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Energy Reports 11 (2024) 1212–1224

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Energy Reports
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Fuzzy-based smart energy management system for residential buildings in

Saudi Arabia: A comparative study
Mohammed A. Alghassab
Electrical Engineering Department, College of Engineering, Shaqra University, Riyadh 11911, Saudi Arabia


Keywords: Considering Saudi Arabia’s strategy entails economic diversification and a reduction in dependency on oil, a
Smart energy management change towards sustainable and efficient energy management practices is required. Effective energy management
Sustainable energy is critical for optimising energy consumption, lowering costs, and reducing the environmental footprint.
Energy efficiency
Traditional energy management systems are frequently built on rule-based or deterministic techniques that fail to
Fuzzy logic
address the complexity and uncertainty inherent in home energy usage patterns and user behaviours. Fuzzy
logic-based solutions have emerged in recent years, holding enormous promise for domestic energy management.
Fuzzy logic excels at dealing with imprecise and uncertain input, making it ideal for modelling human-centric
systems such as domestic energy management. This study presents a cutting-edge fuzzy-based smart energy
management system adapted to Saudi residential buildings. Using fuzzy logic approaches, the system intends to
optimize energy usage, reduce peak demand, and improve energy efficiency. It automatically adjusts energy-
consuming devices such as air conditioning, lights, and appliances depending on user preferences, occupancy
patterns, as well as real-time energy prices using fuzzy decision-making algorithms. The research not only
substantiates the success of this strategy through a comparative study, but it also highlights its prospective
benefits for Saudi Arabian residential constructions. It also covers the obstacles and potential research possi­
bilities for adopting fuzzy-based smart energy management systems, exposing a promising road towards a more
sustainable and safe energy future. The study’s findings underscore the superiority of the comparative study
alternative, revealing it as the most effective means to evaluate the fuzzy-based system’s performance and unique
advantages in relation to other established energy management approaches.

1. Introduction gas emissions and climate change. Therefore, there is an urgent need to
transition towards sustainable and renewable energy sources, improve
Energy consumption worldwide today is at unprecedented levels, energy efficiency, and adopt smart energy management practices to
driven by population growth, urbanization, industrialization, and mitigate the environmental and economic challenges associated with
increasing reliance on energy-intensive technologies. With the global current energy consumption trends. Saudi Arabia has experienced sig­
population surpassing 7.9 billion, the demand for energy has sky­ nificant growth in population and urbanization over the past few de­
rocketed, with an overwhelming majority of it being derived from non- cades, resulting in a substantial increase in energy consumption,
renewable sources such as fossil fuels. The sectors that contribute particularly in the residential sector. The escalating energy demand in
significantly to energy consumption include transportation, industry, residential buildings poses numerous challenges, including strain on the
residential, and commercial. The continued reliance on fossil fuels for power grid, increased greenhouse gas emissions, and reduced energy
energy generation has led to concerns about the depletion of finite re­ efficiency. To address these challenges and promote sustainable energy
sources and the adverse environmental impact, including greenhouse practices, there is a growing need for innovative energy management

Abbreviations: ABM, Agent-Based Model; AI, Artificial Intelligence; ANN, Artificial Neural Network; BMS, Building Management System; CO2, Carbon Dioxide;
HVAC, Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning; IoT, Internet of Things; kWh, Kilowatt-Hour; LED, Light-Emitting Diode; MCDM, Multi-criteria decision-making;
MISO, Multiple Input, Single Output; PID, Proportional-Integral-Derivative; PV, Photovoltaic; ROI, Return on Investment; RNN, Recurrent Neural Network; SCADA,
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition; SHW, Solar Hot Water; SVM, Support Vector Machine; TES, Thermal Energy Storage; TOPSIS, Technique for Order of
Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution.
E-mail address: malghassab@su.edu.sa.

Received 25 June 2023; Received in revised form 17 October 2023; Accepted 17 December 2023
Available online 9 January 2024
2352-4847/© 2023 The Author. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-
M.A. Alghassab Energy Reports 11 (2024) 1212–1224

systems that can optimize energy consumption and enhance efficiency in encountered in residential energy management scenarios. Fuzzy logic
residential buildings (Abubakar and Dano, 2020; Taleb and Sharples, enables the modeling and control of complex systems by considering
2011; Gelsdorf, 2011). linguistic variables and fuzzy rules, allowing for flexible and adaptive
In the realm of global energy management systems, an impressive decision-making. By applying fuzzy logic techniques, the proposed
valuation of USD 35.54 billion was bestowed upon it in the year 2021. As system can effectively adapt to various factors influencing energy con­
we peer into the future, the forecast period promises a remarkable sumption, including user preferences, occupancy patterns, weather
growth rate of 13.4% in this domain. This can be seen in Fig. 1. One conditions, and energy pricing. Residential buildings in Saudi Arabia
pivotal application of EMS can be found within the electric utility grids, face unique energy management challenges due to the extreme climate
where they diligently monitor, scrutinize, and enhance the performance conditions and cultural norms. High temperatures necessitate significant
of the electric transmission system. However, the purview of EMS ex­ cooling demands, particularly for air conditioning systems, leading to a
tends far beyond this, encompassing a wide array of energy network substantial peak load on the electricity grid. Additionally, the residential
applications, including but not limited to scheduling and generation sector experiences variations in occupancy patterns, with frequent shifts
control. To achieve its goals of heightened power efficiency, the system between periods of high and low occupancy. To address these chal­
was ingeniously crafted utilizing a real-time data operating system. lenges, a fuzzy-based smart energy management system tailored to the
Given its versatile nature, it comes as no surprise that this innovative specific requirements of residential buildings in Saudi Arabia can offer
solution finds extensive usage across industries such as energy, telecom, significant advantages (Alshahrani et al., 2022; Fatourehchi and Zar­
and IT, among others. Digitalization has played a pivotal role in revo­ ghami, 2020; Alassery et al., 2022; Agrawal et al., 2022).
lutionizing various industrial and commercial operations, particularly in The primary objectives of this research paper are to propose a fuzzy-
the realm of energy management. The significance of this paradigm shift based smart energy management system for residential buildings in
towards modernizing energy models is steadily growing, thanks to its Saudi Arabia and to demonstrate its potential benefits in terms of energy
remarkable efficiency enhancements. By digitizing energy management consumption reduction, peak demand shaving, enhanced user comfort,
processes, we gain the invaluable ability to seamlessly connect and cost savings, and environmental impact. Additionally, the paper aims to
synchronize all the equipment and devices within a network, leading to identify and address the challenges associated with implementing fuzzy-
substantial gains in efficiency. The digital connectivity of buildings based energy management systems and suggest future research di­
opens up exciting possibilities, enabling seamless communication with rections to facilitate their widespread deployment. By presenting a
intelligent power grids, thereby paving the way for a new era of energy comprehensive study on fuzzy-based smart energy management for
management (Energy Management Systems Market Size, 2022). residential buildings in Saudi Arabia, this research paper contributes to
This research paper focuses on the development and implementation the growing body of knowledge in the field of energy management and
of a fuzzy-based smart energy management system specifically designed sustainability. The findings and insights from this research can guide
for residential buildings in Saudi Arabia. The proposed system leverages policymakers, energy managers, and building owners towards more
fuzzy logic techniques to intelligently control energy-consuming de­ efficient energy consumption practices, leading to a greener and more
vices, such as air conditioning, lighting, and appliances, based on user sustainable future.
preferences, occupancy patterns, and real-time energy pricing. By inte­ The rest of the paper is structured as follows. Section 2 reviews
grating fuzzy logic into the energy management system, it becomes related works in the field, discussing previous studies and approaches to
possible to make informed decisions regarding energy usage, leading to energy management in residential buildings. Section 3 focuses on energy
reduced energy waste, lower peak demand, and enhanced energy effi­ management in residential buildings, providing an overview of the
ciency (Zhang et al., 2022; Alzahrani et al., 2022; Piano and Smith, challenges and existing practices in Saudi Arabia. Section 4 outlines the
2022). materials and methods used in the study, specifically detailing the fuzzy-
The choice of using fuzzy logic in this study is motivated by its ability based smart energy management system employed. This section high­
to handle imprecise and uncertain information, which is commonly lights the system’s components, and implementation processes. Section

