F 14d Manual
F 14d Manual
F 14d Manual
DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT C Distribution authorized to U.S. Govern- COORDINATION
mentAgencies and their contractors to protect publications required
for official use or for administrative or operational purposes only
(1 January 1991). Other requests for this document shall be referred to
Commanding Officer, Naval Air Technical Data and Engineering Service 10
Command, Naval Aviation Depot North Island, Bldg. 90, Distribution, P.O.
Box 357031, San Diego, CA 92135−7031.
16 JANUARY 2004
NAVAIR 01-F14AAD-1, Change 2, dated 15 January 2004, has a print error on page 65
(incorrect configuration). Remove and discard previously provided page 65/66 and
replace with attached pages.
The following Interim Changes have been canceled or previously incorporated in this manual:
1 through 26 Previously incorporated
27 Modifies the L and/or R Fuel Press Light(s) and Warning Tone Emergency Procedure,
and Adds Fuel Imbalance / Fuel Quantity Balancing Emergency Procedure.
14−17 CHANGE 2
ORIGINAL2 w/ IC 29 14−18
14−19 CHANGE 2
ORIGINAL2 w/ IC 28 14−20
If fuel venting exists and/or fuel imbalance exceeds L or R GEN Light
1. Generator (affected generator switch) OFF/
If the generator fault is corrected, the generator will
Venting fuel in conjunction with an uncontrol- be reconnected and the caution light will go off.
lable fuel split is indicative of a motive flow fail-
ure and can result in the high feed group having If generator does not reset:
trapped/unusable fuel. If this occurs, aircrew
may have as little as 4,500 pounds of usable fuel 2. Generator (affected generator switch) TEST.
remaining and a new bingo profile may be
required. If the light goes off with the switch in TEST, the
fault is in the respective electrical distribution sys-
5. Determine useable fuel and land as soon as possible. tem. If light remains illuminated, the generator has
been disconnected automatically and the fault is in
If indications of a fuel leak exist: IDG or generator control unit.
6. Refer to FUEL LEAK PROCEDURE (page 14−19). L or R GEN and TRANS/RECT Lights
14.7 ELECTRICAL FAILURE 1. Generator (affected generator switch) OFF/
14.7.1 Generator Failure
2. If L GEN and TRANS/RECT lights remain illumi-
A mechanical generator failure or an overheating nated, select EMERG GEN on MASTER TEST panel.
automatically causes the CSD unit of the generator transmis-
sion to decouple from the engine. Once disengaged, the CSD Note
cannot be reconnected in flight.
With R GEN and TRANS/RECT lights illumi-
Either generator by itself is capable of supplying the nated, ac essential power is supplied by the L
electrical requirements of the aircraft. Even double generator GEN. Selecting EMER GEN on the MASTER
failure will not cause total loss of electrical power; the 5−kVA TEST panel (with R GEN and TRANS/RECT
emergency generator will automatically pick up the load for lights) will not provide any additional power but
the essential ac and dc buses No. 1 and No. 2, and the DFCS may cause an interrupt as the supply is trans-
bus. ferredfrom the L GEN to the EMER GEN.
If the bidirectional pump is operating and pressure 3. Land as soon as practicable.
dropsto between 2,000 and 1,100 psi (dependent upon the
load placed on the generator), the emergency generator will 14.7.2 Double Generator Failure
automatically shift to the 1−kVA mode and power only the
essential ac and dc No. 1 buses. If combined system hydraulic 1. Both generator switches Cycle.
pressure subsequently recovers, the emergency generator
switch must be cycled through OFF/RESET to NORM to If operating on emergency generator, the following
regain the essential No. 2 ac and dc buses. Figure 14−5 lists important systems are inoperative:
theequipment available with only the emergency generator
operating. 1. Emergency flight hydraulics.
With both engines inoperative, windmilling engine(s) 2. Outboard spoiler module and emergency flap
provide(s) hydraulic pressure for both the flight controls and activation.
the emergency generator. However, the flight controls have
first priority and may cause the emergency generator to loiter 3. OBOGS concentrator heater (OBOGS may still
when low airspeeds reduce engine windmilling rpm. Approx- function at a reduced but adequate level).
imately 450 knots must be maintained to ensure adequate
engine windmilling rpm for hydraulic pressure.
2 w/ IC 28
If temporary loss of combined system pressure causes MASTER RESET will be required to regain
emergency generator to shift to 1 kVA mode (to drop No. 2 SAS,spoiler, authority stop, and ARI functions.
essential bus):
2. EMERG generator switch Cycle.
DFCS synchronization can take up to 2 seconds
following a power interrupt. If the MASTER
RESET pushbutton is depressed during the syn-
chronization time, an additional depression of
theMASTER RESET pushbutton will be
required to restore spoiler functionality.
A shift to 1 kVA mode will cause loss of all DFCS
functions and spoilers without illumination of 4. Land as soon as practicable.
caution lights. If the 5 kVA mode is regained, a
ORIGINAL2 w/ IC 28 14−20b
Information relating to the following recent technical directives has been incorporated in this manual.
AFC 874 Modification of Color Cockpit Television 15 April 2002 Effectivity: All F−14D and
System (CCTVS) Wiring (LECP 1291N5−001) F−14D(R)s
AVC 4412 Incorporation of Low Fuel Pressure Aural 15 April 2002 None
Tone Alarm (ECP 222)
Information relating to the following applicable technical directives will be incorporated in a future change.
4.7 TAKEOFF AND LANDING FLAP AND SLAT AND TRANSITION LIMITS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4−13
4.7.1 Clean and Symmetric Stores Loading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4−13
4.7.2 External Stores Loading With Up to 66,000 Inch−Pounds (5,500 Foot−Pounds) Asymmetry
(AIM−7 on Stations 1B or 8B equals 63,000 inch−pounds) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4−18
4.7.3 External Stores Loading With Greater Than 66,000 Inch−Pounds (5,500 Foot−Pounds) Asymmetry 4−18
Figure 40−1. Tactical Imaging Set Controls and Indicators (Sheet 1 of 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40−2
Figure 40−2. Settings Menus Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40−5
B CAT Catapult.
CMPTR Computer.
CNI Communication−navigation−identification.
CAP Combat air patrol; computer address panel. CPS Controller processor signal unit; cycles per second.
D/A Digital-to-analog. EAC Expected approach clearance time.
dB Decibel. EAS Equivalent airspeed.
dc Direct current. ECA Expanded chaff adapter.
DD Digital display. ECCM Electronic counter-countermeasures.
DDP Digital data processor. ECM Electronic countermeasures.
DDPG Digital data processor group. ECS Environmental control system.
DDS Data display system; digital data system. ECU Electronic control unit.
DECM Defensive electronic countermeasures. EED Electroexplosive devices.
DEST Destination. EGT Exhaust gas temperature.
DEU Data entry unit. EIF Exposure interval factor.
DF Direction finder. EIG Engine instrument group.
DFCS Digital flight control system. EMCON Electronic radiation control.
DFM Dogfight mode. EMSP Engine monitoring system processor.
DG Directional gyro. ETA Estimated time of arrival.
D/L Data link.
DR Dead reckoning.
FHF Failure history file. HEFOE Hydraulic electric fuel oil engine.
FMLP Field mirror landing practice. hung start A start that results in a stagnated rpm and
FOD Foreign object damage.
GT Ground track.
JAT Jam angle track.
M Mach.
JTIDS Joint tactical information distribution system.
MAC Mean aerodynamic chord.
MCS Mission computer system. NACES Navy aircrew common ejection seat.
MDL Mission data loader. NATOPS Naval Air Training and Operating Procedures
meatball Glideslope image of mirror landing system.
NATSF Naval Air Technical Services Facility.
MEC Main engine control.
NAV GRID Navigation command and control grid.
MER Multiple ejector rack.
NAVRIT Naval airborne video recorder and image
MFD Multifunction display. transceiver.
MFT Mission flight trainer. NDRO Nondestructive readout.
MHz Megahertz. NECT Net entry control terminal.
MIL Military. NFL Notch filter let.
MITS Missile interface test set. NFO Naval flight officer.
MLC Mainlobe clutter. NFOV Narrow field of view.
MLG Main landing gear. NFR Notch filter right.
MMGS Multiple mode gunsight. nm Nautical miles.
MOAT Missile on aircraft test. NOTAM Notice to airmen.
MPRU Missile power relay unit. NOZ Nozzle.
MPS Missile power supply. NPG Network participant group.
MR Maintenance readout. NPS Navigation power supply.
MRL Manual rapid lock-on. NR Number.
MRT Military rated thrust. NRNG No range.
MSEC Message security. NSV Navigation state vector.
MSI Multistatus indicator. NTDS Naval tactical data system.
MSL Mean sea level. NTR Network time reference.
MSS Mission support system. NVIS Night vision imaging system.
MTDS Marine tactical data system. NWP Naval warfare publication.
MTM Magnetic tape memory. NWPM Non-write-protected memory.
MTP Master test panel. NWS Nosewheel steering.
MVR Mission video recorder. N1 Low-pressure compressor rotor speed.
MWOD Multiple word of day. N2 High-pressure compressor rotor speed.
OBCCM On-board check continuous monitor. PPLI Precise participant location and identification.
rpm High−pressure compressor rotor speed (N2). SMDC Shielded mild detonator cord.
SCADC Standard central air data computer. TAC DRO Tactical destructive readout.
SDIS Sensor display indicator set. TAMPS Tactical aviation mission planning system.
SEAD Suppression of enemy air defense. TARPS Tactical air reconnaissance pod system.
W WSPD Windspeed.
Commanding Officer
Fighter Squadron 101
NAS Oceana
Virginia Beach, VA 23460−5220
Attn: F−14D Model Manager An operating procedure, practice, or condition,
etc., that may result in injury or death if not care
Change recommendations of an URGENT nature fully observed or followed.
(safety of flight, etc.,) should be submitted directly to the
NATOPS advisory group member in the chain of command
by priority message.
An operating procedure, practice, or condition,
NATOPS flight manuals are kept current through an etc., that may result in damage to equipment if
active manual change program. Any corrections, additions, not carefully observed or followed.
or constructive suggestions for improvement of its content
should be submitted by routine or urgent change recommen Note
dation, as appropriate.
An operating procedure, practice, or condition,
etc., that is essential to emphasize.
Flight manual interim changes are changes or correc
tions to the NATOPS flight manuals. They are issued by CNO
The concept of word usage and intended meaning that
or NAVAIRSYSCOM either as printed pages or as a naval
has been adhered to in preparing this manual is as follows:
message. The Interim Change Summary page is provided as
a record of all interim changes. Each manual custodian
should check the Interim Change Summary page to see that Shall" has been used only when application of a pro
all interim changes have been incorporated. cedure is mandatory.
Complete Name of Manual/Checklist Revision Date Change Date Section/Chapter Page Paragraph
(a) Your Change Recommendation Dated
The Aircraft
Chapter 2 Systems
1.1 AIRCRAFT arecarried on the movable portion of the wing. The fuel
system incorporates both in−flight and single−point ground
The F−14D aircraft is a supersonic, two−place, twin− refueling capabilities. Aircraft general dimensions are shown
engine, swing−wing, air−superiority fighter designed and in Figure 11. FO−1 shows the general placement of com
manufactured by Grumman Aerospace Corporation. In addi ponents within the aircraft. A summary of aircraft limita
tion to its primary fighter role, carrying missiles (Sparrow tionsand characteristics are shown in Figure 12. Refer to
and/or Sidewinder) and an internal 20−mm gun, the aircraft Chapter 4 for detailed information on operating limitations.
is designed for fleet air defense (Phoenix missiles) and
ground attack (general purpose and precision ordnance) 1.1.1 Aircraft Weight
missions. Armament and peculiar auxiliaries used only dur
ing secondary missions are installed in low−drag, external The basic weight of the aircraft is approximately
configurations. Mission versatility and tactical flexibility are 43,735 pounds, which includes trapped fuel, oil, gun, and
enhanced through independent operational capability or pylons. Consult the applicable Handbook of Weight and
integration under existing tactical data systems. Balance (NAVAIR 01−1B−40) for the exact weight of any
series aircraft.
The forward fuselage, containing the flightcrew and
electronic equipment, projects forward from midfuselage 1.1.2 Cockpit
and wing glove. Outboard pivots in the highly swept wing
glove support the movable wing panels, which incorporate The aircraft accommodates a pilot and RIO in a tandem
integral fuel cells and full−span leading−edge slats and seating arrangement. To maximize external field of view,
trailing−edge flaps for supplemental lift control. In flight, the stations within the tandem cockpit are prominently located
wings may be varied in sweep, area, camber, and aspect atop the forward fuselage and enclosed by a single clamshell
ratioby selection of any leading−edge sweep angle between canopy. Integral boarding provisions to the cockpit and
20_ and 68_. Wing sweep can be automatically or manually aircraft top deck are on the left side of the fuselage. Each
controlled to optimize performance and thereby enhance air crewstation incorporates a rocket ejection seat that is
craft versatility. Separate variable−geometry air inlets, offset vertically adjustable. A single environmental control system
from the fuselage in the glove, direct primary airflow to two provides conditioned air to the cockpit and electronic bays
F110−GE−400 dual−axial compressor, turbofan engines for pressurization and air−conditioning. Oxygen for breath
equipped with afterburners for thrust augmentation. The dis ing is supplied to the crew under pressure from an on−board
placed engine nacelles extend rearward to the tail section, oxygen generating system with stored gaseous oxygen as
supporting the twin vertical tails, horizontal tails, and ven backup. The cockpit arrangement provides minimum dupli
tralfins. The middle and aft fuselage, which contains the cation of control capability, thereby necessitating two air
main fuel cells, tapers off in depth to the rear where it crew for safe flight.
accommodates the speedbrake surfaces and arresting hook.
All control surfaces are positioned by irreversible hydraulic Pilot Cockpit
actuators to provide desired control effectiveness throughout
the flight envelope. Stability augmentation features in the The forward station of the cockpit is arranged and
flight control system enhance flight characteristics and equipped for the pilot (FO−3). In addition to three electronic
thereby provide a more stable and maneuverable weapons displays for viewing tactical, flight, navigational, and ECM
delivery platform. The tricycle−type, forward−retracting data, the pilot instrument panel also contains armament con
landing gear is designed for nosegear catapult launch and trols, flight and engine instruments. Engine controls, fuel
carrier landings. Missiles and external stores are carried from management, auxiliary devices, autopilot, and communica
eight hardpoint stations on the center fuselage between the tion control panels are on the left console. Display, power,
nacelles and under the nacelles and wing glove; no stores lighting, and environmental controls are on the right console.
NAVAIR 01−F14AAD−1 RIO Cockpit tions. The following are types of technical directives used in
this manual:
The aft station of the cockpit is equipped for the RIO
(FO−4). This instrument panel contains controls and three AAC Aviation Armament Change
electronic displays for the radar, tactical, and navigational ACC Aircrew System Change
flight instruments. Armament controls, sensor controls, and
AFC Airframe Change
communication panels are on the left console. The right
console contains a navigational display, data entry unit, AVB Avionics Bulletin
ECMcontrols, data−link controls, lighting controls, and the AVC Avionics Change
IFF panel.
AYC Accessories Change.
1.1.3 Electronic Nomenclature 1.1.5 Block Numbers
Figure 13 is an alphabetical listing of the tactical, The following production block numbers include the
communication, navigation, flight control, and instruments indicated aircraft serial numbers (BuNo). Selected aircraft in
in the aircraft. blocks 85 and 110 have been updated to create the F−14D/
block 170 configuration.
1.1.4 Technical Directives
Block No. Serial No. (BuNo)
As technical changes are made to the aircraft, those that 160 163412 − 163418
affect aircraft operation or pilot and RIO need−to−know
operation will be incorporated in the appropriate sections and 165 163893 − 163904
listed in the Summary of Applicable Technical Directives in 170 164341 − 164351 and 164599 − 164604
the front of this manual. In some instances, technical 85 159592, 159595, 159600, 159603,
directives may be incorporated in the aircraft while it is still 159610, 159613, 159618, 159619,
on the production line. Check the Technical Directives 159628 − 159630
Section of the Aircraft Log Book for applicable modifica
110 161159, 161163, 161166.
Length 62′ 8.5″ Cross bleed 2 min continuous then 10 min off
Height (Tail) 16′ 0″ Start Cart 5 min continuous then 10 min off
Wingspan @ 20_ wingsweep 64′ 1.5″
1 5″
Wingspan @ 68_ wingsweep 38′ 2.5″ Idle
Wingspan in oversweep 33′ 3.5″
3 5″
Wing Area 565 sq/ft RPM = 62 − 78% OIL PRESS = 15 − 45 psi
EGT = 350 − 650_C NOZ POS = 100%
Gross Weights FF = 950 − 1400 PPH HYD PRESS = 3000 psi
Empty A/C (w/crew & trapped fuel) 43,735 lbs MIL (and above)
Catapult 76,000 lbs
Field takeoff 72,000 lbs RPM = 95 − 104% OIL PRESS = 25 − 65 psi
Min descent rate landing (350 fpm) 72,000 lbs EGT = 780 − 935_C
Field landing (max 500 fpm ROD) 60
000 lbs MIL = 3 − 10%
Carrier/FCLP land 54,000 lbs Min AB = 5 − 12%
Max AB = 60 − 90%
Airspeed d < 600 kts/1.3
kt /1 3 TMN
Hydraulic System > 0.5 TMN/10 units No cross controls
> 0.6/15 units AOA coordinate all
lateral stick
Normal Hyd. system operating press 3000 ± 100 psi
BIDI activates when one system is < 2100 psi PITCH SAS: No Limitations
BIDI output w/3000 psi on good side 2400 − 2600 psi
BIDI shuts off when failed system
y is < 500 psi
p for ROLL DGR/YAW DGR Airspeed <1.0 TMN
10 sec and/or ARI DGR
Emer. Flt. Hyd. on if both systems < 2100 psi
Outb’d Spoiler Module ARI/SAS OUT: Airspeed
p <1.0 TMN,,
electrically inhibited @ 62_ W/S AOA − max 15 units
Outb d Spoiler Module No aggressive maneuvering
depressurized @ 65_ W/S
Ejection G Limits
CHAFF DISPENSING SET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AN/ALE−39
DIGITAL DATA LINK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AN/ASW−27B/C
ELECTRONIC COUNTERMEASURES SET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AN/ALQ−165
FUZE FUNCTION CONTROL SET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AN/AWW−4
GUN CONTROL UNIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C−11414/AYQ−15
IFF INTERROGATOR SET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AN/APX−76C
IFF TRANSPONDER SET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AN/APX−100(V)
INTERFERENCE BLANKER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MX−10666/A
IRSTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AN/AAS−429XN−1
JOINT TACTICAL INFORMATION DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AN/URC−107
MISSILE LAUNCHER/BOL CHAFF DISPENSER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LAU−138A/A
MISSILE POWER SUPPLY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PP−8043/A
MISSION COMPUTERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AN/AYK−14 9XN−60 PMM
PANORAMIC CAMERA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . KA−99A
RADAR SYSTEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AN/APG−71 (XN−1)
RADAR WARNING SET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AN/ALR−67(V)
SERIAL FRAME CAMERA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . KS−87B
STANDARD CENTRAL AIR DATA COMPUTER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CPU−175/A
STORES MANAGEMENT SET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AN/AYQ−15
TARPS POD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LA−610
TELEVISION CAMERA SET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AN/AXX−1
CRYPTOGRAPHIC SYSTEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TSEC/KY−58
INTERCOMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LS−460B/AIC
VHF/UHF COMMUNICATIONS SET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AN/ARC−182
AUTOMATIC DIRECTION FINDER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OA−8697/ARD
INERTIAL NAVIGATION SYSTEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AN/ASN−139
MAGNETIC AZIMUTH DETECTOR SET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DSU−4A/A
MINIATURIZED AIRBORNE GPS RECEIVER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R−2512
MISSION DATA LOADER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MU−1053/A
RADAR ALTIMETER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AN/APN−194(V)
RADAR BEACON AND AUGMENTOR SET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AN/APN−154(V) and R−1623/APN
RECEIVER DECODER GROUP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .AN/ARA−63
STANDARD ATTITUDE HEADING REFERENCE SYSTEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AN/USN−2(V)
TACTICAL NAVIGATION SET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AN/ARN−118(V)
1−5 (Reverse
1−5 Blank) ORIGINAL
2.1 AIR INLET CONTROL SYSTEM (AICS) Ground and Low−Speed Operation
The purpose of the AICS is to decelerate supersonic air
During ground static and low−speed (Mach < 0.35)
and to provide even, subsonic airflow to the engine
operation, the inlet ramps are mechanically restrained in the
throughout the aircraft flight envelope. The AICS consists of
stowed (retracted) position. The predominant airflow is
two variable−geometry intakes, one on each side of the
concentrated about the lower lip of the inlet duct and is
fuselage at the intersection of the wing glove and fuselage.
supplemented by reverse airflow through the fixed bleed
Intake inlet geometry is varied by three automatically
door, around the forward lip of the third ramp. As flight speed
controlled hinged ramps on the upper side of the intakes. The
is increased to 0.35 Mach, hydraulic power is ported to the
ramps are positioned to decelerate supersonic air by creating
ramp actuators but the ramps are not scheduled out of the
a compression field outside the inlet and to regulate the
stowed position until Mach 0.5 (see Figure 24). The fixed
amount and quality of air going to the engine. The
bleed door bleeds low−energy, boundary layer air from the
rectangular intakes are separated from the fuselage to
movable ramps.
minimize boundary layer ingestion and are highly raked to
optimize operation at high angle of attack. Subsonic and Transonic Speeds
Inlet ramps are positioned by electrohydraulic actua
tors that respond to fixed schedules in the AICS program At airspeeds greater than 0.5 Mach, the ramps program
mers. Separate programmers, probes, sensors, actuators, and primarily as a function of Mach for optimum AICS perfor
hydraulic power systems provide completely independent mance. At transonic speeds, a normal shock wave attaches to
operation of the left and right air inlet control systems. the second movable ramp. The third ramp deflects above
Figure 21 shows the basic elements of AICS mechanization. 0.9Mach to maintain proper bleed slot height (∆h) for
Electrical power for the AICS programmers is pro transonic and low−supersonic flight.
vided by the ac and dc essential No. 2 buses. The ramp stow
function is powered by the dc essential No. 1 bus. Hydraulic At supersonic speeds, four shock waves compress and
power is supplied individually to the left AICS from the decelerate the inlet air. The bleed slot removes boundary
combined hydraulic system and to the right AICS from the layer air and stabilizes the shock waves. This design results
flight hydraulic system. The left AICS programmer also in substantially higher performance above Mach 2 than
functions as a wing−sweep backup computer. simpler inlet designs.
No pilot control is required during the normal (AUTO) Two types of AICS tests are provided to check the
mode of operation. Electronic monitoring in the AICS general condition of the AICS and to pinpoint system com
detects failures that would degrade system operation and ponents causing detected failures: AICS built−in test and
performance (refer to AICS BIT). AICS caution lights (L and on−board check.
R INLET, L and R RAMPS) and INLET RAMPS switches
are shown in Figure 22. AICS Built−In Test
Sectional side views of representative variable geome
try inlet configurations scheduled by AICS programmers and BIT in the AICS computer programmer is automati
descriptive nomenclature are shown in Figure 23. cally and continually initiated within the programmer to
check AICS components when the programmer is energized.
1 INLET RAMPS AUTO − Inlet ramp position is determined by the AICS programmer.
switches STOW − Electrically commands the respective inlet ramp actuator to the stow
position; opens the appropriate hydraulic shutoff valve.
2 RAMPS caution Indicates ramps not positioned in either stow or trail locks during critical flight
light conditions (see Figure 25).
3 INLET caution light Indicates AICS programmer/system failure: Reduce airspeed to Mach 1.2 and
check AICS acronym for failure indication.
AICS failure
Less than Mach 0.5: Ramps should be restrained by actuator stow locks.
Greater than Mach 0.5: Ramp movement is restrained by trapped hydraulic
pressure and mechanical locks, depending on Mach when INLET light illuminates.
Greater than Mach 0.9: Ramp movement is minimized by actuator spool valves and
the aerodynamic load profile in this Mach range and a RAMP light should illuminate.
The operational status of the AICS depends on hydraulic power. Detected AICS failures are indicated by
BIT−detected failures in AICS components. Failures of static AICS acronyms or AIC acronym(s) with associated INLET
or total pressure sensors; ramp No. 1, 2, or 3 positioning; caution light(s) displayed after completion of OBC.
programmer continuous end−to−end BIT; or hydraulic pres
sure to any of the ramp actuators would seriously degrade Note
AICS performance. Detected failures of these items cause the
D With INLET RAMP switches in STOW, AICS
AICS to automatically transfer to a significantly degraded
OBC will fail test and INLET lights will illu
fail−safe mode of operation, indicated by illumination of an
INLET caution light.
D If the engine enters secondary mode during
Detected failures of angle of attack, engine fan speed, OBC, the ramps will stow and fail OBC. To
or out−of−calibration detection of the difference between P1 reinitiate OBC, select primary mode and reset
and P2 (∆P), Ps or Pt sensors will cause the AICS to revert to the AICS.
the slightly degraded fail−operational mode of operation.
Nominal values of angle of attack, total temperature, or D An S4 acronym indicates the AICS program
engine fan speed are substituted for the failed values in the mers may be operating on the REV 4 (TF−30/
AICS programmer, without illumination of an INLET F14A) schedule. As a result, below 25,000 feet
caution light. at airspeeds greater than 1.1 Mach, unloading
the aircraft to less than 1g will reduce inlet sta
In both fail modes of operation, detected failures are bility and may result in inlet buzz and possibly
continuously registered by the in−flight performance moni an engine stall. Cycling AICS circuit breakers
toring system and displayed with air inlet control acronyms at a constant subsonic Mach number should
on the multifunction display and the programmable tactical eliminate the S4 acronym and reset the pro
information display (Figure 25 and Figure 26). grammer to the REV 5 (F−110) schedules.
OBC, initiated by the pilot during poststart or ground AICS mode of operation following a BIT−detected
maintenance checks, performs a dynamic check of the left failure may be either fail−operational mode (Figure 25) or
and right AICS. In addition to the regular AICS BIT program, fail−safe mode (Figure 26).
sensor calibration checks are made. The status of the pro
grammer electronics and the ramp actuators are checked Fail−Operational
throughout an altitude and airspeed schedule as psuedo
pneumatic inputs to the programmer are varied to simulate a Failures in the AICS are detected by the AICS pro
flight sequence of maximum airspeed condition and back to grammer, which automatically initiates appropriate cor
static sea level conditions within 65 seconds. This cycles the rective action. Mode entry is indicated by the display of a
ramp actuators through their full range, illuminates the ramp fail−operational AIC acronym. The fail−operational mode
lights, exercises the complete AICS for preflight failure results in no significant degradation in AICS operation, and
detection, and ensures the ramps are in their stow locks. OBC the mission can be continued without any flight restrictions
is the only way to ensure stow lock integrity since it verifies or corrective action by the pilot.
the ramps are in the stowed position and then removes ramp
M > 0.35 to < 0.5 ON Electrical stow commands output from AICS programmer.
NONE Engine fan speed Loss of engine fan Substitutes 7,300 rpm. Ramps do not
rpm from AFTC. speed signal. program during OBC.
AIC symbol has L or R appended (AICL (AICL, AICR) to
identify on which side failure was detected.
AIC P AICS programmer Failed end−to−end Hydraulic shutoff Ramp movement is
(P) BIT valve remains closed. restrained by actuator
Ramp actuators mechanical locks if
remain mechanically failure occurred with
Static pressure (Ps) Minimum or
restrained within stow ramps within locks.
maximum limits
AIC S2 locks, provided they Otherwise ramp(s)
Total pressure (Pt ) exceeded
failed within stow move slowly with
locks. aerodynamic loads.
AIC A1 Ramp No. 1 Sustained command
d feedback
f db k error
AIC A2 Ramp
p No. 2
AIC S3 Ramp No. 3
AIC A1, Hydraulic pressure Sustained error due Ramp(s) may move
AIC A2, or loss of ramp No. 1, to loss of hydraulic if failure occurred
AIC A3 No. 2, or No. 3 pressure with ramp(s) out of
(INLET caution light mechanical locks.
eventually illuminates RAMP light will
> 0.5 Mach) illuminate.
NONE (No INLET caution Loss of hydraulic
light < 0.5 Mach) pressure
AIC symbol has L or R appended (AICL, AICR) to identify on which side failure was detected.
Note Note
Transferring to SEC mode will revert the AICS Fail−safe operations result in a slight degradation
programmers to the REV 4 (TF−30/F14A) sched of cruise and excess thrust performance because
ule because of the loss of the AFTC N1 speed of the off−optimum configuration.
signal and will display an S4 acronym. Below
If the hydraulic shutoff valve closes above Mach 0.9,
25,000 feet and at airspeeds greater than 1.1
the ramps are normally in an unsafe configuration and the
Mach, unloading the aircraft to less than 1g will
appropriate RAMPS caution light will accompany the
reduce inlet stability and may result in inlet buzz
INLET caution light (Figure 27). Above Mach 0.9, the
and possible engine stall. To restore full REV 5
No. 3 ramp normally begins programming below the actuator
(F110/F14B/D) schedule and eliminate S4 acro
stow lock. When the fail−safe mode is entered above Mach
nym following an airborne engine mode reset to
0.9, the unpowered No. 3 ramp will eventually move and may
PRI, recycle AICS circuit breakers at constant
cause compressor stalls at higher power settings. The aircraft
subsonic Mach number.
shall be decelerated below 1.2 Mach, and the appropriate Fail−Safe Mode INLET RAMPS switch shall be selected to STOW.
The fail−safe mode results in significantly degraded
AICS operation. Mode entry is indicated by the display of a
fail−safe AIC acronym and illumination of the appropriate
INLET caution light. Under these conditions, the AICS
Do not select STOW at speeds greater than
programmer provides a shutoff signal to close the ramps’
1.2 Mach. Compressor stalls may occur because
hydraulic shutoff valve. If the hydraulic shutoff valve closes
of ramp mispositioning.
below Mach 0.9, the ramps are normally in a safe configura
tion (No. 1 and No. 2 ramp within trail locks and No. 3 ramp Stow Mode of Operation
in stow locks are restrained by trapped hydraulic pressure).
Engine operations may be successful below 1.2 Mach in this The STOW position of the INLET RAMPS switch
configuration; however, corrective procedures shall be commands the appropriate hydraulic shutoff valve to open
and provides a direct electrical signal to the ramp actuators, Whenever the hydraulic shutoff valve closes (i.e., fail−
porting hydraulic pressure directly to the retract side of the safe mode entry), hydraulic spool valves in the ramp actua
actuator. When the ramps are retracted to the stow position, tors sense the absence of pressure and block the actuator
the RAMPS light will extinguish and the stow locks should pressure and return ports, causing a hydraulic lock (dump
remain engaged even if hydraulic power is subsequently lost. inhibit). This feature reduces ramp movement when an AICS
Once in STOW, AICS programmer−detected electronic failure occurs and the ramps are not being restrained by
failures may be reset below Mach 0.5. mechanical actuator locks. Although dump inhibit prevents
the ramp from rapidly extending and causing an engine stall, Hydraulic Shutoff and Dump Inhibit
the ramps will still slowly move. Under normal circum
The AICS hydraulic systems include a hydraulic shutoff stances, the pilot will have sufficient time to select STOW
valve to control hydraulic system pressure. The hydraulic and prevent an engine stall. F−14A flight test results show that
shutoff valve is normally controlled by the AICS programmer, with dump inhibit, the time interval between illumination of
which removes the hydraulic−on signal below 0.35M or in the a RAMPS caution light and engine stall following an AICS
event of a programmer failure. The STOW position of the failure is 15 to 40 seconds on the ground at military power,
INLET RAMPS switch bypasses the AICS programmer to and approximately 50 seconds at 10,000 feet at military
energize the hydraulic shutoff valve, providing pressure for power.
ramp motion. To ensure hydraulic pressure is shut off, the
respective AICS programmer must be deenergized by pulling Ramp Actuator Mechanical
the circuit breaker (LF1, left or LG1, right) and the INLET Locks/Positioning
RAMPS switch placed in the AUTO position.
In addition to the actuator stow locks, the first and
second ramp actuators have another set of latches (trail locks)
Cycling either AICS circuit breaker while air that prevent further ramp actuator extension after a failure
borne may result in DFCS air data failures, illu within these trail locks. The actuator stow and trail locks
minating the FCS CAUTION and ARI DGR restrain actuator movement in tension only. Hydraulic
lights, and cause degraded control system capa pressure (500 psi) is required to disengage the lock finger
bility. MASTER RESET should restore normal latches.
operation once the cb(s) are reset.
Safe positioning of the ramp actuators is monitored fail−safe operation. In flight, the No. 1 and 2 ramps tend to
by the ramp monitor logic shown in Figure 27. A RAMPS blow back to the stow position or are restrained within the
light should always be accompanied by an INLET light with trail locks because of aerodynamic loads. The hydraulic
the landing gear handle UP. With the landing gear handle restriction of all ramps during loss of hydraulic power and
DOWN, a RAMPS light can be illuminated without an after fail−safe mode entry should prevent rapid ramp
INLET light. The emergency procedure in any case is the movement. Internal failure of an actuator especially the
same. RAMPS lights will extinguish when a safe configura No. 3 ramp actuator, may allow rapid ramp extension and
tion is attained. cause engine stall. Additionally, failure to stow the ramps in
a reasonable amount of time after INLET light illumination
Note or inability to stow following a hydraulic system failure may
D Following an AICS programmer/ramps fail result in compressor stalls at high power settings. Engine start
ure, the safest configuration results when the attempts may not be successful unless the ramps are stowed
ramps are in the stowed position. The pro (RAMPS caution light extinguished).
grammers are disabled by pulling the affected
AICS circuit breaker and returning the INLET 2.1.4 AICS Anti−Ice
RAMPS switch to AUTO.
AICS anti−ice is activated only by selecting ORIDE/
D Cycling either AICS circuit breaker while air ON with the AICS ANTI−ICE switch and airspeed between
borne may result in DFCS air data failures, illu 0.35 to 0.9 Mach (hydraulic power is available at 0.3 Mach).
minating the FCS CAUTION and ARI DGR Above and below these airspeeds the AICS anti−ice is
lights, and cause degraded control system disabled. When the ENG/PROBE anti−ice switch is in
capability. MASTER RESET should restore AUTO, the AICS anti−ice is off. When AICS anti−ice is
normal operation once the cb(s) are reset. activated, the AICS programmer repositions the No. 1 and
No. 2 ramps to positions below the No. 3 ramp (Figure 28)
In the event of an engine or hydraulic failure, the so that ice will not form above the No. 3 ramp.
following conditions exist with respect to AICS reset:
1. If hydraulic pressure is zero, there is no need to safe
the ramps (by stowing ramps, pulling AICS circuit The aircraft is powered by two F110−GE−400 turbofan
breakers, and returning to AUTO) since selecting engines (Figure 2−9) with variable exhaust nozzles and AB
STOW will have no effect without hydraulic augmentation. They are dual−rotor engines consisting of a
pressure. three−stage fan driven by a two−stage, low−pressure turbine
2. If airspeed is less than .35 Mach, there is no need to and a mechanically independent, aerodynamically balanced,
safe the ramps since hydraulic pressure has already nine−stage, high−pressure compressor driven by a single−
been removed and ramps should be in the stow stage, air−cooled high−pressure turbine. Engine operation is
locks. If the ramps are not in the stow locks, the automatically regulated and maintained electrically by the
RAMPS light will illuminate when the landing gear augmenter fan temperature control unit and by throttle inputs
handle is lowered. If the RAMPS light does illumi to the main engine control.
nate, then the ramps should be stowed and the AICS
programmer reset. (Depressing MASTER RESET Each engine is slung in a nacelle with the thrust axis
following an AICS programmer reset should restore laterally offset approximately 4½ feet from the aircraft
normal DFCS operation.) centerline. The installed static engine thrust at military power
is 13,800 pounds and, at maximum AB power, thrust is
3. If hydraulic pressure is greater than zero and air 23,600 pounds. Installed engine thrust at maximum AB at
speed is greater than .35 Mach, then the ramps 0.9M at sea level is 30,200 pounds. Acceleration time from
should be stowed and, if time allows, the program idle to military power is approximately 4 seconds.
mer reset after engine failure or a low hydraulic
pressure situation. This will ensure that if the ramp During operation, air entering the engine is directed
is out of the stow lock (as is normal above .5 Mach), into the fan, which initially compresses the air and directs
it will be returned to the stow lock and kept there for its flow into the engine core compressor and fan bypass duct.
landing regardless of subsequent hydraulic or Direction of airflow into the fan is optimized by variable−
electrical malfunctions. geometry inlet guide vanes (IGV) and into the compressor by
variable geometry stator vanes. The high−pressure compres AICS Failure In−Flight Operation sor further compresses the air through the nine−stage com
pressor before discharging it into the annular combustion
Most AICS failures occurring in flight do not require
chamber to mix with fuel from the fuel nozzles. This fuel−air
rapid pilot response because of system design features for
2 L/R ENG MODE PRI Primary mode, AFTC controls main and AB fuel flow, fan inlet
guide vanes, nozzle area, and ignition.
SELECT switch
3 L/R ENG SEC caution Illuminates when the engine is in secondary mode. AB operation is inhibited
for engine with light illuminated. AICS on affected engine side reverts to REV 4
light (TF−30/F−14A) schedule.
NAVAIR 01−F14AAD−1 Turbine Blade Temperature (Pyrometer) gear with the hook handle down or the hook out of the stowed
position. The RATS light, located on the pilot’s advisory
The pyrometer is a fuel−cooled, photodiode, optical
panel, illuminates when the aircraft circuit is activated but it
unit that measures infrared radiation from the metal surface
is not an indication that the engines are operating at reduced
of the high−pressure turbine blades. This temperature signal
is transmitted to the AFTC and is used to regulate engine fuel
flow, which maintains turbine blade temperature within Note
limits. Cockpit indications of turbine blade temperature
The RATS light will be illuminated anytime the
appear on the MFD.
aircraft circuit is enabled, even if the engines are
operating in SEC mode or the engine circuit has Flame Sensor
been overridden by selection of AB.
The flame sensor is an ultraviolet radiation sensing unit
in the AB duct. During AB operation, ultraviolet rays 2.2.2 Variable Exhaust Nozzle
detected through a quartz window activate a gas filled sensor
Engine exhaust gases at higher thrust settings are
that electrically transmits a flame−present signal to the
discharged through the nozzle throat at sonic velocity and
AFTC. Without this signal, only minimum AB fuel flow is
are accelerated to supersonic velocity by the controlled
available. AB will be inhibited if the flame sensor fails on.
expansion of the gases. Varying nozzle throat area controls
A L/R AUG acronym is displayed in the ENGINE FAULTS
fan stall margin, which optimizes performance.
block of the MFD engine page.
The variable exhaust nozzle is a three−flap, convergent− Asymmetric Thrust Limiting
divergent−type nozzle. Nozzle variation is accomplished by
The asymmetric thrust limiting circuit is designed to axial movement of four hydraulic actuators mechanically
hold both engines to minimum AB until both ABs are lit off. synchronized for geometric stability. These hydraulic actua
The AFTC releases the hold on the AB when both engine AB tors use oil from a separate compartment in the engine oil
pumps are on and both engine flame sensors are on. Selecting storage tank and are operated by a hydraulic pump that
the ASYM LIMITER switch to OFF (guard cover up) responds to AFTC signals. A failed open nozzle may be
overrides the comparison of left and right AB status and caused by an oil leak, but if the leak is in the nozzle system,
allows each AB to operate independently. only a portion of the main engine lube oil will be lost. During
basic engine operation, the nozzle area is modulated to a near−
closed position, and, in AB, the nozzle area is infinitely vari
able to a full−open position. The nozzle will go full open
airborne with the throttle at IDLE at low altitude and airspeeds
(Figure 213). A gauge for each engine on the pilot instrument
A malfunctioning or deselected ATLS can panel next to the engine instruments indicates nozzle position
greatly increase the magnitude of asymmetric in percentage from 0 to 100. Normal indication for maximum
thrust because of engine stall or failure. AB is approximately 70 percent.
2.3 FATIGUE ENGINE MONITORING SYSTEM The FEMS consists of the following components (see
Figure 215).
2.3.1 FEMS Functional Description Engine Monitoring System Processor
The FEMS is a solid−state electronic system that
provides data acquisition, processing, and storage. FEMS The EMSP is engine−mounted, engine−powered, and
information is displayed on the MFDs (Figure 214). The converts control system electrical signals from the AFTC
system accumulates airframe stress and fatigue data and into digital format for transmission to the ADAC. It also
relevant engine performance data, both in flight and on deck, receives and digitizes other noncontrol system−related data
from the engine monitoring system processors. Engine faults such as anti−icing system status, lube oil level, and lube tem
are isolated to the appropriate WRA or combinations of perature data for transmission to the ADAC. In addition, the
WRAs and recorded for later transfer to the DPGS for EMSP calculates and stores engine cycle count data, making
diagnostic analysis, troubleshooting, and appropriate main this data readily available for each serial−numbered engine
tenance. The DPGS also computes and stores engine parts even when the engine is not installed in an aircraft.
life tracking and failure−trending data. This tracking of Note
engine data extends the life and safety of fleet aircraft by EMSP is only operational with the engines in
permitting maintenance routines at periodic intervals. FEMS primary mode.
also provides a signal to the stall warning system that initiates
a 10−second warning tone (identical to overtemperature tone) Airborne Data Acquisition Computer
and illuminates the L or R STALL warning legend on the The ADAC is the central processor of FEMS and
MFD/HUD indicating an engine stall. FEMS will record executes airframe and engine fatigue algorithms. The ADAC
aircraft overstress when it determines that normal accelera acquires aircraft data by direct analog and digital inputs.
tion has exceeded: Additional aircraft data received by the ADAC from the CIU
1. 7.5g with landing gear UP and Mach greater to be stored as a result of structural, engine, or other mission
than .24 events are transferred to the DSS for postflight analysis. In
addition, ADAC stores fault code messages, in nonvolatile
2. 4.5g with landing gear DOWN (as in hard landing) memory, for display on the FMI. ADAC is powered by the
3. 4.5g when Mach is .24 or less. 28−Vdc right main bus.
19. Mach signal to AFTC fault The motive flow fuel pump is a gear−driven centrifugal
pump on each engine accessory gearbox that returns
20. Aircraft 28−volt supply to AFTC fault high−pressure fuel to the fuselage and wing tanks to effect
normal fuel transfer. Motive flow is used to power the boost
21. EMSP fault pump in the respective sump tank. This fuel continues
through control valves to ejector pumps in the fuselage and
22. ADAC/EMSP interface fault wing fuel tanks. There is no cockpit control for the motive
flow fuel pumps. Failure of one pump illuminates the R or L
23. ADAC BIT fault and system failure FUEL PRESS caution light and reduces the rate of fuel
transfer but does not inhibit the transfer of fuel from any tank.
24. ADAC battery low Motive flow pump failures cause the engine to draw fuel
through suction feed. Higher altitudes and decreased ambient
25. Data storage set memory full and requires service
pressure result in reduced fuel flow, which may cause engine
26. Aircraft overstress flameout because of fuel starvation. With a single motive
flow fuel pump failure, AB selection above 15,000 feet MSL
27. System DSS may cause engine flameout. With failure of both motive flow
fuel pumps, high power settings in basic engine may cause
28. ADAC A−6 failure flameout above 25,000 feet MSL. If a dual motive flow fuel
pump failure occurs, wing fuel will not be available.
29. RATS failure.
2.4.2 Engine Fuel Boost Pump
2.3.2 FEMS Operation
The engine (total flow) fuel boost pump is an
FEMS data acquisition for monitoring engine perfor engine−driven centrifugal pump on the aft accessory gearbox
mance is automatic. However, the pilot may encounter that provides boosted pressure and flow from the fuel supply
unusual engine behavior of a nature that does not automati system to meet main and AB fuel requirements. The pump
cally initiate data recording. This data is valuable for receives fuel at aircraft boost pressure and boosts fuel
diagnosis of the cause of unusual behavior and should be pressure to levels adequate to operate the engine at all power
recorded by the pilot by depressing the ENG RCD button on settings (maximum 40−psi pressure rise). During non−AB
the fuel management panel. Pressing the ENG RCD button operation, some fuel is circulated between AB fuel control
momentarily causes 21 seconds of engine data to be and the engine fuel boost pump so that fuel pressure is readily
recorded: 6 seconds before and 15 seconds after switch available to the spray bars for AB light−off.
initiation. It is important to remember that if a transient
problem is to be recorded by FEMS, the ENG RCD button 2.4.3 Main Fuel Pump
must be activated quickly so the actual event is not missed.
Manual recording will not interfere with data automatically The main fuel pump is a two−stage pump that receives
saved by the FEMS. fuel flow from the engine fuel boost pump. It provides
additional fuel pressurization and transmits mechanical−
gear−driven power to the MEC from the gearbox.
2.3.3 FEMS and OBC
FEMS is checked during OBC preflight and in flight 2.4.4 Main Engine Control
(Class III). It is designated by a FEM acronym. This acronym
is displayed at the completion of OBC if FEMS fails its BIT The MEC is a fuel−operated, hydromechanical fuel
during OBC. Engine−life tracking data is still available flow regulator that operates in tandem with the main fuel
through EMSP if FEMS is lost. pump and is capable of operating in two modes. In the
primary mode, it meters main fuel flow as commanded by the
AFTC and provides VSV scheduling. The secondary mode
hydromechanically meters main fuel flow to govern N2 speed
The engine fuel system, which is identical for each based on pilot throttle commands and provides basic engine
engine, provides motive flow fuel to effect fuel transfer and control except for AFTC fan speed limiting.
metered fuel for combustion as a function of pilot throttle
commands and numerous engine parameters (Figure 217).
NAVAIR 01−F14AAD−1 Manual Throttle Mode electric clutch in the throttle servoactuator, which is also
mounted to the power lever shaft, is disengaged in the manual
The manual throttle is a degraded mode of operation mode to reduce operating forces.
and was designed as a backup system. Because of hysteresis
With the throttle friction lever in OFF, approximately
and friction in the manual system, engine rpm may vary from 8 pounds of force per throttle must be applied at the grip to
the boost mode at a given throttle position. If an engine fails
operate the throttles in the IDLE to MAX range.
to secure when the throttle is moved to the OFF position, the
throttles have probably reverted to the manual mode and are Boost Throttle Mode
slightly out of rig. Cycling the throttle switch to MAN and
back to BOOST may allow engine shutdown. If shutdown is The boost mode of throttle is used for normal
unsuccessful, then the engine may be secured with the FUEL operations. A force of 2 to 3 pounds at the grip is required to
SHUTOFF handle. move each throttle throughout its range with the throttle
friction lever off. Essentially, the boost mode provides
electric throttle operation, with the push−pull cables serving
as a backup control path. Throttle movement is detected by
the throttle position sensor. The signal is resolved in the
amplifier to provide positional followup commands to the
D Engine shutdown at high power settings using actuator. Movement of the actuator rotates the engine power
the FUEL SHUTOFF handle may result in lever shaft, which drives the push−pull cable.
damage to the aircraft fuel system.
If a boost system malfunctions, applying approxi
D Engine startup in manual mode may cause
mately 17 pounds at the throttle grip automatically reverts the
tailpipe fires as fuel flow may not be secured.
throttle control to the manual mode by disengaging the
In the manual mode of operation, movement of each actuator electric clutch. The throttle control reverts to
throttle is mechanically transmitted to the respective engine manual mode in 0.25 second. In the event of a boost system
by a push−pull cable and a rack and sector mechanism malfunction, the throttle mode switch will remain in the
mounted to the main engine control power lever shaft. An BOOST detent. By manually placing the throttle mode
switch in MAN and then back to BOOST, transient failures selecting AUTO to ensure a valid test. Once AUTO is
in the boost mode can be reset. Additionally, if an actuator engaged, the control stick should be programmed fore and aft
seizes, a mechanical clutch in the actuator will slip when a to check for the appropriate power response.
force of approximately 50 pounds is applied at the throttle
grip. This permits the pilot to override an actuator seizure.
There is no visible warning of these anomalies only the
noticeable increase in the forces required to manipulate the
affected throttle.
High-power settings may result during aft stick Approach Power Compensator deflection.
(Automatic Throttle Mode)
The automatic mode of throttle control is a closed-loop If the THROTTLE MODE switch does not remain
system that automatically regulates basic engine thrust to engaged or the APC does not respond properly to indicated
maintain the aircraft at 15 units angle of attack for landing. AOA and longitudinal stick movements, a malfunction exists
All components of the throttle control system except the in the autothrottle system.
throttle position sensor are used in the automatic mode of
control. The AOA signal from the AOA probe on the left side Depressing and holding the autopilot emergency dis-
of the forward fuselage is the controlling parameter within engage paddle switch with weight on wheels causes the
the autothrottle computer. Additional parameters are inte- throttle control system to be placed in the manual mode. If the
grated within the computer to improve response. The air automatic mode was selected before depressing the paddle
temperature switch on the pilot left console effects a switch, the THROTTLE MODE switch will automatically
computer gain change to compensate for pilot-preferred move to BOOST. The THROTTLE MODE switch must be
reaction rate. In order to engage the autothrottle, throttles moved from BOOST to MAN while holding the paddle
must be between 75 to 90-percent rpm with weight off switch depressed if the manual mode is desired after the
wheels, gear handle down, and throttle friction off. With all paddle switch is released.
conditions met, the throttle mode switch will be held by an
electrical solenoid when placed in AUTO. The throttle 2.6 ENGINE BLEED AIR
control mode automatically reverts to the boost mode upon Bleed air is extracted from the high-pressure compres-
interruption of any interlock in the system or by manually sor to perform engine-associated services and to supply hot,
overriding the throttles with a force of approximately high pressure air for operation of auxiliary equipment.
11 pounds per throttle in either direction. The throttle Fifth-stage bleed air supplies hot air for the engine anti-icing
mode switch automatically returns to BOOST and the system and is used to draw cooling air through the aircraft
AUTO THROT caution light illuminates for 10 seconds. hydraulic heat exchangers to cool flight and combined
See Figure 2-21 for autothrottle controls. fluids and to ventilate the nacelle when weight is on wheels
(Figure 2-22). Ninth-stage bleed air supplies hot air to the
The pilot can revert from automatic to boost mode by environmental control system, provides air for crossbleed
selecting the CAGE/BRST (UP) position on the CAGE/ engine starts, and draws air through the integrated drive
SEAM switch located on the inboard throttle grip. This pro- generator heat exchanger (ventral fin) when weight is on
vides a smooth throttle override for an automatic-to-boost wheels.
mode approach, while maintaining a grip on both throttles.
2.6.1 Engine Anti-Ice Autothrottle Test
The fan IGV and nosedome are susceptible to icing
An automatic check of the autothrottle control system under a wider range of conditions, particularly at static or low
while on deck is accomplished during OBC. Signals to the speed with high engine rpm, than that which cause ice to form
servoactuators are inhibited during the OBC autothrottle test on external surfaces of the airframe. Ice formation at the fan
so that the engines remain at idle thrust. A malfunction is face can restrict engine maximum airflow, which results in a
indicated by an APC acronym at the conclusion of OBC. thrust loss, decreased stall margin, and dislodgment of ice,
which can damage the compressor. The engine anti-icing
Rotating the MASTER TEST switch to FLT GR DN system is designed to prevent the formation of ice rather than
and depressing it bypasses the autothrottle weight-on-wheels de-ice the IGV and nose dome. Hot bleed air (5th stage) is
interlock and an end-to-end check of the autothrottles may be passed through the hollow IGV to the nose dome and is
performed on deck. The throttles should be placed at about discharged into the engine along the vanes and at the rotor
80-percent rpm and the throttle mode switch placed in hub. Cockpit control of the engine anti-icing system is
AUTO. The throttles must be positioned above idle before effected through the ANTI-ICE switch (Figure 2-23).
2-27 CHANGE 1
1 THROTTLE MODE switch AUTO Engine thrust is automatically regulated by the throttle control computer
to maintain optimum angle of attack for landing.
BOOST Normal operating mode. Reduces effort required to move throttles
y with friction control aft.
MAN Movement of each throttle is mechanically transmitted to the respective
engine cross−shaft by a push−pull cable.
2 THROTTLE TEMP switch Used with the AUTO throttle mode to effect throttle computer gain changes to
compensate for air temperature
HOT Increases normal throttle computer gain.
NORM Normal throttle computer gain.
COLD Decreases normal throttle computer gain.
3 AUTO THROT caution light Auto throttle mode is disengaged. During preflight check, remains illuminated for
10 seconds, then goes off and throttle mode switch automatically returns to BOOST.
If the auto throttle is disengaged by deselecting the throttle
mode switch, the AUTO THROT light will not illuminate.
4 CAGE/SEAM switch When in TLN master mode with the throttle mode switch in AUTO, selecting the
CAGE/BRST position on the CAGE/SEAM switch reverts the throttles to the
BOOST mode.
5 Autopilot emergency paddle Reverts throttle system from AUTO or BOOST mode to MAN mode only while
disengage depressed and with weight on wheels.
Note from 520° to 1,180_ F inside the bleed air portion of the
Because of its adverse effects on engine perfor ECS, and from 400_ to 500_ F inside the hot air portion
mance, the engine anti−icing system should be (400_ F manifold).
used only when icing conditions exist or are
anticipated. The entire bleed air portion of the ECS, from engine
bleed air shutoff valves to the primary heat exchanger, is mon
During engine start, the engine anti−ice valve remains itored by two detection systems. Fire detection circuits moni
open to bleed the compressor to prevent engine stall. The tor the bleed air system from each engine to its respective
valve closes when the engine approaches idle rpm. In flight, firewall. When a fire detection circuit in an engine compart
the valve is normally closed unless the ANTI−ICE switch is ment senses temperatures above threshold, the appropriate
in ORIDE/ON, or AUTO/OFF, when the ice detector probe L or R FIRE warning light illuminates (refer to fire detection
in the left inlet is activated. Ice accumulation on the ice system). The remainder of the bleed air system, from engine
detector illuminates the INLET ICE caution light. The firewalls to the primary heat exchanger, is monitored by bleed
engine anti−icing control valve on the engine is powered air leak−sensing elements. When the bleed air leak−detection
closed (fails open) from the essential dc No. 2 bus through the circuit detects temperatures in excess of 575_ F, the BLEED
ENG/PROBE/ANTI−ICE circuit breaker (RG2). DUCT caution light illuminates.
2.6.2 Environmental Control System The hot air portion of the ECS is monitored by hot air
Leak Detection leak−sensing elements. The hot air system extends from the
primary heat exchanger through the 400_ manifold to the
Thermal detection circuits are routed in proximity to cockpit floor. When the hot air detection circuit detects
ECS ducts and components to provide cockpit indications of temperatures in excess of 255_ F, the BLEED DUCT caution
high−temperature air leaks. Normal air temperatures range light illuminates.
Each engine compartment is completely isolated from With weight on wheels, cooling airflow through the
the primary air inlet, and the efficiency and cooling of the engine compartment is induced by the hydraulic heat
variable−area exhaust nozzle are not dependent upon nacelle exchanger ejector in the forward end of the compartment. Air
airflow. Therefore, within the bounds of the forward firewall enters through the nacelle ram−air scoop on the left side, passes
(landing gear bulkhead) and the nozzle shroud, the cooling through the hydraulic heat exchanger and is discharged into
system for each engine compartment is a separate entity. the engine compartment. The air flows through the full length
Cooling requirements for the turbofan engine are mini− of the nacelle to discharge overboard through a louvered port
mized by the annular fan bypass duct. Figure 222 shows atop the nacelle on the outboard side of the vertical tail.
cooling airflow patterns through the engine compartment
during ground and flight operations. Two air−cooled heat 2.8 ENGINE IGNITION SYSTEM
exchangers are also shown; however, only the hydraulic There are three electrical ignition circuits, each utilizing
heat exchanger cooling airflow is associated with engine
a dedicated igniter, for each engine: main high energy, after
nacelle cooling. Fire access doors are on the outboard side
burner, and backup.
of the nacelles at the forward end to permit application of
fire suppressing agents by ground personnel in event of an
2.8.1 Main High−Energy Ignition
engine compartment fire.
The main high−energy ignition provides ignition in the
2.7.1 Engine In−Flight Ventilation combustion chamber for ground and air starts. It is powered
by one of the four windings in the engine−driven ac alternator.
In−flight cooling of the engine compartment is accom The AFTC provides logic to control main high−energy igni
plished by nacelle ram−air scoops, circulating boundary− tion automatically. Ignition is available when N2 rpm is 10
layer air through the length of the compartment and expelling percent or greater and is automatically provided from 10−to
the air overboard through louvered exits, just forward of the 59−percent rpm when the throttle is above cutoff. Ignition
engine nozzle shroud.
1 ANTI−ICE switch ORIDE/ON Overrides ice detector system to turn on INLET ICE caution
light, and activate external probe heaters and engine anti−ice.
Commands the anti−ice mode to the AICS programmers.
AUTO/OFF When icing is sensed, ice detector activates engine anti−ice
system, turns on INLET ICE caution light, activates external
probe heaters with weight off wheels, and disables anti−ice
mode to AICS programmers.
OFF/OFF Engine anti−ice system and probe heaters shut off. INLET
ICE caution light disabled. Disables anti−ice mode to AICS
2 INLET ICE caution light Illuminates when ice accumulates on ice detector with ANTI−ICE switch in
AUTO/OFF or if ORIDE/ON is selected. Does not illuminate with switch
3 BLEED DUCT caution light Illuminates when bleed air leak sensing elements detect temperatures
greater than 575_ F between the left and right firewalls, past the primary
heat exchanger and up to the right diverter area. Also illuminates when an
additional sensor detects temperatures of 255_ or greater from the right
diverter area, along the 400_ manifold and into the bootstrap turbine
is secured 0.5 second after N2 rpm rises above 59 percent. At The air hose is connected to the aircraft fitting in the
rpm above 59 percent, ignition is provided if N2 deceleration left sponson area, behind the main gear strut. Ground start air
exceeds a 5 percent rpm per second rate. Ignition continues is ducted into a central bleed air (9th stage) manifold, which
for 20 seconds after N2 deceleration falls below the 5 percent interconnects the air turbine starters on both engines.
rpm per second rate. Main high−energy ignition is provided The air supply to each air turbine starter is pressure regu
continuously when the engine is in the secondary (SEC) mode. lated(52.5 psi) and controlled by a shutoff and regulating
valve at the turbine. Each pneumatic starter is composed of
2.8.2 Afterburner Ignition a turbine, gear train, sprag clutch with a speed−sensing
device, and an overspeed disengagement mechanism with a
The AB ignition ignites AB fuel flow for AB light−offs shear section. Shutoff valves in the bleed air manifold selec
and relights (in the event of an AB blowout). The AB ignition tively isolate the other starter, subsidiary bleed lines, and the
is powered by the same winding in the engine−driven alterna environmental control system air supply. Maximum engine
tor that powers the main energy ignition. The AFTC provides motoring speed with the pneumatic starter is approximately
logic to control AB ignition automatically and prevents 30−percent rpm.
simultaneous powering of the main high−energy and AB igni
tions. In the event of an AB blowout, relight is normally 2.9.2 Engine Crank
provided within 1.5 seconds. AB ignition is not powered if
the engine is in SEC mode. Placing the ENG CRANK switch in either L or R opens
the corresponding starter pressure shutoff valve to allow
2.8.3 Backup Ignition pressurized air to drive the turbine. The ENG CRANK switch
energizes the appropriate shutoff valves to configure the
The backup ignition provides ignition in the combus bleed manifold for starting.
tion chamber for ground and air starts when the BACK UP
IGNITION switch on the THROTTLE CONTROL panel is Engine Crank Switch
set to ON. It is powered by the essential No. 1 ac bus and
provides less power than main high−energy ignition. After The ENG CRANK switch is held in L or R by a holding
use, the BACK UP IGNITION switch should be set to OFF. coil. At approximately 50−percent rpm, a centrifugal cutoff
To allow ground checkout of backup ignition, main high− switch closes the turbine shutoff valve and returns the ENG
energy ignition is disabled when the BACK UP IGNITION CRANK switch to the center or off position. A START
switch is ON and weight is on wheels. VALVE caution light illuminates if the starter valve remains
in the open position after the ENG CRANK switch automati
cally returns to the center (off) position.
Return of the ENG CRANK switch to the center or off D When attempting a crossbleed or normal
position resets the bleed air manifold valves to permit 9th− ground start, do not attempt to reengage the
stage bleed air to flow to the environmental cooling system ENG CRANK switch if the engine is spooling
and ejectors in the engine compartment. down and rpm is greater than 46 percent. At
rpm’s of 30 to 46−percent rpm, the ENG
Starter cranking limits: CRANK switch may not stay engaged
because of normal variations in starter cutout
1. Crossbleed 2 minutes continuous then 10 speed.
minutes OFF.
D The ENG CRANK switch should automati
2. Start cart 5 minutes continuous then 10 minutes cally disengage between 49 to 51−percent rpm
OFF. during a crossbleed or normal ground start.
Engine cranking procedures during a crossbleed start AFTC logic provides main high−energy ignition auto
are the same as with a ground start cart. Engine crossbleed matically during automatic and manual spooldown, cross
start on the ground can be accomplished with the throttle on bleed, and windmill airstarts. Selecting the BACKUP
the operating engine at or above idle rpm. When high− IGNITION switch to ON provides continuous backup
residual EGT (remains from a hot start) and/or throttles are ignition to both engines, and backs up main high−energy
advanced from OFF to IDLE prior to 20−percent rpm, higher ignition during manual spooldown, crossbleed, and windmill
than normal EGT readings may occur. airstarts.
When initiating crossbleed starts with ambient temper 2.10 ENGINE OIL SYSTEM
ature less than 40° F (4° C), the starter torque load is
increased. Above 80° F (27° C), engine bleed air provides Each engine has a self−contained, dry sump non−
less energy potential to the starter turbine. Either extreme can pressure regulated oil system that provides filtered oil for
affect engine starting acceleration rates, resulting in hotter− lubricating and cooling engine main shaft bearings, oil seals,
than−normal starts. When crossbleed starting with an operat gearboxes, accessories, and provides a hydraulic medium to
ing engine at idle, the operator should be aware of either operate the engine exhaust nozzles (FO−5).
condition and increase the operating engine rpm in 5−percent
increments until normal starting acceleration rate is A storage tank feeds oil to an oil pump that supplies oil
achieved. Low percentage rpm−to−EGT ratio can increase under pressure to the forward sump in the engine front hub,
turbine distress without necessarily exceeding the EGT limit. the mid sump in the fan hub, the aft sump in the turbine hub,
and the inlet and accessory gearboxes. Oil is recovered from
When performing an idle crossbleed start, advance the the sumps and accessory gearboxes, pumped past a chip
throttles from OFF to IDLE at 20−percent rpm or greater detector, and cooled in a fuel/oil heat exchanger before
while monitoring EGT. If EGT rises rapidly, advance the returning to the storage tank.
operating engine rpm to slightly above idle. The exhaust
nozzles start to close when rpm is slightly above idle. A separate compartment in the storage tank provides
oil to the exhaust nozzle hydraulic system. Oil returning from
Note the nozzle to the tank provides auxiliary oil supply to the
No. 3 bearing when normal supply is interrupted or during
engine spooldown.
D To prevent possible engine overtemperature
during crossbleed and backup ignition start
attempts, select AIR SOURCE for the oper The oil system permits engine operation under all flight
ating engine and return to BOTH after rpm conditions. During zero− or negative−g flight, oil pressure may
stabilizes at idle or above. decrease to zero but will return to normal when positive−g
flight is resumed. Normal oil consumption is 0.03 gallon per
D If attempting a ground restart after a hot start, operating hour with the maximum being 0.1 gallon per oper
windmill the engine until EGT is below ating hour. Capacity of the oil storage tank is 3.7 gallons,
250° C prior to advancing the throttle from with 2.9 gallons usable. A sight gauge on the side of the
OFF to IDLE to avoid a subsequent hot start.
storage tank indicates down to a 2−quart−low oil level. The 300° F during a temperature increase and go out at 280° F
protrusion of a bypass indicator underneath the oil scavenge minimum during a temperature decrease. The caution lights
pump indicates a clogged filter element. also illuminate when respective forward engine gearbox
scavenge temperature exceeds 375° F during a temperature
Note increase, and go out at 345° F minimum during a temperature
D Engine oil level must be checked within
30minutes of engine shutdown, otherwise the 2.11 ENGINE INSTRUMENTS
engine must be run at 80−percent rpm or greater
for 10 minutes to ensure proper servicing. Instruments for monitoring engine operation are on the
pilot left knee panel (Figure 225). Engine operating parame
D A failed−open nozzle may indicate an oil leak; ters are displayed on the engine instrument group which is a
however, if the leak is in the nozzle hydraulic single WRA with LCD readouts. The display provides white
circuit, only that portion of the main engine readout segments and scales on a dark background and is red
lube oil will be lost. backlighted for night operations. Left and right engine com
pressor speed (rpm), EGT, and fuel flow are displayed on the
2.10.1 Oil Cooling EIG. Adjacent to the EIG are circular instruments for both
engines’ oil pressure and nozzle position. Takeoff checks at
Filtered and scavenged oil is cooled by a fuel/oil heat military (MIL) thrust should display evenly matched tapes on
exchanger. This oil is then used in a heat exchanger to cool corresponding vertical scale instruments and all pointers on
the exhaust nozzle oil. A cold−oil bypass valve opens when the circular instruments should be at the 9−o’clock position.
the heat exchanger pressure differential is 44 psi, because of Data on engine operating limits are provided in Chapter 4.
reduced oil temperature or exchanger blockage, allowing oil
flow to bypass the heat exchanger (for example, during cold 2.11.1 Engine RPM Indicator
engine starts).
The RPM indicators (Figure 225) have a range of 0 to
2.10.2 Oil Pressure Indicators 110 percent. The tape display steps in 5−percent increments
and the upper segment flashes to indicate rpm increasing at
An oil pressure transducer in each engine’s oil supply more than 0.4 percent per second from 0 to 60−percent rpm.
line provides a continuous signal to the oil pressure indicator. The tape steps in 1−percent increments when greater than
Another, independent oil pressure switch in each oil supply 60−percent rpm. Nominal indications are 62 to 78 percent at
line activates the OIL PRESS light when either engine’s oil idle and 95 to 104 percent at military and above. At 107.7
pressure decreases to 11 psi. The oil pressure switches and percent and above, the affected engine’s exceeded portions
lights receive electrical power from the essential No. 2 ac of the chevrons will flash at a rate of 2 to 3 flashes per second.
bus. The OIL PRESS light and oil pressure indicator are At 20−percent rpm a horizontal segment will illuminate
independent of each other. giving an indication of proper motoring speed to start the
engine. There is an rpm reading for each engine.
D During cold starts, oil pressure may exceed
65 psi. The 65 psi oil pressure limit should not An overspeed condition in excess of 110 percent
be exceeded for more than 1 minute. will result in momentary loss of rpm indication
until N2 rpm falls below 110 ± 0.5 percent. EGT
D Maneuvers that result in zero or negative−g on and fuel flow indicators will continue to function
the engine (such as rapid rolls, pushovers, or normally.
bugout maneuvers) may cause oil pressure
fluctuations and momentary illumination of 2.11.2 Exhaust Gas Temperature Indicator
the low oil−pressure light.
The EGT indicators (Figure 225) provide a nonlinear
2.10.3 OIL HOT Caution Lights vertical scale with a range of 0 to 1,100° C. The compressed
lower portion has a range of 0 to 600° C. The expanded
The L or R OIL HOT caution light may be illuminated upper portion of the scale has a range of 600 to 1,100° C.
by either high engine oil temperature or by high forward− The display moves in 50° increments in the compressed
engine gearbox scavenge oil temperature. The caution lights portion and 10° increments in the expanded portion of the
illuminate when respective engine oil temperature exceeds
display. The normal indications are 350 to 650° C at idle and 2.11.6 Engine Oil Pressure Indicator
780 to 935° C at MIL and above. Above 940° C, the affected
engine’s exceeded portions of the chevrons flash. With a The engine oil pressure indicators display oil pressure
reading of 940° C, the stall warning light and the aural from 0 to 100 psi. Normal oil pressure is 25 to 65 psi and
warning tone will be activated signifying an engine over increases in proportion to engine rpm within the pressure
temperature condition. The tone is present for a maximum of limit range. Stabilized idle oil pressure may be a minimum
10 seconds unless the fault clears sooner. There is an EGT of 15 psi. The OIL PRESS caution light illuminates at 11 psi
reading for each engine. with decreasing oil pressure and extinguishes at 14 psi with
increasing oil pressure. Maximum allowable oil pressure
2.11.3 Fuel Flow Indicator fluctuation is ± 5 psi.
The fuel flow indicators have a nonlinear vertical scale, 2.11.7 Exhaust Nozzle Position Indicator
with a range of 0 to 17,000 pph. The expanded lower portion
of the scale has a range of 0 to 5,000 pph. The compressed The nozzle position indicators (Figure 225) have
upper portion of the scale ranges from 5,000 to 17,000 pph. a range of 0 to 100−percent open. Normal indications
The display moves in 100 pph increments in the expanded (Figure 213) are l00 percent at idle with WOW and vary in
portion and in 500 pph increments in the compressed portion flight: 3 to 10 percent at MIL thrust, 5 to 12 percent at
of the display. Normal indications on deck are 350 pph MIN AB, and 60 to 90 percent at MAX AB.
starting, 950 to 1,400 pph at idle, and approximately 10,100
pph at military and above. The fuel flow reading for each Note
engine indicates only basic engine consumption and does not
indicate AB fuel flow. When operating engine in SEC mode, the nozzle
position indicator is inoperative and indicates
2.11.4 Engine Instrument Group BIT below zero. No nozzle position indication is
available in SEC mode.
A degraded mode of EIG operation is indicated if the
BIT segment on the top left side of the EGT indicator illumi 2.11.8 Engine Monitor Display Format
nates. This means that either the primary or backup micro
processors, or the primary or backup power supply channels A display of engine parameters (Figure 226) can be
(internal to the EIG), have failed. An automatic switch to the selected on the MFD by pressing the pushbutton adjacent to
operative microprocessor/channel takes place if a failure is the ENG legend on the own−aircraft menu. The display pre
detected. The instrument still monitors engine operation and sents N1 (fan speed), TBT (turbine blade temperature), FF/M
accurately reflects rpm, EGT, and fuel flow. If the input (fuel flow main engine) or FF/T (fuel flow total, main engine
processing circuit fails, the affected scale reading goes to zero. and AB), and NP (exhaust nozzle position). FF/M scale indi
cates main engine fuel flow and is similar to the fuel flow
2.11.5 Engine Instrument Group Self−Test displayed on the EIG. NP is the same as the nozzle position
indicators. Numerical readouts below the N1 and TBT verti
EIG self−test is selected by the MASTER TEST switch cal scales digitize the indicated value. The TIME readout
in INST. When master test is selected, all display segments below the FF/M vertical scale indicates time in hours and
illuminate, scales drive to maximum readings, and warning minutes that fuel will last based on current consumption
chevrons (stripes) flash for 5 seconds. BIT segment on the top rates. Directly below the TIME readout, engine faults are
left side of EGT indicator illuminates. L and R STALL displayed based on current engine operating conditions of
warning acronyms appear on the HUD and MFD and stall both engines processed by FEMS. If more than three faults
warning/overtemp tone is present in pilot earphones for exist at the same time, the acronyms will continuously scroll
10 seconds. After 5 seconds, all EIG scales decrease to pre upward. The ten possible acronyms and their definitions are:
determined values of equal height that correspond to an EGT
reading of 950 ± 10° C. If BIT segment remains illuminated, 1. L MACH # or R MACH # Mach number signal
EIG has failed self−test and BIT remains illuminated until to designated engine has failed.
self−test is reinitiated. Total self−test time is 15 seconds. If
2. L LO THR or R LO THR Designated engine may
master test is deactivated prior to this, EIG returns to normal
be producing less than expected thrust.
mode after the 15−second test. If the MASTER TEST switch
remains in INST for more than 15 seconds, the EIG retains 3. L A/ICE or R A/ICE Designated engine anti−ice
equal height readings until master test is deselected. is on or anti−ice valve has failed opposite com
manded position.
Fire detection circuits in the engine compartments be pulled to make the pushbutton for that engine accessible
detect a leak in the high−temperature duct and illuminate the (see Figure 228). If the left or right fire extinguishing
appropriate FIRE warning light and activate the L FIRE or pushbutton is activated, the contents of both extinguishing
R FIRE warning legend on the MFD and HUD. The warning containers are discharged into the selected engine and its
legend is a repeat of a discrete signal from the fire detect accessory section. Since it is a one−shot system, both system
system. advisory lights, ENG FIRE EXT and AUX FIRE EXT, will
illuminate and remain illuminated after container pressures
2.12.1 Fire Detection Test drop below a preset level.
An integrity test of the fire detection system can be 2.13.2 Fire Extinguisher Advisory Lights
performed by selection of FIRE DET/EXT on the pilot
MASTER TEST switch. The integrity test simultaneously Two advisory lights are provided to indicate low
checks the sensing element loops of both engine compart pressure in the fire extinguishing agent containers. The
ments for continuity and freedom from short circuits, and the lights, ENG FIRE EXT and AUX FIRE EXT, illuminate
fire alarm circuits and FIRE warning lights for proper when container pressure drops 90 psi below a nominal
functioning. Presence of a short circuit or control unit pressure of 600 psi at 70° F (see Figure 228).
malfunction causes the warning light to remain out. Fire
detection test is not available on the emergency generator. 2.13.3 Fire Extinguisher Test
The fire extinguishing system is tested by raising and
rotating the MASTER TEST switch to FIRE DET/EXT and
The fire extinguishing system is capable of discharging depressing the knob. If the fire extinguisher test passes, the
an extinguishing agent into either engine nacelle and its GO light illuminates; if the NO GO light illuminates or if both
accessory section. The system consists of two containers of or neither GO and NO GO lights illuminate, the system has
extinguishing agent, piping and nozzles to route and not tested properly and a failure exists somewhere in the
discharge the agent, cockpit switches to activate the system, system.
and advisory lights that alert the flightcrew to a drop in
system pressure below a predetermined level. 2.14 AIRCRAFT FUEL SYSTEM
The aircraft fuel system normally operates as a split
The fire extinguishing agent is a clean, colorless, odor
less, and electrically nonconductive gas. It is a low−toxicity feed system, with the left and aft tanks feeding to the left
engine and the right and forward tanks feeding the right
vapor that chemically stops the combustion process. It will
engine (refer to FO−6). Except for the external tanks, the
not damage equipment because it leaves no water, foam,
system uses motive flow fuel to transfer fuel. The supply of
powder, or other residue.
high−pressure fuel from engine−driven motive fuel pumps
operates fuel ejector pumps to transfer fuel without the need
The retention time of an adequate concentration of the
of moving parts. The system is not dependent on electrical
extinguishing agent in the engine compartment will deter
power for normal fuel transfer and feed. Total internal and
mine probability of reignition, and, therefore, the probability
external fuel quantity indication is provided, with a select
of aircraft survival. At high airspeeds, where airflow through
able quantity readout for individual tanks. Fuel system
the engine compartment is increased, agent retention time is
management requirements are minimal under normal opera
tion for feed, transfer, dumping, and refueling. Sufficient
cockpit control is provided to manage the system under
The slower the airspeed at the time the extinguisher is
failure conditions. The aircraft fuel system is designed so that
fired, the higher the probability of fire extinction and the
all usable fuel will normally be depleted under two or
lower the probability of reignition.
single−engine operating conditions before an engine flame
out occurs from fuel starvation. However, with complete
Circuit breaker protection is provided on the RIO
motive flow failure, engine fuel starvation can occur with
essential No. 1 circuit breaker panel by the R FIRE EXT
usable fuel aboard.
(7C4) circuit breaker and the L FIRE EXT (7C5) circuit
2.13.1 Fire Extinguisher Pushbuttons All fuel weights in this manual are based on
The discharge pushbuttons for the fire extinguishing the use of JP−5 fuel at 6.8 pounds per gallon,
system are located behind the FUEL SHUT OFF handles. JP−4 fuel at 6.5 pounds per gallon, or JP−8 fuel at
The FUEL SHUT OFF handle for the affected engine must 6.7 pounds per gallon.
2.14.1 Fuel Tankage forward−most cell in the aft tank group (cell No. 5) lays
laterally across the center fuselage. Extending aft are two
Figure 229 shows the general fuel tankage arrange coffin−shaped tanks that contain two cells (Nos. 6 and 8) on
ment in the aircraft. The fuel supply is stored in eight separate the right side and one cell (No. 7) plus an integral fuel vent
fuselage cells, two wing box cells, two integral wing cells, tank on the left side. The coffin tanks straddle the center
and (optional loading) two external fuel tanks. trough area, which contains the control rods, Sparrow missile
launchers, and electrical and fluid power lines. All fuel cells Sump Tanks in the aft tank group are interconnected by one−way flapper
valves at the base for aft−to−forward fuel gravity transfer.
The engine feed group, consisting of the left and right
box−beam tanks and the left and right sump tanks, spans the Wing Tanks
fuselage slightly forward of the mid−center of gravity. Fuel
in each box−beam tank gravity flows to its respective sump There are integral fuel cells in the movable wing panels
tank. The sump tanks (self−sealing) are directly connected between the front and aft wing spars. Because of the wing−
to the box−beam tanks and contain the turbine−driven sweep pivot location and the extensive span (20 feet) of the
boost pumps. The feed tanks supply fuel to the engine. wing tanks, wing fuel loading provides a variable aft cg con
A negative−g check valve traps fuel in the feed tank during tribution to the aircraft longitudinal balance as a function of
negative−g flight. wingsweep angle. Each wing panel consists of the integral
fuel cell, which is designed to withstand loads because of fuel
sloshing during catapulting and extreme rolling maneuvers
with partial or full wing fuel. Fuel system plumbing (transfer
and refuel, motive flow, and vent lines) to the wing tanks
D Zero− or negative−g flight longer than 10 sec incorporate telescoping sealed joints at the pivot area to pro
onds in AB or 20 seconds in MIL or less will vide normal operation independent of wing−sweep position.
deplete the fuel sump tanks (cell Nos. 3 and 4),
resulting in flameout of both engines. External Tanks
D AB operation in the 0 to 0.5−g regime may Fuel, air, electrical, and fuel precheck line connectors
result in air ingestion into the fuel boost are under the engine nacelles for the external carriage of two
pumps, causing possible AB blowout or fuel tanks. Check valves in the connectors provide an auto
engine flameout. matic seal with the tank removed. Although the locations are
D With fuel in feed group below 1,000 pounds, designated as armament stations Nos. 2 and 7, no other store
AB operation could result in AB blowout. is designed to be suspended there so that the carriage of
external fuel tanks does not limit the weapon−loading capa
Note bility of the aircraft. Suspension of the drop tanks and their
AB operation with less than 1,000 pounds in fuel content has an insignificant effect on the aircraft longitu
either feed group may illuminate the FUEL dinal center of gravity, and, even under the most adverse
PRESS light because of uncovering of the boost asymmetric fuel condition, the resultant movement can be
pump inlet. compensated for by lateral trimming.
1 QTY SEL switch WING Fuel quantity in each wing is displayed on L and R counter of
pilot’s fuel quantity indicator.
FEED Spring−loaded rocker switch returns to FEED when not held in
WING or EXT. FEED group fuel quantity displayed on L and R
counter of pilot’s fuel quantity indicator
EXT Fuel quantity in each external tank displayed on L and R counter
of pilot’s fuel quantity indicator.
2 FEED switch FWD Both engines feed from right and forward tanks. Opens sump
tank interconnect valve, box beam vent valves, fuselage motive
flow isolation valve, defueling and transfer selector valve, and
shuts off motive flow fuel to all aft tank ejector pumps.
NORM Right engine feeds from forward and right tanks. Left engine
(guarded feeds from aft and left tanks.
AFT Both engines feed from aft and left tanks. Opens sump tank inter
connect valve, box beam vent valves, fuselage motive flow isola
tion valve, defueling and transfer selector valves, and shuts off
motive flow fuel to forward tank ejector pumps.
3 WING/EXT TRANS ORIDE Airborne − Allows transfer of wing fuel, fuselage tank
switch pressurization, and pressurization and transfer of external tanks
with landing gear down, and with electrical malfunction in transfer
system. Weight on Wheels −Allows transfer of wing and external
tank fuel.
AUTO Airborne − Normal position. Wing fuel is automatically transferred.
Transfer of external fuel and fuselage pressurization is automatic
with landing gear retracted. Automatic shut off of wing and
external tanks when empty. Weight on Wheels −Automatic
transfer of wing and external tank fuel cannot be accomplished;
switch must be set to ORIDE for wing fuel transfer.
OFF Closes solenoid operated valve to shut off motive flow fuel to
wing and also inhibits external tank transfer and fuselage
pressurization. Spring return to AUTO when master test switch
is actuated in INST, and when either thermistor in cell 2 and 5 is
uncovered, when DUMP is selected, and when REFUEL PROBE
switch is in ALL EXTD.
4 In−flight refueling probe Illuminates whenever probe cavity forward door is open during retraction or
transition light extension of probe.
6 REFUEL PROBE switch ALL EXTD Extends refueling probe. Shuts off wing and external
tank fuel transfer to permit refueling of all tanks.
Returns transfer switch from OFF to AUTO.
FUS EXTD Extends refueling probe. Normal transfer and feed.
Used for practice plugins, fuselage−only refueling,
or flight with damaged wing tank.
RET Retracts refueling probe.
7 Left and right FUEL SHUT Pulling respective handle manually shuts off fuel to that engine.
OFF PULL handles Push forward resets engine fuel feed shutoff valve to open.
8 L and R FUEL LOW Fuel thermistors uncovered in aft and left or forward and right feed group.
caution lights Illuminates with approximately 1,000 pounds remaining in individual feed
(Also single light on RIO group and the respective fuselage tanks empty.
CAUTION panel.)
9 BINGO caution light Illuminates when total fuel quantity indicator reads lower than BINGO
counter value.
10 L and R FUEL PRESS Indicates insufficient discharge pressure (less than 9 psi) from respective
caution lights turbine−driven boost pump.
If fuel pressure light is illuminated an engine overtemp warning
tone will sound.
Figure 2−30. Fuel Controls and Indicators (Sheet 3 of 3)
each, are located directly beneath the box−beam tanks and tank. The pressure head at interconnect A or B created
have three sources of fuel (see Figure 2-31 for identification by the higher vertical location of the fuel in the box−
of tank interconnects): beam tank, is greater than that created at interconnect
1. Interconnect A or B provides gravity sump from C or D by the fuel in either cell No. 2 or 5. Therefore,
the respective box−beam tank. fuel to replenish the sump tanks will come from the
2. Interconnect C or D connects the sump tank to its box−beam tanks through interconnects A and B.
respective fuselage tank (cell No. 4 to cell No. 2/ 2. Situation 2
cell No. 3 to cell No. 5). a. Fuel in cell Nos. 2 and 5
3. The sump tank interconnect line and valve E b. FEED switch in NORM
connect the two sump tanks. c. High−engine fuel demands (afterburner).
The proportion of fuel supplied to each sump tank Under these conditions the sump tank interconnect
through the five interconnects (A through E) is a function of valve is closed and the left and right systems are
the pressure differential existing at each of the interconnects. isolated. Engine fuel demand can exceed the transfer
The interconnect with the highest pressure differential will rate into the box−beam tank. If this occurs, the fuel level
provide the most fuel. Valve E is commanded open during in the box−beam tank will start to drop; however the
low−fuel states and during fuel balancing when the FEED box−beam tanks are not vented, resulting in a pressure
switch is selected FWD or AFT. drop above the declining fuel level. This reduced
In a normal sequence, three situations can be defined: pressure lowers the total pressure at A and B, below the
1. Situation 1 pressure at C and D. Therefore, the majority of the fuel
a. Fuel in cell Nos. 2 and 5 to replenish the sump tanks comes directly from
b. FEED switch in NORM fuselage cell Nos. 2 and 5 through interconnects C and
c. Normal engine fuel flow (MIL thrust or less). D, respectively. The reduction in box−beam tank fuel
quantity should not normally result in a feed group
Under these conditions, the sump tank interconnect quantity indication of less than 1,200 pounds. If the
valve is closed, and the left and right systems are feed groups drop and then hold in the 1,200−pound
isolated. The transfer capacity into the box−beam tank range during a high−speed dash, the system is working
exceeds the engine demand, ensuring a full box−beam normally.
Illumination of the L or R FUEL PRESS caution light If fuel pressure light is illuminated an engine
results from a malfunction of the boost pump, failure of the overtemp warning tone will sound.
motive flow pump, exhaustion of fuel, or fuel flow interrup-
tion. With illumination of the caution light, the engine auto- Engine Fuel Feed During Afterburner
matic crossfeed valve is commanded open and the fuselage Operations
motive flow shutoff valve on the failed side is automatically
closed. Because of the reduced pumping and transfer capac- High AB fuel consumption places extreme demands on
ity while operating on a single boost pump, afterburner the engine feed system. In addition, the g forces experienced
operation is restricted to altitudes below 15,000 feet. Fuel to with AB use, especially during unloaded accelerations
both engines is supplied from the side with the operating (bugouts") and low−g nose−high maneuvering, tend to
boost pump; therefore a fuel quantity imbalance will result. reduce forward fuel transfer to cell No. 5 and the left engine
Use of the FEED switch to balance fuel quantity will override sump tank (cell No.3). When these conditions are sustained,
the low−fuel pressure signal to the fuselage motive flow shut- fuel in cell No. 5 is depleted by both high suction feed through
off valve, allowing normal fuel balancing procedures. Illumi- the gravity transfer line (C, Figure 2-32), and by reducing
nation of both FUEL PRESS caution lights indicates gravity fuel transfer from cell Nos. 6 and 7. Zero− or low−g
reduced (< 9 psi) or loss of boosted fuel pressure to both (less than 0.5) flight tends to force the fuel remaining in cell
engines. Fuel will continue to be supplied by suction feed; No. 5 toward the aft wall of the tank or, at reduced fuel level,
however, thrust settings should be minimized and AB used uncovers gravity transfer line (C) and allows air to be
drawn into the sump tank. Continued zero− or low−g (less D In the presence of a fuel pressure light, fuel
than0.5) maneuvers will aggravate this condition and demand must be reduced and positive g
increase the probability of air ingestion. If air enters the boost restored to prevent possible engine flameout.
pump and engine feed line, the fuel pressure light will
illuminate. If the maneuver is continued, the left AB will Fuel Shutoff Handles
blow out and subsequent left−engine flameout can occur.
Right−engine flameout can follow after left−engine flameout Individual engine fuel feed shutoff valves in the left
because engine feed crossfeed operation will reduce the and right feed lines at the point of nacelle penetration are
effective output of the right boost pump. Aircraft decelera connected by control cables to the FUEL SHUT OFF handles
tion can further interrupt fuel transfer from cell No. 2 to the on the pilot instrument panel. During normal operation, the
right sump through the gravity transfer line (D, Figure 233). handles should remain pushed in so that fuel flow to the
Once initiated, this sequence can occur rapidly and is engine fuel feed system is unrestricted. If a fire is detected in
independent of total fuel state. the engine nacelle, the pilot should pull (approximately 3 or
4 inches) the FUEL SHUT OFF handle on the affected side
to stop the supply of fuel to the engine.
Note The path of the motive flow fuel is essentially the same
Engine flameout will occur approximately 4 sec for either side. Fuel from the engine feed line is pressurized
onds after the FUEL SHUT OFF handle(s) is by the engine−driven motive flow pump and initially routed
pulled with the throttle(s) at MIL. With lower through the boost pump turbine. The motive flow fuel is then
power settings, time to flameout will increase routed through its respective transfer system. As the pres
(approximately 30 seconds at IDLE). surized fuel passes through each ejector pump, it induces
transfer fuel to flow along with the motive flow fuel. This
combination of fuel eventually is transferred into the respec
2.14.4 Fuel Transfer
tive wing box−beam tank. Motive Flow Transfer There are four valves that control motive flow transfer:
With the exception of the external tanks, which utilize
bleed air, all fuel transfer is accomplished by gravity and 1. Motive flow isolation valve Normally closed, but
motive flow. In motive flow, a relatively small amount of when the low−level thermistor in cell Nos. 2 or 5 is
pressurized fuel moves at high speed through ejector pumps, uncovered or the FEED switch is out of NORM, the
using the venturi effect to induce flow of the transfer fuel. valve is commanded open, providing a path for
The ejector pumps have no rotating parts or power require motive flow fuel from a normally operating side to
ments other than motive flow. cross over and power a malfunctioning opposite
Like other elements of the fuel transfer system, motive
flow transfer is initially segregated to right and left. The 2. Forward fuselage motive flow shutoff valve
motive flow pump driven by the right engine provides motive Normally open except when the R FUEL PRESS
flow and pressure to drive the right boost pump and to run the caution light is illuminated or the FEED switch is in
ejector transfer pumps in the forward fuselage and right wing. AFT. When the valve is closed, all motive flow
The motive flow pump driven by the left engine provides transfer in the forward fuselage is shut off. If the
motive flow and pressure to drive the left boost pump and valve is closed because of the R FUEL PRESS
runs the ejector transfer pumps in the aft fuselage and left caution light, positioning the FEED switch to FWD
wing. will open the valve.
3. AFT fuselage motive flow shutoff valve lage, aft fuselage transfer does not have any high−level control
Normally open except when the L FUEL PRESS associated with it. Excess fuel in the box−beam tank passes
caution light is illuminated or the FEED switch is in through an overflow pipe back into cell No. 5. When cell No.5
FWD. When the valve is closed, all motive flow is full, the fuel cascades into cell Nos. 6, 7, and 8. The aft
transfer in the aft fuselage is shut off. If the valve is fuselage fuel will continue to circulate until consumed by the
closed because of the L FUEL PRESS caution light, engine. When their respective cells are empty, the motive flow
positioning the FEED switch to AFT will open the ejector pumps will be shutoff by their own low−level floats.
valve. The scavenge ejector pumps do not incorporate shutoff floats.
In the event of loss of aft fuselage motive flow transfer, fuel
4. Wing motive flow shutoff valve The motive flow may be gravity fed forward to cell No. 5 and eventually to the
to each wing passes through separate paths in a left sump tank through interconnect C.
single motive flow shutoff valve. The valve is nor
mally open except when: Wing Transfer
a. The WING/EXT TRANS switch is in OFF or in Wing fuel is transferred by two motive flow ejector
AUTO with both left and right wing thermistors pumps located in each wing. To prevent overfilling the fuse
dry. lage, entry of wing fuel into the box−beam tank is controlled
by the refueling/transfer shutoff valve. In the forward fuse
b. Weight is on wheels.
lage, excess fuel overflows through an overflow pipe from
c. The REFUEL PROBE switch is in ALL EXTD. the right box−beam tank into cell No. 2, and then cascades
into cell No. 1. A high−level pilot valve senses when cell
In any case, the wing motive flow shutoff valve can be No.1 is full and sends a signal to close the right refueling/
commanded open by selecting ORIDE on the WING/EXT transfer shutoff valve, preventing additional wing fuel from
TRANS switch. entering. When engine fuel consumption provides room in
cell No. 1 for additional fuel, the high−level pilot will signal
the refueling/transfer shutoff valve to open. The sequence is Forward Fuselage Transfer
identical for the left box−beam tank and aft fuselage with the
Fuel in cell No. 1 flows by gravity into cell No. 2 where exception that the high−level pilot valve is located in cell
two motive flow ejector pumps transfer it into the right wing No.7 and controls the left refueling/transfer shutoff valve
box−beam tank at approximately 18,000 pph. Fuel entering (see Figure 234 for wing and external tank fuel transfer).
the box−beam tank beyond engine demands overflows
through an overflow pipe back into cell No. 2. There is no fuel Normally wing fuel can only transfer to the box−beam
level control associated with fuselage motive flow transfer; tank on its respective side, except when the thermistor in
therefore, the fuel will continue to circulate from cell No. 2 either cell No. 2 or 5 is uncovered or the FEED switch is
into the right box−beam tank and back through the overflow selected FWD or AFT. For either condition, the motive flow
pipe. When the fuel in cell Nos. 1 and 2 is depleted, the isolation valve opens, making motive flow pressure available
motive flow ejector pumps are shut off by their own low−level to either wing from either engine, and the two defuel/transfer
floats. In the event of failure of the forward fuselage motive selector valves open, permitting fuel from either wing to
flow, the fuel can reach the right sump tank by gravity flow transfer to either box−beam tank. Total loss of wing motive
through interconnect D. flow will preclude transfer of any remaining wing fuel.
Failure of either high−level pilot valve or refueling/transfer Aft Fuselage Transfer shutoff valve to the closed position could cause a single−wing
transfer failure. Selection of FWD or AFT on the FEED
Fuel in the aft fuselage is transferred forward by
switch opens the defuel/transfer selector valves allowing the
scavenge ejector pumps in cell No. 8 and the vent tank, single trapped wing fuel to transfer to the opposite box−beam fuel
ejector pumps in cell Nos. 6 and 7, and two ejector pumps in
cell No. 5. All aft motive flow transfer is into the left box−
beam tank, producing a rate of approximately 36,000 pph.
This flow rate is approximately twice that of the forward Premature automatic wing motive flow valve
fuselage transfer rate because there are more motive flow shutoff may occur because of formation of air
ejector pumps in the aft transfer system. More fuel tanks and bubbles in the wingtip fuel thermistors. Pilot
thus more motive flow ejector pumps are required in the aft selection of ORIDE with the WING/EXT
transfer system than the forward transfer system because of TRANS switch will re−enable fuel transfer.
the aircraft structural configuration. Like the forward fuse
Note bypass the landing gear down interlock in the external tank
transfer circuit, the WING/EXT TRANS switch may remain
D ORIDE transfer should not normally be used in the AUTO (normal) position for this check.
unless AUTO transfer fails to complete trans
fer of wing or external tank fuel. ORIDE use Note
when the wing tanks are dry may allow air to D Verifying tank operation by observing fuel
enter the box−beam tanks, reducing the effi transfer is both time consuming with a full fuse
ciency of gravity transfer to the sump tanks. lage fuel load and aggravates fuel slosh loads
D When the thermistor in either cell No. 2 or 5 in the external tanks during catapult launch.
is uncovered, the WING/EXT TRANS switch D Engine rpm above idle may be required to
will be deenergized from OFF to AUTO. This provide sufficient bleed air pressure for a sat
automatic feature is to ensure all wing and isfactory check.
external fuel has been transferred. After 5 sec
onds, the pilot may reset this switch to OFF. Vent Valve Failure
A weight−on−wheels inhibit function prevents opening The vent valves in the right and left box−beam tank are
of the wing motive flow shutoff valve. To transfer wing fuel always commanded open with the sump tank interconnect
during ground operations, the WING/EXT TRANS switch valve, making the right and left feed groups a common
must be set to ORIDE to bypass the weight−on−wheels system. This function occurs when the low−level thermistor
function. in cell No. 2 or 5 is uncovered. To equalize the static pressure
head at the interconnect valve, the fuel in the sump tanks will
Activation of fuselage fuel dump automatically initi seek a common level. At matched engine demands, each
ates wing fuel transfer in sequence after external tank transfer engine will feed from its own side and negligible flow will
by automatically moving the WING/EXT TRANS switch to occur across the sump tank interconnect valve. If a vent valve
AUTO if in OFF. Positioning the REFUEL PROBE switch to fails to open, the additional vent pressure on top of the fuel
ALL/EXTD also releases the solenoid holding the WING/ on the vented side creates a pressure differential between the
EXT TRANS switch in OFF. left and right sump tanks and results in migration through the
interconnect valve to the side with the inoperative vent valve. External Tank Transfer Therefore, sump tank replenishment of fuel to the side with
the failed vent valve will come primarily from the opposite
External tank transfer is also controlled by the WING/ sump tank because the head pressure at the interconnect
EXT TRANS switch. When external tanks are installed, valve (E) may be higher than that at interconnects A, B, C,
transfer from the wings and external tanks occurs concur or D (Figure 231). A fuel quantity imbalance will occur with
rently. Transfer from the wings and external tanks cannot be the side of the properly operating vent valve decreasing more
accomplished separately; however, the external tanks should rapidly than the malfunctioning side. The box−beam tank
complete transfer before the wing tanks. External tank fuel with the malfunctioning vent valve will eventually vent
is transferred by bleed air pressure regulated to 25 psi. Maxi through the overflow pipe when the respective fuselage tank
mum transfer rate of each external tank is approximately (cell No. 2 or 5) is empty. If for any reason the fuel is not
45,000 pph. External tank fuel transfer into the fuselage is transferred out of the respective fuselage tank, the imbalance
controlled by the same valves that control wing transfer. will continue until the vented sump tank fuel quantity is
Fuselage level is controlled by the refueling/transfer shutoff low enough to uncover the interconnect valve and line
valves and, until both the defuel/transfer valves are com (256 pounds approximately). This permits venting of the
manded open, external tank fuel can only transfer into the unvented side and permits use of the balance of the fuel in
box−beam tank located on the same side of the aircraft. the sump tanks.
External tank transfer can be checked on the deck by Vent valve malfunctions can create disconcerting fuel
placing the WING/EXT TRANS switch to ORIDE, or select imbalances. Although engine operation is not affected and all
ing FLT GR UP with the MASTER TEST switch and noting of the fuel in the aircraft is available, AB use should be
depletion of external tank fuel quantity. In addition, when avoided when low feed group fuel quantities are indicated. If
FLT GR UP is selected, the GO/NO GO light on the both engine/boost pumps are operating, there is no advantage
MASTER TEST panel is illuminated by a pressure switch in in using the cockpit fuel FEED switch to attempt to correct
the aircraft pressure line leading to the external tanks and the imbalance. Positions other than NORM may simply
indicates status of line pressure. Since FLT GR UP serves to aggravate the imbalance.
2.14.8 Internal Tank Pressurization and Vent 2.14.9 Fueling and Defueling
The internal fuel vent system is shown in Figure 235. Figure 236 shows the refueling system. The aircraft is
It is an open−vent−type system, pressurized by ram air and equipped with a single−point refueling system, which enables
engine bleed air from the 25−psi external tank pressure pressure filling of all aircraft fuel tanks from a single recep
system that is reduced to 1.75 psi by a fuselage pressure tacle. The receptacle is at the recessed ground refuel and
regulator and distributed to all tanks through the fuselage defuel station, behind a quick−access door on the lower right
vent system. This air is automatically supplied when the side of the forward fuselage. The maximum refueling rate is
landing gear handle is UP or the WING/EXT TRANS switch 450 gallons per minute at a pressure of 50 psi. Since ground
is in ORIDE. When the WING/EXT TRANS switch is in and air refueling connections use a common manifold, the
OFF, the low−pressure bleed air is cut off. refueling sequence is the same.
In flight, the vent tank is maintained at a positive Standpipes refuel the aft and forward fuselage tanks by
pressure up to 2.5 psi maximum. This pressure is fed by overflow from the left and right box−beam tanks. A high−
connecting lines to all internal tanks. These connecting lines level pilot valve at the high point of the forward tank shuts
are routed to provide venting to both the forward and aft end off the fuselage refueling valve in the right box−beam tank
of each fuselage tank so it can function as both a climb and when the forward tank group is full. Fuel flows from the left
dive vent. Venting of the box−beam tanks is controlled by box−beam tank to cell No. 5, after which it overflows to the
solenoid−operating valves, which when closed, provide right side, then the left side. A high−level pilot valve at the
suction transfer through the gravity flow paths in cell Nos. 2 high point of the left box−beam tank and aft tank (cell No. 7)
and 5 to the sump tanks. shuts off the fuselage refueling valve in the left box−beam
tank when the aft tank group is full. Individual wing and
external tank filling is accomplished by flow through a
shutoff valve in each tank.
of the tanks to be refueled is accomplished in the same 2.15 ELECTRICAL POWER SUPPLY SYSTEM
manner as during in−flight refueling. If the probe is not
extended, select WING/EXT TRANS switch to OFF to refuel In normal operation, ac power is supplied by the
all tanks. Select ORIDE to refuel the fuselage only. engine−driven generators. This ac power is converted by two
transformer−rectifiers (T/R) into dc power (refer to FO−8).
2.14.12 Automatic Fuel Electrical Controls One generator is capable of assuming the full ac power load
and one T/R is capable of assuming the full dc power load. Automatic Low−Level Wing Transfer Additionally, a hydraulically driven emergency generator
Shutoff provides an independent backup supply of both ac and dc
power for electrical operation of essential buses. Ground
A thermistor is located at the low point in each wing operation of all electrically powered equipment is provided
cell. When both are uncovered, a discrete electrical signal is through the supply of external ac power to the aircraft.
generated, and through a control, the wing motive flow Switching between power supply systems is automatically
shutoff valve is energized and closes, terminating all wing accomplished without pilot action; however, sufficient
transfer. If either or both thermistors are again submerged, control is provided for the flightcrew to selectively isolate
wing transfer resumes. power sources and distribution in emergency situations. See
Figure 237 for a functional description of the control
Failure of this override system could result in a wing switches. All electrical circuits are protected by circuit
transfer failure. Selection of WING/EXT TRANS switch to breakers accessible in flight to the pilot and RIO.
ORIDE removes all power from the wing motive flow shutoff
valve, permitting it to open. 2.15.1 Normal Electrical Operation
Under normal operating conditions, the forward and Two engine−driven, oil cooled, integrated drive gener
right fuselage tank complex is isolated from the aft and left ators (IDG) produce the normal 115−volt, 400 Hz, three−
tank. This is necessary for proper longitudinal cg control and phase ac electrical power. The normal rated output of each
battle damage conditions. However, as fuel depletion prog generator is 75 kVA, which is sufficient to individually
resses to the point of sump tank only remaining, it becomes assume the complete electrical load of the aircraft. Each main
mandatory that the tanks be connected to maintain an equal ac generator is controlled by a separate switch on the pilot
balance. To accomplish this, two thermistors are located at MASTER GEN control panel. Indication of a main power
the low points in cell Nos. 2 and 5, and when either is supply malfunction is provided by a L GEN and R GEN
uncovered (approximately 1,700 to 2,000 pounds per side) caution light. The IDG oil system is used for cooling as well
the following operations are electrically performed: as lubricating the IDG. The oil is normally cooled by the IDG
air/oil cooler and returned to the constant speed drive (CSD)
1. Sump tank interconnect valve is opened. for recirculation. When AB is used, additional cooling is
provided by the AB fuel/oil cooler before returning to the
2. Motive flow isolation valve is opened.
IDG. Should an excessive amount of heat be developed in an
3. Box−beam vent valves are opened. IDG, a thermal (390_ F) actuated device automatically
decouples the input shaft from the remainder of the CSD,
4. Engine crossfeed valve is opened. protecting both the CSD and generator. There are no provi
sions for recoupling the IDG unit in flight.
5. WING/EXT TRANS switch is energized to move
from OFF to AUTO. This signal is maintained for
5 seconds.
1 MASTER GEN NORM Connects the generator to the main buses through the line contactor.
switch OFF/RESET Disconnects generators from the buses. Resets the generator if tripped by
(lock lever) an overvoltage, undervoltage, or fault condition.
TEST The generators are energized but are not connected to the buses. Provides
a means to analyze a system malfunction indicated by a generator caution
light when an attempt to reset a generator is unsuccessful.
2 EMERG NORM Safety guard down. Electrically controlled by a solenoid control valve
generator energized by the left main dc bus. Operation is automatically initiated,
switch connecting to the essential buses, with the loss of the left main dc bus,
regardless of other sources of ac or dc power. Total loss of ac or dc power
will result in the loss of the left main dc bus and, therefore, activation of the
emergency generator.
OFF/RESET Safety guard must be lifted. Disconnects the emergency generator from the
essential buses. Resets the generator if tripped by an undervoltage or
under−frequency condition.
3 L GEN and R GEN caution lights are on the pilot’s caution/advisory light panel. Each light is tied to its
GEN caution respective main ac contactor and is powered by the essential bus no. 2. Illumination of the
lights L GEN or R GEN caution light indicates that the corresponding generator is not supplying
power, due to a fault in the generator, generator control unit, or electrical distribution
4 TRANS/RECT A TRANS/RECT advisory light is on the lower half of the pilot’s caution/advisory indicator
advisory light panel. Illumination of the TRANS/RECT advisory light indicates either a single or dual
transformer−rectifier failure has occurred.
NAVAIR 01−F14AAD−1 Generator Control Units An external power monitor prevents application of external
power that is not within tolerances and disconnects external
Generator output voltage and frequency are individu- power from the buses if undervoltage, overvoltage, under-
ally monitored by GCUs, that prevent application of inter- frequency, overfrequency, or phase−reversal occurs. Power
nally generated power to the aircraft bus system until the can be reapplied to the aircraft by pressing the reset button
generator output is within prescribed operating limits. With adjacent to the receptacle, provided it is within prescribed
the main generator switch in NORM, the applicable genera- limits. External electrical power is automatically inhibited
tor is self−excited, so that during the engine start cycle, it from HUD, MFD, AICS, APX−76, CADC, and CIU without
automatically comes on−line at approximately 50−percent external air−conditioning connected to the aircraft. When the
rpm under normal load conditions. Likewise, during engine left generator comes on the line during start, it automatically
shutdown, the GCU automatically trips the generator off the disconnects external power. Although there is no direct
line as the power output decreases below prescribed limits at cockpit indication of external power being applied after one
approximately 55−percent rpm. generator is operating, the HYD TRANSFER PUMP will not
operate if the external power plug is still in the aircraft
During normal operations, the generator control receptacle.
switches remain in NORM continuously. However, subse-
quent to an engine shutdown, stall, or flameout in flight 2.15.2 Electrical Power Distribution
where the GCU has tripped the generator off−line, the relight
of the engine will not automatically reset the generator unless Electrical power is distributed through a series of
the engine speed decreased below about 30−percent N2 rpm. buses. Under normal operation, the ac generator power dis-
If a transient malfunction or condition causes the generator tribution is split between the left and right main ac buses.
to trip, the generator must be manually reset by cycling the Failure of either main ac generator trips a tie connector to
applicable generator control switch to OFF/RESET then connect both buses to the operative generator. If the bus tie
back to NORM. fails to trip when the generator goes bad, the respective
transformer−rectifier will not be powered and the indication
When normal reset cannot be accomplished, TEST, on of this double failure will be a L GEN or R GEN caution light
the generator control switch, allows the generator to be and a TRANS/RECT advisory light. The left and right main
excited but not connected to the aircraft buses. In test, a CSD, ac buses in turn supply ac power directly to the respective
generator, or GCU failure causes the GEN light to remain transformer−rectifiers, and the left main ac bus also supplies
illuminated. If the light goes out, the problem is in the dis- power to both essential ac buses under normal operation.
tribution system.
External power is distributed through the aircraft elec- Transformer−Rectifiers trical system in the same manner as main generator power.
Like the main ac generators, dc power distribution from the
Two transformer−rectifiers convert internal or external two transformer−rectifiers under normal operations is split
ac power to 28−Vdc power. A single TRANS/RECT advisory between the left and right main dc buses. Failure of either
light on the pilot advisory panel provides failure indication transformer−rectifier trips the respective tie contactor to
for one or both transformer−rectifiers. No flightcrew control connect both main dc buses to the operative transformer−
is exercised over transformer−rectifier operation aside from rectifier. The TRANS/RECT advisory light provides a direct
controlling the ac power supply or circuit breakers for the indication of dc bus tie status. An interruption−free dc bus
power converters. The transformer−rectifiers have a rated interconnects the left and right main dc buses to provide a
output of 100 amperes each. Each unit is capable of assuming continuous source of dc power with failure of either main ac
the complete dc electrical load of the aircraft. Forced air generator and/or transformer−rectifier. The left main dc bus
cooling is provided with engines running to dissipate the heat additionally supplies power to both essential dc buses under
generated by the power converters. normal operations. Power to the DFCS bus is normally
supplied from the interruption−free dc bus; however, with an External Power output failure from both transformer−rectifiers, the DFCS bus
load is automatically transferred to the essential No. 2 bus.
Ground power is applied through a receptacle just aft Loss of main dc power automatically activates the emer-
of the nosegear. The pilot has control over external power gency generator. The emergency generator is electrically
application only through hand signals to the plane captain.
2−61 CHANGE 2
inhibited by a solenoid control valve energized by the left 5 are on the RIO’s left and panels 6 to 9 are on the RIO’s right.
main dc bus. Operation of the generator is automatically The pilot left and right knee panels are designated L and R,
initiated, connecting to the essential buses, with the loss of respectively.
the main dc bus, regardless of other sources of ac or dc power.
Total loss of ac or dc power will consequently result in the The first digit in the three-part locator is the alpha-
loss of the left main dc bus and, therefore, activation of the numeric that identifies the circuit breaker panel. The second
emergency generator. This, in turn, trips power transfer part is a letter that designates the row in which the circuit
relays to change essential ac & dc bus loading from the left breaker will be found. The top row is designated A, the next
main ac and dc buses to the emergency generator, regardless row lower is B, etc. The third part is a number and designates
of main generator output status. the column in which the circuit breaker will be found. The
innermost column of each panel 1, 2, 5, 8, and 9 or aft most Circuit Breakers column on each panel 3, 4, 6, 7 L and R is designated “1,”
the next outboard/forward column is 2, etc. Figure 2-38 is an
Individual circuit protection from an overload condi- alphanumeric listing of circuit breakers.
tion is provided by circuit breakers, which are all located in
the cockpits for accessibility in flight. The appropriate circuit Note
breaker will pop out and isolate a circuit that draws too much
current, thus preventing equipment damage and a possible D Panel No. 1 row A, the column numbering is
fire. different from rows B to J.
D Panel No. 2 rows A to F, the column number-
ing is different from Rows G to I.
The alphanumeric system for locating circuit breakers The spoiler actuators are mechanically biased to
in the aircraft is as follows. the retracted position in order to cause the
spoilers to retract in the event that the command
The panels in the RIO cockpit are labeled 1 through 9 signal from the DFCS is lost (i.e., DFCS power
starting left-aft and proceeding clockwise. Thus, panels 1 to failure).
If this bias is reversed, the affected spoiler will The exact hydraulic pressure at which the emergency
extend instead of retracting when the command generator is unable to power all three buses is dependent on
signal is lost. A DFCS power failure coupled the load placed on the generator and can vary from 2,000 to
with a reverse spoiler bias will result in a fully 1,100 psi indicated. If the emergency generator is required
deployed spoiler. All unaffected spoilers will and there is a hydraulic emergency that could lower com
remain retracted and will not respond to flight bined system operating pressure, the ac essential No. 2 and
control inputs until the DFCS command signals dc essential No. 2 and dc DFCS buses can be powered with
are restored. lower hydraulic pressure securing nonessential equipment in
order to reduce the electrical load and to maintain DFCS
D DFCS synchronization can take up to two
seconds following a power interrupt. If the Note
MASTER RESET pushbutton is depressed D When the emergency generator is operating
during the synchronization time, an addi with one main hydraulic system inoperative,
tional depression of the MASTER RESET large hydraulic flow requirements for flight
pushbutton will be required to restore spoiler controls may cause loss of the essential ac and
functionality. dc No. 2 and DFCS buses. To regain these
D Do not press and hold the MASTER RESET buses the emergency generator switch must be
pushbutton. Pressing and holding the cycled through OFF/RESET to NORM after
MASTER RESET pushbutton during the syn the hydraulic pressure recovers. Engine
chronization time will have no effect since the instruments are powered by essential ac bus
DFCS computers only recognize the leading No. 1. Engine instruments will be available or
edge of the pulse from the MASTER RESET restored at lower engine rpm. The airspeed at
pushbutton, and not the fact that the button is which engine instrumentation is restored
continuously depressed. (either automatically or by pilot cycling the
emergency generator switch) could be higher
Pilot control of the emergency generator is through the than the maximum airspeed.
guarded EMERG switch on the MASTER GEN control
panel. The emergency generator is electrically inhibited by D In the event of L and R generator failure, an
a solenoid control valve energized by the left main dc bus. attempt should be made to reduce unneces
sary electrical loads to maintain DFCS SAS
With the switch in NORM, operation of the generator and ARI functionality.
is automatically initiated, connecting to the essential buses,
with the loss of the left main dc bus, regardless of other Emergency Generator Test
sources of ac or dc power. Total loss of ac or dc power will
consequently result in the loss of the left main dc bus and An operational check of the emergency generator can
activation of the emergency generator. The OFF/RESET be accomplished anytime the combined system is pressur
switch position provides the pilot with the capability of ized and at least one main generator is on the line by selecting
isolating emergency electrical power from the aircraft buses EMERG GEN on the master test switch and depressing the
(as in the case of an electrical fire) or resetting the generator. switch. This provides 28 Vdc to activate the emergency
generator and checks the tie contactors by connecting Emergency Power Distribution electrical power to the essential ac and dc buses. The GO light
on the MASTER TEST panel indicates a satisfactory check.
An emergency generator control unit monitors the A malfunction in the emergency generator operation is
emergency generator output. If it senses that the emergency indicated by the NO GO light.
generator cannot supply power within the proper frequency
and voltage tolerances, the control unit disconnects the Note
essential ac and dc essential No. 2 and the dc DFCS buses
from the emergency generator (1 kVA mode). It is possible During the emergency generator test the essen
that this could happen if the combined hydraulic system is not tial ac No. 2 bus is switched between the left main
operating normally. If combined hydraulic pressure subse and emergency generator. The DFCS computers
quently recovers, the emergency generator switch must be detect this as a loss of ac power and perform a
cycled through OFF/RESET and back to NORM to regain the power−up BIT sequence when the emergency
5 kVA mode, restoring power to the essential No. 2 and DFCS generator test is completed. A MASTER RESET
buses. The DFCS computers will respond with a power up is required to regain SAS and ARI functions.
BIT sequence, requiring a MASTER RESET to regain SAS
and ARI functions.
2.16 HYDRAULIC POWER SUPPLY SYSTEMS transfer pump. This unit consists of two hydraulic pumps, one
in each of the main hydraulic systems, interconnected by a
The aircraft employs two main, independent, engine− common mechanical shaft. Thus, a pressure deficiency in
powered hydraulic systems, supplemented by two electro one system is automatically augmented using pressure in the
hydraulic power modules, a bi−directional transfer unit, and other system as the motive power. The result is bi−directional
a cockpit handpump. The systems are pressurized to 3,000 psi transfer of energy without an interchange of system fluid.
and use MIL−H−83282 hydraulic fluid circulated through The efficiency of the pump is such that a 3,000 psi system on
stainless steel and titanium lines. Hydraulic fluid is cooled by one side will pressurize the other system to approximately
heat exchangers that use ejector air on deck. Hydraulic power 2,400 to 2,600 psi.
system controls and indicators are shown in Figure 239. The
components serviced by each hydraulic power system are To prevent damage to the hydraulic transfer pump with
shown in FO−10. the loss of system fluid on one side and to conserve hydraulic
power in the remaining good system, the pump is automati
2.16.1 Flight and Combined Systems cally secured when pressure less than 500 psi is detected on
either side of the pump for 10 seconds. In addition, the pilot Engine−Driven Pumps can manually shut off the hydraulic transfer pump by lifting
the guarded HYD TRANSFER PUMP switch, located aft on
The flight and the combined systems are each pressur the right outboard console.
ized by engine−driven pumps. The flight hydraulic system
pump is driven by the right engine and the combined hydrau
lic system pump by the left engine. Each of the main systems
is normally pressurized to 3,000 $ 100 psi at any time the
respective engine is operating.
If pressure in either system remains below 500 Hydraulic Pressure Light psi for 5 seconds, immediately lift the guard and
select SHUTOFF with the HYD TRANSFER
A HYD PRESS caution light illuminates when the dis PUMP switch. Failure of the hydraulic transfer
charge pressure from either engine−driven hydraulic pump pump to automatically shut off after 10 seconds
falls below 2,100 psi; thereafter, the light goes out when below 500 psi may cause the driving system to
pressure in both systems via the engine−driven pumps cavitate and overheat.
exceeds 2,400 psi. If the HYD PRESS caution light has been
illuminated by low pressure in one main system, pressure With ground electrical power connected to the aircraft,
failure in the other system will not cause the MASTER the hydraulic transfer pump is deactivated and can only be
CAUTION light to illuminate again. The COMB and FLT energized by a switch on the ground check panel. Normally,
gauges on the hydraulic pressure indicator reflect system with both engines running, the hydraulic transfer pump is off.
pressure provided by either the engine−driven pumps or the However, with less than 2,100 psi hydraulic pump discharge
hydraulic transfer pump. With both systems normally pres pressure from either system, the pump will automatically
surized to 3,000 psi, the gauge needles form a horizontal line. come on and supply hydraulic power to the faulty system. In
addition, the HYD PRESS caution light will also illuminate.
Note The pilot has no direct control over the direction of pump
flow, the system automatically shifts in the direction that
High−rate lateral movements may illuminate the supplemental power is required. Because of the location of
HYD PRESS light when engines are at idle the flight and combined system pressure switches, the pres
power. surization contribution of the hydraulic transfer pump is
reflected on the hydraulic pressure indicator but the HYD Hydraulic Transfer Pump PRESS caution light will remain illuminated. Operation on
(Bi−Directional Pump) the hydraulic transfer pump may produce slight pressure
fluctuations. If the failed system discharge pressure is
To assure the continuance of main system hydraulic restored to normal operating pressure (>2,400 psi) by the
pressure with an engine or engine−driven pump inoperative, engine−driven pump, this HYD PRESS light will go out and
a second source of pressure is provided by the hydraulic the hydraulic transfer pump will shut off.
1 HYD PRESS indicator COMB and FLT Indicates pump discharge pressure on each engine,
normally 3,000 psi, or hydraulic transfer pressure
approximately 2,400 psi.
SPOIL When the outboard spoiler hydraulic module is pressurized
(1,950 to 2,050 psi) the ON flag appears. If pressure drops
below 1,900 to 1,800 psi, the OFF flag appears.
EMER FLT When pressure from the backup flight control hydraulic
module reaches 500 $ 50 psi the ON flag appears.
Pressure below 350 $ 50 psi: the OFF flag appears.
2 HYD ISOL switch FLT Combined system hydraulic pressure is shutoff to landing
gear, nosewheel steering, antiskid, and wheel brakes.
T.O./LDG Hydraulic pressure is available to all combined system
3 BRAKE PRESSURE AUX Green segment indicates hydraulic pressure (2,150 $ 50
gage to 3,000 psi) in the auxiliary brake accumulator; auxiliary
braking may be applied by rudder toe pedals (approximately
13 to 14 applications available). Red segment indicates
1,900 to 2,150 psi (approximately 5 applications available).
PARK Green segment indicates hydraulic pressure (2,150 $ 50
to 3,000 psi) in the parking brake accumulator. The
parking/emergency brake handle must be pulled to apply
emergency braking (approximately 3 applications available).
Red segment indicates 1,900 to 2,150 psi.
4 HYD PRESS caution Illuminates when hydraulic pressure from either engine−driven pump is below
light 2,100 psi. It will go out with pressure in both systems at 2,400 psi or above, if
pressure is provided by engine−driven pumps.
5 HYD TRANSFER SHUTOFF Guard must be lifted. Shuts off hydraulic transfer pump.
PUMP switch The pump should be secured when hydraulic pressure
drops below 500 psi and does not rise again within
5 seconds.
NORMAL Safety guard down. Pressure loss below 2,100 psi in one
(Guarded) hydraulic system activates hydraulic transfer pump to
supply pressure from the other system.
6 EMERG FLT HYD HIGH Guard must be lifted. Activates the power module
switch (high speed mode) bypassing flight and combined
2,100−psi switches.
LOW Guard must be lifted. Activates the backup power module
(low−speed mode) bypassing flight and combined
2,100−psi switches.
AUTO (LOW) Safety guard down. The backup flight control system is
automatically activated (low−speed mode) when pressure
in both the flight and combined systems is less than
2,100 psi.
NAVAIR 01−F14AAD−1 Cockpit Handpump Major components in the combined and flight hydrau
lic power supply systems are shown on FO−10. Each system
A manually operated pump handle is provided as a has a piston−type reservoir and filter module in the sponson
supplementary source of power for ground operations with aft of the main landing gear strut on the respective side
engines shut down and as a backup for the loss of combined (combined−left; flight−right). Protrusion of mechanical pins
system pressure to operate the in−flight refueling probe or on each filter module indicates a clogged filter.
charge the brake accumulator. It is an extendable handle in
the pilot cockpit between the left console and ejection seat. Hydraulic Priority Valves
Forward and aft stroking of the handpump operates a double−
acting wobble pump. The pump, which draws fluid from the The combined and flight hydraulic systems each incor
combined system return line, recharges wheelbrake accumu porate two priority valves (1,800 psi and 2,400 psi) shown on
lator pressure when the landing gear handle is down. With the FO−10. Hydraulic fluid will not pass through the one−way
gear handle up, it also serves as a backup means of extending priority valves unless the input pressure exceeds the cracking
or retracting the in−flight refueling probe by placing threshold of the valve. Basically, the 2,400 psi priority valves
the REFUEL PROBE switch in the desired position (EXT give priority of the individual engine−driven pump discharge
or RET). pressure to the primary flight controls (horizontal tails,
rudders, inboard spoilers) and stability augmentation actua
The handpump is the only means of pressurizing the tors. Conversely, the 1,800 psi priority valves give priority to
radome fold actuator, an operation that must be manually the remaining systems on the other side (inlet ramps, wing
selected and the radome unlocked on deck from the nose sweep, etc.) with pressure supplied by the hydraulic transfer
wheelwell. The recommended rate of operation is approxi pump. Under such circumstances, the pilot should be aware
mately 12 cycles per minute (a cycle is a complete forward of the hydraulic energy available and demands of the various
and aft movement of the pump handle). system components. Large and abrupt control commands can
rapidly consume total energy with the engine(s) at IDLE
2.16.2 Hydraulic Power Distribution speed. For example, during a single−engine landing rollout,
if excessive horizontal tail movements are commanded, the
The distribution of hydraulic power in the flight and nosewheel steering and wheelbrake operation could be
combined systems is shown on FO−10. Except for the left temporarily lost.
empennage control surfaces, the flight system services only
those components on the right side of the aircraft and does not Normal Hydraulic Isolation
penetrate into the wings. The combined system distribution
is more extensive throughout the aircraft, yet its services are The combined system incorporates isolation circuits to
predominantly concentrated to the left side and extend to the limit distribution to flight essential components. With the
inboard sections of the movable wing panels and to the LDG GEAR handle UP, normal isolation may be selected by
landing gear. Although the flight and combined systems are the pilot to prevent loss of hydraulic fluid in the event of
completely independent of each other, in certain components material failure or combat damage to the isolated systems.
both pressure sources are used without an interchange of Normal isolation electrically shuts off hydraulic pressure to
fluid. Both systems operate in parallel to supply power for wheelbrakes, antiskid, landing gear and nosewheel steering.
operation of the primary flight control surfaces (except It is activated by placement of the HYD ISOL switch to FLT
spoilers) and stability augmentation actuators; if one system on the landing gear panel. Placement of the gear handle to DN
fails, the other can continue to supply pressure for operation mechanically cams the HYD ISOL switch to T.O./LDG or the
(with reduced power capability of such components). If pilot can manually select it before lowering the landing gear.
either or both main hydraulic systems should fail, backup Such action returns all combined−system components to nor
sources provide the capability for safe return flight and mal operation.
The outboard spoilers are powered by a separate The backup flight control system consists of a two−
closed−loop system, independent of the main hydraulic sys speed electrohydraulic power module known as the backup
tems (see Figure 240). An electrohydraulic power module flight control module. The BFCM provides fluid energy to
supplies hydraulic pressure for outboard spoiler deflection operate the horizontal tails and rudders at a reduced rate
and provides a backup power source for the main flaps and (see Figure 241). Emergency power provides sufficient
slats. Outboard spoiler operation is electrically inhibited at pitch, roll, and yaw control for return flight and landing with
wing−sweep angles greater than 62_ and the power module both main hydraulic power systems inoperative.
is deactivated at wing−sweep angles greater than 65.
Return flow from the combined side of the rudder and
A thermal cutout circuit secures the system in the event stabilizer actuators is first used to ensure the BFCM reservoir
of overheating. Normal operation is automatically restored is filled. When filled, a reservoir bypass valve opens, which
when fluid temperature falls below the prescribed limit. The allows return flow to the combined system. A priority valve
thermal cutout circuit is disabled with the gear handle down connects the BFCM return to the aircraft’s combined sys−
and weight off wheels to prevent overtemperature shutdowns tem return. When the combined system pressure falls below
during takeoff or landing. To avoid overheating due to pro 300 psi, the priority valve closes, isolating the BFCM return
longed ground operations, the outboard power module is from the combined system return. When the combined pres
deactivated with the flap handle up when on internal electri sure exceeds 500 psi, the priority valve opens allowing the
cal power with weight on wheels. Electrical power for the backup system return to flow into the combined system
outboard spoiler system motor is supplied from the right main return. A check valve isolates backup system pressure from
ac bus. The module can be activated using external ac electri the combined system when the BFCM is energized.
cal power. With the module pressurized, the ON flag appears
in the SPOIL window at the bottom of the hydraulic pressure Backup Flight Control Operation
indicator; otherwise, an OFF indication is displayed in the
window. The BFCM may be operated in two modes: emergency
and ground test. In the emergency mode, the BFCM is con
trolled by the EMERG FLT HYD switch, on the MASTER
Reservoir servicing level is shown by an indicator rod
protruding from the integral power package. A fluid tempera TEST panel. The switch has three positions:(AUTO) LOW,
LOW, and HIGH mode. Electric power to the motor is sup
ture gauge that registers current and retained peak system
plied by the right main ac electrical bus through the FLT
temperatures is on the power module. Protrusion of a red−
HYD BACKUP PH A (2A1), PH B (2C1), and PH C (2E1)
tipped pin on the integrated filter package is an indication of
a clogged filter. circuit breakers located on right main ac circuit breaker panel
(No. 2) in the rear cockpit. Loss of both engine−driven electri
cal generators eliminates in−flight use of the BFCM. Flap and Slat Backup Operation
automatic low mode. Once in this automatic mode of Ground checks of the BFCM are performed by the pilot
operation, the BFCM cannot be turned off unless either or using the EMER FLT HYD switch. Before performing
both flight and combined systems are pressurized above ground checks, the combined and brake system accumulators
2,400 psi. The EMERG FLT HYD switch is used to select the must be charged. The BFCM has a small volume capacity,
low or high mode. Either of these positions overrides the 1,000 cc (@ 1 qt.) when full, but will decrease in volume
circuitry of the automatic low mode and the BFCM will to 500 cc (@ ½ qt.) when the aircraft is not in use.
remain on even if either or both system pressures become Below 500 cc (@ ½ qt.), cavitation of the pump and overheat
pressurized above 2,400 psi. When the BFCM pump reaches ing of the motor may occur. If the accumulators are not
500 psi, the ON flag appears in the selected window at the charged prior to starting the BFCM, depletion of the reservoir
bottom of the hydraulic pressure indicator. hydraulic fluid will occur. If this occurs too frequently, sys
tem damage and failure may result. Both hydraulic system
In the low−speed mode, the system can operate indefi pressures should indicate zero in order to fully test indepen
nitely and should be used for maximum range and endurance. dent operation of the BFCM.
Emergency power (high mode) provides a maximum
unloaded horizontal tail deflection rate approximately one
fourth of that available from a full powered hydraulic system
(10_ per second vice 36_ per second). The maximum deflec
tion rate available will decrease as airloads increase.
D A 180_F thermal cutoff switch is bypassed
when the BFCM is selected on with the
EMERG FLT HYD switch. Prolonged ground
operation in the emergency mode will result
in BFCM burnout.
When operated in conjunction with zero com D Since flight control demands can exceed
bined system pressure, some BFCM hydraulic BFCM capability, all surface demands must
fluid will be forced out by thermal expansion. be performed slowly and cautiously in order
The BFCM will remain fully serviced and will not to exceed the output rate of the system.
operate normally as long as the elevated temper Excessive system demands will cause the
atures are maintained. Once operating, the pump to cavitate and the motor to overheat.
