments/Offices shall also ensure that the proposals are first referred to
the Administrative Department and thereafter are routed through the concerned Secretary to
Government before referring to the Personnel Department.
All Heads of Departments/Offices are therefore, requested to ensure that henceforth the proposals
are referred to this Department by following proper procedure as mentioned above to ensure proper
examination of cases, avoid duplication of work and curb delay in disposal of cases.
The proposals received without file and without proper examination/relevant details will not be
entertained and returned to the said Department forthwith.
This Circular is issued with the approval of Chief Secretary.
(Surendra F. Naik)
Under Secretary (Personnel-II)
Compendium 261 Streamlining of Office Procedure
A. Office Procedure
Social Welfare Department
No.83-9-206-SDB/Part-I/3905 Dated 24/09/2015
This is to inform you that the Directorate of Social Welfare is implementing various welfare
schemes for the Senior Citizens in the State of Goa. In this regard the Directorate of Social Welfare
has received complaints /representations from the Senior Citizen that the Government Departments,
Autonomous bodies, Hospitals are not providing the services to the Senior Citizen in their offices,
such as separate queue for Senior Citizens, Seating Arrangement and sympathetic approach and due
respect from the officials towards Senior Citizens.
In view of above all the Heads of the Departments and Autonomous Bodies and Public
undertaking are requested to provide all the above mentioned facilities to the Senior Citizen in their
office and first preference is to be given for Senior Citizen. The Action Taken Report is to be
submitted to this Office within a period of 15 days from the date of receipt of this Circular.
This Circular is issued with approval of the Government vide No. 438, dated 02/09/2015.
(Meena Naik Goltekar)
Director of Social Welfare &
Ex-Officio Joint Secretary (SW)
Department of Public Grievance
No. DGP/COMMITTEE/2014-2015/635 Dated:- 10-06-2015
Sub: Replacement of an Affidavit by a Self-Declaration.
1. The Government of Goa, has examined the Interim Report submitted by the Committee on
Simplification of procedures for Effective Delivery of Public services and concluded that the
existing system of submitting an Affidavit by applicants or their Legal guardians to get various
certificates and entitlements such as Residence Certificate, Income Certificate, Ration Card,
Construction License, etc. creates unavoidable burden. Hence, there is a need for replacing an
Affidavit by a Self- declaration as there are enough provisions under the law for stern action
against wrong declaration including that under sections 177, 199 and 200 of the Indian Penal
Code, 1860.
2. Now, therefore, the Government of Goa hereby directs that no Government Departments/
Organizations (including Municipalities and Panchayats) shall ask for Affidavits from the
applicants or their legal guardians, except in those cases where Affidavits are explicitly
mandated under the law or Court order. An Affidavit shall instead be replaced by a self-
declaration which would also carry signed photo of the applicant or his/her legal guardian.
3. This system shall be implemented with effect from (1st day of July, 2015). The Government
further directs that the Self-declaration forms shall be made available at all sub-ordinate offices
of the concerned departments or organizations before the date of coming into force of this
4. All the Government departments or Organization shall intimate the details about the said
changed system to the Department of Public Grievances, Government of Goa Secretariat, and
Porvorim-Goa. They shall also inform the Department of Public Grievances about all the cases
in which Affidavit are mandatorily required to be continued due to an existing law or Court
Order in force. This will enable the Government to bring in suitable amendments, if so felt
necessary to simplify the process.
5. The process shall be completed by (31st August, 2015).
(R. K. Srivastava)
Chief Secretary
Compendium 262 Streamlining of Office Procedure
A. Office Procedure
Department of Personnel
No. 6/20/2014-PER Dated:- 24-02-2015
Attention of all Head of Department/offices is invited to the provisions to Rule 3 (2) (ii-iv) of the
CCS Conduct Rules, 1964, which provides as follows:-
―[(ii) No Government Servant shall, in the performance of his official duties, or in the exercise of
powers conferred on him, act otherwise than in his own best judgment except when he is acting under
the direction of his official superior.
(iii) The direction of the official superior shall ordinarily be in writing. Oral direction to
subordinate shall be avoided, as far as possible. Where the issue of oral directions becomes
unavoidable, the official superior shall confirm it in writing immediately thereafter.
(iv) A Government servant who has received oral direction from his official superior shall seek
confirmation of the same in writing as early as possible, whereupon it shall be the duty of the official
superior to confirm the direction in writing.]
Explanation I A Government servant who habitually fails to perform a task assigned to him within
the time set for the purpose and with the quality of performance expected of him shall be deemed to
be lacking in devotion to duty within the meaning of the Clause (ii) of sub-rule (1);
Explanation II- Nothing in clause (ii) of sub-rule (2) shall be construed as empowering a
Government servant to evade his responsibilities by seeking instructions from or approval of, a
superior officer or authority when such instructions are not necessary under the scheme of distribution
of powers and responsibilities‖.
2. In pursuance to the orders of the Hon‘ble Supreme Court vide its judgment dated 31 st October,
2013 in Writ Petition (Civil) No. 82 of 2011 (TSR Subramanian and others v/s Union of India and
Other) read with Writ Petition (Civil) No. 234 of 2011, and in accordance with the Ministry of Home
Affairs OM No. 14040/22/2013-UTS0I dated 31st December, 2013 all Secretaries/Special
Secretaries/Heads of Departments/Offices in the State of Goa shall bring the provisions of the above
rule to the knowledge of all officials/officers working with them and ensure strict compliance and
adherence to the provision of above rule.
(Umeshchandra L. Joshi)
Under Secretary (Personnel-II)
Office of Chief Secretary
No. 3/5/2009-ARD Dated:- 21-01-2015
Sub: Timely and expeditious clearance of files containing ‗CRITICAL‘ proposals by
Government Departments/Institutions.
It has been observed that files containing proposals which require expeditious decision making and
where time is the essence, are moved in a routine manner and decisions making process is often
delayed beyond reasonable period of time. This affects timely execution of projects/schemes
including procurement of essential goods/services. (E.g. matters pertaining to purchase of
drugs/essential medicines in critical in nature for Goa Medical College (GMC).
In order to address this problem, it has been decided that each department will identify
projects/schemes or goods and services to be procured that are critical to the department and get the
Compendium 263 Streamlining of Office Procedure
A. Office Procedure
same approved by the Hon. Chief Minister. Once the subject matter is identified and approved as
critical the file shall be moved on fast track basis as per the following procedure:-
1) The File containing the proposal shall be flagged as ―Critical‖ by the concerned Head of the
Department while submitting the same to the Administrative Secretary.
2) No file other than the file containing the subject matter as approved as ―Critical‖ shall be flagged
as such.
3) The Administrative Secretaries and the Ministries concerned shall direct their personal staff that
files flagged as ―Critical‖ shall be placed before them as soon as the same are received in their
respective offices without any delay.
4) In case the concerned Administrative Secretary is absent on account of leave or official duty, the
file shall be placed before the link Secretary for directions.
5) Administrative Secretaries must ensure that the files are cleared on top priority and sent to the
concerned Ministries/FD as the case may be.
6) Where Finance Department‘s concurrence is required; the FD shall give up priority for clearing
the files flagged ―Critical‖.
7) Once the file is cleared by the Minister/Administrative Secretary/F.D. it must be ensured that the
file‘s downward movement follows the same fast track process to the Department.
8) The Head of the Department concerned must either himself or through a senior officer follow up
the movement of the file containing ―CRITICAL‖ proposal. It must be ensured that any queries
raised at the higher level or at the level of Finance is attended to on priority.
9) As far as possible, the entire process from the initiation of the proposal to receiving back the
same with appropriate decision shall be completed within the period of 07 working days.
10) Hon‘ble Chief Minister will periodically review the status of Critical projects/Schemes. A
quarterly report is required to be submitted by each HoD to the office of Hon‘ble C.M.
Administrative Secretaries and Head of the Department shall follow up and ensure that the time
lines indicated are adhered to.
This issue with the approval of Hon‘ble Chief Minister.
(K. K. Sharma)
Chief Secretary
Department of General Administration
No. 14/8/2013-GAD-LAQ Dated:- 14-08-2014
It has been brought to the notice of the Government by the Goa legislative assembly secretariat that
most of the government departments are not submitting answers to the legislative assembly questions
48 hours prior to the date of answer as required by the legislature secretariat.
Further, it is also observed that sometimes the answers are submitted only few hours before the
date of answer, as a result of which it becomes practically impossible to upload the answers online, so
as to make them available to the Hon‘ble members of legislative assembly.
It is therefore, enjoined upon all the heads of departments to ensure that answers to the legislative
assembly questions to their administrative departments are submitted to the legislature department at
least 48 hours prior to the date of answer, so as to make the same available to the Hon‘ble members of
legislative assembly online.
This issue with the approval of Chief Secretary.
Compendium 264 Streamlining of Office Procedure
A. Office Procedure
V. M. Paranjape
Joint Secretary (GA)
Department of General Administration
No. 2/7/2014-GAD-II Dated:- 04-08-2014
Attention is invited to this office circular no. GA & C/Misc/2001 dated 07-12-2001 and dated
04-12-2003 pertaining to expenditure being incurred lavishly on flowers, decorations etc. at various
functions by the Government offices. It has came to the notice of the Government that in spite of
instructions issued, the Government offices continue to spend lavishly on decorations/bouquets for
Government functions which needs to be stopped. Instead of bouquets, a single flower could be given
to the dignities on the occasion.
It is, therefore once again enjoined upon all Government Departments/Offices to strictly follow
above instructions scrupulously, to avoid unnecessary expenditure on bouquets.
Ramakant R. Talkar
Under Secretary (GA-II)
Department of General Administration
No. 45/1/95-GAD Dated:- 24-07-2014
Inspite of numerous Circulars issued to all Government Officials for strict observance of
punctuality, effective presence in the Office and to maintain absolute devotion to duty, it is observed
that the said instructions are not adhered to by most of the Government employees and
Departments/Offices scrupulously which has resulted in inconvenience to the general public.
Therefore, in the meeting convened of all the Heads of Departments on 21-07-2014, regarding time
bound delivery of public services and other related issues of administration; the Hon‘ble Chief
Minister has expressed his concern over the non punctuality of Government employees and
discharging of inefficient services to the general public thus causing inconvenience to them.
He has therefore observed, that it is the responsibility of all the Heads of Departments to ensure
punctuality in attendance, office discipline and discharge of prompt and efficient services to the
general public by adhering to the instructions as follows:-
1) To inspect their own and subordinate offices twice a month. On inspection a report has to be
submitted to their respective Secretaries under intimation to the Office of Hon‘ble Chief
Minister and the Minister concerned.
2) To maintain a movement register so as to curb the practice of leaving the Office during Office
hours by the employees. The movement register prescribed by Circular of even number date 23-
10-2001 (copy enclosed for ready reference) should be maintained under direct supervision of
Branch Officer/Section Officer/Head of Office as required.
3) To monitor regularly, the Bio Metric attendance of late arrivals and early departures of the
employees and to punish the habitual late comers accordingly.
All Secretaries/Additional Secretaries/Joint Secretaries/Under Secretaries to Government and
Heads of Departments/offices are therefore, requested to adhere to the contents of this circular for
strict compliance.
This issue with the approval of the Chief Secretary.
Compendium 265 Streamlining of Office Procedure
A. Office Procedure
(Vijay M. Paranjape)
Joint Secretary (GA)
Movement Register for Government Servants
Dated: - __________________
Signature of
Head of
Sl. Name and Time of Time of Place and Signature of
No. Designation Departure return purpose of visit official
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
(a) Separate page shall be maintained for each day.
(b) Head of Department/Office/Controlling Officer shall countersign in Column No. 7 before the
departure of the official outside his work area on official duty.
(c) The register shall be in the custody of Heads of Department/offices/Controlling Officer.
(d) Secretaries to Government/head of Departments and other senior officials visiting subordinate
offices shall inspect the Movement Register and record their remarks duly signed with date.
(e) In case any official who has signed the muster roll is found absent from his work place and his
movement is not recorded in the Register, one day Casual Leave is liable to be deducted from
his leave account in addition to disciplinary action as per rules.
(f) Officials visiting the Secretariat on official work shall carry a note from the Head of
Department/offices indicating the purpose for which the official is visiting the Secretariat and
the movement has been registered in the register, failing which entry into the Secretariat shall
not be allowed.
Department of General Administration
No. 35/5/2013-GAD-III Dated:- 08-07-2014
Read: (1) Circular No. 35/5/2007/GAD-III/Part file dated 14-05-2013
(2) Circular No. 36/12/2000-GAD dated 14-06-2012.
Attentions of all Secretaries to Government/Additional Secretaries/Heads of Departments/Joint
Secretaries/Under Secretaries in the Secretariat are invited to the Circulars read in preamble.
It has been noticed that in spite of the repeated standing instructions issued by this Department
from time to time, with regard to submission/movement/content of files, the above instruction are not
adhered to in toto.
It is therefore enjoined upon all the Secretaries to Government/Additional Secretaries/Heads of
Departments/Joint Secretaries/Under Secretaries in the Secretariat to strictly adhere to the above and
following instructions:-
(1) Files which are required to be disposed at the level of Administrative Secretaries or the
Ministers concerned shall not be sent to the office of the Hon. Chief Minister;
(2) The correspondence and the noting side placed in the file shall be properly numbered.
Compendium 266 Streamlining of Office Procedure
A. Office Procedure
(3) Files endorsed to the Hon. Chief Minister on a fresh page on the noting side shall contain either
the file number or the subject on the page.
(4) No separate files on the same subject shall be opened.
(5) The files submitted for approval should be in a good condition.
(6) Handwritten Notes of Head of Departments and Secretaries should be legible and more than 03
lines should invariably be types especially by those whose handwriting is difficult to decipher.
(7) Secretaries shall ensure that their noting capture the essence of the proposal and record their
recommendations on the proposal while submitting the files.
This issue with the approval of the Chief Secretary.
(V. M. Paranjape)
Joint Secretary (GA)
Administrative Reforms Department
No. 3/9/2013-ARD Dated:- 29-10-2013
Read: Circular letter No. 3/9/2013-ARD dated 4th July, 2013 along with Office
Memorandum No. K-11022/67/2012-AR dated 10th May, 2013.
In pursuance of the Office Memorandum dated 10th May, 2013 cited above of the Government of
India, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions, Department of Administrative Reforms
& Public Grievances, New Delhi with regard to the recommendations made by the Second
Administrative Reforms Commission in its 12th Report titled ―Citizen Centric Administration-The
Heart of Governance‖, Government is pleased to adopt the recommendation of self-certification
provision for simplifying procedures.
The self certification means ―the True Copy of the original certificate‖. The self certification shall
apply to personal documents only to be attested by a person himself/herself‖ by endorsing the
following words on the copy:-
―The certificate is True Copy of the original‖.
It has therefore, been decided that henceforth the provision of self certificate by the
applicants/stakeholders be adopted instead of asking for an attested copy of documents by a Gazette
officer or Magistrate, otherwise specifically required under the Statue/Law/Rules. The original
documents are required to be produced and verified by the authorities concerned at the final stage i.e.
at the time of actual grant of any benefit/facilities or grant of benefits under the scheme or
appointment in Government/Semi Government/State Public Sector Undertakings/Local Bodies, etc. or
at the time of Admission in respect of students.
All Heads of Departments are, therefore, directed to review the existing procedure of requirements
of attested copies of documents or affidavit at eh time of application, wherever possible.
Sharmila Zuzarte
Under Secretary (Admn. Reforms)
Vasanti H. Parvatkar
Under Secretary (Admn. Reforms)
Department of General Administration
No. 35/5/2007/GAD-III/Part file Dated:- 14-05-2013
Arrangement of files, papers is an important duty of dealing assistants. All papers should be in their
proper place. Papers of large size should be properly folded to the foolscap size and the entire file
should have a neat appearance. Torn covers should be changed and the heading of the file should be
legibly written. Files and papers must be in a well-arranged position instead of putting them in a
confused state, which involves the risk of urgent cases being mixed up with others or papers being
misplaced, resulting in avoidable delay. The dealing assistants should set their tables in proper order
while leaving office and also check up the papers before they begin work the next day.
Compendium 268 Streamlining of Office Procedure
A. Office Procedure
The dealing assistants should be more diligent while numbering the Correspondence and Noting
papers and care should be taken to correctly number the Correspondence and Noting papers. The
submissions typed or handwritten to be read and rechecked before being submitted for approval. The
Heads of Departments/Under Secretaries and other Officers should keep proper vigil in such matters
as the files are legal documents.
It is therefore, enjoined upon all the Heads of Departments/Under Secretaries and other
Offices/Officials to ensure that the above instructions are strictly observed.
Harish N. Adconkar
Under Secretary (GA-I)
Department of General Administration
No. 36/12/2000-GAD Dated:-14-06-2012
Read: Circular letter No. 1/3/2000/SGA dated 03-01-2001
No. 36/12/2000-GAD dated 08-06-2001
Attention of all Spl. Secretaries/Secretaries to Govt. /Heads of Departments/Addl. Secretaries/Joint
Secretaries/under Secretaries/Section Officers/Suptds. is invited to the Circulars mentioned above
wherein it was instructed to submit the files in thick covers.
However inspite of the said instructions, Hon‘ble Chief Minister has observed that poor
maintenance of files with torn note sheets and shabby status of thin covers are still being submitted.
All Secretaries to emphasize that Heads of Departments/Offices shall strictly ensure, the condition
of the file, its note sheets, correspondence sheets, serial numbers and tags are in order before the file is
put up to senior Officer. The manual of the Office procedure indicate the various components of its
maintenance which need to be followed while submitting the proposals/files to the Government.
(Prabhakar V. Vaigankar)
Under Secretary (GA)
Department of General Administration
No. 1/2/82-Record/GAD-III Dated:-18-07-2011
Read: Circular No. 8/6/68-CVD dated 14-11-1969
Circular No. 1/2/82-Record-GAD-III dated 15-02-2002
Attention is invited to the circulars read in preamble wherein guidelines have been issued for
weeding out the old and unwanted records.
Now, it has been observed that most of the Government Departments/Offices are piling up their old
records, files, etc. on the gallery of the Offices where they are based. Recently one such incident has
been brought to the notice of this Department through the photo picture appeared in one of the local
daily dated 31-05-2011 wherein one of the Government Offices based in the Junta House Building has
piled up bundles of files including chairs, fans etc in the gallery.
All Heads of Department/Offices are therefore, requested that the weeding of old records be carried
out in their respective Departments/Offices and ensure that no unwanted/old records files etc, are
piled on the gallery of Departments/Offices where they are based.
Compendium 269 Streamlining of Office Procedure
A. Office Procedure
Copies of the Circulars read in preamble are annexed hereto for carrying out the weeding. The
weeding should be carried out as per the guidelines issued vide Circulars No. 8-6-68 CVD dated 14-
11-1969 on priority.
Prabhakar V. Vaigankar
Under Secretary (GA)
Department of General Administration
No. 1/2/82-Record/GAD-III Dated:-15-02-2002
Attention of all Heads of Departments/Office in invited to the instructions issued from time to time
regarding weeding of old records in Government Departments. Some of the Departments/Offices have
informed that they do not have copies of existing guidelines to carry out the weeding of old records.
Copy of guidelines issued vide Circular No. 8-6-68-CVD dated 14-11-1969 is therefore, enclosed
It has now been decided that all the Departments/Offices should weed out the old and unwanted
record as per above guidelines before 30th April, 2002.
After the above deadline Chief Secretary/Secretaries of the concerned Department will carry out
surprise physical inspections and Heads of Departments/offices who have not complied with the
above inspections shall attract disciplinary action.
Review of above; all the Heads of Departments/Offices/All Branch Officers in the Secretariat are
requested to ensure that the weeding of old records is carried out in their offices on priority basis. A
compliance report in this regard should be submitted to General Administration Department on or
before 30-2-2002 positively.
Appendix V-A
List showing the periods for which various registers etc. should be preserved.
Period for which to the
Sl. preserved (to be reckoned after
Description of the Register/Record
No. the close of the year to which
the record related.
1. Receipt Register 3 years
2. Invoice of challen 1year
3. Section Diary 3 years
Weekly statement of cases disposed of without reference 1 year
to the Minister
5. Monthly Summary for the cabinet 3 years
6. Monthly note for Indian Missions abroad 3 years
7. Issue section Diary 1 year
8. Work Sheet for Typist 1 year
9. Dispatch Register for postal dark 5 years
10. Peon Book 1 year
11. Postal Stamps Account Register 5 years
12. File Register (List of files) 10 years
13. File Movement Register 1 year
14. Movement Diary for Steno, P.As and P.S. 1 year
15. Sectional Note Book permanent
List of Files sent to Central Record Room/National 1 year
17. Weekly Arrears Statement 1 year
18. Call Book 1 year
19. Arrears Statement relating to indexing and recording 1 year
20. Suspense and Reminder Diary 1 year
List of periodical reports and returns, both in-coming and The standing list & current
out-going register should be maintained
Compendium 274 Streamlining of Office Procedure
A. Office Procedure
old ones being destroyed as
and whom they become
22. Register of Assurances given Parliament 3 years
23. Inspection Reports 1 year
24. Statement showing number of inspection carried out 1 year
(iii) To ensure that files and other records are not prematurely destroyed not kept for longer periods
than necessary, every Ministry should issue detailed departmental office orders prescribing period for
which files treating as specific subject possible show the specific categories of records which are
capable of examination by classes so as to avoid the need of having to review the files individually.
Maintenance and destruction of spare copies. Each section will keep in separate bundles spare
copies of important communications issued by it. A register indication number and dates of
communications in respect of which spare copies have been kept will also be maintained in each
section. These bundles should be examined every year and all spare copies which are not likely to be
required any longer should be destroyed under the orders of the Section Officer. Any papers which are
still of use should be marked for retention till the next annual examination.
Administrative Reforms Department
No. 3/5/2009-ARD Dated: 17/08/2009
Read :-Circular of even number dated 09.06.2009
Attention is invited to the Circular referred to above and to request all concerned to comply
with the directions contained therein as desired by Chief Secretary in the attached proforma for taking
necessary action on various points. The various Annexures mentioned in the said proforma are also
enclosed for ready reference.
The progress will be reviewed in the forthcoming weekly meeting of Secretaries as well.
(V. M. Paranjape)
Jt. Secretary (Admn. Reforms)
Name of the Whether file dealing hand
File No. and weekly
Sr. Name of the Date of Nodal Officer movement diary is
date of arrears
No. Department disposal appointed for the index system maintained
receipt statement
purpose is introduced by the
is prepared
dealing hands
Note :- In addition to the disposal of receipts to be shown as above, a dealing hand may be spending
time on some miscellaneous items as preparing original notes, attending meetings and discussions
etc. which should also be accounted for by writing the brief particulars thereof across the columns
No. 2,3 and 4.
Name of Section _____________________ Week ending _______
Sr. Name of the No. of receipt/ cases Initials
No. Dealing B/f from Received Dealt with of the
Assistant previous week during the during the dealing
week week hand
In hand *
For 3 4 to 7 Over Total
days days 7
or days
under +
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
* The period of pendency of a paper will count from the date of its receipt by Assistant
+ A statement showing details of receipts /cases in hand for over 7 days is annexed.
Details of Receipts /cases in hand for more than 7 days
(vide column 7 of the weekly arrear statement form for individual Assistants)
Action taken
Remarks of
on the
Date from Section
Week Reason for remarks of
Diary/File No. which Brief Subject officer/
ending delay the Section
pending Branch
ch Officer
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Compendium 276 Streamlining of Office Procedure
A. Office Procedure
Administrative Reforms Department
No. 3/5/2009-ARD Dated: 09/06/2009
A meeting of all Secretaries to the Government of Goa was held in my chamber of
Wednesday, 3rd June, 2009. After discussing the issue of speedy clearance of files and curtail delays,
it was agreed to adopt the following measures:
1) Files should be disposed expeditiously and delay at all levels should be avoided.
2) Files/matters should not remain pending at any level for more than seven days. The
seven-day period is inclusive of non-working days, such as Public Holidays, Saturdays
and Sundays.
3) Each Secretary to the Government will nominate a Senior Officer of his Department as
Nodal Officer to ensure that these instructions are complied with by all concerned.
4) File Movement Index (FMI) should be introduced by all Departments using good quality
thick paper, which will exhibit movement of files from one officer to the other so that
delays, if any, would be visible from the Index at a glance. Clerical staff should use
Dealing Hand‘s Diary as well as Weekly Arrears Statement, so as to ensure they are kept
up to date. Nodal Officers will ensure that the File Movement Index, Dealing Hand‘s
Diary and Weekly Arrears Statement are effectively utilized by the officials within their
Department to monitor disposals and reduce time taken in disposal of files/cases.
5) In case any delay of more than seven days is noticed, Secretary of the Department will
ensure that oral warning is given to the official concerned on the first occasion.
Explanation should be called on the second default. If these measures do not produce the
desired result, disciplinary proceedings for lack of devotion to duty etc. should be
drawn up.
These measures, if sincerely implemented, are expected to instill a sense of responsibility
and discipline among all government employees, in addition to ensuring that government
servants are held accountable for their acts of commission and omission.
(Hauzel Haukhum)
Chief Secretary
Personnel Department
No. 8/7/Assembly Dated: 08/05/2009
Instances have come to the notice of the Government for a quite long time past, whereby
some of the Heads of Departments are found to be submitting the reply to LAQs beyond the date and
time prescribed by the Goa Legislature Secretariat, thereby resulting into placing the reply on the
table of the House.
It has also been noticed that some of the H.O.Ds and subordinate staff under them do not
cooperate Secretariat Departments for compiling the accurate reply to be submitted to the Goa
Legislature Secretariat.
During the last Assembly Session held from 23/03/2009 to 24/03/2009, the same situation has
been repeated, which not only invited breach of priviledge of the House, but the functioning of the
Government in power was also badly criticized by the opposition.
Government has taken a serious cognizance of the attitude of the H.O.Ds and the subordinate
staff under them showing casual approach towards submitting the reply to LAQs and has directed
that, henceforth, the reply to LAQs should reach the Goa Legislative Secretariat on the scheduled date
and time prescribed by them. Failure on the part of the H.O.Ds and the subordinate staff under them to
comply with the above instructions will strictly render them liable for disciplinary action, which may
please be noted.
(Yetindra M. Maralkar)
Jt. Secretary (Personnel)
Compendium 278 Streamlining of Office Procedure
A. Office Procedure
Department of Finance (Audit)
No. 1/22/2007-Fin (Aud) Dated:-05-03-2008
Sub: Submission of Explanatory Notes.
As per procedure of PAC, immediately after laying of the Audit Report before the House, the
Explanatory Notes are required to be furnished by all the Departments to the Office of the Accountant
General, Goa for vetting the said Explanatory Notes. However, the office of the Accountant General,
Goa has observed that the concerned offices/Corporation/Autonomous Bodies, etc., are furnishing the
same directly to the office of the Accountant General without routing it through their Administrative
Department and has desired that henceforth, all the Explanatory Notes are to be routed through the
respective Administrative Departments.
Therefore, all Heads of Offices/Corporations/Autonomous Bodies are requested to ensure that the
Explanatory Notes pertaining to them are routed through their Administrative Department to the
office of the Accountant General Goa, henceforth.
(Surendra F. Naik)
Under Secretary Finance (Audit)
6. Reconciliation:
In order to watch the progress of Expenditure vis-à-vis amount provided in the Budget, a register in
form G.F.R. 8 has to be maintained by every Budget Controlling Authority.
Every Drawing and disbursing Officer should maintain a separate register in form G.P.R. 9 in
respect of budget provision allotted to him and expenditure there from incurred by him. On the third
of each month Drawing and Disbursing Officer should send an extract to the Budget Controlling
Officer who will consolidate and incorporate all the entries in the register maintained in his office.
The Budget Controlling Officer will carry out the reconciliation of expenditure.
7. Abstract Contingent Bills:
Attention is invited to Finance Department‘s circular No. 30/10/75/Fin (Bud) dated 13-8-1975
wherein the Departments have been requested to settle the Abstract Contingent Bills by 25 th of next
month by submitting Detailed Contingent Bills. The Drawing and Disbursing Officer should maintain
a register for recording information in respect of all Abstract Contingent Bills and detailed contingent
bill submitted to the Controlling Officer. The Register should have following columns.
Sl. Particulars of No. and date of Amount of No. and date of
No. Abstract Contingent Abstract Contingent Abstract letter/endorsement under which
Bill Bill Contingent Bill detailed Contingent Bill have
been submitted to Controlling
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
The Controlling Officer should submit the Detailed Contingent bill without delay to the Director of
Accounts and get the objections settled from the Objection book. The Director of Accounts sends
quarterly statement of to the Controlling Officer indicating the number of objections outstanding
Compendium 281 Streamlining of Office Procedure
A. Office Procedure
against each Officer. The Controlling Officer should co-relate the Detailed Contingent Bills submitted
to them and the objections outstanding against them.
S. S. Sukthankar
Under Secretary (Finance)
Personnel Department
No. -- Dated: 11/01/2007
A copy of the undersigned letter is forwarded for information and necessary action.
1) All Heads of Departments/Offices
2) All Departments in the Secretariat
(Shivaji Dessai)
Under Secretary (Per-I)
Ministry of Personnel Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
No. AB.14017/30/2006-Estt.(RR) Dated : 29/11/2006
Sub : Implications of overstay while on deputation
It has been brought to note of the Government that the even though the terms and conditions of
deputation issued by the various ministries/Departments/Offices specify the period of deputation ,
there have been a number of cases of overstay without the approval of the competent authority. A
number of proposals for regularization of such overstay are also being received for approval by the
Competent Authority. It is necessary to ensure that there is no laxity on the part of the controlling
authorities in relieving the deputationist and the deputationist should not go by the presumption that
he needs to join his parent cadre only after been formally relieved by the borrowing Department. It
has, therefore, been decided that in future all cases of deputation shall be regulated by the following
conditions viz.-
(i) The terms and conditions of deputation shall clearly lay down not only period of
deputation as per the Recruitment Rules for the post or as approved by the Competent
Authority but also the date of relieving of the deputationist. No further orders for
Relieving the officer will be necessary.
(ii) The deputationist officer including those who are presently on deputation would be
deemed to have been relieved on the date of expiry of the deputation period unless the
competent authority has with requisite approvals extended the period of deputation, in
writing, prior to the date of its expiry. It will be the responsibility of the immediate
superior officer to ensure that the deputationist does not overstay. In cases where officers
are on deputation on the date of issue of these orders and the normal tenures are getting
over in a period of six months, the concerned officers/organizations may be allowed an
extension of not more than one month, on a case to case basis with the approval of the
(iii) That in the events of the officer overstaying for any reason whatsoever, he is liable to
disciplinary action and other adverse Civil/Service consequences which would include
that the period of unauthorized overstay shall not count against Services for the purpose
of penions and that any increment due during the period of unauthorized overstay shall be
deferred with Cumulative effect till the date on which the officer rejoins his parent cadre.
2. Written consent of the officer concerned shall be taken to the terms and conditions of deputation
(inclusive of the condition in para 1 ibid) before the deputation orders are issued. The contents of
these instructions will be conveyed to all officers presently on deputation for information/compliance.
3. These instruction will apply to all deputationist including State Government Officers /All India
Services Officers joining Central Government posts on deputation and to officers proceeding on
deputation to State Governments /autonomous & statutory institution /foreign Bodies, etc.
Compendium 284 Streamlining of Office Procedure
A. Office Procedure
4. If the borrowing Organisations would like a relaxation from these terms, they should obtain
approval of DoPT to it, prior to the start of deputation.
(Smita Kumar)
2. Further, according to Rule 9 of C.C.S. (Conduct) Rules, 1964, no Government Servant shall, in
(any radio broadcast, telecast through any electronic media) or in any document published in his own
name or anonymously, pseudonymously or in the name of any other person or in any communication
Compendium 285 Streamlining of Office Procedure
A. Office Procedure
to the press or in any public utterances, make any statement of fact or opinion which has the effect of
an adverse criticism of any current or recent policy or action of the Government.
Personnel Department
No. 15/42/2001-PER Dated: 09/01/2002
Attention of all Heads of Department /Offices is invited to the provisions of Rule 5 of the
Conduct Rules relating to ―Taking part in politics and Elections‖ which emphasis that :
(1) No Government servant shall be a member of or be otherwise associated with, any political
party or any organization which takes part in politics nor shall he take part in, subscribe in aid
of or assist in any other manner any political movement or activity.
(2) It shall be the duty of every Government servant to endeavour to prevent any member of his
family from taking part in subscribing in aid of or assisting in any other manner any
movement or activity which is or tends directly or indirectly to be, subversive of the
Government as by law established and where a Government servant is unable to prevent a
member of his family from taking part in or subscribing in aid movement or activity, he shall
make a report to that effect to the Government.
(3) If any question arises, whether a party is a political party or whether any organization takes
part in politics or whether any movement or activity falls within the scope of sub-rule (2), the
decision of the Government thereon shall be final.
(4) No Government servant shall canvass or otherwise interfere with, or use his influence in
connection with or take part in an election to any legislative or local authority :
Provided that –
(i) a Government servant qualified to vote at such election may exercise his right to vote,
but where he does so, he shall give no indication of the manner in which he proposes
to vote or has voted ;
(ii) a Government servant shall not be deemed to have contravened the provisions of this
sub-rule by reason only that he assists in the conduct of an election in the due
performance of a duty imposed on him by or under any law for the time being in
2. All the Government servants shall strictly adhere to the above provisions of Conduct Rules.
Violation of any of the provisions by them shall be viewed very seriously and they shall be liable for
disciplinary action.
3. All Heads of Departments /Offices are hereby instructed to bring the contents of the Circular to
the notice of the officials under their control and to initiate disciplinary proceedings against those who
are found violating the provisions of the Conduct Rules.
By order and in the name of
Governor of Goa.
(D.M. Borkar)
Under Secretary (Personnel)
Compendium 286 Streamlining of Office Procedure
A. Office Procedure
Department of Personnel
No. 7/6/99-PER (Part file) III Dated:- 10-09-2001
The Rules of Business of Government of Goa require that certain types of case shall be submitted
to His Excellency the Governor of Goa, through Hon‘ble Chief Minister.
2. It is observed by the Government that some of the Heads of Departments/Secretaries refer
papers/cases to His Excellency the Governor of Goa directly without routing through Hon‘ble Chief
Minister thereby putting the Government in an embarrassing position.
3. All the Heads of Departments/Secretaries are hereby instructed to route the
correspondence/cases to be sent to His Excellency the Governor of Goa, through Hon‘ble Chief
Minister in future.
4. Receipt of this Circular may be acknowledged.
D. M. Borkar
Under Secretary (Personnel)
Administrative Reforms Department
No. 3/149/85-ARD-Vol.II Dated 08/12/2000
Sub : Maintenance of Movement Register
It has been observed that all the departments and offices in the Government of Goa do not
maintain Movement Registers. Often, even the office is unaware of the Officials. This causes great
inconvenience to the public, leads to indiscipline amongst the Government officials and causes
disruption in discharge of official duties.
2. Henceforth, all the Government Departments including Secretariat shall maintain a Movement
Register as prescribed in the enclosed proforma. The Movement Register shall be in the custody of the
3. All Heads of the Departments as well as other senior officers shall also maintain separate
Movement Register for themselves.
(Ashoke Nath )
Chief Secretary
Date :
Remarks &
Sr. Name & Time of Purpose of Office Time of Signature of Signature of
No. Designation Departure visit visited Return the Official Controlling
Annexure ‗A‘
Extracts from Central Secretariat Manual of Office Procedure Seventh Edition 1977.
21. Running summary of facts:- To facilitate consideration and to obviate repeated recapitulation, a
running summary of facts will be prepared and placed on the file in a separate folder labelled as such
in every case in which it is evident that such a summary would contribute to its speedy disposal. This
summary will also include the advice or views of other departments consulted in the matter but not
opinions of individual officers within departments. It should be kept up to date whenever further
developments take place.
