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H2SO4 in Action
H2SO4 ‫س‬O§U¯‫ش‬
H2SO4 is a Human Resources Information System (HRIS) software platform that assists
organizations in managing their HR operations efficiently. It is designed to streamline and
automate HR tasks such as payroll management, employee benefits administration,
performance tracking, and recruitment processes. The system stores employee data in a
centralized database, which can be accessed by authorized personnel at any time. The
H2SO4 system provides numerous benefits, including increased accuracy and efficiency of
HR processes, reduced workload for HR personnel, and enhanced compliance with legal
regulations. By automating repetitive tasks, H2SO4 systems enable HR staff to focus on
strategic activities that contribute to the company's growth.

H2SO4 systems come with a range of features, such as time and attendance management,
benefits administration, and employee self-service. With time and attendance
management, the system tracks employee work hours and automatically calculates
overtime and leave entitlements. Employee self-service enables employees to access their
personal information, such as pay slips and leave entitlement, and request time off through
the system, which reduces the administrative burden on HR staff. H2SO4 systems offer
several advantages, including improved data accuracy, reduced costs, and increased
employee satisfaction.
01 02

Employee Time and

Profile Attendance

08 03
Employee Absence &
Self Portal Leave
Letters Management

07 Asset
Payroll & wage

06 05
09 10
Victory OnTime

Meeting Training &
schedule Development

Company Handling
15 Medical & Meal
Insurance Management

14 13
17 18

Company Document
News Management

24 19
Support Employee
Ticket Tasks
Reports Notifications

23 Audit Permission
Tracker management

22 21
The Employee Profile module within our HRIS system stands as the cornerstone of efficient
and secure employee data management. With a design that prioritizes user-friendliness,
this module serves as the central hub where HR professionals and employees alike can
effortlessly access and update crucial information. It offers a comprehensive solution,
housing everything from basic personal details to intricate employment history and
qualifications. The intuitive interface ensures seamless navigation, catering to users of all
skill levels within the organization. Security is paramount, with robust measures in place to
safeguard data integrity and confidentiality, including access controls and encryption.
Moreover, self-service capabilities empower employees to manage their own profiles,
reducing administrative burden while fostering transparency and engagement.
Customization options allow organizations to tailor the module to their specific needs,
ensuring alignment with internal processes and policies. Integrated seamlessly with other
HRIS modules, the Employee Profile module ensures data consistency across the entire HR
ecosystem, facilitating informed decision-making and organizational success.
The Employee General Details section HR professionals rely on this section for
within H2SO4 system's Employee accurate record-keeping and to ensure
Profile module serves as the foundation compliance with organizational policies
for capturing essential information and regulatory requirements. By
about each employee. From basic consolidating official details in one
personal details such as name, contact centralized location, the module
information, and date of birth to facilitates seamless access and updates,
broader demographic information, this enabling HR teams to stay up-to-date
section provides a comprehensive with the dynamic nature of employee
snapshot of each employee within the roles and responsibilities. Moreover, this
organization. HR professionals can section serves as a cornerstone for
easily access and update these details, various HR processes, such as
ensuring accuracy and completeness organizational planning, workforce
of employee records. Furthermore, this analytics, and performance
section acts as a key reference point for management, contributing to the
various HR processes, including payroll overall efficiency and effectiveness of
processing, benefits administration, HR operations.
and compliance reporting. By
centralizing and standardizing general
employee details, this module EMPLOYEE IMAGE
streamlines administrative tasks and
The Employee Image feature provides a
enhances data integrity, ultimately
visual representation of each employee,
contributing to more efficient and
enhancing recognition and
effective HR management.
personalization within the organization.
This feature allows HR professionals to
OFFICIAL DETAILS upload and store employee
photographs securely, ensuring that all
The Official Details section is dedicated employee profiles are complete and
to capturing and managing the official visually identifiable. Employee images
information pertaining to each not only facilitate smoother
employee. This includes crucial details communication and collaboration but
such as employment status, job title, also help foster a sense of connection
department, and reporting structure. and belonging among team members.
Additionally, it encompasses
employment start date, contract type,
and any relevant employment
agreements or con tracts.

vFUGħ½Uv ¤§F-¯¯Uvj٪
The Labour Act Configuration feature
within our HRIS system empowers The Professional Qualifications feature
organizations to ensure compliance offers a robust platform for
with labor laws and regulations documenting and managing
relevant to their jurisdiction. This employees' professional certifications,
feature allows HR professionals to licenses, and Degree, Master, Phd
customize and configure the system qualifications. This feature allows HR
according to the specific provisions professionals to systematically record
outlined in labor acts and legislation details such as certifications obtained,
applicable to their region. professional licenses held,
memberships in professional
organizations, and any other relevant
CONTACT DETAILS professional qualifications.

The Contact Details feature within in

the Employee Profile module offers a ¯gUjj٪t½§Uâ
comprehensive repository for storing
and managing employees' contact The Skill Matrix feature is a dynamic tool

information. This feature includes fields for assessing, tracking, and managing

for various forms of contact, such as employees' skills and interests. This

phone numbers, email addresses, feature allows HR professionals to

physical addresses, and emergency create a matrix that outlines various

contacts. HR professionals can easily skills relevant to the organization, along

update and maintain this information, with proficiency levels associated with

ensuring that employee records are each skill.

accurate and up-to-date.

By centralizing skill data within the
HRIS, organizations can gain valuable
ACADEMIC insights into their workforce's
QUALIFICATIONS capabilities and identify areas for skill
development or talent optimization. HR
The Academic Qualifications feature
teams can assess employees' current
provides a structured framework for
skill levels, track skill progression over
capturing and managing employees'
time, and identify skill gaps that may
educational achievements. This feature
need to be addressed through training
allows HR professionals to record
or recruitment efforts.
details such as school, O/L, A/L, and
other academic credentials attained by
each employee.
The Social Media Contacts feature The Family Details feature offers a
within H2SO4 Employee Profile comprehensive platform for managing
module provides a convenient platform and recording information about
for capturing & managing employees' employees' family members. This
social media profiles. This feature feature allows HR professionals to
allows HR professionals to record links capture details such as spouse/partner
to employees' social media accounts, information, children's names and ages,
including LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, birthdays, and employment status
and other relevant platforms. details for family members.

