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BFG Novel Unit

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The passage provides details about the plot of the book The BFG by Roald Dahl. It describes Sophie's encounters with the BFG and their efforts to convince the Queen of England about the man-eating giants. They work with the military to develop a plan to capture the giants.

The BFG told them to tie them up while they are sleeping and fly them back with their helicopters.

He told Fleshlumpeater that he was bitten by a snake. The BFG had the army tie Fleshlumpeater up while he told him he was getting the snake's teeth out.

The BFG - written by Roald Dahl

Read Chapter 1 and answer the questions in complete sentences.

Chapter 1 - The Witching Hour.
Vocabulary: ______________________________________________________________
Where does the story take place?______________________________________________
Using a bubble map list the descriptive words used to describe the setting.

How did Chapter 1 make you feel? _____________________________________________

What words did the author use to make you feel this way? ___________________________
Predict what may happen in the book. ___________________________________________

Read Chapter 2 and answer the questions in complete sentences

Chapter 2 - Who?
Vocabulary: ______________________________________________________________
Describe the BFG in your own words. ____________________________________________
Draw what you think the BFG would look like, using the description in the book.

Imagine you are Sophie. Tell me what you are thinking after you see the BFG.
What do you think the long, thin trumpet is for? ___________________________________

Read Chapter 3 and answer the questions in complete sentences.

Chapter 3 The Snatch
Vocabulary: ______________________________________________________________
What does Sophie fear will happen to her? _______________________________________
Do you think she is correct? Explain. ____________________________________________
Draw Sophie and write 8 words to describe her and her feelings when snatched by the BFG.

Read Chapter 4 and answer the questions in complete sentences.

Chapter 4 The Cave
Vocabulary: ______________________________________________________________
List two things from this chapter that show a change in setting (time and place). ___________
What simile did Sophie use to describe how she thought the giant might cook her?
At the end of the chapter the giant shouted, What has us got here? What do you think will
happen next? _____________________________________________________________
EOG Skill: Word Meaning from context. In the next chapter you will read words that are very
long and hard to pronounce. Words you have never seen before! These words are just like
words you may come across on your EOG. Usually these words are in bold print or italics when
you see them in a selection. With all unfamiliar words you have to use your context clues to
help you figure out the meaning. A good way to do this is circle the word. Read the sentence
that contains the word along with the sentence before and after. Using the clues from these
sentences you must figure out the meaning of the unfamiliar word!!! Remember it does not
matter if you can pronounce it or notmake up a word. The important part is that you can
figure out its meaning. We will practice this skill during chapter 5 when the BFG starts to talk
a little more about Giant Country.

Read Chapter 5 and 6 and answer the questions in complete sentences.

Chapter 5 and 6 The BFG and The Giants
Vocabulary: ______________________________________________________________
What did Sophie think the BFGs ears were as big as?
What was the BFG.s favorite human bean? (human being) Why?
What do the letters BFG mean? ______________________________________________
The Giant uses funny words when he talks. Using context clues what do you think the following
words mean? Write your answers in complete sentences.
You think I is a man-gobbling cannybull?
The Turks are more scrumdiddlyumptious!
Some are uckyslush.
Your head is emptier than a bundongle.

They would put me in the zoo with all those squiggling hippodumplings and crocadowndillies.
Draw a picture below of what Sophie saw when she looked out of the cave. On the lines below
your picture, list phrases from the book describing the giants.


Read Chapter 7 and answer the questions in complete sentences.

Chapter 7 The Marvellous Ears
Vocabulary: ______________________________________________________________
Imagine you are Sophie.
Write description of the BFG. Dont just list things about himshow in words what Sophia
found out about him!!!
Personification: __________________________________________________________
Page 45 example: ________________________________________________________
The giant is HUNGRY at the end of this chapter. Draw a picture of what you think his
meal may look like! Use the next page to show the giants meal. Underneath your picture
predict if this meal is nutritious or not. Explain your prediction!

Fill the giants plate! What will he eat??


Read Chapter 8 and answer the questions in complete sentences.

Chapter 8 Snoozzcumbers
Vocabulary: ______________________________________________________________

Draw and write a description of a snoozzcumber!

Were your meal predictions correct from chapter 7? _______________________________
Why do giants not have mothers? ______________________________________________
Using the double bubble map below, compare the BFG and yourself!