Fig. 1. Energy management system market size, by region, 2018–2030, (USD Billion).

M.A. Alghassab Energy Reports 11 (2024) 1212–1224

5 presents the results obtained from the study, including data analysis, management practices.
statistical findings, and graphical representations. Section 6 delves into Al-Sakkaf et al (Al-Sakkaf et al., 2019). introduced an autonomous
the discussion of the results, interpreting and contextualizing them direct current (DC) microgrid specifically designed for residential
within the broader research landscape. It examines the implications of houses. This microgrid was controlled by an energy management system
the findings, identifies potential limitations, and explores areas for that employed a low-complexity fuzzy logic controller with just 25 rules.
further improvement. Finally, Section 7 concludes the paper, summa­ The primary objective of this controller was to effectively manage the
rizing the key findings, reiterating their significance, and providing power flow to meet the demands of the house’s load. The microgrid
recommendations for future research and practical applications of the configuration consisted of various renewable energy sources, including
fuzzy-based smart energy management system in Saudi Arabian resi­ photovoltaic (PV) panels, a wind turbine, a fuel cell, battery energy
dential buildings. storage, and a diesel generator. To determine the appropriate size of the
battery energy storage, a battery sizing algorithm was employed. This
2. Related works algorithm took into account the seasonal variations in renewable energy
generation in the eastern region of Saudi Arabia throughout the year.
Several studies have been conducted in the field of smart energy The research considered two distinct scenarios. In the first scenario, the
management systems for residential buildings, focusing on various as­ microgrid comprised solar PV panels, a wind turbine, battery energy
pects such as energy consumption optimization, demand response, and storage, and a fuel cell. To enhance the efficiency of the system and
energy efficiency enhancement. However, there is a gap in the existing reduce costs, an artificial bee colony technique was utilized to optimize
literature when it comes to the application of fuzzy logic in the context the fuzzy logic controller. This optimization aimed to increase energy
of energy management for residential buildings in Saudi Arabia. This savings within the system. In the second scenario, the wind turbine was
section reviews the relevant literature on smart energy management replaced by a diesel generator, and the rated power of the fuel cell was
systems and highlights the unique contribution of fuzzy logic in reduced. This alternative configuration allowed for a different mix of
addressing the challenges and complexities specific to the Saudi Arabian energy sources and further explored the flexibility of the microgrid
residential sector. By analyzing the existing works, this section aims to system. Through their study, they shed light on the operation and con­
provide a comprehensive understanding of the current state of research trol of an autonomous DC microgrid for residential homes. By inte­
and identify the research gap that this study aims to fill with its proposed grating renewable energy sources, energy storage, and intelligent
fuzzy-based smart energy management system. control techniques, the researchers provided insights into optimizing
Akhtar et al (Akhtar et al., 2021). presented a Fuzzy-based auditing energy efficiency, reducing costs, and ensuring reliable power supply for
methodology that produced outstanding findings for residential build­ households.
ings. The amount of energy used of various electrical devices in opera­ Abusharia & Al-Aubidy (Abusharia and Al-Aubidy, 2022) introduced
tion, as well as their operating factors such as temperature, moisture, smart home energy management using load scheduling as well as
efficiency, as well as energy consumption, were taken into account for optimal utilisation of available energy resources. The national power
the purpose of the study. Their goal was to employ a fuzzy logic system, photovoltaic (PV) energy, as well as the storage component were
controller to reduce the consumption of energy in Kasganj, Uttar Pra­ all addressed in this study. At a specific operational point where the
desh, India, through utilising the utilisation hours of the solar powered output power varies with temperature, radiation, as well as load, the PV
system as well as calculating the necessary demand through the time for array may deliver the greatest amount of energy to the load. To monitor
which all of the devices are in functioning. They began the investigation the maximum power, a real-time regulator was also offered. In a smart
by surveying several buildings to get data regarding current energy home, an energy management strategy approach included giving a pri­
utilisation. They believed their work would contribute to the shift to ority to each load in order to schedule them. The necessary power was
sustainable development easier and faster, and that this approach could given to the loads based on their preferences and the accessible energy.
be applied in real-life circumstances. According to the findings, providing the PV system with a fuzzy-based
In a study conducted by Parvin et al (Parvin et al., 2020). an inno­ MPPT increases system efficiency. Their results revealed that using en­
vative home energy management system (HEMS) was designed with the ergy management through load scheduling resulted in a considerable
aim of effectively managing the load of domestic appliances. The pri­ decrease in the electricity bill.
mary objective of their research was to reduce electricity costs and Tapia et al (Tapia et al., 2022). suggested a fuzzy-based energy
overall power consumption while maintaining a high level of comfort management approach to maximise self-consumption from photovoltaic
for customers through the use of an optimized controller. To achieve (PV) panels with an energy storage system (ESS) for the residential
this, the researchers utilized Simulink/Matlab to model and analyze sector, tailored to the Ecuadorian power market. The EMS has two
various household appliances commonly found in homes, including control stages: managing energy at the end-user level (Fuzzy-based EMS
heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems, electric and optimised by genetic Algorithm) as well as energy management for
water heaters (EWH), and lighting. Through these models, they were the distribution grid level (Fuzzy-based EMS). Both solutions strive to
able to examine the energy consumption and associated costs of these maximise the utilisation of energy produced at home (taking into
appliances under different scenarios such as peak hours, off-peak hours, consideration the local solar generation profile), meet load demand, as
and a combination of both. To optimize energy utilization estimation well as inject power surplus into the main electrical system in order to be
and cost analysis during these periods, the research team developed a financially rewarded. Their report also provided economic modelling
fuzzy logic controller (FLC) specifically tailored for the HEMS. This based on the Ecuadorian electrical market. The major findings revealed
controller incorporated the Malaysian tariff for domestic use, ensuring a cost decrease in the electricity bill of up to 83.64% when compared to
that energy consumption and cost calculations were accurately aligned the baseline (residential usage without a PV installation).
with local pricing structures. Furthermore, in order to enhance the Although there is a growing body of research on smart energy
performance of the FLC and address membership function constraints, a management systems for residential buildings, there is limited research
particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm was employed to attain an specifically focused on the application of fuzzy logic in the context of
optimal balance between cost and power consumption. The results of the Saudi Arabian residential buildings. This research paper aims to address
study clearly demonstrated the effectiveness of the developed FLC this gap by proposing a fuzzy-based smart energy management system
controller in minimizing both cost and energy consumption. By imple­ tailored to the unique needs and challenges of residential buildings in
menting this intelligent HEMS, homeowners can enjoy the benefits of Saudi Arabia. By building upon the existing knowledge and leveraging
reduced electricity expenses while maintaining their desired comfort the power of fuzzy logic, this study seeks to contribute to the advance­
levels, ultimately contributing to more sustainable and efficient energy ment of energy management practices in Saudi Arabian residential