ݧ%¯ ¤§-ÜUÄ¯٪
The Awards feature within our HRIS
system's Employee Profile module
The Previous Work Experience feature
offers a comprehensive platform for
within H3SO4 Employee Profile module
recognizing and celebrating
serves as a comprehensive repository for
employees' achievements and
documenting and managing
contributions. This feature allows HR
employees' professional backgrounds.
professionals to document and
This feature allows HR professionals to
manage various types of awards
capture details about employees'
received by employees, including
previous employment, including
internal recognitions, industry
company names, job titles, dates of
accolades, certifications, and honors.
employment and resignation.


½-§tUv½Uv¯ DETAILS
The Recruitment and Terminations
The Health and Safety Details feature
feature provides a comprehensive
offers a comprehensive platform for
solution for managing the entire
managing and documenting
employee lifecycle, from recruitment to
employees' health and safety
exit. This feature streamlines and
information. This feature allows HR
automates the processes involved in
professionals to capture and track
both hiring new employees and
managing terminations within the

details related to employees' health
conditions, blood group, and medical

The Awards feature within our HRIS
system's Employee Profile module
offers a comprehensive platform for
recognizing and celebrating
employees' achievements and
contributions. This feature allows HR
professionals to document and
manage various types of awards
received by employees, including
internal recognitions, industry
accolades, certifications, and honors.

The Time and Attendance module is a comprehensive tool designed to streamline the
tracking and management of employees' working hours. This module allows employees to
record their time worked, including clock-in and clock-out times, breaks, and any
additional hours worked beyond their regular schedule. By using the T & A module,
organizations can ensure accuracy and consistency in tracking employees' hours, while also
streamlining administrative processes associated with payroll, scheduling, and compliance.
HR teams can easily access and review employees' time records, identify discrepancies or
patterns of absenteeism, and take appropriate action as needed.
The Time and Attendance module in the H2SO4 supports compliance with labor laws and
regulations by automatically calculating overtime, tracking leave balances, and enforcing
company policies related to attendance and time-off requests. This helps organizations
avoid penalties, reduce legal risks, and ensure fairness and consistency in the treatment of
Additionally, this feature enhances workforce productivity and efficiency by providing
insights into employees' time utilization and attendance patterns. HR teams can use this
information to identify opportunities for optimizing scheduling, reallocating resources, and
improving workforce planning processes.
Furthermore, the Time and Attendance feature can support remote work arrangements by
providing flexible options for employees to record their time worked, whether they are
working from home, on the go, or in a traditional office setting. Employees can use mobile
apps (Victory OnTime) or web-based portals (Employee Self Portal) to log their time, submit
time-off requests, and track their attendance from anywhere, at any time.


With this feature, HR managers can easily create specific shifts, define start and end times,
allocate break periods, and manage shift rotations or patterns. Additionally, managers can
consider factors such as employee availability, skill sets, and workload requirements when
creating schedules.

The system allows manage shift patterns such as

- Day shift - Half Day

- Night shift - Short Leave
- Late covering - Late configuration
- Multiple overtimes - No OT period
- Split shifts - Pre / Post Overtime
- Flexi shifts - Shift Breaks
- Lieu leave shifts



Roster planning is a critical aspect of mobile apps, or web-based portals. The

workforce management, and H2SO4's system records timestamps for each
Roster Planning feature offers a attendance event, providing accurate
comprehensive solution to streamline data on employees' arrival, departure,
this process. This feature enables HR and breaks throughout the day.
professionals to create, optimize, and
manage employee schedules
efficiently, ensuring optimal coverage §-t½-٪½½-v%v-
while considering factors such as
The Remote Attendance feature within
employee availability, skill sets, and
our H2SO4 system facilitates seamless
business requirements.
tracking and management of employee
attendance, even in remote work
OjU%ã¯٪‫ت‬٪%ã¯٪FF environments. This feature enables
employees to log their work hours and
The Holidays/Days Off feature simplifies attendance from anywhere, whether
the management of employee days off they are working from home, traveling,
and holiday schedules. This feature or working from a remote location.
provides a centralized platform for HR
professionals to track and manage
various types of time-off periods, ¯Ä¤-§ÜU¯§
including government holidays, ¤¤§Üj¯
Company holiday, Poya days, Company
holidays, and Scheduled days offs. With this feature, employees can initiate
requests through the HRIS platform,
specifying the details of their request
§-j½Ut-٪ and selecting their supervisor for
ATTENDANCE approval. The system then sends
notifications to the designated
The Real-time Attendance feature supervisor / supervisors, prompting
provides organizations with instant them to review and approve, reject or
visibility into employees' attendance transfer to the higher the request.
status, allowing HR professionals to
monitor attendance in real-time and
respond promptly to any discrepancies
or issues. With this feature, employees
can clock in and out using various
methods, such as biometric scanners,


(Biometric devices, Mobile App, Employee Self Portal, 3rd party API,
Manual Update, Excel Update)

Our HRIS system is designed to support attendance tracking from multiple sources,
providing flexibility and convenience for both employees and administrators. Here's how
each source integrates with the system:

Biometric Devices Employee Self Portal

• Biometric devices can be seamlessly • Employees can log in to the

integrated with our HRIS system to self-service portal provided by Victory
capture employees' attendance data Information to manage their
using biometric verification methods attendance records, view their
such as fingerprint, facial recognition, schedules, and submit time-off
or proximity cards. requests.
• Attendance data collected from • The self-service portal offers a
biometric devices is automatically user-friendly interface that empowers
synchronized with the HRIS system in employees to take control of their
real-time, providing accurate and attendance-related tasks without
reliable attendance records. relying on manual intervention from
HR administrators.

Mobile App 3rd Party API

• Our HRIS system offers a mobile app • Our HRIS system supports integration
that employees can use to log their with third-party APIs for attendance
attendance remotely from anywhere, tracking, allowing organizations to
anytime. leverage existing systems or
• Employees can easily clock in and out, technologies.
submit time-off requests, with their • Attendance data collected from
photo and GPS location. third-party sources, such as access
• Attendance data captured through control systems or time clock software,
the mobile app is instantly updated in can be seamlessly integrated with our
the HRIS system, ensuring that HRIS system through APIs, ensuring
employee records are always data consistency and accuracy.


