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Ministry formation by Christ

It high time for all of us to study & equip our self with the understanding of how Jesus
approach to his God given ministry & influence peoples life to be dynamic & exemplary
disciples of their time. So, we have to focus on Jesus attitude & practice. In order to relate to
our current theological education ,it is good ask such a question like, who should undertake it?
How should they be recruited? What are they being trained for? Can ministry orientation

In order to understand who were the disciples-mathetes, most scholars rightly refer mathetes
to the wider circle and agreed by including the Twelve disciples, who are called out from among
them and have extra demands placed on them .But, how were the Disciples recruited? Even if
some persons asked to be come his disciples ,generally he is the one who issues the invitation.
Discipleship by itself entails, calling, mission engagement, and obedience. We can distinguishe
the various circles of disciples by their occasional contact and the time of permanency with
Jesus, but the distinctiveness of the Twelve lies in their being companionship & the role of their
apostleship. With respect to those whom Jesus gathers about him, we appears to have the
following circles: the twelve apostles, a wider body of people, and the broader group of

Teaching ministry plays a significant role in Jesus work & the gospel presented him as the only
teacher and more than a teacher. Mark in his gospel address didaskolos or its Hebrew rabbi.
Jesus in his teachings ultimately directs his disciples’ attention more to realizing the royal will
of God, and imitating God’s character and action. Though reflecting some of the characteristics
of the priest, prophet, or wise man, Jesus is clearly more than these. In some respect he seems
to act as a first- century “rabbi.’’

One of the difficulties in exploring the ongoing relevance of Jesus’ relationship with his disciples
is his unique status. Because of his distinctive character and work, we have to be careful about
the wider conclusions we draw for theological education.

When came to Paul and tried to see who Paul’s colleagues were, we can discern three main
groups of coworkers. These were the smallest circles, the larger groups, and others key figures
in the local churches. But how did these people connect up with Paul ,and what role did they
play in his work? With respect to the inner core around him, it was Paul who chose them. Paul
viewed these people as partners or colleagues, not as servants or even apprentices. Paul in his
time related to his colleagues as partners rather than disciples and he did not placed himself
over but alongside them. And the purpose of this group was evangelism church
planting ,congregational nurture, and networking. Paul’s regular practice was to teach people
publicly and from house to house and refers more than once to the importance of his hearers
“living according to the teaching” they have received.

What we conclude from this examination of the biblical writings are, we have to consider the
different level of association with the key figure, the degree of commitment needed of the
groups, for the core group, associating includes living, learning, eating, and praying with him,
the purpose of the group was not increasing of knowledge of their basic tradition, progress in
moral or spiritual formation, or the development of skills associated with ministry or leadership.

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