Compendium 295 Streamlining of Office Procedure
A. Office Procedure
22. Guidelines for notions: - (1) All notes should be concise and to the point lengthy notes should
normally conclude with a Para bringing out clearly but briefly the points for consideration or decision.
Paragraphs of notes should be serially numbered.
(2) The verbatim reproduction of extracts from of paraphrasing of the paper under consideration,
fresh receipts, or any other part of correspondence or notes on the same file, should not be attempted.
(3) When passing orders or making suggestions, an officer will confine his note to the actual points
he proposes to make without reiterating the ground already covered in the previous notes. If he agrees
to the line of action suggested in the preceding note, he will merely append his signature.
(4) Any officer, who has to note upon a file on which running summary of facts if available will, in
drawing attention to the facts of the case, refer to the appropriate part of the summary without
repeating it in his own note.
(5) Unless a running summary of facts is already available on the file or the last note on the file
itself serves that purpose, a self-contained summary will be put up with every case submitted to the
Minister such a summary will bring out briefly but clearly relevant facts, including the views
expressed on the subject by other departments, if any, consulted in the matter and the points or points.
on which the orders of the Minister are sought.
(6) If apparent errors of mis-statements in a case have to be pointed out or if an opinion expressed
therein has to be criticized care should be taken to cough the observations in courteous and temperate
language free from personal remarks.
(7) When a paper under consideration raises several major points each requiring detailed
examination and orders each point will be noted upon separately in sanctioned notes.
(8) Notes and orders will normally be recorded on note sheets.
(9) The dealing hand will append his initials with date on the left below his note. The Section
Officer and higher officers will append their signatures on the right hand side of the notes.
23. Noting on files receiving from other departments:-
(1) If the references seeks the opinion, ruling or concurrences of the receiving department and
requires detailed examinations such examination will normally be done separately through routine
notes and only the final result will be recorded on the file by the officer responsible for commencing
upon the reference. The Officer to whom such a note is submitted will either accept that note or record
a note of his own. In the former case, he may direct that the note in question or specified portion
thereof may be reproduced on the main file for communication to the department concerned. In the
later case, he will record a suitable note on the main file itself. In other case, a copy of the note
recorded on the main file will be kept on the routine notes for retention in the receiving departments
before the file is returned to the originating department.
(2) Where the reference requires information of a factual nature or other action based on a clear
precedent or practice, the dealing hand in the receiving department may note on the file straightway.
(3) Where a note on file is recorded by an officer after obtaining the orders of a higher officer, the
fact that the views expressed therein have the approval of the letter should be specifically mentioned.
24. Aids to Processing: - To facilitate the processing of cases, each section will develop and
maintain the following for important subjects dealt with by it:
(1) Standing guard files
(2) Standing notes;
(3) Precedent book (vide Para 78)
(4) Standard process sheets (for repetitive items of work only); and
(5) Reference folders containing copies of circulars etc.
Compendium 296 Streamlining of Office Procedure
A. Office Procedure
25. Oral discussions: (1) All points emerging from discussions between two or more officers of
the same department and the conclusions reached will be recorded on the relevant file by the officer
authorizing action.
(2) All discussions/instructions/decisions which the officer recording them considers to be
important enough for the purpose, should be get confirmed by all those who have participated in or
are responsible for them. This is particularly desirable in cases where the policy of the Government is
not clear or where some important departure from the prescribed policy is involved or where two or
more levels differ on significant issues or the decision itself, though agreed upon by all concerned, is
an important one.
26. Channel of Submission: - Unless otherwise provided for in the departmental instructions, each
case will travel up to the appropriate decision making level through all the intermediate levels in the
27. Procedure for drafting: - (1) No draft will normally be prepared in simple and straight
forward cases or those of a repetitive nature for which standard forms of communication exist. Such
cases may be submitted to the appropriate officer with fair copies of the communication for signature.
(2) When the line of action is obvious and no noting need be done (vide Para 19) or when noting is
necessary but examination of the matter develops a clear line of action, a draft will be put up straight
for approval, otherwise, a draft will be put up only after the appropriate officer has indicated or
approved the line of action and/or what the contents of the communication should be.
(3) An officer who has formulated his views on a case may either have the fair communication
made for his signature and authorize its issue or prepare draft and submit it to the appropriate officer
for approval.
28. General Instructions for drafting: - (1) A draft should carry the message sought to be
conveyed in a language that is clear, concise and incapable of misconstruction.
(2) Lengthy sentences, abruptness, redundancy, circumlocution, superlatives and repetition,
whether of words, observations or ideas, should be avoided.
(3) Communications of some length or complexity should generally conclude with a summary.
(4) Where appropriate, the subject should be mentioned communications (including reminders).
(5) The number and date of the last communications in the series, and if this is not from the
addresses, his last communication on the subject, should always be referred to. Where it is necessary
to refer to more than one communication or a series of communications, this should be done in the
margin of the draft.
(6) All drafts put up on a file should bear the file number. When two or more communications are
to issue from the same file to the same addressee on the same date, a separate serial number may be
inserted before the numeral identifying the year to avoid confusion in reference e.g. 8/5(I)/54 Est.,
(7) A draft should clearly specify the enclosures which are to accompany the fair copy. In addition,
short oblique lines should draw at appropriate places in the margin for ready reference by the typist,
the comparers and the dispatcher. The number of enclosures should also be indicated at the end of the
draft on the bottom left at the page, ‗Encl. 3‘.
(8) If copies of an enclosures referred to in draft are available and are, therefore, not to be typed, an
indication to that effect will be given in the margin of the draft below the relevant oblique line.
(9) If the communication to be dispatched by post is important (e.g. a notice cancelling a license or
with drawing an existing facility) or encloses a valuable document such as an agreement, service book
or cheque it should be sent under registered post, insured cover or postal certificate, as appropriate.
(10) The name, designation and telephone number of the officer over whose signature the
communication is to issue should invariably be indicated on the draft.
Compendium 297 Streamlining of Office Procedure
A. Office Procedure
(11) The writing or typing a draft, sufficient space should be left for the margin and between
successive lines to admit of additions or interpolation of words, if necessary.
(12) A slip bearing the words ‗Draft for approval‘ should be attached to the draft. If two or more
drafts are put up on a file, the drafts as well as the slips attached thereto will be marked ‗D.F.A.I.,
‗D.F.A.II, ‗D.F.A.III and so on.
(13) Drafts which are to issue as ‗Immediate‘ or ‗Priority‘ will be so marked under the orders of an
officer not lower in rank that a Section Officer.
(14) The officer concerned will initial on the draft in token of his approval.
49. Authentication of Government orders: - 1) All orders and other instruments made and
executed in the name of the President should be expressed to be made in his name and signed by an
officer having regular or ex-officio Secretariat status of and above the rank of Under Secretary, or
other specifically authorised to authenticate such orders under Authentication (orders and other
instruments) Rules 1958.
(2) Where the power to make orders, notifications, etc. is conferred by a status on the Central
Government, such orders and notifications will be expressed to be made in the name of the Central
50. Addressing Communication to officers by name: - Normally no communication, under than
that of a classified nature or a demi-official letter should be addressed or marked to an officer by
name, unless it is intended that the matter raised therein should receive his personal attention either
because of its special nature, urgency or important, or because some ground has already been covered
by personal discussions with him and he would be in a better position to deal with it.
Annexure ‗B‘
Extracts from Central Secretariat Manual of Office Procedure Seventh Edition 1977.
67. Filing system based on subject classification: - (1) Each section will maintain approved lists of:
(a) Standard heads i.e. main subject headings concerning it; and
(b) Standard sub-heads, i.e. aspects of the main subject headings.
(2) The standard heads will bear consecutive serial numbers No such numbers, however, will be
allotted to stand sub-heads.
(3) The lists of standard heads and sub-heads will be reviewed at the beginning of each year and
revised, if necessary with the approval of the branch officer concerned. The serial numbers
once allotted to the standard heads should not ordinarily be changed.
(4) Before opening a new file, the dealing hand will ascertain the standard head to which the paper
under consideration relates. He will then proposed suitably title of the file the approval of the
section officer. The title will consist of:
(a) Standard head
(b) Sub-head which will be more indicative of the precise subject than the ‗Head‘, (where it is
necessary to have more than one sub-head in a title, the wider and more abstract should
generally precede the narrower and more concrete) and,
(c) A briefly content indicating the question or issue under consideration in relating to the
standard head and sub-head, and, where necessary, the specific institution, person, place or
thing involved.
(5) The titale should be as brief as possible but should give at a glance sufficient indication of the
contents of the file so as to serve as an aid to its identification. It should be articulated i.e.
broken up into components each consisting of the minimum possible substantive works and
expressing an element in the subject matter. Each part will begin with a capital letter and will
be separate from the preceding one by a hold dash.
Compendium 298 Streamlining of Office Procedure
A. Office Procedure
(6) As far as possible, there should be a separate file for each distinct aspect of the subject. The
title of a file should not be corched in very general or vide terms which might attract large
number of receipts on different aspects of the matter, thereby making the file unwieldy.
(7) If the issue raised in a fresh receipt or in the note on a current file goes beyond the original
scope, a new file may be opened to deal with it, after placing the relevant extract or copies
(8) Every file will be assigned a file number which will consist of:
(a) The serial number allotted to the standard heads;
(b) The serial number of the file opened during the year under the standard head;
(c) The year of opening the file (last two digits only) and
(d) An abbreviated symbol identifying the section.
The first three elements in the file number will be separate from one another by a slant stroke and
the last two by a dash. Thus, files opened in, say State Re-organization Section during 1971 under the
standard head bearing serial number 131, will be numbered consecutively as 3/1/71-SR-, 3/2/71-SR
and so on, where ‗SR‘ represents the section.
Annexure ‗C‘
Extracts from Central Secretariat Manual of Office Procedure Seventh Edition 1977.
67. Instances where files need not be opened: - Normally, no new files will be opened for dealing
with receipts of a purely routine nature (e.g. requests for supply of unclassified factual information,
notices of holidays, miscellaneous circulars) which,
(1) Can be disposed of straightaway by noting the reply on the source receipts and returning them
to the originators, or
(2) Are unlikely to generate further correspondence and therefore can be placed in a miscellaneous
file to be destroyed at the end of the year, or placed in the folder of circular etc., on the subject.
70. File Register: - A record of files opened during the calendar year will be kept in a file register
(Appendix 17) to be maintained by the diarist. A list of approved standard heads along with the serial
numbers identifying them should be pasted at the beginning of the register. The pages allotted to the
standard heads in the register should be indicated against each.
71. Part File:- (1) If the main file on a subject is not likely to be available for some time and it is
necessary to process a fresh receipt or a note without waiting for its return, a part file may be opened
to deal with it. This device may also be resorted to where it is desired to consult simultaneously two
or more section or officers and it necessary for each of them to see the receipt noted upon.
(2) A part file will normally consist of:
(a) Receipt of note dealt with; and
(b) Notes relating thereto.
(3) Where two or no part files are opened, each will be identified by a distinct number, e.g. part
file I, part file II, and so on.
(4) A part file will be corporated with the main file as soon as possible, duplicate papers, if any,
being removed.
72. Transfer, reconstruction and renumbering of files:-
Whenever work is transferred from one department/section to another the former will promptly
transfer all the related records including files, both current closed, to the latter. The
department/section taking over the records will not divide, reclassify or renumber the closed files
transferred to it. In the case of current files the endeavour should be to close them at the earliest
possible stage and to open new files according to the department sections own Scheme of
classification for dealing with the matter further.
Compendium 299 Streamlining of Office Procedure
A. Office Procedure
Department of General Administration
No. 35/10/94-GA&C Dated:-30-04-1997
It is observed and also reported to the Govt. that the cleanliness in almost all the Govt.
Departments/Offices spread throughout Goa leaves much to be desired thereby bringing a bad name
to Govt.
2. The cleaning operation conducted recently in the Departments of the Secretariat for better
working environment has had its salutary effects resulting in a cleaner atmosphere for work.
3. In this regard, it is desired by the Hon. Chief Minister that the Head of Departments/Offices
should take personal interest to maintain utmost cleanliness in their respective Departments/Offices.
In this connection the pens attached to the Departments/Offices should be instructed to clean the
racks, cupboards, tables and other furniture everyday besides other work.
4. It is also informed that smoking and spitting by the employees and visitors within the precincts
of the Department/Office should be stopped. For this purpose necessary sign boards may be displayed
in the Department/Office at prominent places to convey the message.
5. it is further desired by the Hon. Chief Minister that the cleaning of the Department/Offices
should be completed within a period of 2 days after receipt of this circular. If any Department/Office
is found in an uncleaned condition, the concerned Head of Department/Office shall be held
responsible for the same.
Anthony Ferrao
Under Secretary (GA)
Office of the Chief Secretary
No. 1/8/97-CS Dated:-04-02-1997
It has been brought to my notice that sometimes there is inordinate delay in processing files. An
instance has been brought to my notice in which delay of almost four years was caused in
implementing direction of the Hon. High Court.
2. The matter is of grave concern and all the Heads of the Departments/Secretaries are hereby
directed that they should ensure that cases are processed expeditiously and no file is kept pending.
Similarly, in cases where there is order/direction from the Honorable High Court or any other Court of
Law, as regards the disposal of any case within a stipulated time, no delay whatsoever should be
caused. The personal staff of Ministers should also ensure that delay is not caused in the Offices of
3. If it is found that delay is caused in dealing with any case, the responsibility will be fixed and
stern action will be taken against the officer who is found to have delayed the processing of any file.
Anthony Ferrao
Under Secretary (GA)
Department of Information And Publicity
No.DI/P.Advt/94/7799/108 Dated: 24/02/1994
It has been verified that some departments are submitting display advertisement
matter/invitation for publication in newspapers/magazines without state emblem.
Compendium 300 Streamlining of Office Procedure
A. Office Procedure
The publication of state emblem in any Government display advertisement /invitation is
mandatory as per Government of India‘s order.
You are, therefore, in future, while submitting display advertisements to this office for
publication, to verify whether the state emblem with the wordings ―Satyamev Jayate‖ are printed in
the advertisement matter, without fail.
A copy of the state emblem is enclosed herewith for your record. If you desire more copies,
you may contact Printing Press, Panaji.
This may please be treated as important.
(G.K. Pai)
Director, Information & Publicity
The Chief Secretaries of all State Government/
Union Territory Administrations.
Subject : Dress for Civilian Officers (Men & Women) maintenance of proper
decorum in dress on Independence Day, etc.
As you aware, the recommendations of the Government of India regarding the dress to be
worn by Civilian Officers on formal and other occasions are contained in the two Office Memoranda
and the letter issued by this Ministry‘s O.M. No.(1) 38/54-Public dated 27-1-54, (2) O.M. NO.
F.38/54-Public dated 23-2-54 (3) Letter No.F.7/1/86-Public, dated 26-8-86. The recommendations
are reproduced below for your information.
Yours faithfully,
( L. B. Sinate)
Compendium 302 Streamlining of Office Procedure
A. Office Procedure
Secretariat Administrative & Coordn. Division
No. 7-1-79-DiV. III Dated: 02/07/1979
The Heads of the Departments/Offices and the Secretaries to the Governments are aware that
they are called upon to submit the material for the following reports annually either towards
December end or at the beginning of new year for compilation and submission to the agencies
i) Material for Annual Report of the Ministry of Home Affairs.
ii) Material for Annual Administration Report of this Administration.
iii) Material for Lt. Governor‘s Address to the Legislative Assembly.
iv) Material for Finance Minister‘s speech to the Legislative Assembly.
v) Material for Annual Conference of Governors/ Lt. Governors.
2. It has been experienced that the material furnished by the Heads of the Departments to their
Administrative Departments in the Secretariat, is at times unwieldy and haphazard. There is no
uniformity of sequence in the material drafted, and even unsignificant issues are focused therein, with
the result that the compilation at the level of Secretaries to the Government and /or the undersigned
requires lot of editing /condensing and re-drafting of the material so furnished. This naturally
contributes to the impression that the Heads of the Departments do not exercise due care and control
in preparation of the material, let alone causing avoidable delay in submission thereof to their
administrative Department in the Secretariat.
3. It is therefore, considered expedient to lay down definite guidelines in the matter of
submission of material for the reports and addresses as under.
Note :- In addition to the disposal of receipts to be shown as above, a dealing hand may be spending
time on some miscellaneous items as preparing original notes, attending meetings and discussions
etc. which should also be accounted for writing the brief particulars thereof across the columns No.
2,3 and 4.
(19) WEEKLY ARREARS STATEMENT (Chapter X. para 124 (ii)
Name of Section _____________________ Week ending _______
Sr. Name of the No. of receipt/ cases Initials
No. Dealing B/f from Received Dealt with of the
Assistant previous week during the during the dealing
week week In hand * hand
For 3 4 to 7 Over 7 Total
days days days +
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
* The period of pendency of a paper will count from the date of its receipt by Assistant
+ A statement showing details of receipts /cases in hand for over 7 days is annexed.
Compendium 306 Streamlining of Office Procedure
A. Office Procedure
Sectional Officer
Details of Receipts /cases in hand for more than 7 days
(vide column 7 of the weekly arrear statement form for individual Assistants)
Action taken
Remarks of on the
Date from Section remarks of
Reason for
Week ending Diary/File No. which Brief Subject officer/ the Section
pending Branch Officer/
Officer Branch
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Compendium 307 Streamlining of Office Procedure
B. Citizens Charter
Administrative Reforms Department
No. 3/4/2006-ARD Dated: 14/03/2006
Vide our circular bearing No. 3/10/99-ARD-Part-Vol-IV dated 27/02/2003, all the Heads of
the Department were requested to prepare Citizen Charter and to put the same on the Organisation
Website and also to give wide publicity for the same for the sake of evaluation of former from the
Citizens/ user point of view. However, it is observed that many Departments have not complied with
the said instructions till today.
All the Heads of Department are, therefore, once again requested to initiate immediate action
to prepare the Citizen Charter if not yet prepared by them and to put up the same on the Internet and
update the same from time to time. It is also requested that the compliance report may be submitted to
this Office immediately.
(V.M. Paranjape)
Jt. Secretary (Adm. Reforms)
Citizen‘s/Client‘s Charter is a tool devised to improve quality of public services, address the
needs and expectations of the citizens/clients and to set clear standards of services being provided by
the Organisation. Most of the Departments/Organisations of this Administration have formulated their
own Citizen‘s Charters.
The Department of AR&PG has been coordinating the efforts of formulation and
operationalisation of Citizen‘s Charters in the Central Government Departments/Organisations as well
as in the State Governments and UT Administrations and issuing guidelines on the subject of
formulation and implementation of Citizen‘s Charter from time to time.
It has been decided to appoint a Contact Officer on Citizen Charter to be nominated in all
Departments/Organisations in the State. The responsibilities of ―Contact Officer on Citizen‘s
Charters‖ in all Departments/Organisations in State Government who would be responsible for
various activities involved in formulation and implementation of Citizen‘s Charter in their respective
Departments / Organisation are as per (Annexure B), enclosed.
It is therefore requested that all the Heads of the Department / Organisation should nominate
the Officer who could act as a Contact Officer for Citizen‘s Charter in their Department under
intimation to this Department. Compliance be reported within two weeks time.
It is also impressed upon the Departments / Organisations who have not formulated the
Citizens Charter till date, to take up the same on priority.
(S.V. Naik)
Jt. Secretary (Adm. Reforms)
(a) Formulation of a Task Force in the Organisation to oversee the formulation of the Citizen‘s
Charter. The contact Officer shall act as a Member Secretary for the Task Force. The composition of
the Task Force shall be :-
(i) 1-2 representatives from top management
(ii) 2-3 Representatives from Middle Management
(iii) 2-3 Representatives from cutting edge level staff
(iv) Representatives from Staff Associations/Unions
(v) 2-3 Representatives from Citizen‘s Charter / Client‘s /Citizen‘s Associations / NGOs/Consumer
(iii) Preparation of a draf Charter and circulation amongst various clients /stakeholders, management
levels and staff for comments/suggestions.
(v) Submission of draft Charter for consideration by the ―Core Group on Citizens Charter‖ of the
State /UT Administration and liaisoning with the Nodal Officer for Citizen‘s Charter of the State /UT
(vi) Modification of the draft Charter on the basis of suggestions /observations made by the Core
Group on Citizen‘s charter.
2.2.2 Organising training programmes, workshops etc. for orientation and motivation of officers and
staff of the Organisation for aligning the workforce to the commitments made in the Charter so as to
ensure proper implementation of the Citizen‘s Charter.
2.3.2 Publish data relating to performance of the Organisation, vis-à-vis, commitments made in the
Citizen‘s Charter , in the Annual Report and share with Citizens/clients using appropriate media.
2.4.2 Based on the feedback/assessment /evaluation, taking necessary steps for review / revision of
the Citizen‘s Charter.
2.4.3 Ensuring that activities related to formulation /implementation of Citizen‘s Charter from a part
of the Annual Action Plan of the Organisation.
2.4.4 Ensuring that all the activities relating to Citizen‘s Charter during the year are included in the
Annual Reports of the concerned Departments/Organisation.
Compendium 310 Streamlining of Office Procedure
B. Citizens Charter
Administrative Reforms Department
No. 3/17/2001-ARD Dated: 16/12/2002
A study team from Government of India, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances &
Pensions, Department of Administrative Reforms & Public Grievances, New Delhi, had visited this
State from 19/2/2002 – 26/02/2002 to study the implementation of Citizen‘s Charter and other citizen
friendly initiatives taken by the various Government Departments. Based on this study, Government
of India has forwarded the following recommendations for implementation :
(i) That the Departments should consult the user groups before framing the Citizen‘s
(ii) Proper publicity and awareness of the Citizen‘s Charter among the staff as well as the
public be ensured.
(iii) Wherever the Public Grievances Officers are appointed, registers be maintained showing
the actual work done by the Public Grievance Officer.
(iv) While showing the time frame for handling various services certain levels are omitted
which may defeat the purpose of Citizen‘s Charter, hence time taken at every stage be
(v) Proper assessment as regards the implementation of the Charter by the concerned
Departments be ensured.
(vi) Periodical review of Citizen‘s Charter covering all the above points, be held.
All Heads of Departments wherein Citizen‘s Charters are framed, are requested to get the
recommendations of the study team examined for compliance and action taken report be submitted to
this Department for onward submission to Government of India, at the earliest The Department who
have not finalized their Citizen Charters shall cover the above recommendation in their Citizen
(S.V. Naik)
Jt. Secretary (Adm. Reforms)
Compendium 311 Streamlining of Office Procedure
B. Citizens Charter
Administrative Reforms Department
No. 3/1/2002-ARD Dated: 05/02/2002
Hon. Chief Minister desires that all Citizens Charters have to be translated in Konkani and
Marathi, on priority.
All Heads of Department are, therefore, requested to take note of the same and get the
Citizens Charter pertaining to their departments translated in Konkani and Marathi.
Jt. Secretary (Adm. Reforms)
A study team under the leadership of Shri. Alok, Director (PG), Government of India,
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions, Department of Administrative Reforms &
Public Grievances, will be visiting Goa shortly to study the formulation of Citizens Charter and
various other Citizen friendly initiatives taken up by this State Government .
To facilitate this study, the Department of Administrative Reforms & Public Grievances,
Government of India requires certain details/information like a brief on Citizens Charter and other
Citizen friendly initiatives alongwith detailed information in the Questionaire Annexed.
It is therefore, requested to kindly complete the enclosed questionnaire with information
relating to your Department and submit the same to this Department by 12/12/2001 positively.
Jt. Secretary (Adm. Reforms)
Administrative Reforms Department
No. 3-10-99-ARD Dated: 09/07/1999
Sub : Citizen-friendly initiatives taken in the context of transparency in
Government Offices in the State of Goa
Attention is invited to the Circular No. 3/10/99-ARD dated 01/02/1999 by which all Heads of
Departments were requested to prepare Citizens Charters and submit a copy of the same duly printed.
Though, most of the Departments have prepared and submitted the same to this Department , many
departments are yet to frame the Citizens Charters. They are requested to prepare the same and
furnish urgently.
Secondly, it has been observed that some of the Departments have not followed the guidelines
while framing the Charter. All departments are required to review the Citizen‘s Charter prepared by
them to conform to the principles of Citizen‘s Charter enclosed and a fresh Citizens Charter on the
guidelines given therein is required to be prepared. These guidelines will reveal that a Charter is a
commitment of an organization providing service to the public incorporating:
(a) Statement on the services being provided by it:
(b) standard of service in terms of fixing time limit for execution of each particular job :
(c) quality of service with reference to the approach towards courtesy and efficiency ; and
(d) avenues for grievance redress in cases where the commitment is not being adhered to.
Further, Government of India desire that while preparing the Citizen‘s Charter, the consumer
groups are also to be involved in formulation of Charters so as to ensure its acceptability. A list of
Voluntary Consumer Organisations located in this state are given below :
1. President,
Consumers of Goa Society (COGS),
Albamar Apartments, 2nd Floor,
Miramar, Goa
Phone no. 222129
Compendium 313 Streamlining of Office Procedure
B. Citizens Charter
2. President,
Goa Consumers Association,
1st Floor, Mahalaxmi Chamber,
18th June Road,
Panaji-Goa (Phone no. (R) 224805, 254947).
3. President,
Mapusa Consumers Guidance Forum,
Liberty Apartments, Feira Alta,
Mapusa, Goa. (Phone no. 252660)
4. President,
Consumer Assistance and Research,
Centre, (Conarc)
227, Malbat,
Margao, Goa.
5. President,
Consumer Guidance Society of India,
(Goa Branch),
John Paul Bldg, 1st Floor,
Church Square,
Phone no. 224996.
It is once again reiterated that all the departments should keep in mind the guidelines enclosed
as stated above and prepare a fresh Citizens Charter within 30 days from the receipt of this Circular
and submit 5 copies thereby to this department.
Kindly acknowledge the receipt of this Circular.
(S.V. Madkaikar)
Under Secretary (Adm. Reforms)
Compendium 316 Streamlining of Office Procedure
B. Citizens Charter
Yours faithfully,
(G.M. Salkar)
Under Secretary (Admn. Reforms)
Compendium 317 Surplus Staff Rules
Department of Personnel
No. 9/10/92-PER Date:- 26-08-1999
In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution, the Governor
of Goa is pleased to make the following rules so as to further amend the Goa Re-deployment of
Surplus Staff against Vacancies of Group ‗C‘ and ‗D‘ posts rules, 1993, as follows, namely:-
1. Short title and Commencement:— (1) These rules may be called the Goa Re-deployment of
Surplus Staff against Vacancies of Group ‗C‘ and ‗D‘ posts (Second Amendment) Rules, 1999.
(2) They shall come into force at once.
2. Insertion of new rule:— In the Goa Re-deployment of Surplus Staff against Vacancies of
Group ‗C‘ and ‗D‘ posts rules, 1993 after rule 7, the following shall be inserted namely:-
―7A. Transfer T.A. to surplus staff:— The surplus Staff re-deployed in other
Departments/Offices of the Government shall be entitled to transfer T.A. as per relevant rules in
By order and in the name of the
Governor of Goa
J. S. Monteiro
Under Secretary (Personnel)
Department of Personnel
No. 9/10/92-PER Date:- 12-06-1995
In exercise of the Powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution, the Governor
of Goa is pleased to make the following rules so as to amend the Goa Re-deployment of Surplus Staff
against vacancies of Group ‗C‘ and ‗D‘ posts Rules 1993, as follows, namely:-
1. Short title and Commencement:— (1) These rules may be called the Goa Re-deployment of
Surplus Staff against vacancies of Group C and D posts (Amendment) Rules, 1995.
(2) They shall come into force at once.
2. Amendment of Preamble:— In the preamble to the Goa Re-deployment of Surplus Staff
against vacancies of Group C and D posts Rules, 1993 (hereinafter called the ‗Principal Rules‘), for
the expression ―Group C and D‖, the expression ―Group A, B, C, D‖ shall be substituted.
3. Amendment of rule 1:— (1) In rule 1 and in any other rule of the principal rules, for the
expression ―Group C and D‖, wherever it occurs, the expression ―Group A,B,C, and D‖ shall be
(2) For sub-rule (3) of rule 1 of the principal rules, the following shall be substituted namely:—
―(3) They shall apply to all Government employees on regular basis.‖
4. Amendment of rule 7:— After rule 7 of the principal rules the following proviso shall be
inserted, namely:-
Provided that the pay and allowances of the staff so declare surplus shall continue to be drawn and
paid by the parent Department/Offices etc. for a period of six months from the date on which they are
declared surplus or till they are relieved from their posts on their deployment in other posts whether,
in the same or other posts whether in the same or other departments or till the date of their reversion
or retirement from service or termination of their services otherwise, whichever is earlier at the same
rates of pay and allowances as would have been ordinarily applicable to them during the period.
By order and in the name of the Governor of Goa
B. N. Bhat
Under Secretary (Personnel)
Compendium 319 Surplus Staff Rules
Department of Personnel
No. 9/10/92-PER Date:- 16-07-1993
In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution, the Governor
of Goa is pleased to make the following rules for regulating the redeployment of Surplus Staff against
vacancies in posts under the Government of Goa, Group ‗C‘ and ‗D‘ as follows, namely:-
1. Short title and Commencement and Application:— (1) These rules may be called the Goa
Re-deployment of Surplus Staff against vacancies of Group C and D posts Rules, 1993.
(2) They shall come into force at once.
(3) They shall apply to all Government employees and also to employees working on ad-
hoc/casual work charged or contract basis.
2. Definitions:— In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires.—
(a) ‗CELL‘ means the Goa (Surplus Staff) CELL in the Personnel Department of the Secretariat;
(b) ‗Surplus Staff‘ means persons who have been rendered surplus as a result of:—
(i) Introduction of Administrative Reforms;
(ii) Studies by the Economy Committee Constituted for this State;
(iii) Studies of work measurement of other administrative reforms undertaken by the Government
(iv) Abolition or winding up of an organization of the Government.
3. Re-deployment of surplus staff:— (1) All vacancies of Group C and D posts under the
Government of Goa which are required to filled by direct recruitment , otherwise than on the basis of
competitive examination held by the Goa Public service Commission, shall be filled from amongst the
Surplus Staff sponsored by the Cell.
(2) The Government Department or office shall notify all vacancies in writing to the Cell giving
below mentioned particulars, where practicable, in respect of each type of vacancy.
1. Name and address of Department/Office ……………
2. Name of Vacancy ………….
a) Type of employee required (designation) ………
b) Description of duties ………….
c) Qualification required ……………
i) Essential …………..
ii) Desirable ………….
d) Age Limit if any …………
e) Whether woman are eligible …………
3. Number of vacancies—
i) Regular …………..
ii) Temporary …………
4. Pay allowances ……….
5. Place of work (name of District/Town/Village in which it is situated) ………………
6. Probable date by which the vacancy will be filled ………………
7. Particulars regarding interview ………………
8. Designation and address of the officer to whom the employee should report …………….
Compendium 320 Surplus Staff Rules
(3) The Government Department/office shall ensure that the vacancy required to be notified to the
Cell, shall be notified at least 15 days before the date on which the surplus staff may be redeployed, if
found suitable for the post.
(4) A surplus staff sponsored for re-deployment shall not get the benefit of his past seniority in his
parent Department. However, the service rendered by such person in the Government, shall be
counted towards his pensionary benefits.
(5) A surplus staff sponsored for re-deployment after considering his suitability by the Chief
Secretary, shall ordinarily be appointed against the vacant post. If for any specific reasons, the
competent authority finds such surplus staff not fit in the particular post, detailed reasons in that
behalf shall be recorded and communicated to the Cell.
4. Age Limit.— The maximum age limit prescribed for direct recruitment to Group C and D posts
may be deemed to have been relaxed in the case of surplus staff redeployed through the Cell.
5. Educational Qualification.— The surplus staff sponsored by the Cell for redeployment against
the vacancies of Group C and D posts under the Government of Goa shall not be subject to any tests
or interviews for the purpose of appointment unless otherwise decided in consultation with the Cell.
(2) The surplus staff shall not be ineligible for appointment in recipient organization on the ground
that they do not possess the minimum educational qualification prescribed for the posts to which they
are redeployed by the Cell except in cases where certain minimum technical qualification are
prescribed for a particular post.
6. Medical Examination.— The surplus staff redeployed by the CELL shall not be required to
undergo fresh medical examination unless different medical standards have been prescribed for the
post in the recipient Department or Office or unless the person concerned had not been medically
examined in respect of his previous post or, if examined, had been declared medically unfit.
7. pay.— A Government servant who on being declared surplus is retrenched and appointed to
another post carrying identical scale of pay, his pay shall be fixed in accordance with the Government
of India, Ministry of Finance O. M. No. F.1 (25)-E.III(A)/64 dated 23-7-1968 reproduced below F.R.
However, if such a Government servant is appointed from a higher post to a lower post then he
shall be allowed the facility of drawing his pay in his previous pay scale while working in the new
post on the lines to Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs Memo No. 1/10/68-C.S.(III) dated
8. Power of the Chief Secretary.— The Chief Secretary shall be the competent authority to sponsor
against a vacancy to be filled by direct recruitment, suitable surplus staff from the Surplus Staff Cell
and shall decide about the suitability or otherwise of surplus staff for redeployment against vacancies
of Group C and D respectively in the Department and offices of the Government.
9. Amendment of Recruitment Rules.— All rules regulating the recruitment of persons to Group C
and D posts shall be deemed to have been amended to the extant provided for in these rules.
By order and in the name of the Governor of Goa
G. J. Prabhudessai
Under Secretary (Personnel)
The undersigned is directed to refer to the Ministry of Home Affairs O.M. No. 3/27/67-CS.III dated
25-2-1966 and O.M. No. 7/2/67-CS.III dated 1-3-1968 regarding scheme relating to the redeployment
surplus staff and procedure for payment of pay and allowances to them.
2. According to the procedure followed at present under the Scheme for Disposal of Surplus Staff,
the surplus staff belonging to Group ‗A‘, ‗B‘ and ‗C‘ are transferred to the Central (Surplus Staff)
Cell in this Department hereinafter referred to as the ‗Surplus Staff Cell or the Cell‘. As regards the
posts held by the surplus personnel before transfer to the Surplus Cell, attention is drawn to the
instructions contained in sub-Para (1) to (5) of the Ministry of Finance O.M. No. F. 10(24)-
E(Coord)/67 dated 17-5-1968 as amended by the then Department of Personnel & Administrative
Reforms, Ministry of Home Affairs O.M. No. 1/11/79-CS.III dated 29-1-1981. The orders contained
in those Office Memorandum, inter alia, provide that the temporary posts held by the surplus
personnel are to be deemed to have been transferred and created in the Central pool while permanent
posts held by them are to be deemed to have been abolished in the transferring organization and
corresponding supernumerary permanent posts are to be deemed as created in the Central (Surplus
Staff) cell by the competent authority with effect from the date of transfer on the same terms and
conditions and with the same scale of pay and designation. Their posts can exist in the Central Pool
for a maximum period of six months or till such earlier date on which the surplus employees demit
their posts whether on transfer/appointment to other posts or retirement or termination of services or
reversion to a lower post etc.
On the transfer of these employees to the Surplus Staff Cell, their salary and other dues are drawn
by this Department. The surplus employees are also served with notices of termination of services
under the appropriate rules applicable to them i.e. under rule 5(1) and rule 7 of the CCS (Temporary
Service) Rule 1965 in the case of temporary and quasi-permanent employees respectively and under
Rule 30 of the CCS (Pension) Rule. 1972 in the case of permanent employees, by this Department in
such a manner that the termination of their services becomes effective on the date of completion of
their six months stay on the rolls of the Surplus Staff Cell uncless they have already demitted their
post of reployment, reversion, resignation, etc. In the event of their being redeployed, the orders of
their formal transfer from the Central (Surplus Staff) Cell in the Department of Personnel & Training
to the recipient organization/Department and their LPCs are issued by the Cell. In the event of their
non-redeployment, the terminal dues including, where admissible compensation superannuation
pension are also allowed by the Department of Personnel & Training.
