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Jurnal 2
Jurnal 2
early 40% of patients presenting to the catheter laboratory with angina have non-obstructed coronary arteries (ANOCA), an umbrella
term that encompasses distinct pathophysiological entities, such as coronary artery spasm. Coronary artery spasm leads to sudden
reversible coronary flow attenuation, which clinically manifests as vasospastic angina (VSA). VSA is associated with poor quality of
life and an increased risk of major adverse cardiac events. However, the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying this phenomenon are
incompletely understood, which has resulted in limited therapeutic options for patients afflicted with this condition. The past decade has
seen a surge in new research being conducted in the field of ANOCA and VSA. This review article provides a comprehensive summary of the
underlying pathophysiological mechanisms of VSA and the current therapeutic options. We also appraise the current diagnostic approach
in patients with suspected VSA.
Keywords Nearly half of patients who present with angina have non-obstructed coronary arteries
Angina with non-obstructed coronary (ANOCA).1 A significant proportion of these patients have a coronary vasomotor dysfunction,
arteries, coronary artery spasm, coronary such as coronary microvascular disease and/or coronary artery spasm.2,3 Vasospastic angina
physiology assessment, endothelial (VSA) refers to a dysfunctional state where there is sudden coronary flow attenuation as a result
dysfunction, vascular smooth muscle
of either epicardial or microvascular spasm, leading to downstream myocardial ischaemia and
hyperreactivity, vasospastic angina
angina. This phenomenon was first reported by Prinzmetal et al., who described it as a distinct
Disclosures: Aish Sinha, Haseeb Rahman and Divaka pathology that leads to resting chest tightness associated with marked ST-segment elevation
Perera have no financial or non-financial relationships
or activities to declare in relation to this article.
and a much greater prevalence of ventricular arrhythmias than classical effort angina.4 The
Review process: Double-blind peer review.
authors termed this entity ‘variant angina’ and hypothesized that it occurs due to a sudden
Compliance with ethics: This study involves a review of
and transient increase in vessel tone. Coronary artery spasm is now widely recognized as a
the literature and did not involve any studies with human distinct pathophysiological entity that can lead to myocardial ischaemia. In 2015, the Coronary
or animal subjects performed by any of the authors.
Vasomotion Disorders International Study (COVADIS) group proposed the international
Data availability: Data sharing is not applicable
to this article as no datasets were generated or
standardization of diagnostic criteria for VSA to harmonize clinical and research work on VSA.5
analyzed during the writing of this article. This allows ‘definitive VSA’ to be diagnosed either by coronary angiography with pharmacological
Authorship: The named authors meet the International stimulation and/or by ambulatory electrocardiogram (ECG) recording. Both of these approaches
Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) criteria
for authorship of this manuscript, take responsibility
are recommended by the European Society of Cardiology and the Japanese Circulation Society
for the integrity of the work as a whole, and have when investigating patients with suspected VSA.6,7
given final approval for the version to be published.
Access: This article is freely accessible at
touchCARDIO.com. © Touch Medical Media 2022
VSA has been associated with poor quality of life and increased risk of adverse cardiovascular
Received: 4 April 2022 outcomes.8 However, its underlying pathophysiology remains incompletely defined, and
Accepted: 30 May 2022 the factors contributing to the development of VSA are poorly understood. The current
Published online: 26 July 2022 management of VSA focuses on mitigating cardiovascular risk factors and anti-anginal therapy,
Citation: Heart International. 2022;16(2):Online specifically calcium channel blockers (CCBs) and long-acting nitrates. The focus of this review
ahead of journal publication
article will be on the pathophysiology, diagnosis and contemporary management of patients
Corresponding author: Divaka Perera,
with VSA (Figure 1).
Department of Cardiology, St Thomas’ Hospital,
London SE1 7EH, UK. E: divaka.perera@kcl.ac.uk
Flow augmentation in the healthy vasculature
Support: No funding was received for
The coronary vasculature comprises epicardial arteries (>400 μm), pre-arterioles (100–400 μm),
the publication of this article.
arterioles (<100 μm) and capillaries (<10 μm).9 The epicardial arteries function as conduit vessels.
