Animal Circulatory System
Animal Circulatory System
Animal Circulatory System
(a) Single circulation: fish (b) Double circulation: amphibian (c) Double circulation: mammal
Systemic Systemic
capillaries capillaries
capillaries Systemic circuit Systemic circuit
Key Oxygen-rich blood (Note that circulatory systems are shown as if the body were facing you: The right side
Oxygen-poor blood of the heart is shown on the left, and vice versa.)
Double circulation provides a vigorous flow of blood to the t In the three-chambered heart of turtles, snakes, and lizards,
brain, muscles, and other organs because the heart repressur- an incomplete septum partially divides the single ventricle
izes the blood destined for these tissues after it passes through into right and left chambers. Two major arteries, called aor-
the capillary beds of the lungs or skin. Indeed, blood pressure tas, lead to the systemic circulation. As with amphibians, the
is often much higher in the systemic circuit than in the gas circulatory system enables control of the relative amount of
exchange circuit. By contrast, in single circulation the blood blood flowing to the lungs and the rest of the body.
flows under reduced pressure directly from the gas exchange t In alligators, caimans, and other crocodilians, the ventricles
organs to other organs. are divided by a complete septum, but the pulmonary and
systemic circuits connect where the arteries exit the heart.
Evolutionary Variation in Double Circulation This connection allows arterial valves to shunt blood flow
EVOLUTION Some vertebrates with double circulation are in- away from the lungs temporarily, such as when the animal
termittent breathers. For example, amphibians and many rep- is underwater.
tiles fill their lungs with air periodically, passing long periods
Double circulation in birds and mammals, which for the
either without gas exchange or by relying on another gas ex-
most part breathe continuously, differs from double circula-
change tissue, typically the skin. A variety of adaptations found
tion in other vertebrates. As shown for a panda in Figure 34.4c,
among intermittent breathers enable their circulatory systems
the heart has two atria and two completely divided ventricles.
to temporarily bypass the lungs in part or in whole:
The left side of the heart receives and pumps only oxygen-rich
t Frogs and other amphibians have a heart with three blood, while the right side receives and pumps only oxygen-
chambers—two atria and one ventricle (see Figure 34.4b). poor blood. Unlike amphibians and many reptiles, birds and
A ridge within the ventricle diverts most (about 90%) of the mammals cannot vary blood flow to the lungs without varying
oxygen-rich blood from the left atrium into the systemic cir- blood flow throughout the body in parallel.
cuit and most of the oxygen-poor blood from the right atrium How has natural selection shaped the double circulation of
into the pulmocutaneous circuit. When a frog is underwater, birds and mammals? As endotherms, they use about ten times
the incomplete division of the ventricle allows the frog to adjust as much energy as equal-sized ectotherms (see Concept 33.5).
its circulation, largely shutting off blood flow to its temporarily Their circulatory systems therefore need to deliver about ten
ineffective lungs. Blood flow continues to the skin, which acts times as much fuel and O2 to their tissues and remove ten
as the sole site of gas exchange while the frog is submerged. times as much CO2 and other wastes. This large traffic of
Atrioventricular Atrioventricular
(AV) valve (AV) valve
0.1 sec
Right Left
ventricle ventricle
0.3 sec
▲ Figure 34.6 The mammalian heart: a closer look. Notice 0.4 sec
the locations of the valves, which prevent backflow of blood within the
heart. Also notice how the atria and left and right ventricles differ in
the thickness of their muscular walls.