Manual Update Excel Update

• In cases where employees are unable • For organizations that prefer to

to use biometric devices, the mobile manage attendance data in Excel or
app, or the self-service portal, HR other spreadsheet formats, our HRIS
administrators can manually update system offers the flexibility to import
attendance records in the HRIS attendance data from Excel files.
system. • Users with relevant permissions can
• The system provides a user-friendly upload attendance data from Excel
interface for administrators to input files directly into the H2SO4 system,
attendance data manually, ensuring allowing for seamless data transfer
that all attendance records are and integration.
accurately recorded and maintained.

Ľ٪¤§-¯¯ Ü-§½Ut-٪¤¤§Üj
The Overtime Approval feature within
H2SO4 system offers an Auto Process our HRIS system simplifies the process
Attendance feature that automates the of managing and approving overtime
attendance tracking process, saving requests. The system will generate the
time and reducing administrative over time details after the attendance
burden for HR professionals process. After that, designated
approvers are promptly notified and can
review the request directly within the
AUTO ASSIGN system. Customizable approval
§¯½-§¯ workflows ensure that requests are
Our HRIS system includes an Auto routed to the appropriate individuals
Assign Rosters feature that automates based on predefined criteria, such as job
the process of assigning employee role or department. By automating
schedules based on predefined rules, overtime approvals and providing
and employee availability. robust reporting capabilities, our HRIS
system helps organizations ensure
compliance with labor 4


Manual Update Excel Update

• In cases where employees are unable • For organizations that prefer to

to use biometric devices, the mobile manage attendance data in Excel or
app, or the self-service portal, HR other spreadsheet formats, our HRIS
administrators can manually update system offers the flexibility to import
attendance records in the HRIS attendance data from Excel files.
system. • Users with relevant permissions can
• The system provides a user-friendly upload attendance data from Excel
interface for administrators to input files directly into the H2SO4 system,
attendance data manually, ensuring allowing for seamless data transfer
that all attendance records are and integration.
accurately recorded and maintained.

Ľ٪¤§-¯¯ requests. The system will generate the

ATTENDANCE over time details after the attendance

process. After that, designated
H2SO4 system offers an Auto Process approvers are promptly notified and can
Attendance feature that automates the review the request directly within the
attendance tracking process, saving system. Customizable approval
time and reducing administrative workflows ensure that requests are
burden for HR professionals routed to the appropriate individuals
based on predefined criteria, such as job
role or department. By automating
overtime approvals and providing
Our HRIS system includes an Auto robust reporting capabilities, our HRIS
Assign Rosters feature that automates system helps organizations ensure
the process of assigning employee compliance with labor 4 regulations
schedules based on predefined rules, while streamlining workforce
and employee availability. management tasks.

The Overtime Approval feature within
our HRIS system simplifies the process
of managing and approving overtime


H2SO4 system empowers
organizations to define and enforce
rules and guidelines regarding various
aspects of employee attendance and
compensation, including policies for
late arrivals, no-pay incidents, and


Absence and leave administration in H2SO4 system offers a seamless and efficient solution
for managing employees' time off. Through a user-friendly interface, employees can easily
submit leave requests, specifying the type of leave and relevant dates, while administrators
receive notifications to review and approve requests swiftly. The system automates the
calculation of leave accruals and maintains accurate records of employees' leave balances,
promoting transparency and enabling employees to manage their time off effectively. With
customizable approval workflows and robust reporting capabilities, organizations can
ensure compliance with company policies and regulatory requirements while gaining
insights into leave usage trends for informed decision-making. Overall, our HRIS system
simplifies leave management, streamlines administrative processes, and fosters a positive
employee experience.
H2SO4 system supports the entitlements, and guidelines for various

management of multiple leave types of leave, ensuring consistency,

categories, catering to diverse fairness, and compliance across the

employee needs and organizational organization.

policies. Employees can request various

types of leave, including Annual,
Casual, Medical, Maternity, Partanity,
Probation and more, each with its own
distinct policies and entitlements.
Lieu leave, also known as compensatory
Administrators have the flexibility to
time off or time off in lieu (TOIL), refers to
configure custom leave categories to
additional time off granted to
align with specific organizational
employees in exchange for overtime
requirements. This comprehensive
worked or for hours worked outside of
approach ensures that employees have
regular business hours. Our HRIS system
the flexibility to request the type of
supports the administration of lieu leave
leave that best suits their
and payments to ensure fair
circumstances, while administrators
compensation and compliance with
can efficiently track and manage
labor laws.
different types of leave across the
Leave carry forward and payments
organization. With robust reporting
Leave carry forward and payments are
capabilities, our HRIS system provides
essential aspects of leave
insights into leave usage patterns,
administration, ensuring that
allowing organizations to optimize
employees can manage their accrued
workforce planning and ensure
leave balances effectively. Our H2SO4
compliance with leave policies and
facilitates seamless management of
regulatory requirements.
leave carry forward and payments to
promote transparency, compliance, and
employee satisfaction.
Leave policy configuration provides ˃˃
organizations with the flexibility to
tailor leave policies to their specific
needs and requirements.
Administrators can define rules,

The E-Leave Application feature in
H2So4 revolutionizes the way are promptly notified through the
employees manage their time off, system as well as email or SMS. They can
offering a seamless and intuitive then review the request, considering
platform for submitting leave requests. factors such as team staffing and
With just a few clicks, employees can operational needs. With configurable
access the user-friendly interface via approval workflows, organizations can
our self-service portal to request time tailor the process to fit their hierarchical
off for various purposes, from vacation structure and specific requirements.
to sick leave. The system provides Real-time tracking ensures
real-time visibility into available leave transparency, allowing both employees
balances and entitlements, and approvers to monitor the status of
empowering employees to make requests as they progress through the
informed decisions. Once submitted, approval chain. Our system also ensures
leave requests are swiftly routed compliance with company policies and
through predefined approval regulatory requirements, maintaining a
workflows, ensuring timely processing detailed audit trail for documentation
by designated approvers. Employees and reporting purposes. By automating
can track the status of their requests in and centralizing leave approvals, our
real-time, while approvers can HRIS system enhances efficiency,
efficiently review and approve requests communication, and compliance,
within the system. By integrating ultimately facilitating smoother
seamlessly with other modules and workforce management.
enforcing compliance with policies and
regulations, our E-Leave Application %Ľã٪Ü-§UvG٪
feature streamlines leave ¤-§¯v٪
management, enhances transparency,
and fosters a more productive and
engaged workforce. The Duty Covering Person Configuration
feature streamlines the process of
j-Ü-٪¤¤§Üj¯ managing employee absences by
designating specific individuals or roles
Leave approvals in our HRIS system are responsible for covering duties during
seamlessly integrated to streamline the these times. Administrators can easily
process for both employees and define duty covering persons based on
approvers. When an employee submits various criteria such as job role or
a leave request, designated approvers availability.