The arterioles regulate coronary vascular resistance and, therefore, coronary blood flow (CBF)
in response to changes in myocardial oxygen demand.9 The capillary bed delivers oxygen and
substrates to the myocytes.9 The endothelium plays an important role in the modulation of
vascular tone by synthesizing and releasing several vasodilator substances, such as nitric oxide
(NO).9 Increased endothelial wall shear stress and acetylcholine (ACh) are determinants of CBF
in health.9
Vasopastic angina
neutral outcome negative outcomes positive therapeutic effect under investigation but not licensed
CAD = coronary artery disease; CCB = calcium channel blocker; ECG = electrocardiogram; MINOCA = myocardial infarction with non-obstructed coronary arteries.
The pathophysiology of vasospastic angina coronary endothelial dysfunction.18 This suggests that there may be an
Coronary endothelial dysfunction additional mechanism that, in the presence (or sometimes even in the
In the presence of functional endothelium, the balance of shear absence) of coronary endothelial dysfunction, leads to coronary artery
stress-induced vasodilation and vasoconstriction tips towards the former; spasm. VSM hyperreactivity may represent this additional mechanism
however, in the presence of endothelial dysfunction, the balance tips and is discussed below in detail.
towards the latter.10,11 Under normal physiological circumstances, shear
stress, by activating mechanoreceptors on endothelial cells, triggers Vascular smooth muscle hyperreactivity
the endothelial NO synthase (eNOS), in the presence of its cofactor Although the mechanisms leading to VSM hyperreactivity are not fully
tetrahydrobiopterin, to convert L-arginine into NO.11 However, certain understood, it is thought to be a manifestation of an alteration of the
conditions, such as a systemic inflammatory state, impair the ability of signal transduction pathway somewhere between, but not including,
eNOS to produce NO; this is known as ‘eNOS uncoupling’.11 Coronary the cellular receptors and the contractile proteins in the VSM cell.
endothelial dysfunction is thought to be a precursor of obstructive Porcine models of coronary spasm have demonstrated that the
coronary artery disease (CAD), and it is a marker of adverse cardiovascular calcium handling mechanism of contractile proteins remains unaltered,
outcomes.12 In the setting of coronary artery spasm, several clinical as does the expression of cellular receptors involved in promoting
studies have demonstrated reduced NO activity.13 Furthermore, the vasoconstriction.19,20 Animal studies have also implicated the protein
observation that animal models with mutations of the eNOS gene are kinase C-mediated pathway in the pathogenesis of coronary artery
predisposed to developing coronary artery spasm further supports the spasm.21 These results suggest that calcium (Ca2+) entry through L-type
contribution of coronary endothelial dysfunction in the pathogenesis Ca2+ channels into VSM cells is the initial trigger for coronary artery spasm
of coronary artery spasm.14 ACh is used as the preferred agent to test and that Ca2+ entry might be augmented via protein kinase C-dependent
coronary endothelial integrity in the catheter laboratory; this is because mechanisms. Indeed, it has been demonstrated that L-type Ca2+ channels
of its dual action on muscarinic receptors on the endothelium and are functionally upregulated at the spastic site in a porcine model of
vascular smooth muscle (VSM). coronary artery spasm.22 Animal studies have also reported that rho
kinase is upregulated at the spastic site and plays a key role in inducing
Dysfunctional endothelial cells release endothelin-1 (ET-1), which is VSM hypercontraction by inhibiting myosin light chain phosphatase.23
a potent vasoconstrictor. Several clinical studies have demonstrated Fasudil, a rho kinase inhibitor, has been shown to markedly attenuate
higher coronary sinus plasma ET-1 levels in patients with demonstrable ACh-induced coronary vasoconstriction in patients with coronary artery
coronary artery spasm during provocation assessment.15 Ford et spasm.24 It has been hypothesized that coronary endothelial dysfunction
al. reported an attenuated vasorelaxation in response to ACh and plays a greater role in diffuse multi-vessel spasm, whereas VSM
augmented vasoconstrictive response to ET-1 in gluteal biopsy samples hyperreactivity plays a greater role in focal spasm.
