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SAPS] QE Ws BS Wt ASS BS BAD Sd} G- GSA Ay] ae Application of Continuous Indentation Testing Method for Evaluating the Strength Performances of Wekiments Jae-il Jang, Dongil Son, Yeol Choi, Dongil Kwon, Sang Ki Pak and Woosik Kim LA @ BATE] Sas AG Pzlo] alos lee] Ve PERE Sis, Daa fol ste, lee AeA Wet PER BU STE ABRs HE a S7kiz dct, BAAS Bl dee Tae, 804 Yale Adel Se odes We a A PER/Bu]9] AAYS Bes) May roy pels 7laelk Ae B7l Aa Hd Ses, jut Ald 7149) PESOS Bob= Eds] Aa Aa oe SaF9 Ma 2ae Seta Paes 8 7Hhe Rel BA Cl Saect, APRES| B84] det Aad Whe 2A at o] FRthe Was} 7a Aad HEE doe Ud + eel, RT, UT. PTS AOR ae Mas Asae} te] olpeizigke ale) Bisel FA} We Sze obs Aztelale] wht ol Fella] aA AGAR Feo] ele Uh. oe ASS] 4a BAG AG BS Nee Ast ae) 24, 1g 21d YAS ae WRANS ala} Baad B, Melb chest} acts Bet 24 UT eRe vl} 7he7] Boole ilk ea Wate PPPS ERIS Ate] chats del 27] melt, 27] FARA A ae WSS Gta Bel del 7A Ade Brtiele Be ah UIE, 2 SIE AY FABLE a Aol} ASD We Adel HEL Asal w (continuous indentation test)elt!'" a7} ed Adel tdst S& GS wt BY AlACmultiple loading and unloading Uelso} whe eelzlelo] Bats alas Bale oleae} dsajoe Ay a ame Bele Fa Dt AS] We) ee HE 160 athe ASU Gde Bee #8 WHE, o Wie, 7EBaAFS BK: Sais] VMs vs] At 77} ete Ud BEES] Aad 4 Gua qe deve gee asa + Whe o Be 7ilz Uh, Et NWS Sa F Bea % 24s seo) BAe] 0.5mm okey ate Be gad, dee go] Seda} val da MIA AWS Bi] 7 Potty] Fuse AAA Bde BE + art. FEE SBYH] 71704 BX Bvt WAU Bre Te HE Sass “el dddele ae Pq AV€(pre-qualitication test) 419} 72 TA alse] <@she A} tha(fitness-for-service, FFS) 7 FFA olS(life-time prediction) S Ae B+ = EF + UE, & DAE o] S AA 7B PQ Neel HCMS ASE ASS + Asst 6123} ASH |¥o] SEF} BEIT F rR lt Hos ¢ SYPzES day Ble a} ats aie] de Fee aalestet, 2 Useless ose lees wt of OBA wad Fada 4 Age ddetse] 7H Met Fig. 13} Ho] Ga, US. BAYS] SHAS Ala SL HN, dela} ade] BeeadEe Weise] F 7A Te} Babee ach. whe, Pst AP ae UPB Sel Ae} ARS] BR] S7kt a, Ue wAsdoere Aly} dole E502 fet + UA do Oe, she aa aF2 dealale ae] delgele] Me 7leeialel + AMo] ASS Bole UWIs71He aaee] gy Journal cf KWS, Vol. 20, No. 2. April. 2002 £345 45 ae Wie He Bade se Blastic Blastic~plastic Fully plastie vy y x L ® serous contours planticzone pleats zone Fig. 1 Schematic reprosentation of plastic zone expansion during sphorieal indentation’elantic, elastiepiastic and fully plastic stages” Sol, aS Srlol delete dae Wewsal ol delat ach. WAR Vickers Heats] BP ‘Ua ato] FY Ap bhunting)el giedat 79 ol Pe Uae Massel Wolo), oe a= RLS Alte] Woe Zs eat VA lee ait. TETUANE BA} Asso OE 7 Bast Aol WaT she Wels bake Baler, ‘OA Fig. 2(a)9 Ze Beas 7BHis} Aaa of ashe, 3 We) & adeael wl ae aa BOS APM h7t AABMZ hos 1/20] Hye olgks we Fig, 209 dol das AA BUaIMol Ge, 3 eo] Ae BEDE Ho] = BSE ht baa BA Ach ahd, aed Wise Fig. 209} Bo] GEA USE ebl S| oo} Atle Gaaleed seh eal sig] oleae BA& Sa Ea be FA ao, Fig. 2b) BE IS} Zo] BAUS AAR] 30] EA BAe] 71-871 ABS] stiffness Sof af Saal, | BAS aS O77] OE AML intercent Aol bye BAM + Act ol, Mat punche TBS Indentation load ladentation foad ~f... 8 AP. 3 Ges AA