Models of Cognitive-Linguistic Process
Models of Cognitive-Linguistic Process
Models of Cognitive-Linguistic Process
The TRACE model is like a complex network with different layers for processing speech. Imagine it as a
system with input at one end and words understood at the other. Here's a simplified breakdown:
1. Input Layer:
- This is where speech sounds enter the model.
- They're converted into features
2. Feature Layer:
- These features activate specific phonemes
- For example, if the input includes a "b" sound, it activates the corresponding phoneme units.
3. Phoneme Layer:
- Here, phonemes activate units representing words.
- So, if the model hears a sequence of phonemes that matches a word, it activates that word unit.
4. Word Layer:
- This layer represents recognized words.
- Activation of a word unit means that the model has recognized that word.
- Feedforward Connections:
- These connections pass information from one layer to the next, like a flow of activation.
- Lateral Inhibitory Connections:
- Within each layer, units can inhibit each other, helping in selecting the most appropriate options.
- Top-Down Feedback Connections:
- Words can send feedback to phonemes, helping to refine the recognition process.
- Input Processing:
- The model receives speech sounds bit by bit to mimic real-time processing.
- Each chunk of input activates different parts of the network, changing activation levels in the layers.
- Recognition:
- There's no set rule for when a word or phoneme is recognized.
- Typically, a recognition threshold is used, and when a unit's activation exceeds this threshold, it's
considered recognized.
Auditory features - 1
● Place and manner of articulation is determined through acoustic features.
● And is represented in traces.
Phonemes - 2
● A complete set of phonemes for each letter in a word
● Phonemes within a set inhibit each other (lateral inhibition of competing phonemes)
● Winner-take-all configuration: Only one phoneme in each set is identified.
Words (Level 3):
Reflects the lexicon, limited to monosyllabic words.
Lateral inhibition ensures only one syllable is selected.
Activated in the mental lexicon via bottom-up processing.
Feedback to phonemes through top-down processing.
(b)Cohort Model:
1. Jackson's Model
John Hughlings Jackson, in 1874, proposed a model that viewed behavior and neural activity as the
superimposition of increasingly complex functions upon basic capacities. Here's a breakdown of his model:
Basic Functions Level: Consists of automatic and involuntary functions such as respiration, cardiac rhythm,
endocrine functions, and sleep.
Intermediate Level: Involves postures, gait, and responses to painful stimuli.
Higher Level: Encompasses voluntary functions such as language use.
Symptom Differentiation:
Jackson differentiated symptoms into positive and negative categories.
Negative symptoms indicate functions that patients cannot carry out, reflecting damaged brain areas.
Positive symptoms refer to residual abilities, reflecting the operation of remaining brain portions.
Language Perspective:
Jackson emphasized that language's critical feature was its ability to form "propositions," which express
relationships between objects and events.
Propositions are flexible and not bound to stimuli.
"True propositions" are those not used in stereotyped or automatic ways.
Disturbances in propositional language use lead to restricted, stereotyped, and automatic speech.
Broca's Aphasia:
Patients with Broca's aphasia understand spoken language to a considerable extent but produce sparse,
restricted speech.
They may retain automatic words like obscenities and express stereotype words.
Jackson suggested that these words existed in the patients' minds before the lesion causing aphasia.
Non-words produced are derivatives of these words.
Roman Jakobson
● Jakobson’s hypothesis in 1964 was based on the case reports and studies in the literature. He observed the
pattern of loss and retention of phonemes in aphasic language and compares that pattern to the sequence in
which phonemes are acquired in normal language development. Children also show an obligatory sequence
of mastery of the phonemes of language.
● Jakobson restricted his hypothesis regarding the inverse relationship between aphasic disorders of
language and the stages of language acquisition to phonemic inventory.
● He describes phonemic contrasts develops in any language via place of articulation, nasality, degree of
closure and openness of vocal-tract, position of sides and body of the tongue.
● Only when basic contrast (utilization of maximum contrasts) exists, other phonemic inventory will
● In aphasics, this pattern is reversed for language breakdown.
● Patients lose the ability to produce more complex phonemes before simpler ones and when their language
returns, they show the similar pattern of regaining the phonemes that of children.
● Language consists of 2 types of operations:
a. choice of units
b. combination of units.
● So, 2 types of aphasia: (Jakobson, 1964)
● Problems choosing the right unit- Paraphasias & Anomia.
● Problems combining units- Agrammatism
● Reflected the development of linguistic units in the brain.