3. The procedure followed above has been reviewed recently in the light of a recommendation
made by the Committee of Secretaries under the Chairmanship of the Cabinet Secretary, and in
consultation with the Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure. Accordingly the President has
been pleased to decide as follows:
(1) Unless directed otherwise in any case, the staff identified as surplus in the contingencies and
according to the criteria/procedure already laid down, or as may hereafter be laid down, shall continue
to remain on the rolls of the administrative Ministry/department/office in which they were serving
prior to being identified and declared as surplus. However, the Competent authority of the Parent
Ministry/Department etc., shall inform every employee concerned of the fact of having been declared
surplus and shall further serve him with a notice under the appropriate rule informing him that (i)
unless he is redeployed, in the meantime, against another post or has retired, reverted or otherwise
demitted the post held by him in accordance with the rules, his services shall stand terminated on the
expiry of six months from the date from which he has been declared surplus, and (ii) the post held by
Compendium 322 Surplus Staff Rules
him shall stand abolished on the date of expiry of the aforesaid period of six months or from such
earlier date on which he demits such post on redeployment/adjustment in another post or in any other
(2) The pay and allowances of the Staff so declared surplus shall continue to be drawn and paid by
the parent Ministry/Department etc. for a period of six months from the date on which they are
declared surplus or till they are relieved from their posts on their redeployment in other posts whether
in the same or other Department or till the date of their reversion or retirement from service or
termination of their services otherwise, whichever is earlier at the same rates of pay and allowances as
would have been ordinarily applicable to them during this period.
(3) Immediately after orders are issued for declaring an employee surplus from a specified date, the
bio-data of the person concerned shall be forwarded to the Central (Surplus Staff) Cell in this
Department in the enclosed proforma (in six copies for Group ‗A‘ & ‗B‘ officers and in three copies
for Group ‗C‘ Officers). The bio-data should be forwarded to the Surplus Staff Cell at least one month
in advance of the date from which the employees are going to be declared surplus, so that this
Department has adequate opportunity to examine that the employees declared surplus are eligible for
redeployment through the Cell and to take steps to look for alternative posts for them. The Central
(Surplus Staff) Cell shall then take further action to arrange the redeployment of the surplus employee
concerned in suitable post as per the provisions of the Scheme for Disposal of Surplus Staff and the
various orders issued in pursuance thereof, subject to the availability of appropriate vacancies. Where
more than one employee belonging to the same cadre is declared surplus from the same date, their
names should be forwarded to the Central (Surplus Staff) Cell arranged in the order of their approved
inter-se seniority.
(4) Where a person is redeployed in another Department of Office through the Central (Surplus
Staff) Cell or is adjusted in another Department within the parent Department concerned, the
necessary orders of transfer from the date the employee concerned is relieved from his previous post
to join the new post/organization shall be issued, with all convenient dispatch, by the parent
Ministry/Department. A copy of such order shall be endorsed to the Central (Surplus Staff) Cell.
(5) In any case in which it has not been possible to arrange the redeployment of a surplus
employees in another Office/Department nor has it been possible to adjust him against another long
term and clear vacancy available within the same Department, or the employee has refused to accept,
or fails to join the post offered to him within the specified time-limit and consequently the services of
such an employee are terminated in pursuance of the notice under the appropriate rule issued to him in
terms of sub-Para (1) above, the parent Department shall take immediate action to process his claims
for payment of terminal dues including sanction of compensatory or superannuation pension as may
be due to him under the rules.
(6) The proposals for adjustment of a surplus employee against another post available within the
same Department shall be cleared in advance with the Central (Surplus Staff) Cell.
(7) If any surplus employee gives notice of his intention to seek Voluntary retirement in terms of
rule 29(1) of the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 within a period of two months from the date from which
he has been declared surplus, or before the commencement of such period, he shall be/deemed to be
formally transferred to the rolls of the Central (Surplus Staff) Cell in the Department of Personnel &
Training with effect from the date on which he is so declared surplus by his parent Ministry/office
etc., along with his post as per the existing procedures referred to above. In that case his option for
voluntary retirement should be forwarded to the Central (Surplus Staff) Cell. The Salary and other
dues of such an employee during and relating to the period of this stay on the rolls of the surplus cell,
which shall be restricted to six months from the date from which he is declared by his parent
Ministry/Department to be surplus. His pay be drawn and disbursed by the parent
Ministry/Department etc. by initially debiting the payment to the Head 858-Suspense Account-P.A.O.
Suspense‘ and thereafter sending the account of the payment together with a copy of the Last Pay
Certificate (to be attached to the first such claim) and paid vouchers to the P.A.O., Ministry of
Personnel, Public Grievances & Pension, Department of Personnel & Training for reimbursement of
Compendium 323 Surplus Staff Rules
the bill paid by it. The formal sanctions for retirement and payment of terminal dues, including
pension where admissible shall in such a case be issued by the Department of Personnel & Training
though the cases for issue of such sanctions shall be processed and forwarded to this Department by
the parent Ministry/Department concerned.
(8) The above decisions shall come into force from the 1st July, 1986. The existing procedure shall
to the extent of any conflict with these orders stand modified accordingly.
4. The decisions contained above will not apply to the surplus employees of (i) the Ministry of
Railways (excluding the incumbents of the posts located in Headquarters Office of Railway Board);
and (ii) The Ministry of Defence Lower field formation, as these Ministries have their own Schemes
for adjustment of their surpluses.
5. As regards the surplus staff of the Offices under the Comptroller and Auditor General of India,
separate orders will issue.
6. Hindi version will follow.
A. S. Taneja
Deputy Secretary to the
Government of India
Ministry of Home Affairs
No. F. 3/27/65-CS.II Date:-25-02-1966
Subject:- Redeployment of staff rendered surplus as a result of introduction of administrative
reform or studies by Staff, Inspection Unit, Ministry of Finance-Imposition of ban on direct
recruitment to Government Organizations.
As the Ministries and Department of Government of India are aware, the Department of
Administrative Reforms has been carrying out studies aimed at seeing whether better methods of
work can replaced the old procedures, and whether existing organizations can be streamlined and
made fitter for meeting the current requirements of administration. Some of the changes affected as a
result of these studies would involve a reduction in the workload in the organizations, leading in turn
to a reduction in a number of posts. Also, a certain amount of surplus staff is identified in the course
of the staff assessment studies carried out periodically by the Staff Inspection Unit of the Ministry of
Finance. The question has, therefore, been examined of how such surplus staff should be dealt with.
2. After reviewing the existing arrangements for the placement of surplus personnel, the
Government of India have decided upon a new scheme, as detailed in Annexure I to this
Memorandum. Briefly stated the scheme visualizes the transfer of all personnel identified as surplus,
whether in Ministries or in field offices, to a central pool to be operated by a special cell in the
Ministry of Home Affairs, so that organization in which they are located are physically relieved of
such surplus staff. The special cell, which has since come into being in the Ministry of Home Affairs
is now charged with the responsibility for arranging the placement of such staff elsewhere against
fresh needs. The cell will also work out and arrange for programmes of retraining the surplus staff in
skills like stenography, accountancy and so on, to facilitate their placement. The central cell has
already started work on framing the necessary training programmers; the details will be made known
as soon as possible.
3. The new scheme also provides that surplus staff transferred to the Central pool would have the
option to retire voluntarily on terms which would be generous and attractive enough to induce them to
opt for retirement at their own initiative. The voluntary retirement terms are expected to be notified
shortly. Those who do not opt to retire and cannot be placed and are also unwilling to undergo
training in fresh skills would be retrenched under existing rules. (Annexure II)
4. The particular attention of the Ministries is invited to the provisions in the scheme vesting in
them the primary responsibility for effecting amendment of the sanction for posts as well as the
Compendium 324 Surplus Staff Rules
budget allocation within one month of the decision giving rise to surplus staff in their Ministry or in
the organizations under their control. The Ministry may also make a special note of the requirement,
also to be completed within a period of one month, the junior most staff shall have to be surrendered
against a reduction in their cadre strength except only to the extent that senior persons opt to go over
to the cell‘s rolls in order to avail of the scheme of voluntary retirement or otherwise.
5. Since the essential and imperative function of the special cell of finding alternative jobs for the
redeployment of surplus personnel can be performed effectively and speedily only by already
availability of vacancies in different Govt. Offices, it has been decided that, with the issue of this
Memorandum, a total ban on the lines of the ban imposed in the Ministry of Home Affairs Office
Memorandum No. 14/74/59-RPS, dated the 2nd January, 1960 shall operate on direct recruitment
being made in all Government organizations to Ministerial non-gazetted post like Assistant, U.D.C.
and L.D.C. unless a certificate is obtained from the cell for each category of posts and on every
occasion, to the effect that the central pool has no suitable candidates to offer. This ban, like the
earlier one, would not apply to recruitment made through the normal channels of recruitment like the
annual competitive examinations conducted by the Union Public Commission. It is also intended that
the actual number to be recruited in this manner should be adjusted and kept as low as possible, to
enable a speedier placement to be effected of persons taken on the rolls of the special cell from time to
6. The Ministry of Finance, etc., are requested to take immediate action to enforce this ban and for
securing strict compliance of the other provisions of the scheme. The Ministries are also requested to
circulate the scheme to the public sector undertakings under them, with suitable directives that they
might assist the special cell in the Home Ministry in finding suitable alternative jobs for surplus
C. P. Gupta
Joint Secretary to the
Government of India
Scheme for the disposal of personnel resulting in surplus due to improvement suggested by
Department of Administrative Reforms or reduction in posts suggested by Staff Inspection Unit,
Ministry of Finance.
I. Basic assumptions
The scheme is based on the following assumptions:-
(i) That if the job of pruning away surperflous personnel in Government organizations is to have
priority, there must be a really effective procedure for disposing of personnel identified as
surplus. Without a truly effective procedure there can be no real success in any exercise of
pruning or re-organizations the staffing patterns of Government organizations.
(ii) That identifying surplus personnel and then leaving them in their parent organizations against
supernumerary posts is a self-defeating procedure because work can always be found to justify
absorption within the organization itself of such surplus personnel.
(iii) That, arising out of (ii) above, the only effective procedure would be to draw surplus personnel
away from organization physically and hold them in a pool at a central place pending their
(iv) That pending placement of surplus personnel, it is better for Government to pay such personnel
for simply staying at home (on some kind of special leave) rather than allowing them to clutter
up offices through devices like supernumerary posts.
(v) That, while every effort should be made to place personnel rendered surplus and even to impart
training in new skills to facilitate placement, in the long run it would be economical to offer
attractive retirement benefits which would help to liquidate the bulk of such surpluses without
the need to resort to placement procedures.
Compendium 325 Surplus Staff Rules
personnel on its rolls, which would be on fully pay and allowances and which would not be
debitable to the normal leave account. In view of Para (v) (i) below the outside limit for special
leave of an individual shall be six months.
(v) Disposal of personnel in the central pool shall he governed by the following policy:-
(a) The first objective would be to place personnel in other Government organizations including
public sector undertakings as quickly as possible.
(b) To facilitate this, the central cell shall obtain and keep information of placement
opportunities in the various Government organizations, and if possible also in public sector
undertakings, so that a continuous matching operation can go on.
(c) A total ban shall operate on direct recruitment to all Government organization unless a
certificate is obtained from the central cell for each category of post on each occasion to the
effect that the central pool has no suitable candidates to offer. On the analogy of the orders
issued in January, 1960, the ban would not apply to recruitment made through the normal
channel of recruitment like the annual competitive examinations conducted by the U.P.S.C.
The actual number to be recruited in this manner shall, however, be adjusted and kept as low
as possible.
While it is not intended that such a total ban should operate against recruitment to posts in
the public sector undertakings it is envisaged that these undertakings should also be
requested to cooperate with the central cell in the Home Ministry in finding appropriate
placement in their organizations for suitable persons form the cell. To this extent the
undertakings should be requested to follow on their own a ‗self-denying policy‘ of resorting
to direct recruitment only after the cell has been consulted on the availability of suitable
persons in the pool.
(d) While efforts shall be made to take the view point of receipting organizations into account
the central cell shall have eventual authority to decide whether a particular persons should be
accepted by a particular organization. This will not apply to public sector undertakings.
(e) While the attempt in individual placements should be to match the pay scale of the
individual with the pay scale of the recipient post as far as possible, the central cell should
have authority to put through placement even where exact match is not possible. In that
event, if the pay scale of the recipient post is lower, the individual should be allowed the
facility of carrying his previous pay scale along with him, even if he was only officiating in
it. Decisions of the central cell in such matters should be binding on recipient Government
(f) Personnel borne on the books of the Central pool shall be provided with honourable
conditions while in the pool. The emphasis would be on training these persons in new skills.
The central cell would operate training Schemes or arrange for them through other
organizations so that new skills (e.g. stenography aspects of business management like
accountancy etc.) can be implied to the persons in the central pool thus improving their
chances for satisfactory placement. Where necessary pool staff would also be used for ad-
hoc jobs like weeding out old files in departments where this work has got into arrears.
(g) There shall be a scheme for voluntary retirement, which it should be possible for every
person brought into the central pool to avail of. The terms of the scheme should be generous
and attractive enough to serve as in inducement to surplus personnel to retire on their own
(h) Those who do not opt to retire, and cannot be placed and are also unwilling to undergo
training in fresh skills shall be retrenched in accordance with the existing rules indicated in
Annexure II. This procedure would also be adopted in cases where an individual refuses
placement ordered by the central cell.
(i) The overall object would be now to allow any person to remain in the central pool for longer
than six months.
Compendium 327 Surplus Staff Rules
Compendium 328 Tours/ Foreign Tours/Training
Vigilance Department
No. 15/06/2019-VIG/1940 Dated: 17/07/2020
1. It has come to the notice of Government, that some of the Authorities/Cadre Controlling
Authorities are sanctioning the leave of Gazetted Officer to visit foreign country without
obtaining Vigilance clearance from the Directorate of Vigilance.
2. The Heads of the Department should ensure that no leave Sanction Order is issued to any
Gazetted Officers to visit foreign country without obtaining prior Vigilance clearance from
the Directorate of Vigilance.
3. Vigilance clearance is compulsory to visit foreign countries in terms of Office Memorandum
No. 19/21/2014-PER dated 21/08/2014.
4. The proposal for obtaining Vigilance Clearance for Gazetted Officer should be submitted to
the Directorate of Vigilance at least 20 days prior to the date of departure but not later than 15
days before the date of departure.
This is for strict compliance.
This issued with the approval of the Government.
(Sanjeev C. Gauns Dessai)
Director (Vigilance)
Department of Personnel
File No. 19/2/2017-PER/043 Dated:- 02-01-2018
It is observed by Government, that proposals for personal/official tours are submitted for ex-post
facto approval of Hon‘ble Chief Minister/Appropriate Authority as against established procedure of
obtaining prior approval as envisaged under rule made in this regard.
It is therefore, enjoined upon all Secretaries, head of Departments, officers to take prior approval of
the Government/Appropriate Authority vis-à-vis proposal for official or personal tour. Such proposal
shall invariably be sent at least 10 days in advance, so as to enable the concerned
Department/Authority to communicate its decision/issue of sanction order, as the case may be.
Further, seeking post-facto approval for any tour shall be avoided and the officers shall travel only
upon approval/receipt of tour sanction order. However, in case of emergency, the concerned
Secretary/Head of the Department/officer shall seek oral permission from the Hon‘ble Chief Minister
or from Principal Secretary/Secretary/Under Secretary to Chief Minister, and the said fact shall be
clearly mentioned in the proposal referred for ex-post facto sanction.
This issues with the approval of the Government.
(Shashank V. Thakur)
Under Secretary (Personnel-II)
Department of Personnel
File No. 7/7/2016-PER Dated:- 29-02-2016
An instance has come to the notice of the Hon‘ble Chief Minister where permission has been
sought by a senior officer to attend some meeting in Delhi which was of the least consequence to the
interest of the State Government and the said visit was clubbed along with leave of different
descriptions/weekend‘s etc. making it an official tour rendering long absence In the headquarter. A
serious concern has been raised by the Competent Authority on this matter and attention of all the
Compendium 330 Tours/ Foreign Tours/Training
Secretaries/Head of Departments has been drawn to the Circular No. 19-11-2002-PER dated 04-11-
2010 issued by the Department of Personnel, Secretariat, Goa (copy enclosed).
All the officers are, therefore, directed to evaluate whether the Resident Commissioner stationed at
Delhi could attend any such meetings and represent the State Government of Goa. And if so,
sufficient material/report may be made available to him timely to facilitate meaningful discussion and
participation in the meeting. Whenever the officers feels that their participation in the meeting is
necessary, they may definitely do so. However, with respect to any personal work outside Goa, the
officers are directed to take leave and travel at their own expense and are further directed to follow the
instructions laid down in the above mentioned circular scrupulously. In addition, tour approval must
be obtained from the Competent Authority before proceedings on official tour.
(R. K. Srivastava)
Chief Secretary
Department of Personnel
File No. 19/11/2002-PER Dated:- 08-02-2016
Letter vide D.O. No. 2211/PS/FS/15 dated 31-12-2015 transcribed below received from
Government of India, Ministry of External Affairs, New Delhi, alongwith letter vide No.
AA/551/2/2016 dated 05-01-2016 Government of India, Ministry of External Affairs, (Coordination
Division), New Delhi, is forwarded for information and strict compliance.
1. OSD/P.S. to Chief Minister/Ministers/Speaker.
2. All Secretaries to Government.
3. All Head of Departments/Corporation/Autonomous Bodies/Offices in the Secretariat.
(Surendra F. Naik)
Under Secretary (Personnel-II)
Compendium 332 Tours/ Foreign Tours/Training
Department of Personnel
File No. 19/21/2014-PER Dated:- 21-08-2014
Sub: Guidelines for conduct of foreign tours by Constitutional and Statutory
Authorities, Officers and employees of the Government/Autonomous
Bodies/Undertakings/Corporations, etc.
The Department of Personnel has been issuing various guidelines in respect of conduct of foreign
tours by Constitutional and Statutory Authorities, Officers and employees of the
Government/Autonomous Bodies/ Undertakings/ Corporations, etc. from time to time based on and
consistent with the Government of India policy on such matters communicated vide Circulars of the
Cabinet Secretariat, Government of India, dated 30-03-1995 and 26-08-2010.
2. In spite of these instructions, instances have come to light where appropriate
approvals/permissions from State Government Departments as well as Central Government
Departments concerned, as applicable, have neither been obtained nor guidelines adhered to/
complied with and which in turn has resulted in non-settlement of tour claims, etc.
3. These aspects have been engaging the attention of the Government for quite some time and the
Government having examined the matter consistent with the instructions on the similar subject by the
Govt. of India, is pleased to frame the following guidelines for the purpose of conduct of foreign tours
by Constitutional and Statutory Authorities, Officers and officials of the State
Government/Autonomous Bodies/Undertakings/Corporations, etc.
4. General Instruction:- The following general instruction on foreign tours must be scrupulously
adhered to while submitting proposals to the Government.
(a) Foreign tours must be undertaken only when it is absolutely essential and are in the interest of
the State.
(b) The purpose of the tour must be clearly spelt out along with the tasks proposed to be achieved
during the tour.
(c) The delegation must be compact in size comprising people directly connected with the subject
(d) The expenditure on the tour must be kept to the bare minimum and within the limits of
entitlements. The proposal for foreign tour must indicate clearly the likely expenditure, the
source of funding, budgetary provisions, etc.
(e) After conclusion of the foreign tour, a post visit report shall be submitted to the Administrative
Minister and the Chief Minister of the State. No further foreign tour shall be considered for the
financial year, if such report is not submitted within a period of fifteen days from the date of
completion of the tour.
(f) The proposal for foreign tours must contain details of the foreign tours undertaken by the
person concerned at Government cost during the last 03 years and also brief details as to how
the tour has been benefitted the State.
(g) In respect of participation in international exhibitions/marts by Departments like Tourism, etc.,
the administrative approval and expenditure sanction for the entire delegation, both official and
non-official members, shall be obtained separately and shall not be included in tender for
setting up stalls, etc. through event management companies.
5. Permissions and approvals required.- Foreign tours shall be categorized into four categories:
(A) Those fully/partly sponsored by/funded by Government of India or any Department/Authority/
Agency, etc. of the Government of India;
(B) Those which are fully/partly funded by the State Government and/or its
Agencies/Corporations/ Undertakings, etc.
(C) Those which are fully or partly funded by non-Government External Agencies; and
Compendium 333 Tours/ Foreign Tours/Training
Department of Personnel
File No. 19/11/2002-Per Dated:- 19-08-2014
Letter dated 31-07-2014 transcribed below received from Government of India, Ministry of
Finance, Department of Economic Affairs, (Capital Markets Division) North Block, New Delhi, is
forwarded for information and strict compliance.
1. O.S.D/P.S. to Chief Minister/Ministers/Speaker.
2. All Secretaries to Government.
3. All Head of Departments/ Corporation/Autonomous Bodies/Offices in the Secretariat.
(R. Aga)
Under Secretary (Personnel-II)
Ministry of Finance,
Department of Economic Affairs
F. No. 24/Uttarakhand/EM/2014 Dated:- 31-07- 2014
Subject: Foreign travel by the functionaries of State Government/Union Territory on official
account regarding.
1. As you are aware, the procedure for processing foreign visits on official account by the
functionaries of State/UT Governments is laid down in Cabinet Secretariat‘s letter No. 21/1/1/81-Cab.
Dated the 16th August, 1982 as amended from time to time. In accordance with the procedure,
Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance processes such proposals in consultation with
the concerned Union Ministry/ Department from essentiality angle. Prior clearance of the Ministry of
External Affairs from political angle and the Ministry of Home Affairs from FCRA angle, wherever
foreign hospitality is involved are mandatory before processing such proposal by Department of
Economic Affairs.
2. However, in a number of cases it is observed that such proposals are received in Department of
Economic Affairs after the commencement of the visit or day or two before the scheduled date of
journey, because of which it becomes difficult to process the case in timely manner for prior approval
of Hon‘ble Finance Minister through the Screening Committee of Secretaries. On some occasions, the
functionaries concerned have undertaken the journey without approval.
3. Further, it is requested to strictly follow the guidelines of Cabinet Sectt. as mentioned above and
send the complete proposal along with clearances from all concerned with regard to the foreign visits
of Chief Ministers/Ministers/Speakers/State Government Officials to this Department at least two
weeks before the scheduled date of departure so that these may be processed and submitted to the
Hon‘ble Finance Minister through the Screening Committee of Secretaries for consideration, well in
Yours faithfully,
(Sanjeev Kaushik)
Director (EM)
Compendium 335 Tours/ Foreign Tours/Training
Department of Personnel
File No. 7/11/2012-PER(Part) Dated:- 27-11-2013
It has come to the notice of the Government that some officers, including some AIS Officers, are
taking advantage of leniency of the Government by leaving Goa or arriving in Goa a day prior to or a
day after the prefixed or suffixed holidays as the case may. This tendency has been noticed both at the
time of going on official tour as well as on leave. Therefore, the following instructions are being
issued for compliance, both in letter and in spirit:
(i) All AIS officers other than those working under statutory authorities, office of the Hon‘ble
Chief Minister and Hon‘ble Governor, shall compulsorily submit the request for leave/official
tours to the Chief Secretary through proper channel.
(ii) If the officer leaves the Head Quarters during the working hours or arrives during the working
hours without the prior approval of the competent authority either while proceedings on or
coming back from leave or official tour, it shall be treated as leave and shall be deducted
accordingly from the leave account of the officer concerned.
(iii) Any persistent default on the part of the officers shall be duly reflected in the PAR of the
officer concerned.
(iv) No official tour or leave proposals shall be entertained for approval by the competent authority
unless the following details are also furnished:-
(a) Date and time of departure from Goa;
(b) Details of the official works like date and time and the nature of work alongwith
supporting documents;
(c) The likely time and date of arrival in Goa.
(v) All leave and official tour programme approved by the link Chief Secretary in the absence of
the regular Chief Secretary, should be send to US to Chief Secretary for informing the regular
Chief Secretary on his return as well as to update the leave account of the officer concerned.
(Yetindra M. Maralkar)
Additional Secretary (Personnel)
(1) Any person belonging to any categories specified in Section-6 of FCRA, 2010 who wishes to
avail foreign hospitality is required to apply to the Central Government in Form FC-2 for prior
permission to accept such foreign hospitality.
(2) Every application for acceptance of foreign hospitality shall be accompanied by an invitation
letter from host or the host country, as the case may be, and administrative clearance of the
Ministry or Department concern in case of visits sponsored by a Ministry or Department of the
(3) The application for grant of permission to accept foreign hospitality must reach the appropriate
authority ordinarily two weeks before the proposed date of onward journey.
(4) In case of emergent medical aid needed on account of sudden illness during a visit abroad, the
acceptance of foreign hospitality shall be required to be intimated to the Central Government
within sixty days of such receipt giving full details including the source, approximate value in
Indian Rupees, and the purpose for which and the manner in which it was utilized.
4. It has now been decided to submit online application in FC-2 Form which is required in all cases
from 15-07-2012 on this Ministry web-site- online.htm and hard copy
thereof duly signed by the applicant along with invitation letter from host or the host country, as the
case may be, and administrative clearance of the concerned Ministry or Department of the
Government may be sent to this Ministry for necessary action.
5. All Ministries/Departments of Government of India, all State Governments/UTs, are requested to
bring to the notice or all concerned that application in FC-2 Form may invariably be submitted on
6. Lok Sabha Secretariat/Rajya Sabha Secretariat are requested to bring suitably to the notice of all
Members of Parliament that their applications may invariably be submitted on online and hardcopy
thereof duly signed by the applicant along with invitation letter from host or the host country, as the
case may be, are routed through the Lok Sabha Secretariat/Rajya Sabha Secretariat with their
administrative clearance to this Ministry for necessary action.
(Rais Ahmad)
Director (FCRA)
Department of Personnel
File No. 19/11/2002-PER Dated:- 07-02-2012
1) P. S. to Hon‘ble Chief Minister,
Secretariat, Porvorim.
2) P. S. to all Ministers,
Secretariat, Porvorim.
3) All Heads of Departments/Offices (by name)
4) All Departments in the Secretariat.
Sub:- Guidelines for consideration of proposal acceptance of Foreign Hospitality under the Foreign
contribution, (Regulation) Act, 2010.
I am directed to forward herewith a copy of Office Memorandum No. II/21022/58 (97)/2011-
FCRA-I dated 20-09-2011 received from Dy. Secretary, Government of India, Ministry of Home
Affairs, New Delhi alongwith its enclosures on the subject mentioned above for information.
Yours faithfully,
(N. P. Singnapurker)
Under Secretary (Personnel-II)
Compendium 337 Tours/ Foreign Tours/Training
(b) require any person or class of persons, not specified in section 6, to obtain prior permission of
the Central Government before accepting any foreign hospitality;
(e) require any person or class of persons, not specified in section 6, to furnish intimation, within
such time and in such manner as may be prescribed, as to the receipt of any foreign hospitality,
the source from which and the manner in which such hospitality was received;
Provided that no such prohibition or requirement shall be made unless the Central Government is
satisfied that the acceptance of foreign contribution by such person or class of persons, as the case
may be, or the acceptance of foreign hospitality by such person, is likely to affect prejudicially-
(i) the sovereignty and integrity of India; or
(ii) public interest; or
(iii) freedom or fairness of election to any Legislature; or
(iv) friendly relations with any foreign State; or
(v) harmony between religious, racial, social, linguistic or regional groups, castes or
3. Provisions under the Rules: The relevant provisions of FCRR, 2011 are reproduced below:
Rule 7-Receiving foreign hospitality by specifies categories of persons.-
(1) Any person belonging to any of the categories specified in Section 6 who wishes to avail of
foreign hospitality shall apply to the Central Government in Form FC-2 for prior permission
to accept such foreign hospitality.
(2) Every application for acceptance of foreign hospitality shall be accompanied by an invitation
letter from the host or the host country, as the case may be, and administrative clearance of
the Ministry or Department concern in case of visits sponsored by a Ministry or Department
of the Government.
(3) The application for grant of permission to accept foreign hospitality must reach the
appropriate authority ordinarily two weeks before the proposed date of onward Journey.
(4) In case of emergent medical aid needed on account of sudden illness during a visit abroad, the
acceptance of foreign hospitality shall be required to be intimated to the Central Government
within sixty days of such receipt giving full details including the source, approximate value in
Indian Rupees, and the purpose for which and the manner in which it was utilized.
Provided that no such intimation is required if the value of such hospitality in emergent medical aid
is upto one lakh rupees or equivalent thereto.
4. A copy of Form FC-2 is at Annexure-1. The form is also available on MHA‘s web-site·-
5. The agencies of the United Nations and other International Organisations, which are not treated
as ―foreign source‖, are listed at Annexure-2. The list is also available on the web site
6. The following cases need not be submitted to this Ministry for grant of permission to accept
foreign hospitality:-
(i) Where the entire expenditure on the proposed foreign visit is being met by the Central/State
Government or any Central/State PSU etc.
(ii) Where the proposed foreign visit is being undertaken by a person in his/her personal capacity
and the entire expenditure thereon is being met by the person concerned.
(iii) Where the foreign hospitality is being provided by an Indian national living in a foreign
country or territory.
(iv) Cases involving acceptance of an assignment on salary, fee or remuneration etc.
Compendium 340 Tours/ Foreign Tours/Training
[Note: For foreign hospitality availed in case of emergent medical aid situation, intimation to be given on plain
paper to the Secretary, Ministry of Home Affairs, at the address mentioned in FORM FC-2, within sixty days of
such receipt of foreign hospitality.]
1. Name in full (block letters):
2. Date of Birth:
3. Name of father/husband:
4. Present address:
5. Permanent address:
6. Passport particulars (if already in possession):
7. Status: -
(a) Member of Legislature:
(b) Office bearer of a political party:
(c) Judge of Supreme Court/High Court:
(d) Government servant:
(e) Employee of a Company/Corporation:
(f) Any other person or class of persons not specified in section 6
8. Names of countries/places to be visited with duration of stay:
9. The countries and places where foreign hospitality is to be accepted:
10. Duration and purpose of visit to the country(s)/place(s) mentioned in
Column 9 with specific dates:
11. Particulars of host(s): -
(a) If an individual, his personal particulars including name, present
address, permanent address, nationality, profession:
(b) If an Organisation/Institutional/Association/Trust/Foundation/Trade Union etc., full particulars
thereof including-
(i) Full name and complete address:
(ii) Address of Head office/Principal office:
(iii) Aims and Objects:
(iv) Particulars of important office bearers:
12. @Full particulars, as in Column 11(a) and (b) of the foreign source, in case
the actual source extending the hospitality is located in a country other
than actually proposed to be visited:
13. Nature and duration of foreign hospitality proposed to be accepted
with specific dates and with specific details:
14. Nature of connection/dealing with the host and/or foreign source
extending the hospitality:
15. Approximate expenditure to be incurred on hospitality:
16. Any other information of significance which the applicant may like to
I hereby declare that the above particulars furnished by me are true and correct.
Signature of the applicant
(Name, in block letters)
Delete if not applicable.
Compendium 342 Tours/ Foreign Tours/Training
List of agencies of the United Nations, and other international agencies and organisations notified by
the Central Government to be not covered by the definition of ‗foreign source‘, under section
2(1)(j)(ii) of the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 2010
The United Nations System
I. Secretariat
1. Office of Internal Oversight Services, New York.
2. Office of Legal Affairs, New York.
3. Department of Political Affairs, New York.
4. Department for Disarmament Affairs, New. York.
5. Department of Peacekeeping Operations, New York.
6. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, New York.
7. Department of Economic and Social Affairs, New York.
8. Department for General Assembly Affairs and Conference Services, New York.
9. Department of Public Information, New York.
10. Department of Management, New York.
11. United Nations Office at Geneva.
12. United Nations Office at Vienna.
13. United Nations Office at Nairobi.
II. Bodies of the United Nations
14. International Research and Training Institute for‘ the Advancement of Women (INSTRA W),
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.
15. Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS),Geneva.
16. Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), Geneva.
17. Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Geneva.
18. United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF), New York.
19. United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), Geneva.
20. United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM), New York.
21. United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR), Geneva.
22. United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), Geneva.
23. United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI), Rome.
24. United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS), New York.
25. United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA),
Gaza and Amman.
26. United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD), Geneva.
27. United Nations University (UNU), Tokyo.
28. United Nations Volunteers (UNV), Bonn.
III. Funds and Programs
29. United Nations Children‘s Fund (UNICEF), New York.
30. United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), New York.
31. United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Nairobi.
32. United Nations International Drug Control Programme (UNDCP), Vienna.
33. United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), New York.
34. World Food Programme (WFP), Rome.
Compendium 343 Tours/ Foreign Tours/Training
Bilateral/Multilateral/Private transit
4. Anticipated outcome of the visit
Last outcome if the visit is not undertake/postponed
5. Whether as invitation received from visiting countries. If so, detail (place
enclose a copy)
If multilateral event, level of participation from other countries.
6. Details of meeting fixed in countries /places being visited
7. Whether concerned Indian missions/posts have consulted on arrangement and
meeting required
8a Competent Authority for granting administrative approval for undertaking the
visit abroad
8b Whether administrative approval for the visit has been obtained from the
competent authority
9 Sources of funding for the visit
If any foreign hospitality is proposed to be accepted, whether approval of MHA
from FCRA angle has been obtained
(Signature with Seal)
Contact No:
Email Address (must):
Department of Personnel
File No. 19/11/2002-PER Dated:- 02-02-2011
Read:- 1. Circular No. 19/11/2002-PER dated 5-9-2008
2. Circular No. 19/11/2002-PER dated 21-7-2009
3. Office Memorandum No. 19/1/2008-PER dated 23-04-2008
4. No. 19/11/2002-PER dated 04/11/2010.
Instances have come to the notice of the Government that some Government employees including
Head of Departments while proceeding on tour (Official/ private) leave the Head Quarters without
prior permission and subsequently submit the proposal for ex-post facto approval of the Competent
Authority. The action on the part of the employees concerned is contrary to the instructions issued by
this Department from time to time.
2. It is therefore, enjoined upon all the Head of Departments to strictly follow the instructions and
also to bring the contents of this Circular and the instructions already issued in the past to the notice of
all the employees working under their control with the advice to strictly adhere to the said
instructions. Failure on the part of any Government employees including the personal staff attached to
the Ministers to adhere to the said instructions, excepting extraordinary/emergency situations, shall be
viewed seriously by the Competent Authority and such tours may also be treated as unauthorized.
3. All Heads of Departments are directed to follow the instructions issued by the Government vide
Circular/Office Memorandum read above scrupulously failing which strict action shall also be
initiated against the officer concerned in addition to the action indicated in para (2) above.
(V. K. Jha), IAS
Special Secretary Personnel
Compendium 347 Tours/ Foreign Tours/Training
Department of Personnel
File No. 19/11/2002-PER Dated:- 04-11-2010
Read:- 1. Circular No. 19/11/2002-PER dated 5-9-2008
2. Circular No. 19/11/2002-PER dated 21-7-2009
3. Office Memorandum No. 19/1/2008-PER dated 23-04-2008
Attentions of Secretaries/Head of Departments (HODs) are invited to various Circulars/Office
Memorandums issued by the Government from time to time regarding the tour/training/meeting
outside the state. Now, it has been decided by the Government that all the Secretaries / Head of
Departments (HODs) of Government of Goa, to keep maximum restrain on their journey outside State
by giving priorities to only those meetings/training convened/conducted by the Central Government
involving maximum interest of the-State.
