Clinical Teaching Strategies Reflection Eg
Clinical Teaching Strategies Reflection Eg
Clinical Teaching Strategies Reflection Eg
The American Dental Education Association was founded in 1923 and is “The Voice of
Dental Education.” This association is dedicated to preparing oral health professionals. ADEA is
bringing new thinking and innovation to the next century and beyond, assisting both faculty
members in dental education and scholars. “Effective Clinical Teaching Strategies” was
instructed by Natatlie Jeong, an Associate Professor at Tufts University school of Dental
Medicine. The purpose of this learning session was to explore principles of clinical teaching and
how to effectively apply techniques to encourage student critical thinking in a clinical setting.
Clinical teaching is defined as a form of interpersonal communication between a teacher
and a learner. Many faculty members stated that they face the following challenges in a clinical
teaching environment: often feeling rushed, student preparation and individual attention to each
student. It was very interesting to hear and learn that many faculty members face the same
challenges despite what school or dental course they are teaching. Ms. Jeong referred to Dr.
Sakaguchi’s clinical teaching strategy - iCARE method. Dr. Sakaguchi initially introduced this
method at Oregon Health Science University and it proceeds as the following:
Reinforce what the student did well R Reflect on what was done