Ortengren - Sorção
Ortengren - Sorção
Ortengren - Sorção
SUMMARY Water sorption and solubility of six decrease and increase. The resin composition in¯u-
proprietary composite resin materials were ences the water sorption and solubility behaviour of
assessed, and monomers eluted from the organic composite resin materials. The HPLC analysis of
matrix during water storage identi®ed. Water sorp- eluted components revealed that triethyleneglycol
tion and solubility tests were carried out with the dimethacrylate (TEGDMA) was the main monomer
following storage times: 4 h, 24 h and 7, 60 and released. Maximal monomer concentration in the
180 days. After storage, water sorption and solu- eluate was observed after 7 days. During the test
bility were determined. Eluted monomers were period, quanti®able quantities of urethanedimeth-
analysed by high performance liquid chromatogra- acrylate (UEDMA) monomer were observed,
phy (HPLC). Correlation between the retention time whereas 2,2-bis[4-(2-hydroxy-3-methacryloyloxy-
of the registered peak and the reference peak was propoxy)-phenyl]propane (Bis-GMA) was only
observed, and UV-spectra con®rmed the identity. found in detectable quantities. No detectable quan-
The results showed an increase in water sorption tities of bisphenol-A were observed during the test
until equilibrium for all materials with one excep- period.
tion. The solubility behaviour of the composite resin KEYWORDS : composite resins, dental materials,
materials tested revealed variations, with both mass resin cements, solubility, sorption
of the degradation processes (SoÈderholm, 1981; SoÈder- materials for crown and bridge application, and cemen-
holm et al., 1984). These erosion processes will result in tation are sparse (Inoue & Hayashi, 1982; Ferracane
mass loss of the dental composite material. & Condon, 1990).
The release of organic degradation products is depend- As water has an important role in the process of
ent on the size of the molecules, where smaller mole- releasing substances and studies on composite crown
cules are presumed to have enhanced mobility and and bridge materials and composite resin cements are
should therefore be eluted faster than larger molecules. sparse, the aim of this study was to:
Data elucidating this are still scarce, however (Ferracane, (i) assess the water sorption and solubility of one
1994; Geurtzen, 1998). It has been shown that residual restorative, two crown and bridge composite materials,
monomers are the main components released from and three composite resin cements, and
cured dental composite materials, occurring within the (ii) identify monomers eluted from the organic matrix
®rst 7 days from placement (éysaed et al., 1988; Ruyter, during water storage.
1995). Triethyleneglycol dimethacrylate (TEGDMA) has
been identi®ed as the main substance released from
Materials and methods
dental composites (Braden & Pearson, 1981; Inoue &
Hayashi, 1982; Geurtzen, 1998; Vaubert et al., 1999).
Specimen preparation
Small amounts of other monomers such as 2,2-bis
[4-(2-hydroxy-3-methacryloyloxypropoxy)-phenyl]- The six different composite resin materials included in
propane (Bis-GMA) and urethanedimethacrylate the study are presented in Table 1. They differ from each
(UEDMA) as well as additives may also be eluted into other with respect to resin matrix, ®ller loading and
water (Spahl & Budzikiewics, 1994; Spahl et al., 1998). mode of curing (Table 1). The complete composition of
The main analytical methods used for the determin- the materials tested were given by the manufacturers,
ation of substances eluted from the cured composite con®dential however, and can therefore not be accounted
material are gas chromatography (GC) and high per- for in detail. The specimens (n 200) were produced in
formance liquid chromatography (HPLC), if necessary a stainless steel mould (diameter: 15 1 mm, thickness:
combined with mass spectrometry (MS) (Ruyter 0á5 0á1 mm) and cured (Table 2).
& éysaed, 1988; Ruyter, 1995). Gas chromatography
is a useful method for analyses of low molecular weight
Water sorption and solubility
components with good thermal stability. Analysis of
larger components, soluble and non-volatile reactive The water sorption/solubility test was performed ac-
compounds is preferably carried out with HPLC (Ruyter cording to ISO 4049 (1988) with the exception that the
& éysaed, 1988). specimens were weighed shortly after production (m1).