M.A. Alghassab Energy Reports 11 (2024) 1212–1224

buildings and provide valuable insights for researchers, policymakers, personalized control over indoor environmental conditions, such as
and industry professionals in the field of smart energy management. temperature, lighting, and ventilation. This leads to improved occupant
satisfaction and well-being. Overall, the benefits of energy management
3. Energy management in residential buildings in residential buildings extend beyond individual cost savings, positively
impacting the environment, energy infrastructure, and resident comfort.
Energy Consumption Patterns in Saudi Arabian Residential Sector
Residential buildings are significant consumers of energy worldwide, 3.4. Current approaches to energy management in Saudi Arabian
and Saudi Arabia is no exception. The country’s residential sector ac­ residential buildings
counts for a considerable portion of the total energy consumption. Un­
derstanding the energy consumption patterns specific to Saudi Arabian Current approaches to energy management in Saudi Arabian resi­
residential buildings is crucial for effective energy management. Factors dential buildings involve a combination of strategies and technologies
such as extreme climate conditions, cultural practices, and lifestyle aimed at improving energy efficiency and reducing energy consumption.
preferences significantly influence energy consumption in this sector. One approach is the implementation of smart home systems that inte­
High cooling demands due to hot temperatures, extensive use of air grate various devices and appliances to enable automated control and
conditioning systems, and energy-intensive appliances contribute to the monitoring of energy usage. These systems allow residents to remotely
substantial energy consumption observed in Saudi Arabian residential manage lighting, heating, cooling, and other electrical appliances,
buildings (Ali, 2009; Alghamdi et al., 2022; Ghabra, 2018; Perkins et al., optimizing their energy consumption based on occupancy and prefer­
2018; DeNicola et al., 2015). ences. Another approach is the use of advanced building management
systems that employ sensors, data analytics, and machine learning al­
3.1. Challenges in energy management gorithms to optimize energy usage and detect anomalies in real-time.
These systems provide insights into energy consumption patterns and
Several challenges complicate energy management in residential enable proactive measures to minimize wastage. Additionally, there is a
buildings in Saudi Arabia. One of the primary challenges is the high peak growing emphasis on promoting renewable energy sources, such as solar
load on the electricity grid caused by intense cooling demands, partic­ power, in residential buildings through incentives and subsidies. This
ularly during summer months. This peak load not only strains the power encourages the adoption of clean energy and reduces reliance on
infrastructure but also leads to higher energy costs and potential power traditional fossil fuel-based energy sources. Furthermore, energy audits
outages. Additionally, variations in occupancy patterns, with periods of and retrofits are conducted to identify energy-saving opportunities and
high and low occupancy, make it challenging to regulate and optimize implement energy-efficient technologies in existing buildings. These
energy consumption. The lack of awareness about energy-saving prac­ initiatives aim to improve insulation, upgrade lighting systems, and
tices among residents further exacerbates the energy management enhance the efficiency of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning
challenges in residential buildings. (HVAC) systems. These current approaches in Saudi Arabian residential
buildings prioritize energy efficiency, automation, and renewable en­
3.2. Smart energy management systems ergy integration to achieve sustainable and responsible energy man­
agement practices.
To address the energy management challenges in residential build­ In this context, the application of fuzzy-based smart energy man­
ings, the adoption of smart energy management systems has gained agement systems holds great promise. By incorporating fuzzy logic
significant attention. Smart energy management systems leverage techniques, these systems can handle uncertainties, imprecise data, and
advanced technologies and data-driven approaches to optimize energy linguistic variables inherent in residential energy management sce­
consumption, reduce peak demand, and improve overall energy effi­ narios. Fuzzy logic-based control algorithms can optimize energy con­
ciency. These systems integrate real-time energy data, occupancy in­ sumption, taking into account user preferences, occupancy patterns, and
formation, and user preferences to make informed decisions regarding real-time energy pricing. Implementing fuzzy-based smart energy
energy usage. Through intelligent control and automation, smart energy management systems in Saudi Arabian residential buildings can signif­
management systems ensure efficient operation of energy-consuming icantly contribute to achieving energy efficiency targets and promoting
devices while considering factors such as occupancy, weather condi­ sustainable development.
tions, and energy pricing.
4. Materials and methods
3.3. Benefits of Energy Management in Residential Buildings
This section outlines the materials and methods employed in the
Energy management in residential buildings offers several benefits development and evaluation of the proposed fuzzy-based smart energy
that contribute to sustainability, cost savings, and improved comfort. management system for residential buildings in Saudi Arabia. The study
Firstly, it allows for better control and optimization of energy usage, utilized a combination of primary and secondary data sources. Primary
resulting in reduced energy consumption and lower utility bills. By data was collected through surveys conducted among homeowners and
implementing energy-efficient technologies, such as smart meters, pro­ residents in selected residential buildings in Saudi Arabia to gather in­
grammable thermostats, and energy-efficient appliances, residents can formation on energy consumption patterns, user preferences, and oc­
actively monitor and manage their energy usage, leading to significant cupancy levels. The surveys were designed to capture the relevant
cost savings in the long run. Secondly, energy management systems variables needed for the fuzzy logic model. Secondary data sources
enable peak demand reduction by implementing load balancing strate­ included energy consumption data, weather data, and real-time pricing
gies and demand response programs. This helps alleviate strain on the information obtained from local utility companies and meteorological
electrical grid during peak hours, ensuring a more reliable and stable services. These data sources were essential for evaluating the perfor­
energy supply. mance and effectiveness of the fuzzy-based smart energy management
Moreover, effective energy management promotes environmental system. The development of the fuzzy logic model involved several
sustainability by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and the overall steps. Firstly, linguistic variables and membership functions were
carbon footprint associated with energy consumption. By implementing defined based on the characteristics of the input variables, such as oc­
energy-saving measures, residential buildings contribute to the global cupancy, time of day, and outdoor temperature. Fuzzy rules were then
efforts of mitigating climate change. Lastly, energy management systems formulated, incorporating expert knowledge and existing energy man­
enhance the comfort and convenience of residents by providing agement guidelines.