Does the BFG enjoy eating snoozcumbers? _______________________________________

Why is it funny that the BFG does not want to steal cauliflowers and carrots? _____________

Read Chapter 9 and answer the questions in complete sentences.

Chapter 9 Bloodbottler
Vocabulary: ______________________________________________________________

What/Who is the Bloodbottler? _______________________________________________

How did he get his name? ___________________________________________________
How was the Bloodbottler different to the BFG?
Where did Sophie hide? What happened to her?
What do you think will happen in the chapter Frobscottle and Whizzpoppers? ____________

Read Chapter 10 and answer the questions in complete sentences.

Chapter 10 Frobscottle and Whizzpoppers
Vocabulary: ______________________________________________________________
What did you like best about this chapter? _______________________________________
What did you learn about the BFG? _____________________________________________
How did the relationship between Sophie and the BFG change in this chapter? _____________
Design your own bottle of Frobscottle. Draw a picture and decorate the label (including a list of
ingredients). The book describes the flavor, but does not tell us what is used to make this
Giant Country drink! Be creative with your ingredients!
Enjoy a glass of refreshing Frobscottle while you work!

Read Chapter 11 and answer the questions in complete sentences.

Chapter 11 Journey to Dream Country
Skill: Using a reference guide to further understand vocabulary from text.
You can use your dictionary to find words, for meanings, for pronunciation, to check spellings,
and to understand explanations.
Use your dictionary to locate the following words. Write the definition in a complete sentence.

Protest (pg. 70) ___________________________________________________________
Wasteland (pg. 71) _________________________________________________________
Intercept (pg. 72) _________________________________________________________
Clustering (pg. 73) _________________________________________________________
Hurled (pg. 75) ____________________________________________________________
Desperately (pg. 78) ________________________________________________________
Phenomenal (pg. 79) ________________________________________________________
Blurred (pg. 79) ___________________________________________________________
Vast (pg. 80) _____________________________________________________________
Barrier (pg. 80) ___________________________________________________________

On the back of this sheet, use a flow map to sequence the main events in this chapter! If you
finish early you should add illustration to your boxes!

Chapter 12 Assignment: Dream Jar

Read Chapter 13 and answer the questions in complete sentences.
Chapter 13 A Trogglehumper for the Fleshlumpeater
Vocabulary: ______________________________________________________________
What does the BFG believe defines one age? _____________________________________
What does the BFG do with the nightmare he caught in Dream Country? _________________
What effect does this have on Fleshlumpeater? ___________________________________
Who is Jack and why do the giants fear him? ____________________________________
Why does Sophie laugh at the BFG being scared of Jack and his beanstalk? ______________
At the end of the chapter, The BFG smiled a big wide smile of absolute pleasure. What
caused him to smile like this? _________________________________________________
Why do Sophie and The BFG feel that the nightmare went to good use? __________________
Describe Good and Bad Dreams in the chart below:

Good Dreams

Bad Dreams

Chapter 14: Dreams (Draw a phizzwizard and a trogglehumper. Use a double bubble map
to compare and contrast the good and bad dreams.)
Read Chapter 15 and answer the questions in complete sentences.
Chapter 15 The Great Plan
Vocabulary: ______________________________________________________________
Why is Sophie so upset at the beginning of this chapter? ____________________________
What was the BFGs response to how why she was upset? ____________________________
What character trait has the BFG lost? _________________________________________
Who does the Fleshlumpeater long to gobble? _____________________________________
Why will he never try to eat this person? ________________________________________
What is Sophies solution to their problem? ______________________________________
Does the BFG think this is a good idea? Why or why not? ____________________________
How will they make the Queen believe in the giants and giant country? ___________________
How can the BFG make the queens dream? ______________________________________
What did Sophie want in the dream? ____________________________________________
What did Sophie finally convince the BFG to do at the end of the chapter? _______________
What do you think will happen when Sophie and the BFG arrive in London? ________________

Dream Recipe


Serving Size 1 awesome dream!

Dream Recipe


Serving Size 1 awesome dream!

Dream Recipe


Serving Size 1 awesome dream!