Within 3 min after curing, they were placed singly in a
polyethylene (PEL) container (Nalge Nunc Interna-
Clinical relevance
tional, USA) in 5 mL of double-distilled water (ISO
Degradation of the composite material will lead to 3696, 1987). The specimens of each material were
reduced mechanical properties (éysaed & Ruyter, divided into ®ve groups with 5±15 specimens in each
1986b) and clinical drawbacks (Jokstad et al., 1994). group and stored at 37 1 °C for 4 h, 24 h and 7, 60 or
In addition to the loss of the mechanical properties, 180 days. A blank, i.e. a sample of water, was stored
some of the released organic components are potent under the same conditions and for the same period of
sensitive/irritative agents, inducing irritant and/or time as each group of the test samples.
delayed allergic reactions (Inoue & Hayashi, 1982; After completing the storage periods, water sorption
Kanerva et al., 1995; Ruyter, 1995; Hume & Gerzina, (Wsp) and solubility (Wsl) were measured and calculated
1996; O È rtengren et al., 1999). It is therefore important as described below:
to have an understanding of degradation and erosion Wsp m2 ÿ m3 =V
processes taking place in dental composite materials
and to identify substances released from the materials. where m2 is the mass of the specimen in lg, after
Previous studies have been carried out using experi- immersion in water, m3 is the reconditioned mass in lg
mental composites whereas studies on composite resin of the specimen and V is the specimen volume in mm3.
Table 1. Composite resin materials used in the study. Indicated compositions are based on information in the material safety data sheets
(MS/DS) from the manufacturers
*The materials AG, SC, ST and VL were light-cured with an Optilux 400 (serial no. 4212876;
Demetron Res. Corp., Danburg, CT, USA) with an 8-mm light tip in nine overlapping sections
(ISO 4049 1988). The materials SC and VL were light-cured 6 min after the start of mixing.
**The material TG was light-cured with a XL 3000 curing light (serial no. 1029933M, St Paul,
MN, USA) through a mylar ®lm in nine overlapping sections. Thereafter the material was cured
in a light curing oven (Targis power; Ivoclar, Liechstenstein), program 1 ¢Targis-VerguÈtung-
until analysis could be carried out. The analysis of by the composites TG³ and ST§, both of which showed
organic substances released from the matrix as well as higher water sorption values (just below 15 lg/mm3).
reference substances of known compounds in the The other two composite cements used in the study,
matrix (Table 1) was carried out by HPLC with the CB¶ and VL³, showed even higher sorption values
following conditions: (25 lg/mm3) and the highest sorption values (over
Column: Chromsep-steel column*, 250 mm length, 40 lg/mm3) were observed for AG at 180 days of water
4á6 mm in diameter. Octadecylsilane treated SiO2 storage. All differences in water sorption behaviour
(Chromsphere 5 C18) with a particle size of 5 lm. between the materials were shown to be statistically
Mobile phase: CH3CN/H2O. The optimal mobile signi®cant (P < 0á05, Wilcoxon's signed rank sum test)
phase was used for each material/reference material. except for the difference recorded between the two
Flow speed: 0á8 mL min±1. composite cements VL and CB (P 0á67, Wilcoxon's
Detection: UV: 205 and 225 nm. signed rank sum test).
Temperature: Constant at room temperature. A statistically signi®cant increase (P < 0á05, Scheffe's
Injection: 20 lL `loop'. F-test) in water sorption was recorded for all materials
The results of the analyses are presented as follows: over the test period (4 h±180 days) with a levelling off
ND not detectable; D detectable, with the limit for at the end of the storage period (60±180 days) with the
detection at S/N 2:1 (signal to noise); Q quanti®- exception of the material AG, which showed increasing
able, with the limit for quanti®able amounts set at water sorption, veri®ed by regression analysis.
S/N 10:1 (signal to noise).
Water solubility
The results for solubility are presented in Fig. 2. A
The mean value and standard deviation were calculated signi®cantly increased solubility in line with the mass
for each series. Differences in water sorption and decrease in the reconditioned specimen was shown for
solubility within each material with increasing time the composite cements SC (4 h±180 days) and CB
were tested for signi®cance using analysis of variance (4 h±7 days) (P < 0á05, Scheffe F-test). The slightly less
(Scheffe's F-test). Differences between the various hydrophilic composite cement SC, showed a moder-
series of materials were tested for signi®cance using ately increasing solubility. The increase between 24 h
Wilcoxon's signed rank sum test. A signi®cance level of and 180 days was statistically signi®cant (P < 0á05,
5% was used. ScheffeÂ's F-test).