BFCM should not be turned off in flight without Checks should be made slowly enough to
combined system pressure available to reservice ensure continuous on indication in the
it. Doing so would result in fluid contraction and hydraulic pressure indicator.
an underserviced condition that could prevent
subsequent pump operation. Ground Test Mode
2.17 PNEUMATIC POWER SUPPLY SYSTEMS side of the nose wheelwell. Expenditure of bottle pressure
is controlled by a twist−pull operation of the landing
The pneumatic power supply systems consist of three gear handle. Minimum bottle pressure for accomplishing
independent, stored pneumatic pressure sources for normal emergency extension of the gear to the down−and−locked
and auxiliary operation of the canopy and for emergency condition is 1,800 psi. Normal preflight bottle pressure is
extension of the landing gear. The high−pressure bottles for 3,000 psi at 70_ F.
normal canopy operation and emergency landing gear exten
sion are ground−charged through a common filter connection Note
in the nose wheelwell to 3,000 psi at 70_ F ambient tempera D Emergency extension of the landing gear shall
ture. Individual bottle pressure is registered on separate be logged in the Maintenance Action Form
gauges on the right side of the nose wheelwell. An auxiliary (OPNAV Form 3760−2).
canopy−open N2 bottle, filter valve, and gauge is on the
turtleback behind the cockpit to allow opening the canopy D Once the landing gear is extended by emer
from the cockpit or ground. Charges may be compressed air; gency means, it cannot be retracted while
however, pressurized dry nitrogen is preferred because of its airborne and must be reset by maintenance
low moisture content and inert properties. personnel.
D Use of emergency gear extension results in
2.17.1 Normal Canopy Control loss of nosewheel steering.
The bottle that supplies a pressurized charge for normal 2.18 MISSION COMPUTER SYSTEM
operation of the canopy is on the right side of the forward
fuselage, inboard of the air refuel probe cavity. Expenditure The MCS consists of two AN/AYK−14 digital com
of bottle pressure for normal operation of the canopy is puter (MC1 and MC2) and the dual redundant MIL−
controlled by three (pilot, RIO, and ground) canopy control STD−1553B buses. The MCS is operated at 16 MHz clock
handles. A fully charged bottle provides approximately 10 speed to perform 1 million instructions per second using up
complete cycles (open and close) of the canopy before to 1 megabyte of memory. The 1553B bus system in the
reaching the minimum operating pressure of 225 psi. F−14D uses time division multiplexing (TDM) with informa
tion coded into 20−bit words.
2.17.2 Auxiliary Canopy Open Control
Communication protocol is established by a command
The auxiliary canopy air bottle supplies a pneumatic response system in which all bus transmissions occur under
charge to translate the canopy aft so that the counter−poise command of a bus controller or, in case of failure of primary
action of the canopy actuator facilitates opening. It is on the bus controller, a backup bus controller. Each bus is capable
turtleback behind the canopy hinge line. of addressing up to 31 remote terminals; however, address 31
is not used in the aircraft. Figure 242 depicts the physical
Activation of the auxiliary mode can be effected from connection of the WRAs in the MCS data bus system.
either of the three (pilot, RIO, or ground) canopy control Remote terminals incapable of communicating directly with
handles. After activation of the auxiliary open mode, the the MCS on the 1553 data buses are routed through the
control system will not return to the normal mode of opera converter interface unit for required analog−to−digital and
tion (canopy will lower but will not translate forward) until digital−to−analog conversion.
the auxiliary selector valve on the aft canopy deck is manu
ally reset (lever in vertical position). Servicing of the auxil 2.18.1 Aircrew Interface
iary canopy air bottle is through the small access panel imme
diately behind the canopy on the turtleback. The reservoir is The principle aircrew interface with the MCS is
normally serviced to 3,000 psi at 70_ F ambient temperature. accomplished through the pushbuttons on each MFD. The
A fully charged bottle provides more than 20 operations RIO has an additional interface through the DEU communi
in the auxiliary open mode. Minimum preflight pressure is cating directly with the MCS as a remote terminal. The RIO
800 psi. can also interface indirectly with the MCS through the radar
system digital display.
2.17.3 Emergency Gear Extension
2-78a (Reverse
2-78a Blank) CHANGE 1
The MCS has three operational states: startup, full up, Note
and backup. These states are mutually exclusive and are
determined automatically based on aircraft operation and The acronyms SCADC and CADC are used
MC1/MC2 condition. interchangeably throughout this manual.
The SYS RESET button on the NAV MODE panel The SCADC CPU−175/A is installed in F−14D aircraft
forces both mission computers to transition to the startup incorporating AFC 793. The SCADC is functionally inter
state and execute cold start logic. It can be used to assure the changeable with the CADC 1166B/A with one difference,
aircrew that the MCS is functioning properly and/or to the SCADC software incorporates the static−error source−
reinitialize the MCS by restarting the OFP. When SYS correction curve required for the true values of Mach
RESET is pressed, the following events occur: number,airspeed, and altitude. In aircraft prior to AFC 793
(CADC 1166B/A), aircrew should refer to performance
1. The MCS immediately stops executing the OFP. charts, NAVAIR 01−F14AAP−1.1 for HUD−displayed alti
tude and Mach number correction curves.
2. The mission computers go off line and run software
BIT. Note
3. The OFP is automatically restarted. The standby airspeed indicator is not corrected
for position error.
4. The aircraft goes into the TLN master mode.
The SCADC is a single−processor digital computer
5. Displays revert to defaults. with a separate, independent, analog, backup wing−sweep
channel. It is capable of making yes and no decisions, solving
Recycling power (by cycling circuit breakers) to the mathematical problems, and converting outputs to either dig
MCS has the same effect as pressing the SYS RESET except ital or analog form as required by each aircraft system. The
that both hardware and software BIT is performed. SCADC gathers, stores, and processes pitot pressure, static
pressure, total temperature and AOA data from the aircraft
Note airstream sensors (see Figure 243). It performs wing−sweep
and flap and slat schedule computations, limit control and
Cycling subsystem circuit breakers initiates a electrical interlocks, failure detection, and systems test logic.
cold start for that subsystem. A system reset may Major systems that depend on all or part of these CADC
be required to resynchronize the MCS and the functions are shown in Figure 244.
restarted subsystem.
The following legends appear on the MFD when acti
Refer to the Supplemental NATOPS, NAVAIR vated by the CADC:
01−F14AAD−1A for a complete description of the MCS
architecture, operational states, and backup operation. 1. RDC SPD (warning legend) (REDUCE SPEED)
Indicates flaps down above 225 knots; maximum
2.18.3 Aircraft Master Modes safe Mach exceeded (2.4 Mach/total temperature
above 388_ F).
There are three aircraft master modes of operation:
takeoff−landing−navigation (TLN), air−to−air (A/A), and air− 2. W/S (caution legend) (WING SWEEP)
to−ground (A/G). The controls, displays, and avionics equip Indicates dual wing−sweep channel failure or wing−
ment are tailored as a function of the master mode selected sweep detent disengaged.
by the pilot. The TLN master mode is entered automatically
when power is applied to the aircraft, when the landing gear 2.19.1 Standard Central Air Data Computer Tests
is down, or when the TLN master mode pushbutton is
selected on the PDCP. The A/A master mode is entered by Built−In Test
pressing the A/A master mode pushbutton on the PDCP,
selecting an air−to−air weapon with the weapon select switch BIT capabilities provide continuous monitoring of the
on the pilot control stick, or by commanding a radar dogfight SCADC and its inputs and outputs. The failure indicator
mode. The A/G master mode is entered by pressing the A/G matrix (Figure 245) tabulates the functions that are moni
master mode pushbutton on the PDCP. tored and associated fail indications.
NAVAIR 01−F14AAD−1 On−Board Checkout Under normal operating conditions, the wings are
automatically positioned to the optimum sweep angle for
The CADC performs a self−test during OBC only with
maximum maneuvering performance. The pilot can selec
weight on wheels. When OBC is initiated, normal air data
tively position the wings at sweep angles aft of optimum.
inputs are locked out and in their place constants from the
computer memory are received. Self−test detected failures A mechanical backup control system is provided for
may be manually reset by pressing the MASTER RESET emergency and oversweep operations. Details of the wing−
pushbutton. sweep system are shown in FO−11.
Pressing the MASTER RESET pushbutton for 1 second The outboard location of the wing pivot reduces the
resets transient failures in the CADC. Activating the master change in longitudinal stability as a function of wing−sweep
reset circuit recycles the failure detection process in the angle. Two independently powered, hydromechanical screw
CADC. This recycling process puts off the caution and jack actuators, mechanically interconnected for synchro
advisory light(s) and may take as long as 10 seconds to check nization, position the wings in response to pilot or CADC
out the status of the system. If a failure exists, the light(s) will commands. In flight, the wings can be positioned between
illuminate again. If a transient failure existed, the light(s) 20_ and 68_ wing sweep angle. On the deck, the range is
will remain off. extended aft to 75_ (oversweep position) to reduce the span
for spotting. Such authority results in a variation of wing span
The following caution and advisory lights are activated
from approximately 64 to 33 feet.
by the SCADC:
Cavities above the engine nacelles and the midfuselage
accommodate the inboard portions of the wing panels as they
2. FLAP sweep aft. Sealing of the underside is by a wiper seal and
airbag. The bag is pressurized by engine bleed air. Airbag
3. WING SWEEP (advisory) If the WING SWEEP pressure is released during oversweep to avoid overloading
advisory light does not recycle when MASTER of the flap mechanism. An overwing fairing encloses the wing
RESET pushbutton is depressed, the light is acti cavity and provides a contoured seal along the upper surface
vated by the wing flap controller. of the wing for the normal range of in−flight sweep angles. The
Three independent SCADC fail signals drive the DFCS left and right overwing fairing actuators are pressurized by
failure detection circuits. If these signals exist, the DFCS will the combined and flight hydraulic systems, respectively.
illuminate the following lights:
2.20.1 Wing−Sweep Performance
1. CADC fail signal pitch computer No Light
Maximum wing−sweep rate (approximately 15_ per
2. CADC fail signal to yaw computer RUDDER
second) is adequate for most transient flight conditions;
AUTH and HZ TAIL AUTH however, wing−sweep rate can be significantly reduced or
3. CADC fail signal to roll computer MACH TRIM. stalled by negative−g or large positive−g excursions. Suffi
(FCS CAUTION and ARI DGR lights will also be cient capability has been provided in the system, consistent
illuminated.) with the sustained performance capabilities of the aircraft.
With a failure of either the combined or flight hydraulic
Note systems, the wings will move at a reduced rate.
If autopilot is engaged the AUTOPILOT light
will illuminate when any of the three fail signals
exist. If ACL is engaged the AUTOPILOT and
ACLS/AP lights will illuminate when any of the
three fail signals exist. Slower than normal wing sweep cycling times
Pressing MASTER RESET pushbutton will also may also be indicative of a failed hydraulic wing
update the wing−sweep and flap commands to their respec sweep motor or an impending failure. With air
tive feedback signals. As a result, there may be movement in craft on the ground and both FLT and COMB
the wings and maneuver flaps when MASTER RESET hydraulic power, the time to sweep the wings
pushbutton is depressed. from 68° to 20° should not exceed 9 seconds.
D The overwing fairings and flaps are suscepti
The variable geometry of the wing−sweep system
ble to a high frequency (60 cycles per second),
provides the pilot with considerable latitude for controlling
low−amplitude oscillation that can be felt in
wing lift and drag characteristics to optimize aircraft
the cockpit. This overwing fairing and flap
performance over a broad flight spectrum.
buzz is normal and is influenced by the rigging optimum sweep angle for developing maximum maneuver
of the fairings and air in the hydraulic systems. ing performance. In addition to providing an automatic wing
D Overwing fairing and flap buzz is usually positioning function, the programmer also defines the
encountered between 0.9 and 1.4 Mach. forward sweep limit that cannot be penetrated using any of
the other electrical (manual or bomb) modes. The forward
2.20.2 Wing−Sweep Modes sweep limiter prevents electrical mispositioning of the wings
from a wing structure standpoint.
Normal control of the wing−sweep position in AUTO,
AFT, FWD, and BOMB modes is by the four−way wing− Pilot selection of the AUTO mode or automatic transfer
sweep switch on the inboard side of the right throttle grip from the manual mode causes the AUTO flag to appear in the
(Figure 246). As an emergency mode of control, changes in wing−sweep indicator. Once in the AUTO mode, the four−
wing−sweep position can be selected manually with the way wing−sweep switch can be in the center position without
emergency WING SWEEP handle on the inboard side of the changing the command mode.
throttle quadrant. The handle is connected directly to the
wing−sweep hydraulic valves. The command source for Manual Mode
positioning the wings depends upon the mode selected by the
pilot or, in certain cases, is automatically selected. Electrical The manual wing−sweep mode is commanded by
and mechanical wing−sweep command paths are shown on selecting AFT or FWD from the neutral position of the
FO−11. Wing−sweep modes are shown in Figure 247. wing−sweep switch, driving the wings in the commanded
direction to any wing−sweep position aft of the automatic
program. The switch is spring−loaded to return to the center
position. Manual command mode exist unless the wing−sweep
program is intercepted, at which point transfer to the AUTO
mode is automatic. Indication of the existing mode is provided
The emergency wingsweep handle can be moved by the AUTO and MAN flags in the wing−sweep indicator.
independent of the wings and wingsweep indica
tors when no hydraulic power and/or electrical Bomb Mode
power are on the aircraft. Care must be taken to
accurately determine the position of the emer Bomb mode is selected by moving the wing−sweep
gency wingsweep handle prior to application of switch to the down (BOMB) position. With the switch in
hydraulic power. Inadvertent wingsweep to the BOMB, the following occurs:
position selected by the emergency wingsweep
1. Wing SWEEP indicator shows MAN flag.
handle may occur anytime hydraulic power is on,
resulting in potential damage to the aircraft. 2. If wing sweep is less than 55_, wings will drive
When positioning the wings during ground to 55_.
operation other than pilot poststart or post
3. If wing sweep is greater than 55_, wings will not
landing checklist procedures, use the emergency
wingsweep handle to minimize the possibility of
moving the wings inadvertently. 4. If maneuver flaps are extended, they will retract and
wings will sweep to 55_.
As the aircraft accelerates and the AUTO wing−sweep
D When positioning the wings, do not command
schedule is intercepted, the wings will follow the AUTO
opposite direction until wings have stopped in
schedule even though the switch remains in BOMB mode.
original commanded position (all sweep
Upon decelerating, the wings will sweep forward to 55_ and
modes) to increase motor life.
D The optimum wing position (triangular index)
and the AUTO/MAN flags may be unreliable Emergency Mode
when the CADC caution light is illuminated.
During normal mode operation of the wing−sweep AUTO Mode system, the wing−sweep control drive servo drives the
hydraulic valve command input through a spider detent
Selection of the AUTO mode is made by placing the mechanism. The emergency handle under a transparent
four−way wing−sweep switch in the upper detented position guard is moved in parallel with the servo output. The
(AUTO) permitting the CADC wing−sweep program to emergency mode provides an emergency method of control
position the wings automatically. The program positions the ling wing sweep. It bypasses the normal command path of the
wings primarily as a function of Mach number but includes system (CADC and control drive servo loop).
pressure altitude biasing. Wing position is scheduled to the
1 Wing sweep switch AUTO Wing sweep angles are determined by CADC according to wing
sweep program. Detented switch position.
BOMB Wings are positioned at 55_ or further aft if commanded by the
CADC program. Detented switch position.
AFT/FWD The pilot can select AFT or FWD wing positions within limits
imposed by the wing sweep program. Switch is spring−loaded to
the center position. When the forward limit is intercepted, the
mode is transferred to AUTO.
2 Emergency WING Provides a mechanical means of wing sweep control that overrides the
SWEEP handle CADC program commands. Wing sweep angles between 20_ and 68_ are
unrestricted except for flap interlocks. Oversweep 75_ is provided with
weight−on−wheels, horizontal stabilizer authority restricter in reduced range,
and air bag pressure dumped.
3 Wing SWEEP Displays (from right to left) actual wing sweep position, commanded position
indicator and wing sweep program position, which is the maximum forward angle at
present airspeed and attitude. Indicator windows show the operating mode.
4 W/S caution legend Indicates failure of both wing sweep channels and/or disengagement of spider
on MFD detent. Wing sweep positioning requires using the emergency wing sweep
5 CADC caution light Indicates hardware failure and/or that certain computations of the air data
computer are unreliable. Illumination of WING SWEEP advisory light and/or
W/S caution legend on MFD determines pilot action.
6 WING SWEEP Indicates failure of a single channel in the system. Illumination of both
advisory light WING SWEEP advisory and CADC caution light indicates failure of one
channel in CADC.
To select emergency mode, the handle must be D If operating in the emergency wing−sweep
extended vertically. The guard should be moved out of the mode, positively confirm all flaps are
way before the handle is operated. Vertical extension of retracted prior to attempting AFT wing
the emergency handle provides for better accessibility and sweep.
leverage. The detent is not disengaged by raising the handle Note
vertically. An initial fore or aft force of up to 30 pounds
In certain failure modes, the flap indicator may
breakout and 13 pounds maximum is necessary for operation.
not accurately reflect the position of all flaps.
The spider detent is reengaged if the handle is
repositioned to the detent (servo) position. Since the wing−sweep program acts as a forward limiter
only for the normal modes of operation, the pilot must follow
The emergency WING SWEEP handle incorporates the following schedule in the emergency mode:
locks at approximately 4_ increments between 20_ and 68_.
1. 0.4 Mach 20_
These locks are provided to eliminate random wing move
ment in the emergency mode should electrical system 2. 0.7 Mach 25_
transients be experienced. When the locks are engaged, wing
movement is inhibited provided that the wings match handle 3. 0.8 Mach 50_
position. The wing−sweep locks eliminate the need for the 4. 0.9 Mach 60_
installation of wing−sweep servo cutout switches. Locks are
engaged by raising the handle 1 inch from the stowed 5. 1.0 Mach 68_.
position. In order to bypass the locks and select a wing When operating in the emergency mode, pulling the
position, the handle is raised an additional 1 inch (2 inches WING SWEEP DRIVE NO. 1 (LD1) and WG SWP DR
from stowed) and moved to the desired position. The handle NO.2/MANUV FLAP (LE1) circuit breakers on the pilot left
is spring−loaded to return to the lock position when released. knee panel assures that the electrical command path cannot
The handle can be raised from 20_ to 68_ and oversweep, but interfere with the emergency mode.
can only be returned to the stowed position at 20_ and
oversweep. This feature is intended to prevent inadvertent Oversweep Mode (75_)
engagement of the AUTO MODE, commanding the wings to
spread causing possible damage to the aircraft or injury to The wing oversweep mode allows sweeping the wings
personnel in a confined area. The handle is spring−loaded aft of 68_ to 75_ during on−deck operation only, thereby
toward the stowed position, but requires depressing the reducing the overall width of the aircraft for deck spotting.
release button on the inboard side of the lever in order to At 75_, the wing trailing edge is over the horizontal tail surface.
return the handle to the stowed position.
from the wing−seal airbags and activates the horizontal tail 2.20.3 Wing−Sweep Interlocks
authority system, restricting the surface deflections to 18_
Automatic limiting of wing−sweep authority is pro
trailing edge up and 12_ trailing edge down. During motion
vided under normal in−flight control modes to prevent
of the horizontal stabilizer restrictors, the HZ TAIL AUTH
mispositioning of the wings at conditions that could result in
caution light is illuminated. When the horizontal tail
authority restriction is accomplished (approximately 15 the penetration of structural boundaries. Wing−sweep inter
locks within the CADC are shown in Figure 248. Wing
seconds), the HZ TAIL AUTH caution light will go off and
sweep is also electrically inhibited at normal accelerations
the OVER flag on the wing−sweep indicator will be visible.
less than −0.5 g.
This advises the pilot that the oversweep interlocks are free,
allowing movement of the emergency WING SWEEP handle
to 75_ and stow. The EMER and OVER flags on the Flap and Slat Wing−Sweep Control Box
wing−sweep indicator will be visible. Electromechanical (auxiliary flaps, oversweep enable)
and mechanical (main flap) interlocks in the control box limit
aft wing−sweep commands at 21_15′, 50_, and 68_. Inter
locks in the control box are shown in Figure 248.. These
interlocks, which serve as a backup to the electronic
interlocks in the CADC, are imposed on both the normal and
D Failure of the oversweep interlocks while the emergency inputs to the control box and assure non
trying to achieve oversweep may result in interference between movable surfaces and the fuselage.
damage to the wingtip and horizontal tail
trailing edges, and the maneuver flap actuator. 2.20.4 Wing−Sweep System Test
D If unusual resistance is encountered while Continuous Monitor
attempting to put the wings into oversweep,
continued aft pressure on the WING SWEEP The command and execution of the wing−sweep
handle may cause failure of the wing−sweep system is continually monitored by a failure detection
actuator. system. The failure detection system in the CADC governs
the change from wing−sweep channel 1 to channel 2 or the
The reverse process takes place when sweeping for disabling of wing−sweep channel 1 or 2 by switching the
ward from oversweep. However, there is no need to hold the respective control drive servo off. A single channel failure in
emergency handle in the raised position at 68_. Motion out the wing−sweep electrical command path is indicated by
of oversweep is completed (wing−seal airbag pressure estab illumination of the WING SWEEP advisory light followed
lished and horizontal tail authority restriction removed) by normal operation on the remaining channel. Failure of the
when both the OVER flag and the HZ TAIL AUTH caution remaining channel is indicated by a W/S caution legend on
lights are off. Six seconds later the WING SWEEP advisory the MFD and requires that wing−sweep control be exercised
light will illuminate. Upon engagement of the spider detent through the emergency WING SWEEP handle. Transient
by further unsweeping the emergency handle, MASTER failures in the CADC can be reset by pressing the MASTER
RESET pushbutton is pressed to clear the WING SWEEP RESET pushbutton, which recycles the failure detection
advisory light, thus activating the electrical command cir system.
cuits of the wing−sweep system. Preflight Check
A preflight check of the wing−sweep system to assure
proper operation of the electrical command circuits without
moving the wings should be accomplished after starting
engines while the wings are in oversweep (75_).
When coming out of oversweep and a 68_ wing
position is desired, the wings should be moved 1. Set wing−sweep mode switch to AUTO.
forward to approximately 60_ and then back
to 68_. Note
The CADC caution light will illuminate and test
will not run if AUTO is not selected on the wing−
sweep switch.
3. Set MASTER TEST switch to WG SWP. EMER UP enables the pilot to override any electro
mechanical commands that may exist because of mal
4. Monitor test by observing: function of the CADC. To position the flaps, move the FLAP
handle to the end of the normal travel range; then, move the
a. Wing−sweep limit pointer drives to 44°. handle outboard and continue moving to extreme EMER UP.
While moving the handle, forces may be higher than normal.
b. Illumination of the WING SWEEP advisory light EMER DN has no function.
and FLAP caution light.
The WING SWEEP advisory light will illumi
nate 3 seconds after test starts, then go off and A slip clutch assembly is installed between the
illuminate again at 8 seconds into test. combined system forward flap hydraulic motor
and the center gearbox assembly. While this will
c. RDC SPD warning legend on MFD. relieve some stall torque on the hydraulic motor,
extremely fast reversals of flap direction while
d. At end of test (approximately 25 seconds) the flaps are in motion may result in eventual failure
limit pointer will drive to 20_ and the above of the flap and slat flexible driveshaft.
lights will go off. Maneuver Flap and Slat Thumbwheel
5. Set MASTER TEST switch to OFF.
The maneuver flap and slat thumbwheel is located on
Note the left side of the stick grip and is spring loaded to the center
position. With LDG GEAR and FLAP handles up, automatic
Ignore illumination of RUDDER AUTH caution
CADC flap and slat positioning can be overridden with pilot
or MACH TRIM advisory lights and motion of
thumbwheel inputs to partially or fully extend or retract the
the control stick if they occur during the test.
maneuvering flaps and slats; however, the next time angle of
attack crosses an extension or retraction threshold, the
automatic command will again take precedence, unless
The flaps and slats form the high−lift system, which manually overridden again. Manual thumbwheel command
provides the aircraft with augmented lift during the two is a proportional command.
modes of operation: takeoff or landing, and maneuvering
flight. The flaps are of the single−slotted type, sectioned into Main Flaps
three panels on each wing. The two outboard sections are the The main flaps on each wing consist of two sections
main flaps utilized during both modes of operation. The simultaneously driven by four mechanical actuators geared
inboard section (auxiliary flap) is commanded only during to a common flap driveshaft. Each wing incorporates a flap
takeoff or landing. The slats consist of two sections per wing asymmetry sensor and flap overtravel switches for both the
mechanically linked to the main flaps. Flaps down greater extension and retraction cycles.
than 10_ enables the wheels warning light interlock, and
Cove doors, spoilers, eyebrow doors, and gusses
greater than 25_ enables direct lift control and power
operate with the flaps to form a slot to optimize airflow
approach spoiler gearing.
over the deflected flap. The cove doors are secondary
surfaces along the underside of the wing forward of the flap
2.21.1 Flap and Slat Controls
(Figure 250.) As the flaps pass 25_ deflection, a negative
Pilot controls for flap and slat takeoff, landing, and command received from the DFCS depresses the spoilers to
maneuvering modes are illustrated in Figure 249. − 4½_ to meet with the cove doors. Because the spoilers do
not span the entire wing as do the flaps, gusses inboard and FLAP Handle outboard of the spoilers perform the flaps−down function of
the spoilers. With the flaps retracted, the eyebrow doors,
The FLAP handle, located outboard of the throttles, is which are the forward upper surface of the flaps, are
used to manually command flaps and slats to the takeoff and spring−loaded in the up position to close the gap between
landing position. Flap handle commands are transmitted by the trailing edge of the spoiler or guss and the leading edge
control cable to the flap and slat and wing−sweep control box of the flaps. Mechanical linkage retracts the eyebrow door
where they are integrated with CADC electromechanical when the flaps are lowered to provide a smooth contour over
inputs to command proper flap and slat position. the upper surface of the deflected flap.
EMER DN No function.
3 RDC SPD legend on Main flap comparator failures with flaps not retracted and airspeed
MFD and HUD >225 KIAS (see Figure 243).
4 FLAP caution light Disagreement between main and/or AUX flap position (10 second light)
or asymmetry lockout (3 second light).
5 Maneuver flap
p and slat Forward Commands maneuver flaps and slats to retract.
th b h l
Neutral Automatic CADC program.
The speedbrakes consist of three individual surfaces, D The speedbrake/fuel dump interlock is elec
one upper and two lower panels on the aft fuselage between trically bypassed during a combined hydrau
the engine nacelles (Figure 253). The speedbrakes may be lic system failure, enabling the pilot to dump
infinitely modulated on the extension and retraction cycle. fuel when the speedbrakes are floating or
Operating time for full deflection is approximately 2 seconds. modulating. The electrical bypass is enabled
Hydraulic power is supplied by the combined hydraulic whenever the combined pressure falls below
system (nonisolation circuit), and electrical power is through 500 psi.
the essential No. 2 dc bus with circuit overload protection D Do not extend the speedbrakes in flight within
on the pilot right circuit breaker panel (SPD BK P−ROLL 1 minute (nominal) after terminating fuel
TRIM ENABLE) (RB2). dump operations to allow residual fuel in the
dump mast to drain.
2.22.1 Speedbrake Operation
D A throttle must be held in MIL (or greater) for
Pilot control of the speedbrakes is effected by use of the approximately 3 seconds in order for the
three−position speedbrake switch on the inboard side of the automatic function to completely retract the
right throttle grip (Figure 254). Automatic retraction of speedbrake. Anything less will cause partial
the speedbrakes occurs with placement of either or both retraction.
throttles at MIL or loss of electrical power.
Figure 253.Speedbrakes
1 Speed brake switch EXT Momentary position used for partial or full extension.
When released, switch returns to center (hold) position.
Automatic retraction of speed brakes occurs
when either or both throttles are at MIL.
The speedbrakes will start to blowback (close) at and pitch acceleration are produced by fore and aft bob
approximately 400 knots and will continue toward the closed weights. Aircraft overstresses from abrupt stick inputs are
position as airspeed increases to prevent structural damage. minimized by an eddy current damper that resists large, rapid
A reduction in airspeed will not automatically cause the control deflections.
speedbrakes to extend to the originally commanded position. Longitudinal Trim
Longitudinal trim is provided by varying the neutral
Flight control is achieved through an irreversible,
position of cam and roller feel assembly with an electro
hydraulic power system operated by a control stick and
mechanical screwjack actuator. The manual pitch trim button
rudder pedals. Aircraft pitch is controlled by symmetrical
on the stick is a five−position switch, spring loaded to the
deflection of the horizontal stabilizers. Roll control is
center (off) position (Figure 258). The fore and aft switch
effected by differential stabilizer deflections and augmented
positions produce corresponding nosedown and noseup trim,
by spoilers at wing−sweep positions less than 62_. Direc
respectively. The manual trim switch is deactivated when the
tional control is provided by dual rudders. During power
autopilot is engaged.
approach maneuvers, the aircraft flightpath can be controlled
through symmetric spoiler displacement by the pilot select
ing direct lift control. Control surface indicators are shown Mach Trim
in Figure 255. Mach trim control is provided by the DFCS and is
The horizontal stabilizer and rudders are powered by continuously engaged to provide automatic Mach trim
the flight and combined hydraulic systems and controlled by compensation during transonic and supersonic flight. A
pushrods and bellcranks. A third independent flight control failure of Mach trim compensation is indicated by the
hydraulic power source is provided by the backup module. MACH TRIM advisory light. Transient failures can be reset
Spoiler control is effected by an electrohydraulic, fly−by− by depressing the MASTER RESET pushbutton.
wire system and powered by the combined hydraulic system The manual and DFCS automatic trim and Mach trim
(inboard spoilers) and outboard spoiler module (outboard actuator is installed in parallel with the flight control system.
spoilers). Trim actuation produces a corresponding stick and control
The DFCS includes a stability augmentation system, surface movement.
an autopilot and auxiliary control functions for spoiler
control, rudder authority control, lateral stick authority 2.23.2 Integrated Trim System
control, and Mach trim compensation. The ITS is incorporated to reduce longitudinal trim
changes because of the extension and retraction of flaps and
2.23.1 Longitudinal Control speedbrakes. Disagreement of command position removes
Longitudinal control (Figure 256) is provided by power from the motor and illuminates the INTEG TRIM
symmetric deflection of independently actuated horizontal advisory light. Transient failures can be reset by pressing the
stabilizers. Control stick motion is transmitted to the MASTER RESET pushbutton. ITS schedules are shown in
stabilizer power actuators by pushrods and bellcranks to dual Figure 259.
tandem actuators independently powered by the flight and
combined hydraulic systems. The power actuators control
the stabilizers symmetrically for longitudinal control and
differentially for lateral control. This is accomplished by
mechanically summing pitch and roll commands at the When the AIM−54 weapon rail pallet(s) is
pitch−roll mixer assembly. Nonlinear stick−to−stabilizer gear installed, the speedbrake compensation schedule
ing provides appropriate stick sensitivity for responsive and in the integrated trim computer changes. If less
smooth control. Longitudinal system authority is shown in than four AIM−54 missiles are carried on the
Figure 257. weapon rails, the ITS may overcompensate for
the speedbrake trim change. In the worst case Longitudinal Feel (low altitude, between 0.7 and 0.8 Mach, PITCH
SAS OFF, and weapon rails without AIM−54 mis
Artificial feel devices in the control system provide the siles), the ITS can cause an incremental 2 g nose
pilot with force cues and feedback. A spring−loaded cam and down trim change when the speedbrake is
roller assembly produces breakout force when the stick is extended. Under these conditions with the
displaced from neutral trim and provides increasing stick PITCH SAS engaged, maximum trim change is
forces proportional to control stick displacement. Control reduced to approximately 1 g.
stick forces, proportional to normal acceleration (g forces)
2 RUDDER position indicator Individual rudder pointers marked R (right) and L (left) display the
trailing−edge position of the rudders in degrees (0 to 30).
3 HORIZONTAL tail Indicated by two pointers marked R (right) and L (left) on a scale
stabilizers position 35_ up and 15_ down. Scale is graduated in 2_ increments.
The inner pointer indicates left wing down or right wing down
(differential stabilizer position).
4 ANTI SKID SPOILER BOTH Antiskid activated. Spoiler brakes operate with weight on
BK switch wheels and throttle at IDLE.
5 HZ TAIL AUTH Failure of lateral tail authority actuator to follow schedule or CADC
caution light failure.
7 SPOILERS caution Spoiler system failure, causing a set of spoilers to be locked down.
8 INTEG TRIM advisory Discrepancy between input command signal and actuator position
light or an electrical power loss within the computer.
10 RUDDER TRIM switch Controls the electromechanical actuator that varies the neutral position
of the mechanical linkage for rudder trim.
Control Stick Manual 4 inches forward 10_ TED 36_ per second 9_ TED 1_ per second
5.5 inches aft 33_ TEU 18_ TEU
Parallel 4 inches forward 10_ TED 36_ per second 9_ TED 0.1_ per second
Automatic 5.5 inches aft 33_ TEU 18_ TEU
(ACL only)
Maneuver Flap Series $45_ DLC 8.4_ TED 36_ per second
Integrated Thumbwheel Maximum
Trim System Mode
(ITS) and DLC
1 Bomb release button Pilot control for release of stores. In aircraft with the weapons rail
defensive electronic countermeasures (DECM) chaff adapter,
the bomb release button is used to dispense chaff.
2 Pitch and roll trim button Spring−loaded to (center) off position. Up and down positions
control pitch trim and left and right positions control roll trim.
Manual trim is inoperative during autopilot operation.
4 Maneuver flap,
p slat, and Spring−loaded to a neutral position.
DLC command d
With DLC engaged: Forward rotation extends spoilers
(aircraft down); aft rotation retracts spoilers (aircraft up).
5 DLC engage, disengage, Momentary depression of the switch with flaps greater than 25 degrees
and chaff switch down, throttle less than MIL, and no failures in spoiler system engages
DLC. With flaps up, switch will dispense chaff or flares. DLC is
disengaged by momentarily pressing the switch, raising the flaps,
or advancing either throttle to MIL.
6 Autopilot reference and With weight on wheels, nosewheel steering can be engaged by
nosewheel steering depressing switch momentarily. Weight off wheels and autopilot engaged;
pushbutton switch engages compatible autopilot modes. The switch also disengages
ACL mode.
7 Autopilot emergency Disengages all autopilot modes and DLC. Releases all autopilot switches.
disengage paddle Depressing the paddle switch reverts throttle system from AUTO or
BOOST mode to MAN mode and reverts engines to SEC MODE only
while depressed and with weight on wheels.
8 Camera and forward Pilot control of CCTVS, gun camera, and/or forward firing weapons.
weapon firing trigger First detent of trigger starts gun camera and color cockpit television
sensor (CCTVS).
Differential Control Stick Manual 3.5 inches $7_ 36_ per $3 3/8_ per
Stabilizer left second second
3.5 inches
Inboard Control Stick Manual 3.5 inches $55_ 250_ per None None
and for left second
Outboard Ω v62_ 3.5 inches
Spoilers right
DFCS (ACL) Series None 15_ maximum 250_ per None None
(inboard only) 8_ neutral second
*Lateral Control Stick Manual 1.75 inches $3½_ Diff. 36_ per
Stops Restricted left Stabilizer second
1.75 inches **28_Spoiler 250_ per
right second
2.23.4 Spoiler Control for all landing configurations, the DFCS uses the power
approach spoiler gearing whenever the landing gear or main
Four spoiler control surfaces (Figure 262) on the upper
flaps are down. With DLC engaged in the power approach
surface of each wing augment roll control power and
mode, the inboard spoilers are positioned from normal − 4.5_
implement aerodynamic ground−roll braking. The inboard
to +17.5_ position. Lateral stick inputs result in the spoilers
spoilers also provide DLC. The inboard and outboard spoilers extending on one side in the direction of stick displacement
are powered and controlled by separate hydraulic and
and depressing toward the landing flaps down drooped
electrical command systems. The DFCS monitors each spoiler
(− 4.5_) stowed position on the other side. This is the primary
panel individually. The pitch computer and outboard spoiler
reason for better roll response in the landing configuration
module control the outboard spoilers; and the roll computer with DLC engaged.
and the combined hydraulic system control the inboard
spoilers. (Refer to digital flight control system in FO−12.) Lateral Trim and Spoiler Deflection
The inboard spoilers are controlled and monitored by
As mentioned earlier, lateral trim is provided by
the ROLL A and PITCH A computer segregations respec
adjusting the neutral position of the stick. This movement of
tively. The outboard spoilers are controlled and monitored by
the neutral position has an effect on the amount of spoiler
the PITCH B and YAW B computer segregations respec
deflection available. That is, as lateral trim is applied away
tively. Hydraulic actuation of the servo actuators is con
from the neutral trim position, maximum spoiler deflection
trolled by electric servo valves at the actuator and com
is reduced in the same direction (right trim less right wing
manded by control stick displacement. The aircraft has two
spoiler deflection).
spoiler gearing curves called cruise and power approach.
Cruise spoiler gearing is the schedule that spoilers follow in
the clean configuration and is shown in Figure 263. Power
approach is the schedule that spoilers follow with the flaps
down greater than 25° and is shown in Figure 263 (DLC
engaged). The power approach spoiler gearing schedule is Full slat asymmetry (17_) can result in an out−of−
modified to provide predictable roll response with lateral control situation at 15 units AOA or greater even
stick deflection. To provide the appropriate spoiler gearing with 55_ of spoilers available.
Full lateral trim in the same direction as lateral stick signal from the DFCS is lost (i.e., DFCS power
displacement will still provide approximately 25_ to 35° of failure). If this bias is reversed, the affected
spoiler deflection to counteract an asymmetric flap and slat spoiler will extend instead of retracting when the
condition (see Figure 263). This is sufficient to control full− command signal is lost. A DFCS power failure
flap asymmetry with symmetrically down slats. coupled with a reverse spoiler bias will result in
a fully deployed spoiler. All unaffected spoilers Ground−Roll Braking will remain retracted and will not respond to
flight control inputs until the DFCS command
Aerodynamic ground−roll braking is provided by signals are restored.
symmetric deflection of all spoilers to +55_. Ground−roll
braking is controlled by the ANTI SKID SPOILER BK Note
switch on the pilot left vertical console. The three−position D DFCS synchronization can take up to two
switch allows optional selection of BOTH (spoiler brake and seconds following a power interrupt. If the
wheel antiskid braking), SPOILER BK (spoiler brake only), MASTER RESET pushbutton is depressed
or OFF where neither spoilers nor antiskid is armed. With during the synchronization time, an addi
SPOILER BK or BOTH selected, two conditions are required tional depression of the MASTER RESET
to actuate the spoilers: pushbutton will be required to restore spoiler
1. Weight on wheels functionality.
D Do not press and hold the MASTER RESET
2. Both throttles at idle.
pushbutton. Pressing and holding the
Failure to satisfy any one of the above conditions will MASTER RESET pushbutton during the
cause the spoilers to return to the down position. synchronization time will have no effect since
the DFCS computers only recognize the
leading edge of the pulse from the MASTER
RESET pushbutton, and not the fact that the
button is continuously depressed.
Ground−roll braking may fail to extend spoilers D On deck, when the flap handle is cycled to UP,
on touchdown due to a momentary miscompare the outboard spoiler module is shut down.
of the weight−on−wheels switches. MASTER This will cause the outboard spoilers to
RESET should restore normal ground−roll remain extended if activated. If this occurs,
braking operation. position the flap handle to DN and deactivate
Note the spoilers. This may also cause the spoiler
During initial spoiler brake operation, it is indicators to inaccurately indicate a droop or
normal for the indicators in the SPOILER down position. If this occurs, position the flap
window to momentarily flip−flop. handle to DN and move the control stick
laterally to correct spoiler indicators. Spoiler Failure Spoiler Test
Spoiler monitoring is accomplished by directly
comparing the commanded spoiler position with the actual Proper spoiler operation is verified when IBIT is run
spoiler position. When a miscompare is detected, the affected during startup if wings are at 20 degrees and flaps are down.
individual spoiler panel and the corresponding spoiler panel See Chapters 7 and 38.
on the opposite wing are commanded to − 4½_ and the
SPOILERS caution light illuminated. Transient spoiler 2.23.5 Yaw Control
failures can be reset by depressing the MASTER RESET Yaw control (Figure 264) is effected by twin rudders,
pushbutton. If the affected spoiler panel is mechanically one on each vertical tail. The rudder pedals adjust through a
stuck−up, the DFCS automatically restores normal operation 10−inch range in 1−inch increments with the adjust control on
of the opposite spoiler panel within 2 seconds. the lower center pedestal, forward of the control stick.
Yaw commands are transmitted mechanically from the
rudder pedals to the rudder power actuators by pushrods and
bellcranks. Tandem power actuators are powered indepen
dently by the flight and combined hydraulic systems. Yaw
The spoiler actuators are mechanically biased to
system authority is tabulated in Figure 265.
the retracted position in order to cause the
spoilers to retract in the event that the command
Rudder Manual 3 inches left, $30_ 106_ per 7_ 1.13_ per second
Pedals (unrestricted) 3 inches right maximum second
NAVAIR 01−F14AAD−1 Rudder Feel Before DLC can be engaged, the following conditions
are required:
Artificial feel is provided with a spring roller−cam
mechanism similar to the longitudinal and lateral feel systems. 1. Flaps down greater than 25_.
Rudder force with pedal deflection is nonlinear with a 2. Throttles less than MIL power.
relatively steep gradient about the neutral detent and
gradually decreasing with increased pedal travel. 3. Inboard spoilers operational.
Rudder trim is effected by varying the neutral position 5. Operable combined hydraulic pump.
of the feel assembly with an electromechanical screwjack
actuator. Rudder trim control is actuated by a three−position DLC Operation
switch on the left console outboard of the throttle quadrant. DLC is engaged with the control stick DLC switch and
Left (L) and right (R) lateral switch movement commands commanded by the thumbwheel. The thumbwheel is spring−
left and right rudder trim, respectively. The switch is loaded to a neutral position. Forward rotation of the wheel
spring−loaded to the center off position. Trim actuation extends spoilers and aft rotation retracts them proportionally
produces an associated movement of the rudder pedals, to the degree of thumbwheel rotation. Absolute spoiler
rudders, and rudder indicator. deflection is dependent upon lateral stick position (see
Figure 263). DLC is provided by the yaw computer. Rudder Authority Stops
Upon engagement of DLC, the roll computer extends
Rudder authority control stops limit rudder throws in the inboard spoilers from the landing flaps down drooped
the high−Q flight environment. Rudder deflection limits are (− 4½_) position to +17.5_ above the flush (0_) position. The
scheduled by the CADC, commencing at about 250 knots. pitch computer displaces the trailing edges of the horizontal
Above approximately 400 knots, the stops are fully engaged, stabilizers 2.75_ down from their trim position. If the
restricting manual rudder deflection to 9.5_. Disagreement thumbwheel control is rotated fully forward, the spoilers
between command and position removes power from the extend to their 55_ position and the stabilizer trailing edges
motor and illuminates the RUDDER AUTH caution light. remain at 2.75_. This increases the rate of descent. If the
thumbwheel control is rotated fully aft, the spoilers retract to
their − 4.5_ position and the stabilizer trailing edges return
to the trim position. This decreases the rate of descent.
A CADC failure may drive the rudder authority 2.24 DIGITAL FLIGHT CONTROL SYSTEM
stops to 9.5_. This condition should be deter The DFCS (FO−12) augments the aircraft natural
mined prior to making a single−engine or cross damping characteristics and provides automatic commands
wind landing. With the 9.5_ stops in, rudder for control of attitude, altitude, heading, and approach modes
control may be insufficient to maintain direc selected by the pilot. All DFCS functions are integrated into
tional control with single−engine afterburner the primary flight control system.
operation or during crosswind conditions. Nose
wheel steering authority is greatly reduced with The DFCS also provides an Up and Away Automatic
the 9.5_ stops engaged. Rudder Interconnect (UA−ARI) to enhance departure resist
ance, spin recovery and high angle of attack flying qualities, Rudder Pedal Shaker and a Power Approach Automatic Rudder Interconnect
(PA−ARI) to enhance the landing approach flying qualities.
The rudder pedal shaker operates during IBIT and in The DFCS consists of three computers, one computer for
flight when the landing gear is extended and angle of attack each axis (pitch, roll, and yaw). Each computer has two
is above ~20 units. Rudder pedal shaker will deactivate once distinct and independent processors called channels or
the angle of attack is reduced below ~19 units. segregations (one A" and one B" channel per axis), each
controlling one of the dual series servoactuators. All
2.23.6 Direct Lift Control channels share data through cross channel data links.
During landing approaches, the inboard spoilers and A BIT capability is provided to exercise in−flight
horizontal stabilizers can be controlled simultaneously to monitoring and to conduct an automatic operational readi
provide vertical glidepath correction without changing ness test for preflight checks. DFCS rates and authorities are
engine power setting or angle of attack. Only the inboard tabulated in Figure 266.
spoilers are used for DLC.
Stability augmentation is provided for all three aircraft Depressing the paddle switch does not disable
axes (pitch, roll, and yaw) and is controlled by the three the PITCH and ROLL SAS. If problems are
STAB AUG switches on the upper half of the DFCS control suspected with any SAS axis, the appropriate
panel (DCP) (Figure 267). SAS is engaged by placing these STAB AUG switch must be manually selected
switches to ON during normal poststart procedures. The OFF. Depressing the paddle switch will dis
PITCH, ROLL, and YAW STAB AUG switches are manually engage the autopilot and DLC inflight, revert the
operated toggle switches mechanically held in the selected throttles to MANUAL mode on deck, and revert
ON or OFF position. fuel control to SEC mode.
The PITCH SAS incorporates a pitch rate feedback DFCS Control Panel/Fault Display
function that is reduced as airspeed is increased above 650 The DFCS control panel (Figure 267), located on the
KIAS. This is necessary to maintain adequate control system pilot’s left side console, includes all the controls for the
stability and is not noticeable. The ROLL SAS is independent DFCS and an LED alphanumeric fault display with the
with the landing gear up, at low angle of attack (less than 15 associated INC and DEC pushbuttons to control display
units), and at supersonic flight conditions. At all other condi operation. This fault display is intended for ground use only
tions, the ROLL SAS is part of the UA−ARI and PA−ARI. to assist in the troubleshooting and repair of the DFCS and
Similar to the PITCH SAS, the roll rate feedback is reduced related components.
as airspeed is increased above 300 KIAS. With the landing
gear down, the YAW SAS becomes part of the PA−ARI. Up and Away Automatic Rudder
Interconnect (UA−ARI)
All SAS switches should remain ON during flight.
Deselection of either the ROLL or YAW SAS switch will The UA−ARI is selected when the landing gear handle
disable the affected SAS axis and all ARI functions, and is up and provides several functions designed to improve high
illuminate the ARI/SAS OUT caution light. Deselection of angle of attack flying qualities and departure resistance
the PITCH SAS switch will disable the PITCH SAS, but no (Figure 267). These include:
caution light will illuminate since no restriction exists for D Differential Stabilizer Fadeout
D Lateral Stick−to−Rudder Interconnect (LSRI)
D Low airspeed/high angle of attack cross
control (LSXC)
D Wing Rock Suppression
Maneuvering with YAW SAS OFF or inoperative
shall not be conducted above 15 units AOA with D Spin Recovery Function.
landing gear retracted.
4 DFCS fault display With weight on wheels, the DFCS fault display yields three categories of fault
codes including: currently existing failures (FAIL), in−flight detected failures
(FLT), and IBIT detected failures (IBIT).
5 INC pushbutton With weight on wheels, depressing the INC pushbutton scrolls forward through
logged DFCS fault codes.
6 DEC pushbutton With weight on wheels, depressing the DEC pushbutton scrolls backward
through logged DFCS fault codes.
7 AUTOPILOT ENGAGE− ENGAGE Engages autopilot. PITCH, ROLL, and YAW SAS switches
OFF switch must be engaged. No warmup required. Engages attitude hold.
Requires weight off wheels.
OFF Disengages autopilot.
8 HDG−OFF−GT switch HDG Autopilot will lock on constant aircraft heading when aircraft is
less than "5 roll.
OFF Disengages heading hold and ground track.
GT Selects autopilot ground tracking computed at time of
engagement using inertia navigation system (INS) data.
Engaged by nosewheel steering pushbutton.
9 ALT−OFF switch ALT Autopilot will maintain barometric altitude. Engaged by
nosewheel steering pushbutton.
OFF Disengages altitude mode.
10 VEC/PCD−OFF−ACL VEC/PCD Autopilot roll axis commands steer aircraft using data link
switch signals for vectoring. If the precision course direction (PCD)
discrete is present, both roll and pitch axis commands are used.
Engaged by nosewheel steering pushbutton.
OFF Disengages VEC/PCD and ACL modes.
ACL Autopilot will accept data link signals for carrier landing, using
spoilers for roll and parallel servo for pitch. Only pitch
commands are transmitted to stick movement. Engaged and
disengaged by nosewheel steering pushbutton.
11 ACLS/AP caution light Autopilot and automatic carrier landing system (ACLS) mode disengaged.
12 A/P CPLR advisory Indicates the aircraft can be coupled to the ACL system for a mode I or
legend on MFD mode IA approach. A/P CPLR legend remains displayed in conjunction
with the CMD CTRL legend after coupling is accomplished.
13 A/P REF advisory Autopilot mode is selected but is not engaged. (Except attitude and
legend on MFD heading hold.)
14 PITCH SAS caution light Indicates inoperative pitch channel or PITCH SAS failure.
15 FCS CAUTION light Indicates DFCS failure has occurred. If no other lights are illuminated, indicates
loss of redundancy only (subsequent failure may result in loss of significant
DFCS functionality).
16 ROLL DGR caution light Indicates inoperative roll channel and degraded roll authority.
17 ARI DGR caution light Indicates degraded ARI performance. If caused by loss of a Mach number
signal, LSXC and wing rock suppression functions will be inoperative.
18 YAW DGR caution light Indicates inoperative yaw channel and degraded yaw authority.
19 ARI/SAS OUT caution Indicates loss of either ROLL or YAW SAS and all ARI functions.
light Will be illuminated if either the ROLL STAB AUG or YAW STAB AUG switches
are selected off.
20 AUTOPILOT caution light Indicates failure of one or more of pilot relief modes.
21 Autopilot reference and Engages the ALT, GT, ACL or VEC/PCD autopilot mode selected.
nosewheel steering Autopilot must be engaged and compatible autopilot modes selected.
pushbutton Also disengages ACL mode. Requires weight off wheels.
22 Autopilot emergency Disengages all autopilot modes and releases all autopilot switches.
disengage paddle
23 PLM pushbutton With the A/P CPLR legend and the VEC/PCD ACL switch latched in the
ACL position, depressing the PLM pushbutton engages and disengages
the ACL mode and autopilot.
These functions are active throughout the subsonic by activation of LSXC or spin recovery functions). As Mach
flight envelope and are scheduled with Mach number and number is increased, the differential stabilizer is faded out at
angle of attack (Figure 268). The effects of these functions a lower AOA. This reduces the effects of kinematic coupling
on flight characteristics are discussed in Chapter 11. and results in less adverse sideslip with lateral stick deflec
tion as angle of attack is increased and reduces the tendency
Note for lateral control induced departures.
The primary AOA input for control law schedul
ing is based on degrees AOA provided by the ARI The LSRI function gradually applies coordinating
alpha nose−probe vice units AOA as displayed on rudder with lateral stick as angle of attack is increased above
the cockpit AOA indicator provided by the ADD ~15 units AOA. A maximum of +/−19 deg coordinating
AOA side−probe. Descriptions of control law rudder is provided by the LSRI above ~23 units AOA. This
functions are written in units AOA, but it should results in the desired roll response with lateral stick input
be noted that the correlation between units and alone at elevated AOA.
degrees AOA is a function of Mach number.
The LSXC function provides a means to override the
The differential stabilizer fadeout function reduces the differential stabilizer fadeout and LSRI functions when
amount of differential stabilizer the pilot can command as CADC Mach number is below 0.4 and angle of attack is
angle of attack and Mach number are increased. Below ~15 above ~30 units. At these conditions, the pilot can command
units angle of attack, the pilot can command up to the maxi up to +/−10 deg differential stabilizer deflection in the direc
mum +/−12 deg differential stabilizer authority. Above ~30 tion of lateral stick and up to +/−30 deg rudder deflection in
units angle of attack, the differential stabilizer is limited to the direction of commanded rudder. Because rudder
a maximum of +/−2 deg deflection (except when overridden
effectiveness is diminished above 30 units angle of attack, the roll rate. Because the pilot’s roll rate command
LSXC function is necessary to provide adequate roll/ yaw is based upon lateral stick position from a
maneuvering capability at extreme angles of attack. When trimmed position, it may be necessary to select
LSRI is no longer effective, the aircraft can still be rolled ROLL SAS OFF, trim the airplane, and then rese
through LSXC by manually applying greater than 1.75 inch lect the ROLL SAS ON. The same procedure
of rudder pedal in the direction of the desired roll, and greater may be necessary to trim an airplane with a lat
than 1 inch lateral stick in the opposite direction. This will eral store asymmetry, trapped wing fuel, etc.
create an adverse yaw response causing the aircraft to
The LSRI function gradually fades in coordinating
roll/yaw in the same direction as the rudder input.
rudder with lateral stick as angle of attack is increased above
The wing rock suppression function uses roll rate ~10 units AOA. This minimizes adverse yaw response from
feedback to command the differential stabilizer and rudder to lateral stick only inputs, greatly enhancing heading and
damp lateral−directional oscillations from between 20 to 30 centerline capture during lineup corrections. At normal
units AOA. This results in smoother tracking capability for approach conditions (15 units angle of attack, flaps down), up
the majority of the maneuvering flight envelope. Wing rock to +/− 19 deg coordinating rudder is provided by the LSRI.
suppression is disabled when a pedal input greater than 2 Raising the flaps decreases the amount of coordinating
inches is applied or CADC Mach number is above 0.77 to rudder available.
prevent the system from applying inadvertent cross control
The Dutch roll damping function provides sideslip rate
inputs and allow the pilot to roll the aircraft with rudder
feedback to the rudder to reduce directional nose wandering
inputs alone.
during approach. Airplane roll rate, yaw rate, lateral
The spin recovery function applies full SAS authority acceleration, Mach number, and angle of attack are used to
of up to +/−19 deg rudder and up to +/−5 deg differential calculate sideslip rate. At normal approach conditions, the
stabilizer to oppose yaw rate during a departure. The spin sideslip rate feedback to rudder provides a deadbeat Dutch
recovery function is activated when angle of attack is above roll response.
~30 units and yaw rate is above 20 deg/sec. The spin recovery
The spiral mode stabilization function provides yaw
inputs are in addition to the pilot’s mechanical inputs,
rate feedback to the differential stabilizer to reduce bank
providing full control surface authority for departure recov
angle excursions during stabilized turns. At normal approach
ery (+/−30 deg rudder opposite roll/yaw and +/−12 deg
conditions, the yaw rate feedback to differential stabilizer
differential stabilizer into roll/yaw). Misapplied pilot
provides an essentially neutral spiral mode.
recovery inputs are limited to +/−11 deg pro−spin rudder and
+/−2 deg pro−spin differential stabilizer. Aircraft Sensors Power Approach ARI The DFCS uses the aircraft sensor inputs distributed to
the various computer channels as shown in Figure 269. The
The PA−ARI is selected when the landing gear handle
DFCS distributes sensor inputs to all computer channels
is down and provides roll rate command, LSRI, Dutch roll
through cross channel data link (CCDL) communication.
damping, and spiral mode stabilization functions. In addi
Each computer channel compares like sensor data (for
tion, the spoiler gearing has been modified for 0.1 inch lateral
example, yaw rate A, B, and M) to determine validity of each
stick spoiler breakout to improve roll sensitivity and
input and then consolidates the good inputs. The consoli
dated sensor inputs are then used to generate output
The roll rate command function tailors differential commands. This provides an additional level of monitoring
stabilizer to maintain a constant lateral stick to roll rate and redundancy.
relationship. This is achieved by comparing the roll rate
command (based upon lateral stick position as measured Note
from trimmed position) to the actual roll rate, then increasing Loss of a computer segregation or individual
or decreasing the differential stabilizer deflection to maintain cross channel data link will result in loss of
the commanded roll rate. The control gains are designed to sensor information provided by the affected seg
provide approximately 20 deg/sec roll rate per inch of lateral regation or link and illuminate the appropriate
stick deflection from trim. caution/advisory lights.
Note The aircraft sensors are supplemented by a pitch/roll
The PA−ARI will perceive a lateral trim offset as voter monitor and air data redundancy management algo
an uncommanded roll rate and will attempt to rithm to provide a fail−operational capability following a
reduce roll rate to zero with the stick in the single sensor failure. Following a second sensor failure, the
trimmed position. As a result, it is possible to DFCS reverts to a fail−safe configuration.
have the stick offset due to lateral trim with zero
pushbutton will restore normal operation and Digital Flight Control Computers
clear the failure indications for all single
The DFCS consists of three computers, one for each
failure situations. Dual failure of either the
axis (pitch, roll, and yaw) (Figure 269). Each computer has
Mach or AOA inputs is not resettable with
two distinct channels/segregations (A and B), each in turn
controlling one of the dual series servoactuators in the
D With a dual AOA or Mach failure set, lower respective axis. The DFCS uses cross channel data link
ing the landing gear handle will result in the communication to provide redundancy management so that
PITCH SAS (Mach only), ROLL DGR, and a miscompare between the A and B channels of a given axis
ARI/SAS OUT lights extinguishing. This cannot result in a loss of the entire axis. Each A channel (for
does not imply the dual failure is no longer example, pitch A) is monitored by every B channel (pitch B,
present, only that the impact of the dual fail roll B, and yaw B) and conversely each B channel is
ure on PA control functions are less severe monitored by every A channel. As a result of this monitoring
than on the UA control functions due to the structure, loss of a single channel will only result in loss of
more confined operational flight envelope. functions controlled by that channel and the corresponding
series servoactuator, rather than the entire axis (sensor Sensor Failures information provided by the affected channel will also be
lost). Loss of a second channel will significantly degrade
First sensor input failures are indicated by the FCS DFCS performance or result in a complete loss of all DFCS
CAUTION light and the appropriate acronym (PS, RS, YS, functions. Computer failure effects and cockpit indications
or AM). An FCS CAUTION light with no other lights indi are summarized in Figure 270.
cates a loss of sensor redundancy with no loss of function
ality. The only single sensor failure to light more than the Flight Control Computer Reset
FCS CAUTION light is a single Mach miscompare that is
Each computer channel is independently powered and
indicated by FCS CAUTION, ARI DGR caution lights and
can be disabled by pulling the appropriate DC or AC circuit
PS acronym. With a single Mach miscompare, the LSXC and
breaker. In general, there should be no need to cycle DFCS
wing rock suppression functions will be lost. Depressing the
circuit breakers. If power is removed from a channel and then
MASTER RESET pushbutton should clear transient first
restored, the pilot must depress MASTER RESET to restore
sensor failures and failure indications. Second sensor failures
full DFCS functionality. If power is removed from two or
result in loss of functions in the affected axis. The affected
more of the same letter" channels/segregations, most or all
axis will be indicated by a PITCH SAS, ROLL DGR, or YAW
of the DFCS functions will be lost. Restoring power will
DGR caution light. For failures affecting either the roll or
cause the DFCS to execute a power on reset" (POR) and the
yaw axis, all ARI functions may be lost. Partial loss or
system will re−initialize interpreting the current sensor
degrade of the ARI is indicated by an ARI DGR caution light.
information as valid. This can create a potentially hazardous
Complete loss of the ARI is indicated by the ARI/SAS OUT
situation under conditions where a dual sensor failure
light. For second AOA, Mach, or roll rate sensor failures the
occurred prior to restoring power. When the DFCS re−
spin recovery function is retained even though the ARI/SAS
initializes it is possible for the failed signals to be interpreted
OUT light is illuminated.
as valid and the remaining good signal to be interpreted as
invalid. Therefore, careful consideration should be given
DFCS failure indications and effects are summarized
before executing a POR airborne, since it can result in
in Figure 270. The DCP fault codes are listed in alpha−
erroneous DFCS commanded control deflections.
numeric order followed by their classification to the IBIT
and/or OFP fault group(s). The IBIT fault group includes
fault codes generated by the IBIT self−test and will be identi
fied in the DCP FAULT DISPLAY following the IBIT"
group header. The OFP fault group includes fault codes gen
erated by the PBIT and/or ABIT self−test(s) and will be iden
If a dual failure has been declared, performing a
tified in the DCP FAULT DISPLAY following the FAIL"
power on reset" to clear the failure can result in
and/or FLT" group header. The failure indication and poten
erroneous DFCS commanded control deflections.
tial functions lost are listed for each individual fault code.
The associated caution lights and maintenance file acronyms When performed on deck, the DC breakers (ROLL A
are listed for each fault code in addition to any applicable DC, YAW B DC, and YAW A DC − 8B4, 8B5, 8B6) are
notes. In certain cases, potential functions lost for multiple generally used to avoid inadvertently inducing additional
failures (also known as a dual faults or 2nd faults) have been faults. A MASTER RESET is required to extinguish the
identified. resulting DFCS caution lights following restoration of power.
2-121 CHANGE 1
2-123 CHANGE 1
+ Lights will illuminate only if autopilot or ACL mode engaged when failure occurs.
“x” or “xx” in fault code depicts multiple numeral possibilities.
generates steering commands to the autopilot roll axis. Bank roll computers in response to inputs from the data-link
angles are limited to ± 30°. Failure of the INS or SAHRS will converter and IMU. If the data-link vector discrete is present,
cause loss of ground-track steering. the autopilot roll axis will respond to data-link heading
commands and bank angle authority will be limited to ± 30 .
Performing a system reset with ground track (GT) When the PCD discrete is present, the autopilot roll and
engaged will cause the DFCS AUTO PILOT pitch axes will respond to data-link commands.
caution light to illuminate, which may cause the
ground-track mode to disengage. Automatic Carrier Landing
The DFCS incorporates ACLS software with control Altitude Hold laws provide a vertical rate (h-dot) command system with
Altitude hold mode is engaged by setting the ALT-OFF integrated direct lift control (DLC). These control laws
switch to ALT. When the A/P REF legend appears, press the provide corrections for glidepath deviations commanded
nosewheel steering pushbutton when at the desired altitude. directly by horizontal stabilizer and DLC through altitude
This will engage the altitude hold mode and the A/P REF rate “h-dot” feedback. Since the F-14 DFCS does not have a
legend to go out. Applying 10 pounds longitudinal stick force direct altitude rate input from the IMU/INS, the DFCS has
will cause the A/P REF legend to appear. The mode may be incorporated the normal accelerometer (Nz) sensor to derive
reengaged by depressing the nosewheel steering pushbutton a pseudo vertical rate feedback signal by sensing motion in
on the stick grip, when at the desired altitude, and observing the vertical axis. This normal accelerometer is the same
that the A/P REF legend goes out. Altitude hold should not sensor used in the autothrottle approach power compensator
be engaged during any maneuvers requiring large, rapid, (APC) system and the autopilot altitude hold mode.
pitch trim changes because of limited servo authority and ACLS control of the aircraft is achieved through the
slow automatic trim rate. Disengagement of altitude hold is autopilot by pitch parallel servo actuator and DLC com-
accomplished by applying 10 pounds or more longitudinal mands in pitch and spoiler commands in roll. The pitch
stick force or by placing the ALT-OFF switch to OFF. parallel actuator is utilized to command the control stick and
Note horizontal stabilizers to provide a large amplitude, low
frequency control response. The integrated “blended” DLC
z Do not actuate in-flight refueling probe with is utilized to provide a small amplitude, high frequency
altitude hold engaged because of large tran- control response. This system is significantly more capable
sients in pitot-static systems sensed by the than previous versions of compensating for varying engine
CADC. response, winds, and/or deck motion. The DFCS continues to
z Altitude hold performance in the landing con- provide roll control through the spoilers only and does not
figuration with cg forward of 12% will be capitalize on the full benefits of the automatic rudder
degraded due to rapid limiting of servoactua- interconnect (ARI). The lateral axis is the primary limitation
tor authority. Aircrew should avoid aggressive of the F-14 DFCS ACLS and must be closely monitored for
power or bank angle changes in this condition any unacceptable course deviations during the approach.
or undesirable pitch attitudes may result (with-
out decoupling of AUTOPILOT switch). Note
If the pitch parallel actuator force link is mechan- Data-Link Vector — ically disconnected, the A/P REF legend indicat-
Precision Course Direction ing ACL mode engagement may go out when
coupling is attempted, but the aircraft will not
This mode is engaged by placing the VEC/PCD switch
respond to SPN-46 commands and the autopilot
to VEC/PCD and pressing the nosewheel steering push-
will then uncouple from the ACLS when the first
button. Mode engagement is evidenced by the A/P REF
pitch commands are received.
legend going out.
The F-14 DFCS ACLS control laws require the
Disengagement of the mode is accomplished by
incorporation of a software upgrade in the AN/SPN-46
application of stick forces of 7½ pounds lateral or 10 pounds
Automatic Carrier Landing System.
longitudinal, or by placing the VEC/PCD switch to OFF. If
the switch is left in VEC/PCD, the A/P REF legend will Note
appear and the mode may be reengaged by depressing the
ACLS mode I/IA approaches are authorized for
autopilot reference and nosewheel steering pushbutton.
F-14 DFCS aircraft incorporating OFP 4.4 or
Determination of whether data link or precision course subsequent only.
direction signals are present is made in the DFCS pitch and
light should go out. The ACL RDY and A/P aircraft bolters or if the pilot decides to go around, the
CPLR legends must be displayed prior to any autopilot/ACL mode is disengaged automatically by weight-
attempt at recoupling. on-wheels or overriding the control stick, as the pilot enters
the bolter/waveoff pattern. If the aft longitudinal stick force
Until 12.5 seconds from touchdown, the landing
method is used at or inside the in-close position, the pilot
system commands the aircraft to follow a stabilized glide-
must avoid over-rotation. The waveoff technique described
slope. Inside of 12.5 seconds, the landing system commands
in Chapter 8 applies.
the aircraft to follow the vertical movement of the intended
touchdown point. As a result, some deviations from the
SLOLS glideslope will be noted with large pitching deck
Between 12.5 and 1.5 seconds from touchdown, the A PTO initiated by autothrottle APC disengage-
approach controller sendsan automatic waveoffdiscrete if any ment with large power additions prior to uncou-
part of the carrier-based equipment fails and up to 5 seconds pling from ACLS will result in large nose down
from touchdown if the aircraft exceeds the AN/SPN-46 commands. A force link disconnect may occur if
flightpath control envelope. Waveoff signals may also be the control stick hits the forward stop.
issued by the final controller between lock-on and touchdown
and the landing signal officer between 1 mile and touchdown.
Approaches must be waved off at precision approach weather
minimums if the pilot cannot see the meatball.
At 1.5 seconds from touchdown, the landing system The paddle switch will disengage the autopilot.
freezes the vertical rate command and sends a bank command Use of the paddle switch to disengage DFCS for
to return the aircraft to a wings-level attitude. The DFCS mode IA landing is not recommended since DLC
follows these commands to touchdown, unless the pilot elects will also be disengaged. The PITCH and ROLL
to disengage from the ACL mode via pilot takeover. SAS switches will remain engaged.
z The paddle switch will revert throttles to
MANUAL mode with weight-on-wheels.
z The paddle switch, control stick forces, or loss
If the pilot and/or LSO recognizes a course drift of any aircraft ACL mode interlock will
immediately prior to or at command freeze, the illuminate the MASTER CAUTION light,
pilot will be required to make a lateral correction AUTOPILOT caution light, and ACLS/AP
toprevent unacceptable deviation fromcenterline. caution ladder light.
Pilot takeovers (PTO) may be desired/required during ACL mode disengagement via the autopilot reference
ACLS approaches. In the case of an ACLS mode IA approach pushbutton or PLM pushbutton will illuminate the ACLS/AP
the PTO shall be executed prior to 200-feet altitude and caution ladder light, but not the MASTER CAUTION and
½ -mile. All approaches must be waved off at precision AUTOPILOT caution lights. The PLM pushbutton com-
approach weather minimums if the pilot cannot see the mands the radar to pilot lock-on mode when the A/P CPLR
meatball. The recommended method for a PTO is via the legend is not displayed. However, when the A/P CPLR
autopilot reference pushbutton located on the control stick to legend is displayed, selection of the PLM pushbutton
disengage the ACL mode and the CAGE/SEAM pushbutton disengages the ACL mode. ACL mode disengagement via
on the throttle to disengage autothrottle APC. An alternative control stick forces or the emergency disengage paddle will
method to disengage the ACL mode is via the PLM illuminate the MASTER CAUTION light, the AUTOPILOT
pushbutton. Another method to disengage the ACL mode is caution light, and the ACLS/AP caution ladder light.
via the manual deselection of the ACL or AUTOPILOT Manually disengaging the ACL mode and/or AUTOPILOT
switches. Manual deselection of the THROTTLE MODE switches will illuminate the ACLS/AP caution ladder light,
switch will disengage the autothrottle APC. Manual deselec- but not the MASTER CAUTION and AUTOPILOT caution
tion of these switches may be difficult to accomplish, lights.
especially during the final stages of the approach. The paddle
switch will disengage the ACL mode and autopilot, but will 2.24.5 DFCS Test
also disengage DLC. As a last resort, overriding the control
stick with 10 pounds longitudinal or 7 pounds lateral control The DFCS has several self-test modes. These include
stick force will disengage the ACL mode and 11 pounds of power-up BIT (PBIT), initiated BIT (IBIT), and automatic
force per throttle will disengage the autothrottle APC. If the BIT (ABIT). The results of these tests are indicated by the
illumination of applicable caution lights, maintenance file serve as an indication that IBIT is running. The IBIT
acronyms, and DFCS control panel (DCP) fault display sequence will continue with the pitch trim check (slow longi-
codes. tudinal stick motion), PITCH SAS actuator check (no longi-
tudinal stick motion), the pitch parallel actuator check (rapid DFCS Power-up BIT (PBIT) longitudinal stick motion), the individual spoiler operation
check (from right to left), and the ROLL and YAW SAS
A DFCS power-up BIT is an automatic function of actuator checks. DFCS IBIT concludes with disengagement
the DFCS that is initiated when power is initially applied of the AUTOPILOT switch, activation of the rudder pedal
to the aircraft. Power-up BIT is completed in approximately shaker check, and illumination of an alternating test pattern
2 seconds. Following a successful power-up BIT, the flight to test all pixels of the DCP LED fault display.
control computers will synchronize and enter the operational
flight program mode following depression of the MASTER Premature termination of the IBIT sequence will cause
RESET pushbutton. Failure of power-up BIT will result in the ACLS/AP and AP REF lights to stop flashing and leave
illumination of caution lights and DCP fault display codes all other DFCS caution lights illuminated. The DCP fault
(Figure 2-71) associated with the failed computer(s) that will display will indicate “ABRT” when IBIT is terminated
not reset with MASTER RESET. The failed computer(s) prematurely.
will remain isolated and will not enter the operational flight
program mode. Following completion of a successful IBIT, all DFCS
caution lights will be extinguished, the AUTOPILOT switch DFCS Initiated BIT (IBIT) will be OFF, and the DFCS will automatically enter the
operational flight program mode. The DCP will display a
A DFCS Initiated BIT is a thorough preflight indication “PASS” indication in the DCP fault display.
of DFCS performance and can be obtained during poststart
OBC or a DFCS BIT. All SAS switches must be engaged, Following an IBIT with one or more failures, caution
weight-on-wheels, flaps extended greater than 25°or wings lights and acronyms for the detected failures will be dis-
swept aft of 62°, and ANTI-SKID SPOILER BK switch OFF. played. The DCP fault display will indicate “NO GO” and
If one of these interlocks is not satisfied the DFCS will not fault codes for the specific failed WRAs can be viewed using
enter the IBIT ARM state. The AUTOPILOT switch must be the INC and DEC pushbuttons. The DFCS will automatically
engaged to test autopilot functions and can only be engaged enter the operational flight program, even though IBIT has
in the IBIT ARM state. detected failures. Depression of the MASTER RESET push-
button will extinguish caution lights and acronyms, but will
Longitudinal trim should be greater than 0°for flaps up not clear DCP IBIT fault codes. Any discrepancies detected
and greater than 3° for flaps down. The MASTER TEST by IBIT may still exist even though caution lights have been
switch must be selected to “IBIT ARM” by raising and rotat- extinguished with MASTER RESET. Another IBIT must be
ing to the “OBC” or “DFCS BIT” position. The DCP fault completed to ensure proper system operation.
display will alternate between an “IBIT” and “ARM” indica-
tion to confirm that IBIT is in the armed state. The AUTO-
PILOT switch can be engaged at this time in order to test
autopilot functions during IBIT. If the INC or DEC push-
buttons are depressed in the IBIT ARM state the DCP will
indicate any existing fault display codes. In this case, the Following an IBIT, a MASTER RESET will
DFCS is still in the IBIT ARM mode and the depression of clear the IBIT caution/advisory light failure indi-
a MASTER RESET will restore the IBIT ARM codes to the cations, but will not clear the FAULT DISPLAY
fault display, but is not required. A DFCS IBIT test sequence IBIT codes. This does not indicate that the fail-
will commence upon depression of the MASTER TEST ures detected during IBIT are resolved. The
switch in the “DFCS BIT” position, or a complete OBC DFCS should not be considered fully opera-
encompassing all aircraft functions may be subsequently tional. Only the successful completion of another
initiated by the RIO with the MASTER TEST switch in the IBIT can verify proper system operation.
“OBC” position.
The DFCS IBIT sequence will commence with the
following: The DCP fault display will alternate between an Spoiler actuator IBIT tests are run only with the
“IBIT” and “RUN” during the entire IBIT run sequence. All wings forward and flaps down. During IBIT,
ten DFCS caution lights (including the HZ TAIL AUTH, spoilers are deflected individually, one at a time
RUD AUTH, and SPOILERS lights) will illuminate and the starting with the right no. 4 spoiler.
ACLS/AP and AP REF lights will flash once per second to
ARM IBIT is armed awaiting BIT initiate (alternates between “IBIT” and “ARM”).
RUN Indication that IBIT is running (alternates between “IBIT” and “RUN”).
IBIT Failures following this code were logged during the most recent IBIT run.
If the pitch parallel actuator is functioning properly, 2.24.6 DFCS Control Panel Fault Reporting
large longitudinal control stick deflections should be
observed during IBIT. An IBIT with the flaps down requires The DFCS control panel (DCP) incorporates an LED
a longitudinal trim of 3 or more noseup; an IBIT with the alphanumeric fault display. This fault display is intended for
wings at 68 requires not less than 0 noseup. A pitch parallel ground use only to assist in the troubleshooting and repair of
actuator force link disconnect during IBIT is indicated by the DFCS and related components. The DCP will not display
illumination of the AUTOPILOT caution light, a PA any fault data with weight off wheels. DFCS operational DCP
acronym, and the absence of large control stick deflections. system display codes are listed in Figure 2-71. The fault dis-
It is possible for the force link to be partially disconnected; play will group faults into three categories: currently existing
that is, disconnected mechanically while electrical faults (FAIL), faults detected in flight (FLT), and faults that
continuity is maintained. If this has occurred, the are detected during initiated BIT (IBIT). Fault codes will be
AUTOPILOT caution light or PA acronym may be absent displayed in order by repeated depression of the INC push-
after IBIT, but no large stick deflection will be observed. The button. Current failures will be displayed first followed by
implications of this condition are the same as for a total in-flight detected failures, and any IBIT detected failures.
disconnect (no ACL capability). This will be indicated by “FAIL” followed by any current
failures, then “FLT” followed by any in-flight logged fail- DFCS Automatic BIT (ABIT) ures, and finally by “IBIT” followed by failures detected
during the last executed IBIT. If there are no failures in a
A DFCS Automatic BIT provides continuous failure
particular group that group’s header will not be displayed.
monitoring of the DFCS. Test coverage for ABIT is not as
When all faults have been displayed, “END” will be dis-
extensive as IBIT and should not be used as a replacement for
played. The INC or DEC pushbuttons may be used to scroll
performing a pre-flight IBIT. ABIT failures will be recorded
forward or backward through the fault codes. If no failures
in a maintenance data store and are listed on the DCP fault
have been logged, depression of the INC or DEC pushbutton
display following the “FAIL” and “FLT” headers. Depending
will display a “GO” indication.
on the severity of the problem detected, functionality may be
lost and the appropriate caution/advisory lights illuminated
and acronyms displayed.
NAVAIR 01-F14AAD-1 Current Faults message for 3 seconds followed by a flashing “CLR” mes-
sage for 4 seconds. Once all FLT fault codes are cleared, all
On the ground, currently existing faults are indicated center segments “----” will be illuminated and the INC and
by a combination of caution/advisory lights and acronyms. DEC pushbuttons can then be released. IBIT faults can only
After momentary depression of the INC or DEC pushbutton, be cleared by the completion of a successful IBIT “PASS,”
the current fault codes will be listed following the “FAIL” a power on reset, or loss of system power. Current FAIL faults
header. The current faults are logged in volatile memory and can be cleared from the display by depressing MASTER
will be lost following removal of system power. If faults exist RESET once the fault no longer exists or loss of system
when the aircraft goes weight off wheels, they are added to power.
the in-flight fault listing.
1 WHEELS warning light Light flashes with flaps greater than 10_ deflection and either or both
throttles less than approximately 85% rpm, and all landing gear not down
and locked. Approach lights and indexer will illuminate when the LDG
GEAR handle is placed in the down position, but this is not an indication
of gear down and locked.
2 LDG GR indicator
— Landing gear down and locked (except main landing gear
sidebrace actuator).
3 Landing gear transition On whenever gear and door positions (including main landing gear
light sidebrace actuators) do not correspond to handle position. Off when gear
and doors are locked in position selected by handle.
4 HYD ISOL switch FLT — Combined system hydraulic pressure is shut off to the
landing gear, nosewheel steering and wheel brakes.
T.O./LDG — Switch is automatically placed in this position with gear
handle down. Combined hydraulic pressure is available to
all components.
5 DOWN LOCK ORIDE Down — Weight-on-wheels indication, prevents gear handle being
lever retracted without pilot override (raising lever).
Up — Weight-off-wheels indication, does not inhibit pilot raising
gear handle. Automatic operation by electrical solenoid.
6 LDG GEAR handle Normal — Up and down overcenter action provides normal retraction
and extension by the combined hydraulic system.
Emergency — Down-push-turn-clockwise pull action provides emergency
extension of all gear by a compressed nitrogen charge.
position. If the nose landing gear is unsafe in locked in the down position with weight on wheels to
the down position because of premature prevent inadvertent gear retraction. Pilot override of the
deployment of the nose landing gear locking solenoid-operated handle lock can be effected by lifting the
pin, the nosegear indicator will indicate downlock lever next to the gear handle. Vertical movement
unsafe and the transition light will illuminate. of the gear handle causes a corresponding up and down selec-
tion of the landing gear with the combined hydraulic system
Maximum strut extension and wheel steering angle are pressurized. Three flip-flop indicators provide a position
controlled by torque arms interconnecting the steering collar display for each of the landing gear, and a gear transition light
and the lower piston (see Figure 2-77). The split-type wheel on the control panel illuminates anytime the gear position
assembly incorporates a tire pressure relief device to prevent and handle do not correspond. In addition, a WHEELS
overinflation of the tire. Additional hardware on the nose warning light alerts the pilot if the landing gear is not down
landing gear include the launch bar, holdback fitting, with flaps deflected greater than 10 and either or both
approach lights, nosewheel steering actuator, and taxi light. throttles set for less than approximately 85-percent rpm.
The wheel axles incorporate recessed holes for attachment of
a universal tow bar with maximum steering angle of ± 120 .
NAVAIR 01-F14AAD-1 Landing Gear Handle Up The emergency landing gear nitrogen bottle is located
in the nose wheelwell. Normal preflight bottle pressure is
Placement of the landing gear handle to UP actuates the 3,000 psi at 70_ F. Minimum bottle pressure for accomplish-
landing gear valve that ports hydraulic pressure to the down- ing emergency extension to the down-and-locked position is
lock actuators, gear retract actuators, and, in sequence, to the 1,800 psi.
door and uplock actuators. The gear shock strut and door
uplocks are hydraulically operated into a mechanical over- Pneumatic pressure is directed by separate lines to
center position. An UP indication is displayed on the gear power open the gear door actuators in sequence, release the
position indicators when the gear are in the uplock and all gear uplock actuators, pressurize the nosegear actuator to
doors closed. extend the gear (main gear free fall), and pressurize the
downlock actuators. A normal gear-down indication is Landing Gear Handle Down achieved upon emergency gear extension. Following emer-
gency gear extension, nosewheel steering is disabled. Once
Placement of the LDG GEAR handle to DN actuates the landing gear is extended by emergency means, it cannot
the gear control module to port hydraulic pressure to the door be retracted while airborne and must be reset by maintenance
uplocks, door actuators, and the strut uplocks. The landing personnel.
gear are hydraulically extended and assisted by gravity and
airloads. A gear-down symbol (wheel) is displayed on the
gear position indicators when the gear downlocks are in the
locked position. The gear transition light will go out when the
main gear side-brace links are engaged.
D Emergency extension of the landing gear shall
Note be logged in the Maintenance Action Form
(OPNAV Form 3760-2).
With the main gear downlock inserted but the
side-brace link not engaged, landing sink speed D To facilitate in-flight refueling probe exten-
is restricted to 480 feet per minute. Minimize sion when the landing gear has been blown
yaw and sideslips on touchdown and rollout. down, raise the landing gear handle to give
priority to the refueling probe system.
2.25.5 Emergency Gear Extension
Although emergency gear extension can be initiated
with the landing gear control handle in any position, it is The wheelbrake system provides power boost hydrau-
preferable that the LDG GEAR handle be placed in DN lic control of the multiple disk-type main wheelbrakes using
before actuating the emergency extension system. pressurized fluid in the landing gear down line from the
combined hydraulic system. Individual or collective wheel-
brake control can be modulated by depression of the rudder
toe pedals, or collective, unmodulated brake control is avail-
able with the parking brake. An antiskid system is provided
to operate electrohydraulically in conjunction with the
The landing gear handle must be held in the fully normal wheelbraking mode. Wheelbrake controls are shown
extended emergency position for a minimum of in Figure 2-73.
1 second to ensure complete actuation of the air
release valve. Approximately 55 pounds pull Brake pedal and parking brake control motions are
force is required to fully actuate the emergency mechanically transmitted to the power brake module
nitrogen bottle. The pulling motion should be together with the antiskid valve. Separate hydraulic lines
rapid and continuous to ensure the air release transmit normal and emergency fluid pressure from the
valve goes completely overcenter to the locked power brake module to the left and right wheelbrake
position. The landing gear handle will be loose assemblies. At each brake assembly, the normal and
(fore and aft) in its housing as an indication of emergency lines input fluid to the brake shuttle valve, which
complete extension of the handle. An incomplete applies brakes as a function of normal or emergency line fluid
handle motion could cause partial porting of pressure. Two wear-indicator pins on the brake piston
gaseous fluid, initiating the emergency dump housing measure lining wear for preflight inspection. For
sequence. Interruption of handle motion without new brakes, these pins extend approximately one-half inch
completing the overcentering action of the valve above the piston housing. When the pin is flush with the
could cause the extending gears to contact and piston housing with the parking brake applied, the brake
damage the strut doors. assembly is worn to the point of replacement.
1 Parking brake handle Forward — Parking brake released. Modulated braking action avail-
able with brake pedal depression.
Aft — Parking brake set. No modulation of control, locks both
main wheel brakes.
2 BRAKES warning light Indicates parking brake handle is pulled, antiskid has failed, or operation is
in auxiliary brake mode when brake pedals are depressed.
3 Brake Pedals Press top of rudder pedals to command normal or auxiliary braking.
4 Hand pump Recharges auxiliary and parking brake accumulators with gear handle
down. With REFUEL PROBE switch in FUS or ALL EXTD, provides
emergency extension or retraction of refueling probe regardless of gear
handle position.
5 BRAKE PRESSURE Provides pilot indication of brake accumulator pressure remaining which is
gage indicative of auxiliary and emergency brake cycles remaining.
6 ANTI SKID SPOILER BK BOTH — Antiskid activated. Spoiler brakes operative with weight
switch on wheels and both throttles in IDLE.
OFF — Antiskid deactivated, spoiler brakes inoperative.
SPOILER BK — Spoiler brakes operate with weight on wheels and both
throttles IDLE. Antiskid is deactivated.
Four thermal relief plugs are mounted in each main 2.26.2 Normal Braking
wheel assembly to relieve tire pressure and thus avert a blow- In the normal mode of operation, wheelbrake applica-
out because of hot brakes if the local wheel temperature tion is modulated by brake pedal depression using pressur-
exceeds 428 F. ized fluid from the combined hydraulic system through the
brake module and through the normal brake line to the brake
The capacities of the wheelbrake assemblies are suffi- assembly. In the normal mode of operation, the brake
cient to restrain the aircraft in a static condition on a dry pressure gauge indication should continue to indicate a full
surface with MIL power set on both engines. The minimum charge on the brake accumulators since this fluid energy is
hydroplaning speed for the main tires on a wet runway is maintained by the combined hydraulic system. Normal
approximately 90 knots. combined-system operations can result in pressure excur-
sions that will be trapped in the brake system. This can cause
2.26.1 Brake Characteristics the brake pressure indicators to read beyond the full range of
the gauges. This will not affect system performance.
Because carbon brakes contain solid disk-shaped
carbon rotors and stators, they cannot shingle. The thermal
characteristics prevent them from fusing together during or
following heavy braking.
z After heavy or repeated braking or if hot
Carbon brakes may produce a sudden increase in brake
brakes are suspected, allow a 5 to 10-minute
torque as brake pedal force is smoothly increased. This can
cooling period with the gear extended before
produce grabbing at low brake pedal force inputs. This grab-
bing is caused by excessive air in the combined hydraulic retracting the gear.
system. Open-loop bleeding of the combined hydraulic sys- z If heavy braking is used during landing or
tem by maintenance personnel will reduce the amount of air taxiing followed by application of the parking
in the system and should eliminate any associated grabbing. brake, normal brake operation may not be
If grabby brakes are experienced, smooth modulation to available following release of the parking
higher braking forces is easily accomplished after the initial brake if the brakes are still hot. Check for nor-
grabbing. The sudden increase in torque is most noticeable mal brake operation after releasing the park-
at moderate to slow taxi speeds. As groundspeed increases, ing brake and prior to commencing taxiing.
the kinetic energy of the aircraft increases and the effect of
the sudden torque increase is significantly reduced. Normal 2.26.3 Antiskid
braking technique should be used during normal rollout. The antiskid system operates electrohydraulically in
conjunction with the normal mode of wheelbrake operation
The pilot must apply maximum pressure on the brake to deliver maximum wheelbraking upon pilot command
pedals to hold the aircraft static at MIL. If carbon brakes have without causing a skid. Essential No. 2 bus dc power for
been heated up by a full-stop landing, and for about 45 min- antiskid operation is supplied through the ANTI SKID/R
utes thereafter, they will probably not hold the aircraft static AICS LKUP PWR circuit breaker (8E1) and controlled by
with military power set on both engines even with the parking the ANTI SKID SPOILER BK switch (Figure 2-73). When
brake set. In this case, 75 to 100 pounds of pedal force will energized, approximately 200 milliseconds are required for
hold the aircraft static with afterburner set on one engine and antiskid system warmup. Individual wheel rotational veloc-
idle power set on the other. In all cases, holding the aircraft ity is sensed by skid detectors mounted in the wheel hubs and
static at high power settings depends on adequate runway and transmitted to the skid control box. The control box detects
tire conditions. Degraded conditions such as wet runways or changes in wheel deceleration and reduces fluid pressure in
worn tires may result in tire skid at high power settings. the normal brake lines to both wheels, simultaneously, to
prevent a skid.
With the antiskid system armed in flight, the touch-
down circuit in the control box prevents braking until weight
is on both main gear and the wheels have spun up, regardless
of brake pedal application. The antiskid system is inoperative
When the antiskid system becomes inoperative at groundspeeds of less than 15 knots. During maximum-
at 15 knots during a maximum-effort stop, effort antiskid braking, expect a rough, surging deceleration.
carbon brakes can lock the wheels and pedal When the ANTI SKID SPOILER BK switch is in BOTH
pressure should be relaxed as the aircraft deceler- during low-speed taxi (less than 10 knots for more than a few
ates through 15 knots during a maximum effort seconds), subsequent acceleration of the aircraft through
antiskid stop. approximately 15 knots will cause a temporary loss of brakes
lasting from 2 to 10 seconds. Should this happen, use of the electrical failure occurs in the antiskid system or if hydraulic
brakes can be regained instantly by turning antiskid OFF. To pressure is withheld from either brake for greater than 1.2
preclude this possibility, antiskid must be OFF during taxi. seconds by the control box, the system automatically becomes
inoperative and illuminates the BRAKES warning light with
Failure to release brakes prior to deselecting A valid BIT test requires that three criteria be met: the
ANTI SKID may result in blown tires. BIT flags on the face of the control box must check good,
the pilot must feel both brakes release during BIT test, and
The antiskid system is inoperative when the wheel- the BRAKES warning light must not remain illuminated. A
brakes are in the auxiliary or parking modes of operation flash of the BRAKES light coinciding with brake pedal
since the emergency brake lines bypass the brake valve. If an thumps during the antiskid BIT check is acceptable.
2−141 CHANGE 2
1 NWS ENGA caution light Illumination when nosewheel steering engaged and will respond as a
function of rudder pedal displacement. Nosewheel steering automatically
centers with hook down. Nosewheel centering requires throttles at IDLE
and weight-on-wheels with hook down.
1 NOSE STRUT switch EXTD — Hydraulic pressure causes strut to extend. Combined hydraulic
system must be pressurized before switch is activated on external
power. Launch bar is lifted into the up-lock position by torque arms
as strut extends 14 inches.
OFF — Spring-loaded return position.
KNEEL — Nose strut transfer control valve releases pressure in the shock
strut, which strokes 14 inches. Combined hydraulic system must
be pressurized before switch is active on external power. Launch
bar uplock can be released manually to allow bar to lower to deck,
or by turning nosewheel ± 10 .
2 LAUNCH BAR Illuminates under the following conditions:
advisory light Weight On Wheels
Aircraft kneeled, throttles less than MIL (goes out when throttles are
advanced to MIL to provide lights out criterion for catapult launch).
Launch bar not up and locked (normal operation)
3 LAUNCH BAR switch ABORT — Enables pilot to disengage the launch bar from the catapult while
remaining at MIL power and in the kneel position.
NORM — Allows launch bar to be lowered.
2 Hook transition light Illuminates whenever arresting hook position does not correspond with
handle position. Light will not go out in down position until hook is in full
trail angle.
3 HOOK BYPASS FIELD — Used for nonarrested landings. Bypasses the flashing fea-
switch ture of the approach lights and indexer when landing gear is
down and hook retracted.
CARRIER — Used for arrested landings. Approach lights and indexer
flash when landing gear is down and the hook retracted.
1 TEMP mode selector AUTO — Cockpit and pressure suit temperature is automatically
switch maintained at that comfort level selected on the temperature
control selector.
2-149 CHANGE 1
4 AIR SOURCE selector RAM Closes the bleed air flow modulator pressure regulator
pushbuttons and shutoff valve, thereby securing the cooling bootstrap
turbine compressor. Inhibits gun firing. The RAM AIR
switch is enabled. Combined ram air and regulated 400_
F bleed air are available to the cockpits and air cooled
electronic equipment for temperature control. When
either BOTH ENG, L ENG or R ENG are selected, the
ram air door automatically closes.
L ENG The left engine is the source of bleed air for the environ
mental control system and the right engine bleed air shut
off valve is closed.
R ENG The right engine is the source of bleed air for the environ
mental control system and the left engine bleed air shutoff
valve is closed.
BOTH ENG The right and left engine bleed air shutoff valves are open
and both supply bleed air to the environmental control
system. This is the normal position. Automatically closes
ram air door.
OFF Both the left and right engine bleed air shutoff valves
and the dual pressure regulator valve are closed. Inhibits
gun firing. Pressurization and air conditioning are not
available. Enables the RAM AIR switch.
5 TEMP thumbwheel control Selects cockpit and suit air temperature. It can be rotated through a 300_
arc (0 to 14) with mechanical stops at each end placarded COOL and
WARM. A midposition temperature (7) is approximately 70_F in the
automatic mode. With the TEMP mode selector switch in AUTO the
temperature selected is automatically maintained by the modulating
temperature control valves. In MAN, the TEMP control thumbwheel must
be repositioned to maintain cockpit and suit air temperature. Air flow and
temperature will not change as a function of airspeed and altitude.
6 CABIN PRESS ALT Displays cabin pressure altitude in 1,000−foot increments from
indicator 0 to 50,000 feet.
7 BLEED DUCT caution light Indicates overheating (575° F or greater) along the high−temperature
bleed air duct routing forward of the engine fire wall past the primary heat
exchanger and then up to the right diverter area. An additional sensor,
detecting temperatures of 255° F or greater, senses from the right diverter
area, along the 400° F manifold and into the bootstrap turbine
8 CABIN PRESS caution Indicates cabin pressure is less than 5−psi absolute pressure or cockpit
light (RIO’s cockpit) altitude is above 27,000 feet.
Interconnects inhibit gun firing with RAM or OFF remainder is further cooled by the turbine compressor. Here
selected. The emergency ram-air door is on the lower right the air is compressed, run through the secondary heat
side of the fuselage, inboard of the right glove. To activate the exchanger, and then expanded in the turbine section,
ram air door, either the OFF or RAM AIR SOURCE resulting in cold air that is mixed with 340_ F air to obtain
pushbutton must be depressed and the RAM AIR switch on any temperature desired. The primary and secondary heat
the air-conditioning control panel must be moved to OPEN. exchangers are between the left and right engine inlets and
the fuselage. At speeds above 0.25 Mach, ram air across the
heat exchangers is used for cooling. During ground opera-
tions and at airspeeds less than 0.25 Mach, airflow across the
heat exchanger is augmented by air-powered turbine fans.
D Before opening the ram air door, reduce air- With the system in MAN to increase airflow to
speed to 350 knots or 1.5 Mach, whichever is forced-air-cooled equipment, place CANOPY
lower, to prevent ram air temperatures above DEFOG-CABIN AIR control lever in CANOPY
110_ F from entering the system. After ram air DEFOG.
flow is stabilized, airspeed may be varied as
The third heat exchanger is the service air-to-air heat
required for crew comfort or to increase flow
exchanger. This normally uses cold air from the cold-air
to electronic equipment.
manifold as a heat sink but can use emergency ram air if the
D With AIR SOURCE OFF selected, limit air- cold-air manifold is not operating. Air from the service heat
speed to less than 300 knots/0.8 Mach to pre- exchanger is used by the pressure suit, anti-g suit, canopy
vent damage to the deflated wing airbag seals. seal, OBOGS, servo air, and for pressurization of wave-
guides, the radar liquid cooling loop tank, and the television
For maximum cockpit ram-air flow, the cockpit
camera set.
pressurization must be dumped. Pressing either L ENG, R
ENG or both ENG pushbuttons automatically closes the Temperature Management
ram-air door if it is open.
The pilot can control cockpit temperature by selecting External Air either a manual (MAN) mode or automatic (AUTO) mode
with the TEMP mode selector switch (Figure 2-79). In the
The adapter for connecting a ground air-conditioning
AUTO mode, temperature (60_ F to 80_ F) is selected by
unit is under the fuselage, aft of the nose wheelwell. An
the pilot with the TEMP thumbwheel control. This desired
additional provision for connecting an external source of
temperature is maintained by a cabin temperature sensor in
servo air is in this same area.
the forward left side of the cockpit. In the MAN mode, the
External electrical power is automatically inhibited TEMP thumbwheel control maintains airflow and tempera-
from AYK-141, IRST, TR1, TR2, and the CIU if external ture. If cockpit inlet airflow temperature (in either AUTO or
air-conditioning is not connected to the aircraft. A pressure MAN) exceeds 250_ F, a cockpit overtemperature switch
switch interrupts electrical power to the above forced-air- closes the hot-air-modulating valve.
cooled equipment.
The conditioned air entering the cockpit is divided
forward and aft, with 50 percent of the air going to each
2.30.2 Cockpit Air-Conditioning
cockpit. A CANOPY air diffuser lever on the right console
ECS manifolding consists of: in each cockpit individually controls the percentage of
airflow through the cockpit diffusers and the canopy defog
1. The high-temperature (bleed air) manifold nozzles. When the lever is in CABIN AIR (full aft), 70
2. The 400_ manifold percent of the air is directed through the cockpit diffusers and
30 percent through the canopy defog nozzles. In DEFOG, 100
3. The cold-air manifold. percent of the air is directed through the canopy defog
High-temperature engine bleed air is routed through nozzles.
the primary heat exchanger. The cooled output of this heat
exchanger is split and a portion is mixed with hot engine Vent Airflow Thumbwheel
bleed air to a temperature of approximately 340_ F; the This control has no function.
2-151 CHANGE 1
ON Activates the radar cooling pump for ground and airborne thermal
4 SENSOR COND Illuminates when coolant exiting the heat exchanger is greater than 104° F,
advisory light or pump output pressure is too low, or when the overtemperature switch
shuts down the radar, television camera set (TCS), and the infrared
search and track (IRST).
Figure 2−80. Avionic Equipment Liquid Cooling Controls and Lights (Sheet 2 of 2) Cockpit Pressure Dump D Extended operations in clear air with the
windshield air on may cause windshield
Cockpit pressurization can be dumped by the pilot by cracking and discoloration.
selecting DUMP with the CABIN PRESS switch. When
DUMP is selected the safety valve is immediately opened 2.30.6 Gun−Gas Purging
and the cockpit is depressurized. External airflow is used to ventilate the gun compart
ment for gun−gas purging. A flush air inlet on the fuselage Canopy Seal Pressurization gun bump and an aft louvered door containing a FOD screen
provide a continual flow of air to purge gun gases.
Pressurized air from the air−conditioning system is
ducted through the cockpit to the canopy seal. The seal is 2.30.7 Degraded ECS Operation
automatically inflated when the canopy actuator is moved to
the closed position. A check valve in the canopy pressure There are various temperature and pressure safeguard
regulating valve prevents the loss of canopy seal pressuriza systems that cause the ECS system to shut down if an unsafe
tion if the conditioned air manifold is depressurized. Initial situation is detected. A complete failure of the dual valve will
movement of the canopy actuator automatically deflates the cause it to shut down the pressurization and air−conditioning
seal. system. Should that fail to close, a pressure switch will
close both engine bleed air shutoff valves if an overpressure
2.30.5 Windshield Air and Anti−Ice (155 psi) situation exists in the outlet of the primary heat
exchanger. A shutdown of the bleed air supply duct, either
automatically or pilot−selected AIR SOURCE OFF push
Compressor bleed air at approximately 340_F and at
button, will cause total ECS air shutdown.
high pressure is directed over the outside of the windshield
through a fixed−area nozzle. This blast of hot air over the
windshield will evaporate rain and ice and prevent its further
accumulation. It is activated by selecting ON with the
WSHLD AIR switch. A temperature overheat sensor at the
base of the windshield protects the windshield from over
heating. When the sensor detects overheating (300_F), a Failure of the left or right weight−on−wheels
signal closes the pressure regulating valve and illuminates switches to the in−flight mode can cause loss of
the WSHLD HOT advisory light on the pilot CAUTION engine ejector air to the IDGs and hydraulic heat
ADVISORY light panel (Figure 282). exchangers causing thermal disconnect and/or
heat damage to the generators and aircraft
hydraulic systems.
After an automatic shutdown of the system, the
pilot should select either OFF or RAM AIR
D Selecting WSHLD AIR ON prior to entering SOURCE to enable the emergency ram−air door
rain or icing conditions may cause windshield and then hold ram air switch to OPEN for approx
cracking because of the rapid cooling effects imately 50 seconds to provide ram−air cooling to
of precipitation. electronic equipment and to the cabin.
D Loss of electrical power with bleed air still 2. RIO COOLING AIR advisory light illuminated.
operating will result in smoke entering the
3. RIO SENSOR COND advisory light illuminated.
cockpit through the ECS when the aircraft is
on the deck. In flight only cold air will be sup 4. If ram−air cooling is not selected, extended flight
plied to the cabin and suit. Icing of the water with AIR SOURCE OFF could cause an over
separator may occur, causing reduced flow to heating condition of the converter interface unit and
the cabin. Since the ECS panel is dependent a subsequent loss of primary attitude and naviga
on electrical power, selector pushbuttons will tional indications (i.e., multifunction displays,
be inoperative. HUD, NAVAIDs).
D Retarding throttles to IDLE above 30,000 feet The pilot should press the AIR SOURCE RAM
may result in a considerable reduction in ECS pushbutton and set the RAM AIR switch to OPEN to open the
airflow, leading to a loss of cockpit pressur ram−air door to provide forced−air cooling to the electronic
ization, SENSOR COND light, and/or equipment and to the cabin.
ECS duct failures may be indicated by diminishing
If the 400_ manifold reaches 475_ F, a 400_F shutoff cabin cooling airflow and/or cabin pressurization with or
valve closes, stopping the flow of unconditioned engine without COOLING AIR advisory light illumination. Duct
bleed air to the 400_ F manifold. If either compressor inlet failures may additionally be indicated by pressurization loss
or turbine inlet temperature becomes excessive, the refrig to the service systems and airflow loss to rain removal, defog,
eration unit will shut down. Cockpit indications will be as and heating systems. This cannot be verified if the system is
1 WSHLD AIR switch ON Provides a continuous blast of hot air (340°) over the
exterior windshield. Used for windshield anti−ice.
2 WSHLD HOT advisory light Light illuminates when a sensor in the warm air nozzle to the center
windshield indicates overheat (300° F).
3 CANOPY air diffuser lever CABIN AIR 70% of the conditioned air directed through the cockpit
(both cockpits) air diffusers and 30% is through the canopy defog rails.
This is normal position.
DEFOG Air flow is directed through the canopy defog rails only.
not in use. Selection of AIR SOURCE OFF and RAM AIR concentrator and the monitor continue to function as long as
OPEN is appropriate when any indication of duct failure the OBOGS switch is in the ON position. The monitor will
exists. ECS malfunctions that are not caused by duct failure automatically shift back to the OBOGS supply source when
are usually indicated by loss of temperature control without it detects adequate concentrator output.
a cabin or system airflow/pressurization degradation. Failure
Power to the monitor is provided by 28 Vdc OBOGS
of the 400_F modulating valve or duct should not cause
control power from the essential dc bus No. 1 when the
illumination of the cooling air light. Any duct failure in this
OBOGS master switch is in the ON position. The sensor in
area associated with the COOLING AIR light is strictly
the monitor is heated for proper operation. Upon initial
coincidental. However, the duct failure between the primary
selection of the OBOGS master switch to ON, the OBOGS
heat exchanger and the turbine compressor assembly, or
is powered and functioning but the monitor will not be
between the secondary heat exchanger and the turbine
accurately detecting oxygen concentration until the sensor is
compressor assembly, could cause degraded cooling airflow
warmed up. This can take up to 2 minutes, depending on the
and a COOLING AIR light to illuminate.
ambient temperature. The OBOGS light will not be illumi
Actuation of the overtemperature switch results in nated during the warmup period. The pilot may test operation
cycling of the 400_F valve. During this period the heating of the monitor via the press−to−vent TEST button. The button
capacity of the 400_ F manifold would be degraded. actuates a valve that must be held for up to 1 minute to vent
oxygen sensor. Laboratory testing has demonstrated that the
2.31 OXYGEN SYSTEM test can normally be completed in approximately 15 seconds.
Once vented, the monitor will sense insufficient oxygen,
Breathing oxygen is provided to each crewmember by illuminating the cockpit caution lights and shifting the
the OBOGS. A backup oxygen system provides a supply of oxygen supply source to BOS. The monitor will automati
gaseous oxygen sufficient for a maximum range descent in cally shift back to OBOGS operation and extinguish the
the event of a failure of the OBOGS. In addition, emergency caution light after release of the TEST button. Testing has
oxygen is available to each crewmember through a high− demonstrated this occurs within 5 to 7 seconds, but may take
pressure, gaseous oxygen bottle located in the ejection seat up to 20 seconds.
survival kit.
1 OBOGS master switch BACKUP Deenergizes oxygen concentrator and Process Air Shutoff
Valve. Enables Backup Oxygen.
ON Applies power to oxygen generator and oxygen monitor.
Opens solenoid valve providing ECS Service Air to Oxygen
OFF Removes power from OBOGS and BOS. Process air shutoff
valve closes.
3 OXYGEN SUPPLY valve ON Opens oxygen supply permitting OBOGS or BOS oxygen flow
to crewmember.
OFF Secures OBOGS and BOS oxygen flow to crewmember.
4 OBOGS caution light Illuminates when OBOGS has failed or OBOGS master switch is in OFF
5 B/U OXY LOW caution Illuminates when pressure remaining in BOS assembly oxygen cylinder
lights is below 200 psi.
6 BACKUP OXY PRESS Indicates pressure remaining in BOS assembly oxygen cylinder.
7 OXYGEN MONITOR Provides functional test of the oxygen monitor, BOS, and OBOGS control
TEST Button systems.
2.31.2 Backup Oxygen System (BOS) The BOS assembly consists of an oxygen cylinder,
pressure gauge, pressure regulator, fill port, pressure trans
The BOS consists of a BOS assembly, BOS controller,
ducer, low−pressure switch, manual shutoff valve, and quick
B/U OXY LOW caution light, and a BACKUP OXY PRESS
disconnect on a palletized assembly that is removable for
indicator. This system was designed to provide only enough
servicing and maintenance. A 200−cubic−inch, high−pressure
oxygen for maximum−range descent. In the event of an cylinder containing 500 to 590 liters of gaseous oxygen at
OBOGS failure, the aircrew must take immediate action to
1,800 to 2,100 psi, respectively, provides a backup oxygen
conserve backup oxygen.
supply to the OBOGS. The BOS assembly is located on the
Switching to the backup system can be accomplished right forward side of the fuselage, just below the forward end
three ways: of the pilot cockpit.
1. Automatically upon monitor detection of an
The BOS controller enables flow from the BOS assem
OBOGS failure or loss of OBOGS control power
bly via a diaphragm valve. This diaphragm valve is con
2. Manually via direct selection of BACKUP on the trolled by two solenoid valves and an aneroid valve. The BOS
OBOGS master switch controller is in the BOS assembly compartment. Power for
automatic operation of the BOS controller is provided by
3. Automatically with total loss of electrical power or 28 Vdc essential bus No. 1 via the OBOGS CONTR circuit
selection of OFF on the OXYGEN system master breaker (7A1). Alternate power is provided via the BOS
switch, when the aircraft is above 10,000 feet MSL. CONTR/B/U OXY LOW circuit breaker (7A4) for automatic
Backup oxygen cannot be disabled above 10,000 feet activation of backup oxygen in the event of a failure of the
MSL by turning the OXYGEN system master switch OBOGS control relay and when BACKUP is manually
off. Therefore, the individual OXYGEN SUPPLY valves selected.
(Figure 283.) in both cockpits must be used to turn off
oxygen flow to the personnel regulators.
The B/U OXY LOW caution light is actuated by the The pitot−static system is composed of two separate
BOS assembly low−pressure switch when the BACK UP systems with individual pitot−static probes, one on each side
OXY PRESS gauge reads less than 200 psi, or when BOS of the forward fuselage.
CONTR/B/U OXY LOW power is lost. Figure 284 provides
The left pitot pressure (PT) probe supplies the pilot
backup oxygen breathing time for two crewmembers for
standby airspeed indicator and the left AICS programmer.
various cabin altitudes based upon BOS oxygen cylinder
The right pitot pressure (PT) probe supplies the RIO standby
airspeed indicator, the right AICS programmer, and the
CADC with airspeed indications. An electrical PT input from
2.31.3 BOS Pressure Indicator
the left AICS programmer is supplied to the CADC backup
The BACK UP OXY PRESS indicator (Figure 283.), channel as airspeed indications for wing sweep.
on the right side of the pilot right knee panel, shows the
The left and right forward static ports (PS1) are
pressure in the BOS assembly oxygen cylinder. The indicator
manifolded to provide static pressure to the pilot standby
will not function unless the BOS manual shutoff valve on the airspeed indicator, standby altimeter, vertical speed indica
BOS assembly is open.
tor, and the CADC. Static pressure from the right aft (PS2)
static ports supply the RIO standby airspeed indicator,
2.31.4 Emergency Oxygen Supply standby altimeter, and the right AICS programmer. The static
The 50−cubic−inch oxygen cylinder in the survival kit pressure from the left aft (PS2) static ports supply the static
of each ejection seat provides a limited supply of gaseous pressure to the left AICS PS sensor. An electrical PS input
oxygen. This oxygen cylinder can be manually activated in from the left AICS programmer is supplied to the CADC
the event of a failure of the OBOGS and depletion of the backup channel for wing sweep. Static pressure from the left
backup supply. The cylinder is charged to 1,800 to 2,100 psi aft (Ps2) static ports supply the left AICS programmer.
and a pressure gauge is visible on the inside face of the The CADC and AICS programmers provide Mach
left−thigh support. Flow from the emergency cylinder is number information to the digital flight control computers
routed through a pressure reducer and a shuttle valve, then (DFCCs). The alpha computer, angle of attack probe (used
follows the path of the normal oxygen system, flowing for displaying angle of attack to the pilot), and the AICS
through the oxygen regulator to the face mask. The supply of programmers provide angle of attack information to the
oxygen available in the emergency cylinder is adequate for DFCCs. Electrical interfaces are shown on Figure 285.
up to 8 to 10 minutes, depending upon altitude. The manual
actuation handle is a green ring under the left side of the Note
survival kit cushion.
D With the in−flight refueling probe extended,
the pilot and RIO standby altimeters and air
speed indicators show erroneous readings
because of changes in airflow around the
Turn the OXYGEN supply valve to OFF before pitot−static probes.
pulling the emergency oxygen manual actuating D The RUDDER AUTH caution light may illu
handle if contamination of the normal system is minate when the in−flight refueling probe is
suspected. Failure to do so will inhibit seatpan extended. Press the MASTER RESET button
shuttle valve operation, preventing flow of emer to reset the light.
gency oxygen.
2.32.1 Pitot−Static Heat
Each pitot−static probe is equipped with electrical
Flow of oxygen from the emergency cylinder can heating elements to prevent icing. Pitot−static heat is
be stopped by reseating the manual actuation controlled by the pilot through the ANTI−ICE switch on the
handle. pilot right console. In AUTO/OFF, pitot probe heat is
available only with weight off wheels. ORIDE/ON activates
2.32 PITOT−STATIC SYSTEM the probe heat elements independently of the weight−on−
wheels switch and illuminates the INLET ICE caution light
The pitot−static pressure system supplies impact (pitot) on the CAUTION ADVISORY panel. OFF/OFF removes
and atmospheric (static) pressure to the pilot and RIO flight heat from the probes.
instruments, to the CADC, and to the engine AICS program
mers. Some systems require static pressure only; others
require static and pitot pressure (see Figure 285).
2-165 CHANGE 1
2.33.2 Display Processors is on the PDCP and the MFD power switches are on each
MFD as a part of the DAY/AUTO/NIGHT switch.
Two display processors (DP1 and DP2) drive the
display system. The DPs receive various signal inputs from After a short warmup (under 2 minutes), the default
the aircraft systems. These signals are processed and formats appear on the displays. The default formats, with
converted to display information for the HUD, MSI, MFDs, weight on wheels, are as follows:
DD, RFI, RFCI, and the mission video recorder.
1. HUD TLN basic Normal Operation
2. MFD VDI TLN basic
During normal operation, DP1 drives the HUD and
MFD1, while DP2 drives MFD2 and MFD3. Should either 3. MFD2 OBC basic
DP fail, the mission computer commands backup operation,
where the remaining DP provides limited functions. 4. MFD3 OWN A/C basic.
If the mission computers are not in communication, DP Backup Operation test patterns will appear on all four displays.
During backup operation, the remaining DP drives the Format selection for the HUD is made by use of the
HUD, and MFD1. Should one of these three displays be OFF MODE pushbuttons on the PDCP and by the type of steering
or subsequently selected off, then MFD2 will operate. If both selected. MFD format families are selected by pressing the
stroke generators in the remaining DP are in use, an MFD pushbutton adjacent to a menu legend or by cursor designa
format that is normally produced by stroke writing may be tion of the legend. Every MFD format (except repeats) has
generated in raster. With the following exception, either DP MENU select as the center pushbutton on the lower edge of
can perform any display function: Mission video record is not the display. Also appearing on all formats for immediate
performed during backup operation. selection are SMS to the left of MENU and ECM to the right
of MENU. Other selections vary according to format Data Failure Modes requirements. When a repeat format (HUD, DD, or PTID) is
In addition to the backup mode, there are other failure being displayed on the MFD, no legends are available for
modes. Some examples are as follows. format selection. To change formats from a repeat, press any
pushbutton. This returns MENU1 to the MFD, permitting
If the DPs fail to receive pitch and roll data, the other format selections to be made. Cursor designation of
message PITCH/ROLL FAIL will appear on the MFDs and legends cannot be used with repeat displays.
all pitch/roll−related symbols are removed from the displays.
The symbols are returned if pitch and roll information is 2.33.4 Heads−Up Display (HUD)
The HUD (Figure 288) provides a combination of
If the DPs lose communication with the MCS, a manual real−world cues and flight direction symbology, projected
reticle will appear on the HUD and the MFDs will display directly on a combining glass assembly. The flight informa
only the message DP−MC COMM FAIL and MENU1. The tion on an optical combiner is projected in the pilot forward
lighted MODE pushbuttons also turn off with a loss of MCS field of view. The display is focused at infinity, thereby
communication. Should communications be restored, the creating the illusion that the symbols are superimposed on the
DP−MC COMM FAIL message is removed and the MODE real world (and so that visual cues received from outside the
buttons are lighted again. If the MC performed a cold start or aircraft are not obscured). The pilot usually steers based on
a system reset, default formats are presented on the displays. interpretation of the visually observed real world. The HUD
can be selected to be the primary flight reference for all flight
2.33.3 System Operation regimes displaying navigation and weapon delivery informa
The display system requires 115 V, 400 Hz electrical tion. The HUD symbol brightness control is on the HUD; all
power DP1, HUD, and MFD1 receive power from ac other HUD controls are on the PDCP.
essential No. 2 bus and DP2, MFD2, and MFD3 are on the ac
left main bus. All displays and DPs are electrically protected Pilot Displays Control Panel (PDCP)
by circuit breakers. There are no power switches for the DPs. The PDCP on the pilot right console (Figure 289)
Each of the displays has a power switch that is normally provides control of the mode and display presentation of the
turned off at the conclusion of flight. The HUD power switch
HUD, VDI, ECM, and TCS formats. Display informa an MFD, or is being recorded, bright white flashes of video
tion is dependent on the mode selected with the A/A, A/G, will be displayed or recorded. This is normal for BIT
and TLN pushbuttons. operation.
1 MODE Switch DAY Provides a full range of HUD symbol brightness control: 0 to 100%.
Disables automatic brightness control.
AUTO Provides automatic symbol brightness operation superimposed on
the level selected with the symbol brightness control.
NIGHT Provides a HUD symbol brightness control range of 0 to 1.0% of
DAY level.
When switching from NIGHT to DAY, the brightness
level gradually increases until it reaches the level
established for DAY.
3 TCS FOV (Television NAR Selects TCS narrow field of view for display on pilot’s MFD1.
Camera Field of View) WIDE Selects TCS wide field of view for display on pilot’s MFD1.
4 ECM switch ORIDE Enables ECM display to override whatever is being displayed on
MFD2 for as long as the threat is being reported.
OFF ECM display override not enabled.
5 ELEV LEAD Control A continuous rotary control that provides a range of elevation positions for the
HUD manual reticle with the 0 mr setting coincident with the armament datum
line (ADL). Clockwise rotation increases elevation lead.
6 HUD/VDI ALT source BARO Selects barometric altimeter as source for display of altitude on
switch HUD and VDI.
RDR Selects radar altimeter as source for display of altitude on HUD
and VDI. Radar altitude is displayed as follows:
• Below 5000 feet AGL
• Radar altitude valid
• AOB ≤ 45_
7 HUD PWR switch TEST (Momentary) Presents an intersecting vertical and horizontal line at
(lever lock) the center of the HUD field of view, and illuminates all segments of
the multistatus indicator (MSI).
ON Provides power to HUD and MSI.
OFF Removes power from HUD and MSI.
8 FORMAT switch ANLG Selects analog dial format for HUD display of airspeed and
BOTH Selects a combination of analog dial and digital readout for HUD
display of airspeed and altitude.
DGTL Selects digital readout format for HUD display of airspeed and
10 CAGE ENBL/DSBL Momentary contact pushbutton used to enable/disable HUD CAGE option.
Pushbutton Caging restricts pitch ladder and flight path marker symbols in azimuth to the
center of the HUD display.
An MFD displays tactical and flight command situa Normally the pilot uses the MFD below the HUD
tions, navigation, and discrete information either separately on the aircraft centerline as the primary in−the−cockpit flight
or simultaneously with radar and TV data. There is also a instrument.
power/brightness select switch above the display screen
Attitude information is displayed on the MFD VDI
(Figure 291).
format by an aircraft reticle, a horizon line, and a calligraphic
pitch ladder. The aircraft reticle is fixed at the center of the
2.33.6 Multifunction Displays (MFD)
display, and the horizon line and pitch ladder move about it
The three identical MFDs are CRT displays with 20 in accordance with the aircraft pitch and roll attitudes.
pushbuttons around the perimeter of the display screen. The The flight parameters displayed include magnetic
MFD pushbuttons with adjacent legends are used for menu
heading, data link (D/L), commanded airspeed (Mach
selection, data entry/readout, and system test and/or status
number), airspeed, altitude, and vertical velocity.
indications. The three programmable MFDs, two in the pilot
instrument panel and one in the RIO instrument panel
provide display flexibility such that either crewmember is
able to select any display available, allowing the pilot and If pitch or roll data is not updated within 240
RIO to monitor and back up each other. The HUD format may milliseconds, the pitch ladder and roll marker
be repeated on any MFD by depressing pushbutton No. 11 will be blanked and the horizon, sky, and ground
from the MENU1 format. plane will darken.
Multifunction pushbuttons with adjacent CRT legends
located around the perimeter of the MFD are used for menu 2.33.7 Cursor Controls
selection, data entry/readout, and system test and/or status Both the pilot and RIO have cursor controls
indications. An MFD displays tactical and flight command (Figure 292) that permit the remote selection of MFD
situations, navigation, and discrete information either sepa pushbutton options as well as symbol and spot hooking. A
rately or simultaneously with radar and TV data. symbol is hooked when the cursor is placed over a format
symbol and cursor designate is activated. Hooking is used to Cursor Hooking Functions
set waypoints on the HSD waypoint format and to select
Spot, symbol, and MFD pushbutton hooks can be
tracks and other symbols, for the purpose of obtaining
performed by the pilot on the HUD or MFD by activation
information, or identifying symbols of interest on the TSD
of the TDC or on the PTID or MFD by the RIO through use
format. The cursor symbol is a small circle inside a larger
circle when displayed on the MFDs and a circle with four tic of the sensor hand control.
marks extending from the circle inward at 0_, 90_, 180_, and Normal symbol hooking is accomplished by placing
270_ when displayed on the HUD. the cursor over the desired symbol using either the TDC or
the SHC and activating the appropriate cursor designate Throttle Designator Controller (TDC) switch. The hooked symbol brightens and the previously
hooked symbol returns to normal intensity. Symbol hooks are
The pilot controls cursor position with the throttle des used to display additional information about those symbols
ignator controller. The TDC is a circular disk that is a com or to designate tracks for functions that are format dependent.
bination fourway force sensor and momentary switch on the Only HUD, PTID, TSD, and IRST normal format support
outboard throttle grip. Finger pressure on the outer edges of symbol hooking.
the control will move the cursor in the direction selected.
MFD pushbutton hooks permit remote activation of
When cursor movement exceeds the limit of a display that is
MFD pushbutton functions through the TDC or SHC. They
adjacent to another display (e.g., the right edge of MFD1 or
are accomplished by positioning the cursor over the desired
the bottom of the HUD), the cursor will move to the adjacent
MFD menu choice and activating the cursor designate
display. If the cursor symbol reaches a display limit that is not
adjacent to another display (e.g., the right edge of MFD2),
the cursor remains at that limit. Depressing and releasing the
2.33.8 Displays, Formats, and Symbology
TDC designates the cursor position.
The paragraphs that follow describe the HUD and MFD RIO Cursor Control displays. Sample formats from format families are illus
trated, symbols associated with these families are identified
The RIO cursor control is on the sensor hand control. and defined, and format selection is described.
It consists of a four−position select switch, a two−position
Many symbols are common to more than one format
(half−full action) trigger switch, and a handgrip. When the
family. Once a symbol has been defined for a format family,
top, bottom, or right edge of the select switch is pressed, the
the definition is not repeated when describing other format
DD, PTID, or MFD3, respectively, is selected for cursor dis
families. Certain features, such as changes in scaling
play. Pressing the left edge toggles sensor control between
between formats, that are obvious when viewing the display
radar and infrared. The cursor symbol becomes visible when
are not covered.
the trigger switch is pressed to the half−action position. Full
trigger depression designates the cursor position. Cursor All symbols available to a format are illustrated;
symbol movement is controlled by handgrip movements. however, they will rarely be displayed at the same time. Not
all formats are illustrated. Where only minor differences
exist, they will be noted. Formats that contain only alpha
numerics are described but are not illustrated.
Warnings are displayed on the lower center of the HUD The large cross that appears on the HUD when
viewing area. These warnings are: L FIRE, R FIRE, L the HUD PWR switch is set to TEST is generated
STALL, R STALL, and RDC SPD. The CLSN advisory is by the HUD, independent of the DP, and is used
also displayed on the HUD. If there are more than two warn to check HUD operation.
ings, then they will scroll up at the rate of one warning per The HUD and MFD test patterns also momentarily
second. appear during IBIT and following a system reset. Both test
patterns are written in stroke and are used to check stroke
On the MFDs, warning/caution/advisory indications accuracy.
are shown in a viewing window that appears on all formats
except repeats. This window is displayed in the upper left of The MFD/KROMA test pattern (a future−growth color
the MFD and is referred to as the CAW (Caution Advisory display) includes an MFD TEST legend, used to select the
Warning) window or CAW box. The message window allows MFD RASTER test pattern.
up to four CAWs to be displayed at one time. If more than four
CAWs are to be displayed, they scroll up from the bottom of The MFD RASTER test pattern allows for testing of
the window at a rate of one per second. Warning, caution, individual pushbuttons. When a button is pressed, a solid−line
advisory legends are independent of format and may be box appears around the PRESS legend; pressing the button
directed to a specific crewmember. Figure 293 lists specific again removes the box. The diamond and blinking break
CAWs and the crewmember to whom they are directed. away symbol are used to check RASTER accuracy. Numerics
0 through 7 check RASTER shades of gray. Selecting EXIT
When warning, caution, or advisories are displayed, returns the display to MFD/KROMA test pattern.
pressing the pushbutton above the CAW window (PB6) will
remove the window and replace it with a boxed CAW legend. HUD Formats
Pressing the CAW pushbutton when the legend is boxed HUD format category (TLN, A/A, A/G) is normally
returns the window and indications to the display and
selected by use of MODE buttons on the PDCP. However,
removes the box from the legend.
air−to−air formats are selected automatically if the pilot
selects a weapon using the weapon select switch on the stick
Note grip; selects RDR PLM/PAL, IR PLM/PAL (all with gear up)
If a repeat format is on MFD1, the CAW window with the sensor mode switch; lifts the ACM guard; or if VSL
is shifted to MFD2 in its current state, open or HI/VSL LO is selected with the sensor mode switch or DD.
closed (acknowledged). New CAWs continue to Air−to−ground formats are automatically selected when an
be displayed on MFD2 until the repeat format is air−to−ground weapon is selected on the SMS format. The
removed from MFD1. If a repeat format is dis HUD default format is the TLN basic format (Figure 295).
played on both MFD1 and MFD2 or on MFD3, This format is displayed on power−up and if DP1 experiences
receipt of CAW data removes the repeat format a cold start (power outage of over 1 second).
from MFD1 and/or MFD3 and displays a new The amount of information displayed on HUD formats
format with the CAW in the appropriate window. is pilot selectable by means of the FORMAT and DECLUT
Receipt of a data−link advisory removes the TER switches on the PDCP. Symbols are also added or
repeat format from MFD1 (if appropriate) and deleted by the mission computer depending on aircraft status,
MFD3 and displays the menu format with data− steering mode, and weapon selection. When the FORMAT
link advisories. (DD and PTID displays are switch is set to BOTH, airspeed and altitude information are
repeats on MFD1; HUD, DD, and PTID displays displayed as boxed digital readouts with analog dials. In the
are repeats on MFD2 and MFD3). ANLG position, the boxes are removed from the digital
readouts. In the DGTL position, only the boxed digital Test Patterns readout is presented and the analog dials are removed.
The test patterns (Figure 294) appear on the HUD and The position of the HUD/VDI ALT switch on the PDCP
MFD when the display system is turned on with the MCs off selects the type of altitude data that is to be displayed, either
during ground tests and are generated by the DP. radar or barometric. If radar is selected and a valid
RDC SPEED W PILOT HUD/MFD Safe Mach number exceeded for current
position of flaps.
L IGV SD C PILOT MFD Indicates left inlet guide vane adjust schedule
is not correct.
R IGV SD C PILOT MFD Indicates right inlet guide vane adjust schedule
is not correct.
A/P REF A PILOT MFD Indicates autopilot mode is selected but not
AAI ZERO A RIO MFD Indicates the air to air intercept interrogator is
not operating correctly.
SDU ALM C RIO MFD Indicates the JTIDS Secure Data Unit is not
operating properly or does not contain valid
JTIDS crypto keys. Under certain conditions the
display of this alarm is normal.
ASPJ HOT C RIO MFD Indicates an overtemp condition of the airborne
self−protection jammer.
JTID HOT C RIO MFD Indicates an overtemp condition of the JTIDS
RWR C RIO MFD Indicates the radar warning receiver is not
operating correctly.
FWD ASPJ C RIO MFD Indicates the forward ASPJ is not operating
AFT ASPJ C RIO MFD Indicates the aft ASPJ is not operating cor
AFT CG C BOTH MFD Indicates that stores station status has shifted
center of gravity to preclude landing without
MC 1 C RIO MFD Indicates mission computer 1 is not operating
MC 2 C RIO MFD Indicates mission computer 2 is not operating
CIU C RIO MFD Indicates the computer interface unit is not
operating correctly.
MC1 HOT C RIO MFD Indicates an overtemp condition of the mission
computer #1.
MC2 HOT C RIO MFD Indicates an overtemp condition of the mission
computer #2.
INS A RIO MFD Indicates the inertial navigation system is not
operating correctly.
IMU A RIO MFD Indicates the inertial measurement unit is not
operating correctly.
GPS FAIL A RIO MFD Indicates the MAGR unit is failed or turned off.
POSITION A RIO MFD Position differs. Will be displayed if:
D GPS and INS differ by more than 4 nm.
D GPS and SAHRS differ by more than 11 nm.
D SAHRS and INS differ by more than 13 nm.
1 Water line Indicates fuselage reference line (FRL). Displayed when attitude information
is not valid. Also displayed when gear down or the flight path marker is at,
or beyond the HUD’s full field of view.
2 Heading pointer Actual aircraft heading is displayed below the stationary heading pointer.
3 Pitch/flight path ladder Ladder displays aircraft climb/dive angle and roll angle. Aircraft vertical flight
path angle is indicated by the position of the flight path marker on the pitch/
flight path ladder. Positive pitch lines are solid and negative pitch lines are
dashed. To aid in determining flight path angle when it is changing rapidly,
the pitch lines are angled toward the horizon at an angle half that of the
flight path angle. For example, in a 40_ climb, the pitch lines are angled 20_
toward the horizon. "Up" appears at +90_ and "down" appears at −90_.