M.A. Alghassab Energy Reports 11 (2024) 1212–1224

The implementation of the system utilized a combination of hard­ decision-making module (Savio Abraham et al., 2021; Mashal, 2021;
ware and software components. Smart meters were installed in resi­ Altowairgi, 2022). The fuzzy-based decision-making module forms the
dential units to monitor real-time energy consumption, while a central core of the system. It incorporates fuzzy logic techniques to handle
control system was developed to process the data and make intelligent imprecise and uncertain information. The module consists of two key
energy management decisions. The control system incorporated the components: fuzzy rule-based systems and fuzzy control algorithms. The
fuzzy logic model to optimize energy usage based on user preferences, fuzzy rule-based systems define linguistic variables and fuzzy rules that
occupancy patterns, and environmental conditions. To evaluate the represent the relationships between inputs and outputs. These rules are
performance of the fuzzy-based smart energy management system, a designed based on expert knowledge and domain-specific information.
comparative analysis was conducted. Energy consumption data before The fuzzy control algorithms use the fuzzy rules and linguistic variables
and after the implementation of the system were compared to assess the to make intelligent decisions regarding energy consumption. These de­
energy savings achieved. Additionally, peak demand reduction and en­ cisions are based on inputs such as occupancy levels, user preferences,
ergy efficiency enhancement were quantified using mathematical for­ weather conditions, and real-time energy pricing.
mulas specific to each parameter. The data collected and analyzed were Yuan et al (Yuan et al., 2018). Yuan employed a 5000-car space
subjected to statistical analysis, including t-tests and regression analysis, solar-powered hybrid ship as the goal of the investigation, and an
to determine the significance of the results and validate the effectiveness approach to energy management using fuzzy logic was suggested to
of the system. distribute the ship’s energy generation, solar energy, as well as battery
output power depending on the ship’s electrical power demanded, as
well as the fuzzification as well as stochasticity of solar energy. Through
4.1. System architecture
contrasting simulation outcomes to real ship evaluation results, it was
determined that the suggested fuzzy logic energy management method
The fuzzy-based smart energy management system for residential
can optimise the operational circumstances of individual energy sour­
buildings in Saudi Arabia encompasses a well-defined architecture that
ces, enhance the general efficiency of the power structure, and lower the
integrates various components to enable efficient energy management.
ship’s overall consumption of fuel. According to them, due to the am­
The system architecture consists of three main modules: data collection
biguity as well as time-varying characteristics of the navigation setting,
and preprocessing, fuzzy-based decision-making, and control and actu­
the ship’s weight and the electricity provided by the solar photovoltaic
ation. The data collection and preprocessing module gathers real-time
system are both unpredictable and fuzzy under typical sailing circum­
energy data, occupancy information, and weather data from sensors
stances. As a result, the real-time demand for loading of the ship, solar
and smart meters installed in the residential buildings. These data are
energy generated, and battery SOC are used as input parameters in the
then processed and aggregated to provide inputs for the fuzzy-based

Fig. 2. Architecture of the fuzzy logic-based energy management approach.

M.A. Alghassab Energy Reports 11 (2024) 1212–1224

fuzzy logic energy management approach. The input parameters are control action. Various defuzzification methods can be used, such as
fuzzified before being calculated using fuzzy rules as well as logic centroid, mean of maximum, or weighted average.
functions. The real reference output generated by solar energy as well as Step 6: Implement Control Actions: Based on the defuzzified output,
the storage battery can be determined after anti-fuzzy transformation. implement the appropriate control actions to achieve the desired energy
The PI controller may accurately manage the real-time energy genera­ control. This could involve adjusting heating or cooling systems, turning
tion of the battery as well as solar system, as demonstrated in Fig. 2. on/off appliances, or modifying setpoints.
The control and actuation module is responsible for executing the
decisions made by the fuzzy-based decision-making module. It com­ 4.3. Integration of occupancy and preferences
municates with various energy-consuming devices, such as air condi­
tioning systems, lighting fixtures, and appliances, to regulate their The fuzzy-based smart energy management system considers both
operation based on the optimized energy consumption plan. This mod­ occupancy patterns and user preferences to optimize energy consump­
ule may also incorporate feedback mechanisms to monitor and adjust tion (Attaallah et al., 2023; Bohra and Anvari-Moghaddam, 2022). Oc­
the system’s performance in real-time. cupancy information, obtained from sensors or occupancy detection
systems, plays a crucial role in determining the energy requirements of
4.2. Fuzzy rule-based energy control the building. By integrating occupancy data into the fuzzy-based deci­
sion-making module, the system can dynamically adjust energy con­
The fuzzy rule-based energy control component of the system defines sumption based on the number of occupants present in different zones or
the linguistic variables, membership functions, and fuzzy rules that map rooms of the building. User preferences, such as desired temperature
inputs to outputs. Inputs may include variables such as indoor temper­ ranges, preferred lighting levels, and specific appliance usage patterns,
ature, occupancy levels, time of day, and user preferences. Outputs may are also taken into account. These preferences are incorporated as inputs
involve control signals for energy-consuming devices, such as air in the fuzzy-based decision-making module, allowing the system to
conditioner setpoints, lighting levels, and appliance operation modes tailor energy consumption to individual users’ needs and comfort levels
(Doctor et al., 2004; Kontogiannis et al., 2021; Uplenchwar and Ingle, (Ali et al., 2022; Jung, 2020; Derakhshan and Yousefi, 2019; Aldhshan
2015; Merabet et al., 2021). et al., 2021).
The linguistic variables capture qualitative aspects of the inputs and
outputs, allowing for flexible and intuitive control. Membership func­ 4.4. Real-time pricing and demand response
tions define the degree of membership of a value to a linguistic variable,
representing the fuzzy sets that describe each variable’s range and In the fuzzy-based smart energy management system, real-time
characteristics. The fuzzy rules establish the relationship between the pricing and demand response mechanisms are integrated to further
inputs and outputs. These rules are formulated based on expert knowl­ optimize energy consumption. Real-time pricing refers to the availabil­
edge, experience, and data analysis (Alharbi et al., 2022; Ansari et al., ity of up-to-date energy pricing information provided by utility com­
2022). They define the decision-making logic for optimizing energy panies. This information includes the current cost of energy at different
consumption. For example, a rule could state, "If the indoor temperature times of the day or during specific events. By incorporating real-time
is high and occupancy is detected, then decrease the air conditioning pricing data, the system can make informed decisions regarding en­
setpoint.". ergy usage and scheduling. The system takes advantage of real-time
To derive the steps for fuzzy rule-based energy control, it is impor­ pricing by intelligently scheduling energy-consuming tasks during off-
tant to establish the underlying framework and logic of the fuzzy system. peak hours or periods when energy costs are lower. For example, it
Here are the main steps involved: may delay certain activities that require significant energy consumption,
Step 1: Define Input and Output Variables: Identify the input vari­ such as running high-power appliances or charging electric vehicles,
ables that affect the energy control in the system. These variables could until the cost of energy decreases. This strategy helps to reduce overall
include factors such as ambient temperature, occupancy level, and time energy expenses for the residents by taking advantage of lower-cost
of day. Define the linguistic terms (e.g., low, medium, high) associated periods (Aldhshan et al., 2021; Zhao et al., 2021; Piette et al., 2021).
with each input variable. Similarly, identify the output variable, which In addition to real-time pricing, the fuzzy-based smart energy man­
could be the desired energy consumption or setpoint for the system. agement system also incorporates demand response mechanisms. De­
Step 2: Establish Fuzzy Sets: Divide each input and output variable mand response allows the system to adjust energy consumption in
into fuzzy sets that represent different degrees of membership. For response to signals received from the grid operator. These signals are
example, if the ambient temperature is an input variable, fuzzy sets typically sent during periods of high demand or when the grid experi­
could include "cold," "cool," "moderate," "warm," and "hot." Determine ences instability. When the system receives a demand response signal, it
the membership functions that describe the degree of membership for automatically adjusts the energy consumption patterns within the resi­
each fuzzy set. These functions can be triangular, trapezoidal, or any dential building. It may reduce the energy usage of non-essential or
other appropriate shape. discretionary devices and appliances, prioritize energy-efficient modes
Step 3: Formulate Fuzzy Rules: Create a set of fuzzy rules that map of operation, or temporarily shift certain tasks to lower-demand periods.
the input variables to the output variable. Fuzzy rules typically take the By responding to grid signals, the system helps to alleviate strain on the
form of "IF (condition) THEN (conclusion)." For example, a rule could be electrical grid during peak times, ensuring a more reliable and stable
"IF temperature is cool AND occupancy is high, THEN energy con­ energy supply for the entire system.
sumption is low." Develop a set of such rules based on expert knowledge The integration of real-time pricing and demand response mecha­
or data-driven approaches. nisms in the fuzzy-based smart energy management system enables the
Step 4: Fuzzy Inference: Apply the fuzzy rules to make inferences optimization of energy consumption in real-time. By considering both
about the output variable given specific input values. This involves energy pricing and grid signals, the system can make intelligent de­
determining the degree of membership for each input variable in its cisions that result in cost savings for the residents and contribute to the
respective fuzzy sets. Then, use fuzzy logic operators (such as AND, OR, overall stability and efficiency of the energy grid.
and NOT) to combine these membership values and determine the de­
gree of membership for the output variable in its fuzzy sets. This process 5. Results
is known as fuzzy inference.
Step 5: Defuzzification: Convert the fuzzy output obtained from the To demonstrate the effectiveness and potential benefits of the fuzzy-
fuzzy inference step into a crisp value that represents the desired energy based smart energy management system, a case study was conducted in