Together with the above statistical methods, addi- A statistically signi®cant decrease in mass loss was
tional regression analysis for linear trend was per- shown for the materials VL and TG over the test period
formed for the water sorption behaviour. For water 4 h±180 days (P < 0á05, Scheffe's F-test). The material
solubility, additional variance analyses (Bon-Ferroni TG even showed a mass increase at 180 days.
and Duncan) were carried out because of the different According to the measurements of mass loss, the
solubility behaviour within and between the materials. material ST had approximately the same solubility at
Neither of the additional methods changes the conclu- all storage times. The material AG showed increased
sions based on the statistics. solubility, in accordance with the mass decrease.
However, the changes in solubility over time were
not shown to be statistically signi®cant, either
with Scheffe's F-test or with the additional statistical
methods used.
Water sorption
Differences in water solubility over the test period
The results for water sorption are presented in Fig. 1. between the materials were shown to be statistically
The composite cement SC² was shown to have the signi®cant (P < 0á05, Wilcoxon's signed rank sum
lowest water sorption during the test period, followed test) except for the difference recorded between the
Ivoclar/Vivadent, Liechstenstein.
*Chrompack, Berger op zoom, the Netherlands. Dentsply/DeTrey, Konstanz, Germany.
² ¶
ESPE, Seefeld, Germany. Bisco, Schaumburg, IL, USA.
Fig. 1. Mean values and standard deviation for water sorption (lg/mm3) of the composite resin materials tested after 4 h, 24 h, 7, 60 and
180 days of water storage.
Fig. 2. Mean values and standard deviation for water solubility (lg/mm3) of the composite resin materials tested after 4 h, 24 h, 7, 60 and
180 days of water storage.
materials SC and ST (P 0á29, Wilcoxon's signed rank were already registered after 4 h of storage for the
sum test) and CB and AG (P 0á23, Wilcoxon's signed materials CB, ST and VL.
rank sum test). The results showed a maximum concentration of
monomers in the storage water after 7 days, exempli-
®ed by TEGDMA in Figs 3±5. Detectable quantities of
HPLC±UV analysis
Bis-GMA were found in the storage water for the
Results for released monomers are given in Table 3. materials CB, TG and VL. Detectable and quanti®able
Correlation between the retention time of the regis- quantities of UEDMA were found in the storage water for
tered peak and the reference peak was observed and the materials AG, TG and VL. The material AG showed
UV-spectra con®rmed the identity. quanti®able release of 1,3-glyceroldimethacrylate after
The monomer TEGDMA was the main substance 4 and 24 h but after longer storage the monomer could
found in the storage water and quanti®able quantities not be detected in the storage water. In this study,
D (3)
ND (4)
ND = Not detectable, D = detectable, with the limit for detection at S/N = 2:1 (signal to noise),
Q = Quanti®able, with the limit for quanti®able amounts set at S/N = 10:1 (signal to noise).
Numbers in parantheses refer to the numbers of repetitive observations of a total of ®ve (four)
No number indicates same result for ®ve analyses.
Fig. 4. (A) Release from cured VL after 1-day water storage. Peak 1
Fig. 3. (A) Reference chromatogram of TEGDMA, (B) Release represents an impurity in water, which is also observed in the
from cured VL after 4 h' water storage. Peak 1 represents an blank solution. Peak 2 represents quanti®able TEGDMA. Peak 3
impurity in water, which is also observed in the blank represents detectable UEDMA. (B) Reference chromatogram of
solution. Peak 2 represents quanti®able TEGDMA. Peak 3 UEDMA. (C) Reference chromatogram of Bis-GMA. The chroma-
represents detectable UEDMA. The chromatograms are registered tograms are registered at 205 nm with a mobile phase of:
at 205 nm with a mobile phase of: 70% CH3CN/30% H2O. 70% CH3CN/30% H2O.