Loan management within H2SO4 system provides a seamless and transparent process for
administering employee loans from application to repayment. Employees can easily
submit loan applications through the platform, detailing their loan requirements and
providing necessary documentation to the HR. These applications are then routed through
predefined approval workflows, ensuring timely processing and compliance with lending
policies. Once approved, funds are efficiently disbursed to the employee, and repayment is
seamlessly managed through automated deductions from paychecks. Our system also
facilitates interest calculation and provides comprehensive reporting and analytics
capabilities for tracking loan activity and ensuring regulatory compliance. Overall, loan
management in our HRIS system streamlines operations, reduces administrative overhead,
and promotes financial transparency and accountability within the organization.
empowers employees to access the
The Loan Application feature in H2SO4 financial resources they need to
system streamlines the process for achieve their goals and overcome
employees to request loans, offering a financial challenges. With flexible
convenient and efficient platform for terms, competitive rates, and
accessing financial assistance. convenient application processes,
these loan schemes promote financial
wellness and stability among
ELIGIBILITY CHECK employees, contributing to overall job
satisfaction and retention.
The Eligibility Check feature is a critical
tool in ensuring that employees and
their guarantors meet the necessary
criteria before applying for a specific ÝU½OÄ½٪Uv½-§-¯½
loan. Administrators can define and
Our HRIS system accommodates both
customize eligibility criteria based on
interest-bearing and interest-free loan
various factors such as confirmation,
options to cater to the diverse financial
minimum service period, or
needs of employees within the
employment status, aligning them
organization. Interest-bearing loans
with organizational policies and
accrue interest over the loan period,
requirements. By enforcing consistency
requiring employees to repay both the
and fairness in benefit allocation, our
principal amount borrowed and the
HRIS system promotes compliance and
accrued interest. These loans are
equity across the organization,
suitable for employees who require
ultimately enhancing employee
access to larger sums or prefer extended
satisfaction and organizational
repayment terms. Conversely,
interest-free loans do not accumulate
interest charges, with employees only
MULTIPLE LOAN obligated to repay the principal amount
SCHEMES borrowed. These loans often serve as a
beneficial perk, supporting employees
Multiple loan schemes offer employees during emergencies or for specific
various options for accessing financial purposes like education or home
assistance tailored to their needs and purchases. By offering both options,
circumstances. By offering multiple H2SO4 promotes financial flexibility,
loan schemes, our HRIS system allowing employees to select the loan
scheme that best aligns with their

financial goals and circumstances. This
comprehensive approach fosters repayment schedules. Through
employee financial well-being while seamless integration with the payroll
ensuring compliance with module, installment amounts are
organizational policies and financial deducted from employees' salaries at
regulations.Leave carry forward and each pay period, ensuring compliance
payments with repayment terms and accuracy in
Leave carry forward and payments are calculations. This automation not only
essential aspects of leave reduces the administrative burden on
administration, ensuring that both employees and administrators
employees can manage their accrued but also minimizes the risk of missed or
leave balances effectively. Our H2SO4 late payments. Employees benefit from
facilitates seamless management of increased transparency, with easy
leave carry forward and payments to access to their loan details and
promote transparency, compliance, and repayment progress through the
employee satisfaction. self-service portal. Administrators can
leverage robust reporting and
jv٪Għv½§¯ monitoring tools to track loan
AND ELIGIBILITY repayment status, reconcile balances,
and ensure adherence to repayment
In our HRIS system, loan guarantors
schedules. Overall, the auto-deduct
play a pivotal role in supporting
loan installment feature enhances
employees' loan applications by
efficiency, promotes financial
providing additional assurance to
discipline, and fosters a more
lenders regarding repayment. This
streamlined loan repayment
feature is particularly beneficial for
experience for employees within the
employees who may not meet all
eligibility criteria on their own.


The auto-deduct loan installment
The auto-deduct loan installment feature revolutionizes the loan
feature revolutionizes the loan repayment process for employees,
repayment process for employees, offering seamless and hassle-free
offering seamless and hassle-free management of loan obligations. Once
management of loan obligations. Once a loan is approved and disbursed, the
a loan is approved and disbursed, the user can configure the loan details,
user can configure the loan details,
including installment amounts and

including installment amounts and
repayment schedules. Through
seamless integration with the payroll
visibility into application status, and
module, installment amounts are
facilitating communication between
deducted from employees' salaries at
stakeholders, the system facilitates
each pay period, ensuring compliance
efficient and effective management of
with repayment terms and accuracy in
employee loans.
calculations. This automation not only
reduces the administrative burden on
both employees and administrators but
also minimizes the risk of missed or late
payments. Employees benefit from
increased transparency, with easy In our HRIS system, the loan manual pay
access to their loan details and and hold loan feature offers flexibility in
repayment progress through the managing loan repayments, allowing
self-service portal. Administrators can administrators to manually adjust
leverage robust reporting and payment schedules or temporarily
monitoring tools to track loan suspend loan deductions for specific
repayment status, reconcile balances, employees.
and ensure adherence to repayment
schedules. Overall, the auto-deduct loan
installment feature enhances efficiency,
promotes financial discipline, and jÄj½§
fosters a more streamlined loan
The loan installment calculator
repayment experience for employees
embedded within our HRIS system
within the organization.
serves as a valuable resource for
employees and administrators alike,
jv٪¤¤§Üj٪ facilitating informed decision-making
¤§-¯¯ and effective financial planning. By