Read Chapter 17 and answer the questions in complete sentences. Chapter 16: Dream Recipe
Chapter 17 Journey to London
Vocabulary: ______________________________________________________________
Describe what Sophie saw when she woke up (after she realized the setting has changed!)
How long did it take the other giants to leave London? ______________________________
After seeing the giants with their full bellies, Sophie became very ill. Did this stop her
mission or did this cause her to try even harder? _________________________________
What was the curious orange-colored glow that appeared in this chapter? _____________
What caused the BFG to become confused? ______________________________________
How did Sophie explain? _____________________________________________________
What did the BFG have to do before they finally made it to the Queens backyard at the end of
the chapter? _____________________________________________________________

Read Chapter 18 and answer the questions in complete sentences.

Chapter 18 The Palace
Vocabulary: ______________________________________________________________
How did Sophie feel at the end of the chapter? ___________________________________
What caused her to feel this way? _____________________________________________
How would you have felt? Why? _______________________________________________
On the back of this page:
Using the description in the book, draw a picture of how you imagine the Palace!
Use a flow map to sequence this chapter.
Predict what will happen in the chapter The Queen
Read Chapter 19 and answer the questions in complete sentences.
Chapter 19 The Queen
Vocabulary: ______________________________________________________________
Why was the maid so upset with what the Queen had dreamed? ________________________
Describe what happened when the maid opened the curtains. __________________________
On page 157 the maid, the Queen and Sophie all had very different reactions to seeing the BFG.
Copy down their reaction and explain what you can infer about the relationship each character
has with the BFG based on their reaction.

Why were Sophie and the BFG excited at the end of the chapter? _____________________

Read Chapter 20 and answer the questions in complete sentences.

Chapter 20 The Royal Breakfast
Vocabulary: ______________________________________________________________
Write 10 words to describe the Setting at the Royal Breakfast.


How did the Queens servants accommodate the BFG for breakfast? ____________________
What happened at breakfast that embarrassed Sophie and upset the BFG? _______________
How many eggs did the BFG consume and why did he stop? ____________________________
Why did the Queen ask the BFG where the giants went two nights ago and three nights ago?
What do you think the Queen is planning to do based on what she requests at the end of this
chapter? ________________________________________________________________

Read Chapter 21 and answer the questions in complete sentences.

Chapter 21 The Plan
Vocabulary: ______________________________________________________________
Why is Sophie able to understand what the BFG is saying when the others are confused?

What plan did the BFG give to the Queen and Army? ________________________________

Why was the Air Marshal not use to being told he was talking slushbungle? ______________

Why was this funny coming from the BFG? _______________________________________


What special request did the BFG have at the end of this chapter?

Read Chapter 22-24 and answer the questions in complete sentences.

Chapter 22-24: Capture, Feeding Time and Author (page 182-208)

Vocabulary: ______________________________________________________________
How well did you read the Chapters? Answer these Questions in complete sentences:
1.Where was Sophie hiding? __________________________________________________
2. Where did they fly? ______________________________________________________
3. What did each jeep contain? ________________________________________________
4. What was the loud noise the Head of the Army heard? ____________________________
5. Which giant woke up first? _________________________________________________
Explain what happened when he woke up. _________________________________________
6. What did Sophie do to help? ________________________________________________
7. What was the 'amazing spectacle'? ___________________________________________
8. Describe where the Giants were taken? ________________________________________
9. Do you think Sophie's plan was a good one? Why or why not? ________________________
10. Explain the ending of the Story. Do you think it is a good ending? How would you change it?

The BFG Activities (use as time permits)

After reading each chapter summarize what happened in the chapter. Record the class
summary (major events from each chapter) by drawing a picture time line on chart paper (flow
map). Skill: sequence, plot
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chapter 14: The chapter titled "Dreams" is quite a long one, so before beginning to read,
prepare the kids by telling them that the chapter is about the good dreams and nightmares that
the BFG collected, and after reading the chapter we will do an activity about our own dreams.
"So, while we are reading this chapter, think about the dreams that you have had."
After reading the reading this chapter ask your students to:

Draw a nightmare that they have had.

