Behavioual Finance
Behavioual Finance
Behavioual Finance
Submitted By:
Sunpreet Singh
Executive MBA
4th Semester, Section B
“Model or solution for excessive risk taking or excessive volatility in the
Volatility in financial markets refers to the degree of variation in the prices of assets
or securities over time. High volatility means that prices are experiencing large
fluctuations, while low volatility indicates relatively stable prices. Volatility can be
caused by various factors, including economic conditions, geopolitical events,
changes in investor sentiment, and market speculation. Excessive volatility can
make it challenging for investors to predict price movements accurately and can
increase the risk of investment losses.
8. Market Design: Revising market structures and trading mechanisms can help
mitigate excessive volatility. For example, introducing circuit breakers, trading halts,
and limit-up/limit-down mechanisms can prevent rapid price movements during
turbulent market conditions.
9. Education and Investor Awareness: Promoting financial literacy and investor
education can help individuals make informed investment decisions and avoid
speculative behaviour that contributes to excessive risk-taking.