In our HRIS system, the loan approval inputting key parameters such as loan

process is designed to be efficient, amount, interest rate, and repayment

transparent, and compliant with period, users can generate accurate

organizational policies and regulations. estimations of their installment

Overall, the loan approval process in our amounts and overall repayment

HRIS system streamlines operations, obligations. The calculator's algorithm

enhances transparency, and ensures computes installment amounts and

adherence to organizational policies

and regulatory requirements. By
automating workflows, providing

generates detailed amortization ASSIGN UNPAID
schedules, providing users with a clear LOANS TO
breakdown of principal and interest
payments over the loan term. This
transparent visualization enables H2SO4 can assign unpaid loans to

employees to assess affordability, guarantors and serves as a vital

budget effectively, and make informed safeguard against the financial risks

borrowing decisions aligned with their associated with defaulted loan

financial goals. Integrated seamlessly repayments. When an employee fails to

into our HRIS platform, the calculator meet their loan repayment obligations,

promotes accessibility and convenience, the system can identify the defaulted

empowering employees to take control loan and initiate the process of

of their finances and navigate loan assigning it to the designated

repayment with confidence. guarantors. By assigning unpaid loans

Administrators can leverage the to guarantors within our system

calculator to assist employees in promotes financial stability, risk

understanding loan terms, fostering management, and responsible lending

financial literacy, and supporting a practices within the organization.

positive employee experience within

the organization.


Payroll and wage administration through H2SO4 stand as a cornerstone of efficient
workforce management, guaranteeing adherence to regulations, and
streamlined processes. At its core, the system functions as a centralized hub for managing
employee data, housing essential information ranging from personal details to tax
withholding allowances. Leveraging automation, payroll processing becomes a seamless
operation, where computations of gross wages, deductions, and taxes are executed
accurately and promptly according to predefined parameters and regulatory guidelines.
With automated tax compliance features, the system calculates APIT and stamp duty.

Moreover, the system adeptly manages wage deductions for various purposes, including
benefits and garnishments, ensuring meticulous application while accommodating
employee benefits. This meticulous attention to detail extends to compliance monitoring
and reporting, where our HRIS system generates comprehensive reports for auditing
purposes, offering insights into labor costs, and overtime, and ensuring adherence to labor
laws and regulations.
A crucial aspect of our HRIS system is its user-centric design, offering employees self-service
portals for accessing pay slips This empowers employees to take control of their payroll
information while alleviating the administrative burden on HR staff. In essence, payroll and
wage administration within our HRIS system epitomize efficiency, accuracy, and
compliance, ensuring seamless management of employee compensation and fostering a
conducive work environment for both employees and administrators.


Payslips generated through H2SO4 finances effectively, and fosters trust

system are instrumental in providing within the workforce. This accessibility

employees with clear and detailed to detailed compensation information

insights into their compensation for a enhances communication,

given pay period. These documents accountability, and overall employee

offer transparency by delineating satisfaction.

various components of earnings,

deductions, and benefits. Employees F٪‫ت‬٪-½F٪‫ف‬٪-‫§ف‬-½Ä§v¯‫ؙ‬٪
can readily review their base salary, ٪F§t¯‫ؙ‬٪§ֿ‫ؙ‬٪§ׁ٪F§t¯
budgetary relief allowances, any
The management of Employee
overtime pay earned, and bonuses or
Provident Fund (EPF) and Employees'
incentives received. Moreover, payslips
Trust Fund (ETF) processes is seamlessly
outline deductions such as taxes, EPF /
integrated to ensure compliance and
ETF contributions, and personalized
efficiency. Through automated features,
deductions or common deductions,
such as the generation and submission
ensuring employees understand the
of E-Returns, C Forms, R1, and R3 Forms,
impact on their net pay. Additionally,
we facilitate the intricate tasks
they may include information on
associated with EPF and ETF
benefits like paid time off accruals and
administration. Our system securely
employer contributions to retirement
stores employee data related to EPF and
plans. With a year-to-date summary
ETF contributions, enabling accurate
section, employees can track their
calculations and generates electronic
financial progress and plan
returns through the system.
accordingly. By delivering
Additionally, can easily generateC
comprehensive payslips, our HRIS
Forms, which provide comprehensive
system promotes transparency,
details of their contributions for
empowers employees to manage their

documentation purposes. Furthermore, these processes within H2SO4, we
the system assists in the issuance of R1 enable organizations to effectively
and R3 Forms, and updating employee manage their regulatory obligations
information as required by EPF and ETF while promoting transparency and
regulations. By ensuring compliance efficiency in financial management.
and providing robust reporting
capabilities, our HRIS system empowers
organizations to effectively manage EPF
and ETF obligations while promoting
transparency and accountability in
Bonus and tax calculations are
employee benefits administration.
seamlessly integrated, offering
organizations a comprehensive solution
APIT CALCULATION for managing bonuses while ensuring
-‫§ف‬-½Ä§v¯‫ؙ‬٪½ֿ‫־‬٪ compliance with tax regulations. The
vvÄj٪§-½Ä§v system automates bonus calculations
based on predefined criteria, allowing
In our HRIS system, the Advance
administrators to configure bonus
Personal Income Tax (APIT) calculation
structures tailored to the organization.
module streamlines the intricate
Simultaneously, tax calculations are
process of computing statutory
accurately computed, according to the
contributions and generating essential
rules and regulations provided by the
reports for regulatory compliance. This
government. This ensures that the
automation not only ensures accuracy
correct amount of tax is withheld from
in contribution calculations but also
employee paychecks following
minimizes the potential for manual
applicable laws. By integrating these
errors. Additionally, the system
functionalities, our system simplifies
facilitates the generation and
bonus processing, reduces
submission of E-Returns, electronically
administrative burden, and minimizes
transmitting contribution data to
the risk of errors in bonus management.
regulatory authorities in a timely and
efficient manner. Furthermore, the
system empowers organizations to
generate T10 Annual Returns, providing
a comprehensive summary of
contributions made over the fiscal year,
thereby facilitating compliance with
reporting requirements. By centralizing