A] aeclas) wish} gicy BMA babe Ble: BPE Bey", oe el V4e waste Ae} deel AR olgeteh Bawele Het ae] Te + srg BE = Renae — @ Anas — fi) in} F714 oe UU BA BA APSA flat punch 9) BF 1, conical indenter®} 2% 0.72. paraboldd of revolution® @4 0.75°]9}, 7|& *& 9] ae Ata 2 pileup ¥ sink-in] 9HS eee) & B49 RUS KA. BAZ] hse] Mela} Aldo] Baan se WF aX alate] 7)s-}4 Y AS fasted 7 + alch. al] UVES Fig. Sel hd +9} Ze} WM] 4Ags) Ho Yeo] Wet BE Aol pile up SE sinkin®] W8el, da Ga at pileup £t sinking 2H] Ge Bae wate) zt Sab Be Besta BG, wea] ole pile-up Et sink-in WIE BYE AF, UZ BH @ CE FE + UA act, ol, AEA] B7} Be Ut But qos Bae] Whole FAL Ae cH laeiel Ue + 2 é sz ¢ éo-€, = Bie + @ it Aa n& 489 Aas FolH. | Josie pile-up Ee sink-ine 2% Ja) Sued at US] P8e ewe dolale his ceo} AUB)9] Ball o] Fa ech, [edentation toad SH fo ne Indentation depts @ Indentation depth Ingertation dott te o Fig. 2 Typical indentation load-deyth curves for (a) elastic, (b) elastic-plastic and (c) plastic materials AMEE ERE B20% BIW, 2002 4 161 @ w Fig. 3 The schematic diagram of indentation: (a) sink-in and (o) pile-up phenomena a= $2520R8- 42) 8 ADI RE FAVA WAS debe olde] Bake 71S ol@ahs de] Achehee-e-| AL DMA Ae] Aas ab SVE el F VHS AAS AM Ss A4 alle Az 7 SAsz| So] Ba wai7t Maes BS 0] sy. Teal By, Gey, adage adds wo ch Mal abuei, dal zoe] Gada et aadic] assl Agel Maeioh Szilez. Weel Bas VE AFA USS Vel Me. Hees, aUaes] UIE w Ato] HS, Fig. 191441} do} AS WH) S849] Cl2 WAVER e CIs AA Bed el Sz ect. alee ssate] Ean] $23 PH Mls9 Baie BABS Uae 7A) Wasp se, ARs] 7heathbde) 9 alt adel a7 ach. oe}, ojee wise 39) BAS Beh chest Zo] AS HE Al ARSERE] FS ct. FR Ute ABS Vas Gdse Ue HAGeeH oll, As] lke amu va] des) Agae wale] ay ee= Kye = Asin y @ a7 Ke treA F 0.29 FS aA Se, re BAAS AAS BHA ole] Bet. Oe. Vickers dll] Atle Fez B+ SH Gel cy = — Incosy= 0.07691 BAT BE Set, delle Seale] WIS WE 7A a po hom Do] We Vd Hel ok dele} 7] atid QE | Bata) clas} Bol Bb + sich, uz h- (RVR AF) e 182 RAG EEDA B-aEe ee) ae o] BAS Vale FBS) AH ro} del Pes S| , 3 Feo] AYES chaz} Do] dc ou, oS tame WA) Ast ehh AE WIR ene esol ae] PE(r=aleAg sel aS oS Ao} es So] BAT | ach = a z= "mee mr mer UES dR FETA one HAS Te P2284 FE SU aa ede Pro ge YI} BBO Sra Be gee, & 4 age] Ste ae Pr/ox 7t F 119 1, ol Fe] aad Saleiae Pron MA el D 4 On| Sea oly See dea det HSS Seg Gals HH A] Poor He Uae GS Aaleehe, Pa ae ® a7\4 we Ags] 2Y4 ay, & Aa] Ae Bat Aalst WH Uae] ss ox of 45g 2 aeolae dda dad Be ost ool Male, Fal as] BSohe UWA APB Bane qzol Gago O1e 4eehiz, 72) APNE FZ Bel UA oF 3.09 Pe 7ele A 28 asi, lH PE Beol beebaeh. PERE FEC] HAE Fig. 49 Go) lst tel SB Ah obd Fedde aAletciet Ho, As} eed Be See] 34. 