(2) It is further decided that the Secretaries/HODs should avoid attending the meetings/trainings of
the Central Government where their presence is not required. In all such cases, either
Secretaries of any other Department visiting Delhi, at the time OR Deputy Resident
Commissioner, Goa Sadan may be asked to attend the meeting. In all such situation, a brief
note for attending meeting may be provided to the office concerned, as the case may be.
(3) Further, it is decided that the no meetings/training should be attended by the officers without
the prior approval of the Government/Competent Authorities. Any permission granted by Head
of Department‘s without due approval of the Government will make all such journey
unauthorized and Head of Department‘s will be held responsible for such unauthorized act.
(4) Instances also have come to the notice that some of the Officers are proceeding outside the Goa
on receipt of ―Court Notice‖ for their attendance as witness, etc. without due approval. In every
such Court case, the Head of Department Secretary will ascertain whether he/she or
subordinate officer can be spared for such travel, alternatively the court should be requested to
give another date for the appearance in the court. In no case, any outside travel will be
undertaken and in such eventuality, not only visit will be treated as unauthorized, further such
officer will be advised either to move to the respective court for seeking their travel expenses
as per Rules or bear the expenses of the same of their own.
(5) Further, it is also decided that the Secretary/HODs on tour/training should avoid clubbing
holidays and weekends for official tours to avoid their long absence in their respective offices.
In no case, official visit should be linked up with Earned leave or any kind of leave. It has also
been decided that the officers on tour/training shall submit the report immediately after they
resume their duties on completion of the tour to respective authorities.
All the Secretaries/Head of Department (HODs) of Government of Goa are hereby informed to
follow the above instructions scrupulously and not to recommend any nominations for any
tour/training/ workshops /fellowships outside the country at Government cost without proper
justification. This has also a reference to meeting taken by Chief Minister with all Secretaries/Senior
Police Officers on 6th August, 2010.
This issues with the approval of Hon‘ble Chief Minister/Finance Minister.
(V. K. Jha), IAS
Special Secretary Personnel
Compendium 348 Tours/ Foreign Tours/Training
Department of Personnel
File No. 19/1/2008-PER Dated:- 26-07-2010
1. It has been observed by the Government that inspite of several instructions issued for obtaining
prior approval of the Government by the officers to leave Headquarters, the same are not being
adhered to and many officers still continue to proceed to outstation for attending meeting or Court
cases on Government expenditure.
2. It has also been observed that officers leave Headquarters on receipt of Court Notices frequently
to attend Court as witness at Government cost without seeking prior approval and submit the proposal
for ex-post facto approval which is highly objectionable.
3. To curb-tendency of leaving Headquarters without prior approval of Government and to curtail
the huge expenditure on Government exchequers towards Air travel etc. the Secretaries/Head of
Departments/ Officers while deploying their subordinate officers for meetings or Court cases outside
State should henceforth take into consideration the following points:-
(a) Officers going to attend meetings/trainings /Court cases, etc. without Government approval
shall not be entitled for travel TA/DA.
(b) The HOD‘s shall treat the said such tours as unauthorized.
All the Secretaries to Government, Head of Departments should take note of the above directions
for strict compliance.
This issues with the approval of the Hon‘ble Chief Minister.
(V. K. Jha)
Special Secretary (Personnel)
Department of Personnel
File No. 19/1/2008-PER-Part Dated:- 11-11-2009
It has been observed by the Government, since quite sometime now, that the officers of various
Department submit the proposals for attending training/workshop within India, a few days in advance,
as a result of which it becomes difficult for the Personnel Department to obtain approval of the
Competent Authority in time and at times it is noticed that few Officers leave the Headquarters to
attend the said training workshop without getting the prior approval of the Competent Authority. It is
also noticed that the course content/subject of training/workshop also sometimes does not carry such a
content which needs HODs to depute the officers incurring expenditure on such training/workshop
thereby putting heavy burden on the ex-chequer. Even at times, such training courses can be easily
organised at GIRDA (Goa Institute of Rural Development and Administration) or other training
institutions in Goa, which may cover 30-50 officials instead of just deputing one or two staff from a
2. While taking serious cognizance of the above matter, the Government has decided to insist upon
all Secretaries, HODs/Officers to strictly obtain prior approval of the Competent Authority for such
training/workshop to be attended by themselves and their subordinate officers, before actually leaving
the Headquarter and not submit the proposals for according ex- post facto approval.
3. Further Secretaries/Heads of Departments/Offices should justify their own and their subordinate
Officer‘s deputation for such training/workshop in the proposals submitted by them to the Competent
Authority and should give/obtain a detailed report about the training/ workshop on return from the
tour and submit to the Competent Authority who has accorded necessary approval for such tour. Also
a copy of ‗note‘ prepared by Officer who has undergone training/workshop/meetings should be
Compendium 349 Tours/ Foreign Tours/Training
invariably enclosed, while submitting their TA/DA bill for approval/Countersignature of their
controlling authority.
4. Department should prepare a list of training courses/workshop attended by their Officers in last
10 years, to enable proper utilization of their skill up-gradation in their day to day working.
5. Failure to comply with the above instructions, the Secretaries/Heads of Departments/Offices and
their subordinate Officers, as the case may be, who attend such training workshop without prior
approval shall render themselves liable for incurring the total expenditure of such tour from their own
pockets, as well as face the appropriate action for leaving Headquarter and absence thereafter without
authorized approval of the Government.
The receipt of the above Circular shall be acknowledged.
(V. K. Jha)
Special Secretary (Personnel)
Sr Name of Date of Date of Details such as Venue and State briefly Remark
No. the initial appointme names duration duration of the the usefulness if any
Officer & appointment nt in the and venue of the training of the said
Designati and the present training/workshop Course/ training/
on grade/post grade/post attended (indicate Workshop workshop to the
to which date from proposed to be officer in
appointed ___to____) from deputed discharge of his
the date of initial day-today
appointment duties
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Department of Personnel
No. 19/11/2002-PER Dated:- 21-07-2009
The Government has been observing, since quite some time now, that attending
training/workshops/ fellowships/tours abroad at Government expense, has almost become a regular
feature, thereby putting heavy burden on the State Exchequer. Significantly, the Government has also
observed that such programmes can also be attended within the country, achieving benefits provided
by training courses in India, which have conditions and environment more similar to those existing in
Accordingly, the need to curb such practices of attending training/workshops/fellowships/tours
abroad by Officials has now been accepted by the Government of Goa.
It has, therefore, been decided that henceforth, no proposal for nomination of officers to any such
Programme should be forwarded or recommended by any Administrative Secretary or Heads of the
Departments. In exceptional cases, requests from officers may be examined, subject to following
1. that the Department can spare their services and no substitute will be required,
2. that they should apply for regular leave as per their entitlement.
3. that they should apply and obtain prior permission to leave Headquarters/Country .
4. that they should bear the expenditure of such programmes out of their own funds.
All the appropriate authorities are hereby informed to follow these instructions scrupulously and
not to recommend any nominations for any tour/training/workshops/fellowships in foreign countries
at Government cost.
This issues with the prior approval of Hon‘ble Chief Minister.
(Hauzel Haukhum)
Chief Secretary
Compendium 350 Tours/ Foreign Tours/Training
Pay range (as per OM) Revised pay in the pay band
Rs. 16,400 and above Rs. 30,500 and above
Rs. 8000 and above but less than Rs. 16,400 Rs. 15,000 and above but less than Rs. 30,500
Rs. 6500 and above but less than Rs. 8,000 Rs. 12,500 and above but less than Rs. 15,000
Rs. 4100 and above but less than Rs. 6,500 Rs. 8000 and above but less than Rs. 12,500
Below Rs 4,100 Below Rs 8000
In respect of officers in HAG + and the apex scale, the basic pay as defined in CCS(RP) Rules will be
considered for determination of entitlement of Daily Allowance.
b) The classification of cities/towns, as per orders prevalent with the old rates as precluded vide
OM dated 17-04-1998 will continue to apply.
4. TA claims already settled as on the date of issue of these orders may not be re-opened.
(Karan Singh)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
Compendium 351 Tours/ Foreign Tours/Training
Department of Personnel
No. 19/11/2002-PER Dated:- 05-09-2008
It has been recently observed by the Government of India that foreign tours are often conducted by
Elected Representatives, Government officials, without obtaining prior political clearance from the
Ministry of External Affairs, which is not appropriate. It is further stated that, as per the existing
foreign guidelines of Government of India, it is necessary to approach the Ministry of External Affairs
well in advance i.e. 6-8 weeks prior to the visit, to examine the request and seek the approval of
competent authority for grant of political clearance well in time.
The Government of India has taken a serious note of the same. It has, therefore, been requested that
the proposal for grant of political clearance should be made to Ministry of External Affairs 6-8 weeks
in advance before the proposed date of departure.
In view of above, all the Elected Representatives, Officers of Government Departments, Public
Undertakings and Autonomous Bodies desiring to undertake foreign tour shall submit the proposal for
political clearance to the Personnel Department in the prescribed proforma duly filled in, 6-8 weeks
prior to commencement of the visit.
This issues with the approval of Chief Secretary.
(Umeshchandra L. Joshi)
Under Secretary Finance (Personnel-I)
Department of Personnel
No. 19/1/2008-PER Dated:- 23-04-2008
It has been observed by the Government that most of the Secretaries are frequently absenting from
Headquarters either on tour or training. Since each Secretary is holding 5-6 departments, their
frequent absence from the Headquarters, adversely affect the progress of the work of the departments
under them. Infact as a matter of rule, the Secretaries should not be encouraged to proceed on training
or on tours during the working season (barring the monsoon period) so that financial and physical
targets can be met. In this connection, the Chief Secretary has already instructed all Secretaries to
avoid frequent tours outside the State particularly during working season.
Secondly, while accepting invitations for training programmes or official tours to Delhi and
elsewhere, it must be ensured that these are of maximum relevance in our State and will result in
adding value to our functioning. The National Institute of Disaster Management holds many training
programmes which are of little or direct relevance to this State. Infact it would be more economical
both financially and otherwise for the State to organize a comprehensive Disaster Management course
for a week in the State itself so that all officials can obtain requisite exposure from faculty drawn by
NIDM. Similarly, many meetings are being organized by various Ministries in Delhi and
Secretaries/Head of Departments should attend the meeting only if it is absolutely necessary. The
training programmes if any should be ideally attended during the monsoon period only, as far as
All Secretaries to the Government should take a note of the above directions for strict compliance.
This issues with the approval of the Hon‘ble Chief Minister.
(Yetindra M. Maralkar)
Joint Secretary (Personnel)
Compendium 353 Tours/ Foreign Tours/Training
Department of Personnel
No. 19/3/2002-PER Dated:- 21-01-2008
Read:- Office Memorandum No. 8/3/2006-Fin (R&C) dated 20/11/2006.
Instances have come to the notice of the Government that some of the Officers undertakes foreign
tours on the ground of attending Seminars, Conferences, Workshop including Study Tour in violation
of the instruction issued by the Finance Department vide their O.M. No. 8/3/2006-Fin (R & C) dated
20-11-2006. As per the standing instructions, the concurrence of the Finance Department is
mandatory and should be obtained in advance before proceeding on the foreign tour. The action on the
part of these Officers in performing the tour and then obtaining ex-post facto approval has been
seriously viewed by the Government.
Taking cognizance of the above action on the part of these Officers, the Government had decided
that henceforth no ex-post facto approval shall be accorded for the proposals moved by the
departments wherein the Offices have already performed the foreign tour in anticipation of
Government approval and Finance Department‘s concurrence.
All Head of Departments, Corporation & Autonomous bodies, Semi-Government Organizations
and Local bodies may take note of the above instructions and process the proposals of foreign tours of
the Officers as per the guidelines/instructions laid down by the Government from time to time for
prior approval of the Government before proceeding on tour. Failure on the part of the Officers to
observe the above instructions and the guidelines/instructions issued by the Government from time to
time through various Circulars/Office Memorandum, the officer shall be liable for stern disciplinary,
(Yetindra M. Maralkar)
Joint Secretary (Personnel)
Department of Finance (Audit)
No. 1-28-2007/Fin(Bud) Dated:- 24-09-2007
It has been observed that foreign tours are conducted without following the procedure laid down
for the purpose. In a number of cases tours are conducted without taking approval of Government of
India including Cabinet Secretariat. Financial advances taken in such cases have remained unsettled
for want of approval from Government of India. Audit too has taken serious note of the same.
In view of above, it is decided that no dignitary/Officer shall be allowed to draw advance without
submission of clearance from Government of India. This shall also apply to Corporations and
Autonomous Bodies.
This issues with the approval of the Minister for Finance.
(S. M. Pole)
Under Secretary (Finance-I)
Department of Personnel
No. 19/11/2002-PER Dated:- 04-10-2007
1) All Ministers to Government of Goa.
2) All Secretaries to Government.
3) All Departments in Secretariat.
4) All Heads of Departments.
Sub:- The political clearance for visits abroad by Ministers, other dignitaries and officials of the
Central Government/State Governments and Union Territories.
Compendium 355 Tours/ Foreign Tours/Training
I am directed to forward herewith a copy of letter No.‘ 8232/FS/2007 dated 02/07/2007 along with
its enclosures received from the Foreign Secretary, Ministry of External Affairs, New Delhi, on the
above mentioned subject and to request you to submit the proposals for political clearance in the
enclosed proforma.
Yours faithfully,
(Vassudev N. Shetye)
Under Secretary (Personnel-II)
Ministry of External Affairs
No. 8232/FS/2007 Dated:-02-07-2007
Subject: Political clearance for visits of high dignitaries, Ministers and officials of the Central
Government, State Governments and Union Territories to countries abroad.
Dear Secretary/Chief Secretary
MEA receives a large number of proposals for political clearance for visits abroad by Ministers,
other dignitaries and officials of the Central Government/State Governments and Union Territories
2. To enable expedious processing of proposals for political clearance, MEA has prepared a
proforma seeking necessary information from the sponsoring Ministries/other organizations. A copy
is attached if full information contained in this proforma is provided; MEA will be able to clear such
proposals within one week if the concerned Indian mission/missions have already been consulted. If
not, we will need two weeks, I shall be grateful if you could issue instructions to concerned officers in
your Ministry/Government to send proposals for political clearance to us in future as per this
Yours Sincerely,
(S. Menon)
Foreign Secretary
1. Visit of:
Name & designation of Leader of Delegation)
2. Accompanied by:(Please give names & designation of all
accompanying members)
3. Place and Details of Visits:
4. Purpose of Visit:
(including specific objectives to be achieved/tasks to be completed)
5. Whether an invitation received from visiting countries if so, details
(please enclose a copy)
6. Details of meetings fixed in countries being visited
7. Whether concerned Indian Missions/Posts have been consulted on
arrangement and meetings required
8. Source of funding for the visit if any foreign hospitality is proposed to
be accepted, whether approval of MHA from FCRA angle has been
Compendium 356 Tours/ Foreign Tours/Training
Department of Tourism
File No. 1-IC (2)/2013 Dated:- 08-07-2013
Dear Madam/Sir
Please find enclosed a copy of Office Memorandum No. 23(2)/2006/E-Coord, dated 18th August,
2006 of the Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance, Government of India regarding the
proposals for foreign visits in the context of functional necessity as well as the austerity measures.
Since, the Ministry of Tourism gives ‗no objection‘ for the tourism related visits of various non-
officials and officials, your Department may like to follow these instructions mutatis mutandis.
This Ministry will strictly adhere to these instructions while processing all requests received from
the States/UTs.
Yours sincerely,
(Anand Kumar)
Ministry of Finance,
Department of Expenditure
No. 23(2)/2006/E-Coord. Dated:- 18-8-2006
Subject: Consideration of proposals for foreign visits in the context of functional necessity as
well as the austerity measures
As the Ministries/Departments are aware, detailed instructions have been issued on the subject of
―Expenditure Management-Economy Measures, Rationalization of Expenditure and Measures for
Augmentation of Revenues‖ vide Department of Expenditure‘s OM No.7(3)/E-Coord/2006 dated July
22, 2006. Paragraph 2.7 of the OM deals with ‗Foreign Travel‘.
With a view to rationalizing the expenditure on foreign travel, it has been decided that generally no
officer should undertake more than 4 (four) official visits abroad a year If in certain
Ministry/Department, nature of work demands a larger number of visits, a calendar of visits for the
entire year should be prepared in advance and visits prioritized. For a proposal relating to visits
exceeding four by an officer detailed justification would need to be furnished, and such visits would
be allowed only in exceptional cases. Approval for foreign visits has to be based on functional
necessity and not on number of visits/trips already made.
3. Accordingly, the Ministries/Departments are requested to carefully examine, with the
concurrence of their Financial Adviser concerned, the proposals for foreign visits whether these are to
be approved by themselves or to be referred to the Screening Committee for approval, to ensure that
the proposals are covered by extant norms, budget provisions and the guidelines.
4. This issues with the approval of the Prime Minister.
(Adarsh Kishore)
Finance Secretary
Department of Personnel
No. 19/15/2002-PER-Part C/230 Dated:- 15-12-2005
Sanction of the Government is hereby accorded to delegate the powers to the Director General of
Police to depute for training outside of Goa within the country all the categories of Police Officials
below rank of Dy. Superintendent of Police subject to following conditions:-
1. The training shall be restricted to official below 55 years of age.
2. The selection of the Official for the training to be made by the 2 or 3 members Screening
Committee headed by D.G.P.
Compendium 357 Tours/ Foreign Tours/Training
3. A time period of minimum 2 years (cooling off period) be followed to lapse for the same
Official who has already undergone training to be considered for the second training.
4. A quarterly statement showing the deputation for training by D.G.P. under delegated powers
shall be submitted to this Department positively by 5th of the month following the quarter.
By order and in the name of
Governor of Goa
(Jayant G. Tari)
Under Secretary (Personnel-II)
Department of Finance (Audit)
No. 3/4/79-Fin(Exp.)Vol.1 Dated:- 16-03-2005
A copy of the under-mentioned paper is forwarded for information and necessary action to:-
3) All Heads of Departments/Offices.
4) All Secretariat Departments
Government is pleased to make it applicable to the employees of this State Government.
(Shrikant M. Polle)
Under Secretary Finance (Exp)
Ministry of Finance,
Department of Expenditure,
F. No. 19031/1/E-IV/2004 Dated:- 25-11-2004
Subject: Admissibility for reimbursement of Taxi/Scooter charges to Officials while on tour
SR 51 (2) provides that the rates of Daily Allowances for different cities/towns shall be related to
the classification of the cities/towns for purpose of grant of Compensatory (City) Allowances. For the
purpose of Compensatory (City) Allowances, the limits of the locality shall be those of the Urban
Agglomeration adopted for the population census or, if the named place is not an Urban
Agglomeration, the named Corporation/Municipality.
2. The undersigned is directed to clarify that reimbursement of Taxi/Scooter charges while on
official tour to officials residing in cities with Urban Agglomeration need to be paid from the places of
residences in the UA to the Railway Station/Bus Station/Airport. Accordingly, the Central
Government employees living in cities with Urban Agglomeration (UA) may be reimbursed to and fro
Taxi/Scooter charges from the residence in the UA to the Railway station/Bus station/Airport.
(Mahendra Kumar)
Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of India
Department of Personnel
No. 12/1/80-PER (Part-II) Dated:- 22-07-2004
The Government of India, Ministry of Finance, Department of Economic Affairs, New Delhi D.O.
letter No. 32/52/EC/04 dated 24-6-2004 is reproduced below for information and guidance to:-
1. All Secretaries to Government.
2. P.S. to Chief Minister/Ministers.
3. All Departments in the Secretariat.
4. All Heads of Departments/offices.
(Vikas Mardolkar)
Under Secretary (Personnel)
Compendium 358 Tours/ Foreign Tours/Training
Ministry of Finance,
Department of Economic Affairs
D.O. No. 32/52/EC/04 Dated:- 24-06-2004
Dear Shri Negi,
Cabinet Secretariat‘s letter No. 21/1/1/81-Cab dated 16th August, 1982 and Department of
Economic Affairs letter No. 1/67/EC/84 dated 17th December, 1985 prescribe guidelines and
procedures to be followed by the state Government for the foreign visits of Chief
Ministers/Ministers/MLA/State Government Officials. These guidelines stipulate that the proposals of
foreign visits should be submitted to this Department at least 2 months before the date of departure in
order to process these proposal in consultation with the Ministry of External Affairs (political angle),
concerned administrative Ministry (essentiality angle) and Ministry of Home Affairs (from Foreign
Contribution Regulation Act angle). After obtaining the advice of these Ministries, proposals of Chief
Ministers, Ministers, MLA are submitted for the consideration and approval by the Prime Minister.
This department has written to the Chief Secretaries of all the State Government time and again to
comply with these guidelines, but of late, it has been observed that these guidelines are not being
adhered to.
The Principal Secretary to PM in his letter dated 14th June, 2004 has stressed upon the need that
the State Government must strictly follow the existing guidelines for scheduling foreign visits. Prior
scrutiny by the Administrative Ministry concerned and the Ministry of External Affairs would be
necessary for visits abroad. Proposal without their recommendations would not be considered. To
avoid any embarrassment on account of last minute cancellation, no scheduling of visits should be
finalized with foreign Government either directly or through our diplomatic missions prior to
obtaining the Prime Minister‘s approval. Therefore, Prime Minister‘s clearance should be sought well
in advance. Except in exceptional circumstances proposals seeking approval of the Prime Minister
should be initiated with the Ministry/Department concerned at least two months in advance so that
sufficient time is available for arranging the visits after obtaining the requisite approval.
I once again request you to please ensure that proposal for the foreign visits of Chief Ministers/
Ministers/MLA/State Government Officials should be submitted two months before the date of
departure to this Department so that these could be processed and submitted to the Prime Minister for
his consideration well before time.
Yours Sincerely,
(D.C. Gupta)
Finance Secretary
Department of Personnel
No. 19/11/2002-PER Dated:- 04-03-2004
Government of India, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pension, New Delhi,
correspondence reproduced below for information and guidelines.
1. All Secretaries to Government.
2. All Departments/Offices in the Secretariat.
(Vikas Mardolkar)
Under Secretary (Personnel)
Compendium 359 Tours/ Foreign Tours/Training
governments were put to considerable inconvenience in cancelling the arrangements made. It would
be appreciated that such erratic behaviour goes not project a very favourable image abroad of the
functioning of our government; nor does it help our bilateral relations with the concerned countries.
3. Prime Minister has therefore asked me to impress on Union Ministries and State Governments
the need to exercise strict restraint in the matter of foreign ministerial visits and also to follow the
procedural guidelines laid down for arranging such visits.
4. In particular, both the administrative Ministry and the Ministry of External Affairs may
scrutinize every proposal for a foreign visit in the light of its political and functional justification vis-
a-vis the financial implications, before recommending PM‘s approval. Further, in order to avoid the
embarrassment of last minute cancellation of arrangements, it should be ensured that no discussions
should be entered into with foreign governments either directly or through their Embassies/High
Commissions in India or our Embassies/High Commissions abroad before PM‘s approval has been
granted for the tour. In this regard MEA is also being advised that no request for visa notes should be
entertained until proof of PM‘s approval has been produced. Instances have recently come to our
notice where visa notes have been obtained from CPV Division from MEA on the undertaking that
the visits would be undertaken only after PM‘s approval. Thereafter, the visits have taken place
without such approval.
5. Following the above procedure would obviously also entail that papers for PM‘s approval should
be moved well in advance of the proposed visits, so that the pressures of last minute arrangements are
not imposed on the foreign host government when a visit is finally approved. Except in exceptional
cases, papers seeking PM‘s approval should be initiated with the concerned Ministry/Department at
least two months in advance of the proposed visit, so that is sufficient time to arrange the visit after
PM‘s approval.
6. There instructions of PM may kindly be brought to the notice of all concerned.
Yours Sincerely,
(Brajesh Mishra)
Department of Finance (Expenditure)
No. 7-3-97-Fin (Exp.) Dated:- 21-11-2000
As per the Rules, travel by air is permissible only in case of officers in receipt of pay of Rs.
16,400/- and above (Basic pay+ NPA+SI) at their discretion while on tour/transfer. The Officers
drawing pay between Rs. 12,300/- and Rs. 16,400/- may travel by air on tour/transfer at their
discretion if the distance involved is more than 500km. and the journey cannot be performed
overnight (ordinarily covered between 6 p.m. and 8 a.m.) by a direct train/direct slip coach services.
In all other cases of travel by air while on tour/transfer by non-entitled officers, prior approval of the
Government is required.
It has come to notice of the Government that non-entitled officers are performing air journey
without obtaining prior approval. The proposals are being referred for ex-post-facto approval as all
matter of practice in a routine manner.
It has been decided that in no case air journey should be performed by non-entitled officers without
the prior approval of the Finance Department.
All Heads of Departments are advised to take note of the above instructions and bring them to the
notice of the Officers working in their Department for strict compliance.
(Yvonne Cunha)
Under Secretary (Finance-Exp)
Compendium 362 Tours/ Foreign Tours/Training
Department of Personnel
No. 12/1/80-PER (Part) Dated:- 23-07-1999
Office Memorandum No. II/21022/9(1)/98-FCRA. I dated 18-3-1999 received from Director, Govt.
of India, Ministry of Home Affairs, New Delhi, alongwith its enclosure is reproduce herebelow for
information and guidance:-
1. All Secretaries to the Government.
2. P.S. to Ministers.
3. All Heads of Departments/Offices.
(J.S. Monteiro)
Under Secretary (Personnel)
Ministry of Home Affairs/Grih Mantralaya
No. II/21022/9(1)/98-FCRA. I Dated:-18-03-1999
Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 1976. Permission for acceptance of foreign hospitality
under section 9 of the Act-Guidelines for consideration of proposal regarding.
The under signed is directed to invite attention to this Ministry‘s O.M. of even No. dated 21-7-98
on the above subject and to state that instances have come to the notice of this Ministry, where
administrative departments/cadre controlling authorities etc., have insisted on permission being
obtained from this ministry to accept foreign hospitality, even from agencies excluded from the
definition of ―foreign source‖ given in the Act.
2f It is clarified that in terms of the provisions of section 2(e) (ii) of the Foreign Contribution
(Regulation) Act, 1976, the Central Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, specify
any international agency to the ‗excluded from the definition of ‗foreign source‘ given in the said Act.
3. A copy of the latest notification issued by the Central Govt. in this regard is enclosed (Annexe-1)
4. Besides the agencies mentioned in the aforesaid notification, the other bodies that are also
excluded from the definition of ‗foreign source‘ are the United-Nations or any of its specialised
agencies (Annex-2) the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.
5. Ministeries/Departments need not insist on prior permission being obtained from this ministry by
the person concerned in case the foreign hospitality is proposed to be accepted from any of the
bodies/agencies mentioned in this O.M.
(Sanjiv Datta)
Ministry of Home Affairs
Dated:- 23-02-1999
SO 125(E) In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-clause (ii) of clause (e) of sub-section (1) of
section 2 of the foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 1976 (49 of 1976), and in super-session of the
notifications of the Government of India in the Ministry of Home Affairs number SO 452(E) dated,
the 24th June 1980 and SO 841 (E ), dated the 10th December, 1991, except as respects, things done
or omitted to be done before such supersession the Central Government hereby specifies that the
following agencies of the United Nations and other international agencies and organisations, shall not
be treated as ―foreign source‖ for the purposes, of the said Act, namely:-
I. Agencies of the United Nations:
1. Economic Commission for Europe (ECE).
2. Economic Commission for, Latin America (ECLA).
3. Economic Commission for Africa (ECA)
Compendium 363 Tours/ Foreign Tours/Training
(iii) International Centre for Living Aquatic Resource Management (ICLARM), Philippines;
(iv) International Water Management Institute, (IMI) Sri Lanka.
(v) International Food Policy, Research Institute, (IFPRI), Washington;
(vi) International Centre of Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF), Nairobi.
(vii) International Centre for Agricultural Research in Dry Areas (ICARDA), Syria;
(viii) International Centre for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), Columbia;
(ix) International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) Nairobi;
(x) West Africa Development Association . (WARDA), Cote d‘ lvoire;
(xi) International Service of National Agricultural Research (ISNAR); Netherlands.
Specialised agencies of the United Nations.
1. International Labour Organisation (ILO).
2. Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO).
3. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO).
4. World Health Organisation (WHO).
5. World Bank/International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD).
6. International Development Association (IDA).
7. International Finance Corporation (IFC).
8. International Monetary Fund (IMF).
9. International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO).
10. Universal Postal Union (UPU).
11. International Telecommunication Union (ITU).
12. World Metelogical Organisation (WMO).
13. World Intelectual Property Organisation (WIPO).
14. International Maritime Organisation (IMO).
15. International Fund of Agriculture Development (IFDA).
16. United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO).
Department of Finance (Expenditure)
No. 7-3-97-Fin (Exp.) Part II Dated:- 16-06-1998
Government is pleased to declare all Heads of Department and Joint Secretaries of the State
Government as their own Controlling Officers for the purpose of Rule 191 of the Supplementary
Rules with immediate effect, subject to prior approval of the Competent Authority being obtained
before going on tour/availing LTC/medical reimbursement.
The sanction order conveying tour approval for the HOD/Jt. Secretary will be signed by the
concerned Secretary to Government henceforth.
By order and in the name of
Governor of Goa
(L. F. Correia)
Under Secretary (Finance Exp.)
Compendium 365 Tours/ Foreign Tours/Training
the deputation of the Minister concerned. In no circumstance should the proposals for the
deputation of the Private Secretary or any member of the personal staff be considered under
the delegated power of the Ministry/Department.
(xiii) The exact date of departure from India and return from aboard should be indicated clearly in
the note put up to the Prime Minister.
(xiv) Instructions issued by the Ministry of Finance and Ministry of External Affairs regarding the
ceiling on gifts, entertainment class of travel and hotel accommodation should be followed.
It is important that the choice of gifts be decided in consultation with the Mission/Territorial
Division/MEA Protocol such consultation would avoid the choice of inappropriate gifts.
(xv) In regard to expenditure on entertainment and contingencies etc., to be incurred by the
Minister, the extant orders of the Ministry of Finance would apply.
(xvi) Deputation proposals should be submitted at least 15 days before the scheduled date of
departure. A copy of the previous tour report, of the concerned Minister and information
regarding funding of such, tour etc. should be attached.
(xvii) Last minute cancellations of bilateral visits cause serious embarrassment and may be
(xviii) Requests for visa notes shall be processed by the Ministry of External Affairs and kept ready
for issue. They may, as a general rule, transmitted to the Embassy concerned by Ministry of
External Affairs only after all clearances, including PM‘s approval, where necessary, are
obtained for the visit. Only in exceptional cases visa notes may be issued in anticipation of
PM‘s approval, if the schedule of the visit is likely to be jeopardised for want of such
advance action.
(xix) In the event of a convention being organised abroad by NRI Institutions, the representation
may normally be limited to the Mission in that country and in the case of a Conference
organised by NRI in India, where a Minister‘s participation on substantive issues becomes
unavoidable, a brief on the issues, may be obtained from the administrative
Ministry/Ministry‘ of External Affairs. The offer of a membership of any Committee,
constituted by NRI organisations, may be politely declined.
(i) In respect of, deputation abroad of officials and non-officials, the guidelines of the Ministry
of External Affairs (Annexure I) and the instructions issued by the Ministry of Finance from
time to time should be strictly followed.
(ii) Cases of deputation abroad of officials at the level of Joint Secretary and below will be
decided by Ministries/Departments in consultation with the Financial Adviser and with the
approval of Minister-in-Charge. However, in cases of composite delegations being led by
Secretary/ Additional Secretary and comprising officers of the level of Joint Secretary and
below, the proposals should not be split but the complete proposals should be sent to the
screening Committee.
(iii) Cases of deputation abroad of officials of the rank of Secretary and Additional Secretary are
required to be sent to the Screening Committee of Secretaries for prior approval, except
visits to SAARC countries which may be decided by Ministries/Departments in consultation
with Financial Advisers. In case of Secretary to the Government of India, approval of the
Minister-in- charge should be taken in advance and wherever proposal of the Administrative
Ministry/ Department is not concurred in by the screening Committee of Secretaries, such
cases may be submitted to the Minister-in-Charge and the Finance Minister for orders.
Case of deputation of Secretaries to the Government of India which are fully financed by
International organisations or Foreign Government etc. should also be submitted to the
Screening committee of Secretaries for approval.
Compendium 367 Tours/ Foreign Tours/Training
(iv) In cases relating to deputation abroad, on training or scholarship, the procedure as in sub-
para (ii) above shall apply.
(v) The proposals of foreign travel of officers should be sent simultaneously to the Ministry of
External Affairs for political clearance and to the Ministry of Finance for obtaining
screening Committee of Secretaries approval. However, where foreign hospitality is
proposed to be availed of, clearance in terms of the Foreign contribution Regulation Act
(FCRA) should be obtained from the Ministry of Home Affairs before referring the proposal
for consideration of the Screening Committee of Secretaries. Clearance from FCRA angle as
well as political clearance shall not be required in cases where the Government delegates
receive invitations in their capacity as Chairman/member, delegates, adviser/consultants in
the International bodies of which India is a member.
(vi) While sending the proposal to the Ministry of Finance for consideration of the Screening
Committee of secretaries, the Ministries/ Departments should fill in the proforma prescribed
by the Finance Ministry duly signed by the Joint Secretary-in-charge and the Financial
Adviser, alongwith a list of foreign trips undertaken by the officer during the last 3 years.
(vii) In case of composite proposals in which officers from different Departments are required to
be deputed, the proposal should be coordinated by the nodal Ministry. The nodal Ministry
will obtain the list of officer from different Ministries on the prescribed proforma duly
signed by the Joint Secretary (Administration)/Financial Advisers concerned and submit a
consolidated proposa1 to the Screening Committee. The names of all officials including
those whose cases are proposed to be cleared under the delegated powers should be
mentioned alongwith the other relevant information like the number of tours undertaken by
these officers during last 3 years and the availability of funds under the foreign travel
budget etc.
(viii) Delegations should be compact in size, comprising only the technical personnel and senior
official(s) directly connected with the subject matter. The practice of including, as a routine,
representatives from the nodal Ministries and the Ministry of External Affairs should be
avoided. If need be, assistance from our Missions may be obtained.
(ix) Presentation of gifts and entertainment should be restricted to the minimum possible. In this
regard instructions issued by the Ministry of Finance vide their O.M. No. 19036/1/92-E.IV
dated 31st January, 1992 (Annexure II) should be followed. The gifts should be well chosen
and must also reflect the quality and image of our technologically advanced sectors as well
as the excellence of our traditional arts and crafts.
The provision for entertainment should not be made as a matter of course. If in any
particular case the ceiling limit of entertainment allowance is considered inadequate to
further the objective of the delegation/deputation, the proposals for adequate provision may
be made indicating the detailed justification and the amount required should be placed for
clearance before the Screening Committee. The amounts proposed could be determined in
consultation with the Embassies to reflect local costs and condition. When sanctioned, it
should be obligatory to support it with original vouchers in TA claims in the absence of
which the claim would be disallowed.
(x) Normally, the expenditure on deputation of Government Officers should be debited to the
Ministry/Department concerned, unless the journey is undertaken specifically in connection
with the affairs of public sector undertakings. In case of the latter the expenditure may be
borne by the public sector enterprise concerned, the entitlement of the officer remaining the
same as his entitlement under the Government Rules. Specific reasons for charging the
expenditure to the PSU must be spelt out in the proposal.
(xi) After each visit, a detailed report indicating also the follow up action required on the nature
of substantial work undertaken must be submitted as soon as possible and forwarded to the
Ministry of External Affairs as well as to the Cabinet secretary.