4 Ghost flightpath marker Displayed at the true velocity vector position when the flight path marker is
caged and the true velocity vector position differs from the caged position in
azimuth. When the true flight path marker position is actually outside the
HUD total field of view, the symbol will be pegged at the edge of the total
FOV and flash.
5 Radar altitude indicator Displays radar altitude when the aircraft is below 5000 feet AOL and bank
angle is less than 45_. If RDR is selected as the altimeter source and valid
radar altitude exists, the radar altitude is displayed within the dial, replacing
the barometric altitude. An R is displayed to the right of dial to indicate radar
altitude. If BARO is selected and a valid radar altitude exists, radar altitude
is displayed above the altitude dial or box.
6 Altitude analog dial The HUD analog altimeter consists of ten dots encircling the altitude read
out. Each dot indicates altitude in hundreds of feet with the zero mark
located at the top center of the dial.
7 Altitude pointer An analog pointer indicating altitude moves uniformly around the inside of
the altitude dial based on indicated altitude. Increasing altitude is indicated
by clockwise rotation of this pointer.
8 Digital altitude readout Digital barometric, radar, or GPS altitude is displayed depending on the
source of the data. When the ALT switch is in the BARO position, baro
metric altitude is displayed. When the ALT switch in the RDR position and
if aircraft altitude is 5000 feet or lower, radar altitude is displayed within the
dial and is identified by an R to the right of the least significant digit. If the
radar altitude becomes invalid by exceeding 5000 feet or 45_ AOB, baro
metric altitude is substituted and a B will flash to indicate that barometric
altitude is being displayed rather than radar altitude. A G is only displayed
when SCADC altitude becomes invalid and the GPS altitude is used. The
G acronym will flash if RADALT is selected and both SCADC and radar
altitude are invalid.
9 Vertical velocity readout The vertical velocity readout consists of a maximum of five digits for a posi
tive vertical velocity indication and a maximum of four digits with a leading
minus sign for a negative vertical velocity indication. If the limit 32,999 or
−9,999 is exceeded, a minus sign with four X’s (−XXXX) is displayed. It is
displayed below the six o’clock dot of the altitude dial.
10 Negative three degree Indicates the negative 3 degree position on the pitch ladder.
11 Barometric pressure The barometric pressure setting used by the display system and the weapon
setting system is the value set on the pilot’s barometric altimeter.
The setting will be displayed for up to 5 seconds on the HUD and VDI
in the TLN mode when the setting is changed. At 18,000 feet, if it is off,
the symbol comes on and blinks for 5 seconds.
12 Navigation source and WPT, GPS or TCN; waypoint number, range.
range readout
13 Clock/timer readout Derived from the GPS clock. Default time is ZTOD. Options selectable from
the HSD ZTOD pushbutton are ZTOD, TTG, TTGT, TREL, ETA, ET and CD.
14 Bank scale Provides indication of bank angle to ±45_. Tick marks are provided at 0_,
±10_, ±20_, ±30_ (slightly larger) and ±45_.
15 Bank angle pointer Moving pointer provides indication of aircraft bank angle. At bank angles in
excess of ±45_, the pointer will be pegged at ±50_ and will flash.
16 Warning/caution/ The warnings L STALL, R STALL, L FIRE, R FIRE, and RDC SPEED and the
advisory readout CLSN advisory will appear on the HUD in the steady condition. Up to two
indications may be displayed at any one time. When more than two indica
tions are present, they scroll up from the bottom at the rate of one
per second.
17 Mach number Indicates speed of the aircraft in mach.
25 Flight path marker The flight path marker is displaced in azimuth and elevation to present
computed flight path. Aircraft vertical flight path angle is indicated by the
position of the flight path marker on the pitch/flight path ladder. In the caged
mode, the flight path marker is caged in azimuth and the true flight path
marker position is indicated by the display of the ghost flight path marker
when the true position is more than 2_ from the caged position. The flight path
marker can be caged or uncaged by alternately pressing the CAGE/SEAM
switch. On selection of TLN or A/A, the flight path marker is initially caged;
selection of A/G presents the uncaged mode initially.
26 Heading scale Aircraft magnetic heading is indicated by the moving 360_ heading scale.
In TLN, the major divisions are numbered every 10 degrees. In A/A, the major
divisions are numbered every 20 degrees.
When the aircraft is in the TLN mode with the gear handle down, the
heading scale remains 2 degrees above the position of the flight path
marker. The lowest point of the heading scale, including the numbers,
will never rise above the normal (gear up) position. The heading scale is
occluded by the altitude and airspeed dials and readout.
27 Angle of attack The AOA bracket is a pitch related variable that indicates the deviation of the
bracket current AOA from a desired value and is vertically referenced to the left wing
of the flight path marker symbol. The center of the bracket represents the opti
mum AOA. The bracket moves lower with respect to the flight path marker as
AOA increases and it moves higher as AOA decreases.
28 Potential flight path Indicates the acceleration along the flight path marker. Provides a graphical
marker (PFPM) representation of the ability to change the flight path angle by varying the
thrust acceleration and/or angle of attack. Deceleration is indicated by the
PFPM below the flight path marker and acceleration by the PFPM above the
flight path marker.
radar altitude exists (altitude < 5,000 feet and AOB < 45_), Takeoff/Landing/Navigation Formats
radar altitude is displayed in the center of the altitude dial. If
TLN formats are categorized by the selected steering
the aircraft’s altitude exceeds 5,000 feet or the radar altitude
mode and landing gear position. TLN basic, the HUD default
becomes invalid, the system automatically substitutes baro
format, does not display steering information. Refer to
metric altitude and a B" will flash to the right of the analog
dial to indicate radar altitude is not being used. Switching Figure 2−95 for the location and description of TLN basic
HUD/VDI ALT to BARO removes the flashing B."
Steering mode selection is made through MFD push
The symbols removed by the DECLUTTER switch button or cursor designate action on the VDI AWL formats.
vary with formats and are discussed in the applicable para TCN, DEST and GPS steering mode selections are also
graphs. Refer to Figure 296 for declutter information in available on the HSD by boxing the TACAN data buffer or
TLN−GD, TLN−GU, A/A, and A/G modes. waypoint data buffer. Making a steering mode selection
changes TLN basic to TLN TCN (TACAN), MAN (manual),
DEST (destination), GPS, D/L (data link), or AWL (all−
weather landing).
Steering mode is identified on the HUD by a legend in the Air−to−Air Formats
data readout display area. Steering modes are described in
A/A formats (Figure 299 and Figure 2100) are pre
Chapter 20.
sented when the pilot selects the A/A pushbutton on the pilot
1. TCN selection adds a course−steering arrow and displays control panel, when a weapon is selected, the radar
course−deviation dots. Distance to the TACAN sta hot modes are selected, or when the ACM guard is lifted. The
tion is displayed to the right of the TCN legend. A/A formats provide target acquisition, weapon status, and
shoot prompts as well as primary flight information. Target
2. MAN steering selection adds a commanded heading data and the selection legends A/A, PH, SP, SW, and G are
marker to the heading scale. The commanded head displayed. Quantity of the selected weapons is also shown.
ing marker also appears on destination, datalink, When GUN is selected, the quantity number indicates rounds
and AWL formats. remaining in hundreds. A large X" through a weapon
selection legend indicates that the master arm switch is
3. DEST steering selection adds the waypoint destina SAFE.
tion range to TLN basic format.
Refer to the Supplemental NATOPS Flight Manual,
4. D/L selection displays the range to the data−link NAVAIR 01−F14AAD−1A, for a description of air−to−air
destination. A large flashing X" will appear in the attack.
center of the display when a data−link waveoff
command is received. Sensor Mode Indications
Radar modes are indicated on the HUD via alpha
5. AWL steering selection provides for the display of numerics. The radar mode alphanumerics are removed when
ACL and ILS, ACL only, ILS only, or no ACL and the radar is off or in the computer mode. An X" overlays the
ILS glidepath situation displays. The display of the mode indication if the IRST is failed (Figure 299). The radar
HUD flight director glideslope and centerline steer mode alphanumerics are as follows:
ing can also be independently controlled. Selections
are made via MFD pushbutton activation on the VDI 1. Hot range while search (HRWS)
AWL format. A large, flashing X" will appear in
the center of the display when a waveoff command 2. Manual rapid lock−on (MRL)
is received. Distance to the TACAN station is dis
played as is the TCN legend. 3. Pilot automatic lock−on (PAL)
When the landing gear handle is placed in the down 4. Pilot lock−on mode (PLM)
position, the HUD cage/uncage function is enabled on the
CAGE/SEAM switch located on the inboard throttle, the 5. Pulse Doppler search (PDS)
system transitions to TLN−GD mode, and all weapon
selections are cleared. In TLN−GD mode, the Mach number 6. Pulse Doppler single−target track (PDSTT)
is removed and aircraft g is displayed if the g’s fall below
+0.5 or exceed +1.5; peak g is displayed in normal declutter 7. Pulse search (PS)
mode if aircraft g falls below 0.0 or exceeds +2.0; the horizon
line is extended across the HUD field of view and a flying 8. Pulse single−target track (PSTT)
W" (waterline) symbol is added at the fuselage reference
line. 9. Range while search (RWS)
1 Command heading This symbol indicates the heading required to achieve the selected course.
marker Course selection may be manual, data link commanded, or waypoint destination.
Where commanded heading is beyond display scale limits, the symbol will be
pegged at the nearest edge to the commanded heading. This symbol does not
appear on the basic or TACAN formats.
2 Waterline Indicates fuselage reference line (FRL). Displayed when attitude information is not
valid. Also displayed when gear down or TLN Gear Up, or the flight path marker is at
or beyond the HUD’s full field of view.
3 Breakaway, waveoff A large flashing X will appear in both D/L and AWL steering modes if a
WAVEOFF command has been received.
4 ILS precision course Consists of two independent needles (vertical and horizontal) which form a cross
needles pointer. The horizontal needle responds to ILS glide slope error and the vertical
needle responds to ILS localizer error. Null/center indications are provided to enable
the pilot to null the error and keep the vertical and horizontal needles centered.
5 AWL legend This message indicates that the all weather landing steering mode has been
6 Range Depending on the format, this message will indicate either the range to the TACAN
station, data link destination or distance to waypoint destination. The legends TCN,
D/L, or WPT may also appear. When in the manual steering mode no range appears
but the MAN legend is displayed.
7 Extended horizon line Indicates the horizon with respect to the aircraft with landing gear down. Changes
orientation with any change in aircraft pitch and roll.
8 Course arrow and The course arrow represents the selected course to the TACAN station. Two dots
deviation dots will appear on the side of the flight path marker toward the course arrow and perpen
dicular to the arrow. The dot closest to the flight path marker represents a half scale
deflection of 4_ off course, while the outermost dot represents full scale deflection
of 8_ off course. When the aircraft crosses the selected course, the arrow moves to
the opposite side of the flight path marker and the dots would appear on that side.
For deviations of more than 9_, the arrow pegs. If the arrow is centered on course,
the dots disappear. Flight path marker centered over the course arrow indicates
being on course. For TACAN bearings aft of ±90_, the arrow will be dashed.
9 Angle−of−attack The AOA bracket is a pitch−related variable that indicates the deviation of the current
bracket AOA from a desired value and is vertically referenced to the left wing of the flight
path marker symbol. The center of the bracket represents the optimum AOA.
The bracket moves lower with respect to the flight path marker as AOA increases
and it moves higher as AOA decreases.
10 Flight director The flight director symbol provides glide slope and centerline steering information
computed by the mission computer using navigation system parameters and
Data Link information from the SPN−42/46 ACLS system. The box with the three
dots will provide the pilot with optimal glide path intercept and following when the
flight path marker is inside the flight director box and the three dots are aligned with
the wings and the tail of the flight path marker. The same procedures are used
whether the flight path marker is caged or uncaged. The flight director symbol is
removed from the HUD when the FLT DIR pushbutton on the VDI is unboxed.
11 ACL steering indicator Provides ACL steering commands driven by the ASW−27C data link.
Aircraft G Readout (On all formats except GEAR DOWN & DECLUTTER2)
Heading Scale + + + + + +
Reference Markers + + + + + +
Mach Readout (On all formats except GEAR DOWN and GEAR UP DECLUTTER2)
Radar Altitude Readout (On all formats except GEAR DOWN DECLUTTER1 & 2 and GEAR UP
Vertical Velocity Readout (On all formats except DECLUTTER1 & 2 in GEAR UP and DECLUTTER2
Waterline (On all formats or when flight path marker pegged or altitude data invalid)
Altitude Source B, R, or G + + + + + +
HUD Cursor + + + + + +
IRST Pointer + + + + + +
TCS Pointer + + + + + +
Caution/Advisory/Warning + + + + + +
Breakaway Symbol o + + o o o
Range Readout o + + + o +
Flight Director o + o o o o
+ indicates that the symbol is available for display on the selected format.
o indicates that the symbol is not available for display on the selected format.
1 Radar target Indicates the radar line of sight (LOS) to the target. Symbol is displayed on all
designator and target A/A weapon modes when radar is tracking a target. The symbol is positionable
aspect over the total HUD field of view (FOV). When the target moves beyond the
FOV limits of the HUD, the symbol will peg and flash. In STT, target aspect is
represented by a pointer which points in the direction of the aspect angle.
Zero target aspect is straight down.
2 Target pointer Indicates the direction of the target designator (TD) box position on the HUD.
The target pointer is present when pointing to a TD box under the following
conditions: 1) FONO 1 track is outside the IFOV (Instantaneous Field of View).
2) PTID hooked track is outside the IFOV with no FONO 1 present. 3) Closest
TMA is outside the IFOV and there is no FONO 1 PTID hooked track.
3 Angle−off−the−nose The angle−off−the−nose (AON) indicator defines the angle between the FRL
indicator and the target line of sight that the target pointer is pointing to, in the plane
described by the FRL and the target pointer. When the target designator is
being pointed to by the target pointer, a three digit readout is displayed
indicating the AON of that target. The AON indicator is not earth stabilized.
The AON readout is centered below the origin of the target pointer and is
given in degrees.
4 Steering tee Provides azimuth steering only, in search mode. Provides elevation and
azimuth steering in track mode.
5 IRST symbol Indicates IRST target location. Up to four displayed.
6 Target range Range of closest radar target in nautical miles and tenths. Numeric is dis
played only when range is valid.
7 Target altitude Altitude of closest radar target in thousands of feet. Displayed only when
information is valid.
8 Target closing velocity Displays closing rate to radar target. A minus sign indicates an opening
9 Target ID Target ID display.
10 Navigation data Displays steering mode, waypoint selected or range (DEST or D/L).
11 Clock/timer readout TTG is selected from the HSD ZTOD pushbutton, and indicates time−to−go to
read designated waypoint.
12 IRST mode indicator Displays current IRST mode.
14 Weapon select legend Displays missile type and quantity, if selected, or gun and rounds remaining,
in hundreds. If no weapon is selected, displays A/A.
15 Master arm safe cue A large X through the A/A or weapon select legend indicates the Master Arm
Switch is in SAFE.
16 TCS pointer Indicates TCS track location.
Aircraft G Readout + + + + + + + + +
Airspeed Readout Box (On all formats except ANALOG & DECLUTTER2)
Altitude Readout Box (On all formats except ANALOG & DECLUTTER2)
Horizon + + + + + + + + +
Reference Markers + + + + + + + + +
Waterline (On all formats when flight path marker pegged, gear is down, or altitude information is
Altitude Source B or R + + + + + + + + +
HUD Cursor + + + + + + + + +
IRST Pointer + + + + + + + + +
TCS Pointer + + + + + + + + +
Caution/Advisory/Warning + + + + + + + + +
Breakaway Symbol + + + + + + + + +
Master Arm Switch Safe + + + + + + + + +
Waypoint Select o + o + o + o o o
Steering Tee + o + o + o + o o
Target Designator + o + o + o + + o
Target Altitude + o + o + o + o o
Target ID + o + o + o + o o
SHOOT Cue o o + o + o + o o
Reticle o o o o o o o + o
Reticle A o o o o o o o + o
Reticle B o o o o o o o + o
BATR Symbol o o o o o o o + o
Gun Mode o o o o o o o o +
Indication MAN
Reticle Depression # o o o o o o o o +
+ indicates that the symbol is available for display on the selected format.
o indicates that the symbol is not available for display on the selected format.
IRST modes are indicated on the HUD via alpha format (Figure 2104) allowing gun aiming by displaying the
numerics. The IRST mode alphanumerics are removed when A/A gun/backup mode reticle. The reticle depression angle,
the IRST is failed. The IRST alphanumerics are as follows: adjusted by the ELEV LEAD knob on the PDCP is shown in
the lower right corner of the HUD along with the MAN
1. Cooldown (COOL) gun−mode indication.
2. Hot IR (HOTIR) 2.33.9 MFD Formats
3. Pilot automatic lock−on (PAL) Initial turn on or a cold start (defined as a system reset
or a MCS power outage of at least 300 milliseconds) causes
4. Pilot lock−on mode (PLM) the following default formats to be displayed: With gear
down and weight on wheels, VDI/TLN basic on MFD1, OBC
5. Single−target track (STT) basic on MFD2, and OWN A/C on MFD3; with gear down
and weight off wheels, VDI/TLN basic on MFD1, HSD on
6. Standby (STBY) MFD2, and HSD on MFD3; and with gear up and weight off
wheels, TSD on MFD1, HSD on MFD2, and HSD on MFD3.
7. Track while scan automatic (TWSA)
The actual format displayed on MFD3 depends on the
8. Track while scan manual (TWSM). navigation mode selected and the conditions existing at the
time. If the NAV MODE switch is at OFF, the OWN A/C Air−to−Ground Formats basic format is displayed.
Pushbutton selection on the PDCP or selection of an MFD3 may also act as a controller of the DEU in that,
when certain formats are being displayed on MFD3, the DEU
air−to−ground weapon places the A/G basic format on the
is commanded to display corresponding slaved formats.
HUD (Figure 2101 and Figure 2102). The A/G basic
Refer to Figure 2105 for a listing of MFD3/DEU slaved
format can display waypoint and TACAN information. A/G
DECLUTTER and ANLG and DGTL displays are similar to control conditions.
A/A formats. Refer to the Supplemental NATOPS Flight With the exception of high−priority formats (ECM and
Manual, NAVAIR 01−F14AAD−1A. spin), which appear when required, most MFD formats are
selectable by means of MFD pushbutton or cursor designa Overlay Symbology tion. The actual format that will appear may depend on other
factors, however, such as master mode selection, aircraft
Symbology (Figure 2103) may be overlaid on dis
state (TLN, A/A, or A/G), steering mode selection, and the
played HUD formats when additional information is
alignment condition. The MENU legend appears on every
required. These include RECON, TWS, and IRST TWS.
MFD format except for HUD, DD, and PTID repeats. These
RECON, used with the TARPS pod, is selected as an repeat formats do not display selections; pressing any
overlay from the MFD RECON formats. This overlay adds pushbutton when in a repeat mode will place MENU1 on the
the RECON command heading marker, command ground− MFD. The MENU legend is located above the center
track line, RECON steering symbol, target−designator hexa pushbutton on the lower edge of the MFDs. Also appearing
gon, and camera selection legend. on every MFD format are the SMS and ECM pushbutton
legends (Figure 2106).
Radar track while scan adds up to four radar target
diamonds that indicate the four closest targets. Size of the Repeated depressions of the ECM or SMS pushbuttons
symbols indicates relative proximity (i.e., the largest is the toggle between these formats and the previously selected
closest). The four symbols are of preset sizes, not scaled to display. This permits the crew to quickly check ECM or SMS
reflect actual distances. conditions without having to reselect previous formats.
The infrared search and tracking system TWS adds up Selecting MENU places menu 1 on the display. The
to four triangular IRST symbols to existing formats. Unlike legend reads MENU1 and is enclosed by a rectangular box.
TWS, these symbols are all the same size. Both IRST and Selecting MENU1 when it is boxed places menu 2 on the
TWS symbols are added automatically when a target is being display with the legend MENU2 displayed in the box. The
tracked. MENU pushbutton toggles between MENU1 and MENU2.
Menu selection changes the pushbutton legend but does not Manual Reticle alter the display being presented.
If the mission computer loses communication with
both DPs, the DP driving the HUD provides a manual reticle
3 Clock/timer readout TTG to reach designated waypoint (based on HSD format clock/timer
select [PB7]).
4 Select legend Displays mode/weapon selected. Will display A/G If no weapon has been
Aircraft G Readout o o o
Airspeed Readout Box (On all formats except ANALOG & DECLUTTER − 2)
Altitude Readout Box (On all formats except ANALOG & DECLUTTER − 2)
Horizon + + +
Reference Markers + + +
Altitude Source−B or R + + +
HUD Cursor + + +
IRST Pointer + + +
TCS Pointer + + +
Caution/Advisory/Warning + + +
Breakaway Symbol o + o
Pull Up Cue o + o
Waypoint Select + + +
Steering Tee + + +
Reticle o + +
o indicates that the symbol is not available for display on the selected format.
1 Recon command Indicates the magnetic heading to the dynamic steering point or commanded
heading marker heading in the 90 deg − 270 deg maneuver during map steering.
2 Target designator, Displays target position. Positioned by on−board sensors or data link.
4 Camera selection Displays the camera operational mode. First letter indicates frame position:
legend V = vertical, forward, or blank. Second letter indicates pan position:
C = center, R = right, L = left, or blank. Third letter indicates IRLS position:
N = narrow field of view, W = wide field of view, S = standby, or blank.
With a MENU display selected, format legends the RIO cockpit. Either OWN A/C basic, ground
(Figure 2106) are displayed around the edges of the CRT. A align, CVA (carrier align), or IFA (in−flight align)
format is selected by cursor designation or by pressing the formats will be displayed.
pushbutton adjacent to the legend. When a format is selected,
its legend on the display is enclosed by a rectangular box. 2. PB2 NAV Selecting NAV presents one of a
number of NAVAID or SAHRS ALIGN formats,
When a display processor acknowledges a pushbutton depending on alignment mode conditions. Formats
being depressed, the legend is boxed with a dashed line. that may be displayed include NAV AID options,
When the MC acknowledges the pushbutton request, the line NAV AID corrections, NAV AID enabled, SAHRS
becomes solid. If the MC does not acknowledge the request, ALIGN (NORM, MAG, SHDG), or SAHRS ALIGN
the dashed box disappears. This system is used to show the (CV).
crew that the display system has received the request.
Selecting MENU only changes the pushbutton legends. The 3. PB3 No selection.
current display remains until a selection is made from
MENU. 4. PB4 TSD Selection results in placement of the
tactical situation display format on the selected
For convenience in describing format selection, num
MFD. Switching logic prevents the TSD from
bers are assigned to the pushbuttons starting from the lower
appearing on two MFDs at the same time. There
left side and counting clockwise. On the MENU1 display,
fore, selecting TSD on MFD1, while TSD is
PB1 is the pushbutton corresponding to the DATA legend.
displayed on MFD2, will result in the TSD moving
From MENU1 the following formats may be selected: to MFD1 and MENU1 appearing on MFD2. Refer
to the Supplemental NATOPS Flight Manual,
1. PB1 DATA This selection presents one of four NAVAIR 01−F14AAD−lA, for a description of TSD
OWN A/C formats. The format to be displayed de− formats.
pends on the position of the NAV MODE switch in
17. PB17 ECM This selection displays the ECM is frozen, and an X is superimposed over the spin
format on the MFD. A second selection of ECM arrow. The airspeed, AOA, and altimeter scales are
while viewing the ECM format returns the previous not obscured (refer to Chapter 11).
format to the MFD, providing that ECM ORIDE has
been selected and a threat is being reported. ECM Format
18. PB18 MENU1 This legend will be boxed. Selec If the pilot and/or RIO ECM switches (Figure 286)
tion of MENU1 when boxed presents MENU2. are set to ORIDE and a threat is reported, the ECM format
will override the present formats on MFD 2 and/or MFD 3.
19. PB19 SMS This selection displays the stores ECM override is enabled independently by pilot and RIO and
management system format on the MFD. In addi may be deselected independently. When the threat is no
tion to weapon test and select via the SMS format, longer being reported, the ECM format is replaced by the
TACTS and SIM modes are enabled. Refer to previous format. If MFD 2 is not on, the ECM format is
NAVAIR 01−F14AAD−1A for a complete descrip established on MFD 1. Only the spin indicator format can
tion of TACTS and SIM modes. A second selection override the ECM format.
of SMS while viewing the SMS format returns the The ECM format can also be selected manually by
previous format to the MFD. pushbutton selection. The ECM legend appears on all MFD
formats above PB17. When selected, the legend is boxed.
20. PB20 No selection.
Pressing PB17 with ECM boxed returns the previous format
MENU2 (Figure 2106) allows selection of the to the display. For further information, refer to NAVAIR
RECON and JTIDS formats on the MFD. 0l−F14AAD−1A.
21. PB21 JTID This selection displays the JTIDS Warning/Caution/Advisory, System
OWN A/C DATA format. From the JTIDS OWN Message, and Advisory Formats
A/C DATA format, the TSD MENU (TMENU) or
JTIDS Hook −TSD or PTID format can be selected. Warning/caution/advisory indications and data−link
advisory readouts appear as overlays on displays as required. High−Priority Formats Figure 2108 shows the locations of these overlays and
describes their control logic.
High−priority formats include spin indicator, ECM,
warning/caution/advisory and system message displays. Warning/caution/advisory indications are displayed on
the MFD in the upper left readout, and data−link JTIDS Spin Indicator advisories are displayed in the upper right readout. The
readouts have the capability to present up to four indications
If a spin condition is detected, that is, if body yaw rate at a time with each indication consisting of up to eight
exceeds 30° per second, a spin indicator format (Figure 2107) characters in length. When more than four indications are
is displayed on MFD 1 and the PTID, MFDs 2 and 3 display designated for display within a readout, the indications will
the VDI. If MFD 1 is not on, the spin display will appear on cyclically scroll up from the bottom at a rate of one indication
MFD 2. When the spin condition is no longer valid (yaw rate per second. The warning/caution/advisory indications are
of 27° per second or less), the spin indicator format is removed capable of being acknowledged and removed from the
and the previous format is restored to the display except as display whereas the data−link/JTIDS advisories are not
follows: acknowledgeable. When a warning/caution is displayed, the
MASTER CAUTION light flashes and the READ MFD
1. If conditions for the display of the ECM format caution lights come on.
exist, the ECM format will appear on the display
instead. Systems messages are generated by the mission
computer to alert the crew of system conditions. Two
2. If the previous format was a HUD, DD, or PTID categories of system messages are displayed: computer
repeat, MENU with a display of warning/caution/ messages (those that can appear on any MFD format),
advisory and/or data link (D/L) advisory messages and OBC messages (those that can only appear on the
will be displayed. OBC and maintenance current−failure display formats).
The OBC and maintenance current−failure display formats
3. If INS and SAHRS failures occur while the spin are capable of supporting both categories of system messages
arrow format is displayed, the pointer on the yaw simultaneously. The messages are displayed on the upper
rate scale is removed from the MFD, the spin arrow
3 Altitude scale Presents altitude in thousands of feet on a vertical tape. The tape flashes
when altitude is below 10,000 feet MSL.
4 Engine stall indicator Displays either R STALL on right side of MFD or L STALL on left side of
MFD to indicate a stalled engine.
5 Spin arrow Displays an arrow pointing either left or right indicating direction of spin.
6 Yaw rate scale Moving carat indicates yaw rate in degrees per second against a stationary
2 Computer message The first row of ASCII characters is used to display the computer messages
for all display formats. See Figure 2−109 for a listing of these messages.
3 Data link/JTIDS advisory Provides display of data link/JTIDS advisories. The data link JTIDS advisory
readout indications are not acknowledgeable. Indications that will be presented on
the HUD and MFD and their logic are described in the Supplemental
NATOPS Flight Manual, NAVAIR 01−F14AAD−1A.
4 OBC messages The second row of ASCII characters is used to display the OBC messages
on the OBC and maintenance current failure formats. See Figure 2−109 for
a listing of these messages.
5 Acknowledge (ACK) The ACK pushbutton legend appears whenever a system message is dis
pushbutton played. When the ACK pushbutton is pressed the message will be removed
from the MFD. System messages must be acknowledged before new mes
sages can be displayed.
center portion of the MFD and consist of two rows of 3. RECON WPT DATA 2 −This format displays way
19 ASCII characters, each row displaying a category of point information for waypoints 11 through 20 as
system messages. System messages (Figure 2109) appear as well as latitude, longitude, altitude information for
required on the MFDs. They may be computer or OBC the selected waypoint. It is selected via PB9 (R−2)
messages. When a system message is displayed an ACK from formats RECON DATA and RECON WPT
(acknowledge) legend appears above PB20. System mes DATA 1 (Figure 225 and Figure 226).
sages remain displayed until the ACK button is pressed.
Should a subsequent message be sent while one is already Note
being displayed, the first must be acknowledged before the
next will be displayed. See Chapter 22 for more information on recon
naissance formats. Alphanumeric (Data) Formats
4. TAKEOFF CHECKLIST This format lists the
items be checked before takeoff; it is selected via
Many MFD formats have no symbols, but rather
PB9 (CHKLST) and PB7 (T/O) on the LANDING
display navigation, alignment, weapon, avionics, and diag
nostic data. Takeoff and landing checklists may also be
selected. Use of such formats is explained in the chapter 5. LANDING CHECKLIST This format lists the
where it pertains. Data formats are identified by titles items to be checked before landing; it is selected via
displayed just below the upper pushbutton legends. When a PB7 (LDG) on the TAKEOFF CHECK−LIST
format is selected, its pushbutton legend is boxed. The format.
following paragraphs describe these formats and how they
are selected. Figure 2110 shows a typical format. 6. OWN A/C formats These formats consist of
basic, ground, CVA (carrier align), and IFA (inflight
1. RECON DATA This format permits selection align). OWN A/C basic displays own−ship data such
of reconnaissance waypoint and steering mode as latitude, longitude, altitude, groundspeed, mag
(point−to−point, commanded course, map) to way netic variation, true airspeed, navigation quality,
point; displays selected waypoint and mission data; wind speed and direction, barometer (altimeter) set
and displays camera status. It is selected via PB8 ting, and true heading (Figure 2015). The other
from formats MENU2, RECON WPT DATA 1 OWN A/C formats are alignment−related and add
and RECON WPT DATA 2 (Figure 225 and alignment information to the basic format, includ
Figure 226). ing an alignment quality indicator scale. These for
mats are selected via PB1 (DATA) on MENU1,
2. RECON WPT DATA 1 This format displays
waypoint information for waypoints 1 through 10 as
ALIGN formats. The format displayed depends on
well as latitude, longitude, and altitude information
the alignment mode. As transitions occur between
for the selected waypoint. It is selected via PB7
alignment modes, the formats will automatically
(R−1) from formats RECON DATA and RECON
change. On MFD 3, an alignment or INS mode tran
WPT DATA 2 (Figure 225 and Figure 226).
sition will cause the current format to be replaced by
an OWN A/C, CV DATA, or IFA format.
(1) through (6) indicates the range of the ADVISORY DATA from the application function and the
corresponding ASCII strings:
(1) GGGGG (3) XXX 0−999
2 CD (4) SSSS
3 CNI 6 MDS1
6 EW 10 MC1
7 TAC 11 MDS2
(2) WWWWW 13 SMS
1 MC1 15 MC2
2 MC2 16 IRST
6 MDS2 (5) NN 0−99
12 DSS
14 PWR
(7) The MFD these messages are presented on is the MFD from which the pushbutton causing the message
is received or on other MFDs when unique display conditions exist.
(8) MFD 2 is secondary only when MFD 1 fails.
(9) These computer messages are displayed on all MFDs displaying a VDI format. If no VDI format is dis
played on MFD 1 and MFD 2 2, this computer message is displayed on MFD 1 (provided no repeat format is
displayed) with MFD 2 as a secondary when MFD 1 fails.
7. CV DATA formats These formats consist of CV using arrows (PB 4 and PB 5) and the waypoint
MAN DATA and CV SINS DATA. Data presented name, number, latitude, longitude, and altitude will
is similar to OWN A/C except that it includes addi be displayed in the lower left of the display
tional information from manual entry or the ship’s (Figure 2035 and Figure 2037).
SINS. These formats are selected via PB3 (CV) on
OWN A/C CVA and SAHRS ALIGN formats. The 11. INS UPDATE This format is used to update and
format displayed depends on whether or not data correct INS information. Update data may be
link is providing SINS data. PB5 (MAN) on the CV selected via radar, TACAN, visual sighting, JTIDS,
DATA format toggles between MAN and SINS or HUD hooking. The format is selected via PB13
(Figure 2024 and Figure 2025). (UPDT) on the HSD formats as well as PB15 (SWP)
on the SURFACE WPT format.
8. IFA This format presents similar data to OWN
12. SURFACE WPT This format permits the cre
A/C and also provides selection of in−flight align
ation of new waypoints or the update of existing
ment. It is selected via PB4 (IFA) on the OWN A/C
waypoints. It is selected via PB15 (SWP) on the INS
IFA format (Figure 2023).
UPDATE format.
9. WPT DATA Up to 649 waypoints are stored on 13. NAV AID formats The NAV AID formats, which
the MDL. This format displays the latitude, longi consist of NAV AID OPTIONS, NAV AID
tude, and altitude of these waypoints as well as CORRECTIONS, and NAV AID ENABLE, permit
OWN A/C and CVA, INS/SAHRS formats. Ten updating of navigational information for greater
waypoints are presented on each waypoint data page accuracy. The formats are selected via PB2 (NAV)
and the waypoint page number is indicated at the top on the HSD, OWN A/C, CV DATA, or IFA formats.
of the display. The data page can be incremented The format displayed depends on the selection or
(PB 10) or decremented (PB 9). To select the way deselection of alignment mode, continuous data
points for display, PB 1 through PB 5 and PB 11 source, and whether ENABLE (PB8 on NAV AID
through PB 15 may be used to box waypoint data, CORRECTIONS) was previously selected. PB7
highlighting waypoints of interest (Figure 2029). (GEO/REL) is used to select which JTIDS naviga
tion data is used for track corrections and continu
10. FLIGHT PLAN This format is selectable from
ous position updates.
the OWN A/C formats or HSD format. This format
shows the waypoints contained in Flight Plans 1 14. SAHRS ALIGN formats These formats SAHRS
through 7. The flight plans are selected by incre ALIGN (NORM, MAG, and SHDG) and SAHRS
menting (PB 10) or decrementing (PB 9). The ALIGN (CV), permit selection of data to be used in
format presents the flight plan number and up to SAHRS alignment. They are selected via PB2
50 waypoints associated with waypoints by name or (NAV) on the HSD, OWN A/C, CV DATA, or IFA
by number when NUM (PB 11) is boxed. The indi formats. The format presented depends on align
vidual waypoint in each flight plan can be selected ment mode selection and SAHRS test status.
Also, the display automatically transitions to a when awaiting test, is flashing during test, and is
SAHRS ALIGN format from a NAV AID format displayed at normal brightness after test. An align
when align mode changes from none or IFA to an ment quality indicator appears on all OBC formats
alignment mode. to inform the crew of the progress of the alignment
while tests are being performed (Figure 3812 and
Note Figure 3813).
Refer to Chapter 20 for more information on
navigation related formats. 17. MAINTENANCE Displays a list of current
WRA failures. It is selected via PB9 (FAULT) on the
15. MISSILE SUBSYSTEM formats Two formats OBC formats. It is also selected via PB3 (FHF) on
display the status of the missiles. Refer to the the FAILURE HISTORY FILE and PB4 (CSS) on
01−F14AAD−1A. mat. These legends appear boxed before selection.
16. OBC formats There are 10 OBC formats. They 18. FAILURE HISTORY FILE The FHF format lists
are used to initiate BIT of the avionics equipment the WRA failures, the type of failure, if this infor
and to display test results. OBC basic presents an mation is available to the MCS, and the time of up
overall view of subsystem test results and allows for to 10 failure occurrences since the file was cleared.
selection of the other OBC formats. It is selected via This format is available via PB3 (FHF) on the
PB8 on the MENU1 format. It may also be selected MAINTENANCE and CSS formats.
from the other OBC formats by pressing the push
button for the boxed legend (the format being 19. COOPERATIVE SOFTWARE SUPPORT The
displayed). The legends on OBC basic show CSS format is a diagnostic tool that can be used by
which groups of subsystems may be selected. The maintenance personnel to troubleshoot system and
OBC subsystem formats display failures to the WRA anomalies. It is selected via PB4 (CSS) on the
WRA level. A WRA legend is brightly displayed MAINTENANCE and FHF formats (Figure 3820).
1 Heading scale Aircraft magnetic heading is indicated by the moving 360_ heading scale.
In TLN, the major divisions are numbered every 10 degrees.
2 Heading pointer Actual aircraft heading is displayed below the stationary heading pointer.
3 Pitch/flight path ladder Ladder displays aircraft pitch angle and roll angles. Aircraft vertical flight
path angle is indicated by the position of the flight path marker on the pitch/
flight path ladder. Positive pitch lines are solid and negative pitch lines are
dashed. To aid in determining flight path angle when it is changing rapidly,
the pitch lines are angled toward the horizon at an angle half that of the
flight path angle. For example, in a 40° climb, the pitch lines are angled 20°
toward the horizon. UP appears at +90° and DOWN appears at −90°.
4 Radar altitude indicator Displays radar altitude when the aircraft is below 5,000 ft AGL. When radar
altitude is selected for display on the HUD and MFD (via the switch located
on the pilot display control panel) the radar altitude indicator will be
decluttered from the display.
5 Vertical velocity Displays aircraft rate of climb/descent. Descent will be indicated by a
negative (−) sign.
6 Altitude Barometric, radar, or GPS altitude may be displayed depending on the
source of data. When the ALTITUDE switch is in BARO, barometric altitude
is displayed. When the ALTITUDE switch is in RDR, radar altitude is dis
played and is identified by an R next to the altitude. If the radar altitude is
invalid, barometric altitude will be displayed and a B next to the altitude will
be flashed to indicate that barometric altitude is being displayed rather than
radar altitude. A G is only displayed when SCADC altitude becomes invalid
and the GPS altitude is used. The G acronym will flash if radar altitude is
selected and both SCADC and radar altitude are invalid. The bottom of the
altitude box is positioned at the waterline reference position.
7 BARO pressure setting Enables display of the barometric pressure setting used by the display
pushbutton system and the weapon system. Successive depression of the pushbutton
will cause the setting to alternately appear and disappear.
8 Barometric pressure The barometric pressure setting used by the display system and the
setting weapon system is the value set via pilot’s barometric altimeter. When the
BARO setting is changed, the BARO setting will be momentarily displayed
for 5 seconds after the change is made.
9 DEST steering Enables selection of the destination steering mode.
10 D/L steering pushbutton Enables selection of the data link steering mode.
11 Course select setting Indicates the magnetic course selected by the pilot via the COURSE knob.
12 DCL pushbutton In TLN, selection of the declutter button removes the airspeed Mach
number, altitude, vertical velocity and heading and course line settings, and
adds waterline reference indicators. Selection of the declutter option is
indicated by a box around the DCL legend.
13 Bank scale Provides indication of bank angle to 60°. Marks are provided at 0°, 5°,10°,
20_, 30_, 45_ and 60_.
14 ECM display Selects the ECM threat display. Once depressed, subsequent depression of
pushbutton the ECM pushbutton will return the display to the VDI display. This will
permit a quick look at the threat display and provide a quick return to the
VDI display.
15 MENU display Depression of menu will result in the MENU list to appear in the border area
pushbutton of the VDI display for subsequent selection.
16 Bank angle pointer Moving pointer provides indication of aircraft bank angle. At bank angles in
excess of 65° the pointer will be removed from the display.
17 SMS display Selects the SMS display. Once depressed, subsequent depressing of the
pushbutton SMS pushbutton will return the display to the VDI display. This will permit a
quick look at the SMS display and provide a quick return to the VDI display.
18 Heading select setting Indicates the magnetic heading selected by the pilot.
22 Waterline In TLN, a fuselage reference line appears at the optical center to denote
the waterline reference position.
23 Horizon Denotes demarcation between the ground and the sky. It represents the
horizon with respect to the aircraft and changes orientation with any change
in aircraft pitch or roll.
24 Airspeed Provides display of indicated airspeed. The bottom of the airspeed box is
positioned at the waterline reference position.
25 Mach number Provides display of aircraft speed in mach to the nearest hundredth.
26 AWL steering Selects the all weather landing (AWL) steering mode. Selection permits
pushbutton option to display either ACL, ILS, both or no steering information on the
VDI and/or HUD.
27 Flight path marker The vertical position of the flight path marker with respect to the flight path
ladder indicates the vertical flight path angle of the aircraft.
1 Command heading marker Command heading marker is positioned relative to the magnetic heading
scale. Where commanded heading is beyond display scale limits, the
marker will be pegged at the edge nearest to the commanded heading.
4 TACAN steering mode Box around TCN pushbutton legend indicates the TACAN steering mode
selection has been selected.
5 Course arrow Represents the pilot selected course to the TACAN station. Two dots will
appear on the side of the flight path marker toward the course arrow and
perpendicular to the arrow. The dot closest to the flight path marker repre
sents a deflection of 4_ off course, while the outermost dot represents a
deflection of 8° off course. When the aircraft crosses the selected course,
the arrow moves to the opposite side of the flight path marker and the dots
would appear on that side. For deviations of more than 9°, the arrow pegs.
If the arrow is centered on course, the dots disappear. The flight path
marker centered over the course arrow indicates being on course.
For TACAN bearings aft of +90_, the arrow will be dashed.
1 Command heading marker Indicates the heading required to steer to the waypoint selected by the pilot/
RIO. Where commanded heading is beyond display limits, the marker will
be pegged at the edge nearest to the commanded heading.
3 DEST steering mode Box around DEST pushbutton legend indicates the destination steering
selection mode has been selected.
2 Command heading marker Command heading marker is positioned relative to the magnetic heading
scale to indicate data link command heading. Where commanded heading
is beyond display scale limits, the marker will be pegged at the edge
nearest to the commanded heading.
4 Command altitude indicator Indicates data link commanded altitude. The two digits displayed represent
thousands of feet.
6 D/L steering mode Box around D/L pushbutton legend indicates the data link steering mode
selection has been selected.
1 Command heading marker Positioned relative to the magnetic heading scale to indicate ACL data link
command heading. Where commanded heading is beyond display scale
limits, the marker will be pegged at the edge nearest to the commanded
2 Precision course needles Consist of two independent vectors (vertical and horizontal) which form a
cross pointer. The horizontal vector responds to ILS glide slope error and
the vertical vector responds to ILS localizer error. Null/center indications
are provided to enable the pilot to null the error and keep the vertical and
horizontal needles centered.
3 Flight Director The pilot’s FLT DIR pushbutton controls the display of the flight director on
the HUD. The FLT DIR pushbutton legend is displayed on the AWL VDI for-
mat when valid navigation data is available and a/c vector or ACL data link
mode is selected. The pushbutton will toggle between boxed and unboxed
upon selection if the data link mode is ACL. The HUD flight director is dis-
played when the FLT DIR pushbutton is boxed if the autopilot is not
engaged and MODE I control commands are being sent to the aircraft.
4 ACL steering indicator Provides ACL steering commands driven by the ASW−27C data link.
5 Waveoff During carrier landings, a large X will appear flashing in the center of the
display to indicate a waveoff command.
6 MFD AWL display select Permits option to display AWL (both ACL and ILS), ACL, ILS or no steering
information on the MFD. Initial selection of the AWL steering mode on the
basic VDI format displays both ACL and ILS steering information on the
MFD. This will be indicated by AWL in the box adjacent to the MFD legend.
Successive depression of the pushbutton cycles AWL, ILS, ACL, and no
steering information on the MFD, in that order.
7 HUD AWL display select Permits option to display AWL (both ACL and ILS), ACL, ILS, or no steering
information on the HUD. Initial selection of the AWL steering mode on the
basic VDI format displays both ACL and ILS steering information on the
HUD. The HUD flight director is displayed when the FLT DIR pushbutton is
boxed (only available when the autopilot is not engaged) and flight director
commands are being sent to the aircraft. If the pilot intends to make a
MODE I approach, he must advise the ground controller of his intentions.
The ground controller will then disable the flight director commands and
enable the autopilot commands. Until this is done, the pilot will not have the
capability to couple the autopilot to the ACLS commands. The only informa-
tion that is displayed on the HUD during MODE I approaches is the ACLS
tadpole situation information and the ILS needles situation information.
1 Waterline reference The waterline reference indicators are displayed when DCL is selected and
indicators indicate the fuselage reference line.
Aircraft Readout & Box (On all formats except when DECLUTTER)
Altitude Readout and Box (On all formats except when DECLUTTER)
Bank Scale + + + + + +
Heading Select Point Setting− (On all formats except when DECLUTTER)
Heading Scale + + + + + +
Horizon/Ground Plane + + + + + +
Ground/Sky Texture + + + + + +
Pitch Ladder−VDI + + + + + +
MFD Cursor + + + + + +
VDI Center + + + + + +
Caution/Advisory/Warning + + + + + +
Breakaway Symbol o + + o o o
Command Mach−CMD, # o o + o o o
Baro PB Legend−B + + + + + +
PB Legend Crossouts + + + + + +
Range Readout−RNG, # o o + + o +
‘+’ indicates that the symbol is available for display on the selected format.
‘o’ indicates that the symbol is not available for display on the selected format.
1 Heading scale Aircraft magnetic heading is indicated by the moving 360_ heading scale in
A/A. The major divisions are numbered every 20 degrees.
2 Heading pointer Actual aircraft heading is displayed below the stationary pointer.
3 Command heading marker Positioned along the heading scale to correspond with the command
4 Pitch/flight path Ladder displays aircraft pitch angle and roll angle. Aircraft vertical flight path
angle is indicated by the position of the flight path marker on the pitch/flight
path ladder. Positive pitch lines are solid and negative pitch lines are dashed.
To aid in determining flight path angle when it is changing rapidly, the pitch
lines are angled toward the horizon at an angle half that of the flight path
angle. For example, in a 40° climb the pitch lines are angled 20° toward the
horizon. UP appears at +90° climb and DOWN appears at −90° dive. The
VDI pitch ladder will always be caged.
5 Radar altitude indicator Displays radar altitude when the aircraft is below 5,000 ft AGL. When radar
altitude is selected for display on the HUD and MFD (via the HUD/VDI ALT
switch located on the pilot display control panel), the radar altitude indicator
will not be displayed.
6 Vertical velocity Displays aircraft rate of climb/descent In feet per minute. Descent will be
indicated by a negative (−) sign. Absence of the negative sign indicates a
positive value.
7 Altitude Barometric, radar, or GPS altitude will be displayed depending on the source
of data. When SCADC altitude is invalid, GPS altitude will be displayed and
identified by a G next to the altitude. When the ALTITUDE switch is in RDR,
radar altitude will be displayed and will be identified by an R next to the
altitude. If the radar altitude is invalid, barometric altitude will be displayed
and a B next to the altitude will be flashed to indicate that barometric altitude
is being displayed rather than radar altitude. If both radar and SCADC
altitude are invalid, GPS altitude will be indicated by a flashing G next to
the altitude. The bottom of the altitude box will be positioned at the waterline
reference position.
9 Barometric pressure In A/A and A/G, pushbutton enables momentary display of the barometric
setting pushbutton pressure setting on the pilot’s altimeter. The setting will appear for 5 seconds
each time the pushbutton is depressed. However, in TLN the barometric
pressure setting will be displayed continuously on the HUD and VDI.
10 Barometric pressure The barometric pressure setting used by the display and weapon system is
setting the value entered on the pilot’s altimeter. When the baro setting is changed
on the DEU in the A/A and A/G mode, the baro setting will be momentarily
displayed for 5 seconds after the change is made or will appear for
5 seconds when the barometric pressure setting pushbutton is depressed.
It will also appear and flash for 5 seconds when the aircraft drops below
10,000 feet, 300 knots.
14 Declutter In A/A, selection of the declutter option removes the indication of airspeed,
(DCL pushbutton) Mach number, altitude and vertical velocity from the display, and adds
waterline reference indicators. Selection of the declutter option is indicated
by a box around the pushbutton legend.
15 Bank scale Provides indication of bank angle to ±60_. Marks are provided at 0_, ±5_,
±10°, ±20_, ±30_, ±45_ and ±60°.
16 ECM pushbutton Selects the ECM threat display once depressed. Subsequent depression of
the ECM pushbutton will return the display to the previous format. This will
permit a quick look at the threat display and provide a quick return to the
previous format.
17 MENU pushbutton Depression of MENU will result in the MENU list to appear in the border
area of the display. Subsequent depression of the pushbutton will result in
the alternate presentation of the MENU1 and MENU2 list in the border area
of the display.
18 Bank angle pointer Moving pointer provides indication of aircraft bank angle. At bank angles in
excess of 65° the pointer will be removed from the VDI display.
19 SMS pushbutton Selects the SMS display. Subsequent depression of the SMS pushbutton
will return the display to the previous format. This will permit a quick look at
the SMS display and provide a quick return to the previous format.
20 Master arm switch safe An X through the A/A mode selection legend indicates that the master arm
indication switch is in the safe position.
22 Horizon Denotes demarcation between the ground and the sky. It represents the
horizon with respect to the aircraft and changes orientation with any change
in aircraft pitch and roll.
23 Airspeed Provides display of indicated airspeed. The bottom of the airspeed box is
positioned at the waterline reference position.
24 Mach number Provides display of aircraft speed in Mach to the nearest hundredth.
25 Flight path marker The vertical position of the flight path marker with respect to the pitch ladder
indicates the vertical flight path angle of the aircraft.
1 Selected weapon type and Indicates which missile has been selected for launch via the weapon select switch,
quantity indication the type and the quantity available for launch are displayed. Selections are PH
(Phoenix), SP (Sparrow), SW (Sidewinder), and G (gun).
2 Master arm switch safe An X through the weapon type and quantity indicates that the master arm switch
indication is in the safe position.
When a weapon has been selected for launch in the A/A radar
single target track (STT) mode and the radar target is FONO 1,
the basic VDI symbology and format will generally be the
same as the A/A radar STT mode with no weapon selected.
Selection of a missile in radar STT will enable the display of an
allowable steering error (ASE) circle, range bar and DD range
scale selection.
1 Range bar The range bar is a fixed length vertical bar range scale against which maximum,
minimum and present range of the radar STT FONO 1 target may be displayed.
Scaling changes are determined by DD selection. Scaling is for 200, 100, 50, 20,
10, and 5 miles. The range bar moves sideways as a function of target azimuth.
The upper tic represents maximum range. The middle tic represents optimum
range and the lower tic represents minimum range. The circle represents the target
and moves vertically as a function of range. Target aspect is represented by a
pointer which points in the direction of the aspect angle. Zero target aspect is
straight down.
2 Radar STT FONO 1 target Range, altitude and closing velocity of the radar STT FONO 1 target.
3 Allowable steering error ASE circle indicates the steering error allowed for launching a missile.
circle Size of the circle is variable and is determined by the magnitude of the
allowable error.
4 Selected weapon type and When missiles are selected for launch via the weapon select switch, the
quantity indication type and the quantity available for launch are displayed. An X through
the indication will signify that the master arm switch is in the safe position.
5 DD range scale Readout provides indication of RIO’s DD range scale selection of 5, 10, 20,
indication 50, 100, or 200 miles.
Aircraft Readout and Box (On all formats except when DECLUTTER)
Bank Scale + + + + + + + +
Heading Scale + + + + + + + +
Command Mach + + + + + + + +
Pitch Ladder + + + + + + + +
Figure 2114.MFD VDI Symbology Available on Air−to−Air and Air−to−Ground Formats (Sheet 1 of 2)
Mach Readout (On all formats except when DECLUTTER)
MFD Cursor + + + + + + + +
Warning/Caution/ + + + + + + + +
Breakaway Symbol + + + + + + + +
Command Heading + + + + + + + +
Select Legends, Weapon A/A PH# PH# SP# SP# SW# SW# G#
Sky Texture + + + + + + + +
Push Button LegendSMS + + + + + + + +
Push Button Legend + + + + + + + +
Push Button LegendECM + + + + + + + +
Push Button LegendD/L + + + + + + + +
Push Button Legend + + + + + + + +
Push Button LegendDCL + + + + + + + +
BARO PB Legend B + + + + + + + +
PB Legend Crossout + + + + + + + +
Master Arm Safe Cue + + + + + + + +
Waterline (Added to all formats during DECLUTTER)
Steering RangeRNG, # o + + + + + + +
Steering Tee + o + o + o + +
Range Bar + o + o + o + +
Max/Min/Opt* Range o o + o + o + o
Target Range Heading + o + o + o + +
Target Range Numeric + o + o + o + +
Target Closing Velocity + o + o + o + +
A/A Target Altitude + o + o + o + +
DD Selected Range + o + o + o + +
ASE Circle o o + o + o + o
‘+’ indicates that the symbol is available for display on the selected format.
‘o’ indicates that the symbol is not available for display on the selected format.
* Sidewinder does not display opt range.
Figure 2−114. MFD VDI Symbology Available on Air−to−Air and Air−to−Ground Formats (Sheet 2 of 2)
NAVAIR 01−F14AAD−1 VDI Overlay Formats When the IRSTS detects valid targets, IRSTS triangles
are overlaid on VDI formats. Position scaling is the same as
The MFD VDI overlay formats are track while scan
that of radar priority target diamonds. However, since range
(TWS), infrared search and tracking system−TWS (IRSTS−
cannot be accurately determined by the IRSTS, no range
TWS), and reconnaissance.
information is presented on this overlay.
When RECON is selected from the RECON DATA
Both target diamonds and IRSTS triangles may be
formats, reconnaissance symbols are overlaid on the HUD
overlaid at the same time on VDI A/A or A/G formats.
and any MFD (Figure 2116) that is displaying a VDI format.
An exception is when a weapon has been selected; then only HSD Formats
the MFD displays the overlay.
The HSD formats provide system navigation informa
When radar detects a valid target, a priority target
tion such as magnetic heading, magnetic course, wind
diamond is overlaid on VDI formats. The diamond’s lateral
direction and speed, true airspeed, groundspeed, waypoint
position indicates the target’s position relative to own aircraft
data, and TACAN data.
and the angular scaling is the same as the VDI A/A pitch
ladder. The diamond vertical position indicates target The HSD format family consists of HSD waypoint,
altitude relative to own aircraft and the scaling is 10,000 TACAN, and TACAN CDI. Selection of PB16 from the
feet/0.8 inch. (The distance between pushbuttons is 0.8 inch.) MENU, OWN A/C, CV, IFA, WPT DATA, RECON DATA,
A target at the horizon line would be at the same altitude as INS UPDATE, NAV AID, SURFACE WPT, GPS STAT, FLT
own aircraft. Up to four target diamonds may be displayed at PLN, MDL WPTS, or SAHRS ALIGN formats will place the
one time. Unlike the HUD diamonds, which are sized to previously selected HSD format on the MFD. After a cold
indicate target proximity, VDI target diamonds are the same start, the HSD waypoint format is shown. Figure 2118
size. Target range in nautical miles is shown by the numbers describes HSD symbols. Figure 2119 illustrates the activa
appearing directly above the symbol. The radar target tion of the plot line display and shows the selected course line
overlay example in Figure 2117 shows the radar TWS mode that appears when a steering mode (in this case, destination
and is overlaid on an A/A basic format. steering) has been selected.
1 Recon Command Heading Indicates the magnetic heading for Recon steering.
2 Recon Steering Symbol Provides elevation and azimuth steering information when in reconnais
sance mode. When steering symbol is coincident with flight path marker,
the aircraft is flying the bank command to the dynamic steering point.
3 Target Designator, Displays target position. Positioned by on−board sensors or data link.
Hexagon When displayed on VDI formats, the degrees per inch scaling of the symbol
corresponds to the scaling of the rungs of the pitch ladder of the format
being overlaid (TLN, A/G, or A/A).
4 Command Ground Displays the path of the command ground track. When displayed on VDI
Track Line formats the degree scaling of rotation corresponds to the scaling of the
rungs of the pitch ladder for the format being overlaid (TLN, A/G, A/A).
In the A/A radar track while scan (TWS) mode and no weapon
selected, the basic VDI symbology and format will generally be
the same as A/A radar single target track except that up to
4 target priority diamonds may be displayed to show direction and
relative altitude of the 4 closest radar targets. IRST TWS targets
may be displayed simultaneously with radar TWS targets. When
this situation occurs, the target data will pertain to the closest
radar TWS targets.
1 Radar target data Range, altitude, and closing velocity of the closest radar TWS target will be
2 Radar TWS target Up to 4 target priority diamonds may be displayed to show direction and
priority diamonds relative altitude of the 4 closest radar targets. The numerics above the
diamonds indicate the target range to the nearest nautical mile.
In the A/A IRST track while scan (TWS) mode and no weapon
selected the basic VDI symbology and format will generally be the
same as A/A radar track while scan except that up to 4 target
priority triangles may be displayed to show direction and relative
altitude of the 4 closest IRST targets. IRST TWS targets may be
displayed simultaneously with radar TWS targets. When this
situation occurs, the target data will pertain to the closest radar
TWS targets.
1 Target data Range, altitude, and closing velocity of the closest IRST TWS target will be
2 IRST TWS target priority Up to 4 TWS target priority triangles may be displayed to show direction
triangles and relative altitude of the 4 closest IRST targets.
Figure 2−117. MFD VDI Radar and IRSTS Overlay Formats (Sheet 2 of 2)
1 Clock/timer pushbutton Selects clock/timer display for HUD and corresponding readout. Options are
5 Steering mode pushbutton STR pushbutton cycles through steering modes: DEST, AUTO, GPS, and
6 Lubber line The lubber line indication (diamond) is fixed at the top of the compass rose
and indicates aircraft magnetic heading.
7 Ground track line The ground track line rotates inside the compass rose to represent the
ground track.
8 ADF pointer The ADF symbol shows the direction of the nearest automatic direction
finder station.
9 Heading select pointer Displays selected or commanded heading. The symbol rotates outside the
compass rose when manually controlled by the heading potentiometer knob
located in the pilot’s crew station.
10 TACAN data Displays TACAN channel, range, bearing, and time−to−go to the selected
TACAN station.
11 TACAN display option Enables the presentation of the TACAN situation symbol, selects TACAN
pushbutton steering mode, results in the appearance of the TACAN, course deviation
indication (CDI) pushbutton selection, and AWL pushbutton selection.
Selection is indicated by a box around the TACAN data.
12 Waypoint symbol The numbers (1 to 750) adjacent to the symbol identify the waypoint and
are located on the display to provide an indication of relative range and
bearing from own A/C.
13 Set pushbutton Enables the establishment of a waypoint at the designated cursor position
on the HSD.
14 Aircraft symbol The stationary aircraft symbol is positioned in the center of the compass
rose. The symbol in conjunction with the compass rose indicates magnetic
16 Plot pushbutton Enables/disables the display of plotted lines between waypoints on the HSD
waypoint format.
20 Time remaining readout Selected automatically based on steering mode target selected or weapon
selected. Options are TTG, TTGT, or TREL.
22 Scale (SCL XXX) Selects range scale (200, 100, 50, 25, and 10 nautical miles).
pushbutton The scale is the distance from the aircraft symbol to the inside edge of the
compass rose. Successive depressions of the pushbutton causes the range
scale to decrement and then start again at 200 miles.
23 ECM pushbutton Selects the ECM threat display. Subsequent depression of the ECM push
button will return the display to the previous format. This will permit a quick
look at the threat display and provide a quick return to the previous format.
24 MENU pushbutton Selects the MENU displays. Depression of MENU will result in the MENU1
list to appear in the border area of the display. Subsequent depression of
the pushbutton will result in the alternate presentation of the MENU2 and
MENU1 list in the border area of the display.
25 SMS pushbutton Selects the SMS display. Subsequent depression of the SMS pushbutton
will return the display to the previous format. This will permit a quick look at
the SMS display and provide a quick return to the previous format.
26 ZTOD readout Zulu time of day always displayed in this location on HSD formats.
30 FLT PLAN pushbutton Selects the appropriate NAV AID or SAHRS ALIGN format as determined
by the mission computer.
31 Waypoint decrement Selects the decrement of the waypoint number of the associated waypoint
(down arrow) data display and is used to select the waypoint for destination steering.
32 Waypoint number Indicates the selected waypoint number (via the increment/decrement push
buttons) of the associated waypoint data display and the desired waypoint
for destination steering.
33 Waypoint increment Selects the increments of the waypoint number of the associated waypoint
(up arrow) data display and is used for the selection of the waypoint for destination
pushbutton steering.
34 Waypoint (WPT) display Enables the presentation and activation of waypoint−related symbology and
option pushbutton display options. Selection of this option allows the appearance of the plot
line display selection. Selection of this option is indicated by a box around
the waypoint data.
35 Waypoint bearing Provides bearing indication of the waypoint entered by the aircrew for
pointer destination steering.
36 Waypoint data Range, bearing and time−to−go to the waypoint selected via the increment/
decrement pushbuttons.
37 Compass rose The compass rose is a circular magnetic scale that consists of major divi
sions at 10 degree intervals, minor divisions at 5 degree intervals, numerics
at 30 degree increments and cardinal points at 90 degree increments.
38 TACAN bearing pointer Provides bearing indication to and from the selected TACAN station.
head and tail
1 Plot lines Dashed plot lines are drawn between waypoints to aid in navigation.
The waypoints for plotting are selected via the DEU.
2 PLOT pushbutton Box around the PLOT pushbutton legend indicates the display of plotted
lines between waypoints has been enabled.
3 Selected course line The course line rotates within the compass circle and depicts the aircraft
commanded course during the destination steering mode.
HSD steering is selected by PB9 (STR). Selecting the IRSTS Formats
pushtile cycles through the available steering modes: DEST
There are three dedicated IRSTS formats in the IRSTS
(destination), AUTO (automatic), GPS, TACAN, and blank.
format family. They are IRSTS normal, IRSTS CSCAN, and
CDI can be selected from TACAN or GPS steering.
IRSTS summary (refer to NAVAIR 01−F14AAD−1A). Other
IRST information and symbols appear on the HUD, VDI, and
Chapter 20, NAVIGATION, describes the use of the HSD
TSD formats.
formats. TSD Format SMS Formats
The TSD format is chosen via the TSD legend on
Selection of the SMS formats may be made from any MENU1. The format consists of five distinct legend sets that
format via PB19 (SMS). Depressing PB19 a second time appear in response to crew MFD inputs. Refer to NAVAIR
returns the previously selected display. This toggle action 01−F14AAD−1A for a description of the TSD format and
permits the crewmember to check the weapon status quickly. associated symbols.
The MC determines the wingform configuration that will be
displayed. The CAP/attack and fighter configurations are JTIDS Data Readout Formats
shown in Figure 2120. Refer to NAVAIR 01−F14AAD−1A.
For SMS symbols, configurations, and phases of 2.34 DATA ENTRY UNIT
launch, including an explanation of the AIM−54 MOAT and
DMA results, refer to the Supplemental NATOPS Flight The DEU (Figure 2122) on the RIO right vertical
Manual, NAVAIR 01−F14AAD−1A. console provides manual data entry and control of certain
mission functions. The DEU is a remote terminal that Engine Monitor Format communicates with the mission computers via the multiplex
buses. The DEU is powered by the 28−Vdc main bus. The
The engine monitor format (Figure 2121) is DEU consists of a DEU control knob, data entry display, 20
selected via PB15 (ENG) on the OWN A/C formats. This option keys, and four option display legends. The DEU
format includes a representation of the aircraft engine control knob controls power, brightness, and the test
instruments, displaying instrument readings for left and right function. The option display legends display the options for
engines, fuel endurance (based on existing conditions), and the function or parametr selected. The option keys enable
any engine exceedance conditions. Rpm is provided as N1 selection of the desired menu functions and entry of required
and temperature as turbine blade temperature (TBT not mission parameters. The data entry display is a two−line
EGT). Fuel flow is shown as either main (M) or total (T), display. The top line indicates the currently selected
depending on power setting (either nonafterburner or after parameter while the bottom line (scratchpad) is used to enter
burner range). This information is provided by the FEMS. data. The scratchpad consists of a 14−character display. The
Engine monitor format is not provided while in SEC mode. character locations are often denoted by underlines that, as
Refer to FEMS in this chapter for additional information. data is keyed in, disappear.
2.34.1 Data Entry Unit Operating Modes
As selected by the RIO, the DEU operates in one of two
modes: slaved to the RIO multifunction display (MFD3) or
2-243 CHANGE 1
1 ARM/SAFE status SAFE or ARM is displayed to indicate the status of the master arm switch.
3 HI/LO gun rate pushbutton Toggles the HI or LO rate of gun fire. HI rate is default mode.
5 Store station numbers Indicates the location of the stores (weapons and fuel tanks) loaded on the
(1A, 1B, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, aircraft.
8A, and 8B)
6 Manual (MAN) gun Selects the manual option during air−to−ground operations. CCIP mode is
mode pushbutton the primary gun mode and is obtained immediately upon gun selection.
(A/G only) A box will appear around the pushbutton legend to indicate the manual
option has been selected. Refer to the Supplemental NATOPS Flight
Manual, NAVAIR 01 −F14AAD−1A.
8 CAP/attack wingform Wingform provides a plan view of the stores carried on an aircraft
configured for the CAP/attack role.
9 SMS pushbutton Box around the SMS pushbutton legend indicates the SMS display is
selected. Once selected, a subsequent depression of the SMS pushbutton
will enable return to the previous display.
10 Fighter wingform Wingform provides a plan view of the stores carried on an aircraft
configured for the fighter role.
1 Rotor speed Left and right rotor speeds (N1) are displayed both in an analog and digital
format in percent RPM. The digital indications are located immediately
below the corresponding analog scale.
2 Turbine blade temperature Left and right engine turbine blade temperature (TBT) are displayed both
in an analog and digital format. The analog scale ranges from 500 to
1200 degrees Fahrenheit. The digital indications are located immediately
below the corresponding analog scale.
3 Main fuel flow Left and right main fuel flow (FF/M) are displayed in an analog format in
thousands of pounds per hour (PPH). The analog scale ranges from 0 to
17,000 PPH.
4 Fuel endurance Readout provides an indication of the flight time remaining in hours and
minutes. The readout is based on the existing fuel supply for the selected
engine condition (normal or afterburner).
5 Engine exceedance Up to three engine exceedance conditions are capable of being displayed
conditions at a time. The indications will scroll upward at a rate of 1 per second when
more than three exceedance conditions exist. The indications may be:
6 Nozzle position Left and right engine nozzle positions (NP) are displayed in an analog for
mat between 0 and 100 percent to indicate relative position from fully
closed to fully open, respectively.
7 Data pushbutton Enables the presentation of the OWN A/C DATA display
8 Total fuel flow Left and right engine total fuel flow (FF/T) are displayed in an analog
format in thousands of pounds per hour (PPH). The analog scale ranges
from 0 to 100,000 PPH.
1 Data Entry Display Displays the name of the page selected and provides a scratchpad used
to enter and change data as required.
2 DEU control knob Initial clockwise rotation past the detent turns system power on; continued
rotation increases brightness of the data entry display and option legend
placarding. When depressed, a self−test of the panel is initiated.
3 Option keys (twenty) Selects the desired menu options and used to enter required mission
4 Option legend Displays the various menu options for the function or parameter selected.
Option legends vary with page selection.
ALTITUDE FT −5000 to ±(1) QXXXXXX (2) RT to LT
+131071 (5)
Baro pressure IN HG 25 to 35 NONE XX.XX RT to LT
Bearing DEG 1 to 360 NONE XXX RT to LT
Channel number 0 to 127 NONE XX RT to LT
Coverage DEG 0 to 180 NONE XXX RT to LT
Direction DEG 1 to 360 NONE XXX RT to LT
Heading DEG 1 to 360 NONE XXX RT to LT
Latitude DEG, MIN −90 to +90 S, N (3) QbXXbXX.XX (4) LT to RT
Longitude DEG, MIN −180 to +180 W, E (3) QbXXXbXX.XX (5) LT to RT
Magnetic variation DEG −180 to +180 W, E (3) XXX.XbQ RT to LT
lFT number 0 to 31 NONE XX RT to LT
Waypoint number 1 to 750 NONE XX RT to LT
Weapon option 0 to 6 NONE X RT to LT
Range NM 0 to 500 NONE XXX.X RT to LT
Sector 1 to 6 NONE X RT to LT
Carrier speed KNOTS 0 to 64 NONE XX RT to LT
IFT TGT speed KNOTS 0 to 2047 NONE XXXX RT to LT
Wind speed KNOTS 0 to 200 NONE XXX RT to LT
Time HRS 0 to 23 NONE XXXXbXX (4) LT to RT
MIN, SEC 0 to 59 (5)
Vertical lever arm FT to 128 NONE XXX RT to LT
Map lines to 99 NONE XX RT to LT
Map offset FT ±131071 ± (1) QXXXXXX RT to LT
Target length NM 0−2048 NONE XXXX.X RT to LT
Command course DEG 1−360 NONE XXX RT to LT
(1) If a sign is not input, the number is assumed positive.
(2) Prompt underscores disappear as numerics are input. Pressing ‘BKSP’ will delete a keyed−in numeric
and the underscore will reappear. Continued backspacing will delete inputs in the reverse order in
which they were input. If the prompt is a single underscore, it disappears upon the first keyed entry.
When backspacing, it will reappear when the first keyed entry has been deleted.
(3) Qualifiers ‘S’, ‘N’, ‘E’, ‘W’, ‘+’ and ‘−’ can be keyed in before, after or during keying of numeric data.
‘BKSP’ will not delete these symbols; however, they can be overwritten. The last keyed symbol
will be implemented. Depression of ‘CLR’ will also reset the total scratchpad.
(4) Trailing zeroes for minutes and seconds will be assumed if not entered from keypad.
(5) ‘b’ implies blank or space; ‘Q’ implies qualifier (S, N, E, W, +, −).
NAVAIR 01-F14AAD-1 Low-Altitude Aural Warning with the landing gear handle down and the switch in
ORIDE/ON. With weight on wheels, the position OFF/OFF
A low-altitude aural warning alarm provides a
and AUTO/OFF deactivate the probe heating element.
1,000-Hz tone, modulated at two pulses per second and is
available to both crewmembers. The tone activates for 3 to
2.36.1 AOA Test
5 seconds when aircraft altitude descends below the limit
index setting, with the landing gear handle in the DOWN A safety of flight check of the AOA indicator and other
position. If the landing gear handle is in the UP position, the aircraft instruments can be performed while in flight or on the
tone will remain on continuously. deck. When INST is selected on the pilot’s MASTER TEST
switch, the reference bar on the AOA indicator should
2.35.5 Vertical Velocity Indicator indicate 18.0 ±0.5 units. A check of the index can be made
by selecting LTS on the MASTER TEST switch.
The vertical velocity indicator on the left side of the
pilot and RIO instrument panel is a sealed case connected to
2.36.2 AOA Indicator
a static pressure line through a calibrated leak. It indicates
rate of climb or descent. Sudden or abrupt changes in attitude This indicator (Figure 2-125) displays the aircraft
may cause erroneous indications because of the sudden AOA and provides a stall warning reference marker, a climb
change of airflow over the static probe. bug, cruise bug, and an AOA approach reference bar for
landing approach.
2.35.6 Standby Compass AOA is displayed by a vertical tape on a calibrated
A conventional standby compass is above the pilot scale from 0 to 30 units, equivalent to a range of -10_ to +40_
instrument panel. It is a semifloat-type compass suspended of rotation of the probe. The approach reference bar is
in compass fluid. provided for approach (on speed) AOA at 15 units. The AOA
indexer and approach lights will automatically follow the
2.35.7 Clock indicator.
The climb reference marker is set at 5.0 units, the cruise
A mechanical 8-day clock is on the instrument panel in marker at 8.5 units, and the stall warning marker at 29 units.
each cockpit. It incorporates a 1-hour elapsed-time capabil- These reference markers are preset to the optimum AOA
ity. A winding and setting selector is in the lower left corner values and cannot be changed by the pilot.
of the instrument face. The knob is turned in a clockwise
direction to wind the clock and pulled out to set the hour and 2.36.3 AOA Indexer
minute hands. An elapsed time selector in the upper right
The AOA indexer on the pilot glareshield
corner controls the elapsed time mechanism. This mecha-
(Figure 2-125) has two arrows and a circle illuminated by
nism starts, stops, and resets the sweep second and elapsed
colored lamps to provide approach information. The relay-
time hands. operated contacts in the AOA indicator also control the AOA
indexer. The upper arrow is for high AOA (green), the lower
2.36 ANGLE-OF-ATTACK SYSTEM arrow is for low AOA (red), and the circle is for optimum
The AOA system measures the angle between the AOA (amber). When both an arrow and a circle appear, an
longitudinal axis of the aircraft and the relative wind. This is intermediate position is indicated.
used for approach monitoring and to warn of an approaching Indexer Lights
stall. Optimum approach AOA is not affected by gross
weight, bank angle, density altitude, or load configuration The indexer lights function only when the landing gear
(see Figure 2-124 for AOA conversions). handle is down. A flasher unit causes the indexer lights to
pulsate when the arresting hook is up and the HOOK
The system includes a probe-type transmitter, BY-PASS switch is in CARRIER. The intensity of the
approach lights, an indicator, and an indexer. The indexer and indexer lights is controlled by the INDEXER thumbwheel
approach lights are controlled by the indicator, which is control on the pilot MASTER LIGHT panel.
electrically slaved to the sensor probe transmitter. In flight,
the probe, which is on the left side of the fuselage, aligns itself 2.36.4 Approach Lights
with the relative airflow like a weather vane.
The approach lights consist of red, amber, and green
Probe anti-icing is provided by means of a 115-Vac indicator lights above the nosegear strut. The lights are
heating element along the probe and probe housing. The actuated by the AOA indicator and provide qualitative AOA
heating element is controlled by the ANTI-ICE switch on the information to the landing signal officer during landing
pilot right console. During ground operation, probe heat is on approaches. A flasher unit in the AOA system will cause
2-251 CHANGE 1
handle is set to CLOSE, both sides of the canopy actuator are mode, the canopy control handle in the cockpit must be
vented to the atmosphere, allowing the canopy to lower itself. rotated outboard to move the handle past the OPEN stop and
The final closing motion actuates a pneumatic timer which then pulled aft to AUX OPEN. This activates a pneumatic
directs pressure from the control module to the locking valve, which admits regulated pneumatic pressure from an
actuator and the canopy is moved forward to engage the auxiliary nitrogen bottle to the locking actuator and moves
canopy hooks in the sill hooks. the canopy aft out of the sill locks. When the canopy is
unlocked, pneumatic pressure from the main reservoir is
To close the canopy under high headwind conditions ported to the open side of the canopy actuator to counterbal-
(30 to 60 knots) or when difficulty is experienced because of ance the weight of the canopy, allowing the canopy to be
hot or cold temperatures, BOOST is used. The BOOST mode manually opened or closed by the flightcrew.
is activated by rotating the canopy control handle outboard
past the CLOSE stop and pushing the handle forward. With Before leaving the cockpit, the control handle should
the control handle in this position, the control module ports be returned to HOLD. If left in AUX OPEN, the canopy’s
additional regulated pneumatic pressure to the closed side of own weight or a tailwind could force the canopy down
the canopy actuator. If BOOST is used to close the canopy, with low pressure in the main reservoir. Once the auxiliary
the handle should be returned to CLOSE. canopy unlock bottle is used, the canopy will not return to
the normal mode of operation and cannot be locked closed Auxiliary Canopy Opening until the auxiliary pneumatic selector valve on the aft canopy
deck is manually reset (lever in vertical position). (See
When the main pneumatic reservoir pressure is Figure 2-125A.)
reduced to 225 psi, the canopy control module automatically The auxiliary canopy unlock nitrogen bottle is on the
prevents further depletion of reservoir pressure and the turtleback behind the canopy hinge line (refer to FO-15).
canopy must be opened using the auxiliary mode. Actuation Servicing of the auxiliary bottle is through the small access
of the auxiliary mode can be affected from either the pilot or panel immediately behind the canopy on this turtleback. A
RIO canopy control handle or from the ground external fully charged bottle will provide approximately 20 canopy
canopy control. To open the canopy from the cockpit in this cycling operations in the auxiliary open mode.
NAVAIR 01-F14AAD-1 Canopy Jettison appropriately marked for rescue. Opening either access door
and pulling the T-handle fires an initiator that detonates the
The canopy can be jettisoned from either cockpit
canopy separation charge and actuates the canopy gas
or from external controls on each side of the fuselage.
generator. The sequence is the same as when the cockpit
An internal canopy jettison handle in each cockpit
handles are pulled. The external canopy jettison handles
(Figure 2-126) is on the forward right side of each flightcrew require squeezing the inner face of the handle and then
instrument panel and is painted yellow and black for ease of
pulling for actuation. The length of pull is approximately
identification. To activate the canopy jettison handle,
one-half to three-quarter inch and the T-handle comes free on
squeeze the inner face of the handle and then pull.
the aircraft when actuated. Refer to Chapter 12 for canopy
The length of pull is approximately one-half to external jettisoning procedures.
three-quarter inch, and the handle comes free of the aircraft
when actuated. Pulling either CANOPY JETTISON handle 2.38 EJECTION SYSTEM
actuates an initiator that ignites the canopy separation charge
The aircraft is equipped with an automatic electroni-
and actuates the canopy gas generator. The canopy separation
cally sequenced command escape system incorporating two
charge ignites the expanding, shielded, mild-detonating cord
Navy aircrew common ejection seat (SJU-17(V) 3/A (pilot)
lines, routed through the canopy sill hooks, breaking the sill
and SJU-17(V) 4/A (RIO)) rocket-assisted ejection seats.
hook frangible bolt. This allows the hooks to rotate upward,
Both seats are identical in operation and differ only in nozzle
releasing the canopy. The canopy gas generator produces
direction of their lateral thrust motors, which provide a
high-pressure gas that forces the canopy hydraulic actuator
divergent ejection trajectory away from the aircraft path.
shaft upward, ballistically removing the canopy.
When either crewmember initiates the command escape
Ejection through the canopy can result in injury and is system, the canopy is ballistically jettisoned and each
provided only as a backup method; therefore, the canopy is crewmember is ejected in a preset-time sequence. The RIO
jettisoned as part of the normal ejection sequence. An upward is ejected to the left and the pilot to the right.
pull on the ejection seat firing handle jettisons the canopy
Safe escape is provided for most combinations of
prior to ejection.
aircraft altitude, speed, attitude and flightpath within an
envelope from zero airspeed, zero altitude in a substantially External Canopy Jettison Handles
level attitude to a maximum speed of 600 KCAS between
There are two external canopy jettison handles located
on the lower left and right fuselage below the pilot cockpit,
2-256a (Reverse
2-256a Blank) CHANGE 1
1 CANOPY caution light Advises that the canopy is not in a down and locked position.
2 LAD/CANOPY caution Advises that the boarding ladder is not in the up and locked position or that
light the canopy is not in the down and locked position.
3 BOOST Used to close the canopy in cold or hot weather or when headwinds are
greater than 30 to 60 knots.
7 AUX OPEN Used to open canopy manually, which is required when nitrogen bottle
pressure drops below 225 psi.
8 CANOPY JETTISON Used to jettison canopy.
zero altitude and 50,000 feet. Preflight procedures are shown Seat Firing Handle
in Chapter 7 of this manual; ejection procedures are
Ejection is initiated by pulling up on the seat firing
discussed in Chapter 16. Ejection sequence is illustrated in
handle on the front of the seat bucket between the crewmem
FO−16 and FO−17.
ber’s thighs. A pull force of 25 to 40 pounds is required to
remove the firing handle from its housing. A continued pull
force of 30 to 60 pounds is required to initiate ejection. This
action operates linkage that withdraws the sears from the two
seat initiator cartridges, commencing the ejection sequence.
D Regardless of the SJU−17 Ejection Seat limi
tations, any person whose nude body weight SAFE/ARMED Handle
is below 136 pounds or above 213 pounds is
subject to increased injury from ejection. The SAFE/ARMED handle on the right side of the seat
bucket forward of the manual override handle is the only
D Loose gear in the cockpit is a FOD and missile control for arming and safing the seat. (On the ground, a
hazard, especially during carrier operations, safety pin is also installed in the seat firing handle.) The
maneuvering flight, or ejection sequences. handle locks in the selected position. It is operated by
Carriage of gear that cannot be contained in releasing a catch to remove the locking plunger. When the
the cockpit storage compartment shall be kept handle is rotated forward (up) to safe the seat, the SAFE
to a minimum consistent with mission legend is displayed on a white background and a safety
requirements and the mission environment. plunger is inserted into the firing handle linkage so that the
handle cannot be pulled up, rendering the seat inoperative.
2.38.1 Ejection Seat Rotating the handle aft (down) displays the ARMED legend
on a yellow−black striped background. This pulls the safety
The Navy Aircrew Common Ejection Seat (NACES)
plunger from the firing handle linkage, freeing the handle and
(Figure 2127) is provided with a rocket−deployed 6.5 meter
allowing the seat to be fired. With the canopy closed, the
(20−foot), aeroconical, steerable parachute that is packed
SEAT UNARMED caution light in the RIO cockpit is
with a ribbon extraction drogue in a container behind the seat
illuminated if the SAFE/ARMED handle on either seat is in
occupant’s head. The seat bucket holds the survival kit and
the SAFE position.
also has the seat firing handle and other operating controls.
The parachute risers attach to the crewmember’s torso
harness by means of seawater−activated release switches. Manual Override Handle
Normal ejection includes canopy jettison before the seats are The manual override handle on the right side of seat
catapulted out of the cockpit; however, the parachute bucket behind the SAFE/ARMED handle is connected by
container is fitted with canopy penetrators. This permits a linkage to the lower harness lock release mechanism and to
backup ejection through the canopy after a time delay in the an initiator in the seat bucket. The handle is locked in the
event of safe−and−arm unit failure or failure of the canopy to down position by a catch operated by a thumb button at the
separate from the aircraft. forward end of the handle. Depressing the thumb button
After ejection has been initiated, two pitot heads allows the handle to be rotated aft. Operating the handle also
mounted next to the parachute container are deployed. rotates the SAFE/ARMED handle to the SAFE position. A
Airspeed and altitude are provided to the battery−operated catch in the lower part of the manual release handle must be
electronic sequencer mounted under the parachute container. reset before the handle can be returned to the down position.
The sequencer uses the information to determine the release With the seat in the aircraft, operation of the handle linkage
time for the drogue bridles, the deployment time for the is restricted by the pin puller and releases only the lower
parachute, and release time for the harness locks. Depending locks, and the leg restraint line locks to permit emergency
on MSL altitude and airspeed, the seat drogue, which is ground egress with the survival kit attached.
catapult−deployed from a canister on the back of the seat and
has a three−point attachment bridle, can be used to stabilize Note
the seat, slow its descent, or be jettisoned before the The parachute risers and personnel services must
parachute deployment rocket is fired. To ensure parachute be disconnected manually.
deployment and man−seat separation, a barostatic release
operates to fire the parachute deployment rocket and release After ejection, the pin puller disengages permitting
the harness locks in the event of complete or partial further movement of the linkage so that operating the handle
sequencer failure. As a further backup, operating the manual releases the lower harness locks and fires the manual override
release handle on the seat bucket will also fire the parachute initiator that provides gas pressure to release the upper torso
deployment rocket and release the harness locks. harness locks and fire the parachute deployment rocket in the
event of automatic sequencing failure.
NAVAIR 01−F14AAD−1 Torso Harness The switch is spring loaded to the center OFF position
RAISE is aft and LOWER is forward. Electric power is
The torso harness is worn by the crewmember and
supplied from phase B of the right main ac bus through the
takes the place of a separate lapbelt and shoulder harness.
ACM LT/SEAT ADJ/STEADY POS LT circuit breaker (2I4).
The upper torso harness is connected by release fittings
(Koch fittings) to the inertial reel via straps passed through
roller yokes attached to the parachute risers. The release
fittings incorporate SEWARS to allow automatic release on
saltwater entry. Two buckles on the lower part of the torso
harness connect to the seat lapbelt fittings. Lapbelt girth can
be adjusted to accommodate the individual crewmember by The seat height actuator motor has a maximum
adjusting each belt strap. duty cycle of 1 minute on in any 8−minute period.
The harness lock control lever on the left side of the The survival kit (Figure 2128) forms the sitting
seat bucket has two detented positions. In the forward platform for the crewmember and consists of a fabric survival
(locked) position, forward movement of the occupant is aids container covered by a contoured, rigid platform with a
restricted and any slack created by rearward movement is cushion on top to provide a firm seat and additional comfort
taken up by the inertial reel. The control is locked in this for the crewmember. The kit is retained in position by pivot
position by a detent. In the aft position, the occupant can fittings at the front and lugs attached to the lower harness
move forward freely, unless the reel locks owing to excessive locks at the rear. Attached to the lower harness lock lugs are
forward velocity. When the forward velocity decreases two adjustable harness lap straps with integral lapbelt release
sufficiently, the inertia straps are released without the fittings.
necessity of repositioning the manual control. Both straps The survival kit accommodates a liferaft, an emer
feed from the same shaft, and it is impossible for one to lock gency oxygen cylinder, and the survival aids. The emergency
without the other. If the reel is locked manually the control oxygen cylinder is mounted to the underside of the platform,
must be positioned aft to the unlocked position to release the a pressure gauge is on the left thigh support, and a green
straps. manual operating handle is on the left side of the platform. Leg Restraints The emergency oxygen is also automatically activated
during ejection by a static line connected to the cockpit floor.
The leg garters and restraint cords keep the occupant’s
legs firmly against the leg rests during ejection. The garters
are placed around the leg below the calf and above the knee. Flow of oxygen from the emergency cylinder can
be stopped by reseating the manual actuation
The leg−restraint cords are attached to the aircraft deck
and routed through the seat snubber box structure. They are
then passed through garter rings and snapped into the leg−line A URT−33C radio locator beacon is in a cutout in the
locks. The garter rings are snapped into the bayonet fitting left thigh support and is connected to the cockpit floor by a
when strapping in. Leg−line release is accomplished by static operating cable so that it can be automatically actuated
pulling the manual override handle. Leg restraints may be during ejection. The fabric survival aids container can be
adjusted by pulling the tab on the inner side of each leg−line deployed on a lowering line after ejection by pulling on either
snubber box. of the two yellow handles located on the back side. The
liferaft is automatically inflated when the survival aids Negative−G Strap
container is deployed. Contents of the survival aids container
The negative−g strap is not incorporated in the F−14D may vary depending on the area of operation, but the
NACES ejection seat. following is a typical list: Seat Height Adjustment Switch 1. Liferaft dye markers
Seat height is adjusted by an actuator driven by a
single−phase 115−Vac electric motor. Operation of the actua 2. Signal flares
tor is controlled by a three−position switch on the right aft side
3. Morse code and signal card
of the seat bucket marked RAISE, OFF, and LOWER.
4. Space blanket
5. Desalter kit or canned water full-aft (MCO) position. Adjusting the handrest
6. 50 feet of nylon cord to the full-down position will minimize this
interference and should allow normal operation
7. Bailing sponge of the CMD EJECT lever.
8. SRU-31/P flightcrew survival kit.
2.38.3 Ejection Initiation
If over water, the survival aids container should be
deployed on its lowering line before reaching the surface to With the SAFE/ARMED handle in the ARMED
make the raft immediately available on landing. If over land, (down) position, pulling the seat firing handle upward to the
it should not be deployed. This will reduce the risk of extent of its travel begins the ejection by pulling the sears on
entanglement and protect against injury. the seat initiators. The following events occur:
1. Canopy jettison is initiated. Rocket Motor
2. The powered inertia reel retracts, pulling the crew-
The rocket motor is on the bottom of the seat bucket. member back in the seat.
It is ignited by a lanyard attached to the cockpit floor as the 3. The delay initiators are activated. These initiators
catapult nears the end of its stroke. The rocket thrust is have built-in delays of 1.0 second for the RIO seat
approximately 4,800 pounds for .25 second and sustains the and 1.5 seconds for the pilot seat.
thrust of the catapult to carry the seat to a sufficient height for
a safe zero/zero ejection from a level attitude. The rocket 4. The restriction is removed from the manual override
motor nozzles are inclined so that the thrust passes close to mechanism.
the cg of the seat and occupant. The motor also includes a 5. The 4.0-second delay cartridge for the barostatic
lateral thrust nozzle that imparts a divergent trajectory release is initiated.
carrying the seat away from the aircraft flightpath. 6. The safe and armed device is armed.
2.38.2 Command Ejection Lever When canopy jettison is complete, a lanyard attached
to the canopy pulls a sear, firing the safe and arm device. This
A command ejection lever (Figure 2-129) above the initiates the thermal batteries that power the seat electronic
RIO left outboard console allows the RIO to select either sequencer and fires the two-stage catapult, ejecting the seat.
pilot or RIO control of the command ejection system. Each The RIO seat is fired immediately on firing of the safe and
position has an internal locking detent. The handle is arm device, while the pilot seat is delayed 0.4 second. The
unlocked by lifting upward and moved by a forward or aft IFF switch is actuated when the pilot seat is fired.
motion. If the handle is released before reaching the aft
position, it is spring loaded to return forward. It will If the canopy fails to separate or the safe and arm device
automatically lock in the forward position; however a does not fire, the backup initiators operate at the expiration
downward motion is required to positively lock it into the aft of their delays, firing the RIO seat 1.0 second after firing
position. To select MCO command ejection position, raise handle actuation and the pilot seat 0.5 second later, through
the handle and pull aft. An EJECT CMD flip-flop-type the canopy.
indicator on the landing gear panel indicates the command As the seat ascends the guide rails, the following events
mode selected. The RIO may eject individually when the occur:
command ejection lever is in the pilot control position. When
1. The multipurpose initiator lanyards begin to
the command ejection lever is in the MCO command
position, the RIO can initiate ejection of both seats.
Regardless of the position of the command ejection lever, 2. Personnel services between seat and aircraft are
an ejection initiated by the pilot will always eject both disconnected.
crewmen. Command ejection by either crewmember will 3. The emergency oxygen supply is initiated.
eject the RIO first and the pilot 0.4 second later Depending 4. The emergency locator beacon is activated.
on aircraft dynamics, the total time for command ejection of
5. The leg restraint lines are drawn through the snub-
both seats in the normal (safe and arm device) mode is from
bers and restrain the crewmember’s legs to the front
0.4 to 0.9 second; in the backup initiator mode, the total time
of the seat bucket. When the leg restraint lines
is 1.5 second.
become taut, the break ring in each line fails and the
lines are freed from the aircraft. The snubbers pre-
vent forward movement of the legs.
At the end of the catapult stroke (approximately
In aircraft with an LCP installed, the controller
35 inches of seat travel), the multipurpose initiator lanyards
handrest may interfere with the CMD EJECT
become taut and withdraw the firing unit sears. This routes
lever, preventing the handle from reaching the
gas pressure to the electronic sequencer start switches,
2-263 CHANGE 1
1 EJECT CMD lever PILOT− Ejection initiated by the pilot will eject pilot and RIO (RIO first).
(RIO cockpit) Ejection initiated by the RIO will eject only the RIO.
Pilot eject command indicator pilot.
MCO − Ejection initiated by the pilot will eject pilot and RIO (RIO first).
Ejection initiated by the RIO will eject pilot and RIO (RIO first).
Pilot eject command indicator − MCO.
2 EJECT CMD (flip−flop) PILOT− Indicates command ejection lever is in PILOT. Only the pilot can
indicator eject pilot and RIO. RIO−initiated ejection will eject only RIO.
MCO − Indicates command ejection lever is in MCO. Both pilot and RIO
can eject both flightcrew members. RIO will eject first.
beginning sequencer timing to the pitot deployment mecha Barostatic Release
nisms and to the rocket motor, firing it. The electronic
To ensure that the parachute is deployed and the
sequencer determines the proper mode of seat operation
harness locks are released, the barostatic release unit,
based on altitude and airspeed.
consisting of a barostat and a cartridge, provides an
independent automatic backup to the electronic sequencer.
2.38.4 Seat Operation After Ejection
The cartridge is fired one of three ways: electrically by the
Post−ejection operation (FO−16 and FO−17) begins at sequencer at a preset altitude of 18,000 feet (FO−16 and
the end of catapult travel when the rocket motor fires and the FO−17), mechanically by the barostatic release unit between
start switches actuate. In normal operation, the electronic 14,000 and 16,000 feet; or mechanically by gas pressure from
sequencer selects the operating mode depending on altitude a 4−second delay cartridge when the manual override handle
and airspeed. A barostatic release unit provides an automatic is pulled. After the time delay, gas pressure is applied to the
backup for electronic operation. Four seconds after the seat barostat cartridge firing mechanism. Above the barostat
firing handle is pulled, the barostatic unit is armed permitting altitude setting, the mechanism is restricted from moving; at
parachute deployment and harness release as determined by or below the barostat altitude it is free to move and fire the
the barostat setting if the sequencer has not functioned. As a cartridge if it has not already been fired electrically. When
further backup, the crewmember can manually fire the fired, the barostat cartridge provides gas pressure to fire the
parachute deployment rocket and release the harness locks by parachute deployment rocket and operate the harness lock
using the manual override handle. release. Manual Override Electronic Sequencing
After ejection, the manual override handle provides a
In all modes, following start switch actuation, the pitot further backup to both the electronic sequencer and the
heads extend, environmental sensing for mode selection barostatic release. Pulling the handle fires a cartridge that
commences, and the seat drogue is deployed on its three− provides gas pressure to fire the parachute deployment rocket
point bridle to stabilize and slow the seat. While this is and operate the harness lock release.
occurring, the sequencer selects one of the five operating
modes (FO−16 and FO−17) from its lookup tables based on 2.39 LIGHTING SYSTEM
sensed altitude and airspeed. The modes are described as
follows: 2.39.1 Exterior Lights
1. Mode 1 This is the low−altitude, low−airspeed The exterior lights include position lights, formation
mode. The bridles are released 0.32 seconds after lights, anticollision lights, a taxi light, approach lights, and
seat first motion. The parachute deployment rocket an air refueling probe light. All exterior lighting controls,
fires to deploy the parachute and the harness release except for the air refueling probe light and approach lights,
system operates to free the occupant from the seat. are located on the MASTER LIGHT panel on the pilot right
console. The exterior lights master switch on the outboard
2. Modes 2, 3, and 4 These modes are for low to throttle must be on for any exterior light to function (except
medium altitudes. The seat is decelerated by the for approach lights). The pilot light control panel is shown in
drogue and after a time delay determined by the Figure 2130. A two−channel flasher unit is used for flashing
electronic sequencer, the parachute deployment lights. One channel flashes the anticollision and position
rocket fires to deploy the parachute before the lights and has circuit protection from the ANTICOLL/SUPP
drogue bridles are released. The harness release sys POS/POS LT circuit breaker (2I1). The second flasher
tem operates to free the occupant from the seat. channel flashes the AOA indexer and approach lights and has
circuit protection from the ANGLE OF ATTK IND AC
3. Mode 5 This mode is selected at high altitude. circuit breaker (3F3).
The seat (with drogue bridles connected) descends Note
to 18,000 feet, where the bridles are released.
The parachute deployment rocket fires to deploy the The anticollision, position, and supplementary posi
parachute and the harness release system operates to tion, formation, and taxi lights are inoperative when
free the occupant from the seat. operating on emergency generator.
In all modes, parachute deployment lifts the crew− Position Lights
member and survival kit from the seat, pulling the sticker
straps from the clips. The position lights consist of a red light on the left
wingtip, a green light on the right wingtip, and a white
position light in the left fin cap assembly. Supplemental
1 ANTI COLLISION light ON and OFF Energizes or deenergizes the anticollision lights. When
switch anticollision lights are on, the flasher unit for the position
lights is disabled.
2 POSITION lights flasher FLASH Causes the wing or supplementary tail and position lights
switch to operate in a flashing mode with landing gear up. With
gear down supplementary lights operate steady only.
STEADY With the wing and tail (or either) position lights on, lights
are on steady.
3 TAIL POSITION light BRT Bright tail light.
OFF Deenergizes tail position light.
DIM Dim tail light.
4 WING POSITION light BRT Bright wing lights switch.
OFF Deenergizes wing lights.
DIM Dim wing lights.
5 LCD panel light 0 to 1 Pilot’s liquid crystal display (LCD) and EIG white
thumbwheel backlighting on.
1 to 14 Sets intensity of pilot’s LCD.
7 TAXI light switch ON Nose gear must be down and locked and the master
exterior light switch must be on.
OFF Turns light off.
13 Exterior lights master ON Enable all exterior lights except approach lights.
switch Dims approach lights to night intensity.
OFF Permits pilot to turn off all exterior lights except approach
lights. Sets daylight intensity on approach lights.
14 RIO’s light control RFCI Variable control Sets intensity of green flood light illuminating Radio
Frequency Control Indicator.
position lights include upper and lower red lights on the left All formation lights are green. Intensity of the lights
wing glove and upper and lower green lights on the right wing is controlled by the FORMATION thumbwheel on the
glove. When the wing−sweep angle is forward of 25_, the MASTER LIGHT panel. Electrical power is supplied
wingtip position lights are operational; when the wings are through the right main bus with circuit protection on the RIO
swept aft of 25_, the wingtip position lights are disabled and ac right main circuit breaker panel TAXI/FORM LT (3A2).
the glove position lights are operational. When operating in
steady mode with the nosegear down and locked and the Taxi Light
wings forward of 25_, both the wingtip position lights and the
glove position lights are operational. The position lights are The taxi light installed on the nosewheel is a fixed−
powered from the right main ac bus through the exterior position light. A limit switch on the nosegear door will turn
lights master relay. the light off when the gear is retracted. A two−position, ON
and OFF, switch is on the MASTER LIGHT panel. Electrical
power is supplied through the right main bus with circuit
protection on the RIO circuit breaker panel TAXI/ FORM LT
When the anticollision lights are on, the flasher (3A2).
for the position lights is disabled and the lights
revert to steady. 2.39.2 Interior Lights
The interior lighting of the cockpit consists of green Anticollision Lights floodlights mounted on the glareshield, the instrument
There are three red, flashing anticollision lights. One console and above each outboard console, and utility lights
anticollision light is installed in the bottom of the infrared for each flightcrew station. The MASTER LIGHT panel, at
pod on the lower forward fuselage. Another anticollision the pilot’s station on the right outboard console, permits
light is installed in the top forward part of the left vertical varying the intensity of the floodlights from dim to bright.
stabilizer and its lens is blacked out except for 1½ inches at The RIO’s interior lights control panel permits varying the
the rear of the light. The third anticollision light is on the top intensity of his interior lighting.
aft part of the right vertical stabilizer and directs its
anticollision beacon up and down. Instrument and Console Panel Lights
The lower fuselage forward anticollision light remains All flight instruments in the pilot and RIO instrument
off during takeoff and landing with the nosewheel door open. panel and console panel lights are lighted by white lighting.
With the nosewheel door closed, the lower fuselage forward Individual thumbwheel controls are provided for the pilot
anticollision light will operate with the ANTI COLLISION and RIO instrument and console lighting. The thumbwheels
light switch set to ON. The anticollision lights are powered have 14 variable selections from 0 to 14. Initial rotation from
through the right main bus with circuit protection on the RIO 0 to 1 activates the circuitry and provides a low−intensity
ac right main circuit breaker panel TAXI/FORM LT (3A2). light. Further rotation up to a maximum intensity (14)
increases the brightness. The INSTRUMENT thumbwheel Formation Lights also controls the intensity of the CAUTION ADVISORY
panels, the left and right vertical consoles, and the digital data
The formation lights consist of wingtip lights on each indicator lights, which consist of high− and low−intensity
wing, fuselage lights, and vertical fin tip lights on both sides lighting. The console lights thumbwheel turns power on for
of the aircraft. both the console lights and the floodlights. The pilot and
RIO instrument and console lights are protected by circuit of the lamp to reselect a white light with a flood or spot
breakers. Lighting for the pilot turn-and-slip indicator is illumination option. An alligator clip and swivel mounting
controlled by the INSTRUMENT lighting thumbwheel. The allow the light to be positioned on a clipboard or other
engine indicator group uses integral white lighting for convenient location. A flasher button on the heel of the lamp
daylight operations, and liquid crystal display brightness is allows either crewmember to use the light as a signal lamp.
controlled by the LCD thumbwheel. The utility and map lights are supplied electrical power from
the ac essential No. 2 bus and are protected by the UTILITY
Note LTS circuit breaker (3A6).
When pilot’s instrument panel lighting is turned 2.39.3 Warning and Indicator Lights
off (daytime or to enable NVD compatibility),
RIO instrument panel and console panel lighting Warning, caution, and advisory lights (Figure 2-131
is disabled. and Figure 2-132) are provided in both cockpits to alert the
pilot and RIO of aircraft equipment malfunctions, unsafe Floodlights operating conditions, or that a particular system is in
The floodlights consist of night vision green flood-
lights that illuminate the instrument and console panels. Warning lights illuminate red with black letters to warn
When navigating around thunderstorms, the storm flood- of hazardous conditions that require immediate corrective
lights should be turned on bright to assist in preventing action. Caution lights show yellow letters on an opaque
temporary blindness from lighting. The WHITE FLOOD background to indicate an impending dangerous condition.
toggle switch on the pilot master light panel and another on The lower half of the CAUTION ADVISORY panel consists
the RIO light panel are safety interlock switches that must be of advisory lights that show green letters on opaque
pulled up to be positioned to BRT or DIM. In DIM, background. Advisory lights indicate degraded operations
low-intensity floodlighting is provided. During NVIS mode, that may require corrective action.
rotating the NVIS FLOOD potentiometer on the RIO interior
light panel to vary the intensity of the NVIS flood lights will
also vary the intensity of the backlighting on the CDNU.
Radiation hazard exists on deck when the RDR
When the storm floodlights are on (BRT or DIM), ENABLED caution light is illuminated. The
the intensity of the CAUTION and ADVISORY light indicates that the RADAR TEST ENABLE
panel lights is increased to day (bright) illumi- switch (maintenance switch) is in the “A” (radi-
nation mode. ate and scan) position. This condition permits the
weight-on-wheels interlock to be bypassed,
Console and instrument panel floodlights are available
allowing the transmitter to radiate through the
in BRT. In the MED and DIM, only console floodlights are
antenna when RADAR XMIT is selected on the
available. The green console and instrument panel flood-
hand control unit. Illumination of the light does
lights are continuously variable in intensity using the NVG
not indicate a weight-on-wheels failure.
FLOOD control on the pilot’s MASTER lights and RIO’s
interior light controls. The panel floodlights are protected by MASTER CAUTION Light
a PANEL FLOOD LTS circuit breaker (4A6) on the RIO ac
essential No. 1 circuit breaker panel. The white floodlights The pilot MASTER CAUTION light is centrally
are protected by the STORM FLOOD LTS circuit breaker located on the master caution/master arm control panel, and,
(2I6) on the RIO ac right main circuit breaker panel. in the aft cockpit, the RIO MASTER CAUTION light is on
the left instrument panel. When the lights are illuminated, Utility and Map Lights yellow letters show on an opaque background. Individual
MASTER CAUTION lights flash whenever a caution light
The pilot utility and map light is on a bracket above the
on the respective caution and advisory panel illuminates.
right outboard console. The RIO utility and map light is in a
A MASTER CAUTION light may be turned off by depress-
bracket above and midway along the right and left console.
ing its lens. This will activate a reset switch that rearms the
Each light has a rheostat control including an ON and OFF
master circuit for a subsequent caution light. A caution light
on the rear of the lamp. A night vision green filter may be
lit on the caution and advisory panel will not be turned off by
selected by rotating the face of the lamp. Pressing the
resetting the MASTER CAUTION light.
locking button on top of the lamp permits rotating the face
2-269 CHANGE 1
2 WHEELS Flashes with flaps down more than 10_, either throttle below approxi-
(warning) mately 85%, and any landing gear not down and locked.
BRAKES Indicates antiskid failure or failure of priority valve in the brake power
(warning) module to switch to combined hydraulic system (operating in AUX brake
mode). Illuminates when parking brake is pulled.
ACLS/AP Auto pilot and automatic carrier landing system mode disengaged.
NWS ENGA Indicates nosewheel steering is engaged and will respond as a function of
(caution) rudder pedal displacement.
AUTO THROT Indicates APC has been disengaged by means other than the
(caution) THROTTLE MODE switch.
5 HOT TRIG Indicates that firing logic conditions are available. Pilot’s trigger or bomb
(warning) button and RlO’s launch button will fire or release ordnance when
6 MASTER CAUTION Flashes when any light on the pilot’s CAUTION ADVISORY panel
(caution) illuminates.
9 LOW ALTITUDE Illuminates NVIS Green to indicate that the aircraft has descended below
WARNING LIGHT the altitude set by the low altitude limit bug.
2−271 CHANGE 2
10 ARI DGR Indicates degraded ARI performance. If caused by loss of a Mach number
signal, LSXC and wing rock suppression functions will be inoperative.
ARI/SAS OUT Indicates loss of either ROLL or YAW SAS and all ARI functions.
Will be illuminated if either the ROLL STAB AUG or YAW STAB AUG
switches are selected OFF.
AUTO PILOT (caution) Indicates failure of one or more pilot relief modes.
AUX FIRE EXT (advisory) Indicates low pressure (approximately 90 psi below the nominal 600 psi)
in the auxiliary fire extinguishing agent container.
BINGO (caution) Indicates total fuel quantity indicator is less than BINGO preset value.
BLEED DUCT Indicates bleed air leak sensing elements detect temperatures greater
(caution) than 575_F between engine and primary heat exchanger. Also indicates
hot air leak detection (excess of 255_F) between primary heat exchanger
and ECS turbine compressor.
B/U OXY LOW (caution) Indicates backup oxygen system pressure is 200 psi or less.
CADC (caution) Indicates failure associated with central air data computer.
ENG FIRE EXT Indicates low pressure (approximately 90 psi below the nominal 600 psi)
(advisory) in the fire extinguishing agent container.
L ENG SEC Indicates augmenter fan temperature controller (AFTC) is in secondary
R ENG SEC mode. Afterburner is inoperative and thrust levels can vary from as little
(caution) as 65% to as much as 116% of primary mode MIL thrust.
FCS CAUTION Indicates DFCS failure has occurred. If no other lights are illuminated,
indicates loss of redundancy only (subsequent failure may result in loss of
significant DFCS functionality).
FLAP (caution) Indicates: Disagreement between main and/or auxiliary flap position;
asymmetry lockout; CADC failure; WG SWP DR NO. 2/MANUV FLAP
(LE1) circuit breaker pulled; or, landing flaps down and airspeed greater
than 225 knots.
L FUEL LOW Indicates fuel thermistors uncovered in aft and left or forward and right
R FUEL LOW fuel feed group (approximately 1,000 pounds remaining in individual fuel
(caution) feed group).
L FUEL PRESS Indicates insufficient discharge pressure (less than 9 psi) from respective
R FUEL PRESS turbine driven boost pump.
L GEN Indicates that corresponding generator is inoperative because of fault in
R GEN generator, control unit, or electrical distribution system.
10 HYD PRESS Indicates hydraulic pressure from either engine−driven pump is less than
(caution) 2,100 psi.
HZ TAIL AUTH Indicates failure of lateral tail authority actuator to follow schedule or
(caution) CADC failure.
INLET ICE Indicates ice accumulated on ice detector in left inlet with ENG/PROBE/
(caution) AICS ANTI−ICE switch in AUTO/OFF or ORIDE/ON selected.
INTEG TRIM Indicates a discrepancy between input command signal and actuator
(advisory) position, or an electrical power loss within the computer.
LAD/CANOPY Advises that the boarding ladder is not in an up and locked position or
(caution) that canopy is not in down and locked position.
• Launch bar not up and locked.
• Launch bar not within ±15_ of center, cocked nosegear.
• Nose strut not fully extended.
L OIL HOT Indicates oil temperature too high. May be an indication of the
R OIL HOT high−scavenge oil temperature; continued engine operation will result
(caution) in reduced gearbox life and lubrication degradation.
OIL PRESS Indicates left or right engine oil pressure is 11 psi or less.
L RAMPS Indicates ramps are neither positioned in stow nor trail locks during
R RAMPS critical flight conditions. (See Figure 2−5.)
10 READ MFD Indicates any or all of the following warning/caution legends that appear
(caution) on the upper left corner of the MFD.
ROLL DGR Indicates inoperative roll channel and degraded roll authority.
RUDDER AUTH Indicates disagreement between position and command failure of rudder
(caution) authority actuators to follow schedule, or CADC.
START VALVE Starter solenoid air valve open after start. Starter overspeed and/or
(caution) destruction possible.
YAW DGR Indicates inoperative yaw channel and degraded yaw authority.
2 IFF Indicates mode 4 interrogation was received, but system has not
(advisory) generated reply.
RCV Indicates ALQ−165 is receiving a threat identification signal.
XMIT Indicates ALQ−165 is transmitting.
SAM Steady illumination when a surface−to−air missile tracking radar is
(warning) detected. Flashing when a missile has been launched.
AAA Steady illumination when an anti−aircraft artillery tracking radar
(warning) is detected. Flashing when an AAA radar firing signal is detected.
CW Indicates a continuous wave emitter is detected.
Al Steady illumination indicates an airborne interceptor tracking is detected.
3 MASTER CAUTION Flashes when any caution light on the RIO’s CAUTION ADVISORY panel
(caution) illuminates.
4 C&D HOT Indicates DD and/or PTID controls and displays are overheating.
CABIN PRESS Indicates aircraft cabin pressure has dropped below 5−psi pressure differ
(caution) ential or cockpit altitude is above 27,000 feet.
FUEL LOW Indicates fuel thermistors uncovered in aft and left or forward and right
(caution) fuel feed group (approximately 1,000 pounds) remaining in individual fuel
feed group.
B/U OXY LOW Indicates backup oxygen system pressure is 200 psi or less.
CANOPY Indicates that canopy is not in down and locked position.
POD HOT Indicates LANTIRN pod overheat condition exists.
POD FAIL Indicates a failure with the LANTIRN pod.
RDR ENABLED Indicates that radar operation on the ground is possible or failure of right
(caution) main landing gear safety switch or wiring.
READ MFD Indicates any or all of the following warning, caution, or advisory legends
(caution) that appear on the upper left corner of the MFD.
BINGO Indicates total fuel quantity indicator is less than BINGO preset value.
SENSOR COND Indicates coolant temperature exiting heat exchanger is 104_F, radar
(advisory) coolant pump output pressure is below 60 psi, or the overtemperature
switch has shut down the coolant pump.
COOLING AIR Indicates an overtemperature condition exists in the electronic forced air
(advisory) cooling system. With degraded cabin pressure or flow, indicates possible
bleed duct failure forward of primary heat exchanger and 400° modulating
NAVAIR 01−F14AAD−1 Indicator Lights Test The RIO caution and advisory lights are tested in the
same manner on the TEST panel on the right console.
A check of all indicator lights can be performed while
airborne or during on−deck operations. The pilot caution and
advisory lights, the MASTER CAUTION light, and all
associated circuitry are tested through the MASTER TEST
panel. The test is initiated by selecting LTS and pressing the The SMS is the interface between aircraft stores and the
master test knob. Electrical power is routed through the mission computer system. It provides signal processing and
circuitry to provide simulated failure signals to the caution logic control required for inventory and identification of all
and advisory lights. Illumination of each warning, caution, stores; preparation and test of missiles; and weapon select,
and advisory light verifies proper continuity of the indicator arm, and launch functions. The emergency generator (1 kVA
lights. A malfunction is indicated by failure of a light to mode) provides backup power (28 Vdc essential) for
illuminate. emergency jettison. The SMS has extensive self−test capabil
Illumination of any caution light causes the MASTER ities and reports failures to the MCS for display to the crew.
CAUTION light to flash. If the MASTER CAUTION light
illuminates steadily during the LTS test, it indicates a failure 2.40.1 SMS Weapons Replaceable Assemblies
of the MASTER CAUTION light primary power failure, The SMS consists of the following WRAs:
failure of the flasher module, or that failure has been detected
by the BIT circuits. 1. Stores management processor
The following indicator lights are also illuminated by 2. Fuel tank jettison unit
the LTS test through the MASTER TEST panel: 3. Type 1 decoders
1. ACLS/AP 4. Type 2 decoders
2. Approach indexer 5. Gun control unit
3. AUTO THROT 6. Missile power relay unit
4. BRAKES 7. Missile power supply
6. FIRE Stores Management Processor (SMP)
The SMP is a programmable, digital computer that
8. HOOK light provides the central processing and command functions of
9. HOT TRIG the SMS. It operates as a remote terminal on MBUS−2. The
SMP communicates with the SMS WRAs and acts as the bus
10. LDG GEAR transition light controller on the armament bus. The SMP controls emer
11. LOCK gency jettison, the gun, and some AIM−9 functions via
discretes that are independent of the ARMBUS. The SMP
12. NWS ENGA also controls weapon select, SMS and weapon BIT, monitors
13. RATS aircraft safety interlocks, and controls the launch−to−eject
14. JETT
15. Refueling probe transition light Fuel Tank Jettison Unit (FTJU)
16. SAM Two FTJUs, one each for stations 2 and 7, are located
in the engine nacelles. The FTJUs provide eject pulses to the
17. SHOOT squibs in the jettison release mechanism for emergency,
ACM, or selective jettison of the fuel tanks.
For a description of Type 1 decoders, Type 2 decoders,
gun control unit, missile power relay unit missile power
supply, AWW−4, and SMS functions, refer to NAVAIR
The DATA LINK power switch must be on to 01−F14AAD−1A.
check the DDI lights.
2.40.2 Multistatus Indicator (MSI) External fuel tanks, Phoenix, and Sparrow missiles can
be released in EMERG, ACM, and SEL jettison modes only.
The MSI (Figure 2133) is a liquid crystal display
Air−to−ground (A/G) weapons loaded on BRU−32 bomb racks
located below MFD 1. The MSI is powered by the HUD
can be released in all four jettison modes. ITERs and
subsystem. MSI displays are dependent on the MCS. When
weapons loaded on ITERs cannot be released from their
the HUD PWR switch is set to TEST, all LCD segments on parent BRU−32 bomb racks in any of the jettison modes.
the MSI are displayed. The MSI displays weapon type and
Sidewinder missiles (rail launched) cannot be jettisoned.
status of each store station. The upper row of the display
identifies the weapon. The lower row displays weapon status.
Two horizontal dashed lines at a store station indicate that the
missile at that station has FAILED or is HUNG. A blank
display on a station indicates no weapon is loaded or the
weapon loaded is not recognized. D Stores shall be jettisoned above the minimum
fragmentation clearance altitude, when pos
2.40.3 Stores Jettison Modes sible, even though weapon arming and fuzing
is safed/disabled in all jettison modes.
Four jettison modes are available: D Jettisoning A/G stores during a normal release
1. Emergency (EMERG) train may result in store−to−store collision in
near proximity to the aircraft.
2. Air combat maneuver (ACM) D If jettisoned during a takeoff emergency,
3. Selective (SEL) external fuel tanks may collide with the air
craft because of their unstable characteristics.
4. Auxiliary (AUX). D If a jettison or delivery condition existed such
Weapon arming and fuzing and missile motor ignition that A/G stores were released from stations 3
are safed/disabled during all jettison release modes. and 6 and not from stations 4 and 5, an AFT
CG advisory on the MFDs will not be posted.
Emergency jettison is used to separate all jettisonable ACM JETT selections are retained in SMP non
stores from the aircraft as fast as possible. The only interlock volatile memory. This allows selections to be
requirement for jettisonable stores is weight off wheels. The retained and enables ACM JETT without an
emergency jettison circuit is electrically isolated from all operable MCS. However, ACM JETT designa
other release functions of the SMP and has a separate electri tions must be reselected after performing system
cal path to each jettisonable store station. The mode is ini reset to restore ACM JETT symbology on the
tiated by depressing the EMER STORES JETT pushbutton MFD SMS format.
on the landing gear control panel with weight off wheels ACM jettison is initiated by the pilot raising the ACM
(Figure 2134). Emergency jettison has priority over all other guard (Figure 2134) and depressing the ACM JETT push
SMS functions. This momentary, nonlatching pushbutton button. For single stores loaded on a station, stores will be
and the EMERG STORES JET (ACK) light are illuminated jettisoned at 100−millisecond intervals in the following
for 5 seconds by the SMP to indicate emergency jettison has sequence:
been commanded. For single stores loaded on a station, stores
will be jettisoned at 100−millisecond intervals in the follow 1. Stations 2 and 7 simultaneously
ing sequence: 2. Stations 1B and 8B simultaneously
1. Stations 2 and 7 simultaneously 3. Station 4
4. Station 5
2. Stations 1B and 8B simultaneously
5. Station 3
3. Station 4
6. Station 6.
4. Station 5
After the release attempt is completed, the SMS up−
5. Station 3 dates the stores inventory. Unlike emergency jettison, a store
that is not released is declared HUNG. Such stores are not
6. Station 6. eligible for launch but are still eligible for emergency or
selective jettison. Additionally, A/G stores loaded on
After the release sequence is completed, the SMS BRU−32s will still be eligible for auxiliary jettison.
updates the stores inventory. Unlike other jettison modes or
launch attempts, a store that is not released is not declared a Selective Jettison
HUNG store and is eligible for subsequent jettison or launch.
Selective jettison is used to separate single jettisonable ACM Jettison stores station−by−station and also allows simultaneous jetti
son of both fuel tanks. The RIO selects the desired station(s)
for selective jettison.
ACM jettison provides for rapid release of any prese
lected combination of jettisonable stores. In addition to RIO Selective jettison is accomplished by placing the MA
selection of those stations to be separated, the only ACM ARM switch to ON, the LDG GEAR handle UP, the
jettison interlock is the LDG GEAR handle UP. JETTISON STA SEL knob set to the desired station, and the
SEL JETT switch to JETT. After the release attempt is
Stations are selected for jettison via the DEU. completed, the SMS updates the stores inventory. Unlike
Figure 2134 and Figure 2135 illustrates selection and dis emergency jettison, a store that is not released is declared
play of external fuel tanks for ACM jettison. Only those HUNG. Such stores are not eligible for launch, but are still
stations having a jettisonable store loaded that have not been eligible for emergency or selective jettison. A/G stores
declared failed are available for ACM jettison selection. loaded on BRU−32s will still be eligible for auxiliary jettison.
1 ACM JETT pushbutton Enables ACM jettison. Pushbutton is under ACM switch cover.
When pressed, only those stores selected via the DEU are jettisoned.
To ensure release of all selected stores, the ACM JETT pushbutton must
be depressed and held for at least 2 seconds.
2 ACK light Redundant indicator for emergency jettison activation. Illuminates for
5 seconds, indicating the SMP has acknowledged the emergency
stores jettison command.
3 EMERG STORES JET Enables the separation of all jettisonable stores. When depressed with
pushbutton/light weight off wheels, activates emergency stores jettison signal to the SMS
and illuminates light for 5 seconds, indicating the SMP has acknowledged
the emergency stores jettison command. Jettison function is disabled with
weight on wheels.
4 SEL JETT switch With Master Arm on and gear up, allows RIO to jettison from selected sta-
tion(s). It is a three-position, lever-locked switch with guarded positions.
JETT - Actuates normal selective jettison of the store(s) located at the
station(s) designated by the JETTISON STA SEL switch.
SAFE - Normal operating position. Inhibits jettison in selective mode.
AUX - Releases all A/G stores loaded on BRU-32s from the station selected
on the JETTISON STA SEL switch with a single switch movement.
5 JETTISON STA SEL Allows selective jettison of Phoenix or Sparrow missiles and auxiliary tanks.
switch Allows selective or auxiliary jettison of air-to-ground stores.
OFF - Inhibits selective and auxiliary jettison.
Station - Selects store(s) for jettison.
2-281 CHANGE 1
NAVAIR 01−F14AAD−1 Auxiliary Jettison clearance of 16 feet is required when opening the radome.
The radar antenna must be stowed before opening the
Auxiliary jettison is a nonejection release mode for
radome. Antenna stow position is 0_ azimuth and 60_ tilted
single A/G stores loaded on BRU−32s (Figure 2134). Like
selective jettison, this mode requires the MA ARM switch to
be set to ON and the LDG GEAR handle UP. This mode is Note
activated by the RIO selecting the station to be jettisoned via After the nose radome is raised and the jury strut
the jettison STA SEL switch and then selecting AUX on the fastened in position, release hydraulic pressure to
SEL JETT switch. Auxiliary jettison of an A/G store loaded take the load off the hydraulic system.
directly on a BRU−32 is via gravity force only.
2.41.3 Systems Test and System Power
Ground Panel
The SYS TEST and SYS PWR ground check panel
(Figure 2136) is on the RIO right console panel (accessible
Since auxiliary jettison for single A/G stores from the boarding ladder with the canopy open) for
loaded directly on BRU−32s is a gravity drop controlling the activation of electrical circuits using ground
rather than an ejection separation, the aircraft external power. The panel cover is designed so that, when it
will be restricted in its flight envelope when jetti is closed, the switches inside are in the proper position for
soning through this mode. flight. In addition, when the landing gear handle is in UP, all
switches are deactivated. The panel serves a maintenance
2.41 MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT and preflight purpose and is not intended for use by the
2.41.1 Boarding Ladder
A boarding ladder consisting of three folding sections
is housed in the left fuselage between the two cockpits. It is
held in the closed position by two mechanical locking pins
actuated by the ladder control handle in the face of the
boarding ladder. The ladder must be manually released or
stowed from the ground level. Unfolding the remaining two
sections places the ladder in a fully extended position. The
bottom rung of the ladder is approximately 26 inches above
the deck when in a fully extended position, with the nosegear
unkneeled, and 12 inches above the deck if the nosegear is
kneeled. A LAD/CANOPY caution light on the pilot caution
advisory panel advises the pilot that the boarding ladder is not
in a full up−and−locked position.
2.41.4 External Baggage Container (CNU−188/A) of two sets of seatbelt straps that form a crossover pattern to
secure baggage to the shelf. The external baggage container
The external baggage container (Figure 2137) is a
may be loaded with any equipment that fits within the
modified Aero ID 300−gallon fuel tank that incorporates
confines of the shelf, does not exceed the shelf weight, and
forward and aft baggage compartments. Each compartment
maintains the cg limits. Locate baggage as near the center of
has an access door (forward, left side, aft, right side), a shelf the shelf as possible. Care should be taken to ensure that
and abaggage tiedown harness. The tiedown harness consists
straps are tight to preclude any significant shift of cargo.
3.1 SERVICING DATA refueling is controlled by two precheck selector valves and
the vent pressure gauge adjacent to the refuel receptacle on
The following servicing data is for use by the flight the ground refuel and defuel panel. Positioning of these
crew and maintenance crews who are unfamiliar with servic valves can be used for selective ground refueling of either the
ing the aircraft (Figure 31). When operating in and out of fuselage or wing and drop tanks. The direct reading vent
military airfields, consult the current DOD IFR Supplement pressure gauge indicates pressure in the system vent lines.
for compatible servicing units, fuel, etc. Figure 32 provides When aircraft fuel tanks are full, fueling stops automatically.
a tabulation of servicing data and power units required to For hot refueling procedures, refer to paragraph 7.6. For
support the aircraft. defueling procedures, refer to NAVAIR 01−F14AAD−2−1.
Oxygen MIL−O−27210 Type I None None HPOX LPOX Survival kit shall be
(Gaseous) removed from aircraft
for servicing emergency
oxygen bottle.
Liquid Coolant Coolant 25, 25R None NA None Either coolant may be
(Monsanto mixed without adverse
Ch i l Co)
Chemical C ) reaction.
Acceptable USN ASHORE: NC8A NR 5C (Electrical) AHT−63/64
Units NCPP−105 MD−3 NR 8 (Diesel) TTU–228/E (AHT–73)
RCPT−105 MD−3A MA−1 MJ−3
A/M47A−4 MD−3M MA−1A
AFLOAT: A/M32A−60 A/M32C−6
A/S47A−1 A/M32A−60A
Ground Support 200 lb/min at 75 ± 3psi 115 ± 20 V ac, 70 lb/min at 3 psi 50 gal/min maximum
Equipment (STD. DAY) 400 ± 25 Hz, and 60_F at 3,000 psi
Requirements 60 kVA, 3 phase
Temperature recording gauges at the filter modules D Suction at the air intake is strong enough to
indicate the maximum temperature attained by the hydraulic kill or seriously injure personnel by drawing
fluid during the last turnup or flight. After a reading has been them into or against the inlet.
taken, the temperature gauges must be reset prior to the next
D All personnel in the immediate area shall
wearear protection whenever an engine is
3.1.5 Pneumatic Systems
The pneumatic power supply systems, which provide
for normal operation of the canopy and for emergency exten D If engines are run up in front of a blast deflec
sion of the landing gear, are ground charged through a com tor, exhaust jet wake is deflected up and to the
mon filler in the nose wheelwell (Figure 33, sheet 3). The sides resulting in distortion of the patterns
auxiliary canopy open pneumatic bottle is in the turtleback shown.
behind the cockpit (Figure 33, sheet 1). Additional pneu
matic servicing points are at both hydraulic systems servicing D At maximum afterburner power, nozzles are
panels, brake systems, and arresting hook. nearly fully open; at military power, the
nozzles are nearly fully closed.
Individual pneumatic servicing point and pressure
gauges are provided for the auxiliary and parking brake 3.2.2 Radar Radiation Areas
Note The following paragraphs describe the hazards to per
sonnel, hazards of electromagnetic radiation to ordnance
Dry nitrogen, specification BB−N−411, Type 1, (HERO), and fuel ignition hazards generated during AN/
Grade A, is preferred for tire inflation and for APG−71 radar operation.
charging pneumatic systems since it will not sup
port combustion.
Figure 34.Runup Danger Areas Exhaust Jet Wake Velocity and Temperature
HERO unsafe ordnance conditions include assembly/ Transmission Aboard Carrier
disassembly of ordnance systems, tests involving electrical
connections to the ordnance, such as primer resistance check, Radar transmission aboard carrier shall be limited to
continuity checks, bare squibs, primers, blasting caps, and over−the−side operation at the discretion of the commander.
other EED having exposed wire leads and unshielded The aircraft shall be spotted so the nose radome overhangs
ordnance subassemblies such as rocket motors, warheads, the side of the carrier. All necessary safety precautions shall
and exercise heads. be enforced to prevent injury to personnel and damage to
equipment aboard the carrier and on adjacent ships that may
HERO susceptible ordnance systems are any ordnance accidentally stray into the main beam of the radar.
systems proven (by tests) to contain EED that can be
adversely affected by RF energy to the point that the safety 3.2.3 Towing Turn Radii and Ground Clearances
and/or reliability of the system is in jeopardy when the
system is employed in expected RF environments. Some Forward and rearward towing (Figure 37 and
systems are susceptible to the RF environment for only a Figure 38) can be accomplished with a standard tow bar
small part of the stockpile−to−launch sequence. For example, (NT−4 aircraft universal tow bar) and the tow tractor. The
the connection of an umbilical cable in the loading procedure pilot cockpit shallbe manned with qualified personnel dur
may be the only time the system is considered susceptible. At ing towing operations.
all other times in the system’s life, it may be considered
HERO safe ordnance. HERO safe ordnance are any ordnance
sufficiently shielded or protected that all EED contained by
the item are immune to adverse effects that degrade safety or
reliability when employed in its expected RF environment
(provided that general HERO requirements have been com
Before and during towing, ensure that the
plied with). needle(s) in the AUX/PARK brake pressure
gauge(s) remains in the green band to ensure suf Fuel Ignition Hazard ficient pressure to lock the wheels.
When performing fueling or defueling operations, use 3.2.4 Tiedown Points
minimum safe distances outside of radiation hazard areas.
Fuel ignition hazard occurs within 90 feet of the aircraft
Aircraft tiedown points are illustrated in Figure 39.
where RF radiation induced sparks could ignite flammable
When mooring a parked aircraft, do not depend upon chocks
vapors of fuels. Fuel ignition hazard is based on 5W/cm2 alone to hold the aircraft in position. Tiedowns shall be
peak power density. installed in a symmetrical pattern being careful not to chafe
against the aircraft structure.