of patients with VSA compared with control subjects, indicating a state
of systemic endothelial dysfunction in these patients.16 Finally, in a Clinical presentation and outcomes
cohort of patients with ANOCA, Reriani et al. reported an improvement VSA should be suspected in patients with anginal symptoms occurring
in coronary endothelial function after treatment with an endothelin A predominantly at rest, especially if the resting symptoms follow a
receptor antagonist.17 diurnal pattern (being worse at night and in the early morning). Although
Prinzmetal’s reports had linked episodes of coronary vasospasm
However, whilst coronary endothelial dysfunction has been implicated predominantly with ST-segment elevation, there is now a greater
in the development of coronary artery spasm, it has been demonstrated appreciation that an episode of coronary artery spasm can present with
that not all vessels that are predisposed to spasm have underlying disparate ischaemic ECG changes commensurate with the degree of
coronary flow attenuation.4 Prolonged and more occlusive episodes of Invasive coronary physiology assessment in the
coronary artery spasm have a greater propensity to lead to ventricular catheter laboratory
arrhythmias; this is thought to be due to an increased inhomogeneity Coronary vascular assessment with ACh stimulation can be performed
of ventricular depolarization and repolarization due to acute, severe readily and safely in patients with suspected VSA.35 It is recommended
and transient myocardial ischaemia.25 These factors increase ventricular that patients with ANOCA should undergo coronary physiology
vulnerability and heighten the risk of sudden cardiac death.26 assessment to detect coronary vascular dysfunction that can act as
a substrate for myocardial ischaemia. The main parameter used to
The major adverse cardiac events rate, a composite of death, non-fatal distinguish normal from abnormal coronary vascular function is the CFR.
myocardial infarction (MI), unstable angina and heart failure, has been CFR is the ratio of hyperaemic to baseline CBF in response to adenosine
reported to be around 5–6% over a median follow-up period of 3–4 and reflects the ability of the coronary vasculature to augment blood
years in patients with VSA.27,28 Two endotypes of coronary artery spasm flow in response to increased demand. An impaired CFR, defined as CFR
are recognized: epicardial spasm (arbitrarily defined as ≥90% epicardial <2.5, in the presence of a normal fractional flow reserve is suggestive
artery vasoconstriction in response to ACh stimulation, ischaemic ECG of endothelium-independent coronary microvascular disease; this is
changes and characteristic chest pain) and microvascular spasm (a associated with an increased likelihood of myocardial ischaemia on
diagnosis of exclusion, namely <90% epicardial artery vasoconstriction non-invasive assessment and adverse cardiovascular outcomes.34,36,37
in response to ACh stimulation, ischaemic ECG changes and
characteristic chest pain).5 A recent study reported a 7.5% incidence Intracoronary ACh infusion, at concentrations of up to 10-4 mol/L, can be
of all-cause mortality, 1.4% MI and 2.2% stroke over a median 7-year used to assess coronary endothelial function, with a normal response
follow-up in patients with invasively characterized coronary artery being an increase in CBF by 50% or more compared with the basal
spasm.8 Recurrent symptoms were reported in 64% of patients, and flow (i.e. an AChFR of >1.5).38 An AChFR of ≤1.5 has been associated
12% of patients underwent a repeat coronary angiography. Multivariate with myocardial ischaemia on non-invasive assessment and with an
analysis revealed epicardial spasm as a predictor of non-fatal MI and increased risk of adverse outcomes.12,38,39 In cases where the pre-test
repeat angiography, whereas patients with microvascular spasm more probability of coronary vasospasm is high, operators should carry out
often had recurrent angina at follow-up.8 Whilst the overall prognosis coronary spasm assessment using ACh bolus.34 There is variation in
of patients with ANOCA and coronary artery spasm is generally the doses and delivery rates of ACh used during spasm assessment,
favourable, patients with obstructive CAD who are predisposed to although the underlying scientific rationale remains the same. The
spasm have a worse outlook.29 Furthermore, patients with obstructive general consensus is to deliver a 100 µg bolus of ACh down the left
CAD who develop spasm within the stenotic segment are more likely anterior descending artery over 20 seconds; this dose needs to be halved
to suffer from adverse cardiovascular outcomes compared with those (i.e. 50 µg over 20 seconds) if being delivered into the right coronary artery
who develop spasm in the non-stenotic coronary segment or those due to the higher risk of bradyarrhythmias.34 Clinicians should remain
who do not develop spasm at all.30 The mechanisms underlying this vigilant and promptly manage ACh-induced tachyarrhythmias with