ethylene glycol dimethacrylates (constituting ether- products, which typically have some acid±base func-
linkages) increased water sorption in composite resin tionality (GoÈpferich, 1996; Geurtzen, 1998).
matrices. Ferracane (1994) reported that 5±10% of unbonded
Braden and Clarke (1984) and éysaed and Ruyter substances in composite material was released into an
(1986a) reported higher water uptake in composite aqueous solution (2 wt% of the resin matrix), and
materials with low ®ller content (i.e. high resin Tanaka et al. (1991) found that small monomers were
content) compared with materials with higher ®ller extracted in considerably higher quantities than the
content. The latter may also partly explain why SC, in large monomers. Small molecules have enhanced
spite of the hydrophilic mer-unit Bis-GMA within the mobility and will be eluted faster than larger molecules
matrix, still has less water sorption than the other (Gedde, 1995). In the present study, TEGDMA, one of
materials. the smallest molecules in the composite resin materials
The solubility behaviour of composite resin materials tested, was the major monomer eluted (three of the six
besides the previous factors described, will also be materials). This result is in line with other studies
affected by the type of ®ller used, the treatment of (Braden & Pearson, 1981; Inoue & Hayashi, 1982;
the ®ller (i.e. silane treatment) (SoÈderholm, 1981; Geurtzen, 1998; Vaubert et al., 1999). MuÈller et al.
SoÈderholm et al., 1984) as well as air voids within (1997) found that twice as much TEGDMA leached
the composite resin material (éysaed & Ruyter, 1986a), out from an experimental composite based on Bis-GMA/
often leading to a decrease of mass of the material. TEGDMA as from a UEDMA/TEGDMA-based composite
In the present study, all materials showed different resin material. This can be explained by a higher degree
water solubility values. Two materials, TG and VL, of curing because of enhanced mobility of the UEDMA
showed a decreasing loss of mass during the test period and TEGDMA molecules. The detectable quantities of
and TG showed a mass increase after 180 days in spite the high-molecular mass substances Bis-GMA and
of monomer leakage from the material (Fig. 2 and UEDMA released from the materials CB, TG and VL,
Table 3). One possible explanation for the increased might also be explained by the degree of curing of the
mass of TG is chemical reactions with water within the materials (i.e. less degree of curing), depending on the
composite. The glass ®ller and metal oxides in the mobility of the molecules as well as the blend monomer
composite material can hydrolyse with the formation formulation (MuÈller et al., 1997), and the initiator/
of metal hydroxides as reaction products, i.e. addition activator, inhibitor system used (Asmussen, 1982).
of water (SoÈderholm et al., 1984; Kildahl & Ruyter, In the present study, the release of the degradation
1997). product, bisphenol-A, could not be detected in the
The HPLC analyses showed the highest concentration aqueous eluates from the materials tested. In a study,
of monomers in the storage water after 7 days, in line where bisphenol-A was observed, dimethacrylate
with other studies (éysaed et al., 1988; Ruyter, 1995). monomers containing the bisphenol-A unit were
Ferracane (1994) has stated some factors of importance treated with an alkaline or acidic aqueous solution at
for the release of unbond substances from polymerized 100 °C (Olea et al., 1996). Under these vigorous
dental composites: conditions, hydrolysis of hydrolysable substances such
(i) The monomer±polymer conversion determine as Bis-GMA results in formation of the individual
the quantity of leachable components, structural components, i.e. bisphenol-A, methacrylic
(ii) The composition and solubility parameters of acid and glycerol. It has been established that Bis-GMA,
the solvent which is used for extraction in¯uence the used in composite restorative materials can be resolved
kinetics and mechanism of elution processes, and into several components (Ruyter & Sjùvik, 1981). The
(iii) Size as well as chemical characteristics of the Bis-GMA samples contain several isomers such as linear
leachable substances determine the diffusion through and a single-branched Bis-GMA in a ratio of approxi-
the polymer network. mately 3:1. In addition, a double-branched isomer
Progressive degradation changes the microstructure of (» 2%) will be present, and the monomethacrylate
the bulk through the formation of pores, via which derivative of Bis-GMA has been observed as an
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and additives can be released. Along with this, the pH derivatives with higher molecular masses have also
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