Good housekeeping operations are of utmost impor
tance in areas where radar transmission is anticipated. RF The normal six−point tiedown (Figure 39, sheet 1)
radiation may cause steelwool to be set afire or metallic chips locations permit all maintenance servicing, including engine
to produce sparks, which in turn may ignite spilled fuels or
removal, jacking, and weapons loading. Standard chain−type
oils around aircraft and buildings. Keep all areas clean and
tiedowns are used for an 18−point symmetrical tiedown dur
refuse in approved containers. ing heavy weather (Figure 39, sheet 2).
Figure 38.Towing
3−19 (Reverse
3−19 Blank) ORIGINAL
Operating Limitations
4.1 LIMITATIONS 2. Maximum canopy open speed ¾ 60 knots.
2. Airspeed less than 1.0 IMN. 1. Maximum speed (seat) ¾ 600 knots.
1. Cross bleed ¾ 2 minutes. Ejection above 350 knots is hazardous, the deci-
sion to exceed 350 knots rests with the aircrew.
2. Start cart ¾ 5 minutes.
4.1.7 Autopilot Limits
When the time limit is reached, 10 minutes cooling is
required between cranking. Autopilot should not be used under the following
4.1.3 Airstart Envelope
1. Airspeeds greater than 400 KCAS/0.9 IMN.
The engine spooldown and windmill airstart envelopes 2. Altitude above 42,500 feet.
are shown in Chapter 14, Figure 14-3.
4.1.4 Crosswind Limits
The limits and restrictions in this part represent the
Crosswind takeoffs and landings are permitted with a maximum capability of the aircraft commensurate with safe
crosswind component not to exceed 20 knots at 90°. operations. Aerodynamic and structural excesses of these
limits shall be entered on the maintenance action form for
4.1.5 Ground Operations Limits appropriate maintenance action.
1. Maximum tire speed ¾ 190 knots.
4-1 CHANGE 1
D (*) These store configuration limits also apply when multipurpose stub pylons are carried at stations 1 and 8.
D Flight operating limitations applicable to the above configurations are also applicable to down loadings, except down load of external
tank to MXU−776/777 which shall be considered as a clean store station for limitation purposes.
D For captive carriage of inert or live AIM−54, installation of ejector cartridges in LAU−132 is mandatory in order to provide jettison
D For captive carriage of inert or live AIM−7, installation of ejector cartridges in LAU−92 is mandatory in order to provide jettison
capability. Thisdoes not apply to CATM−7F−2 missiles used for ballast (refer to NAVAIR 01−F14AAD−75 Weapon Stores Loading
D For shore−based operations all CATM−7F−1 (Sparrow training rounds) shall be configured with a modified shear wafer to preclude
inadvertent activation of the guidance and control unit, and subsequent ejection of the missile.
D Simultaneous loading of AIM−7 on store station 4 and AIM−54 on store stations 3 and 6 is an authorized configuration. Limitations of
fuselage AIM−54 apply for carriage, individual missile limitations apply for launch/jettison.
D AIM−9 configurations include both LAU−7 and LAU−138 carriage.
D In all cases the center of gravity position must remain within limits. The aft limit can be easily exceeded
if stations 3 and 6 are not loaded.
D With MA ARM ON and all conditions satisfied for AIM−54 launch, an ATM−54 (training round) will be
ejected if the trigger or launch button is depressed.
D With MA ARM ON and all other conditions satisfied for AIM−7 launch, a CATM−7F−1 (Sparrow training
round) will be ejected when the trigger or launch button is pressed unless a modified shear wafer is
installed. Emergency/selective jettison of a CATM−7F−1 is still possible with a modified shear wafer
MAXIMUM 935 25 TO 65
MILITARY 935 25 TO 65
(GROUND) 890
Maximum speeds are presented in calibrated knots and 1. Refueling probe 400 KCAS/0.8 TMN.
true Mach number. These values are derived from the posi
tion error−correction curves of the production pitot−static− 2. In−flight refueling (cruise configuration) 200 to
operated airspeed and altitude system. AOA is presented 300 KCAS/0.8 TMN.
utilizing the conventional indicated units AOA while sideslip
3. In−flight refueling (approach configuration) 170
angle limits are presented in terms of degrees of rudder
to 200 KCAS.
Unless otherwise specified, the limits presented
herein pertain to flight with the stability D Limits are based on a gross weight of 49,548
augmentation system on. pounds. See Figure 45 for the variation of
maximum load factor with gross weights Cruise Configuration greater than 49,548 pounds.
D Coordinated turns with small rudder and lat
With wing sweep in the MANUAL or AUTO mode, the
eral stick inputs are defined as symmetrical
maximum allowable airspeeds are shown in Figure 44.
In emergency wing−sweep mode, the following com
4.3.1 Cruise Configuration
bination of Mach and wing−sweep schedule must be used:
See Figure 45 and Figure 48.
1. ≤ 0.4 TMN 20°.
Figure 45.Variation of Maximum Allowable Normal Load Factor With Gross Weight
With maneuver slats and flaps extended, maximum 2. During afterburner operations:
allowable load factor is 5.2g or the limits of Figure 49
e. Sustained 0 to −0.5g flight.
whichever is less. Rolling limits are shown in Figure 49.
f. Flight from −0.5g to −2.4g’s for more than
10 seconds.
Figure 48.Maneuvering Limits Cruise Configuration (Roll SAS Off or Degraded DFCS)
4. AIM−9 launch with landing flaps and slats extended. 4.7 TAKEOFF AND LANDING FLAP AND SLAT
5. Fuel dumping with afterburner operating or with
speedbrakes extended.
4.7.1 Clean and Symmetric Stores Loading
6. Dual−engine afterburner takeoffs, waveoffs, bolters,
or catapult launches. See Figure 410.
7. Use of maximum AB in event of engine failure dur 1. All transitions will be made in less than 45° bank
ing takeoff, catapult launch, waveoff or bolter. angle, ROLL SAS ON.
8. Rolling maneuvers with AOB change greater than 2. All normal (flaps and slats fully down) takeoff
360° are prohibited. transitions will be initiated at a minimum altitude of
200 feet AGL.
3. All other transitions will be made at standard field
FCS CAUTION . . . . . Airspeed < 600 kts/1.3TMN operating altitudes, but no less than 800 feet AGL.
> 0.5TMN/10 units AOA
4. All flap and slat extensions and retractions will be
− No cross controls
made at a maximum of 12 units AOA.
> 0.6TMN/15 units AOA
− Coordinate all lateral stick
PITCH SAS . . . . . . . . No Limitations
and/or ARI DGR . . . . Airspeed <1.0TMN
ARI/SAS OUT . . . . . . Airspeed <1.0TMN
− AOA: max 15 units
− No aggressive maneuvering
Do not attempt shipboard landing with inoperative ROLL SAS and greater than
170,000 in−lbs asymmetry unless divert field unavailable.
Incompatibility of flap transition limit
with existing Case I procedures rec
ognized. Although improvement of
flap/slat system reliability has been
accomplished, not enough data is
available concerning failure mode/
rate of improved asymmetry sensor.
Minimum flap transition altitude may
be waived in cases of operational
4.7.2 External Stores Loading With Up to 4. Only normal minimum descent rate landings are
66,000 Inch−Pounds (5,500 Foot−Pounds) permitted while carrying AIM−7E/F and/or AIM−9
Asymmetry (AIM−7 on Stations 1B or 8B on the multipurpose pylon, or AIM−7E/F missiles on
equals 63,000 inch−pounds) fuselage stations until the following AAC are incor
1. All transitions will be made in wings−level flight
with ROLL SAS ON. a. AAC 618 Modifies multipurpose pylon.
2. All normal (flaps and slats fully down) takeoff tran b. AAC 673 Modifies fuselage backup structure.
sitions will be initiated at a minimum altitude of 200
feet AGL. c. AAC 688 Modifies pylon−mounted sway
3. All flap and slat extensions and retractions will be
made at a maximum of 12 units AOA. 4.9 BARRICADE ENGAGEMENT LIMITS
4.7.3 External Stores Loading With Greater 1. Wings at full forward sweep angle (20°) 51,800
Than 66,000 Inch−Pounds (5,500 pounds (maximum).
Foot−Pounds) Asymmetry
a. Flaps and slats extended or retracted.
1. All transitions will be made in wings−level flight
b. No external stores except AIM−7 or AIM−54 on
with ROLL SAS ON at a minimum altitude of 1,200
fuselage stations only.
feet and at a maximum of 12 units AOA.
c. Empty external fuel tanks permitted only for
4.8 GROSS WEIGHT LIMITS TAKEOFF, landing gear malfunction.
2. Wing−sweep angle greater than 20° up to 35_
1. Catapult launch 76,000 pounds. 46,000 pounds (maximum).
1. Field takeoff and emergency landing (minimum rate Unless otherwise stated, the following cg limits apply:
of descent only) 72,000 pounds.
Throughout these flight operating limits, all cg posi 4.11.2 External Baggage Container (CNU−188/A)
tions are quoted at the following reference conditions:
The external baggage container (blivet) may be carried
1. Zero fuel gross weight (includes weight of stores on station 4 or 5 with all loadings authorized for the TARPS
carried on flight). pod. Simultaneous carriage of a blivet and a TARPS pod or
two blivets is not authorized. The blivet must be configured
2. Wing−sweep angle equals 20°. with a long tail cone and no fins.
3. Landing gear and flaps extended. 1. Maximum airspeed 520 KCAS/0.90 TMN.
Missiles with K−9 autopilot are identified by a
CV arrestment, CV touch and go, or normal field segmented black line under the missile serial
number or letters POP" after the serial number.
landings with full or partial fuel in the external
tanks is not authorized because of overload of the
1. Stations 1B and 8B Vmin to 1.3 TMN, all alti
nacelle backup structure. Only minimum descent
tudes, +1g to limits of basic aircraft for non−zero
rate landings are authorized.
bank angles and limits of basic aircraft for zero bank
3. Station 4 ¾ Vmin to 0.9 TMN for less than 15,000 AIM-7F/M
feet MSL for 0g to +1g, Vmin to Vmax greater than
15,000 feet MSL for 0g to +1g, and Vmin to Vmax 1. Stations 1 and 8 ¾ Vmin to Vmax, all altitudes, +1g
greater than +1g, all altitudes, +1g to limits of basic to limits of basic aircraft for non-zero bank angles
aircraft for non-zero bank angles, and 0g to limits of and 0g to limits of basic aircraft for zero bank angle.
basic aircraft for zero bank angle.
2. Stations 3 and 6 ¾ Vmin to 350 KCAS, all altitudes,
4. Station 5 ¾ Vmin to 650 KCAS less than 30,000 feet +1g for straight and level flight.
MSL for 0g to +1g, Vmin to Vmax greater than 30,000
feet MSL for 0g to +1g, and Vmin to Vmax greater 3. Stations 4 and 5 ¾ Vmin to 400 KCAS, all altitudes,
than +1g, all altitudes, +1g to limits of basic for non- +1g for straight and level flight.
zero bank angles, and 0g to limits of basic aircraft
for zero bank angle. AIM-9L/M
1. All stations ¾ Vmin to Vmax, all altitudes, -1.0g to AIM-7 on stations 3 and 6 exhibit pronounced
limits of basic aircraft. outboard movement when jettisoned. AIM-54C
3. Stations 4 and 5 — Vmin to Vmax, all altitudes, +1g 2. Landing gear and/or flaps extended (emergency
to +5g for non-zero bank angles and 0g to +5g for only) ¾ Less than 225 KCAS, all altitudes, +1g for
zero bank angle. straight and level flight.
4.13.1 Authorized Stores Loading 6. Special weight and balance information for TARPS
pod configuration is available. Refer to handbook of
1. Downloading is authorized for store stations 1, 2, 7, weight and balance (NAVAIR 01−1B−40).
and 8 only. Stations 3 and 6 must remain loaded for
cg control. 4.13.2 Interim AIM−7 as Ballast
2. Carrier and field arrestment operations are TARPS−equipped aircraft are authorized to use
authorized. specially configured interim AIM−7 missiles as ballast.
AIM−7 missiles specially configured for TARPS use will be
3. Aft cg limit is 17.5−percent MAC, nonjettisonable
designated as CATM−7E−2 or CATM−7F−2. Until then,
(captive carry) AIM−7 missiles, specially config
R40293, R40268, R40302, R40264, R40144, R40298,
ured interim AIM−7 missile or AIM−54 rails and
R40674, R40297, R40274, R40267, and R40235 are
fairings on stations 3 and 6 shall be carried for cg authorized as TARPS ballast, and weight and balance
control (see Interim AIM−7 as ballast). Full
information provided for AIM−7F missiles shall be used to
ammunition pod, ALQ−100/126 or other authorized
determine weight and balance of aircraft.
equipment substitution may be required along with
AIM−7 missiles or AIM−54 fairings and rails to 1. CATM−7E−2 360 pounds per missile located at
maintain cg within aft limit. Individual weight and aircraft station 381.7.
balance calculations shall be performed to ensure cg
limits are not exceeded. 2. CATM−7F−2 440 pounds per missile located at
aircraft station 381.7.
4. Pulling MACH TRIM circuit breaker will eliminate
stick force requirement during low−altitude, high−
speed flight.
4−21 (Reverse
4−21 Blank) ORIGINAL
Chapter 5 Indoctrination
Indoctrination Flight Support Lectures Where recent crewmember experience in similar air
craft models warrant, unit commanding officers may waive
1. F−14D flightcrew academic course. the minimum ground training requirements provided the
flight crewmember meets the following mandatory Intercept Flight Support qualifications:
5.2.1 Flightcrew Flight Training Syllabus Qualification is in accordance with existing training
and readiness directives.
Before flight, all flight crewmembers will have com-
pleted the familiarization and flight support lectures pre- Field Carrier Landing Practice and
viously prescribed. A qualified FRS instructor pilot will Carrier Qualifications
occupy the rear seat for the first familiarization flight. A
qualified FRS instructor RIO can occupy the rear seat if the Qualification is in accordance with existing training
pilot in command has been previously NATOPS qualified in and readiness directives.
the F−14A/B. The geographic location, local command re-
quirements, squadron mission, and other factors will influ- 5.3 OPERATING CRITERIA
ence the actual flight training syllabus and the sequence in
which it is completed. The specific phases of training are 5.3.1 Ceiling/Visibility Requirements
listed in the following paragraphs.
Before the pilot becomes instrument qualified in the
5.2.2 Flightcrew Flight Training Phases aircraft, field ceiling, visibility, and operating area weather
must be adequate for the entire flight to be conducted in a Familiarization clear airmass according to visual flight rules. After the pilot
becomes instrument qualified, the following weather criteria
1. Military power takeoffs apply:
2. Buffet boundary investigation CEILING AND VISIBILITY
3. Approach to stalls
Less than 10 VFR
4. Slow flight 10 to 20 800 and 2; 900 and 1½;
1,000 and 1
5. Acceleration run to Mach 1.3
20 to 45 700 and 1; 600 and 2;
6. Subsonic and supersonic maneuvering 500 and 3
45 and
d above
b Fi ld minimums
Field i i or 200 and
7. Investigate all features of the DFCS/stab aug ½, whichever is higher.
8. Formation flight
9. Aerobatics
10. Single−engine flight at altitude and airstarts AIRCREW CEILING AND VISIBILITY
11. Simulated single−engine landings Less than 10 VFR
10 to 30 700 and 1; 600 and 2;
12. Landing with full and with no flaps
500 and 3
13. Acceleration runs at various altitudes. 30 and above Field minimums or 200 and
½, whichever is higher. Instruments
4. Completed five satisfactory ground−controlled Flight crewmembers who have more than 45 hours in
approaches. F−14A/B/D aircraft model are considered current in aircraft
series, provided they continue to satisfy the following
5.3.2 NATOPS Qualification and Currency requirements:
1. Have satisfactorily completed the ground phase of
F−14 NATOPS qualifications are for a specific aircraft the NATOPS evaluation check, including OFT/
series. The following terms are defined for use in interpreting COT/WST/MFT emergency procedures check (if
the F−14 qualification and currency requirements. available) and have completed a NATOPS evalua
tion check with a grade of Conditionally Qualified
1. Aircraft type The broadest classification of air or better within the past 12 months.
craft as to its physical characteristics (e.g., fixed
wing or rotary wing). 2. Have flown 10 hours in aircraft model, 5 hours of
which shall be in aircraft series, and made five
2. Aircraft model The basic mission symbol and de takeoffs and landings in aircraft model within the
sign number of an aircraft (e.g., P−3, F−14, H−3). last 90 days.
3. Aircraft series The specific version of an aircraft 3. Are considered qualified by the commanding offi
model (e.g., F−14A, F−14B, or F−14D). cer of the unit having custody of the aircraft. Initial NATOPS Qualification in Aircraft Flight crewmembers who are current in the F−14A and
Series F−14D are considered current in the F−14B. NATOPS requali
fication for the F−14A, and F−14B can be accomplished
Initial F−14 NATOPS qualification in series shall in during the same evaluation check, provided the NATOPS
clude satisfactory completion of the following requirements: open, closed, boldface, and currency requirements are met
for each series.
1. Formal ground phase training. Currency Renewal
2. The NATOPS open−book, closed−book, and bold
face exams. Flight crewmembers who have not remained current
shall complete the following requirements in order to
3. A flight syllabus at a fleet replacement squadron.
reestablish currency:
The syllabus shall include 10 flight hours under
instruction, 4 hours of which may be flown in a 1. Fight crewmembers who have not maintained
CNO−approved flight simulator for the same aircraft 10 hours in model, 5 hours of which shall be in
series. aircraft series, and five takeoffs and landings in
aircraft model within the last 90 days, shall do the
4. A NATOPS evaluation check in a CNO approved
flight simulator by an FRS instructor. If a simulator
is not available, a separate NATOPS evaluation a. Complete a safe−for−flight simulator check with
checkflight is required. a squadron NATOPS instructor.
5. Fleet replacement squadron commanding officers b. Be considered qualified by the commanding offi
may waive the flight hour requirement for radar cer of the unit having custody of the aircraft.
intercept officers.
2. Flight crewmembers who are current in series ex Continued NATOPS Qualification cept for a NATOPS evaluation check within the last
12 months shall do the following:
To maintain a continued NATOPS qualification after
initial qualification in aircraft series until currency is estab
lished, pilots and RIOs shall comply with the minimum flight
hour requirements in each specific phase as determined by
the unit commanding officer.
b. Be considered qualified by the commanding offi 4. Have completed maintenance checkout for servic
cer having custody of the aircraft. ing aircraft.
a. If 6 months or less since last flight: Air−to−Air Missile Firing Pilot
(1) Perform an emergency procedures and 1. Have a minimum of 15 hours combined time in the
safe−for−flight check in a CNO−approved F−14A/B/D, 5 of which must have been flown in
simulator. the F−14D.
(2) Fly one flight with squadron NATOPS 2. Be considered qualified by the commanding officer.
instructor. Air−to−Air Missile Firing RIO
(3) Complete a NATOPS evaluation check
(including NATOPS open−book, closed− 1. Have a minimum of 25 hours combined time in the
book, and boldface examinations). F−14A/B/D as crewmember, 10 of which must be in
the F−14D.
(4) Be considered qualified by the commanding
officer of the unit having custody of the 2. Have satisfactorily completed a minimum of two in
aircraft. tercept flights during which simulated firing runs
were conducted utilizing the voice procedures and
b. If greater than 6 months since last flight, a clear−to−fire criteria to be utilized in live firing.
repeat of the initial NATOPS qualification
requirements is required at the fleet replacement 3. Be considered qualified by the commanding officer.
squadron. Carrier Qualifications
5.3.3 Requirements for Various Flight Phases
Each crewmember will have a minimum of 50 hours Night Pilot combined time in the F−14A/B/D (15 hours minimum in
F−14D), of which 15 hours is night time (5 night hours
1. Combined time in F−14A/B/D not less than in F−14D) and meet the requirements set forth in the CV
10 hours. NATOPS manual. Minimum hour requirement for radar
intercept officers may be waived by the commanding Night RIO officer based upon individual experience level and crew
1. Combined time not less than 3 hours in the F−14A/
B/D as crewmember.
5.3.4 Mission Commander Cross Country Pilot
The mission commander shall be a NATOPS−qualified
1. Have a minimum of 15 hours total in the F−14A/B/D pilot or RIO, qualified in all phases of the assigned mission,
and designated by the unit commanding officer.
as first pilot or fly with a qualified instructor RIO.
The pilot and the RIO (or two pilots) constitute the 6. Life preserver
normal flightcrew for performing the assigned mission for all
flights. Unit commanders may authorize rear−seat flights for 7. Harness assembly
personnel other than qualified pilots and RIOs provided such
8. Shroud cutter
personnel have received thorough indoctrination in the use of
the ejection seat and oxygen equipment and in the execution 9. Sheath knife
of rear−seat functions and emergency procedures. Where op
erational necessity dictates, unit commanders may authorize 10. Flashlight (for all night flights)
flights with the rear seat unoccupied provided the require
ment for such flight clearly overrides the risk involved and 11. Strobe light
justifies the additional burden placed on the pilot. In no case
is solo flight authorized for shipboard operations, combat, or 12. Pistol with tracer ammunition or approved flare gun
combat training missions.
13. Fire−retardant flight gloves
REQUIREMENTS 14. Identification tags
4. Fire−retardant flightsuit
5−5 (Reverse
5−5 Blank) ORIGINAL
Normal Procedures
Flight Preparation
6.1 PREFLIGHT BRIEFING 7. Ordnance and stores carried/preflight/restrictions
on use
Preflight briefings shall be conducted immediately 8. Communications plan
before the launch of scheduled flights and must be carried out
in an expeditious but thorough manner. Ample time should 9. Area/NOTAMs
be given for briefing with external assets as well as for
conducting internal element briefs. When scheduling a brief, 10. Clearance/NAVAIDs
consideration should be made to ensure that enough time is
given for the aircrew to finish briefing, don all flight gear, 11. Ground/deck procedures
check out any special items required for the mission
(authenticators, cameras, guns), read the aircraft discrepancy 12. Takeoff/departure/rendezvous
book, and man up the aircraft in order to make the scheduled
launch time. For this reason, it is imperative that all pilots and 13. En route/formation
RIOs be in flightsuits ready for the brief at the designated
14. Tanking plan
15. Combat checks/alpha check
The brief should optimally be conducted in a desig
nated briefing room, free of distractions, with a white dry 16. Recovery procedures (VFR/IFR)
erase board and 1/72 scale aircraft models. A briefing board
should be put up prior to the brief, depicting applicable admin 17. Joker/bingo fuel
items, mission objectives, flight conduct, special instruc
tions, and necessary diagrams. Aircrew should utilize ap 18. NORDO procedures
propriate tactical manuals and current weapon school manu
als and journals for mission planning. The brief shall include, 19. Emergencies/diverts/SAR/birdstrike
but not be limited to, the following.
20. Training rules
6.1.1 Administration
21. Contingencies.
The following items should be covered for each flight, 6.1.2 Missions
regardless of the mission.
1. Event number Aircrew should brief each section that applies to their
expected mission. Missions not specifically discussed in this
2. Launch/recovery times/recovery order chapter should be covered using the appropriate tactical
3. Lineup/call signs/avionics plan
5. Formation/altitude/airspeed b. Weapon
8. Checkpoints/turnpoints f. Interval
5. Precommit 9. Postmerge/egress
6. Commit e. Rendezvous
b. Abort/reset a. Communications
b. Formation/altitude/airspeed d. E−pole.
d. Engage/blowthrough
Shore−Based Procedures
A proper preflight inspection begins with a thorough 3. Tailhook safety pin (ashore)
review of aircraft status and past maintenance history. An 4. Wheel chocks
understanding of previous discrepancies, corrective action
and their impact on the flight can best be gained at this time. 5. LAU−7/LAU−138/LAU−92 ground safety pins
The flightcrew should ensure that any and all discrepancies
6. Sidewinder seeker−head covers (if applicable).
3. Launch abort mechanism lock (if the aircraft is to be 7.2.8 Inspection Areas
towed) The following exterior inspection is divided into
10areas. (See Figure 7−1.) Checks peculiar to only one side
4. Tailhook safety pin (shipboard). are designated (L) or (R) for the left or right side. Both the
pilot and RIO should preflight the entire aircraft individually.
7.2.4 Surface Condition
All surfaces should be checked for cracks, distortion, A Forward Fuselage
or loose or missing fasteners. All lights and lenses should be 1. Access panel fasteners forward of engine inlets
checked for cracks and cleanliness. No Loose or Missing Fasteners.
7.2.5 Security of Panels 2. Gun Safety Pin Installed in Clearing Sector Hold
back Assembly, Louvers Clear, cannon plug con
All fasteners should be flush and secure on all panels. nected, wheelwell armament safety override switch
guard down.
7.2.6 Leaks
3. Probes Secure, Openings Clear, AOA Probe Free
All surfaces, lines, and actuators should be checked for For Rotation.
oil, fuel, and hydraulic leaks. Particular attention should be
4. Nose wheelwell:
paid to the underside of the fuselage, engine nacelles, and
outer wing panels. a. Electrical leads Connected, No Evidence of
c. Doors and linkages Cotter Pins Installed, 1. Ramps, metal seals, and rubber seals Intact, Free
NoDistortion. of Dirt, Grit, and Cracks.
d. Brake accumulators 1,900 Psi Minimum. 2. IGV Blades and Stators Free of Nicks and
e. Canopy air bottle gauge 1,200 Psi Minimum.
Plane captain to verify that all visible damage has
f. Emergency landing gear nitrogen bottle gauge been blended.
3,000 Psi Minimum.
3. ECS heat exchanger inlet and fan
g. Emergency landing gear air release valve
Ensure That Valve Is in Closed Position. a. Fan Free Rotation.
h. Retract actuator Piston Clean, No Leaks. b. Overspeed pin Recessed.
i. Flight maintenance indicator Secure. c. ECS inlet Free of FOD, Cables Connected
j. Antiskid control box BIT flags Not Tripped.
4. Inlet Free of Standing Water, Drains Clear.
k. Cabin pressure port screens Clean. C Right Nacelle and Sponson
l. Master arm override Cover Closed.
1. Station 7 and 8 stores
5. Nose strut Piston Clean, Free of Cracks and
Scoring, and Uplock Roller Free.
a. Stores Aligned.
6. Steering actuator Secure, No Leaks. b. Access panels Secure.
7. Launch bar and holdback fitting
c. Sidewinder missile launcher
a. Abort Full Up.
(1) LAU−7 Sidewinder coolant doors
b. Roller Free Rotation. Latched.
c. Uplatch and holdback Free Movement.
(2) LAU−138 chaff loading and gas bottle safety
8. Nosewheels and tires Inflation, No Cuts, Bulges, handle Stowed.
Uneven Wear, or Imbedded Objects.
d. Stores safety pins Installed.
9. Drag brace No Leaks, Door Secure.
If external tank/MXU − 611 aboard:
10. Approach lights Lenses Clean, No Cracks,
Secure. d. Ground safety handle Pulled.
11. TV camera Check, Blue Desiccant. e. Fuel quantity sight gauge Ball Float Vertical.
12. Dual chin pod IRST, TV Cameras (or simula f. Sway braces Tightened Down.
tors), and Anticollision Light Secure.
g. Hook latched indicator White Vertical Line
13. Radome Lock Handle Fastened, Rosemont Probe Visible.
h. Inboard and outboard fuel caps Fastened With
14. OBOGS concentrator vent outlet No Butterfly Latch Secured Facing Aft.
4. Side brace Seated in Latch. 1. Slats, flaps, and cove doors Surfaces and Hinges
5. Main struts Pistons Clean, Free of Cracks or
Scoring. 2. Wing cavity seal Free of Cuts and Chafing.
6. Brakes Pucks Safety − Wired; Wear Indicators
Visible (pins at least flush). Lower Torque Arm 3. Formation and position lights Intact, Lenses
Swivel; Key and Key Retainer Properly Installed Clean.
and Safety Wired. E Aft and Under Fuselage
7. Hubcap Secure, Safety−Wired.
1. Horizontal tails Leading Edges Free of Damage.
8. Main wheels and tires
2. Exhaust nozzles and fairings:
a. Wheels and tires Inflation, Cuts, Bulges,
Uneven Wear, Imbedded Objects (look behind a. Nozzles and fairings No Cracked or Missing
chocks) Flaps or Seals.
b. Fairing cable Properly Tensioned (pull on
b. Uplock Hooks Secure.
cable, fairing flaps should not move).
9. Gear down microrollers Contact Made.
c. Bottom surface No Scrapes or Cracks.
10. Engine compartment (if applicable)
d. Spray bars and flameholder Intact.
a. Integrated drive generator − transmission fluid e. Turbine blades No Evidence of Overheating.
Fluid Visible, Filter Pins (two) Flush.
3. Fuel vent No Leakage or FOD.
b. Engine oil servicing caps Check.
4. Tailhook
c. Bilges No FOD, Evidence of Overheating, or
Leakage. a. Hook point Smooth.
d. Fuel, oil, and hydraulic lines Free of chafing b. Nut and cotter pin Installed.
or Leaks.
c. Safety pin Remove if Hook Is Securely
e. Bleed air lines No Heat Discoloration or Latched Up.
5. Backup flight control module No Leaks (feel aft
f. AB fuel pump filter Pin Flush. of inspection doors), Filter Pins Flush, Close Both
Access Doors.
g. Lube and scavenge bypass filter Pin Flush.
6. Fuel dump No Leakage From Mast, Free of FOD.
h. Oil nozzle filter Pin Flush. 7. Stations 3 through 6 stores
11. Flight hydraulic reservoir 1,800 Psi Minimum, a. Stores Aligned.
Filter Pins Flush.
b. Access panels Secure.
12. Flight hydraulic system tape gauge Minimum of
c. Stores safety pins Installed.
Seven on Tape.
12. [T] Camera sensor control As Briefed. d. Hydraulic lines No Chafing or Leaks.
13. [T] Light meter Facing Outboard. 3. Drag brace Secure, Down Lock Safety Pin
14. [T] Lens filter As Briefed.
4. Side brace Seated in Latch. F Left Glove and Wing
5. Main struts Pistons Clean, Free of Cracks or
1. Slats, flaps, and cove doors Surfaces and Hinges
Secure. 6. Brakes Pucks Safety−Wired; Wear Indicators
Visible (pins at least flush). Lower Torque Arm
2. Wing cavity seal Free of Cuts and Chafing. Swivel; Key and Key Retainer Properly Installed
and Safety−Wired.
3. Formation and position lights Intact, Lenses
Clean. 7. Hubcap Secure, Safety−Wired.
(2) LAU−138 chaff loading and gas bottle safety b. Engine oil servicing caps Check.
handles Stowed.
c. Bilges No FOD, Evidence of Overheating, or
d. Stores safety pins Installed. Leakage.
If external tanks aboard: d. Fuel, oil, and hydraulic lines Free of Chafing
or Leaks.
e. Ground safety handle Pulled.
e. Bleed air lines No Heat Discoloration or
f. Fuel quantity sight gauge Ball Float Vertical. Damage.
h. Hook latch indicator White Vertical Line g. Lube and scavenge bypass filter Pin Flush.
h. Oil nozzle filter Pin Flush.
i. Inboard and outboard fuel caps Fastened With
Butterfly Latch Secured Facing Aft.
11. Combined hydraulic reservoir 1,800 Psi Mini− 6. Speedbrake No Distortion or Leaks.
mum, Filter Pins Flush.
7. Vertical tails and rudders No Distortion, Lights
12. Combined hydraulic system tape gauge Mini Intact.
mum of Seven on Tape. J Canopy
Engine must be running for an accurate reading. 1. Canopy lanyard Connected, Yellow Flag
Attached at Both Ends.
13. Airstart door Ground Hydraulic and Electric
Covers Tight. 2. Auxiliary canopy bottle Cable Taut.
14. Ventral No Damage, IDG Oil Cooler Intake 3. Canopy hooks and seal Secure, Seal Intact.
4. Ejection seat safe−and−arm device safety pins
(see Figure 7−2 ) Pulled. H Left Inlet
5. Auxiliary canopy bottle gauge 800 psi
1. Ramps, metal seals, and rubber seals Intact, Free Minimum.
of Dirt, Grit, and Cracks.
6. Blade antennas Intact.
2. IGV Blades and Stators IGV Free of Nicks and
Cracks. 7. Canopy Clean, Free of Cracks and Deep
Plane captain to verify that all visible damage has
3. Ice detector (L) Secure. The pilot and RIO shall perform the following checks
on their respective ejection seats prior to flight. The ground
4. ECS heat exchanger inlet and fan safety pin in the seat firing handle is the only ground safety
device. It must be removed and stowed before flight. Abbre
a. Fan Free Rotation. viated preflight checklists for the ejection seat are provided
in the pocket checklist and on the ejection seat headbox.
b. Overspeed pin Recessed.
1. SAFE/ARMED handle SAFE.
c. Inlet Free of FOD, Cables Connected (two).
2. Manual override handle Full Down and Locked.
5. Outboard spoiler module temperature indicator
and servicing No Leaks, Fluid Indicator Rod 3. Catapult manifold valve Secure, Hoses
Protruding. Connected.
6. Inlet Free of Standing Water, Drains Clear. Check that retaining pin is installed.
3. Antennas Check.
If the top latch mechanism is not latched, the seat
4. Overwing fairings No Cracked or Bent Fingers. could rise up the catapult rails during aircraft
5. Eyebrow doors Intact.
Check that battery−expended indicator on electronic 14. Personnel services disconnect block Secured to
sequencer is not activated. Seat Bucket, Lanyard Attached to Deck.
12. Survival kit Check. Check environmental seal indicator for correct
a. Oxygen pressure gauge In the Black.
20. L and R INLET RAMPS switches AUTO. 36. HYD HAND PUMP Check.
21. ANTI SKID SPOILER BK switch OFF. Extend handpump handle and stroke to check
firmness of pumping action and an indication of
22. FUEL panel pressure buildup on the brake pressure gauge. Stow
handpump handle in a convenient position for ready
a. WING/EXT TRANS switch AUTO. access.
37. HOOK handle Corresponding.
c. DUMP switch OFF.
38. GUN ROUNDS panel Set.
d. FEED switch NORM (guard down).
39. DISPLAYS panel
23. LDG GEAR handle DN. a. HUD MODE switch Set.
Check HYD ISOL switch in TO/LDG. b. HUD DECLUTTER switch Set.
24. NOSE STRUT switch OFF. c. HUD FORMAT switch Set.
25. Parking brake Pull. d. HUD/VDI ALT switch BARO.
26. Altimeter Set. e. HUD PWR switch OFF.
28. Standby attitude gyro Caged. 40. ELEV LEAD knob Set.
29. Left and right FUEL SHUT OFF handles In. 41. SW COOL switch Set.
30. MA ARM switch OFF (guard down). 42. L and R generator switches NORM.
Set external and interior lighting controls consistent 4. Landing gear indicator and transition light
with day or night and field or carrier operating Check.
Check gear position indication down and transition
49. MASTER TEST switch OFF. light off.
50. EMERG FLT HYD switch AUTO (guard down). 5. MASTER TEST switch Check.
51. HYD TRANSFER PUMP switch SHUTOFF Coordinate with RIO.
(guard up).
a. LTS.
52. CANOPY air diffuser lever CABIN AIR.
Check that all warning, caution, and advisory
lights illuminate. The brightness of the indexer
54. Storage case Inspect. lights should be set during the test.
Check adequacy of flight planning documents and
storage of loose gear.
L and R FIRE lights illuminate to verify
continuity of respective system. The GO light
7.4.2 Prestart Pilot
will illuminate verifying continuity through the
1. External electrical power ON. four squib lines, that 28 Vdc is available at
the left and right fire switches, and that the fire
2. If wings are not in OV SW: extinguisher containers are pressurized.
(6) FUEL QTY 2,000 ± 200 Pounds (both 7.4.3 Engine Start Pilot
Prior to engine start, the pilot and plane captain should
(7) Backup oxygen pressure 1,800 to 2,100 ascertain that the turnup area is clear of FOD hazards, ade
Psi. quate fire−suppression equipment is readily available, and
engine intakes and exhausts are clear. Although the engines
(8) L and R FUEL LOW lights Illuminated cannot be started simultaneously, either can be started first.
(both cockpits). The following procedure establishes starting the right engine
first. Whenever possible the aircraft should be positioned so
d. MASTER TEST switch OFF. as to avoid tailwinds, which can increase the probability of
hot starts.
6. Ejection seat SAFE/ARMED handles ARMED.
If CLOSE does not close the canopy, depress the D To prevent possible engine overtemperature
grip latch, release and push handle outboard and during crossbleed start attempts, select the op
forward into BOOST. If it is necessary to use erating engine for air source and return to
BOOST, the handle shall be returned to CLOSE BOTH ENG after rpm stabilizes at idle or
to avoid bleed−off of pneumatic pressure. above.
The ECS air source shall remain off during Check that ON flag is displayed in EMER FLT
engine start until external air is disconnected in LOW hydraulic pressure window. Verify control
order to reduce the possibility of bleed air duct over horizontal tail and rudder control surfaces as
contamination. viewed on surface position indicator.
b. EMERG FLT HYD switch HIGH. D If the START/VALVE caution light illumi
nates after the ENG CRANK switch is off, se
Check that ON flag is displayed in EMER FLT HI lect AIR SOURCE to OFF to prevent starter
hydraulic pressure window. Verify control over overspeed.
empennage flight control surfaces and higher
D When attempting a crossbleed or normal
surface deflection rate.
ground start, do not attempt to reengage the
c. EMERG FLT HYD switch AUTO (LOW). ENG CRANK switch if the engine is spooling
down and rpm is greater than 46 percent. Be
tween 30 and 46−percent rpm, the ENG
Check that OFF flags are displayed in both
CRANK switch may not stay engaged be
EMER FLT HI and LOW hydraulic pressure
cause of normal variations in starter cutout
During cold starts, oil pressure may exceed 65
psi. This pressure limit should not be exceeded
Combined and brake accumulators should be for more than 1 minute.
charged prior to backup module checks. Checks
7. Right throttle IDLE at 20−Percent Rpm.
should be made slowly enough to ensure con
tinuous ON indication in the hydraulic pressure
indicator and to prevent damage to the pump or
If an idle crossbleed start is attempted with high−
Ensure combined and flight hydraulic pressures residual engine EGT and/or throttles are ad
are zero prior to testing emergency flight hydrau vanced from OFF to IDLE prior to 20−percent
lic system to allow proper check of 300−psi rpm, higher than normal EGT readings may
priority valve. occur. If the EGT appears to be rising abnormal
ly, increasing the supply engine to 80−percent
6. ENG CRANK switch R (right engine). rpm may yield a normal start temperature.
8. R GEN light OUT. 15. Repeat steps 6 through 10 for left engine.
The right generator should automatically pick up 16. Starter air Disconnect.
the load on the left and right main ac buses as
indicated by the R GEN light going out at approxi 17. AIR SOURCE L ENG, R ENG, then BOTH ENG.
mately 59−percent rpm.
Verify cockpit airflow in each position.
9. R FUEL PRESS light OUT.
The fuel−pressure lights should go off by the time
the engine achieves idle rpm.
Ground engine operation without electrical pow 2. MASTER TEST switch EMERG GEN.
er supplied by either the generators or external
power may cause 20−mm ammunition detonation The resultant power interruption should cause the
because of excessive heat in the gun ammunition DFCS flight control computers to self−isolate,
drum. activating the lights listed below. With a good
emergency generator check, (green ‘GO’ light)
12. ENG CRANK switch L (left engine). ensure that all lights clear with a MASTER RESET
prior to deselecting the emergency generator. DFCS
When combined hydraulic pressure reaches 3,000 voltage monitoring should result in illumination of
psi, return switch to neutral (center position). all lights when emergency generator is deselected.
13. HYD TRANSFER PUMP switch NORMAL Lights will remain on when normal voltage is
Hydraulic transfer pump will operate from flight regained, requiring a MASTER RESET to
side to maintain the combined side between 2,400 re−engage DFCS flight control computers. STAB
to 2,600 psi. AUG switches should remain engaged.
An FCS CAUTION at this point probably indi
cates a PQVM fault due to a lack of pitch and roll If the over" flag is not displayed in the wing−
attitude inputs from the IMU (DCP FAIL group sweep indicator with the wings in oversweep, the
will indicate IMU). stick should remain centered.
4. MASTER TEST switch OFF. If wings are not in oversweep, move the wings to
68_ using wing sweep emergency handle in
5. MASTER RESET pushbutton Depress. raised position. Then raise handle to full exten
Verify DFCS caution lights extinguished. STAB sion and hold until HZ TAIL AUTH caution light
AUG switches should not disengage. goes out and OVER flag appears on wing−sweep
indicator. Move handle to full aft OV SW and
6. Advise RIO that test and checks are completed. stow.
7. Controls and displays ON.
8. AFTCCheck.
a. L ENG MODE SELECT switch SEC. NO. 2/MANUV FLAP cb’s IN (LD1, LE1).
L ENG SEC light illuminates; left NOZ indicator 12. WING/EXT TRANS switch OFF.
pointer below zero.
Turn OXYGEN SUPPLY valve ON, place mask to
L ENG SEC light goes out, left NOZ indicator to
face and check for normal breathing, regulator, and
100 percent.
mask operation. Turn OXYGEN SUPPLY valve
c. R ENG MODE SELECT switch SEC. OFF, check no breathing.
R ENG SEC light goes out, right NOZ indicator b. TACAN function selector T/R.
to 100 percent.
c. MFDs ON.
D Increased suction around intakes during inlet 23. Speedbrake switch EXT, then RET.
ramp programming and the automatic move Cycle speedbrake switch to EXT; release and check
ment of the horizontal stabilizers presents a for partial extension. Select EXT again, checking
FOD hazard and a potential for injury to indicator for transition for full extension. Select
ground personnel not clear of these areas. RET and check indicator for an indication of full
retraction. Check for stabilizer position fluctuation
The following systems are automatically exercised during speedbrake extension and retraction to verify
during the 1½ minutes required to complete the integrated trim operation.
OBC tests. Failures are displayed on the TID
display. 24. REFUEL PROBE switch ALL EXT, then RET.
a. The AICS self−test turns on hydraulic power and Cycle the probe to the extend position, noting
exercises the ramps through full cycle: STOW− illumination of the probe transition light with
EXTND−STOW. During the test, the respective switch−probe position disparity. Check probe nozzle
RAMP light illuminates until the ramps return to head for condition. Retract probe and again check
the fully stowed position and the hydraulics are that transition light goes out when fully retracted
shut off. A failure is indicated by an INLET light and doors closed.
and/or OBC readout.
26. MASTER TEST switch OFF. Complete full cycle sweep of longitudinal, lateral,
directional, and combined longitudinal−lateral con
If engaged, verify that autopilot disengages trols while checking for full authority on surface
automatically. position indicator. Check that all spoilers extend at
the same rate with slow lateral stick deflections and
27. WING/EXT TRANS switch OFF. extend to full up position.
28. Trim Checked and set 000. Observe the following:
e. Spoilers 55°.
For CV operations, omit steps 29 through 55. Note
29. EMERGENCY WING SWEEP handle 20_. A stabilizer vibration may occur when the con
trol system linkage is held in contact with the tail
Move the emergency WING SWEEP handle to 20_ stops fully engaged during stick cycling checks.
(full forward) and engage the spider detent. Stow This vibration is acceptable, provided it damps
handle and guard. HZ TAIL AUTH light illuminates when the control stick is moved to clear the stop
coming out of OVSW. Light goes off when OVSW in contact. Clearance from the stop can best be
stops removed. verified by movement of the matching stabilizer
indicator needle away from its maximum travel
30. MASTER RESET pushbutton Depress. position.
34. DLC Check.
The WING SWEEP warning and advisory lights go
out and the AUTO and MAN modes are enabled. Verify horizontal tail shift with DLC input.
31. External lights Check (prior to night/IMC flight). BK.
36. Spoilers and throttles Check.
38. DCP Verify codes (FAIL, FLT, IBIT).
During night operations, aircraft with inoperable
tail and aft anticollision lights will not be visible
from the rear quadrant even under optimum me
teorological conditions, thus increasing midair
Aircraft shall be considered down with PFCC,
32. Flaps and slats DN. RFCC, or YFCC codes in the DCP FAIL group
or with an inoperative DCP display. Initiation of
OBC/IBIT with this condition will result in
Check for full deflection of the flaps and slats to
invalid IBIT indications.
the down position and automatic activation of the
outboard spoiler module. Check for 3_ TEU
stabilizer position.
39. MASTER TEST switch DFCS BIT(IBIT ARM). display 0 feet; warning tone signal (both cockpits)
(Coordinate with RIO and plane captain.) and ALT LOW light illuminated momentarily.
40. AUTOPILOT switch ENGAGE. 57. Displays/SMS Check.
7−17 CHANGE 2
NAVAIR 01−F14AAD−1 Final Checker Aboard CV D To prevent overheating, do not ride the wheel
1. Hook Down On Director’s Signal; Check RATS
Advisory Light On, Then Up. Note
When shutting down one engine during taxiing,
only the right engine should be shut down so that
normal braking is maintained.
7.4.6 Taxi Pilot Hold in position for takeoff using the toe pedal brakes
with nosewheel steering engaged. Perform engine checks at
85 to 90−percent rpm. Select MIL on the roll and monitor
engine performance.
NAVAIR 01-F14AAD-1 Takeoff Roll/Lift-Off wings-level flight or effecting gradual turns with symmetric
thrust. Before reaching the flap (225 KCAS for 10_ flaps) and
Minimum ground roll takeoff procedures do not differ gear (280 KCAS) limit speeds, the pilot should ascertain that
from the normal procedures. Maintain the control stick at the all devices are properly configured for higher speed flight.
trimmed condition during the prerotation ground roll phase The combined hydraulic system nonflight essential compo-
to minimize aircraft drag. After the pre-computed rotation nents (landing gear, brakes, and nosewheel steering) may be
speed (refer to NAVAIR 01-F14AAP-1.1), smoothly pull the isolated by selecting FLT on the hydraulic isolate switch. A
control stick aft to position the HUD waterline at a 7_ to 10_ gradual climbout pitch attitude should be maintained until
pitch attitude until safely airborne. With the flaps down, the intercepting the optimum climb speed. A recheck of engine
aircraft seems to balloon from the runway in a near-level nose instruments and configuration status should be performed
attitude with a more docile transition to flight than character- after cleanup during the climbout phase.
istic of swept-wing aircraft.
7.4.8 Flaps-Up Takeoff
Before the takeoff roll, the procedures for flaps-up
D The use of excessive back stick on takeoff takeoff are identical to flaps down, except that the flaps re-
may cause the tail surfaces to stall, delaying main retracted and only inboard spoiler brakes are available.
aircraft rotation and extending takeoff During the prerotation ground roll phase, maintain the con-
distance. trol stick at the trimmed condition to minimize aircraft drag.
At the pre-computed rotation speed, smoothly pull the con-
D Although on-deck pitch attitude rotation in trol stick aft to position the HUD waterline at a 7_ to 10_ pitch
excess of 10_ provides marginal tail-ground attitude until safely airborne.
clearance, the aircraft is airborne well before
such a phenomenon becomes a limiting Do not exceed 10_ of pitch attitude until well clear of
factor. the runway, as excessive noseup attitudes will cause the verti-
cal fins and tailpipes to contact the runway surface. After Lift-Off
7-21 CHANGE 1
12. WINGS (visually "20", AUTO, NO WING−SWEEP If desired or required IBIT check should be run.
checked)" CAWs"
1. OBC disabled on pilot MASTER TEST PANEL
(visually checked)
6. Altimeter Set.
7−23 CHANGE 2
8. Fuel quantity and distribution — Check. Entry to the field traffic pattern will be at the speed and
altitude prescribed by local course rules. When approaching
9. Armament — Safe. the initial for the break, wings may be positioned manually
full aft to facilitate multiplane entry and break deceleration.
Break procedures shall comply with squadron, field, and/or
11. ANTI-ICE switch — AUTO/OFF. CV standard operating guidelines.
14. ARA-63/ACLS — ON/BIT Check. At the abeam position for landing, the aircraft should
be at the prescribed altitude, trimmed up to 15 units AOA
15. RADAR WARNING RCVR PWR switch — OFF. with the Landing Checklist completed.
16. ASPJ SYS switch — STBY.
Indicated airspeed should be cross-checked with gross
17. AN/ALE-47 DCDU, MODE/PWR switch — OFF. weight in wings-level flight to verify AOA accuracy. Direct
lift control and the approach power compensator should be
18. RDR switch — STBY OR XMIT (pulse). engaged as desired and checked for proper operation. The
turnoff from the 180_ position should be made based on
surface wind conditions and interval traffic (type, pattern,
touch-and-go or final landing, etc.) so as to allow sufficient
straightaway on final prior to touchdown.
The RIO should place RDR switch to STBY or The quality of the approach and touchdown is
XMIT (pulse) on final approach to prevent un- enhanced by starting from on-speed and on-altitude. The low
necessary exposure of flight deck personnel to thrust required in the landing approach leaves little margin
RF radiation hazard. for corrections from a high, fast position. Therefore, the pilot
must control these parameters precisely from the onset of the
19. [T] Resolution run — Complete. approach to touchdown. Inertia and tail movement in con-
junction with engine thrust response characteristics dictate
Note the use of small, precise corrections on the glideslope for the
most effective control technique.
Before reconnaissance system shutdown, run
film leader to protect target imagery from The landing should be planned for the downwind side
inadvertent exposure during film download. of the runway with traffic behind, or opposite, the nearest
traffic on landing rollout, or on the turnoff side of the runway.
20. [T] FRAME switch — OFF. When surface wind is not a factor, pilots should practice
flying on the field optical landing aid system whenever pos-
21. [T] PAN switch — OFF.
sible. Fly the aircraft down to the deck without flaring so as
22. [T] FILM switch — OFF. to accurately establish a touchdown point and achieve initial
compression of main gear struts to arm the spoiler brakes.
Landing with DLC engaged will reduce the
amount of aft stick deflection available. DLC
Before selecting system switch to OFF, delay should be deselected when established on land-
15 seconds for sensor shutdown, and mount to ing rollout.
drive to vertical.
1. Determine field condition before approach (braking Check for wheels−down indication on all three gear,
action, crosswind component, arresting gear status). LAUNCH BAR light, and that gear transition light
is out. Check that brake accumulator pressure is
2. If adverse wind and runway conditions exist, make fully charged.
a short−field arrested landing. In the event that the
arresting gear is not engaged, execute a waveoff or During aircraft carrier (CV) qualifications and other
bolter as appropriate. operations when the landing gear are not raised after
catapult launch, the pilot shall check the LAUNCH
3. Consideration should be given to reducing touch BAR advisory light is off prior to each landing.
down speed by flying a no−DLC approach. Plan the
pattern to be well established on final in a wings− 3. SAS ON.
level attitude (crab, if required) on speed. Land on
runway centerline, using normal FCLP landing
4. Flaps Full DN. 7. DCP Verify & record codes (FAIL, FLT, IBIT).
Check for flap and slat full−down indication and no 8. Right throttle OFF.
FLAP light.
5. DLC Checked.
6. Hook As Desired. D Care should be taken when shutting down the
right throttle (with the left throttle at IDLE) to
Transition light should be out. prevent inadvertent contact with the left
7. Harness Locked. throttle, moving it aft to the cutoff position.
8. Speedbrakes EXT (out). D Run both engines at idle for 5 minutes before
shutdown, especially if they have been run at
Check indicator for full speedbrake extension. high power.
9. Brakes Check.
9. OBOGS master switch OFF (alert RIO).
10. Fuel Check.
7.4.18 Postlanding Pilot
1. Speedbrake switch RET. 11. HYD TRANSFER PUMP switch SHUTOFF.
(after BI−DI check)
3. Flaps and slats UP. Check hydraulic transfer pump operation in the
combined−flight direction with the HYD PRESS,
Move FLAP handle UP and check for complete
retraction of main flaps and slats and auxiliary flaps
lights illuminated.
(flaps indicator 0_ and no FLAP caution light).
Check automatic deactivation of the outboard 12. Ejection seats Safe (coordinate with RIO).
spoiler module. As soon as the auxiliary flaps are
13. Ordnance Dearm (field).
retracted (8 seconds) the wings will sweep aft if
commanded. Dearm and safety ordnance in accordance with local
operating procedures.
4. Wing−sweep mode switch BOMB.
14. Wheels Chocked.
15. Parking brake Pull.
PTID NAV MODE and DEST switches are 38. RADAR BEACON switch — OFF.
inoperative. 39. RADAR BEACON MODE switch — As Desired.
22. DD power switch — OFF. 40. GND CLG switch — OFF.
23. MFD 3 power — OFF. 41. SYS TEST-SYS PWR ground check panel —
24. ECM switch — OFF.
42. POWER SYS TEST switch — OFF.
25. NAV MODE switch — OFF.
7.5.2 Prestart — RIO
26. Data entry unit power — OFF
The following checks are performed by the RIO after
27. RADAR WARNING RCVR starting air and electrical power are applied prior to starting
a. PWR switch — OFF.
b. DISPLAY TYPE switch — As Desired.
28. ASPJ
a. SYS switch — OFF.
D Starting air, which provides full ECS capabili-
b. BIT switch — OFF. ty, must be connected to the aircraft with elec-
trical power to cool temperature-critical
c. TAC switch — NORM.
29. MFA priority switch — NORM. D If starting air is not available, a forced-air
ground cooling unit and servo air must be con-
30. AN/ALE-47 DCDU, MODE/PWR switch — OFF. nected before turning on avionics equipment.
31. AN/ALE-47 Ground Test/Dimmer PNL — D If electrical power is not connected with spare
GUARD DOWN starting air, the ECS will drive to full hot.
7-29 CHANGE 1
1. Seat, ICS, and U/VHF foot switches Adjust. mum clearance is afforded when canopy is tran
siting fore and aft.
Adjust seat height so helmet is beneath the canopy
breaker. Adjust ICS and UHF foot pedal fore−aft
position for sitting comfort.
If CLOSE does not close the canopy, depress the
2. External power and air ON. grip latch and release and push handle outboard
3. ICS Check. and forward into BOOST. If it is necessary to use
BOOST, the handle shall be returned to CLOSE
Verify two−way communications between flight to avoid bleed off of pneumatic pressure.
crewmembers and adjust volume to a comfortable
level. 10. Acknowledge Ready To Start.
4. DL, JTIDS, TACAN, and U/VHF Set.
7.5.3 Engine Start RIO
Set communications/TACAN/command control in
accordance with mission and flightcrew operating The RIO must monitor pilot procedures and plane cap
procedures. tain signals to ensure maximum safety during the engine start
5. Fuel quantity Check.
Check for illumination of console and instrument 1. NAV MODE switch Align.
2. DD power switch ON.
7. LTS test Check.
Failure to turn DD power on prior to RDR switch
Check that all caution and advisory lights and ECM
causes a false DD power fault indication in ORT.
lights illuminate.
3. RDR switch XMIT.
Verify that the SENSOR COND advisory light
During pilot INST test, the RIO should observe illuminates.
fuel counter decrease to 2,000 pounds and
Verify that the SENSOR COND advisory light goes
8. Ejection seats ARMED. out.
11. [T] TARPS control panel SYSTEM switch — RDY. l. RANGE scale — As Required.
(2) Ml, M2, M3 — Test. 22. RADAR WARNING RCVR panel — Set.
Select NORM and observe that TEST light a. Display type switch — NORM.
b. PWR switch — ON.
(3) MC — Test.
c. TEST switch — SPL.
Observe that TEST light illuminates. d. MODE button — LMT.
c. IFF ANT switch — As Desired. 23. DATA LINK power — As Required.
14. JTIDS MODE switch — As Required. 24. D/L reply — As Required.
15. Communications — ON/Set. 25. AAI control panel — Set.
16. KY-58 — As Required. a. TEST/CHAL CC switch — Test.
17. Standby attitude gyro — Erect.
Check DD display.
18. DD — Set.
26. AN/ALE-47 DCDU, MODE/PWR switch —
19. PTID controls — Set. STBY.
7-31 CHANGE 1
30. [T] Vertical frame check After INS ALIGN COMPLETE computer message or when
ready for takeoff:
a. Manual V/H thumbwheels set 350 Knots/
1,800 Feet 33. NAV mode switch INS.
b. FRAME switch VERT. Observe MFD transition from align format. Wait
5 seconds.
c. FILM switch RUN.
34. NAV mode switch IFA.
Observe exposure interval of 1.0 second, frame 35. DEST data Verify.
camera green light illuminated, and check
camera frame counter for proper operation. 36. BRG/DIST to destination Check.
b. FILM switch RUN. The RIO primary responsibility during taxiing is to act
as copilot/safety observer. BIT checks may be performed
Observe exposure interval of 1.0 second, green while taxiing, provided that RIO attention is not diverted
PAN light illuminated, and check camera frame from copilot/safety observer duties.
counter for proper operation. 1. Record ORT/IBIT and maintenance display results
on BER form.
c. PAN switch LEFT or RIGHT.
2. OWN A/C groundspeed Check.
Observe exposure interval of 2.0 seconds, PAN
Own−aircraft groundspeed when stopped should be
go light illuminated, and check camera frame
less than 3 knots.
counter for proper operation.
3. [T] OWN A/C altitude CHECK.
d. FILM switch OFF.
7.5.6 In−Flight Reconnaissance System
Check RIO
En route to target area:
Run only long enough to check operation and 2. [T] FRAME switch OFF.
observe FRAME and PAN green lights illuminated
and check for proper film counter operation.
8. [T] FILM switch OFF.
9. [T] FRAME switch OFF.
10. [T] PAN switch OFF. D Initiate corrective action only one time.
D If mount light does not go off, secure sensor
Note and wait 5 minutes to try again.
Keep manual V/H thumbwheels matched with Panoramic Camera Failure
actual altitude and airspeed to avert possible
degraded imagery if an automatic shift to the
1. [T] FILM switch Cycle OFF/RUN.
manual mode occurs.
2. [T] FILM switch OFF.
7.5.7 TARPS Degraded Mode Procedures
3. [T] PAN switch Cycle OFF/CTR.
If not corrected:
Prior to initiating corrective action on malfunc
tioning sensors, ensure that other sensors are 5. [T] FILM switch OFF.
either in OFF or STBY.
6. [T] PAN selector LEFT or RIGHT. Serial Frame Camera Failure 7. [T] FILM switch RUN.
1. [T] SYSTEM switch Cycle OFF/RDY.
If not corrected:
2. [T] FILM switch Cycle OFF/ RUN/OFF.
8. [T] FILM switch OFF.
3. [T] FRAME switch Cycle OFF/VERT or FWD.
4. [T] FILM switch RUN. 9. [T] PAN selector−−OFF.
Before shutdown, run IBIT. Note results on BER 19. V/UHF radio MODE switch OFF.
20. [T] TARPS control panel switches OFF.
1. Ejection seat SAFE (coordinate with pilot).
21. DEU OFF.
22. MFD OFF.
3. Harnessing Unstrap.
23. Report Ready for Shutdown.
4. Radar beacon OFF.
After shutdown of both engines:
24. CANOPY handle OPEN (alert pilot).
6. Data link OFF.
25. Flightcrew Egress.
7. ASPJ SYS switch OFF.
Before commencing ground hot refueling operations,
9. NAV MODE switch OFF.
a qualified groundcrew shall inspect the exterior of the air
10. RECORD switch OFF. craft for any discrepancies that might be hazardous to refuel
ing or further flight operations. One groundcrew shall remain
in a position on the right side of the aircraft within view of
Requires at least 20 seconds to allow tape to
both the pilot and refueling crew. Any hazardous condition
unthread prior to removal of electrical power.
requires the immediate termination of refueling operations.
11. IRST switch OFF.
After refueling, the flightcrew should refer to appro
12. RDR switch OFF. priate checklists to configure the aircraft for takeoff, depend
ing on intentions.
13. DD power switch OFF.
1. Fire extinguishing equipment Available.
2. All emitters STBY or OFF.
15. TACAN mode switch OFF.
3. Right throttle OFF.
4. Wheels Chocked.
5. Parking brake Pull.
If network operations are anticipated within
24 hours, select STBY; otherwise, select OFF. Do
not leave the system in DATA SILENT or NORM
for more than 90 seconds without electrical pow
er or the battery will be depleted.
6. Displays ON.
If heavy braking is used during landing or taxing
followed by application of the parking brake, 7. OBC Select.
normal brake operation may not be available
following release of the parking brake if the 8. SW COOL NORM.
brakes are still hot. Check for normal brake
9. OBC Deselect.
operation after releasing the parking brake and
before commencing taxiing. 10. Hook operation Check.
EXTD (as desired). 11. Takeoff Checklist.
These procedures assume that a quick reaction, 10. [T] TARPS control panel SYSTEM switch RDY.
full−mission−capable launch is essential. Prestart 11. Takeoff Checklist (complete non−OBC functions).
procedures and cockpit configuration may vary
in accordance with airwing policy and specific When ALIGN QUALITY ≤2.0:
EMCON conditions. All CNI equipment as ap
plicable, should be placed in ON or STBY, all 12. NAV MODE INS.
SAS switches on, and the HYD TRANSFER 13. Wait for IFA AVAILABLE." NAV MODE IFA.
PUMP switch should be in NORMAL before
application of electrical power. The LTS, INST, 14. Ordnance crew Arm.
EMERG GEN, and DFCS IBIT tests on
MASTER TEST panel should be conducted and Note
verified during periodic aircraft turnups. Com
pliance with the Takeoff Checklist is mandatory D Sparrow tune occurs after CW is enabled and
to ensure proper aircraft configuration before can complete after transmitter timeout.
D PH attack capability is present after launch
7.7.1 Pilot Procedures and Sparrow tune occurs automatically when
ever CW is enabled.
1. External electrical power ON.
2. Seat ARM.
3. Fire detect Check.
7.9.2 Takeoff tion (see Figure 7−4). The length of the groove should be
adjusted to give a wings−level descent on the glideslope of 15
The takeoff will be individual. to 18 seconds (approximately ¾ mile). For maximum gross
weight at touchdown, refer to Chapter 4, Operating Limita
7.9.3 Radio Procedures and Pattern Entry tions. The turn to the downwind leg should be commenced
after climbing to pattern altitude (600 feet AGL) utilizing
A radio check with Paddles is advisable before pattern 30_ angle of bank and 150 KCAS. Turning from the 180_,
entry to confirm Charlie time. Approaches to the field for power should be adjusted to maintain optimum angle of at
break will be controlled by the tower and then switched to tack. A gradual descent may be commenced at this position
Paddles for FCLP pattern control. At no time will an aircraft with a minimum altitude of 450 feet AGL at the 90_ position
remain in the pattern without a UHF receiver. On each and 350 feet AGL as a minimum until the pilot is receiving
succeeding pass, the following voice report will be made at glideslope information. At approximately 45_, the meatball
normal meatball acquisition positions: appears on the Fresnel lens. Fly a rate of descent such that
the ball is centered as the aircraft arrives wings−level in the
1. Side number groove. For manual, automatic, and DLC approach tech
niques, refer to Carrier−Based Procedures, Chapter 8.
7.9.5 Night FCLP
3. Ball/Clara
All provisions that apply to day FCLP also apply to
4. Fuel state
night FCLP, plus the following items:
5. Type of approach, if appropriate (automatic,
1. External lights BRIGHT and STEADY.
degraded, etc.).
2. Hook bypass switch FIELD.
7.9.4 Pattern
When comfortably situated in the pattern, instruments
The pattern should be a racetrack with the 180_ should be flown as much as possible up to the 45_ position.
approximately 1¼ miles abeam at 600 feet above field eleva
Carrier−Based Procedures
mode, INS/GPS. This mode can also be obtained tering to remain engaged and can cause misposi
by conducting a normal CV alignment, followed tioning of the launch bar during catapult hookup.
by moving the NAV MODE switch from CV to This may result in launch bar disengaging from
INS to IFA. GPS FOM ≤ 4 to be effective. shuttle during catapult stroke.
Shipboard taxi operations differ slightly from the field. Set the attitude displays to show level flight at normal
Taxiing aboard ship requires higher power settings and must strut extension. Proper positioning on the catapult is easily
be conducted under positive control of a plane director. Any accomplished if the entry is made with only enough power to
signal from the plane director above the waist is intended maintain forward motion and if the plane director signals are
for the pilot and any signal below the waist is intended for followed explicitly.
deck−handling personnel.
8.3.1 Nosewheel Steering
The nosewheel steering system characteristics are
excellent and enable extremely tight cornering capability. At
full nosewheel steering deflection (70°), the inside main D All functional checks shall be performed be
mount wheel backs down and turn radius will be restricted if fore taxiing onto the catapult. Ensure that the
the inside brake is locked. For a minimum radius turn, Takeoff Checklist is complete and that the
momentarily depress the brake on the inside wheel and then proper trim is set for launch before entering
allow the inside wheel to roll freely while controlling the turn the nosetow approach ramp.
rate by braking the outside wheel. For normal turns,
symmetric brake applications should be applied to control D All catapult launches shall be conducted with
aircraft forward motion. Forward motion should be initiated the HUD in the caged mode. If approaching
before effecting a tight radius turn to reduce power require the catapult after an uncaged HUD landing,
ments. cycle the TLN display mode button to ensure
the HUD defaults to the caged format.
8.3.2 Taxi Speed
The catapult director will direct the pilot to approach
Taxi speed should be kept under control at all times, the catapult track, using nosegear steering and brakes. Upon
especially on wet decks and approaching the catapult area. signal from the plane director and when positioned immedi
Be prepared to use the parking brake should normal braking ately behind the mount of the lead−in track, kneel the aircraft.
fail. While taxiing, both ejection seats should be armed. The If the launch bar is to be lowered from the cockpit, upon
parking brake is an excellent feature that may be used to signal from the plane director, deflect the nosewheel to lower
prevent leg fatigue during taxi delays. However, it should not the launch bar, center the nosewheel, and disengage nose
be used once forward of the jet−blast deflector. wheel steering. If the launch bar is to be lowered by the deck
8.3.3 Final Checker Aboard CV crew, no pilot action is required. After the hold−back bar has
been attached to the aircraft and checked by squadron
1. Hook Down On Director Signal; Check RATS maintenance personnel, the catapult director will direct the
Advisory Light On, Then Up. aircraft forward until the holdback bar is snug against the
catapult buffer unit. The aircraft will be stopped in position
for shuttle tension up. The attitude displays will show 2° to
3° nosedown with the aircraft in the kneeled position.
Carrier operations with an inoperative RATS
will increase CV wind−over−deck requirements.
Failure to notify CV OPS may result in damage
to the ship’s arresting gear and aircraft tailhook Nosewheel centering can contribute to launch
assembly structure. Consult applicable recovery bar misalignment in the catapult shuttle, which
bulletins. could result in premature launch bar separation
2. Nosewheel steering Cycle OFF, Then ON. during launch. The nosewheel centering latching
relay must be deactivated by depressing the nose
wheel steering button after the hook check and
before entering the catapult. It will also deacti
vate the nosewheel steering automatic disen
Failure to cycle nosewheel steering following gagement function; nosewheel steering must be
hook check will enable nosewheel steering cen manually disengaged when entering the catapult.
Aircrew coordination is particularly critical in this shaking his head from side to side. Never raise the hand into
regime, since the aircrew must ensure that initial flyaway view or make any motion that might be construed as a salute.
parameters are maintained while remaining alert for any After the catapult officer observes the pilot’s no−go signal, he
abnormal launch characteristics and engine malfunctions. will cross his forearms over his head, and then give the
High endspeed and/or single−engine flyaway with trim standard release tension signal. When the catapult is
settings above 2 degrees may require significant forward untensioned, the catapult officer will signal the pilot to raise
stick pressure. In all configurations, the use of afterburner the launch bar. The pilot shall ensure that the throttles are
and/or level rapid acceleration will require reduced nose trim seated in the catapult detent and will raise the launch bar with
settings. The RIO shall scan a repeat of the pilot’s heads up the LAUNCH BAR ABORT switch.
display and associated standby flight instruments to ensure
the correct flyaway conditions are met (airspeed, altitude and
Additional considerations exist for night/IFR catapult
launches. Aircraft acceleration and the lack of external visual
To avoid damage to the launch bar retract mecha
cues will cause the aircrew to sense that the nose is higher
nism, do not actuate the LAUNCH BAR ABORT
than actual and can result in spatial disorientation. Under
switch with the nosewheel deflected off center.
these conditions, a vigilant instrument scan is required to
ensure that the proper attitude is maintained throughout the When the launch bar is clear of the shuttle, the catapult
launch and subsequent climbout. officer will move the shuttle forward of the aircraft launch
8.4.3 Catapult Abort Procedures (Day) bar. At this point the aircraft is no longer in danger of being
launched. The catapult officer will signal the pilot to lower
If after turnup on the catapult, the pilot determines that the launch bar and then step in front of the aircraft and signal
the aircraft is down, the pilot gives the no−go signal by the pilot to throttle back.
D If the aircraft is down prior to it being pushed D The LSO and tower must be informed if the
or pulled back for release from the holdback landing is to be made in any wing or flap con
fitting and when directed by the catapult offi figuration other than 20° wing sweep, flaps
cer, the launch bar shall be raised by the and slats down, or RATS inoperative, to
LAUNCH BAR ABORT switch. ensure wind−over−deck requirements are met.
D Unkneeling the nosegear while the launch bar D Do not attempt shipboard landing with
is in the catapult track or shuttle will damage inoperative ROLL SAS and store asym−
the launch bar linkage and bungees. The pilot metry greater than 170,000 inch−pounds
should unkneel the aircraft only when he is because of lateral pilot−induced oscillation
sure that the launch bar is free to rise and in the approach unless field divert is not
upon signal from the catapult officer or taxi possible. (Example: weapon rail at station 6
director. and AIM−54 missile at station 8 equals
170,000 inch−pounds.)
If the aircraft is down after the go signal is given,
transmit the words Suspend, Suspend"; however, the Note
flightcrew should be prepared for the catapult stroke and to
perform emergency procedures if required. With the hook down, airspeed in excess of
300 knots may cause the hook transition light to
8.5 LANDING illuminate.
8.5.1 Carrier Landing Pattern (VFR) 8.5.2 Manual Approach Technique
The VFR carrier landing pattern (Figure 8−3) shall be The rapid engine response characteristics allow the
in accordance with the CV NATOPS manual. The pattern pilot to make timely, small amplitude power changes to make
starts with the level break at 800 feet and 300 to 350 knots. glideslope corrections. Because of the rapid engine response
The break interval will be approximately one−half of the and high−throttle sensitivity, the pilot must avoid over
desired ramp interval time (15 to 17 seconds normal controlling power. DLC should be engaged for all ap
interval). When established wings level on the downwind proaches. Approaches flown without DLC will degrade
leg, descend to and fly the pattern at 600 feet MSL. Engage flying qualities resulting in significant glideslope and lineup
DLC upon completion of flap extension. deviations. Pitch compensation for DLC inputs is optimized
for approach airspeeds. Activation of DLC at higher
airspeeds will result in inducing noticeable changes in pitch
Selection of DLC during the flap extension cycle attitude. DLC may be employed by vernier or bang−bang
can generate excessive pitch rates. DLC is to be control depending on the extent of the correction required.
selected only upon completion of the flap cycle. DLC is most effective in correcting for glideslope deviations
DLC must be deselected prior to flap retraction caused by gusty conditions or ship burble. Caution should be
to avoid excessive pitch trim change with auto taken not to use DLC to compensate for a major overpowered
matic DLC stowage during the flap retraction or underpowered condition.
Slow to 15 units AOA or computed on−speed (which
ever is faster) and verify airspeed/AOA correlation, engage
APC if desired, check for proper DLC operation, and
complete the Landing Checklist prior to reaching the 180°
position. The 180° turn is commenced 1 to 1.2 nm abeam the Caution must be taken to avoid sustained full−
LSO platform to arrive at the 90° position at approximately down DLC commands for a high condition at the
450 feet MSL. The nominal bank angle throughout the turn ramp as this will result in excessive sink rates and
should be 25° to 27°. Glideslope meatball acquisition subsequent hard landings.
will occur at approximately 0.6 nm. Do not descend below
300 feet prior to acquiring the ball. On rollout to final,
slightly overshoot the ship’s wake. Optimum time on
glideslope is approximately 15 to 18 seconds.
Once established on glideslope, keep the scan going, 8.5.4 Waveoff Technique
cross−checking meatball, lineup, and AOA. Be alert for a
A waveoff will be initiated immediately upon a signal
waveoff. With rough seas and pitching decks, some erratic
or voice call from the LSO. MIL power should be used for all
meatball movements may be encountered. If this is the case,
dual−engine waveoffs. Maintain the landing attitude until a
average out the ball movement to maintain smooth and safe
rate of descent. To avoid being cocked up," arrest a come positive rate of climb is established. Do not over rotate the
aircraft in close as this significantly increases the chance of
down in close" with power and up DLC. Attempts to arrest
in−flight engagement.
high sink rates with nose attitude alone could result in landing
damage to the ventral fins and afterburner. Also, avoid
dropping the nose prior to touchdown as this significantly
increases the chances of a hook skip bolter. Upon touchdown,
add full MIL power, manually retract speedbrakes, and
maintain aft stick pressure to minimize chances of a hook Dual engine afterburner waveoffs are prohibited.
skip bolter. Selection of MIL power will automatically Inadvertent arrestment or in−flight engagement
disengage DLC and retract the speedbrake. in dual afterburner would result in catastrophic
damage to the aircraft and/or arresting gear.
A good start is imperative to minimizing lineup
corrections while on the glideslope and will prevent the Normally, waveoffs will be taken straight ahead,
tendency to chase lineup. Small, coordinated rudder inputs especially when close in. When using APC, waveoff
should be used to reduce the nose yaw that is easily generated technique is the same as for manual approaches except that
by lateral stick inputs. a force of approximately 8 pounds is required to disengage
the throttle torque switches. Disengagement of the APC by
8.5.3 Approach Power Compensator Technique overriding the throttle forces results in the throttle MODE
Practice is required to develop the proper control habits switch automatically returning to BOOST and illuminates
necessary to use the APC. For the APC to perform the AUTO THROT light on the pilot left−hand ladder light
satisfactorily, smooth attitude control is essential. Large, assembly. A time delay relay holds the AUTO THROT light
abrupt attitude changes result in excessive power changes. on for 10 seconds following APC disengagement.
APC use is not recommended in gusty conditions. The APC
will overcontrol AOA fluctuations resulting in large airspeed
and/or glideslope deviations. The APC system was designed
to be used with the engines operating in the primary mode and
is not recommended with either one or both of the engines in If a force in excess of 14 pounds is applied to
secondary mode. break the throttles out of the automatic mode, the
As the initial turn from the 180° position is made, throttle MODE switch will return to BOOST but
the throttle mode will revert to manual. The
the aircraft will momentarily indicate up to 2 units slow. The
switch must be cycled to MAN and back to
APC will adjust power to correct back to onspeed condition
throughout the remainder of the turn. Upon rollout on BOOST to regain the BOOST mode.
glideslope, the pilot must override the tendency for the nose 8.5.5 Bolter Technique
to pitch up by maintaining slight forward stick. The aircraft
will indicate 1 to 2 units fast, which will slow to onspeed The bolter maneuver is effected by selecting MIL and
within 5 seconds. The use of DLC in conjunction with small slight aft control stick until the desired flyaway attitude is
attitude changes to maintain glideslope will minimize AOA established.
deviations and result in optimal APC performance. Timely
use of DLC can also be used to more rapidly correct from a
fast or slow condition. Close−in corrections are very critical.
If a high in−close situation develops, the recommended
procedure is to stop the meatball motion and not attempt to The use of excessive backstick on a bolter may
recenter it. A low in−close condition is difficult to correct cause the tail surface to stall, delaying aircraft
with APC and often results in an over−the−top bolter. It may rotation and causing the aircraft to settle off the
be necessary to disengage or manually override APC in order angle.
to safely recover from a low in−close situation. Throughout
the approach, the pilot should keep his hand on the throttles 8.5.6 Bingo Fuel
in the event APC disengages inadvertently. A smooth throttle Fuel reserves should be programmed depending on
transition from AUTO to BOOST mode can be achieved distance of the field from the CV, aircraft configuration, and
by depressing the CAGE/SEAM button on the inboard en route weather. This bingo fuel quantity should be set
throttle grip. before takeoff.
8.5.7 Arrested Landing and Exit From the 2. Accomplish final changes to radio and IFF upon
Landing Area departing marshal or earlier. After these changes are
made, the pilot should make no further changes
As the aircraft touches down, advance throttles to MIL. except under emergency conditions.
Upon completion of landing rollout, reduce power to IDLE.
Raise the hook and flaps and select wing−sweep BOMB while 3. When commencing penetration, initiate a standard
allowing the aircraft to roll aft. Apply brakes on signal. Flaps descent: 250 knots, 4,000 fpm, speedbrakes as
retraction requires approximately 7 seconds. When the flaps required.
are fully retracted the wings will sweep aft. Engage
nosewheel steering and taxi forward on the come−ahead
signal. If the wings sweep aft to 55_, auxiliary and main flap
retraction has been verified and full−aft wing sweep may be
selected using the emergency handle. The RIO should If a gear and/or flaps down penetration is re
monitor wing−sweep position while taxiing. Oversweep quired, ensure that the wings are programmed
should be selected prior to final spot and shutdown. The forward of 22° prior to lowering flaps. If flaps are
engines should remain running until the cut signal is given by lowered with wings swept aft of 22_, auxiliary
the plane director. If at any time during this phase of flap extension will be inhibited resulting in rapid
operations a brake failure occurs, pull the parking brake. If nosedown pitch rates.
the aircraft continues to roll, drop the hook, advise the tower,
and signal for chocks to be installed. Use nosewheel steering 4. Radar and barometric altimeters shall be cross−
to ensure that the aircraft remains on the deck. Do not checked continuously when below 5,000 feet.
unstrap, dearm the ejection seat, or leave the cockpit until
tiedowns have been installed. 8.5.10 Platform
At 20 miles passing through 5,000 feet, aircraft descent
Note shall be slowed to 2,000 fpm. At this point, a mandatory,
unacknowledged voice report will be broadcast by each pilot.
Aircrew shall inform tower in the event of RATS
The aircraft side number will be given and platform" will be
failure on landing.
reported. Continue descent to 1,200 feet.
8.5.8 Carrier−Controlled Approaches
8.5.11 Ten−Mile DME Fix
Should these procedures conflict with the applicable
CV Air Operations manual, the latter shall govern. Detailed 1. Commence transition to landing configuration,
pilot−controller voice procedures must be established in unless otherwise directed by CCA, maintaining
accordance with each ship’s CCA doctrine. Figure 84 shows 1,200 feet.
a typical carrier−controlled approach. Mode I, mode IA, and
2. Gear and flaps shall be down by 8 miles.
mode II ACLS approaches are described in Chapter 17,
Automatic Carrier Landing System. Aircrew should have a 3. Complete the landing checklist. Check anti−ice,
thorough understanding of this chapter and the DFCS and lights, and rain removal, as required.
APC portions of Chapter 2 prior to attempting a coupled
ACLS approach. 8.5.12 Six−Mile DME Fix
8.5.9 Hold Phase For a precision radar approach, maintain 1,200 feet
at approach speed until intercepting the glidepath at 3 to
Five minutes before penetration, defogging shall be
3.25 miles, unless otherwise directed.
actuated and maximum comfortable interior temperature
will be maintained to prevent possible fogging or icing on the For an air surveillance radar approach, a gradual
windshield and canopy. descent of 600 fpm can be commenced departing the 6−mile
DME fix. Maintain 600 feet until the aircraft intercepts the
Note center of the glideslope at 1¼ to 1½ miles on a 3.5° slope.
Commence a descent of 500 to 700 fpm, using the following
Fuel dump is accomplished by gravity flow and checkpoints:
its effectiveness is reduced during the pene
tration descent. Fuel dump, if required, should be 1. 1 mile 460 feet.
planned accordingly for the level leg. 2. ¾ mile 360 feet.
1. Before descent, check shoulder harness handle 3. ½ mile 260 feet.
locked, set lights as directed by existing weather,
and lower arresting hook.
8−13 (Reverse
8−13 Blank) ORIGINAL
Special Procedures
stabilized approach position and ensure that the tanker’s evident in the refueling hose. The tanker’s drogue and hose
(amber) ready light is illuminated before attempting an must be pushed forward 3 to 5 feet by the receiver probe
approach. Select a reference point on the tanker as a primary before fuel transfer can be effected. This advanced position
alignment guide during the approach phase; secondarily, rely is evident by the tanker’s amber ready light going out and the
on peripheral vision of the drogue and hose and supplementa green fuel transfer light coming on. While plugged in, merely
ry remarks by the RIO. Increase power to establish an fly a close tail−chase formation on the tanker. Although this
optimum 3 to 5−knot closure rate on the drogue. It must be tucked−in condition restricts the tanker’s maneuverability,
emphasized that an excessive closure rate will cause a violent gradual changes involving heading, altitude, and/or airspeed
hose whip following contact and/or will increase the danger may be made. The precise flying imposed on both the tanker
of structural damage to the aircraft; too slow a closure rate and receiver pilots requires a lot of heads down" time, yet
results in the pilot fencing with the drogue as it oscillates in a sharp lookout doctrine must be maintained. This is the
close proximity to the aircraft nose. During the final phase of receiver RIO’s primary responsibility.
the approach, the drogue has a tendency to move slightly
upward and to the right as it passes the nose of the receiver Disengagement
aircraft because of the aircraft−drogue airstream interaction.
Small corrections in the approach phase are acceptable. Disengagement from a successful contact is accom
However, if alignment is off in the final phase, it is best to plished by reducing power and backing out at a 3 to 5−knot
immediately return to the initial approach position and separation rate. Care should be taken to maintain the same
commence another approach, compensating for previous relative alignment on the tanker as upon engagement. The
misalignments by adjusting the reference point selected on receiver probe will separate from the drogue coupling when
the tanker. Small lateral corrections with a shoulder probe" the hose reaches full extension.
are made with the rudder, and vertical corrections with the When clear of the drogue:
horizontal stabilizer. Avoid any corrections about the
longitudinal axis since they cause probe displacement in both 1. REFUEL PROBE switch RET.
the lateral and vertical reference planes. 2. Probe transition light Check Out.
If the receiver probe passes forward of the drogue 4. Wing−sweep switch AUTO.
basket without making contact, a missed approach should be Resume normal flight operations.
initiated immediately. Also, if the probe impinges on the
canopy−lined rim of the basket and tips it, a missed approach 9.2 FORMATION FLIGHT
should be initiated. Realization of this situation can be
readily ascertained through the RIO. A missed approach is The following formation descriptions are recom
executed by reducing power and backing to the rear at an mended guidelines for F−14 multiplane positioning.
opening rate commensurate with the optimum 3 to 5−knot
closure rate made on an approach. By continuing an approach
past the basket, a pilot might hook the probe over the hose
and/or permit the drogue to contact the receiver aircraft
fuselage. Either of the two aforementioned hazards require Parade formation IFR/VFR and loose cruise
more skill to calmly unravel the hose and drogue without flight shall not be performed with the flight lead
causing further damage than to make another approach. If the utilizing autopilot ground−track destination
initial approach position is correctly in line with the drogue, steering because of the midair collision potential
the chance of hooking the hose is diminished as the need for associated with inadvertent way−point steering
last−minute corrections is minimized. After executing a selection and rapid aircraft AOB changes.
missed approach, analyze previous misalignment problems
and apply positive corrections to preclude a hazardous 9.2.1 Parade Formation
tendency to blindly stab at the drogue.
The basic parade position is either left or right echelon, Contact or a combination of both, as in fingertip three−plane
formation. The parade formation is used primarily for
When the receiver probe engages the basket, it will seat multiplane maneuvering at night, in IMC, or during entry into
itself into the drogue coupling and a slight ripple will be or exit from an airport traffic area.
9.2.5 Aircraft Lighting During Night deck personnel. Tow aircraft holds this position
Formation Flight until released by catapult director.
The lead aircraft anticollision lights will normally be 2. When signaled to do so, banner crew lays banner on
off during night formation flight in parade. However the flight deck 45 feet starboard of waist catapult
possibility exists that the wing aircraft can inadvertently centerline and 10 feet aft of unit horizontal stabila
stray into a position aft of the normal bearing where only a tor, with banner bar perpendicular to the catapult
single white tail light on lead is visible. In this position, centerline.
serious misjudgment of separation and closure rate can occur.
To prevent this, lead aircraft anticollision lights should be on 3. Banner crew sequentially positions nylon towline
when the wing aircraft is not in normal parade and mission bundle lengthwise and parallel to catapult track in
requirements permit. position in front of banner. Nylon towline, with pre
9.3 BANNER TOWING pared end facing banner buckle, is attached to ban
ner using swivel and connecting link. Steel cable
leader (75 feet of 3/16−inch diameter) is attached to
9.3.1 Ground Procedures
forward end of nylon towline bundle using connect
The following procedures are provided for guidance. ing link.
Local course rules may dictate modification of these steps:
4. Banner crew then unrolls leader forward, down
1. When tower clearance onto the duty runway has angle deck and parallel to catapult track to prevent
been received, tow aircraft taxis to position as di entanglement and kinks. The forward end of leader
rected by tow hookup crew. Tow aircraft holds this is brought back and laid on deck near the aircraft’s
position until released by tow hookup crew. Escort right main landing gear. Forward end of leader has
aircraft maintains position on taxiway at approach Mk 8 Mod 0 target release ring attached to it.
end of runway.
2. When signaled to do so by tow hookup crew, tow air 5. Upon clearance from catapult officer, banner crew
craft proceeds to taxi down runway. member crawls underneath aircraft with leader in
hand, just aft of right ventral fin, and attaches Mk 8
3. Upon receipt of visual taxi signal from tow hookup Mod 0 target release ring to banner tow adapter.
crew to slow down, escort aircraft relays this signal Upon appropriate signals from the flight deck direc
to tow aircraft via UHF radio. tor, the pilot lowers hook to assure proper detach
4. Upon receipt of visual taxi signal from tow hookup ment of target release ring and then raises the hook.
crew to stop, escort aircraft relays this signal to tow The banner crewmember will then reattach target
aircraft via UHF radio. release ring.
5. Upon receipt of signal from tow hookup crew that 6. After hookup, the banner crewmember exits from
tow hookup is complete, escort aircraft requests tow beneath aircraft at same place he entered. He then
aircraft to take up slack. walks toward island and gives thumbs up signal to
catapult officer. The banner, towline, and leader are
6. Tow aircraft proceeds to taxi down the runway. now ready for launch.
7. When banner moves forward onto runway, escort
9.3.3 Flight Procedures
aircraft transmits, Tow aircraft hold, good banner,"
and taxis onto runway abeam banner for takeoff. Flight tests have demonstrated no significant degrada
tion of aircraft performance and handling characteristics
8. When ready, tow aircraft transmits, Tower, Lizard
when towing a banner.
616 for banner takeoff, escort to follow banner."
9. After banner becomes airborne, escort aircraft com
mences takeoff roll.
9.3.2 Shipboard Procedures Angle of bank should be limited to 30_ or less to
preclude contact between the tow cable and
The following procedures are provided for guidance.
Local rules may dictate modification of these steps: afterburner nozzle.
NAVAIR 01−F14AAD−1 Shipboard Banner Drop Have escort pilot confirm that banner breaks off on
ground collision, and determine length of remaining
The tow aircraft should extend its flaps and reduce
tow cable.
airspeed (140 to 160 KIAS, 12 units AOA maximum) for the
drop. The banner should be dropped in a clear area in
wings−level flight at a minimum altitude of 1,000 feet MSL.
If a clear area is not available, the banner should be dropped
approximately 1 nm abeam the port side of the carrier.
Release is called by the air officer when the banner is over
The escort pilot must remain well clear of
the drop zone. Banner release is accomplished by lowering
the remaining cable. The last 25 percent of the
the tailhook.
remaining cable will flail unpredictably.
1. WING/EXT TRANS switch OFF. 1. Switch should not move until automatic inter−
connect occurs. Verifies proper automatic electrical
2. FUEL FEED switch FWD/R 2. Verifies sump tank interconnect valve open via
Monitor 500−pound split, AFT/L high. manual operation and aft fuselage motive flow
valve shut off.
3. FUEL FEED switch AFT/L 3. Same as step 2 except forward fuselage motive
Monitor 500−pound split, FWD/R high. flow valve shut off.
4. FUEL FEED switch NORM 4. Verifies system returns to isolated mode with
Verify FWD/R high split remains constant. no leaks.
5. Monitor WING/EXT TRANS switch returns to AUTO. 5. Verifies cell No. 2 or 5 low−level thermistor’s proper
AFT/L 1,700 ± 200 pounds, or operation to trigger automatic interconnect function.
FWD/R 2,100 ± 200 pounds.
6. Monitor tapes/feeds for system balancing. 6. Verifies sump tank interconnect valve opens via
automatic operation and L/R box−beam vent
Note valves open. Verifies proper operation of
Balancing normally begins 6 to 9 minutes FWD/AFT motive systems.
after WING/EXT TRANS switch returns to
7. After landing, run both engines with matched throttles 7. Verifies proper operation of cell Nos. 2 and 5,
until R and L FUEL LOW lights Illuminate. Verify: and left box−beam and right box−beam
low−level thermistors.
R FUEL LOW at L FEED 1,000 ± 200 pounds,
L FUEL LOW at R FEED 1,000 ± 200 pounds.
8. Shut down left engine and pull L FUEL SHUTOFF 8. Verifies sump tank interconnect valve remains
handle. Continue to run right engine to verify continued open via right side motive flow pressure.
L FEED quantity decrease. Then shut down right This verifies proper operation of motive flow
engine. isolation valve.
9−7 (Reverse
9−7 Blank) CHANGE 1
valuable service to the maintenance department by carrying
Shipboard constraints can preclude completion out this function. The quality of service provided by check
of some items on the applicable flight profile crews reflects directly in the quality of maintenance and
checklist. subsequently enhances flight operations. The commanding
officer shall ensure that thoroughness, professionalism, and
10.2.1 General Conduct safety are observed throughout the checkflight evolution and
that check crews strictly adhere to the profile checklist.
Thorough, professional checkflights are a vital part of Safety is a primary consideration during all checkflights.
the squadron maintenance effort. Check crews perform a
10.3.1 Prestart
ABC 1. Fuel quantity and distribution. Check for proper fuel quantities in each system. Left tape 6,200
pounds maximum, right tape 6,600 pounds maximum, wings approximately 2,000 pounds
each, and the external tanks approximately 1,800 pounds. Check total quantity.
Left Right
A 2. ICS.
a. Normal.
b. Backup.
c. Emergency.
A 3. Refuel probe.
a. Extend (with handpump).
b. Retract (with handpump).
A 5. Backup oxygen Check.
A 6. Seat adjustment Check.
A 7. Canopy rigging.
a. Both cockpit handles in same position during operation.
b. BOOST not required to close.
10.3.2 Start
When using wells system air for engine start, manual
deselection of starter crank switch may be required.
ABC 23. Repeat steps 14, 15, and 16 for left engine.
Run at least one OBC or IBIT with the WINGS AUTO 20°, FLAPS DOWN,
ANTISKID/SPL BRK OFF, AUTOPILOT ON to fully test the system. Also run MAN DFCS
BIT via the MASTER TEST panel. Running OBC by selection of OBC via the MASTER TEST
switch will automatically run DFCS IBIT in addition to the standard OBC. Selection of DFCS BIT
via the MASTER TEST switch will run only the DFCS IBIT. When the MASTER TEST switch
is rotated to the OBC or DFCS BIT position, an IBIT ARM acronym will flash in the DCP display
indicating that a DFCS IBIT may be executed upon depression of the switch. In the IBIT ARM
mode, the AUTOPILOT switch may be engaged ON. If the INC/DEC pushbuttons are depressed
during this period, the IBIT ARM display will be removed even though the system is still in IBIT
ARM mode. When the MASTER TEST switch is depressed the display will indicate IBIT RUN
and the DFCS BIT will commence as the AFC acronym begins to flash. After the DFCS IBIT has
commenced, the AUTOPILOT switch cannot be ENGAGED ON and therefore will not be tested.
Verify LDG2 displayed in DCP under FAIL. Pulling the ALPHA COMP cb removes power
from the landing gear handle position switch #2 relay resulting in a LDG2 FAIL code.
(1) Verify FCS CAUTION light illuminated; AOAC and AC28 displayed in DCP under IBIT.
AOAC and AC28 are detected as a result of the ALPHA COMP cb being pulled.
(2) Reset ALPHA COMP cb, both AICS cb’s, and check INLET RAMPS switches AUTO.
(3) Reinitiate complete normal OBC (AUTOPILOT switch ENGAGE). Verify DFCS IBIT
operation by flashing A/P REF legend and ACLS lights. Observe the following:
(a) 10 DFCS caution/advisory lights.
(b) Pitch trim check (slow longitudinal stick motion).
(c) Pitch parallel actuator check (rapid longitudinal stick motion).
(d) Individual spoiler operation (check in mirrors).
(e) Stab & rudder actuator check (horizontal tail and rudder movement).
(f) Autopilot disengage check.
(g) Rudder pedal shaker check.
(h) DCP display LED check.
The standard DFCS IBIT will check the following in order. All DFCS caution/advisory
lights will illuminate and the ACLS and A/P REF advisories will flash upon commencement
of the test. This will be followed by slow fwd/aft motion of the stick and stab (pitch trim)
followed quick fwd/aft motion of the stab SAS actuators (no stick movement), and then rapid
fwd/aft motion of the stick and stab (pitch parallel actuator). Following the rapid stick and
stab motion the spoilers will extend individually in the order SP4R, SP3R, SP2R, SP1R,
SP1L, SP2L, SP3L, and SP4L. Pilot should verify spoiler position indicator corresponds
with spoiler deployment and note any discrepancies. This will be followed by rapid left/right
motion of the differential stabilizer SAS actuators and left/right rudder SAS actuator checks.
This will then be followed by AUTOPILOT switch disengagement, rudder pedal shakers,
and the DCP display LED check.
f. Attempt MASTER TEST switch DFCS BIT with ROLL SAS switch deselected.
Verify IBIT does not run.
IBIT should not run with any STAB AUG switch deselected. Deselection of the ROLL and/or
YAW SAS should result in an ARI/SAS OUT caution light. Deselection of the PITCH SAS
should not illuminate any caution lights.
g. Check DCP fault codes using INC/DEC pushbuttons. Record IBIT fault codes and clear FAIL
and FLT fault codes prior to takeoff.
Check the DCP fault codes FAIL/FLT/IBIT using INC/DEC pushbuttons. IBIT fault codes can
only be cleared by running another IBIT. The FAIL codes can only be cleared by resolving the
problem and depressing MASTER RESET. The FLT codes can only be cleared by simultaneous
depression of the INC/DEC buttons for 6−7 seconds and is confirmed by a single line in the DCP
display. These codes will not clear with the MASTER TEST switch in the IBIT ARM or IBIT
RUN position.
b. Verify stabilizers shift 1° nosedown (clean) or 3° nosedown (AIM−54 rails) on extension and
opposite on retraction (ITS).
Verify full range of trim authority in all axes and power approach spoiler gearing with full left/right
lateral trim and corresponding full left/right lateral stick (spoiler deflection should be reduced to
35° deployment with full trim into stick displacement). Careful attention should be given to the
operation and accuracy of the control surface position indicator during this test. This gauge is
utilized routinely to determine DFCS flight control functionality airborne and any inaccuracies
or friction in the indicator will impact the ability to resolve DFCS operation. A useful technique
is to trim full authority in one direction, observe the position indicator and then move the control
stick/rudder pedals slightly in the same direction of trim and release and note any change in the
position indicator due to inaccuracy/friction in the gauge.
c. Trim Full nose up, check greater than 18° TEU (17 to 19 seconds).
g. Stick full left Check power approach spoiler gearing and uniform 35° to 55° spoiler exten
i. Stick full right Check power approach spoiler gearing and uniform 35° to 55° spoiler exten
Verify full range of control surface authority. As above identify the operation and accuracy of the
control surface position indicator. Note the 0.1 inch lateral stick deflection spoiler breakout in
the power approach (PA) configuration. Spoiler breakout in the gear up configuration is 0.5 inch.
a. Longitudinal 36° TEU to 9° TED horizontal tail (33° to 12° without ITS).
a. DLC Check.
Verify DLC engagement/operation and stabilizer shift upon engagement and subsequently
upon up" DLC commands via the thumbwheel.
(1) DLC Engage. Verify stabilizer shifts 2¾° below trim. Inboard spoilers extend to 17½°.
(2) Full up DLC. Verify stabilizer returns to trim. Inboard spoilers go to −4½°.
(3) Full down DLC. Verify stabilizer remains 2¾° below trimmed position and inboard
spoilers extend to 55°.
(4) Stick 2 inches left (check spoiler gearing). Left wing outboard +30° and inboard +55°.
Right wing both inboard/outboard −4½°.
(5) Stick 2 inches right (check spoiler gearing). Right wing outboard +30° and inboard 55°.
Left wing both inboard/outboard −4½°.
(6) DLC Disengage.
b. SPOILER BK Select.
(b) Perform lateral stick sweep. Observe SPOILERS caution light, verify DCP FAIL fault
codes SP3 and SP4 (L or R on initial lateral stick input).
(c) Reset cb and perform MASTER RESET. Verify light and DCP fault codes removed.
10.3.4 Taxi
Ashore engine checks must be performed with oppos
ing engine at IDLE for the brakes to hold.
a. Verify hook stowed and RATS light out.
b. Both engines MODE SEC.
c. Both throttles MIL.
Note acceleration time (less than 10 seconds).
d. Both engines MODE PRI.
Record engine parameters.
e. Hook handle DOWN.
Verify RATS light and 3 to 6−percent rpm decay.
o. Throttles MIL.
e. Right throttle Check basic engine power response.
f. R ENG MODE switch PRI.
g. Cycle AICS cb’s at a constant subsonic Mach.
Cycling AICS cb’s while airborne may illuminate the
Release the TEST button as soon as the OBOGS light is illuminated. Verify OBOGS light is out
within 20 seconds.
ECS check should be performed at altitudes above 8,000 feet so cabin pressurization can be
checked, but low enough to prevent large cockpit pressure changes when cockpit air is secured.
a. Cabin altitude approximately 8,000 feet.
b. Air distribution CANOPY DEFOG/CABIN AIR.
c. WCS switch STBY (coordinate with RIO).
d. AIR SOURCE pushbutton OFF.
Cockpit pressurization will quickly bleed off and cabin pressure altimeter should indicate
aircraft altitude.
f. RAM AIR switch INCR (35 to 50 seconds to fully open ram air door).
As ram air door opens (up to 50 seconds to open fully), there will be an increase in cockpit
With RAM selected, 400° manifold is re−pressurized, which maintains canopy seal, airbags,
and antenna waveguides pressurization. As canopy seal re−inflates, cockpit pressurization
available from ram air will be much more apparent.
Deselection of the ROLL and/or YAW SAS switch should result in an ARI/SAS OUT caution light.
Deselection of the PITCH SAS switch should not illuminate any caution lights.
Pitch pulse is executed with a partial fwd/aft motion and release of the control stick followed
by observation of resultant aircraft motion. Observe increased damping of aircraft response
Note ARI/SAS OUT light when ROLL SAS OFF. Note full extension of down wing spoilers.
Check for 14° of differential stab split with ROLL SAS OFF, and >20° of stabilizer split with
ROLL SAS ON. Full stick roll acceleration with ROLL SAS OFF will be significantly less than
with ROLL SAS ON because of reduced horizontal tail authority. In addition residual aircraft
motion will be less dampened with the ROLL SAS OFF. Observe slight reduction in differential
tail at high roll rates with ROLL SAS ON due to roll rate feedback limiting.
Note ARI/SAS OUT light when YAW SAS OFF. Rudder pulse is executed with a partial
left/right motion and release of the rudder pedals followed by observation of resultant aircraft
motion. Observe Dutch roll response with YAW SAS OFF. Yaw excursions should cease
immediately upon engagement of YAW SAS ON.
a. Throttles IDLE.
b. Slowly increase aircraft AOA and allow aircraft to stabilize; maneuver devices extended at
10.5 units AOA.
This is the first comparison of ARI alpha nose−probe (radome) and ADD AOA side−probe
(left fuselage) AOA inputs and any disparity could indicate potential limited DFCS
The maneuver device AOA signal from the ARI alpha
nose−probe to the CADC has a faster response rate
than the signal from the ADD AOA side−probe to the
AOA indicator, causing a low reading (error) on the
indicator. This error is directly proportional to the air
craft AOA maneuver rate. Therefore, to determine
when maneuver device extension occurs, perform the
high−AOA maneuver device check by slowly increas
ing/decreasing aircraft AOA and allowing aircraft to
c. Recover to <8 units AOA. Verify maneuver devices retract at 8 units AOA.
Maneuver devices should retract at 2 units less than extension to provide a deadband" to
reduce stress associated with automatic extension/retraction commands on the maneuver
(c) Select ROLL SAS switch OFF, initiate mild wing rock with small stick and rudder
(d) Select ROLL SAS switch ON, hold stick/rudder centered and observe reduction or
elimination of wing rock.
(6) Low Speed Cross Control (LSXC) check.
LSXC functionality is effective above 30 units AOA and below 0.4 Mach. During this
maneuver the pilot should slowly continue to decelerate to full aft stick with the nose less
than 30° pitch attitude. The pilot should then input full left lateral stick and observe the
4° differential tail fadeout and full 19° rudder in the direction of stick. When the pilot
inputs full right rudder pedal the differential tail fadeout will be overridden and allow a 20°
differential tail split LWD and a full 30° right rudder as commanded. The low speed cross
control functionality will provide for a sluggish right roll/yaw response with rudder at high
(a) Continue deceleration to full aft stick, <30° pitch attitude (>30 units AOA).
(b) Lateral stick Full left. Observe 4° differential tail split LWD and 19° left rudder.
(c) Rudder pedal Full right (with full aft/left stick). Observe sustained 20° differential
tail split LWD, 30° right rudder, and aircraft right roll/yaw response.
Reduction to original authorities can occur if AOA
falls below 30 units or yaw rate exceeds 20 deg/sec as
the LSXC functionality is overridden.
(7) Recover to <15 units AOA, retract maneuvering devices when proper DFCS control inputs
and right roll/yaw response observed or when aircraft <30° nose down pitch attitude.
ABC 65. Structural integrity check (airspeed 0.9 Mach at 10,000 feet).
b. High−g turn.
d. Accelerometer Check.
Left Right
c. Throttles Less than MIL.
d. ASYM LIMITER switch ON.
Mach Wingsweep
0.4 20_
0.7 21_
0.8 40_
0.9 60_
>0.93 68_
AB 73. Engine instruments (engine MIL power at 0.9 Mach) Monitor and read out to RIO.
Left Right Limits
OIL (psi) 25 to 65
RPM (%) 107.7 maximum
EGT (_C) 935_
f. Compare pitot−static instruments (pilot and RIO). Pilot should report Mach in increments of
0.1 Mach. RIO should indicate 0.1 Mach less than pilot’s Mach indication.
A significant difference between front and rear air
speed indications may result in compressor stalls
because of inlet ramp mispositioning.
AB 76. Cabin pressurization and ECS Check (approximately 17,000 feet at 40,000 feet).
g. Gunsight Check.
(1) Weapon select switch GUN.
(2) Observe proper HUD display.
(3) Uncage gunsight.
(4) Fly level coordinated turn pulling enough g’s to place the center of reticle 15 mils from
the center of the ADDITIONAL along the horizontal line of the ADL.
(5) Results should be 3 g turn in 45 $ 6 seconds with reticle displaced 15 mils horizontally.
(6) Weapon select switch OFF.
A 81. Fuel system transfer check (total fuel less than 8,000 pounds).
b. FUEL FEED switch FWD/R.
Monitor 500 pound split, AFT/L high.
c. FUEL FEED switch AFT/L.
Monitor 500 pound split, FWD/R high.
d. FUEL FEED switch NORM.
Verify FWD/R high split remains constant.
(a) Response to longitudinal stick.
(b) Response to turn entry, steady rollout.
(c) Response to DLC (should be minimal).
(d) Response in HOT/NORM/COLD.
(e) AUTO THROT light.
1) Manual override.
2) CAGE/SEAM pushbutton.
Verify throttle interlock does not permit speedbrake extension at MIL power.
AC 83. PA−ARI checks. LSRI, yaw damping, and spiral mode stability.
Trim airplane to stabilized wings level with ROLL SAS OFF to neutralize SAS actuators.
Re−engage ROLL SAS switch to activate lateral stick roll rate command functionality. Stabilize
in a 10° bank angle and release stick. Aircraft should maintain this bank angle and
not deviate to double or half original bank angle in <20 seconds. This functionality will be
degraded at steeper bank angles.
(1) Trim laterally wings level, ROLL SAS OFF.
(2) Select ROLL SAS ON and smoothly stabilize left and right 10° bank angle, hands off
(3) Observe approximately neutral spiral stability (test valid if time to double or half amplitude
>20 sec).
f. Exit A/G.
121 KCAS $ 4 KCAS at 42,000−pounds gross weight. Add 3 KCAS per 2,000 pounds over
42,000 pounds.
10.4.1 Prestart
A 1. ICS.
a. Normal.
b. Backup.
c. Emergency.
A 4. Canopy rigging.
a. Both cockpit handles same position during operation.
b. BOOST not required to close.
10.4.2 Poststart
A 6. Multifunction display.
a. Verify navigation display.
A 7. ALR−67 BIT.
10.4.3 Taxi
A 9. BDHI Cross−Check Heading With HUD.
A 10. NSV Check (at takeoff end of runway).
Groundspeed Time
a. Steering symbols.
c. Data−link messages.
a. Radar modes
(1) PULSE.
(2) PD SRCH.
(3) RWS.
(5) TWS MAN.
(6) HRWS.
(1) Pilot select PH and TNG, RIO select missile preparation (coordinate with pilot).
(1) Intercept targets, check operation in PD SRCH, RWS, and TWS MAN.
(a) Observe transition to PULSE STT.
(b) Return to PULSE SRCH.
(c) Close to visual range and verify DD display.
b. After pilot raises nose to 10 degrees above horizon and rolls inverted wings level (not to exceed
−1.0 g), check for FOD or loose gear.
a. Select A/G.
e. Exit A/G.
f. HRM check.
10.4.11 Approach
A 30. Airspeed
a. Compare with pilot airspeed at 15 units AOA; record error _________ knots.
10-31 CHANGE 1
10.4.12 Landing
10.4.13 In Chocks
ABC 32. INS/SAHRS and visual Check and Update in Chocks (Vis Fix disabled if GPS is boxed).
10.4.14 Postflight
Flight Characteristics
Flight Characteristics
is poorly damped without it. In regions of reduced directional means to slow the aircraft is to reduce thrust while applying
stability above 24 units AOA or when supersonic, the SAS g, since the speedbrakes are marginally effective at moderate
dampens yaw rates that might otherwise cause loss of control, to low speeds. Extension and retraction of the speedbrakes
or structural damage. Below 1.0 TMN,with YAW SAS OFF, results in a pitch trim change that varies with flight conditions.
normal maneuvering can be accomplished if extra care is In general, this change is not objectionable except at higher
taken to control yaw and sideslip excursions with rudder airspeeds where the rapidity of the change (1.5 seconds for
(maintain coordinated flight), but high AOA maneuvering full extension) may prevent fine (± 3 mil) gunsight tracking
(above approximately 15 units AOA) should be avoided due and possibly lead to a minor case of pilot−induced oscillation.
to increased probability of departure from controlled flight.
At high AOA flight conditions, both the ROLL and
11.3.1 Static Longitudinal Stability
YAW SAS are required to provide automatic rudder intercon
nect (ARI) functions which significantly improve the Static longitudinal stability indicates the direction of
handling qualities, departure resistance, and recovery capa longitudinal stick force required with changing airspeed
bility of the aircraft. from a trim condition. At slow speeds where the wings are not
11.2 SECONDARY FLIGHT CONTROLS sweeping, static longitudinal stability is slightly positive
(forward stick is required for increasing speeds, aft stick is
Secondary flight controls affect the flightpath of the required for decreasing speeds). At speeds where the wings
aircraft although they have other primary purposes, such as are automatically sweeping aft, static stability becomes
increasing lift or drag. Secondary flight controls of the neutral to slightly negative.
aircraft include main, auxiliary, and maneuver flaps, leading
edge slats, speedbrakes, DLC, and the variable sweep wing. In the transonic region, from Mach 0.8 to 1.5, static
longitudinal stability is essentially neutral. There is, howev
11.2.1 Maneuver Flaps and Slats er, a minor reversal in the stick force gradient (forward stick
force may have to be relaxed to maintain level flight when
Maneuver flaps and slats provide increased turn
accelerating) at approximately Mach 0.95. Above Mach 1.5,
performance (increased turn rate/decreased turn radius)
the stick force gradient becomes neutral. Since the engine
when extended. Additionally, the extension of the maneuver
line of thrust is below the aircraft cg, reducing power causes
slats decreases departure susceptibility by increasing posi
a slight nosedown pitch; power addition causes a noseup
tive dihedral effect (roll because of sideslip). The longitudi
nal trim change upon extension and retraction of the devices
is slight (2 to 4 pounds aft on extension, approximately 11.3.2 Dynamic Longitudinal Response
2 pounds forward on retraction). Characteristics
11.2.2 Landing Flaps, Slats, and DLC The initial response of the aircraft to a longitudinal
stick input is greatly dependent on the dynamic longitudinal
Trim changes during extension and retraction of
response or short period" characteristics. Dynamic longitu
flaps/slats are significant. During extension of flaps/slats at
dinal response to pilot inputs is somewhat sluggish in cruise
200 KIAS, an initial push force of approximately 5 pounds
and approach configurations when compared to most other
is required followed by a pull force of up to 15 pounds.
modern day fighters. In cruise configuration this may not be
Engagement of DLC at approach speeds causes essentially
evident until high gain, close coupled tasks, such as fine
no trim change. Forces during retraction of the flaps/slats are
gunsight tracking, are attempted. Here, the pilot’s tendency
generally opposite and of approximately the same magni
is to overdrive the aircraft with the control stick resulting in
tude. The force required during retraction of flaps/slats may
a slight porpoising of the nose. This can be avoided by
be less objectionable than those during extension, as the flaps
applying a longitudinal stick input and waiting for a nose
are generally raised at a slower airspeed and, therefore,
response before applying a further correction.
require less opposing force.
In approach configurations, the sluggish nose response
will be most noticeable during approaches without DLC, as
Retracting the flaps with DLC engaged may more nose movement must accompany the larger power
require up to 30 pounds push force to maintain adjustments required to maintain onspeed AOA when flying
pitch attitude when the DLC automatically the ball.
disengages as the flaps pass 25_.
11.3.3 Maneuvering Stick Force
11.2.3 Speedbrakes Maneuvering stick force, or stick force per g of the
The speedbrakes provide some deceleration capability aircraft, is predictable throughout most of the flight
throughout the flight envelope. However, the most effective envelope.
That is, an increase in force commands a corresponding at high airspeeds. Smoother and/or smaller lateral stick
increase in g (approximately 4 pounds per g). The stick force inputs will reduce or eliminate this oscillatory roll response
per g generally changes very little with altitude, airspeed, at these flight conditions.
loading, or cg position.
At high angles of attack, the up−and−away (UA)
Stick displacements required during maneuvering are UA−ARI control functions dramatically improve the roll
relatively large and may be uncomfortable to some pilots. response of the aircraft. The roll reversal characteristic
While the stick forces are not especially high, the stick must experienced without ARI is eliminated throughout the
be placed relatively close to the pilot’s torso to attain a given majority of the available AOA range. Roll response is in the
g. This gives the pilot less leverage with his arm and is more direction of commanded lateral stick up to and beyond 30
tiring, especially at lower airspeeds and higher AOA, where units AOA. Some variation in normal roll response may be
stick force per g can be as high as 10 pounds per g. seen due to aircraft control system and/or wing sweep and
flap rigging tolerances, external store loading, or wing fuel
11.3.4 Roll Performance
imbalance. Maximum roll rate commanded by lateral stick
The roll performance (maximum roll rate attainable) is decreases as AOA increases, decreasing to near zero above
generally satisfactory, particularly at high airspeeds. At 30 units AOA, without pilot commanded coordinating rudder
lower speeds, however, the high−aspect ratio and roll inertia inputs. Proper sense roll response can be attained at
of the aircraft restrict its time to roll to considerably less than increasingly higher AOA through use of pilot coordinating
that of smaller, more nimble tactical aircraft (A−4, F−16). rudder. At very low airspeed and high AOA conditions (less
Note than 0.4 Mach and above 30 units AOA), the Low Speed
Cross Control feature (LSXC) can be safely utilized to obtain
Although DFCS improves maximum roll rate ca a transient roll maneuvering capability. This feature is
pability at low airspeed and high AOA, these enabled by applying rudder in the desired roll direction,
flight conditions are definite tactical limitations. while applying an opposite lateral stick input. Peak roll rate
of approximately 60 deg/sec is available through the use of
Large aft stick inputs applied with lateral stick during LSXC. If long duration inputs are utilized, the roll response
supersonic rolling maneuvers result in increased adverse may become oscillatory, with hesitations in bank angle and
sideslip and should be avoided. High Mach number, high−al roll rate. Precise bank angle control is typically not possible
titude rolling maneuvers may result in oscillatory sideslip with LSXC, but the feature can be effectively utilized during
and roll ratcheting during aggressive maneuvering with sustained slow speed / high AOA maneuvering such as a flat
ROLL SAS off. Depending on the phasing of these dynamics, scissors engagement.
centering lateral stick may be insufficient to stop the rolling
motion and opposite lateral stick may be required in order to In the landing configuration, the power approach
terminate roll. (PA−ARI) control functions and modified spoiler gearing
provide a crisp roll response to pilot lateral stick inputs.
Control gains are scheduled with AOA to provide a linear roll
response of approximately 20 deg/sec roll rate per inch of
lateral stick deflection. This responsiveness may lead to a
tendency to overcontrol bank angle if large amplitude stick
Large sideslip angles generated during full later
al stick supersonic rolling maneuvers at high alti inputs are utilized. Therefore, relatively small stick deflec
tions are required to perform these corrections. Once
tudes may result in engine stalls.
accustomed to the increased roll response in the landing
11.3.5 Roll Response configuration, pilot workload to perform lateral corrections
and precisely maintain lineup will be significantly reduced,
In the cruise configuration, the roll response to lateral
allowing the pilot to devote valuable time to controlling both
stick inputs is generally satisfactory throughout the flight
glideslope and AOA.
envelope. The increased roll acceleration and peak roll rate
attainable with ROLL SAS on significantly improves the 11.3.6 Dutch Roll
tactical maneuvering capability. However, at high airspeeds,
the roll command augmentation (CAS) and roll rate limiting Dutch roll is characterized by a wallowing, snaky
motion of the nose that severely degrades heading and/or
feature of the ROLL SAS can cause high roll accelerations
lineup control. Large lateral stick inputs can excite the Dutch
and marked variations in roll rate during aggressive rolling
maneuvers with large lateral stick inputs. This effect is most roll mode of the aircraft in the cruise configuration, but the
most severe degradation in flying qualities from the Dutch
pronounced at high subsonic airspeeds (from approximately
roll is in the approach configuration. The period of this
0.7 to 0.93 Mach) and medium to low altitudes (below
motion is quite long and has the unfortunate result that the
approximately 20,000 feet). This characteristic may lead to
bank angle overshoots during maximum roll rate maneuvers pilot perceives a heading error when referenced to centerline,
when in fact the flightpath is correct. In the landing via directional yaw trim first then followed by lateral stick
configuration, the PA−ARI control functions provide a nearly roll trim.
deadbeat directional response. Precise lineup control is
exhibited due to the increased Dutch roll damping and the
automatic stick to rudder interconnect function which
provides coordinating rudder inputs with lateral stick
deflection. Additional pilot coordinating rudder inputs are
typically not required during approach, but may be used for Excessive lateral trim requirements will result in
aggressive bank and/or lineup corrections if desired. increased roll rates and structural loads during
rolling maneuvers opposite the direction of trim.
11.3.7 Trim Characteristics This is particularly evident at transonic and su
The trim rate in pitch is slow. During acceleration runs personic flight conditions. For this reason, trim
in MAX power at low altitude, trim may have to be run nearly yaw first, then roll.
continuously to maintain longitudinal stick force at or near Changes in thrust settings normally require a trim
zero. Lateral control authority and roll rates at slow speeds change, particularly in the approach configurations. A
will be reduced by almost one−half with full stick deflection reduction in power causes a slight nosedown pitch.
in the direction of full lateral trim because of decreased spoiler
deflection (see spoiler gearing schedules in Figure 263). In the landing configuration, the DFCS includes a roll
Therefore, when maximum lateral control authority is rate command function. Pilot lateral stick deflection com
required, such as during an asymmetric flap condition, trim mands a desired roll rate, which is provided through
in the direction of stick displacement should be avoided. differential tail and spoiler inputs. Once this commanded roll
rate is achieved, ROLL SAS inputs will stabilize the aircraft
Runaway trim in any axis is controllable. During field at the commanded rate. Likewise, any roll rate not command
landings, the aircraft can be recovered safely with runaway ed by lateral stick deflection (gust, turbulence, lateral
trim; however, carrier approaches with full runaway pitch asymmetry, etc.) is sensed as a roll rate error. The ROLL SAS
trim may be difficult. will automatically provide inputs through the roll series
Trimming the aircraft to level flight can be broken servos to stop this uncommanded rate. Sufficient gain exists
down into two areas. At airspeeds slower than those using in this control function to essentially provide an auto−trim"
automatic wing−sweep programming, the aircraft is relative capability in the roll axis for many lateral asymmetry
ly easy to trim to level flight because it has positive situations. Because of this characteristic, precise lateral trim
longitudinal static stability. At airspeeds where the wings may be slightly more difficult to achieve in the landing
automatically move with a change in airspeed, it becomes configuration. In some cases, it may be possible to slowly
very difficult to achieve a hands−off trim. Because of the move lateral stick trim from left to right with no appreciable
change in aircraft pitching moment caused by movement of change in aircraft bank angle or roll rate. Because much of
the wings, the nose tends to pitch further down with each the lateral trim is now being provided through biasing of the
increase in speed or further up with each decrease in speed. roll series servos in one direction, the aircraft may subse
quently exhibit an asymmetric roll rate in response to pilot
Trimming the aircraft laterally/directionally may be lateral stick inputs. Should this bias become objectionable,
required to compensate for lateral asymmetry resulting from the aircraft can be trimmed both laterally and directionally
either asymmetric stores, wing fuel imbalance, or control with the ROLL SAS OFF, reselecting ROLL SAS ON once
surface rigging tolerances. Lateral trim requirements will trim is established. This action should eliminate any bias
result in a stick displacement and a corresponding differential present in the roll series servos and provide symmetric roll
tail split that will reduce the amount of effective differential response.
tail authority in the direction of trim and increase the amount
of effective differential tail authority opposite trim. As a 11.4 ASYMMETRIC THRUST FLIGHT
result, aircraft response will be reduced for lateral stick CHARACTERISTICS IN COMBAT
deflections in the direction of trim and increased for lateral AND CRUISE CONFIGURATION
stick deflections opposite the direction of trim. The com
bined effects of lateral trim and any CG displacement 11.4.1 General
associated with the asymmetry may result in increased With one engine inoperative, flight characteristics are
departure susceptibility and severity. In addition, excessive considerably affected by the thrust asymmetry generated by
lateral trim requirements will result in increased roll rates and the operating engine. The distance of the engines from the
structural loads during rolling maneuvers opposite the aircraft centerline produces flight control requirements and
direction of trim. This is particularly evident at transonic flying qualities not present in centerline thrust aircraft. Flight
and supersonic flight conditions. For this reason, lateral/ control requirements are a function of the thrust setting on the
directional trim requirements should be managed primarily
operating engine. The thrust required to maintain flight, and should be engaged from startup to shutdown. ATLS can be
therefore the magnitude of the thrust asymmetry, is a function turned off if required for tactical considerations such as a
of the following. single−engine ACM bugout. Gross Weight 11.5 ENGINE STALLS AND FLAMEOUT
Heavier gross weights require higher thrust settings to The F110 engines demonstrate exceptional operability
maintain level flight and, therefore, larger control deflections throughout the flight envelope. No hung stalls" (similar to
to counter the greater asymmetric thrust. the classic TF−30 stall) have been observed in flight tests.
Self−clearing pop" stalls, which may produce an audible Configuration bang," may occur above 35,000 feet when below 100 knots
Aircraft configuration varies the amount of thrust in MAX power and usually occur in conjunction with an
required at a particular flight condition. At cruise configura afterburner blowout. To date these stalls have resulted in no
tion airspeeds, control requirements will be significantly engine damage, are self−clearing in approximately 1 second,
reduced compared to landing configurations, which will and have required no pilot action for engine recovery.
require significantly higher thrust settings and in turn larger However, throttles should be reduced to idle when subsonic
control forces to maintain desired flightpath. (MIL when over 1.1 Mach) to minimize the possibility of
engine damage during all engine stalls. A supersonic stall Airspeed may cause inlet buzz resulting in a rough, bumpy ride (+2.5
At maximum endurance airspeeds, minimum thrust is to −1g at 6 cycles per second). Inlet buzz should subside when
required to maintain level flight; therefore, the smallest decelerating below 1.2 Mach. When supersonic, any wing
asymmetric moment is produced. Higher or lower airspeeds drop tendencies should be controlled with lateral stick alone.
will require higher power settings and, therefore, increased 11.5.1 Medium and High−Subsonic Airspeed
control forces. At airspeeds above maximum endurance, the
greater asymmetry will be offset largely by the additional Above approximately 100 knots, sufficient controlla
bility exists to control a maximum AB/stalled engine thrust
control power available. Minimum control speed is reached
asymmetry with operative ATLS. Aircraft response to an
at the point when maximum rudder deflection is no longer
engine failure is generally mild and is characterized by slow
sufficient to maintain directional control.
buildup in yaw rate followed by slowly increasing rolloff in Altitude the same direction as yaw. This response is insidious since the
aircrew will only notice the roll as it masks the yaw rate.
Net thrust is strongly dependent on altitude. For
Rudder is the primary control to offset yawing moment from
a constant throttle setting, the asymmetric thrust is con
asymmetric thrust. Higher airspeeds provide more rudder
siderably higher at sea level than at higher altitudes. The
effectiveness and increase pilot ability to control yaw caused
F110 produces considerably more thrust than the TF−30
by asymmetric thrust.
powered F−14A. At maximum afterburner, the F110’s thrust
at 10,000 feet is equivalent to that of the TF−30 at sea level. Bank Angle
Bank angle increases induced drag and, therefore, The use of lateral stick to offset the uncomman
requires higher thrust settings to maintain level flight. The ded roll caused by yaw from asymmetric thrust
higher thrust setting demands increased rudder deflection in at high AOA will generate adverse yaw and ag
a turn compared to that required in level flight at the same gravate the yaw caused by asymmetric thrust.
airspeed. Turn direction into or away from the failed engine The result may be a yawing, rolling departure.
significantly affects rudder requirements. In straight−line Although DFCS reduces this effect due to differ
flight, some amount of rudder deflection will be required to ential tail fadeout and automatic stick−to−rudder
offset the yawing moment from asymmetric thrust at zero interconnect functions reduce this effect, depar
bank angle. A five degree bank angle into the good engine ture could still result.
will introduce a side force component countering the thrust
Yaw rate increase after an engine stall or failure may be
asymmetry and thereby reducing the rudder requirement.
completely masked by roll if the pilot does not recognize that Asymmetric Thrust Limiting System the engine malfunction has occurred and that aircraft motion
(ATLS) is the result of that malfunction. Therefore, when any
uncommanded rolloff or yaw rate occurs during maneuver
With operative ATLS, the magnitude of any asymmet
ing flight with maximum thrust, the pilot should reduce
ric thrust in MAX power will be reduced, thereby reducing
AOA, reduce thrust, counter with rudder, and avoid the use
the control requirements to maintain the flight condition or
of lateral stick alone.
reducing time to recover if a departure has occurred. ATLS
authority commanded by lateral stick is ±7°. High AOA with automatic flaps/slats, since the high−
maneuvering should always be conducted with both the AOA flying qualities will be degraded from
ROLL and YAW SAS ON, as control functions in both axes the automatic flap/slat aircraft. If maneuver
are required to provide a fully operational UA−ARI. Depar ing flaps/slats are inoperative, maintain coor
ture inducing differential tail inputs are faded out at high dinated flight with lateral inputs and rudder.
AOA, while beneficial coordinating rudder inputs are D Inoperative maneuver flaps/slats could be in
automatically provided with lateral stick deflection to dicative of a malfunctioning primary AOA
preserve proper sense roll response throughout the majority source.
of the available AOA range. Roll rate feedback is provided
11.6.6 Lateral Control Reversal
to the roll and yaw axes to damp divergent wing rock above
20 units AOA and improve air−to−air tracking capability. Since roll control is provided by wing−mounted
Finally, yaw rate feedback to the differential stabilizer and spoilers and differential stabilators, the aircraft exhibits
rudders provides an enhanced departure/spin recovery capa proverse yaw throughout the flight envelope (yaw in the
bility by automatically commanding these control surfaces to direction of the lateral stick input). The DFCS fades out
oppose yaw rate buildup. Thus, above 30 units AOA and differential tail inputs at high AOA while providing auto
greater than 20o per second yaw rate, 19o rudder opposite and matic coordinating rudder inputs through the lateral stick−to−
± 5o differential tail into the turn needle are commanded. rudder interconnect function (LSRI). Essentially, the DFCS
Unless otherwise noted, the high AOA flight characteristics uses lateral stability (dihedral effect) to roll the aircraft at
discussion assumes both ROLL and YAW SAS are ON. high AOA. Proper sense roll response to lateral stick is
generally exhibited up to and beyond 30 units AOA. Other
11.6.5 Maneuvering Flaps and Slats factors such as external store loading, lateral asymmetry, and
control surface rigging tolerances may degrade system
Maneuver flaps and slats extension delays buffet onset performance enough to cause neutral to slightly adverse roll
below 0.7 Mach, reduces the intensity of the buffet, reduces response (i.e. roll reversal) above 30 units AOA. Additional
the effects of adverse yaw at high AOA through increased pilot coordinating rudder inputs at high AOA can reduce this
positive dihedral effect (roll caused by sideslip), and in tendency and improve roll response.
creases the sustained g available. Above 0.7 Mach, buffet
onset occurs prior to the maneuver flap/slat extension thresh
old, but once the maneuver flaps/slats are fully extended, Through use of pilot coordinating rudder inputs,
buffet is reduced. Maneuver flaps/slats will not extend above it is possible to command rudder deflection in ex
0.85 Mach because of the wing−sweep interlocks. Although cess of total control surface authority. If this oc
maneuver flaps/slats may increase the severity of the wing curs, the rudder pedal will kick back" to reduce
rock between 20 and 28 units AOA, overall departure resist the pilot’s input while maintaining maximum
ance of the aircraft is greatly improved (Figure 11−1). This rudder authority.
wing rock may be damped with rudders, but greater difficulty At extremely high AOA and low airspeed conditions
may be encountered with maneuver flaps and slats extended, (above 30 units AOA and less than 0.4 Mach), where rudder
particularly at low airspeeds. Damping of the wing rock effectiveness is significantly reduced due to fuselage blank
mode is provided by the DFCS. However, in some cases ing effects, adequate roll rate may not be available through
minor wing rock may still develop during sustained high the combination of lateral stick and coordinating rudder. In
AOA maneuvering, particularly above 30 units AOA. If this this region, the low speed cross control (LSXC) feature can
occurs, the wing rock may be damped by neutralizing the be utilized to cross control the aircraft (rudder in direction of
lateral and the directional controls and momentarily reducing roll, lateral stick opposite) and obtain a transient roll
AOA to below 20 units. Since maneuver flaps and slat exten maneuvering capability. The LSXC permits up to 10°
sion and retraction is fully automatic, no changes in high− differential tail deflection by overriding the AOA scheduled
AOA flying techniques are required. Maneuver flaps/ slats differential tail fadeout and LSRI functions. It should be
should be utilized in the automatic mode from takeoff to understood that a LSXC maneuver is basically an intentional
landing. departure from controlled flight and should not be utilized
unless insufficient roll response is obtained with proper
sense" lateral stick and coordinating rudder. However, at
these flight conditions the airspeed is low enough that rapid
yaw rate buildup is not experienced. If the LSXC input is
maintained for a long duration (more than about 3 seconds),
D Maneuvering with inoperative maneuvering a ratcheting roll response will occur causing hesitations in roll
flaps/slats should be approached with caution rate, bank angle, and yaw rate.
if the pilot is used to maneuvering the aircraft
11−9 CHANGE 2
to be experienced during maneuvering flight at high AOA DFCS Computer Failures
than at low AOA or high airspeed conditions. In general,
Each of the three DFCCs contains two distinct
single failures of the air data sensors have negligible or only
computer processors called computing segregations, one A"
minor effects on high AOA flying qualities.
segregation and one B" segregation in each axis. Each
Failure of a single AOA input does not result in a segregation commands different series servo and/or spoiler
functional downgrade, only a loss of redundancy, since the sets. If a computing segregation fails, all actuators command-
AOA input is triplex. Single failure of the Mach number ed by that segregation are rendered inoperative. Similarly, all
inputs (SCADC or AICS) will downgrade the UA−ARI to a sensor information associated with that segregation is
fixed gain Mach control mode. In this mode, the wing rock declared invalid. Functionality loss associated with each of
suppression and LSXC control functions are inoperative. the segregations, and effect on high AOA flying qualities, are
Therefore, wing rock tendency will be increased and the discussed below.
aircraft will be difficult to roll above 30 units AOA. The
differential tail fadeout, LSRI, and spin recovery functions Pitch A − Half authority PITCH SAS, no inboard spoilers,
remain operational. single AOA failure, single Mach failure. Inoperative
wing rock suppression and LSXC functions.