Draw a good dream that they have had.
Write down as many words as they can to describe these dreams.
Explain the difference between good and bad dreams. What makes them
Share the dreams with the class.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Here is a recipe for Frobscottle that smells and tastes like the description in the novel and the
students have a grand time actually believing they will have to Whizzpop after drinking it! All
you do is mix a little green food coloring with cream soda in a three liter bottle and make your
own soda label with a Made in Giant Country and attach it to the bottle.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------As students read have them add similes and metaphors to a class tree map. (Create a poster
board tree map before lesson 1. Examples: Chapter 1 The moonbeam was like a silver blade
slicing through the room on to her face. Everywhere was deathly still.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A good ongoing project throughout the book is to create a BFG dictionary where the children
define the strange words the BFG uses.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Homework Assignment: Create a dream jar. Decorate a jar. Write down your dreams and put
them in your dream jar. Share your dreams with your class.

Name: ________________________________________ Date: _____________________

The Author - Roald Dahl uses some very strange words in his book.
Here are a few:



1. Make a List of 10 more 'strange words' in The BFG.











2. Why do you think Roald Dahl used these words. _______________________________

3. Choose 5 of the 'strange words' on your List and give your meaning of the word.

4. Do you think the use of these words makes the book more interesting?_____________

As a culminating activity for this novel have students write acrostic poems. Listed below are a
few examples.
Tramping around the world blowing dreams into bedrooms.
Hiding Sophie in his ear.
England is where Sophie was raised.
"BFG" Sophie called through the Queens window.
Filling his house with whizzpoppers.
Giving the giants snozzcumbers.
The BFG was 50 feet tall and had no knowledge.
He lived in a cold cave.
Every morning he would go out and catch dreams.
BFG lived in Giant Country with nine other giants.
Frobscottle made him whizzpop.
Giants only got to eat human beans and snozzcumbers.
The Big Friendly Giant
Has big ears.
Everyone can see him from a mile away.
Big Friendly Giant is a


As a culminating lesson allow students to act out the readers theater version of The BFG.
GENRE: Fantasy
TIME: 10 min.
ROLES: Narrator 1, Narrator 2, BFG, Sophie, (Dream Characters)
NOTE: For best effect, position BFG closest to NARRATOR 1, and SOPHIE closest to

NARRATOR 1: Imagine late one night you couldnt sleep, so you got out of bed and looked out
the window, and there you saw a giant!
NARRATOR 2: Thats what happened to a little girl named Sophie. There across the street was
a giant, with a long, thin trumpet and a large suitcase.
NARRATOR 1: Then the giant saw Sophie. Sophie jumped back into bed and under the covers.
But the giant reached through the window and grabbed her!
NARRATOR 2: Then he ran all night, until they reached his enormous cavein Giant Country.
BFG: (to himself, speaking of Sophie) Now, what has us got here?
NARRATOR 1: The Giant put the trembling Sophie on the table.
SOPHIE: (to herself) Now he really is going to eat me.
NARRATOR 2: Sophie thought.
NARRATOR 1: The Giant stared hard at Sophie. He had truly enormous ears. Each one was as
big as the wheel of a truck.

BFG: (grins widely) I is hungry!

NARRATOR 1: He grinned, showing massive square teeth.
SOPHIE: P-please dont eat me!
BFG: (stares at her in surprise, then bellows with laughter) Just because I is a giant, you think
I is a man-gobbling cannybull! Me gobbling up human beans! This I never! All the other giants is
gobbling them up every night, but not me! I is the Big Friendly Giant! I is the BFG! What is your
SOPHIE: My name is Sophie.
NARRATOR 2: Sophie said, hardly daring to believe the good news she had just heard.
SOPHIE: But if you are so nice and friendly, then why did you snatch me from my bed and run
away with me?
BFG: Because you saw me. I cannot possibly allow anyone to be seeing me and staying at home!
The first thing you would be doing, you would be scuddling around yodeling the news that you
were actually seeing a giant, and then people would be coming rushing and bushing after me and
they would be catching me and putting me into the zoo with all those squiggling hippodumplings
and crocadowndillies!
NARRATOR 2: Sophie knew that what the Giant said was true. If any person reported actually
having seen a giant, there would most certainly be a terrific hullabaloo. For a few moments, the
cave was silent.
SOPHIE: May I ask you a question?
BFG: Shoot away.
SOPHIE: Would you please tell me what you were doing in our village last night? Why were you
poking that long trumpet thing into those kids bedroom and then blowing through it? And that
suitcase you were carrying. What on earth was that all about?
BFG: If you is really wanting to know what I am doing in your village, I is blowing a dream into
the bedroom of those children.
SOPHIE: Blowing a dream? What do you mean?
BFG: I is a dream-blowing giant. When all the other giants is galloping off to swollop human
beans, I is scuddling away to blow dreams into the bedrooms of sleeping children. Nice dreams.
Lovely golden dreams. Dreams that is giving the dreamers a happy time!

