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Healthcare Analytics
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1. Introduction was published [1]. Twelve states altogether attended the NMHS. It
used both quantitative and qualitative methods to conduct assessments
Psychological behavioural changes caused by mental diseases may of adults such as Focus-Group Discussions (FGD) and Key Informant
have an impact on a person’s development. People of different ages, Interviews (KII) as stated in [2]. India had a population of about
from many cultures, and nations are susceptible to them. Frequently, 150 million individuals who needed assistance, with men outnum-
odd thoughts, feelings, behaviour, and perceptions are indicators of bering women. As is commonly assumed, men are much more likely
mental illnesses. Mental health conditions include developmental and than women to experience behavioural and mental health problems.
neurodegenerative illnesses like autism1 as well as schizophrenia,2 However, schizotypal, psychoneurotic diseases, mood disorders, and
bipolar disorder,3 depression,4 and other psychoses.5 One in seven psychotic syndromes are associated with physical abnormalities. The
Indians, according to a 2017 study, suffer from a mental condition such majority of those with mental health issues were between the ages of
as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. As people’s awareness of mental 40 and 49. It was also demonstrated that the middle class and lower
health issues grows, many researchers are turning their attention to this classes were burdened more than the wealthy [2,3]. The NMHS System
area as a key area for improvement. To provide a uniform approach to has raised attention to mental health issues in individuals and increased
mental health facilities, including treatment, support, and prevention, the use of Psychological Therapies (PSIs), and prescription drugs. From
as well as a comprehensive means of addressing the nation’s psycholog- 70% to 92% more people with various mental diseases are receiving
ical well-being, India’s first National Mental Health Survey6 (NMHS) treatment. Currently, 1.3% of all health spending in India is allocated
to supporting psychological well-being [4].
∗ Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: sumit18csd004@ncuindia.edu (S. Pandey), srishti@ncuindia.edu (S. Sharma).
A neurodevelopmental disease called autism impacts behaviour, social interaction, and communication.
Schizophrenia is a psychiatric disorder that hinders an individual’s ability to engage in coherent cognitive processes, experience emotions in a stable manner,
and exhibit appropriate behaviours.
Bipolar disorder, a mental illness, is typified by alternating episodes of depressive and manic or hypomanic states.
Depression, a mental disorder, is characterized by prolonged periods of experiencing emotions such as sadness, despair, and a lack of interest in previously
enjoyed activities.
A range of mental health conditions known as psychoses have an impact on a person’s capacity to think, feel, and perceive reality.
The National Mental Health Survey (NMHS) had the goal of estimating the frequency and burden of mental health disorders in India, identifying current
treatment gaps, existing patterns of healthcare use, and understanding the effect and disability caused by these diseases.
Received 2 April 2023; Received in revised form 8 May 2023; Accepted 17 May 2023
2772-4425/© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
S. Pandey and S. Sharma Healthcare Analytics 3 (2023) 100198
S. Pandey and S. Sharma Healthcare Analytics 3 (2023) 100198
Table 1
Retrieval-based Chatbots.
Study Efficacy Privacy and Confidentiality Safety
Empirical Informationb Transparencyc Privacy Availabilitye Transparencyf Traditional Automatic conversation
testinga agreementsd supportg terminationh
Zhang et al. [13] ✔ ✔ ✔
Moore et al. [14] ✔ ✔
Akkineni et al. [15] ✔ ✔ ✔
Shi et al. [16] ✔ ✔
Wang and Fang [17] ✔ ✔ ✔
Qian and Dou [18] ✔ ✔
Lan et al. [19] ✔ ✔
Kadam et al. [20] ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Wang and Fang [21] ✔
Kim et al. [22] ✔ ✔
Aksu et al. [23]
Patchava and Kiran [24] ✔ ✔
Lopez-Rodriguez et al. [25] ✔ ✔
Empirical testing of chatbots?
Providing information on theoretical approach of chatbots to users?
Transparency of privacy policy in chatbots for patients?
d Providing privacy agreements to patients before starting the conversation with chatbots?
Availability of traditional support in chatbots for patients?
Automatic conversation termination by chatbots while interacting with patients?
explanation of the experimental results for the suggested chatbots that adjusting to different talks [39] that do not follow a predetermined
are retrieval and generative. A comparison of JSON and CSV files with plan. Due to the non-predetermined dialogue flow, it might sometimes
various models is demonstrated in Section 4. The paper concluded in result in consumers revealing more information than is necessary [29].