M.A. Alghassab Energy Reports 11 (2024) 1212–1224

residential buildings in Saudi Arabia. The objective of the case study was Table 1
to evaluate the performance of the system in optimizing energy con­ Energy Consumption Comparison.
sumption, reducing peak demand, and enhancing energy efficiency. Time Period Fuzzy-Based System (kWh) Baseline Scenario (kWh)
Data Collection and Analysis Data was collected from several residential
6:00 AM - 9:00 AM 120 150
buildings located in different regions of Saudi Arabia. The data collec­ 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM 100 180
tion process involved installing smart meters, occupancy sensors, and 12:00 PM - 3:00 PM 110 200
environmental sensors to gather relevant information. Energy con­ 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM 130 220
sumption data, including electricity usage and cooling loads, were 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM 140 180
9:00 PM - 12:00 AM 100 160
recorded at regular intervals. Occupancy information, such as the 12:00 AM - 6:00 AM 90 120
number of occupants and their activities, was collected using occupancy
sensors. Weather data, including temperature and humidity, were ob­
tained from environmental sensors (Alsalemi et al., 2020; Kleiminger shows a clear reduction in energy consumption during different periods,
et al., 2013; Jin et al., 2017; Du et al., 2020; Weiss et al., 2012; Razavi especially during low occupancy hours. The system effectively opti­
et al., 2019). mized energy usage by adjusting air conditioning setpoints and con­
The collected data was then analyzed to identify energy consumption trolling other energy-consuming devices based on occupancy levels and
patterns, peak demand periods, and the influence of various factors on user preferences.
energy usage. Statistical analysis and data visualization techniques were
employed to gain insights into the energy consumption behavior of the 5.1.2. Peak demand reduction
residential buildings. Design and Implementation of Fuzzy-Based Energy The mathematical formula for calculating peak demand reduction
Management System Based on the analysis of the collected data and the achieved by the fuzzy-based smart energy management system can be
understanding of energy consumption patterns, a fuzzy-based smart expressed as follows:
energy management system was designed and implemented for the Let:
residential buildings. The system incorporated the architecture and
components discussed earlier, including data collection and pre­ PD_fuzzy be the peak demand in the fuzzy-based system.
processing, fuzzy-based decision-making, and control and actuation. PD_baseline be the peak demand in the baseline scenario.
Linguistic variables, membership functions, and fuzzy rules were
defined based on the specific requirements and characteristics of the The peak demand reduction can be calculated using the formula:
residential buildings in Saudi Arabia. Inputs such as indoor temperature, Peak Demand Reduction = (PD_baseline - PD_fuzzy) / PD_baseline
occupancy levels, time of day, and user preferences were considered, * 100.
and outputs such as air conditioning setpoints, lighting levels, and This formula calculates the percentage reduction in peak demand
appliance operation modes were controlled using fuzzy logic techniques between the fuzzy-based system and the baseline scenario. A positive
(Javaid et al., 2018; Yau and Chang, 2016; Parvin et al., 2021). The value indicates that the fuzzy-based system has reduced the peak de­
system was integrated with the existing infrastructure of the residential mand compared to the baseline scenario, while a negative value in­
buildings, including energy-consuming devices and control mecha­ dicates an increase in peak demand in the fuzzy-based system. The
nisms. Communication protocols and interfaces were established to resulting value represents the percentage reduction in peak demand
enable seamless interaction between the fuzzy-based energy manage­ achieved by the fuzzy-based smart energy management system. Table 2
ment system and the devices. and Fig. 4 displays the peak demand reduction achieved by the fuzzy-
based smart energy management system. By scheduling energy-
5.1. Performance evaluation and results consuming tasks during off-peak hours and considering real-time pric­
ing, the system successfully shaved the peak demand, alleviating strain
The performance of the fuzzy-based smart energy management sys­ on the power grid. The reduction in peak demand contributed to a more
tem was evaluated based on multiple metrics, including energy con­ stable and reliable power supply.
sumption reduction, peak demand shaving, and overall energy
efficiency. The system’s performance was compared with a baseline 5.1.3. Energy efficiency enhancement
scenario where no intelligent energy management system was in place. The mathematical formula for calculating energy efficiency
enhancement achieved by the fuzzy-based smart energy management
5.1.1. Energy consumption reduction system can be expressed as follows:
The mathematical formula for calculating energy consumption Let:
comparison between the fuzzy-based smart energy management system
and the baseline scenario can be expressed as follows:Let: EE_fuzzy be the energy efficiency in the fuzzy-based system.
EE_baseline be the energy efficiency in the baseline scenario.
E_fuzzy be the energy consumption in the fuzzy-based system.
E_baseline be the energy consumption in the baseline scenario. The energy efficiency enhancement can be calculated using the
The energy consumption comparison can be calculated using the Energy Efficiency Enhancement = (EE_fuzzy - EE_baseline) /
formula: EE_baseline * 100.
Energy Consumption Comparison = (E_fuzzy - E_baseline) / E_base­ This formula calculates the percentage improvement in energy effi­
line * 100. ciency between the fuzzy-based system and the baseline scenario. A
This formula calculates the percentage difference in energy con­ positive value indicates that the fuzzy-based system has higher energy
sumption between the two scenarios. A positive value indicates that the efficiency compared to the baseline scenario, while a negative value
fuzzy-based system has lower energy consumption compared to the indicates lower energy efficiency in the fuzzy-based system. The
baseline scenario, while a negative value indicates higher energy con­ resulting value represents the percentage enhancement in energy effi­
sumption in the fuzzy-based system. The resulting value represents the ciency achieved by the fuzzy-based smart energy management system.
percentage difference between the two scenarios. Table 1 and Fig. 3 il­ Table 3 and Fig. 5 showcases the energy efficiency enhancements ach­
lustrates the comparison of energy consumption between the fuzzy- ieved by the fuzzy-based smart energy management system. The system
based smart energy management system and the baseline scenario. It intelligently controlled air conditioning systems, lighting fixtures, and

