Victrex TDS 450CA30
Victrex TDS 450CA30
Victrex TDS 450CA30
General Information
Product Description
High performance thermoplastic material, 30% carbon fibre reinforced PolyEtherEtherKetone (PEEK), semi crystalline, granules for injection moulding
and extrusion, standard flow, colour black.
Applications for higher strength and stiffness in a static or dynamic system. Excellent wear resistance, low coefficient of friction, low coefficient of
thermal expansion. Chemically resistant to aggressive environments.
Material Properties
Physical Nominal Value Unit Test Method
Density (Crystalline) 1.40 g/cm³ ISO 1183
Spiral Flow Internal Method
-- 1 7.50 cm
-- 2 33.0 cm
Molding Shrinkage 3 ISO 294-4
Across Flow 0.50 %
Flow 0.10 %
Water Absorption (Saturation, 23°C) 0.30 % ISO 62
Water Absorption - Saturation (100°C) 0.45 % ISO 62
Mechanical Nominal Value Unit Test Method
Tensile Modulus (23°C) 28000 MPa ISO 527-1
Tensile Stress ISO 527-2
Break, 23°C 265 MPa
Break, 125°C 160 MPa
Break, 175°C 85.0 MPa
Break, 275°C 50.0 MPa
Tensile Strain (Break, 23°C) 1.7 % ISO 527-2
Flexural Modulus (23°C) 24000 MPa ISO 178
Flexural Stress ISO 178
23°C 380 MPa
125°C 275 MPa
175°C 130 MPa
275°C 65.0 MPa
Compressive Stress ISO 604
23°C 320 MPa
120°C 200 MPa
200°C 70.0 MPa
Impact Nominal Value Unit Test Method
Charpy Notched Impact Strength (23°C) 7.0 kJ/m² ISO 179/1eA
Charpy Unnotched Impact Strength (23°C) 45.0 kJ/m² ISO 179/1U
Notched Izod Impact Strength (23°C) 10.5 kJ/m² ISO 180/A
Unnotched Izod Impact Strength (23°C) 50.0 kJ/m² ISO 180
Hardness Nominal Value Unit Test Method
Shore Hardness (Shore D, 23°C) 87.5 ISO 868
Important notes:
1) Processing conditions quoted in our datasheets are typical of those used in our processing laboratories
• Data for mould shrinkage should be used for material comparison. Actual mould shrinkage values are highly dependent on part geometry,
mould configuration, and processing conditions.
• Mould shrinkage differs for along flow and across flow directions. “Along flow” direction is taken as the direction the molten material is travelling
when it exits the gate and enters the mould.
• Mould shrinkage is expressed as a percent change in dimension of a specimen in relation to mould dimensions.
2) Data are generated in accordance with prevailing national, international and internal standards, and should be used for material comparison. Actual
property values are highly dependent on part geometry, mould configuration and processing conditions. Properties may also differ for along flow and
across flow directions.
1 Mould Temperature: 200°C, Melt Temperature: 395°C, 1.00 mm
2 Mould Temperature: 200°C, Melt Temperature: 395°C, 3.00 mm
3 395°C nozzle, 200°C tool
4 Average
5 Along flow
6 1V
Revision Date: 2024
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