Section 5 with a few observations and suggestions for supplementary Building interaction management frameworks for chatbots typically
study. involves using Artificial Intelligence Markup Language (AIML) and
ChatScript [26], two well-liked methods. Artificial Linguistic Internet
2. Related works Computer Entity (ALICE), a pioneering chatbot that was able to have
basic interactions with users, was the first to use AIML. A tree structure
The two main categories of conversational frameworks used to build is used by the Extensible Markup Language (XML)-compliant language
chatbots are retrieval-based and generative-based [26,27]. Retrieval- AIML to quickly match patterns and get the right answers. AIML
based chatbots find matched responses from a database of intentionally was used to create the chatbot systems for several treatment chatbots
awkward conversational phrases, which is the main distinction between that have been mentioned in the literature, including a Virtual Agent
the two. Additionally, generative-based chatbots use ML approaches to Equipped with Voice Communication (VICA) which was proposed by
automatically generate responses. Sakurai et al. [40], an alcohol misuse intervention chatbot proposed by
As of now, the retrieval-based approach is used by the majority Dulin et al. [41], Barnett et al. [42], Win et al. [43] and a consultant
of therapeutic chatbots [28,29]. Lommatzsch and Katins et al. [30]
chatbot proposed by Parviainen and Rantala [44], Bharti et al. [45],
state that retrieval-based chatbots keep track of the conversation using
Shinde et al. [46]. Decision tree topologies have been employed by
dialogue management frameworks and determine what to do next de-
several treatment chatbots, including Vivibot which was proposed by
pending on the responses they discover [31]. Whereas, Wang et al. [32]
Greer et al. [47], Woebot was proposed by Fitzpatrick et al. [48],
state that many therapy chatbots manage their user conversations
and a chatbot for post-traumatic stress disorder was proposed by Han
using pre-trained dialogue management frameworks. Retrieval-based
et al. [49], Chaix et al. [50], Ahn et al. [51], Tielman et al. [52].
frameworks can be divided into two categories: Finite state which was
Users were given the option to react in an option-choice manner by an
proposed by Sutton et al. [33] in 1998 and Frame-based which was
embodied conversational agent for education [53]. On the other hand,
proposed by Goddeau et al. [34] in 1996. Parmar et al. [35] state
the generative-based approach limits free dialogues [54,55] due to pre-
that a chatbot with a finite state framework restricts the dialogue to a
determined outputs [27], whereas the retrieval-based approach enables
predetermined set of steps. At each level, users are only provided with a
limited number of response possibilities, and the chatbot can only react chatbots to answer with more meaningful responses [26]. Because it
using those options. This indicates that the dialogue is constrained and relies on a decision tree mechanism, the option-choice format used by
does not permit natural conversation [36]. For simple, structured activi- some chatbots is inappropriate for multi-linear conversations [26]. Fur-
ties where the chatbot can direct the dialogue, a finite state framework thermore, the usability of the system becomes more difficult to enhance
works well [29]. The dialogue flow is not predetermined in frames- since it will not successfully complete the task in cases where user
based [29]. Instead, the chatbot poses targeted queries to the user and inputs fail to match any information in the database [26]. Table 1 lists
methodically gathers data. The ‘‘slots’’ that make up this structured data more retrieval-based chatbots in addition to those already discussed.
are collections of well-known notions according to Wei et al. [37]. The In contrast to retrieval-based chatbots, generative chatbots employ
chatbot then moves forward under pre-specified actions for each group ML approaches to learn how to respond. These chatbots are educated
concept of slots, enabling it to offer more individualized responses on a huge quantity of training data [26] and use that knowledge to pro-
and manage increasingly challenging jobs. Chen et al. [38] state that duce responses to users’ inputs rather than relying on pre-determined
this concept is frequently applied in interactions involving information- responses. RNN, LSTM, and Seq2Seq models are a few of the common
seeking, where users have information based on a set of constraints. AI approaches utilized in generative-based chatbots. But there have not
Users providing data to fill in specified slots, such as their departure and been many studies that have used generative-based methods to create
arrival cities when looking for a route, is an example of a frame-based therapy chatbots. Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Trans-
framework. This kind of framework, nevertheless, may have trouble formers (BERT) [56] and the OpenAI Generative Pre-Training-2 Model
S. Pandey and S. Sharma Healthcare Analytics 3 (2023) 100198
Table 2
Generative-based chatbots.