½½-v%v-‫¯ف‬-%٪ Ä%G-½§ã٪
This feature allows administrators to
vFUGħ½Uv allocate a designated pool of employees
In our HRIS system, we offer robust who are entitled, establishing eligibility
functionality for configuring criteria the system will process the
attendance-based deductions and calculation of the basic salary and the
earnings, providing organizations with EPF / ETF accordingly. If changes in rules
a comprehensive solution for of government regulations the system
automating payroll calculations. can be customized according to that
Administrators can easily set up various without any interruptions.
deduction rules for tardiness, absences,
or unpaid leaves, tailoring them to align STAMP DUTY
with organizational policies and
requirements. Similarly, Stamp duty is a tax levied on the net pay
attendance-based earnings, such as of the employee remuneration. In our
overtime pay or attendance bonuses system, we provide tools to facilitate the
for exceptional attendance, can be calculation and management of stamp
configured based on specific criteria duty for applicable employees
like a number of worked days, and the automatically.
number of leave days. By seamlessly
integrating with attendance tracking ¯j§ã٪½٪vg٪v%٪
systems, our system captures ¯jU¤¯٪FUj-٪G-v-§½Uv
employees' attendance records and
In our HRIS system, we provide a
applies deduction and earning rules
seamless solution for processing salary
automatically based on predefined
payments directly to employees' bank
criteria, ensuring accuracy and
accounts and generating SLIPS (Sri
compliance with labor regulations. This
Lanka Inter-bank Payment System) files.
streamlined process not only simplifies
This integrated functionality streamlines
payroll administration but also
payroll administration by allowing
provides transparency for employees.
administrators to initiate secure bank
transfers from within the system,
ensuring confidentiality and
compliance with banking regulations.

Additionally, our system generates
SLIPS files for major commercial banks
available in Sri Lanka and can be
customized for other banks not The journal entries feature offers

currently available. This enables organizations a comprehensive solution

administrators to easily transmit for accurately recording and tracking

accurate data to relevant employees financial transactions related to HR

without any delay. Overall, our system activities. By automating the generation

streamlines payroll processes, promotes of journal entries, the system ensures

compliance, and enhances employee that payroll, benefits, and other

satisfaction by providing a robust HR-related expenses are accurately

platform for salary payments and SLIPS categorized and mapped to the

file generation. appropriate general ledger accounts.

Seamless integration with accounting
software and ERP systems enables
¯j§ã٪Oj%٪v%٪ efficient transfer of journal entries,
§-j-¯- maintaining consistency between HR
and finance systems.
The salary hold and release feature
provides organizations with a
structured and efficient mechanism to ¯½٪-v½-§¯٪v%
manage salary payments based on MULTIPLE COST
varying circumstances. Administrators -v½-§¯٪F§٪
can easily initiate holds on salary ¯UvGj-‫ف‬-t¤jã--
payments for specific employees,
ensuring compliance with internal We offer robust functionality for
policies and regulatory requirements. managing cost centers, enabling
This functionality offers flexibility in organizations to allocate expenses and
managing salary holds, allowing track costs effectively. Administrators
administrators to extend, release, or can define and configure cost centers
modify holds as necessary. Once hold within the system, representing various
conditions are resolved, the system departments. Employees can be
starts the release of salary to the bank assigned to one or multiple cost centers
account. This feature streamlines based on their roles and responsibilities.
payroll management, enhances Expenses incurred by employees, such
compliance, and fosters trust and as salaries and benefits, are
confidence in the payroll process
among employees and stakeholders.

automatically allocated to the processing schedules. With parallel
corresponding cost centers, ensuring payroll processing capabilities,
accurate tracking and reporting. organizations can efficiently manage
diverse payroll schedules
simultaneously, reducing processing
vv‫¯ف‬O٪-v-FU½¯ time and administrative overhead.

We provide comprehensive support for

managing non-cash benefits, ensuring
organizations can effectively Excel uploads offer organizations a
administer and track the various perks convenient and efficient method for
and incentives offered to employees data entry and updates. Ecxcel
beyond monetary compensation. The templates are designed with
system allows the calculation of the structured formats and validation rules
government regulatory taxes to ensure accuracy during the upload
applicable to noncash benefits such as process. Upon uploading the Excel file,
APIT. the system automatically maps data
fields to corresponding HRIS fields and
performs validation checks to identify
MULTIPLE PAY errors or inconsistencies.. Integration
¤-§U%¯٪v%٪ with Excel simplifies data

tÄj½U¤j-٪¤㧁jj¯ synchronization between spreadsheets

and the HRIS database, ensuring
H2SO4 offer comprehensive support up-to-date information across systems.
for managing multiple pay periods and With role-based access controls and
multiple payrolls, ensuring flexibility audit trails, organizations can maintain
and efficiency in payroll processing. data security and accountability
Administrators can configure various throughout the upload process. Overall,
pay periods to accommodate different Excel uploads streamline data
employee groups and organizational management processes, reduce
needs, allowing for weekly, bi-weekly, manual effort, and enhance data
semi-monthly, or monthly pay cycles. accuracy within the HRIS system.
Additionally, employees can be
grouped into different payroll
categories based on various criteria
such as department, location, or
compensation structure, each with its
unique pay period settings and

tv½Ojã٪‫ت‬٪tÄj½U ׁ§%٪¤§½ã
Ý--gjã٪‫ت‬٪į½t٪ ¯ã¯½-t٪Uv½-G§½Uv
H2SO4 offers seamless integration with
third-party accounting systems,
We offer a comprehensive platform for providing organizations with enhanced
various payroll frequencies, ensuring efficiency and accuracy in financial
flexibility and compliance with diverse management processes. Through this
organizational needs and regulatory integration, data flows seamlessly
requirements. Whether it's monthly, between the HRIS system and the
multi-monthly, fortnightly, daily, accounting software, ensuring
weekly, or custom pay cycles, our consistency and eliminating the need
system adapts to accommodate for manual data entry or reconciliation.
different payroll schedules seamlessly. Key features of this integration include
Administrators can configure payroll the synchronization of payroll data,
frequencies based on employee employee expenses, benefits
groups, departmental requirements, or administration, and other financial
specific contractual agreements. By transactions, ensuring that all relevant
providing configurable options for information is accurately reflected in
payroll frequencies, our system ensures the accounting records. This integration
accurate and timely compensation for streamlines the financial reporting
employees while maintaining process, enabling administrators to
compliance with labor laws and generate comprehensive reports and
regulations. Additionally, analytics across HR and finance
comprehensive reporting capabilities functions. Additionally, by automating
enable administrators to generate data transfer and ensuring data
payroll reports, analyze payroll integrity, organizations can reduce the
expenses, and ensure transparency and risk of errors, enhance compliance, and
accuracy in payroll processing across all improve overall operational efficiency.