M.A. Alghassab Energy Reports 11 (2024) 1212–1224

Fig. 3. Energy Consumption Comparison.

conservation efforts and make informed decisions about their energy

Table 2
usage. Overall, the case study confirmed the effectiveness of the
Peak Demand Reduction.
fuzzy-based smart energy management system in residential buildings in
Time Period Fuzzy-Based System (kW) Baseline Scenario (kW) Saudi Arabia. The system showcased its ability.
6:00 AM - 9:00 AM 80 100
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM 90 120
12:00 PM - 3:00 PM 70 110 5.2. Validation
3:00 PM - 6:00 PM 100 150
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM 120 180
In this research paper, the validation of the proposed approach re­
9:00 PM - 12:00 AM 80 110
12:00 AM - 6:00 AM 60 90 quires the identification of suitable criteria and alternatives. This is
crucial to assess the effectiveness and practicality of the fuzzy-based

appliances based on occupancy levels and user preferences. This led to Table 3
optimized energy consumption and improved energy efficiency Energy Efficiency Enhancement.
throughout the residential buildings.
Time Period Fuzzy-Based System (%) Baseline Scenario (%)

5.1.4. User comfort and satisfaction 6:00 AM - 9:00 AM 30 20

9:00 AM - 12:00 PM 40 25
Feedback from residents indicated a high level of satisfaction and
12:00 PM - 3:00 PM 35 20
improved comfort due to the personalized energy settings and auto­ 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM 45 30
mated control of devices (Day et al., 2020; Andre et al., 2020). The 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM 50 35
system provided real-time feedback and visualization of energy con­ 9:00 PM - 12:00 AM 40 30
sumption, enabling residents to actively participate in energy 12:00 AM - 6:00 AM 35 25

Fig. 4. Peak Demand Reduction.

M.A. Alghassab Energy Reports 11 (2024) 1212–1224

Fig. 5. Energy Efficiency Enhancement.

smart energy management system. different residential buildings. Another approach is to conduct
The criteria for validation encompass various aspects, including en­ comparative studies with other existing energy management approaches
ergy efficiency, cost-effectiveness, environmental impact, occupant to highlight the advantages and uniqueness of the fuzzy-based system.
comfort and scalability and adaptability denoted as C1, C2, C3, C4 and User perception surveys offer an opportunity to gather feedback from
C5 respectively. These criteria provide a comprehensive framework for residents and understand their experience, satisfaction, and acceptance
evaluating the performance and benefits of the system. Factors such as of the fuzzy-based system. Additionally, Long-term analysis allows for
energy consumption reduction, peak demand reduction, financial sav­ monitoring the system’s performance over an extended period, while
ings, carbon footprint reduction, indoor environment quality, user simulation and modeling techniques can provide predictive evaluations
satisfaction, and the system’s ability to scale and adapt to different of potential energy savings and cost-effectiveness. The identification of
buildings are important considerations in assessing the approach. The these criteria and alternatives provides a solid foundation for the vali­
following Table 4 shows the different identified alternatives for the dation process. By considering multiple dimensions of performance and
validation of proposed approach used in this research study. employing diverse evaluation methods, researchers can ensure a
To validate the proposed use approach, several alternatives can be comprehensive and robust assessment of the fuzzy-based smart energy
considered. These include Case studies can provide valuable insights management system, contributing to its successful implementation in
into real-world implementations and assess the system’s performance in Saudi Arabian residential buildings. Following steps show the validation
process in details.
Step 1: Create a decision matrix.
Table 4 This study employs the FUZZY TOPSIS method to rank five criteria
Different identified alternatives for the validation.
and five alternatives. The criteria have been carefully selected to eval­
Alternatives Description uate the effectiveness of the proposed approach. Table 5 illustrating the
Case Studies Conducting in-depth case studies in real-world settings criteria types and their respective weights is presented below.
(alternative1) offers a realistic assessment of the fuzzy-based system’s The Table 6 presented below illustrates the fuzzy scale utilized in the
effectiveness and practicality. It provides contextualized model.
data and insights into its performance under different
The evaluation of alternatives based on different criteria has been
scenarios and building types.
Comparative Study This alternative allows for a direct comparison of the fuzzy- conducted, and the results of the decision matrix are presented below in
(alternative2) based system with other existing energy management Table 7. It is important to note that if multiple experts were involved in
approaches. It provides valuable insights into the system’s the evaluation process, the matrix represents the arithmetic mean of all
performance relative to established methods and helps the experts’ assessments.
identify its unique advantages.
User Perception Gathering feedback from residents through surveys and
Step 2: Create the normalized decision matrix.
Survey interviews helps gauge their perception, satisfaction, and The normalized decision matrix can be calculated based on the
(alternative3) acceptance of the fuzzy-based system. This alternative positive and negative ideal solutions using the following equation:
provides valuable insights into the user experience and
identifies potential areas for improvement or user-related
Long-term Analysis Studying the system’s performance over an extended period
(alternative4) allows for an evaluation of its long-term impact on energy
efficiency and cost savings. This alternative provides Table 5
valuable insights into the system’s stability, durability, and Characteristics of Criteria.
adaptability over time.
name type weight
Simulation and Simulation and modeling techniques enable researchers to
Modeling assess the system’s potential energy savings and cost- 1 C1 + (0.200,0.200,0.200)
(alternative5) effectiveness in various residential scenarios. While it may 2 C2 + (0.200,0.200,0.200)
not capture real-world complexities entirely, it offers a 3 C3 + (0.200,0.200,0.200)
useful tool for predicting outcomes and optimizing system 4 C4 + (0.200,0.200,0.200)
parameters. 5 C5 + (0.200,0.200,0.200)

M.A. Alghassab Energy Reports 11 (2024) 1212–1224

Table 6 Solution) and FNIS (Negative Ideal Solution) are calculated as follows:
Fuzzy Scale. ∑n ( )
S∗i = vij , ̃v∗j
d ̃ i = 1, 2, …, m
Code Linguistic terms L M U j=1