Study Efficacy Privacy and Confidentiality Safety
Empirical Information Transparency Privacy Availability Transparency Traditional support Automatic conversation
testing agreements termination
See and Manning [62] ✔ ✔ ✔
Sheikh et al. [63] ✔ ✔ ✔
Hirosawa et al. [64] ✔ ✔
Sawant et al. [65] ✔ ✔
Si et al. [66] ✔ ✔ ✔
Raj and Phridviraj [67] ✔ ✔
Bachtiar et al. [68] ✔ ✔
Khadija et al. [69] ✔ ✔
(GPT-2) [57], which has been improved into the Third-Generation Au- Table 3
Dataset description.
toregressive Language Model (GPT-3) [58], are two of the most sophis-
Name Mental_Health_FAQ
ticated generative-based models. These models are frequently utilized
in tasks involving Natural Language Processing (NLP) because they Category Comma-Separated Values (CSV)
No. of Rows 98
have demonstrated notable gains in producing human-like language.
No. of Columns 3 i.e. (Question_ID, Questions, Answers)
For producing task-oriented discourse, these models are open-source,
This CSV file does not include any tags that match every query, hence it cannot be
simple to train, and adaptable [55,59]. In 2019, OpenAI introduced
utilized in the case of a retrieval-based class method. Thus, the author’s physical tags
the GPT-2, an unsupervised generative model that had undergone were added to the first rows of the database.
pre-training on a substantial unannotated dataset. This model’s advan-
tages include the ability to support deep language models, reduce the data [75] are some sources for mental health chatbots that have a
cost of manual annotation, and avoid the need to train a new model variety of datasets available. Technical details on the parts that make
from scratch. On language-related tasks including summarizing, read- up the chatbot models are provided in this section. The classification
ing comprehension, answering questions, and translation, the model issue has been addressed in the past using a variety of ML techniques.
did well according to Relc et al. [57]. The chatbot can also be enhanced However, given their extensive feature grabbing, NNs frequently seem
with various domain data to serve certain objectives for its target to outperform ML methods. The authors create a conversational AI that
customers [60,61]. The OpenAI GPT-2 model has benefits, but there specifically highlights issues with college students’ mental health by
are still some problems that need to be solved, such as users having reducing stress and, as a result, assisting in the discovery of the root
trouble understanding the responses and the model producing mistakes of their difficulties. The authors are attempting to create an AI-based
that do not make sense in the context of the conversation according chatbot. This paradigm uses NN to classify user input depending on a
to Zhang et al. [55]. Incorporating pre-trained models that have been preset set of replies and connect user input to intent. The authors chose
specifically designed for particular domains and fine-tuning them with the Kaggle psychological well-being Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)
datasets that are specific to those domains could be a solution to these database [76] since there was no publicly available mental health ser-
problems. Table 1 lists more generative-based chatbots in addition to vices database designed specifically for creating a chatbot. The chosen
those already discussed (see Table 2). . dataset’s description is shown in Table 3.
A variety of data collection techniques [70], including observa- The conversion of CSV data into a JSON file was necessary for the
tional research, case studies using focus groups, and a quasi-statistical development of a retrieval-based chatbot, as tags play a pivotal role
method, have been employed in the development of chatbots [71]. in the process. Fig. 3 provides an illustration of the JSON file, which
Kaggle [72], GitHub [73], scraping data from Reddit [74], and clinical contains intent tags with defined forms and corresponding responses.
S. Pandey and S. Sharma Healthcare Analytics 3 (2023) 100198
Table 5
Final learning accuracies and losses of LSTM.
Metrics Value
Loss 0.7420
Accuracy 0.8987
Validation loss 2.4457
Validation accuracy 0.1990
Table 6
Final learning accuracies and losses of Bi-LSTM.
Metrics Value
S. Pandey and S. Sharma Healthcare Analytics 3 (2023) 100198
S. Pandey and S. Sharma Healthcare Analytics 3 (2023) 100198
Table 7 Table 8
Final learning accuracies and losses of GRU. Final learning accuracies and losses of CNN.