SOPHIE: (skeptically) Now, hang on a minute. Where do you get these dreams?
BFG: I collect them.
NARRATOR 1: The BFG waved an arm at all the rows and rows of bottles on the shelves.
BFG: I has billions of them.
SOPHIE: You cant collect a dream. A dream isnt something you can catch hold of.
BFG: (offended) You is never going to understand about it. That is why is not wishing to tell you.
SOPHIE: Oh, please tell me! I will understand! Tell me how you collect dreams!
NARRATOR 1: The BFG settled himself comfortably in his chair.
BFG: Dreams is very mysterious things. They is floating around in the air like little wispy-misty
bubbles. And all the time they is searching for sleeping people.
SOPHIE: Can you see them?
BFG: Never to begin with.
SOPHIE: Then how do you catch them?
BFG: A dream, as it goes whiffling through the night air, is making a tiny little buzzing-humming
noise. But this little buzzy-hum is so silvery soft, it is impossible for a human bean to be hearing
SOPHIE: Can you hear it?
NARRATOR 1: The BFG pointed up at his enormous truck-wheel ears.
BFG: Is you seeing these?
SOPHIE: (giggles) How could I miss them?
BFG: These ears maybe is looking a bit propsposterous to you, but they is very extra-usual ears
indeed. They is allowing me to hear absolutely every single twiddly little thing.
SOPHIE: You mean you can hear things I cant hear?
BFG: You is deaf as a dumpling compared with me! I is hearing the footsteps of a ladybug as she
goes walking across a leaf.
SOPHIE: Honestly?

NARRATOR 2: Sophie was beginning to be impressed.

SOPHIE: What else can you hear?
BFG: I can hear plants and trees.
SOPHIE: Do they talk?
BFG: They is not exactly talking. But they is making noises. For instance, if I come along and I is
picking a lovely flower, if I is twisting the stem of the flower till it breaks, then the plant is
screaming. I can hear it screaming, very clear.
SOPHIE: How awful!
BFG: It is the same with trees as with flowers. If I is chopping an axe into the trunk of a big
tree, I is hearing a terrible sound coming from inside the heart of the tree.
SOPHIE: What sort of sound?
BFG: A soft moaning sound. It is like the sound an old man is making when he is dying slowly.
SOPHIE: (skeptically again) Is that really true?
BFG: (offended again) You think I is swizzfiggling you?
SOPHIE: It is rather hard to believe!
BFG: Then I is stopping right here! I is not wishing to be called a fibster!
SOPHIE: Oh, no! Im not calling you anything! I believe you. I do, really! Please go on!
NARRATOR 1: The BFG regarded her gravely with his huge eyes.
BFG: I hope you will forgive me if I tell you that human beans is thinking they is very clever, but
they is not. They is nearly all of them notmuchers and squeakpips!
SOPHIE: (very offended) I beg your pardon.
BFG: The matter with human beans is that they is absolutely refusing to believe in anything
unless they is actually seeing it right in front of their own schnozzles.
NARRATOR 2: She had offended him, she could see that.
SOPHIE: Please forgive me and go on. Tell me how you catch the dreams.
NARRATOR 1: The BFG gave her a long hard stare. Then he said,

BFG: The same way you is catching butteryflies. With a net.