Dual failure of either the Mach or AOA inputs causes
loss of all UA−ARI functions except the spin recovery Pitch B − Half authority PITCH SAS, no outboard
function. This will cause the aircraft to be more prone to wing spoilers, single Mach failure. Inoperative wing rock
rock and less resistant to all types of control−induced and suppression and LSXC functions.
asymmetric thrust induced departures. DFCS spin recovery
Roll A − Half authority ROLL SAS/ARI, no inboard
capability is retained.
spoilers, single AOA failure. Degraded UA−ARI
performance due to loss of the roll A series servo. Actuator Failures
Failure of the pitch series servos or any of the spoiler Roll B − Half authority ROLL SAS/ARI, single Mach
actuators has little effect on high AOA flight characteristics. failure. Degraded UA−ARI performance due to loss
Single failure of any roll or yaw series servo will result in of the roll B series servo. Inoperative wing rock sup-
degraded UA−ARI performance (i.e., decreased departure pression and LSXC functions.
resistance, increased wing rock tendency) in the associated Yaw A − Half authority YAW SAS/ARI, single AOA fail-
axis due to the decreased control authority, however all ure. Degraded UA−ARI performance due to loss of
UA−ARI functions are retained. the yaw A series servo.
Dual failure of both roll or both yaw series servos Yaw B − Half authority YAW SAS/ARI, no outboard
results in a complete loss of all UA−ARI functions, and spoilers, single AOA failure. Degraded UA−ARI
significantly degrades the high AOA flying qualities. With a performance due to loss of the yaw B series servo.
dual roll series servo failure, all roll axis functions are
inhibited and the yaw axis downgrades to basic SAS" mode
Combined failure of any two segregations results in
(loss of ARI functionality). In the event of a DFCS dual roll
combined loss of all associated functions, actuators, and in
series servo failure or manually selecting the ROLL STAB
most cases, additional failures. High AOA flying qualities
AUG switch to OFF, the maneuvering limits described in
are significantly degraded in all multiple segregation failure
Chapter 4 Maneuvering Limits" must be observed. Failure
of both yaw series servos, or manually selecting the YAW
STAB AUG switch to OFF, inhibits all yaw and roll axis
UA−ARI and SAS functions, resulting in a severe degradation
in high AOA flying qualities. 11.7.1 General
Although the F−14 is an honest aircraft with moderate
departure resistance, departures can be induced by large or
sustained control inputs that generally feel unnatural to the
pilot. Since the aircraft has an essentially unrecoverable
Maneuvering with YAW SAS OFF or inoperative flat−spin mode, yaw rate must be controlled before it can
shall not be conducted above 15 units AOA with build and the aircraft transitions to the flat−spin mode. In
landing gear retracted. The aircraft will be prone general, departures are characterized by increasing yaw rate
to departure from controlled flight. with oscillations in roll and yaw. Yaw rate is masked by the
roll rate and is not evident to the pilot until approximately In an upright departure at approximately 50_ per
90_ per second yaw rate (2 eyeball−out" g) is reached. second yaw rate or less, if full forward stick is applied to
reduce AOA, the aircraft will generally recover. At over 50_
A predominant stability characteristic of the F−14 is
per second yaw rate, lateral/directional control inputs (rudder
positive dihedral effect, which is the tendency for the aircraft
opposite yaw, lateral stick into yaw) are required to recover
to roll to reduce sideslip. This effectively serves to delay yaw
rate buildup associated with loss of directional stability at
high AOA.
11−10a (Reverse
11−10a Blank) CHANGE 2
the aircraft. If these inputs are not made, the yaw rate will itself. Rather, each store causes a small degradation in flying
continue to build and the aircraft may enter the flat spin. DFCS qualities that accumulates as additional stores are added. In
will significantly enhance these recovery characteristics. general, fuselage−mounted stores have less effect than pylon−
or nacelle−mounted stores.
The time to reach 50_ per second yaw rate after control
input or engine failure is very critical. If 50_ per second yaw Asymmetric Fuel/Stores
rate is reached in 5 seconds or less, the pilot may not have
enough time to neutralize, analyze, and apply recovery Flying qualities with asymmetric stores are most
controls before the aircraft enters a flat spin depending on affected by the store weight imbalance which results in a
type and severity of departure, altitude and AOA at entry, redistribution of lateral control power (differential tail) due
and aircraft configuration. The time to reach 50_ per second to the trim required. There are no significant differences due
yaw rate for various aircraft configurations as a result of to aerodynamic asymmetries at high AOA. Therefore, rudder
lateral stick, rudder, or cross−control inputs is presented in inputs generate similar aircraft response both into and away
Figure 11−1 and Figure 112. The figures are applicable to from the store(s). However, the aircraft response to large
DFCS with ROLL SAS OFF or a complete roll axis failure lateral stick inputs, at AOAs where lateral stick generates a
as indicated by illumination of the ROLL DGR, ARI DGR, roll response opposite to the direction of the input (roll
and ARI/SAS OUT caution lights. Generally, the most severe reversal AOA), can vary significantly from the symmetric
departures are induced through the differential tail, which is stores case depending on the amount of store asymmetry.
commanded by lateral stick. Rudder inputs, asymmetric
thrust, and inertia coupling can cause or contribute to the The maximum asymmetry which has been flight tested
severity of departures. thus far is 189,000 in−lbs, which resulted in a lateral trim bias
of 40 − 90% of available trim authority, depending on trim
In addition to the enhanced departure resistance, the airspeed. This asymmetry is equivalent to a 900 lb wing fuel
DFCS automatically provides anti−spin rudder and differen split.
tial tail inputs to the maximum ROLL and YAW SAS
authority limits as a function of yaw rate. This increases Due to the lateral trim required to offset the asymmetry,
aircraft spin resistance. Flight tests indicate that the aircraft the amount of lateral stick displacement (and therefore
will recover from high yaw rates without pilot−commanded differential tail) which can be commanded from the trimmed
lateral/directional control inputs, due to these automatic stick position is greater into the store asymmetry than away
rudder and differential tail inputs. Refer to 11.7.8 for from the asymmetry. Aircraft response to large lateral stick
discussion of departure recovery characteristics. inputs is thus amplified for stick deflections into the stores
and reduced for stick deflections away from the stores. Mach and AOA Effects Lateral stick−induced departures are caused by the
inadvertent application of differential tail at high AOA.
As Mach number increases, flight−control−induced
The greater the amount of differential tail commanded, the
departure susceptibility and severity increases. Generally, as
greater the aircraft response, and potentially the more severe
AOA increases, the severity of the departure increases. For
the departure. Since the direction of a laterally induced
example, a lateral stick input at 0.9 Mach, 30 units AOA, will
departure is opposite to the direction of the lateral stick input,
produce a more violent departure than the same input at 0.9
departures away from the store asymmetry can be more
Mach, 20 units AOA. The one exception is rudder−induced
severe. For example, a right−wing heavy aircraft will depart
departures. As AOA is increased to about 30_ (over 30 units
faster in the nose−left direction. The degree of this asym
AOA), rudder effectiveness decreases as the rudder is washed
metric response varies in proportion to the amount of
out and rudder−induced departures become less severe.
asymmetry, and also the magnitude and duration of the
control input. This same effect is present during the use of Maneuver Flaps/Slats
cross controls (rudder in direction of roll, lateral stick
Extended maneuver flaps and slats significantly de opposite) to further augment roll response of the aircraft at
crease departure susceptibility and severity through in high AOA and can lead to potentially more severe depar−
creased dihedral effect. tures. Caution should be exercised when cross−controlling
to increase high AOA roll response away from the store External Stores asymmetry. Use of cross controls to roll into the
store asymmetry will be less effective than normal.
As external stores are added, departure susceptibility
and severity increase. No one store is significant in and of
oscillatory roll and yaw response. In this flight regime, 11.7.6 Accelerated Departures
coordinating rudder can be used to supplement lateral stick
Accelerated departures are initially characterized by a
for increased roll rate.
rapid increase in lateral acceleration but may become
violently oscillatory about all three axes. Flight tests with
legacy SAS (pre−DFCS) have shown aircraft rates in excess
of 120° per second in roll and 70° per second in yaw. Pitch
rates oscillate up to ±30° per second and lateral acceleration
oscillates up to ±0.8g. These oscillations may cause pilot
Sustained large rudder inputs at high airspeeds disorientation, and proper recovery controls may not be
(above 250 knots) can cause high yaw accelera obvious. If this occurs, the proper response would be to
tion and yaw rate. neutralize rudders and lateral stick, apply forward longitudi
11.7.5 Asymmetric−Thrust−Induced Departures nal stick, and lock the shoulder harness. Recovery indications
should become apparent within two turns.
Asymmetric−thrust−induced departures are similar to
those induced by the flight controls. At high altitude (greater 11.7.7 Inertia Coupling
than 20,000 feet), asymmetric thrust results in a mild Coupling occurs when motions in more than one axis
departure characterized by mild roll and yaw rates into the interact. Combined motion on two axes will always result in
dead engine if the airspeed is above 100 knots. The yaw rate motion in the third axis. The F−14, like all high−performance
is usually masked by the roll rate. If no pilot action is taken, aircraft capable of producing high−rate, multiple−axis motion,
the aircraft usually stabilizes at some moderate yaw rate from is susceptible to coupling. High−rate, multiple−axis motions,
which recovery is easily accomplished. On occasion, the yaw particularly at high AOA, can produce violent coupled
rate will continue to increase slowly, taking 20 seconds or departures. In flight tests with legacy SAS (pre−DFCS), a
more to reach 50_ per second. At lower altitudes (15,000 guns−defense/collision−avoidance maneuver using full rud
feet) yaw rate may reach 50_ per second in 10 seconds der followed by full coordinated lateral and aft stick produced
because of increased thrust asymmetry. Departures induced violent coupled departures with up to 66° per second yaw rate
by asymmetric thrust alone below 100 knots or when airspeed in less than 2 seconds. Yaw rates of this magnitude require
drops below 100 knots in the departure are characterized by prompt positive recovery inputs by the pilot. External stores
mild roll and a smooth gradual increase in yaw rate that will contribute to the severity of the departure by decreasing
attain values well over 50_ per second. The DFCS spin directional stability and increasing inertia. Most coupled
recovery function automatically commands recovery differ departures in the F−14 are induced by combined high pitch and
ential tail and rudder inputs to oppose yaw rate buildup and roll rates (causing a rapid departure in yaw). Typically, these
reduces the severity of asymmetric thrust induced departures. departures are initiated at comparatively low AOA (below 15
These inputs are most effective if airspeed remains above 100 units) where the aircraft is capable of generating both high
knots. Departures induced by asymmetric thrust are still pitch and roll rates. It should be noted that since the ROLL
capable of reaching 50°/sec yaw rate at low altitudes, SAS will remain on, this will provide increased roll control
however, the yaw rate onset is much less severe, allowing the authority, throughout the flight envelope.
pilot more time to counter rate.
In flight tests, the DFCS did not prevent coupled
departures from occurring. However, the DFCS
spin recovery function prevented excessive yaw
The pilot’s natural tendency is to oppose uncom rate buildup.
manded roll with lateral stick, but this can aggra No DFCS flight test departure maneuvers exceeded
vate the departure. 70° per second yaw rate, and progression into the flat spin
During maneuvering flight, uncommanded roll should mode following this type of departure.
be countered by rudder and a reduction in AOA. DFCS
automatically provides coordinating rudder with lateral stick
deflection which decreases departure susceptibility. See
additional discussions on asymmetric thrust flight character
istics in this chapter.
Avoid high−rate, multiple−axis motion because
of possible violent departures.
11.7.8 Departure Recovery ment indication of yaw direction is the roll direction. In an
upright departure, the aircraft yaw rate is the same direction
Before recovery controls are applied, the crew must
as the roll rate. Typically, roll rate is much more evident to
analyze flight conditions to determine the departure mode
the pilot than yaw rate. The turn needle and PTID spin arrow
entered. The turn needle indicates only the direction of yaw
may be backed up by referencing the roll direction.
and not magnitude of yaw rate, since it pegs at 4_ per second
yaw rate. An upright departure is indicated by AOA pegged Reducing thrust asymmetry during recovery by retard
at 30 units; an inverted departure by AOA of 0 units. ing the throttles to IDLE removes any possible thrust
Generally, increasing airspeed and AOA sustained between asymmetry, places the engines in the region of greatest stall
0 and 30 units is indicative of a recovery in progress, as is margin, and reduces time to recover. Maintaining a thrust
positive aircraft reaction to pilot control inputs. asymmetry, particularly with the good engine in MAX A/B,
will delay recovery at high altitudes and may prevent
11.7.9 Upright Departure Recovery
recovery at lower altitudes since flight controls may not be
Recovery from upright departures is positive and powerful enough to overcome asymmetric thrust. Asymmet
generally rapid. The high control power that allows the pilot ric thrust has its greatest effect upon upright departure
to depart the aircraft also enables the pilot to recover when recovery at low airspeed, where flight controls are not as
the controls are properly applied and sufficient altitude is effective, and low altitude, where asymmetric engine thrust
available for recovery. is the largest.
Successful upright departure recovery depends on
recognition of the departure from controlled flight, applica
tion of appropriate recovery control inputs, and subsequent
recognition of when the aircraft has recovered. Departure
Retarding throttles to idle during a departure or
from controlled flight is usually characterized by an uncom
high AOA maneuvering may induce a compres
manded roll/yaw or an abrupt nose slice or pitch. Common
sor stall on the operating engine. If both engines
examples of these motions are lateral control reversal at high
are stalled, one engine must be immediately se
AOA, or uncommanded roll and yaw resulting from asym
cured (while maintaining the correct departure/
metric thrust. When appropriate recovery controls are
spin recovery inputs) to prevent turbine damage
applied and maintained as discussed in detail below, recovery
and provide maximum potential for a successful
from an upright departure will be indicated by decreasing
yaw rate, decreasing AOA, and increasing airspeed. The
decrease in AOA and increase in airspeed during recovery Recovery from slightly higher yaw rates (approximate
will be evident to the pilot by the aircraft response to control ly 60 to 70 deg/sec) is possible with forward stick and
inputs. The aircraft may stop rolling because of sideslip and opposite rudder alone, due to the automatic anti−spin
begin to roll because of differential tail commanded by the differential tail and rudder inputs provided by the spin
pilot or DFCS for recovery from higher yaw rate departures. recovery function. Above these yaw rates, additional pilot−
A nose drop and associated unload may occur, and the roll commanded lateral stick into yaw rate/turn needle will likely
rate may increase under these conditions. be required to recover the aircraft. Yaw rates of 100_ per
Note second or more can be identified by sustained eyeball−out g.
The most important action of any upright depar During recovery from departures where yaw rates of 50_ to
ture recovery is reducing the AOA. This is en 100_ per second are experienced, the aircraft may stop
hanced by timely application of forward stick rolling because of sideslip and begin to roll because of
and countering the yawing motion of the aircraft differential tail commanded by the pilot or DFCS for
with rudder. recovery. A nose drop and an associated unload may occur.
These are indications of a positive recovery in progress.
If the AOA is pegged at 30 units or increasing rapidly,
smoothly apply forward stick as required to reduce AOA. During flight tests with DFCS, a sustained mild
Full forward stick may be required. In an upright departure auto−roll" tendency was exhibited during recovery from
where less than 50_ per second yaw rate is observed, if full some intentional departure maneuvers. This motion typically
forward stick is applied to reduce AOA, throttles retarded to occurred when the pilot failed to input enough forward stick
idle, and rudder is applied opposite the yaw direction, the to reduce and maintain AOA below 20 units. With neutral
aircraft will generally recover, as shown in Figure 11−3. controls or slightly forward stick only (no pilot rudder or
Cockpit indications of yaw direction are the pilot’s turn lateral stick input), the aircraft can continue to roll and yaw
needle and the spin arrow displays on the PTID and MFD mildly in the direction of the original departure. These rates
(Figure 11−4). Refer to paragraph for a detailed are approximately 40 deg/sec in roll and 20 deg/sec in yaw.
discussion of spin arrow displays. An additional noninstru AOA is sustained between 20 and 25 units. Aircrew should
second; the backup reference, the SAHRS, is departure, low−speed stalled engine, etc.). The time between
valid for the same yaw rates. recognition of a flat spin and buildup of incapacitating
longitudinal−g forces is dependent upon aircraft loading,
D If INS and SAHRS failures occur while the
thrust asymmetry, flight control position during spin entry,
spin arrow format is displayed, the pointer on
locked or unlocked harness, tightness of the lap restraints,
the yaw rate scale is removed from the PTID
and flightcrew physical condition and stature. Test data
and a breakaway X is super−imposed over the
indicate that following recognition of a flat spin, the pilot
spin arrow display (Figure 11−5).
may be able to maintain antispin controls for 15 to 20 seconds
The algorithm that provides yaw rate and direction of (approximately 7 to 10 turns) but may severely jeopardize his
turn information for the spin arrow display has not been flight ability to eject because of the incapacitation that occurs as the
test validated at all aircraft attitudes and rates. Hence, the g forces build. Consistent successful F−14 flat spin recovery
spin arrow may not operate properly at extreme aircraft procedures have not been demonstrated; therefore, once the
attitudes and rates. The spin arrow has operated properly, aircraft is confirmed to be in a flat spin, the flightcrew should
providing accurate yaw rate and direction information to the eject. This decision should not be delayed once the flat spin
aircrew, during flight test where nominal aircraft departures is recognized.
were encountered.
It is important to understand that longitudinal g forces
11.7.10 Flat Spin can be present in accelerated departures from controlled
flight and ejection initiated solely because of longitudinal g
The only true upright, fully developed spin in the F−14 forces is premature.
is the flat spin. It is recognized by the flat aircraft attitude
(approximately 10_ nose down with no pitch or roll To preclude premature ejection from a recoverable
oscillations), steadily increasing yaw rate, and high−longitu aircraft, verify that the aircraft is not rolling or oscillating in
dinal acceleration (eyeball−out g). It may develop within two pitch or is not in a coupled departure. If any of these
to three turns following a departure if yaw is allowed to characteristics are evident, then a flat spin has not developed
accelerate without rapid, positive steps to effect recovery. and departure recovery procedures should be continued.
High yaw−rate departures are usually induced by aerodynam
11.7.11 Negative AOA Departures
ic controls, resulting in inertia coupling and possibly
aggravated by a thrust asymmetry. The aircraft may first During flight test, a negative AOA departure mode has
enter an erect oscillatory spiral as airspeed rapidly decreases. been experienced. Cross−control inputs in the low to medium
Frequent hesitations in yaw and roll may occur as yaw rate Mach (less than 0.6 Mach) and low to medium AOA (AOA
increases. The turn needle and the spin arrow are the only less than 25 units) area resulted in rapid transition to negative
valid indications of yaw and spin direction as they always AOA with up to 2.5 negative g. Inertia coupling effects will
indicate turn direction correctly, whether erect or inverted. cause a nose down pitch and AOA decrease any time roll and
AOA will peg at 30 units, and airspeed will oscillate between yaw rates are generated in opposite directions. A cross
0 and 100 knots. The aircraft may also depart by entering a control input at low AOA, where the aircraft still rolls in the
coupled roll where yaw rate may build up without being direction of lateral stick, is capable of producing this type of
noticed, to the point that when roll stops, yaw rate is sufficient motion. The motion was very disorienting, uncomfortable,
to sustain a flat spin. A large sustained thrust asymmetry at and confusing. Neutralizing controls would produce a
low airspeed (particularly at low altitude), may also produce recovery from this departure; use of aft stick would speed
sufficient yaw rate to drive the aircraft into a flat spin if recovery.
proper recovery controls are not used. In all instances,
recovery should be accomplished by prompt application of
departure recovery procedures to reduce AOA and control
yaw rate.
Regardless of the method of entry, once the flat spin has
developed, the flat aircraft attitude (10_ nose down), steadily Use of cross−control in the low to medium Mach
increasing yaw rate, and buildup of longitudinal−g forces not (less than 0.6) and low to medium AOA (AOA
accompanied by roll and/or pitch rates will be apparent to the less than 25 units) may result in negative−g
flightcrew. AOA will be pegged at 30 units, yaw rate will be departures.
fast (as high as 180_ per second) and altitude loss will be 11.7.12 Inverted Stall/Departure
approximately 700 feet per turn. Longitudinal acceleration
(eye−ball−out g) at the pilot’s station will be 5.5 to 6.5g and As in normal stall approaches, there is no clearly
at the RIO’s station, 3.5 to 4.5g. Time between aircraft defined inverted stall. A moderate rate application of full
departure and flightcrew recognition of a fully developed flat
spin depends upon the nature of the entry (accelerated
forward stick in inverted flight results in a negative AOA of combination through 360_ of roll. Pro spin controls need not
about −30_. be held to maintain the aircraft in a spin. The inverted spin
is primarily identified from cockpit instruments by less than
zero g and an AOA of zero units. Since the inverted spin is
quite disorienting, spin direction must be determined by
observing the turn needle deflection and spin arrow. Altitude
loss during the inverted spin is 800 to 1,800 feet per turn and
Dynamic forward stick inputs of moderate rate time per turn is 3 to 6 seconds. Nose attitude in the inverted
may exceed the negative−g limit of −2.4g. Indi spin is approximately 25_ below the horizon. Warning of
cated AOA will show zero beyond about −5_ true possible inverted spin usually occurs sufficiently in advance
AOA. for the aircrew to take corrective action. Warning is usually
very noticeable in the form of a nosedown pitch (negative g)
Dihedral effect is negative at negative AOA. There with a yawing and possible rolling motion that is quite
fore, a right rudder input produces right yaw, but left roll. uncomfortable to the aircrew. In the fully developed inverted
This feels natural to the pilot in inverted flight, and enables spin, rudder opposite yaw/turn needle is the strongest
raising a wing with opposite rudder when inverted. At antispin control. Aft stick is a strong antispin control during
negative AOA, oil pressure will indicate zero and illuminate the incipient spin phase and a weak antispin control in the
the OIL PRESS caution light and MASTER CAUTION light. inverted spin. In the absence of asymmetric thrust, the
antispin control inputs will recover a fully developed
inverted spin within one turn. Lateral stick opposite yaw is
an antispin control, however, it is not included in the recovery
procedures because opposite rudder recovers the aircraft so
effectively. If opposite rudder and lateral stick were used, the
Zero− or negative−g flight in excess of 10 seconds recovery would occur very rapidly and a postrecovery
in afterburner or 20 seconds in military power or departure in the direction of stick and rudder would be highly
less depletes fuel feed tanks (cells 3 or 4), causing probable. Refer to Chapter 14 for inverted departure/spin
flameout of both engines. emergency procedures.
Recovery from an inverted stall is performed by
applying full aft stick, while neutralizing lateral stick, to 11.8 TAKEOFF AND LANDING CONFIGURATION
return to positive−g flight. Recovery from negative−g condi FLIGHT CHARACTERISTICS
tions will usually occur immediately. Return to level flight 11.8.1 Baseline Flight Characteristics
can then be performed from the resultant nosedown attitude
by rolling erect with rudder and/or lateral stick and pulling The aircraft exhibits a sluggish pitch response to
out at 17 units AOA. longitudinal stick inputs. Frequent power adjustments are
required in conjunction with longitudinal stick inputs to
Excessive negative−g maneuvering can also exceed the properly maintain glideslope on approach. DLC is very
aircraft lift limit and cause departure. Aircraft motion effective for making glideslope corrections while at the same
following departure will be very erratic and disorienting; any time minimizing the need for nose movement and/or power
induced yaw rate can result in upright or inverted spin entry. corrections. During full flap takeoffs, more longitudinal stick
Aircraft at high gross weights with external tanks and stores is required to rotate the aircraft as compared to either the flaps
require a relatively minor negative load to induce this type of up or maneuver flap takeoff configurations. Pitch sensitivity
departure. and over−rotation tendency is more pronounced with maneu
ver flaps or flaps up, particularly with aft CG locations.
The PA−ARI control functions combine to provide a
crisp roll response and essentially deadbeat dutch roll
damping. Additionally, the PA spoiler gearing relationship is
Negative−g maneuvering at high gross weights modified to eliminate the non−linear roll response by moving
should be avoided because of a high probability the spoiler breakout point to only one−tenth inch lateral stick
of departure. deflection. The aircraft is very responsive to lateral inputs
and some tendency to overcontrol bank may be experienced.
11.7.13 Inverted Spin The DFCS also provides automatic coordinating rudder
An inverted spin may be encountered if the aircraft inputs with lateral stick deflection such that the vast
unloads while there is a yaw rate present. In flight tests, the majority of lateral corrections can be made with feet
inverted spin has been caused by holding full forward stick on the floor." An undesirable by−product of this improved
while inverted, applying full rudder, and holding this
coordination is a minor pitch up in response to moderate to wing rock at 26 units AOA. Figure 11−6 shows stall speeds for
aggressive lateral inputs, which requires pilot compensation standard day temperature at sea level with slats/flaps
to maintain constant AOA. This effect is more pronounced extended and gear down.
with DLC off. Finally, the spiral mode is neutrally dampened,
such that the aircraft will tend to hold a constant bank angle Note
once established in a turn.
Maximum allowable AOA gear down is 20.6
11.8.2 Crosswind Landings units below 5,000′ AGL and 25.5 above 5,000′
Crosswind landings may be accomplished using either AGL.
the sideslipped or crabbed technique, up to the crosswind 11.8.4 Stall Recovery
limit (20 knots). The PA−ARI roll rate command function and
revised spoiler gearing affect crosswind landing flight Stall recovery is easily accomplished by relaxing aft
characteristics. The DFCS commands ROLL SAS inputs to stick force and easing the stick forward, if necessary, to
achieve a commanded roll rate which is proportional to the decrease AOA to less than 16 units. Maintain 15 to 16 units
pilot’s lateral stick input. During a sideslipped approach AOA and stabilized military or afterburner thrust during
(wing down, top rudder"), the pilot applies a constant lateral recovery to level flight. Recovery to level flight requires
stick input which is not intended to command roll rate, in about 1,000 feet of altitude.
order to hold the aircraft in a steady slip. To accommodate
this technique, ROLL SAS inputs are faded out as the pilot
applies rudder pedal. However, the spoiler gearing schedule
results in nearly immediate spoiler breakout with lateral stick
deflection from trim (one−tenth inch lateral stick input). This
spoiler breakout may result in an unpredictable or overly Avoid high−rate, multiple−axis motion because
sensitive roll response during tightly controlled tasks such as of possible violent departures and engine stalls.
fine lineup corrections late in the approach. Because crabbed
approaches are flown without this offset lateral stick input
and do not exhibit this characteristic, pilots may find this
technique easier. Method of crosswind approach is pilot’s
Use of cross−control in the low to medium Mach
11.8.3 Normal Stalls
(less than 0.6) and low to medium AOA (AOA
During deceleration in a level, 1g stall approach, light less than 25 units) may result in negative−g
buffet starts at about 19 units AOA. Buffet does not departures.
significantly change thereafter as the AOA is increased and
11.8.5 Asymmetric Thrust Flight Characteristics
provides no usable stall warning. For this reason, with the
landing gear handle down, DFCS incorporates rudder pedal
shaker beginning at approximately 21 units AOA to alert the Takeoff Configuration
pilot. A reduction in stick force is felt between 24 and 28 units Afterburner takeoffs are prohibited specifically be
AOA. At 25 units AOA, divergent wing rock and yaw cause of controllability concerns in the event of an engine
excursions define the stall. Sideslip angle may reach 25_, and failure during takeoff. An engine failure during a MIL power
bank angle 90_ within 6 seconds if the AOA is not lowered. takeoff with the F110 engine will produce significant thrust
Lateral stick inputs result in significantly reduced adverse asymmetry. The high compression ratio of the compressor
yaw and continue to provide excellent roll response up to 25 section will result in very rapid spooldown during an engine
units AOA. Above 25 units AOA, the ARI is disabled and failure and rotor lock can be anticipated within several
DFCS control laws revert to basic SAS in each axis. seconds of the engine failure. An engine failure in the takeoff
Extending the speedbrakes slightly aggravates the stick force configuration produces rapid nose movement in the direction
lightening at 24 units AOA but improves directional stability of the failed engine. The pilot’s first impression is usually
significantly, reducing the wing rock and yaw tendency at 25 that the aircraft will depart the runway. Even if the aircraft’s
units AOA. Stall approaches should not be continued beyond heading swerve is corrected, the aircraft may continue to skid
the first indication of wing rock. When wing rock occurs, the sideways across the runway. The wing on the side of the
nose should be lowered and no attempt should be made to failed engine may rise 10_ to 15_. This is noticeable to the
counter the wing rock with lateral stick or rudder. Stalls with pilot, but easily corrected with lateral stick. If the airspeed is
the landing gear extended and flaps up are similar to those high enough to allow correction of the heading swerve, all
with flaps extended. Buffet starts at 16 to 18 units AOA and lateral drift can be stopped.
combined hydraulic pressure, DLC should be engaged when and is prohibited. The aircraft is extremely difficult to control
established on final approach. Any maneuver required prior in MAX A/B and large bank angles into the operating engine
to rolling out on final approach should be accomplished using are required to maintain centerline. Late or inadequate
12 units AOA or less. Once established on final approach, fly control inputs during a MAX A/B waveoff can result in large
15 units or faster (DLC engaged) or 14 units or faster (no lateral flightpath deviations. If unable to control yaw rate
DLC) to provide additional control power. during A/B waveoff (possible ATLS failure), immediately
reduce power to MIL.
Note Landing Configuration
While shipboard recoveries mandate the use of Engine in Secondary
the minimum recommended approach airspeed
because of aircraft and arresting gear structural Approaches in single−engine SEC mode are considered
limitations, field recoveries benefit from slightly extremely hazardous. Thrust response in secondary mode is
faster airspeeds because of the increased control nonlinear and very sluggish. At military power, thrust in
power and reduced apparent thrust asymmetry. secondary mode can vary from as little as 65 percent to as
much as 116 percent of primary mode thrust at MIL power.
Airspeed control for a 14−unit approach is difficult, Although the majority of engines produce greater than
therefore, there may be a tendency to overcontrol power. An 90 percent of primary mode thrust (at MIL power), the
effective technique is to have the RIO provide airspeed calls possibility exists that in the full flap configuration, a
(i.e., 2 knots slow/fast") to the pilot during final approach. low−thrust engine will not provide enough thrust for level
With DLC engaged, minimize use of the throttle in close and flight. Engine acceleration times can also vary and can be as
use DLC for fine glideslope corrections. Decreasing the much as three times longer than in primary mode. Aircraft
amount of throttle activity will limit excitation of the dutch should recover ashore. Shipboard landings should only be
roll. RATS will engage on touchdown, but does not attempted as a last resort and only if performance is adequate.
significantly affect CV bolter performance. MIN A/B (ATLS See Chapter 15 for performance check and specific emergen
on) may be used if required. During a bolter, apply rudder cy procedures.
simultaneously with power addition to maintain centerline.
Adequate directional control power exists to prevent drift on DLC should not be engaged for any single−engine SEC
bolter. mode approaches. Any maneuver required prior to rolling out
on final approach should be accomplished using 10 units
Military thrust waveoff performance in primary mode AOA or less. Once established on final approach, fly 13 units
is good, averaging 30 to 40 feet of altitude loss from a or faster to improve waveoff capability and provide addition
nominal 600−fpm sink rate. Waveoff performance from high al control power.
sink rates is improved using MIN A/B (ATLS on). Altitude
loss is minimized by maintaining approach AOA (slight, Note
gradual pitch rotation required). While shipboard recoveries mandate the use of
the recommended approach AOA because of air
Note craft and arresting gear structural limitations,
field recoveries benefit from slightly faster air
Altitude loss during a single−engine waveoff is
speeds because of the increased control power
minimized by maintaining approach AOA until
and reduced apparent thrust asymmetry.
a positive rate of climb is established. Avoid
overrotating in close as this will increase the Airspeed control for a 13−unit approach is difficult,
chance of an in−flight engagement. MIN A/B therefore, there may be a tendency to overcontrol power. An
(ATLS on) may improve waveoff performance effective technique is to have the RIO provide air−speed calls
from high sink rates. (i.e., 2 knots fast") to the pilot during final approach.
Extreme care should be used when working off a high and/
Sufficient rudder control power exists to maintain
or fast condition as any large power reduction could result in
control of the aircraft during MIL and MIN A/B single−en
a situation requiring military power for correction. Use small
gine waveoffs, provided AOA is not allowed to increase
throttle movements and small attitude adjustments for
above 18 units. Simultaneously add rudder (approximately
glideslope corrections. Avoid nosedown attitude changes just
two−thirds to three−fourths deflection) with power to counter
prior to touch−down as this will minimize the chance of a
the asymmetric thrust and track centerline. If a yaw rate
hook skip bolter. In the event of a bolter, rotate to a 10_ pitch
develops into the failed engine, immediately apply full
attitude, not to exceed 14 units AOA. During a bolter, apply
opposite rudder to arrest the yaw rate and then reduce rudder
rudder simultaneously with power addition to maintain
as required to track center−line. Rudder may be supplemented
centerline. Adequate directional control power exists to
by small lateral stick inputs. The use of MAX A/B offers little
prevent drift on bolter.
or no improvements in single−engine waveoff performance
Waveoff performance in secondary mode may be poor dation in approach handling characteristics and is generally
and high sink rates must be avoided. The poor engine only apparent when large bank angle changes are command
acceleration in SEC mode makes engine rpm at waveoff ed, such as during roll into and out of the approach turn. If the
initiation a major factor in waveoff performance. Grossly outboard spoiler module fails when the flaps and slats are
underpowered conditions must be avoided. During single− down, the spoilers may float up and lock at some position
engine waveoffs in secondary mode, rotate the aircraft above neutral. This may be accompanied by trim changes in
slightly to capture/maintain 14 to 15 units AOA as this will all three axes, which can be trimmed out. Approach speed
help to break the rate of descent. will increase slightly if a spoiler float occurs. If the failure
occurs when the flaps are up, spoiler float is minimized.
With the wings frozen forward of 50_, the main flaps/ aircraft rate of descent during a waveoff. Single−engine
slats should be used. A normal 15−unit approach should be approaches with aft wing sweep have not been tested and
used in this configuration and approach speeds will remain rudder control power may be limited in this condition. Fuel
within field arresting gear limitations. If main flaps/slats are permitting, aircraft handling and stall characteristics as well
not available, maneuvering flaps should be used. Extension as waveoff performance should be evaluated at altitude prior
of the main flaps/slat only will result in a flap light with the to commencing an aft wing−sweep approach.
wings aft of 20_.
If using an approach AOA greater than 15 units, nozzle
clearance at touchdown is reduced. Additionally, the high
rate of descent (approximately 1,000 fpm on a 3.25_
glideslope) and high touchdown speed place high stress on
the main landing gear tires. The recommended technique for
If maneuvering flaps are used, ensure that the field landings is to maintain a maximum of 17 units AOA
maneuver flap thumbwheel is not actuated dur while attempting to minimize the rate of descent just prior to
ing the approach. touchdown. Do not attempt to flare the landing and do not
Note aerobrake.
Main flaps/slats extension with the wings aft of
20_ will result in a large nosedown pitch tran
DLC should not be engaged as it increases final
approach speeds. APC gains are not optimized for wing Nozzle clearance is reduced at elevated approach
sweeps other than 20_ and, therefore, APC should not be AOA. Ensure that a maximum of 17 units AOA
used. Reducing gross weight will reduce approach speed by is maintained at touchdown.
about 3.5 knots for each 2,000−pound reduction in gross
weight at the 68_ wing−sweep position. Pilot over−the−nose Aft wing−sweep touch−and−go performance has not
been flight tested; however, rotation speeds approaching or
visibility is adequate at both 15 and 17 units AOA. The RIO
possibly exceeding tire limitations should be expected. Nose
will lose sight of the ball because of the higher pitch attitude
tire limitations, runway remaining, status of long−field
at 16 to 17 units AOA on the standard 3.25_ field glideslope.
arresting gear, and tire pressurization must all be factored
Flying characteristics in aft wing−sweep configurations into a decision to go around following a hook skip. If
are dependent on wing−sweep angle and AOA. As wing− committed to landing following a hook skip with operative
sweep angle increases, trimmed stick position moves aft. At hydraulics, consideration should also be given to securing the
68_ sweep, roll performance is sluggish but adequate at up starboard engine in order to reduce residual thrust.
to 17 units AOA with ROLL SAS engaged. At up to 62_ wing
Engagement speeds listed in the emergency field
sweep, differential tail is augmented with spoiler for roll
arrestment guide are groundspeeds. Headwind may be
control. The aircraft exhibits a very strong dihedral effect
with the wings swept aft, enabling rudder to be used to subtracted from final approach airspeed, tailwinds must be
added, and compensation must be made for field elevation
augment roll performance, if desired. Crosswind landings
(add approximately 10 knots to arresting gear limit for a field
have not been evaluated at or near the aircraft crosswind
elevation of 4,000 feet).
limit, but a crabbed approach is recommended vice the
wingdown, top−rudder technique. Ensure that the fuselage is If speedbrakes are not available, thrust requirements on
aligned with the runway prior to touchdown. glideslope are decreased and judicious throttle management
is more critical.
Although pitch control is adequate, maintaining trim
airspeed is increasingly difficult with increasing sweep angle
because of low stick force cues for airspeed deviations. This
necessitates close monitoring of airspeed by the aircrew since
the approach indexers are unusable above 16 units AOA. As
wing sweep progresses further aft, stall becomes less clearly
defined. There is no strong aircraft buffet when AOA is If maneuver flaps are used, the pilot must ensure
increased beyond 17 units. Aircraft waveoff performance is that the maneuver flap thumbwheel is not actu
ated during the approach.
adequate at both 15 and 17 units AOA. During single−engine
operation, up to maximum power may be required to arrest
11.8.10 DFCS Degraded Control Modes A normal landing approach can be flown with any
single segregation failure. Combined failure of any two
The DFCS is capable of operation in numerous
segregations results in combined loss of all associated
degraded mode control configurations. Description of all
functions, actuators, and in most cases, additional failures.
possible degraded modes is not practical; however, several of
Failure of both pitch or both roll segregations results in loss
these modes are listed below with a description of resulting of all spoilers and severely degraded roll performance.
functionality and effect on approach flying qualities.
Failure of both roll or both yaw segregations results in loss
of PA−ARI and downgrade to basic SAS" mode in the DFCS Computer Failures remaining axes. This will be manifested by significantly
Each of the three DFCCs contains two distinct decreased roll performance and significantly decreased
computer processors called computing segregations, one directional damping. A straight−in approach with as little
A" segregation and one B" segregation in each axis. Each crosswind as possible is recommended. Lateral stick inputs
segregation commands different series servo and/or spoiler may require coordinating rudder to obtain adequate roll
sets. If a computing segregation fails, all actuators command response and to minimize dutch roll disturbances.
ed by that segregation are rendered inoperative. Functional
ity loss due to failure of each of the segregations and effect DFCS Air Data Failures
on takeoff and landing flight characteristics are as follows: Failure of the Mach number or AOA inputs to the
DFCS results in degraded mode operation for several
Pitch A − Half authority PITCH SAS, no inboard PA−ARI control functions. These control modes still provide
spoilers, no DLC. Slightly decreased pitch damp excellent flying qualities such that a normal approach can be
ing, decreased roll performance. flown, but are somewhat degraded from the fully operational
PA−ARI performance.
Pitch B − Half authority PITCH SAS, no outboard
spoilers, no DLC. Slightly decreased pitch damp A DFCS Mach failure will always occur due to failure
ing, decreased roll performance. of the SCADC, but may also occur independently from a
SCADC failure. Mach failure results in a nearly transparent
Roll A − Half authority ROLL PA−ARI/SAS, no inboard degrade in directional damping, which may become notice
spoilers, no DLC. Decreased roll performance. able at conditions slower than on−speed. A single AOA
failure results in no degradation in flying qualities, only a loss
Roll B − Half authority ROLL PA−ARI/SAS. Slightly of redundancy, since the input is triplex. Dual AOA failure
decreased roll performance. results in decreased directional damping, decreased roll
performance, and decreased spiral mode damping.
Autopilot control modes, including ACLS, are
not available with any pitch or roll segregation Significant PA−ARI functionality is retained with
failed. dual Mach or dual AOA failures as compared to
UA−ARI. For this reason, ROLL DGR and ARI/
Yaw A − Half authority YAW PA−ARI/SAS. Decreased
SAS OUT caution lights will be automatically
directional damping. This may only be apparent
extinguished upon selection of the landing gear
during moderate to aggressive maneuvering, since
handle from the up to the down position.
the gain in the yaw channel B is doubled to com
pensate for the loss of the yaw A series servo. Full Series Servo Failures
YAW SAS performance is thus retained up to the
authority limit of the remaining yaw series servo Reduced authority and rate damping performance will
(+9.5_ rudder). be experienced in the affected axis. Failure of both roll or
both yaw series servos results in loss of PA−ARI and
Yaw B − Half authority YAW PA−ARI/SAS, no outboard downgrades the DFCS to the basic SAS" control mode in the
spoilers, no DLC. Decreased directional damping, remaining axes. Decreased roll performance and decreased
but only for aggressive maneuvers as previously de directional damping will be exhibited. A normal approach
scribed for the yaw A segregation. Decreased roll can be flown with any single failure, a dual pitch, or a dual
performance. roll series servo failure. In case of dual failure of the yaw
series servos, recommend a straight−in approach using
smooth lateral inputs with coordinating rudder to minimize
dutch roll disturbances.
NAVAIR 01−F14AAD−1 Spoiler Failures Rudder Pedal Position − No pedal fadeout for lateral stick
to rudder interconnect or roll rate command func
As described under DFCC computer failures, failure of
tions in the PA−ARI control mode. These pedal fade
four of the six segregations will result in loss of a spoiler set
out features are incorporated to improve the pilot’s
(inboard or outboard) and associated decreased roll perfor
ability to command a steady sideslip condition dur
mance. DLC is not functional with any inboard spoiler
ing a slipped (i.e., wing−down−top−rudder) cross
failure, but is available with any or all outboard spoilers
wind approach. With a pedal position failure, pre
failed. Failure of any single spoiler panel will result in
cisely controlling bank angle during a slipped
mirror−image" spoiler operation of the remaining spoilers,
approach is more difficult than with the baseline
as long as the failed spoiler responds to the automatic
system. A crabbed technique is recommended.
isolation command (returns to stowed position). For exam
ple, failure and successful isolation of the Left #4 spoiler Landing Gear Handle Position − No PA−ARI, downmode
panel also results in automatic isolation of the Right #4 to UA−ARI control mode for all flight configura
spoiler panel. Symmetric, but slightly degraded roll perfor tions. During normal operation, mode switching be
mance will be evident. A normal approach can be flown in tween the PA−ARI and UA−ARI control modes is
this case. If a spoiler failure results in a stuck−up spoiler, controlled by sensing of the landing gear handle
normal control of the mirror−image" panel will be automati
position. If a dual failure of this triplex input fails,
cally restored to provide maximum roll control power to
the DFCS can no longer accurately determine the
counter the rolling moment induced by the stuck−up spoiler.
actual gear handle position. The fail−safe condition
Refer to Spoiler Malfunction emergency procedures for
in this case is to revert to the UA−ARI (i.e., gear up)
landing in this configuration.
control mode. This results in decreased roll perfor
mance and decreased directional damping. A nor Sensor Failures
mal approach can be flown.
Single failure of any DFCS sensor input does not result
in a flying qualities downgrade, only a loss of redundancy, Note
since all sensor inputs are triplex. Dual failure of a sensor
input causes loss of the functions associated with that sensor. If a dual failure of the landing gear handle posi
A list of these sensor inputs and associated dual failure tion input to the DFCS occurs, the ARI/SAS
functionality loss are as follows: OUT caution light will illuminate when flaps are
lowered past the 25° position. This indicates loss
Pitch Rate − No PITCH SAS. Decreased pitch damping. of normal PA−ARI function.
A normal approach can be flown.
Roll Rate − No ROLL SAS, no PA−ARI. Decreased roll
11.9.1 Wing−Sweep Design Limitations
performance and decreased directional damping.
A normal approach can be flown. An understanding of the wing−sweep design limita
tions is necessary to cope successfully with an in−flight
Yaw Rate − No YAW SAS, no PA−ARI. Decreased roll asymmetric wing condition to avoid the possibility of
performance and significantly decreased direction structural damage and to minimize the possibility of loss of
al damping. Recommend straight−in approach using aircraft control. The following discussion is therefore
smooth lateral inputs with coordinating rudder to offered.
minimize dutch roll disturbances.
The wing−sweep feedback position and interlock
Lateral Acceleration − No YAW SAS, no PA−ARI. De functions for the auxiliary flaps, main flaps/slats, and spoiler
creased roll performance and significantly de cutout are controlled by the left wing−sweep actuator.
creased directional damping. Recommend straight− Cockpit wing−sweep position indication is controlled by the
in approach using smooth lateral inputs with right wing−sweep actuator.
coordinating rudder to minimize dutch roll distur The existence of wing−sweep position feedback on the
bances. left wing only can have a definite impact during a jammed
wing−sweep actuator/failed synchronizing shaft condition. A
Lateral Stick Position − No ROLL SAS, no PA−ARI, no jammed right wing−sweep actuator will result in normal left
spoilers. Severely degraded roll performance and wing operation because wing−sweep commands are nulled
decreased directional damping. Recommend out by the left wing−sweep actuator position. A jammed left
straight−in approach with as little crosswind as pos wing−sweep actuator in an intermediate position, in conjunc
sible. Lateral stick inputs may require coordinating tion with a wing−sweep command, will result in a constant
rudder to obtain adequate roll response.
The second factor is the capabilities of the remaining available, but may be aggravated by large lateral or
flight control system. The inboard spoilers, speed−brakes, directional flight control inputs that further reduce the flow
and auxiliary flaps are inoperative, and the in−board spoilers available to command the stabilizer and, therefore, increase
and speedbrakes can be expected to float. The degree of the susceptibility to rate limiting in pitch. LOW mode is
spoiler float will be a function of airspeed, AOA, sideslip, extremely limited in its ability to accommodate rapid control
flap setting, and the mechanical condition of individual inputs, while the HIGH mode can accommodate moderate
spoiler actuators. During flight test, changes in float are very pilot control inputs.
slow and do not generate any abrupt rolling moments but do
The abrupt degradation that occurs with rate limiting
impose significant lateral trim changes. Outboard spoilers
makes the handling qualities hazardous. The handling
remain fully functional because of the independent nature of
qualities of the aircraft while operating with the BFCM in
the outboard spoiler module, which also serves to power the
HIGH are generally good for moderate gain tasks, and it is
main flaps and slats via the flap handle or the maneuver flap
virtually transparent to the pilot that the flight control system
thumbwheel. Lastly, only the rudders and horizontal stabiliz
is degraded. However, when operating near the rate limit of
ers are powered by the BFCM. Because of the low output of
the system, very small increases in pilot gain will result in an
the BFCM, the stabilizers are dramatically reduced in their
abrupt and dramatic loss of control and the task being
ability to respond to pilot commands. The stabilizers are rate
performed must be aborted (i.e., the aircraft cannot be
limited to 10_ per second in HIGH and 5_ per second in LOW
controlled adequately to continue the task). Uncontrollable
as opposed to a normal rate of 36_ per second. This can be
pitch attitude oscillations of +10_ can develop in less than
a severe limitation to the pilot’s ability to control the aircraft,
3 seconds. Regaining control is simply a matter of loosely
depending on the abruptness of the pilot commands.
releasing the stick, permitting the oscillations to dampen, and
Each of these factors influences the handling qualities then smoothly reapplying control to restore the aircraft to the
in different regions of the flight envelope. Handling qualities desired flight condition. In summary, if the system is not rate
at speeds in excess of 200 KCAS are primarily constrained limited, the handling qualities are good; if the system is rate
by the absence of PITCH SAS and the limitations of the limited, the aircraft rapidly becomes uncontrollable.
BFCM. At approach speeds, the handling qualities are
primarily affected by floating spoilers and the loss of YAW Task Performance
SAS, although rate limiting of the stabilizer can occur.
There are four variables that the aircrew can control to Rate Limiting maximize the probability of successfully completing mission
tasks. Selection of an appropriate motor speed is the first
The pilot will observe rate limiting both in the feel of controllable variable. Tightly controlled tasks such as
the control stick and in the response of the aircraft. In the F−14 landing, close formation, and in−flight refueling require the
flight control system, the stick is mechanically connected to control rates available with HIGH mode. Judicious selection
the stabilizer. With normal hydraulics, there is virtually no of airspeed can also influence successful task performance.
time delay between the pilot’s command and the stabilizer With SAS OFF, the sensitivity of the aircraft increases
moving in response to the command. With the BFCM significantly with airspeed. The slower the airspeed, the
providing significantly less hydraulic flow, at a substantially slower the response. For tightly controlled tasks, the flight
reduced pressure, the stabilizer moves so slowly that it is control system must be capable of responding faster than the
possible for rapid pilot inputs to exceed the stabilizer natural dynamic character of the aircraft, or the pilot must
maximum deflection rate. When this happens, the pilot will accept undesirable overshoots and oscillations. The flight
feel an abrupt increase in stick force until the stabilizer control system capabilities with the BFCM in either LOW or
catches up to the pilot’s command. If the pilot feels an abrupt HIGH are very restricted. Part of the solution is to slow down
increase in stick forces, the stabilizer is operating on its rate the aircraft and its response as much as is practicable to give
limit. This can be observed during the prestart BFCM checks the flight control system the best chance of keeping ahead of
and is most severe in LOW. the aircraft. The third variable is configuration, some of
which is more suited to specific tasks. Lastly, pilot technique
The pilot’s perception of the aircraft response is
may limit the ability of the aircraft to perform some tasks.
likewise affected by rate limiting because of slower response
The slower and smoother the input, the less likely rate
of the stabilizer to deflection commands. If slow control
limiting will be encountered. Flight tests performing each of
inputs are made, the delay is insignificant, aircraft response
the following tasks have revealed the mixture of the above
appears normal, and control is unaffected. If control inputs
variables whereby successful recovery of the aircraft can best
are abrupt, however, with many reversals in direction (such
be ensured.
as might be required to tank, land, or fly close formation), the
pilot and the stabilizers can be out of phase with one another,
and a divergent PIO will develop that results in loss of
control. This occurs in pitch caused by larger deflections
11.10.2 Low Mode Cruise and Formation technique. The best success can be expected at 180 KCAS
with maneuvering flaps and a smooth technique. There are
Cruise handling qualities in LOW mode are degraded
two reasons for the strong influence of airspeed. First of all,
but satisfactory. Roll response is very sluggish and some
tanking is easier to perform at slower speeds because the
over−shoots can be expected when trying to establish a bank
aircraft is much less sensitive, the bow wave is considerably
angle. In pitch, any abrupt pitch input at 250 KCAS or faster reduced, and the probe position can be more predictably and
will result in multiple oscillations when trying to precisely set
smoothly controlled, reducing the necessity for aggressive
a pitch attitude. Flying very loose formation is fairly easy,
plays to seat the probe. Secondly, the BFCM has an easier job
provided tight control is not attempted. Any attempt to finely
keeping up with aircraft dynamics, decreasing the likelihood
control vertical elevation relative to a lead aircraft (≤ 2 feet) of rate limiting. Any attempt to tank faster than 200 KCAS
will result in rate limiting the stabilizers and loss of control.
will result in loss of control. Tanking handling qualities are
Control can be reestablished by relaxing the grip on the stick,
unaffected by landing gear position and are improved with aft
allowing the oscillations to dampen, and then smoothly wing sweeps in the event that the wings are trapped aft. Flaps
reapplying control. Slower airspeeds (200 KCAS) provide
should be selected to 10_ with the maneuver flap thumb
for more predictable control as discussed in paragraph
wheel, which still functions normally with outboard spoiler
11.10.1. Do not attempt IMC formation, close night forma
module power. Lastly, the influence of technique is that the
tion, in−flight refueling, or landing while in LOW mode. rate limiting is caused by abrupt control inputs and counter
LOW mode control is satisfactory for the performance of
corrections. The 2 seconds surrounding contact are the
configuration changes such as lowering gear and flaps.
critical phase since the controls can be three times more
active than during the approach or stabilized refueling.
While spotting the basket is common throughout the
F−14 community, it is the surest way to place excessive
demands on the flight control system during the second or
A pitch PIO will develop if any tight longitudinal two prior to contact and provoke a loss of control. The best
control is attempted. Control can easily be re way to avoid abrupt inputs is for the pilot to resist spotting the
gained by relaxing the grip on the stick, allowing basket and instead rely on the RlO’s directive commentary.
any oscillations to dampen, and then smoothly Since the stabilized refueling is easy and requires only
reapplying longitudinal stick to reestablish the moderate flight control activity, the airspeed can safely be
desired flight condition. Do not attempt IMC increased to 200 KCAS once engaged if additional airspeed
formation or close night formation while in LOW is required to obtain proper store operation (as might be
mode. required with ram−powered buddy stores such as the D−704
Note or D−301). While not flight tested, a very low gain technique
must be used at the minimum airspeed attainable by the
Airspeeds less than 250 KCAS while operating in tanker if the only resource is a large body tanker such as the
LOW mode will reduce the susceptibility to rate KC−10, for which 180 KCAS might be impossible. The pilot
limiting. must respond to any undesired motion by loosely releasing
11.10.3 High Mode Cruise and Formation the stick and allowing the aircraft to dampen itself
Up and away flying qualities in HIGH mode are
generally excellent, with the only noticeable degradation
being a slight sluggishness in roll response. Cruise and
formation tasks are very easy, provided that very tight D Any abrupt control input to effect engagement
tolerances are not attempted (< ±1 foot). Higher speeds (>
can rate limit the stabilizers and result in
250 KCAS) will increase the probability of rate limiting
loss of control. To avoid rate limiting, the
during parade formation. Close IMC or night formation is
pilot should resist spotting the basket and
possible but not advisable because the divergent PIO occurs
instead rely on RIO commentary to perform
very abruptly with no warning. The F−14 with the hydraulic
failure should lead any formation flight except as required for
in−flight refueling. D If any undesirable motions or oscillations oc
curs during or after engagement, the pilot
11.10.4 In−Flight Refueling must immediately release the stick and permit
In−flight refueling can be safely performed but is very the motions to dampen before resuming active
dependent on flight condition, configuration, and pilot control.
11.11 FLIGHT CHARACTERISTICS WITH wing sweep, 250 KCAS, and a zero fuel gross weight cg of
AFT CG LOCATIONS 18.6 percent, the aircraft exhibits some reduction in static
stability and is slightly more responsive to pitch inputs,
11.11.1 Store Effects on Cg Location although this increase in responsiveness may not be signifi
cant enough to be noticed during normal flight operations.
The normal NATOPS cg limits are expressed relative Wing−mounted stores or external tanks have no adverse
to a reference condition known as zero fuel gross weight. effects on aft cg flying qualities.
This configuration is defined as wings at 20_, gear and flaps
down, zero fuel on board. Adding fuel or raising the gear 11.11.4 Takeoff and Landing Configuration Flight
and/or flaps will move the cg position forward from the zero Characteristics with Aft Cg
fuel gross weight position. The limit for zero fuel gross
With the gear and flaps lowered and 20_ of wing sweep
weight cg locations with tunnel−mounted stores is 17.0−per
with a zero fuel gross weight cg location of 18−percent MAC
cent MAC. On a typical fleet aircraft, one Mk 84
or greater, the static margin is greatly reduced from normal
2,000−pound bomb placed on station 4 or 5 results in a zero and can be negative for the extremely aft cg locations
fuel gross weight cg aft of 17.0−percent MAC, possibly as far
produced by 4,000 pounds of bombs on the aft weapon
aft as 18.5 to 19−percent MAC. Two aft hung Mk 84s can
stations. The aircraft is extremely susceptible to pilot−in
produce a zero fuel gross weight cg of up to 22−percent MAC.
duced oscillations during closely controlled tasks such as
Aft wing sweep can be used to move the neutral point of the close formation or flying the ball. Loss of control is likely.
F−14 aft and restore normal static longitudinal stability
With a wing sweep of 26_ for zero fuel gross weight cg
margin and normal flying qualities even with extremely aft
locations up to 18.6−percent MAC, normal static margin is
cg locations. In−flight actual cg location varies as fuel is
restored and normal flying qualities are regained. For zero
burned but remains relatively constant at its most forward fuel gross weight cg location greater than 18.6−percent MAC,
position between 5,000 to 10,000 pounds. Below 5,000
30_ of wing sweep is sufficient for normal handling qualities
pounds, the cg moves aft toward the zero fuel gross weight
to be regained.
position. Wing−mounted AIM−7/9s move the zero fuel gross
weight cg location slightly forward, while external tanks Wing−mounted stores and external tanks reduce later
have no effect on the cg location. al−directional stability in the takeoff and landing configura
tion slightly, although the difference in flying qualities is not
11.11.2 Wing−Sweep Effects on Stability
significant and may not be noticeable. Once established in
Static stability of an aircraft is determined by the the optimum wing−sweep configuration appropriate for the
difference in location of the neutral point, where the lift amount of ordnance hung on the aft stations, normal
component can be assumed to act, and the cg position. A approach techniques can be used. However, a straight−in
positive static margin exists as long as the neutral point approach should be flown as power requirements in a turn
remains aft of the cg location. As the wings of the F−14 sweep with aft wing−sweep are significantly different than normal
aft, the cg location also moves slightly aft but the greatest and could produce a severely underpowered approach. No
change is in the neutral point position that moves further aft abnormalities in aircraft response or performance are
as well. Aft wing sweep can be used in conjunction with an apparent during landing approaches at 15 units, even with
aft cg position to restore the normal margin between the 4,000 pounds of aft hung ordinance. APC is not optimized for
neutral point and the cg, producing the same level of stability aft wing−sweep landings and should not be used. DLC should
and normal flying qualities. not be used as it adds 8 knots to recovery WOD requirements
and has improper pitch trim response at aft wing−sweep.
11.11.3 Cruise and Combat Flight Characteristics Expect on−speed airspeed for 25_ of wing−sweep to increase
With Aft Cg 6 knots over the normal DLC on 20_ of wing−sweep approach
Flying qualities at aft cg locations up to 22−percent speed, and 12 knots increase if wings are at 30_. For CV
MAC with gear and flaps up are only slightly degraded. This arrestments, the appropriate recovery bulletin should be
degradation will probably not be apparent to the pilot. No consulted.
change in flying qualities is noted during dive recoveries Ashore, a field arrestment is recommended with
between 400 and 500 KCAS. Stick force per g remains spoiler brakes dearmed because of the large noseup pitch
relatively nominal even with 4,000 pounds of aft hung occurring at spoiler deployment. If a field arrestment is not
bombs. No degradation to any aspect of flying qualities is possible, expect to use full forward stick to counter the
noted above 300 KCAS as the wings remain sufficiently aft noseup pitching moment and to maintain forward stick until
on the normal wing−sweep schedule to produce a positive below 80 KCAS with a resultant longer rollout.
static margin for even the most aft cg locations. At 20_ of
Emergency Procedures
INTRODUCTION b. Land as soon as practicable − Extended flight is
not recommended. The landing site and duration
Part V consists of Chapter 12, Ground Emergencies; of flight is at the discretion of the pilot in com
Chapter 13, Takeoff Emergencies; Chapter 14, In−Flight mand.
Emergencies; Chapter 15, Landing Emergencies; and Chap
ter 16, Ejection. These chapters cover the recommended pro Note
cedures for coping with emergencies and malfunctions that
may be encountered during aircraft operations. Knowledge D The ground, takeoff, in−flight, and landing
of the aircraft systems and emergency procedures must be emergency procedures are sequenced as out
reviewed on a regular basis to ensure that the flightcrew will lined in the Emergency Procedures Table of
take the correct course of action under adverse conditions. Contents.
Each emergency presents a different problem that D Decision factors (if" statements) are provided
as a guide in selecting certain procedures.
requires positive, specific, remedial action in accordance
with recommended procedures and good airmanship. Judg
Critical Procedures (Boldface Procedures)
ment, precision, and teamwork are essential during emergen
cies. The flightcrew must weigh all the factors of a given
Procedures marked with asterisks (*) are considered
situation and then take appropriate action. This section dis
critical and are referred to as boldface" procedures. The
cusses the preplanned, likely courses of action and recom
boldface procedures in this part are provided as a study refer
mended procedures for certain emergencies. As soon as pos
ence and are not intended to be used as an alternate to the
sible, the pilot should notify the RIO, flight leader, flight, and
amplified procedures contained in Chapters 12, 13, 14, 15,
ground station in as much detail as possible of the existing
and 16 or the abbreviated procedures contained in NAVAIR
emergency and of the intended action. When an emergency
01−F14AAD−1B. Flight crewmembers should be able to
occurs, three basic rules are established that apply to airborne
accomplish boldface procedures without reference to the
emergencies. They should be thoroughly understood by all
1. Maintain aircraft control. Warning, Caution, Advisory Lights/Displays
2. Analyze the situation and take proper action. The warning, caution, advisory lights/displays are
3. Land as the situation dictates. listed together with the cause and corrective action.
a. Land as soon as possible − Land at the first site at
which a safe landing can be made.
ALQ−165 self−protection jam Secure ALQ−165.
mer overheated.
L AUG AB is not available and oppo No immediate action required; assess operational
R AUG site engine is limited to MIN impact.
(MFD) AB if ATLS is on.
Autopilot or reference failure. 1. MASTER RESET pushbutton Depress.
CIU HOT Converter−interface unit over Pull cb’s 3E7, 4E1, 4E2.
(MFD) heated.
DEU HOT (MFD) Data entry unit overheated. Expect loss of DEU.
DP1 HOT Display processor overheated. Pull cb’s 1G2, 1G4, 1G6, 3F4, 4F3, 4F6.
Sump tank boost pump discharge less 1. Both throttles MIL Power or Less.
than 9 psi. 2. Restore aircraft to 1.0g flight.
If both lights remain on:
3. Increase positive g’s to > 1.0g.
4. Descend below 25,000 feet.
5. Maintain cruise power settings or less.
6. Land as soon as possible.
If one light remains on:
3. No afterburner above 15,000 feet.
4. Fuel distribution Monitor.
5. Land as soon as practicable.
Generator failure and/or disconnected 1. Generator OFF/RESET,
from its ac bus. Then NORM.
If generator does not reset:
2. Generator TEST.
a. GEN light off distribution system.
b. GEN light illuminated IDG or GCU.
Firing logic met. Pilot’s trigger will fire Pilot option.
weapon when squeezed.
LAUNCH Launch bar not locked in up position or 1. Landing gear Leave Down.
BAR cocked nosegear. 2. Obtain visual inspection.
If nosegear cocked, refer to Landing Gear
Malfunction guide.
If launch bar down or visual inspection not
3. Request removal of arresting cables for
field landing.
4. Request removal of crossdeck pendants
1 and 4 for CV landing.
L LO THR Designated engine may be produc If associated with RATS check, monitor engine
R LO THR ing less than expected thrust. gauges and FEMS engine data for normal rpm,
FF, and temperatures. If no anomalies, message
(MFD) is false alarm triggered by the hook.
If not associated with a RATS check, record
FEMS data and abort.
Actuated by any caution light on Push to reset after discrete MSG noted.
caution panel.
L/R OIL LO Designated engine oil level is Alert ground personnel; servicing required.
(MFD) approximately 2 quarts low
Postflight, engine at idle.
If conditions permit:
WSHLD/AIR cb Pull (8C2).
Symmetric spoiler detector has If associated with abnormal roll and/or yaw:
locked down spoilers.
1. Counter roll with at least 1 inch of lateral
2. Visually check spoiler position/operation.
Refer to Chapter 14.
Starter solenoid air valve open after 1. Ensure ENG CRANK OFF.
engine start. 2. AIR SOURCE OFF.
If on deck:
3. Throttle OFF.
If airborne:
3. ENG START cb Pull (RF1).
Failure of both wing−sweep chan Advisory light only, no loss of normal control:
nels or spider detent disengaged. 1. MASTER RESET Depress.
WING SWEEP light and W/S legend, no automatic
or manual control:
1. Airspeed Decelerate to 0.9 or Less.
2. Check spider detent engaged.
3. MASTER RESET Depress.
If WING SWEEP light and W/S caution legend
illuminate again:
DR NO. 2 MANUV FLAP cb Pull.
5. Emergency WING SWEEP handle −
Comply With Schedule.
Refer to Chapter 14.
Ground Emergencies
12−1 CHANGE 2
*1. Paddle switch Depress and Hold. required to minimize risk of injury. Spacing of pitot static
probes along both sides of the forward fuselage will allow for
*2. Throttle(s) As Desired. an unobstructed egress.
In SEC mode, nozzle is commanded fully closed. D Standing and jumping from the cockpit or
attempting to slide down the nose of the air
*4. THROTTLE MODE switch MAN. craft during ground egress can result in severe
If engine(s) still uncommanded and aircraft is not in catapult
tension: D If the ENG/PROBE ANTI−ICE switch is in
the ORIDE position, touching the pitot probes
5. Throttle(s) OFF. with bare skin will cause burns.
12.1.5 Ground Egress Without Parachute and There are WOW switches on the left and right main
Survival Kit gear that interact with many aircraft subsystems to provide
safety interlocks. The interlocks prevent operation of various
Methods and routes of ground egress will vary with the components or systems on deck or in flight, as appropriate.
situation. In all cases, kneeling the aircraft (conditions per
mitting) via the nose strut switch will facilitate a safer exit for
the aircrew. If sufficient time does not exist for ground per
sonnel to deploy the boarding ladder, aircrew should egress
to the rear of the aircraft, over the horizontal stabilizers or
wings, or directly to the deck from the cockpit if the tail is Failure of the left or right WOW switches to the
over water. In the case of fire, the location and intensity of the in−flight mode can cause loss of engine ejector
fire will dictate the safest escape route. If electing to egress air to the IDGs and hydraulic heat exchangers
directly from the cockpit, aircrew should grasp the canopy causing thermal disconnect and/or heat damage
rail with both hands, hang to full body extension, and drop to to the generators and aircraft hydraulic systems.
the ground. A parachute−landing fall maneuver may be
NAVAIR 01−F14AAD−1 Failure Of Weight On−Off Wheels to a. Radar can scan and radiate.
In−Flight Mode
b. ALQ−165 can transmit.
c. Probe heaters will be on in AUTO.
1. WOW acronym displayed.
d. ALQ−167 can radiate (TARPS).
2. Approach indexers illuminated.
e. BOL chaff can dispense.
3. Nozzles may be partially closed at idle rpm.
4. Nosewheel steering inoperative. 12.1.8 Binding/Jammed Flight Controls On Deck
5. Launch bar light illuminated (if nosegear turned 1. Hold light pressure against binding/restriction to
>10_). facilitate maintenance troubleshooting procedures.
6. Ground−roll braking inoperative.
7. Wing−sweep MASTER TEST disabled.
8. Oversweep disabled.
Do not attempt to free controls by force, as fur
9. Outboard spoiler module on with FLAP handle UP
ther damage to flight control system may result.
(wings less than 62°).
10. Aircraft will not kneel. 2. Abort mission.
If two or more of the preceding anomalies are detected, 12.1.9 Brake Failure at Taxi Speed
the following action should be taken:
Failure of the left or right WOW switches to the Normal brakes are not available with parking
in−flight mode can cause loss of engine ejector brake handle pulled. If parking brake accumula
air to the IDGs and hydraulic heat exchangers tor pressure is depleted, aircraft brakes are iso
causing thermal disconnect and/or heat damage lated from brake pedal master cylinders. Parking
to the generators and aircraft hydraulic systems. Brake handle must be pushed in to restore normal
brake operation.
With failure of the WOW switch to the in−flight If brakes still inoperative:
mode, the following functions are enabled:
4. Hook DN.
5. Lights ON.
12−5 (Reverse
12−5 Blank) ORIGINAL
Takeoff Emergencies
*6. Right engine OFF (if required). 13.2.2 Rate of Climb Consideration
Rate of climb may be increased by selecting afterburn
er with ASYM LIMITER switch in ON. Only minimum AB
is available. The most adverse drag condition is with the
wings level on a constant heading, but techniques used by
traditional multiengine aircraft (such as raising the dead
Aircrew should expect hot brakes following engine with 5° angle of bank) are applicable for the F−14.
heavy gross weight, high speed aborts. Applica Airspeed and angle of bank control will also greatly affect
tion of the parking brake could cause the brake rate of climb (refer to NAVAIR 01−F 14AAP−1.1 for all of
assembly to fail and result in a brake fire. these effects).
Note Under normal circumstances, 180 knots is used as the
If performing no flap/maneuvering flap takeoff, flaps up speed. However, if during a single−engine takeoff the
lowering the flap handle slightly during an abort aircraft has achieved a safe flying speed and a positive rate
will deploy all spoilers for ground−roll braking if of climb but has difficulty achieving flap speed, moving the
SPOILER BRAKE or BOTH is selected, assist flaps up in increments prior to 180 knots will enhance
ing in decelerating the aircraft. acceleration and climb capabilities.
13.2.5 Single−Engine Failure Field/Catapult *2. ANTI SKID SPOILER BK switch SPOILER
Launch/Waveoff BK.
*1. Set 10° pitch attitude on the waterline (14 units
AOA maximum). CAUTION
*2. Rudder Opposite Roll/Yaw Supplemented By
Lateral Stick
D Do not delay engaging nosewheel steering in
*3. Both throttles As Required for Positive Rate of order to center rudder pedals.
Climb D Aircraft should have ground locks installed
and engines secured before moving aircraft.
*4. Landing gear UP.
*5. Jettison If Required.
Antiskid will sense a constant release on a drag
6. If banner tow, hook DOWN. ging blown tire.
7. If unable to control aircraft Eject. 13.3.2 Blown Tire During Takeoff; Takeoff Contin
ued or After Landing Go−Around
8. Establish 10−unit AOA climb.
*1. Throttles As Required.
9. Climb to safe altitude.
*2. Landing gear and flaps Leave As Set for Takeoff.
10. Flaps UP.
13.3 BLOWN TIRE DURING TAKEOFF Blown tire(s) can cause engine FOD and/or struc
tural damage.
If a tire blows during the takeoff roll and an abort is
impossible, do not raise the landing gear or flaps. Leave the 3. HYD ISOL switch FLT.
landing gear down to avoid fouling the blown tire in the
wheelwell. Leave the flaps down; they may be damaged by Note
pieces of ruptured tire. Also, climbing with the gear and flaps This will require bending the cam on the gear
down is an optimum flight attitude for emergency fuel handle in order to move the HYD ISOL switch to
dumping. FLT.
13.3.1 Blown Tire During Takeoff; Takeoff 4. Refer to BLOWN TIRE LANDING procedures
Aborted or After Landing Touchdown paragraph 15.5.
13−3 (Reverse
13−3 Blank) ORIGINAL
In−Flight Emergencies
5. Attempt intercommunications with VHF/UHF 7. Conserve fuel throughout and facilitate radar
transceiver. pickup by maintaining highest feasible altitude con
sistent with situation.
6. If cockpit altitude is safe, oxygen mask can be
removed so that when helmet earmuff is held open, 8. Be alert for aircraft attempting to join.
verbal communications can be maintained. Pilot
may need to turn off ECS briefly to effectively 9. After joining, communicate with appropriate hand
communicate. or light signals.
14.1.1 Flightcrew Attention Signals Lost (Without Navigation Aids But With
Radio Receiver)
When no other method of communicating exists, the
following signals should be used: 1. Same as without radio, but make turns to right.
1. Pilot will attract RIO by rocking of wings. No Radio (With Navigation Aids)
2. RIO will attract pilot by shouting.
1. Proceed to alternate marshal.
3. Attempt to pass notes.
2. Energize ID function at least once each minute.
4. Acknowledgment will be thumbs−up, high on left−
hand side of cockpit, and future communications 3. Commence penetration or letdown at EAC. If not
will be conducted by visual hand signals using given EAC, commence approach at estimated time
HEFOE code. of arrival.
14−1 CHANGE 1
D With landing flaps and slats down, do not fire DRAG INDEX CONFIGURATION
Sidewinder missiles. 8 (4) AIM−7
100 (6) AIM−54
D If jettisoned during takeoff emergency, exter (2) 267−gallon external tanks
nal fuel tanks may collide with the aircraft
because of their unstable characteristics.
Figure 141.Airspeed Indicator Failure
1. EMERG STORES JETT pushbutton Depress.
2 4 5
(RIO) 4 4 4 4 2 3 5
D A weight−off−wheels signal from the left or 5. Flames and/or smoke spreading forward to wing
right main wheel is sufficient to enable emer pivot point and encompassing the area of the over
gency jettison. wing fairing.
D A complete emergency store jettison 6. Flames, smoke, and/or heat crossing the centerline
sequence can take 1.7 seconds. of aircraft and exiting in the other overwing fairing
If step 1 fails, proceed with ACM jettison.
These indications may or may not be accompanied by
ACM jettison will release all stores selected except a FIRE light and a HUD/MFD legend. This midship passage
Sidewinder missiles. of heat and flames could be through the area containing the
flight control system control rods, which run fore and aft
1. LDG GEAR handle UP.
through the back of the aircraft. Heat and flames progressing
through this area would impinge on the longitudinal and
2. Station select switches As Required.
lateral directional control rods causing possible distortion or
3. ACM guard UP (cover up). failure. Loss of aircraft may follow. The flightcrew faced
with this type of fire in flight must react immediately.
4. ACM JETT Depress and Hold (at least
2 seconds). Note
*5. FUEL SHUT OFF handle (affected engine) Pull. *2. Both throttles MIL.
9. Refer to Single−Engine Cruise Operations, para If EGT is above 935°C and/or engine response is
graph abnormal:
10. Land as soon as possible. *4. Throttle (stalled engine) OFF.
11. If fire persists Eject.
If EGT normal and/or airstart successful:
14.5 ENGINE EMERGENCIES 5. Perform engine operability check.
A compressor stall is an aerodynamic disruption of the After any stall, throttle movement should be mini
airflow through the compressor. Compressor stalls may occur mized until engine operability checks are per
at any altitude/airspeed combination, including supersonic, formed. Engines should be exercised at 10,000
and can be identified by any one or a combination of the feet in cruise and then at approach speeds, one at
following indications. a time, to ensure stall−free performance is avail
able for landing. If engine performance is abnor
Note mal, set power as necessary and avoid further
The loss of Mach number signal from the CADC throttle movement. Land as soon as practical.
results in the loss of both airflow limiting and idle
lockup functions of the AFTC. This may result in Flight test operations have not produced any fully
pop stalls at supersonic speeds (on a cold day) at developed engine stalls. Pop stalls have been observed and
high power and inlet buzz, resulting in pop stalls were self−clearing with no adverse operational impact.
at idle power. Engine ground testing has shown that a hard stall (character
ized by loud bang) can result in substantial damage to the
a. Loud bangs or vibrations IGV system. The damage resulted in complete detachment of
the IGV from the external linkage. There was no FOD.
When the IGV linkage breaks, the IGVs assume a fixed Step 1: Unload the aircraft (0.5g to 1.0g) Unloading the
aerodynamic trailing position. This position is near normal aircraft reduces the likelihood of a departure, while
for MIL or AB power settings, but is too far open at lower providing a more normal engine inlet airflow. It is
throttle positions. This reduces fan stall margin with the not intended that the pilot push full forward stick or
greatest reduction halfway between IDLE and MIL. Air induce negative g, but merely that any g load on the
borne, a hard stall may result in similar damage and will aircraft be reduced to as near 1.0g as possible. In
likely have been the result of an AICS malfunction and/or the nose−high, slow−airspeed case, the pilot may
fuels/engine control system failure. If a stall occurs during temporarily lose control effectiveness. This should
AB operation, the asymmetric thrust limiting circuit should not be cause for alarm and the pilot should be able
reduce the good engine to minimum AB. Asymmetric thrust to expeditiously establish a wings−level, nose−low
may produce adverse flying qualities under low airspeed attitude as long as step 2 is followed immediately.
and/or high AOA conditions.
Step 2: If speed is 1.1 Mach or greater, both throttles
MIL. Setting the throttles to MIL will both help
reduce the asymmetric thrust developed during the
stall and potentially help the engine recover from
the stall. It is not recommended to retard the
Do not delay securing an overtemped engine. throttle to below MIL until the aircraft is below 1.1
Undue delay will greatly increase the likelihood Mach. The engine may automatically switch to
of severe turbine damage and decrease the SEC mode, and a throttle setting below MIL may
chance for a successful airstart. If both engines result in inlet buzz (idle speed lockup is lost in SEC
are overtemped, one engine must be secured mode) compounding the stall problem and poten
immediately to provide maximum potential for tially inducing a stall in the operating engine.
a successful airstart.
Step 3: Throttle(s) If speed is 1.1 Mach or less, retard
Note smoothly to IDLE. During a departure, retarding
Airspeed and altitude will determine whether both throttles to IDLE will help recover the aircraft
both engines can be safely shut down (with dual by minimizing the asymmetric thrust. In the case of
compressor stalls), or whether one should be a violent slicing departure involving asymmetric
secured and relit prior to shutting down the other. thrust, reduction of throttles to IDLE is the most
If airspeed is insufficient to provide windmill critical step and must be done immediately. If con
rpm for hydraulic pressure, one engine should be trol of the aircraft is not in question, there is no
left in hung stall. need to retard the throttle on the operating engine.
Retarding only the stalled engine throttle reduces
There is a threefold danger present when one engine the remote probability of inducing a dual−engine
has experienced a compressor stall. The most serious danger stall. In addition, thrust from the operating engine
manifests itself at slow airspeeds and high power settings, may be required during low−altitude emergencies.
where the sudden thrust asymmetry (a stalled engine yields Minimizing asymmetric thrust at high AOA and
negligible thrust) will induce or aggravate a departure and low airspeed shall be accomplished whenever pos
may produce sufficient yaw rate to cause a flat spin if proper sible. Obviously, there are situations (landing pat
recovery controls are not used. tern, catapult launch, low altitude, and airspeed)
where idle power is unacceptable, and emergency
The other two dangers from a compressor stall are that procedures must be tempered by pilot judgment.
the stalled engine may suffer overtemperature damage and
that the good engine might also stall. Although the emer Step 4: Stalled engine, throttle off When an engine
gency procedures are designed to address all three dangers, stalls, the combustor flame does not extinguish.
the pilot must understand that aircraft controllability takes Airflow through the engine and cooling flow to the
priority over engine considerations and involves both throttle turbine blades are severely reduced, and the tur
position and flight controls. Reference to the engine instru bine blades may suffer overtemperature damage.
ments will probably be required to determine the stalled Securing the stalled engine to OFF extinguishes
engine. If the aircraft has departed controlled flight, this the combustor flame, thereby reducing the turbine
should not be attempted until the pilot has ensured that thrust blade temperature.
asymmetry has been minimized and that yaw rate and AOA
are under control. The rationale for each individual step in the
emergency procedure is as follows:
NAVAIR 01−F14AAD−1 Supersonic Airspeed stall minimizes the likelihood of total loss of hydraulic and
electrical power (emergency generator).
Supersonic compressor stalls will produce inlet buzz.
This results in a rough, bumpy ride (+2.5g to −1g at six cycles
per second). The proper technique to recover from a super
sonic compressor stall is to smoothly retard throttles to MIL,
keep feet on the deck, and control any wing−drop tendencies Leaving one engine in hung stall may catastroph
with lateral stick. ically damage the turbine. It is, therefore,
imperative that the pilot expeditiously secure Dual Compressor Stall and relight one engine to prevent turbine dam
age. Attention should be given to the remaining
stalled engine as soon as possible.
14.5.2 Airstarts
D During recovery from a dual−engine compres
The most likely reasons to perform an airstart are that
sor stall (with both engine−driven generators
the engine has shut down because of control system failure,
having dropped offline), flight control inputs
hardware failure, fuel feed failure, FOD, or engine stall. The
may temporarily reduce the combined
augmenter fan temperature control contains diagnostic logic
hydraulic system pressure. If combined
to identify primary (PRI) engine mode failures and automati
hydraulic system pressure drops to between
cally transfers to secondary (SEC) mode when required. If
2,000 and 1,100 psi, the emergency generator the shutdown was not pilot commanded, the engine may
will automatically shift to the 1−kVA mode
switch to SEC mode automatically. The first airstart attempt
and power only the essential No. 1 buses. If
should be made in the engine mode selected by the AFTC
the combined hydraulic pressure continues to
(either PRI or SEC). If an initial PRI mode airstart is unsuc
fall, the essential No. 1 buses will drop offline, cessful, the ENG MODE SELECT switch should be in SEC
resulting in a total electrical failure.
for any subsequent airstart attempts.
D Complete loss of electrical power will result
in loss of ICS, OBOGS, backup oxygen If an engine flames out, the automatic relight feature
(below 10,000 feet MSL), engine instru will attempt to restart the engine immediately; however, if
ments, spin direction indicators (spin arrow rpm is decaying below the throttle−commanded level, spool
and turn needle), and displays. down airstart procedures should be initiated immediately. If
engine flames out because of an automatic shutdown caused
D If combined hydraulic system pressure recov by an overspeed greater than 110 percent, there will be no
ers, the emergency generator should automat
automatic relight. To regain fuel flow, the throttle must be
ically reestablish 1−kVA power to the essen
cycled to OFF then to IDLE.
tial No. 1 buses. The emergency generator
switch must be cycled through OFF/RESET Note
to NORM to regain the 5−kVA mode to the
essential No. 2 buses. An overspeed condition in excess of 110 percent
will result in momentary loss of rpm indication
D Engine instruments are powered by the essen until N2 rpm falls below 110 ±.5 percent. EGT
tial No. 1 bus but may not be automatically and FF indicators will continue to function
restored with the 1−kVA mode. It may be nec normally.
essary to cycle the emergency generator
switch through OFF/RE−SET to NORM to There are three airstart phases: spooldown, crossbleed,
regain lost engine instruments. and windmill. Spooldown is the first phase and provides the
best opportunity for a rapid start. Windmill is the last phase
If both engines are stalled after retarding throttles to and is available only in very high−energy conditions.
IDLE, at least one engine must be immediately secured to
prevent turbine damage and provide maximum potential for Spooldown airstarts should be initiated immediately
an airstart. If possible, secure the engine that did not initiate when it is apparent that an engine has lost thrust and that rpm
the event (the second engine to stall). The cause of the first will decay below the throttle−commanded level. High rpm,
engine stall may not be known at this point; however, it is
possible that the second stall may have been induced during
the throttle transient to IDLE. Leaving one engine in hung
high airspeed, and low altitude increase the likelihood of a Once established at 450 knots, approximately 20_ nose
successful spooldown start. See Figure 14−3. The best down is required to maintain constant airspeed. While
conditions for both PRI and SEC mode spooldown starts are attempting airstarts, flight control authority is critical. As
below 30,000 feet, above 300 knots, and with rpm greater rpm decreases, sufficient hydraulic pressure for smooth flight
than 30 percent. Spooldown airstarts that light−off with rpm control inputs should be available with one engine windmil
as low as 30 percent can take up to 90 seconds to accelerate ling above 18 percent or two engines windmilling above 11
to idle and 20 seconds when initiated at 50 percent or greater. percent. At 450 knots, 15_ dive, a 2g pullup should be initi
ated at 2,000 feet. Once the windmill airstart is considered to
When initiating a spooldown airstart to clear a stall, be unsuccessful, the aircraft shall be decelerated to less than
cycle the throttle OFF then to IDLE with the engine in either 350 knots and ejection performed before controllability is
PRI or SEC mode. EGT and rpm indications should rapidly lost.
decrease when the throttle is OFF confirming throttle posi
tion. If OFF is selected to clear an engine stall, the throttle
should remain in OFF for a few seconds until the stall clears.
Typically, airstarts are characterized by a rapid light−off and
initial EGT rise with a slow initial increase in rpm. In the
low−rpm range, it may take up to 10 seconds to observe an D When advancing both throttles from OFF,
apparent increase in rpm. The rpm display should be flashing cycle the right throttle first to a position above
if the rpm is increasing. IDLE, to avoid the throttle quadrant locking
pin feature.
Hung starts are characterized by the rpm stagnating D Main generators drop off at 55−percent rpm.
below idle. The current engine indicating system (EIG) will The emergency generator will drop off at 11
stop flashing if the next higher segment is not reached within to 12−percent rpm. Engine ignition will not be
10 seconds. A low−range (less than 45 percent) hung start can available below 10 percent.
be overcome with the assistance of crossbleed air. A
midrange hung start at subidle rpm (50 to 60 percent) can be D Oxygen breathing time on BACKUP is lim
corrected by cycling the throttle OFF then to IDLE. Above ited and requires immediate mission plan
45 percent, the starter will not engage. At the completion of ning. See OBOGS emergency procedure. See
the start sequence the engine corresponds to actual throttle Figure 284 for oxygen breathing time
position. remaining.
Note Dual−Engine Airstart (Or Airstart of One
Engine With the Other Engine Secured) D When ECS service air to the OBOGS concen
trator is shut off, the aircrew has approxi
Dual−engine redundancy and automatic relight makes mately 30 seconds before residual OBOGS
this situation extremely unlikely. Dual engine windmill air pressure and mask collapse.
start procedures after unsuccessful automatic and manual D Airstart can be performed on both engines
spooldown airstart attempts should be considered tertiary and simultaneously.
performed with serious consideration given to airspeed alti
tude and safe ejection limitations. Flight test data indicate Engine Flameout
nominal windmill airstart airspeed requirements to be in the
vicinity of 450 knots. Depending on airspeed and altitude *1. Throttle IDLE or Above (affected engine).
available at windmill aircraft profile commencement, a dive
angle of up to 45_ may be required to achieve nominal airstart *2. BACK UP IGNITION switch ON.
Spooldown airstarts can take up to 90 seconds to
reach idle rpm if light−off occurs at low rpm, low
airspeed, and high altitude.
Dive angle should not exceed 45_. At 7,500 feet
AGL and less than 450 knots, commence a If hung start or no start:
smooth, 2g pull converting airspeed to altitude
and eject when less than 350 knots. *3. Throttle (affected engine) Cycle OFF, Then
D Dive angles should not exceed 45°. At 7,500 4. BACK UP IGNITION switch ON.
feet AGL minimum, commence a smooth 2g
pullup to a 20° dive, maximum. At 2,000 feet 5. ENG MODE SELECT PRI.
AGL minimum, pull up to level flight. If the
airstart is unsuccessful, convert airspeed to 6. ENG CRANK switch (bad engine) ON.
altitude and eject at 350 knots or less before
controllability is lost. 7. Throttle (bad engine) IDLE Immediately.
6. OBOGS master switch BACKUP. Quickest light−offs are achieved with throttle to
IDLE at less than 10−percent rpm. Light−offs can
When start is completed: take as long as 45 seconds.
8. ENG MODE SELECT PRI. 8. Throttle (bad engine) OFF Then IDLE.
If still hung:
When start is completed: Turbine failure for example, may appear only as an
apparent loss of thrust and/or the inability to obtain a success-
10. BACK UP IGNITION switch OFF. ful airstart. For confirmed mechanical failures, the engine
should be secured and the FUEL SHUT OFF handle pulled.
If WING SWEEP advisory light is illuminated, ECS service air pressure may be inadequate for
cycling L AICS circuit breaker (LF1) may cause OBOGS when operating on a single engine at
unintentional wing sweep unless WING SWEEP idle. Increasing the throttle position for the oper-
DRIVE NO. 1 (LD1) and WG SWP DR NO. 2/ ating engine above IDLE will increase pressure.
MANUV FLAP (LE1) cb’s are pulled. This will also close the nozzle, increasing
descent range.
14.5.3 Single−Engine Flight Characteristics Single−Engine Cruise Operations
Single−engine flight characteristics are dependent on
gross weight, configuration, angle of attack, wing sweep, and 1. FUEL SHUT OFF handle Pull (inoperative
maneuvering requirements. In the cruise configuration, with engine).
one engine operating at military/high power settings, rudder
deflection and/or trim is required to prevent yaw toward the 2. If on final approach or landing, refer to single engine
failed engine. However, single−engine performance capabili- landing procedures, paragraphs 15.2 and 15.3.
ties can be significantly restricted by adverse flying qualities
in approach power configuration, particularly at high gross When either fuselage tape reaches 4,500 pounds of fuel
weights in turning flight because of the effects of thrust asym- or less:
metry at normal approach speed. This degrades with turns
into the failed engine such that rudder requirements to main- 3. WING/EXT TRANS switch OFF.
tain level flight can exceed available rudder control. Flight
in this configuration should be planned to avoid turns into the Note
failed engine with bank angles limited to 20 degrees maxi-
mum and AOA limited to 12 units. The aircraft design is such The WING/EXT TRANS switch automatically
that no one system (flight control, pneumatic, electrical, etc.) returns to AUTO if the REFUEL PROBE switch
depends on a specific engine. Therefore, loss of an engine is placed to ALL EXTEND, DUMP is selected,
does not result in loss of any complete system as long as the or there is 2,000 pounds remaining in the low
HYD TRANSFER PUMP is operative. Refer to NAVAIR side. The WING/EXT TRANS switch can be
01−F14AAP−1.1 for single−engine performance data. reselected to OFF after a 5−second delay, the
REFUEL PROBE is retracted, or DUMP is Single−Engine Failure During Flight secured.
14−11 CHANGE 2
If the fuselage quantity on the inoperative engine side 14.5.5 Engine START VALVE Light
begins to increase:
1. Ensure ENG CRANK switch OFF.
6. FEED switch Immediately Move to Operating
Engine Side. 2. AIR SOURCE pushbutton OFF.
If operational necessity dictates, AIR SOURCE
L ENG or R ENG may be selected provided the
START VALVE light remains out. Crossbleed
An increase in fuel quantity on the inoperative
airstarts may not be available to the affected
engine side indicates that the sump tank intercon
engine after a START VALVE light illuminates,
nect valve is not open. Fuel available is limited because of possible overspeed damage.
to the quantity on the operating engine side.
If on deck:
If the fuselage fuel quantity on the inoperative engine
side begins to decrease: 3. Throttle (affected engine) OFF.
6. FEED switch Remain On Inoperative Engine.
If airborne:
3. ENG START cb Pull (RF1).
8. Refer to appropriate hydraulic system failure.
4. OBOGS master switch BACKUP.
14.5.4 Engine Overspeed (N1 or N2 OSP Legend)
If overspeed continues:
Oxygen breathing time on BACKUP is limited
2. ENG MODE SELECT SEC. Verify ENG SEC and requires immediate mission planning. See
light illuminated. OBOGS emergency procedure. See Figure 284
for oxygen breathing time remaining.
If overspeed condition persists:
3. Throttle (affected engine) OFF.
D When ECS service air to the OBOGS concen
Note trator is shut off, the aircrew has approxi
mately 30 seconds before depleting residual
D Fuel flow is automatically secured when rpm OBOGS pressure and mask collapse.
reaches 110 percent. To regain fuel flow, the
D Restoration of service air (selecting RAM)
throttle must be cycled OFF then to IDLE.
will return OBOGS to operation.
D An overspeed condition in excess of 110 per
cent will result in temporary loss of rpm indi 14.5.6 Engine Transfer to SEC Mode
cation until N2 falls below 110 ±.5 percent.
EGT and FF indicators will continue to func
tion normally.
If engine transfers to SEC mode: 7. 65 to 116 percent basic engine thrust available (see
Figure 144).
1. Throttle (affected engine) Less Than MIL.
8. Main engine ignition continuously energized.
9. No idle lockup protection.
If PRI mode is restored:
10. IGV fixed full open (lower windmill airspeed).
3. Maintain constant subsonic airspeed in level flight.
11. RATS inoperative.
4. Affected L or R AICS cb Cycle (LF1, left or LG1, 1. ENG MODE SELECT PRI (greater than
right). 59−percent rpm).
3. ENG MODE SELECT SEC. 2. Maintain constant subsonic airspeed in level flight.
If dual engine uncommanded acceleration is associated If nozzle is closed or a visual inspection is not possible:
with CADC failure, normal primary mode may be regained
by reselecting PRI mode with the gear handle down. 5. ENG MODE SELECT Remain in SEC.
6. Assume electrical failure and land as soon as practi
If engine is still uncommanded and engine shutdown is cable.
14.5.10 Stuck/Jammed Throttle(s)
2. Throttle (affected engine) OFF.
One or both throttles may become jammed in the
3. Refer to Single−Engine Cruise Operations, para afterburner range because of misadjustments or FOD within
graph the throttle quadrant. Selection of SEC mode may be required
to control rapid fuel consumption and airspeed and/or
14.5.9 Exhaust Nozzle Failed (No Nozzle altitude. If the problem cannot be corrected, engine shutdown
Response to Throttle Movement) with the fuel shutoff handle may be necessary to abort a
takeoff, to control a stalled engine, or to effect a safe landing.
Nozzle position is hydraulically operated by engine oil If the afterburner detent lever is misadjusted, the right throttle
from a separate compartment in the oil storage tank. A rup may not move inboard through the AB detent into the basic
ture in this system could render the nozzles inoperative and engine range.
would generally cause the nozzles to blow open. This could An additional failure mode has been identified that
result in engine mislight, AB blowout, and low thrust. may cause one or both throttles to become stuck in the basic
Exhaust nozzles failed closed could result in engine stalls if engine range. If a large idler bearing in either electromechan
afterburner is selected, and excess residual thrust will be ical rotary actuator fails, it can jam the gear train and create
present on landing rollout. An exhaust nozzle electrically side loads on the mechanical clutch sufficient to lock it and
failed open may be closed by selecting SEC mode. prevent further throttle movement. Failure may occur at any
power setting between idle and military and is more likely to
1. Monitor engine oil pressure/rpm.
be observed when throttles are retarded. While failure will
2. Throttles Basic Engine Only (use minimum prevent the affected throttle from being retarded any further,
power required). it may be possible to move it forward.
If throttle(s) will not retard below minimum AB: 6. Affected L or R AICS cb Pull (LF1, left or LG1,
3. Match throttles.
4. Relax aft pressure on throttles. Pulling the AICS cb while airborne may illumi
5. While forcing throttles apart laterally: nate the FCS CAUTION and ARI DGR lights.
Above about 600 knots, the PITCH SAS and
a. Pull throttles straight aft to MIL detent. ROLL DGR lights will also be illuminated.
b. Move throttles inboard and aft. These should clear with a MASTER RESET fol
lowing a programmer reset.
6. Do not reselect afterburner.
7. Affected INLET RAMPS switch AUTO.
If right throttle will not retard:
8. Land as soon as practicable.
7. Right FUEL SHUT OFF handle Pull (if
required). If INLET light only is illuminated, attempt AICS pro
grammer reset:
8. Right throttle MAX AB (after shutdown).
4. Decelerate below 0.5 TMN.
5. If WING SWEEP advisory light is illuminated:
Failure to move the right throttle full forward Wing sweep drive cb’s Pull (LD1 and LE1).
may limit the left throttle to 88 percent or less
after it is retarded below the MIL stop.
9. Refer to single−engine procedures (Chapter 15).
If left throttle will not retard: If WING SWEEP advisory light is illuminated,
10. Left FUEL SHUT OFF handle Pull (if required). cycling L AICS circuit breaker (LF1) may cause
unintentional wing sweep unless WING SWEEP
11. Refer to single−engine procedures (Chapter 15). DRIVE NO. 1 (LD1) and WG SWP DR NO. 2/
14.5.11 AICS Malfunctions MANUV FLAP (LE 1) cb’s are pulled. RAMPS Light/INLET Light 6. Affected L or R AICS cb Cycle (LF1, left or LG1,
*1. Avoid abrupt throttle movements. Note
*2. Decelerate to below 1.2 TMN. Pulling the AICS cb while airborne may illumi
nate the FCS CAUTION and ARI DGR lights.
*3. Affected INLET RAMPS switch STOW.
Above about 600 knots, the PITCH SAS and
Note ROLL DGR lights will also be illuminated.
These should clear with a MASTER RESET fol
A RAMPS light should always be accompanied lowing a programmer reset.
by INLET light when the landing gear handle is
UP. If INLET light goes off:
If RAMPS light remains illuminated: 7. Affected INLET RAMPS switch AUTO.
4. Throttle (bad engine) 80 Percent or Less. If INLET light remains illuminated:
5. If WING SWEEP advisory light is illuminated
Wing sweep drive cb’s Pull (LD1 and LE1).
14−17 CHANGE 2
14−19 CHANGE 2
essential ac and dc No. 1 buses. If combined system hydraulic 14.7.2 Double Generator Failure
pressure subsequently recovers, the emergency generator
switch must be cycled through OFF/RESET to NORM to 1. Both generator switches Cycle.
regain the essential No. 2 ac and dc buses. Figure 14−5 lists
theequipment available with only the emergency generator If operating on emergency generator, the following
operating. important systems are inoperative:
If generator does not reset: A shift to 1 kVA mode will cause loss of all DFCS
functions and spoilers without illumination of
2. Generator (affected generator switch) TEST. caution lights. If the 5 kVA mode is regained, a
MASTER RESET will be required to regain
If the light goes off with the switch in TEST, the SAS,spoiler, authority stop, and ARI functions.
fault is in the respective electrical distribution sys-
tem. If light remains illuminated, the generator has Note
been disconnected automatically and the fault is in
IDG or generator control unit. DFCS synchronization can take up to 2 seconds
following a power interrupt. If the MASTER L or R GEN and TRANS/RECT Lights RESET pushbutton is depressed during the syn-
chronization time, an additional depression of
1. Generator (affected generator switch) OFF/ theMASTER RESET pushbutton will be
RESET, Then NORM. required to restore spoiler functionality.
With R GEN and TRANS/RECT lights illumi-
nated, ac essential power is supplied by the L
GEN. Selecting EMER GEN on the MASTER
TEST panel (with R GEN and TRANS/RECT
lights) will not provide any additional power but
may cause an interrupt as the supply is trans-
ferredfrom the L GEN to the EMER GEN.
14.7.3 Double Transformer−Rectifier Failure transfer pump is operating and pressure drops to between
2,000 and 1,100 psi (dependent upon the load placed on the
The 5−kVA emergency generator will automatically
generator), the emergency generator will automatically shift
activate and power the essential ac and dc No. 1 and No. 2 and
to the 1−kVA mode and power only the essential ac and dc
DFCS buses. See Figure 146 for listing of inoperable
No. 1 buses. If combined hydraulic pressure subsequently
dc−powered equipment. recovers, the EMERG generator switch must be cycled
through OFF/RESET to NORM to regain the essential ac and
14.7.4 TRANS/RECT Light dc No. 2 and DFCS buses.
The TRANS/RECT light will illuminate if either or
both T/R malfunction. If one T/R fails, the operating T/R will 14.7.5 Electrical Fire
assume the dc load. If both T/Rs fail, the emergency
Electrical fires may be indicated by visual or audible
generator will go on the line and tie to essential dc buses
arcing or an ozone odor in the cockpit and popping circuit
No. 1 and No. 2. Land as soon as practicable.
breakers. Electrical fires produced by 400°F air leaks can
Popped circuit breakers should not be reset more than result in any one or combination of the following:
once or be held depressed unless the associated equipment is
1. Pinballing caution/advisory lights and instrument
absolutely an operational necessity. A popped circuit breaker
indicates an equipment malfunction or an overload condi
tion. Repeated resets or forced depressions of popped circuit 2. CADC associated caution/advisory lights.
breakers can result in equipment damage and/or serious
3. Uncommanded movement of electrically controlled
electrical fire.
components (SAS, spoilers, wing sweep, throttles).
The loss of one generator and/or failure to tie the ac main
4. Complete electrical failure.
buses will illuminate the affected GEN light. The TRANS/
RECT light will also illuminate because the affected genera 5. Smoke, fumes, and/or heat in the cockpit.
tor’s associated T/R is not receiving ac power to convert. Upon
The most effective method to extinguish an electrical
observing a TRANS/RECT light, the pilot can check that the
fire is to secure all electrical power. However, some
aircraft is actually experiencing a T/R failure and not a bus
conditions may not permit securing the emergency generator
tie failure. If the seat adjust, white floods, or instrument lights
after both main generators are secured. Night/IFR flight or
are still operative with the R GEN light illuminated, the bus
ECS−duck−leak−induced electrical fires are cases where
is tied. If the throttles are operating on the boosted mode with
securing all electrical power is not feasible.
a L GEN light illuminated, the bus is tied.If the hydraulic
OBOGS concentrator heater power will be lost.
OBOGS may still function at a reduced but ade
quate level. OBOGS will shut down if all electrical power is
lost. BOS will be activated above 10,000 feet MSL
If uncommanded SAS or spoiler inputs are present: but will not be available below 10,000 feet MSL.
If cause of fire can be isolated: 2. Attempt to contact radar facilities or other aircraft
by handheld survival radio.
4. Pull cb’s of affected equipment.
3. Make arrested landing as soon as possible.
5. All generators NORM.
The following systems are still available:
If cause of fire cannot be isolated:
a. Airspeed indicator.
6. Secure all unnecessary equipment.
b. Altimeter (STBY mode).
7. EMERG generator switch NORM.
c. Cabin pressure altimeter.
8. Land as soon as possible. d. Vertical velocity indicator.
e. Arresting hook (emergency extension only).
f. Standby attitude gyro (3 minutes).
g. Emergency wing sweep.
Do not operate engines on the ground without
electrical power. Ground cooling fans are shut h. Landing gear.
off, causing hot bleed air to cook off oil and
i. Main flaps/slats.
hydrocarbons in the ECS ducting, resulting in
smoke in the cockpit and possible damage to the j. Standby compass.
ECS turbine compressor.
k. Backup oxygen system (above 10,000 feet
14.7.6 Total Electrical Failure MSL).
When all electrical power is shut off, the cockpit dump 2. FIRE warning light.
valve closes and the environmental control system supplies
only cold air to the cockpit and forced air cooled avionics. 3. Smoke or fumes in the cockpit.
Pressurization will slowly bleed off. If operational necessity
prohibits immediate descent, maintain cockpit altitude at the 4. Heat emanating from behind aft right corner of RIO
highest practicable level to conserve BOS. Otherwise, cockpit.
descend to a cabin altitude less than 10,000 feet. If the system
5. Complete loss of ECS airflow.
failure occurs in the day or night VFR environment, immedi
ate return to base and an emergency landing shall be accom
plished. In the day or night IFR environment, ascend or Indirect indications:
descend to known VFR conditions. (Extreme care should be
6. Audible pop or squeal from ECS.
exercised because of partial panel environment.) Reduce
power setting to maximum endurance. Contact nearest 7. Rapid drop in cockpit airflow.
ground facility by handheld survival radio. Once positive
radar identification is made, follow controllers’ directions to 8. Electrical fire indications.
9. Any ECS advisory light (SENSOR COND or
14.8.1 ECS Leak/Elimination of Smoke When an ECS duct leak is indicated or ECS turbine
and Fumes whine is heard, AIR SOURCE should be immediately
selected OFF. ECS leaks may melt wiring splice junctions
Bleed air leaks, hot air leaks, and ECS turbine failures and create conditions that may induce an electrical fire. If an
have similar indications and results and shall be treated as associated electrical fire occurs, smoke, fumes, heat, and
one failure, ECS leaks. All can cause unsurvivable damage damage to the surrounding aircraft structure may intensify.
when not recognized and corrected expeditiously. Bleed air Since electrical fire procedures are not compatible with mea
leaks in the engine compartment illuminate the appropriate sures to eliminate smoke and fumes, canopy jettison may
FIRE warning light, and FIRE light procedures apply. Bleed become necessary as a last ditch procedure.
air leaks outside the engine compartment and other hot air
leaks illuminate the BLEED DUCT caution light. Illumina
tion of the appropriate caution/warning light should be the
first indication of an ECS leak. ECS turbine failures can
cause hot air leaks. After a compressor−side failure, cata
strophic thermal damage can be caused by heat generated Failure to immediately select AIR SOURCE
during turbine winddown. Wire bundles, flight control rods, OFF upon indication of an ECS leak may result
and SMDC lines are in the vicinity of the ECS turbine and hot in severe aircraft damage and loss of aircraft.
air manifold. Both turbine and compressor−side failures may
cause a whining noise emanating from below and behind the
right side of the RIO cockpit, and other indications of an ECS
air leak follow.
Ram air door may take up to 50 seconds to fully
Selection of AIR SOURCE to RAM allows bleed
air to circulate throughout the 400° F manifold 5. Airspeed Below 300 knots/0.8 Mach.
6. Nonessential electrical equipment Secure.
D When ECS service air to the OBOGS concen
trator is shut off, the aircrew has approxi
mately 30 seconds before depleting residual
The EMERG generator switch should be left in
OBOGS pressure and mask collapse.
NORM unless there are overriding considerations
D Restoration of service air (selecting RAM) that mandate turning the emergency generator off.
will return OBOGS to operation.
*1. AIR SOURCE pushbutton OFF.
D Selecting AIR SOURCE OFF eliminates
*2. OBOGS master switch BACKUP. pressurization to the service system (canopy,
g−suit, external fuel tanks, pressure/ventila
tion suit, and airbag seals). Rain removal,
defog, OBOGS, and heating systems are also
eliminated. Judicious reselection of AIR
SOURCE to BOTH or RAM to regain critical
Oxygen breathing time on BACKUP is limited support/ service systems is predicated on
and requires immediate mission planning. See severity of ECS malfunction and operational
OBOGS emergency procedure. See Figure 284 requirements.
for oxygen breathing time remaining. D If ECS airflow continues, ensure AIR
SOURCE CONTROL cb (RD2) is in. If cb
Note RD2 has popped, ECS control is lost.
D When ECS service air to the OBOGS concen D Securing all electrical powerwhile airborne
trator is shut off, the aircrew has approxi closes cockpit dump valve and cabin hot air
mately 30 seconds before depleting residual valve, opens bleed air shutoff valves and dual
OBOGS pressure and mask collapse. pressure regulator, and the ram air door
remains at its last commanded position (ram
D Restoration of service air (selecting RAM)
air door takes up to 50 seconds to open). This
will return OBOGS to operation.
results in full cold air to the cockpit, uncon
*3. If smoke or fumes are present: trolled bleed air to circulate, and the loss of
normal cabin dump capability. Minimize low
a. Altitude Below 35,000 Feet. speed (less than 0.25 Mach) and ground
operations as the heat exchanger cooling fan
b. CABIN PRESS switch DUMP. will be inoperative and ECS overheat condi
tion will result.
*4. RAM AIR switch OPEN.
Elimination of smoke or fumes without electrical
power may be accomplished by ECS airflow. To
obtain maximum smoke/fume removal capabil
Oxygen breathing time on BACKUP is limited
ity under this condition, fly below 8,000 feet
and requires immediate mission planning. See
MSL and set the throttle to maximum practical
OBOGS emergency procedure. See Figure 284
position. This will open the cabin regulator valve
for oxygen breathing time remaining.
for maximum ECS airflow. If smoke or fumes are
not eliminated, it is most probable that smoke/
fumes are being regenerated by an ECS air leak.
As a last resort, jettison the canopy.
D When ECS service air to the OBOGS concen
14.8.2 COOLING AIR Light trator is shut off, the aircrew has approxi
mately 30 seconds before depleting residual On Deck OBOGS pressure and mask collapse.
D Restoration of service air (selecting RAM)
1. AIR SOURCE pushbutton Check L ENG, R will return OBOGS to operation.
If associated with any other direct or indirect indication
2. Throttles Advance Without Closing Nozzles. of ECS malfunction:
3. Perform ECS Leak/Elimination of Smoke and
DEFOG. Fumes procedure, paragraph 14.8.1.
If not associated with any other direct or indirect indi
cation of ECS malfunction and operational requirements dic
If light goes out:
tate temporary reselection of RAM to regain lost service
5. THROTTLES IDLE. systems (external fuel transfer, OBOGS, cabin pressure, rain
removal, engine anti−ice, etc.):
6. ECS As Desired.
3. AIR SOURCE pushbutton RAM.
If light remains illuminated:
4. RAM AIR door switch Full Increase.
7. Secure systems.
5. AIR SOURCE pushbutton OFF (when service
system is no longer required). In Flight
6. Land as soon as practicable.
1. AIR SOURCE pushbutton OFF.
14.8.3 TARPS ECS Lights Illuminate
3. APG−71 PUMP PH A, B, and C cb’s Pull (2G3, Cockpit overpressurization is sensed by the aircrew
2G6, 2G7). and verified by lower than normal cockpit altitude on the
cabin pressure altimeter This condition could be caused by
If other conditions exist that may indicate an ECS a faulty cabin pressure controller or regulator.
malfunction, either directly or indirectly, perform ECS
Leak/Elimination of Smoke and Fumes procedure, 1. AIR SOURCE pushbutton OFF.
paragraph 14.8.1.
4. Land as soon as practicable.
3. Canopy OPEN (when cockpit pressure altimeter
14.8.5 Cockpit Temperature Control Malfunction equals the field elevation).
If temperature control is not regained: The canopy may explosively leave the aircraft
upon unlocking of the canopy sill locks if cockpit
3. VENT AIRFLOW thumbwheel OFF. overpressure is not reduced.
If light remains illuminated after air source is off,
the indication is faulty. Turn ECS on and land as
soon as practicable. The aircrew will not have any indication of a fail
ure of the monitor. If the aircrew suspects the
3. OBOGS master switch BACKUP. onset of hypoxia at any time, immediately select
BACKUP. The monitor may be tested once the
aircraft has descended to a cabin altitude of
10,000 feet or less and the ON position on the
OBOGS master switch has been reselected.
Note If both the pilot and RIO caution lights are illumi
nated, indicating a canopy problem, a later prob
Failure of the BOS CONTR/B/U OXY LOW cir
lem with the boarding ladder will not activate the
cuit breaker will illuminate only the pilot B/U
cator remains functional and displays true BOS
14.9.4 B/U OXY LOW Light (RIO Only) If the RIO CANOPY light is not illuminated,
ensure that it is operating by selecting IND LT on
3. BACKUP OXY PRESS Check. the RIO TEST panel before assuming a boarding
ladder problem.
CANOPY Light/Canopy Loss
In the event of canopy loss in flight, the pilot will be
adequately shielded by the forward windscreen to maintain *1. Canopy Boost Close (canopy remaining).
control of the aircraft. Vision may be impaired briefly by dust
in the cockpit, and moderate head buffet may occur, which 2. Airspeed and altitude Below 200 Knots/15,000
can be alleviated by lowering the seat and/or leaning forward. Feet.
The RIO will be exposed to a significantly more hazardous
and disorienting environment, which will include vision 3. Seats and visors Down.
impairment, loss of communications, wind blast injury, and
breathing difficulties. The degree to which these will be expe 4. If canopy has departed aircraft, perform control
rienced is directly related to airspeed and seat height. In addi lability check.
tion, the possibility of helmet loss becomes greater as airspeed
increases above 300 knots. ICS and RIO VHF/UHF commu 5. Land as soon as possible.
14−31 CHANGE 1
D If the INLET RAMPS switch is not placed in e. Hook extend (emergency actuation available).
STOW prior to the pressure reaching zero, do f. Flaps and slats (emergency actuation available).
not place it in STOW after complete loss of
g. Landing gear (emergency actuation available).
pressure. Trapped fluid may be the only thing
holding the affected ramp in position. h. Wheelbrakes (emergency actuation available).
D An outboard spoiler module failure with flaps i. Refueling probe (emergency actuation available
extended, below 180 knots, and with a com if fluid remains in return line).
bined hydraulic failure rendering the inboard
j. Emergency generator.
spoilers inoperative, can result in asymmetric
spoiler float such that the aircraft may not be k. Auxiliary flaps.
flyable at normal approach airspeeds. A small l. DLC.
amount of spoiler float can significantly
increase approach speeds. m. Speedbrakes.
D Do not return to AUTO (LOW) mode once n. Normal hook.
module is selected on (HIGH or LOW) with o. One−half authority of SAS/ARI actuators in
operating flight hydraulic system. When pitch, roll, and yaw.
6. LDG GEAR Emergency lower. Refer to Landing The following important equipment is inoperative:
Gear Emergency Lowering, paragraph 15.4.1 a. One−half authority of SAS/ARI actuators in
7. Hook Emergency down. Refer to Arresting Hook pitch, roll, and yaw.
Emergency Down, paragraph 15.11. b. ACLS.
8. AUX FLAP/FLAP CONTR cb Pull (8G3). c. R AICS.
9. Flaps (no auxiliary flaps) DN. d. Normal hook Restored by weight on wheels.
Hook handle restowed.
10. Brake accumulator (handpump) Check.
4. EMERG FLT HYD switch HIGH (on final, com
11. ANTI SKID SPOILER BK switch SPOILER BK mitted to landing).
(OFF for CV).
5. Land as soon as possible.
12. EMERG FLT HYD switch HIGH (on final com
mitted to landing). Note
Arrested landing will require emergency hook
14.11.5 Both Combined and Flight Pressure Zero
Do not return to AUTO (LOW) mode once mod 1. EMERG FLT HYD switch LOW.
ule is selected on (HIGH or LOW) with operating
flight hydraulic system. 2. Do not attempt CV recovery. Divert if possible.
4. Decelerate with tanker to 180 knots. D Aggressive nose movement in close can rate
limit the stabilizers, resulting in low altitude
5. Maneuver flaps Extend. loss of control. Do not use APCS.
D Inboard spoilers can be expected to float, caus
6. EMERG FLT HYD switch HIGH (prior to mov
ing uncomfortable lateral stick requirements
ing to precontact).
for level flight. Do not trim out lateral forces.
7. Avoid abrupt control inputs during contact.
NATOPS procedures cannot account for every poten D A controllability check requires the total
tial malfunction. It is absolutely imperative that the aircrew attention and awareness of the aircrew. The
thoroughly and safely evaluate the degraded handling char aircrew must be prepared to encounter
acteristics of the damaged or malfunctioning aircraft prior to unusual handling characteristics, since the
continued flight and landing. This check does not take prior aerodynamic properties of the aircraft may be
ity over existing emergency procedures. significantly changed. Stall speed, as well as
flight and ground handling characteristics,
Upon encountering a problem that alters the handling
may be drastically different from normal.
qualities of the aircraft, the aircrew should realize that the
aircraft may no longer be a stable airframe, especially in the Note
landing configuration. In addition, the flight characteristics
If flight control malfunction is due to uncom
may rapidly degrade or even become uncontrollable when
manded stab aug transients, spoiler malfunction,
normal configuration changes are introduced or during
flap/slat asymmetry, rudder malfunction (hard
airspeed changes. Increased awareness of flight parameters
over), and/or wingsweep malfunctions; perform
should prevail following a malfunction until the aircraft is
applicable emergency procedure(s) as necessary
safely on deck.
before beginning a controllability check.
Even though the aircraft may possess significantly
different or even hazardous flying qualities, the pilot and RIO 1. Climb to 10,000 feet AGL minimum.
have numerous cues available to them to warn of potential
problems. Some of these cues include: 2. Obtain visual check if possible.
1. Turn needle and ball position. 3. Decelerate gradually to 200 knots if feasible.
2. AOA.
4. Dirty aircraft One configuration change at a time,
3. Buffet. while flying straight and level.
4. Yaw string position. Note
5. Flight control positions. Landing gear should be lowered before flaps. Do
6. Trim settings. not lower arresting hook until landing gear is
confirmed down and locked.
7. Roll−off.
5. If flaps are lowered, do so incrementally and be alert
8. Rate of descent. for a flap/slat asymmetry.
All cues should be very closely monitored, since they 6. If maneuver flaps are used for landing approach:
tell the pilot what the aircraft is doing or is about to do. wing sweep drive no. 1 and WG SWP DR No. 2/
Stall/departure recovery procedures and ejection MANUV FLAP cb’s pull (LD1 and LE1).
should be discussed prior to any controllability check. In the
event of a stall/departure, NATOPS procedures should be
applied immediately. If during flap/slat transition, follow D Failure to pull wing sweep drive circuit break
uncommanded roll/yaw procedures. A rapid increase in ers (LD1 and LE1) could result in inadvertent
airspeed can be attained through judicial use of forward stick maneuver device retraction or wing sweep
and military power. during approach.
After a thorough controllability check (to include D Wingsweep warning, wingsweep advisory,
approach and waveoff/bolter performance and flight charac and flap caution lights will illuminate with
teristics), the aircrew must make the decision as to whether both wing sweep drive circuit breakers pulled
the aircraft can be safely landed aboard the carrier or should (LD1 and LE1).
be diverted.
7. Use differential thrust, if required, to achieve
acceptable flight characteristics.
9. Fly simulated approach to evaluate lineup correc c. Asymmetric flaps and/or slats.
tions, power changes, and waveoff/bolter perfor
mance and flight characteristics. d. Uncommanded differential stabilizer and/or rud
der automatic flight control system inputs caused
10. For landing, use minimum safe control speed, but no by abnormal power transients.
slower than optimum AOA.
e. Rudder hardover.
11. If performance and flight characteristics dictate that
a CV landing is not possibledivert. *1. If flap transition: FLAP handle Previous Position.
12. If diverting with a flight control malfunction *2. Rudder and stick Opposite Roll/Yaw.
make an arrested landing, if possible.
Note For spoiler malfunction, use lateral stick as pri
mary lateral control and rudder only as needed to
If normal landing rollout is attempted, flap han
maintain balanced flight.
dle should be checked down on deck with spoiler
brake selected to enable full ground roll braking *3. AOA Below 12 Units.
*4. Downwing engine MAX THRUST (if required).
13. If directional controllability is in question:
a. A shorebased arrested landing should be flown to *5. MASTER RESET pushbutton Depress.
touchdown at or just prior to arresting gear.
b. Use a landing signal officer if possible.
DFCS synchronization can take up to 2 seconds
c. If arresting gear not engaged and performance following a power interrupt. If the MASTER
and flight characteristics permit, execute wave RESET pushbutton is depressed during the syn
off/touch−and−go, if possible. chronization time, an additional depression of
the MASTER RESET pushbutton will be
d. Expect directional excursions during waveoff/ required to restore spoiler functionality.
bolter, arrested landing, or landing rollout.
e. Nosewheel steering should not be engaged if rud
der pedal authority is restricted. 7. Roll trim Opposite Stick (if required).
f. Use rudder, lateral stick, and/or differential brak
ing to oppose any directional excursions during 8. Out of control below 10,000 feet Eject.
normal landing rollout.
9. Control regained, climb and investigate for the
g. Brief runway departure prior to landing and iden following:
tify any obstructions in close proximity to runway.
a. Flap and slat asymmetry.
14.12.2 Uncommanded Roll and/or Yaw b. SAS malfunction.
Note Note
D If uncommanded roll and/or yaw occurs dur SAS failure may cause uncommanded roll and/or
ing high AOA maneuvering (above 15 unit), yaw, even without illumination of the associated
assume departure from controlled flight and lights.
apply appropriate departure and/or spin
recovery procedures. c. Spoiler malfunction.
D Failures that may cause uncommanded roll d. Hardover rudder.
and/or yaw include, but are not limited to:
e. Structural damage.
a. Engine failure.
10. Slow−fly aircraft to determine controllability at
b. Stuck up spoiler. 10,000 feet AGL minimum.
14.12.3 DFCS Flight Control Failures aggressive maneuvering should be terminated. Departure
or Malfunctions resistance and landing characteristics may be significantly
degraded. Refer to Chapter 11 for high AOA flight character
Figure of DFCS caution lights: istics. Consideration should be given to performing a straight
in approach to a landing.
In the pitch axis, it is not always possible to resolve
FCS CAUTION ARI DGR ARI/SAS OUT whether the loss is partial or total. Regardless, the difference
in flying qualities is small and no flight restriction is applied
DFCS caution lights fall into 3 levels of severity. due to PITCH SAS degrades.
Loss of redundancy The FCS CAUTION light indi FCS CAUTION Light
cates some loss of DFCS redundancy. If FCS CAUTION is
on alone, then no DFCS authority or function has been lost. Note
It indicates that some sensor or function has been determined
faulty but that other sensors or functions are redundantly Verify maintenance file fault reporting acronyms
providing all the input necessary to enable the DFCS to use (RIO) to troubleshoot system for maintenance
full authority to provide all designed functions. The AFC debrief.
acronyms in continuous monitoring (CM) will also give some
indication of which axis or sensor has been declared invalid. 1. MASTER RESET pushbutton Depress
Emergency procedures recommend limited supersonic
operations and adhering to high angle of attack maneuvering If light remains illuminated:
limitations (Figure 48) because a subsequent sensor failure
may abruptly restrict DFCS authority at a point that it is
needed for departure resistance or supersonic stability.
Similarly in roll and yaw axis, illumination of both PITCH SAS Light
lights in an axis (i.e., ROLL DGR and ARI/SAS OUT) indi
cates complete loss of authority in the associated axis (Roll 1. MASTER RESET pushbutton Depress.
axis). With the complete loss of ROLL or YAW SAS or ARI,
2. If light remains illuminated No limitations. ROLL SAS, YAW SAS, or ARI failure
3. Remain below 1.0 TMN. Maneuvering with YAW SAS OFF or inoperative
shall not be conducted above 15 units AOA with
Note landing gear retracted.
Rudder pedal shakers inop if YAW B fail.
D With rudder authority stops failed open,
ROLL DGR and ARI/SAS OUT lights may auto excess rudder authority is available and could
matically extinguish upon selection of gear han result in structural damage above 250 knots.
dle down. This is indicative of a DFCS dual air
data failure (AOA or Mach sensor inputs). These D After landing, nosewheel steering authority
failures inhibit ROLL SAS and ARI functions in may be restricted to 10° (with neutral direc
cruise configuration, but not in the landing con tional trim) and differential braking is
figuration. required coming out of the arresting gear.
1. Confirm rudder hardover via cockpit indicator Recommend practice approach to cv, fuel
and/or RIO/wingman visual inspection. permitting.
6. If no suitable divert available and controlled cv
approach is in question, perform a controlled ejection.
Restriction of authority, if any, of opposing
Prior to landing:
good" rudder may be determined by reference
to the cockpit indicator.
If jettison is required, consideration should be Asymmetric thrust limiter should only be dis
given to keeping the wing stations symmetric and abled if required to assist/maintain control.
avoiding aft cg. conditions.
9. Perform arrested landing.
It is unknown what the fuel consumption will be
in this configuration. Therefore, fuel quantity
must be closely monitored. Recommend using
gear up, flaps down, single engine bingo charts. Use only opposing throttle for waveoff/bolter.
Fuel imbalance may occur during prolonged
flight with higher demands on one engine. Use
feed switch to minimize fuel split.
NAVAIR 01−F14AAD−1 Runaway Stabilizer Trim pressure. Failure of the lateral stick stops is indicated by the
HZ TAIL AUTH caution light. Failure of the stops in the fully
A runaway trim failure is sensed by the pilot by both
closed position does limit low−speed rolling performance,
uncommanded stick motion and by changes in aircraft pitch
but ample roll control is available for all landing conditions
and load factor. This failure state causes the horizontal tail to
and configurations. Failure in the open condition, with SAS
move along the normal stick−to−tail gearing curve for the on, requires the pilot to manually limit stick deflection to
hands−off condition. Aircraft response to a runaway stabilizer
prevent exceeding fuselage torsional load limit.
trim, even in the high−speed configuration, is slow enough
(about 1° per second stabilizer change) to be recovered from HZ TAIL AUTH Light
The most critical steady−state trim conditions are those 1. MASTER RESET pushbutton Depress
for which the greatest stick force is required. A field or carrier (10 seconds).
landing with either a full noseup or nosedown runaway stabi If light remains illuminated above 400 KIAS/0.9 IMN:
lizer trim requires an average stick force of 14 to 19 pounds
to maintain longitudinal control. If pilot fatigue becomes a 2. ROLL STAB AUG switch OFF.
factor with full noseup trim, stick forces may be significantly
reduced by placing the wings aft of 21° and lowering the Note
FLAP handle causing the main flaps to extend while the ARI/SAS OUT light will illuminate.
auxiliary flaps remain retracted.
3. Restrict lateral control inputs above 400 KIAS/
This overrides the wing sweep 21° interlock and the 0.9 IMN to one−quarter throw.
FLAP light will be illuminated. This configuration is not
recommended for landing. At approach speed, the worst
nosedown trim condition requires a maximum stick pull of
27 pounds without DLC engaged and approximately 24
pounds with DLC engaged. A full noseup runaway trim
requires a maximum of 17 pounds of stick push without DLC
Above 400 KIAS/0.9 IMN there is a danger of
engaged and 23 pounds with DLC engaged.
torsional overstress to the fuselage with large
Note lateral stick deflections.
With abnormal stabilizer trim response, continu 4. Reduce airspeed and remain below 400 KIAS/
ing to trim may preclude ability to retrim to a 0.9 IMN.
neutral position.
Below 400 KIAS/0.9 IMN:
(RB2). 5. ROLL STAB AUG switch ON.
2. Decelerate to below 300 knots. Note
3. Use DFCS, if available, in cruise configuration to At low airspeeds, lateral control effectiveness
reduce pilot workload. may be reduced.
4. Minimum stick forces are achieved under the fol 6. Do not select OV SW after landing.
lowing conditions:
a. Runaway nosedown flaps up. 14.12.6 Spoiler Malfunction
b. Runaway noseup flaps down. Spoiler monitoring and fault isolation is internal to the
DFCS. DFCS should recognize and disable any malfunction
5. Straight−in approach. ing spoiler and permit other spoilers to operate normally.
Note DFCS will therefore automatically maintain greater control
authority in event of a spoiler malfunction.
Force required (push or pull) may be as much as
30 pounds. For malfunctions where failed spoilers are successfully
commanded to trail, straight−in full flap CV approaches can
14.12.5 Horizontal Tail Authority Failure be accomplished with minor degradation in handling quali
ties. The control capability remaining with a failed up spoiler
Lateral stick input are limited by control authority is influenced by flap position, SAS operation, and availabil
stops scheduled by the CADC as a function of dynamic ity of the remaining spoilers.
NAVAIR 01−F14AAD−1 SPOILERS Caution Light/Spoiler the critical factor. With flaps down, roll control
Malfunction/Spoiler Stuck Up using lateral stick alone may be impossible.
However, with flaps up, adequate roll control to
regain wings level flight is available with use of
lateral stick alone. Choice of flap position for
landing and CV recovery/divert decision should
be made following a controllability check.
If the current configuration is acceptable for
landing, careful consideration should be given 4. Perform Controllability Check procedure, para
before depressing MASTER RESET when a graph 14.12.1, using maneuvering flap/slat
spoiler actuator mechanical malfunction is sus (preferred) or no flap configuration only.
pected. A deployed spoiler that resulted from
DFCS computers dropping off line is not consid
ered a mechanical failure. If controllability is unsuitable for landing
approach due to a complete loss of spoilers, con
sideration may be given to attempting a Power
D Use lateral stick as primary control and rudder On Reset (POR) in an attempt to regain at least
only as needed to maintain balanced flight. one spoiler set. See DFCS POR procedures
D Subsequent depression of the MASTER
RESET pushbutton may clear failure until If controllability satisfactory:
spoiler is commanded to move again. 5. Perform maneuver flap/slat or no flap straight−in
approach at or above minimum control airspeed.