H2SO4 provides robust asset management capabilities to streamline the tracking and
administration of organizational assets throughout their lifecycle. From registration to
disposal, our system offers comprehensive tools to efficiently manage assets, whether they
are equipment, technology devices, vehicles, or other tangible resources. Administrators
can easily capture and catalog asset details, including purchase information, serial
numbers, warranty details, and vendor, within the system's centralized repository. This
centralized database facilitates easy access to asset information, enabling administrators to
track asset movements, assign assets to employees, and monitor asset utilization.
Additionally, our system automates asset depreciation calculations, ensuring accurate
financial reporting and compliance with accounting standards. With comprehensive
reporting, organizations can gain valuable insights into asset performance, utilization
trends, and lifecycle costs, enabling informed decision-making and optimization of asset
investments. Overall, our HRIS system's asset management functionality enhances
efficiency, transparency, and compliance in managing organizational assets, ultimately
supporting better resource allocation and cost control.
¯¯-½٪§-GU¯½§½Uv process. By capturing detailed
purchase information within the HRIS
system, organizations can streamline
Asset registration in H2SO4 provides
procurement processes, optimize
organizations with a streamlined
vendor relationships, and make
process for recording and managing
informed decisions regarding asset
various types of assets across the
acquisitions and investments.
organization. Through the asset
registration feature, administrators can
easily input relevant details for each %-¤§-U½Uv
asset, including asset type, serial
Depreciation functionality facilitates the
number, purchase date, purchase
automated calculation and
price, location, and assigned user or
management of asset depreciation,
department. This centralized repository
ensuring accurate financial reporting
of asset information allows for efficient
and compliance with accounting
tracking and monitoring of asset usage,
standards. The system automatically
history if assets, and depreciation over
calculates depreciation expenses over
time, applying the chosen method and
useful life to each asset. Additionally,
¤Ä§O¯-٪ integration with asset management
UvF§t½Uv modules enables seamless
synchronization of asset data, ensuring
The purchase information feature that depreciation calculations are based
provides organizations with a on up-to-date asset information. By
comprehensive platform to record and automating depreciation calculations,
manage details related to asset our HRIS system streamlines financial
acquisitions. Administrators can reporting processes, reduces manual
efficiently input and track various effort, and ensures accuracy and
purchase-related information, consistency in asset valuation.
including vendor details, purchase
order numbers, invoice numbers, ¯¯-½٪Ov%Ü-§
purchase dates, and purchase prices.
This centralized repository of purchase Asset handover functionality
information enables organizations to streamlines the process of transferring
monitor and analyze procurement ownership or responsibility of assets
activities, ensuring transparency and from one user to another within the
accountability in the acquisition organization. Administrators can initiate

asset handovers directly within the ¯¯-½٪OU¯½§ã
system, specifying details such as the
asset being transferred, the receiving Asset history functionality provides
user, and the current condition of asset organizations with a comprehensive
This centralized process ensures overview of the lifecycle of each asset,
accountability and transparency in asset facilitating efficient tracking and
management by maintaining a clear management of asset-related activities.
record of asset movements and This feature maintains a detailed record
ownership changes. of all significant events and transactions
related to an asset, including

¯¯-½٪§-½Ä§v acquisition, assignment, maintenance,

handover, return, and disposal.
Asset return functionality in H2SO4 Administrators can access asset
system simplifies the process of histories to review past activities, track
managing the return of assets from asset movements, and identify patterns
employees back to the organization. or trends in asset usage and
Administrators can initiate asset return maintenance.
requests directly within the system,
specifying details such as the asset
being returned, the return condition.
This centralized process ensures CONDITION
accountability and transparency in
Maintaining asset conditions enables
asset management by maintaining a
organizations to track and manage the
clear record of asset movements and
state of their assets throughout their
returns. Integration with asset
lifecycle effectively. Administrators can
management modules ensures that
record and update information
asset records are updated in real time
regarding the condition of assets,
to reflect the return, providing accurate
including any wear and tear, damages,
and up-to-date asset information. By
or maintenance requirements. This
streamlining asset return processes, our
feature allows for the documentation of
HRIS system enhances efficiency,
asset inspections, repairs, and
reduces administrative burden, and
maintenance activities, ensuring that
promotes effective asset management
assets are well-maintained and
practices within the organization.

In H2SO4 system, the letters feature allows organizations to generate various types of
letters, documents, and correspondence for employees. Administrators can easily create
templates for common letters such as offer letters, employment contracts, appointment
letters, promotion letters, and termination letters. These templates can be personalized
with employee-specific information, such as name, position, salary, and start date, ensuring
accuracy and consistency in communication. Additionally, the victory Information team
will support generating letters for specific purposes, such as salary revisions, performance
reviews, leave approvals and disciplinary actions. Integration with employee data ensures
that letters are automatically populated with relevant information, reducing manual effort
and minimizing errors. Overall, the letters feature in our HRIS system enhances efficiency,
accuracy, and professionalism in employee correspondence, contributing to positive
employee experiences and effective HR management. The existing system contains a set of
sample letters that are adaptable to suit the specific requirements of clients, thereby
offering flexibility for customization and modification as necessary.









The Employee Self Portal empowers employees with convenient access to their personal
information, benefits, time records, leave applications and HR-related services. Through the
portal, employees can view their contact details, and personal information, ensuring that
records are always accurate and up-to-date. Additionally, employees can access their
payroll information and compensation history, providing transparency and facilitating
financial planning. The self-service portal also enables employees to manage their leave
requests, view their leave balances, and submit time-off requests, streamlining the leave
management process for both employees and administrators. Integration with other
modules ensures that data entered or updated by employees in the self-service portal
seamlessly syncs with the HRIS system, maintaining data integrity and reducing
administrative overhead. Overall, the Employee Self Portal enhances employee
engagement, productivity, and satisfaction by providing a user-friendly platform for
accessing HR-related information and services at their convenience.
F§٪¯Ä¤-§ÜU¯§¯٪ autonomy over their own HR-related