NARRATOR 1: He reached out and picked up a pole. It was about thirty feet long, and there was
a net on the end.
BFG: Here is the dream-catcher. Every morning, I is going out and snitching new dreams to put
in my bottles.
NARRATOR 1: The BFG put down the pole. Then he picked Sophie off the table and stood her
on the palm of one of his huge hands. He carried her towards the shelves.
BFG: These are some of the good dreams. The "phizzwizards." Every dream is having its special
label on the bottle, so I can find it in a hurry.
SOPHIE: Would you hold me closer so I can read them?
NARRATOR 2: Sophie started to read the labels.
SOPHIE: "I is inventing a car that runs on toothpaste."
"I is able to make the elektrik lites go on and off just by wishing it."
"I is only an eight-year-old little boy but I is growing a splendid bushy beard and all the other
boys is jalous."
"I has a pet bee that makes rock & roll musik when it flies.
"I is abel to jump out of any high window and flote down safely." I like that dream.
BFG: Of course you like it. It is a phizzwizard! Its a ringbeller! Its whoppsy! This will be giving
some little tottler a very happy night when I is blowing it in. Look in the jar carefully, and I
think you will be seeing this dream.
NARRATOR 2: Sophie peered into the jar, and there, sure enough, she saw the faint
translucent outline of something about the size of a hens egg. There was just a touch of color
in it, a pale sea-green, soft and shimmering and very beautiful. There it lay, quite peaceful, but
pulsing gently, as though it were breathing.
SOPHIE: Its moving! Its alive!
BFG: Of course its alive.
SOPHIE: What will you feed it?
BFG: It is not needing any food.

SOPHIE: Everything alive needs food. Even trees and plants!

BFG: (firmly) A dream is not needing anything. If it is a good one, it is waiting peaceably
forever, until it is released and allowed to do its job.
NARRATOR 2: Sophie was silent. This extraordinary giant was disturbing her ideas. He seemed
to be leading her towards mysteries that were beyond her understanding.
BFG: You is a lovely little girl, but please remember that you is not exactly Miss Knoweverything.
Dreams is very mystical things. Human beans is not understanding them. (gazes into a bottle) At

Review Questions: After Each Set of Chapters

(use for discussion or quiz grade)
Chapters 1-7: The Witching Hour - The Marvelous Ears (pages 9-46)
1. What does BFG stand for?
2. Why didn't the giants like to eat people from Greece?
3. What was the BFG doing when he put his trumpet into the children's window?
4. What did the giant do as he walked down the street?
5. Why did Sophie think the giant had taken her?
6. Where does Bonecrunching Giant like to get his "human beans" from?
7. Describe what Sophie saw coming up the street.
8. How does the BFG catch dreams?
9. According to the BFG, why did he take Sophie from her bed?
10. What did the giant do when he looked into Sophie's room?
11. Why was Sophie having a hard time sleeping?
12. What did Sophie want to do as she got out of bed to close the curtains?
13. How did Mrs. Clonkers punish the children at the orphanage?
14. If a giant is hot, where would he go to get his supper?
15. Why aren't Sophie's parents going to be looking for her?
Answer Key:
1. Big Friendly Giant
2. They all tasted greasy.
3. He was blowing in good dreams.
4. He stopped to look into the windows of each house.
5. She thought she was going to be the giant's breakfast.
6. Turkey
7. She saw something very tall, very black, and very thin.
8. He can hear them with his enormous ears.
9. She saw him.
10. He snatched her out of bed.
11. There was a moonbeam shining right in her face.
12. She wanted to look out the window and see outside.
13. She locked them in a dark cellar all day and night without food.
14. He would go north and eat an Eskimo.
15. They died when she was a baby. Sophie is an orphan.

Chapters 8-12: Snozzcumbers - Dream-Catching (pages 48-86)

1. Which giant is the biggest, most horrible of them all?
2. What did the BFG eat?
3. What do giants drink?
4. Why did the BFG try to convince the Bloodbottler to take a bite of the
5. Where did Sophie hide when the Bloodbottler came into the BFG's cave?
6. How does the giant feel about snozzcumbers?
7. What is a trogglehumper?
8. What did the other giants do to the BFG as he was trying to leave to go catch
9. How does the BFG catch dreams?
10. Why didn't the BFG want to get vegetables from the fields by Sophie's village?
11. Why did the BFG stop dream catching early?
12. What did the other giants think the BFG was doing when he went off during the
Answer Key
1. Fleshlumpeating Giant
2. Snozzcumbers
3. Frobscottle
4. He thought the Bloodbottler would hate it so much that he would be mad and
forget about Sophie.
5. She hid inside the snozzcumber.
6. He hates them.
7. A very bad nightmare
8. They tossed him around like a ball, playing catch with him.
9. He listens for them and then he uses a net to catch them.
10. He didn't want to steal them.
11. He was upset when he caught a trogglehumper.
12. They thought he was catching humans to keep for pets.