1. MASTER RESET pushbutton Depress.
If controllability still unsatisfactory:
DFCS synchronization can take up to 2 seconds
following a power interrupt. If the MASTER
RESET pushbutton is depressed during the syn
chronization time, an additional depression of
With both INBD and OUTBD spoiler control cb’s
the MASTER RESET pushbutton will be
pulled, all opposing spoiler control will be lost.
required to restore spoiler functionality.
If failure remains/reoccurs:
2. Avoid abrupt lateral control movements and high
roll rates. Marginal control or loss of control may be expe
rienced due to removal of a spoiler set with multi
ple failures present.
With wings forward of 62°, excessive horizontal If multiple failed up spoiler panels result in unsat
tail differential may cause severe structural isfactory handling qualities regardless of flap
damage. position, an attempt may be made to fail the panels
down by removing power via the corresponding
If spoiler(s) fail down: spoiler control cb’s. This may take as long as 60
3. Perform Controllability Check procedure, para seconds, and result in a marginal control situation
graph 14.12.1. or loss of control situation because power to the
other spoilers has been removed. Therefore, it
If spoiler(s) remain up or floating, or if control should be considered only as a last resort.
unsatisfactory with flaps down:
5. SPOILER CONTR cb for affected pair Pull (8G9
Note for INBD, 9C5 for OUTBD).
Any single, fully deflected, failed up spoiler is
If uncontrollable roll, or no improvement in
controllable even with flaps down and ROLL
SAS OFF if the remaining spoilers are operating.
With multiple failures, aircraft configuration is 6. SPOILER CONTR cb (affected spoiler) Reset.
14−43 CHANGE 1
b. If IN and outboard spoiler module flag indicates 2. PITCH, ROLL, and YAW STAB AUG switches
OFF Pull. OFF.
The following important equipment is inoperative: 3. ROLL A DC, YAW B DC, and YAW A DC cb’s
(8B4, 8B5, and 8B6) Cycle (RIO). Observe
caution lights illuminated.
(3) ACL.
If any uncommanded SAS control inputs: FLAP Handle Up and Flaps Indicating
Full Up
6. Affected STAB AUG switch OFF.
1. Flaps Cycle.
If FLAP handle or flaps will not respond or FLAP
light remains illuminated, refer to Flap and Slat
Asymmetry procedures, paragraph 14.12.8.
If uncommanded ROLL SAS inputs are observed
following a POR, reselection of the SPOILER FLAP Handle Down and Flaps Not Fully
CONTR cb’s can result in full spoiler deflection Extended
and an out of control aircraft.
1. Wing sweep Ensure at 20°.
7. If uncommanded ROLL SAS control inputs, DO
NOT reset SPOILER CONTR cb’s. Flaps will not respond or FLAP light remains
illuminated, refer to Flap and Slat Asymmetry
8. Perform Controllabilty Check procedure. procedures, paragraph 14.12.8.
NAVAIR 01−F14AAD−1 FLAP Handle Down and Flaps Down 1. FLAP/SLAT CONTR SHUT−OFF cb Check
In (RA2).
2. Wing sweep Ensure at 20_.
b. Autopilot.
d. Wing−sweep indicator.
3. Outboard spoiler module is inoperative (flaps up). If weight on−off wheels switch failure is sus
pected, cocked up, high sink rate landing with
4. Nozzles may go full open (with LDG GEAR handle throttles at idle can result in damage to the after
down, throttles IDLE). burner.
5. Ground−roll spoiler braking (throttles IDLE). In Flight RIO
6. Radar will not scan.
1. MLG SAFETY RLY NO. 1 and NO. 2 cb
7. Autopilot cannot be engaged. Pull (7F5, 7F4).
8. BOL chaff will not dispense.
D Circuit breakers can be reset after touchdown
9. At high altitude, ground cooling fans may over to enable ground−roll braking, antiskid,
speed and shut down, causing smoke in cockpit. nozzles open at idle, and nosewheel steering.
10. RATS will be enabled airborne with the hook handle D Circuit breakers must be reset simultaneously
down or the hook out of the stowed position. (within 0.1 sec) once on deck or a secondary
fault may be incurred which will inhibit
ground roll braking.
1. Above 100 knots, use longitudinal stick to pitch the *8. Canopy Jettison.
nose down. At extreme nose−high attitudes, aft stick
facilitates recovery time and will avoid prolonged *9. EJECT RIO Command Eject.
engine operation with zero oil pressure.
14−49 CHANGE 2
Landing Emergencies
15.1 DUAL−ENGINE LANDING, ONE OR degrade waveoff performance. The LSO should move the
BOTH ENGINES IN SECONDARY MODE waveoff window such that only minor glideslope/lineup
corrections are required from in the middle position.
With either one engine in secondary mode (the other
engine in primary) or both engines in secondary mode, a
straight−in approach should be conducted with slats and flaps
fully extended, 15 units AOA, DLC engaged, and speed
brakes extended. Approaches can be accomplished safely up
to the normal gross weight limits of the aircraft. Throttle Waveoff performance with both engines in SEC
position in secondary mode will be 5° to 10° higher than in mode may be severely degraded. Extreme care
primary mode for the same amount of thrust. Thrust response should be used to avoid an underpowered,
in secondary mode is nonlinear and very sluggish. Engine high−rate−of−descent situation.
acceleration time can be as much as three times longer than
in primary mode. Secondary mode MIL power thrust levels 15.2 SINGLE−ENGINE LANDING PRIMARY MODE
can vary from as little as 65 percent to as much as 116 percent
of primary mode MIL thrust. Perform a straight−in approach with flaps and slats
extended and speedbrakes retracted (to reduce thrust
required). External tanks have a negligible effect on thrust
required and need to be dropped only if necessary for gross
weight considerations. If operating on the left engine, DLC
is available and is recommended. DLC can be used to aid in
For shipboard landing, the LSO and tower must the control of glideslope, thereby minimizing required power
be informed if the landing is to be made with both changes and the resultant lateral/directional deviations. The
engines in secondary mode to ensure wind− 8−knot increase in airspeed with DLC engaged results in more
over−deck requirements are met as RATS is not control authority and improved waveoff and bolter perfor
operative in secondary mode. mance. Flight in the power approach configuration is critical.
Turns should be made away from the failed engine using
During flight tests with one engine in secondary mode, bank angles that do not exceed 20°. Remain below 12 units
optimum results were obtained by matching the engines’ AOA until established on final approach. Final approach
rpm prior to commencing final approach and maintaining the should be conducted at 15 units AOA with DLC engaged/14
throttle split when making power corrections. Use of DLC to units with DLC stowed (DLC is not available when combined
make small glideslope changes will improve lineup control hydraulic system is pressurized by the BI−DI pump). Small
by reducing throttle activity and the associated yaw excur rudder inputs should be made in conjunction with power
sions. Waveoff and bolter performance is essentially the changes to reduce the amount of yaw.
same as in dual−engine primary mode except for a slight yaw
into the secondary mode engine. Waveoff and bolter (with RATS) may be accomplished
up to normal gross weight limits of the aircraft. Test results
With both engines in secondary mode, expect very have shown that MIL power provides satisfactory waveoff
sluggish power response and throttle positions 5° to 10° more performance. Minimum AB (ATLS on) reduces altitude loss
forward than in primary mode. Extreme care should be taken when waveoff occurs from a high rate of descent. The use of
to avoid an underpowered condition as this will significantly maximum AB is prohibited.
No significant difference in altitude loss during the yaw rate and then reduce the rudder as required to track
waveoff was noted between minimum AB and maximum centerline. If unable to control yaw rate during AB waveoff
AB. The aircraft is extremely difficult to control in maximum (possible ATLS failure), immediately reduce power to MIL.
AB and large bank angles into the operating engine are
required to maintain centerline. Late or inadequate control
inputs during a maximum AB waveoff can result in large
lateral flightpath deviations. Waveoff technique is to select
MIL or minimum AB (ATLS on), maintain approach AOA
until a positive rate of climb is established, then accelerate Use of maximum AB during waveoff or bolter is
and climb out at the airspeed indicated in the Climb prohibited. If unable to control yaw rate (possible
Performance After Takeoff (Single Engine) Charts in ATLS failure), immediately reduce power to
NAVAIR 01−F14AAP−1.1. MIL.
Altitude loss during waveoff is minimized by
maintaining approach AOA until positive rate of
climb is established. Avoid overrotating in close If combined hydraulic pressure is zero, do not
as this will increase the chance of an in−flight return to AUTO (LOW) mode once module is
engagement. Minimum AB (ATLS on) will selected on. If module is shut off after operation
improve waveoff performance (minimize alti commences, it may not restart.
tude loss) from high sink rates.
14. For landing pattern use 12 units AOA for pattern
3. Afterburner operation (airspeed > 170 knots, fuel airspeed and do not attempt turns greater than 20_
permitting, and full rudder authority) (RUDDER angle of bank.
AUTH light out) Stage to Verify Proper
Operation of ATLS.
in primary mode. Aircraft in this configuration should The natural tendency will be to underestimate the sluggish
recover shore based. Shipboard landings should be attempted power response resulting in an underpowered condition.
only as a last resort and only if performance is adequate. For Waveoff capability is dependent on engine thrust, thrust
example, 72 percent of primary mode MIL thrust is response, aircraft rate of descent, and power setting at
considered the minimum required for a safe CV approach waveoff initiation. Waveoffs should be conducted by rotating
with a 48,000−pound aircraft with no stores. toward 14 units (maximum) AOA until a positive rate of
climb is attained, then slowly reducing AOA to 10 units AOA
To accomplish the performance check, configure the to achieve maximum rate of climb. Bolters should be con
aircraft at 2,000 feet AGL or greater and 10 units AOA with ducted by rotating to 10_ pitch attitude not to exceed 14 units
the maneuvering flaps down (if available) and leave the AOA. Avoid increasing AOA, as performance will degrade
landing gear up. With the engine at MIL thrust, establish a and wing drop will occur at 16.5 to 17.5 units AOA.
constant airspeed climb (±5 knots) at the airspeed corre
sponding to 10 units AOA. The minimum change in altitude
required in 30 seconds is as follows:
Cocked Nose Land 1, 8, 11 Arrested Landing 6, 8, 9, Land 6, 9, 11,
Gear 11, 12, 13
Side−Brace Land 1, 2, 8, No Arrested 3, 6, 7, Land 3, 6, 7,
Not In Place 11 Landing 8, 11 8, 11
Nose Gear Up/ Land 1, 2, 4, No Arrested 4, 6, 8, Land 6, 8, 9,
Unsafe Down 8, 11 Landing 9, 10, 11 10, 11
Stub Nose Gear Land 1, 2, 4, No Arrested 4, 6, 8, Land 6, 8, 9,
8, 11 Landing 9,10,11 10, 11
Nose Gear Up, Eject Pilot Option 1, 2, 4, Pilot Option 6, 8, 10, Eject
One Main Up To Land If Tanks 8, 11 Eject Or Arrest 11, 12
One Main Up/ Land 1, 2, 8, Arrested Landing 6, 8, 10, Pilot Option Eject 5, 6, 8,
Unsafe Down 11 11, 12, Or Land 10, 11,
13 13
Both Main Up/ Eject Pilot Option 1, 2, 8, Pilot Option 6, 8, 10, Pilot Option Eject 6, 8, 10,
Unsafe Down To Land If Tanks 11 Eject Or Arrest 11, 12 Or Land 11
Mains One Or Land 1, 2, 4, No Arrested 4, 5, 6, Land 5, 6, 8,
Both Stub/Mount/ 8, 11 Landing 8, 11 11
Wheel Cocked
All Gear Up Eject Pilot Option 1, 2, 8, Pilot Option 4, 6, 8, Pilot Option Eject 6, 8, 10,
To Land If Tanks 11 Eject Or Land 10, 11 or Land 11
1. Divert if possible.
2. Hook down barricade engagement.
3. Minimize skid and drift rollout.
4. Remove all arresting gear.
5. Land off center to gear down side.
6. Minimum rate of descent landing (480 fpm max).
7. Gradual symmetrical braking.
8. Retain empty drop tanks.
9. Lower nose gently prior to fail through.
10. Secure engines at airframe contact.
11. External ordnance −SEL JETT if required. Activate emerg landing gear lowering to enable raising gear
handle for SEL or ACM JETT.
12. Hold damaged gear off deck until pendant engagement.
13. Engage NWS if operable, use as required.
8. Obtain visual in−flight check if possible. Landing Gear Indicates Unsafe Gear
Down, Transition Light Out
If still unsafe and visually confirmed unsafe, or gear position
cannot be confirmed: This indication means a failure in one of the dual−pole
downlock microswitches.
9. Refer to Figure 15−1 (as appropriate).
15.4.2 Landing Gear Malfunctions 1. Transition light bulb Check (LTS TEST).
If nose landing gear indicates unsafe, transition light illu- Landing Gear Indicates Safe Gear
minated, continue with step 4: Down, Transition Light Illuminated
4. LDG GEAR handle — Cycle UP then DN in Less This indication can be caused by a malfunction of the
Than 2 Seconds. following:
a. Half of the dual-pole micro in the nosegear
b. Half of the dual-pole micros in either of the main
gear downlocks.
Failure to place the LDG GEAR handle to DN
immediately after selecting UP may allow the c. The proximity micros in the sidebraces.
main landing gear doors to receive the signal to
close with main gear struts extended, causing d. Failure of the LDG GEAR handle position micro.
damage to the doors and inducing a possible
combined hydraulic or brake system failure. Do e. If a visual check confirms the gear is extended
not reselect UP with the LDG GEAR handle after and both sidebraces are in place, a malfunction
the doors attempt to close, as indicated by an of one of the transition light micros is indicated.
unsafe main mount or visual inspection. 1. LDG GEAR handle — Cycle.
Use of the above procedure should be done at the
intended point of landing or within range of an
acceptable divert field exercising a gear-down
bingo profile. If associated with LAUNCH BAR light, leave
gear down and obtain visual check.
5. LDG GEAR handle — EMERG DOWN (refer to
landing gear emergency lowering). If transition light remains on:
If still unsafe and visually confirmed unsafe, or gear position Sidebraces confirmed not in place:
cannot be confirmed:
4. Refer to Figure 15-1.
6. Refer to Figure 15-1.
15.4.3 LAUNCH BAR Light
1. Landing gear ¾ Leave Down.
2. Obtain visual inspection.
D When landing with nosegear unsafe down If nosegear cocked, see Figure 15-1.
indication, anticipate possible nose landing
If launch bar is down or visual inspection is not available:
gear collapse. This possibility shall be
reduced by using the brake pedals to prevent 3. Request removal of arresting cables for field
rollback as the arresting gear reaches full landing.
extension and by setting the parking brake
after the aircraft has stopped. 4. Request removal of cross-deck pendants Nos. 1 and
4 for CV landing.
D Do not attempt to tow aircraft by nosegear
until gear is secured in down position.
D Nose landing gear ground safety pin instal-
lation will not prevent nosegear collapse. The
nose landing gear strut must be restrained
against forward rotation.
15-9 CHANGE 1
Blown-tire landings should be performed into arresting 15.6.1 No-Flaps and No-Slats Landing
gear whenever possible. Rollout is extremely rough on blown A no-flaps and no-slats landing is basically the same as
tires. If go-around is elected, do not apply full aft stick in a normal landing except that the pattern is extended and the
attempt to rotate the aircraft before reaching flying speed. approach speed is approximately 15 knots faster than a
The drag from full-up deflection of the stabilizers is large and full-flap approach. Field arresting gear should be used if
significantly delays acceleration. Blown tires will frequently necessary. CV arrestments are permitted. Consult applicable
result in damaged main landing gear hydraulic lines. recovery bulletins for WOD requirements.
Anticipate possible combined hydraulic system failure and
attendant committal to gear-down bingo following a blown 1. Gross weight — Reduce (weight consistent with
tire. existing runway length and conditions).
2. Flaps — UP.
D Blown tire(s) can cause engine FOD and/or Setting the FLAP handle to the DN position
structural damage. Leave flaps and slats as inflight may create or aggravate a flap asymme-
set. Aircraft should have ground locks try condition and could make the aircraft uncon-
installed and engines secured before moving trollable.
aircraft. Note
D Do not allow the aircraft to roll backward after If outboard spoilers are needed for
the arrestment. The downlock actuator may ground-roll braking, FLAP handle must be
have been damaged by tire failure and lowered at least 5_ on landing rollout.
rearward movement of the aircraft could 3. Fly landing pattern slightly wider than normal or
cause the gear to collapse. make straight-in approach at 15 units AOA.
1. Obtain in-flight visual check if possible. 4. Use normal braking technique.
With AUX FLAP/FLAP CONTR cb pulled, If maneuvering flaps are used, ensure that the
wings will not sweep aft. maneuver flap thumbwheel is not actuated
during the approach.
5. DLC and APC Do Not Engage.
15.7.1 Aft Wing−Sweep Landings
6. Slow−fly aircraft at a safe altitude to determine
CV arrestments are permitted with up to 40_ of wing approach airspeed (up to 17 units AOA for field
sweep, and emergency barricade engagements are permitted landings with wings aft of 50_) and to eval−
with up to 35_ of wing sweep. Shipboard aft wing−sweep uate handling/stall characteristics and waveoff
landings should be conducted at 15 units AOA. Field aft performance.
wing−sweep landings may be conducted at AOAs up to 17
units when wings are stuck aft of 50_ to minimize approach Note
airspeed for normal landings or remain within published field
arresting gear limitations for short−field arrested landings. D Refer to emergency field arrestment guide
Main flaps and slats should be utilized to reduce approach for maximum engagement speed if field
speed with aft wing sweeps up to 50_. Maneuver flaps may arrestment is desired.
be utilized if main flaps and slats fail to extend.
D Refer to Figure 11−9 for approach airspeeds.
If wings are determined to be stuck aft of 20_ position: 7. Fly straight−in approach at 15 units AOA (up to
17 units for field landings with wings aft of 50_).
1. Emergency WING SWEEP handle Match
Captain Bars With Actual Wing−Sweep Position
4. Maneuver devices — Thumbwheel Manual Retract. d. Leave flaps as set until further determinations are
NO. 2/MANUV FLAP cb’s — Pull (LD1, LE1). e. Slowly increase AOA to no more than 15 units
(attempt to maintain 0_ sideslip).
6. All SASs — ON.
f. Make small lateral stick inputs to simulate lineup
Note corrections.
If ROLL SAS will not engage, accelerate and If aircraft controllability is questionable for safe landing,
attempt to reset at approximately 20-knot inter- perform Asymmetric Wing Sweep Unacceptable for Landing
vals. Stick may have to be released laterally in procedure, paragraph
order to reengage ROLL SAS. If aircraft controllability is safe for landing, perform
Asymmetric Wing Sweep Acceptable for Landing proce-
7. Confirm left and right wing position.
dure, paragraph
Note Asymmetric Wing Sweep Acceptable
Wing-sweep tape indicates actual right-wing for Landing
position. All other cockpit wing position indi- Establish final landing configuration as follows:
cations may be unreliable, including wing-
sweep handle position. Visually verify left-wing 1. AUX FLAP/FLAP CONTR cb - Pull (8G3).
If left wing is aft of 62_ spoiler cutout and right wing is 20_, Pulling the AUX FLAP/FLAP CONTR cb (8G3)
perform Asymmetric Wing Sweep Unacceptable for Landing with the emergency WING SWEEP handle at the
procedure, paragraph 20_ position disables wingsweep commands.
8. Perform preliminary controllability check as
follows: If both wings are forward of 50_:
a. Airspeed ¾ Below 225 Knots.
a. Trim away from forward wing (opposite stick
force) to ensure that maximum spoiler deflection
is available.
b. Assess spoiler function by controlled left- and
right-stick inputs. Extending the main flaps with either wing aft of
50_ could result in damage to both the flaps and
the aft fuselage.
15-13 CHANGE 1
b. Flaps Lower Incrementally 20_ to 25_. 2. Emergency WING SWEEP handle Leave
in Position that Established Satisfactory
4. DLC Stowed.
When flaps are set greater than 25_, lateral pilot−
induced oscillations are likely and may result in 5. Autothrottles (APC) Do Not Engage.
wingtip damage at touchdown and/or hard
landings. 6. Confirm flight characteristics by flying simulated
landing approach at safe altitude, to include lineup
Note corrections, power changes, and waveoff.
The 25_ flap position can be established by first
noting when the spoiler position indicators
switch to the drooped position during flap
extension. An uncommanded but controllable
roll transient because of spoiler gearing change
will also occur. Upon observing either event, Full spoiler authority will be required for
retract the flaps to just less than 25_. The roll landing with large wing−sweep asymmetry.
transient will occur in the opposite direction as Before attempting actual approach, trim
the flaps pass through 25_. Main flap extension away from the forward wing (opposite
without auxiliary flaps will require greater than stick forces) to ensure maximum spoiler
normal aft stick trim. deflection is available.
Indicated AOA is subject to a 1 to 2−unit sideslip−
induced error. Verify proper AOA at zero
D If desired, sideslip can be reduced to zero with a. Emergency WING SWEEP handle — Input a
rudder at the beginning of the approach and Small Forward Command.
held to touchdown. Lateral stick force
increases as sideslip is reduced. Method of If spoilers are not operational:
approach is pilot’s option.
a. Emergency WING SWEEP handle — Input a
D In the event of bolter or go-around, as airspeed Small Aft Command.
increases, the aircraft will roll toward the
swept wing and yaw toward the forward wing. 3. Note movement of left and right wings and attempt
to regain wing-sweep asymmetry by using the
D Maximum airspeed for wheelbrake appli-
following wing-sweep commands.
cation is 165 knots at gross weights of 46,000
pounds and 145 knots at 51,000 pounds.
If both wings are moveable and left wing is forward of right Asymmetric Wing-Sweep wing:
Unacceptable for Landing
a. Airspeed — 300 Knots.
Note If both wings are moveable and right wing is forward of left
Once spoiler operation is assessed, stick forces
may be trimmed to reduce pilot workload during a. Emergency WING SWEEP handle — 20_.
transit to field or CV. The use of lateral trim to
reduce stick forces during actual approach and b. AUX FLAP/FLAP CONTR cb — Pull (8G3).
landing should be avoided as this reduces the
spoiler deflection available for roll control. c. Repeat preliminary landing controllability check
(step 9 of paragraph 15.7.2).
1. Flaps — UP.
If right wing is jammed and left wing is moveable:
2. AUX FLAP/FLAP CONTR cb — In (8G3).
a. Airspeed — 300 Knots.
D At any point during the following procedures,
if wing-sweep symmetry is regained at aft If right wing is jammed aft of spoiler cutout
wing-sweep position and runway length/ angle, matching left wing will result in loss of
approach speed permit, aircrew may elect to spoiler control. If this reduced lateral control is
perform Aft Wing-Sweep Landing emer- undesirable, left wing should be commanded just
gency procedure, paragraph 15.7.1. forward of spoiler cutout to regain spoiler
D If left wing is jammed, wing-sweep command
can result in right wing driving to either 19_
(forward command) or 69_ (aft command)
actuator overtravel stop. Subsequent wing-
sweep commands may not move the right
15-15 CHANGE 1
b. Emergency WING SWEEP handle Match the stores−aboard switch regularly occurred during flight test
Left Wing to Right Wing Position. and will indicate hung stores when none actually exists.
c. AUX FLAP/FLAP CONTR cb Pull (8G3). In−flight actual cg location varies as fuel is burned but
remains relatively constant at its most forward position
d. Repeat preliminary landing controllability check between 5,000 to 10,000 pounds. Below 5,000 pounds, the cg
(step 9 of paragraph 15.7.2). moves aft towards the ZFGW position. Landing should be
accomplished at 5,000 pounds of fuel or more if possible.
If left wing is jammed and spoilers are operational: Wing−mounted AIM−7/9s move the cg location slightly
forward and have no adverse effects on flying qualities.
a. Emergency WING SWEEP handle 20_. External tanks produce no change to the cg location and also
have no adverse effects. Combinations of forward and aft
b. AUX FLAP/FLAP CONTR cb Pull (8G3).
stores will produce a cg change slightly less than considering
c. Repeat preliminary landing controllability check the difference as hung on the aft stations alone (i.e., the cg
(step 9 of paragraph 15.7.2). location with 2,000 pounds forward and 4,000 pounds aft will
be slightly more forward than 2,000 pounds aft alone).
If left wing is jammed aft of spoiler cutout wing−sweep angle
and spoilers are inoperative: Flying qualities at aft cg locations with gear and flaps
up are only slightly degraded. This degradation will probably
a. Airspeed 300 Knots. not be apparent to the pilot. Stick force per g remains
relatively nominal even with 4,000 pounds of aft hung
b. Emergency WING SWEEP handle 68_. bombs. No change in flying qualities is noted during dive
recoveries between 400 and 500 KCAS. At 20_ of wing
c. AUX FLAP/FLAP CONTR cb Pull (8G3). sweep with the gear and flaps down and an aft cg, the aircraft
is extremely susceptible to pilot−induced oscillations during
d. Repeat preliminary landing controllability check closely controlled tasks such as flying the ball. Loss of
(step 9 of paragraph 15.7.2). control is likely.
If final wing configuration is unsafe for landing: The transition to landing configuration should be
performed in straight−and−level flight to allow handling
a. Prepare for and execute controlled ejection. qualities to be evaluated in benign conditions. Wings should
be swept to the desired position before the gear and flaps are
15.8 AFT HUNG ORDNANCE LANDINGS lowered. The AUX FLAP/FLAP CONTR (8G3) cb should be
pulled in case of a wing/flap interlock failure and also to
The normal NATOPS cg ZFGW limit for tunnel− prevent the auxiliary flaps from deploying if 20_ of wing−
mounted stores is 17.0 percent. On a typical fleet aircraft, one sweep is inadvertently selected. Sweeping the wings with
Mk 84 2,000−pound bomb placed on station No. 4 or 5 result auxiliary flaps retracted results in significant pitch−trim
in a ZFGW cg aft of 17.0 percent MAC, possibly as far aft as changes. A straight−in approach should be flown as power
18.5 to 19.0 percent MAC. Two aft hung Mk 84s can produce requirements with aft wing sweep in a turn are significantly
a ZFGW cg of up to 22 percent MAC. These aft cg locations different than normal and could produce a severely
reduce the normal static stability of the F−14, producing a underpowered approach. Once established in the optimum
marked degradation in landing flying qualities. Aft wing−sweep configuration appropriate for the amount of
wing−sweep can be used to restore the normal static longi ordnance hung on the aft stations, normal approach
tudinal stability margin, regaining normal flying qualities techniques can be used. No abnormalities in aircraft response
even with extremely aft cg locations. or performance are apparent during landing approaches at
15 units, even with 4,000 pounds of aft hung ordnance. APC
Aircrew may have difficulty detecting aft hung is not optimized for aft wing−sweep landings and should not
ordnance following bomb release. The only cockpit indi be used. DLC should not be used as it adds 8 knots to recovery
cation of an unsuccessful release will be a hot trigger light WOD requirements and has improper pitch trim response at
that remains illuminated following the intended release of all aft wing−sweep. Expect onspeed airspeed for 25_ of wing−
selected stations. With MA ARM ON, individually selecting sweep to increase 6 knots over the normal DLC on, 20_ of
stations will illuminate the HOT TRIG light when the hung wing−sweep approach speed, and a 12−knot increase if wings
station is selected. Check SMS for hung stores. Obtain a are at 30_. For CV arrestments, the appropriate recovery
visual check if possible to validate this check as failures of bulletin should be consulted.
If hung ordnance exceeds 1,000 pounds: The types of field arresting gear in use include the
anchor chain cable, water squeezer, and Morest-type
2. Wing sweep — Set at 25_ if £ 2,000-Pounds Hung equipment. All require engagement of the arresting hook in
Aft; Set at 30_ if > 2,000 Pounds Hung Aft. a cable pendant rigged across the runway. Location of the
pendant in relation to the runway will classify the gear as
3. Perform transition to gear-down configuration in follows:
straight-and-level flight.
1. Short-field gear — Located 1,500 to 2,000 feet past
4. AUX FLAP/FLAP CONTR cb — Pull (8G3) approach end of runway. Usually requires prior noti-
fication in order to rig for arrestment.
5. Flaps — Full DN.
2. Midfield gear — Located near the halfway point of
6. Fly straight-in approach at 15 units AOA. Do not the runway. Usually requires prior notification in
engage APC or DLC. order to rig for arrestment in the direction desired.
3. Abort gear — Located 1,500 to 2,500 feet short of
CV approach: the departure end of the duty runway and usually
rigged for immediate use.
7. Perform CV arrestment in accordance with
applicable recovery bulletin. 4. Overrun gear — Located shortly past the upwind
end of the duty runway. Usually rigged for imme-
Field approach: diate use.
Some fields will have all types of gear, others none. For
7. Spoiler brake — OFF.
this reason, it is imperative that all pilots be aware of the type,
8. Perform field arrestment. location, and compatibility of gear in use with the aircraft,
and the policy of the local air station with regard to which
gear is rigged for use and when.
As various modifications to the basic types of arresting
Refer to emergency field arrestment guide gear are made, exact speeds will vary accordingly. Certain
(Figure 15-3) for maximum engagement speed. aircraft service changes may also affect engaging speed and
weight limitations.
If arresting gear is not available:
15-17 CHANGE 1
40 44 48 51.8 54 57 60 64 68 69.8 72
E−28 176 180 179 178 177 176 175 174 172 172 171 40
E−28 (G) 176 176 160 160 160 160 156 145 145 145 145 40
M−21 130 130 130 130 125 125 120 115 115 115 113 10
BAK−9 160 160 160 155 150 144 138 131 124 122 118 30
BAK−12 (H) 160 160 159 146 137 118 (J) (J) (J) (J) (J) 50
DUAL BAK−12 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 30
BAK−13 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 40
(A) Data provided in aborted takeoff column may be used for emergency high gross weight arrestment.
(B) Maximum engaging speed limited by aircraft limit horizontal−drag load factor (mass item limit g").
(C) Dual BAK−12 limits are based on 150 to 300−foot span, 1¼−inch cross−deck pendant, 50,000−pound weight
setting, and 1,200−foot runout. No information is available regarding applicability to other configurations.
(D) Maximum engaging speed is limited by arresting gear capacity except as noted.
(E) Off−center engagement may not exceed 25 percent of the runway span.
(F) Before making an arrestment, the pilot must check with the air station to confirm the maximum engaging
speed because of a possible installation with less than minimum required rated chain length.
(G) Only for the E−28 systems at Keflavik and Bermuda with 920−foot tapes.
(H) Standard BAK−12 limits are based on 150−foot span, 1−inch cross−deck pendant, 40,000−pound weight setting,
and 950−foot runout. No information is available regarding applicability to other configurations.
(J) Engaging speed limit is 96 knots at 59,000 pounds. Because of runout limitations, it is recommended this
gear not be engaged at weights greater than 59,000 pounds.
(K) Maximum of 3.0_ glideslope.
(L) Consult appropriate section for recommended approach speed.
(M) Flared or minimum rate of descent landing.
300 to 349 39 ((D)) 39 ((D)) 40 ((D)) 40 ((D)) 37 ((D)) 37 ((D)) 38 ((D)) 38 ((D)) 33 ((D)) 33 ((D)) 34 ((D)) 34 ((D))
350 to 399 45 ((D)) 45 ((D)) 47 ((D)) 47 ((D)) 43 ((D)) 43 ((D)) 44 ((D)) 44 ((D)) 39 ((D)) 39 ((D)) 40 ((D)) 40 ((D))
400 to 449 51 (D) 51 (D) 54 (D) 54 (D) 48 (D) 48 (D) 51 (D) 51 (D) 44 (D) 44 (D) 47 (D) 47 (D)
450 to 499 57 ((D)) 57 ((D)) 61 ((D)) 61 ((D)) 54 ((D)) 54 ((D)) 58 ((D)) 58 ((D)) 49 ((D)) 49 ((D)) 53 ((D)) 53 ((D))
500 to 549 63 ((D)) 63 ((D)) 68 ((D)) 68 ((D)) 60 ((D)) 60 ((D)) 65 ((D)) 65 ((D)) 55 ((D)) 55 ((D)) 59 ((D)) 59 ((D))
550 to 599 69 (D) 69 (D) 76 (D) 76 (D) 65 (D) 65 (D) 72 (D) 72 (D) 60 (D) 60 (D) 66 (D) 66 (D)
600 to 649 75 ((D)) 75 ((D)) 84 ((D)) 84 ((D)) 71 ((D)) 71 ((D)) 79 ((D)) 79 ((D)) 65 ((D)) 65 ((D)) 73 ((D)) 73 ((D))
650 to 699 81 ((D)) 81 ((D)) 91 ((D)) 91 ((D)) 77 ((D)) 77 ((D)) 87 ((D)) 87 ((D)) 71 ((D)) 71 ((D)) 79 ((D)) 79 ((D))
700 to 749 87 (D) 87 (D) 99 (D) 99 (D) 83 (D) 83 (D) 94 (D) 94 (D) 76 (D) 76 (D) 86 (D) 86 (D)
750 to 799 93 ((D)) 93 ((D)) 107 ((D)) 107 ((D)) 89 ((D)) 89 ((D)) 102 ((D)) 102 ((D)) 82 ((D)) 82 ((D)) 93 ((D)) 93 ((D))
850 to 899 105 (D) 105 (D) 123 (D) 123 (D) 100 (D) 100 (D) 117 (D) 117 (D) 93 (D) 93 (D) 107 (D) 107 (D)
950 to 999 117 ((D)) 117 ((D)) 140 ((D)) 140 ((D)) 112 ((D)) 112 ((D)) 133 ((D)) 133 ((D)) 104 ((D)) 104 ((D)) 121 ((D)) 121 ((D))
1,000 to 1,049 123 (D) 123 (D) 148 (D) 148 (D) 118 (D) 118 (D) 140 (D) 140 (D) 109 (D) 109 (D) 129 (D) 129 (D)
1,050 to 1,099 129 ((D)) 129 ((D)) 150 ((D)) 156 ((D)) 123 ((D)) 123 ((D)) 148 ((D)) 148 ((D)) 115 ((D)) 115 ((D)) 136 ((D)) 136 ((D))
1,100 135 (D) 135 (D) 150 (D) 165 (D) 129 (D) 129 (D) 150 (D) 156 (D) 120 (D) 120 (D) 143 (D) 143 (D)
a. Wings at 20_ — 51,800 pounds (maximum). Cb 8C2 also controls windshield air and anti-ice.
b. Wing sweep 20_ < 35_ — 46,000 pounds 15.12 FORCED LANDING
Landing the aircraft on unprepared surfaces is not
c. Wings 35_ — Not permitted. recommended. If it is necessary to do so, landing with the
landing gear down, regardless of the terrain, will assist in
15.11 ARRESTING HOOK EMERGENCY DOWN absorbing the shock of ground impact and reduce possibility
of flightcrew injuries. External stores should be jettisoned in
1. HOOK handle — DN. a safe area prior to touchdown. External tanks should be
jettisoned if they contain fuel, but retained to absorb landing
2. HOOK handle — Pull, Then Rotate. shock if they are empty. If time permits, dump fuel to allow
touchdown at the slowest possible speed with full flaps.
Pull handle aft approximately 4 inches and turn 15.13 GROUND ROLL BRAKING FAILURES
counterclockwise. This will mechanically
*1. ANTISKID SPOILER BK switch — Check.
release the uplatch mechanism and allow hook to
extend. *2. MASTER RESET pushbutton — Depress.
3. Hook transition light — Check OFF.
15-21 (Reverse
15-21 Blank) CHANGE 1
b. Inertia reel performance may be degraded for oc ARMED/SAFE handle is at ARMED before trying again.
cupants outside of the qualified weight range. Ejection through the canopy is an automatic backup. There
Lighter occupants may be injured during the is no provision for manual bailout.
haulback, and both light and heavy occupants
may experience poor ejection positions, 16.1.2 Ejection Preparation
resulting in an increased risk of injury during
2. Injury risks for aviators with nude weights less than
136 pounds:
Never pull the manual override handle before
a. The catapult was designed for the ejection seat ejection. Pulling the handle releases the
qualified weight range. Lighter weight crewmember from the seat and moves the
occupants are subject to a higher risk of injury ARMED/SAFE handle to SAFE, making it
from the catapult due to greater acceleration. impossible to initiate ejection from the seat.
Further, if ejection is initiated by the other
b. Lighter weight occupants are at a greater risk of crewmember, results could be fatal.
injury during ejections above 300 KIAS due to
instability during drogue deployment. Time permitting, perform all or as much as possible of
the following:
c. Lighter weight occupants are at a greater risk of 1. Place aircraft in safe envelope and attitude for
injury during ejections near the upper end of ejection.
Mode 1 (approaching 300 KIAS) due to high
parachute opening shock. 2. Warn other crewmember.
3. EJECT CMD lever Select (RIO).
3. Injury risks for aviators with nude weights greater
than 213 pounds: 4. IFF/SIF EMERG/7700 (RIO).
5. Position report Transmit.
a. Larger occupants may not attain sufficient
altitude for parachute full inflation in zero−zero 6. Check altimeter.
cases or at extremely low altitudes and
7. Assume proper ejection position (see Figure 162).
a. Head pressed back against headrest
b. Larger occupants may not attain sufficient
b. Chin slightly elevated (10° up).
altitude to clear the aircraft tail structure.
c. Back straight.
The escape system will function up to 0.9 IMN or 600 KIAS, d. Hips against seat back.
whichever is greater. However, human limitations are more
restrictive as indicated below: e. Thighs flat on seat survival kit.
1. Zero to 250 KIASSafe ejection (injury f. Outside of thighs pressed against side of seat.
improbable). g. Elbows and arms pressed firmly against body.
2. 250 to 600 KIASHazardous ejection (appreciable h. Feet on rudder pedals, heels on deck.
forces are exerted on the body, making injury i. Visor down, oxygen mask tightened, helmet
probable). secure.
3. Above 600 KIASExtremely hazardous ejection
(excessive forces are exerted upon the body, making
serious injury or death highly probable).
Usually, there will be enough time to do several things
to prepare for a successful ejection prior to pulling the seat D Positioning the legs aft prior to ejection will
firing handle. However, when the emergency condition cause the spine to flex and will increase the
requiring ejection is such that ejection must be made without possibility of spinal injury, and, will also
hesitation, simply grasp the handle and pull forcibly to the increase likelihood of seat/thigh slap with
fullest extent until the seat ejects. If the seat fails to eject, attendant leg injury.
immediately pull again. If the handle will not move, ensure
that the ground safety pin has been removed and that the D Proper body position is a critical factor in
preventing ejection injuries.
16−5 CHANGE 1
The deployed seat survival kit may contribute Locate the manual override handle on the right side of the
to shroud−line entanglement. The survivor seat bucket, depress the handle release button and pull handle
must be prepared to cut shroud lines that are sharply upward as far as possible. This fires a cartridge to
dragging him down. activate the parachute deployment rocket and release the
upper and lower harness locks. Man/seat separation occurs
D The crashed aircraft may release large
when the main parachute is extracted and deployed.
quantities of jet fuel and fumes that could
hamper breathing and create a fire hazard if
16.3.2 Survival Kit Deployment
smoke or flare marker is present. The
emergency oxygen system may be invaluable
in this case and discarding the seat pan would Note
terminate its use. However, totally discarding Survival kit deployment is not recommended in
the seat pan may be appropriate after an overland ejection situation. The kit can be
considering weather, sea conditions, and opened after landing by removing the closure
rescue potential. pins from the cones.
Note With either hand, locate one of the deployment handles
The variety and complexity of conditions at the rear of the seat kit. Firmly pull on the handle until it is
encountered during the time−critical movements free of the kit and the survival package falls away on its
following a low−altitude, overwater ejection dropline. The package remains attached to the kit lid by the
make it impossible to formulate procedures to dropline. At full dropline stretch, the liferaft is inflated
cover every contingency. automatically.
3. Grasp canopy risers and tuck elbows in prior to Close the canopy and orally inflate the canopy and
water entry. floor. An integral baler is provided to bale the raft as
4. On water entry, release the canopy manually. The
SEWARS releases will operate the canopy release
fittings on saltwater entry as a backup.
16−9 (Reverse
16−9 Blank) ORIGINAL
All−Weather Operations
Instrument Procedures
1 MODE switch SINGLE Limits beacon response to single pulse of any code group
DOUBLE Beacon response set to one of five double−pulse interrogations.
ACLS Enables augmentor operation.
2 ACLS TEST PUSH On (green) Indicates a AN/SPN−42 lockon in ACLS mode; when pressed with
light/pushbutton radar beacon mode selector in ACLS, indicates a satisfactory
self−test of ACLS mode only.
Flashing Indicates AN/SPN−42 is sweeping through aircraft but has not
locked on.
(or no light) During self−test, indicates a fault In the ACLS mode only.
3 Power switch PWR With radar beacon mode selector in ACLS, enables I−band replies
to Ka−band interrogations.
STBY Used for warmup with radar beacon MODE switch in SINGLE or
The beacon will warm up with the switch in either
position STBY or PWR. To prohibit response to
premature or unintentional interrogations, warmup
should be accomplished in STBY. For optimum
performance allow 5−minute warmup.
OFF Turns off all power to radar beacon.
Additionally, certain ACLS commands that are The aircraft system receives and decodes glideslope
uplinked to aircraft via the data−link system are displayed to azimuth and elevation signals that are converted into
both aircrew on MFD No. 1 and No. 3. command fly−to indications in the CIU and displayed via VDI
and/or HUD in the TLN mode (Figure 17−2). If the ILS or
ACL landing submodes selected on the pilot display control
For more detailed information on the data link panel becomes invalid, the invalid submode symbology will
symbology, refer to NAVAIR 01−F14AAD−1A. be removed. A computer message informing the aircrew
which submode became invalid will be posted on MFD No.
The ACLS and ILS systems provide angular situation
information (ILS needles and ACLS tadpole) of glidepath 1 and No. 3. As a backup to the display subsystem, ILS
steering indications are also displayed directly on the pilot
errors that requires the pilot to determine the corrections
standby attitude indicator vertical and horizontal needles.
needed to eliminate those errors, resulting in higher workload
and possible degraded approach performance (overshoots
and oscillations). The flight director display provides the Note
optimum glidepath steering information (as computed by the The ILS has a minimum warmup time of 1
mission computer using navigation system parameters and minute. During this time, a failure indication
data−link information from the SPN−42/46 ACLS system) to should be disregarded.
intercept and follow the glideslope and centerline, which
reduces pilot workload and improves approach performance. The ILS performs a self−test when the BIT pushbutton
The flight director symbol can be selected for display on the on AN/ARA−63 decoder panel is depressed and held.
HUD by boxing the FLT DIR pushbutton on the pilot AWL Response to the ILS self−test is displayed, providing ILS or
VDI MFD format. BOTH is selected on HUD and MFD. The correct ILS
landing mode display on the HUD and VDI display during
17.2.7 Instrument Landing System (AN/ARA−63) system checkout shows the vertical precision course vector
The aircraft ILS uses the AN/ARA−63 receiver decoder symbol slowly oscillating on the right side of the display, then
to process AN/SPN−41 confirmation. This system is used for on the left side. The horizontal precision course vector
manual instrument landing approaches or as an independent symbol remains stationary in the center of the display.
monitor during final approach with the ACLS. The AN/
ARA−63 decoder panel (Figure 17−3) is located on the pilot
right−side outboard console.
1 Command Heading Indicates ACL data link final bearing. Where final bearing is beyond display scale
Marker limits the marker will be pegged at the edge nearest to the final bearing.
2 ILS Precision Course Consists of two independent vectors (vertical and horizontal) that form a cross
Vectors pointer. The horizontal vector responds to ILS glide slope error and the vertical
vector responds to ILS localizer error. Null/center indications are provided to enable
the pilot to null the error and keep the vertical and horizontal needles centered.
3 ACLS Tadpole Provides ACL Steering commands driven by the SPN−42 data link.
4 Waveoff A large X" will appear flashing in the center of the display to indicate a waveoff
data link discrete command.
7 Clock/Timer Indicates time−to−go to selected destination (TACAN) if selected from HSD CLK
2 D/L Message Window Provides certain ACLS commands that are uplinked to aircraft via the data link
3 ILS Precision Course Consists of two independent vectors (vertical and horizontal) that form a cross
Vector pointer. The horizontal vector responds to ILS glide slope error and the vertical
vector responds to ILS localizer error. Null/center indications are provided to
enable the pilot to null the error and keep the vertical and horizontal needles
4 ACL Steering Indicator Provides ACL Steering commands driven by the SPN−42 data link.
5 Waveoff During carrier landings, a large X" will appear flashing in the center of the display
to indicate a waveoff data link discrete command.
6 Flight Director The flight director symbol provides glide slope and centerline steering information
computed by the mission computer using navigation system parameters and Data
Link information from the SPN−42/46 ACLS system. The flight director provides the
pilot with optimal glide path intercept and following when the flight path marker is
inside the flight director box and the three dots are aligned with the wings and the
tail of the flight path marker. The same procedures are used whether the flight path
marker is caged or uncaged. The flight director symbol is removed from the HUD
when the FLT DIR pushbutton on the VDI is unboxed. The pushbutton is removed
from the VDI if the Flight director is not available for display (for example, a/c vector
or ACL data link mode is not selected).
7 MFD AWL Display Permits option to display AWL (both ACL and ILS), ILS, ACL, or NO STEERING
Option pushbutton information on the MFD. Initial selection of the AWL steering mode on the basic VDI
format displays both ACL and ILS steering information on the MFD. This will be
indicated by AWL in the box adjacent to the MFD legend. Successive depression of
the pushbutton cycles AWL, ILS, ACL and NO STEERING information on the MFD
in that order.
8 HUD AWL Display Permits option to display AWL (both ACL and ILS), ILS, ACL, or NO STEERING
Option pushbutton information on the HUD. Initial selection of the AWL steering mode on the basic VDI
format displays both ACL and ILS steering information on the HUD. This will be
indicated by AWL in the box adjacent to the HUD legend. Successive depression of
the pushbutton cycles AWL, ILS, ACL, and NO STEERING information on the HUD
in that order.
The RIO is inhibited from deselecting AWL steering once
selected from any MFD.
Change 2
2 BIT PRESS−to−test Depressing button activates BIT test circuitry. Landing symbols available on HUD
button and/or VDI if AWL or ILS display option is selected, and on pilot’s standby attitude
During the exterior preflight, the aircrew should ensure Data−Link Vector Approach
that both beacon antennas are in good repair and not painted.
The receive antenna is located on the lower starboard When DATA LINK is selected, the D/L vector display
fuselage just aft of the radome and is mounted flush with the is added to the basic landing display. Command heading
fuselage. The transmit antenna is a blade antenna located on relative to the heading tape is added to the HUD and VDI
the aft portion of the chin dome (IR/TV pod). Poor condition display along with commanded altitude and airspeed on the
of these antennas will seriously degrade beacon performance right and left side of the VDI display. Data−link vector
and will result in degraded tracking capability by the information is available only for the approach phase (i.e., to
AN/SPN−42 system. the radar acquisition window). When the aircraft is vectored
(D/L vector commands) to the acquisition window, the pilot
17.4.2 Poststart Checks has to make a new submode selection for the descent phase.
This is not the case with the TACAN submode, as TACAN
Following start, the aircrew should verify proper information is available throughout landing, from marshal
operation of the beacon and data−link systems along with ing to touchdown.
associated lights and advisories and indications by perform
ing the prescribed built−in tests. In addition, the pitch parallel TACAN Approach
actuator should be checked during OBC to make sure that the
force link is not totally or partially disconnected. If any of The course deviation indicator is used for TACAN
these systems are not functioning properly, a coupled deviation along with a manually set command heading
approach will not be possible. indicator on both the HUD and VDI display.
In ACL, the purpose of the approach phase is to get the ILS information from the AN/SPN−41 is available
aircraft to the acquisition window (Figure 17−4). At the during both the approach and descent phase. Selection of
marshaling area, some 20 miles astern of the carrier, the AWL on the VDI display enables vertical and lateral
aircraft about to land are stacked according to fuel status and glideslope error display. Final determination of the AWL/
other relevant parameters that determine landing priority, the PCD mode is governed by the ILS/ACL selection, which
ILS (AN/ARA−63) system is energized, and the proper provides for separate HUD and VDI selection. Additionally,
channel and displays are selected. The pilot, in concurrence the pilot may independently select HUD flight director for
with the controller, has the option of choosing from three display by boxing the FLT DIR pushbutton on the AWL VDI.
display submodes to aid him in reaching the radar acquisition
The normal ACLS approach mode will display the Mode I Landing Sequence
ACL tadpole situation information, the ILS needles situation
information, and the ACL flight director steering Note
information on the HUD. If the pilot intends to make a Mode
I approach, he must advise the ground controller of his D ACLS Mode I/IA approaches are authorized
intentions. The ground controller will then disable the flight with AN/SPN−46 systems.
director commands and enable the autopilot commands.
Until this is done, the pilot will not have the capability to D Refer to paragraph, Automatic
couple the autopilot to the ACLS commands. The only Carrier Landing (ACL), for further informa
information that is displayed on the HUD during Mode I tion on ACL.
approaches is the ACLS tadpole situation information and The landing system (CATCC) (Figure 17−4) generates
the ILS needles situation information. a coupler available discrete that displays the A/P CPLR
advisory and indicates that the pilot has the option of
17.4.4 Landing Phase coupling the DFCS to data−link commands of pitch and bank.
As the aircraft continues its approach and passes At this time, the aircraft should be in a landing configuration
through the 4−nm ACLS radar acquisition window, a smooth with APC, DLC, DFCS, and altitude hold engaged.
transition, not requiring pilot action, occurs. If TACAN
information has previously been selected (for the approach Note
phase), the pilot could use this information to land. Assume,
The radar should be in STBY or PULSE search
however, that AWL has been selected, ILS and ACL
information is being displayed on the HUD and VDI. to avoid beacon interference problems.
The DFCS should be armed in the ACL relief mode
At the radar acquisition window, the AN/SPN−42 radar
with the A/P REF displayed, indicating that a pilot relief
acquires the aircraft with the aid of the airborne radar beacon
mode (in this case, ACL) has been selected but not engaged.
augmentor, and the system automatically sends a discrete
indicating radar lock−on that displays the ACL RDY The pilot can couple the DFCS to the data link by means of
the autopilot engage button on his control stick, at which
advisory. Transmission of vertical and lateral glidepath
time, if the DFCS is functioning properly and the ACL
errors and flight director commands, derived by the AN/
interlock is true, the AP REF legend will go out. The pilot
SPN−42/46 radar, commences. The glidepath error signals
should report coupled; at which time, the controller will send
drive the ACL tadpole on the VDI and HUD. The flight
a discrete command control message that displays the CMD
director symbol is selected for display by boxing the FLT DIR
CONTROL advisory. The NTDS begins transmitting
pushbutton on the AWL VDI MFD format. The flight director
display information is computed by the mission computer data−link, pitch and bank commands to the aircraft. The
autopilot actuates the appropriate control surface to execute
using navigation system parameters and data−link informa
the desired command, while the autothrottle (APC)
tion, if desired. If the pilot intends to make a Mode I
maintains approach angle of attack by controlling the throttle
approach, he must advise the ground controller of his
intentions. The ground controller will then disable the flight setting.
director commands and enable the autopilot commands.
Until this is done, the pilot will not have the capability to Note
couple the autopilot to the ACLS commands. The only Care should be taken not to couple up in even a
information that is displayed on the HUD during Mode I slight climb. If above reference altitude when
approaches is the ACLS tadpole situation information and initial pitch commands are sent, the resulting
the ILS needles situation information. nose down correction is likely to cause a force
The HUD and VDI symbology has thus been link disconnect resulting in automatic decouple
determined for the landing phase and no further pilot and an inability to perform mode IA approaches
selection is required (unless a system malfunction occurs). until maintenance action is performed.
The mode of operation for this phase of the landing is a Whenever the aircraft exceeds the Mode I flightpath
function of the type of equipment used. In particular, there control envelope, the system automatically sends a signal to
are three modes of landing applicable: Mode I, Mode II, and uncouple the DFCS (A/P CPLR legend goes out). The
Mode III. approach may be continued in Mode II or Mode III. If the
flightpath error increases to the point where a large maneuver
is required to bring the aircraft back on course, the controller
will send a waveoff message that is displayed on the HUD
and VDI and turns on the WAVEOFF advisory. This discrete
also disconnects the autopilot (if engaged) and the DFCS
reverts to stability augmentation. The controller then D The paddle switch will illuminate the
transfers the guidance of the aircraft to the bolter/waveoff MASTER CAUTION light.
controller, who directs the pilot back into the landing
sequences. Mode II Landing Sequence
If the information stored in the data link is not updated The early phases of a Mode II descent (Figure 17−5) are
within any 2−second period during the descent, the TLT identical to a Mode I descent sequence. The aircraft to be
advisory goes on (missed message) and the DFCS recovered is directed through the marshaling area, receives
automatically disconnects and reverts to STAB AUG. The LANDING CHK, and arrives at the ACLS radar acquisition
pilot can continue the descent in Mode II or Mode III. gate. When the lock−on discrete (ACL RDY) message is
received, the pilot continues to fly the aircraft manually
At 12.5 seconds from touchdown (approximately
(using APC as desired) in response to VDI and/or HUD
2,200 feet from the touchdown point), the 10 SECOND
advisory goes on, indicating deck motion data are being
added to the glidepath commands. This information is in the If there is an equipment failure, the system (CATCC)
form of a slight increase (or decrease) in aircraft altitude to will send a voice discrete signal that turns on the VOICE
adjust for the movement of the touchdown point caused by advisory, and the AN/SPN−42 error information displayed
the ship’s motion (roll, pitch, and heave). Between 12.5 and will be invalid and thus removed. The pilot then expects to
1.5 seconds from touchdown, the CATCC sends an automatic receive standard voice commands and will probably use the
waveoff if any part of the carrier−based equipment fails and redundant ILS information or switch to TACAN steering.
up to 5 seconds from touchdown if the aircraft exceeds the
AN/SPN−42 flightpath control envelope. Waveoff signals As long as the aircraft is located within the AN/SPN−42
also may be issued by the final controller (between lock−on flightpath control envelope for Mode II, the descent is
and touchdown) and the landing signal officer between 1 mile continued until visual contact is made with the Fresnel lens
and touchdown. Approaches must be waved off at weather optical landing system meatball. All waveoffs in Mode II
minimums (200−feet altitude and ½−mile visibility) if the are given by the final controller or the LSO. Approaches are
pilot cannot see the meatball. terminated at weather minimums (200−feet altitude and
½−mile visibility) if the pilot cannot see the meatball.
At 2 seconds from touchdown, the landing system
freezes the pitch and bank commands and the DFCS holds the At any time before 12.5 seconds from touchdown, the
aircraft’s attitude to touchdown unless the pilot elects to pilot can switch from a Mode II manual to a Mode I automatic
override the DFCS either by maneuvering the control stick or flightpath control, provided the coupler available discrete is
by manually disengaging the DFCS and assuming control. being received and the ACL interlock is true.
Aircraft may also be disengaged by momentarily depressing
the A/P REF / NWS pushbutton located on the control stick Mode III Landing Sequence
(this will not illuminate a MASTER CAUTION light). If the Mode III descents follow the same general sequence as
aircraft bolters or if the pilot decides to go around, the DFCS that of Modes I and II, but Mode III approaches are talkdown
is disengaged automatically by means of overriding the landings; that is, all flightpath corrections are provided by
control stick, and the pilot enters the bolter/waveoff pattern. voice and no computerized discrete signals are sent. The use
Note of APC is optional. Approaches are terminated at the weather
minimums if the FLOLS (meatball) is not visible to the pilot
D The paddle switch will only disengage the for continuing the landing.
autopilot; the DLC as well as PITCH and
ROLL SAS will remain engaged.
D The paddle switch will still revert throttles to
MANUAL mode and the engines to emergen
cy SEC mode with weight−on wheels. The
paddle switch may revert the engines to the
emergency SEC mode in flight with a WOW
18.1 ICE AND RAIN be made to eliminate the ice before landing by remaining
well below the freezing level for an extended period of time.
18.1.1 Icing
Icing conditions should be avoided whenever possible.
Before flight, check freezing levels and areas of probable
icing from weather service.
The primary concern with flying in icing conditions is Icing conditions can cause heavy ice
ice accumulation sufficient to cause engine damage. Ice accumulation in the inlet ramp areas or on engine
accumulation on engine probes located between the engine probes and the compressor face. Aircraft
guide vanes and above the number three inlet ramp is not maneuvers and arrested landings may dislodge
detectable from the cockpit. Aircraft maneuvers or landing this accumulation and cause extensive engine
impact can dislodge accumulated ice and can cause severe FOD or failure. A straight−in field landing is
FOD to the engine. Visual detection of icing on exterior preferred. Minimum power setting after landing
surfaces and/or illumination of the pilot’s INLET ICE is recommended.
caution light should be treated as indications of the
potentially more serious problems described above. The
following precautionary action should be taken immediately
in known or suspected icing environments:
4. Avoid clouds and other areas of visible Whenever rain is encountered, turn ANTI−ICE switch
precipitation. to AUTO/OFF.
associated with the cleaning process of super−heated steam If Necessary to Penetrate a
and high pressures that are present in the skid. The reverted Thunderstorm:
rubber condition tends to make all runway surfaces smooth
acting. Pavement surface texture, which has a large effect on 1. Slow to between 275 to 300 KIAS.
traction losses from dynamic and viscous hydroplaning, has
but little effect for the reverted rubber case with the possible 2. ANTI−ICE switch AUTO/OFF.
exception of grooved surfaces. NASA research confirms the
theory that the reverted rubber skid is the most catastrophic 3. AUTO PILOT switch OFF.
for aircraft operational safety because of the low−braking
friction and the additional fact that tire cornering capability 4. Loose equipment Secured.
drops to zero when the wheels rotation is stopped.
5. Tighten lapbelt and lock shoulder harness.
18.2.5 Landing On Wet Runway 6. Cockpit lights On Bright.
Refer to Chapter 7 for landing discussion.
7. Fly attitude and heading indicators primarily while
in extreme turbulence, because altimeter and
airspeed will fluctuate.
Unless the urgency of the mission precludes a deviation
from course, intentional flight through thunderstorms should Note
be avoided to preclude the high probability of damage to the
airframe and components by impact of ice, hail, and During severe icing conditions, the pilot can
lightning. Flameouts because of water ingestion or expect to lose airspeed indications even with the
compressor stalls caused by rapid changes in flight attitudes pitot heat on. Ground−controlled intercept
could also occur. Radar provides a means of navigating stations, if available, can aid the pilot with
between or around storm cells. If circumnavigating the storm tracking assistance through thunderstorm areas.
is impossible, penetrate the thunderstorm in the lower third Severe turbulent air at high altitudes may cause the
of the storm cell, away from the leading edge of the storm inlet airflow distribution to exceed acceptable limits of the
cloud, if possible. It is recommended that the autopilot engine, thereby inducing compressor stalls. To avoid
functions of DFCS be disengaged. Structural damage could compressor stalls during flight because of turbulent air,
result with the automatic functions operating. maintain 275 to 300 KIAS at all altitudes.
1. Check entire aircraft to ensure that all snow, ice, or If external transfer does not initiate or is in
frost is removed. complete, flight below the freezing level for 20
to 30 minutes will allow frozen valves to thaw
permitting external transfer.
In severely cold weather, allow a short time for warmup
before increasing rpm out of the idle range. If oil pressure is
low or fails to come up in a reasonable length of time, shut
Snow, ice, and frost on the aircraft surface are a down. Attempt another start after heating the engines.
major flight hazard. The result of this condition
is a loss of lift and increased stall speeds.
3. Fuel drain cocks Free of Ice and Drain If abnormal sounds or noises are present during
Condensation. starting, discontinue starting and apply intake
duct preheating for 10 to 15 minutes.
4. Pitot tubes Ice and Dirt Removed.
18.4.3 Taxiing
5. Exterior protective covers Removed.
Avoid taxiing in deep or rutted snow since frozen
brakes will likely result.
18.4.2 Engine Start
To ensure safe stopping distance and prevent icing of
Be sure that the aircraft is adequately checked before aircraft surfaces by melted snow and ice blown by jet blast
engine start. of a preceding aircraft, increase spacing between aircraft
When operating in subfreezing temperatures, moisture while taxiing at subfreezing temperatures.
in the air entering the aircraft from the starting unit may
freeze, causing ECS malfunctions. Starting the aircraft with 18.4.4 Takeoff
the AIR SOURCE in OFF will prevent the problem. The AIR
When operating from runways that are covered with
SOURCE in BOTH ENG should be selected after both
excessive water, snow, or slush, highspeed aborts may result
engines have been started and the starter air disconnected.
in engine flameout because of precipitation ingestion. The
ECS malfunctions after engine start may still occur because
probability of flameout is highest when throttles are chopped.
of moisture internally present in the aircraft.
With a double flameout, normal braking, anti−skid and
nosegear steering will be lost as hydraulic pressure decreases
If this occurs, select: with engine spool down. Check applicable takeoff distance
1. TEMP mode selector switch MAN. charts in NAVAIR 01−F14AAP−1.1.
2. TEMP control thumbwheel Full Hot (14). Thrust available will be noticeably greater in cold
temperatures during the takeoff run.
3. WSHLD AIR switch ON.
4. With both engines at IDLE, the ECS should thaw in
about 20 minutes. During this warmup period, leave
all avionics and radar off.
If external fuel tanks are installed: Before initial takeoff roll, ensure that all
instruments are sufficiently warmed up. After
5. MASTER TEST switch FLT GR UP. takeoff, cycle landing gear a few times to prevent
the possibility of the gear freezing in the
Advance throttles as necessary to 80 percent wheelwells.
maximum to check for GO light and positive
external transfer. Once airborne, external fuel
transfer should not be delayed to ensure complete
external tank transfer.
Hard braking on ice or a wet runway, even with
ANTISKID on, could result in dangerous
Do not operate the engines in a sand or dust
storm, if avoidable. Park the aircraft crosswind
and shut down the engines to minimize damage
18.4.6 After Landing
from sand or dust.
During operations where the temperature is below
freezing with heavy rain, or expected to drop below freezing 18.5.2 Takeoff
with heavy rain, the aircraft may be parked with wings
The required takeoff distances are increased by a
forward (20°) and flaps in the full down position.
temperature increase. Check the applicable takeoff distance
charts in NAVAIR 01−F14AAP− 1.1.
18.4.7 Before Leaving Aircraft
Weather permitting, leave the canopy partially open to
allow for air circulation. This will help prevent canopy
cracking from differential cooling and decrease the
possibility of windshield and canopy frosting.
Do not attempt takeoff in a sand or dust storm, if
18.5 HOT−WEATHER AND avoidable, to prevent sand or dirt from blowing
DESERT OPERATIONS into the intake ducts and causing engine damage.
Check for accumulation of sand or dust in the intakes.
18.5.3 Landing
Normal starting procedures will be employed.
Anticipate a slightly longer landing distance and the
Normal operating procedures as outlined in Chapter 7,
possibility of turbulence because of thermal action of the air
Shore−Based Procedures, should be adhered to with the
close to the ground. Use the defogging system if necessary,
following additions and exceptions:
in warm, humid weather.
1. Expect higher temperatures than normally obtained
in operating ranges.
Communications−Navigation Equipment
and Procedures
Chapter 19 Communications
Chapter 20 Navigation
Chapter 21 Identification
19.1 COMMUNICATIONS AND ASSOCIATED control panel controls antenna selection and is described in
EQUIPMENT Chapter 21. TACAN antenna selection is completely auto
matic. If a signal is lost or is too weak to maintain receiver
Figure 191 lists the CNI equipment associated with lockup, the TACAN cycles between the upper and lower
the aircraft/weapons systems. seeking a stronger signal. See Chapter 20 for TACAN
Selection of the upper or lower antenna for use by the The ICS provides normal, backup, or emergency
two communication radios and the D/L or JTIDS is manual communications between crewmembers. It also combines
and is controlled by switches on the RIO ANT SEL panel and amplifies audio signals received from other electronic
(Figure 19−2). The D/L is always on the opposite antenna receiving equipment (ECM, Sidewinder tone, IFF/SIF, radar
from V/UHF 1. Antenna selection for the IFF/SIF can be altimeter, and voice radios, etc.).
either automatic or manual. The ANT switch on the IFF
INTERCOM Provides voice communications Within the aircraft Both, and Pilot and RIO left
(LS−460B) between crewmembers and and groundcrew groundcrew console and in
between cockpit and personnel. personnel the nosewheel
groundcrew, also amplifies vari well
ous warning and weapon tones,
and voice communications.
JTIDS Provides jam−resistant, Line of sight (LOS) Both Pilot left console,
(AN/URC−107) cryptographically secure digital up to 300 nautical RIO right and left
voice and data, navigation, relay, miles. consoles
and TACAN.
TACAN Navigation aid provides bearing LOS up to 390 nm, Both Pilot and RIO left
(AN/ARN−118(V)) and distance information to local depending on console
(AN/URC−107) stations. altitude.
UHF DATA LINK Provides two−way digital LOS up to 180 Both RIO right console
(AN/ASW−27C) message communication. nautical miles.
V/UHF 1 Provides two−way voice and tone LOS up to 200 Both Pilot left console
COMMUNICATIONS communication. nautical miles.
SET (AN/ARC−182(V))
V/UHF 2 Provides two−way voice and tone LOS up to 200 Both RIO left console
COMMUNICATIONS communication. nautical miles.
SET (AN/ARC−182(V))
V/UHF DIRECTION Provides bearing information to LOS up to 180 Both Pilot and RIO left
FINDER selected stations. nautical miles. console
RADAR ALTIMETER Displays height above earth’s 0 to 5,000 feet. Pilot Pilot’s instrument
(AN/APN−194) surface. panel
RADAR BEACON Aids in tracking by ship and LOS. RIO Right console
(AN/APN−154) ground−based x−band radars.
Provides down link for
automatic carrier landing system.
1 JTIDS antenna select AUTO Enables JTIDS to transmit on the upper antenna and to receive
switch on either the upper or lower antenna depending upon signal
LWR Enables JTIDS to transmit and receive on the lower antenna.
UPR Enables JTIDS to transmit and receive on the upper antenna.
BOTH Enables JTIDS to transmit and receive on both the upper and
lower antenna. 200 watt output power is equally divided between
the upper and lower antenna, 100 watts each.
2 V/UHF−1 DL antenna UPR/LWR Selects upper V/UHF 1 and lower D/L antenna.
select switch
LWR/UPR Selects lower V/UHF 1 and upper D/L antenna.
1 Pilot’s COMM switch ICS Permits intercommunication when COLD MIC is selected on
function selector. Overrides V/UHF communications.
JTIDS Keys the JTIDS terminal for voice communications.
V/UHF 1 Keys ARC−182 radio for operation.
V/UHF 2 Keys ARC−182 radio for operation.
2 VOL control Controls intercommunication audio level at that cockpit station. Audio level at
other station not affected; however in EMER volume is controlled by other
3 Amplifier selector B/U (Backup) used to bypass a fault amplifier and uses a backup
output amplifier at own station.
NORM (Normal) used when all amplifiers are functioning properly.
EMER (Emergency) uses the backup amplifier at own station, and
makes use of input amplifier of other station over the emergency
line. Volume is controlled by other station.
4 Function selector RADIO
OVERRIDE Attenuates non critical radio audio to emphasize
intercommunication when urgent.
HOT MIC Intercommunication without keying.
COLD MIC Intercommunication only when pilot actuates COMM switch on
inboard throttle or RIO actuates keying switch on left foot rest.
5 RIO’s ICS button Permits intercommunication if COLD MIC is selected on the function selector
(left foot rest) control. Overrides V/UHF communications.
6 RIO’s MIC button Permits transmission on V/UHF 1, V/UHF 2, or BOTH radios as well as JTIDS
(right foot rest) as selected on the radio frequency channel indicator (RFCI).
ALR−67 Pilot and TONE VOLUME/ TA Indicates a missile Low to high frequency,
RIO CAN panel alert, missile launch, determined by scan rate and
(PILOT) RADAR critical threat, and/or PRF of threat radar.
WARNING RCVR status change. Low− to high−frequency
panel (RIO) warble when missile
launch is detected.
Radar Altimeter Pilot and Radar altimeter Low−altitude 1,000 Hz tone, modulated at
RIO indicator (pilot) warning 2 pulses per second, lasting
5 seconds or until altitude is
increased/limit bug is
APX−100 RIO IFF control panel Valid mode 4 PRF of interrogation pulse
interrogation 2,000 and 6,000 Hz.
TACAN Pilot and TACAN control panel Station identification International morse code
RIO with three−letter designation.
AN/ARC−182 Pilot and V/UHF control panel Other aircraft International morse code,
RIO direction find (DF) voice.
19.2.2 Pilot Tone Volume/TACAN Command 6. Frequency mode control LOAD (frequency is
Panel stored in memory for CH 1).
The TONE VOLUME/TACAN CMD panel (Figure 7. Frequency mode control READ, Verify
19−5) on the pilot left console has two volume controls for Frequency Display.
regulating audio signals from the ALR−67 and Sidewinder
missile lock−on. 8. Enter frequency in quick reference directory for
CH1 (if desired).
19.3 V/UHF RADIO (AN/ARC−182)
9. Repeat steps 2 through 8 for subsequent channels.
The ARC−182 radio provides multimode, multi
channel, air−to−air/air−to−surface voice, tone, and antijam
19.3.2 Built−In Test (BIT)
(Have Quick) communications. The ARC−182 control panel
(Figure 19−6) is located on the pilot and RIO left console. BIT isolates faults in the RT to one module, two
Frequency range extends in four bands from 30 to 87.975, modules, and three modules. BIT should be initiated anytime
108 to 155.975, 156 to 173.975, and 225 to 399.975 MHz on the FREQ/(CHAN) display blanks or indicates an erroneous
any of 11,960 channels (separated by 25 kHz). Transmission readout. Proceed as follows:
and reception are available in AM or FM bands. The
modulation is selected automatically by the radio except in 1. MODE selector TEST.
the 225 to 399.975 band, which is reserved for antijam use.
There are 40 preset channels available. Channels 1 through 2. RT control As Required.
30 are used for normal voice communications. Channels 31
through 40 are used for antijam Have Quick communica 3. BIT requires approximately 10 seconds; observe
tions. Guard frequency of each band may be monitored FREQ/(CHAN) display.
simultaneously with any other frequency selected. The radio
a. No fault is indicated by 888.888.
is used with the OA−8697/ARO to provide automatic
direction finding to the transmitting station. The ARC−182 b. Faults are indicated by a number that identifies
operates with secure voice equipment (KY−58). Upper and the module or modules at fault.
lower antenna installations provide reliable line−of−sight
communications to 200 nm (depending on altitude and Note
atmospheric conditions). A radio frequency/channel indica
tor (Figure 19−7) on the pilot and RIO instrument panel If readouts 061 or 651 display, select other
displays the frequency or channel selected. A separate antenna and key transmitter for 5 seconds, then
VOLUME control panel (Figure 19−8) for the pilot is located repeat steps 1 through 3.
on the pilot left console.
Figure 199 lists the most common BIT fault codes and
Note their respective module failures.
Transmissions on both V/UHF 1 and V/UHF 2 19.3.3 Have Quick (Antijam) Mode
radios, while operating on the same frequency,
Have Quick is a tactical antijam system that utilizes
may result in a squeal. This is a normal condition
frequency hopping, a method where frequencies are changed
caused by RF interaction between the two
many times per second. The frequency hopping patterns,
radios operating on the same frequency in close
stored in memory and frequency tables, are selected by
proximity to each other.
word−of−day, net numbers, and a given date. The antijam
mode of the ARC−182 is enabled by selecting a net number
19.3.1 Preset Channel(s) Load
and by placing the NORM/AJ switch to AJ once all the
variables have been entered into the radio. For two or more
1. MODE selector T/R or T/R&G.
radios to successfully communicate on a Have Quick net,
2. Frequency mode control Reset. each radio must have the same TOD, WOD, and operating
3. CHAN SEL switch Select Channel 1. The ARC−182’s Have Quick II system is compatible
with older Have Quick I systems.
4. Frequency mode control Read.
1 ALR−67 volume control Clockwise rotation increases tone in pilot’s headset. Provides threat alert,
status and warning tones representing received threat radar signals.
3 TACAN CMD control Illuminates when selected PLT or NFO, indicating crewman in command
switch/indicator of TACAN.
1 VOL control Adjusts level of audio signal. Clockwise rotation increases audio level. RlO’s
adjustments made only via the RFCI.
2 Squelch switch SQL Squelch circuit is operational and background noise is removed by
reducing receiver gain.
OFF Disables squelch circuit restoring receiver to full gain.
3 Frequency select Four frequency tuning switches are used to tune transceiver when the tuning
switches (spring return) selector switch is set to MAN (manual). The spring−loaded switches increase the
frequency in the up position and decrease frequency in the down position. The left
switch controls the hundreds and tens digits, the second switch controls units, the
third switch controls tenths, and the right switch controls hundredths and
4 FREQ/(CHAN) display Displays incandescent digital readouts of selected frequency or channel.
In TEST mode indicates receiver transmitter fault locations.
5 UHF mode selector Operational when tuned to frequencies in the 225.000 to 399.000 MHz band.
AM Selects amplitude modulation signals. Varies with atmospheric
conditions, susceptible to electromagnetic interference.
FM Selects frequency modulation signals. Reduces electromagnetic
6 BRT control Varies the FREQ/(CHAN) display light intensity. Clockwise maximum
7 MODE switch OFF Secures V/UHF radio, unless frequency mode switch is set to 243.
T/R Energizes transmitter and main receiver.
T/R&G Energizes transmitter main, and guard receivers.
DF Provides automatic direction finding from 108 to 399.975 MHz.
TEST Indicates built−in−test (BIT) RT; displayed on FREQ/(CHAN)
indicator. Refer to Built−In−Test this chapter. Generates 1020 Hz un
attenuated tone.
8 TOD switch RCV Allows reception of TOD messages on preset channel selected.
SEND Allows transmission of TOD messages on preset channel selected.
9 NORM/AJ switch NORM Used for normal V/UHF communications.
A/J Provides jam resistant communications.
10 CHAN SEL mode 243 Turns on the receiver−transmitter (takes precedence over
switch (outer dial) operational mode control) and causes the transmitter main receiver,
and guard receiver to tune to 243.000 MHz (UHF guard frequency).
All functions except VOL, SQL and BRT are disabled.
MAN Permits manual selection of an operating frequency using the
frequency tuning switches. Transmitter and receiver are disabled
during a frequency change.
G Tunes the receiver−transmitter to the guard frequency in the band to
which the RT was last tuned.
PRESET Allows selection of any 1 of 40 present operating frequencies
with CHAN SEL switch. Selected channel is displayed in the two
center digit readouts of the FREQ/(CHAN) display. Channels 31
through 40 are for Have Quick (antijam) use.
READ Displays the frequency (rather than channel) of preset channel
LOAD Automatically places the displayed frequency into the memory for
the selected preset channel.
11 CHAN SEL switch Enables any 1 of 40 preset channels when the frequency mode switch is set to
(inner dial) PRESET.
1 VHF/UHF−1 and −2 Displays information for each radio (pilot and RIO) as follows:
indicator • Left most LCD indicates secure voice selection : C (cypher) or P (plain)
• Right most LCD indicates whether radio is in use for transmission (T) or
reception (R)
• Displays frequency, channel number, or WOD channel number
• With anti−jam selected, the net number is prefixed by an A
• F is displayed if the RFCI fails periodic BIT
• If there is bad or no V/UHF data for 3 seconds, displays only a decimal point.
2 1−JTIDS−2 channel Displays channel selected (0 − 127) for JTIDS−1 and JTIDS−2 voice links
indicator (pilot and RIO) with alpha designator indicating transmit (T) or receive (R) for
radio in use.
3 TEST button Activates 10−second maximum internal test of the RFCI. On successful
completion of the test, the LCDs show the test display. If the TEST button is
held for more than 10 seconds the display will automatically return to the dis
play prior to test.
4 VOL control Enable RIO to adjust level of audio signal. Clockwise rotation increases audio
5 XMTR SEL buttons Enables RIO to select desired radio for voice communications (V/UHF or
When JTIDS voice communications is selected V/UHF plain voice
communications are inhibited. If V/UHF encrypted voice communication is se
lected, both V/UHF (encrypted) and JTIDS will transmit simultaneously.
1. 220.000 Operate in Have Quick II. The 1,000 combat nets range from 000 to 999. The
variables in these net numbers refer the radio to specific
2. 220.025 MWOD load mode. frequencies and algorithms within the radio’s memory. There
are five Have Quick I training nets displayed as A00.X00,
3. 220.050 MWOD erase mode. where X is 0 to 4. There are 16 Have Quick II training nets
displayed as A0X.X25, where X.X is 0.0 to 1.5. The variables
4. 220.075 FMT load mode. in these training net numbers tell the radio the training
frequency on which to begin hopping. Training nets are
If the aircrew desires to enter Have Quick without
activated by a special WOD (300.0XX) in segment one of the
loading or verifying, 220.000 should be loaded into preset
channel 40 using the procedures in paragraph WOD used for that day. The last two digits determine the hop
rate. The same applies to the last two digits of the first
Otherwise, Have Quick I processing is used.
segment of combat WODs. Net Selection Word of Day/Multiple Word of Day
Have Quick I and II use the same method of net (WOD/MWOD)
selection. A net is a six−digit number that selects the
frequency table that will be hopped on. Net numbers are in A WOD/MWOD is a transmission security variable.
the form of AXX.XYY, where A indicates a Have Quick net, Have Quick I radios use a WOD consisting of six segments
X is a number from 0 to 9 defining the net, and YY is either of six digits each. Have Quick I radios use a MWOD that adds
00, 25, 50, or 75, which determines the combat or training a seventh segment containing a two−digit date tag and five
operational mode. The operational modes are more MWODs for 6 days of operation without reloading
WODs. The WOD/MWOD is loaded into the radio to key the
1. COMBAT Have Quick system to the proper hopping pattern, dwell time,
and hop rate. The hop rate is included in the first segment of
a. 00 Operate in Have Quick I. each WOD/MWOD, XXX.XYY, where YY is 00, 25, 50, 75,
denoting slow to fast hop rates. When operating with Have
b. 25 Have Quick II NATO. Quick I systems, only one of the six MWODs is used. See
Figure 19−10.
c. 50 Have Quick II Non−NATO.
d. 75 Not Used.
1 JTIDS SEL switch Selects JTIDS 1 or 2 voice channel for pilot’s voice transmissions.
Both channels are always selected to receive.
2 JTIDS−1, JTIDS−2, Clockwise rotation increases audio level of received transmission (Pilot only).
V/UHF−2 volume
1.1 289.950 2.1 295.850 3.1 290.450 4.1 275.950 5.1 270.450 6.1 300.050
1.2 299.000 2.2 289.600 3.2 279.000 4.2 269.300 5.2 259.000 6.2 249.000
1.3 298.100 2.3 288.000 3.3 278.600 4.3 268.000 5.3 258.600 6.3 248.900
1.4 297.000 2.4 287.900 3.4 277.400 4.4 267.000 5.4 257.800 6.4 247.100
1.5 296.000 2.5 286.300 3.5 276.500 4.5 266.700 5.5 256.000 6.5 246.100
1.6 295.000 2.6 285.300 3.6 275.100 4.6 265.500 5.6 255.500 6.6 245.200
1.7 11 2.7 12 3.7 13 4.7 14 5.7 15 6.7 16
1.1 through 1.6 are WOD 1 segment numbers.
1.7 is the date tag for WOD 1.
2.1 through 2.6 are WOD 2 segment numbers
2.7 is the date tag for WOD 2.
3.1 through 6.7 is the same as above for WODs 3 through 6.
8.1 is the current Operational Day, which should match one of the date tags.
(1) If the current operational day was 11 (MWOD location 1), Have Quick II Combat net would be used with a hop rate
of 50 (included in the last two digits of segment 1.1). An appropriate Have Quick II operational net should be chosen.
(2) If the current operational day was 16, Have Quick II Training Net would be used because the first segment of
MWOD location 6 (6.1) is the special training segment. The hop rate would be 50 (last two digits of first segment).
An appropriate Have Quick II Training Net number should be chosen.
3. Frequency select switches Select 8.1. accessed with the FMT load code loaded into preset channel
40. Once the 16 training frequencies (7.01 through 7.16) are
4. Frequency mode control READ (last operational loaded, it is not necessary to reload them. Additionally, it is
date or 00 is displayed). not necessary to reload the special FMT MWOD segment
once it is loaded, as long as the date tag used is within the
5. Frequency select switches Selected Desired same MWOD as the special FMT segment. If using the
Date. self−start method of TOD, the operational day as well as the
date tag must be loaded into segments 8.1 and 1.7 (or the
6. Frequency mode control LOAD (Operational seventh segment of whichever MWOD is being used),
date is loaded into memory). respectively. Thus, combat Have Quick II and FMT can be
used interchangeably simply by loading one or more of the
Note MWOD first segments with the special training WOD
Out of range (<1 or >31) operational dates may segment. On every day that the operational day matches the
not be entered. date tag of the MWOD with the special FMT segment loaded
into its first segment, the unit will hop on the FMT training MWOD Verify frequencies, regardless of the contents of the other segments
within that MWOD. See Figure 19−10, Note 2.
The aircrew may view the MWODs at any time for
1. Frequency mode control PRESET.
verification by reading the MWOD locations by using steps
1 through 3 in paragraph 2. CHAN SEL switch Select Channel 40.
3. Frequency mode control READ. MWOD Erase
4. Frequency select switches Select 220.075
The following procedure enables the aircrew to erase
all MWODs stored in the nonvolatile memory. This proce 5. Frequency mode control LOAD.
dure is recommended before reloading all MWODs with new
6. Frequency mode control PRESET (first FMT
frequency segment 7.01 is displayed).
1. Frequency mode control PRESET. 7. Frequency select switch Select Desired FMT
2. CHAN SEL switch Select Channel 40.
8. Frequency mode control READ.
3. Frequency mode control READ.
9. Frequency select switches Select Desired FMT
4. Frequency select switches Select 220.050 To Training Frequency.
Initiate MWOD Erase Function. 10. Frequency mode control LOAD (desired FMT
training frequency is stored in memory).
5. Function mode control LOAD (display will go
blank indicating MWODs have been erased). 11. Repeat steps 6 through 10 to load remaining desired
FMT training frequencies. The load function is FMT Training Frequency Load exited by placing the frequency mode control to
The Have Quick II FMT training net operates similar
to combat Have Quick II, as both the date tag and operational FMT Net Operation
day functions are used. The FMT net, however, hops on its
own set of 16 frequencies loaded into a separate training Once the training frequencies have been loaded or
WOD. Additionally, a special MWOD segment for FMT verified, Have Quick II FMT net can be operated as follows:
(300.0XX, where XX is the hop rate) is loaded into the first
segment of the MWOD being used (usually 1.1, but any of 1. Perform steps 1 through 5 of paragraph
the six MWODs can be used as long as the date tag for the
2. Frequency mode control PRESET.
MWOD whose first segment contains 300.0XX matches
the operational day). The frequencies actually hopped on, 3. Frequency select switches Select Segment 1 of
however, are loaded into a separate FMT WOD that can be Desired MWOD To Be Used (1.1, 2.1, 3.1, etc.).
4. Frequency mode control READ (display shows To synchronize and load Time/Date
frequency indicating desired WOD segment). from GPS system, perform the
following steps:
5. Frequency select switch Select Special FMT
Segment With Desired Hop Rate (300.0XX XX = 1. Select OWN A/C format and verify GPS is fully
00, 25, 50, 75). aligned (FOM = 1), GPS is boxed and navigation
mode is INS/GPS.
6. Frequency mode control LOAD (desired fre
quency loaded into memory). 2. Select GPS Status Format and verify RCV TOD is
not boxed.
7. Frequency mode control PRESET.
3. On the VHF/UHF ARC−182 Control Panel:
8. Frequency select switches Select Segment 7
Mode Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .T/R
(date tag) of the Same MWOD Used Above (1.7,
Frequency Select Switch . . . . . . . 300.025
2.7, 3.7, etc.).
NORM/AJ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NORM
9. Frequency mode control READ (display shows TDD switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MAN
two−digit date tag previously loaded or 00). WAIT 10 SECONDS
10. Frequency select switches Select Desired Date 4. On the GPS Status Page select RCV TOD. Verify it
Tag. remains boxed for 5 SECONDS.
11. Frequency mode control LOAD (desired date tag 5. On VHF/UHF ARC−182 Control Panel:
loaded into memory) NORM/AJ Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AJ
Verify Frequency Indicator . . . . . . A00.25
12. Frequency mode control MAN (ready to receive
TOD). If a ? is displayed, lockup has not occurred.
3. To transmit time/date over air (broadcast) in normal 4. Frequency select switches Select 220.00.
mode, momentarily push TOD switch to SEND 5. Frequency mode control LOAD (the radio is now
while on a manually selected UHF frequency. At prepared to operate in Have Quick II).
this time, TOD signal is sent and a tone will be
heard. 6. Frequency mode control MAN.
4. To receive new time in A/J mode or to update clock, 7. TOD Received.
momentarily push TOD switch to RCV. This will al
8. Frequency select switches Select Desired Net
low acceptance of TOD for 1 minute.
5. To transmit time/date over air (broadcast) in A/J 9. NORM/A/J switch Select A/J on Command to
mode, momentarily push TOD switch to SEND.
GO ACTIVE" (first digit of net frequency will
This will send TOD signal to all units that are in A/J
display as A").
and using the same net.
NAVAIR 01−F14AAD−1 Have Quick II Error Codes 5. Invalid net error code Verify that the correct net
is being used.
The Have Quick II radio generates different error
displays for three possible entry errors. If the radio has been 6. No TOD error code Attempt to receive another
initialized properly, an (A) will display in the left−most TOD from the master. If still unable to receive TOD,
display segment. use the self−start method and attempt to transmit
If a question mark (?) displays, the net number is TOD to other net participants if practical.
invalid. If a backward question mark ( ) displays, the
MWOD or operational data is invalid. If the display does not 19.3.5 Radio Frequency Control/Indicators (RFCI)
change when A/J is selected, then TOD has not been received Two RFCIs (Figure 19−7) are provided. Each has LCDs
or entered. The error display for each error is shown in that show the frequency or channel selected for V/UHF 1 and
Figure 19−11. 2 and JTIDS 1 and 2, their transmit/receive status, and
antijam and sure voice selection. The RFCIs are tested by
pressing the TEST button on the panel. An indication is
FREQUENCY provided if the RFCI fails BIT.
DISPLAY ERROR The RIO RFCI also contains transmit select buttons for
V/UHF 1 and 2 and JTIDS 1 and 2 as well as volume controls
XX.XXX MAN Invalid MWOD and for adjusting their audio level.
?XX.XXX MAN Invalid Net Note
D The RIO volume control knob on the
ARC−182 control panel is not functional. The
Invalid MWOD and volume control knob on the RIO RFCI is used
Date to control volume.
XX PRESET Invalid Net Number D When JTIDS vice communication is selected,
?X, X PRESET No TOD V/UHF plain voice communications are
inhibited. If V/UHF encrypted voice commu
The X"s in the error display column nication is selected and JTIDS voice commu
represent digits 0 to 9. nication is selected, both V/UHF (encrypted)
and JTIDS will transmit simultaneously.
Figure 1911.Have Quick II Error Codes
(OA−8697) Have Quick Basic Troubleshooting
Procedures. The V/UHF automatic direction finder is used with the
ARC−182 radio in the AM mode (voice is suppressed). ADF
1. Broken communications when A/J is selected provides relative bearings to transmitting ground stations or
Verify all segments of the current WOD or all the other aircraft. It can receive signals on any 1 of 30 preset
FMT frequencies are correct. channels or on any manually set frequencies in the 108 to
399.975 MHz range.
2. Lack of an A" in the first digit of the net frequency
displayed on the radio Receive another TOD The system has a line−of−sight range, varying with
transmission to resynchronize the radio. altitude. Operating power is 115 Vac from the essential No.2
bus, 28 Vdc from the essential No. 2 bus, and 26 Vac through
3. Broken communications after time, once good the RIO circuit breaker panels. The system requires a
communications have been established Receive 5−minute warmup period. During the warmup time, failure
another TOD transmission either in A/J or normal indications should be disregarded. The system uses a
mode to resynchronize the radio. solid−state segment rotation ADF antenna. Bearing to
transmitting stations is displayed on the pilot/RIO BDHI
4. Invalid MWOD or date tag error code Verify all (No.1 needle), and on the HSD format of any MFD. The
MWOD segments for the current day. ADF signal is interrupted during voice transmissions.
19.5 UHF VOICE SECURITY EQUIPMENT 7. After a 2−minute warmup period on the cipher se
(TSEC/KY−58) lected radio, listen for a steady, unbroken tone in the
headset followed by a double−pitched broken tone.
The security equipment is integrated, and operates,
with the V/UHF 1 and 2 communications sets to permit UHF 8. Key the appropriate radio selected for transmission,
secure voice in a hostile environment. It shall be operated as hold for approximately 2 seconds, and release.
directed by appropriate authority. Theory of operation and Double−pitched broken tone will cease and no sound
practical application are covered in the KY−58 operation will be heard.
The KY MODE switch and the KY−58 control panel 9. Key radio and hold. A single beep tone will be heard
(Figure 19−12) on the RIO left side console are the only in approximately 1½ seconds, if delay is selected;
cockpit controls for operating the KY−58 in either cipher or otherwise, beep is immediate. When this tone is
plain language. Electrical power is from the dc essential bus heard, the equipment is ready for cipher
No. 1 with circuit protection on the RIO dc essential No. 1 transmission.
circuit breaker panel, KY−58/Z−AHP circuit breaker (7C3).
10. After beep tone is heard, establish two−way cipher
The KY−58 has two states of operation: plain and radio communications with a cooperating ground
cipher (C). Plain is used during normal UHF communica station and check for readability and signal strength.
tions. Cipher is used when secure voice communications are
desired. There are two cipher modes: BB (baseband) for use 11. Set power and radio selector switches in accordance
with FM transmissions and DP (diphase) for use with AM. with the tactical situation.
The radio sets must be ON to attain secure operation. The
receiving station must be properly equipped to receive Note
transmissions in the proper cipher mode.
If a ground check of the equipment is not practi
cal, the above procedures may be used to perform
an in−flight check of the equipment.
D Do not transmit plain voice on one radio 19.5.3 Postlaunch
during cipher receptions or while transmitting
on the other radio. The speech security equipment shall be operated as
directed by appropriate authority.
D Communications between KY−28 and KY−58
voice security equipment is not possible.
19.5.4 After Landing
19.5.1 KY−58 Operation 1. ZEROIZE switch ZEROIZE (as briefed).
Zeroize the code as directed by appropriate authority.
19.5.2 Prelaunch
2. Power switch OFF.
1. Determine that proper code has been set by person
nel qualified in voice security equipment. 19.6 JOINT TACTICAL INFORMATION
2. V/UHF radios ON.
The JTIDS is a high−capacity communications system
3. Power switch ON. providing jam−resistant, secure digital voice and data. This
system also provides voice and data relay, dual navigation
4. Cypher switch C/RAD 1 or C/RAD 2. grid operation, and TACAN data.
5. KY MODE switch As Required. The JTIDS digital voice function provides two secure,
jam−resistant, separate (J1 and J2) 16 KBS voice channels.
6. If a ground test of equipment is desired, establish These are integrated into both the pilot and RIO cockpits.
two−way plain text radio communications on the
plain voice radio with a suitable ground station and
request an equipment check.
1 ZEROIZE switch ZEROIZE Guard lifted. The preset codes are erased and must be reset on
the ground by qualified personnel before the cipher mode can
be used.
2 DELAY switch DELAY Provides a time delay between push−to−talk and actual
4 FILL switch Selects the position to be loaded with data. MODE switch must be in LD
to load.
The JTIDS data communications function provides a When installed, the JTIDS receiver/transmitter
two−way data transfer between the F−14D and other JTIDS replaces the AN/ARN−118 TACAN system. Within the
users for position and identification, air intercept control, and JTIDS terminal (DPG and R/T), the equivalent functionality
fighter−to−fighter functions. Identification is accomplished of the AN/ ARN−118 TACAN system exists.
among participants, Navy (CVs, CGs, DDGs, E−2Cs, and
F−14Ds) and other services (E−3s, F−15s etc.) by the PPLI 19.6.1 JTIDS Terminal
message. The AIC function provides the exchange of
command and control information and own−ship sensor The JTIDS AN/URC−107 Class 2 terminal consists of
tracks/ stats between the F−14D and a control platform (E−2C the following WRAs:
or ship). Fighter−to−fighter functions provide the direct
1. Data processor group (interface unit and digital data
exchange of fighter tracks and status among fighters.
The relay function provides the capability for JTIDS to
transmit voice or data messages for extended−range commu 2. Secure data unit
nications. This function provides expanded battle group
operations by expanding communication ranges (voice, 3. JTIDS receiver transmitter
PPLI, etc.) beyond line of sight, greater than 300 nm, air to
air. 4. Battery assembly.
JTIDS operates in both the geodetic and relative 5. Circuit breaker protection is provided through the
navigation modes simultaneously. JTIDS also provides the 28−Vdc essential and 115−Vac essential buses.
MCS corrections to the own−ship navigation position, which
is calculated using data received from the link, and own−ship Digital Data Processor (DDP)
INS or SAHRS data. See Chapter 20 for additional explana
The DDP is part of the JTIDS data processor group and
tion of JTIDS navigation functions.
the heart of the JTIDS Link−16 operation. It contains the net
The JTIDS communication system utilizes three major interface computer program. The DDP is common among all
tactical modes: surveillance, two−way AIC, and F/F. These Navy and most non−Navy JTIDS platforms. The DDP
modes are integrated into the aircraft controls and displays performs the following functions.
utilizing the PTID, DD, MFDs (TSD, VDI, and HSD formats)
and DEU. Refer to NAVAIR 01−F14AAD−1A for the detailed 1. TDMA and message management.
operation of the PTID, DD, and TSD. The JTIDS terminal
interfaces with the various aircraft systems via 1553 mission 2. Network synchronization and relative navigation
bus No. 2 and MCS. The majority of JTIDS processing is processing.
performed by mission computer 1. In the event of a mission
computer failure, the other computer will support TACAN 3. Receiver/transmitter control.
operation and provide own−ship position for the PPLI
4. Signal decoding and decryption.
message. JTIDS BIT function is provided via the OBC page
on the MFD.
NAVAIR 01−F14AAD−1 Navigational Database Operation D JTIDS manually initiated BIT shall not be
performed without a fault indication by either
The MDL navigational data and GPS almanac data are background BIT or startup BIT. Manual BIT
automatically loaded on power up. Any changes to the operation with no posted fault(s) can give
tactical waypoints and flight plan waypoints will be recorded false indications of JTIDS WRA/SRA
on the DTM cartridge. The flight plan data can be reloaded failures.
via the RLD pushbutton on the Flight Plan format; however,
any manual changes to the flight plans will be lost. Once 3. Select JTIDS mode DATA SIL or NORM. This
updated tactical waypoints are permanently changed in the will power up the JTIDS part of the system.
MDL DTM if it is in place. Initialization JTIDS Initialization Data
Upon selection of DOWNLOAD on the DEU, the 1. MFD3 Select JTIDS own−aircraft data page and
mission computer requests the JTIDS initialization data ACK all computer messages.
stored on the DTM, processes it, and transfers it to the JTIDS
terminal. The exchange of JTIDS initialization data is 2. DEU Select DOWNLOAD, then load 1/2/3, then
performed between the MDL, mission computer, and JTIDS execute the load, then ENTR (initiates MCS down
via the 1553 bus and takes approximately 5 seconds to load of MDL JTIDS load to the JTIDS system).
complete. Without initialization data, JTIDS TACAN and
BIT functions will operate, but JTIDS synchronization, 3. MFD3 Verify MDL LOAD on own−aircraft data
navigation and communications functions will not be page changes to IN PROG (2 to 3 seconds) and final
available. ly to OK (6 to 8 seconds). Verify none of the
following JTIDS computer messages are displayed.
19.6.4 JTIDS System Operation
a. JTIDS NOT AVAIL Verify JTIDS is powered
Procedures for the operational use of the JTIDS system up and communicating on the bus.
are provided in the following paragraphs. These paragraphs
include power−up, initialization, and synchronization. These b. NO LOAD − NEED MDL Verify MDL
procedures are normally performed on the ground during installed and powered up.
aircraft startup; however, they can be performed anytime
power is applied to the aircraft and the MCS is in full−up c. NO LOAD − MDL FAIL MDL fail; try to clear
operation. failure.
For other participants to display the F−14D PPL, operations will be affected.
the INS or SAHRS has to complete alignment.
1 ZEROIZE switch ZERO Zeroizes the crypto variables in the interface unit and the MDL
JTIDS initialization load.
NORM Normal switch position (spring loaded).
2 THRM ORIDE switch ON/OFF Enables manual override of thermal shutdown. Indicated by a
JTIDS HOT on the MFD caution advisory window.
3 JTIDS MODE switch OFF Removes all power from the JTIDS/Link−16 functions of the
JTIDS terminal and zeroizes the crypto. To power down the
JTIDS terminal, both JTIDS and TACAN have to be off.
STBY The JTIDS/Link−16 functions are off, the battery will hold crypt for
up to 48 hours and initialization data for 5 minutes.
DATA SIL The JTIDS/Link−16 is on but will not transmit except during BIT
and voice. Net Entry will perform passive sync and, once sync is
achieved, voice will transmit when keyed. TACAN transmissions
are not affected by this selection. Digital TACAN is available for
display on the MFDs and HUD.
NORM The JTIDS/Link−16 is on. Net Entry will perform active
synchronization and, once sync is achieved, all Link−16 transmit
functions are available. TACAN transmissions are unaffected by
this selection. Digital TACAN is available for display on the MFDs
and HUD.
POLL This mode is currently not used; however, if selected JTIDS/
Link−16 is on and digital TACAN is available for display
on the MFDs and HUD.
4 IPF RESET switch Re−enables Link−16 transmission when they are shut down by an IPF
detected failure.
5 REPLY switch NORM Enables Link−4 reply message transmission (no JTIDS function)
CANC Inhibits Link−4 reply message transmission (no JTIDS function)
6 DATA LINK MODE TAC Selects Link−4 (AN/ASW−27C) as the primary link system.
switch The following JTIDS functions operate in this mode.
• Synchronization
• Ownship PPLI messages are transmitted (Ownship System Status
messages are inhibited)
• JTIDS voice (transmit and receive)
• JTIDS navigation updates
JTIDS Selects Link−16 (AN/URC−107) as the primary link system.
All Link−4 functions are disabled.
WPT Enables Link−4 carrier alignment and waypoint data to be received
every 16 ms with no reply data. The same JTIDS functions operate in
this mode as when TAC is selected.
The status of this switch is sent to the MCS by the DEU. In the
event the DEU is not ready (No 1553 communications) the
mode will default to Link−4 (D/L). This will prevent loss of the
ACLS function in the event of a failure.
7 ADDRESS thumbwheel Selects fourth and fifth least significant octal digit for Link−4 address.
4. MFD3 (own−aircraft data page) Verify correct c. On the DEU, select DOWNLOAD for JTIDS.
crypto period. To change crypto period:
d. OWN A/C format on MF03, select JTIDS.
a. DEU Select JTIDS COMM page, toggle
CRYPTO option switch to 0 or 1, then press e. On DEU, set RLY/NTR to ON.
b. MFD3 (own−aircraft data page) Verify crypto This may take several minutes to accomplish.
period selected. Confirm on MFD : MENU : JTIDS that time
c. JTIDS MODE switch Cycle MODE switch synched to UTC and a G prefix appears. If
from NORM or DATA SIL to STBY then back to ineffective, proceed to step 4.
4. DEU (time entry, JTIDS COMM page, TIME push
button) Enter hours, minutes, seconds, and select
Note ENT.
Cycling the JTIDS MODE switch is required to 5. MFD3 (own−aircraft data page) Verify correct
direct the DPG to access the desired crypto vari time.
ables. If the MODE switch is not cycled, the DPG
6. MFD3 (own−aircraft data page) Verify NET
will continue to access the previous crypto vari
ENTR NS (net entry not started), IN PROG
ables while displaying the desired crypto period
(attempting sync or course achieved), OK (synchro
on the own−aircraft data page and net entry will
nization complete/fine synchronization achieved).
not occur.
7. DEU (net entry, JTIDS MODE page) Press Synchronization NET ENTR pushbutton and ENT.
The following steps are required to synchronize JTIDS 8. MFD3 (own−aircraft data page) Verify
with the network. NET ENTR IN PROG. Changes to OK synchro
nization complete (3 to 5 minutes normal mode,
1. Verify/select desired JTIDS antenna. 7 to 10 minutes data−silent mode).
2. MFD3 (own−aircraft data page) Verify JTIDS
time is ±6 seconds of net time (GOES time, NTR, or Note
any participant in the net).
Course sync can be verified by verifying the dis
3. Time synchronization from GPS play of PPLI messages on TSD, PTID, JTIDS
data readout pages, or IRST summary page.
a. Verify GPS is boxed and FOM = 1 on OWN A/C JTIDS must be selected on the DATA LINK con
format. trol panel to process PPLI messages.
b. On the JTIDS control panel, mode selection = 9. DATA LINK control panel Verify/select JTIDS
NORM. for JTIDS tactical functions.
Lower or raise landing gear Rotary movement of hand (flashlight Execute when hand/flashlight drops.
at night) in cockpit, as if cranking
wheels, pause, drop below canopy
Speed brakes Open and close four fingers rapidly Execute on head nod/light out.
and repeatedly. Flashlight at nighta
series of flashes followed by a steady
light; light out for execution.
Lower or raise flaps. Rotary movement of hand (flashlight Execute when hand/flashlight drops.
at night) in cockpit, as if cranking
wheels, pause, drop below canopy
Sweep wings aft. Hand held up, palm aft, and swept aft Execute on head nod/light out.
along canopy rail; at night, flashlight
swept aft along canopy rail.
Sweep wings forward. Hand held up, palm forward, and Execute on head nod/light out.
swept forward along canopy rail;
at night, flashlight swept forward
along canopy rail.
How much fuel have you? Raise fist with thumb extended in a Indicate fuel in tens of gallons or
drinking position. hundreds of pounds by finger
Arm or safety missiles and ordnance. Pistol cocking motion with either Execute and return signal.
Commence take off power Leader gives a two−finger Wingman returns two−finger
turn−up. turn−up signal. signal and executes.
I have completed my takeoff Section takeoff leader raises arm Wingman gives thumbs−up indicat
checklist and am, in all respects, overhead and waits for response from ing checklist complete, and ready in
ready for (section) takeoff. wingman. all respects for takeoff then lowers
arm and stands by for immediate
section takeoff.
FORMATION (continued)
Takeoff path is clear. I am Section takeoff leader lowers arm. Wingman executes section takeoff.
commencing takeoff.
Take combat cruise. Leader holds up open hand palm out Execute.
towards his wingman and pushes out
and in.
Leader shifting lead to wingman. Leader pats self on head and points Wingman pats head and assumes
to wingman. At night, leader aircraft lead. At night, wingman puts external
switches lights to bright, and turns lights on dim, and turns anti−collision
anti−collision light on. light off when he accepts the lead.
If an external light failure, leader If an external light failure, wingman
shines flashlight on helmet, then shines flashlight at leader, then on
shines light on wingman. his helmet.
Leader shifting lead to division Leader pats self on head, points to Wingman relays signal; designated
designated by numerals. wingman, and holds up two or more division leader assumes lead.
Aircraft pointed out, leave formation. Leader blows kiss and points to Execute.
Directs plane to investigate object or Leader beckons wing plane, then Wingman indicated blows kiss and
vessel. points to eye, then to vessel or object. executes.
19−31 (Reverse
19−31 Blank) ORIGINAL
Navigation System
20.1 NAVIGATION SYSTEM parameters can also be entered on the RIO digital display
keyboard. Flight planning and waypoint information can also
The navigation system (Figure 20−1) combines inputs be downloaded from the Mission Data Loader in the RIOs
from various on−board sensors with inputs entered by the cockpit. Navigation and steering displays are provided to the
crew and provides the following outputs of aircraft position: pilot and RIO by means of various formats on the three MFDs
velocity, attitude, heading, accelerations, and angular rates. and to the pilot on the HUD. The PTID can also provide most
This information is displayed to the crew and also used by the navigation displays to the RIO. A BDHI in each cockpit can
weapons system and other aircraft functions. The system also display aircraft heading from the SAHRS, TACAN range and
provides steering and control commands for display to the bearing, and UHF/ADF bearing.
crew as required.
Navigation information from equipment not on the
The AN/ASN−139 inertial navigation set is the primary standard data bus is converted to the proper format by the
navigation sensor. It provides inertial information to the CIU. These units and the information they provide are as
MCS via a standard data bus. As a backup to the INS, the follows:
AN/USN−2 (V) SAHRS can provide similar, but somewhat
degraded inertial information. Selection of SAHRS data is 1. Standard central air data computer Altitude,
either automatic on failure of the INS or by operator airspeed, and other air related data.
selection. The MCS processes inertial data along with
2. AN/ARN−118 TACAN Range and bearing from
information from other navigation aids to provide smoothed
tuned TACAN station.
and optimized outputs for display or for use by other aircraft
systems and functions. 3. AN/ASW−27C data link Ship inertial navigation
system data for carrier alignment, waypoint
The Miniaturized Airborne GPS Receiver (MAGR) coordinates, automatic carrier landing system
provides precise position information to the ASN−139 and the commands, and vector steering commands.
MCS. It uses the Global Positioning System (GPS) constel
lation of satellites to very accurately fix the aircraft’s position 4. Instrument landing system SPN−42 course and
in three dimensions, and provides a source of velocity glideslope deviation inputs.
information that can be used for in−flight alignments of the
INS. Under normal circumstances, the MAGR provides 5. UHF/ADF Relative bearing to the tuned station.
position and velocity updates to the ASN−139 and MCS at
one second intervals. Position accuracy can be maintained to 6. AN/APN−194 radar altimeter Height above the
within approximately 16 meters (spherical error probability) surface.
under the most severe dynamic conditions.
The CIU also converts MCS steering command outputs
The AN/URC−107 JTIDS provides navigation and roll and pitch attitude information from the INS into
correction data for use in updating the navigation system and analog form for the DFCS.
velocity data for aligning the INS in flight. When installed,
the JTIDS receiver/transmitter replaces the AN/ARN−118 20.1.1 AN/ASN−139 Inertial Navigation Set
TACAN. With JTIDS installed, the CIU is not used to convert
the TACAN data to a 1553 format; the data goes directly from The INS is the primary navigation sensor. It is a self−
JTIDS to the MCS on the 1553 bus. contained system that includes an inertial measurement unit,
processing equipment, and the supporting electronics and
Navigation information that requires data entry is power supply. It provides inertial navigation inputs to the
normally inserted by the RIO using the DEU; however, most MCS.
The IMU is an all−attitude strapdown navigation 20.1.2 Miniature Airborne GPS Receiver (MAGR)
set that mounts three laser gyros for angular rate sensing
and three single−axis accelerometers for acceleration The MAGR is a 5−channel GPS receiver and data
measurement. processor, located in the MC2/ASPJ Bay. The MAGR uses
the signals from four satellites to provide navigation infor
Note mation. The fifth channel is used to sequentially monitor all
of the satellites in view to ensure that the best four are always
The DFCS uses IMU data to monitor the pitch used in the solution. Each MAGR channel precisely tracks
and roll rate gyros. An IMU invalid signal, or one satellite’s signals and demodulates the navigation
selection of the NAV MODE selector to OFF will message. This message includes timing and satellite position
result in a DFCS PQVM fault. The indications information, as well as diagnostic information about satellite
of this fault are the FCS CAUTION light health. The MAGR measures the signal transmission time to
accompanied by AFC PS and RS acronyms. This obtain pseudo−range and the Doppler shift of the carrier
is a redundancy degrade only, no functionality is signal to measure delta−range. Pseudo−range is the calculated
lost. Depressing MASTER RESET will clear distance to a satellite uncorrected for errors due to MAGR
fault indications once the IMU valid signal is clock bias, atmospheric delays, and receiver noise. Delta−
restored and the NAV MODE selector is not in range is a measure of the relative velocity between the
the OFF position. satellite and the GPS antenna. The MAGR filters the pseudo−
range and delta−range measurements to obtain true position,
In the strapdown configuration, the sensor assembly is velocity, and time information.
not isolated from the airframe by gimbals and senses aircraft
angular rate and accelerations directly. However, local level Radio Frequency signals (L−Band) from the GPS
and wander angle (the difference between initial pointing satellites are sensed by the AS/4336A Dual−Frequency GPS
angle and true north) must be established by alignment for the Antenna, which is located on the turtleback. A splitter−
INS to provide useful information. After alignment, the INS amplifier in the GPS antenna line provides GPS signals to
processor keeps track of the sensor assembly’s orientation weapon station B for LANTIRN pod use.
with respect to local level and true north by integrating the
sensed angular rates. The sensed accelerations are resolved To accelerate the satellite acquisition process, the
into north, east, and down components; corrected for coriolis MAGR uses stored almanac data. The almanac data is stored
and other factors; and integrated to provide velocity and in the MAGR in nonvolatile memory, supported by an
position information. internal battery. If this battery is removed or is low, the
MAGR requests almanac data from the MCS.
This information as well as accelerations, body rates,
attitude, and time tagging data is provided in digital form to Note
the MCS. Analog outputs of roll and pitch are provided to the
DFCS via the CIU.
D If valid almanac data is not available, the
MAGR will initiate a cold−start sky search for
The INS is controlled by the NAV MODE switch
visible satellites. Search and acquisition may
(Figure 20−2) on the RIO right console. This switch controls
take over 20 minutes. With valid almanac
power to the INS and selection of modes of alignment and
data, search time may be reduced to as little as
navigation. This switch is also used to control SAHRS
30 seconds. If a cold start is performed, the
alignment mode during concurrent alignment when both the
INS and SAHRS are being aligned in the same mode to the almanac is downloaded from the satellite
navigation message and stored for future use.
same data source. Data entry and selection of INS submodes
are by means of the MFD and DEU. D GPS satellite acquisition time may be affected
by a number of conditions, particularly
The INS uses 115 VAC from ac essential No. 2 bus L−band RF interference and line of sight
through INS PH A, B, and C circuit breakers (3C7, 4C1, and obstructions, as well as the currency of the
4C2). Refer to Chapter 2 for the alphanumeric listing of almanac data. On deck, aircraft proximity to
circuit breakers. large structures as a hangar or an aircraft
carrier island superstructure may delay or
The INS backup power supply is a separate unit that prevent satisfactory satellite acquisition until
provides 28−VDC power to the INS for transient protection the aircraft is moved.
for up to 20 seconds in flight and to 2 seconds on the ground.
Battery charging power is provided by the ac left main bus
through the INS BATT PWR circuit breaker 1I7.
1 NAV MODE selector NORM CV Initiates alignment with or without ships inertial navigation
system (SINS) data. Without SINS data, manual entry of the ships latitude,
longitude, true heading, and speed is required.
ALIGN GND Initiates alignment for shore base operations. Own aircraft
latitude and longitude required for initialization.
IFA Selects INS/GPS navigation. Can be used to align the INS using GPS
or other valid source of true heading.
ATT Selects the IMU backup navigation mode. May require entry of
aircraft true heading at least one time, via the DEU Own Aircraft format.
2 SYS RESET switch Resets transient failures in the data processor and mission computers.
The MAGR provides a UTC synchronization signal to for direct use by the DFCS, and magnetic heading for the
JTIDS and ARC-182 “Have Quick II” radio sets. The JTIDS BDHI. The SAHRS is controlled by MFD formats. During
receives the UTC via data bus message. The JTIDS concurrent alignment with the INS, the NAV MODE select
references it to a precise 1-Hertz discrete sent by the MAGR. switch also controls the SAHRS. In its normal operating
The “Have Quick II” radios receive the UTC (“mickey”) as mode, the SAHRS is an inertial system with velocity aiding
a serial input on separate, direct-wired lines when RCV TOD selectable. It can also operate as a conventional attitude
(PB 3) is depressed on the GPS Status format. heading reference system having slaved, directional gyro, or
emergency compass modes available. The SAHRS receives
The MAGR is powered by 115 VAC through the GPS magnetic heading from the magnetic azimuth detector;
circuit breaker (3E2). MAGR power is software controlled provides compensation for aircraft magnetic errors; and
through the DPs via PB 4 (PWR ON/OFF) on the GPS Status provides magnetic heading to the BDHI using the best source
Format. The MAGR is energized on either internal or available as determined by the navigation system.
external power, and is energized by default if both DPs are
failed. The MAGR also uses three C-cell equivalent alkaline The SAHRS uses 115 VAC from the ac left main bus
batteries to support power-off memory storage and internal through SAHRS A, B, and C circuit breakers (1I3, 1I5, and
time keeping. 1I6). It may also use 28-VDC power from the interrupt-free
bus via SAHRS DC circuit breaker (9I3) if ac power is not
20.1.3 AN/USN-2(V) Standard Attitude Heading available. Refer to Chapter 2 for the alphanumeric circuit
Reference System (SAHRS) breaker listing.
Aircraft with AFC 919 incorporated utilize the Naviga- 20.1.4 Mission Computer System (MCS)
tion Guidance System (NGS) SAHRS. It is a self-contained
The navigation system includes the navigation
strapdown all-attitude INS that uses a single monolithic laser
computations performed by the MCS. The computations of
gyro to sense angular rates for all three axis and three single-
inertial parameters are performed respectively in the INS and
axis accelerometers for acceleration measurements. It uses
SAHRS processing modules that interface with the MCS.
an improved SSA (502A6) and replaces the flux valve with
The MCS processes this inertial data as well as initial entered
a Magnetic Azimuth Detector (MAD) (502A5). NGS
data and navigation aiding inputs. Processing includes
SAHRS interfaces in the same manner to other systems as the
generating other navigation parameters, filtering, time
existing SAHRS system.
tagging, storing, and distributing data to the displays and
other system functions.
In the strapdown configuration, the sensor assembly is
not isolated from the airframe by gimbals and senses aircraft The MCS consists of two AN/AYK-14 (XN-6) tactical
angular rate and accelerations directly. However, local level computers: MC1 and MC2. Normally MC2 performs
and wander angle must be established by alignment for navigation system processing and computations. Should
SAHRS to provide useful information. After alignment, the MC2 fail, MC1 will perform virtually all navigation system
SAHRS processor keeps track of the sensor assembly’s functions with the exception of data link, JTIDS and radar
orientation with respect to local level and true north by position updates, JTIDS continuous position update,
integrating the sensed angular rates. The sensed accel- JTIDS in-flight align, and surface waypoint position
erations are resolved into north, east, and down components; determination.
corrected for coriolis and other factors; and integrated to
provide velocity and position information. The MCS is the data bus controller; it accepts INS,
MAGR, and SAHRS data. It accepts navigation initialization
Note data from the DEU or the DD and sub-mode selections from
the MFDs, providing this information to the INS, MAGR,
The DFCS uses SAHRS as a backup for the INS and SAHRS in the required formats. It also provides JTIDS
data to provide autopilot capability in the event the INS or SAHRS data and accepts navigation correction
of a failed IMU. Any SAHRS invalid signal and TACAN data from JTIDS. Inputs from the various
airborne will be detected and logged on the DCP navigation aids are provided to the MCS via the data bus after
following flight. In addition to an actual SAHRS formatting in the CIU.
failure, this may be caused by selection of SAHR
MODE of SLV, DG, or EC via the NAV SYSTEM Based on crew mode selection, equipment availability
AID MFD format shown in Figure 20-18. and input data received, the MCS determines the mode of
operation and the parameters to be computed. It processes
Outputs to the MCS include velocity, heading, attitude, and stores these values, using them for other functions within
linear accelerations, angular rates, and time tagging data. the MCS as well as distributing them to the displays and other
The SAHRS also generates synchro outputs of roll and pitch aircraft functions.
20-5 CHANGE 1
20.1.5 Navigation Data Initialization the pilot and the three MFDs for both crewmembers. In
addition, certain MFD formats provide pushbutton legends
Initial manual entry of required navigation information that permit submode selection and selection of other related
is accomplished by the RIO. Either the DEU or the DD display formats. These include HUD, VDI, HSD, OWN A/C,
control panel can be used. NAV AID, SURFACE WPT, INS UPDATE, and several
alignment formats. A description of the outputs available and Data Entry Unit (DEU) the use of these outputs can be found in paragraph 20.2,
Navigation System Data Distribution, and paragraph 20.3,
The DEU allows the RIO to manually enter the initial Navigation System Operation. The displays are discussed in
navigation information required for INS and SAHRS detail in Chapter 2.
alignments, GPS initialization, and for waypoint location.
Such required data inputs include latitude, longitude, 20.1.7 Programmable Tactical Information
altitude, waypoint type, date, time, carrier speed and Display (PTID)
heading, directional gyro magnetic heading, aircraft true
heading, and surface waypoint range and bearing. The The PTID provides the RIO an alternate means of
various DEU formats used are shown in Figure 20−3. This display for many of the alphanumeric and graphic outputs of
figure shows the DEU MENU display and the five DEU the navigation system. Information is transmitted from the
formats used for entry of initial data and navigation related MCS to the APG−71 and then to the PTID. Selection of
information. Use of these formats is discussed in paragraph display data is made via the DD.
20.3, Navigation System Operation. Refer to Chapter 2 for
detailed information on the DEU.
20.1.8 Converter Interface Unit (CIU) Digital Display (DD)
The CIU accepts all non−data, bus−compatible navi
The APG−71 DD provides the RIO with an alternate gation aid inputs and converts them to the proper format. The
means of entering most initial navigation data into the system CIU also converts the steering error commands generated by
except for SAHRS DG heading, barometric altimeter setting, the MCS into the required analog signals for the DFCS. These
date, and time; and control of JTIDS navigation functions. navigation aids, as they pertain to the navigation system, are
Use of the DD for entry of navigation is provided in described in the following paragraphs.
paragraph 20.3, Navigation System Operation.
20.1.9 Standard Central Air Data Computer GPS Initialization (SCADC)
MAGR initialization is improved when aircraft The SCADC is a single processor digital computer that
position, velocity, Zulu Time of Day (ZTOD), and date are gathers, stores, and processes pitot pressure, static pressure,
provided by the MCS. The correct time and date may also be total airstream temperature, and angle−of−attack data from
entered manually via the DEU OWN A/C format. Once the aircraft airstream sensors. In addition to performing wing
GPS begins navigation, ZTOD and date are provided to the sweep, flap and slat schedule computations, and limit
MCS by the MAGR and the ZTOD and date buttons on the controls for the flight control systems, the SCADC provides
DEU are removed. The MAGR maintains ZTOD and date air data related parameters to the MCS via the CIU. This
with its internal batteries when aircraft power is removed. information includes pressure altitude, pressure altitude rate
of change, true and calibrated airspeed, angle of attack, and
Note Mach number. True and calibrated airspeed, angle of attack,
and Mach number are displayed directly to the crew on the
Incorrect ZTOD or date values can delay or HUD and VDI format of the MFDs. Pressure altitude is
prevent satisfactory satellite acquisition. Correct corrected for nonstandard day conditions and then displayed
values should be verified on the GPS Status as system altitude. True airspeed may also be used in the
format and manually entered via the DEU if computation of wind. Wind provides a reference velocity
necessary. source for the INS or SAHRS for in−flight alignment and is
a component of system velocity during backup navigation
20.1.6 Displays Subsystem modes. A description of the pitot−static system and the
SCADC is provided in Chapter 2.
Navigation information is provided to the pilot and
RIO in both graphic and alphanumeric formats via HUD for
The TACAN has 126 X channels and 126 Y channels TACAN Controls and Indicators
available 1 MHz apart. The TACAN uses two aircraft
antennas, automatically switching between the two at Two identical TCN control panels (Figure 20−4), one in
5−second intervals until a threshold signal is received. The each cockpit, are provided to permit either crewmember to
AN/ARN−118 requires approximately 2 minutes for warmup; operate the TACAN. To determine which crewmember con
AN/URC−107 (JTIDS) is operational once TACAN self−test trols the TACAN, each cockpit has an alternate action
is complete. If stable range and bearing indications are not TACAN CMD pushbutton that illuminates either PLT or
available after this time, tune another station or check circuit NFO to show which cockpit has command. Both buttons
breakers. allow each crewmember to either give or take command of
the TACAN. A BDHI in each cockpit provides range and
bearing to a tuned TACAN station. Other TACAN displays
may be selected.
1 BDHI TACAN needle Displays relative bearing to the selected TACAN station
4 TACAN CMD buttons Selects pilot/RIO TACAN control for BDHI display. Alternate action lighted push
(Pilot and RIO) button that lights PLT or NFO to indicate which cockpit has command of the
TACAN. Pressing the button cycles command to the other cockpit and changes
light indication.
5 TACAN VOL control Varies level of the TACAN audio signal to the headsets. Clockwise rotation
increases volume.
REC Receive:
TACAN determines bearing from aircraft to selected TACAN
station. Bearing displayed on BDHI; available for MFD, HUD.
Station identifier is received, no range is calculated.
T/R Transmitreceive:
In addition to the REC functions, TACAN determines slant range
to selected TACAN station. Distance displayed on BDHI;
available for MFD, HUD.
• Air−to−air TACAN operation requires a 63 channel
separation between cooperating aircraft. Channel use
should be prearranged. Air−to−air TACAN between F−14s
is limited to slant range, no bearing is provided.
• When the AN/URC−107 (JTIDS) is installed, TACAN data
on the HUD and MFD requires the selection of DATA SIL,
NORM, or POLL on the JTIDS control panel.
7 Right hand channel The inner knob sets the channel number units digit. The outer knob sets
knob X and Y channels.
8 TEST button/light Initiates self−test. The light illuminates to indicate failure of continuous monitor
test or either manually or automatically initiated self−test.
9 Left hand channel knob Sets channel number hundreds and tens digits. TACAN Testing TEST light goes on at any time during flight, it indicates a
failure of automatic self−test and all TACAN information
TACAN testing includes continuous monitoring and should be disregarded.
commanded self−test. Continuous monitoring checks certain
internal functions of the TACAN on a continuous basis. 20.1.11 AN/ASW−27C Data Link (D/L)
Failure of one of these checks causes the TEST light on the
TCN panel to illuminate. Commanded self−test is either During carrier alignment, D/L provides SINS data to
manually or automatically initiated. The TEST button is a the INS via the CIU. This data is also provided to the SAHRS
momentary action pushbutton switch that is pressed to place during concurrent carrier alignment. Before takeoff the D/L
the TACAN into the commanded self−test mode manually. can be used to provide waypoint coordinates to the MCS via
The test may be accomplished in all operating modes. the CIU for later use in steering and position updating. After
Commanded self−test interrupts normal operation for a takeoff, the D/L provides control and steering commands that
22−second cycle and provides a high−confidence test of the are available for display or may be coupled to the autopilot
TACAN except for the antennas. When TEST is selected in during vector steering or ACL operation.
T/R, a power check is initiated for the transmitter, receiver,
distance, and bearing circuits. The BDHI bearing pointer
Refer to NAVAIR 01−F14AAD−lA for a complete
should swing to 270_ in 2 to 7 seconds and the range OFF flag
discussion of data link.
should appear. After approximately 7−seconds, the BDHI
bearing pointer should swing to 180_ and the OFF flag should
20.1.12 UHF Automatic Direction Finder (ADF)
disappear. The distance indicator should read 000.0 nm. The
BDHI should return to its original bearing and distance
The UHF/ADF provides the relative bearing to a UHF
readings after 15 seconds. The TEST light will momentarily
flash when the test is initiated. If the light goes on and stays transmitting station from the aircraft. This information is
displayed directly on the BDHI and on the MFD HSD format.
on during test, a malfunction is indicated. In addition, the
OBC CNI format on the MFD displays a TACAN NO−GO or
NOT READY indication if there is a test failure. If a self−test 20.1.13 Bearing Distance Heading Indicator (BDHI)
in the T/R mode results in a failure indication, select REC and
perform the test again. If the failure indication is removed, A BDHI is on the left side of the pilot and RIO instru
bearing information is still valid. The AN/URC−107 ment panels (Figure 20−4). The BDHI is a remote heading
performs all the same TACAN tests as the AN/ARN−118. indicator that displays aircraft magnetic heading, TACAN
and UHF/ADF bearings, and TACAN slant range. The
It also performs a commanded self−test when a JTIDS rotating compass card receives its heading reference from the
OBC is selected on the MFD OBC page. JTIDS OBC SAHRS. Aircraft heading is read against a fixed index mark
provides TACAN fail data on the JTIDS fail data page. Refer at the 12−o’clock position. The two servo−driven needles are
to JTIDS self−test Chapter 27. The following will cause the positioned by relative bearing information provided by the
TACAN lock to break for 4 seconds: the power up or down UHF/ADF to the single bar (No. 1) needle and by the TACAN
of JTIDS, going from OFF or STBY to DATA SIL, NORM, to the double bar (No. 2) needle. Magnetic bearing to the
or POLL or back to STBY or OFF on the JTIDS control panel. station is read under the head of the needle. Relative bearing
The range off flag will appear and bearing will swing to 270_ can be determined by comparing the bearing reading with
for 2 seconds then reacquire lock to the station. magnetic heading. The range window on the right side of the
indicator displays TACAN slant range. When the TACAN is
Whenever a signal becomes unreliable (loss exceeds off or range is unreliable, an OFF flag covers the window.
memory time), self−test is initiated automatically. If the
20.1.14 AN/URC−107 Joint Tactical Information Dis The navigation update function has to be manually
tribution System (JTIDS) selected. These selections are JTIDS one−fix, continuous
position, and INS in−flight alignment. The aircrew has the
JTIDS is a jam−resistant communication system that ability to select either of the JTIDS grids via the NAV
provides the F−14D with two−way secure data and digital SYSTEM AID page. This selection determines which data
voice communication. In addition to the JTIDS commu the MCS will use to perform the track conversion and
nication functions, it also provides the F−14D with navigation continuous position updates. Independent of this selection,
and TACAN data. JTIDS one−fix and INS in−flight alignments will always be
performed using the geodetic data.
The JTIDS system internally computes relative navi
gation and position location information. All participants Internal to the JTIDS system is the equivalent of an
(JTIDS terminals) in the same net determine their position AN/ARN−118 TACAN system. Installation of JTIDS in the
relative to each other. This is referred to as the JTIDS relative aircraft replaces the AN/ARN−118 with the JTIDS receiver/
navigation function. The basis of this function is the TDMA transmitter. Refer to 20.1.10 for JTIDS TACAN operation.
architecture and precise synchronization of all participants to
a common time base (net time reference). This allows each 20.2 NAVIGATION SYSTEM DATA DISTRIBUTION
JTIDS system to accurately determine the time a message
The navigation system provides data to other systems
was transmitted and its TOA, and then compute the range
and functions as well as for display to the crew. In general,
from the source of the message. JTIDS computes an estimate
this is similar to displayed data, but such parameters as
of its own relative position coupled with the position and
aircraft angular rates, accelerations, and time tag data are
navigation quality contained in each participants PPLI
also included. Figure 20−5 summarizes navigation system
message. With data from multiple participants with equal or
better position plus the navigation data from the INS, GPS,
or SAHRS, JTIDS can compute an excellent estimate of 20.2.1 Navigation Data Display
own−ship position and velocities. JTIDS will automatically
update the own−ship position in the PPLI message with its Navigation information is displayed to the aircrew in
estimated position. It also provides an estimated quality graphic form on the HUD and MFD and in tabular form on
(accuracy) of the position it computed. This quality is the MFD.
provided to the MCS and included in the PPLI message.
When the DISPLAYS panel TLN (takeoff, landing,
JTIDS is a dual grid system utilizing a geodetic and an navigation) MODE button is selected, both the HUD and the
independent relative grid. JTIDS can operate in both grids MFD VDI format show navigation information graphically
simultaneously, but the MCS is limited to operating in one in the vertical plane. The MFD can also show a HSD format
grid at a time. The relative mode requires a coordinated grid that provides graphic navigation information in the
origin (latitude and longitude) and the selection of NAV con horizontal plane.
troller (a high−quality navigation source). The geodetic grid
is the F−14D default mode and, unlike the relative grid, Tabular information relating to alignment, waypoints,
requires no special coordination. Refer to NAVAIR GPS status, flight plans, and own aircraft can be displayed on
01−F14AAD−1A for the MFD displays of JTIDS navigation the MFDs.