are unclear; however, animal studies have demonstrated that intimal pharmacological/electrical cardioversion and spasms with intracoronary
injury is prevalent in stenotic segments that develop spasm with nitroglycerin. A diagnosis of epicardial artery spasm is made when ACh
pharmacological stimulation.31 Therefore, it is conceivable that spasm bolus leads to ≥90% coronary vasoconstriction, ischaemic ECG changes
within a stenotic segment can cause plaque disruption and, therefore, and chest pain; this protocol and diagnostic threshold is associated with
predispose to acute coronary syndrome. Finally, patients with MI with a high degree of sensitivity and specificity for the detection of coronary
non-obstructed coronary arteries secondary to coronary vasospasm spasm in patients with VSA symptoms.5,40 The diagnosis of microvascular
have a heightened risk of all-cause mortality, cardiac death and spasm is made when ACh bolus leads to ischaemic ECG changes and
readmission with acute coronary syndrome.32,33 Coronary artery spasm chest pain in the absence of ≥90% coronary vasoconstriction; in the
provocation assessment was shown to be safe in patients presenting absence of significant epicardial spasm, an AChFR <1.0 with ACh bolus
with MI with non-obstructed coronary arteries, and it helps identify is also suggestive of microvascular spasm as it demonstrates flow
a high-risk patient cohort who may benefit from close follow-up and attenuation.5,34 An example of a vessel with significant epicardial spasm
aggressive pleiotropic and anti-ischaemic therapies.32,33 in response to ACh bolus is shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Coronary angiography images of the left coronary artery at baseline (left) and after acetylcholine bolus (right) in a
patient with epicardial coronary artery vasospasm
IC ACh bolus
The yellow arrows demonstrate the diffuse segments of spasm in the left anterior descending artery.
IC Ach = intracoronary acetylcholine.
with concentrations of 10-3 mol/L.45 This led the authors to conclude Nicorandil
that the local ACh concentration and the coronary vascular segment Nicorandil leads to vasodilation via two mechanisms. Firstly, it
under question may play a significant role in the observed response stimulates soluble guanylate cyclase and leads to increased cyclic
to ACh.45 Finally, the diagnostic threshold for the degree of epicardial guanosine monophosphate concentrations. Secondly, it leads to
vasoconstriction in response to ACh can also vary between centres. The hyperpolarization by opening the adenosine triphosphate-sensitive
majority of centres use the 90% threshold; however, some centres use potassium channels; this subsequently leads to a closure of the
different arbitrarily chosen thresholds, such as 75% vasoconstriction.34,35 calcium channels. Nicorandil reduces anginal burden in patients with
Using different diagnostic thresholds will, of course, alter the diagnostic VSA.52 The Japanese Cardiology Society give a IIa recommendation
sensitivity and specificity. for the use of nicorandil in patients with VSA, although it remains the
second line in European guidelines.6,7
Therefore, although invasive coronary physiology assessment with
ACh stimulation remains the investigation of choice in patients with Rho kinase inhibitors
suspected VSA, it has certain caveats that clinicians should bear in Clinical studies have demonstrated the efficacy of fasudil, a rho kinase
mind and assert their discretion when necessary. Furthermore, invasive inhibitor, in ameliorating coronary artery spasm induced by ACh.24,53 The
spasm assessment should be reserved only for patients with clinical myosin-binding substrate promotes vasodilation by dephosphorylating
symptoms suggestive of VSA. the myosin head and causing the detachment of the myosin–actin
crosslink. However, rho kinase inhibits myosin-binding substrate and,
Management therefore, promotes a vasoconstrictive state. By inhibiting this action, rho
The mainstay of management of VSA is pharmacological, kinase inhibitors promote a vasodilatory state. However, this agent is not
recommendation of lifestyle changes (such as smoking cessation) available outside of Japan for clinical use at present.
and avoidance of agents that can provoke coronary spasm (such as
beta blockers and triptans). We discuss some of the commonly used All of these agents target key cellular pathways in the coronary vasomotor
anti-ischaemic agents used in these patients. regulation, with CCBs targeting the L-type calcium channels, long-acting
nitrates acting as NO donors, nicorandil promoting cyclic guanosine
Calcium channel blockers monophosphate production, and endothelin receptor antagonists and
CCBs inhibit the voltage-dependent L-type Ca2+ channels and, therefore, rho kinase inhibitors dampening endothelin and rho kinase-dependent
reduce calcium–calmodulin-induced myosin light chain kinase vasoconstrictive pathways.