Compendium 368 Tours/ Foreign Tours/Training
(xii) The officers of the Government of India should accept invitations from foreign agencies
only after approvals from the Screening committee of Secretaries or the Prime Minister as
the case may be, have been obtained .
3. Composite Delegation Consisting of Central Ministers and Officials.
(i) In the case of composite delegations consisting of Central Ministers and Officials, the
proposals relating to officials proposed to be included in the delegation should first be
examined in the nodal Ministry/Department in consultation with other Ministries and
thereafter the matter should be referred to the Screening committee after getting the
clearance of the Ministry of Home Affairs and Ministry of External Affairs from
FCRA/Political angle. If the delegation is to be led by a Central Minister, it should be
clearly mentioned in the proposal for the Screening Committee that the delegation will be
led by the Minister and names of all the Officers proposed to be deputed including those
coming within the purview of the delegated powers should be mentioned.
(ii) In respect of a Central Minister and his Private Secretary, the proposal will require the
approval of the Prime Minister. Simultaneously, the proposal of the accompanying official
delegation (if the officers of Additional Secretary and above level are to be deputed) should
be sent to the Ministry of Finance for obtaining the concurrence of the Screening
Committee. If Secretary is also to be included in the delegation, prior approval of the
Minister-in-charge should be obtained. After the clearance of the proposal by the Prime
Minister in respect of Minister and his Private Secretary and by the Screening Committee in
respect of officers accompanying the Minister, the nodal Ministry will issue a combined
financial sanction stating clearly therein the terms of deputation of the members of the
(iii) The Minister and the Secretary should normally, be away from the Headquarters at same
time. If, however, both are required to deputed abroad, the necessity for deputing Secretary
at the same time as the Minister may brought out crear1y for consideration of Screening
Committee of Secretaries.
(iv) The secretaries to the Government of India should not be, normally away from the
Headquarters for a period of more than 7 days.
4. Nomination of Members of Parliament and Non- Officials which include Eminent Persons from
Public Life.
(i) No Administrative Ministry/Department should propose the name of any Member of
Parliament for inclusion in a Government sponsored delegation. The selection of MPs to be
deputed is to be made by the Minister for Parliamentary Affairs in consultation with
Minister incharge of the Administrative Ministry and the Minister for External Affairs and
with the approval of the Prime Minister name of any officer to be included in the delegation
should be suggested by the Nodal Ministry after following the Screening Committee
(ii) In respect of non-official in respect of whom the expenditure is being borne by the
Government of India, the approval of the Prime Minister will be required even if their names
are included in a composite delegation. Such cases should be submitted to the Prime
Minister through the Screening committee. The objectives of including the non-officials
should be clearly mentioned and the expenditure likely to be incurred on the visit indicated.
It should also be mentioned if the same non-official was sponsored by the Government for a
visit abroad during the last 3 years.
5. Composite Delegation Consisting of Central Ministers/Members of Parliament & Central
Government Officials
(i) Proposals relating to delegations of this category are first to be examined in the nodal
Ministry/ Department sponsoring the delegation in consultation with other
Ministries/Departments as may be necessary. The procedure of clearance in respect of
Compendium 369 Tours/ Foreign Tours/Training
(ii) The leader of the delegation should sent immediately on return from tour abroad a brief note
to inform his Minister all the major achievements of his Mission and a copy of the report
should be sent to the Cabinet Secretary. A copy should also be sent to the Ministry of
External Affairs. This has to be in addition to the detailed reports of the delegation.
(iii) The members of the delegation should ensure that they are medically fit and physically
capable of undertaking journey, specifically to those countries where medical care is not up
to the mark and evacuation is not easy due to lack of direct flights to India. Those with
chronic problem should carry sufficient quantities of the required medicines.
(B. B. Tandon)
Additional Secretary to the Cabinet.
Guidelines for Ministries/Departments of Govt. of India for Conduct of Official Visits Abroad and
Receiving Overseas as Visitors in India
For Visits Abroad
1) Ministry of External Affairs should be kept informed while planning for visits/exchanges.
Copies of communications to/from our Missions abroad should be marked to the concerned
Territorial Division in the Ministry of External Affairs (list of Territorial Divisions is
2) Details of visits must be finalised 6-8 weeks in advance. These details should include the list of
delegation; embarkation and disembarkation; special interests, if any etc. These details should
not be altered, as far as possible especially at the eleventh hour.
3) Clearance from Committee of Secretaries, Ministry of Home Affairs for acceptance of foreign
hospitality under FCRA, if required, Ministry of External Affairs from political angle must be
applied for well in advance, say 6-8 weeks prior to the commencement of the visit.
4) The Ministry of External Affairs will supply country note political briefs whenever required.
Speeches, if any, are to be sent to MEA for vetting atleast 3-4 weeks before the commencement
of the visit. MEA will guide the concerned Ministry/Deptt. on local protocol practices, local
ranks and designations, etc.
5) Booking of airlines seats, hotels and transport arrangements, if any, should be undertaken well
in advance and the concerned Indian Mission should be informed directly by the sending
MIN/DEPTT. giving flight details and listing the arrangements required to be made abroad.
6) Sanction must clearly and in some details mention all entitlements of the delegation members
during the period of their stay abroad, such as hotel rent, DA (must mention the grade of the
officials concerned), incidental expenditure, entertainment allowance, etc., including any
expenditure envisaged en route to the final destination. The foreign exchange component of
pre-determined entailments such as DA, entertainment allowance, etc., should be arranged for
in India, especially in the case of large delegations, since the concerned Mission will not have
sufficient funds to cater to the entire needs of the delegation. In case where it is not possible to
arrange for the foreign exchange component of the delegation to be collected prior to their
departure from India, the concerned Min/Deptt. must ensure that sufficient funds are
transferred to the account of the Mission concerned, after ascertaining details like Bank name,
account number, etc., from the Head of Chancery (HOC) of the Mission.
7) Delegations who require our Mission abroad to arrange for lunch/dinner/reception for their
local hosts must ensure that sufficient funds are earmarked for the purpose in the sanction and
funds carried with them/transferred to the Mission, after consultation with the Mission.
8) Booking for use of restricted/ceremonial lounge and also security passes for the restricted areas
of the airport must be made well in advance by the sending Min/Deptt. in consultation with the
Protocol Division of MEA.
9) MEA and/or our Missions abroad will try to make arrangements for Indian delegations and
request for programme as indicated in advance by the Indian side, by making suitable
Compendium 371 Tours/ Foreign Tours/Training
representation with the host Government/Embassy in New Delhi. The concerned Min/Deptt.
may also directly correspond with our Mission abroad/concerned Embassy in Delhi, but must
keep MEA informed at all stages. There is no guarantee that all requests made by the Indian
side with regard to their programme/arrangements abroad will be acceded by the hosting side.
Before departure from India the delegation should be fully aware of what is possible and not
possible and not make unreasonable demands after reaching their destination.
10) As far as possible one member of the Indian Embassy/High Commission concerned should be
included as a member of the Indian delegation. Where it is not possible for the Head of
Mission (HOM) to be on the delegation, he may assign one other member of the Mission to do
11) Missions abroad will receive official Indian delegations, including those transiting through,
with due courtesy. Use of the VIP lounge in airports abroad are guided by local protocol
practices and so sometimes it may not be possible for the Mission to receive the delegation
through this channel, even though the delegation may have availed of this facility when
departing from India. Costs incurred by our Missions abroad for such reception/seeing off at
airport, travel within the country of their jurisdiction, etc., including booking of cars/taxis for
use by members of the delegation will be debited to the Min/Deptt. concerned. Indian
Missions abroad will try to fulfil the requirements of the delegation as far as possible and
within the constraints placed by the country of their accreditation. However, our delegation
should not expect them or their officials to go beyond normal protocol or ethical practices and
any other such act as would be damaging to the interests and the image of India in the country
of their accreditation.
l2) Indians travelling abroad are all ambassadors of our nation. Delegations must ensure a
minimum dignity and decorum in the conduct of their business abroad. Requests for
changes/alterations in the programme mid-way through the visits should be avoided and
should be made only in consultation with our Mission.
13) Delegation members must ensure that they are physically capable of undertaking journeys
abroad, especially to those countries where medical care is not up to the mark and evacuation
is not easy due to lack of direct flights to India. Those with chronic problems should carry
sufficient quantities of the requisite medication. Delegation members should not expect
Indian/home-type food wherever they travel and may consider avoiding such travel, if they are
extremely particular about their dietary habits.
For Visitors Coming to India
1) Ministry of External Affairs/Indian Missions abroad should be kept informed about the official
visits to India from abroad including details of delegation members. The passport details of the
members of the delegation should be sent to Indian Missions broad for issue of visas. The
concerned Ministry/Deptt. should also inform the sending side to get in touch with the Indian
Mission along with this information.
2) A letter of invitation is required by the sending side which should be sent by the host
Ministry/Deptt. at the earliest through MEA or through our Mission abroad. The letter should
clearly specify the number of people invited, duration stay in India, terms of offer of the
invitation-whether both local hospitality and international airfare is being offered or the
invitation is confined to local hospitality only.
3) The programme in India should be drawn up keeping in mind the type and level of treatment
meted out to a similar Indian delegation, if any, that might have visited that country earlier. For
example, other than for Head of State/National level visits, there is no need to provide special
aircraft for internal travel within the country which should be done on commercial air flight or
train. The level at the delegation shou1d be met and the VVIP visitors the delegation may call
on should be finalised in consultation with MEA.
Compendium 372 Tours/ Foreign Tours/Training
4) MEA will provide on request, country note and political, briefs for all level of visitors. For very
high level visitors MEA may even suggest talking points and points to be included in speeches,
if any. For other visitors, the concerned Ministry/Deptt. will have to formulate talking points
according to the subject of the discussion and incorporating the points mentioned in the
political brief supplied by MEA. Any agreement/MOU/Protocol/Memorandum of Consultation
envisaged during the visit abroad should first be cleared by MEA and MEA must be kept fully
in the picture for any agreement which have any bilateral or multilateral implications.
5) All arrangements at the international and national airports, hotels, air booking, cars, etc., for the
visitors, will have to be made by the receiving side, and if necessary, in consultation with
Protocol Division of MEA (for Delhi only) and with state Government Protocol for places
outside Delhi.
6) MEA must be consulted on level of the visitor/visitors and its advice on these matters is
binding even if the Embassy/High Commission of the visiting delegation feels otherwise.
Contacts with Foreign Embassies/High Commissions/Consulates in India
1) Ministries/Departments of the GOI as well as State Governments and Union Territories must
follow the guidelines laid down from time to time by Cabinet Secretary regarding contacts with
foreign mission and diplomats in India.
2) As a general rule it is good to keep the concerned Territorial Division informed prior to
meeting with diplomats or foreign Embassies/High Commissions in Delhi.
Territorial Divisions
IPA DIVISIONS: Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iran.
BSM DIVISIONS: Bangladesh, Myanmar, Sri Lanka and Maldives.
ASEAN-SOUTH EAST ASIA DIVISION: Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines,
Brunei, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam.
ASIA-PACIFIC-DIVISION: Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Korea, South Korea, Fizi and Pacific
NORTH-EAST-DIVISION: Nepal, Bhutan, China, Hong Kong and Mangolia.
CENTRAL ASIA DIVISION: Kazakhstan, Kyrghyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tadzhakistan
and Turkey.
GULF DIVISION: Kuwait, Iraq, Baharin, Qatar, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Yaman and U.A.E.
WANA DIVISION: Syria, Lebanan, Jordan, Israel, Libya, Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco,
Somalia, Sudan, Djibouti, Sharawi Arab Republic and State of Palestine.
AFRICA DIVISION: African countries excluding countries of North Africa under WANA Division.
EUROPE EAST DIVISION: Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovac Republic, Russia, Bulgaria,
Romania, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus, Georgia, Armenia and
countries of former Yugoslavia.
EUROPE WEST DIVISION: UK, Portugal, Spain, France, Germany, Belgium, Nitherlands,
Denmark, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Austria, Italy, Greece, Cyprus, Finland, Sweden, Norway,
Ireland and Iceland.
AMS DIVISION: Canada and the USA.
LAC DIVISION: Mexico, Central American countries, Carribean countries and South American
UN DIVISION: Matters related with UN.
Compendium 373 Tours/ Foreign Tours/Training
Ministry of Finance
(Department of Economic Affairs)
No. F.1/67/EC/84 Dated:- 17-12-1985
To, the Chief Secretaries to the State Govt./Union Territories
iv) Chief Ministers/Ministers need not be excluded from undertaking the visits.
(b) External Assistance
Separate visits abroad by Ministers of State Governments/Officials to negotiate external
assistance for such projects need not be approved as this subject is within the purview of the
Central Government which coordinates all external assistance
(c) Collaboration agreements
Collaboration agreement proposals both from the public sector and private sector are
considered on merits of each case. Among other things, profitability aspect of the proposal is
to be justified fully in each case. Negotiations with foreign parties in connection with
collaboration agreements are matters which are required to be carried out by technical
authorities connected with the project. While giving its approval in principle, in these cases,
Govt. of India indicates broad parameters within which agreement has to be finalised with
the overseas parties. In cases where any change is sought by the project authorities they have
to seek Govt. of India‘s approval first. It is therefore, proposed that the visits abroad by the
Minister/Chief Ministers for discussions/negotiation in connection with collaboration
agreement need not be encouraged.
4. It is requested that the above guidelines may please be kept in view while forwarding the
proposals to the Department of Economic Affairs., It is hereby clarified that unless all procedural
requirements are met and proposals are submitted to the Department of Economic Affairs at least
three weeks in advance, it would be difficult for this Department to clear such proposals in time.
Yours faithfully,
(J. L. Bajal)
Joint Secretary to the Govt. of India.
This procedure will be applicable even in the case of proposals where the expenditure is borne by
State Public Sector Undertakings or Corporations.
(ii) In case of official delegations, their composition and background of the members may be
(iii) The work proposed to be transacted in each place of visit together with duration may be
indicated, specially where official meetings are to take place with functionaries of foreign
Governments. It would be appreciated that keeping in view the need for conserving foreign
exchange, the duration of stay abroad should be the minimum necessary.
(iv) On receipt of recommendations from the different concerned Ministries, Department of
Economic Affairs will consolidate the case and issue final orders regarding clearance of the
visit, the number of persons to go abroad, the places to be visited and duration of visit at each
(v) Department of Economic Affairs will thereafter issue instructions to the Reserve Bank of
India for release of foreign exchange towards personal incidentals. Simultaneously, Ministry
of External Affairs would be advised to issue instructions to the Missions for release of Daily
Allowance and other allowances as per rates prevalent in the country of visit and also for
extending appropriate courtesies to the official delegation.
(vi) On the basis of formal clearance from the Department of Economic Affairs State Government
would issue necessary formal deputation orders endorsing copies thereof to all concerned
Ministries of the Central Government and our Missions in the places to be visited. The
number and date of clearance received from the Department of Economic Affairs should be
quoted in the deputation orders. Without the Department of Economic Affairs reference
number, the Mission will not be in a position to honour these deputation orders.
(vii) 1. In places of visit where there are no Missions, or if otherwise DA etc. is required to be
released in India itself, a certificate of entitlement may be obtained from the Ministry of
External Affairs and forwarded to the Department of Economic Affairs for release of foreign
2. In making a reference to the Department of Economic Affairs, the name of the branch of
the Reserve Bank of India from where the foreign exchange is required to be released should
be clearly indicated.
(viii) Within three weeks of the completion of the visits, the leader of the delegation should send a
report to the Ministry of Finance, Department of Economic Affairs with copies to the
Ministry concerned with the subject matter of the visits.
2. Attention is drawn in this connection to the provisions of the foreign contribution (Regulation)
Act of 1976 which lays down certain restrictions on acceptance of foreign hospitality. Prior
permission of the Central Government is necessary before such hospitality (which includes travel
assistance or concession) can be accepted by a Minister, Member of Legislature, Office bearer of a
political party, Government servant or employee of a Corporation. In cases where foreign hospitality
is involved, including travel expenses, therefore, specific and prior clearance of the Ministry of Home
Affairs is required before any acceptance is conveyed. A separate reference in the prescribed form FC
2 indicating the source from which the travel and stay expenses are proposed to be met should be
made directly to that Ministry well in time.
3. The above instructions may please be brought to the notice of the Chief Minister, all ministers
and other officials.
Yours faithfully,
(Prem Kumar)
Additional Secretary to the Cabinet.
Compendium 376 Training Policy
Training Policy
Compendium 377 Training Policy
Personnel Department
No.10/1/2014-PER(Part-I)824 Dated 10-03-2016
Sub : ―The Goa State Training Policy, 2016‖.
The Government of Goa is pleased to introduce the ―Goa State Training Policy 2016‖. The
mission of the Goa State Training Policy is to develop a training framework for the workforce in
institutions of governance, to instill values, attitude, competencies to empower them to discharge their
duties efficiently and effectively to the citizens through a systematic process of training.
(Yetindra M. Maralkar)
Additional Secretary(Personnel).
and a track will be maintained of the trainings completed by him/her as per the mandatory
• Each training plan will consist of two components: Administrative Training & Technical
Training. The administrative training will cover the common areas of administrative knowledge and
skills required by officers whereas technical training will focus on the specific domain knowledge
(such as agriculture, health, education, etc.) of each department.
7.3.3 Better Utilization of Budget/fund.
For proper and full utilization of Budget/Fund allocated for development of training
infrastructure and manpower, GIPARD shall oversee and coordinate training activities in all
departments. Besides this the Institute will work out the budgetary requirements of training through
evolving norms of expenditure per day per participants.
7.4.1 Training to Elected Representatives.
The Elected Representatives both from urban and rural bodies should be given minimum of three
trainings in their term of office of which one will be the foundation course of four days duration, soon
after they take charge of office after elections.
Rural Development: The areas of training will focus on rules and regulations, rural
development/welfare programmes, rural planning and livelihoods, role of N.G.Os in rural
development, handling media, conflict management, ethics and values.
Urban Development: Decentralization and urban Governance, urban land issues, urban
environment, urban transport, urban planning and infrastructure development, urban poverty and
social development, municipal accounts and finance, e–Governance for urban development, handling
media, conflict management, ethics, values.
7.5.1 Data Management and Mapping of the Government workforce.
To meet the requirement of department services and officers of different grades, Nodal Officers
will be appointed in each department and organization with specific responsibilities such as
identifying the training requirement of the staff working under him/her and ensuring implementation
of the department/organization training plan.
7.5.2 Clear classification of posts with clear job description. This process would involve—
• Understanding the department structure and distinct roles.
• Collating existing published and unpublished sources of information regarding the list of
distinct roles in the Organization.
• Conducting meetings with the key stakeholders to understand the structure and distinct roles
within the department.
• Documenting the job descriptions for all the distinct roles which would include basic
information on the role, organization chart, job purpose, dimensions, principal accountabilities, key
decisions, key interactions and the knowledge, skills and experience required for a job.
7.6.1 Design training modules.
To meet the suitable needs of target groups, training modules, course material, compendium of
instructions will be developed for training and reference purposes.
7.6.2 Periodic training, pre induction and mid career stages as well as refreshers and exposure
The officers/officials shall receive the different types and levels of training including—
(i) Induction Training.– Immediately after selection or recruitment of an employee in the
Government Department compulsory induction training shall be imparted to the employee which may
vary from short term to medium term depending upon the position and scale for which an employee is
recruited. The induction training shall also include a compulsory component of computer literacy for
all employees.
Compendium 380 Training Policy
(ii) Refresher Training.– at suitable intervals during career progression, preferably once in five
years, subject to the limitations of training capacity and budgetary allocation. The refresher training
shall also include a compulsory component of computer literacy for all employees who are less than
50 years of age and who have not undergone the induction.
(iii) Promotion Linked Training.– of one month‘s duration either before or after promotion,
within a specific time interval, preferably five years.
(iv) Orientation Training.– such type of training shall be conducted on identified issues for a
short period of one to two weeks. It shall be imparted to employees who have completed 9 years of
service. Orientation programme shall not be repeated before a period of two years.
(v) Specialized Training.– specialized training can be short term as well as long term depending
upon the area of specialization. It shall be imparted for specific needs and in pre-identified situations.
(vi) Distance e-learning.– supplement their current programmes with distance and e-Learning
(vii) In situ–Training.– in house training in their respective departments.
7.6.3 Planning training interventions relevant to career cycles. To determine training
interventions every department/organization will conduct preparatory tasks of analyzing goals and
objectives, Training Needs Analysis, etc. prior to designing specific training programme. To bring the
consistency in training periodic training, pre-induction training and mid career training as well as
refresher courses and exposure visits will be organized at regular interval.
7.7.1 Identify value systems.
• Honesty – being truthful and open.
• Integrity – putting the obligations of public service above your own personal interests.
• Impartiality – acting solely according to the merits of the case and serving equally well
governments of different political persuasions.
• Objectivity – basing your advice and decision on rigorous analysis of the evidence.
• Compassion – concern for the weaker and underprivileged sections of society.
• Effectiveness - timely discharge of duties.
7.8.1 Identification of skills sets.
For the purpose of conducting relevant training and in order to design appropriate training
modules, a Training Need Analysis shall be conducted and it shall be divided into four levels each
with its specific training needs.
(i) The lowest operative level at the cutting edge, where the focus is on functional skill.
(ii) The supervisory level where the focus is on extracting work from others involving co-
ordination, coaching, counseling skills, interpersonal skills and a role model function.
(iii) The middle administration level concentrating on professional excellence and leadership.
(iv) The top level officers of the State Administration to be intellectually and professionally
equipped for policy analysis, strategic planning, lateral thinking and policy formulation.
7.8.2 Developing Skills and Competency.
To increase the levels of commitment, self confidence and motivation, training emphasis will be
on development of skills and competency based on four ―Es‖.
will be allocated to the Goa Institute of Public Administration and Rural Development or the training
institutes of various departments depending on the venue of training.
• The State Government will provide timely and adequate funds to the various training
institutions, for infrastructure and manpower support so as to enable them to perform and meet the
mandate of training requirements.
• A Circular to be issued to all concerned HOD‘s, Secretaries to ensure that while writing Annual
Performance Appraisal Report (APAR),the Reporting and Reviewing Officers should make special
reference to the details of trainings attended by the officials/officers. Similarly the department should
make training compulsory and any employee engaged for imparting training or deputed for training
shall be considered on duty.
• This policy will be reviewed once in every 7 years and changes will be incorporated if required.
8.2 Role of the Training Infrastructure: (GIPARD)
8.2.1 Development of the Annual Training Calendar:
• Based on the overall training plans of various departments, The Goa Institute of Public
Administration and Rural Development (GIPARD) will prepare Annual Training Calendar at the
beginning of each year and circulate it latest by 1st April of every year. The training calendar will
consist of the programmes to be conducted directly by GIPARD as well as those to be conducted by
other institutes under the various departments. This will ensure consistency and coherence in the
training activities in the State and help in manpower planning and forecasting.
• The training plans will also include cadre wise enumeration of officers of each department, year
wise expected volume of officers becoming eligible for different types of training on account of
induction, promotion, change of cadre, etc. GIPARD will maintain a systematic database of all cadres
of employees of all departments. A unique identification number will be provided to each employee
and a track will be maintained of the trainings completed by him/her as per the mandatory
• Each training plan will consist of two components: Administrative Training & Technical
Training. The administrative training will cover the common areas of administrative knowledge and
skills required by officers whereas technical training will focus on the specific domain knowledge
(such as agriculture, health, education, etc.) of eachDepartment.8.2.2 Development of trainers:
• Ensure that all trainers who join the institute are deputed at the earliest possible opportunity to
undergo programmes for ‗Training of Trainers‘.
• Facilitate the development of domain specific trainers and provide stability of tenure and
opportunities for faculty development;
• The training institutions should also use innovative methods like Video Conferencing, e-
learning, web based training, etc.
8.2.3 Training target:
• GIPARD will conduct training programmes all employees in the trainable age in the next five
years in the State administration as well as for the Elected Representatives. Training will also be
imparted to employees requiring professional and technical knowledge such as para medical,
engineering, etc. As a general principle, the training of Group A & B officers will be conducted by
GIPARD directly, whereas the training of Group C & D employees will be conducted in the
respective departmental training centres/institutes. In case of Departments which do not have their
own training centres/institutes, the training of Group C & D employees will also be organized by
GIPARD at suitable facilities/venues subject to the availability and capacity of such facilities.
• The elected Representatives both from urban and rural bodies should be given minimum of
three trainings in their term of office of which one will be the foundation course of four days duration,
soon after they take charge of office after elections. The other two will be refresher courses upgrade
their skills and knowledge and competency building. The core areas of these training programmes will
be as follows:
Compendium 383 Training Policy
* Rural Development: The areas of training will focus on rules and regulations, rural
development/welfare programmes, rural planning and livelihoods, role of N.G.Os in rural
development, handling media, conflict management, ethics and values.
* Urban Development: decentralization and urban Governance, urban land issues, urban
environment, urban transport, urban planning and infrastructure development, urban poverty and
social development, municipal accounts and finance, e–Governance for urban development, handling
media, conflict management, ethics, values.
8.2.4 Development of modules and material:
• Prepare modules on specific areas of training as well as training material.
• Constantly review and modify their curricula, content and training methodologies to take
account of training feedback and the needs of clients;
Assimilate technologies with a view to enabling learning anywhere, anytime for their clients.
8.2.5 Research and Consultancy:
• Provide advisory and/or consultancy services (as applicable);
• Play a key role in assisting the Departments in the process of shifting to a Competency based-
framework for training (as applicable);
• Conduct field studies and research as part of the process of becoming repositories of knowledge
in the areas of their sectoral or functional specialization (as applicable);
• Put in place a rigorous system of evaluation of training programmes and assessment of their
impact on individuals‘ performance over time; and
• Undertake activities such as research, monitoring & evaluation, policy analysis, documentation
of best practices, etc., and to utilize its findings in training so as to enhance the relevance and richness
of training as well as to suggest policy interventions required at various stages in administration.
8.2.6 Networking:
• Goa Institute of Public Administration and Rural Development will also facilitate activities
supportive and complementary to training such as research, documentation of best practices, creation
of systematic data and knowledgebase on current issues in administration, pilot projects on use of
technology for business process reengineering, monitoring &evaluation of schemes/programmes, etc.
• The outcome of research activities will be used to enrich the content, quality, impact of training
as well supplement policy measuresto the Government in various areas.
• Goa Institute of Public Administration and Rural Development will endeavour to develop
linkages with the Universities, Training Institutes within and outside Government, Research Institutes,
Management Institutes as well as national & international eminence so as to facilitate exchange of
knowledge and skills towards achieving excellence in training.
8.2.7 Monitoring and evaluation of training:
• Evaluation would be an integral part of learning and development process. Training would be
assessed through a series of tests and assessments to ascertain whether a training programme has
achieved the objectives specified.
• GIPARD and the other institutes involved in imparting training will systematically record the
feedback of trainee officers at the end of each training programme and internally review the feedback.
• At least once every three years, the impact of training will be evaluated through assigning an
independent third-part evaluation agency of suitable competency and reputation.
8.3 Role of the Departments:
• Prepare an Annual Training Plan (ATP) for all the cadres under its control;
• Implement the Annual Training Plan, by using the institutions under it or outside, so that the
limitations on internal training capacity do not constrain the implementation of the training plan;
Compendium 384 Training Policy
• Develop the Cadre Training Plans (CTP), based on the competencies required and training
• Appoint a Training Manager who will be the Nodal Person for the implementation of the
training function in that Department//Organization;
• Make the immediate supervisor responsible and accountable for the training of the staff
working under them;
• Classify all posts with a clear job description and competencies required;
• Link the training and development of competencies of individuals to their career progression
and ensure this by suitably amending service rules/issuing administrative instructions;
• Allocate appropriate funds to enable the training to be carried out by institutions under its
control or outside;
• The Administrative Training Institute shall workout the budgetary requirements of training
through evolving norms of expenditure per day per participant at different levels/types of training
taking into account the required level of facilities & inputs for each level/type of training and get the
same as training fee from the concerned department.
• Incorporate a separate section in the Department‘s annual report on the training and capacity
building activities undertaken during the year:
• Efforts to be made strengthen the function of Human Resource through Competency
Framework as is mentioned in the National Training Policy. For this purpose, State level awareness
for the competency based HRM to be created through workshops at ATI.
8.4 Role of the State Government:
• The State Government shall create a corpus fund for the Administrative Training Institute
(GIPARD) to be given annually over a period of time;
• The State Government shall continue to give Grant-in-Aid to the ATI (GIPARD) covering the
cost of administration and salary expenditures with sufficient increase each year to keep with
inflation, until the outflows from the corpus funds become significant;
• The State Government shall also give a special Annual Grant-in-Aid to cover capital and
infrastructural projects; and
• Review the implementation of the Annual Training Plan and the functioning of Training
Institution(s) under the Department (including attached/subordinate offices).
* Utilization of the training capacity;
* Quality of training conducted;
* Adequacy of the physical and training infrastructure, faculty, finances and delegation of powers
for carrying out the institute‘s mandate;
* Training of the Group ‗B‘ and ‗C‘ staff, particularly those at the cutting edge level (as may be
applicable); and
* Proper selection and development of faculty, incentives for them, and stability of their tenure.
Compendium 385 Transfer/Transfer Under FR-15/
Transfer on Deputation
Department of Personnel
No. 13/1/2016-PER/1494 Dated:- 27-05-2019
Government of India‘s Office Memorandum No. 2/6/2016-Estt (pay-II) dated 17th February,
2016 adopted by the Government of Goa is forwarded for information and necessary action.
This issues with the concurrence of Finance (R&C) Department vide their U.O. No. 140030424
dated 18-04-2019.
(Shashank Thakur)
Under Secretary (Per-II)
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievance and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training.
No. 2/6/2016-Estt.(Pay-II) Dated: 17-02- 2016
Subject: Delegation of power to Ministries/Departments/ Borrowing Organizations to extend
deputation tenure upto 7 years in Cases of Deputations covered by DOP & T‘s O.M. No.
6/8/2009-Estt. (Pay-II) dated 17th June 2010-regarding.
1. This Department O.M. No. 6/8/2009-Estt (Pay-II) dated 17th June 2010 regulates Pay,
Deputation (Duty) Allowance, Tenure of Deputation/Foreign Service and other terms and conditions
on the Subject of deputation/foreign service of Central Government employees to ex-cadre posts
under the Central Government, State Governments, Public Sector Undertaking, Autonomous Bodies,
Universities/Union Territories Administration, Local Bodies etc. and vice-versa (copy enclosed),
subject to its applicability as provided in Para 2 of the O.M. these instructions cover cases of
deputation/foreign service where Central Government is either lending authority for borrowing
authority or both. It provide for duration of maximum Deputation Tenure as 5 years at a stretch. As
per Para 8. 3. (iii) of this O.M. no further extension beyond the fifth year shall be considered.
2. Various administrative Ministries/departments/Borrowing Organization have been
approaching this Department for relaxation of the 5 years deputation tenure condition on case to case
basis, citing exigencies, quoting provision of Para 10 of the O.M. dated 17-6-2010.
3. It has been decided that if the administrative Ministries/Departments and other borrowing
organization wish to retain an officer beyond 5 years, they may extend tenure of deputation covered
by O.M. No. 6/8/2009-Esst (Pay-II) dated 17th June 2010, where absolutely necessary in public
interest, upto a period not exceeding 7 years at a stretch. This shall be done with the approval of the
Minister of the borrowing Ministry/Department with which they are administratively concerned,
keeping in view the exigencies and subject to fulfillment of all other requirements such as willingness
and vigilance clearance of the Officer concerned NOC of the lending authority, UPSC/ACC approval
wherever applicable. Thus, no case of extension shall be referred to Department Personnel &
Training, New Delhi.
4. All other terms and conditions issued vide O.M. No. 6/8/2009 Estt (Pay-II) dated 17th June
2010, will remain unchanged.
5. In cases where necessity to have deputation tenures longer than seven years is felt, the
concerned administrative Ministries/Departments/borrowing organization may amend the relevant
Recruitment Rules of such deputation post accordingly, after following the requisite procedure. No
extension of deputation beyond 7 years is to be allowed unless provided in the relevant Recruitment
Rules of such deputation post. It is reiterated that no case for extension beyond five years shall be
referred to DOPT.
6. It is also clarified that cases which are not covered by the O.M. dated 17-6-2010 including
those where Central Government is neither lending authority nor borrowing authority, will continue to
be decided in term of the relevant provision/rules instructions etc. governing them.
7. These order shall come into effect from the date of issue of this O.M.
(Ashok Kumar Jain )
Compendium 387 Transfer/Transfer Under FR-15/
Transfer on Deputation
Deputy Secretary (Pay)
Department of Personnel
No. 2/1/79-PER Dated:- 09-10-2012
Read: 1) Office Memorandum No. 2/1/97-PER dated 21-04-1983.
2) Corrigendum No.2/1/79-PER dated 10-05-1983.
1. According to F.R.15, the Heads of Departments are competent to effect transfers of
Government servants from one Departments to another in public interest or at the request of persons
2. It has come to the notice of the Government that in many cases transfers have been effected
under F.R.15 which could not be strictly covered under this Rule. After careful examinations of the
matter, it has been decided to issue following guidelines, for transfer under F.R.15:
a) When a request is received from a Government servant for his/her transfer from one
Department to another, it should be made clear to him that his seniority in the Department
for which he/she applies for transfer will not be counted in the Department to which he/she
wishes to be transferred i.e. his/her seniority in the latter Department will be fixed from the
date he/she joins it, but his/her service in the Department for which he/she wishes to be
transferred will be counted for the purpose of pay, leave, pension, etc.
b) While effecting transfers in public interest, it should be ensured that there are no
disciplinary proceeding pending against them. In case disciplinary proceeding pending or
being contemplated, provision of F.R.15 should not be invoked till such time the
proceedings are completed.
c) When a request is received for transfer to another Department under F.R. 15 the Heads of
Departments, while recommending the cases, should be fully satisfied that the request is
genuine and if the request is granted it will not affect the working of his own Department.
d) Only cases where mutual transfers are involved will be considered for transfer under F.R.
15 on case to case basis. No, individual cases will be considered to transfer under F.R. 15
against vacant posts.
e) Only cases where designations and pay are same will be considered under F.R. 15.
f) No cases will be considered under F.R.15. where transfers are involved within same taluka.
(Umeshchandra L. Joshi)
Under Secretary (Personnel-I)
Department of Personnel
No. 2/1/79-PER Dated:- 26-09-2012
Read: 1) Office Memorandum No. 2/1/97-PER dated 21-04-1983.
2) Corrigendum No.2/1/79-PER dated 10-05-1983.
1. According to F.R.15, the Heads of Departments are competent to effect transfers Government
servants from one Department to another in public interest or at the request of persons concerned.
2. It has come to the notice of the Government that in many cases transfers have been effected
under F.R.15 which could not be strictly covered under this Rule. After careful examinations of the
matter, it has been decided to issue following guidelines, for transfer under F.R.15:
a) When a request is received from a Government servant for his/her transfer from one
Department to another, it should be made clear to him that his seniority in the Department
Compendium 388 Transfer/Transfer Under FR-15/
Transfer on Deputation
for he/she applies for transfer will not be counted in the Department to which he/she
wishes to be transferred i.e. his/her seniority in the latter Department will be fixed from the
date he/she joins it, but his/his service in the Department for which he/she wishes to be
transferred will be counted for the purpose of pay, leave, pension, etc.
b) While effecting transfers in public interest, it should be ensured that there are no
disciplinary proceeding pending against them. In case disciplinary proceeding pending or
being contemplated, provision of F.R.15 should not be invoked till such time the
proceedings are completed.
c) When a request is received for transfer to another Department under F.R. 15 the Heads of
Departments, while recommending the cases, should be fully satisfied that the request is
genuine and if the request is granted it will not affect the working of his own Department.
d) Only cases where mutual transfers are involved will be considered for transfer under F.R.