The navigation information provided by the various
JTIDS receives navigation sensor data from the MCS display selections is described in the paragraphs that follow.
and returns navigation corrections. The sensor data is used by HUD TLN Basic
JTIDS in its relative navigation calculations, own−ship
position in the PPLI message, and for calculating navigation The HUD provides primary flight and navigation
corrections. information in graphic and numeric form in a portion of the
pilot’s field of view through the windscreen encompassing
The JTIDS navigation correction data sent back to the ±10_ in azimuth and elevation (Figure 20−6). A repeat of this
MCS is used to perform track conversions and navigation information can be displayed on the MFD by selecting the
updates. The JTIDS correction data will only be used for HUD pushbutton on the MENU1 format, or on DD by
track conversions and navigation updates when it is valid and depressing MFK and RPTSPL then HUD.
has a quality ≤ 3 (≤ 18,080 feet in error). The track conversion
function uses the JTIDS delta navigation corrections to pad In addition to the information in Figure 20−6, other
all received and transmitted tracks on the JTIDS link into the HUD formats provide indications of glideslope and center
JTIDS navigation reference. This function is performed line errors for ACL and ILS steering modes as well as flight
automatically by the MCS. director steering information and commanded heading.
NAVAIR 01−F14AAD−1 MFD VDI (Basic) Format, TLN Mode HSD Waypoint Data Buffers
The MFDs provide a VDI format that is a represen Both the left and right data buffers behave differently
tation in the vertical plane of a field of view of ±45_ in depending on the choice of steering mode. The left data
azimuth and elevation. In the TLN basic mode (Figure 20−7), buffer (next to PB 5) always displays waypoint information.
the VDI format displays the same information as the HUD This waypoint information changes slightly based on
except for the airspeed and altitude dials, angle of attack, and steering mode and the waypoint displayed. The right data
g readouts. buffer displays either TACAN information or another
waypoint buffer.
This format also provides readouts of the course and
heading selected using the CRS and HDG knobs on the pilot The data buffers will only display waypoint
center instrument panel (FO−3). Pushbutton legends permit information for the 100 tactical waypoints and any defined
selection of destination (DEST), data link (D/L), TACAN waypoints in the active flight plan. If a flight plan is active,
(TCN), manual (MAN), GPS, AUTO, or all−weather landing when the inky−dink (increment−decrement) scrolls upward
(AWL) steering. through 100, it will jump to the first waypoint in the active
flight plan (i.e., 101, 201, 301, etc.). When scrolling down
In addition to the information in Figure 20−7, other through 1, it will jump to the last defined waypoint in the
MFD formats provide indications of ACL glideslope and active flight plan (i.e., 115, 237, 524, etc.).
centerline errors, glideslope and centerline errors from
ILS, flight director glideslope and centerline steering If both data buffers are displaying waypoint
information, commanded heading, commanded speed and information, the inky−dink arrow’s focus is assigned to the
altitude information, and HUD flight director declutter. desired buffer by pressing the pushbutton next to that buffer
(i.e., PB 5 or PB 11). The buffer with the inky−dink focus will MFD Own−Aircraft (Basic) Data Format be displayed with a box around it, and the waypoint number
displayed in that buffer will be displayed between the
The MFD own−aircraft (basic) data format inky−dink arrows. If the steering mode is changed to one
(Figure 208) furnishes navigational data in tabular form. which displays TACAN information on the right, the
This format can be called up from several of the MFD formats inky−dink and box will be automatically assigned to the left
by selecting the DATA pushbutton legend. buffer, since they have no meaning for a TACAN station.
NAVAIR 01−F14AAD−1 Right Buffer Behavior the steering mode selected, information available and phase
of flight. The three modes are defined in the following table:
The right data buffer either displays direct steering
waypoint information (waypoint number, bearing, range, Function Description
time to go, and name if a flight plan waypoint), or it displays
TACAN steering information (channel, bearing, range, time TTG Time−to−Go represents (in an HH:MM:SS
to go), depending on steering mode. format) the time remaining to reach the
current steerpoint at the current ground speed.
In DEST, GPS, or AUTO steering, the right buffer dis Time−to−Go is the default time remaining
plays waypoint information. In all other steering modes, the function and the default display for the clock
right buffer displays TACAN steering information. buffer of the HSD format. It is displayed on
the HUD and the HSD format when the Clock Navigation Clocks and Timers Select legend is TTG". It does not account
for time to turn to a direct heading.
To facilitate navigational timekeeping and sequencing, TTGT Time−to−Target is available when navigating
several clock and timer displays are available to the aircrew along an active flight plan with a defined route
on the HSD format and HUD Display. Figure 20−9 illustrates and a target waypoint. Time−to−Target
the HSD clock readout. The HSD format clock and timer represents (in an HH:MM:SS format) the time
displays are reconfigured automatically to coincide appro remaining to reach the designated target
priately with the HUD clock selection. One clock or timer waypoint along the flight plan route at the
may be displayed on the HUD, and all options are selected via current ground speed. When TTGT is
Clock Select (PB 7) on the HSD format. All clock functions available, it automatically replaces TTG as
that reference a time of day require ZTOD (Zulu Time Of the time remaining selection. It is displayed
Day) information provided by the GPS if available or by on the HUD and the HSD format when the
manual entry via the DEU. Clock Select legend is TTGT".
The ET represents (in a MM:SS format) the time Procedures for operational use of the navigation
elapsed since the MCS timer was started. It is displayed on system are provided in the paragraphs that follow including
the HUD and the HSD format when the Clock Select legend display formats and control selections for alignment, data
is ET". While ET is running, other clock and timer modes initialization, flight plan management, in−flight navigation,
still may be selected on the HUD and the HSD format. sensor selection, degraded mode operation, and tactical
Conversely, if ET is not running, it may still be selected for navigation. Tactical navigation includes: range and bearing
display. to selected waypoints; display of TACAN, GPS, destination,
and automatic waypoint steering; autopilot steering; AWL
The ET timer is controlled via the DEU as follows:
aircraft control; position updating; and surface waypoint
1. From the main menu format, depress CLK to select position determination. These procedures are normally
the Clock format. performed in the TLN mode; however navigation outputs are
available to other aircraft functions and displays in all modes.
2. Depress ET to select the ET mode.
20.3.1 GPS Operation
3. To start the ET timer depress STRT and ENT.
4. To stop the ET timer, depress STOP and ENT. The Navigation Satellite Timing and Ranging
(NAVSTAR) Global Positioning System (GPS) is a radio
5. To reset the ET timer, depress ET, ENT, then navigation system using satellites in twelve hour orbits to
STOP, ENT provide timing signals derived from onboard atomic clocks.
These signals can be used to triangulate a three dimensional Countdown (CD) Timer
position near the earth using an appropriate receiver. The
receiver detects the timing signals, compares them to its own
The CD timer represents (in a MM:SS format) the time
clock then converts the time obtained into a distance to the
to go to zero since the MCS timer was started from a preset
satellite using the speed of light as a conversion factor. By
value. It is displayed on the HUD and the HSD format when
obtaining signals from four satellites, the receiver can
the Clock Select legend is CD". While CD is running, other
determine position in three dimensions plus identify its own
clock and timer modes still may be selected on the HUD and
small clock error.
the HSD format. Conversely, if CD is not running, it may still
be selected for display. The default value for the CD timer is
06:00. The satellites transmit two different GPS signals in
combination on two different frequencies. C/A−code
The CD timer is controlled via the DEU as follows: (Coarse/Acquisition code) is used to help the receiver acquire
the GPS signal and provide hand−over information to the
1. From the main menu format, depress CLK to select primary navigation signal, the P−Code. GPS signals use two
the Clock format. frequencies, L1 (1575.42 MHz) and L2 (1227.60 MHz); C/A−
Code is normally transmitted only on L1, and P−Code (or
2. Depress CD to select the CD mode.
Y−Code, see below) is transmitted on both L1 and L2. Dual
3. To enter a CD time value, depress CD TIME to frequencies allow the receiver to make an estimate of iono
select the CD Time Entry format. Use the numeric spheric refraction, and help to improve overall GPS jamming
keypad and other control keys to enter the desired tolerance.
count−down time value.
Both the C/A−Code and P−Code contain a navigation
4. To start the CD timer, depress STRT and ENT. message with information about satellite position, time, the
5. To stop the CD timer, depress STOP and ENT. health of the satellite, and the complete constellation
almanac. A Hand−Over Word is included in the navigation
6. To reset the CD timer to the previous timer start message that tells a receiver tracking C/A−Code which part
value, depress STOP and ENT a second successive of the P−Code sequence the satellite is currently transmitting.
time. The theoretical accuracy of both C/A−Code and P−Code
signals is similar. The advantage of P−Code is derived from Navigation Data Display Summary its transmission on two frequencies, and the subsequent
ionospheric refraction estimate that is possible thereby.
Figure 20−10 summarizes the navigation data available
on HUD and MFD formats.
The GPS utilizes a cryptographic scheme to convert System. Nor does receipt of P−Code guarantee
the P−Code signal into a Y−Code signal. By encrypting that PPS is in use. C/A−Code contains all the
the primary navigation signal, GPS can be rendered information required to provide a PPS solution.
impervious to spoofing" the intentional transmission of a All that is necessary is that the appropriate
false signal to mislead recipients. This function is termed crypto−codes be loaded into the receiver so that
Anti−Spoof" (A−S), and its use is mandated for all US the error message can be decrypted.
military GPS users. The MAGR will automatically switch to
this mode if the appropriate crypto−codes are loaded (see The receiver outputs a Figure of Merit (FOM) that
paragraph provides, in a single digit number, a rough indication of the
overall quality of the navigation solution. FOM ranges from
Note 1 to 9, and includes estimates of signal quality and GDOP. A
properly operating GPS receiver, in PPS mode, will normally
The MAGR is unclassified even when the
display a FOM of 1, an operating SPS receiver (i.e., the
crypto−keys are loaded.
MAGR when the crypto−codes are not loaded) will display a GPS Accuracy FOM of 4, and a functional receiver without a navigation
solution will display a FOM of 9. Intermediate values will
The quality of the received signals and the orientation appear, especially when the receiver first begins to track
of the satellites determine the actual quality of the position satellites, and when degradation due to jamming or signal
estimate provided by GPS. Jamming, obstructions, and loss occurs. The MCS receives the FOM from the MAGR and
multipath can degrade the quality of the received signal, outputs it for display on OWN A/C format of the MFD. The
while satellite constellation geometry can introduce position MCS and INS use FOM to assign appropriate weighting to
errors (termed Geometric Dilution of Precision GDOP). the GPS solution in the overall NSV.
The MAGR is designed to minimize these errors. GPS Status Format
The GPS system provides two levels of accuracy. The
The GPS Status format displays the GPS parameters as
Precise Positioning System (PPS) is capable of accuracy
depicted in Figure 2011. All readouts (except MODE) will
better than 16 meters Spherical Error Probable (SEP) (i.e.,
be blanked while the GPS is performing a commanded BIT.
50% of the time the calculated position will be within a
sphere 16 meters in radius centered on the actual position). MODE will show TEST". MAGR power, transmission of
UTC synchronization to the HAVE QUICK radios, and
It is intended for military use only. PPS also provides time
display of the MAGR status are controlled from the GPS
with an error of less than 100 nanoseconds.
Status format.
Standard Positioning System (SPS) accuracy is
The MAGR power is toggled on and off by depressing
variable. When the satellites transmit their timing signals,
PWR (PB 4) on the GPS Status format. The appropriate ON
small, continuously varying errors are injected into the
navigation message of both the C/A−Code and the P/Y−Code or OFF status legend is also displayed. The default selection
is PWR ON.
signals to reduce the position and time accuracy a receiver
calculates. The size of the errors are encrypted and also sent
as part of the satellite transmission. A PPS receiver requires
that the matching crypto−codes be loaded to resolve the error. The PWR ON legend only indicates that the
These are the same crypto−codes used for the Anti−Spoof MAGR has been energized. Boxing the GPS
function. legend (PB 13) on the OWN A/C or NAV System
Aid format makes GPS data available to the
The injected errors, termed Selective Availability navigation system.
(SA)", are controlled by the US Air Force on behalf of the
Department of Defense (DoD) so that, in a conflict, an enemy The UTC time of day is made available to the ARC−182
will not be able to use the system. In peacetime, the DoD Have Quick II" radios by momentarily depressing RCV
guarantees SPS precision will not exceed 100 meters TOD (PB 3) while the MAGR is in the NAVIGATE mode.
horizontally with 95% confidence (i.e., the horizontal RCV TOD is inoperative in the TEST and INITIALIZE
position will be within 100 meters at least 95% of the time). modes, and is not available with MAGR power off (see
In peace, SA is turned off; thus, SPS and PPS solutions have Chapter 19 for radio time sync operation).
the same accuracy.
When the MAGR is operating at its peak performance,
Note the GPS Status format will look like the display in
It is not necessary to receive P−Code (or Y−Code) Figure 2011. The figure legend contains the possible ranges
in order to make use of the Precise Positioning for the GPS Status Format Parameters.
2 CODE PRECISE Type of code the MAGR is tracking. PRECISE indicates that the
COARSE MAGR is using P or Y Code, COARSE indicates that the MAGR is
using C/A Code. COARSE will not be observed, or observed very
briefly as the receiver acquires satellites, if the receiver is operating
5 ALMANAC GO The status of the MDL almanac data available to the MAGR.
NO DATA GO indicates that the valid MDL almanac data is available. All
MDL NOT READY other conditions indicate that valid almanac data is unavailable.
MDL FAIL NO DATA indicates that almanac data is not present on the MDL or
is more than one month old. MDL NOT READY indicates that
there is either no data bus communication or no cartridge in the
MDL. MDL FAIL indicates that an MDL failure is preventing access
to almanac data.
If valid almanac data is not available, either within MAGR memory
or on the MDL, the MAGR will initiate a cold start sky search for
visible satellites. Search and acquisition may take over 20 minutes.
Once satellites are received, the MAGR will extract the Almanac
from the GPS navigation message and store it in volatile memory
for future use.
6 ZTOD HH:MM:SS In NAVIGATE mode, indicates Zulu Time of Day. In the INITIALIZE
mode, momentarily indicates the time of MAGR initialization. A
blank field is displayed if no valid time is
7 DATE MM/DD/YY In the NAVIGATE mode, indicates the current date. MM/DD/YY
is displayed if no valid date is available or the MAGR is not in
8 DATA (PB 1) Returns the OWN A/C Basic format with DEU slaved for Own A/C
data entry.
10 RCV TOD Depressing RCV TOD pushtile provides time to the ARC−182
(PB 3) Have Quick II" radios.
12 CRYPTO KEY VERIFIED The status of the GPS crypto keys. VERIFIED indicates that the
UNVERIFIED loaded key matches that used by the satellites. UNVERIFIED
INCORRECT indicates that the loaded key has not yet been verified through
PARITY ERROR comparison with the satellites. INCORRECT indicates that the
NO KEYS loaded key is incorrect. PARITY ERROR indicates that the
[BLANK] MAGR detected a parity error in the loaded key the key should
be reloaded. NO KEYS indicates that no key is loaded. The crypto
key is BLANK until NAVIGATE mode is entered.
16 MODE TEST With PWR ON, TEST appears for about 30 seconds as the
INITIALIZE MAGR self−test is run (provided MAGR was off for at least 30
NAVIGATE seconds). INITIALIZE then appears for about five seconds, then
[BLANK] NAVIGATE appears. With PWR OFF, this field is BLANK.
Note: 1. The battery is used to maintain GPS Almanac and Crypto Keys in volatile memory when the primary
power is off.
NAVAIR 01−F14AAD−1 GPS Crypto Keys overridden by manual aircrew selections. Navigation sensors
used are listed in the lower center legend of the NAV (Navi
The MAGR crypto key is loaded by maintenance
gation) System Aid format (see Figure 2014). With a fully
personnel via the Crypto Load Panel on the right−hand side
operational system, this legend should read INS/GPS".
of the aircraft (Figure 20−12). The required codes are changed
daily, but multiple codes may be loaded into the MAGR at Manual selections are made via the INS, SAHR, and
one time. If the codes do not match the keys in the satellite, GPS legends on the OWN A/C or NAV System Aid format.
the MAGR will still operate, but in SPS mode only. Manual selection of INS or SAHRS is indicated by an M"
on the OWN A/C or NAV System Aid format, adjacent to the
20.3.2 Navigation Modes sensor legends. The absence of an M" indicates automatic
The navigation system can operate in four basic states mode selection is available. Normally INS will be automat
(primary, secondary, tertiary and backup), depending on the ically selected. Automatic deselection of GPS is indicated by
selection of navigation sensors. A summary of these states a dash−boxed GPS legend on the OWN A/C or NAV System
and the navigation sensor data used for the various modes is Aid formats (Figure 208 and Figure 2014), indicating that
provided in Figure 20−13. The primary mode couples the automatic reselection is available. The inability to box a
MAGR and the INS to derive an extremely accurate navi legend corresponding to a specific navigation sensor
gation solution. In all other modes, if GPS information is indicates that the sensor is unavailable for selection.
available, it is used directly to update the NSV position in the Note
MCS due to its inherent accuracy. Navigation State Vector
velocity and heading are updated by INS, SAHRS, GPS, or D During aircraft start, GPS should automati
external sources, in order of priority. Either the INS or cally box once a FOM of 4 is achieved. GPS
SAHRS provides attitude, accelerations, and angular rates will be boxed (dashed) on start up.
for NSV computations. In all modes, the functions and D If the MAGR degrades to a FOM of 8 or 9, it
outputs normally provided by the navigation system are will declare its output invalid to the MCS,
made available to the maximum extent possible. resulting in automatic deselection of GPS
(dashed box) and downgrading of the
The navigation system automatically selects the best navigation mode.
operating mode based on available sensors, unless
y Provides superior navigation under all flight conditions.
y Provides satisfactory navigation in maneuvering flight
y Provides adequate navigation in non−maneuvering flight.
p Provides marginal navigation for emergency purposes. Heading based on GPS N & E Velocity.
Available external velocity sources are selected by output invalid to the MCS (FOM > 7), GPS/INS mode will be
depressing SAHR VEL REF on the NAV System Aid format. automatically deselected and the boxed GPS legend on the
The listed sources are: OWN A/C or NAV System Aid format will appear dashed.
The navigation system will then operate in the inertial−only
SAHRS VELOCITY SOURCES INS mode (see paragraph If the MAGR recovers to
FOM ≤ 7, GPS/INS mode will be reselected automatically,
SYS System NSV velocity, computed using all valid provided that GPS was not deselected manually.
velocity sources. SYS is recommended if GPS
is selected, since it is the only source that INS Mode
includes GPS information
TCN TACAN−relative computed velocity The INS mode provides the most accurate navigation
solution if GPS information is unavailable, and is the default
JTID JTIDS computed velocity.
non−GPS navigation mode. INS mode operation is the same
AIR True airspeed, computed by the SCADC and as that in previous F−14D configurations without GPS, with
compensated for winds. a performance typically within 1 nm per hour. Navigation
State Vector updates are derived from weighted mixes of INS
RDR Radar−relative computed velocity.
and SAHRS inputs.
INS INS inertial velocity. If GPS is not selected,
INS provides the best reference velocity. The INS mode is entered at the completion of an INS
alignment when the NAV MODE switch is placed in INS, or
automatically if the aircraft becomes airborne and the NAV Secondary Navigation MODE switch is still in an align position, provided sufficient
alignment quality has been achieved. Selection of this mode
is verified with the display of INS" on the lower left of the GPS/INS Mode
HSD format.
GPS/INS is the next best mode. GPS/INS is selected
with the NAV MODE switch in INS after achieving a com
plete alignment, and then boxing GPS. This mode does the Selection of INS on the NAV MODE switch with
filtering of GPS with INS information in the MC. The main a displayed alignment quality of 5.0 or higher
difference between GPS/INS and INS/GPS is that in the lat will result in entry into the IMU (Inertial
ter, the velocities input to the NSV are more accurate and the Measurement Unit) mode (see paragraph
INS is continuously updated by the MAGR. Good long−term
navigation performance may be expected in GPS/INS. How
ever, dynamic response will not be as precise as with the INS Velocity−Aided IFA Mode
prime INS/GPS mode, and with extensive dynamic maneu
vering this accuracy will degrade. Navigation accuracy in The INS Velocity−Aided IFA mode aligns the INS in
GPS/INS mode is nevertheless superior to an inertial−only flight without GPS velocity or position information, using a
mode. selectable external velocity reference source. Since INS IFA
mode uses the current system position information, a one−fix
In GPS/INS mode, the NSV position is derived directly position update is recommended before selecting INS IFA
from GPS information. Navigation State Vector velocity, atti mode.
tude, and heading are provided directly by the INS. There is
no direct transfer of data between the INS and the MAGR.
Available external velocity sources are JTID, SYS, and 5. Place the NAV MODE switch to INS when the INS
AIR. The preferred velocity sources, in order of priority, are: ALGN CMPLT computer message is displayed, or
if the aircraft is to be maneuvered dynamically.
JTID JTIDS information, available to the MCS
only when operating in a JTIDS network. Because of the extensive time required for an
INS lEA with quality JTIDS information INS IFA (up to 35 minutes), the NAV MODE
typically requires 12 to 15 minutes. The switch may be placed to INS before the INS
quality of a JTIDS INS lEA will increase ALGN CMPLT message is displayed. Either
with the number of JTIDS participants. the INS mode or IMU mode will be selected
automatically, depending on the quality of the
SYS System velocity represents a weighted
alignment when INS is selected on the NAV
mix of all available velocity sources. It is
MODE switch.
subject to errors in any of the involved
velocity sources. 6. Verify the navigation mode legend on the lower left
AIR Air data provided by the SCADC. of the HSD format.
Accuracy depends on that of the computed
or entered winds. Because of the potential Note
for poor accuracy, the INS ALGN CMPLT Selection of INS on the NAV MODE switch
computer message may never be with a displayed alignment quality of 5.0 or
displayed. AIR should be selected only higher will result in entry into the IMU mode
as a last choice and only when the INS (see paragraph
is degraded enough to prevent mission
accomplishment. This takes up to Tertiary Navigation
35 minutes. GPS/SAHRS Mode
The INS IFA mode is entered if INS is selected on The GPS/SAHRS mode provides reasonable naviga
the OWN A/C or NAV System Aid format, the NAV tion in non−maneuvering flight due primarily to the use of
MODE switch is placed in IFA, and GPS is not available. GPS position information. However, it is not as accurate as
In INS IFA mode, INS" is displayed on lower left of the HSD the primary or secondary navigation modes, and substantial
format, so selection of this mode must be verified by errors may accrue during extended maneuvering flight using
referencing the IFA format. See Figure 2015. Specific INS SAHRS inputs.
IFA procedures are:
In GPS/SAHRS mode, there is no direct transfer of
1. From the OWN A/C format, select SAHR as a valid information between the MAGR and the SAHRS. NSV
source of true heading. If reasonable SAHRS position is derived directly from GPS information, and
heading information is not available, then enter the NSV velocities, attitude, and heading information are
best estimated true heading from the DEU OWN derived from SAHRS.
A/C format.
The GPS/SAHRS mode is entered when GPS and
2. Select IFA on the NAV MODE switch. The IFA SAHR are selected on the OWN A/C or NAV System Aid
format will appear. format. Selection of this mode is verified with the display of
GPS/SAHRS" on the lower left of the HSD format.
If the MAGR FOM increases, the MCS will continue
To ensure good initial alignment, straight and to use GPS position information. If the MAGR declares its
level flight should be maintained from 1 to 5 output invalid to the MCS (FOM > 7), then GPS/SAHRS
minutes after IFA is selected on the NAV mode will be automatically deselected and the boxed GPS
MODE switch. legend on the OWN A/C or NAV System Aid format will
appear dashed. The navigation system will then operate in the
3. From the IFA format, select a velocity source from inertial−only SAHRS mode (see paragraph If the
JTID, SYS, or AIR selections. MAGR recovers to FOM ≤7, GPS/SAHRS mode will be
reselected automatically, provided that GPS was not
4. Observe the alignment progress on the IFA format. deselected manually.
NAVAIR 01−F14AAD−1 GPS/IMU Mode If the MAGR FOM increases, the MCS will continue
to use GPS position information. If the MAGR declares its
The GPS/IMU mode provides reasonable navigation in output invalid to the MCS (FOM > 7), GPS/IMU mode will
non−maneuvering flight due primarily to the use of GPS be automatically deselected and the boxed GPS legend
position information. However, substantial errors will accrue (PB 13) on the OWN AC or NAV System Aid format will
during extended maneuvering flight. appear dashed. The navigation system will then operate in
Navigation State Vector position is derived directly the attitude−only IMU mode (see paragraph If the
from GPS information. If SAHRS velocity is valid, it is used. MAGR recovers to FOM ≤7, GPS/IMU mode will be
If not, NSV velocity is derived by mixing GPS and other reselected automatically, provided that GPS was not
available system velocities, which could include JTIDS and deselected manually.
Air Data. Attitude and heading are derived from inertial SAHRS Normal Mode
angles provided by the IMU.
The SAHRS Normal mode uses dynamic inputs sensed
The GPS/IMU mode is entered when INS and GPS are by the SAHRS in its normal mode, with the same function
selected on the OWN A/C and NAV System Aid format, the ality as INS mode. The Normal mode provides reasonable
SAHRS is unavailable, and the NAV MODE switch is placed short−term inertial navigation. NSV position, velocity,
to ATT, or to INS with only the IMU sub−mode available. attitude, and heading are updated directly by the SAHRS.
Availability of the IMU sub−mode of the INS is verified by However, because of the reduced sensitivity and precision
the display of IMU" in the center legend of the NAV System within the SAHRS, performance typically is between 2 and
Aid format, which depicts available sensors. Selection of this 10 nm per hour, depending upon the quality of the initial
mode is verified with the display of GPS/IMU" on the lower SAHRS alignment.
left of the HSD format.
The SAHRS Normal mode is entered when SAHR (PB
Note 12) is selected as the sole navigation aid source on the OWN
If the INS degrades to the IMU sub−mode, the A/C or NAV System Aid format (Figure 2016). An M" will
SAHRS will be selected automatically for be displayed adjacent to the SAHR legend if the selection is
navigation reference, if it is available. The IMU manual, indicating that automatic sensor selection is not
will be selected if the SAHRS is not available. available. Selection of this mode is verified with the display
of SAHRS" on the HSD format.
NAVAIR 01−F14AAD−1 Backup Navigation adjacent to the altitude display to alert the pilot that a backup
altitude source is selected. GPS Mode
If the MAGR FOM increases, the MCS will continue
GPS mode provides minimal navigation information to to use GPS position information. If the MAGR declares its
the aircrew, all of which is derived directly from MAGR output invalid to the MCS (FOM >7), GPS mode will be
outputs and available external velocity reference sources. automatically selected and the boxed GPS legend (PB 13) on
True airspeed and altitude, as computed by the SCADC, are the OWN AC or NAV System Aid format will dash. All
sent continually to the MAGR to improve its dynamic navigation information except available air data will be lost.
response. Due to the absence of aircraft−sensed inertial data If the MAGR recovers to an FOM ≤ 7, GPS mode will be
to stabilize the MAGR, increased errors may be expected in reselected automatically, provided that GPS was not
maneuvering flight or if L−band jamming is encountered. deselected manually.
In GPS mode, NSV position is derived directly from IMU Backup Mode
GPS information. The NSV velocities are derived by mixing
GPS and other valid velocities. Attitude data is not available Inertial Measurement Unit mode provides minimal
(except from the standby attitude indicators) and will not be safety−of−flight information to the aircrew but no inertial
displayed on the HUD or the VDI. Heading is computed by navigation capability. All navigation information is derived
the MCS using GPS north and east velocities, and will be in directly from the IMU outputs of the INS and from available
error due to the drift caused by wind. Wind speed and external velocity references.
direction may be entered manually via the DEU OWN A/C In the IMU mode, aircraft attitude is derived directly
format. from IMU inertial angles. Initial true heading is also
GPS mode is entered when GPS is selected as the sole calculated, but may not be accurate. Heading also will be in
navigation aid source on the OWN A/C or NAV System Aid error by drifts caused by winds. True heading, wind speed and
format. Selection of this mode is verified with the display of wind direction may be entered manually via the DEU OWN
GPS" on the HSD format. A/C format.
If SCADC air data is lost and the radar altimeter is The IMU mode is selected when INS is selected as the
invalid or turned off, GPS altitude will be displayed on the sole navigtion aid source on the OWN A/C and NAV System
HUD and VDI. This will be indicated by a G" acronym Aid format (Figure 2017), the SAHRS and MAGR are
unavailable or deselected, and either the NAV MODE switch In addition to automatic selection, SAHRS submode
is placed to ATT or to INS with only the IMU sub−mode of operation may be manually selected via the NAV SYSTEM
the INS available. Availability of the IMU sub−mode of the AID MFD format shown in Figure 20−18. This is done by first
INS is verified by the display of IMU" in the center legend selecting SAHRS by depressing the SAHRS pushbutton on
of the NAV System Aid format, which depicts available the upper right portion of the NAV SYSTEM AID MFD
sensors. format and verifying that SAHRS is boxed. A SAHRS
submode may be selected by depressing the SAHR MODE
If the INS degrades to the IMU sub−mode, SAHRS will pushtile on the lower left of the same MFD format until the
be selected automatically (if it is available). If SAHRS is not desired submode is boxed.
available, IMU will be selected. If the INS was selected
manually (i.e., an M adjacent to the INS legend), then
automatic sensor selection will not be available and IMU will
be selected even if SAHRS is available.
Selection of this mode is verified with the display of Do not attempt this on deck. A weight−on−wheels
IMU" on the lower left of the HSD format. interlock for the in−flight restart will freeze the
SAHRS in the restart mode until weight off
wheels. There will be no attitude information
available from the SAHRS when this situation
If ATT has been selected manually, the INS will Note
degrade from an inertial mode to an attitude Although it is possible to cycle through the SLV,
reference mode, and reversion to viable INS DG, EC submodes, reversion to NORM requires
function may be difficult or impossible unless an in−flight restart. In−flight restart will automati
GPS is available. A GPS−aided IFA (via prime cally be initiated when the selection pushbutton
INS/GPS mode) will produce results similar to is depressed to roll from EC to NORM or can be
alignments attainable on the ground. An IFA accomplished by depressing the in−flight RST
using other velocity sources will perform less pushbutton.
Considerable degradation in accuracy from the SAHRS Backup Mode primary and secondary and even the IMU backup modes can
be expected when the SLV and DG modes are selected. The
The SAHRS Backup mode provides minimal safety−
SAHRS EC submode will not provide navigation parameters
of−flight information to the aircrew, but no inertial navigation
to the system although some air data parameters will be
capability. All information is derived directly from angles
provided by the SAHRS and available external velocity ref
erence sources. Selection of the slaved submode will result in magnetic
heading information derived from the magnetic azimuth
The SAHRS Backup mode operates in one of three detector (flux valve) and true heading computed from this
sub−modes, based on the heading reference source. These source plus magnetic variation. Attitude information is
sub−modes are selected via SAHR MODE on the NAV derived from SAHRS using first−order leveling and,
System Aid format. In order of desirability, they are: therefore, may be subject to certain dynamic errors.
SAHRS BACKUP SUB−MODES Selection of the DG submode will allow entry of a
desired grid heading via the DEU, using the DEU NAV
SLV (Slaved) Magnetic heading is sensed by the mag
netic azimuth detector (flux valve) and converted to AID−DG HDG format (Figure 20−18). This entered
true heading using computed or manually entered parameter will be the initial heading reference until a new
magnetic variation. Attitude is derived directly from DG heading entry is made. In the system, it is treated as a
SAHRS angles. magnetic−referenced parameter. Attitude information is
derived from the SAHRS using first−order leveling and, like
DG (Directional Gyro) Magnetic heading is entered the SLV mode, is subject to dynamic errors.
manually via the DG HDG selection on the DEU
NAV Aid format. Attitude is derived directly from The SAHRS EC sub−mode provides only magnetic
SAHRS angles. heading outputs using the magnetic azimuth detector as the
EC (Emergency Compass) Magnetic heading is input source. It is not a navigation mode, and only magnetic
sensed directly by the flux valve, without heading and certain air data parameters will be available
compensation. Attitude is not available. when it is selected.
The SAHRS Backup mode is entered when SAHR is of the SAHRS to its normal mode. The data to which the
selected as the sole navigation aid source on the OWN A/C SAHRS is reinitialized is the current value of the navigation
or NAV System Aid format, with only the SAHRS backup system position and velocity.
sub−modes available. A degraded SAHRS is verified by the
selection of a SAHRS heading source other than NORM on It is also possible to perform an in−flight restart from
the NAV System Aid format. (Figure 20−18). Selection of this the SAHRS normal mode. This should be done only if serious
mode is verified with the display of SAHRS" on the lower SAHRS degradation is suspected.
left of the HSD format.
20.3.3 MAGR Initialization SAHRS In−Flight Restart
Before the MAGR can be used for navigation, it must
If the SAHRS is operating in a degraded submode, it acquire signals from at least four satellites. To accelerate the
may be possible to revert to the normal mode of operation via signal acquisition, the MAGR uses stored almanac data. The
an in−flight restart. Prior to attempting an in−flight restart, the data is stored in non−volatile memory supported by the
selection of SYS as the SAHRS velocity reference is receiver’s internal batteries. If these batteries are removed or
recommended. In addition, aircraft position data should be are low, the MAGR requests almanac data from the MCS.
evaluated and a position update should be performed if large The MCS loads the almanac data from the MDL if it is
position errors exist. An in−flight restart may now be initiated available on the cartridge.
by selecting NORM as the SAHRS mode by depressing the
indicated pushbutton on the lower left portion of the NAV Note
SYS AID MFD format; or by depressing the RST pushbutton
If a valid almanac is not available; the MAGR
on the right center of the same MFD format (Figure 20−18).
will initiate a cold start, wherein the receiver
The subsequent boxing of the NORM legend in the SAHR
does a sky search for visible satellites. Search
MODE selector box on this format indicates a reinitialization
and acquisition can take over 20 minutes.
9. Alignment may be continued after the appearance Perform a reference alignment by following the normal
of the INS ALIGN COMPLETE message if time ground align procedure in paragraph When the INS
permits. This will provide only slight improvement ALIGN COMPLETE message appears on the HUD and/or
in alignment quality but will provide some gyro VDI format, return the NAV MODE switch to OFF. The
biasing and eliminate unnecessary drift in the INS aircraft heading should now be stored in the INS and should
mode. If the parking brake is released during be available for the next alignment as long as the aircraft has
alignment, the INS and SAHRS will go to a not been moved.
SUSPEND ALIGN state as indicated by the
computer message on the OWN A/C MFD format. Note
Alignment will be resumed upon application of the Selecting the SAHR pushbutton on the
parking brake. The numerical alignment quality OWN A/C or NAV DATA MFD formats
displayed will never be lower than 0.50. Actual before the diamond reaches the second tic
INS/SAHRS drift rate is normally less than 0.50 nm mark will inhibit a subsequent stored heading
per hour. alignment.
10. The RIO may take the alignment anytime the QUAL 1. Repeat steps 1 through 4 for normal ground
reaches 1.0 nm per hour. The NAV MODE switch alignment.
should be rotated to the IFA position once IFA
AVAILABLE" is displayed. This places the 2. Verify that SHDG is boxed on the OWN A/C MFD
navigation system in the INS/GPS mode of format (Figure 2022). Do not depress the SHDG
operation. If GPS is available when the switch is in pushbutton.
the INS position, the GPS INTLKSEL IFA" 3. Repeat steps 6 through 9 as in normal ground align
message will post to remind the aircrew that a better procedure.
navigation mode exists. GPS On−Deck IFA
11. If GPS is not available, INS performance may be
improved by performing the following procedure. This method of alignment normally takes 3 to 4
minutes longer than a normal ground alignment, but requires
a. Initiate a standard alignment. only that the NAV MODE switch be placed in IFA and a GPS
solution be available. It can be used ashore or aboard a CV.
b. Allow alignment to continue until an INS
The aircraft can be moved during a GPS IFA alignment, so
ALIGN COMPLETE message appears on the
taxi and take−off may take place while the alignment is under
way. GPS satellite acquisition normally takes from 30 sec
c. Without changing the NAV MODE switch onds to 3 minutes, depending on the initial estimates of posi
position, taxi the aircraft to a convenient tion, date, and time; satellite position; and LOS
location, changing the heading by at least 70_, (line−of−sight) blockage by hangars, carrier island, etc.
with 180_ heading change being optimal.
To get an IFA Alignment on the ground, perform the
d. Reapply the parking brake and allow the INS to following steps:
continue alignment for a minimum of 1 minute 1. Place the NAV MODE switch in IFA at application
(7 to 8 minutes desired). of aircraft power (see Figure 2023).
Note 2. Verify correct date and time on the GPS Status page.
If satellites have been acquired, the OWN A/C data
The latitude and longitude of waypoint 1 will page will show own aircraft position based on GPS,
be updated to current aircraft position when if GPS is boxed.
the NAV MODE switch is placed to INS.
3. Monitor the GPS Status page to ensure satellites are Stored Heading Concurrent INS/SAHRS acquired within a few minutes of moving the NAV
Alignment MODE switch out of the OFF position to IFA. IFA
alignment will not commence until satellites are
Stored heading alignment is performed when rapid acquired. If satellites are not acquired after a few
system reaction is operationally required. Under normal minutes, transition to a normal ground alignment
conditions, stored heading alignment can reduce ground (on the NAV Mode Switch, select OFF then GND).
align time by 1 minute. This procedure requires that a
previous reference alignment be performed and that the 4. When the QUAL gets to 1.0, the system will auto
aircraft remain stationary until the subsequent stored heading matically take the alignment and display the INS
alignment is completed. ALIGN COMPLETE message.
automatically selected as the default mode when the INS is SAHRS Standalone Carrier Alignment
not available. This can be ascertained by selecting the
SAHRS ground align MFD format and observing that the The SAHRS standalone CV alignment mode is
NORM legend is boxed. Verification of own−aircraft latitude manually selected via the SAHRS ALIGN MFD format by
and longitude should be made by observing the values depressing the SAHR and then CV pushbutton shown in
displayed on the SAHRS ALIGN MFD format, and, if Figure 20−27. There are two SAHRS standalone align modes.
necessary, new values should be entered via the DEU or Which mode obtained depends on when CV is selected. If CV
DD control panel as described in Normal Concurrent Ground is selected prior to the INS determining true heading
Alignment procedures, paragraph The SAHRS (approximately INS quality of 5) and initiating the SAHRS
ALIGN COMPLETE message will usually appear in less CV concurrent align, a SAHRS standalone align is
than 3 minutes, with an align quality of less than 10 nm commanded when the SAHRS has no heading information.
per hour.
Note SAHRS Standalone Stored Heading
Ground Alignment Currently there is no indication on the MFD
displays that the SAHRS has gone into the
standalone mode except the SAHRS quality
The SAHRS stored heading align mode is always
value will remain 10.0, the timer will be 00,
available subsequent to a previous alignment to a SAHRS
SAHRS concurrent CV align will not initiate,
ALIGN COMPLETE. However unlike an INS stored
and there will be no attitude information
alignment, the SHDG pushbutton on the SAHRS ALIGN
available from the SAHRS for up to 6 minutes or
MFD format must be depressed to select this mode
more. Reinitiating the INS alignment will allow
(Figure 20−27). As for all stored heading alignments, no data
a concurrent alignment to occur.
entries are required and the aircraft must not be moved subse
quent to SAHRS power down. Since this alignment mode
The SAHRS has no true standalone carrier align mode
uses predetermined heading, the alignment process will be
like the INS. During concurrent INS/SAHRS carrier align
shortened. SAHRS stored heading alignment should
normally provide a SAHRS ALIGN COMPLETE message modes, the SAHRS depends on the INS to provide an initial
input of true heading. Since this is not available in SAHRS
in less than 1 minute. The navigation quality value at this
standalone carrier alignment, when the SAHRS CV push
time will exceed 10 nm per hour, and, if time permits,
button is depressed in SAHRS standalone operation, it is
additional alignment is recommended and will take place as
long as the parking brake is set. commanded to a DG mode. Once the parking brake is
released a DG heading can be entered via the DEU. When
the aircraft is airborne, the slaved mode can be selected or SAHRS Standalone Magnetic Initiated if a system velocity source is present, in−flight restart can
Ground Alignment be selected to bring the SAHRS to a normal operational
mode. This is described in SAHRS Backup Modes,
The SAHRS magnetic initiated ground alignment paragraph
mode is manually selected from the SAHRS ALIGN MFD
format by depressing the MAG pushbutton shown in If CV is selected after the INS has initiated the SAHRS
Figure 20−27. Verification of own−aircraft latitude and longi CV concurrent alignment, the SAHRS alignment proceeds
tude on the above MFD format should be made, and, if neces but is no longer receiving updated position and velocity
sary, correct values entered as described in SAHRS Standa information from the INS. The alignment will be consider
lone Normal Ground Alignment, paragraph Since ably slower than concurrent alignment. The SAHRS is
this alignment mode uses system magnetic heading to initial commanded to NORM mode. An in−flight restart may or may
ize heading, the alignment process will be shortened. A not be required depending on the SAHRS alignment quality.
SAHRS ALIGN COMPLETE message should normally
occur within 1 minute, although the navigation quality value SAHRS cannot be commanded to a CV mode unless
at this time may exceed 10 nm per hour. If time permits, the INS is in CV. If the INS is unavailable, the SAHRS will
additional alignment is recommended and will take place as attempt a normal ground align.
long as the parking brake is set. In this mode of alignment,
magnetic heading inputs from the magnetic azimuth detector NGS In−Flight MAD Align
(flux valve) are used for initializing the SAHRS heading. AN/USN−180(V)
It should be selected only in areas where no magnetic inter
ference or anomalies exist.
Whenever the Fluxgate Magnetometer is replaced, an
in−flight alignment must be performed. The procedure for an
in−flight alignment is as follows:
20−51 CHANGE 1
b. Pull SAHRS (NGS) C.B.’s (PHA, PHB, PHC, j. Maneuver Complete, Check SAHRS Light:
DC) (1) Flashes 3 seconds ON/3 seconds OFF. Cal
ibration Successful
(2) SAHRS Light Solid ON. Calibration NOT
d. Parking Brake: SET Successful
(2) SAHR MODE: NORM BOXED a. Have ground crew set NORM INIT BIT/Align
switch S1 on NGS SSA in the down position
e. Take off Straight and Level Flight
20.3.6 Initially Entered Navigation Parameters
f. Airspeed CHECK (400 Knots)
Prior to takeoff; either during or after alignment, it may
g. Altimeter CHECK 10,000 ± 5,000 Feet be desirable to enter certain initial navigation−related
parameters, in addition to those noted above that are required
h. NAV SYSTEM AID PAGE for alignment. It may also be possible to enter some of these
(1) VERIFY: SAHR MODE: NORM BOXED parameters at any time during flight. They include the
following and are discussed below:
1. Barometric setting
2. Waypoint data
(1) Verify SAHRS caution light flashes at a 2
second rate 1 sec on/1 sec off. 3. Wind speed and direction
Note 4. Magnetic variation.
(2) (MUST START WITHIN 15 SECONDS OF The barometric setting is normally made by the pilot
BOXING EC) using his 2−inch barometric altimeter setting knob. The
setting range is from 28.10 to 30.99 inches of Hg. This will
provide system altitude corrections to within a maximum
error of 16 feet. When the setting is changed, the new setting
b. 70 Degree Bank will be displayed momentarily in the HUD beneath the
barometer (Figure 20−6). A small difference between the The waypoint type is selectable from the DEU WPT
HUD and instrument values may be expected. This will menu, TYPE pushtile. The waypoint number for which the
usually be less than 0.01 inch of Mercury but may on type is being set is displayed in the DEU input window at the
occasion be 0.02 inch. If any difference is present, adjust the top. When a selection is made, it appears in the input window
altimeter so that the correct value is displayed on the lower as a selection in progress until the ENT button is pressed to
right side of the HUD. Barometric settings may also be made accept the change. If TGT is selected for a flight plan
by the RIO via the DEU. To do this, the altimeter must be waypoint, any previously designated target waypoint within
locked out by turning the setting knob to the minimum value the same flight plan will be changed back to type GEN. To
(28.10 in Hg). The DEU OWN A/C page can now be used to remove a selection and enter another one, press CLR. RTN
enter the required value after depressing the BARO pushtile will abort the change and return to the WPT menu, and
and the proper numeric values. MENU will abort changes and return to the main menu. Waypoint Data Entry In addition to the above primary waypoint parameters,
four other parameters relating to the reconnaissance steering
Up to 100 tactical waypoints can be stored in the MCS function may also be entered when the specified waypoint is
waypoint file at any time. These can be entered manually, or to be used as a reconnaissance target point. These parameters,
downloaded from the MDL in accordance with procedures however, can only be entered via the DEU using the DEU
listed in paragraph 20.3.7, Navigation Database. The primary WPT page. They are as follows:
parameters that may be entered for each tactical waypoint are
latitude, longitude, altitude and flight plan. These may be RECONNAISSANCE RANGE
entered manually via the DEU by selecting the DEU WPT STEERING PARAMETER
page (Figure 20−28) and depressing the desired waypoint
number prior to entering the coordinates. Verification of Command course 0 to 360_
correct entry can be made by examining the MFD WPT Mapp lines 1 to 99
DATA format, selectable by depressing WPTS (PB7) on the
g lengthg 0 to 2048 nm
MFD OWN A/C format and shown in Figure 2029.
Map offset 131,072 feet
20−52a (20−52b
20−52ablank) CHANGE 1
NAVAIR 01−F14AAD−1 Wind Speed and Direction Entered values of magnetic variation can be made
using either the DEU or the DD control panel. When the
Wind parameters are normally generated by the DEU is used (Figure 20−20), the MVAR pushtile on the
navigation system using air data and INS or SAHRS OWN A/C or CV ALGN format is selected and the value
velocities. When the navigation system cannot compute is entered to the nearest tenth degree, preceded by an E or W
wind because of unavailability of the required velocity for east or west, respectively. When the DD control panel is
inputs, it will accept manual entries of wind from the DEU used (Figure 2031), the NAV category is selected and the
or the DD control panel. Entry of wind can be made prior to MAG VAR pushtile is depressed. Entry is made via the
takeoff with no sensor failure since SCADC true airspeed is numerics on the computer address panel on the lower left
not set valid until it reaches approximately 60 knots. portion of the DD by first depressing the HDG pushtile,
followed by the appropriate E or W, and the value to the
Wind is entered with the DEU (Figure 20−20) by nearest tenth degree.
selecting the OWN A/C DEU format and depressing the
WSPD and WDIR pushtiles and then the proper numerics.
20.3.7 Navigation Database
Wind is entered with the DD control panel (Figure
The navigation database consists of MDL tactical
20−26) by selecting NAV and then boxing WIND and using
waypoints, MDL flight plan waypoints, MDL reversionary
the proper numeric pushtiles on the lower left portion of the
waypoints, flight plan routes, and target steering data. This
DD control panel.
data is stored on the MDL cartridge using a TAMPS station
(TAMPS version 6.1 or later) and is selectively loaded into
the MCS. Controls are provided to the aircrew to display, edit
For both DEU and DD entries, wind direction is and assign steering functions to information in the navigation
the direction from which the wind is blowing. database. Magnetic Variation All Waypoint Data is displayed by selecting the WPT
(Waypoint) Data format from the WPT (PB7) on the Own
MAG VAR is available from the navigation system Aircraft format. Multiple pages are available on this format,
from a prestored table in the MAGR using aircraft coordi each page containing ten waypoints. Pages 0 through 9
nates. This value, when displayed on the MFD OWN A/C display tactical waypoints 1 to 100. Pages 10 through 19
format, is labeled MV−G. It may also be computed using the show data for Flight Plan 1 (FP1), etc. From page 10 through
difference between system true heading and magnetic head 74, the pages that would display waypoints reserved for MCS
ing from magnetic azimuth detector (labeled MV−C). In addi use (Figure 20−32) between flight plans are omitted. For
tion to this, the navigation system will accept and use a manu example, the page jumps from 14 to 20, 24 to 30, and so on,
ally entered value of magnetic variation from either the DEU up to 74, jumps to 80. Then from 80 to 99 pages continuously,
or the DD control panel (labeled MV−E). If only SAHRS is providing access to MDL Waypoints 801 through 999. The
available, an MV−S will be displayed. page numbers scroll rapidly if the pushbutton is held
depressed over the left or right arrows.
Magnetic variation from the MAGR table is the default
value and will be automatically selected and displayed to the In other words, to find the waypoint you want, go to the
nearest tenth degree. This is the recommended value and, page equal to the waypoint number with only the hundreds
unless aircraft position is unknown, will usually be the most and tens place displayed (i.e., waypoint 9 = 009 = page 0;
accurate. waypoint 126 = page 12; waypoint 889 = page 88, etc). Figure
20−32 depicts the waypoint numbering scheme.
Selection of computed or entered magnetic variation is
made by depressing the boxed MV pushbutton on the lower
right side of the MFD OWN A/C format or the DD
(Figure 2031). When this is done the MV−G legend in the
center of the format will cycle to MV−C, to MV−E, and back
to MV−G, indicating the source and value of magnetic
variation used by the navigation system. If GPS is not avail
able and SAHRS is available, MV−S will be the default.
NAVAIR 01−F14AAD−1 MDL Tactical Waypoints Waypoints 2 to 16 and 21 to 100 are general waypoints
and are used as required by the mission. The data of these
The MDL can store up to 100 tactical waypoints, points are retained after use.
numbered 1 through 100. MDL tactical waypoints are
available for GPS and destination steering, and navigation MDL Flight Plan Waypoints
waypoints may be displayed in the data buffers on the HSD
format. Each consists of a latitude, longitude, altitude, The MDL can store seven flight plans of up to 50
number, and type. waypoints each, numbered as 101 through 150 up to 701
through 750 in blocks of 50. The waypoint numbers in
Tactical waypoints are listed on the WPT Data format between (151 to 200, 251 to 300, etc.) are used internally by
in blocks of 10, on pages 0 through 9. Tactical waypoint data the MCS and MDL for preflight planned flight plan storage
may be changed manually via the Waypoint format of the and cannot be addressed directly.
DEU or via hooking and then depressing SET (PB 12) or
UPDT (PB 13) on the HSD format, and by transferring
waypoints from the flight plan or MDL waypoints formats.
Waypoint type may be modified manually via the Waypoint
Type format of the DEU (Figure 20−33). Available types on
the DEU for tactical waypoints are GEN (General), TAC
(TACAN), and SAM (Surface−to−Air Missile). Changes to D All seven flight plans must be loaded via
tactical waypoints in the MCS are recorded onto the MDL TAMPS with at least one waypoint. System
cartridge immediately, so depressing RLD (PB 2) on the instabilities will result when trying to access
Flight Plan format has no effect on tactical waypoints. a blank flight plan for the first time.
Waypoint types and associated symbols are shown in D When loading any MDL waypoints via
Figure 20−34. TAMPS, only uppercase alphanumerics
should be used for waypoint descriptions. Waypoint Data File Use
D Potential exists for an MC crash if Flight Plan
In general the 100 tactical waypoints can be used in Data or Waypoint Data formats are displayed
any manner described in paragraph 20.3.9, Tactical while updating waypoints via the DEU.
Navigation, for destination steering or for the one−fix
updating functions. Usually, however, certain of these points Flight plan waypoints are treated as a sequence in order
are reserved for special functions. from the first waypoint in the flight plan to the last waypoint
defined, without any blank waypoints in between, up to a
Waypoint 1 is usually reserved for homebase coor maximum of 50 waypoints per flight plan.
dinates. Its data is retained after use.
Waypoint 17 is used as a dynamic steering point when
a reconnaissance steering mode is selected using the MFD D Trying to add flight plan waypoints more than
RECON DATA format. At this time any previously stored one waypoint number beyond the last flight
data in waypoint 17 become invalid and must be reentered. plan waypoint using the DEU will put the
waypoint in the next consecutive flight plan
Waypoint 18 is used for the coordinates of an agreed location in consecutive order.
point for data−link one−fix position update. Its data are still
D Attempting to access a waypoint number that
valid after update usage.
is inaccessible (i.e., 151 to 200, 251 to 300,
etc.) for flight plan modification results
Waypoint 19 is used for the coordinates of the fighter display of a WAYPOINT INVALID message.
link reference point, as described in the Supplemental
NATOPS Flight Manual, NAVAIR 01−F14AAD−1A. Its data
Each MDL flight plan waypoint, consisting of an
are still valid after usage for FLRP." alphanumeric label, latitude, longitude, altitude, number,
and type, can be displayed on the waypoint data format. The
Waypoint 20 is usually reserved for the approximate waypoint type is assigned by default or from the preflight
location and altitude of a hostile area. Its data are retained planned type, but may be modified manually via the WPT
after use. TYPE format of the DEU. Only one flight plan waypoint per
flight plan may be designated a TGT type for the purposes of
target steering and navigation.
NAVAIR 01−F14AAD−1 Flight Plan Menu can be used in flight. The waypoints in the database are
selected using a TAMPS station during preflight planning,
The Flight Plan Format is illustrated in Figure 20−35. and can be either added to a flight plan or used to replace an
The menu buttons and their functions are described in the existing flight plan waypoint. They can also be transferred to
legend. The flight plan menu is selected via FLT PLAN a tactical waypoint.
(PB 2), on the HSD format or PB 9 on the Own Aircraft
format. This is the primary display of flight plan data, listing Movement through the four pages of MDL waypoints
waypoints in an individual flight plan by name or number. is done with the page left and right buttons on PB 9 and
NUM (PB 11) toggles the list between numeric and alpha PB 10. The current page is shown by the range of waypoint
numeric labels. The default format is alphanumeric (NUM numbers displayed in the title bar on the page (i.e. MDL
legend not boxed). This is the only MFD format that displays WPTS 801−850).
flight plan route and target steering selections, and provides
The aircrew can preview information in a given
flight plan editing controls. Detailed waypoint data is also
waypoint in the bottom left buffer on the page using the
displayed for selected waypoints during editing operations.
cursor box in a manner similar to that used to view flight plan
Only those waypoints in a flight plan that have been defined
waypoints. Or, the cursor can be positioned over a waypoint
will be displayed.
to transfer it to a tactical waypoint, in exactly the same way MDL Reversionary Waypoint Menu used for a flight plan transfer.
The MDL Waypoint format is very similar to the Flight Two menu items on the MDL Waypoints format were
Plan format, and can only be reached from the Flight Plan carried over from the Flight Plan format, and do not function
format by selected MDL WPTS (PB 1) (Figure 20−36). in an intuitive manner. The RLD (PB 2) legend has no
Instead of displaying one of the seven flight plans, the MDL function on MDL waypoints since there is only one copy of
Waypoints format displays one of four pages of reversionary MDL waypoints on the MDL, and these cannot be modified.
waypoints from 801−999. The second item is the PLAN DATA pushtile (PB 7).
Selecting PLAN DATA will call up the PLAN DATA format,
These waypoints are stored on the MDL and cannot be but unboxing the legend while on that format always returns
edited or deleted. They are stored with waypoint names, like you to the Flight Plan format. It does not return you to the
the flight plans, and represent a navigation aid database that MDL WPTS format.
NAVAIR 01−F14AAD−1 Flight Plan Data Format of waypoints per flight plan. If there are no waypoints defined
in the number range for the page you are on for the selected
Selecting PLAN DATA from the flight plan format flight plan (e.g., FP 6, 641−650 undefined) the page will have
(or the MDL WPT format) takes you to the plan data format no waypoint information deployed. Successive selections of
(Figure 2037), which displays detailed information on 10 the PAGE button will toggle through the 5 pages, eventually
waypoints. The Own Aircraft Data format is displayed bringing you to the desired page.
between two columns of waypoint data, just like the WPT
DATA format. The difference is that it starts on the pages Flight Plan Activation
corresponding to the flight plan that was displayed on the
flight plan format when PLAN DATA was boxed (even if it Flight plans are activated on the Flight Plan format.
was boxed on the MDL WPTS format). A flight plan is selected for activation via the increment−
decrement arrows adjacent to the PLAN legend (PB 9 and
Each flight plan has five pages corresponding to its PB 10). Depressing ACTIVE (PB 8) causes the selected flight
fifty waypoints, whether they are defined or not. There is no plan to be loaded into the MCS and made available to the
direct indication of which page within a flight plan you are navigation system. Activation of a flight plan is verified by
on, other than the waypoint numbers of displayed waypoints, a box around the ACTIVE legend when that flight plan
if there are any defined in the number range for the page you number is displayed under the PLAN legend. A flight plan is
are on. There may be blank pages. deactivated by activating a different flight plan, or by
unboxing ACTIVE. The latter will result in no flight plan
A particular flight plan is selected with the left and being active in the MCS. An active flight plan is retained in
right arrows on PB 9 and PB 10, similar to the flight plan the MCS across a system reset. The default at system power
format. The PAGE button (PB 8) pages between the 5 pages up is no active flight plan.
Upon selection of an MDL flight plan for activation, transfer buffers display the waypoint name, number, latitude,
the MCS checks the number of waypoints listed in the flight longitude, and altitude.
plan. If the number exceeds 50, or the number is negative, the
MCS commands an MFD1 and MFD3 computer message A rectangular box is displayed over the currently
INVALID MDL FORMAT" and returns without further selected waypoint on each flight plan page. This box is called
processing of the discrepant flight plan or flight plan the flight plan cursor, and can be controlled through either the
waypoints. cursor right (→) and cursor down (↓) arrows on PB 5 and
PB 4, respectively, or with the SHC (Sensor Hand Control)
The format consists of a list of the waypoints defined cursor or TDC (Throttle Designator Controller).
in the flight plan, in columns of 10, starting in the upper left
of the list display with the first waypoint in the flight plan. The flight plan menu provides the means to change
The 11th waypoint in the flight plan will be displayed in the flight plan pages, reload the original flight plan over the
first position in the next column and so on. The flight plan modified version, or go to the MDL Waypoints format. It also
waypoints are displayed by default by their name (if no name provides a way to move the flight plan cursor box, display
is defined, the waypoint number is displayed instead). A flight plan waypoint data, activate a flight plan, page through
NUM button is available to toggle between waypoint names the 7 flight plan pages, and add, replace, transfer, or delete
and numbers. waypoints from a flight plan.
Flight plans are displayed one at a time as separate Flight Plan Editing
pages. Depression of left or page right buttons (PB 9 and 10)
allow switching between pages. The current flight plan page Waypoints may be added, replaced, transferred or
is displayed between the left and right arrows, as well as on deleted within a flight plan via the Flight Plan format and its
the title bar above the waypoint list. various sub−formats. The Flight Plan format may be selected
on more than one MFD, and up to three separate flight plans
At the bottom of the display are two waypoint transfer (one per MFD) may be edited at any time. If the same flight
buffers that display the currently selected waypoint on the plan is selected simultaneously on more than one MFD, then
left at all times, and the on the right when in edit modes. The any edit operation on one MFD will lock out all edit
commands on the remaining MFDs until the edit operation is To add a waypoint to a flight plan, perform the
completed or canceled. Once an edit operation is completed following steps:
or canceled, the MFD automatically returns to the Flight Plan
format. Exiting an edit operation by any other means, such 1. Select FLT PLAN format (PB 2 on HSD).
as selecting HSD (PB 15), will suspend that edit operation
and that flight plan will be locked out for editing on any other 2. Position the flight plan cursor box where you are
MFD. inserting a waypoint (following waypoints will be
scrolled down) using either the MFD bullseye
Notes cursor, or the right/down arrows (PB 4/5).
5. Check the waypoint information that appears in waypoint you want to overwrite with the waypoint
bottom right buffer to ensure that this is the information in the left buffer. If you entered a
waypoint desired. If you entered a waypoint number waypoint number that is undefined, a WPT
that is undefined, a WPT INVALID message is INVALID message will be displayed.
6. Select ENTER (PB 8) to accept, or CANC (PB 9) to
6. Select ENTER (PB 8) to accept, CANC (PB 9) to abort the addition operation.
abort the addition operation, or BKSP (PB 7) to
modify the entered waypoint number. The process for transferring tactical waypoints is
demonstrated in Figure 20−40 and Figure 20−41.
The process for waypoint replacement is demonstrated
in Figure 20−38. To transfer an MDL waypoint to a tactical waypoint,
perform the following steps: Waypoint Transfer
(Flight Plan Transfer Mode) 1. Select the MDL Waypoints format (PB 1 on FLT
PLAN format).
A flight plan or reversionary waypoint may be
transferred into a tactical waypoint. The cursor box is 2. Position the MDL WPT cursor box over the
positioned over the flight plan or reversionary waypoint to be waypoint to be transferred using either the MFD
transferred. When XFER (PB 14) is depressed, the Transfer bull’s eye cursor, or the right/down arrows (PB 4/5).
Waypoint format is selected. Increment (PB 12) and The cursor position can be changed anytime during
Decrement (PB 13) controls are provided to select a tactical the transfer operation.
waypoint destination, which is displayed adjacent to these
controls. At the bottom of the Transfer Waypoint format, the 3. Press XFER (PB 14)
selected transfer waypoint is displayed by number with its
4. Scroll the waypoint number to the tactical waypoint
data in the left transfer buffer. The destination tactical
number into which the MDL waypoint will be
waypoint data is also displayed in the right transfer buffer,
transferred using the increment/decrement arrows
and updated as the tactical waypoint number is scrolled using
(PB 13/14). The existing content of the selected
the increment and decrement pushbuttons. Depressing
waypoint will be shown in the bottom right buffer.
ENTER (PB 8) completes the transfer. The existing tactical
waypoint is overwritten with the waypoint information of the 5. Check the waypoint information that appears in the
selected flight plan. Depressing CANC (PB 9) cancels the bottom right buffer to ensure that this is the
transfer operation. Flight plan and reversionary waypoints waypoint that will be overwritten. If an undefined
are never affected by the transfer operation. waypoint is entered, a WPT INVALID message will
To transfer a flight plan or reversionary waypoint into
a tactical waypoint, perform the following steps: 6. Select ENTER (PB 8) to accept, or CANC (PB 9) to
abort the transfer operation.
1. Select the FLT PLAN or reversionary format (PB 2
on HSD). The process for transferring an MDL waypoint is
2. Position the flight plan cursor box over the waypoint illustrated in Figure 20−41.
you are transferring using either the MFD bullseye
cursor, or the right/down arrows (PB 4/5). You can Waypoint Deletion
change the cursor position at any time during the (Flight Plan Delete Mode)
transfer operation.
To delete a flight plan waypoint, the cursor box is posi
3. Press XFER (PB 14). tioned over the flight plan waypoint to be deleted. Depressing
DEL (PB 15) selects the Delete Waypoint format, which
4. Scroll the waypoint number to the tactical waypoint
blanks the selected waypoint. All subsequent waypoints
number you would like to transfer into on the
selected using the cursor are also blanked. At the bottom of
increment/decrement arrows on PB 12/13. The
the Delete Waypoint format, data is displayed for both blank
existing content of the selected waypoint will be
and non−blank waypoints selected via the cursor box.
shown in the bottom right buffer.
Depressing ALL (PB 1) will blank all waypoints in the flight
5. Check the waypoint information that appears in plan.
bottom right buffer to ensure that this is the
Depressing ENTER (PB 8) deletes all blanked Routes are saved with the flight plan modified copies
waypoints. Depressing CANC (PB 9) cancels the delete on the MDL cartridge, so that they are retained across system
operation and no waypoint data is lost. resets, between flights, and with the removal of the MDL
To delete a waypoint, or several waypoints from a
flight plan, perform the following steps: 20.3.9 Tactical Navigation
1. Select the FLT PLAN format (PB 2 on HSD). The following paragraphs describe the procedures to
be used for tactical navigation. This includes a description of
2. Position the flight plan cursor box over a waypoint
various navigation information, display steering modes,
to be deleted using either the MFD bull’s eye cursor,
autopilot steering, all−weather landing, position updating,
or the right/down arrows (PB 4/5).
continuous position updating, and surface waypoint
3. Press DEL (PB 15). determination position.
4. The waypoint under the cursor will blank. The Range, Bearing, and Time To Go to
cursor can be moved with either the HSD bull’s eye Waypoints and TACAN Stations
cursor or the right/down arrows (PB 4/5), and every
waypoint over which the cursor moves will blank. Range and bearing, and various time remaining
readouts available to any valid waypoint or TACAN station.
Note Paragraph 20.2.1 describes most of this information. In
addition, a number of specialized readouts and displays are
The waypoints are not actually deleted until provided, and are described below.
ENTER is selected.
5. Press DEL ALL if the entire flight plan is to be HSD Commanded Ground Speed
At times Commanded Ground Speed (CGS) replaces
6. Select ENTER (PB 8) to accept, or CANC (PB 9) to TAS at the top of the HSD (Figure 20−9). This occurs if the
abort the operation. steer point is a route waypoint, the steering mode is DEST or
AUTO, a target has been entered for the active flight plan,
The process for deleting a waypoint is illustrated in and a ZTOT has been entered for that target on the DEU. The
Figure 20−42. value is computed by the mission computer and represents
the ground speed required to achieve the ZTOT (Zulu Time Flight Plan Routes On Target) by following the route.
Any or all waypoints in a flight plan may be linked If a CGS has been entered for the target using the DEU,
together into a flight plan route. Only one route may be the computed CGS is based on flying at the entered CGS from
specified in each flight plan. Flight plan routes are presented the route waypoint prior to the target. For example, assume
on the HSD format as a series of flight plan waypoints linked that a CGS of 500 was entered for the target, waypoint 105.
by plotlines if PLOT (PB 14) is selected on the HSD format If waypoints 101 to 104 are all route waypoints, then the
(see paragraph 20.3.9, Tactical Navigation). computed CGS enroute between waypoints 101 and 104
would be the ground speed required to fly from 104 to 105 at
Routes are specified on the Flight Plan format. The 500, and achieve the entered ZTOT. If ground speed matches
cursor box is positioned over a flight plan waypoint. CGS on the HSD, then the ETA on the HSD should match the
Depressing PLOT (PB 3) brightens the selected waypoint, ZTOT for the TGT.
indicating that it has been included in the flight plan route.
The PLOT legend is also boxed, indicating that any other HSD Steering Aids
waypoint that is subsequently selected using the cursor will
also be included in the route, until PLOT is unboxed. The following paragraphs define some of the HSD
Waypoints selected as part of the flight plan route are format steering aids: Course Line Functionality, TACAN
displayed brightened on the Flight Plan format. If the cursor Needle Display, Waypoints and Plotlines, CDI (Course Devi
box is placed over a flight plan waypoint that is part of the ation Indicator) Functionality, and Cross Track Error Indica
route, PLOT will not box. In order to deselect that waypoint tion. Figure 20−9 lists some of the display items relevant to
as part of the route, PLOT must be depressed twice, once to these steering aids.
box the menu item, and a second time to deselect the point
as part of the route.
NAVAIR 01−F14AAD−1 HSD Course Line Functionality As with TACAN CDI, the scaling of the CDI offset dots
is based on gear up/gear down status. With the gear up, the
The course line on the HSD is drawn through the two dots on each side represent 2 and 4 nm offsets from the
current steer point or TACAN station and rotates with the selected course. With the gear down, they represent 0.5 and
selected course (CRS knob) while in GPS or TCN steering 1 nm offsets.
(Figure 20−45).
Note HSD TACAN Needle Display GPS CDI is a fixed horizontal deviation where
the TACAN CDI deviation is an angular offset
The HSD TACAN needle is displayed as a cross− that corresponds to greater horizontal deviation
hatched head and tail pointer on the inside of the compass at greater range. The TACAN CDI actually gives
rose. In all steering modes, except GPS, it is displayed if valid finer resolution steering cues than the GPS CDI;
TACAN bearing is available and the head of the needle and the GPS CDI gives better accuracy at range.
always points to the station. In GPS steering modes, the At very short ranges from the waypoint or station
TACAN needle points to the selected steer point as if it were (i.e., less than 0.5 miles), the TACAN gives you
a TACAN station. more accurate cues and is more sensitive to small
deviations. The GPS is much more stable and is HSD Waypoints and Plotlines not subject to swings" due to poor reception.
Waypoints and plotlines are displayed on the HSD. HSD Cross Track Error Indication
Plotlines connect waypoints that are defined as route
waypoints (assuming more than one) within a flight plan. Cross Track Error is the perpendicular horizontal
deviation from a selected course to a waypoint (in GPS
There is a display limit of 32 plotlines and 30 steering) or from the route centerline (in DEST or AUTO
waypoints on the HSD. The current steer point will always be steering). Cross Track Error is displayed with accuracy to
displayed, along with the next closest 29 waypoints in range tenths of a nm. If the following conditions are met, Cross
to the aircraft. Plotlines are displayed independent of Track Error is displayed on the HSD just above the compass
waypoints. If a plotline does not appear to go to a waypoint, rose to the right:
it may be that the waypoint is not one of the closest 30.
D GPS, DEST, or AUTO steering
There is a capability in TAMPS to create a tactical D Current steer point is part of route beyond first
waypoint on the MDL with a blank" type associated with it. route waypoint for DEST and AUTO.
This allows the use of plotlines to box out operating areas
without having displayed waypoints at every point defining Display Steering Modes
that area cluttering the display. However, these blank
waypoints count as part of the displayed" 30. Several steering modes, optimized for specific
missions and phases of flight, are available to the aircrew.
A route waypoint is one which is part of an active flight These steering modes, with their associated controls and
plan, and which has been brightened on the flight plan format displays, are summarized in Figure 20−43. Steering modes
with the PLOT" button. It will be displayed with a plotline may be selected by cycling through modes using STR (PB 9)
through it on the HSD if PLOT is boxed on the HSD. on the HSD format, or by making individual selections from
the menu presented on the VDI format. Although partial
The steer point is the waypoint that is currently selected steering cues may be presented on the HUD A/A and A/G
for waypoint steering in DEST, AUTO, or GPS steering formats, complete steering cues are always presented on the
modes. Its number is displayed next to the steering mode in TLN format.
the lower right of the HSD.
In most modes, the aircrew selects the navigation HSD CDI Functionality steering waypoint manually via the HSD format, by the
following method:
When the steering mode is GPS and CDI (PB 14) is
boxed, the Course Deviation Indicator (CDI) is displayed in 1. Depress the decrement (PB 4) or increment (PB 5)
place of the course line. The differences between this and the arrows until the desired waypoint is displayed
TACAN CDI are that the reference point is the selected steer between them. Navigation data for each waypoint is
point and the scaling is based on a horizontal distance from displayed in the boxed (left or right) data buffer as
the centerline of the selected course to that waypoint. it is selected.
2. Select ENT (PB 15) to make the displayed waypoint TACAN Steering
the navigation steer−point. The waypoint number
will be displayed in the lower right corner of the In the TACAN steering mode (Figure 20−45), the pilot
HSD format along with the current steering mode. may steer to a selected TACAN radial using the various
course deviation displays on the HUD and MFD. The
In other modes, the navigation steer−point may be TACAN deviation is the angular difference between the bear
selected automatically by the MCS or is calculated from ing to the TACAN station (TACAN radial) and the command
encoded digital data link or analog RF signals, such as data course (TACAN course) selected by the pilot on the course/
link or TACAN. heading control panel.
Internal navigation calculations are computed using To enter the TACAN steering mode, the pilot depresses
the NAV State Vector, which is updated with INS, SAHRS the TCN pushbutton on the MFD VDI display format or
and/or GPS information, and is updated if any one of these selects TACAN by the STR pushbutton. After selection of a
constituent sources is valid. TACAN course, the TACAN deviation symbols are
displayed on the HUD, MFD VDI TACAN, and two possible Destination Steering HSD TACAN formats. On the HSD TACAN format, the CDI
display mode may be selected by depressing the CDI
In the destination steering mode, the pilot maintains pushbutton. With CDI selected, the TACAN deviation is dis
a great circle route from the aircraft present position to a played in the form of a deviation bar whose offset is scaled
designated waypoint by steering to the command heading along a row of deviation tics. The arrowhead on the bar is
marker on the HUD and VDI. changed on the displays to indicate whether the TACAN
course is toward or away from the TACAN station. If the
The pilot selects the destination waypoint for steering TACAN deviation is less than 90°, a to" indication is shown
by depressing the up or down arrow pushbuttons on the HSD and, if greater than 90°, a from" indication. The TACAN
basic format and then pressing the ENTER push−button. This deviation bars on the HUD, MFD VDI TACAN display
results in the HSD format in Figure 20−44. The mission format and MFD HSD TACAN display format are solid bars
computer calculates range, bearing, and time to go from the when going to and dashed bars when coming from. The
aircraft position. This data is shown in the upper left data separation between deviation tics is 4°.
block on the HSD format. The destination display steering
mode may then be initiated by depressing the DEST If the CDI display is not selected, then the second HSD
pushbutton on the MFD VDI display format or by selecting format in Figure 20−45 is displayed. On this format the
DEST from the STR pushbutton on the HSD. The mission TACAN radial is still displayed passing through the aircraft
computer then calculates the command great circle course to symbol but instead of the deviation indication, the command
the selected waypoint and the command heading to fly to course pointer is shown passing through the station symbol.
make it good by considering drift angle.
TACAN steering provides course, bearing, range and
DEST steering provides bearing, range and time time information for navigation to a TACAN station either
information for navigation direct to or from a waypoint. All direct or along a specified course. Bearing and range to
navigation parameters are computed internally from inertial station are decoded from external analog RF TACAN signals.
coordinates (see Figure 20−44). TACAN steering requires an operative JTIDS receiver with
The command heading markers in the HUD heading
scale and along the HSD format compass rose provide a Note
wind−corrected heading cue direct to the destination
waypoint via Great Circle route. The HSD course line and Digital TACAN information is only available in
destination bearing marker provide non−wind−corrected the upper right HSD buffer while steering mode
bearing to the destination waypoint. The selected heading is TACAN or BLANK. The TACAN station bear
and course functions (HSEL [Heading Selected] and CSEL ing pointer and symbol are available in all steer
[Course Selected]) are not operable. The HSD left and right ing modes except GPS pseudo−TACAN.
hand data buffers display waypoint information. GPS Steering (Pseudo−TACAN)
GPS steering provides pseudo−TACAN" course,
The destination bearing marker on the HSD bearing, range and time information for navigation to a
format is displayed in all steering modes, waypoint either direct or along a specified course. The GPS
including steering off, if a valid destination steering emulates TACAN steering using precise GPS
waypoint is entered as the destination steer point. position information and requires an operative MAGR .
Steering cues are similar to those in TACAN steering. AUTO steering is replaced with DEST steering
However, on the HUD and the VDI format the course automatically when any of the following conditions occur:
deviation marker scale is such that each dot represents a
2 nm deviation for a maximum deflection of 4 nm with the 1. The navigation steerpoint steps to the Target
landing gear handle up, and 0.5 nm deviation for a maximum waypoint
deflection of 1 nm with the landing gear handle down. 2. A waypoint not on the flight plan route is selected
Additionally, a cross−track error digital readout is displayed as the navigation steerpoint
on the HSD format, which provides actual lateral deviation
from the selected course line. The HSD left and right hand 3. The final waypoint on the flight plan route is
data buffers display waypoint information. Typical GPS reached
steering formats are illustrated in Figure 20−46.
4. The flight plan is deactivated or changed Automatic Waypoint Sequence AUTO steering may be reselected once any other
Steering waypoint on the route is selected as the steerpoint. Cues for
AUTO steering are similar to those for DEST steering
(see paragraph 2 ). Additionally, a cross−track error digital
AUTO steering provides the functionality of DEST
readout on the HSD format provides actual lateral deviation
steering, with the additional MCS feature of automatic from the centerline of the current route leg. The HSD left and
stepping to successive waypoints along a fight plan route.
right hand data buffers display waypoint information. The
AUTO steering is only available with an active flight plan
changeover point for automatic waypoint sequencing and
route, and may be selected only if the current destination
typical AUTO steering displays are illustrated in
waypoint is included on that route but is not the designated
Target waypoint or the last waypoint in the selected
sequence. All navigation parameters are computed internally Automatic sequencing occurs when the current
from inertial coordinates. AUTO steering point is passed (90º or greater off the nose)
within 5nm.
NAVAIR 01−F14AAD−1 Commanded Ground Speed Steering The TGT, ZTOT and CGS parameters are entered via
the DEU as follows:
Commanded Ground Speed steering is a special sub
1. From the main menu, select WPT.
mode of AUTO steering which provides additional airspeed
cues for precise timing of arrival over a defined flight plan 2. Enter the desired TGT waypoint number and select
Target waypoint. Existing AUTO steering cues are still ENTER.
available, and the steering mode buffer of the HSD format
will display the AUTO legend. (See paragraph 3. Select TYPE, and from this submenu select TGT
and ENTER.
To enable CGS steering, the aircrew must specify the
following parameters for a flight plan route: TGT (Target 4. Select CGS, enter the desired ground speed in knots
Waypoint), CGS, and ZTOT. The MCS will attempt to for the terminal inbound leg to the TGT and
calculate and display on the HUD and the HSD format ENTER.
airspeed cues to achieve the specified time and airspeed over
5. Select ZTOT, enter the desired Zulu time on target
the TGT if the following conditions are met:
and ENTER.
1. A flight plan with a defined route is active.
In CGS steering, the MCS continually calculates the
2. The current destination waypoint is on the flight ground speed required to cover the distance from the current
plan route. aircraft location to the TGT along the active flight plan route,
and also accounts for the CGS specified for the final leg
3. AUTO steering is selected. inbound to the TGT. The difference between the aircraft’s
ground speed and the CGS is presented graphically on the
4. The TGT and ZTOT have been specified for the HUD and digitally on the HSD format. Commanded Ground
flight plan. Speed steering provides the aircrew with cues for airspeed
control to meet the timing requirements specified by CGS
5. Valid ZTOD from the MAGR is available.
and ZTOT. The CGS cuues are displayed to the aircrew Manual Steering
whenever valid, and are determined by the following criteria:
In the manual display steering mode, the pilot
1. CGS exceeds 133 knots maintains a command magnetic course by steering the
aircraft to the command heading marker on the HUD or MFD
2. The specified ZTOT can be met. VDI format.
When valid, CGS steering cues are displayed on all Initially the pilot selects a command course for manual
HUD master modes. In addition to normal AUTO steering display steering with the course select control (FO−3); this
cues, a caret is presented along the HUD airspeed dial edge results in the display of command course and a course line
that provides a fly−to" cue for airspeed (see Figure 20−48). pointer on the horizontal situation display MFD format. The
When the airspeed tic and the caret are aligned, specified manual display steering mode is initiated when the MAN
ZTOT and CGS requirements over the TGT will be met. If pushbutton on the MFD VDI display format is depressed.
the current ground speed differs from CGS by more than 30 When this is done, the mission computer calculates
knots, the caret becomes fixed at a preset angular limit command heading by offsetting command course for any
(three dots), and rotates with the airspeed tic until the wind drift that may be present.
difference becomes less than 30 knots. CGS also replaces the
TAS display under PB 8 on the HSD format. Figure 20−49 shows the display formats used for
manual steering. Manual steering mode can be selected as
Note follows:
Whenever CGS steering is valid, the HUD
1. Call the VDI MFD format.
analog airspeed dial and tic will be displayed
along with the HUD airspeed caret, regardless of 2. Using the pilot’s CRS select knob on the course/
the position of the HUD Format switch (ANLG, heading panel (FO−3), select a course.
3. Verify the selected course value under CSEL on the supplies command altitude and command speed that are
VDI MFD format. displayed on the MFD VDI D/L format. Command course is
displayed on the MFD HSD D/L format as a course line
4. Depress the MAN pushbutton on the VDI format. pointer.
Steer aircraft to the command heading marker on the Data−link steering using the ASW−27C or URC−107
HUD or VDI. JTIDS can be performed as follows: Data Link Steering 1. Call the VDI and HSD display formats on the pilot
center and right MFDs, respectively.
In the data−link display steering mode (Figure 20−50),
the pilot maintains a command course, commanded by 2. Depress the D/L pushbutton on the center MFD VDI
external inputs from the ASW−27C data link or AN/URC−107 format.
JTIDS data link, by steering the aircraft to the command
3. Maintain the command altitude indicated on the
heading marker on the HUD, VDI, or HSD format. The pilot right side of the center MFD VDI format.
also adjusts aircraft altitude and speed in accordance with
commanded values appearing on the VDI D/L MFD format. 4. Maintain the command speed indicated on the left
The ASW−27C must be in its tactical mode (TAC selected on side of the center MFD VDI format.
the DATA LINK panel) or JTIDS must be in AIC and its
tactical mode (JTIDS on the DATA LINK panel). 5. Steer the aircraft to the command heading marker on
the HUD or center MFD VDI format.
The data−link steering mode is selected by depressing 6. A comparison between the command course
the D/L pushbutton on the MFD VDI display format. When received from the data link and the drift−
this is done, the mission computer then calculates command compensated command heading can be observed on
heading to be flown to make good the D/L supplied command the right−hand MFD HSD D/L format. Command
course by correcting for any wind drift. The resulting course is in the form of a course line pointer, and the
command heading marker appears on the MFD VDI D/L, command heading to be flown is indicated by
MFD HSD D/L, and HUD D/L formats. The D/L also captain’s bars.
The mission computer provides the appropriate The autopilot data−link vector hold steering
steering information to the aircraft displays for a requested mode is not supported using JTIDS vector
AWL mode. This is derived from data supplied by the ILS steering data.
and ACLS. AWL information is available from either the
data link (AN/ASW−27C (ACL)) or the ILS receiver No Steering Selected
(AN/ARA−63) or both. The AWL steering modes operate
continuously in the A/C landing phase to monitor and Steering is turned off if STR (PB 9) on the HSD format
respond to pilot AWL requests. The pilot steers to glidepath is cycled until the steering mode buffer displays a blank, or
situation displays (both ACL and ILS) and flight director if a boxed steering selection (other than AWL) is unboxed on
displays during the approach and descent phases of the the VDI format. The selected heading and course functions
landing phase. Chapter 2 describes the DFCS ACL function, (HSEL and CSEL) are not operable. The HSD right hand data
and Chapter 17 provides ACLS description and procedures. buffer displays TACAN information (TO" the station). No
steering is the default steering mode on aircraft power up.
Note Navigation System Updates
The AWL function is not supported by the
JTIDS. Occasionally, when GPS is unavailable, the small
errors in the navigation system build up to a point that Autopilot Steering requires position updating. The following paragraphs
provide a description of the procedures for performing
The mission computer provides the DFCS autopilot navigation system updates.
with a set of steering validity discretes and a computed
steering error for its engaged steering mode. The available All updates, except JTIDS, determine aircraft position
autopilot steering modes are: heading hold, ground track one time by computing its location with respect to a known
hold/destination hold, and data−link vector hold. Refer to waypoint. JTIDS updates use the navigation correction data
Chapter 2 for a description of these DFCS functions. computed by the JTIDS. The difference in the computed
position and the navigation system’s present position are boxed at this time, and delta LAT and delta LONG
displayed on the MFD or the DD as differences (deltas) in will appear as shown in Figure 20−51. Optimum
latitude and longitude. If these differences are reasonable, results will be obtained with low and slow flight
the operator may elect to update the navigation system, conditions.
including the INS and the SAHRS, by depressing the MFD
FIX ENABLE pushbutton. 4. Verify that the delta LAT/LONG corrections are rea
5. If the delta LAT/LONG corrections appear
Because of the high degree of accuracy available reasonable and a correction is required, press the
when in INS/GPS mode, one fix position updates FIX ENABLE pushbutton on the INS UPDATE
are not available while in that mode. GPS must MFD format. The corrections will be incorporated
be unboxed to do a navigation update. into the system and sensors and the correct latitude
and longitude will be displayed on the OWN A/C
A navigation update is performed by calling up the INS MFD format.
UPDATE MFD format shown in Figure 20−51 that will
appear when the UPDT pushbutton is depressed on the HSD TACAN One−Fix Update
basic MFD format, shown Figure 20−9. The available types
of updates consist of visual, TACAN, radar, HUD/designate, TACAN one−fix update computes aircraft position
data link, and JTIDS. If a particular update type is not using TACAN measurements of range and bearing from a
available, an X" will appear over the acronym as shown in TACAN station whose coordinates are known and stored in
Figure 20−51. Since all updates except JTIDS use the the waypoint file. The procedure requires that the TACAN be
coordinates of a selected prestored waypoint, the coordinates operating and the station selected correspond to the waypoint
of the selected waypoint should be verified prior to that will be called up and whose coordinates will be used in
performing all updates except JTIDS. This is done by calling the updating process. The procedure can be performed by
up the WPT DATA MFD format containing the point as either the pilot or RIO as follows:
shown in Figure 20−29 that is available from the OWN A/C
basic format. The procedures for each of the types of updates 1. With the TACAN operating, select a TACAN
channel whose latitude and longitude coordinates
are provided below.
correspond to the referenced TACAN location Visual One−Fix Update stored in the waypoint file.
2. Verify that the coordinates of the TACAN station are
Visual one−fix update computes the aircraft’s position
the same as those of the waypoint to be selected for
using the coordinates of a point selected and stored in
updating by calling up the appropriate WPT DATA
waypoint file and substituted for the aircraft’s position at the
MFD format Figure 20−29. If incorrect, enter the
instant of direct flyover. This requires that entry, selection,
correct values via the DEU or DD.
and verification of the waypoint be made prior to flying over
the point and that the VIS pushbutton on the INS UPDATE 3. Call up the INS UPDATE format, Figure 20−51.
MFD format be depressed at the time of flyover. When this Select the correct waypoint corresponding to the
is done, the INS UPDATE FORMAT shall display the coordinates of the TACAN station using the in
computed latitude and longitude differences for evaluation. crease/decrease pushbuttons on the right side of the
The procedure can be performed by either pilot or RIO as INS UPDATE MFD format.
4. Depress the TCN pushbutton. The legend will be
1. Verify the coordinates of the waypoint to be boxed and the computed delta LAT and delta LONG
overflown by calling up the appropriate WPT DATA will appear, as shown in Figure 20−51.
MFD format (Figure 20−29). If incorrect, enter the
correct coordinates for the point via the DEU or 5. Verify that the delta LAT/LONG corrections are rea
the DD. sonable.
2. Call up the INS UPDATE MFD format, Figure 6. If the delta LAT/LONG corrections appear
20−51. Select the correct waypoint corresponding to reasonable and a correction is required, depress the
coordinates of the visual update point via the FIX ENABLE pushtile on the INS UPDATE MFD
increase/decrease pushbuttons on the right side of format. The corrections will be incorporated into
the INS UPDATE MFD format. the system and sensors, and the correct latitude and
longitude will be displayed on the OWN A/C MFD
3. At the instant of direct flyover of the visual point format.
depress the VIS pushbutton. The VIS legend will be
NAVAIR 01−F14AAD−1 Radar One−Fix Update coordinates of the radar−identifiable point via the
increase/decrease pushbuttons on the right side of
Radar one−fix update computes aircraft position using the INS UPDATE MFD format.
radar measurements of range, azimuth, and elevation angles
from a radar−identifiable target whose coordinates are known 4. Select half−action mode by depressing the trigger
and are stored in the waypoint file. This procedure requires on the RIO sensor hand control to the first detent
that the radar is operating in the ground−map mode and that position.
the DD cursor be positioned over the DD displayed target
prior to designating via the sensor hand control as described 5. Place the DD cursor over the displayed radar target
below. Like other one−fix update modes it also requires that on the DD (Figure 20−52) using the sensor hand
the waypoint corresponding to the radar target coordinates is control and depress the trigger to the second detent
selected for the update as described below. Since this (full action).
procedure requires the use of the DD control panel, it can be
performed only by the RIO. The procedure is as follows: 6. Depress the RDR pushbutton on the INS Update
MFD format. The RDR legend will become boxed
1. Select the radar ground−map mode via the GND and the computed delta LAT/delta LONG will
MAP pushtile on the DD, shown in Figure 20−52. appear as shown in Figure 20−51.
2. Verify that the coordinates of the radar identifiable
point are the same as those of the waypoint to be 7. If the delta LAT/LONG corrections appear
selected for updating by calling up the appropriate reasonable and a correction is required, depress the
WPT Data MFD format, Figure 20−29. If incorrect, FIX ENABLE pushtile. The corrections will be
enter the correct values via the DEU or DD. incorporated into the system and the sensors and the
correct latitude and longitude will be displayed on
3. Call up the INS UPDATE format, Figure 20−51. the OWN A/C MFD format, which will now appear.
Select the correct waypoint corresponding to the
NAVAIR 01−F14AAD−1 Data−Link One−Fix Update 3. Call up the INS Update MFD format (Figure 20−49)
and select waypoint 18 via the increase/decrease
Data−link one−fix update computes aircraft position pushbuttons.
using inputs from an external platform that measures the
aircraft position with respect to an agreed data−link target 4. Call up the TSD MFD format (Figure 20−53)
point whose coordinates are stored in a specific location in available from the MENU1 MFD format. Using the
the waypoint file. The measured information consist of pilot cursor control or the RIO sensor hand control,
components of slant range to the waypoint that are place the cursor over the data−link target point
transmitted to the aircraft via a specific data−link message. position and depress the switch.
The procedure requires that the coordinates of the agreed
data−link target point are stored as waypoint 18 in the way Note
point file and that the data link is operating in the tactical Both waypoint 18 from the waypoint file and
mode. Verification and selection of the waypoint are the data−link reported location of this point
performed similar to other one−fix update procedures but the appear on the TSD format. Since both
tactical situation display on the MFD is used for location and symbols represent the same point, the
designation of the data−link target point (Figure 20−53). Both difference in their location on the TSD MFD
the pilot and the RIO can perform this update procedure. The format is an indication of the aircraft position
pilot uses the cursor control switch on the throttle, and the error. A check should be made to ascertain
RIO uses the sensor hand control for designating and that this error is reasonable prior to
positioning the cursor. The procedure is as follows: performing the update.
1. Verify data−link operation in the tactical mode 5. Call up again the INS UPDATE MFD format.
(i.e., DATA LINK MODE switch is in TAC). Depress the D/L pushbutton. A delay of several
seconds may occur prior to the boxing of the D/L
2. Verify the coordinates of waypoint 18 are the
legend and the appearance of the delta LAT and
previously agreed values by calling up the
LONG displays (Figure 20−51).
appropriate page of the WPT Data MFD format.
6. If the errors appear reasonable and an update is to the HUD visual target via the increase/decrease
desired, depress the FIX ENABLE pushbutton. The pushbuttons on the right side of the format.
corrections will be incorporated into the system and
sensor and the correct latitude and longitude will be 3. Position the cursor over the visual target seen
displayed on the INS UPDATE format and will also through the HUD using the cursor control switch
appear on the OWN A/C MFD format. and then depress the switch (Figure 20−54). HUD/Designate One−Fix Update 4. Depress the HUD pushbutton on the INS UPDATE
MFD format. The HUD legend will become boxed
HUD/designate one−fix update computes aircraft and the computed delta LAT/delta LONG will
position, using measurements of azimuth and elevation from appear as shown in Figure 20−51.
the HUD center to a designated target point that is visible
5. If the delta LAT/LONG corrections appear
through the HUD and whose coordinates are known and
reasonable and a correction is required, depress the
stored in the waypoint file and system altitude. This
FIX ENABLE pushbutton on the INS UPDATE
procedure is performed only by the pilot using the cursor
MFD format. The corrections will be incorporated
control switch on the throttle to position the HUD cursor over
into the system and sensors and the correct latitude
the visually sighted target and to designate. Like other
and longitude will be displayed on the OWN A/C
one−fix update modes, it also requires that the waypoint
MFD format.
corresponding to the visual target coordinates is selected for
the update as described below. JTIDS One−Fix Update
1. Verify that the coordinates of the HUD visual target
are the same as those of the waypoint to be selected JTIDS one−fix update uses the delta latitude and
for updating by calling up the appropriate WPT longitude information calculated by JTIDS to perform a
DATA MFD format (Figure 20−29). one−time update of the system and sensors. This function will
always use the JTIDS geodetic latitude and longitude
2. Call up the INS UPDATE MFD format correction data regardless of JTIDS NAV MODE. This
(Figure 20−51). Select the waypoint corresponding procedure requires JTIDS operating in the net as an active
participant (NORM selected on JTIDS control panel) with Continuous Position Updating
NET ENTR−OK. See Chapter 19 for JTIDS operating
procedures. The JTIDS geodetic position quality must be ≤3 In addition to one−fix position updates, the navigation
to display the data and allow the update. This procedure can system has the capability to accept continuous navigation
be performed by either the pilot or RIO as follows: corrections from external sources when they exist and are
valid. For the current configuration of the aircraft, the only
1. Verify JTIDS operating and in sync. two sources available for continuous position updating are
TACAN and JTIDS data. The TACAN mode of continuous
2. Call up INS UPDATE MFD format (Figure 20−51) updating uses TACAN measurements of range and bearing to
available from the MENU MFD format. a prestored selected waypoint that also is an active TACAN
station. Thus, as in one−fix updating, it is necessary to ensure
3. Depress the JTID pushbutton on the INS UP−DATE
that the selected waypoint corresponds to the TACAN station
MFD format.
that is being received. The JTIDS mode of continuous updat
ing uses delta latitude, longitude, and altitude calculated by
If the data from JTIDS is not valid or the quality
JTIDS to continuously update the navigation system. The
is >3, the JTID pushbutton will be crossed out.
JTIDS continuous update will update the navigation system
The JTID pushbutton boxes and the JTIDS com
with either geodetic latitude, longitude, and altitude correc
puted delta LAT and delta LONG will appear as tions in the GEO mode or relative latitude, longitude, and
shown in Figure 20−51.
geodetic altitude corrections in the REL mode. When the
JTIDS altitude correction data quality is ≤ 10, this function
4. If the delta LAT/LONG corrections appear
reasonable and a correction is required, depress the will display and use only the latitude and longitude correc
FIX ENABLE pushbutton on the INS UPDATE
MFD format. The corrections will be incorporated
into the system and sensors and the corrected Selection of JTIDS continuous position updating
latitude and longitude will be displayed on the is made via the MFD NAV SYSTEM AID format
OWN A/C MFD format. (Figure 20−55) that will appear when the NAV pushbutton is
depressed on the MFD HSD or OWN A/C format. The On the SURFACE WPT POS MFD format
remaining procedures for JTIDS continuous update are the (Figure20−56), an X" over the legend for a position
same as JTIDS one−fix update. Depress the JTID pushbutton determination mode indicates that the mode is not available.
on the NAV SYSTEM AID−JTID format. If the data from Until one of the available modes is selected, the format
JTIDS is not valid or the quality is >3, the JTID pushbutton shown in Figure 20−56 displays only the mode legends, the
will be crossed out. The JTID pushbutton boxes and the boxed SWP legend, and the SURFACE WPT POS header.
JTIDS computed delta LAT, LONG, and ALT will appear as
shown in Figure 20−55. Depression of the ENABLE push When using the visual, radar, or HUD/designate
button on the top center of the NAV SYSTEM AID format procedure, after the surface waypoint latitude and longitude
now allows the corrections, which are continuously have been computed and displayed on the MFD, pressing the
computed, to update the system. ENTER pushbutton on the MFD format enters the
coordinates into the waypoint file in an assigned waypoint
Selection of continuous position updating is made via number. For the DEU method, the coordinates are also
the MFD NAV SYSTEM AID format (Figure 20−55) that will displayed on the MFD, but are entered by pressing the DEU
appear when the NAV pushbutton is depressed on the MFD ENTER pushtile. When using the PTID method, pressing the
HSD or OWN A/C format. If TACAN data is being received sensor hand control trigger enters the coordinates that are
from a transmitting station, the TCN legend will not be displayed on the MFD.
crossed out. The procedure for TACAN operation is the same
as for one−fix TACAN position update described in The paragraphs that follow describe the various
paragraph Select the correct waypoint using the methods and provide procedures.
up or down arrows on the HSD format, then depress the NAV
pushbutton. Once this is done, depressing the TCN push Visual Mode
button on the resulting NAV SYSTEM AID format boxes the
TCN legend and computed corrections for latitude and For a visual waypoint position determination, the air
longitude are then displayed. Depression of the ENABLE craft present−position coordinates are assigned to the way
pushbutton on the top center of the NAV SYSTEM AID point position at the instant of flyover. This requires that the
format now allows the corrections, which are being contin VIS pushbutton be pressed at that time. The assigned coordi
uously computed, to be provided to the system. nates are displayed when the VIS pushbutton is pressed. This
procedure can be performed by either crewmember.
For continuous position updating neither the INS
nor the SAHRS are updated. Once this aiding
mode is deselected or becomes invalid, the D Visual mode is inoperable with GPS boxed.
computed corrections will not be provided and a D For best results, the aircraft should be flown
change in position may occur. low and slow for this procedure. Surface Waypoint Position 1. Call up the MFD INS UPDATE format
Determination (Figure 20−51).
The position of a surface waypoint is determined by 2. Depress the SWP pushbutton to display the MFD
measuring its location with respect to the aircraft or with SURFACE WPT POS update format.
respect to some other known point. The following sensors
and procedures can be used: visual, TACAN, radar, HUD/ 3. Depress the up or down arrow pushbutton until the
designate, DEU, and PTID. Selection is made from the desired waypoint number is displayed.
SURFACE WPT POS format on the MFD. The computed
4. At the instant of overflight, depress the VIS
latitude and longitude are displayed on the MFD or DD. The
push−button, boxing the VIS legend and displaying
SURFACE WPT POS format is called by selecting the SWP
the latitude and longitude of the surface waypoint.
pushbutton on the INS UPDATE format.
5. If the latitude and longitude appear reasonable,
Note press the ENTER pushbutton on the SURFACE
The INS UPDATE format is called by selecting WPT POS format. This enters the coordinates into
the UPDT legend on any of the HSD MFD the waypoint file; they can be verified by selecting
formats. the WPT DATA format (Figure 20−29).
NAVAIR 01−F14AAD−1 TACAN Surface Waypoint Position 5. Set the sensor hand control cursor switch to the up
Determination position (Figure 20−57).
For TACAN surface waypoint position determination, Select the half−action mode by depressing the trigger on the
the position of the TACAN station is computed using RIO sensor hand control to the first detent position.
TACAN measurements of range and bearing from aircraft
present position. This procedure can be performed by either 6. Using the RIO sensor hand control, place the DD
crewmember and requires that the TACAN be operating. cursor over the radar target and depress the trigger
to the second detent position (full action).
1. With the TACAN operating, select the channel for
the station location to be determined. 7. Depress the RDR pushbutton on the SURFACE
WPT POS format to display the waypoint latitude
2. Call up the INS UPDATE format (Figure 20−51). and longitude and box the RDR legend.
3. Depress the SWP pushbutton to display the MFD 8. If the coordinates appear reasonable, press the
SURFACE WPT POS format. ENTER pushbutton to place the surface waypoint
coordinates into the proper waypoint file; they can
4. Depress the up or down arrow pushbutton until the be verified by selecting the WPT DATA format.
desired waypoint number is displayed. HUD/Designate Mode
5. Depress the TCN pushbutton on the MFD
SURFACE WPT POS format. This boxes the TCN Using the HUD/designate mode, the pilot uses the
legend and displays the TACAN station latitude and HUD cursor to designate a visual target and the target
longitude. position is computed using aircraft present position and
azimuth/elevation measured from the HUD center to the
6. If the coordinates appear reasonable, press the
designated target.
ENTER pushbutton to place the surface waypoint
coordinates into the proper waypoint file. They can 1. Call up the INS UPDATE format (Figure 20−51).
be verified by selecting the WPT DATA format
(Figure 20−29). 2. Depress the SWP pushbutton to display the
SURFACE WPT POS format and box the SWP Radar Mode legend.
For a radar surface way−point position determination, 3. Depress the up or down arrow pushbutton until the
the position of a radar surface target is computed using radar desired waypoint number is displayed.
measurements of range, bearing, and elevation angle to the
target from the known aircraft present position. The radar 4. Using the TDC (Figure 20−57), place the HUD
must be in the GND MAP mode. This procedure can only be cursor over the visual target and depress the switch
performed by the RIO. to designate the waypoint.
1. On the DD control panel, select GND MAP. 5. Depress the HUD pushbutton on the SURFACE
WPT POS format to display waypoint latitude and
2. Call up the INS UPDATE format (Figure 20−51). longitude and box the HUD legend.
3. Depress the SWP pushbutton, which results in the 6. If the coordinates appear reasonable, depress
display of the SURFACE WPT POS format with ENTER pushbutton to place the surface waypoint
SWP boxed. coordinates into the waypoint file; they can be
verified by selecting the WPT DATA format.
4. Depress the up or down arrow pushbutton until the
desired waypoint number is displayed.
NAVAIR 01−F14AAD−1 DEU Mode 1. Set the sensor hand control cursor select switch to
the down (PTID cursor) position.
In the DEU mode, the position of a new waypoint is
computed based on its range and bearing from an existing 2. On the PTID control panel (FO−4), depress the
waypoint already in the waypoint file. The range and bearing NON ATTK and SYM ELEM pushbuttons.
values are entered by the RIO via the DEU (Figure 20−28).
3. Set the azimuth scan to ±20° on the sensor control
panel (FO−4) and adjust the antenna scan center to
1. On the DEU, select the number of the known zero.
waypoint to be used as a reference.
4. Call the WPT DATA MFD format and depress the
2. On the DEU, enter the range and bearing from the desired waypoint number to box the waypoint
reference waypoint to the new waypoint. legend.
3. On the DEU, press the SET pushtile and select a 5. On the PTID control panel, set the RANGE switch
waypoint number for the new waypoint. as required and the MODE switch to A/C STAB.
4. Press the ENTER pushtile on the DEU. This causes 6. Place the sensor hand control trigger to the half−
the coordinates of the new waypoint to be computed action position.
and entered into the waypoint file.
7. Place the PTID cursor on the desired screen location
5. The latitude and longitude of the new waypoint may and hook by selecting full action. This causes the
be verified by calling the WPT DATA format on the latitude and longitude of the hooked position to be
MFD. computed and entered in the waypoint file. PTID Spot Hook Mode The coordinates of the hooked position can be verified
by calling the WPT DATA format.
In the spot hook mode, coordinates are computed for a
point designated by the RIO by spot hooking on the PTID
based on aircraft present position.
20−105 (Reverse
20−105 Blank) ORIGINAL
1 TEST light (GO) Illuminates when respective MODE switch TEST position is actuated;
indicates proper (GO) operation of modes 1, 2, 3/A, and C. Master
switch must be set to NORM.
2 TEST/MON light The light has two functions. Illuminates when respective MODE switch
(NO GO) TEST position is actuated; indicates failure (NO GO) of modes 1, 2, 3/A
and C. Master switch must be set to NORM.
3 ANT switch Selects upper (TOP), lower (BOT), or both (DIV) antennas. DIV
(diversity) permits the IFF to switch automatically for transmission to the
antenna that received the strongest interrogation signal.
5 STATUS lights (red) ALT Illumination indicates altitude encoder circuit failure during MODE C
KIT Illumination indicates KIT/KIR TSEC failure during MODE 4 test.
ANT Illumination indicates excessive voltage standard wave ratio (VSWR)
to antenna during MODE C or MODE 4 tests.
7 IDENT OUT IDENT Momentary position provides IDENT reply for 15 to 30 seconds after
MIC switch releasing switch; replies to interrogation in modes 1, 2, 3/A.
8 MODE 4 REPLY light Illuminates when system has successfully replied to a mode 4 interrogation
provided the AUDIO/LIGHT/OUT switch is not in the OUT position.
9 MODE 4 AUDIO/ LIGHT/ AUDIO Enables: (1) An ICS tone indicating either incomplete signal reception
OUT switch or that the received interrogation code does not match the installed
code; (2) no go and IFF caution lights indicating no reply to a valid
mode 4 interrogation; and (3) MODE 4 REPLY light indicating a valid
mode 4 interrogation reply.
LIGHT Enables: (1) no go and IFF caution lights indicating no reply to a valid
mode 4 interrogation; and (2) MODE 4 REPLY light indicating a valid
mode 4 interrogation reply. Disables ICS audio tone monitoring.
OUT Disables all ICS tone and light monitoring of mode 4 interrogations,
replies, and nonreplies.
10 CODE selectors Code selectors are rotatable drums with imprinted numbers that appear in code
(MODE 1 and 3/A) selector windows, permitting selection of codes for mode 1 and 3/A.
12 MODE 2 Code selectors are rotatable drums with imprinted numbers that can be seen when
sliding cover is moved out of view. Changing requires pointed object. Not normally
changed in flight.
13 MODE 4 CODE ZERO Erases code 4 from KIR−1A and KIT−1A computers. IFF ZERO
switch advisory legend appears on upper left of RIO’s MFD.
HOLD Retains code in KIR−1A computers when landing gear is down or when
system is turned off.
15 M4 ALARM OVER Disables the mode 4 tone alarm to the RIO’s ICS.
RIDE switch
17 CHAL light Remains Illuminated for the duration of a challenge period indicating correct
18 CODE selectors First thumbwheel selects mode, 1, 2, 3A, 4A, or 4B. Last four thumbwheel rotatable
drums with imprinted numbers appearing in code selector windows, permit selection
of desired interrogation code.
20 IFF warning legend Indicates mode 4 interrogation was received, but system has not generated a reply;
mode 4 KIT/KIR computers have been zeroized; or KIT/KIR has failed
(APX−100) (APX−76)
Illumination of the GO TEST light indicates proper The MODE 4 CODE switch is placarded ZERO, B, A,
operation of that mode. Illumination of the NO GO TEST and HOLD. The switch must be lifted over a detent to switch
light indicates failure of the selected mode. The MASTER to ZERO. It is spring−loaded to return from HOLD to position
switch must be set to NORM for the test function to operate. A. Position A selects the mode 4 code for the present code
The modes not being tested should be OUT when testing on period and position B selects the mode 4 code for the
the ground to prevent unnecessary interference with nearby succeeding code period. Both codes are mechanically
ground stations. If a malfunction exists during these self− inserted into the transponder by maintenance personnel. The
tests, an IFX acronym will appear on the programmable codes are mechanically held in the IFF, regardless of the
tactical information display (PTID). The IFF transponder is position of the MASTER switch or the status of aircraft
also continuously checked by aircraft self−test. Failure causes power, until the first time the landing gear is raised.
the IFX acronym to be shown on the PTID. Calling up the Thereafter, the mode 4 codes will automatically zeroize
failure history file or the CNI OBC display on any MFD will anytime the MASTER switch or the aircraft electrical power
show whether the failure is in the transponder computer is turned off. The code settings can be mechanically retained
(IFA), the transponder (IFXPN), or the entire system (IFX). after the aircraft has landed (landing gear must be down and
locked) by turning the CODE switch to HOLD and releasing RAD TEST−OUT Switch it at least 15 seconds before the MASTER switch or aircraft
electrical power is turned off. The codes again will be held,
The springloaded RAD TEST is used for testing. It regardless of the status of aircraft power or the MASTER
enables a mode−3/A code reply to a TEST mode interrogation switch, until the next time the landing gear is raised.
from a ramp test set. It also enables a mode 4 reply to a
VERIFY 1 interrogation from a surface station or a ramp test The mode 4 codes can be zeroized anytime the aircraft
set. A VERIFY 1 interrogation is a modified mode 4 power is on and the MASTER switch not OFF by turning the
interrogation used for testing. CODE switch to ZERO.
An audio signal, the REPLY light, and the IFF caution Mode 4 Operation light are used to monitor mode 4 operation. The AUDIO/
Mode 4 operation is selected by setting the MODE 4 LIGHT/OUT switch controls these mode 4 indicators. When
toggle switch ON, provided that the MASTER switch is
NORM. Setting the MODE 4 switch to OUT disables
the IFF MASTER switch is in NORM and the MODE 4 increments of 100 feet, and referenced to 29.92 inches of
TEST/ON/OUT switch is on, selecting AUDIO on the mercury.
MODE 4 AUDIO/LIGHT/OUT switch provides two types of
mode 4 caution indications: (1) an ICS audio tone indicating 21.2 IFF INTERROGATOR (AN/APX−76)
either incomplete signal reception or the received interroga
tion code does not match the installed code, and (2) a no go The AN/APX−76 provides radar identification of air
light and IFF caution light indicating the system is not borne and surface Mark 10 IFF systems. It operates in con
responding to a valid mode 4 interrogation. Selecting the junction with the radar and is automatically turned on when
light position disables the ICS audio tone and provides only ever the RDR power switch is placed to any position except
the IFF caution light and no go light. Selecting the OUT OFF. A minimum warmup time of 3 minutes is required
position disables the ICS tone, no go light, and IFF caution before successful operation or BIT can be performed. The
light indications and disables the REPLY light indication of system requires 115−VAC from the main ac bus through the
a valid reply. (Caution and REPLY light logic is shown in IFF A/A AC circuit breaker (1J7) and 28−VDC from the main
Figure 21−2.) dc bus through the IFF A/A DC circuit breaker (9F6). It is
capable of interrogation and display of modes 1, 2, 3A and IFF Caution Light 4, and of displaying EMERG AND IDENT on the DD. Refer
to NAVAIR 01−F14AAD−1A, the Classified NATOPS Sup
The IFF caution light on the RIO’s ladder lights comes plement.
on to indicate that mode 4 is not operative. The light is opera
tive whenever aircraft power is on and the MASTER switch The APX−76 interrogator consists of an antenna array
is not OFF. However, the light will not operate if the mode 4 that is part of the radar antenna, a control panel, receiver−
computer is not physically installed in the aircraft. Illumina transmitter, switch amplifier, and for mode 4 operation, an
tion of the IFF caution light indicates that: (1) the mode 4 interrogator computer.
codes have zeroized, (2) the self−test function of
the KIT−1A/TSEC computer has detected a faulty computer The IFF antenna consists of six dipole antennas
or (3) the transponder is not replying to proper mode 4 inter mounted on the surface of the radar planar array antenna. The
rogations. antenna azimuth and vertical coverage is the same as that of
the radar antenna except that the beam width of the APX−76
If the IFF caution light illuminates, switch the MAS is 13°. The transmitter operates at a fixed frequency of
TER switch to NORM (if in STBY) and ensure that the 1,030MHz and the receiver operates at a fixed frequency of
MODE 4 toggle switch is ON. If illumination continues, 1,090 MHz.
employ operationally−directed flight procedures for an inop
erative mode 4 condition. Except for the display of IFF video, the APX−76 is the
same in all modes of radar operation. The radar analog signal IFF ZERO CAW converter provides an IFF pretrigger for the purpose of syn
chronizing the IFF and radar. On receiving the pretrigger
An IFF ZERO CAW is displayed in the MFD CAW from the radar, the IFF synchronizer generates triggers that
window when a KIT computer is installed and the mode 4 establish the timing of transmission of challenges and de
codes have been zeroized. The IFF ZERO CAW is only valid coded reply video for display on the DD. With the radar in
if the APX−100 MASTER switch is not OFF. If the MASTER low PRF, IFF video is mixed with radar video and displayed
switch is OFF, the IFF ZERO CAW is displayed regardless in the radar format. In high PRF, the IFF video is displayed
of whether the IFF codes are zeroized or not. in a B−scan format without radar video. Figure 21−3 shows
IFF display formats.
21.1.2 Altitude Computations
The synchronizer also sends a mode 4 pretrigger to the
Altitude computations are performed by the CADC. interrogator computer.
The computer outputs are altitude information cor The interrogator computer generates mode 4 interroga
rected for static position error. The synchro output is supplied tions and interpolates mode 4 replies. Display of mode 4 is
to the altimeter providing the crew with a corrected altitude the same as all other modes. The mode 4 codes are prevented
indication. The digital output from the computer is applied from zeroing when the RDR power switch is cycled.
to the transponder for transmission on mode C, coded in
Weapon Systems
TARPS Subsystem
22.1 RECONNAISSANCE SYSTEM This capability is compatible with the F−14 tactical air
reconnaissance pod system and includes target designation
The reconnaissance system establishes the aircraft as a
and steering command functions and reconnaissance sensor
multisensor reconnaissance aircraft with the flexibility for a
control as well as specific reconnaissance displays to crew
wide range of reconnaissance missions. Specific missions
and in−flight annotation of reconnaissance data.
include order−of−battle generation, prestrike/poststrike pho
tography, and maritime surveillance. The TARPS consists of the following components (as
shown in Figure 22−1):
The sensors and associated equipment are contained in
the pod’s four compartments (Figure 22−1). The sensors are: 1. TARPS pod
serial frame camera (KS−87D); and low− to medium−altitude
panoramic camera (KA−99), or long−range standoff frame 2. Serial frame camera
camera (KS−153A with 24−inch lens).
3. Panoramic camera or standoff frame camera
4. Data display system displays, the RIO has full control of TARPS. A description
of the CPS controls and their functions are provided in
5. TARPS environmental control system Figure22−3.
6. Controller processor signal unit 22.2 DISPLAY SYSTEM
The TARPS location on the aircraft is shown in As described in Chapter 2, the display system provides
Figure 22−2. the following:
22.1.1 TARPS Pod 1. Selection of waypoint to be reconnoitered and
The TARPS pod (Figure 22−2) is 207.5 inches long and steering mode (point−to−point, command course, or
weighs approximately 1,625 pounds including sensor equip mapping) to be employed.
ment. The pod is nonjettisonable and is mounted to the
2. Display of reconnaissance steering cues and camera
aircraft on weapon station 5 with an integral pylon adapter.
status the HUD when valid steering is selected and
The adapter provides the pod with sensor control signals, data
the aircraft is not in A/A with a weapon selected.
annotation signals, electrical power, and ECS support from
the aircraft. Circuit breaker protection is provided through 3. Display of reconnaissance steering cues on the VDI
the ac left and right main circuit breaker panel. The pod is when the VDI is selected.
designed for carriage throughout the flight envelope.
4. Command steering displays using the reconnais
22.1.2 Serial Frame Camera sance steering symbol and reconnaissance command
The serial frame camera can be directed in flight either heading marker.
to the forward oblique position to obtain photographs of the
5. Displays of reconnaissance TARPS sensor status
area as seen by the pilot, or to a vertical position for use as
and camera solution cues to crew on the MFD
a backup sensor in the event the panoramic camera fails or for
RECON DATA status format.
mapping missions.
The serial camera mount assembly holds the camera 6. Display of target waypoint (reference point) data on
and provides the capability to move the camera in flight from the MFD RECON DATA status format.
the vertical position to the forward position. Controls for the
camera positioning are on the CPS. 7. Display of waypoint reconnaissance parameters
(command crossing angle, target length, map lines,
22.1.3 Panoramic Camera map separation distance (map offset)) on two
The panoramic camera offers full horizon−to−horizon
panoramic imagery over a broad velocity/above ground level 8. Provide selection of TARPS air−to−ground ranging
mission envelope. for altitude above ground level determination.
1 FRAME lights Green FRAME light flashes once per camera cycle when serial frame camera is
• Amber activated and no failure exists. Amber FRAME light illuminates if failure exists in
• Green serial frame camera and green FRAME light goes off.
2 MOUNT light Illuminates indicating mount failure. This occurs when serial frame camera fails to
• Amber achieve directed position within 23 seconds. (It may be firmly locked in position
opposite to directed one.) CIPDU internal failure can also give mount failure
3 SC (Sensor Control) Illuminates when SC/DDS has failed to furnish Film Motion Compensation (FMC) or
light cycle commands to sensors. Failure to deliver formatted data on command to
• Amber sensors will not show SC failure. Consequently, SC GO indication can result in
good sensor imagery operation but without data annotation.
4 PAN lights Green PAN light flashes once per camera cycle when the panoramic camera has
• Amber been activated and no failure exists. Amber PAN light illuminates and green light
• Green goes out if failure occurs.
6 Frames and feet Display number of frames remaining in frame and pan cameras, and number of feet
(indicators) of film remaining in infrared sensor. Indicators are set initially as part of sensor
servicing via reset knobs directly under indicators. Each frame or pan camera cycle
decreases indication by 1.
7 MAN V/H light OFF Vg/H from aircraft computer within acceptable limits.
• Amber
ON Illuminated amber:
V/H switch in TEST. With VEL set at 90 (900 kts) and ALT set at 005
(500ft), or any equivalent of 1.8 ratio, the thumbwheel circuitry has failed if
the light stays on.
V/H switch in AUTO. Computer failed or computer fail discrete is received
with or without TARPS pod on aircraft. Manual Vg/H being used. Set correct
values to Vg/H in thumbwheels. Set V/H switch to MAN.
If negative AGL or computed Vg/H = 0, MAN Vg/H is being used.
Set corrected values of Vg/H in thumbwheels.
V/H switch in MAN. Manual V/H intentionally selected. Values set in
thumbwheels being used. Set correct values in thumbwheels.
8 ALT FT × 100 Used to set manual altitude inputs to pod. Counter range is from 000 to 999,
read in multiples of 100 feet.
9 FILM switch MARK (momentary position) Allows RIO to mark special interest frame
with * in data block.
RUN Activates selected sensor when SYSTEM switch is set to RDY.
OFF Terminates TARPS sensor operation.
10 V/H selector switch MAN Selects manual thumbwheel inputs. (TARPS advisory appears on
MFD CAWS Figure 24−7. TARP1 appears on OBC Basic Display and
Maintenance Failure Format Figure 24−8).
12 SYSTEM switch OFF Aircraft power denied to TARPS. No sensors can be operated.
RDY Aircraft power available at sensor connectors. If respective sensor
moved from OFF position, sensor is placed in standby or ready mode.
RESET Clears TARPS failure signal. If failure is other than transient, TARPS
advisory remains.
13 VEL KT × 10 Use to set manual ground speed inputs to pod. Counter range is from 00 to 99,
thumbwheels read in multiples of 10 knots.
14 DATA light OFF Data received from computer ON −Data from aircraft computer failed
(via CPS DATA FAIL discrete).
A TARPS advisory will appear on the Reconnaissance MFD CAWS
window (Figure 24−7) when MAN V/H is selected. In addition, a TARP1
and TARP2 are generated on the OBC Basic Display and Maintenance
Format. (Figure 24−8).
Requires approximately 15 seconds to transition betweenFWD and
VERT (The amber mount light illuminates if transition not completed in
23 seconds.)
16 PAN camera switch BIT (momentary position) SYSTEM switch must be in RDY to get BIT.
Applies power to pan camera. Initiates 12 second BIT. With FILM
switch to RUN, BIT will not function.
Do not run PAN BIT check. (May cause the film to jam)
OFF Pan camera is shut off.
CTR SYSTEM switch in RDY. Pan camera enabled. Awaiting operate
FILM switch to RUN; pan camera cycling. Exposure, average of left
and right light sensors. Camera set for 55% overlap at NADIR.
KS−153A/24 inch: selects 21.4 degree scan centered on NADIR.
LEFT SYSTEM switch in RDY. Pan camera enabled. Awaiting operate
FILM switch to RUN; pan camera cycling. Exposure controlled by left
light sensor. Camera set for 55% overlap at 30_ below left horizon.
KS−153A/24 inch: selects 21.4 degree scan centered on one of the
preset depression angles.
To prevent interference in coverage by the external fuel tanks the
following preset value is recommended: 27_ depression angle.
RIGHT SYSTEM switch in RDY. Pan camera enabled. Awaiting operate
FILM switch in RUN; pan camera cycling. Exposure controlled by right
light sensor. Camera set for 55% overlap at 30° below right horizon.
KS−153A/24 inch: selects 21.4 degree scan centered on one of the
preset depression angles.
To prevent interference in coverage by the external fuel tanks the
following preset value is recommended: 31_ depression angle.
LEFT or RIGHT positions should only be selected for high
altitude standoff, or low angle photography. With LEFT or
RIGHT selected, blurring of imagery at NADIR will occur at
lower altitudes because focus is set 30 degrees below horizon
slant range.
d. Manual Vg/H in use. In addition, the algorithm will put the reconnaissance
target designator over the target on the HUD. The PTP
e. CPS data fail (a TARP2 will be simultaneously steering will transition into CCRS for final approach over the
stored in OBC/failure history file). target.
f. Manual Vg/H test fail. Note OBC/Failure History File PTP remains boxed on the MFD RECON DATA
status format. The reconnaissance steering
The following faults will be simultaneously stored in
symbol and command ground−track line assist
the OBC and failure history file (Figure 22−7) when the
the pilot in a wings−level flight over the target.
TARPS advisory is displayed on the MFD:
PTP steering is deselected when the aircraft has flown
1. TARP1 Reports a general failure (crew alert) 0.5 nm past the target or the crew manually deselects PTP on
from the CPS. the reconnaissance MFD RECON DATA status format. At
this time, all steering cues are removed from the HUD and
2. TARP2 Reports a data communication failure VDI. In addition, the DSPT (waypoint 17) is removed from
between the mission computer and the CPS. This the HUD.
means that the annotation data and control signals
are no longer being transmitted to TARPS. Command Course Steering
22.4.3 Reconnaissance Steering Selection CCRS is selectable if the navigation system is properly
operating and the selected waypoint to be reconnoitered has
There are three reconnaissance steering modes avail a nonzero value for target length. When the above conditions
able: PTP, CCRS, and mapping. They are selected via the are satisfied, the selection of CCRS on the MFD RECON
MFD RECON DATA status format in either TLN, A/G, or DATA status format will box CCRS. Immediately following
A/A. The steering function is initiated when a TARPS that, TARPS will compute the DSPT, which is displayed on
steering mode is selected. Steering cues will always be the HSD format, and the complete set of steering cues (the
computed when a steering mode is selected and will be reconnaissance steering symbol, CGTL, reconnaissance
displayed on the HUD except in A/A with a weapon selected. target designator, and reconnaissance command heading
The VDI will always display steering cues. marker) to guide the aircraft to fly over the target at a
Before a steering mode can be selected, the waypoint command crossing angle (stored in the waypoint file). When
must be selected. In order to do so, the up−down arrow on the the aircraft approaches the wings−level position (indicated
MFD RECON DATA status format is used to select the when the DSPT initiates movement to the target), the CGTL
desired waypoint number. Next, by hitting ENT, the desired will appear to provide additional visual cues for proper target
waypoint parameters will be displayed. Waypoint 17 is crossing.
inhibited for reconnaissance steering since this waypoint
contains the position of the DSPT. Note
PTP would be selected (instead of CCRS) if the Point−to−Point Steering
target length is zero.
PTP is selected when the navigation system is properly CCRS steering is deselected when the aircraft has
operating. Selecting PTP on the reconnaissance MFD flown the target length (stored in the waypoint file) past the
RECON DATA status format immediately computes the target or when the crew manually deselects CCRS on the
wings−level position for the initial placement of the DSPT MFD RECON DATA status format. As in PTP, all steering
and computes a heading to command the pilot to fly to that cues are removed from the HUD and VDI. In addition, the
position. DSPT (waypoint 17) is removed from the HSD.
The wings−level distance is approximately 4 to 8
nm from target (depends on velocity and
NAVAIR 01−F14AAD−1 Mapping Steering The HUD/VDI symbols are listed and displayed in
Figure 22−8, Figure 22−9, and Figure 22−10.
MAP is selectable under the following conditions:
2 Recon Steering Symbol Provides command bank information via azimuth displacement from velocity
3 Target Designator, Displays target position referenced to the aircraft navigation system.
4 Command Ground Displays the path of the command ground track. Indicates cross track
Track Line (CGTL) displacement error.
Camera Selection Displays the camera operational mode. First letter indicates frame position:
Legend V = vertical, F = forward, blank = not selected.
Second letter indicates pan position: C = center, R = right, L = left, or
blank = not selected.
Third letter indicates IRLS position: N = narrow field of view; W = wide field
of view; S = Standby; or blank = not selected.
(Note This is only available on the HUD)
When weapon is selected in A/A, the Recon Steering Symbol set (which
includes the Recon Steering Symbol; GCTL; Recon Target Designator,
and Recon Command Heading Marker) will be displayed on the VDI.
The KS−87D two−position mount allows the RIO to 22.7.3 Panoramic Camera
select vertical (VERT) or forward (FWD). In the vertical
The KA−99A is a 9−inch focal length, f/4.0 lens
position, the KS−87 backs up the pan camera and is also used
panoramic camera that provides high−quality, medium−to
for bomb damage assessment, route reconnaissance, and is
low−altitude imagery. Located in bay 2, the KA−99A offers
the primary camera for mapping missions. The forward
position looks 16_ down from the horizon and is very useful full horizon−to−horizon imagery with 55−percent overlap up
to a maximum of 1.06 Vg/H (8 cps). When external fuel tanks
for pilot’s view flightpath tracing and ship surveillance
are installed, the field of view is reduced about 25° on the
photography. Changing the mount position requires about 16
right and 17_ on the left. The film cassette will hold a
seconds and a mount fail indication will result if the transition
is not complete within 23 seconds. Frequent FWD−VERT maximum of 2,000 feet of film. A single exposure measures
4.5 × 28 inches, and a data code block appears between each
switching can cause the mechanical drive to overheat and
frame. The camera will indicate FAIL when the film load is
seize, resulting in a mount fail. The mount will automatically
move to vertical when the SYSTEM switch is at RDY and the down to approximately 40 exposures, preventing the film
bitter end from going through the high−speed drive gears and
FRAME switch is turned OFF, or if the landing gear handle
causing camera damage. The KA−99A will automatically
is moved to DN.
focus down to approximately 500 feet but will revert to a
The KS−87D can be reloaded or replaced in approxi focus altitude of 6,000 feet if the TARPS program fails to
mately 10 minutes and with the aircraft’s engines tuning, if input and there is no manual input of V/H from the CPS.
The RIO may select CTR, LEFT, or RIGHT for the
Figure 22−14 summarizes some specific characteristics KA−99A on the CPS. When LEFT or RIGHT is selected, the
and information on the KS−87D serial frame camera. camera uses only the light sensor on the side selected
*Vg/H is listed as a knots per foot of altitude ratio (computed for vertical camera position only).
The DDS is capable of generating a maximum of 1.42 Vg/H.
**The hyperfocal distance is the distance from the optical center of the lens to the nearest point of acceptable
sharp focus, when focused at infinity. The sensor may be effectively used well below the hyperfocal distance,
but will render increasingly soft imagery at lower altitudes.
The automatic exposure control (AEC) system uses an external light meter. The AEC can be overridden
(plus−or−minus one F−stop) on the CPS.
The mount requires approximately 16 seconds to move the camera from vertical to forward, or back to verti
cal. The CPS will display a mount fail light if the transition is not completed within 23 seconds.
Optional 3−inch focal length lens available.
instead of averaging the two as it does when CTR is selected; 2. Medium−altitude standoff (610 mm/24−inch focal
in addition, the cycle rate and FMC are based on the slant length standoff configuration)
range distance from aircraft to the ground at a 30_ depression The 24−inch standoff configuration will be utilized to
angle. To avoid degraded imagery, do not use LEFT or replace the KA−93C LOROP sensor and will be mounted in
RIGHT settings below 1,500−foot altitude. The KA−99A can bay 2 of the TARPS pod in lieu of the KA−99.
be set for air to air (focus on infinity, no FMC, and 1 cycle per
second) on the CIPDU. There is no cockpit indication that The KS−153A features true angle corrected FMC
air−to−air settings have been selected. The KA−99 is favored across the entire film format for any oblique angle; automatic
by flightcrews on combat missions because its horizon−to− range focus from 1,000 feet to infinity, and self−contained
horizon lateral coverage allows it to be used with a automatic temperature/pressure focus compensation; shutter
considerable offset. This capability increases the flight priority automatic exposure control using preflight setting of
crew’s probability of successfully completing the mission in aerial film speed and aircraft V/H signal; 12−or 56−percent
defended areas where evasive combat maneuvering will be preflight−selectable overlap; roll compensation; and data
necessary. Although it is not necessary for the aircraft to be annotation. The 4.5−inch × 9−inch film format provides
flown wings level when photographing a target with the sequential frames 10.7_ along−track and 21.4_ across−track
KA−99 camera, the lack of roll−rate stabilization dictates that coverage on 9.5−inch wide film. This image format reduces
an established angle of bank be maintained while the target processing time and allows direct stereo viewing without
is within the camera’s FOV. cutting the film.