activation. CCBs suppress inducible coronary spasm and, therefore,
lead to reduced angina frequency and improved prognosis.46–50 Pleiotropic agents
In patients with demonstrable coronary endothelial dysfunction,
Long-acting nitrates angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and statins may be used,
Nitrates act as NO donors, resulting in vasodilation. They have a disparate as there is evidence that these agents enhance coronary endothelial
mechanism of action compared with CCBs; therefore, patients can be function through a reduction in oxidative stress. A randomized
treated with a combination of a CCB and nitrate to target separate open-label study comparing 6 months of fluvastatin and CCB
pathways of coronary spasm. Nitrates are also effective in reducing (combination therapy) versus CCB alone demonstrated that the
anginal episodes.51 combination therapy led to a greater amelioration in the development of
Figure 3: An example of a contemporary invasive diagnostic pathway, as well as management strategies, in patients with
angina with non-obstructed coronary arteries
IV/IC adenosine
microvascular disease
CFR <2.5
Endothelium-independent function Beta blockers
IC ACh infusion
Coronary endothelial
AChFR ≤1.5 No established
Endothelium-dependent function
AChFR therapies
IC ACh bolus
Coronary artery spasm stimulation Non-DHP CCBs
AChFR = acetylcholine flow reserve; CCB = calcium channel blocker; CFR = coronary flow reserve; DHP = dihydropyridines; IC = intracoronary; IC ACh = intracoronary
acetylcholine; IV = intravenous.
ACh-induced spasm compared with CCB therapy.54 Furthermore, whilst (PRIZE; ClinicalTrials.gov identifier: NCT04097314) study is investigating
the inflammatory biomarkers were matched between the two groups whether an endothelin receptor antagonist (zibotentan) can improve
at baseline, patients in the combination therapy arm had significantly patient-centric outcomes in patients with coronary microvascular
lower C-reactive protein levels at the end of the study, whereas there disease and VSA.58
was no change in patients in the CCB arm.54 Finally, in a large registry-
based propensity-matched comparison study, the prevalence of An example of a contemporary diagnostic pathway and management
recurrent angina, major adverse cardiac events and death at 5 years options is shown in Figure 3.
was lower in patients with VSA who were taking angiotensin-converting
enzyme inhibitors versus those who were not.55 Conclusion
Coronary artery spasm leading to VSA is common in patients presenting
The Coronary microvascular angina (CorMicA ; ClinicalTrials.gov with ANOCA and is associated with poor quality of life and adverse
identifier: NCT03193294) study has demonstrated that stratifying cardiovascular outcomes.
treatment in patients with ANOCA based upon coronary vascular
physiology assessment yields superior outcomes to empirical therapy, VSA can be diagnosed accurately and safely in the catheter laboratory.
supporting the role of comprehensive coronary physiology testing in The mainstay of management is pharmacological, with CCBs and long-
this patient cohort.3,56 Furthermore, a recent study has demonstrated the acting nitrates being the first-line therapies, and nicorandil being second
ability to predict patients’ responses to nitrates by giving intracoronary line. Other therapies targeting the pertinent mechanistic pathways have
nitrates to those with demonstrable spasm on invasive assessment, shown promise in clinical trials. There is now growing evidence that
followed by a rechallenge with a second dose of ACh.57 The authors nuanced personalized therapy may be associated with better patient-
reported that nitrates attenuated epicardial vasospasm in most patients, centric outcomes than empirical therapy in these patients.
whereas this desired response was less frequently observed in patients
with microvascular spasm. This is an example of nuanced personalized Future directions
therapy that may lead to better patient outcomes, and this protocol The main challenge for the field during the next few years will be to
can be used as a template to assess individual responses to anti- ensure appropriate uptake of invasive intracoronary assessment to fully
ischaemic agents in the catheter laboratory in order to select the most evaluate the coronary vasculature in patients with ANOCA and high pre-
efficacious medication for a given individual.57 Finally, following on from test probability of VSA. Further mechanistic work needs to be carried out
the findings that the endothelin pathway is implicated in patients with to develop novel therapeutic options that target specific pathways within
VSA,16 the Precision medicine with zibotentan in microvascular angina the endothelial and VSM cells to personalize patient care. ❑
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