15 on case basis .No. individual cases will be considered to transfer under F.R. 15 against
vacant posts.
e) Only cases where designations and pay are same will be considered under F.R. 15.
f) No cases will be considered under F.R.15. where transfers are involved within same taluka.
(Umeshchandra L. Joshi)
Under Secretary (Personnel-I)
Department of Personnel
No. 13/4/74-PER Dated:- 03-09-2012
Copy of the under mentioned Office Memorandum is forwarded for information and necessary
action to:
1. All Head of Departments/Offices.
2. All Secretariat Departments.
(Umeshchandra L. Joshi)
Under Secretary (Personnel-I)
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
No. AB-14017/2/2007-Esttt. (RR) Dated:- 28-03-2012
Subject: Consolidated Deputation Guidelines dated 29-2-08 for members of the organized Group ‗A‘
and Group ‗B‘ Services of the Central Government.
Attention is invited to this Department‘s O.M. No. AB-14017/2/2007-Estt. (RR) dated 29-02-08
laying down consolidated guidelines on deputation/foreign service of Members of the Organized
Group ‗A‘ and Group ‗B Services of the Central Government. The guidelines contained in this O.M.
have been reviewed and the provisions contained in paragraphs 1.1 and 2.2 of the said guidelines are
hereby substituted by following provisions:
1.1 Central Staffing Scheme (CSS) Posts that are to be covered:
1. Ministers/Departments of Government of India, Union Public Service Commission, and
Election commission of India, Central Vigilance Commission and Central Information
Procedure to be followed for appointment:
Civil Services Board (below JS), with ACC approval for JS and above.
Tenure to be applicable
Compendium 389 Transfer/Transfer Under FR-15/
Transfer on Deputation
US level 3 years
DS level 4 years
Dir level 5 years
JS level 5 years
JS/AS level 7 years (Subject to 3 years in the second post,
and also subject further to a minimum of 5 years
in the Centre.)
AS level 4 years
Secy. Level No ceiling
2.2 Autonomous body, trust, society, etc. not controlled by the Government or a private
Posts that are to be covered:
i) Registered Societies or Trusts or Foundations or non-profit organizations or NGOS of
ii) Apex bodies of Industries and Commerce;
Provided that such autonomous or private bodies fulfill all four of the Following criteria:
a) they are functionally autonomous of the Central and State Governments;
b) they are not substantially funded by the Central and State Government;
c) the Central or State Government do not have powers to given then directions;
d) they are not companies (except Section 25 companies) registered under the Registration of
Companies Act.
Provided further that deputation to Section 25 Companies shall be allowed only on standard
Government deputation terms.
Procedure to be followed for appointment:
A Committee under the Chairmanship of Cabinet Secretary with Secretary (Personnel), Finance
Secretary will screen all proposals for deputation on foreign service terms of Offices of the level of JS
and above, on a case to case basis, after the proposals have been approved by the Cadre Controlling
Authority. Such screening in the case of Officers below the level of JS will be by a Committee chaired
by the Secretary of the Cadre Controlling Ministry/Department with a member each, not below the
level of JS from the DOPT and Department of Expenditure. A final decision in the recommendations
of the Screening Committee may be taken at the level of Minister-in-charge in the case of officers
holding posts below Js-level and with the approval of PM in the case of officers holding JS-level posts
or above.
Tenure to the applicable: Maximum of 5 years at a stretch.
Provided that total period of deputation under all categories under 2-1 & 2-2 shall not exceed a
maximum of 7 years in the entire service.
(Smita Kumar)
Director (E.I)
Department of Personnel
No. 13/4/74-PER Dated:- 11-05-2011
Copy of the under mentioned Office Memorandum is forwarded for information and necessary
action to:
1. All Head of Departments/Offices.
2. All Secretariat Departments.
Compendium 390 Transfer/Transfer Under FR-15/
Transfer on Deputation
(Umeshchandra L. Joshi)
Under Secretary (Personnel-I)
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
No./6/8/2009-Estt (Pay-II) Dated:-01-03-2011
Sub: Overstay while on deputation.
Undersigned is directed to refer to this Department‘s O.M. of even number dated the 17 th June,
2010 and to say that as per existing instructions no extension in deputation beyond the fifth year is
allowed. Further, as per the O.M. No. 14017/30/2006-Estt (RR) dated 29th November, 2006 the
deputationist officer is deemed to have been relieved on the date of expiry of the deputation period
unless the competent authority has with requisite approvals, extended the period of deputation, in
writing prior to the date of its expiry. It is observed that despite these clear instructions, proposals for
regularization of overstay of officers on deputation beyond the five years period continue to be
received in the Department. It is reiterated that it will be the responsibility of the immediate superior
officer to ensure that the deputationist does not overstay. In the event of the officer overstaying for
any reason whatsoever, he/she is liable to disciplinary action and other adverse Civil/Service
consequences which would include the period of unauthorized overstay not being counted for service
for the purpose of pension and that any increment due during the period of unauthorized overstay
being deferred with cumulative effect, till the date on which the officer rejoins his parent cadre.
2. All Ministries/Departments may please note that henceforth no ex-post facto approval for
regularization of overstay on deputation would be allowed.
(Mukesh Chaturvedi)
Deputy Secretary to the Government of India
Department of Personnel
No. 13/4/74-PER Dated:- 20-11-2013
Copy of the under mentioned Office Memorandum is forwarded for information and necessary
action to:
1. All Head of Departments/Offices.
2. All Secretariat Departments.
(R. Aga)
Under Secretary (Personnel-II)
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
New Delhi
No./6/8/2009-Estt (Pay-II) Dated:- 17-06-2010
Subject: Transfer on deputation/Foreign Service of Central Government employees to ex-cadre
posts under the Central Government/State Governments/Public Sector
Undertaking/Autonomous Bodies, Universities/UT Administration, Local Bodies etc.
and vice-versa-Regulation of Pay, Deputation (duty) Allowance, tenure of
deputation/foreign and other terms and conditions regarding.
The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department‘s O.M. No. 2/29/91-Estt. (Pay II) dated
5th January, 1994 as amended/revise from time to time. A need has been felt to consolidate all these
Compendium 391 Transfer/Transfer Under FR-15/
Transfer on Deputation
orders in one place and accordingly, it has been decided, in consultation with Department of
Expenditure, to bring out a self contained O.M. in super session on O.M. dated 5-1-94 and subsequent
amendments on the subject, incorporating the provisions of earlier orders with suitable modifications,
wherever necessary.
2. Application
2.1 These orders will apply to all Central Government employees, who are regularly appointed
on deputation/foreign Service in accordance with Recruitment Rules of the ex-cadre posts, under the
same or some other Department of Central Government or under the State Governments/Union
Territories Administration/Local Bodies or under Central State PSUS/s Autonomous Bodies etc. set
up or controlled by Central/State Governments provided the foreign service under such
PSUs/autonomous bodies has been permitted in relaxation of appointment on immediate absorption
basis. These orders will also cover the cases of regular appointment on deputation/foreign services of
employees of State Government/local bodies etc, as well as PSUs/Autonomous Bodies of
Central/State Government as per recruitment rules in the Central Government.
2.2 However, the following cases shall not be covered under these orders for whom separate
orders exist:
(a) Members of All India Services and those deputed to posts, whose terms are regulated under
specific statutory rules or orders;
(b) Officers appointed on deputation to posts under the Central Staffing Scheme (CSS) for
whom separate orders as issued from time to time will continue to apply;
(c) Deputation to posts operated outside India;
(d) Appointment of a specific category of employees to a specified class of posts, such as
appointment made in the Personal Staff of Ministers etc. in respect of which special orders are already
in existence. However, the terms and conditions set out in this O.M. will apply to those cases to the
extent these are not specifically covered under such, special orders.
(e) Appointment of the nature of deemed deputation or transfer to ex-cadre posts made in
exigencies of service with the specific condition that on deputation (duty) allowance will be
admissible e.g. (i) interim arrangement in the event of conversion of a Government
office/organization or a portion therefore into a PSU/autonomous body or vice-versa; and (ii)
appointment to the same post in another cadre.
3. Scope of Term ‗deputation/foreign service‘ Restrictions on treating an appointment as on
deputation/Foreign Service.
3.1 The terms deputation/Foreign Service will cover only those appointments that are made by
transfer on a temporary basis provided the transfer is outside the normal field of deployment and is in
public interest. The question whether the transfer is outside the normal field of deployments or not be
decided by the authority which controls the service or post from which the employee is transferred.
3.2 The following types of appointments will not be treated as deputation/ foreign service for the
purposes of these orders:
(a) Appointments of serving employees made either by promotion or by direct recruitment from
amongst open market candidates whether on permanent or temporary basis.
(b) Permanent appointment made by transfer.
(c) Temporary appointment made on the basis of personal request of employees.
(d) Arrangement necessitated by staff imbalance arising on re-organization of office on the same
of different stations, subject to the specific condition that no deputation (duty) allowance will be
admissible in such cases.
3.3 A person in a higher Grade Pay/scale of pay shall not be appointed on deputation to a post in
lower Grade Pay/scale of pay if the deputation is from Central Government to Central Government
and also in cases where the scale of pay and dearness allowance in the parent cadre post and ex-cadre
Compendium 392 Transfer/Transfer Under FR-15/
Transfer on Deputation
post are similar.
3.4 However, no appointment on deputation/foreign service shall be made from/to Central
Government/an organization where the pay scale and DA in the parent cadre post and ex-cadre post
are dissimilar, if the basic pay in the parent cadre increased by one increment plus dearness allowance
(s) including interim relief if any, admissible to a person in the parent cadre post exceed the basic pay
plus dearness allowance(s) including interim relief, if any, at the maximum of the pay scale of the ex-
cadre post. In the revised pay structure, the maximum of the scale would mean the sum of the Grade
Pay of the ex-cadre post and maximum of the Pay Band PB 4 i.e. Rs. 67,000. For example, if the ex-
cadre post is in the Grade Pay of Rs. 4,200, then the maximum would be Rs. 71,200. i.e. Rs. 4,200
plus Rs. 67,000(maximum of PB 4.)
4. Exercise of option
4.1 An employee appointed on deputation/foreign service, may elect to draw either the pay in
the scale of pay of deputation/foreign service post or his/her basic pay in the parent cadre plus
deputation (duty) allowance thereon plus personal pay, if any However, in case of Government
employees on deputation/foreign service to CPSES, this option will not be allowed and their pay will
be governed in terms of the orders issued by Department of Public Enterprise vide O.M. dated 26-11-
2008 and clarifications issued thereafter.
4.2 The borrowing authority shall obtain the option of the employee within one month from the
date of joining the ex-cadre post unless the employee has himself furnished the option.
4.3 The option once exercised shall be final.
4.4 However, the employee may revise the option under the following circumstance which will
be effective from the date of occurrence of the same:
(a) When he/she received Performa promotion or is appointed to non-function selection grade or
up-gradation of scale in the parent cadre:
(b) When he/she is reverted to a lower grade in the parent cadre:
(c) When the scale of pay of the parent post on the basis of which his emoluments are regulated
during deputation/foreign service or of the ex-cadre post held by the employee on deputation/foreign
service is revised either prospectively or from a retrospective date.
(d) Based on the revised/same option of the employee, in the event of Proforma
promotion/appointment to non-function Selection Grade/revision/up-gradation of scale of pay in the
parent cadre, his/her pay will be re-fixed with reference to the revised entitlement of pay in the parent
cadre. However, if the initial option was for the pay scale of the deputation post and no change in
option already exercised is envisaged, the pay already drawn in deputation post will be protected if the
pay re-fixed is less.
Note: Revision in the rates of DA, HRA or any other allowance either in the parent or borrowing
organization shall not be an occasion for revision of the earlier option.
4.5 If the pay of an employee in his cadre post undergoes downward revision, the pay in the ex-
cadre post is also liable to be re-fixed on the basis of revised pay and in accordance with the revised
option or existing option if the employee does not revise his option.
5. Pay fixation
5.1 When an employee on deputation/Foreign Service elect to draw pay in the scale of pay
attached to the ex-cadre post, his/her pay may be fixed as under:
(i) Deputation from Central Government to Central Government
If the scale of pay/Grade Pay of the ex-cadre post is higher, the pay may be fixed after adding
one increment to the existing pay in the Pay band of the parent cadre post. The grade pay
corresponding to the ex-cadre post would thereafter be granted in addition to this pay in the pay band.
However, in cases where the fixation of pay in the ex-cadre post involves change of Pay band also, if
the pay in the pay band after adding the increment is less than the minimum of the pay band
Compendium 393 Transfer/Transfer Under FR-15/
Transfer on Deputation
corresponding to the grade pay of the ex-cadre post, the pay in the pay band will be fixed at the
minimum of the Pay Band.
In case the Grade Pay/scale of employee‘s cadre post and the ex-cadre post are identical, the
employee would continue to draw his/her existing basic pay.
In case the Grade pay of the ex-cadre post is upto Rs. 10,000, the Basic Pay, from time to lime
after pay fixation should not exceed the maximum of the pay band PB-4 (Rs. 67,000) plus the grade
pay of the post held on deputation. In case the ex-cadre post in the HAG or HAG+ pay scale, the
Basic pay, from time to time after pay fixation should not exceed Rs. 79,000 or Rs. 80,000
(ii) In foreign service/Reverse Foreign Service
(a) When the pay scale of the post in the parent cadre and the attached to ex-cadre post are based
on the same index level and the DA pattern is also same, the pay may be fixed as under (i) above.
(b) If the appointment is made to a post whose pay structure and/or DA pattern is dissimilar to
that in the parent organization, pay may be fixed by adding one increment to the pay in the parent
cadre post in the scale of his regular parent post (and if he/she was drawing pay at the maximum of
the scale, by the increment last drawn) and equating the pay so raised plus dearness allowance (and
additional or ad-hoc dearness allowance, Interim relief etc. if any) with emoluments comprising of
pay plus DA, ADA, Interim relief etc. if any, admissible, in the borrowing organization and the pay
may be fixed at the stage in the pay scale of the ex-cadre post at which total emoluments admissible in
the ex-cadre post as above equal the emoluments drawn in the cadre.
5.2 In cases of appointment from one ex-cadre post to another ex-cadre post where the employee
opts to draw pay in the scale of the ex-cadre post, the pay in the second or subsequent ex-cadre post
should be fixed under the normal rules with reference to the pay in the cadre post only. However, in
respect of appointments to ex-cadre posts carrying Grade Pay identical to that of the ex-cadre post (s)
held on an earlier occasion (s), it may be ensured that the pay drawn in subsequent appointment
should not be less than the pay drawn earlier.
5.3 In cases of appointments to a second or subsequent ex-cadre post (s) in a higher pay
scale/grade pay than of the previous ex-cadre post, the pay may be fixed with reference to the pay
drawn in the cadre post and if the pay so fixed happens to be less than the pay drawn in the previous
ex-cadre post, the difference may be allowed as personal pay to be absorbed in future increases in pay.
This is subject to the condition that on both the occasions, the employee should have opted to draw
pay in the scale of pay/Grade Pay attached to the ex-cadre posts.
Note – 1: The term parent post and basic pay means the post held on regular basis in the parent
organization and pay drawn/admissible in such a post respectively.
Note – 2: An officer who may be holding a higher post in adhoc basic in the cadre at the time of
proceeding on deputation/foreign service would be considered to have vacated the post held on adhoc
basic and proceeded on deputation/foreign service from his/her regular post. During the period of
Deputation/foreign service, he/she shall earn notional increments in the parent cadre post on reversion
If he/she is re-appointed to the higher post on regular or adhoc basic his pay will get fixed with
reference to the pay admissible in the lower post on the date of such re-appointment. In such cases, if
his pay gets fixed at a stage lower that that of his junior (s) who continued to serve in the cadre, no
stepping up will be admissible as per extant rules in so far as Central Government employees are
concerned. However, if the pay so fixed is less than the pay drawn earlier while holding the post on
ad-hoc basis the pay earlier drawn will be protected. Therefore, those Central Government employees
who are already holding a higher post on ad-hoc basis or expecting it shortly in the parent cadre may
weigh all relevant considerations before opting for deputation/foreign service. This note of caution
will be applicable to employees of other organisations wishing to apply for posts on deputation in
Central Governement, if governed by similar rules in parent organisation.
Compendium 394 Transfer/Transfer Under FR-15/
Transfer on Deputation
Note – 3: Pay of an officer appointed on deputation/foreign service on adhoc basis pending
selection of a regular incumbent may also be regulated in accordance with provisions of Para 5.1 &
6.1 of this O.M.
Note – 4: The provisions of this Para as well as Para 6 will not apply to appointments on
Personal Staff of Ministers. Such appointments will be regulared by separate specific orders issued by
the Government in that behalf.
(vide para 8.4)
1. Name of the Officer.
2. Name of the parent office.
Designation of the post held in parent office & pay scale of that post
3. Present basic pay in the parent cadre post.
4. Designation & pay scale of the post held on deputation and the present basic pay in the ex-
cadre post.
5. Has the officers been given NBR proforma promotion/s. If so pay scale of the post to which
6. Normal period or deputation prescribed in Recruitment Rules for the ex-cadre post.
7. Date of appointment on deputation.
8. Is the officer drawing grade pay + d(d)a?
Compendium 398 Transfer/Transfer Under FR-15/
Transfer on Deputation
If so, has the d(d)a been stopped during the 5th year/2nd year in excess of the period prescribed
in the Recruitment Rules.
9. Whether the extension for 1st year/2nd year in excess of period prescribed in the RRs of the Post
has been given with the approval of the Secy. and Minister incharge of the administrative
Ministry/Department respectively.
10. Does the proposed extension also requires the approval of UPSC/ACC?
11. What is the specific public interest involved in the proposed extension?
12. Whether the concurrence of lending organization/individual concerned has been obtained for
the proposed extension?
13. Efforts made to select a sutable replacement for the officer?
14. According to Recruitment Rules can the post be filled up by promotion? If so, are there any
eligible officers available from the feeder cadre (if there is one ) and if so, why are they not
being considered for promotion instead of seeking further extension for existing incumbent?
15. Any other relevant information considered necessary.
Signature and Designation
Department of Personnel
No. 13/4/74-PER Dated:- 26-02-2010
Copy of the under mentioned letter is forwarded for information and necessary action to:
1. All Heads of Departments/Offices.
2. All Secretariat Departments.
This is issued with the concurrence of Finance Department vide its U.O. no. 3315 (1442200)
dated 29-12-2009.
(Umeshchandra L. Joshi)
Under Secretary (Personnel-I)
Department of Personnel
No. 13/4/74-PER Dated:- 04-08-2009
Copy of the under mentioned letter is forwarded for information and necessary action to:
1. All Head of Departments/Offices.
2. All Secretariat Departments.
(Umeshchandra L. Joshi)
Under Secretary (Personnel-I)
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
No. 2/23/2008-Estt. (Pay II) Dated:-28th May, 2009
Subject: Revision of the rates of Deputation (Duty) Allowance/pay fixation on appointment on
the Personal Staff of Ministries – regarding.
Consequent upon the implementation of the recommendations of the Sixth Central pay
Commission, the President is pleased to decide that in super session of all earlier orders on the
subject, the pay of employees who are appointed on the personal staff of Ministers will be regulated in
the following manner:
I. Officers of Central Government/Autonomous Bodies Appointed on the Personal Staff of
(i) When officers of the Central Government/Autonomous Bodies holding posts at lower levels
or those who are not cleared for appointments at levels at which the post in the Personal Staff of
Minister exists are appointed to higher post, in addition to their basic pay, they may be allowed
Deputation (Duty) Allowance at the rate of 15% of the basic pay subject to a maximum of Rs. 4,000
per month.
(ii) As regards officers who go on deputation to equivalent and/or analogous post on the
Personal Staff of the Ministers, in addition to their basic pay, they may be allowed Deputation (Duty)
Allowance in accordance with this Department‘s O.M. No. 2/22(B)/2008-Estt. (Pay-II) dated 3rd
September 2008 on the subject of ―Grant of Deputation (Duty) Allowance –Recommendations of the
Sixth Central Pay Commission‖.
(iii) In the cases of officers of All-India Services and Organized Group ‗A‘ Services who are
appointed on the personal Staff of Minister under the Central Staffing Scheme, they may be allowed
Central Secretariat (Deputation on Tenure) Allowance in accordance with the Departments O.M. No.
2/22/(A)/2008-Estt. (Pay II) dated 3rd September, 2008 on the subject of revision of the rates of
Central Secretariat (Deputation on Tenure) Allowance and special pay applicable etc. in the case of
organized Group ‗A‘ officers; and as per the provisions of relevant Pay Rules in the case of All-India
Services officers.
II. Officers from the State Government/Public Sector Undertaking Appointed on the Personal
Staff of Ministers:
In the case of officers from State Government/Public Sector Undertakings, their terms of
appointment may be governed by the orders contained in this Department‘s O.M. No. 2/29/91-Estt.
(Pay II) dated 5th January 1994. The rate of Deputation (Duty) Allowance payable in their case will be
in accordance with this Department‘s O.M. No. 2/22(B)/200-Estt. (Pay II) dated 3rd September 2008
on the subject of ―Grant of Deputation (Duty) Allowance-Recommendations of the Sixth Pay
Compendium 400 Transfer/Transfer Under FR-15/
Transfer on Deputation
III. Officer from Private Sector Appointed on the Personal Staff of Ministers:
1. In the case of officers from Private Sector appointed on the Personal Staff of the Minister,
they may be granted the grade pay corresponding to the post in which they are appointed and their pay
in pay band may normally be fixed at the entry level pay prescribed for their grade pay vide Section
II, Part A of First Schedule to the CSS (RP) Rules, 2008. However, where it is proposed to fix their
pay by granting advance increments(s), the approval of this Department will have to be obtained.
2. Basic Pay in the revised pay structure means the pay drawn in the prescribed pay band plus
the applicable grade pay but does not include any other type of pay like special pay, etc.
3. These orders shall come in to effect w. e. f. 1-9-2008.
4. Insofar as persons serving in the Indian Audit & Account Department are concerned, these
orders issue after consultation with the Comptroller & Auditor General of India.
(Rita Mathur)
Department of Personnel
No. 13/4/74-PER Dated:- 15-05-2009
Copy of the under mentioned letter is forwarded for information and necessary action to:
1. All Head of Departments/Offices.
2. All Secretariat Departments.
(Umeshchandra L. Joshi)
Under Secretary (Personnel-I)
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
No. 2/22(B)/2008-Estt. (Pay II) Dated:- 03-09-2008
Subject: Grant of Deputation (Duty) Allowance-Recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay
Consequent upon the acceptance of the Report of the Sixth Central pay Commission by the
Government, the President is pleased to decide the following regarding Deputation (Duty)
a) Deputation (Duty) allowance will continue to be paid case of appointments made in Public
interest outside the normal field of deployment.
b) In case of deputation within the same station the allowance will be paid at the rate of 5% of
basic pay subject to a maximum of Rs. 2,000 p.m.
c) In other cases, Deputation (Duty) Allowance will be payable at the rate of 10% of basic pay
subject to a maximum of Rs.4,000 p.m.
2. Basic Pay in the revised pay structure means the pay drawn in the prescribed pay band plus
the applicable grade pay but does not include any other type of pay like special pay, etc.
3. Insofar as persons serving in the India Audit & Account Department are concerned, these
orders issue after consultation with the Comptroller & Auditor General of India.
4. These orders shall take effect from 1st September, 2008.
(Rita Mathur)
Compendium 401 Transfer/Transfer Under FR-15/
Transfer on Deputation
Department of Personnel
No. 13/4/74-PER (Part) Dated:- 05-01-2000
Read 1. O.M. No. 13/4/74-PER dated 12-2-1999.
Sub: Transfer on deputation of state Government employees to ex-cadre post – Deputation (Duty)
Allowance and other terms and conditions regarding.
The Para 5-4 of O.M. read above shall stand deleted with immediate effect.
(J.S. Monteiro)
Under Secretary (Personnel)
General Administration Department
No. 14/37/77/GA &C (Vo-II) Dated:- 17-09-1999
Read: Office Memorandum No. 14/37/77/GA&C (Vol. II) dated 16-3-1998
regarding Transfer Guidelines.
Government has further examined the above referred transfer guidelines and has decided that all
Group ‗D‘ posts of Government should also be considered for transfer.
Accordingly it is decided to substitute clause (vi) of para 1 of the above referred Office
Memorandum as follows:
(vi) All Group ‗D‘ employees are also covered under the transfer guidelines of the O.M. cited
above. However, drivers belonging to all the categories shall not normally be transferred
except when they voluntarily seek Transfer.
(vii) Transfer of Group ‗D‘ and ‗C‘ employees will be limited within the Taluka of their present
posting, whenever possible or to the nearby Taluka.
(viii) Transfer of ‗D‘ ‗C‘ and ‗B‘ employees will be done by the respective Heads of Departments,
and exceptions, if any, may be done with the approval of the Minister concerned. Transfer of
Group ‗A‘ officers may be done by the Heads of Department with the approval of the
Minister concerned and exceptions, if any, will be done, with the approval of the Chief
(Pukh Raj Bumb)
Under Secretary (GA)
Department of Personnel
No. 13/4/74-PER (Part) Dated:- 12-02-1999
Sub: Transfer on deputation of state Government employees to ex-cadre post – Deputation (Duty)
Allowance and other terms and conditions regarding.
Compendium 403 Transfer/Transfer Under FR-15/
Transfer on Deputation
1. The undersigned is directed to inform that at present the deputation of Government
employees to ex-cadre posts is governed under this Department‘s Office Memorandum of even
number dated 10-10-1990 read with corrigendum and Addendum dated 27-10-1995 and 5-2-1998.
respectively. In super session of all these guidelines. Revised guidelines on the basis of
recommendations of the Fifth Central Pay Commission have been framed in consultant with the
Finance Department as under:
2. These orders will take effect from 1-8-1997.
3. Application:
These orders will apply to all State Government employees who are regularly appointed on
deputation in accordance with the instructions contained in the relevant Recruitment Rules including
personal staff of Ministries except in the following cases:
(a) Deputation to posts outside India;
(b) Appointments of a specific category of employees to a specified class of posts which shall
be governed by special orders issued in this behalf, to the extent the provisions contained
therein are at variance with those contained in these orders.
4. Scope of Admissibility:
4.1 The term ―deputation‖ will cover appointments made by transfer on a temporary basis to
other posts in the same or other department/offices of the state Government provided the transfer is
outside the normal field of deployment and is in the public interest.
4.2 The question whether the transfer is outside the normal field of deployment or not will be
decided by the authority which controls the services or the post from which the employee is
4.3 The temporary transfers of employees in foreign service to bodies (whether incorporated or
not) wholly or substantially owned or controlled by the Government and also to organizations like
Municipalities, Universities etc. shall also be treated as ―deputation‖ for the purpose of fixing
Deputation (Duty) Allowance.
4.4 Appointment for serving Government servants made either by promotion or by direct
recruitment alongwith open market candidates whether on a permanent or temporary basis, will not be
regarded as ―deputation‖
4.5 Permanent appointments made by transfer will also not be treated as ―deputation‖
4.6 Temporary transfer made on the basis of personal requests of employee otherwise than in
public interest will also not be treated as ―deputation‖
5. Exercise of option:
5.1 An employee on deputation may elect to draw either the pay in the scale of pay of the
deputation post or his basic pay in the parent cadre plus personal pay, if any, plus deputation (duty)
allowance. In no case will the pay so fixed be less than the minimum of the scale of the ex-cadre post.
Provided that where appointment of an employee in his cadre post is not on regular basis, the
pay may be restricted under F.R. 35 so as not to exceed the basic pay of the deputationists by more
than the amount show below:
(a) For employees in receipt of basic 15% of the basic pay subject to a
pay upto Rs. 8,000/- per month maximum of Rs. 1,000/- per month
(b) For employees in receipt of basic 12½ % of the basic pay subject to a
pay above Rs. 8,000/- per month maximum of Rs. 1,000/- per month
5.2 The borrowing authority should obtain the option of the employee within a period of one
month from the date of joining the ex-cadre post.
5.3 The option once exercised shall be final. However, the employee may revise the option under
the following circumstances;
Compendium 404 Transfer/Transfer Under FR-15/
Transfer on Deputation
(a) When he receives Performa promotion in his parent cadre under the Next below Rules.
(b) When he is reverted to a lower grade in his parent cadre.
(c) When he is appointed to another grade in the borrowing organization; and
(d) When the scale of pay of the cadre post on the basis of which his emoluments are regulated
during the deputation or of the ex-cadre post held by the employee on deputation is revised
either with retrospective effect or from a prospective date.
5.4 Government servant while working in any Government Department on deputation shall not
be entitled to deputation allowance/pay of the deputation post. However deputation allowance will be
allowed if they transferred and posted in autonomous bodies.
6. Pay fixation:
6.1 When an employee on deputation elects to draw pay in the scale of pay attached to the ex-
cadre post, his pay may be fixed under the normal rules with reference to his pay in the cadre post to
which he has been appointed on a regular basis.
6.2 In case of appointment/promotion from one ex-cadre post to another ex-cadre post where the
employee opts to draw pay in the scale of pay of the ex-cadre post, the pay in the scale of the second
or subsequent ex-cadre post shall be fixed under the normal rules with reference to pay in the cadre
post only. In respect of appointment to ex-cadre posts on time-scale of pay identical with the time-
scale or pay of ex-cadre posts(s) held on an earlier occasion (s). the benefit of provision 1 (iii) of F.R.
22 (3) will however, be admissible.
6.3 In cases of appointments to a second or subsequent ex-cadre post in a higher pay-scale than
that of the previous ex-cadre post, the pay may be fixed with reference to the pay drawn in the cadre
post and if the pay so fixed happens to be less than the pay drawn in the previous ex-cadre post, the
difference may be allowed as personal pay to be absorbed in future increases in pay. This is subject to
the condition that on both the occasions the employer should have opted to draw pay in the scale of
pay attached to the ex-cadre posts.
6.4 If during the period of deputation the basic pay of an employee exceeds the maximum of the scale
of pay of the post or the fixed pay of the post, on account of proforma promotion in his cadre under
the Next Below Rule or otherwise, the deputation of the employee should be restricted to a maximum
period of six months from the date on which his pay thus exceeds such maximum and he should be
reverted to his parent department within the said period.
6.5 No employee whose basic pay at the time of his proposed deputation exceeds the maximum
of the scale of pay of the ex-cadre post or the fixed pay of the ex-cadre post as the case may be, shall
be deputed to such a post.
7.1 The deputation (duty) allowance admissible shall be at the following rates:
(a) 5% of the employee‘s basic pay subject to a maximum of Rs. 500/- per month when the
transfer is within the same stations; and
(b) 10% of the employee‘s basic pay subject to a maximum of Rs. 1,000/- per month in all
other cases.
(i) Pay + Deputation (Duty) Allowance shall not exceed the maximum of the scale of pay
of ex-cadre post; and
(ii) Pay + Deputation (Duty) Allowance shall at no time exceed Rs. 22,400/- per month
Compendium 405 Transfer/Transfer Under FR-15/
Transfer on Deputation
Note: (1) The term ‗same station ‘for this purpose will be determined with reference to the station,
where the person was on duty before proceeding on deputation.
Note: (2) When there is no change in the headquarters with reference to the last post held. The
transfer should be treated as within the same station and when there is change in
headquarters it would be treated as not in the same station. So far as places falling
within the same urban agglomeration of the old headquarters are concerned, they would
be treated as transfer within the same station.
7.3 Special rates of deputation (duty) allowance may be admissible under separate orders in any
particular area, on account of conditions of living there being particularly arduous or unattractive.
Where special rate is more favorable than that under 1, above employees deputed to the area will be
given the benefit of the special rate.
7.4 The deputation (duty) allowance as admissible vide 7.1 above, shall be further so restricted
that the basic pay of the employee in his parent cadre from time to time plus deputation (duty)
allowance does not exceed the maximum of the scale of pay of the post held on deputation.
7.5 The employee on deputation may be given the benefit of the Next Below Rule subject to the
application of the provisions of 6.3 above in regard to the regulation of the deputation (duty)
7.6 Whenever extension of the period of deputation for the fifth year or the second year in
excess of the period prescribed in the Recruitment Rules is granted, it would be on the specific
understanding that the officer would not be entitled to draw deputation (duty) allowance/pay of the
deputation post.
7.7 If an employee (with the permission of the competent authority) proceeds on deputation
from one post in one Ministry/Department/organization to another post in the same or another
Ministry/Department/organization without reverting to his parent cadre, and if the second ex-cadre
post, is at the same station as the first ex-cadre post, then the rate of deputation (duty) allowance
would remain unchanged.
7.8 In cases where a deputationist is transferred by the borrowing authority from one station to
another without any change in the post held by him, the rate of deputation (duty) allowance will
remain the same as was decided at the time of initial posting and will not undergo any change.
8. Admissibility of any other pay and allowances while on deputation:
8.1 Any project allowance admissible in a project area may be drawn in addition to deputation
(duty) allowance.
8.2 Any other special pay drawn by an employee in the parent department should not be allowed
in addition to the deputation (duty) allowance provided, however, the Government may, by general or
special order, suitably restrict the deputation (duty) allowance where, under special circumstance the
special pay drawn by an officer in a non-tenure post in his parent cadre is allowed to be drawn, in
addition to basic pay, in his deputation post. This will require the specific prior concurrence of the
department of Personnel.
8.3 The personal pay, if any, drawn by an employee in his parent department will continue to be
admissible until absorbed in other increases in pay i.e. increments or increase of pay by promotion or
for any other reason it is personal pay (or special pay in the nature of personal pay like qualification
pay etc.) of non-absorbed nature.
8.4 In case special pay is attached to the scale of pay of the ex-cadre post and the employee has
opted to draw in that scale, in additional to his pay in that scale, he will also be entitled to draw
special pay.
9. Tenure of Deputation:
9.1 The period of Deputation shall be subject to a maximum of three years in all cases except for
those posts where a longer period of tenure is prescribed the Recruitment Rules.
9.2 The Administrative Department may grant extension beyond this limit upto one year, after
obtaining orders of their Secretary in case where such extension is considered necessary in public
Compendium 406 Transfer/Transfer Under FR-15/
Transfer on Deputation
9.3 When extension of the period of deputation is considered the period of extension may be so
decided upon as to enable the officer concerned to continue on deputation till the completion of the
academic year in cases where the officer has school/college going children.
9.4 For computing the total period of deputation, the period of deputation, including the period
of deputation in another ex-cadre post held immediately preceding the current appointment, in the
same or some other organization/department of the Government, shall also be taken into account.
9.5 An officer should not be allowed to jump from one deputation to another in continuation in
the same or some other organization/Department of the Government. He must come back on expiry of
his first Deputation to his parent cadre and cool off at least for two years before going for another
9.6 If during the period of deputation the basic pay of an employee exceeds the maximum of the
scale of pay of the post or the fixed pay of the post, on account of Proforma promotion in his cadre
under the Next Below Rule or otherwise, the deputation of the employee should be restricted to a
maximum period of six months from date on which his pay thus exceed such maximum and he should
be reverted to his parent department within the said period.
9.7 If during the period of deputation, on account of proforma promotion in the parent cadre
under the Next Below Rule the employee becomes entitled to a scale of pay higher than the scale of
pay attached to the ex-cadre post, he may be allowed to complete the normal tenure of deputation
subject to 7.8 above but no extension of the period of deputation should be allowed in such cases.