8 SS es SS + U4. He WAS Bead W7kd 82, BBs ass Hollomon Jol ABaet 4 FSTAS FENMLY, F HETUA Gt USM leo] ee He) Was, hegails, ages de OO BE We + al. % moll Soha bebe ele] AHee) aidigie] alee Fig. 5°) Uehi vis} do] B Ate 2 a) 37} Age Frontics 412] Advanced Indentation System 2000 (AIS 2000)0]¢+. ole Bett AR] File-up/sink-in U3 Deo} Aso} PAGE we a 42g BS aed lwles sea! Joumal of KWS, Vel. 20, No. 2, April, 2002 Use UE de ae ale aseiewa Se Fig. 4 Te multiple load displacemon: curves obtained Gari continuous indentation tests ble advanced indentation syscom descloaed FRONTICS. Ine seh] Soiz|5 a task | 6 FAL Hig Gtbist del le HERTS o Bee ady, ARES U UdaES t SIM Ge 4 Us Aad Heed ae EAS Azlatyl Bch OS ee oe De, SagrA@dy Bae sel eafdeel Gel Verda old Ue Aaa a asthe Ge eh Pala Sas ae dg 2] WAS Aalde SRE Peel FoR lel 2 AGM Geld ALEAW YESS gH HhaEAl 1 OHs ORK: EVE ASIFallure Assessment Diagram, PADIS #€8He yeleh SPV Lasetae] aesle aaelel #9 NG aie] Aa gvleR ahe] Vato: 44 AER Pal BOE Bi L002% AH wi Fig, 6 The irmgos of sonware aystem. atindentetion Inad-displacement curve, and (b> flow curve obtained by anal sing indentation Iuzd-displacemwnt curve ead Vale} SE eal ehy healt ub ao) Se RpeCge] 21 Babs] he ab aside] EMER risa Teel Basle Pavel ASNGIS BS + alt Yael. da Pavel s “ago ajeue] 222 4 eh wel) aby HRA ALS Fig, To) Heb o's} de] xdole Sage] BS, pF Aazials] Dae Vee Ueno + ESE DHMH, Fig, Ta SAPE U3} PAIL 4 Atle] BAAS oh alta clesere Feel Et AAA (Pailure Assessment Curve, ola} FAQS YER FAX o] Rl Meo) Ade FADD shies] Air (FA Sr, Kelo2 Aa + Vel ola o) Aol Fac ee) Maleel Sze) Tee eh cheat weg 87K, FAC Hei Fa OPE As Set ates eet wo. alee Bs T910119994), SINTAPC1999, APT 57912000 wh eel dee FAD te aAkiel Stale Pavel 168 Linear Elastic fractures, ded Wein st?! deljes ole Ft ASE seas] FADE T¥so] Med, 2aey F BAAS 7 LUAEFH BHA BTS PADI Tae HAA Bde Peel Be ad. ole ol& Ego] Dash We y-¥o] Zorg Aas 7 SIA 7| Waele, CA THE Asia Qe FAD Va @ 7h} ate Se dade De Feo Aol deel dae gee ase Al deh, Hele BY FASA Aolsol} s}ak vjAzal Wate 2M] He 82 EIT Heat Affected Zone, HAZ) AZ He 7A Be eke ware P24 Se] BAe] FEd Eat SA ae C2] EE ANGHS S81 HAZ WE OSS A Ede BE oles] sch. WAH, 7] FAD Taal Stale Sess} Bal Be US FAD 72+] A}B8i2 ia, HAZ 94a Bee] EA, Ome Hiede als FSO Re BS Asse] Wren Ve Welch. Ak Hol APT 579 We HAZ!) ARE] MS BF. dal HAZA a] She Vad BA She] SHA] Aelol 2 al aeete BAe] ste] Sates BS AE 2s abatS FUSS paohe alt. oid, HAZ ad Gal 4, Fig. 8} ol dal HaZs| & AS 188 HS Wet Bee BWsizjt & aaee] BYE oles] Fa taztses one 7Heeel Wo. ole Wad B7lh CAE AS Fei 7} ULES HAZ BHA ssiel Yat eae] A Jeb aac, BUG fe API XESATS Aeete AAA Wee] Weye] $2aha ada Peale) ae aad GS Sasol ela Bde) eee 164 Jae esa Sted 4) aed wHigia2 2 dae) ee Fig. 9 Uehdge. 7; Bat ASR Pe BS BER EE Aq Stat] 7h} ee BE Ue tel T LEM ole TMCP (thermo mechanically controlled process) #99} Sel AB Voy dee Aoe Hee SeddGrs| Ae Bale “Hovermatched joint) S48 8 USAD We Aste. Ue] 71é FAs] AF Be] Mh] 4 Eafe] eds HAZ Bac AH at. Fig. 83 @ol 2th] SAS 74e F sl el . Fig loi AMA He AEH Fal ‘ese ey 2}, zh, Sal ae ated cH Bela) ae Var, sss, edo ede) added ‘Ga Dihe BE ash] DHS eae, Big LO “1 BF DE] FSF ey EE IGS VsHE Ueha, BE EG ols ate] dart Feo] 4 SAU & Uo. oe, Bat ARE Hel etn Ge 08 Oe” ta L oe Fig. 8 Difference In fitness-for-service ansessrment results between (a) weld-metal-based FAD and (>) HAZ-besed FAD (a: flaw depth) te ue Journal of KWS, Val. 20, No. 2, April, 2002 S439 28 Ye whe an aes ee Teves Fig, 9 The difirence uf Daw curves sith sho variation cof microstenedure in AP] X65 sleet naw