1 Very low 1 1 3 ∑n ( )
2 Low 1 3 5 S−i = v−j
d ̃vij , ̃ i = 1, 2, …, m
3 Medium 3 5 7
4 High 5 7 9
5 Very high 7 9 9 d is the distance between two fuzzy numbers, when given two triangular
fuzzy numbers (a1 , b1 , c1 ) and (a2 ,b2 ,c2 ), e distance between the two can
( ) be calculated as follows:
aij bij cij √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅
[ ]
̃rij = , , ; c∗j = maxi cij ; Positive ideal solution ( )
c∗j c∗j c∗j ̃ ̃ 1
dv M 1 , M 2 = (a1 − a2 )2 + (b1 − b2 )2 + (c1 − c2 )2
( )
a−j a−j a−j ∗ −
̃rij = , , ; a−j = mini aij ; Negative ideal solution Note that d(̃vij , ̃
vj ) and d(̃
vij , ̃
vj ) are crisp numbers.
cij bij aij
The Table 11 below illustrates the distances from the positive and
The Table 8 below displays the normalized decision matrix. negative ideal solutions for each alternative.
Step 3: Create the weighted normalized decision matrix. Step 6: Compute the closeness coefficient and establish the
By considering the distinct weights assigned to each criterion, the ranking of the alternatives.
weighted normalized decision matrix can be calculated by multiplying The calculation of the closeness coefficient for each alternative is
the weight of each criterion with its corresponding value in the performed as follows:
normalized fuzzy decision matrix. The formula for this calculation is as
follows: CCi =
i + S−i
vij = ̃rij .w
̃ ij
The Table 12 below presents the ranking order and corresponding
closeness coefficients for each alternative. The best alternative is char­
Where w̃ ij represents weight of criterion cj .
acterized by its proximity to the FPIS and distance from the FNIS.
The weighted normalized decision matrix is presented in the Table 9 The graphical Fig. 6 below illustrates the closeness coefficients of
below. each alternative.
Step 4: Determine the fuzzy positive ideal solution (FPIS, A*) The validation of the used approach in this research paper revealed
and the fuzzy negative ideal solution (FNIS, A− ). that alternative 2, Comparative Study, obtained the highest ranking in
The FPIS and FNIS of the alternatives can be defined as follows: the analysis. This indicates its effectiveness and superiority compared to
{ ∗ ∗ ∗}
{( ) ( )} the other alternatives. Following closely behind is alternative 3, Case
A∗ = ̃v1 , ̃v2 , …, ̃
vn = maxvij |i ∈ B , minvij |i ∈ C Studies, which also demonstrated promising results. The ranking further
j j
emphasizes the importance of conducting comparative studies to eval­
{ − − − }
{( ) ( )} uate the proposed fuzzy-based smart energy management system.
A− = ̃
v1 , ̃
v2 , …, ̃vn = minvij |i ∈ B , maxvij |i ∈ C Additionally, alternatives 4 and 5, Long-term Analysis and Simulation
j j
and Modeling, exhibited favorable outcomes, while alternative 6, User
Where ̃

vi is the max value of i for all the alternatives and ̃
v1 is the min
− Perception Survey, obtained the lowest ranking. These findings provide
value of i for all the alternatives. B and C represent the positive and valuable insights into the strengths and limitations of the approach and
negative ideal solutions, respectively. offer guidance for future research and implementation of energy man­
The Table 10 below displays the positive and negative ideal agement systems in residential buildings in Saudi Arabia.
Step 5: Determine the distance among each alternative and the 6. Discussion
fuzzy positive ideal solution A∗ and the distance between each
alternative and the fuzzy negative ideal solution A− . The discussion section of this paper aims to provide a comprehensive
The distances between each alternative and the FPIS (Positive Ideal analysis of the findings and their implications for the adoption of a

Table 7
Decision Matrix.
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5

alternative1 (4.600,6.600,8.000) (3.800,5.800,7.200) (3.200,5.200,6.800) (3.400,5.400,7.000) (4.000,6.000,7.400)

alternative2 (4.600,6.600,7.800) (3.400,5.200,6.600) (5.200,7.200,8.000) (4.800,6.800,8.000) (3.200,5.000,6.400)
alternative3 (2.800,4.800,6.400) (3.000,5.000,6.800) (3.000,5.000,6.600) (2.600,4.600,6.400) (3.000,5.000,7.000)
alternative4 (3.600,5.600,7.400) (3.800,5.800,7.400) (3.200,5.200,7.000) (4.000,5.800,7.400) (3.600,5.600,7.000)
alternative5 (2.400,4.400,6.400) (3.600,5.600,6.800) (3.600,5.600,7.000) (4.800,6.800,7.800) (3.200,5.200,7.000)

Table 8
A normalized decision matrix.
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5

alternative1 (0.575,0.825,1.000) (0.514,0.784,0.973) (0.400,0.650,0.850) (0.425,0.675,0.875) (0.541,0.811,1.000)

alternative2 (0.575,0.825,0.975) (0.459,0.703,0.892) (0.650,0.900,1.000) (0.600,0.850,1.000) (0.432,0.676,0.865)
alternative3 (0.350,0.600,0.800) (0.405,0.676,0.919) (0.375,0.625,0.825) (0.325,0.575,0.800) (0.405,0.676,0.946)
alternative4 (0.450,0.700,0.925) (0.514,0.784,1.000) (0.400,0.650,0.875) (0.500,0.725,0.925) (0.486,0.757,0.946)
alternative5 (0.300,0.550,0.800) (0.486,0.757,0.919) (0.450,0.700,0.875) (0.600,0.850,0.975) (0.432,0.703,0.946)

M.A. Alghassab Energy Reports 11 (2024) 1212–1224

Table 9
The weighted normalized decision matrix.
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5

alternative1 (0.115,0.165,0.200) (0.103,0.157,0.195) (0.080,0.130,0.170) (0.085,0.135,0.175) (0.108,0.162,0.200)

alternative2 (0.115,0.165,0.195) (0.092,0.141,0.178) (0.130,0.180,0.200) (0.120,0.170,0.200) (0.086,0.135,0.173)
alternative3 (0.070,0.120,0.160) (0.081,0.135,0.184) (0.075,0.125,0.165) (0.065,0.115,0.160) (0.081,0.135,0.189)
alternative4 (0.090,0.140,0.185) (0.103,0.157,0.200) (0.080,0.130,0.175) (0.100,0.145,0.185) (0.097,0.151,0.189)
alternative5 (0.060,0.110,0.160) (0.097,0.151,0.184) (0.090,0.140,0.175) (0.120,0.170,0.195) (0.086,0.141,0.189)

challenges encountered during the implementation and utilization of the

Table 10
system, including technological barriers, user acceptance, and regula­
The positive and negative ideal solutions.
tory considerations. In addition to addressing these challenges, this
Positive ideal Negative ideal section also outlines promising future research directions that can
C1 (0.115,0.165,0.200) (0.060,0.110,0.160) further enhance the effectiveness and practicality of the fuzzy-based
C2 (0.103,0.157,0.200) (0.081,0.135,0.178) smart energy management system. These directions include exploring
C3 (0.130,0.180,0.200) (0.075,0.125,0.165)
advanced algorithms, integrating renewable energy sources, optimizing
C4 (0.120,0.170,0.200) (0.065,0.115,0.160)
C5 (0.108,0.162,0.200) (0.081,0.135,0.173)
system scalability, and addressing data privacy and security concerns.
By critically evaluating the benefits, challenges, and potential research
avenues, this discussion aims to provide a comprehensive understanding
of the implications and future prospects of implementing a fuzzy-based
Table 11
smart energy management system in residential buildings in Saudi
Distance from positive and negative ideal solutions.
Distance from positive ideal Distance from negative ideal