Compendium 417 Vigilance Related Matters
Directorate of Vigilance
No. 13/71/2019-VIG?Part 2764 Dated:- 20/10/2020
Sub : E Services of Directorate of Vigilance
In furtherance of simplification of procedures and ease of doing business, the
Government of Goa has decided to digitize the procedure for grant of vigilance clearances by
the Directorate of Vigilance.
Henceforth only online requests for Vigilance Clearance will be entertained.
(Sanjeev C. Gauns Dessai)
Director (Vigilance)
Directorate of Vigilance
No. 15/06/2020-VIG Dated:- 03/09/2020
Sub : Agitation / representations against Govt. Policies/Orders reg. …..
1. This Circular shall be read in continuation to this Directorate‘s Circular bearing No.
13/4//2018-VIG/545 dated 09/02/2018, regarding agitations /campaigns /signing of
petitions against Government policies.
2. It is noticed that a number of Government servants are getting involved in agitations
/campaigns against the Government policies and signing petitions to that effect and
submitting the same directly to the Hon‘ble Governor and the Hon‘ble Chief Minister,
without following the established practice of routing through proper channel, thereby
bypassing the Higher Authorities.
3. Such conducts attracts the prohibition / restriction under the Central Civil Service
(Conduct) Rules, 1964.
4. The Central Civil Service (Conduct) Rules, 1964, provides the process by which a
Government Servant can express his /her opinion for consideration of the Government.
5. Accordingly, it is imperative that all Government Servants adhere to the provisions of the
CCS (Conduct) Rule, 1964, scrupulously as violation of the same will attract disciplinary
6. It is enjoined upon all Government Servant to stick by the above rules and not to get
themselves involved in any agitations or campaigns which would amount to criticism of
Government or sign and submit representations without routing through proper channel.
(Sanjeev C. Gauns Dessai)
Director (Vigilance)
Directorate of Vigilance
No. 5/04/2020-VIG/STE/2262 Dated:- 31/08/2020
Sub : Execution of Works in Private Property reg. …..
In supersession of this Directorate‘s existing Memorandums, Circulars, etc. on the above
subject, the Government has decided to issue the following guidelines/instructions for scrupulous
observance by all the Departments which take up works of public nature in private properties :-
Compendium 419 Vigilance Related Matters
a. The work shall be taken only if the private owner executes a Deed of Gift in favour of the
Government. (Title of the property to be verified by the concerned Department.
b. Immediately on execution of the Deed of Gift, the Department shall file the mutation
proceedings before the Office of the Mamlatdar.
c. The Mamlatdar shall thereupon without delay carryout the mutation proceeding as per Law.
d. Alternatively, the land shall be duly acquired and the land acquisition process shall be
completed before taking up the work.
(Sanjeev C. Gauns Dessai)
Director (Vigilance)
Vigilance Department
No.1/3/2004-VIG/MISC/237 Dated: 17/01/2020.
It is noticed that the Departments are referring the matters to the Directorate of Vigilance for
initiating disciplinary proceedings, without the report of preliminary enquiry.
In the absence of preliminary enquiry report, it becomes difficult for this Directorate to
initiate disciplinary proceedings in a time bound manner.
The above matter was placed before the Government, wherein it has been decided that the
Heads of Departments shall invariably conduct preliminary enquiry within the period of 30 days
from the date of approval of disciplinary proceedings. The file alongwith preliminary enquiry report
and the recommendation of the Disciplinary Authority to initiate disciplinary proceeding against the
erring officer is required to be submitted to this Directorate so as to avoid undue delay in issuance of
The above instructions shall be complied with scrupulously.
(Sanjeev C. Gauns Dessai)
Director (Vigilance)
Directorate of Vigilance
No. 13/27/88-VIG/337 Dated:- 31-01-2019
Sub: Grant of Honorarium to Inquiry Officers/Presenting Officers.
Ref: Order No. 13/7/2003-VIG/PART-2/2043 dated 04-08-2017.
In partial modification to Order dated 04-08-2017 the rate of honorarium as revised are indicated
as below:
No. of charge
Sr. No. Particulars Amount payable
a) Serving Government servant as Inquiry 1 Rs. 7,500/-
2 Rs. 8,500/-
3 Rs. 9,500/-
4 and above Rs. 10,000/-
b) Retired Government servants as Inquiry 1 Rs. 17,500/-
2 Rs. 19,500/-
3 Rs. 21,500/-
Compendium 420 Vigilance Related Matters
4 Rs. 23,500/-
5 and above Rs. 25,000/-
Yours faithfully
(Sanjeev C. Gauns Dessai)
Director (Vigilance)
Directorate of Vigilance
No. 13/60/2018-VIG/4280 Dated:- 23-08-2018
1) It has come to the notice of the Government, that whenever the compliance reports are sought by
the Hon‘ble Lokayukta, most of the Departments are not furnishing the compliance report within
the specified time. It has also come to the notice of the Government that some of the
Departments are not attending the hearings before the Lokayukta.
2) In view of the above, all the Secretaries to concerned Departments and Head of the Departments
are directed to:
a) Personally monitor the cases which are pending before the Lokayukta.
b) To act on direction issued by the Lokayukta in the statutory time Lokayukta.
c) To file the compliance report within stipulated time.
d) One copy of the compliance report field should be marked to the Directorate of Vigilance.
3) Failure to comply above instruction shall be viewed seriously.
(Dharmendra Sharma,(I.A.S.)
Chief Secretary/C.V.O.
Directorate of Vigilance
No. 13/4/2018-VIG/545 Dated:- 09-02-2018
1. As per the recents, it is noticed that a number of Government servants are getting involved in
agitations or campaigns and signing of petitions on issues which are against polices of
2. Such conduct of Government servant attract the prohibition/restriction of Rule 9 of Central Civil
Services (Conduct Rule 1964.)
3. The CCS (Conduct Rules 1964) provides the process by which a Government servant can
express hi/her opinion for consideration of the Government.
4. Accordingly it is imperative that all Government servants adhere to the provision of the CCS
(Conduct) Rules, 1964 scrupulously as a violation of the same will attract disciplinary action.
5. It is enjoined upon all Government servants to stick by above Rule and not to get themselves
involved in any agitations or campaigns which amount to criticism of Government under Central
Civil Service (Conduct) Rule, 1964.
(Sanjeev C. Gauns Dessai)
Director (Vigilance)
Compendium 421 Vigilance Related Matters
Directorate of Vigilance
No. 1/3/2004-VIG/MISC/3416 Dated:- 28-12-2017
The issue pertaining to withholding of vigilance clearance was placed before the Government.
It has been decided by the Government that in cases for promotion no vigilance clearance will be
issued in the following cases:
i) Government servants under suspension;
ii) Government servants in respect of whom a charge sheet has been issued and the disciplinary
proceedings are pending;
iii) Government servants in respect of whom prosecution for a criminal charge is pending; and
iv) Government servants fails to submit his annual immovable property return of the previous
year by 31st January of the following year, as required under Government of India decision
under Rule 18 of the Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rule, 1964.
However if the officer submits his annual immovable property return after 31 st January
alongwith the reason in writing explaining the delay, the request for Vigilance Clearance will be
considered only if the delay in submission is reasonably justified.
Further it is enjoined upon all the HOD‘s that from 01/01/2018, whenever any Vigilance
Clearance is made with respect to any officer, the date of submission of his annual immovable
property return shall be simultaneously furnished, failing which the request will not be considered.
Further all the cases for Vigilance clearance will be governed by Department of Personnel and
Training Office Memorandums dated 14-12-2007, 02-11-2012 & 21-06-2013.
The above instructions shall be complied with scrupulously and will be effective for all
Vigilance Clearances sought after 01/12/2017 and all vigilance Clearances given prior will require a
revalidation after 6 months post their date of issue.
(Sanjeev C. Gauns Dessai)
Director (Vigilance)
Directorate of Vigilance
No. 5/64/2015-VIG/Part-I/2812 Dated:- 25-10-2017
It has been observed that whenever the Government issues a direction to any Department to
lodge a First Information Report (FIR) against the Government employee who has committed offence
under the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 (Central Act 49 of 1988), the Indian Penal Code, 1860
(45 of 1860) or any other law, the concerned Department suggests that the Vigilance Department
should register FIR in the matter.
This issue was placed before the Government and the Government has decided that whenever
the Government issue such direction to any Department, the Head of such Department/Office shall
forthwith lodge FIR in Anti Corruption Branch of the Directorate of Vigilance against such
Government employee without waiting for the outcome of disciplinary proceedings, if any being
conducted against such Government employee.
The above instructions shall be complied scrupulously with.
(Sanjeev C. Gauns Dessai)
Director (Vigilance)
Compendium 422 Vigilance Related Matters
Directorate of Vigilance
No. 13/7/2003-VIG/Part-I/2704 Dated:- 14-10-2017
It has been observed that in some cases regarding disciplinary proceeding, the Presenting
Officers who were appointed in the matters could not do justice in the matter, due to lack of
experience which resulted in the proceeding disposed in favor of the Charged Officer, as charges
being not proved.
The Government has now decided that all Disciplinary Authorities have to exercise due
diligence while choosing and appointing Inquiry Officers and Presenting Officers, taking into
consideration the gravity of the charges, past experience in performing the role of Inquiry
Officer/Presenting Officer and over all capacity of the officer to ensure that the cases are presented
and inquired properly.
All the Heads of the Department shall ensure that the above instructions should be complied
scrupulously, while appointing Inquiring Officer and Presenting Officer.
This is issues with the approval of the Hon‘ble Chief Minister.
(Sanjeev C. Gauns Dessai)
Director (Vigilance)
Directorate of Vigilance
No. 15/18/2012-VIG/2523 Dated:-27-09-2017
It has been brought to the notice of the Government that whenever any officer is appointed as
Inquiring Officer, he/she takes shelter of other duty assigned to him for justifying the delay caused in
the completing the inquiry process and also requests to appoint some other officer to conduct inquiry
in the matter.
The said issue was placed before the Government wherein it has been decided that the Inquiring
Authority should conclude the inquiry and submit his report within a period of six months from the
date of receipt of order of his appointment as Inquiring Authority as per the latest amendment to Rule
14 (24) of the CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965.
All the Inquiry Officers shall ensure that the above instructions should be complied
meticulously, failing which they may face disciplinary action for violation of Rules 3 and 3 A (b) of
the CCS (conduct) Rules, 1964.
This issues with the approval of the Government.
(Sanjeev C. Gauns Dessai)
Director (Vigilance)
Directorate of Vigilance
No. 13/7/2003-VIG/Part-II/2043 Dated:- 04-08-2017
Sub: Grant of Honorarium to Inquiry/Presenting Officer reg…
1. The rates of Honorarium payable to the IO/PO in the case of departmental inquiries were last
revised vide order dated 21-09-2011 & dated 22-09-2011 in the case of part time serving
Government Servants and retired Government Servants functioning as IO/PO.
Compendium 423 Vigilance Related Matters
2. The existing rate of honorarium as prescribed in the aforesaid O.M. was reviewed in consultation
with the Ministry of Finance. As a result of review, it has been decided to revise the existing
rates of the honorarium, payable to IO/PO. The rate of honorarium as revised are indicated in the
table below.
Particulars Revised Rates (per completed case
3. The grant of revised rates of honorarium as above will be subject to the same conditions
stipulated vide this Directorate order dated 21-09-2011 & dated 22-09-2011.
4. This order shall take effect prospectively and applicable to ongoing cases of enquiries before the
Inquiry Authorities.
5. This is issued with the concurrence of Finance Department, Government of Goa, vide their No.
9342 dated 20-04-2007.
Your faithfully
(Sanjeev C. Gauns Dessai)
Director (Vigilance)
Ex-Officio Addl. Secretary to the Government
Directorate of Vigilance
No. 1/3/2004-VIG/PER (14)/730 Dated:- 03-04-2017
Sub: Regarding Vigilance Clearance
In order to avoid conflicts of interest in the matters relating to Vigilance Clearance, the following
position is put in place;
1) For matter requiring Vigilance inputs/Clearance etc. pertaining to the officers/officials of the
Directorate of Vigilance, shall be routed/processed through Personnel Department in
consultation with all three branches of Vigilance Department.
2) Vice versa, matter requiring personal inputs with reference to officials posted in Personnel
Departments shall be routed through Vigilance Department.
3) Matter in respect all officers/officials in the Finance Department requiring financial inputs shall
be routed through Personnel Department.
This is issued with the approval of Chief Secretary.
(Narayan R. Sawant)
Director (Vigilance)
Compendium 424 Vigilance Related Matters
Directorate of Vigilance
No. 13/1/2017-VIG/647 Dated:- 24-03-2017
Sub: Regarding Inquiring/Vigilance cases vetting of charges of Group ―C‖ & ―D‖ of
It is observed that some of the Heads of Departments, in spite of Government instruction, submit
their request, for an inquiry/Vigilance cases/vetting of charge of Group ‗C‘ and ―D‖ and other
Departmental inquiries of General misconduct or dereliction of duties directly to the Directorate of
Vigilance, when the same can be sorted out at their level through their respective Vigilance Officers
with the approval of Administrative Secretaries.
It is, therefore enjoined upon all the Head of departments to strictly adhere to the Government
instructions contained in Circular No. 13/11/88/VIG-III dated 9-2-1999 and paras 11 and 12 of
Circular No. 5/48/99-VIG dated 11-10-1999, in order to avoid time consuming procedure.
This issue with the approval of the Chief Secretary/Chief Vigilance Officer.
(Narayan R. Sawant)
Director (Vigilance)
3. In view of the fact that complainants who desire to protect their identity now have the
protection of the Public Interest Disclosure & Protection of Informers Resolution – 2004 (PIDPI), the
following procedure is laid for handling anonymous and pseudonymous complaints, in super session
of instructions contained in DOP& T‘s O.M. No. 321/4/91-AVD.III dated 29th September, 1992.
(i) No action is required to be taken on anonymous complaints, irrespective of the nature of
allegations and such complaints need to be simply filed.
(ii) Complaints containing vague allegations could also be filed without verification of identity of
the complainant.
(iii) If a complaint contains verifiable allegations, the administrative, Ministry/Department may
take cognizance of such complaint with the approval of the competent authority to be
designated by the Ministry/Department as per their distribution of work. In such cases the
complaint will be first sent to the complaint for owning/disowning, as the case may be. If no
response is received from the complainant within 15 days of sending the complainant
reminder, a will be sent. After waiting for 15 days after sending the reminder, if still nothing
is heard, the said complaint may be filed as pseudonymous by the Ministry/Department.
4. Instructions contained in para-3 above would also be applicable (with appropriate competent
authority to be designated under para 3 (iii) above) for dealing with complaints against Secretaries to
the Government of India or Chief Executives/CMDS/Functional Director of PSEs/PSBS/FIs, which
will continue to be referred to the Cabinet Secretariat for placing before the Group of Secretaries
headed by the Cabinet Secretariat/Secretariat (Co—ordination) in the Cabinet Secretariat, as the case
may be as, per procedure given in Department‘s O.M. No. 104/100/2009-AVD-I, dated 14-1-2010
and DPE‘s O.M. No. 15 (1)/2010-DPE(GM), dated 11-3-2010, as amended from time to time.
Under Secretary to the Government of India.
Department of Personnel
No. 2/3/96-PER Dated:- 28-03-2014
Copy of the under mentioned letter is forwarded for information and necessary action to:
1. All Head of Departments/Offices.
2. All Secretariat Departments.
(Umeshchandra L. Joshi)
Under Secretary (Personnel-I)
C. Reduction to a lower stage in the time-scale of pay for a specified period {Rule 11 (v)}
The process of imposition of penalty of reduction by one stage under Rules 11 (iii a) explained
above shall be repeated for every additional stage of reduction by taking the pay arrived at notionally
as pay for the second reduction, and so on. Grade pay shall remain unchanged.
NOTE 1: It is not permissible to impose a penalty under this rules if the pay after impositions of
the penalty would fall below the minimum of the Pay Band attached to the post.
Note 2: A Pay Band may cover Government servants in different Grade Pays or holding posts at
several levels in the hierarchy. It needs to be kept in mind that reduction to lower pay scale or grade is
a distinct penalty, under Rule 11 (vi). Therefore, while imposing a penalty of reduction to a lower
stage in the time-scale of pay under Rule 11 (v) of the CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965, Disciplinary
Authorities should weigh all factor before deciding upon the quantum of penalty, i. e. the number of
stages by which the pay is to be reduced.
D. Reduction to lower time-scale of pay under Rule 11 (vi)
As a result of imposition of a penalty of reduction to lower time-scale of pay, the pay of the
Government servant would be reduced to the stage of pay he/she would have drawn had he/she
continued in the lower post for the period of penalty. The mode of fixation of pay in this case is
similar to reversing the mode of fixation of pay on promotion. Therefore, both pay in pay Band and
Grade Pay would be reduced.
However, Disciplinary Authority has the power, in term of FR 28, to indicate the pay which the
Government servant on whom a penalty of reduction in rank has been imposed, would draw. The
Government servant will be entitled to the Grade Pay of the post to which he has been reduced. Thus,
the power of the Disciplinary Authority under F.R. 28 is limited to indicating the pay in the Pay Band
applicable to the lower rank/post.
In some cases imposition of a penalty under Rule 11 (vi) may also involve a change in Pay
Band. For instance a Government servant holding a post in PB-2 with Grade pay of Rs. 4,200/- may
be reduced to a post in PB-1 with Grade Pay of Rs. 2,800/-.
It may also be noted that a Government servant cannot be reduced in rank to a post not held
earlier by him in the cadre. For example, an LDC who qualifies as Assistant as a Direct Recruit and is
later promoted as Section Officer cannot be reduced to the rank of LDC but only to that of an
(Mukesh Chaturvedi)
Deputy Secretary to the Government of India
Directorate of Vigilance
No. 15/9/2006-VIG (Part)/683 Dated:- 10-04-2012
Whereas, rule 10 (7) of CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965 provides that an order of suspension made or
deemed to have been made under sub-rules (1) or (2) of rules shall not be valid after a period of ninety
days unless it is extended after review, for a further period before the expiry of ninety days.
2. Now therefore, in terms of rules 10 of CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965, the Government is pleased to
constitute the Committee (s) to review suspension cases as hereunder:
A) In case of Gazetted Officers, where Chief Minister is the disciplinary authority:
1. Secretary Vigilance;
2. Secretary of the concerned department of the suspended official and
3. Joint Secretary (Personnel)
Compendium 428 Vigilance Related Matters
Ministries/Departments for cautioning the Government Servants against such minor lapses as
negligence, carelessness, lack of thoroughness and delay in disposal of official work with a view to
toning up efficiency or maintaining discipline. These administration actions do not, however,
constitute any of the penalties specified in rule 11 of the CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965 Doubts have often
raised about the actual effect of such informal administrative actions as warning, letter of caution and
reprimand on the promotion of a Government servant.
2. In this connection, the existing provisions regarding the effect of warning etc, as distinguished
from Censure on promotion are reiterated and clarified as follows:
(i) There is no objection to the continuance of the practice of issuing oral or written warning.
However, where a copy of the earning is also kept on the Confidential Report dossier, it will
be taken to constitute an adverse entry and the officer so warned will have the right to
represent against the same in accordance with the existing instruction relating to
communication of adverse remarks and consideration of representations against them.
(ii) Warnings, letters of caution, reprimands or advisories administered to Government servants
do not amount to a penalty and, therefore, will not constitute a bar for consideration of such
Government servant for promotions.
(iii) Where a departmental proceeding has been instituted, and it is considered that a Government
servant deserves to be penalized for the offence/misconduct, one of the prescribed penalties
may only be awarded and no warning recordable or otherwise, should be issued to the
Government servant.
(iv) The term empanelment occurring in para 1 of DOPT‘s O.M. No. 11012/11/2007-Estt(A) dated
14-12-2007 relating to guidelines on grant of vigilance clearance does not cover cases of
promotion Cases of promotion of Government servants during the tendency of disciplinary
proceedings would be regulated by DOPT‘s O.M. No. 22011/4/91-Estt.(A) dated 14/09/1992,
O.M. No. 22012/1/99-Estt.(D) dated 25/10/2004 and after imposition of any of the prescribed
penalties as per O.M. No. 22034/5/2004-Estt.(D) dated 15/12/2004.
3. All Ministries/Department are, therefore, requested to keep in view the above guidelines while
dealing with cases of promotion of the Government servants.
(P. Prabhakaran)
Deputy Secretary to the Government of India
Directorate of Vigilance
No. 1/3/93-VIG/2005 Date:- 18-10-2005
The jurisdiction of the Directorate of Vigilance is extended over all State Public Sector
Undertaking, Autonomous Bodies etc. under Government of Goa which are already in existence or
may come into existence in future.
Such State Public Sector Undertakings, Autonomous Bodies, etc shall:
(a) Appoint Vigilance Officer in their organization with the approval of Chief Vigilance Office;
(b) Formulate rules/provide for provision to deal with disciplinary matters in the organization;
(c) Put in place internal vigilance machinery in the organization;
(d) Extend all the help to the Directorate of vigilance in conducting the investigation in respect of
the organization as and when taken up by Directorate of Vigilance;
This issue with immediate effect in suppression of all Notifications issued in this regard.
By order and in the name of the
Governor of Goa
(A.W. Rane)
Additional Director (Vigilance)
Compendium 431 Vigilance Related Matters
Directorate of Vigilance
No. 1/4/78-VIG (Vol. VII) Date:- 18-10-2005
It is necessary to lay down the duties/guidelines for the Vigilance Officers appointed by the
Vigilance Department in the various Government/Departments/Public Sector
Undertakings/Autonomous Bodies under the Government with the purpose of strengthening the
vigilance machinery in the state.
Therefore, it is ordered that the duties of the Vigilance Officer‘s appointed in various
Departments/Public Sector Undertakings/Autonomous Bodies under the Government shall be as
1. To receive complaints from the general public against the Officers and the Employees/Staff of
the Office/Department.
2. To conduct preliminary investigation into the allegations made in the complaint, so as to verify
and ascertain the substance in the complaint and submit the same to the Disciplinary
Authority/Head of Department, and refer the matter to Vigilance Department for advice.
3. To maintain proper record regarding the Vigilance Cases, Disciplinary Cases pending against
the staff of the Department and constantly monitor the same till they reach to its logical
conclusion and enforced/complied with.
4. To conduct surprise visit/inspection into the various Sections Branches and the subordinate
Office to unearth/find out any irregularities/illegalities being conducted, with the prior approval
of the H.O.D/Secretary of the Department concerned.
5. To identify the probable places of corruption and also officers of doubtful integrity and living
beyond means in the Department and to keep the Superintendent of Anti Corruption Branch of
the Directorate of Vigilance informed about the same.
6. To examine the nature of complaint and suggest systemic change for reducing the scope for
corruption, for e.g. simplification of office procedure, routine/regular internal transfer of
7. To prepare list of suspected officers in consultation with the Supdt. Of Police (Anti Corruption
Branch) and ensure in consultation with HOD that this officers are not posted to sensitive
8. To assist Disciplinary Authorities/H.O.D. in drafting of Charge sheet and appointment of
Inquiring Officer‘s, Presenting Officer‘s in consultation with Vigilance Department.
9. To provide intelligence/information about the doubtful/suspected activities of the officers and
staff of dubious integrity to Anti Corruption Branch of the Vigilance Department for
Further, all the H.O.D.‘s are hereby requested to furnish the name, designation, residential
address, office address, contact telephone numbers (both official as well as residential) of the
Vigilance Officers of their Department to this Directorate.
This issue with the approval of the Chief Vigilance Officer/Chief Secretary.
(A.W. Rane)
Additional Director (Vigilance)
Department of Personnel
No. 12/14/89-PER Dated:- 02-09-2005
The Government of India, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievance and Pensions, (Department
of Personnel & training), New Delhi No. 142/4/2005-AD.Idated 18-05-2005 is reproduce here below
and circulated for information and necessary action to:
1. All Head of Departments/Offices.
2. All Departments in the Secretariat.
(Raju V. Gawas)
Under Secretary (Personnel)
Compendium 432 Vigilance Related Matters
Department of Personnel
No. 12/14/89-PER Dated:- 09-12-2004
The Government of India, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievance and Pensions, Department of
Personnel & training, Office Memorandum No. 22012/1/99-Estt(D) dated 25-10-2004 is reproduce
here below and circulated for information and necessary action to:
1. All Head of Departments/Offices.
2. All Departments in the Secretariat.
(Vikas Mardolkar)
Under Secretary (Personnel)
Subject: Cases of persons whose conduct is under investigation or against whom a charge sheet
pending-consideration for promotion-clarification regarding.
The undersigned is directed to refer to the Department of Personnel and Training Office
Memorandum No. 22011/4/91-Estt-A dated 14th September, 1992 (copy enclosed) which has been
issued pursuant to the judgment of the Hon‘ble Supreme Court in the case of Union of India vs. K.V.
Compendium 433 Vigilance Related Matters
Janakiraman etc. (AIR 1991 SC 2010), and is in supersession of all previous instructions on the
subject and to say that para 2.1.of the said Office Memorandum provides that the DPC shall assess the
suitability of the Government servants coming within the purview of the circumstances mentioned in
para 2 of the Office Memorandum, along with other eligible candidates, without taking into
consideration the disciplinary case/criminal prosecution pending, Therefore, it is made clear that only
a bare statement that case of an employee in the zone of consideration/extended zone of consideration
is covered by any of the three situations indicated in para-2 of the said Office Memorandum is to be
furnished to the DPC to enable it to place its recommendations in the sealed cover. No other details
about the pending inquiry or the nature of charge etc. are to be furnished to the DPC lest these details
weigh with the DPC in making its recommendations, which are to be placed in the sealed cover.
2. Considerable doubts also persist about the furnishing of the vigilance clearance and integrity
certificate to the DPC. It is clarified that the DPC is required to consider the cases of all persons who
are otherwise eligible in terms of the Recruitment Rules as on the relevant crucial date and are in the
zone of consideration. If, however, case of an employee in the zone of consideration is covered by
any of the three situation only this fact is to be furnished to the DPC so that the recommendations
could be placed in sealed cover. Where none of the three situations has arisen, a simple vigilance
clearance would need to be furnished. Vigilance clearance/status would have no other significance
and would not be a factor in deciding the fitness of the officer for promotion on merit.
4. If the conditions indicated in para-2 of DOPT Office Memorandum dated 14th September,
1992, arise only after the DPC has made its recommendations and therefore, the recommendations
could not be placed in the sealed cover, para-7 of the said Office Memorandum provides that the
recommendations of the DPC shall be deemed to have been placed in the sealed cover and he shall
not be promoted until he is exonerated of the charges. Therefore, after the recommendations of DPC
have been approved by the competent authority, it is necessary to again seek the status positions from
the concerned vigilance division before issuing promotion order in respect of any officer included in
the approved panel of name to ensure that there is no hindrance in issuing the promotion order in
respect of the concerned officer.
Vigilance Department
No. 5/6/2004-VIG/1848 Dated: 11/06/2004
Sub : Unauthorised absence
It has come to the notice of the Government that Government officers/officials so their
private/personal work without availing any leave. This is infringement of service rules.
In order to curb such activities all the HoD‘s/Head‘s of Offices are requested to keep strict
vigil and ensure that no officer/official moves out of the office during office hours without signing the
movement Register or availing leave.
Compendium 434 Vigilance Related Matters
If any such instances are noticed in future the concerned HoD/Head of Office shall also be
held responsible for absenteeism of such staff members during their office hours apart from strict
action against the concern absentee Government servant.
(Sanjiv M. Gadkar)
Addl. Director (Vigilance)
Directorate of Vigilance
No. 59/100/2003-STE/1966 Dated:- 02-06-2004
Sub: Implementation of directions issued by Directorate of Vigilance.
It has come to the notice of the Government that the instructions issued by the Vigilance
Department to the Heads of Departments/Vigilance Officers, in the disciplinary vigilance matter
investigated by the Vigilance Department are not being implemented or adhered to and sometimes
inordinate delays take place thus defeating the very purpose of Vigilance inquiry.
The Government has taken serious note of the above and decided that the responsibility be
fixed. In view of the above, it is again brought to the notice of all the Heads of Departments/Vigilance
Officers that henceforth, the implementation of the instructions/orders issued by the Vigilance
Department shall be the responsibility of concerned HOD and Vigilance Officer jointly and severally,
and the compliance of implementation would be submitted by HOD and Vigilance Officer to
Vigilance Department within a period of two weeks. It may also be mentioned that the competent
authority under the rule/policy must implement the decision/order issued by Vigilance Department
and any unnecessary reference and submission to higher authority for taking approval which is not
required under rule/policy should be avoided.
Failure on the part of the Heads of Departments or Vigilance Officer to implement the
instructions/orders of Vigilance Department issued with the approval of Government within specified
time frame shall be viewed seriously and disciplinary action as deemed fit shall be initiated against
the concerned.
(D.S. Negi)
Chief Secretary/
Chief Vigilance Officer
Directorate of Vigilance
No. 13/11/88-VIG (Vol-IV)P.F. Dated:- 10-10-2003
All the Head of Departments,
Sub: Appointment of retired Government Officers as the Inquiry Officers.
I am directed to inform you that in order to speedily dispose off the cases of departmental
enquiries instituted against various Government Servants, the Government had decided to utilize the
services of some retired Group ―A‖ Officer for conducting enquiries against the charge
officers/Officials on certain terms and conditions.
Government has now decided to revise the said terms and conditions for appointing retired
officers as Inquiry Officers and honorarium to be paid with the concurrence of Finance (Expenditure)
Department vide their U.O No. Fin (Exp) Department/1039 (F) dated 23-9-2003. The revised terms
and conditions will be applicable to the cases allotted w. e. f. 1/10/2003.
The expenditure towards the honorarium and other expenses for clerical and stenographic work
including stationery for conducting the enquiries should be met from the Budget Head of the
Compendium 435 Vigilance Related Matters
respective Department of the charge officer/officials. Copy of the revised terms and conditions is
enclosed for your reference & needful.
This is brought to the notice of all concerned.
Yours faithfully,
(Sanjiv M. Gadkar)
Additional Director (Vigilance)
Terms and conditions for Appointing Retired Officers as Inquiry officers
The Retired Government Officer, hereinafter, referred to as Inquiry Officer (IO).
1. Shall not engage himself/herself in any other professional work or service, which is likely to
interfere with the performance of his/her duties as Inquiry Officer;
2. Shall maintain strict secrecy in relation to the documents he/she receives of information/data
collected by him/her in connection with the Inquiry and utilize the same only for the purpose of
Inquiry in the case entrusted to him/her. No such documents/information or date are to be
divulged to any one during the Inquiry or after presentation of the Inquiry Report;
3. Shall be paid a lump sum remuneration of Rs. 5,000/-, (Rupees Five Thousand only) per
Departmental Inquiry Report, in a case, by the Department/Organization to which the charge
officer belongs;
4. Shall be paid, in additional to the remuneration of Rs. 5,000/-, an amount of Rs. 1,000/-
(Rupees One Thousand only) per Departmental Inquiry Report, for clerical and Stenographical
work, which the IO has to arrange by himself/herself;
5. Shall conduct the inquiry proceedings only in the office premises of the
Department/Organization, which engages him/her;
6. Shall be provided with the stationery/postage by the Department/Organization, which engages
7. Shall be terminated from the services of an IO at any time by the Appointing Authority, without
notice and without assigning, any reasons.
8. Shall submit the inquiry report after completing the inquiry within six months from the date of
his appointment as Inquiry officer to become eligible for payment of remuneration as indicated
at item No. 3& 4.
Directorate of Vigilance
No. 15/9/2000-Vigilance Date:- 21-12-2000
Sub: Regarding review of suspension case.
Copy of under mentioned circular No. 13/11/88-VIG (Part V) dated 20-12-2000 received from
the office of Commissioner and Secretary (Vigilance), Secretariat, Government of Goa is forwarded
for information and necessary action:
1. All Head of Departments/Offices.
2. All Departments in the Secretariat.
3. P. S. to C.M.
4. All under Secretaries to Government.
(Swapnil M. Naik )
Dy. Director (Vigilance)
List of paper forwarded:
Compendium 436 Vigilance Related Matters
Directorate of Vigilance
No. 5-48-99-VIG Dated:- 11-10-1999
1. All Heads of Departments/Offices and Chief Executive Officers of Government
Undertaking/Corporations/Autonomous Bodies, etc. are aware that in so far as conduct and discipline
is concerned, our employees are covered by the Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964 and
Central Civil Service (Classifications, control and Appeal) Rules, 1965. It is therefore, imperative that
every employee is made aware of these Rules for guidance in their day to-day conduct and dealings.
2. while the Heads of Departments in their capacities as the Appointing Authority over Group
―C‖ and ―D‖ employees, also exercise the power of the Disciplinary Authorities over them, in so far
as Group ―A‖ and ―B‖ officers are concerned, such powers are exercised by the Governor. Although
under Rule 14 (5) of C.C.S. (C.C.A.) Rules, 1965, the Disciplinary Authority may itself inquiry into
the charge framed against his subordinate, another officer, preferably not connected with the
Department, is appointed as an Inquiry Officer, so that he is not suspected of any bias against the
Charged official.
3. In order that the departmental inquiries are conducted and completed as speedily as possible,
it is necessary that the Memorandum containing the Articles of charge, the Statement of imputations
of misconduct or misbehavior in support there to, the list of document relied upon and list of
witnesses by whom the charges are proposed to be sustained, is drawn up in the prescribed format
expeditiously and the Charged Official given an opportunity to submit his written statement of
defence with in 10 days. If the Charge Official admits the charges, then the Disciplinary Authority
should take appropriate decision as may be necessary in the circumstances of the case including
imposition of penalty commensurate with the gravity of the charges. Where however, the charges are
denied, then the Director of Vigilance should be immediately consulted, and on his advise, action
should be taken to appoint the Inquiry Officer. Side by side the Disciplinary Authority should also
appoint an Officer conversant with the facts of the case the presenting officers to present the case on
his behalf before the Inquiry officer.
4. Once appointed, the Inquiry officer should fix the preliminary hearing at the earliest
opportunity and ascertain from the charged Official whether he would like to plead guilty to the
charges framed or not. If at this stage, the charged Official pleads guilty, then the Inquiry Officer
would proceed to record his statement to this effect under acknowledgement and inform the
Disciplinary Authority accordingly for further appropriate action. Where however, the Charged
Official does not plead guilty, the inquiry will proceed to the next stage of inspection of documents
cited by the prosecution and the additional/defense documents cited by the Charged Officials in his
defence with due advance notice to the Presenting Officer, to enable him to produce these documents.
5. Once these two stages are over, then the Inquiry Officer will go ahead with regular hearings
which should be conducted at regular intervals with minimum possible adjournments, so that the
proceedings are not prolonged to the detriment of the Charged Official, and in the process, he is not
made to suffer mental agony besides being deprived of his promotion if and when due or, as the case
may be, the pensionery benefits which accrue with the retirement. In any case, the Inquiry Officer
should ensure that the Inquiry is completed within a reasonable time frame, say 6 months, and the
inquiry report containing the findings is submitted to the Disciplinary Authority concerned.
6. No sooner the Disciplinary Authority has received the inquiry report containing the findings
of the inquiry Officer, a copy of the inquiry Officer a copy of the inquiry report should be sent to the
Charged Official and he is given opportunity to submit his representation if any, within 15 days, as
provided in Rules 15 (1-A) of C.C.S. (C.C.A.) Rules 1965 and after taking into consideration the facts
and circumstances of the case, an appropriate decision is taken, including the imposition of penalty
commensurate with the findings of the inquiry Officer.
7. In order to monitor the progress of the departmental inqueries, a format has been devised and
enclosed herewith, to enable the inquiry Officers to forward such reports regularly to the Disciplinary
Authorities concerned under intimations to the Directorate of Vigilance by the 10th of the month
following the month to which these relate (Annexure-I).
