BFG Novel Unit
BFG Novel Unit
BFG Novel Unit
Imagine you are Sophie. Tell me what you are thinking after you see the BFG.
What do you think the long, thin trumpet is for? ___________________________________
They would put me in the zoo with all those squiggling hippodumplings and crocadowndillies.
Draw a picture below of what Sophie saw when she looked out of the cave. On the lines below
your picture, list phrases from the book describing the giants.
Protest (pg. 70) ___________________________________________________________
Wasteland (pg. 71) _________________________________________________________
Intercept (pg. 72) _________________________________________________________
Clustering (pg. 73) _________________________________________________________
Hurled (pg. 75) ____________________________________________________________
Desperately (pg. 78) ________________________________________________________
Phenomenal (pg. 79) ________________________________________________________
Blurred (pg. 79) ___________________________________________________________
Vast (pg. 80) _____________________________________________________________
Barrier (pg. 80) ___________________________________________________________
On the back of this sheet, use a flow map to sequence the main events in this chapter! If you
finish early you should add illustration to your boxes!
Good Dreams
Bad Dreams
Chapter 14: Dreams (Draw a phizzwizard and a trogglehumper. Use a double bubble map
to compare and contrast the good and bad dreams.)
Read Chapter 15 and answer the questions in complete sentences.
Chapter 15 The Great Plan
Vocabulary: ______________________________________________________________
Why is Sophie so upset at the beginning of this chapter? ____________________________
What was the BFGs response to how why she was upset? ____________________________
What character trait has the BFG lost? _________________________________________
Who does the Fleshlumpeater long to gobble? _____________________________________
Why will he never try to eat this person? ________________________________________
What is Sophies solution to their problem? ______________________________________
Does the BFG think this is a good idea? Why or why not? ____________________________
How will they make the Queen believe in the giants and giant country? ___________________
How can the BFG make the queens dream? ______________________________________
What did Sophie want in the dream? ____________________________________________
What did Sophie finally convince the BFG to do at the end of the chapter? _______________
What do you think will happen when Sophie and the BFG arrive in London? ________________
Dream Recipe
Dream Recipe
Dream Recipe
Read Chapter 17 and answer the questions in complete sentences. Chapter 16: Dream Recipe
Chapter 17 Journey to London
Vocabulary: ______________________________________________________________
Describe what Sophie saw when she woke up (after she realized the setting has changed!)
How long did it take the other giants to leave London? ______________________________
After seeing the giants with their full bellies, Sophie became very ill. Did this stop her
mission or did this cause her to try even harder? _________________________________
What was the curious orange-colored glow that appeared in this chapter? _____________
What caused the BFG to become confused? ______________________________________
How did Sophie explain? _____________________________________________________
What did the BFG have to do before they finally made it to the Queens backyard at the end of
the chapter? _____________________________________________________________
Why were Sophie and the BFG excited at the end of the chapter? _____________________
How did the Queens servants accommodate the BFG for breakfast? ____________________
What happened at breakfast that embarrassed Sophie and upset the BFG? _______________
How many eggs did the BFG consume and why did he stop? ____________________________
Why did the Queen ask the BFG where the giants went two nights ago and three nights ago?
What do you think the Queen is planning to do based on what she requests at the end of this
chapter? ________________________________________________________________
What plan did the BFG give to the Queen and Army? ________________________________
Why was the Air Marshal not use to being told he was talking slushbungle? ______________
What special request did the BFG have at the end of this chapter?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Here is a recipe for Frobscottle that smells and tastes like the description in the novel and the
students have a grand time actually believing they will have to Whizzpop after drinking it! All
you do is mix a little green food coloring with cream soda in a three liter bottle and make your
own soda label with a Made in Giant Country and attach it to the bottle.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------As students read have them add similes and metaphors to a class tree map. (Create a poster
board tree map before lesson 1. Examples: Chapter 1 The moonbeam was like a silver blade
slicing through the room on to her face. Everywhere was deathly still.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A good ongoing project throughout the book is to create a BFG dictionary where the children
define the strange words the BFG uses.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Homework Assignment: Create a dream jar. Decorate a jar. Write down your dreams and put
them in your dream jar. Share your dreams with your class.
4. Do you think the use of these words makes the book more interesting?_____________
As a culminating activity for this novel have students write acrostic poems. Listed below are a
few examples.
Tramping around the world blowing dreams into bedrooms.
Hiding Sophie in his ear.
England is where Sophie was raised.
"BFG" Sophie called through the Queens window.
Filling his house with whizzpoppers.
Giving the giants snozzcumbers.
The BFG was 50 feet tall and had no knowledge.
He lived in a cold cave.
Every morning he would go out and catch dreams.
BFG lived in Giant Country with nine other giants.
Frobscottle made him whizzpop.
Giants only got to eat human beans and snozzcumbers.
The Big Friendly Giant
Has big ears.
Everyone can see him from a mile away.
Big Friendly Giant is a
As a culminating lesson allow students to act out the readers theater version of The BFG.
GENRE: Fantasy
TIME: 10 min.
ROLES: Narrator 1, Narrator 2, BFG, Sophie, (Dream Characters)
NOTE: For best effect, position BFG closest to NARRATOR 1, and SOPHIE closest to
NARRATOR 1: Imagine late one night you couldnt sleep, so you got out of bed and looked out
the window, and there you saw a giant!
NARRATOR 2: Thats what happened to a little girl named Sophie. There across the street was
a giant, with a long, thin trumpet and a large suitcase.
NARRATOR 1: Then the giant saw Sophie. Sophie jumped back into bed and under the covers.
But the giant reached through the window and grabbed her!
NARRATOR 2: Then he ran all night, until they reached his enormous cavein Giant Country.
BFG: (to himself, speaking of Sophie) Now, what has us got here?
NARRATOR 1: The Giant put the trembling Sophie on the table.
SOPHIE: (to herself) Now he really is going to eat me.
NARRATOR 2: Sophie thought.
NARRATOR 1: The Giant stared hard at Sophie. He had truly enormous ears. Each one was as
big as the wheel of a truck.
SOPHIE: (skeptically) Now, hang on a minute. Where do you get these dreams?
BFG: I collect them.
NARRATOR 1: The BFG waved an arm at all the rows and rows of bottles on the shelves.
BFG: I has billions of them.
SOPHIE: You cant collect a dream. A dream isnt something you can catch hold of.
BFG: (offended) You is never going to understand about it. That is why is not wishing to tell you.
SOPHIE: Oh, please tell me! I will understand! Tell me how you collect dreams!
NARRATOR 1: The BFG settled himself comfortably in his chair.
BFG: Dreams is very mysterious things. They is floating around in the air like little wispy-misty
bubbles. And all the time they is searching for sleeping people.
SOPHIE: Can you see them?
BFG: Never to begin with.
SOPHIE: Then how do you catch them?
BFG: A dream, as it goes whiffling through the night air, is making a tiny little buzzing-humming
noise. But this little buzzy-hum is so silvery soft, it is impossible for a human bean to be hearing
SOPHIE: Can you hear it?
NARRATOR 1: The BFG pointed up at his enormous truck-wheel ears.
BFG: Is you seeing these?
SOPHIE: (giggles) How could I miss them?
BFG: These ears maybe is looking a bit propsposterous to you, but they is very extra-usual ears
indeed. They is allowing me to hear absolutely every single twiddly little thing.
SOPHIE: You mean you can hear things I cant hear?
BFG: You is deaf as a dumpling compared with me! I is hearing the footsteps of a ladybug as she
goes walking across a leaf.
SOPHIE: Honestly?