Chapter Six
Chapter Six
Chapter Six
management In Ethiopia
6.1 Opportunity of natural resource management in Ethiopia
The major opportunities that obtained in environmental
management includes improve governance.
climate change.
The government also set the following major targets for the forestry sector:
afforestation on 2 million ha, reforestation on 1 million ha and improved
management of 3 million ha of natural forests and woodlands.
food security,
sustainable development.
The removal of trees and other land cover exposes soil to the
consequences of water and wind erosion.
This leads to the problem of land degradation, the most serious
environmental challenges in Ethiopia Ehrlich, (1988) and
It is a basis for loss of vegetation cover, biodiversity and ecosystem
In 1990 approximately 17 per cent of the potential agricultural GDP
that estimated to be 59 million Birr was lost because of physical and
biological soil degradation.
Therefore, countries like Ethiopia, where the lives of many
rural communities are directly related to natural resources,
natural resources mean everything.
peasant farmers.
The fact that agriculture is largely traditional and rain fed make it dependent on
weather conditions.
This makes the issue of climate change particularly important for Ethiopia.
Lake Tana, Lake Ziway and River Awash water resources are also under
Besides the economic and other impacts, the other devastating impacts
include emergence and proliferation of vector borne and water borne
Hence, ecosystem is shifting in a pace difficult to cope
with. Bio-diversity losses are quite phenomenal.