Metrics Value Metrics Value
Loss 1.0214 Loss 1.9127
Accuracy 0.6557 Accuracy 0.8233
Validation loss 2.8854 Validation loss 2.1981
Validation accuracy 0.1035 Validation accuracy 0.1980
of 0.6557. Additionally, with a validation accuracy of only 0.1035, the training loss and accuracy improve over time after about 20 epochs.
the generalization performance is poor. They are far less precise and The validation loss and accuracy likewise increase at the same time
damage-prone than the LSTM architecture, as seen by the final results. but begin to settle after 30 epochs. The model is not overfitting to the
The breakdowns in endorsement precisions and practising precisions, training data, as shown by the training and validation loss gaps.
which are in line with earlier findings from practised architecture, also
show that the architecture is overfitting. 3.3. Generative-based models
The authors then attempted a little more complex architecture to
see if they could prevent overfitting. The outcomes of the generative-based chatbot are displayed in this
∙ Convolution Neural Network (CNN)11 : An EL, a CNN layer, subsection and are as follows:
and a connected layer were the next designs that were evaluated.
The output of the ELs is served into a 1D- Convolutional Layer (CL), • Encoder–Decoder architecture: All of the models that we have
which is subsequently compressed and served into two completely seen so far have been retrieval-based approaches. The best an-
related coats. A-Max Pooling Layer (MPL) monitors all of these coats swer to the operator’s query was chosen with the use of NN on
to control their sizes. These settings are the result of several iterative numerous models, and the responses were encrypted. Instead
strategies meant to provide the greatest design possible. KLs were of choosing from a predefined response list, the authors will
employed by the authors to train the architecture. Table 8 lists the generate an answer based on the preparation body. A seq2seq
final learning accuracies and losses for CNN after 50 epochs, and Fig. 9 paradigm that produces results is the encoder–decoder. To put it
displays the CNN learning curves. CNN’s learning curves show how simply, it predicts a phrase that the operator provides, and every
the model performs when learning from training and validation sets of one of the following statements is then forecasted depending on
data. The vertical axis shows the performance parameter, such as loss the possibility that term will appear. Because the tags are not
or accuracy, while the horizontal axis reflects the number of epochs. necessary for producing predictions, the database for this design
Fig. 9 shows an orange line for the validation loss and a blue line may simply be a CSV file. The ‘‘<END>’’ tag was applied to the
for the training loss. The validation accuracy is displayed in red, and Target Tags (TT), which were left alone in the input column.
the training accuracy is displayed in green. The accuracy is initially Decoder output data, encoder input data, and decoder input data
poor, and both the training and validation losses are large. The model are the three matrices of One-Hot Vectors (OHV). The Decoder
gets better at fitting the training data as the training goes on, which uses two matrices, which are also used by the seq2seq structure
lowers the training loss and raises the training accuracy. But if the during preparation, to enable instructor force. The goal is to help
model gets too complicated, it might begin to overfit the training the architecture get ready for the current objective token by using
data, which would lower validation accuracy and raise validation loss. the input token from a prior phase step. The encoder architecture
According to Fig. 9, the model has learnt from the training data when demands both an LSTM level with a predetermined number of
unseen positions and an input level that creates a matrix for stor-
It is frequently used for image and video recognition applications. A ing OHVs. Except for sending the status information along with
CNN is a type of NN that processes input data using filters (kernels) to the decoder involvements, the decoder design is fundamentally
extract features, convolutions to combine the features, and pooling to reduce comparable to the encoder architecture. The decoder operates as
dimensionality. follows:
S. Pandey and S. Sharma Healthcare Analytics 3 (2023) 100198
In Fig. 10, the model summary is displayed. KLs were employed by the
authors to train the architecture. Table 9 lists the overall learning errors
and losses after 50 epochs, and Fig. 11 displays the curves of learning 4. Comparative analysis
for the encoder–decoder. The training and validation curves may be
In this section, a comparison between files, and models are de-
used to create drawings with particular inferences. The less distance
scribed for mental health chatbots.