Sa waa fF yt wer tinge ofefe o ale lee Uuter tw ee Yield serengmh (MP7 tensle srength EMERY weve agdua spaced i Fig, 10 Indentation arrive in the girth weld Sac of APL XB5 steal: talschomatic disera of indentation acrass, and (b)distributian of tensile properties obtained by acvanced induntation séstern Uda Agee Hse] BYR ees yeaa ADA vigeH: Ae] 7b EaTs|ot byl eB Mee) oll Vg Aer elas] hy oust ATH] 20] AHL # Sth 4. epi ee ae BA NM Bt dat sazel BUNS BRE Ga AEA deena paw) anal gt 3 RGR AME dSol wet ale BE o] dats & 4 ach. SU ALRSD AAA WE pel Gage 42 gavigrldal okt ulast Bah xe Aegis BLO RLM, L002 AH 4 AME Bae] G22) aelste leu, Sabha) 7a S¥e AABae|HA(rovedure Qualification Hecord, Pak? 2]28h2 eth silgh puke A164 Wg 2 Alda AAA oeiges Ad BUTS A aS shel sided sto] AWAZCe ol eyt OS Sa % Bd Sls) BP A BAt 7] aE, Be ade dew toad Fleet del ee? Bess Ugehe cele det abet. ave we aide seed dda ae a9] Weds NTS so + ache a ase] Peto ea Ql 2A lle + se 8 oleh Base 1 aed gage sesbd aust #S71emain steam line) BAe Heb Baal 4 Masa Fae tals codec, abeiet ALS pul ASG BAe cipelal ow 2 ga {He WARD £47]27144) clad ata] He] sar Qo, AAA YAS AR PQkMe Asa ya aa SHR] mal Bd Babee obeel zal ee ae ate}. B aVHee Fix, Fh Del % a Sette] Saye) GEGaNeas Ag teh Fags pysiga, Aes a5) rig, 12eh dol UnpHE dale wade alle Sead GE a7) AERAIE ge goam aida BA BOE, BaF FOSS VE F Uh He. 28 HEee ae Ade SS SAFO} de PANY? Fela] Ald SAE Sp Ss9] Olt eh Bole. Payee] 4] Arh Bela Dolmal gelaterl aot sso] B14. Bday, Rls] eon y HS te MAM, lela Bede) aalsey ae 428 deal 95d, divs Ue see 4 gal Fig. HL Advanced Indentation System ANI attacked to muip steam Line in fossile power ran. 188 stearn line in fossilo power plant Fig. 14 Comparison of flow curves at base/HAZ/ weldment of main steam Tine in Togsile power plant Ue IHS UES He + ated. 4d a4 F8e Teles] Ae Ase 7] Mall F371 TB FE Asiatae| sled Betts Teda ee W237) Inseron 55824 BHUUAUZ ALSZONE Heo] Va SHE VDAC. 589] Cag] TR Aes e174] @ AOE Table 19 Uehiges, SHeesyt aA € WARE BE > alt, ee beast POR! 7 WS Mae at. 719] AARNE Seleigz clef ue} ABS PQ Ales] ae PPS ASURh 1 AHS + eka asset. 5a@ @ B SB4e SHUINAHA Ba hea AAHHSL WAT} AAC Frontics AV AWE LF 166 Fig. 12 Comparison of Indentation load displacement curves at base/HAZ/weldment of main BAW: 280+ Base el ee Table 1 Comparison of tensile properties obtained bby continuous indentation and tension test agat [ease [ daesore 1 SAL 745 2 En 786 3 589 704 4 59 300) ps Tet 16 a 57 780 _ wea 599 762 Azle] Advanced Indentation System& “41 ae) $279] AMAWE Bt 8 PQ Ae) Ase sale taste. 2 AZ Bo] adele olfelel S290 aE ale aebdos wet B4. 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Potrolestn TEE) “19578 a Agape cma Ald Ye BUR +s ecmaail:dengilk@gong.snu-ac kr err “1sT3Wa 1G) Bags eatie nag geey 8 dad 7h TENA +1958 +82 dade waded ai ala ddl pega tecmail ¢ yehoi@tvontics.com ermal: sipak@kepri ce ke roa =O fel “ISTO + 196388 +) Meus seers sear) ara + Azo] USER Ua Bt + ecmail ! dson@franties.com sae MIAg ola at serail? wakimtekogan.re.kr AARARARS BIO BIW, 2002 4H 167

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