Figure 22−15 summarizes some specific characteristics The KS−153A can be programmed for any desired
and information on the KA−99A panoramic camera. depression angle from horizon to horizon, limited in
coverage only by the aircraft fuel tanks (17_ left, 25_ right).
22.7.4 Long−Range Oblique Photography Camera Typically, the KS−153A will be preprogrammed for the
(KS−153A With 610−mm Lens) following three depression angles: 27_ left oblique, vertical,
The KS−153A still picture camera set is a modular, and 31° right oblique. These are selected using the LEFT,
CTR, and RIGHT positions on the CPS PAN camera control
pulse−operated, sequential−frame camera designed for
switch. When selected, a 21.4_ scan will be used, centered
oblique or vertical reconnaissance photography at medium to
about the preset oblique angle. Depression angles cannot be
high altitude. Two configurations are available:
changed in flight.
1. Low−altitude, high−speed photography (80 mm Figure 22−16 summarizes some specific characteristics
focal length tri−lens configuration) and information on the KS−153A standoff camera.
• Shutter priority automatic exposure control by preflight film speed setting and air
craft V/H signal, accuracy ½ f/stop.
• Sensor will automatically compensate for altitude pressure (sea level to 5,000 feet)
and temperature (25°C to 45°C stable within +/− 2°C).
• Sensor produces a LED matrix array data block with a 3 millisecond write time.
22.7.5 Photographic Film color films are reversed in the processing, so that they
reproduce the colors in the original scene without printing.
Film can be separated by general type as follows:
These films are termed reversal or transparency film. CDIR
color film is used to show contrasts between live vegetation
1. Black and white film:
and camouflage material. This greatly increases the chances
a. Aerial film speed of locating difficult targets. Aerial color films require
expensive, complex processing that is not generally available
b. Resolution at sea.
Navigation Command
and Control Grid
23.1.2 NAV GRID Displays (threat axis) with each sector bounded by two strobes. Short
tic marks on the strobes represent 50−mile increments from
NAV GRID can be displayed independently on both the
grid origin; longer tic marks represent 100−mile increments.
TSD and PTID in either a ground−stabilized or aircraft−stabi
A maximum of seven range tics (350 miles) is displayed.
lized format.
When the grid contains six sectors, no range tics are
displayed on the center strobe. Programmable Tactical Information
Display Selectable range scales are 25, 50, 100, 200, and 400
in either stabilized mode. A PTID offset can be utilized to
The PTID NAV GRID display is enabled by selecting reposition own−aircraft anywhere on the display. The grid is
the A/C STAB position of the PTID mode switch. Selecting repositioned accordingly and may only be partially displayed
this position directly from ATTK results in an aircraft− (Figure 23−3, details B and C). Offset positioning is canceled
stabilized NAV GRID. Own aircraft is fixed at the bottom by momentarily cycling out of the selected STAB mode.
center of the PTID with the top of the display oriented to
own−aircraft magnetic heading (Figure 23−3, detail A). Tactical use of the NAV GRID often makes it desirable
to reference tracks, waypoints, or own−aircraft position as a
A ground−stabilized NAV GRID display on the PTID range and bearing from grid origin rather than from
is achieved by moving the PTID MODE switch to GND own−aircraft. This is accomplished by RIO selection of NAV
STAB then to A/C STAB. Own aircraft is initially displayed GRID on the DD (SPL category) as shown in Figure 23−2.
at the center of the PTID. The top of the PTID is oriented to
magnetic north. Own−aircraft and sensor tacks transit the Tactical Situation Display
display in the direction of magnetic heading at own−aircraft
groundspeed while the grid and any waypoint positions The TSD format can be selected on any MFD. NAV
remain fixed (Figure 23−3, detail B). GRID can be selected for display via the GRID pushtile on
the TSD DCL format (Figure 23−4). Like the PTID, the TSD
The grid itself is represented by grid strobes emanating
from grid origin. Grid center is oriented to grid heading
can display the NAV GRID in either ground or aircraft− The grid itself is displayed as on the PTID with up to
stabilized formats as selected by the GSTAB or ASTAB six sectors defined by strobes emanating from grid origin and
pushtiles. The ASTAB display has own−aircraft position centered on grid heading (threat axis). Short and long tic
fixed on the lower third of the display with the top of the marks represent 50−and 100−mile increments, respectively.
display representing own−aircraft magnetic heading. The Any TSD range scale (25, 50, 100, 200, or 400) is selectable.
GSTAB display initializes with own−aircraft at the center of Future software will include an OFF−SET and EXPAND
the display. The top of the display represents magnetic capability for all TSD formats. Unlike the PTID, bearing and
north.Own−aircraft and sensor tracks transit the display based range data hooked tracks or waypoints cannot be referenced
on magnetic heading and groundspeed while the grid and any to grid origin.
waypoint positions remain fixed.
23−5 (Reverse
23−5 Blank) ORIGINAL
Flightcrew Coordination
Flightcrew Coordination
The pilot is the aircraft commander and responsible for RIO
the safe and orderly flight of the aircraft and the well−being
of the crew. In the absence of direct orders from higher The RIO is responsible for the preparation of charts,
authority cognizant of the mission, responsibility for starting flight logs, navigation computations including fuel planning,
or continuing a mission with respect to the weather, mission checking NOTAMs, obtaining weather for filing purposes,
environment, or any other condition affecting the safety of and completing required flight plans.
the aircraft rests with the pilot. Briefing
37.2.3 Radar Intercept Officer Responsibilities The briefing shall include confirmation that those tasks
The RIO constitutes an extension of the pilot’s delineated in paragraph have been or will be
observation facilities. By effective communication, the RIO accomplished.
should anticipate rather than await developments in flight.
The RIO will be a safety backup for the pilot. In this capacity, Mission Commander
the RIO shall offer constructive comments and recommenda
tions, as necessary, throughout the mission in order to The mission commander, pilot or RIO, is responsible
maintain the safest and most effective flight environment. for briefing all crewmembers on all aspects of the mission to
The RIO will be responsible for the reading of appropriate be flown. Refer to Chapter 6 of this manual for specific items.
checklists utilizing a challenge and reply system. The RIO
prescribed operating limitations at all times. The pilot or RIO descents (VFR or IFR), the RIO will report to the pilot the
will normally request, copy, and acknowledge all clearances. aircraft descent through each 5,000 feet of altitude above
5,000 feet and each 1,000 feet of altitude loss below 5,000 RIO feet, until, on reaching the desired altitude, the RIO will
report when altitude error exceeds 10 percent of actual
The RIO will assist the pilot in normal or emergency altitude or ±300 feet.
situations, including navigation, communication, and visual
lookout. The RIO will inform the pilot of the weapon system Landing
status. During ascent or descent, the RIO will inform the pilot
1,000 feet prior to the intended level−off altitude. Pilot Intercept The pilot will utilize the Landing checklist and will
report each item to the RIO prior to reporting Gear down, Pilot hook down" to the final controller, tower, or Pri−Fly. The pilot
will receive a Ready to land" report from the RIO.
The pilot will maneuver or coordinate aircraft maneu
vers with, or as directed by, the RIO, observing normal RIO
operating limitations. The pilot will inform the RIO of
weapons status, weapons selected and armed, and when the In the landing pattern, the pilot shall read and the RIO
target is sighted visually. The pilot will monitor aircraft acknowledge the posted Landing Checklist. The RIO shall
position from initial vector through breakaway by pigeons visually check the flap position and landing gear position by
information or navigational display. looking through the opening on the left side of the instrument
panel. The RIO will report Ready to land" to the pilot. RIO Built−in−test checks shall not be conducted while in the
landing pattern.
The RIO will handle all communications from initial
vector through breakaway, excluding missile−away transmis Postflight
sions; provide the pilot with descriptive commentary,
including weapon status and target aspect, if available; and Pilot
direct and coordinate aircraft maneuvers with the pilot, as
necessary, to complete the intercept. The pilot will inform the RIO of any unusual occur
rences on the landing roll or arrestment. The pilot will report Instrument Approaches flap and wing position to the RIO when clear of the runway
or landing area and will report when the wing is actuated. The Pilot pilot will receive a Ready for Shutdown" report from the
RIO. The pilot will inform the RIO when shutting down
The pilot is responsible for the safe control of the engines. The pilot will conduct a postflight inspection of the
aircraft, the decision to commence the approach with the aircraft.
existing weather, and the selection of the type of approach to
be made. The pilot, before commencing any penetration, will RIO
report to the RIO the completion of each item of the
Instrument Checklist. In addition, the pilot will challenge the The RIO will challenge the pilot on flap position if the
RIO Instrument Penetration Checklist, as to approach plate report is not received. When informed by the pilot that the
availability and corrected altimeter setting. wing has been actuated, the RIO will visually verify wing and
spoiler positioning. The RIO will complete the built−in−test RIO checks remaining and secure that rear cockpit for shutdown,
then notify the pilot Ready for shutdown." The RIO will
The RIO will monitor aircraft instruments and assist the pilot in conducting a postflight inspection of the
appropriate approach plate during holding, penetration, and aircraft.
approach and shall be ready to provide the pilot with any
required information. He shall be particularly alert to advise Note
the pilot of deviations from the course of minimum altitudes The RIO will vacate the aircraft first and after the
prescribed on the approach plate. Built−in−test checks will not aircraft is on the ground, flight deck, or hangar
be conducted in actual instrument conditions. The RIO will deck, the pilot will exit. This is particularly
inform the pilot of the status of the radar and will do nothing important during shipboard operations.
to cause the display to be lost. During penetrations and/or
checklist items for preflight, prestart, start, poststart, takeoff, 37.4.3 RIO
built−in test, instrument and descent, emergency and post
flight procedures. Improper crew coordination is usually The RIO should monitor all critical flight parameters
an attributable factor to improperly executed emergency and read all applicable checklists in a challenge and reply
procedures. system. He should assist in navigation, communication, and
coordinate with outside agencies and aircraft, but not to the
37.4.2 Pilot detriment of the resolution of an emergency.
37−5 (Reverse
37−5 Blank) ORIGINAL
Aircraft Self−Test
38.1 AIRCRAFT SELF−TEST OVERVIEW available in all system modes and are used for
troubleshooting and maintenance purposes.
Aircraft self−test allows testing of the operational status
of all major avionics and radar subsystems and display of the
results. This capability is also referred to as OBC throughout
this section. Figure 38−1 identifies the major components Master test checks are initiated by the pilot through the
associated with this function. Most of the status information MASTER TEST panel (Figure 38−3) on the right outboard
is derived from BIT implemented within the avionics and console. These tests check the operational status of specific
radar subsystems. All operational aspects of aircraft self−test aircraft systems basic to safety of flight and mission success.
are fully supported by the MCS if one of the mission The OBC, WG SWP, FLT GR UP, and FLT GR DN positions
computers has failed. are used on the deck only and are prevented from inadvertent
use in flight by the weight−on−wheels safety switches. The
There are two categories of test: (1) tests that are
remaining tests, except for emergency generator, which also
performed by the system automatically; (2) those that require
requires combined hydraulic pressure, can be done whenever
initiation by the flightcrew. Testing should be initiated by the
electrical power and cooling air are available. For details of
flightcrew as part of the normal preflight checkout to obtain
specific aircraft systems tests, refer to the applicable system
the overall status of each system. Figure 38−2 is a summary
description for the various test types, including origin and
purpose. Avionics testing is controlled by the pilot and the
RIO primarily through the MFDs and cockpit control panels.
Radar testing is controlled by the RIO via the DD and PTID.
The majority of the displayed information is the result of each
subsystem performing a particular mode of BIT or the MCS
During ground operations, once the OBC
performing data bus or software configuration tests. On an
position is selected, do not deselect OBC until
automatic (i.e., periodically by the MCS) basis, subsystems
the program has completed the entire cycle.
are polled by the MCS in order to determine their operational
When the disable signal, which inhibits throttle
status. Operational status is displayed at a subsystem and
movement, is removed, the APC will run through
WRA level through a series of OBC formats on the MFDs.
its BIT and advance the throttles to greater than
Both current and historical equipment status is displayable.
80 percent.
Warning/caution/advisory cues are displayed on the MFDs
for critical equipment failures and overtemperature
conditions. Details of radar subsystem failures are available
only on the DD and PTID. Avionics and radar failure
acronyms are displayed on the PTID during normal tactical D Before starting the test, depress the MASTER
operation. RESET button on the left vertical console to
turn off any caution or advisory lights
Aircraft self−test also allows examination of memory associated with the air data computer.
contents for WRAs that support a CSS capability. CSS is
controlled with the DEU and the results are displayed on the D In LTS, the MASTER CAUTION light will
MFDs. The radar subsystem provides a similar but limited flash unless there is a circuit failure within the
capability that is controlled via the DD. These features are caution advisory indicator, in which case the
light will be steady.
D/L RAD Tests the data link converter. Test results are available
on the MFDs. Inhibits tactical control messages during
test sequence. Symbology displayed is determined by
the display mode selected.
TACAN AN/ARN118 or AN/URC107 (Note 6) (Note 6) (Note 6) (Note 6)
1. All test times are in seconds unless otherwise noted.
2. This test is the Data Link PAD (D/L RAD) test initiated by the RIO or Pilot. This test remains in effect for as long as the
MASTER TEST panel switch is in D/L RAD. Refer to Operator Initiated BIT section for more information.
3. MDL Commanded BIT times of 5.0 and 65.0 seconds correspond to the Mission Data Loader (MDL) test, and the MDL
test including the Bulk Memory Checksum test, respectively.
4. This test remains in effect for as long as the PUSH TO TEST knob on the RADAR ALTITUDE indicator is held
5. This test remains in effect for as long as the TEST switch on the RADAR WARNING RCVR panel is held to BlT. Once
released, the test completes in approximately 13 seconds.
6. JTIDS initial BIT will cause a 4−second loss of TACAN lock. A TACAN self−test is performed during JTIDS OBC. See
Chapter 20 for additional details.
Current failure information is also displayed on the Continuous−monitor BIT is performed by each
PTID in the OBCCM window (refer to paragraph 38.5), and subsystem on a continuous and noninterfering basis (i.e.,
on the MFDs in the warning/caution/advisory window for subsystem continues to perform normal operational mode as
certain equipment failures. well). The BIT time is usually 2 seconds. The MCS monitors
each subsystem at a 1−second rate in order to establish current
38.3.1 Built−in−Test Description status (GO or NO GO).
Several types of BIT are supported by each subsystem Commanded BIT is performed by each subsystem
and are performed internally. These modes include: power− when commanded through the MFDs or by a cockpit control
up (or initial), periodic (continuous or automatic), and panel (when available). This mode is typically the most
commanded (includes both MFD and cockpit control panel comprehensive and provides the highest degree of fault
initiated) BIT. Refer to Figure 38−4 for approximate BIT isolation. When used, this mode interrupts normal operation
times for each subsystem. Regardless of the BIT type, of the selected subsystem. The MCS monitors the subsystem
detected failures are retained for the affected subsystem by while it is in test and responds with GO or NO GO at the
the MCS. Each mode of BIT contains a series of tests that completion of the test.
differ from mode to mode. Because of these differences, a
Data bus test is performed by the MCS in order to detect
priority for each subsystem determines when a subsystem
data bus (mission bus No. 1 and No. 2, and inter−computer
failure no longer exists. Other tests performed by the MCS
bus) channel failures. Computer bus channel failures are
include data−bus channel tests, and a test to determine the
detected and reported by the RDP to the MCS. Each channel
compatibility of each subsystem’s software load with the
is tested on MCS cold start, and when a subsystem first
MCS OFP. responds on the data bus. The test consists of transmitting
several test patterns of data across each channel to a BIT Modes subsystem, and then reading back the data. A disagreement
The following is a brief description of each BIT mode. in the data establishes a NO GO for the data bus channel at
Refer to Figure 38−4 for subsystem applicability. fault. Since most bussed subsystems are dual redundant on
the data bus, a single−channel failure will not affect the
Initial BIT is performed by each subsystem upon the operation of the applicable subsystem. In the event that both
application of electrical power. This mode of BIT is only channel have failed, the subsystem will be maintained as
performed after power has been off for a specific length of NOT READY, making the subsystem unavailable to the rest
time (i.e., cold start) and then restored. For shorter power of the system.
interruptions (i.e., warm start), this mode of BIT is not
performed. The MCS monitors each subsystem for a response The isolation of DFCS faults to the WRA level requires
(GO or NO GO) at the completion of this mode. reference to the fault codes displayed on the DCP (See
NOT READY Subsystem is not responding on a data bus as determined by the MCS, due to one of the
following conditions: power−down, not installed, remote terminal failure, bus message
error excessively busy, or failure of all data bus channels to a particular subsystem. In
addition, any bus subsystem that does not complete commanded BIT within a specified
period of time will be set to this status type.
NO GO Subsystem has at least one WRA fault detected as a result of performing one of its BIT
modes. These failures are reported to the MCS only after an appropriate failure threshold
has been reached. Depending on the extent of the failure, the subsystem may not be
operationally usable by the system, causing a degraded mode to be entered where
available. Subsystems that are not on a data bus and are not responding due to being
powered down or not installed are reported as NO GO.
CONFIG ERROR Subsystem has an inconsistent software program, or firmware load as determined by the
MCS. This type of failure does not preclude the system from operationally using the
affected subsystem. The subsystem can be powered down at the flightcrew’s discretion to
prevent the subsystem from being used by the system.
only when the aircraft is airborne with weight off wheels and sequence tests. Additional information for a subsystem
TAS > 76 knots. Refer to Figure 38−7. failure can be found on the corresponding functional group
format. Each acronym that appears on the OBC basic format
38.3.3 Avionic BIT Operation indicates that the subsystem is not currently operational.
Each acronym appears in a dedicated location as shown in
Avionic BIT operation is controlled through MFD Figure 38−12.
OBC display formats. For some systems, dedicated control
panels serve as a redundant and alternate means for Functional Group Formats/
controlling BIT. All OBC formats display equipment status,
Fail Data Format
equipment failure acronyms for detected WRA failures, and
the progress of testing. These formats provide the capability The OBC functional group format display failures are
to manually initiate/terminate command BIT and to mask/ at the WRA level. Additional information for a WRA failure
unmask current failures on the displays. These formats are can be found on the corresponding fail data format for that
accessible on any MFD including the pilot center (MFD1), functional group. Subsystem failure status is indicated as
pilot right (MFD2), and RIO (MFD3) displays. either NO GO, NOT READY, or CONFIG for each
subsystem in the functional group. Refer to Figure 38−5 for
When the system is powered up from a cold−start
failure status types. When the status is NOT READY for a
condition (i.e., power to MCS off for greater than 300
subsystem on the bus, the WRA corresponding to the remote
milliseconds) or when system reset is ordered, the mission
terminal (i.e., the WRA that directly communicates on the
computers perform initial BIT. All other equipment takes
bus with the MCS) is displayed subordinate to the subsystem.
varying amounts of time to warm up or to complete initial
BIT. At the completion of mission computer initial BIT, A prompt (* NEXT PAGE *) on the bottom of an OBC
MFD2 will display the OBC BASIC format. At all other functional group format (or a fail data format) appears if there
times, the OBC BASIC format can be accessed on any MFD are additional failure acronyms for the group or additional
by selecting the MENU1 pushbutton followed by the OBC fail data pages. Pressing the PAGE pushbutton in response to
pushbutton. The OBC BASIC format allows initiation of the prompt will cause the next page of information to be
various test sequences, and also serves as the menu for access displayed. Paging past the last page will cause the first page
to all other OBC formats. Tests can also be commanded to be displayed again.
through OBC functional group formats. OBC computer
Fail data information is only displayed on a fail data
messages provide feedback to the flightcrew and are
format after at least one commanded BIT has been performed
displayed when testing is completed or in response to test
for the applicable subsystem.
selections that are not acceptable because of invalid inter
locks and operational conflicts.
When the system is in a backup mode of operation
(only one mission computer operational), it will support all Fail data is available for display continuously for
the OBC functions that are normally provided in a full−up CADC, EMSP1, and EMSP2.
mode (i.e., both mission computers operational). Otherwise, if commanded bit has not been performed,
a prompt will be displayed on the first line of the fail data MFD OBC Formats format as FAIL DATA NOT AVAILABLE for the applicable
There are several different types of OBC formats: WRA or system.
basic, functional group, fail data, maintenance, and failure
history file. Figure 38−8 identifies the equipment that can be Failure Acronym Masking
commanded to test, or masked, from each of the format types. Masking removes or inhibits display of OBC equip
Figure 38−9 identifies all possible OBC failure acro ment failure acronyms for known WRA faults. Failure
nyms and failure history file acronyms that are displayed on acronyms will be removed from the OBC formats (basic and
OBC formats. It also provides an explanation and possible functional group) and from the PTID OBCCM window
action that the aircrew can take in response to the fault. regardless of the mode of BIT that detected the failure.
Failure acronyms are maskable at the OBC basic level, where OBC Basic all currently failed equipment is affected, and also at the
(1) CIU/DLS:
When the CIU or DLS is selected for test through the MFDs, the system will reject the selection(s) if a CV
SINS mode of alignment is in progress. This allows the SINS alignment to continue to completion without
(2) ASPJ:
In addition to the interlock conditions indicated above, the following switch settings must be made on the
ASPJ control panel in order to initiate test:
When the ASPJ is selected for test with the MFDs, the ASPJ will perform BIT and radiate
(i.e., transmit RF) only if XMIT switch is selected. If RCV is selected, the ASPJ will perform BIT without
When the ASPJ Is selected for test with the MFDs, the ASPJ will not perform BIT if STBY or
OFF is selected.
(3) INS:
Prior to selecting INS for test with the OBC NAV format, TEST on the NAV MODE panel must be selected.
(4) DP1/DP2:
When DP1 or DP2 is selected for test through the OBC CD formats, the following restrictions apply:
DP1 or DP2 In−flight (Weight off wheels), both DP’s must be operationally GO
Preflight (Weight on wheels)
When MC1 or MC2 is selected for test with the OBC AUX formats, the following restrictions apply:
MC1 or MC2 In−flight (Weight off wheels), both MCs must be operationally GO
Preflight (Weight on wheels)
(6) MDL:
Prior to selecting the MDL/DSS for test through the MFDs, the Mission Data Loader must be inserted into the
Mission Data Loader Receptacle (MDLR). MDL BIT will be limited (i.e., less bulk memory checksum test)
when the MDL is tested as part of a preflight or retest sequence. Otherwise, if the test selection is an
individual or functional group type made through the OBC AUX format, MDL BIT will include the performance
of the bulk memory checksum test. The bulk memory checksum test adds approximately 1 minute to the
overall test time.
OBC DISPLAY TEST SELECTION functional group/unit level, where only equipment in the
FORMAT TYPE functional group is affected. Failure acronyms may also be
unmasked in order to cause their redisplay after having been
BASIC SEQUENCES: previously masked. Unmasking is initiated with OBC
Preflight formats or by the system as a result of performing
Inflight commanded BIT. Whichever level of masking/unmasking is
selected, all the corresponding equipment appearing on the
Retest OBC basic, OBC functional group, and PTID OBCCM
Functional group Group or individual: window will be affected. Format examples are shown in
Figure 38−13. Note that the OBC maintenance formats are
FLT (flight) DFCS, AICS, APC
unaffected by any masking operation. Masking and unmask
CNI (communication, RFP, RFR, BAG, IFX, ing is controlled via OBC basic, any OBC functional group,
navigation, IFI, RALT, TCN or any fail data format as follows:
NAV (navigation) CADC, CIU, DINS,
1. OBC basic masking is performed by selecting the
SAHR MSK function on the OBC basic format at which
time the MSK pushbutton legend will be boxed.
CD (controls and DEU, DP1, DP2 This allows all the equipment failure acronyms
displays) currently appearing on the OBC basic format to be
AUX (auxiliary) MC1, MC2, EMSP1, removed. Unmasking is performed by pressing the
EMSP2, ADAC, MDL, MSK pushbutton while it is boxed. As a result,
DBUS failure acronyms are displayed for equipment
currently failed and the MSK pushbutton legend is
SMST (stores SMS
unboxed to indicate that no failures are masked. The
management system)
MSK pushbutton appears boxed on the OBC BASIC
TAC (tactical) DLC, JTIDS format if there is at least one WRA failure masked
EW (electronic warfare) ASPJ, BSF, IFB, in the system.
2. Functional group masking is performed by selecting
SNSR (sensors) IRST RDR, SDIS, the ALL and MSK pushbuttons on the respective
TARPS OBC functional group format. The ALL pushbutton
FAIL DATA legend is boxed to indicate its selection and unboxed
if deselected. Group masking is only performed if
the ALL pushbutton is boxed prior to making the
NAV selection of the MSK pushbutton. Group masking
will only remove failure acronyms associated with
equipment on the corresponding functional group
AUX format. Group unmasking is performed by
JTIDS deselecting the ALL/MSK pushbutton when the
MSK pushbutton legend is boxed. The MSK
SMST pushbutton legend appears boxed if there is at least
SMST SWITCHES one equipment that is masked on the corresponding
functional group format.
SNSR 3. Unit masking is performed by selecting equipment
and MSK pushbuttons. Any number of WRAs may
be selected prior to selecting the MSK pushbutton
MAINTENANCE in order to mask more than one failure at the same
CURRENT FAILURES time. Each equipment pushbutton legend is boxed to
FAILURE HISTORY FILE indicate its selection and is unboxed if reselected.
Only those items that remain selected (i.e., boxed)
before selecting the MSK pushbutton will be
Figure 388.OBC Display Format Types masked. Unit unmasking is performed by selecting
the equipment and MSK pushbuttons when the
MSK pushbutton legend is boxed.
ADAC ADAC Airborne Data Acquisition ADAC failure, Fatigue and Engine Monitor
Computer ing data records will no longer be
recorded on the DSS
DFCS DFCS Digital Flight Control Failure of a system WRA as shown below
AICS AICS Air Inlet Control System Failure of AICL or AICR (See below)
AICS−L or AICS−R Air Inlet Control (Left or Indicates which AICS has failed.
Right) Used in conjunction with INLET/RAMPS
caution lights.
NO. 1 RAMP AILA1 NO. 1 actuator position does not agree with
NO. 2 RAMP AILA2 NO. 2 actuator position does not agree with
NO. 3 RAMP AILA3 NO. 3 actuator position does not agree with
APC APC Approach Power Auto throttle inspection. System will default
Compensator to BOOST automatically. A REV 4 AIC
programmer is installed in lieu of correct
REV 5 programmer.
ACCELEROMETER APCAM APC accelerometer fail
No associated light
Auto throttle inoperative
APC not authorized for landing
ASPJ ASPJ Airborne Self−Protection ASPJ failure. ECM may not be available.
Jammer Run commanded BIT
PROCESSOR SPJPR Possible processor failure. Run command
ed BIT to provide fault isolation
to WRA level
CADC CADC Central Air Data Computer Check caution/advisory lights. Examine
CADC Fail Data Format
DSS DSS Data Storage Set DSS failure. Possible loss of data on
data storage unit.
MC1 MC1 Mission Computer NO. 1 MC1 failure. System will revert to backup
mode if MC2 is functional.
MC2 MC2 Mission Computer NO. 2 M2 failure. System will revert to backup
mode if MC1 is functional.
FTJU STA 2 FTJ2 Fuel tank jettison unit station No. 2 failure
FTJU STA 7 FTJ7 Fuel tank jettison unit station No. 7 failure
NAVAIR 01−F14AAD−1 DFCS IBIT Sensor tests include stimulation of the rate gyros and lateral
accelerometers and reasonableness checks for the air data IBIT Initiation sensors. The actuators which are tested are the pedal shaker
motor, the electro−mechanical actuators, and the electro−
DFCS IBIT is initiated automatically when OBC is hydraulic actuators. The electro−hydraulic actuators are
initiated. It can also be initiated independently through the exercised if either combined or flight hydraulic pressure is
DFCS position on the MASTER TEST switch. IBIT can be present. In the absence of hydraulic pressure, the electrical
initiated with the wings forward and the flaps down, or with circuits which drive the actuators are tested, but the actuators
the wings aft of 62°. Additional interlocks which must be themselves are not exercised.
satisfied include the PITCH, ROLL, and YAW STAB AUG
switches must be ON, ANTISKID SPOILER BK switch must IBIT Indications
be OFF, the CADC must be operating properly, and the
aircraft must have weight−on−wheels. If it is desired to test IBIT status and results are displayed to the aircrew
autopilot WRAs during IBIT, the AUTOPILOT switch must through a combination of caution/advisory lights, TID
be ENGAGED while DFCS IBIT is armed. The aircraft must acronyms, and DCP codes as shown in Figures 38−10 and
not be in motion during IBIT operation or IBIT failures will 38−11.
result. IBIT Armed IBIT Tests
When IBIT is armed by raising the MASTER TEST
The DFCS IBIT performs tests designed to detect faults switch and rotating it to the DFCS BIT position, and all
within the DFCCs, the DFCC inputs and outputs, the various interlocks are satisfied, the DCP will alternately flash the
sensors and the actuators which are driven by the DFCCs. codes IBIT and ARM at a rate of 1 Hz.
Depressing the INC button will display the IBIT code the OBC tests. These should be cleared via the
followed by specific WRA codes for failures detected during CLR pushbutton to allow subsequent fault re
IBIT. Depressing MASTER RESET will clear the IBIT porting in OFP. Acronyms present following
failure indications along with any previously existing stand alone IBIT are generally valid.
resetable indications, but does not indicate that the detected
failures have been resolved. The DCP display will either be Avionic Test Operation
blanked, or return to the IBIT ARM indication, depending on
MASTER TEST switch position, and the DFCS will enter Tests may be done in a sequence (preflight/in−flight,
OFP. IBIT failure codes will still be stored in the DCP display and retest sequence), or in groups (functional group), or on
and can be recalled with the INC/DEC buttons until another an individual basis. For any equipment selected and validated
IBIT is run or aircraft power is secured for test, the progress of testing is indicated on all OBC format
types that contain equipment pushbutton legends. Refer to
Figure 38−13 for format examples. Test progress is indicated
on the OBC formats as follows:
Commanded BIT testing interferes with normal opera 6. The retest sequence is initiated through the OBC
tional modes of equipment. Testing can be initiated only basic format by pressing the RETEST pushbutton
when equipment is powered up and ready. If equipment is while the aircraft is on the ground or airborne.
currently not ready, equipment pushbutton legends will WRAs are selected by the system for retest if the last
remain steady. entry in the FHF indicates a NOT READY status
and if individual equipment interlocks are satisfied.
All testing is terminated by the system when any of the
Refer to BIT interlocks/restrictions for the equip
following occurs:
ment applicable to this sequence.
1. The ACM guard is lifted.
7. If interlock conditions/restrictions are not satisfied,
2. A weapon is selected. testing will not be initiated. Refer to paragraph for computer message descriptions.
3. A radar ACM mode is selected.
8. If the interlock conditions are satisfied, the
4. Interlock status changes from those conditions satis RE−TEST pushbutton is boxed to indicate a valid
fied at the initiation of test. test selection and BIT is initiated in parallel or in
sequential order for all WRAs in the sequence that
Note that not all tests can be terminated. are powered on and ready. Automatic Test Sequences 9. At the completion of the RETEST sequence, the last
FHF entry (indicating NOT READY) will be
There are three types of automatic test sequences, all
removed from the FHF for all equipment that
of which are initiated through the OBC basic format: in
currently indicates a status other than NOT READY.
flight, preflight, and retest. Each sequence allows the testing
of many WRAs with a single pushbutton. The system 10. Nominal test time varies based on the mix of
commands each WRA to test in a predetermined order so that equipment. Maximum test time is 35 seconds (Note:
equipment conflicts are eliminated. Refer to BIT interlocks/ Test times may vary as a function of equipment
restrictions for the tests in each sequence. status.)
1. In−flight/preflight test sequences are initiated
through the OBC basic format by pressing the TEST 11. Reselecting the RETEST pushbutton while the
pushbutton while the aircraft is on the ground or air sequence is in progress will terminate test for
borne. Depending on the flight status, either the equipment still in test. Equipment that cannot be
in−flight or preflight test sequence will be initiated terminated will continue in test to normal comple
(refer to BIT interlocks/restrictions). tion. When all tests are completed, the RETEST
pushbutton is unboxed to indicate that the sequence
2. If interlock conditions/restrictions are not satisfied, is no longer in progress.
testing will not be initiated and a computer message
will be displayed to indicate the reason for rejection. Function Group/Unit Test
Refer to paragraph for computer message
descriptions. OBC functional group formats allow groups of
functionally related or individual (i.e., unit) WRAs to be
3. If interlock conditions are satisfied, the TEST push selected for test. Refer to Figure 38−8. The OBC functional
button legend is boxed to indicate a valid test selec group formats are accessible from the OBC basic format:
tion and BIT is initiated in parallel or in sequential FLT, CNI NAV, CD, AUX, SNSR, SMS, EW, and TAC.
order for all WRAs in the sequence that are powered
on and ready. Group tests are initiated with the respective OBC
functional group format by pressing the ALL and TEST
4. Nominal test sequence time for preflight is 69 pushbuttons. The ALL pushbutton legend is boxed to
seconds, and in flight is 35 seconds. (Note: Test indicate its selection and is unboxed when deselected. Group
times may vary as a function of equipment status.) testing is only initiated if the ALL pushbutton is boxed prior
5. Reselecting the TEST pushbutton while the to making the selection of the TEST pushbutton. Depending
sequence is in progress will terminate test for WRAs on flight status, all WRAs that satisfy individual interlock
that are still in test. WRAs that cannot be terminated conditions will be initiated into test. Refer to Figure 38−7 for
will continue in test until normal completion. When group test selects.
all WRAs have completed test, the TEST 1. If interlock conditions/restrictions are not satisfied
pushbutton legend is unboxed to indicate that the se for at least one WRA, testing will not be initiated.
quence is no longer in progress.
2. If interlock conditions are satisfied for at least one Normally, OBC computer messages are displayed on
WRA, the TEST pushbutton legend is boxed or the the pilot center MFD and the RIO MFD. If the pilot center
applicable OBC functional group format to indicate MFD is powered off or failed, computer messages will be
a valid test selection and BIT is initiated in parallel displayed on the pilot right MFD. These messages are
or in sequential order for all powered−on and ready removed from the display head by pressing the ACK
WRAs in the sequence. pushbutton, which is boxed to indicate that at least one
display message requires acknowledgment (refer to Figure
3. Nominal test times may vary as a function of the 38−14).
selected functional group and are based on the
equipment initiated to test (refer to Figure 38−4). OBC/CSS messages are displayed on the MFD from
which the test selection is made and also displayed on the
4. Reselecting the ALL and TEST pushbuttons while same MFD if a CSS format is presented. There are two types
the functional group test is in progress will termi of messages within this class: 3−second type, displayed for
nate test for equipment in test. Equipment that 3 seconds and then removed by the system; conditionally
cannot be terminated will continue in test until nor removed type, displayed until either the applicable interlock
mal completion. When all equipment has completed condition is satisfied, or until the format is changed (refer to
test, the TEST pushbutton legend is unboxed to indi Figure 38−15).
cate that testing is complete. OBC−Related Warning/Caution/
Unit tests are initiated from any OBC functional group
Advisory Messages
format by pressing equipment and TEST pushbuttons. Any
number of equipment pushbuttons may be pressed prior to Figure 38−16 shows acronyms that are displayed on
pressing the TEST pushbutton in order to test more than one MFD3 in response to equipment failures or overheating.
item at the same time. For each selection, the pushbutton
legend is boxed to indicate selection and unboxed when Failure History File Format
deselected. Only equipment with a boxed legend will be
The FHF format displays a history of WRA failures.
tested. Depending on flight status, all equipment that satisfies There is a maximum of 10 entries per WRA for which the
individual interlock conditions will be initiated into test.
WRA failure status and the time of failure are displayed. The
Refer to Figure 38−7 for individual test selects.
time of failure is relative to the last time the system was cold
1. If interlock conditions/restrictions are not satisfied started or SYSTEM RESET was pressed. The FHF is cleared
for at least one equipment, testing will not be when the CLR pushbutton is pressed with preflight condi
initiated. tions satisfied. The preflight conditions are: weight on
wheels, TAS < 76 knots, pilot’s OBC discrete via the
2. If interlock conditions are satisfied for at least one MASTER TEST panel, and handbrake set.
equipment, the TEST pushbutton legend is boxed
on the applicable OBC functional group format to
38.3.4 Joint Tactical Information Distribution Sys
indicate a valid test selection and BIT is initiated for
tem On−Board Check
all equipment that is powered on and ready.
JTIDS OBC can be selected whenever electrical power
3. Nominal test times may vary as a function of the se
and cooling air are available. The JTIDS secure data unit
lected equipment initiated to test (refer to
needs to be installed and loaded for JTIDS to pass OBC.
Without the unit installed and loaded, JTIDS OBC will
4. Reselecting equipment and TEST pushbuttons display a DDP fail. A JTIDS download is not required for
while test is in progress will terminate test for equip JTIDS OBC; however, if the MDL is loaded, a download is
ment still in test. Equipment that cannot be termi recommended. The selection of JTIDS OBC when not in sync
nated will continue in test until normal completion. (receiving messages) will pass but the fail data will have bit
When all tests are complete, the TEST pushbutton 4 in word 11 and bit 8 in word 12 because no messages are
legend is unboxed to indicate that testing is no received.
longer in progress.
The selection of JTIDS OBC will interrupt TACAN
data (momentary display of TACAN fail detected computer OBC Display Messages
message) and initiate a TACAN self−test. This will disable
OBC display messages are shown on the MFDs in TACAN steering and TACAN navigation updates, if se
response to invalid test selections resulting from interlocks lected; range will go invalid; bearing will display 270_; then
not being satisfied, interlocks changing, and for tests range will display 000 miles and bearing 180_.
PRE−FLT OBC COMPLETE Displayed when the preflight OBC test sequence is completed. Message is
displayed if sequence completes normally or is terminated, or if interlock conditions
IN−FLT OBC COMPLETE Displayed when the in−flight OBC test sequence is completed. Message is
displayed if sequence completes normally or is terminated, or if interlock conditions
RETEST COMPLETE Displayed when the retest OBC sequence is completed. Message is displayed if
sequence completes normally or is terminated, or if interlock conditions change.
TEST COMPLETE Displayed when a functional group test is completed. Message is displayed if
− <GROUP NAME> group test completes normally or is terminated, or if interlock conditions change.
<GROUP NAME> appears as AUX, CD, CNI, FLT, NAV, EW, TAC, or IRST for the
functional group that completed test.
OBC SEQ ABORTED Displayed when an OBC sequence (preflight or in−flight) is terminated through the
OBC BASIC format while it is in progress.
RETEST ABORTED Displayed when a retest sequence is terminated through the OBC BASIC format
while it is in progress.
PILOT OBC DISABLE Displayed when the Pilot’s MASTER TEST panel switch remains in OBC
10 seconds after commanded BIT completes for an equipment that required this
interlock to initiate test.
INTERLOCK ABORT Displayed when an interlock condition changes state (i.e., no longer satisfied)
for an equipment that is already in test. Commanded BIT will be terminated for the
affected equipment.
CHALLENGE IFF Displayed when the IFF Interrogator has not been challenged prior to the selection
of a test sequence. This message is displayed only once at the time
of the test sequence selection. If the system cold starts, or SYSTEM RESET is
pressed, this message will be displayed again when a test sequence selection
is made.
INVALID <WRA NAME> Displayed when an equipment has an inconsistent firmware load, or is not
LOAD compatible with the mission computer software load. The <WRA NAME> field
applies to the following equipment: MC1, MC2, CIU, SAHR, MDS1, MDS2, DEU,
WOW NOT SATISFIED Displayed when equipment is selected for test via a unit, inflight, or preflight test
selection, and the WOW (Weight−on/off−Wheel) interlock condition is not satisfied.
Testing will not be initiated for the selected equipment. Note that this message will
not be displayed for functional group or retest test selections.
TAS NOT SATISFIED Displayed when equipment is selected for test via a unit, inflight, or preflight test
selection, and the TAS (True Air Speed interlock condition less than or greater
than 76 knots) is not satisfied. Testing will not be initiated for the selected equip
ment. Note that this message will not be displayed for functional group or retest
MULTI INTLK NOT MET Displayed when equipment is selected for test via a unit, inflight or preflight test
selection, and more than one (i.e., multiple) interlock conditions are not satisfied
(WOW, TAS, PARKING BRAKE, or MTP). Testing will not be initiated for the
selected equipment. Note that this message will not be displayed for functional
group or retest selections.
EQUIPMENT CONFLICT Displayed when equipment is selected for test which conflicts with other equip
ment already in test. These conflicts are primarily between equipment subordinate
to the CIU, between CIU subordinate equipment and the CIU itself, between DP1
and DP2, and between MC1 and MC2. Testing will not be initiated for equipment
that conflict operationally.
NO COMMANDED BIT Displayed when equipment that does not support command BIT is selected
for test.
OBC SEQ IN PROGRESS Displayed when equipment is selected for test that is the same as equipment
already in test as part of an OBC inflight or preflight test sequence. Testing for the
selected equipment will not be initiated.
RETEST IN PROGRESS Displayed when equipment is selected for test that is the same as equipment
already in test as part of an OBC RETEST sequence. Testing for the selected
equipment will not be initiated.
MASTER TEST NOT SET Displayed when equipment is selected for test through a unit or preflight test
selection and the pilot’s MASTER TEST panel switch is not set to OBC. This
message is displayed as long as an OBC or CSS format is presented, and
removed when the switch is set to OBC.
HANDBRAKE NOT SET Displayed when equipment is selected for test via a unit or preflight test sequence
selection and the handbrake is not set. This message is continuously displayed
as long as an OBC or CSS format is presented and is removed when the hand
brake is set.
BAD JTID DATA LOAD Displayed when JTIDS test is selected during initialization (Down Load)
38.4 COOPERATIVE SUPPORT SOFTWARE 3. Pressing the TM pushbutton allows CSS data to be
telemetered or down−linked to a ground−based
CSS allows capture and display of system data in real
time and the optional recording of data from avionics
processors that are CSS compatible. CSS is typically used to 4. Pressing MC or MC2 allows CSS data to be stored
aid in troubleshooting system problems. The CSS compatible in mission computer No. 1 or mission computer
processors include mission computer No. 1, mission No.2 memory, respectively, and is only accessible
computer No. 2, multifunction display system No. 1, for future reference by the CSS function. A maxi
multifunction display system No. 2, airborne data acquisition mum of 300 blocks of CSS data can be stored in ei
system, stores management processor, converter interface ther mission computer. A block of data is saved
unit, data entry unit, infrared search and track system, joint when a trap or block address function completes,
tactical information distribution system, and sensor display and one block per second is saved for an active fly
indicator set. Note that radar flycatcher displays are provided catcher. This data will only be retained by the mis
on the programmable tactical information display. sion computers until the system cold starts or is re
5. Pressing the DSS pushbutton allows CSS data to be
The JTIDS processor only supports the fly recorded by the data storage set.
catcher functions (start address, increment,
decrement, and disable). The CSS OPER CODE page format (see Figure 38−18)
allows the optional selection of an operator code. This code
CSS supports the following modes, all of which are is used to identify the operator/aircraft when CSS data is
selectable on the DEU: flycatcher, block address, and trap. analyzed offline. The code is entered by pressing the
CSS data is displayed on the MFD CSS format. The CSS corresponding numerics and then pressing ENT.
format is selected by pressing the FAULT pushbutton on the
OBC basic format and then pressing CSS on the MAINT Flycatcher Operation
Flycatcher mode allows memory contents for a se
38.4.1 CSS Operation lected processor to be continuously examined and displayed
on the MFD CSS format. The contents of 16 contiguous
The CSS page (see Figure 38−17), displayed on the memory locations are displayed relative to a specified
DEU, allows the entry of DATA TYPE and OPER CODE flycatcher memory start address, updated at a 1−second rate.
used for data recording purposes, and allows the selection of A previously specified start address may be incremented or
all CSS modes including flycatcher, block address, and trap. decremented by a fixed bias. Each processor supports only
All CSS data is displayed on an MFD CSS format, using one flycatcher at a time.
pushbutton controls. Note that if the DEU is slaved to the
RIOMFD, selection of the CSS format on that MFD will Flycatcher is initiated or terminated as follows, using
cause the CSS page of the DEU to be displayed. the DEU (see Figure 38−19): Data Recording Operations 1. Select flycatcher by pressing FLY CATC on CSS
page of DEU.
The CSS DATA TYPE page (see Figure 38−18) allows
the optional selection of a recording/storage device for the 2. Select processor to be examined by pressing one of
retention of data that is captured via a CSS mode. CSS data the WRA pushbuttons on F−CATC page.
can be telemetered or recorded for offline analysis based on
one or more of the following selections: 3. Initiate flycatcher. Press STRT ADRS to allow entry
of starting memory address for selected processor
1. Pressing the AUX pushbutton allows CSS data to be enter start address in hexadecimal with numeric
displayed on an auxiliary display (this function is pushbuttons. Press ENT to complete address entry
not available). and activate flycatcher.
2. Pressing the REC pushbutton allows CSS data to be 4. For flycatcher termination, press DSBL to deac
recorded on a flight recorder, if one is installed in the tivate current flycatcher.
5. Repeat steps 2 and 3 to initiate or terminate addi
tional flycatchers for other processors.
An active flycatcher can be biased by a fixed number field will display flycatcher last selected, if any,
of memory locations, relative to the current memory address when format is first displayed.
as follows, using the DEU (see Figure 38−19):
The messages shown in Figure 38−21 are displayed on
1. Select flycatcher by pressing FLY CATC on CSS the RIO MFD computer message area in response to an
page of DEU. invalid flycatcher operation.
2. Select INCR (to increment) or DECR (to decre Block Address/Trap Operation
ment) pushbutton. Enter bias value in hexadecimal Block address allows the memory contents of a
with numeric pushbuttons and press ENT to com selected processor to be captured once upon its selection; trap
plete entry. allows data to be captured once upon the satisfaction of a
selected algorithm. Data captured as a result of either mode
3. Repeat step 2 for subsequent entry of bias values for
is displayed on the MFD CSS format. The contents of 16
selected processor.
contiguous memory locations are displayed relative to a
Flycatcher data is displayed on the left half of the CSS specified memory start address.
format anytime there is at least one active flycatcher as
Block address is initiated as follows, using the DEU
follows, using the MFD (see Figure 38−20).
(see Figure 38−22)(note that block address terminates
1. Select CSS format on any MFD by pressing FAULT automatically after its activation):
pushbutton on OBC basic format and then pressing
1. Select block address mode by pressing BLK ADRS
CSS pushbutton on MAINT CURRENT
on CSS page of DEU.
FAILURES format.
2. Select system to be examined by pressing one of
2. Select STEP pushbutton to display 16−word block of
equipment pushbuttons on B−ADRS page.
flycatcher data associated with next processor that
has active flycatcher. Note that flycatcher data word
E FLYCH ADD {SSSS} Error in DEU entered flycatcher start address for the subsystem identified in
the {SSSS} field.
FLYCH EXISTS {SSSS} Only one flycatcher can be active per subsystem. The subsystem is
identified in the {SSSS} field. In order to setup the next flycatcher, the
previous flycatcher must be disabled.
E FLYCH INC {SSSS} Error in DEU entered flycatcher increment address for the subsystem
identified in the {SSSS} field.
N FLYCH IN {SSSS} Error in DEU entry to increment, decrement or disable a flycatcher for a
subsystem that has no active flycatcher. The subsystem is identified in
the {SSSS} field.
E FLYCH DEC {SSSS} Error in DEU entered flycatcher decrement address for the subsystem
identified in the {SSSS} field.
E NOT AVAIL Flycatcher not available. System is not ready. JTIDS tape recording
(TOMs 21−27) enabled.
(1) {SSSS} identifies the affected CSS compatible subsystem.
3. Enter start address in hexadecimal with numeric a. Press ALGO to select algorithm that is used to
pushbuttons. Press ENT to complete the entry of trigger the capture of data. Enter algorithm
data and to activate block address mode. number with numeric keypads, and press ENT to
complete this entry.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for additional block address
operations for other systems. b. For each variable (i.e., V1, V2, V3) in selected
algorithm, press either an appropriate address
Trap is initiated or terminated as follows using the
pushbutton (V1 ADRS, V2 ADRS, V3 ADRS),
DEU (see Figure 38−23). There is a maximum of four taps per
or constant pushbutton (V1 CNST, V2 CNST,
V3CNST). Both selections require numeric
1. Select trap mode by pressing TRAP on CSS page of entry defining address of variable or actual
DEU. constant to be used in evaluation of algorithm.
Enter value with numeric pushbuttons and then
2. Select system to be examined by pressing one of press ENT to complete entry.
equipment pushbuttons on TRAP page.
c. Press DATA ADRS to allow entry of start address
3. Enter trap number (00 to 98) where number can for data. Enter address via numeric pushbuttons,
represent existing trap or new one (depending on the and press ENT to complete entry.
desired function).
d. Press COMP to complete the activation of tap.
4. Set up trap algorithm as indicated below, or press
DSBL to disable existing trap: 5. Repeat steps 2 through 4 to initiate or terminate
additional trap operations for other systems.
(1) {SSSS} identifies the affected CSS compatible subsystem. {NN} identifies a trap number ranging between
1 and 4.
Block address and trap data are displayed on the right The messages shown in Figure 38−24 are displayed in
half of the MFD CSS format when there is at least one block the computer message area of the RIO MFD in response to
of data to be reported. As a maximum, only the last 15 invalid block address or trap operations.
block−address and trap reports will be retained by this
function. Displays are selected as follows: 38.5 RADAR SYSTEM BUILT−IN TEST
1. Select CSS format on any MFD by pressing Radar system BIT detects AN/APG−71 radar system
FAULTpushbutton on OBC basic format, and then hardware faults and provides assessment of tactical radar
pressing CSS pushbutton on MAINT CURRENT mode availability. BIT has four major capabilities:
FAILURES format.
1. Fault detection uses computer−controlled and RIO−
2. Press NEXT pushbutton to display next data report. initiated tests to detect failures in flight or on the
The number of block−address/trap reports indicates deck.
if any additional reports of data are available for
display and is decremented upon each depression of 2. Fault isolation allows isolation of a detected system
NEXT pushbutton. Note that block−address/trap failure by indicating DP and the suspect WRA or
data−words field will display last selected block of group of WRAs.
data, if any, when format is first displayed. Repeat
3. DMA provides a pass, fail, or degraded evaluation
this step as necessary to display each report.
of the operational modes.
3. Press CLR pushbutton to clear any data reports. This
4. CM automatically provides the RIO with a warning
action inhibits display of any remaining reports and
when system failures occur during tactical modes.
resets the number of block−address/trap reports to
NAVAIR 01−F14AAD−1 Operational Readiness Test Computer and Displays Mode Test
ORT is automatically initiated when aircraft power is CDM is automatically initiated when aircraft power is
applied to the radar, with the sensor hand control in either applied to the radar with the SHC in CMPTR. CDM is
STBY or XMIT or if a radar power interruption occurs for interruptible by pressing the PGM RST pushtile on the DD.
longer than 2.65 seconds. This radar confidence test includes This radar confidence test includes a subset of the tests
tests of radar computers, RF subsystems, system interfaces, performed during ORT. It differs from ORT in that the
and target detection capability. ORT requires nominally 3.5 antenna hydraulics and transmitter subsystem are not tested.
minutes to complete (including 3 minutes for transmitter CDM requires, nominally, 2.5 minutes to complete (the
warmup), but could take as long as 7 to 8 minutes if radar 3−minute transmitter warmup delay is not required). At the
functions are degraded. When ORT has completed, the DMA completion of CDM, the degraded mode assessment display
display is automatically displayed on the PTID and the BIT is automatically displayed on the PTID, and the BIT menu
menu will appear on the DD. The DMA algorithm provides will appear on the DD. The DMA algorithm will give an
an evaluation of the working status of tactical modes. If evaluation of the working status of tactical modes. If
additional information is required, the maintenance display additional information is required, the maintenance display
can be selected from the BIT menu. can be selected from the BIT menu.
At the completion of ORT, the following tests can be At the completion of CDM, the following tests can be
selected from the BIT menu on the DD: radar test, displays selected from the DD BIT menu: radar test; display, test,
test, television camera set test, special test or test target. If no television camera set test, special test or test target. If no
further testing is required, a tactical mode can be entered further testing is required, a tactical mode can be entered
directly by selecting the DD pushtile for the desired mode. directly by selecting the DD pushtile for the desired mode.
If ORT is running when a tactical situation arises, the Initiated BIT (IBIT)
RIO can abort ORT by pushing the PGM RST button in the
lower right corner of the DD. ORT abort is not recognized The IBIT mode contains five submodes: radar BIT,
until after the initialization phase is complete (5 seconds or displays BIT, television camera set BIT, digital display
less). To report that ORT has been aborted, the CM acronym built−in self−test, and special tests BIT.
OA is displayed in the lower left position of the PTID and the
event is recorded in the failure history file. The system will Radar BIT
transition to 5−nm pulse search. The 3−minute transmitter
warmup period will, however, still be in effect. This means Initiated radar test (RDR) allows retest of the radar
that the system capabilities will be limited to a nonradiation system. If the SHC is in either STBY or XMIT, radar BIT will
mode until warmup is complete. The system may have some be the same as ORT (with the exception that the 3−minute
performance degradation because of insufficient calibra transmitter warmup delay is not required). Consequently,
tions. These calibrations are normally executed during the radar BIT execution time is shorter. If the SHC is in CMPTR,
ORT sequence. Possible radar performance degradations are radar BIT will be the same as CDM.
as follows: Radar BIT is initiated by depressing the MFK pushtile
on the DD to obtain the radar modes menu, selecting the
1. LPRF pushtile adjacent to BIT to obtain the BIT submenu, and then
depressing the pushtile adjacent to RDR on the BIT menu.
a. Short pulse Up to 500−foot range bias.
Test execution requires approximately 2.0 minutes, and is
b. Pulse compression Up to 2−nm range bias. interruptible by a program restart (depressing PGM RST
pushtile on the DD), another BIT selection, or a radar mode
2. HPRF RWS and PDS perform as required. selection.
4. PDSTT/RGSTT Noise jammer problem will DISP is a controls and displays subsystem confidence
occur first time until periodic calibrations are per check. The PTID and DD display a predefined set of static
formed. These calibrations shall be performed and dynamic symbology for evaluation of symbol intensity,
within 5 minutes of the ORT. completeness, contrast, and motion. Displays BIT symbol
ogy is dependent on the PTID mode switch setting and DD
keypad entry. The RIO must confirm visually that this
subsystem is functioning properly.
Displays BIT is initiated by depressing the MFK processing, and is playing reasonably sized targets. It is
pushtile on the DD to obtain the radar modes menu, selecting available in, and can be used to check the operation of low,
the pushtile adjacent to BIT to obtain the BIT submenu, and medium, or high PRF tactical modes. Test target entry is
then depressing the pushtile adjacent to DISP on the BIT indicated by a test target display on the lower left position of
menu. Displays BIT is interruptible by a program restart the PTID.
(depressing PGM RST pushtile on the DD), another BIT
To initiate test target BIT, MFK pushtile on the digital
selection, or a radar mode selection.
display is depressed, selecting the BIT menu. The test target
is selected by depressing the button adjacent to TEST TGT. Television Camera Set BIT
To enable the location for test target injection, the pushtile
The TCS test verifies the status of the television camera adjacent to RDM TGT or RCVR TGT is depressed. To
set. The capability of the TCS slave modes is verified, the terminate the test target BIT, the pushtile adjacent to the
mechanical tracking functions (i.e., slewing and track) are enabled target injection location is reselected.
checked, and the radar−related TCS support functions are
monitored. Detected faults are displayed on the PTID at test Continuous Monitoring (CM)
CM periodically samples mission essential radar set
TCS TEST is initiated by depressing the MFK pushtile signals during tactical operation, and informs the RIO of
on the DD to obtain the radar modes menu, selecting the detected problems.
pushtile adjacent to BIT to obtain the BIT submenu, and then
CM performs passive monitoring of key radar signals,
depressing the pushtile adjacent to TCS on the BIT menu.
a one−quarter/second rate. These signals include power
TCS testing is interruptible by a program restart (depressing
faults, overtemperature indicators, BIST status (i.e., equip
PGM RST pushtile on the DD), another BIT selection, or a
ment ready) signals, processor load status, transmitter peak
radar mode selection.
power, calibration failures, antenna hydraulic interlocks, and
transmitter interlocks. Digital Display Built−In Self−Test
(BIST) Radar anomalies appear on the PTID, in the lower left
quadrant as two character acronyms. Acronyms will be
The DD has a standalone BIST capability that must be displayed continuously while a failure condition exists. If
initiated and evaluated by the RIO. It tests DD functions as multiple failures occur, the appropriate acronyms will be
well as its discrete interfaces with the sensor control unit, automatically updated at a 2−second rate. When an acronym
sensor hand control, and PTID. is displayed, the RIO can select the LM maintenance display
DD BIST is initiated by depressing the C/D TEST to obtain more detailed information on the specific unit that
pushtile on the radar control panel portion of the digital has a malfunction or anomaly. The RIO can also initiate BIT
display. When in flight continuous depression of the C/D at any time to confirm that hardware status is unchanged.
TEST pushtile clears DD display and initiates BIST. Release Aircraft system anomalies will appear on the PTID, in
causes the DD to revert to tactical operation. When not the lower left quadrant directly below the radar CM
airborne, the first depression clears the DD display and acronyms, whenever a fault is detected. Corresponding
initiates BIST; the second depression causes DD to revert to failure acronyms will be displayed for 2 seconds.
tactical operation.
38.5.2 Radar BIT Operation Special Tests BIT
The radar BIT function is contained in the RDP. This
Initiated SPL TEST is designed to validate the specialized radar computer provides necessary timing and
operation of a specific radar submode or subfunction, and is control signals to F−14D radar subsystems to conduct various
used primarily for maintenance purposes. These tests are tests. BIT testing is generally independent of RIO inter
initiated with selection of the SPL TEST pushtile on the BIT action, with the exception of some manual switch settings,
menu, selection of the NBR pushbutton on the DD keypad, such as those on the SHC, which are not software
entering the appropriate test number and then pushing the controllable.
ENTER button.
BIT execution can be either automatic or operator Test Target BIT initiated. Upon application of aircraft radar power, ORT is
automatically initiated. The RIO either switches the SHC
The test target function is a RIO activated and from OFF to CMPTR (to start CDM execution), or STBY or
evaluated end−to−end test of the radar system. It can be used XMT (to start ORT execution). After powerup, CDM or ORT
to quickly verify that the radar system is capable of detecting,
may be aborted by pressing the PGM RST button on the lower BIT Display Formats
right corner of the DD. If CDM/ORT is not aborted, ORT
BIT displays provide feedback on test progress,
requires nominally 3.5 minutes to complete and CDM
required RIO actions, pass/fail status, detected faults, and
requires nominally 2.5 minutes to complete.
maintenance action recommendations. These displays in
The test−in−progress display is presented on the PTID clude the test in progress, BIT menu, degraded mode
(see Figure 38−27). The WRA unit designators blink for those assessment, maintenance display, test target CM, TCS test,
units that are undergoing test. Approximately 3 minutes after DD BIST, displays test (static and dynamic), and special test.
radar turn−on, an XMT acronym at the top of the PTID
prompts the RIO to switch to XMT, if the SHC switch is in Test−in−Progress Display
STBY. The RIO has 25 seconds to respond. Failure to do so
within the allotted time results in bypassing the system The test−in−progress PTID display is presented upon
transmitter test. If the RIO responds in time, the transmitter initiation of ORT, CDM, or IRT (see Figure 38−27). This
test is executed and the transmitter subsystem unit group display provides status on WRA testing progress, OBC,
blinks, indicating that testing is in progress. At the comple continuous monitor failures, missile channel selection, and
tion of ORT (and CDM) DMA is presented on the PTID. This the DPs from previous ORT, CDM, IRT, or CM tests (if power
display provides an evaluation of the working status of the was not interrupted to the radar). The appropriate WRA
tactical modes. If the RIO desires more detailed information, reference designators blink for units undergoing test. WRA
the maintenance display can be selected by depressing the designators and their corresponding common names are
DD pushtile adjacent to MAINT DISP. This display provides listed in Figure 38−28.
test fail or pass status, the detected malfunctioning WRAs, At the completion of ORT, CDM or IRT, the degraded
and the associated DPs. DPs provide specific detailed mode assessment format (described in paragraph
information on the faults detected within a particular unit. In is displayed on the PTID.
order to get back to the DMA display, the pushtile adjacent
to MAINT DISP is reselected.
Detected failures are isolated to a maximum of six injected directly through the receiver, thus bypassing the
WRAs. A maximum of 10 DPs are displayed adjacent to the antenna. To terminate test target BIT, the pushtile adjacent to
test that was performed: ORT, IBIT (radar test, displays test), the enabled test target injection location is reselected.
or CM.
The RIO can now select any tactical mode by
Values for detection sensitivity and peak power for depressing the DD pushtile for the desired mode. The radar
HPRF and LPRF modes are displayed on the PTID along with test target will be processed and displayed on the DD and
the AIM−54 or AIM−7 channel being tested. PTID just as any newly detected target in the mode being
tested would be. Test−Target BIT
In addition to testing the operation of the various
The test−target function is an end−to−end test of the modes, the test target can also be used to check many radar
radar system, initiated and evaluated by the RIO. It can be controls (such as display controls) and verify computer
used to quickly verify that the radar system is capable of functions such as hooking. For example, the RIO can hook
detecting, processing, and displaying reasonably sized the test target (which first appears as an unknown target) on
targets. It is available in and can be used to check the the PTID; designate it hostile (noting symbol change);
operation of low, medium, or high PRF tactical modes. initiate single−target track (noting operation of ANT and
RDR indicator lamps); enter data pertaining to the target; and
To initiate the test target, the DD MFK pushtile is used even test the track hold function after deselecting the test
to select the BIT menu. The test target is selected by target.
depressing the button adjacent to TEST TGT. The test−target
menu is displayed on the DD (see Figure 38−33). The test All targets have nominal initial values inserted for
target can be injected in two places depending on RIO switch range, range−rate, and target power level. HPRF targets have
activation. By depressing the pushtile adjacent to RDM TGT, initial range set to 20 miles and range−rate set to 800 knots
the target is injected through the radome radar test horn and (closing). LPRF targets have initial range set to 18 miles,
is received and processed through the antenna array. By with the DD range scale set to 20 or greater, or 4.5 miles, with
depressing the pushtile adjacent to RCVR TGT, the target is the DD range scale set to 5 or 10.
Target power level selection can be entered manually for MM) appear for 2 seconds when corresponding equip
after enabling test−target BIT. A power level is selected by ment is failed. The acronym MM overrides any previously
depressing the pushtile adjacent to TGT LVL and entering the displayed acronym for 4 seconds. The corresponding acro
following keyboard command: nym is masked when an equipment is masked through the
Low values of X are correlated with weak target returns
and allow for testing the radar’s sensitivity. High values of X A list containing the OBCCM acronyms that may
are correlated with strong target returns. appear as a result of aircraft CM failures is shown in
Figure38−36. CM Display Format TCS Test Format
CM fault detection is an integral part of the tactical
radar display. A two−character acronym is displayed in the The TCS test is a RIO initiated test of the TCS and
lower left quadrant of the PTID whenever a fault is detected associated switches. It is initiated by depressing the DD MFK
(see Figure 3834). This acronym is continually displayed pushtile to obtain the radar modes menu, selecting the
while the failure condition exists. If multiple failures occur, pushtile adjacent to BIT to obtain the BIT submenu, and then
failure acronyms will cycle at a 2−second rate. The RIO can depressing the pushtile adjacent to TCS. TCS testing is
obtain more detailed failure information by accessing the interruptible by a program restart (DD PGM RST pushtile),
BIT menu on the DD (depressing MFK pushtile) and another BIT selection, or a radar mode selection.
depressing the pushtile adjacent to MAINT DISP. The RIO
The TCS test function consists of 15 major subtests,
can also initiate BIT at any time to confirm that the hardware
that occur in the following order: TCS on−board checkout,
status is unchanged.
TCS cursor, manual acquisition, TCS slaved to radar, TCS
A list containing two letter acronyms that may appear return to search, TCS slaved to radar pointing accuracy test,
as a result of radar CM failures is shown in Figure 38−35. TCS slaved to computer pointing accuracy test, automatic
search, TCS scan pattern test independent mode, radar miles,
Aircraft anomalies will appear on the PTID (lower left
with the DD range scale set to 20 or greater, or 4.5 miles, with
quadrant directly below the radar CM acronyms) whenever
the DD range scale set to 5 or 10 slaved to TCS,
a fault is detected (see Figure 38−35). All acronyms (except
AIC Air inlet control system MC1 Mission computer no. 1
APC Approach power compensator MC2 Mission computer no. 2
BAG Beacon augmentor MDL Mission data loader
BSF Band suppression filters MFA Multiple filter assemblies
(Left or Right)
BUS Data bus
MFD MFD no. 1, MFD no. 2, or
CAD Central air data computer
MFD no. 3
CIU Converter interface unit
NPS Navigation power supply
DEU Data entry unit PDP Display processor no. 1 or display
DFC Digital flight control system processor no. 2
DLS Data link system POD Tactical airborne reconnaissance
DSS Data storage set
RAD Radar altimeter
ECM Airborne self−protection jammer
RFP Radio frequency indicator − Pilot
FEM Airborne data acquisition comput
er, engine monitoring signal proc RFR Radio frequency control
essors 1/2 indicator − RIO
GCU Gun control unit RWR Radar warning receiver
HUD Head−up display SDI Sensor display and indicator set
IFB Interference blanker SMS Stores management system
IFI IFF interrogator SRS Standard attitude and heading refer
ence set
IFX IFF transponder
TCN Tactical air navigation
INS Inertial navigation system
WOW Weight−on/off−wheels sensor
IR Infrared search and track system
(BLANKS) No system failures
radar slaved to TCS pointing accuracy test, hand control b. C/D TEST 2 Display. When C/D TEST 2 is selected, the
forward right, hand control half−action, and TCS slewing display shown in Figure 38−41 will appear on the DD. The
test. numeric values next to BRT, CON, and SYM may differ
slightly from those shown in the Figure, depending on knob
When the TCS test begins, the display in Figure 38−37
shall appear on the PTID. The TCS test−in−progress menu
consists of acronyms denoting the conditions of the asso C/D TEST 2 tests all front panel toggle and rotary
ciated TCS test function subtest. The RIO has 15 seconds to switches and potentiometers. As each of the SNIFF, TGT,
supply the indicated action for each prompt. Figure 38−38 TRACK, and MLC switches are toggled into their allowable
contains a list of the prompts and associated RIO responses. positions, an X will be displayed in the appropriate location.
Rotating the CHAN, FA/MAN, and JAM/JET switches into Digital Display Controls and their allowable positions will cause corresponding symbolo
Displays Test (C/D Test) gy changes on the panel for the selected switch position.
Rotating each potentiometer through its full movement range
The DD has a standalone built−in self−test capability will display a corresponding decimal number that will vary
that must be initiated and evaluated by the RIO. It tests DD from 00 to 10 to 90 to 99.
functions as well as its discrete interfaces with the sensor
hand control and PTID. c. C/D TEST 3 Display. When C/D TEST 3 is selected, the
DD display shown in Figure 38−42 will appear. This display
C/D test is initiated with the DD radar control panel tests the capability of the DD to respond to signals from
C/D TEST pushtile. When the F−14D is airborne, continuous interfacing units and to other signals. When the SHC RDR
depression of the C/D TEST pushtile clears DD display and switch is set to CMTR, and the commands shown in Figure
initiates test. Release causes the DD to revert to tactical 38−43 are issued by the SCU, SSP, or DD, the indicated
operation. When the F−14D aircraft is not airborne, the first responses are displayed next to the associated C 3 display
depression clears the DD display and initiates test; the second legends. The SHC RDR CMPTR selection also enables tests
depression causes DD to revert to tactical operation. While initiated by other SHC controls and PTID controls. Selec
the C/D TEST pushtile is depressed, a diagonal line should tions and responses are shown in Figure 38−44 and Figure
be displayed on the PTID. 38−45, respectively.
After the C/D TEST is selected, the DD display will
appear as shown in Figure 38−39. Adjust DD BRT and CONT Display Test Formats
controls for optimal viewing of the eight displayed shades of
The displays test gives the RIO standard test patterns
gray. Adjust the SYM control for best display of stroke
on the PTID and DD for evaluation. The displays test is
symbology. From this display, three separate tests may be
divided into static and dynamic testing. It is initiated by
selected by pressing the pushtiles (along the left edge of the depressing the MFK pushtile on the DD to obtain the radar
DD display) next to the legends (1, 2, and 3) displayed on the
modes menu, selecting the pushtile adjacent to BIT to obtain
the BIT submenu, and then depressing the pushtile adjacent
a. C/D TEST 1 Display. When C/D TEST 1 display is to DISP.
selected, the background will be shades of gray. Right to left
a. Static Testing. When ATTK is selected with the PTID
sweeps start as soon as the display appears, with each sweep
MODE switch, the DD ANT, RDR, JAT, and TCS indicator
diminishing the intensity of the shades of gray (aging). After
lamps will illuminate. The PTID LAUNCH ZONE, VEL
13 sweeps, the shades of gray will have disappeared (the VECTOR, and CLSN indicator lamps will illuminate. The
background will be uniform).
PTID center drum and steering drum will be blank. The test
C/D 1 test is used to test all front panel momentary pattern shown in Figure 38−46 will be displayed on the DD,
pushtiles. As each of the DD front panel momentary pushtiles and the pattern shown in Figure 38−47 will be displayed on
are depressed, an X appears at the appropriate location on the the PTID.
CD TEST 1 display (see Figure 38−40).
When A/C STAB or GND STAB is selected with the
PTID MODE switch, all DD indicator lamps will go off. In
Note addition, all PTID indicator lamps will go off, the PTID
Depressing the C/D TEST pushtile will exit C/D center drum will read SENSOR, and the steering drum will
TEST. Depressing the pushtile adjacent to legend read MAN. The DD test pattern shown in Figure 38−48 will
2 or legend 3 will exit C/D 1 and initiate C/D 2 be displayed, and the PTID will display the pattern shown in
or C/D 3. Figure 38−49.
ACQ/AUTO SRCH AUTO SEARCH Figure 3844.DD Responses for SHC Select Tests
Figure 3843.DD Responses for SCU/SSP/DD Figure 3845.DD Responses for PTID Select Tests
Select Tests
These test patterns should be examined by the RIO for initial point symbol is displayed for reference. To enter the
the absence of any required symbols, symbol intensity, and dynamic test, the RIO selects CLEAR, NBR, 1, 1, and ENT
symbol position. During the running of the static test, the RIO on the DD keypad.
should also select half action or full action on the hand
When the RIO selects ATTK with the PTID MODE
control. The RIO should ensure that the PTID cursor can be
switch, the displays on the PTID and DD (Figure 38−40 and
moved throughout the range of the PTID by moving the hand
Figure 38−41) will go through the following movements
control. Upon release of the action switch, the cursor symbols
every 2 seconds:
should return to their original positions.
On the DD, the following occur simultaneously:
The static portion of the displays test gives the RIO an
indication that the computer does or does not have the display 1. The artificial horizon steps in pitch from zero to
capability for each of the indicated symbols. It is more than +15° (up), +30_, +45_, 0_, −15_ (down), −30_, −45_,
a displays test because it also tests computer ability to then back to 0°.
generate symbols needed for a tactical situation. The
computer assists the RIO in the static portion of the displays 2. The artificial horizon steps in roll from 0_ to +15_
test by monitoring power failures that have occurred in the (right wing down), +30°, +45°, back to 0_, −15° (left
controls and displays units. A DISP FAILED indicator will wing down), −30°, −45°, and back to 0°.
appear on the maintenance display if a power failure is
detected. The maintenance display indicates DISP PASSED 3. The ASE circle steps from 0.8 inch in diameter to
until a failure occurs. 0.1, 0.3, 0.56, then back to 0.8.
b. Dynamic Testing. The dynamic test consists of a visual
4. The steering symbol steps around the ASE circle in
evaluation of the movement of the artificial horizon, ASE
a clockwise direction in steps from its position in the
circle, steering symbol, closing range rate indicator, launch
upper right quadrant to the lower right, lower left,
zone symbols, and a velocity vector with TUIR and TUOR
upper left, then back to the upper right quadrant.
markers that sequentially vary in size or position. A fixed
On the PTID, the following occur simultaneously: 7. The velocity vector will vary in length from 1.5
inches to 0 inches, 0.5 inches, 1.0 inches, then back
1. The artificial horizon steps in pitch from zero to to 1.5 inches.
+15° (up), +30°, +45°, 0°, −15° (down), −30_, −45_
then back to 0°. 8. The F−14 bar origin will vary its distance above the
artificial horizon along the velocity vector from 1.5
2. The artificial horizon steps in roll from 0_ to +15° inches to 1.0 inches, 0.5 inches, 0 inches, then back
(right wing down), +30°, +45_, back to 0_, −15° (left to 1.5 inches.
wing down), −30_, −45°, and back to 0_.
9. The additional dot marker will vary its distance
3. The bar marker steps from 1.5 inches above the arti above the artificial horizon along the velocity
ficial horizon to 1.0, 0.5, 0, and back to 1.5 inches. vector from 0 to 0.5 inch, 1.0 inch, 1.5 inches, then
back to 0 inches.
4. The dot marker steps from above the artificial to 0.5,
1.0, 1.5 inches and back to the artificial horizon. The events occurring during the dynamic portion of the
test are repeated until the RIO selects another BIT sequence
5. The artificial horizon, ASE, and steering symbol test, selects another category, interrupts via a program restart,
move on the PTID at the same rate as the DD. or selects another radar mode.
6. The ASE circle steps from 2.0 inches in diameter to When the RIO selects A/C STAB or GND STAB with
the PTID MODE switch, the displays on the PTID and DD
0.2, 0.8, 1.4, then back to 2.0 inches in diameter.
will go through the following movements every 2 seconds.
Dynamic test in A/C STAB and GND STAB will have When commanded by this function, instrumentation mod
displays similar to those shown in Figures 38−50 and 38−51, ules in the RDP and RSP are configured to output repeatable
except that ATTK will blink above the BIT horizontal test patterns to the instrumentation recorders. Failure indica
boundary, and the artificial horizon, ASE circle, and steering tions are determined by analysis of these recordings offline.
symbol will be deleted. A DISP FAILED message will appear The display is shown in Figure 38−52.
on the PTID during the static or dynamic tests when a fault
is detected. A fault isolation display can be requested by 38.5.3 Flycatcher
depressing the pushtile adjacent to MAINT DISP on the DD
BIT menu. If a power fault or computer subsystem fault was Flycatcher is a computer routine that allows the
detected, the unit designator of the malfunctioned WRA is operator to examine the contents of specific RDP memory
displayed along with the associated DPs on the PTID. locations. This information is generally used in trouble
shooting. Flycatcher readouts will be displayed on the upper
left portion of the DD. The display will consist of the Special Test Format
computer designation readout, address readout and data
Special test is initiated via the selection of the SPL readout (in hexadecimal).
TEST pushtile on the BIT menu, selection of the NBR
To initiate these readouts, the following sequence of
pushtile on the DD keypad, entering the appropriate test
entries on the CAP portion of the DD must be used:
number, and then pushing the ENT pushtile. Test execution
is continual while special test is selected. Testing is 1. CLR.
interruptible by a program restart (by depressing PGM RST
on the DD), another BIT selection, or radar mode selection. 2. 7.
The special test 80−instrumentation test verifies the
proper operation of the APG−71 instrumentation system. This 3. 1.
system includes the IST and ICU modules within the RDP
4. ENT.
and RSP, respectively, and the interface to the data recorder.
A computer number of 1 selects the RDP memory, To decrement the displayed address, the following
currently the only valid selection. Next, a hexadecimal sequence must be entered:
memory address must be entered in the following sequence:
1. CLR.
1. 9.
2. 7.
2. 0.
3. S−W.
3. 1 to 5−digit hex address.
4. ENT.
4. ENT.
If an increment is performed, and no further CAP
The flycatcher has the capability to increment or selections have been made, subsequent increments or
decrement the displayed address. To increment the displayed decrements can be made by simply pressing the ENT pushtile
address, the following sequence must be entered: repeatedly.
4. ENT.
NATOPS Evaluation
NATOPS Evaluation
The closed−book examination may be taken from, but The number of flights required to complete the flight
evaluation should be kept to a minimum, normally one flight.
shall not be limited to, the question bank and shall include
The areas and subareas to be observed and graded on a flight
questions concerning normal and emergency procedures and
evaluation are outlined in the grading criteria with critical
aircraft limitations. Questions designated critical will be so
marked. areas marked by an asterisk (*). Grades on subareas will be
assigned in accordance with the grading criteria. Grades on
39.2.3 Oral Examination subareas shall be combined to arrive at the overall grade for
the flight. If desired, grades of areas shall also be determined
The questions may be taken from this manual and may in this manner. At the discretion of the squadron or unit
be drawn from the experience of the instructor−evaluator. commander, the evaluation may be conducted in WST, MFT,
Such questions should be direct and positive and should in no or COT.
way be based solely on opinion.
39.3.1 Instrument Flight Evaluation
39.2.4 Emergency
Annual NATOPS instrument flight evaluations and the
An aircraft component or system failure or condition IFR portions of NATOPS flight evaluations, whether con
that requires instantaneous recognition, analysis, and proper ducted in flight or in an approved simulator, must be
action. conducted by a NATOPS−qualified pilot or RIO, who is
39.2.5 Malfunction designated in writing by the unit commanding officer. Such
instrument flight evaluations must be conducted in accor
An aircraft component or system failure or condition dance with the procedures outlined in the current OPNA
that requires recognition and analysis, but which permits VINST 3710.
more deliberate action than that required for an emergency.
logbooks under Qualifications and Achievements" as To determine the numerical grade for each area and the
follows: overall grade for the flight, add all the points assigned to the
subareas and divide this sum by the number of subareas
graded. The adjective grade shall then be determined on the
basis of the following scale.
NATOPS (Date) (Authenticating
EVALUATION signature) 1. 0.0 to 2.19 Unqualified.
4+2+4+2+4 16
= = 3.20
3 20 or Qualified
5 5
39.7.1 Critique
The critique is the terminal point in the NATOPS 39.8.2 Final Grade Determination
evaluation and will be given by the evaluator−instructor The final NATOPS evaluation grade shall be the same
administering the check. Preparation for the critique involves as the grade assigned to the flight evaluation. An evaluee who
processing, reconstructing data collected, and oral presenta receives an Unqualified on any ground examination or the
tion of the NATOPS evaluation report. Deviations from flight evaluation shall be placed in an Unqualified status until
standard operating procedures will be covered in detail using a grade of Conditionally Qualified or Qualified is achieved
all collected data and worksheets as a guide. Upon comple on a reevaluation.
tion of the critique, the pilot and RIO will receive the
completed copy of the NATOPS evaluation report for 39.9 APPLICABLE PUBLICATIONS
certification and signature. The completed NATOPS evalua
tion report will then be presented to the unit commanding The NATOPS flight manual contains the standard
officer. operations criteria for F−14D aircraft. Publications regarding
environmental procedures peculiar to shorebased and ship
39.8 FLIGHT EVALUATION GRADING CRITERIA board operations and tactical missions are listed below:
Only those subareas provided or required shall be 1. F−14D tactical manuals
graded. The grades assigned for a subarea shall be deter
mined by comparing the degree of adherence to standard 2. NWPs
operating procedures with adjectival ratings listed below.
Momentary deviations from standard operating procedures 3. NATOPS Air Refueling Manual
should not be considered as unqualifying provided such
deviations do not jeopardize flight safety and the evaluee 4. Air Traffic Control NATOPS Manual
applied prompt corrective action.
5. Local Air Operations Manual
39.8.1 Flight Evaluation Grade Determination
6. Carrier Air Operations Manual.
The following procedure shall be used in determining
the flight evaluation grade. A grade of Unqualified in any 39.10 NATOPS EVALUATION QUESTION BANK
critical area and subarea will result in an overall grade of
The following bank of questions is intended to assist
Unqualified for the flight. Otherwise, flight evaluation (or
the unit NATOPS instructor−evaluator in the preparation of
area) grades shall be determined by assigning the following
ground examinations and to provide an abbreviated study
numerical equivalents to the adjective grade for each subarea
guide. The questions from the bank may be combined with
Only the numerals 0, 2, or 4 will be assigned in subareas. No
locally originated questions in the preparation of ground
interpolation is allowed.
examinations. The closed−book examination will consist of
1. Unqualified 0.0 not less than 25 questions nor more than 75 questions. The
time limit for the closed−book examination is 1 hour and 30
2. Conditionally Qualified 2.0 minutes. The requirements for the open−book examination
are the same as those for the closed−book examination,
3. Qualified 4.0. except there is no time limit.
1. The aircraft weighs approximately ________________ including trapped fuel, oil, gun, pilot and RIO.
2. The aircraft is __________ in length and has a wing span of __________at 20_ and ______________ in oversweep.
4. During normal system operation, the status of AICS ramp control is as follows:
5. An AICS failure that causes illumination of an INLET and/or RAMP caution light results in the following:
M < 0.35 .
M 0.5 to 0.9 .
M > 0.9 .
6. During the AICS portion of OBC, simulated variant flight conditions cycle the ____________________________ through
their full range of operation in about_______ seconds. This exercises the _______________________________________
and ensures ________________________________________.
a. True
b. False
9. With the gear handle down and one or more ramps not in the stow position, the ramp light will be illuminated.
a. True
b. False
10. The installed thrust of the F110−GE−400 engine is ________ pounds at MRT and ________ pounds at MAX A/B.
11. In SEC mode, both main engine fuel flow and compressor VSVs are scheduled ____________________________ by the
___________, and fan speed is limited __________by the ____________.
14. The augmenter fan temperature control system regulates five parameters of the engine to provide stall−free operation for
any rate of throttle movement throughout the flight envelope. These parameters are:
15. The engine electrical control subsystem is powered by an engine gearbox−mounted (ac or dc) alternator that
contains ______________ separate windings, which are:
16. What are the two power sources for fan speed limiting?
19. What are the throttle interlocks at the military power detent?
20. Autothrottle may be preflight ground tested on deck either in ______________________ or _______________________.
Indications that a malfunction exists in the autothrottle system are _________________________________________ or
a. MRT _______________________psi
22. An engine stall with no overtemperature will illuminate the appropriate STALL WARNING light in both PRI and SEC
a. True
b. False
b. In−flight MRT
c. MIN A/B
d. MAX A/B
24. What interlocks must be satisfied to activate the nozzle to the full−open position to reduce residual thrust?
25. Minimum rpm for ground start of the F110−GE−400 engine is _____________________ percent rpm.
26. Maximum allowable EGT for ground starting the F110−GE−400 engine is ____________________C.
27. The starting temperature limits are the same for both ground starts and airstarts.
a. True
b. False
28. At EGT readings of ______________°C ±10, a warning tone is present in the pilot earphones.
30. A hot engine should not be started until EGT is below _______________C airborne.
31. Zero− or negative−g flight is limited to a maximum of ____________________ seconds in military power or less and
________ seconds in afterburner in order not to __________________________________________.
32. Above __________________ rpm, the MEC should shut off fuel flow to the F110−GE−400 engine.
33. If the throttle boost system fails, the throttles automatically revert to manual mode, and the throttle mode switch
returns to MAN.
a. True
b. False
34. What pilot action is required to reset the boost mode of throttle control subsequent to reversion to the manual mode?
36. Autothrottle engagement range is between _______________ and _________________ percent rpm.
37. If the autothrottles are disengaged by any means, the AUTO THROT light illuminates for a 10−second duration.
a. True
b. False
38. Engine rpm must be above ___________ percent to supply sufficient power for the main engine ignition system.
39. When attempting a crossbleed or normal ground start, the ENG CRANK switch will not reengage if the engine is spooling
down and engine rpm is between ____________ and _____________ percent.
40. During spooldown airstarts, hung starts in the low rpm range (less than 45 percent) can be assisted with
___________________________. Hung starts in the mid−rpm range (50 to 60 percent) can be corrected by
41. If the IGV linkage breaks, the IGVs assume a _________________ position, which is near normal for
_________________ power settings.
42. The number of delta Ps to check on each engine during preflight is ________________________.
43. During an engine ground fire or abnormal start, be sure that the BACK UP IGNITION switch is in the
______________ position.
44. The L or R FIRE warning lights illuminate when the respective entire sensing loop is heated approximately
___________°F or when any 6−inch section is heated to approximately_______________F.
45. What procedures should be followed to check oil level if it was not checked within 5 to 30 minutes after shutdown?
46. During preflight, the oil sight gauge is always a reliable indicator of oil level.
a. True
b. False
47. The No. __________ bearing receives priority lubrication in the event of a loss of oil.
48. During cold starts, oil pressure greater than 80 psi should not be exceeded for more than _____________ minute(s).
49. The electrical source for the oil pressure indicator is _____________.
50. The OIL PRESS warning light will illuminate when the pressure drops below ______________ psi and extinguishes when
pressure rises above ___________ psi.
51. The L or R OIL HOT warning light indicates that the supply oil temperature has exceeded __________________ or the
scavenge pump temperature has exceeded _____________.
52. The INLET ICE caution light illuminates when ____________ or _______________.
53. In AUTO, pitot probe heat is available only with weight off wheels.
a. True
b. False
54. Which of the following would result in illumination of the FUEL PRESS caution light?
55. Failure of the second stage on the main engine fuel pump will have what effect on engine operation?
56. Failure of a motive flow fuel pump will have what effect on the engine and fuel system operation?
57. The loss of an engine−driven boost pump will have what effect on operation of both engines?
58. Selecting either AFT or FWD with the fuel FEED switch performs what functions in the fuel system?
a. c. e.
b. d.
59. The L/R FUEL LOW light illuminates with approximately ________________ pounds remaining in the respective
feed group.
60. Automatic shutoff of wing and drop tank transfer occurs with WING/EXT TRANS switch in either AUTO or ORIDE.
a. True
b. False
62. To increase bingo fuel specifications, the engine mode select switch may be placed in ________________________
during descents or ____________________________________________________.
64. Is vent tank fuel quantity included in the fuel totalizer on the AFT and L indicator readings?
66. What medium is used to actuate the feed tank interconnect valve, wing motive flow shut−off valves, and fuel dump valve?
68. The fuel thermistors in the outboard section of the wing tanks perform what function?
69. The fuel thermistors in fuel cell Nos. 2 and 5 perform these functions when either is uncovered:
a. d.
b. e.
70. All fuel entering the vent tank is vented overboard through the vent mast in the tailhook attachment fairing.
a. True
b. False
71. Fuel transfer from the external drop tanks is accomplished by __________________.
72. External fuel transfer can be checked on the deck by __________ or __________.
73. Fuel dump is prohibited with speedbrakes open and/or afterburner operation.
a. True
b. False
74. When the fuel dump circuit is activated, wing and external drop tank transfer is automatically initiated.
a. True
b. False
75. Is it possible to refuel in flight and accomplish total fuel transfer without electrical power or a combined hydraulic system?
If not, why?
76. On engine start with the generator switch in normal, the generator is automatically excited and the generator control unit
brings it on the line when engine rpm is approximately ____________________ percent.
77. _________________ stage bleed air is used for IDG oil ground cooling.
78. If the thermal cutout decouples the drive clutch to either main generator in flight, the IDG may be recoupled (reset) a
maximum of three times.
a. True
b. False
79. Failure of either ac generator automatically connects the left and right main ac buses to the operative generator.
The cockpit indicator will be a __________________ caution light.
81. If the emergency generator switch is in NORM, it will come on the line automatically when ______________________
82. When operating on the emergency generator, the cockpit lighting available consists of _______________________ and
83. A single engine−driven pump on the left powers the combined hydraulic system and a single engine−driven pump on the
right powers the flight hydraulic system.
a. True
b. False
84. If the pilot extinguishes the MASTER CAUTION light after a failure of one main hydraulic system, failure of the other
system (will or will not) illuminate the MASTER CAUTION light. Why?
86. With the left engine shut down in flight and 0 percent windmill rpm, the combined hydraulic system can be
powered by ______________________________.
87. With total loss of fluid from either main hydraulic system, the hydraulic transfer pump will ____________________
88. The cockpit handpump will charge the brake accumulator in flight if________________________________________
89. Loss of all hydraulic fluid from the flight hydraulic system will mean loss of power to the right inlet ramps.
a. True
b. False
90. With loss of the combined hydraulic system (combined system pressure zero), the main flaps are powered by
___________________ and the auxiliary flaps are __________________________________________________.
91. With the landing gear emergency blown down, the nosewheel steering and normal brakes will operate after touchdown.
a. True
b. False
93. Outboard spoilers are inoperative with wing−sweep angles aft of ___________.
94. The outboard spoiler module thermal cutout is inhibited when ______________________________________________
95. The ON−OFF flag in the spoiler window of the hydraulic indicator indicates:
a. The outboard spoiler module is energized.
b. The outboard spoiler system is pressurized.
96. With loss of the combined hydraulic system (combined system pressure zero) the inboard spoilers will:
97. The backup flight control module powers the _____________ and the _____________.
98. With the backup flight control module switch in AUTO, the module is automatically energized when
99. The backup flight control module switch has three positions: AUTO, ___________________ and _________________
100. The backup flight control module operates in the high−speed mode when ____________________________________
101. Operational status of the backup flight control module is indicated in the cockpit by ___________________________
a. True
b. False
103. Failure of either the combined or flight hydraulic system will have what effect on wing−sweep?
104. On the wing−sweep indicator, there are three position indicators. These show ______________________________
__________________ and ___________________ wing−sweep position.
105. The aircraft is being operated with the wings aft of the forward limit. The wing−sweep control mode indicator reads MAN.
If speed is now increased beyond where the wing−sweep angle and forward limit coincide, the control mode indicator
will read _______________ and the wings will __________________.
106. The most forward wing−sweep angle allowed in bomb mode is __________.
107. The emergency wing−sweep mode is a manual method of positioning the wings. This method incorporates locks every
_____________ from 20_ to 68_ to prevent random wing movement in this mode.
109. Appearance of the W/S warning legend on the MFD means: ______________________________________________
112. List the caution, advisory, and warning lights activated by the CADC directly or via the DFCS:
a. e.
b. f.
c. g.
d. h.
113. When instrument test has been selected on the MASTER TEST panel, the EIG indications after 5 seconds are:
a. RPM
b. EGT
115. Maneuver flaps can be lowered at any wing−sweep angle between 20° and ______________________.
116. The maneuvering flap thumbwheel will lower the main flaps ______________, the auxiliary flaps ____________,
and the slats ____________, Use of the maneuvering devices (does or does not) put more restrictive g limitations on the
118. Power for emergency extension of the landing gear is supplied by___________________________________________
119. The minimum bottle pressure for accomplishing emergency extension of the landing gear is _____ psi but minimum
preflight bottle pressure is ________ psi at 70_ F (21_ C).
120. Full lateral trim in the direction of stick displacement will reduce maximum spoiler deflection to
_____________ on that side.
121. Full slat asymmetry of 17_ can result in an out−of−control situation at _________ units AOA or greater, even with
55_ of spoilers available.
122. The rudder pedal shaker is armed with main flaps greater than _________________ _ and the ________________
computer operating.
123. With DLC engaged, full−up DLC positions the inboard spoilers at _______________ _ and the horizontal stab trailing
edges ______________.
124. The initial position for spoilers when DLC is engaged is _____________________.
125. The correct positioning for stabilizers when DLC is given a full−down command (from trim) is _________________
trailing edge ___________________.
126. Full rudder throw of ± _________________________ corresponds to ± inches of rudder pedal travel.
128. The gear handle is down and the three gear position indicators show the gear down, but the transition light is illuminated.
What does this indicate and what action should be taken?
129. The ANTI SKID SPOILER BK switch is OFF and the BRAKE light is illuminated. This would indicate:
130. The BRAKE light (ANTI SKID SPOILER BK switch OFF) operates only when the brakes are depressed or the parking
handle is pulled.
a. True
b. False
131. The two procedures for lowering the launch bar are: ________________________ or __________________________.
a. True
b. False
133. With the nosewheel <70°, the nosewheel assumes the position commanded by the rudder pedals when nosewheel steering
is engaged.
a. True
b. False
134. BLEED DUCT light indicates temperatures in excess of ________________ °F between engine and primary heat
exchanger or greater than ___________________°F between primary heat exchanger and the ECS turbine.
135. The ram air door can be opened only if the ___________ or ___________ button is depressed on the ECS control panel.
136. The ram air door automatically closes with selection of L ENG, R ENG, or BOTH ENG on the ECS control panel.
a. True
b. False
137. The ram air door requires ____________ seconds to go full open.
138. The RIO has a low−cockpit−pressure caution light (CABIN PRESS) that illuminates if ______________________
or _______________________.
139. With the OBOGS light on, each flightcrewmember should have _______________ hours of oxygen at 20,000 feet
(8,000 feet cabin altitude).
140. Pulling the emergency oxygen actuator releases gaseous oxygen charged to psi and will provide approximately
a _______________ minute supply.
141. Windshield rain removal is accomplished by blowing 390° F air over the outside of the windshield. If the temperature
sensor detects an overtemperature condition, the WSHLD HOT advisory light will illuminate
and ________________________.
142. Maximum allowable headwind for the open canopy is ____________________ knots.
143. When the canopy is jettisoned, the sill locks are released by _______________________________________________.
144. The canopy pneumatic reservoir must be serviced by ground servicing unit.
a. True
b. False
145. The pilot can tell the position of the command ejection lever by ____________________________________________.
146. The RIO can eject both himself and the pilot with EJECT CMD handle set to PILOT.
a. True
b. False
147. The pilot can eject both himself and the RIO with the EJECT CMD handle set to MCO.
a. True
b. False
148. In the event the canopy does not separate from the aircraft when either flightcrewmember has initiated ejection, “through
the canopy” ejection will not occur.
a. True
b. False
150. Command ejection by either flightcrewmember will eject the RIO in ____ seconds and the pilot ________ seconds later.
151. For a high-altitude ejection, the seat is allowed to free-fall to ± _____________________ feet.
152. All exterior lighting controls except for the ____________ light are located on the MASTER LIGHT panel on the pilot
console, and the exterior lights master switch on the outboard throttle.
153. When the wings are swept aft of __________, the _____________ position lights are disabled and the glove position lights
are operable.
154. When the ANTI-COLLISION light switch is ON, the ________________ position lights flasher switch is disabled.
155. A proper indicator lights test has the MASTER CAUTION light on steady.
a. True
b. False
156. The RIO can monitor SW tones by selection of ___________ position on the ICS panel.
157. The standby attitude indicator is capable of providing reliable attitude information within _______________ for up to
___________ minutes after a complete loss of power.
158. On deck, the allowable error between the pilot and RIO altimeter readings is ____________ feet at field elevation.
39-15 CHANGE 1
159. The angle−of−attack indicator is checked during ______________ and the indexer during ____________. Proper indi−
cations are:
a. Indicator
b. Indexer .
161. With an airspeed indicator failure, list the angle of attack to fly for the following conditions (drag index 8):
a. Catapult _____________________________________________.
a. True
b. False
a. True
b. False
a. True
b. False
a. True
b. False
167. Sidewinder is jettisoned by firing the motor and safing the warhead.
a. True
b. False
168. The pretaxi (weight−on−wheels) OBC master test is a complete check of the SMS.
a. True
b. False
169. Selection of any pulse dogfight mode automatically provides stab out aircraft reference.
a. True
b. False
170. The pilot must clear maintenance display prior to running OBC for current test results
a. True
b. False
171. For normal UHF operation with the ARC−182, the AM/FM switch should be in the __________________________
172. With track files established in TWS, the HUD and MFDs provide the pilot complete steering information to the centroid
of the targets.
a. True
b. False
173. The navigation system may be updated by five methods; they are:
a. d.
b. e.
174. In TACAN BIT, the range and bearing on the HSD and BDHI should indicate _____________________ nm and
176. With MASTER ARM OFF, the HUD and VDI armament legend will appear with _______________________.
177. To obtain an attack presentation, the air−to−air button must be selected on the PDCP.
a. True
b. False
178. The COOLING AIR light refers to air cooling out of tolerance while the SENSOR COND light indicates liquid cooling
out of tolerance.
a. True
b. False
179. The PTID is oriented to ___________________ north, with selection of GND STAB on the PTID mode switch.
b. PS
c. PDS
181. A _____________ acronym indicates a failure of the SMS, thus preventing normal separation of stores in any launch
182. The RADAR COOLING switch in the RIO cockpit controls liquid coolant to __________________.
183. Hostile area altitude is entered in the _______ pseudo file to properly reject altitude line return.
a. True
b. False
185. A wind of 35 knots and 057_ relative to the duty runway represents a headwind component of ________________
knots and crosswind of _________ knots.
187. Hydraulic power to drive the gun comes from the ___________________________________________ system.
Performance Data
Interface Box. Discrete status signals for certain VTR modes available commands which are selected using the corre
are also sent to the Sensor Control Panel Interface Box. sponding six pushbutton switches below the display.
40.1.4 Interface Box 1. In bay 2221−3:
The Interface Box provides mechanical mounting for a. Ensure Program card is installed in Image Trans
the VTR and Image Transceiver. Additionally, it provides ceiver slot 1 (left slot).
electrical connections for dc input power, and connections b. Ensure formatted Image card is installed in
and switching for digital and video input and output signals. Image Transceiver slot 0 (right slot).
The Interface Box also modifies the RS 170 video to make
c. Ensure tape cassette is not record protected (red
it compatible with the cockpit displays.
tab should not show) and is installed in VTR.
40.2.1 Powerup Sequence The VTR can record on either Hi 8 or standard
Power up is accomplished using the aft cockpit Sensor 8 mm tape; however, image quality can be sub
Control Panel. Once power is applied, the Remote Control stantially degraded when using standard tape.
Unit (RCU) controls all functions, although the Sensor
d. Set Interface Box SWl switch as appropriate up
Control Panel can control some Video Tape Recorder (VTR) if LANTIRN Control Panel is installed; down if
functions. The top line of the RCU display shows status and
LANTIRN Control Panel is not installed.
data. The bottom line of the RCU display shows up to six
2. Set aft cockpit Sensor Control Panel selector to 5. Boot up menu appears.
STBY. RCU displays following sequence:
CS:LOC=###### SND=@@@@@@
Ok Ext NiteDay
Where ###### is the local call sign and @@@@@@ is
PHOTOTELESIS the first entry in the send to call sign directory. (These
entries can be changed using the Settings menus.)
RCU 403
then 6. Press switch corresponding to desired display
Waiting ATR startup brightness level (if current level is satisfactory, do
not press a switch):
Unit is
EXT−Not used
Waiting for ATR startup
NITE−Nighttime level from Settings menus
3. After Image Transceiver startup, the following mes
sage sequence appears: DAY−Daytime level from Settings menus
or Note
b. (2) Ensure Image card is installed, and press The hold and compress queues are erased during
FMT switch to format card. Following message reset.
Formatting SRAM card
PHOTOTELESIS Send to Call Sign $ Modify Call Sign
RCU−403 b
SET − Select next menu in sequence PREV − Change currently selected call sign character to
previous letter or number
YES − Select call sign
NEXT − Change currently selected call sign character to
NO − Deselect call sign
next letter or number
NEXT − Change currently displayed call sign to next call
sign in directory
40.4.5 Send/Delete Function Menu
This menu is used to toggle the send/delete mode
40.4.3 Modify Call Sign Menu
parameter on or off. In send/delete mode, captured images
This menu is used to add a new call sign to the directory are deleted as they are sent. With send/delete mode turned
or delete an existing call sign from the directory. It also off, images are copied to the receive queue as they are sent.
provides access to the Edit Call Sign menu, which is used to Valid values are YES and NO.
define a newly added call sign.
End BackSet Next
DoneDel New EditPrevNext
END − Return to Main menu
DONE −Return to Send to Call Sign menu
BACK− Display Send−to Call Sign menu
DEL − Delete the current call sign from the directory
SET − Display Capture Rate menu
and display the next value (if no next value,
default is 000000) NEXT − Toggle send and delete mode value
999.0. Values are incremented or decremented in 0.1−second 40.4.8 Max Key Time
steps when the value is less than 1 second, and in 1−second
This menu is used to change the duration of time that
steps when the value is greater than 1 second. Incrementing
the Tactical Imaging Set transmits image data to a receiving
once from 999.0 or decrementing once from 0.1 disables
station. This menu allows the maximum transmitting time to
burst mode and enables single shot mode. In this case, the
value field indicates SINGLESHOT. be set between 10 and 180 seconds, using the change interval
of 1 second. The carrier DCRS stations are programmable
and are set for a Max Transmit Time of 30 seconds. The
Tactical Imaging Set default setting is 30 seconds. The
The capture rate can be set to 0.1 or 0.2 seconds/ Tactical Imaging Set will always boot to the last set Max
image; however, these settings are below the Transmit Time.
Tactical Imaging Set minimum capture rate
value (fastest capture). If the capture rate is set to MAX KEY TIME ## SECS
0.1 or 0.2 seconds/image, the Tactical Imaging End BackSet PrevNext
Set will capture image frames at its fastest speed,
which is approximately 0.28 second/image in END − Return to Main menu
capture/hold mode. In capture/send mode, the
minimum capture rate value is substantially BACK− Display Capture Time menu
higher due to the compression required to trans
SET − Display Automatic Transmit menu
fer image frames to the send queue.
PREV − Decrement currently displayed menu
EndBackSet PrevNext NEXT − Increment currently displayed value
END − Return to Main menu
40.4.9 Automatic Transmit Menu
BACK− Display Send/Delete menu
This menu is used to toggle the capture mode
SET − Display Capture Time menu parameter between capture/hold and capture/send modes. In
capture/hold mode, captured images are placed in the hold
PREV − Decrement currently displayed queue. In capture/send mode, captured images are placed in
the compress queue for transmission. Valid values are
NEXT − Increment currently displayed value CAPT&HOLD and CAPT&SEND.
CAPTURE TIME ### SECS PREV − Toggle automatic transmission mode value
40−7 CHANGE 1
appear on the display only when the call sign value field is BACK − Display Brightness menu
being edited.
SET − Display View Communications Cable
LOCAL CALLSIGN ###### Identification menu
End BackSet Fld PrevNext PREV − Toggle image dimension parameter value
END − Return to Main menu NEXT − Toggle image dimension parameter value
FLD − Select next field in call sign This menu is used to view the type communications
cable connected to the Image Transceiver. (The cable code
PREV − Change currently selected call sign character to is hard−wired into the cable connection.) No changes can be
previous letter or number made from this menu. Normal value is KY−58 DATA.
NEXT − Change currently selected brightness value to next END − Return to Main menu
value BACK− Display View Communications Cable
Identification menu
40.4.15 Image Dimension menu SET − Display Date and Time menu
This menu is used to toggle the image dimension LOAD −Load selected EIS configuration file
parameter value. This parameter defines the image size of
captured images. Valid values are 640 × 480 pixels (full PREV − Change currently displayed file name to previous
resolution, normal value) and 592 × 440 pixels (center 85%, file name in directory
used with PTC compression only).
NEXT − Change currently displayed file name to next file
name in directory
End BackSet PrevNext When the LOAD switch is pressed, the display reads:
END − Return to Main menu Loading EIS Config
When file loading is complete, the RCU and Image FMT − Format Image card if format value is YES (if
Transceiver are automatically reset (rebooted). format value is NO, this switch has no effect)
40.4.18 Date and Time Menus NEXT− Toggle format yes/no value
This menu is used to change the Tactical Imaging Set Formatting an Image card causes all stored image frames in
date and time. The date and time are expressed in Zulu time the send and receive queues to be deleted and the display to
format. There are five parts of the date and time parameter. momentarily read:
Each part is considered a separate value field. Valid entries
for each field are as follows: Dumping SEND & RECV
Tactical Imaging Set is in voice mode (data mode selectable). Capture/Send Mode
Pressing the VOC switch sets the Tactical Imaging Set to data
mode (voice mode selectable), and causes the following 1. From the Main menu, press the BRST or SNAP
menu to appear: switch. The capture sequence proceeds automati
cally with image frames being captured at the speci
S=### H=@@@ R=&&& %:$$$
fied rate for the specified duration (capture time).
BrstSnapSet ViewDatasend
Pressing the DATA switch sets the Tactical Imaging Set to Due to the processor time required to compress
voice mode (data mode selectable), and the Main menu images, the maximum capture rate (minimum
appears. time/image) is substantially slower in capture/
send mode than in capture/hold mode.
S=### H=@@@ R=&&& %:$$$
2. While the image frames are being captured and sent,
BrstSnapSet ViewVoc Send the following menu sequence appears:
If the specified capture rate is SINGLESHOT, 4. The send queue field (###) increases by 1 as each
the BRST switch label does not appear. image frame is captured. When the last captured
image frame is compressed and sent, the send queue Capture/Hold Mode field changes to read 0.
1. From the Main menu, press the BRST or SNAP Normally, image frames are continuously sent
switch. The capture sequence proceeds automati until the send queue is empty; however, at certain
cally with image frames being captured at the speci capture rate/time settings, transmission may
fied rate for the specified duration (capture time). cease prior to emptying the send queue, leaving
image frames in the send queue unsent. In these
2. While the image frames are being captured, the
cases, the send queue field is not 0 when the Main
menu appears as follows:
menu appears. Pressing the SEND switch on the
S=### H=@@@ R=&&& %:$$$ Main Menu transmits the remaining images.
Stop Voc Send 5. When the last image frame in the send queue has
been sent and the next image frame has not yet been
3. The hold queue field (@@@) increases by 1 as each captured (send and hold queues are empty), the fol
image frame is captured. lowing menu appears:
indicate the command has been received, and the 40.6.3 Compressing/Saving Images
transmission of image frames ceases. Image capture
Image compression is performed automatically when
continues until the burst duration has expired or the
an image frame is to be transmitted (sent) and/or stored on the
STOP switch is pressed.
Image card in slot 0. The image frame is either placed directly
7. If it is desired to discontinue capturing image frames into the compress queue as it is received (capture/send mode)
before the specified burst duration (capture time) or manually selected and transferred from the hold queue.
has expired, press the STOP switch. The transfer from the hold queue can be of all image frames
(using SAVE switch) or of individual image. Compression
8. If the capture rate is CONTINUOUS, press the method and parameters are set using the Settings menu.
STOP switch when desired to discontinue capturing When the image frame has been compressed, it is placed in
image frames. the send queue for transmission and/or storage with no
further user intervention.
Note Saving Images
D If the send queue is full, burst mode is discon In capture/hold mode when no call signs are selected
tinued automatically. for transmission and reception is not occurring, all captured−
D When the burst duration has expired (image but−not−compressed image frames in the hold queue can be
frames no longer being captured) and trans compressed and stored in the send queue. In this situation, the
mission has ceased, the Main menu appears. following menu appears:
3. If neither transmission nor reception is occurring, are also transmitted. Image frames in the hold
the following menu appears: queue are not transmitted. After transmission is
complete, the Main menu appears.
b. If there are no image frames in the send queue,
Abrt Cont
all image frames in the hold queue are transferred
to the compress queue, then to the send queue and
Where ### is the number of image frames in the compress
transmitted. After transmission is complete, the
queue including the image frame which is causing the
Main menu appears and the Tactical Imaging Set
full−card condition: In flight, the operator must press the
automatically shifts to voice mode.
ABRT switch to transfer all image frames in the compress
queue to the rear of the hold queue. c. The S=00% displays to the aircrew the percent
age of transmitted data successfully received by
40.6.4 Transmitting Images the receiving station.
Image frames which have been captured and com
pressed can be automatically transmitted (capture/send mode 2. If it is desired to discontinue transmitting image
only) or sent using the SEND switch on the Main menu. The frames before all image frames have been sent,
SEND switch appears when the Tactical Imaging Set is not press the ABRT switch. The ABRT switch label
currently transmitting or receiving image frames, there is at flashes to indicate the command has been received,
least one image frame in the send and/or hold queue, and at the transmission of the image frames ceases, and the
least one send−to call sign is selected. New image frames can Main menu appears.
be captured during transmission. The PhotoTelesis Tactical
(PTAC) protocol is used for communication with the external 40.6.5 Receiving Images
stations. The PTAC quick start parameter indicates whether Image reception is normally accomplished after coor
the PTAC protocol attempts to verify established connections dinating voice communication with the transmitting station.
before attempting to transmit images. The mode (capture/ The Tactical Imaging Set must be in data mode to receive
send or capture/hold), the send−to call signs, and PTAC quick image frames, and the Main menu is normally active on the
start status are set using the Settings menu. Transmission in RCU. Image reception cannot occur during transmission, and
capture/send mode is automatic with no user intervention. the Image card must have sufficient memory available to
Transmission of image frames on command is accomplished store the received images. Reception is initiated when a
as follows: transmission to a call sign matching the local call sign is
Note received. The local call sign is set using the Settings menu.
Once reception is initiated, it proceeds until complete with no
The Tactical Imaging Set transmits image frames user intervention, although it can be aborted by user
to all selected call signs, but it does so sequen command. When reception is complete, the Tactical Imaging
tially, that is, it transmits all image frames to the Set sends an acknowledgement to the sending station, and the
first selected call sign, receives an acknowledge Main menu appears on the RCU.
ment (depending on PTAC protocol), then sends
all image frames to the second selected call sign, 1. On the Main menu, press the VOC switch. The
etc. It does not broadcast the image frames to Tactical Imaging Set shifts into data mode, and
multiple call signs simultaneously. the following menu appears with the &&& field
flashing to indicate data mode is selected:
1. On the Main menu, press the SEND switch. The
Tactical Imaging Set automatically shifts into data S=### H=@@@ R=&&& %:$$$
mode, and the following menu appears:
BrstSnapset ViewDataSend
S=00% H=1 R=1 U+:$$$
2. When reception begins, the following menu appears
BrstSnap Set View Doc Send with the &&& field continuing to flash:
a. If there are image frames in the send queue, those S=### H=@@@ R=&&& %:$$$
image frames are transmitted. Image frames
from the compress queue, which are placed into BrstSnapset View Abrt
the send queue before the send queue is emptied,
40−13 CHANGE 1
3. If it is desired to discontinue receiving image frames The View menu appears as follows:
before all image frames have been received, press
the ABRT switch. The ABRT switch label flashes to Note
indicate the command has been received, but the
reception of image frames continues until the send The View menu also provides access to the View
ing station ceases transmission or times out, at VTR menu which is used to control the VTR.
which time the following menu appears with the
S=### H=@@@ R=&&& %:$$$
&&& field continuing to flash:
End DumpSendHoldRecvVtr
S=### H=@@@ R=&&& %:$$$
Switch functions are as follows:
BrstSnapSet ViewDataSend
END − Return to Main menu
Note DUMP − Display View Dump menu
When the ABRT switch has been pressed, the SEND − Display View Send menu
Tactical Imaging Set does not send an acknowl
edgement to the sending station. HOLD − Display View Hold menu
4. Reception proceeds automatically until complete. RECV − Display View Receive menu
The &&& field is incremented as image frames are VTR − Display View VTR menu (for VTR
received. When reception is complete, the Main control)
menu appears with the &&& field continuing to
flash: Note
If the send, hold, or receive queue is empty, the
S=### H=@@@ R=&&& %:$$$ corresponding switch name label is not dis
BrstSnapSet ViewDataSend played. If all queues are empty, the DUMP
switch label is also not displayed.
2. The View menu function menus (except for the
The Tactical Imaging Set does not automatically View Dump menu) follow the general format:
revert to voice mode; therefore, voice mode must
be selected to restore voice communications. FUNCTION ### OF @@@
End Del MarkCropPrevNext
5. Press the DATA switch. The Tactical Imaging Set
shifts into voice mode, and the Main menu appears:
Where ### is the currently selected image index number and
S=### H=@@@ R=&&& %:$$$ @@@ is the total number of image frames in the selected
queue. An image index number is automatically assigned to
BrstSnapSet ViewVoc Send an image frame as it is stored, thus the more recent the image
Alphabetical Index frame, the higher the index number. As image frames are
deleted, index numbers are reassigned to the remaining
image frames so that the index numbers are always sequential
from 1 to the total number of image frames with no gaps.
Images available for viewing are captured image frames
Switch functions vary somewhat among menus, and
in the hold queue, captured, marked, or sent image frames in
are explained as each menu is described.
the send queue, received, sent, or uploaded image frames in
the receive queue, and live/playback VTR output. When no
viewing option is selected, Television Camera System (TCS)
output is displayed on the cockpit display. Image frames in The PREV and NEXT switches are used to cycle
the hold, send, and/or receive queue can also be deleted. All through the list of image index numbers in each
functions are accomplished using the View menu. queue. If the index number displayed is the last
index number in the list, pressing the NEXT
1. Pressing the VIEW switch on the Main menu switch displays the first index number in the list.
accesses the View menu. If the index number displayed is the first index
number in the list, pressing the PREV switch dis
plays the last index number in the list.
3. Viewing and Deleting Image Frames in the Send updated, and the decompressed next image
Queue appears on the cockpit display. (If the image
frame deleted is the only one in the send queue,
Compressed image frames in the send queue can be the Main menu is displayed.)
viewed or deleted using the View Send menu.
a. From the View menu, press the SEND switch.
The View Send menu sequence appears as Pressing the DEL switch automatically and
follows, and the first image frame in the queue immediately deletes the image frame. There is no
is decompressed and appears on the cockpit further prompt to confirm the deletion.
4. Viewing, Deleting, and Transferring Image Frames
SEND IMAGE OF in the Hold Queue.
End Del PrevNext
Uncompressed image frames in the hold queue can
SEND IMAGE OF be viewed or deleted using the View Hold menu.
. a. From the View menu, press the HOLD switch.
(Progress bar indicating status of decompression) The View Hold menu appears as follows, and the
image frame with the displayed index number
SEND IMAGE 1 OF @@@ appears on the cockpit display:
End Del PrevNext HOLD IMAGE 1 OF @@@
Switch functions are as follows: End Del MarkCropPrevNext
c. If the selected image frame is to be deleted, press a. From the View menu, press the RECV switch.
the DEL switch The View Receive menu sequence appears as fol
lows, and the image frame with the displayed
The image frame is deleted, the index number of index number is decompressed and appears on
the next image frame in the queue is displayed, the the cockpit display:
total number of image frames is updated, and
the next image appears on the cockpit display. RECV IMAGE OF
(If the image frame deleted is the only one in the
End Del Mark PrevNext
hold queue, the Main menu is displayed.)
Pressing the DEL switch automatically and
(Progress bar indicating status of decompression)
immediately deletes the image frame. There
is no further prompt to confirm the deletion.
d. If the selected image frame is to be transferred to End Del Mark PrevNext
the compress queue for storage and/or sending:
Switch functions are as follows:
(1) Select the portion of the image frame to be
transferred by pressing the CROP switch. END − Return to Main menu
The cropping window over the image on the
cockpit display is initially set to select the DEL − Delete current image
entire image (100%). Pressing the CROP MARK − Transfer image frame to send queue
switch successively reduces the selected
portion to the center 75%, 50%, or 25% of PREV − Display image with previous index
the image, as shown by the cropping window number
on the cockpit display. Pressing the CROP
NEXT − Display image with next index number
switch when 25% is selected restores the
100% selection.
b. Press the PREV or NEXT switch until the desired
Note image frame is displayed
The center of the cropping window is fixed at The decompressed image appears on the cockpit
the center of the image. display. The number of the image frame displayed is
its position in the queue. This position is based on
(2) When the desired image frame portion has the image frames assigned image code (time code
been selected, press the MARK switch to for FTI−captured image frames, externally assigned
transfer the selected portion to the compress for received and previously loaded image frames).
queue. (The portion of the image frame out The queue wraps around so that the image frame
side the cropping window is discarded.) The selected by pressing the NEXT switch when view
image frame is automatically deleted from ing the last image frame in the queue is image frame
the hold queue, the total number of images number 1, and the image frame selected by pressing
in the hold queue is updated, the next image the PREV switch when viewing image frame num
frame in the hold queue is selected, and the ber 1 is the last image frame in the queue.
selected image appears on the cockpit dis
play. (If the image frame transferred is the
only one in the hold queue, the Main menu c. If the image frame is to be deleted, press the DEL
is displayed.) switch
5. Viewing, Deleting, and Sending Image Frames in The image frame is deleted, the index number
the Receive Queue of the next image frame in the queue is displayed,
the total number of image frames is updated, and
Compressed image frames in the receive queue can the decompressed next image appears on the
be viewed, sent, or deleted using the View Receive cockpit display. (If the image frame deleted is
the only one in the receive queue, the Main menu is 40.8 CONTROLLING VTR FUNCTIONS
The VTR can be controlled from either the RCU or the
Note aft cockpit Sensor Control Panel, with the Sensor Control
Panel taking precedence. When the Sensor Control Panel
Pressing the DEL switch automatically and
RECORD switch is set to OFF, power is removed from the
immediately deletes the image frame. There
Tactical Imaging Set, and the VTR tape is unthreaded. When
is no further prompt to confirm the deletion.
the Sensor Control Panel RECORD switch is set to RECD,
d. If the selected image frame is to be sent the VTR is commanded to record. When the Sensor Control
(forwarded), press the MARK switch to copy Panel is set to STBY (normal situation), the VTR is
the selected image frame to the send queue. commanded to perform the function set by the RCU. In either
case, the Sensor Control Panel indicator lights indicate
The image frame is retained in the receive queue. standby, end of tape (EOT), or unthreaded VTR status, as
While the image remains in the send queue, it cannot be applicable. In practice, it is recommended that if the Sensor
marked again for transmission. Control Panel is used to control the VTR record function, the
RCU have STBY selected. If the RCU is used to control the
6. Deleting All Image Frames in One or More Queues VTR functions, the Sensor Control Panel selector must be set
The send, hold, and/or receive queues can be emptied to STBY.
of image frames using the View Dump menu.
1. VTR control functions are part of the Tactical
a. From the View menu, press the DUMP switch Imaging Set view functions
The View Dump menu appears as follows: The View menu is accessed by pressing the
VIEW switch on the Main menu. The View menu
SELECT IMAGES TO DUMP appears as follows:
End SendHoldRecvAll S=### H=@@@ R=&&& %:$$$
Switch functions are as follows: End DumpSnd Hld Rcv Vtr
END − Return to Main menu
2. There are two levels of recorder functions menus;
SEND − Delete all image frames in the send the Record Level menu (indicated by the presence
queue of the REC switch name), and the Play Level menu
HOLD− Delete all image frames in the hold (indicated by the presence of the PLAY switch
queue name).
RECV− Delete all image frames in the receive a. Record Level Menu
To access the Record Level recorder functions
ALL − Delete all image frames in all queues menu, press the VIEW switch on the Main menu,
then press the VTR switch on the View menu. The
Note Record Level menu appears on the RCU.
If the send, hold, or receive queue is empty, the
corresponding switch name position is blank. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ +hh:mm:ss
End Set StbyRec UnthRset
b. Press the switch corresponding to the desired
queue(s) from which image frames are to be Where $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ is the current VTR func
deleted tion, ± is either a − or a + indicating tape location is
All image frames in the selected queue(s) are before (−) or after (+) the tape counter reset point,
deleted, and the Main menu is displayed. and hh:mm:ss is the tape counter time since reset in
hours, minutes, and seconds.
VTR function indications are as follows:
Pressing the SEND, HOLD, RECV, or ALL
switch automatically and immediately deletes all BOT − Tape has been rewound to beginning
image frames in the selected queue(s). There is EOT − Tape has been forwarded to end
no further prompt to confirm the deletion.
F−FWD − VTR is fast−forwarding the tape Field definitions and VTR function indications are
the same as for the Record Level menu. Switch
PLAY − VTR is playing back a tape
functions are as follows:
RECORD − VTR is recording video
END − Return to Main menu
REWIND − VTR is rewinding the tape
BACK −Display Record Level menu
SCAN FORWARD − VTR is scanning the tape in
the forward direction STIL − Set VTR to pause (freeze frame) function
SCAN REVERSE − VTR is scanning the tape in PLAY − Set VTR to play function
the reverse direction
REW − Set VTR to rewind function
STANDBY − Tape is stopped and threaded on
VTR tape heads; VTR is not recording or FF − Set VTR to fast forward function
playing back video
STILL −Tape is stopped and threaded on VTR 40.8.1 Function Operations
tape heads, and VTR is outputting single
video image (pause or freeze frame) 1. Changing Between Record Level and Play Level
UNTHREAD − Tape is unthreaded from VTR
tape heads a. To change to the Play Level menu from the
Record Level menu, press the SET switch.
Note b. To change to the Record Level menu from the
If the VTR function is RECORD, the RSET Play Level menu, press the BACK switch.
switch is replaced by an EMK switch.
2. Recording Video
Switch functions are as follows: On the Record Level menu, press the REC
switch. The VTR terminates whatever function it,
END − Return to Main menu was performing and shifts into record mode. Tape
moves forward (unless it is at end of tape), and video
SET − Display Play Level menu
is recorded.
STBY − Set VTR to standby function 3. Event Marking
REC − Set VTR to record function On the Record Level menu while recording,
press the EMK switch. An event mark signal
UNTH − Set VTR to unthread function is recorded on the tape when the EMK switch is
pressed. Any number of event marks can be placed
RSET − Reset tape counter to +00:00:00 on the tape.
EMK − Place event mark signal on tape (during 4. Resetting Tape Counter
recording only)
On the Record Level menu while performing any
function except recording, press the RSET switch.
b. Play Level Menu The tape counter is reset to +00:00:00.
To access the Play Level recorder functions
menu, press the SET switch on the Record Level 5. Playing Back Video
menu. The Play Level menu appears on the RCU. On the Play Level menu, press the PLAY switch.
The VTR terminates whatever function it was
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ +hh:mm:ss
performing and shifts into play mode. Tape moves
End BackStilPlay REW FF forward (unless it is at end of tape), and video is
reproduced (played back) from the tape.
40−19 (Reverse
40−19 Blank) ORIGINAL
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O Postflight:
Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39−3
OA−8697 V/UHF automatic direction finder . . . . . . 19−18 RIO functional checkflight procedures . . . . . . . . . 10−32
OBOGS light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14−29 Postlanding:
Oil: Pilot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7−27
Cooling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2−35 RIO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7−34
Pressure indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2−35 Poststart:
OIL HOT caution lights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2−35 Carrier−based procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8−1
Oil system: Night flying . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8−12
Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2−34 Pilot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7−13
Malfunction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14−17 Pilot functional checkflight procedures . . . . . . . . . . 10−6
On−board checkout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38−3 RIO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7−29
On−board oxygen generating system . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2−157 RIO functional checkflight procedures . . . . . . . . . 10−27
On−deck emergencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12−1 Power supply system:
Open−book examination, NATOPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39−2 Electrical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2−59
Operating criteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5−2 Hydraulic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2−69
Operating limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chapter 4 Pneumatic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2−77
Operational deployable squadrons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39−3 Preflight:
Oral examination, NATOPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39−2 And line operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39−3
Outboard spoiler module: Briefing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6−1
Failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11−27 Carrier−based procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8−1
Malfunction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14−44 Cold−weather operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18−5
Outboard spoiler system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2−73 Night flying . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8−12
Overspeed, engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14−12 Preland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7−23
Oxygen system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2−157 Pressurization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2−152
Failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14−29 Prestart:
Pilot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7−10
Pilot functional checkflight procedures . . . . . . . . . . 10−2
P RIO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7−29
RIO functional checkflight procedures . . . . . . . . . 10−27
Primary flight controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11−1
Panels, security of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7−2 Programmable tactical information display . . . . . . . . 20−6
Panoramic camera . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22−2, 22−23 Prohibited maneuvers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4−10
Parachute: Publications, applicable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39−4
Landing preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16−9 PUMP phase circuit breakers popped . . . . . . . . . . . . 14−28
Steering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16−9
Parade formation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9−2
Parking brake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2−140
Pattern entry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7−24 Q
Photographic film . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22−26
Pilot tone volume/TACAN command panel . . . . . . . . 19−7 Question bank, NATOPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39−4
Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7−8
Reconnaissance operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22−21
Relief and guidance modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2−126
Responsibilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37−1
Pitch: Radar:
Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11−1 Altimeter system, AN/APN−194(V) . . . . . . . . . . . . 2−250
SAS degrade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14−38 Beacon (AN/APN−154) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17−2
SAS light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14−38 Radiation areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3−8
Pitot−static system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2−160 System built−in test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38−47
Failures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14−1 Radar intercept officer:
Planning, mission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39−3 Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7−28
Platform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8−10 Responsibilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37−1
Pneumatic power supply systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2−77 Raft boarding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16−9
Pneumatic systems servicing data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3−8 Rain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18−1
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Survival kit deployment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16−7 Towing turn radii and ground clearances . . . . . . . . . . 3−15
Survival/postejection procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16−6 Training:
Symbology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2−176 Aircrew coordination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37−4
HUD/VDI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22−13 Evaluation squadrons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39−3
Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chapter 2 TRANS/RECT light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14−22
Test and system power ground panel . . . . . . . . . . . 2−283 Transfer, fuel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2−50
Trim characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11−4
TSEC/KY−58 UHF voice security equipment . . . . . . 19−19
T Turbulence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18−4
Turn radii, towing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3−15
Twenty thousand foot checks:
Tactical air navigation system
Pilot functional checkflight procedures . . . . . . . . . 10−22
(AN/ARN−118) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20−8, 22−1
RIO functional checkflight procedures . . . . . . . . . 10−29
Tactical air reconnaissance pod system . . . . . . . . . . . . 22−1
Checklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7−1
Degraded mode procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7−33 U
Environmental control system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22−2
Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4−21 UHF automatic direction finder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20−11
Subsystem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chapter 22 UHF voice security equipment (TSEC/KY−58) . . . . 19−19
Tactical Imaging Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40−1 Uncommanded dump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14−19
Takeoff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7−20 Uncommanded engine acceleration:
Aborted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7−22, 13−1 Airborne (no throttle movement) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14−15
And landing flap/slat transition limits . . . . . . . . . . . 4−13 On deck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12−1
Blown tire during . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13−3 Uncommanded roll and/or yaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14−37
Checklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7−22 Uncommanded SEC mode rpm decay . . . . . . . . . . . . 14−13
Cold−weather operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18−5 Unscheduled wing sweep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14−47
Emergencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chapter 13 Upright departure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14−49
Gross weight limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4−18 Recovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11−15
Hot weather and desert operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18−6
Pilot functional checkflight procedures . . . . . . . . . 10−14
RIO functional checkflight procedures . . . . . . . . . 10−28 V
Takeoff configuration flight characteristics . . . . . . . 11−21
With aft cg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11−38 Variable exhaust nozzle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2−16
TARPS ECS light illuminate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14−27 Ventilation, engine compartment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2−30
Taxi: Vertical display indicator symbology . . . . . . . . . . . . 22−13
Flight evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39−3 Vertical recovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14−49
Night flying . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8−12 Vertical stalls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11−9
Pilot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7−20 Viscous hydroplaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18−3
Pilot functional checkflight procedures . . . . . . . . . 10−13 Voltage monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2−125
RIO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7−32 V/UHF automatic direction finder (OA−8697) . . . . . 19−18
RIO functional checkflight procedures . . . . . . . . . 10−28 V/UHF radio (AN/ARC−182) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19−7
Taxiing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7−18, 8−4
Carrier−based procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8−4
Cold−weather operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18−5 W
Hot−weather and desert operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18−6
Technical directives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1−2 Waiving of minimum ground training
Temperature warning, engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2−38 requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5−1
Ten thousand foot check, pilot functional Warning light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2−269
checkflight procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10−15 Waveoff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8−9, 8−12
Ten−mile DME fix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8−10 Single−engine failure field/catapult launch . . . . . . . 13−2
Test prerequisites/restrictions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38−9 Technique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8−9
Throttles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2−23 Weapon systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Part VIII
Stuck/jammed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14−15 Procedures evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39−2
Thunderstorms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18−4 Weight, aircraft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1−1
Tiedown points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3−15 Weight on−off wheels switch malfunction . . . . 12−2, 14−48
Total electrical failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14−24 Wheel antirotation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2−141
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Hydraulic System