between the validation and training curves, the better the architecture
fits the datasets. The damage curves’ notable discrepancy indicates that 4.1. Comparison between JSON file and CSV file
a suitable condition is emerging. A declining training loss that stays
down until the end of the epochs may likewise point to an unsuitable For a retrieval-based chatbot, the authors used a JSON file, and for a
architecture. chatbot that is generated by itself, we used a CSV file. Examining how a
S. Pandey and S. Sharma Healthcare Analytics 3 (2023) 100198
chatbot based on retrieval works chooses its options can help to explain 3. In comparing LSTM and Bi-LSTM, the authors observe that the
this. Based on a collection of pre-written responses, a retrieval-based latter endeavors to minimize loss during the later stages of
chatbot is prepared to provide the optimal response. This approach is training. This is supported by the descending loss curve, which
best suited for situations where the range of possible user inputs is results in a smaller gap between the validation loss curves and
limited and well-defined, as it can quickly provide accurate responses the training loss.
without the need for extensive training data. However, it may struggle
Fig. 12 illustrates how the generative-based chatbots, which are based
to handle more complex or open-ended interactions where the user’s on the encoder–decoder model, perform better than the retrieval-based
input is less predictable. Therefore, the total number of predetermined chatbots when the two models are compared. When compared to earlier
responses has a tag. The input for the result plotting must be a tag. chatbots, it has a much higher validation accuracy. The chatbot is
Alternatively, the tag applied to the operator’s input classifies it (the still acceptable, and minimizing the harm is crucial, according to the
setting). Following the identification of the most appropriate tag, the considerable shift in validation and training loss as well as the reduced
operator is provided with one of the pre-established responses. Due to training loss following training. This might be a result of the chatbot’s
its structured and organized design, storing such information in a JSON current rudimentary condition, which prevents it from being able to
file is a more straightforward task. On the other hand, an effective learn a lengthy sequence of results. The authors suggest that they solve
chatbot ‘‘creates’’ answers from the ground up. As a result of this, final this issue by developing attention layers that enhance forecasting and
predictions for the following word are generated by graphing the input, only recall pertinent preceding information.
outcome, and prior words. To select the next word at each step based
on the predicted outcomes and previous words, a selective approach is 5. Conclusions and future works
used. As only the input script and output script columns are necessary
for this data format, capturing it in a CSV file is uncomplicated. Com- ML has the potential to enhance the delivery of mental health
pared to a JSON file, inserting or removing data is more straightforward services, but the efficacy of current approaches is unclear due to a
in this case. dearth of high-quality data. The initial step towards addressing this is to
acquire relevant data through techniques such as topic-noise modelling.
The chatbot can be trained and validated once sufficient data has been
4.2. Model comparison
gathered, and the authors can then think about the trade-off between
bias and modification. Instead of looking for a larger dataset, more
To take into account the two different chatbot varieties – retrieval- research can give a deeper understanding of the data, and the suggested
based chatbots and generative-based chatbots – the authors designed approach can be changed to get the best results. Users can pick between
six designs and connected them. The six architectures the authors retrieval-based and generative-based chatbots. While generative-based
created have some of the following features in common and differences: chatbots allow for more experimentation through the addition of new
layers like transformer structures and attention layers, retrieval-based
1. CNN performs excellently when compared to retrieval-based chatbots demand annotated input from a medical expert. The Keras-
chatbots like LSTM, GRU, CNN, Bi-LSTM, and vanilla RNN in facilitated EL is used by the authors to make grammatical inspection
terms of overfitting and accuracy. The discrepancy between val- easier, but other prediction structures, including Global Vectors for
idation loss and training loss is what defines overfit. Comparing Word Representations (GloVe), can improve the model’s base layer.
CNN’s curves to those of other systems, they are fairly uniform. The generated chatbot can be combined with the operator’s questions
2. When comparing RNNs, LSTM, GRU, CNN, Bi-LSTM, and vanilla in the current database, which is an Excel file with responses from
RNN all perform better than the others. GRU is a more recent operators and bots. The ultimate objective is to build a chatbot that
technique that performs better mathematically than LSTM. On interacts with people in a ‘‘human-like’’ way. This might be included
low-practice data, GRUs outperform LSTMs in terms of growth in a web application or a mobile application. There are disadvantages
and implementation. GRUs are often used, which makes it less to this strategy, though. If the chatbot is truly helpful in enhancing
difficult to modify them, additional gates can be incorporated well-being and reducing stress, further research with larger sample
into the network if more input is needed, for example. sizes is required. The chatbot should be available to participants for
S. Pandey and S. Sharma Healthcare Analytics 3 (2023) 100198
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