Compendium 438 Vigilance Related Matters
8. There may be instances when the Disciplinary Authority may have to place an employee
under suspension where disciplinary proceeding is contemplated or is pending, or wherein the opinion
of that authority, he has engaged himself in activities prejudicial to the interest of the security of the
State, or where a case against him in respect of any criminal offence is under investigation, inquiry or
trial. The basic intention in placing the Government servant under suspension is to ensure that while
in office, he will not prejudice the investigation, trial or inquiry, by tampering with the witnesses or
the documents or likely to seriously subvert discipline in the office in which he is working, or if he is
involved in scandals, particularly corruption, and it is necessary in wider public interest to deal strictly
with such case and thereby demonstrate the Policy of the Government, or where a prima facie case is
made out after preliminary inquiry justifying his prosecution which is likely to end in his conviction
and/or dismissal, removal or compulsory retirement from service. Even in such cases, the principles of
natural justice require that every effort is made to finalise the charges against the official within 3
months review the suspension itself periodically. And if it is no longer necessary to keep the official
under suspension, revoke the same and reinstate him in service as early as possible.
9. A set of basic guidelines on dealing with various complaints, departmental inquiries, etc.
issued by the Central Vigilance Commission, is enclosed for the guidance of the Disciplinary
Authority/inquiry Officers (Annexure-II)
10. On receipt of the complaint, the Head of Department should get it investigated through
Departmental Vigilance Officer, If on the basis of Investigation, a prima facie case is established, then
and then only, the matter may be referred to the Vigilance Department for detailed investigation.
11. Complaint involving mere administrative irregularities such as, absence from duties, private
business, etc, should be dealt at the departmental level itself, and only those cases having vigilance
angle and involving corruption, possessing of assets, disproportionate to known sources of income
etc. should be brought to the notice of the vigilance Department for detailed investigation.
12. A good number of complaints received are either anonymous or pseudonymous. Such
complaints are mostly false and malicious and are often made against the employees out of jealousy
or with a view to prejudice the service career. Obviously, inquiries into such complaints have an
adverse effect on the moral of the employees. Hence, the Central Vigilance Commission has advised
that no action should be taken on anonymous or pseudonymous complaints against the employees.
However when there are reasons for doubts, the pseudonymous character are of a complaint could be
verified by inquiring from the complainant, if he has disclosed his address whether it has actually
been sent by him. If he cannot be connected at the address given or if no reply is received from the
complainant within a reasonable time, it should be presumed that complaint is pseudonymous and
(Ashok Kumar)
Development Commissioner &
Chief Vigilance Officer
Annexure – I
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Annexure – II
Inquiry Officer (I.O) takes cognizance of a cases on receipt of the following documents from the
Disciplinary Authority (D.A):
(iii) Reply to charge or a clear statement that the public servant has not replied within specified
(iv) List of witnesses by whom the articles of charge are proposed to be sustained;
(ix) Order appointing the inquiry Officer and the Presenting Officer;
1.2 Documents (i), (ii) and (iii) gives an idea about the case in support of the charge and defense
version in a nut-shell Documents (iv), (v) and (vi) indicate how the charge is sought to be proved.
Document (vii) will indicate rules under which the proceedings are to be held. Document (viii) will
prove that the charged Officer has received the documents. I.O. should satisfy himself that he has
been correctly appointed document (xi) he should check all the documents and study the case fully.
He should identify the points for clarification at the preliminary hearing.
1.3 I.O. will then send a notice to the Suspect Public Servant (SPS) asking him (a) to present
himself for preliminary hearing at the appointed place, on a date and time within 10 days, (b) to
intimate the name of his defence assistant and (c) in case the defence assistant is a legal practitioner to
product the Department permission to engage him. He will also intimate the Presenting Officer (P.O)
about the date, time and place of the Preliminary Leaving. The P.O. will bring copies of statement of
the listed witnesses and the listed documents with him.
1.4 At the preliminary hearing I.O. will ask Suspected Public Servant whether he pleads guilty
and if he has any defence to make. If he pleads unequivocally guilty, I.O. shall proceed to record his
findings. If suspected Public servant refuses or omits to plead or pleads not guilty I.O. will (a)
ascertain from S.P.S whether he accepts the authenticity or genuineness of the documents in the list
accompanying the charge sheet (b) record admitted facts, (c) decide in consultation with S.P.S. and
P.O. witnesses and documents necessary to prove or disprove not admitted issues; (d) fix regular
hearings on a date not later than 30 days at a convenient place and send a program of inquiry in Form
2 to the Chief Vigilance Officer (C.V.O). Natural justice is not violated if the place of inquiry is fixed
by I.O. suo moto.
1.5 If either party fails to appear at the preliminary hearing, the I.O. may proceed to fix the date
and place for regular hearing and send intimation to the parties.
1.6 I.O. will also record an order that S.P.S. may for the purpose of preparing his defence (i)
inspect within 5 clear days documents; a list of which was sent to him with the charges (ii) submit a
list of witnesses to be examined on his behalf with their address indicating what issues they will help
in clarifying and (iii) submit a list of additional documents which S.P.S may wish to have access to,
indicating the relevance of the documents to the presentation of his case. If P.O. and S.P.S. are present
Compendium 440 Vigilance Related Matters
they will be supplied with the copies of the order. In case either or both are absent, they will be sent
by registered post A/D to reach them in good time.
1.7 If S.P.S. fails to indicate and convince the I.O. about the issue to which the deposition of his
witnesses and production of additional documents are relevant, I.O. may reject the request in writing
for examining the witnesses or requisitioning the document. If however, he finds that the witnesses
are relevant, they will be examined. If the documents are relevant I.O. will arrange to have the
documents to be shown to S.P.S. In case of doubt, a point may be stretched in favors of S.P.S. Even
when I.O. has decided to call for documents, the Authority having custody or possession of the
documents may decide that the production of such document would be against public interest or
security of the state.
1.8 On the date and at the place fixed for the inspection of documents, the public servant will be
given facilities to see them. The inspection will be in the presence of P.O. or his substitute or any
other Gazetted Officer deputed for the purpose by I.O. S.P.S. may keep notes or extracts but it will
need to be ensured that the documents are not tampered with during the course of inspection. S.P.S.
will not be allowed to take photo state copies but if I.O. decides that authenticity of any document is
in doubt, he may arrange to supply its photo state copy to S.P.S.
1.9 Normally, P.O. and S.P.S. should themselves ensure that their witnesses are present. In case
they are not able to do so, I.O. may in appropriate cases, or when he finally decided to call up a person
to tender evidence, issue summons through P.O., S.P.S. or through registered post A.D.
1.10 Any public servant may be requested by I.O. to depose in a case I.O. may send a copy of
such summons to the Department/Office head under whom the public servant is working with a
request that the public servant concerned be asked to make it convenient to attend the inquiry. Non-
compliance can be treated as conduct unbecoming of a public servant.
1.11 Forms 3 and 4 can be used for summoning public servants and private individuals,
2.1 I.O. should start regular hearing on the fixed day and should take particular care to see that
once a regular hearing is started, the case is heard DE DIE INDIEM i.e. from day to day. This is fair
to both the parties. It is not fair that an indifferent P.O. is a allowed to lengthen the agony of S.P.S.
who may be innocent. It is not fair that S.P.S. is allowed to waste public money and time by delaying
the proceedings There should be no adjournment except for illness supported by medical certificate or
some such unavoidable and adequate reason.
2.2. (a) Admitted documents and facts can be taken note of straightway.
(b) P.O. should introduce these documents, which are not admitted. He should examine
witnesses in a way which will bring out the case in a logical and understandable order. He will
examine them without putting leading questions i. e. questions which suggest a definite answer. This
examination can be done by P.O.
(c) After the examination is over, the witnesses may be cross-examined by S.P.S or his
Defence Assistant to bring out facts which have not come out in the examination, to remove any
discrepancies or to prove the reliability or otherwise of the witnesses. It is the duty of I.O. to see that
witnesses under stand the question properly and to protect them against any un-fair treatment. He
should disallow questions if the cross-examination is irrelevant, oppressive or of inordinate length.
(d) After the cross-examination. P.O. can re-examine the witness on any points on which he
has been cross-examined but not on any new matter unless specially allowed by the I.O. In that case,
the other party will have a right to further cross-examine the witness.
Compendium 441 Vigilance Related Matters
(e) If at any stage a party wishes to cross-examine his own witness, he may do so with the
permission of I.O.
2.3 At any time during the inquiry, the inquiry Officer may put such question to a witness as he
think fit to bring out the truth so that he has a fair and clear understanding of the whole case. I.O. may
also allow both the sides to cross-examine such a witness on any questions put by him.
2.4 Any time during the inquiry, S.P.S. may decide to plead guilty. In that case, I.O. may in his
discretion accept the plea and record his findings or he may continue the case to its conclusion.
2.5 If before the close of the case of the Disciplinary authority, P.O. produces new evidence not
included in the list of documents and witnesses given to the Government servant, S.P.S. will be
entitled to have a copy of such lists, an adjournment of at least three clear days and an opportunity for
inspecting relevant document. It is obvious, however, that P.O. should avoid such a course of action.
2.6 It would not be correct for either party ordinarily to recall a witness or produce further
evidence to fill up any gap in evidence. He can do so only where there is an inherent lacuna or defect
in the evidence originally produced.
2.7 After the closure of the case for the Disciplinary Authority, I.O. will ask S.P.S. to state his
defence and produce his witnesses. If he submits his defence in writing, every page of it will be
signed by him if orally, I.O. will record it and get it signed by him. A copy of the statement will be
given to P.O.
2.8 S.P.S. or his defence Assistant will then proceed to examine his witnesses who will then be
cross-examined by P.O. and if necessary re-examined by S.P.S.
2.9 S.P.S cannot be forced to give evidence. However, if he offers himself as his own witness,
he can be examined by the defence Assistant and cross-examined by P.O.
2.10 At the end of the case, I.O. shall examine S.P.S. generally to enable him to explain any
circumstances against him and he may do so even if S.P.S. has offered himself as a witness.
2.11 On the completion of evidence of both sides, I.O. should proceed to hear the arguments.
Only if the case is complex, he may permit them to present written briefs P.O. should be given not
more than two days to present his brief unless the rules prescribe a longer period. While presenting his
brief, he should certify that a copy of the brief has been received by S.P.S. S.P.S. should also be given
two days thereafter for filing his brief.
2.12 All evidence will be taken down as far as possible in a narrative Form to the dictation of
I.O Previous statements admitted by a witness may be taken on record as evidence. The depositions of
each witness will be on a separate sheet of paper at the head of which will appear the number of the
case, the name of the witness, and sufficient information as to his age, designation or occupation,
residence etc. for complete identification. Generally, depositions of State of defence witnesses will be
re-corded as narrations and numbered SW1, SW2………..or DW1, DW2 ………… as the case may
be. Exhibits will be numbered S1, S2……….. or D1, D2……… After the evidence is recorded, I.O.
will have the depositions read out to the witnesses in the presence of both the parties. If the witness
denies correctness of any part of the record except verbal changes, the I.O. will not alter the evidence
but will record the fact separately. He will record a certificate at the end of each deposition as follows:
read over to the witness in the presence of the accused and admitted correct/ objections of witnesses
recorded. The witness will sign every page of the deposition If a witness refuses to sign, I.O. will
record this fact and sign. I.O. should take particular care to explain the deposition to the witnesses if
the depositions has been given in a language other than the language in which the record is kept.
2.13 I.O. will maintain a daily order-sheet to record in brief the business transacted on each day
of the hearing. Requests and representations made by either party should also be dealt with and
disposed of in the sheet. In particular, the following points should find mention in the order sheet:
Compendium 442 Vigilance Related Matters
(i) The additional documents and the witnesses asked for by S.P.S. in his defence.
(iv) Whether the additional documents permitted as relevant, were made available for inspection
of S.P.S. and were inspected by him.
(v) If the authority having custody of any such document does not consent to its production, the
fact of such refusal.
2.14 During an inquiry if the inquiry officer feels it necessary to amend the Charge-Sheet or
frame an additional charge, he may do so as long as he gives a fresh opportunity to S.P.S. to explain
the charges against him I.O. can hold the inquiry from the stage considered necessary to give
reasonable opportunity to the S.P.S. to submit his defence or produce his evidence in respect of the
amended Charge-sheet.
2.15 If the evidence is able to establish a part of transaction/event which by itself constitutes a
misconduct/misbehavior, the Inquiry Officer can express its findings whether such misconduct is
proved or not, as long as the imputations clearly state the event and the defence has adequate
opportunity to reply to them.
2.16 If S.P.S. does not submit his written statement of defence within the time specified or does
not appear before I.O. or refuses to comply with the provisions of the rules, the I.O. may hold the
inquiry ex-part.
2.17 If an inquiry officer is changed in the middle of a case or if a case is transferred to another,
then it is within the discretion of the Inquiry Officer to hear the case de novo or from the stage which
it had reached, keeping in mind the fact that the Charged Officer must receive fair and just treatment
consistent with avoiding waste of time.
2.18 Disciplinary proceeding should not be stayed except under orders of a Court of competent
jurisdictions or under the written orders of the Disciplinary Authority.
3.1 After discussing the mechanics of proceedings, it would be appropriate to discuss the
conduct to be observed by I.O. A discussion on natural justice is obviously relevant.
3.2 Two observations are needed. It needs to be emphasized that natural justice does not
supplant any law or rule. It is only supplementary. Secondly, rules of natural justice are generally
referred to by or on behalf of the defence. They should in fairness apply to both the parties.
3.3 The rules of natural justice cannot be elevated to the positions of Fundamental Rights. Their
aim is to secure justice or to put it negatively to prevent miscarriage of justice. These rules can operate
only in areas not covered by any law validly made. This is the view taken by the Supreme Court in the
case of Union of India VS. JN. Sinha and other (AIR 1971 SC 40) Since the Discipline Rules contain
clear provisions about the conduct of inquiries at various stages, the rules of natural justice cannot be
involked for going beyond or round the scope of the rule at any stage. In the case of A.K. Das Vs. Sr.
Supdt. Of post Offices (AIR 1969, A &N 99), it has been held that if the Procedure laid down in the
C.C.S. (C.C.A.) Rules is complied with, there can be no complaint of violation of natured justice.
3.4 Natural justice is not defined in any rules, but the concept is fairly crystallized through
judicial pronouncements and covers three important principles:
In other words, where there are no specific provisions in rules and procedures, either party has a right
to ―fair hearing‖, ―un-biased judgment‖ and ―clear speaking order‖.
3.5 Our disciplinary rules provide time-limit for various purposes like appearance before an I.O.
for preliminary hearing or for regular hearing, like giving an opportunity to S.P.S/ to have his say and
to cross-examine the opposite witnesses and I.O‘s witnesses and lastly to argue out his case at the
conclusion of the hearing.
3.6 However, it is obvious that there will be exceptions to limits prescribed for hearing; such as,
those based on illness or natural calamities. In such cases, I.O. should appropriately give minimum
necessary adjournment. The adjournment has to be minimum necessary because justice to be effective
has to be quick. It would not be correct for I.O. to allow the P.O. or S.P.S. to dominate the
proceedings by asking adjournments. What either party deserves is fair and reasonable opportunity to
be heard and not an unfair and unreasonable opportunity to obstruct and hinder.
3.7 For unbiased hearing, an I.O. should not obviously have any interest in the case. During
hearings, he is expected to be serene and even-handed, even though his patience at times may be tried.
At same time, he cannot permit either party to engage in every trick to delay proceedings and put a
spoke in the wheel of justice.
3.8. The I.O. should bear in mind that the technical rules of the Evidence Act are not applicable
to domestic inquires. Hearsay evidence is not barred. The Supreme-Court and some High Courts have
held that even hearsay evidence is logically probative, though its probative value may be strong or
weak according to the facts and circumstances of the case and if it is logically probative, a tribunal is
entitled to act upon it. It has also been held that though in admitting hearsay evidence the Tribunal
must observe the rules of natured justice, if does not mean that is must be tested by cross-examination.
3.9 There has been an argument whether the I.O. should interupt during the hearing or even
argue while the proceedings are on and whether this constitutes violation of nature justice. It is not
correct to conclude that every intervention or argument or even a hostile remark of an I.O. is
indicative of bias. As Supreme Court has observed ―If every remark of a Judge made from the bench
is to be construed as indicating prejudice, I am afraid most judges will fail to pass the exacting test. In
the course of an argument, a Judge sometimes expresses his opinion, tentatively formed; sometime
even strongly worked; but that does not always mean that the case has been prejudiced. An argument
in a Court can never be effective if the Judges do not sometimes point out what appears to be an
underlying fallacy in the apparent plausibility thereof; and every lawyer of litigant who forms an
apprehension on that score cannot be said to be reasonably doing so‖. (Vishwanathan Vs. Abdul
Vazid – AIR 1963. SCI.)
3.10 After having said that I.O. should not be biased, but should give fair opportunity to all the
parties, it may be mentioned that his conclusions have to be based on a report which looks reasonable.
I.O. should clearly indicate the relation between the imputations, evidence and conclusion. The
conclusion should be logical. It should not appear as I.O. has made up his mind and is then making a
one-sided presentation of facts to support it. While studying acare or rationalizing a point or
commenting on a witness, the language should be sobre becoming and dignified. It should be
judicious and show poise and balance. It should not be satirical or vicious. The pen of an I.O. should
be used like the knife of surgeon, just enough to probe into the relevant tissue and not more. On the
other hand, merely summarizing the versions of the two sides and selecting one is not right.
3.11 I.O. is expected to be unbiased, fair just and judicious. He is not interested, whether the
S.P.S is proved guilty or exonerated. His only interest is fair play and justice. He, will, therefore,
continuously endeavor to see that both sides get reasonable opportunity to place their view points. He
should equally be alert to check any tendency on the part of either party to delay or hinder the
Compendium 444 Vigilance Related Matters
proceedings. He should remind him-self of the court observation in Bhole Nath Vs. DTC: ―Natural
justice prescribes only a minimum standard of fair procedure and this minimum cannot be bloated into
a rigmarole of technicalities to vitiate the inquiry some how or other. To do so would not be natural
justice but on the other hand unnatural or perverted justice‖
4.1 An inquiry Officer should not start assuming the correctness of the imputations/charge or the
defense version that would be bias.
4.2 His first duty is to study and understand the department‘s case and the defense version
thoroughly. He must Endeavour to reconstruct the conduct expected of S.P.S. He must ascertain all
the details of the event or transaction relevant circumstance attending on them. He must probe into
what has happened, where and when. He must know who has done what and what he ought to have
done. He should ascertain what was the role assigned to S.P.S. specifically in relation to the charge;
what was expected of him what it he did or omitted to do. He should conclude whether and which of
the imputations/charges are proved.
4.3 He should then judge whether S.P.S. within his knowledge and experience behaved with due
care and attention, reasonably and honestly; whether he violated the law, rules and procedures he was
expected to follow; whether he knew or ought to have known the propriety and result of his acts. In
other words whether he behaved as a prudent man would have been expected to do. He cannot say
that he violated the procedure in the interest of Government Rules and procedures are laid down in the
interest of the public by the persons whose responsibility is to do so. S.P.S. is supposed to follow
them. If he has any ideas about better rules and, procedure, he should propose amendments but not
break them until amendments are effective.
4.4 The word ―Malafides‖ should be used with great caution. Malaafides is irrelevant in proving
a misconduct as it is not a necessary element of it Every act of a public servant is expected to be
honest, bonafide and reasonable. If there is any doubt, it is for him to dispel it. An act is not honest
when it is not just and fair or when it causes wrongful gain or wrongful loss. It is not bonafide when it
is committed without due care and attention. It is not reasonable when a fair and prudent person
would not do it.
4.5 In most of the case S.P.S. raises a plea of absence of malafides, It is not right to expect that
the P.O. should prove malafides if the act it self speaks. If a person is found traveling by train without
ticket, malafides must be presumed unless he proves otherwise. If a Government servant is unable to
explain satisfactorily his disproportional cases, it is natural to presume that such asset were amassed
in a corrupt way. Malafides therefore will have to be judged from the circumstances of each
transaction or event, powers and responsibilities vested in each officer and ultimately what a prudent
and traditional person would do in those circumstances and with those powers and responsibilities.
4.6 The inquiry officers after considering the oral and documentary evidence, noting who said it,
when and in what circumstances, whether what was said or done was consistent with the normal
probability of human behavior and noting the demeanor of the witnesses, should draw inferences as a
rational and prudent person would. He should then record his conclusions on each charge on each
charge it is proved or not. He should particularly ensure that he relied on facts which have come into
evidence and which the accused Government servant had opportunity to refute.
4.7 The standard of proof required in a departmental inquiry differs materially from the standard
of proof required in a criminal trial. The Supreme court has held standard of proof required in a
disciplinary inquiry is that of preponderance of probability and not proof beyond a reasonable doubt.
(ii) articles of charge in brief, indicating those which are dropped/admitted and which required
(iii) for each charge inquired into:
(a) the case in support of the charges;
(b) the case of defence;
(c) assessment of evidence; and
(d) the findings.
In complex cases, it may be necessary to give a brief statement of the transaction/event which
amounts to or leads to misconduct.
In certain cases, it may be desirable for the sake of clarity, to narrate not only such a
transaction/event but also the case of the disciplinary authority and that of defense, before considering
charges individually.
4.9 The report will be accompanied by:
(a) a folder containing (i), (ii) and (iii) of para 1.1;
(b) an appendixs in form 5;
(c) a list of exhibits together with exhibits produces during the inquiry;
(d) a list of witnesses examined together with their deposition in the order they were taken
during the inquiry;
(e) a folder containing daily order sheet;
(f) a folder containing evidence of witnesses, written statement of S.P.S. and briefs, and
(g) correspondence file.
4.10 If the Inquiry Officer concludes that an allegation other than that described in the original article
of charge is proved, he may record his finding on such charge as long as the S.P.S. had admitted
the facts or has an opportunity of rebutting them.
4.11. I.O. will send his report and on the record of inquiry together with extra copies for the Central
Vigilance Commissioner, D.A., each S.P.S. and a copy for C.B.I. in cases investigated by them.
Directorate of Vigilance
No. 13/3/99-VIG Dated:- 11-02-1999
Sub: Improving Vigilance Administration.
The following instruction are issued to tone up the Vigilance Administration in Government
Departments and public sector undertakings of Goa Government.
1) Creating a culture of honesty:
Some Organizations and departments have a reputation for corruption. The junior employees
and Officers who join such department initially are not oriented to be a part of the corrupt system.
Already, nomination of Vigilance Officers exists in Goa Government. However, their activities are
not reviewed from time to time and there is no much evidence of their active involvement incurbing
the corruption in their departments. It is therefore, decided that the Vigilance Officer of the
departments can make a direct reference to the Secretary (Vigilance) or the Chief Vigilance Officer in
the Secretariat, if any instance of corrupt activities of anybody in the departments comes to their
notice, he need not route these complaints through the Head of the Department. Similarly any other
junior employee also can send the information directly to the Secretary (Vigilance) or the CVO. Such
Compendium 446 Vigilance Related Matters
references will not be taken as acts of indiscipline. However, if any such junior officer makes a false
or frivolous complaint, it would be viewed seriously.
2) Greater transparency in administration:
The Goa Government has already enacted the ―Right to information Act‖ and notified the
competent authority there under. This has opened up the functioning of the Government
Departments for greater public scrutiny. There might be some occasions where there is necessity to
maintain secrecy where discretion has to be exercised. But once discretion has been exercised or as in
matters of tenders, once the tender has been finalized, there is no need for secrecy. There is, therefore,
a need for publishing on the notice board of each department/organization, the details of all the cases
regarding tenders or out of turn allotments or discretion exercised in favors of an employee/party.
This will go a long way in reducing wrong decisions and will automatically check corruption.
3) Speedy departmental inquiries:
There is an impression that the Government employees are not sufficiently rewarded in case of
good work and are not punished promptly in case of omission and commissions. One reason for delay
in punishment is regarding the delay in concluding the disciplinary enquiry proceedings. The
departmental inquires are in turn, delayed as there are no special officers for doing this work except
the Commissioner of Departmental inquiries and there are a number of adjournments requested for
and granted during the course of enquiry. The Vigilance Department is compiling separately a panel
of names of inquiry Officers so as to appoint more Inquiry Officers to ensure that the departmental
inquiries are completed in time. In the mean while, in order to speed up the departmental inquiries, the
following time frame is prescribed:
(i) In all cases which are presently pending for appointment of inquiry Officers and Presenting
Officers, such appointments should be made within one month from the date of issue of this circular.
In all other cases, they should be appointed, wherever necessary, within 15 days after receipt of the
charged officers statement of defence denying the charges.
(ii) The oral enquiry including the submission of the Inquiry Officer report, should be completed
within 6 months from the date of appointment of the inquiry Officer. In the preliminary enquiry, at the
first appearance of the charged Officers, the inquiry Officer should lay down a time bound program
for submission and inspection of the documents and the list of witnesses. After that a regular hearing
should be started and conducted as far as possible on a day-to-day basis and adjournments should not
be granted on frivolous grounds.
(iii) The work of the IO/PO should be reviewed once in a month by the Vigilance Officer of the
Department and a report submitted to the Secretary (Vigilance) once in a month preferably by 10 th of
succeeding month.
4) Negotiation of tenders.
In order to reduce the possible corruption, post tender negotiations have to be banned totally
except in the case of negotiations with the lowest tender. If it is not possible to accept the lowest
tender, the department has to go in for re-tendering.
By order and in the name of the
Governor of Goa
(N. Suryanarayana)
Director of (Vigilance)
Department of Vigilance
No. 1/1/98-VIG (B) Dated:- 13-04-1998
A copy of the Office Memorandum No. 142/10/97-AVD I dated 14-1-1998 from Secretary (P),
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievance and Pensions, Department of Personnel & training, New
Delhi, regarding sanction of prosecution is forwarded herewith for information and compliance to:
Compendium 447 Vigilance Related Matters
Department of Personnel
No. 12/14/89-PER Dated:- 23-08-1993
The Government of India, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievance and Pensions, Department
of Personnel & training, Office Memorandum No. 22011/4/91-Estt(A) dated 14-9-1992 is reproduce
here below and circulated for information and necessary action to:
1. All Head of Departments/Offices.
2. All Departments in the Secretariat.
(S.S Keshkamat)
Under Secretary (Personnel)
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
No. 22011/4/91-Estt-(A) North Block, Dated:- 14-09-1992
Subject: Promotion of Government servants against whom disciplinary/court proceedings are
pending or whose conduct is under investigation-procedure and guidelines to be followed.
Compendium 448 Vigilance Related Matters
O.M. No. 39/3/59-Estt. A dated 31-8-60, No. 7/28/63-Estt.A. date 22-12-64, No. 22011/3/77-
Estt. A, date 14-7-77 No. 22011/1/79-Estt. A, date 31-1-82 No. 22011/2/86-Estt.A, dated 12-1-88 No.
22022/1/91-Estt. A, date 31-7-91.
denials of arrears of salary or part of it may become necessary. However, there may be case where the
proceedings, whether disciplinary or criminal, are for example delayed at the instance of the
employee or the Clearance in the disciplinary proceedings or acquittal in the criminal proceedings is
with benefit of doubt or on account of non-availability of evidence due to the acts attributable to the
employee etc. These are only some of the circumstances where such denial can be justified.
3.1 If any penalty is imposed on the Government servant as a result of the disciplinary
proceedings or if he is found guilty in the criminal prosecution against him, the findings of the sealed
cover/covers shall not be acted upon. His case for promotion may be considered by the next DPC in
the normal course and having regard to the penalty imposed on him.
3.2 It is also clarified that in a case where disciplinary proceedings have been held under the
relevant disciplinary rules, ‗warning‘ should not be issued as a result of such proceedings. If it is
found as a result of the proceedings that some blame attached to the Government servant; at least the
penalty of ‗censure‘ should be imposed.
Six Monthly review of ―Sealed Cover‖ cases.
4. It is necessary to ensure that the disciplinary case/ criminal prosecution instituted against any
Government servant is not unduly prolonged and all efforts to finalize expeditiously the proceedings
should be taken so that the need for keeping the case of a Government servant in a sealed cover is
limited to the barest minimum. It has therefore, been decided that the appointing authority concerned
should review comprehensively the cases of Government servants, whose suitability for promotion to
a highergrade has been kept in a sealed cover on the expiry of 6 months from the date of convening
the first Departmental Promotion Committee which had adjudged his suitability and kept its findings
in the sealed cover. Such a review should be done subsequently also every six months. The review
should inter alia, cover the progress made in the disciplinary proceedings/criminal prosecution and the
further measures to be taken to expedite the completion.
Procedure for Adhoc promotion
5. In spite of the six monthly review referred to in para 4 above, there may be some cases, where
the disciplinary case/criminal prosecution against the Government servant is not concluded even after
the expiry of two years from the date of the meeting of the first DPC, which kept its findings in
respect of the Government servant in a sealed cover. In such a situation the appointing authority may
review the case of the Government servant, provided he is not under suspension, to consider the
desirability of giving him ad-hoc promotion keeping view the following aspects:
a) Whether the promotion of the officer will be against the public interest;
b) Whether the charges are grave enough to warrant continued denial of promotion;
c) Whether there is any livelihood of the case coming to a conclusion in the near future;
d) Whether the delay in the finalization of proceedings, departmental or in a court of law, is not
directly or indirectly attributable to the Government servant concerned; and
e) Whether there is any likelyhood of misuse of official position which the Government servant
may occupy after ad-hoc promotion, which may adversely affect the conduct of the
departmental case/criminal prosecution.
The appointing authority should also consult the Central Bureau of Investigation and take their
views into account where the departmental proceedings or criminal prosecution arose out of the
investigations conducted by the Bureau.
5.1 In case the appointing authority comes to a conclusion that it would not be against the public
interest to allow ad-hoc promotion to the Government servant, his case should be placed before the
next DPC hold in the normal course after the expiry of the two year period to decide whether the
officer is suitable for promotion on ad-hoc basis. Where the Government servant is considered for ad-
hoc promotion, the Departmental Promotion Committee should make its assessment on the basis of
the totality of the individual‘s record of service without taking into account the pending disciplinary
case/criminal prosecutions against him.
Compendium 450 Vigilance Related Matters
5.2 After a decision is taken to promote a Government servant on an ad-hoc basis, an order of
promotion may be issued making it clear in the order itself that;
i) The promotion is being made on purely ad-hoc basis and the ad-hoc promotion will not confer
any right for regular promotion;
(ii) The promotion shall be ―until further orders‖ It should also be indicated in the orders that the
Government reserve the fight to cancel the ad-hoc promotion and revert at any time the
Government servant to the post from which he was promoted.
5.3 If the Government servant concerned is acquitted in the criminal prosecution on the merits of
the case or is fully exonerated in the departmental proceedings, the ad-hoc promotion already made
may be confirmed and the promotion treated as a regular one from the date of the ad-hoc promotion
with all attendant benefits. In case the Government servant could have normally got his regular
promotion from a date prior to the date of his ad-hoc promotion with reference to his placement in the
DPC proceedings kept in the sealed cover (s) and the actual date of promotion of the person ranked
immediately junior to him by the same DPC, he would also be allowed his due seniority and benefit
of notional promotion as envisaged in para 3 above.
5.4 If the Government servant is not acquitted on merits in the criminal prosecution but purely
on technical grounds and Government either proposes to take up the matter to a higher court or to
proceed against him departmentally or if the Government servant is not exonerated in the
departmental proceedings, the ad-hoc promotion granted to him should be brought to an end.
Sealed cover procedure for confirmation.
6. The procedure outlined in the preceding paras should also be followed in considering the
claim for confirmation of an officer under suspension, etc, A permanent vacancy should be reserved
for such an officer when his case is placed in sealed cover by the DPC.
Sealed cover procedure applicable to officers coming under cloud after holding of DPC but
before promotion.
7. A Government servant, who is recommended for promotion by the Departmental Promotion
Committee but in whose case any of the circumstance mentioned in para 2 above arise after the
recommendations of the DPC are received but before he is actually promoted, will be considered as if
his case had been placed in a sealed cover by the DPC. He shall not be promoted until he is
completely exonerated of the charges against him and the provisions contained in this O.M. will be
applicable in his case also.
8. In so far as the personnel serving in the Indian Audit and accounts Department are concerned,
these instructions have been issued after consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor General of
9. Hindi version will follow.
(M.S. Bali)
Department of Personnel
No. 12/14/89-PER Dated:- 03-04-1992
A copy of the under mentioned paper is forwarded for information and necessary action to:
i) All Departments in the Secretariat.
ii) All Heads of Departments/Offices.
(G. J. Prabhudessai)
Under Secretary (Personnel)
Compendium 451 Vigilance Related Matters
Warrant of Precedence
Compendium 453 Warrant of Precedence
In pursuance with the Central Table of Precedence issued from the President‘s Secretariat
vide the Notification No.33-Press/79 dated the 26th July, 1979, as amended from time to time and
in supersession of all previous Government Notifications issued on the subject matter, the
appended Order of Precedence with respect to the rank and precedence of the persons named
therein, is published for general information.
By order and in the name of
the Governor of Goa.
(T. J. Faleiro)
Under Secretary (Protocol)
4 : Governor .
7 : Chief Minister.
15 : Cabinet Ministers.
Leader of Opposition.
17 : [Puisne Judges of Bombay High Court
17B : Members of the Commission constituted under the Goa Public Mens
Corruption (Investigation and Inquiries) Act, 1988]
21 : Members of Parliament.
26 : Development Commissioner ;
Chief Commissioner of Income Tax ;
Collector of Customs and Central Excise ;
Finance Secretary ;
Chief Electoral Officer ;
Vice Chancellor Goa University ;
IAS officers in Supertime Scale ;
Chief Conservator of Forests; ]
27-A : All Secretaries to the Government other than those in the Selection
Grade of the IAS
Collector, North Goa.
Collector, South Goa.
District & Session Judges.
Special Officer, Bombay High Court, Panaji Bench.
[Chairman, Goa State Pollution Control Board.]
[President and Vice President of Zilla Panchayat]
Note No. 1 The Order in this Table of Precedence is meant for State and Ceremonial occasions and
has no application in the day-to-day business of Government.
Note No. 2 Persons in the Table of Precedence will take the rank in order of the Number of the
Articles. The Entries in the same Articles are arranged alphabetically. Those included in
the same Articles will take precedence inter-se according to the date of Entry into that
Compendium 455 Warrant of Precedence
Note No. 3 The MLAs will rank in alphabetical order. The following Members of House may,
however take precedence over other members.
(a) Leader of the Opposition.
(b) Leader of Parties.
(c) Government Whip.
Note No. 4 The under mentioned dignitaries when attending the State functions may be
accorded the following rank in the Table of Precedence in the Block meant for prominent
26-A : Bishop of Goa.
27-A : Elected Presidents of Municipal Councils.
28-A : President, Goa Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
President, Institute Menezes Braganza.
29-A : Elected Councillors of Municipal Councils.
30-A : Elected Presidents of Village Panchayats.
Note No. 5 : In accordance with the instructions received from GOI, Heads of Public Undertaking
/Central Government Institutions /Organizations have not been included in the Table of
Precedence. However, their Precedence for the purpose of State Functions will be
determined ad-hoc, when necessary, taking into consideration the position held by
them in the past and their present status.
1. Substituted vide Notification dated 16/06/1999 published in the official Gazetted Series II no. 24 dated
2. Substituted vide Notification dated 03/03/2000 published in the official Gazetted Series I no. 51 dated 16/03/2000.
3. Substituted vide Notification dated 11/07/2000 published in the official Gazetted Series I no. 16 dated 20/07/2000.
4. Substituted vide Notification dated 06/08/2002 published in the official Gazetted Series I no. 20 dated 16/08/2002
5. Substituted vide Notification dated 13/08/2004 published in the official Gazetted Series I no. 22 dated 26/08/2004