● Gives specific content to the notion of the hierarchical organization of linguistic units.
● Does not apply to other aspects of language (Caramazza and Zurif, 1978)
● Hypothesis restricted only to the inverse relationship between aphasic disorders of language and stages of
acquisition to the phonemic inventory.
● This does not advance our knowledge of the anatomical basis hierarchical features of language.
Luria's Process Model Overview:
Alexander Luria, in 1947 and later in 1973, proposed a comprehensive model of brain function and
organization. This model emphasizes the dynamic and interconnected nature of brain processes:
Three Functional Units:
Luria worked out 3 functional models of the brain which are responsible for :
1. Reception: Involves the intake of sensory information.
2. Association: Integrates and processes sensory information, forming perceptions and
3. Expression: Controls motor functions and produces behavior in response to processed
1. First functional Unit - Brainstem(reticular formation), hippocampus, Limbic system .This unit is for
regulating tone and waking and mental states referred as the arousal and attentional unit.
2. Second functional Unit - posterior cortical area (including occipital, parietal, temporal lobes) .This unit is
for receiving, analyzing, and storing information (the sensory input and integration unit)
3. Third functional unit - association cortex located in frontal and prefrontal cortex of the brain. The unit for
programming, regulation and verification of activity (executive planning and organization unit) also deals
with capacity for intentions, plans, asking new questions, solving problems, and self-monitoring.
Three Stages of Information Processing:
Luria described three stages of information processing that occur across these functional
1. Input: Sensory information is received and processed.
2. Integration: Information is analyzed, compared, and combined to form perceptions
and concepts.
3. Output: Motor responses are generated based on processed information.
Brain Regions and Functional Systems:
Luria proposed that different brain regions and functional systems are responsible for specific
cognitive processes.
He emphasized the importance of distributed processing and the dynamic interactions
between brain areas in supporting complex behaviors.
Dysfunction and Compensation:
Luria's model also accounts for how brain damage or dysfunction can lead to deficits in
specific cognitive processes.
He described compensatory mechanisms by which intact brain areas may take on additional
functions to compensate for damage in other regions.
1. Clarity through Specificity: Computational models compel researchers to precisely
articulate their theories in quantitative and algorithmic terms, enhancing clarity and enabling
rigorous testing and prediction.
2. Controlled Variable Manipulation: Computational models facilitate the manipulation of
specific variables while keeping others constant, overcoming the complexity of natural
environments. This control is particularly valuable in studying language learning where
manipulating variables like input quantity is challenging in empirical studies.
3. Teasing Apart Confounding Factors: Computational models provide a systematic approach
to disentangle confounding factors, such as age of acquisition and proficiency in bilingual
language learning, which are difficult to separate in empirical studies. By adjusting variables
like L2 onset time or amount of input, researchers can isolate their effects more effectively.
4. Direct Examination of Processes: Unlike verbal models, computational approaches allow
direct examination of underlying processes rather than inferring them from input-output
relations. For instance, techniques like hierarchical clustering analysis unveil the internal
representations and their evolution during learning, offering insights into cognitive processes.
5. Visualization of Internal Representations: Computational models and modern data analysis
methods make internal representations and their developmental changes visible and
accessible, aiding comprehension of complex cognitive phenomena like language learning.
Computational modeling research is based on the metaphor of human brain as a computational information
processing system. From an external observer viewpoint, this system perceives the environment using a number
of input channels (senses), processes the information using some type of processing steps (the nervous system),
and creates outputs (motor actions) based on the available sensory information and other internal states of the
system. This input/output-relationship is affected by developmental factors and learning from earlier
sensorimotor experience, realized as changes in the connectivity and structure of the central nervous system.
Computational research attempts to understand the components of this perception-action loop by replacing the
human physiology and neurophysiology with computational algorithms for sensory (or sensorimotor)
information processing. Typically the aim is not to replicate information processing of the brain at the level of
individual neurons, but to focus on the computational and algorithmic principles of the process, i.e. the
information representation, flow and transformation within the system
Approaches different from the more “classical” view of cognition and language have led to the development
of computational modeling of language along the following two directions
1. Probabilistic approach
Because of empirical discoveries, computational researchers have begun to explore computational
frameworks of language based on probabilistic principles, such as Bayesian statistics and co ‐occurrence
statistics (Chater & Manning, 2006; Jones, Willits, & Dennis, 2015; Perfors, Tenenbaum, Griffiths, & Xu,
2011, for reviews).