Chapters 13-15: A Trogglehumper for the

Fleshlumpeater - The Great Plan (pages 87-124)
1. Where were the giants going to get their supper?
2. What did the BFG put on the front of each dream jar?
3. What human are all giants scared of?
4. What are the names of the 9 giants?
5. Why did the giants get into a fight?
6. What did the BFG do with the trogglehumper he caught?
7. How did Sophie convince the BFG to go along with her plan?
8. Why is Sophie really only four according to the BFG?
9. What was Sophie's plan?
10. What human being does the Fleshlumpeater want to eat? What is stopping him?
Answer Key
1. England
2. He put a label on it that told about the dream.
3. Jack the Giant Killer
4. Fleshlumpeater, Manhugger, Bonecruncher, Childchewer, Meatdripper,
Gizzardgulper, Maidmasher, Bloodbottler, and Butcher Boy
5. The Fleshlumpeater hit two of them while he was having his nightmare.
6. He blew it into the sleeping Fleshlumpeater.
7. She told him he would never have to eat snozzcumbers again.
8. He says that she has spent four years of her life sleeping.
9. She wanted the BFG to mix up a dream for the Queen that would tell her about
the giants. The dream would also tell her about Sophie and the BFG. Sophie and
the BFG would help the Queen find the giants.
10. He wants to eat the Queen of England, but there are too many soldiers around.

Chapters 16-19: Mixing the Dream - The Queen

(pages 125-161)
1. Where did Sophie ride during their trip to London?
2. What did the BFG use to mix his dream?
3. About how many dreams did Sophie think the BFG had?
4. Why were they going to have to eat in the ballroom?
5. How did the BFG find the Queen's bedroom?
6. Why did Mary drop the Queen's breakfast tray?
7. Why didn't the Queen let Sophie go with the BFG before breakfast?
8. Why did Sophie have second thoughts when she saw the Queen's dream?
9. Why did the BFG get confused while they were in London?
10. Why did the BFG ask Sophie to be very quiet while he was working?
Answer Key
1. In the BFG's ear
2. An eggbeater
3. 50,000
4. They ballroom had the highest ceilings.
5. He listened for breathing. He can tell if the breathing is coming from a woman
or a man.
6. The Queen's dream was just like the story in that morning's newspaper.
7. She wanted to find something for Sophie to wear.
8. It was a horrible nightmare, and she didn't want to give the Queen a horrible
9. He was in a park and didn't understand why they were surrounded by grass when
they were supposed to be in the city of London.
10. He needed to be able to hear to mix the dream.

Chapters 20-24: The Royal Breakfast - The Author

(pages 162 208)
1. What did Sophie do with the Queen's brooch she was wearing?
2. What book did the BFG write?
3. How did the BFG trick Fleshlumpeater?
4. Why did the Queen call the King of Sweden?
5. How would the helicopters find giant country?
6. Why did the butler need a ladder?
7. How did the Air Force Marshal want to handle the giant problem?
8. Why did Fleshlumpeater wake up?
9. What did Mr. Tibbs use to make a table for the BFG?
10. What did the BFG bring for the giants to eat?
11. What was the BFG's plan to capture the giants?
12. Why did the Head of the Army want to turn back when they got out of their
13. How did Mr. Tibbs figure out how much food to feed the BFG?
14. How did the Queen reward the BFG and Sophie?
Answer Key
1. She rammed the pin into Fleshlumpeater's ankle.
2. The BFG
3. He told Fleshlumpeater that he was bitten by a snake. The BFG had the army tie
Fleshlumpeater up while he told him he was getting the snake's teeth out.
4. The BFG said the giants went to Sweden the night before, so she wanted to check and see if
they had any missing children.
5. They would follow the BFG.
6. He had to climb the ladder to serve the BFG.
7. He wanted to bomb them and shoot them.
8. The soldiers were trying to get him to move so they could tie him up. He was sleeping on one
of his arms.
9. He used four grandfather clocks and put the top of a ping-pong table on them.
10. Snozzcumbers
11. He told them to tie them up while they are sleeping and fly them back with their helicopters.
12. He heard the giants snoring and thought it was gunfire.
13. He multiplied everything a normal man would eat by four.
14. She built them each a house and made the BFG the Royal Dream-Blower.

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