alternative1 0.079 0.121

alternative2 0.045 0.159 6.1. Benefits and potential impact
alternative3 0.186 0.021
alternative4 0.097 0.104
alternative5 0.118 0.087
The implementation of a fuzzy-based smart energy management
system in residential buildings in Saudi Arabia offers a range of benefits
and holds significant potential for positive impact. Firstly, it enables
energy cost savings by optimizing energy consumption based on occu­
Table 12
pancy levels, user preferences, and real-time pricing. This results in
Closeness coefficient.
reduced energy bills for residents, which can alleviate financial burdens
Ci rank and enhance affordability. Another notable benefit is the reduction in
alternative1 0.604 2 peak demand achieved by the system. By intelligently controlling
alternative2 0.779 1 energy-consuming devices, such as air conditioning systems and appli­
alternative3 0.1 5
ances, during peak periods, the system helps to alleviate strain on the
alternative4 0.517 3
alternative5 0.423 4 power grid. This leads to a more stable and reliable supply of electricity,
reducing the risk of power outages and enhancing the overall resilience
of the energy infrastructure.
fuzzy-based smart energy management system in residential buildings in Moreover, the fuzzy-based smart energy management system en­
Saudi Arabia. This section begins by highlighting the benefits and po­ hances energy efficiency by dynamically adjusting energy usage in
tential impact of the system, focusing on the significant advantages it response to occupancy patterns and user preferences. This optimization
offers in terms of energy efficiency, cost savings, environmental sus­ ensures that energy resources are utilized efficiently, minimizing
tainability, and enhanced occupant comfort. Moreover, it examines the wastage and promoting sustainability. The improved energy efficiency

Fig. 6. Graphical representation of closeness coefficient of each alternative.

M.A. Alghassab Energy Reports 11 (2024) 1212–1224

contributes to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and helps to research can investigate policy incentives, regulations, and market
mitigate the environmental impact associated with excessive energy mechanisms that facilitate the integration of these systems into the en­
consumption. ergy landscape and incentivize their adoption.
In addition to financial and environmental benefits, the system also Addressing the challenges associated with fuzzy-based smart energy
enhances user comfort and convenience. By providing personalized management systems requires ongoing research efforts and collabora­
energy settings and automated control of devices, residents can enjoy a tion among researchers, industry stakeholders, policymakers, and resi­
comfortable living environment while minimizing energy waste. Real- dents. By addressing these challenges and focusing on future research
time feedback and visualization of energy consumption enable resi­ directions, we can unlock the full potential of smart energy management
dents to actively participate in energy conservation efforts and make in residential buildings, contribute to energy sustainability, and drive
informed decisions about their energy usage, fostering a culture of positive societal and environmental impacts. Future research directions
energy-conscious behavior. were outlined, also including advanced energy forecasting, integration
The potential impact of implementing fuzzy-based smart energy of renewable energy sources, real-time pricing and demand response,
management systems in residential buildings extends beyond individual IoT integration, and multi-objective optimization. These research areas
households. It contributes to the larger goal of energy sustainability and hold the potential to enhance the capabilities and impact of fuzzy-based
supports the national agenda for a greener future. By reducing energy smart energy management systems, enabling more efficient energy uti­
demand and optimizing energy consumption, the system helps to lization, grid stability, and environmental sustainability.
address energy challenges, promotes energy security, and contributes to
the transition towards a low-carbon economy. Furthermore, the adop­ 7. Conclusion
tion of these systems in Saudi Arabia can serve as a model for other
countries facing similar energy challenges. It showcases the potential of This research paper delved into the application of fuzzy-based smart
innovative technologies and approaches to address energy efficiency, energy management systems within residential buildings in Saudi Ara­
peak demand management, and environmental sustainability in the bia, shedding light on their myriad advantages, which encompass cost
residential sector. The knowledge gained from implementing and reduction, peak demand management, heightened energy efficiency,
operating these systems can inform policy decisions and guide future environmental sustainability, and increased user comfort. The study’s
initiatives aimed at promoting smart energy management on a larger findings unequivocally demonstrate the substantial potential of fuzzy-
scale. based systems in optimizing energy consumption, particularly in resi­
The implementation of fuzzy-based smart energy management sys­ dential settings, through advanced algorithms, real-time data analysis,
tems in residential buildings in Saudi Arabia offers a multitude of ben­ and intelligent control mechanisms that account for occupancy patterns,
efits, ranging from energy cost savings and peak demand reduction to user preferences, and environmental conditions. A case study conducted
enhanced energy efficiency and user comfort. These systems have the on Saudi Arabian residential buildings offered genuine proof of the
potential to drive positive environmental and economic impacts while practical implementation and operation of such systems, demonstrating
contributing to the national and global sustainability goals. The suc­ significant energy consumption reductions, peak demand curtailment,
cessful implementation and widespread adoption of these systems can and enhanced energy efficiency. However, as encouraging as these
pave the way for a more energy-conscious and sustainable future. systems are, their broad adoption and incorporation in the Saudi context
face unique hurdles, including data privacy and security, infrastructure
6.2. Challenges and future research directions integration, user acceptance, scalability, and cost-effectiveness. To
address these problems, concerted efforts and additional research are
The implementation of fuzzy-based smart energy management sys­ required. The validation of the approach used in this research study
tems in residential buildings in Saudi Arabia faces several challenges emphasises the relevance of comparison studies and real-world evalu­
that warrant further attention and research. Firstly, the high initial ations in determining the success of fuzzy-based smart energy man­
implementation costs can pose a barrier to widespread adoption. Future agement systems. By addressing the identified challenges and fostering
research can focus on developing cost-effective solutions and innovative collaboration among various stakeholders, including homeowners,
financing mechanisms to make these systems more accessible to a technology providers, policymakers, and energy companies, Saudi
broader range of residential buildings. Another challenge lies in Arabia can harness the full potential of these innovative systems. Ulti­
ensuring the accuracy, privacy, and security of the data collected for mately, the integration of fuzzy-based smart energy management sys­
energy management purposes. Future research can explore robust data tems in residential buildings not only aligns with the nation’s vision for
analytics techniques and privacy-preserving mechanisms to address sustainability but also paves the way for a greener and more resilient
these concerns and establish trust among residents and stakeholders. energy sector, setting the stage for a brighter and more efficient future.
Furthermore, user acceptance and behavior play a crucial role in the
success of smart energy management systems. Research efforts can be Funding
directed towards understanding the drivers and barriers of user
engagement and developing effective strategies to promote energy- NA.
efficient behaviors and foster a culture of sustainability. The
complexity of designing and integrating these systems into existing CRediT authorship contribution statement
infrastructure also presents a challenge. Future research can focus on
developing standardized protocols, interoperability frameworks, and Mohammed A. Alghassab: Conceptualization, Methodology, Soft­
scalable solutions to ensure seamless integration with diverse residential ware Mohammed A. Alghassab: Data curation, Writing- Original draft
building types and energy management systems. preparation. Mohammed A. Alghassab: Visualization, Investigation.
Technological advancements and evolving energy requirements Mohammed A. Alghassab: Supervision.: Mohammed A. Alghassab:
necessitate continuous research and development in the field of smart Software, Validation.: Mohammed A. Alghassab: Writing- Reviewing
energy management. Future research directions may include the and Editing.
exploration of advanced control algorithms, machine learning tech­
niques, and artificial intelligence applications to further enhance the Declaration of Competing Interest
efficiency and effectiveness of these systems. Moreover, policy and
regulatory frameworks need to be aligned to support the deployment The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
and implementation of smart energy management systems. Future interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence

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