The Yu and Ballard Model (2007) represents an example of computational probabilistic models applied to
developmental psycholinguistics. This model focuses on semantic learning and it begins by calculating co‐
occurrence statistics between linguistic labels (words) in the spoken utterances and real ‐world objects
(referents) in their direct extra linguistic contexts. Here, the input data of the model was extracted from two
video‐clips of caregiver‐infant interactions from the CHILDES database (MacWhinney, 2000).
Specifically, Yu and Ballard focused on two components of the input: the language stream, which included
the transcripts of caregivers’ speech, and the meaning stream, which included a set of objects shown in the
video as the potential referents. The task of the model was to find the correct word ‐referent pairs based on
statistical regularities in these two streams of the input. Simple frequency counting of single word ‐object
pairs is not the best way to find the correct referent of a word, because there were too many high frequency
function words in the spoken utterances (such as you, the) that could outweigh the number of content words
(such as cat) in the input speech stream, leading to incorrect mappings to the referents (such as the image of
a cat) in the context. To solve this problem, the authors first estimated the association probabilities of all the
possible word‐referent pairs based on an expectation ‐maximization (EM) algorithm. They then identified the
best word‐ referent pairs with association probabilities that can jointly “maximize the likelihood of the
audio‐ visual observations in natural interaction”.
The authors demonstrated that, with the convergence of the EM algorithm, the association probabilities of
relevant word‐referent pairs increased and those of irrelevant pairs decreased. Eventually, correct referents to
several words could be successfully identified given the higher association probabilities between words and
referents. An important feature of the Yu and Ballard model is the incorporation of certain non ‐linguistic
(social) contextual cues into its statistical learning Yu and Ballard’s study demonstrates a salient feature of
computational modeling, which is that researchers can systematically manipulate the variables in the
simulations. Adding or removing certain factors into the simulation (i.e., adding the social cues into the
current model) allows the researchers to clearly identify their causal role and systematically investigate their
effect and impact on learning or processing. This model clearly shows the significance of cross ‐situational
statistics in the learning of word meanings. However, this model only learned a small number (about 40 ‐60)
of relevant word‐referent pairs.
2. Connectionist approach
Since the 1980s, the classical view of the mind as a serial symbolic computational system has been
challenged by the resurgence of connectionism or Parallel Distributed Processing (PDP), also known as
artificial neural networks. Connectionism advocates that language learning and processing are parallel,
distributed, and interactive in nature, just as other cognitive systems are. Specifically, connectionist language
models embrace the philosophy that static linguistic representations (e.g., words, concepts, syntactic
structures) are emergent properties that can be dynamically acquired from the input environment (e.g., the
speech data received by the learner).
The DevLex‐II model, as formulated in Li, Zhao, and MacWhinney (2007), is a scalable SOM ‐based
connectionist language model designed to simulate a wide range of processes in both first and second
language learning. The model is “scalable” because it can be used to simulate a large realistic lexicon, in
single or multiple languages, and for various bilingual language pairs (Li, 2009; Zhao & Li, 2010, 2013).
Since the model was designed to simulate language development on the vocabulary level, we choose to
include three basic levels for the representation and organization of words: phonological content, semantic
content, and the articulatory output sequence. The core of the model is a SOM self ‐organizing map) that
handles lexical‐semantic representation. This SOM is connected to two other SOMs, one for input (auditory)
phonology, and another for articulatory sequences of output phonology. Upon training of the network, the
semantic representation, Input phonology, and output phonemic sequence of a word are simultaneously
presented to the network.
This process is analogous to that of a child hearing a word and performing analyses of its semantic,
phonological, and phonemic information. On the semantic and phonological levels, DevLex ‐II constructs the
representations based on the corresponding linguistic input according to the standard SOM algorithm. On the
phonemic output level, the mode uses a temporal sequence learning network (based on SARDNET of James
and Miikkulainen, 1995). Given the challenge that the language learner faces in articulatory control of the
phonemic sequences of words, the use of a temporal sequence network allows us to model word production
more realistically. In DevLex‐II, the associative connections between maps are trained via the Hebbian
learning rule. As training progresses, the weights of the associative connections between the concurrently
activated nodes on two maps become increasingly stronger.
Deep learning method arose from the concept of the human brain Biological Neural Networks.
Development of ANN was the result of an attempt to replicate the workings of the human brain.
Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) are algorithms based on brain function and are used to model
complicated patterns and forecast issues.
Workings of ANN are extremely similar to those of biological neural networks, although they are not
We can consider it as a single-layer neural network with four main parameters, i.e., input values, weights
and Bias, net sum, and an activation function. These are as follows:
Activation Function:
These are the final and important components that help to determine whether the neuron will fire or not.
Activation Function can be considered primarily as a step function. Types of Activation functions: Sign
function, Step function, and
Sigmoid function.
The data scientist uses the activation function to take a subjective decision based on various problem
statements and forms the desired outputs. Activation function may differ (e.g., Sign, Step, and Sigmoid)
in perceptron models by checking whether the learning process is slow or has vanishing or exploding
Output nodes:
Final output.
In serial process (first Identify sounds🡪 combine them into words 🡪then into sentences) or to what
extent should it been seen as a number of different process acting at the same time and at different levels.
In serial processing information is taken in via the senses and then various features extracted through a
series of memory stores.
The symbolistic approach following (following from linguistic descriptions which are hierarchical in
nature) also suggest serial processing of language input. The brain first of all decodes the input from a
rule governed syntactical view point which then accesses a semantic representation (for language
comprehension). The brain uses a similar reverse path for language production; the semantics generate
the syntax which then produces output.
Brain contains number of neurons connected into neural networks which carry out myriad simultaneous
and complex operations.
PDP also known as interactive activation or spreading activation.
This theory postulates that brain is able to carry out multiple levels of activity simultaneously and thus
several processes can take place at the same time and not in a serial order, Spreading activation through
many parts of the brain through a highly complex system of neural networks.
Eg: Let us say some one such as Mahatma Gandhi. There are all sorts of facts we know about him like he
looks, his personality, father of the nation, freedom fighter.
These are all connected together in a web of information, or a neural network. Accessing any one of
these pieces of information will activate all the other pieces of information to some degree or other.
These activation will obviously depend on the strength of the information held (we may not have met
him very often) but they will all be activated simultaneously, for e.g. on showing a photograph or hearing
his name.
In the same way, PDP envisages different processes being carried out in different parts of the brain
It was a neural network approach that stressed the parallel nature of neural processing, and the
distributed nature of neural representations. It provided a general mathematical framework for researchers
to operate in.
The synapses can be excitatory or inhibitory , and they can be either fixed or adaptive. In the latter case,
the process of adjusting the synaptic weights is referred to as learning as it is an approximation of
learning and memory formation in the brain.
ANN explains that learning is possible through differing wiring of the connections between the
simple units.
Connections are the most important aspects of the model : Structure of the network is mostly fixed, but
the efficiency of the connections can be modified by learning rules, which enable the network to learn
Artificial neural nets (ANNs) have been used to model many of the functions the brain performs – to
recognize patterns, to plan actions in robots, learn new information, and use feedback to improve
Cognitive neuroscientists commonly focus on biologically plausible neural net models, those that are
based on the known properties of a specific set of neurons and their connections. However, artificial
neural nets often provide useful approximations to the reality.
Neural nets can learn and store information in much the way real neurons are believed to. Since the basic
types of ANNs were worked out in detail over the last several decades, they have been applied to many
practical uses, from computer-based face recognition to predicting the stock market.
The main difference between this model and the RHM is that this model avoids the terms
“L1” and “L2”.
This is done to avoid the misconception that the L1 or native language has special status and
that the L2 is subordinated to the L1.
For this reason, R2-HM depicts the bilingual lexicon in terms of “most dominant language”
(MDL) and the “least dominant language” (LdL) lexicons.
Words in the language, used more frequently will be responded to more quickly.
Words in the language that is used less frequently will be responded to more slowly.
According to R2-HM, regardless of which language is learnt first, the more active/
dominant language would determine which lexicon would be accessed faster
Heredia’s Spanish- English bilinguals were faster in accessing their L2 lexicon simply
because it was the language they used more frequently or their most dominant language.
Theoretically possible for the bilingual’s L2 to become the dominant language and the L1 to
become the less dominant language.
Regardless of which language is learned first. The more frequently used language will sub-
ordinate over the other.
1. Li, P., & Xu, Q. (2022). Computational modeling of bilingual language learning
Current models and future directions. Language Learning.
2. Mildner.V(2008) The Cognitive Neuroscience of Human Communication.
3. Tej K.B, William C.R (2004). The Handbook of Bilingualism. Blackwell Publishing.