AND EMPLOYEES tasks and information. Overall, separate

logins for supervisors and employees
we provide separate logins for optimize workflow management,
supervisors and employees to ensure streamline communication, and
role-based access and tailored support effective HR administration
functionalities based on their within the organization.
responsibilities and permissions within
the organization. The supervisor login ÜU-Ý٪¤§-¯¯-%٪
grants access to additional features and v%٪§-j‫½ف‬Ut-٪
tools that enable supervisors to
manage their team members
effectively, such as approving leave
In H2SO4 system, both supervisors and
requests, reviewing timesheets,
employees have the capability to view
conducting performance evaluations,
real-time attendance data through their
and accessing team-related reports. On
respective portals.
the other hand, the employee login
Supervisors can access their
provides access to self-service
subordinate's processed attendance
functionalities, allowing employees to
data, which includes information on
view their personal information, submit
attendance records that have been
leave requests, and access payroll
verified, reconciled, and finalized by the
information. By implementing separate
HR department. This allows supervisors
logins for supervisors and employees,
to review attendance patterns, identify
our HRIS system ensures that each user
trends, and make informed decisions
has access to the relevant tools and
related to workforce management,
information needed to perform their
scheduling, and performance
roles efficiently. Role-based access
controls further enhance security by
Employees, on the other hand, can view
restricting access to sensitive data and
real-time attendance data through their
functionalities based on user
self-service portal. This includes
permissions. This segregation of access
information on their current attendance
also promotes transparency and
status, clock-in and clock-out times, and
accountability within the organization,
any pending attendance adjustments or
as supervisors can manage their teams
leave requests. By having access to
independently while employees have
real-time attendance data, employees

can monitor their own attendance, track
their work hours, and address any
discrepancies or issues promptly. This
Employees can conveniently submit
promotes transparency and
leave applications through the
accountability in attendance
self-service portal, streamlining the
management and empowers
process and reducing administrative
employees to take ownership of their
overhead. The leave application feature
attendance records.
allows employees to select the type of
leave they wish to apply for, specify the
VIEW LEAVE dates and duration of the leave, and
ENTITLEMENT provide any necessary comments or
justifications. Employees can also check
In H2SO4 system, employees can easily the availability of leave balances and
view their leave entitlements through view their leave history to ensure
the self-service portal. Upon logging in, accurate and informed
employees can access a dedicated decision-making.
section that displays their current leave
balances. This information is presented %Ľã٪Ü-§UvG٪
in a clear and user-friendly format,
allowing employees to quickly
understand how much leave they have
available for use. Supervisors and HR
In the system, the duty covering person
administrators also have access to leave
feature facilitates smooth leave
entitlement information for their
management by allowing employees to
respective teams through specialized
designate a colleague as their "duty
section on portal. This enables them to
covering person" when submitting a
track leave balances, monitor
leave application. This functionality
utilization rates, and ensure that
ensures continuity of operations and
employees are managing their leave
seamless workflow management even
entitlements appropriately. Overall, the
when employees are on leave. When an
ability to view leave entitlements in our
employee submits a leave request, they
HRIS system enhances transparency,
have the option to specify a colleague
empowers employees to manage their
who will temporarily assume their
time effectively, and facilitates efficient
responsibilities during their absence.
leave management for supervisors and
This duty covering person may be

someone within the same team or for offline access and record-keeping
department who is capable of fulfilling purposes. The PDF format ensures that
the employee's duties or responsibilities the payslips are easily printable and
in their absence. Once the leave request shareable, allowing employees to
is submitted, the system notifies both maintain accurate financial records for
the employee's supervisor and the personal reference or documentation
designated duty covering person. The purposes.
supervisor can then review and approve
the leave request, taking into account ¯Ä¤-§ÜU¯§٪j-Ü-٪
the availability and suitability of the
duty covering person.

Supervisors play a crucial role in the

PAYSLIP VIEW AND leave management process by

approving or denying leave requests
DOWNLOAD submitted by their team members. The
supervisor leave approval feature
Employees have convenient access to
streamlines this process, ensuring
their payslips through the self-service
efficient coordination and timely
portal, allowing them to view and
decision-making while maintaining
download their salary information
accountability and compliance with
securely and conveniently. Upon
company policies. When an employee
logging into the portal, employees can
submits a leave request through the
navigate to the payslip section, where
self-service portal, the request is
they can access a list of their latest
automatically routed to their respective
payslips organized by period. Each
supervisor for approval. Supervisors
payslip provides detailed information
receive notifications of pending leave
about the employee's earnings,
requests and can review them within
deductions, taxes, and net pay for the
the system. Supervisors can then
respective pay period. This includes
approve, deny or transfer to the higher
details such as basic salary, overtime
the leave request based on factors such
pay, bonuses, allowances, statutory
as business needs, staffing
deductions, and any other earnings or
requirements, and team availability.
deductions applicable to the
They may also request additional
employee's compensation package.
information or clarification from the
Employees can choose to view their
employee if needed.
payslips online directly within the
portal or download them as PDF files

Overtime approval is a key feature that managing overtime, enabling
allows supervisors or designated supervisors to effectively oversee and
approvers to review and authorize authorize additional hours worked by
overtime hours worked by employees. employees.
This functionality streamlines the
process of managing overtime, ½½-v%v-٪§-¦Ä-¯½
ensuring compliance with company
policies and labor regulations while
accurately compensating employees In H2SO4 system, the attendance
for additional hours worked. When an request and approval feature allows
employee submits an overtime request, employees to submit requests for
it is routed to their supervisor or the changes to their attendance records,
designated approver for review within such as requesting adjustments to
the system. The supervisor receives clock-in/out times, missing punches, or
notifications of pending overtime reporting attendance exceptions.
requests and can access detailed Supervisors or designated approvers
information about the request, can then review and approve these
including the date, duration, and shift requests within the system, ensuring
for overtime work. Supervisors can then accurate and timely management of
review the request and assess its attendance data. When an employee
validity based on factors such as submits an attendance request through
business needs, workload distribution, the self-service portal, it is automatically
and budget constraints. They may also routed to their supervisor or the
consider factors such as employee appropriate approver based on
availability and prior approval for predefined workflows. The supervisor
overtime work to make informed receives notifications of pending
decisions about whether to approve or attendance requests and can access
deny the request. Once approved, detailed information about the request,
overtime hours are processed for including the date, time, and reason for
payroll calculation, ensuring that the requested change.
employees are accurately Supervisors can then review the request
compensated for their additional work. and assess its validity based on factors
Overall, the overtime approval feature such as company policies, attendance
in our HRIS system promotes efficiency, policies, and operational needs. They
transparency, and compliance in may also consider factors such as team

schedules and workload distribution to requires further review, it may then be
make informed decisions about escalated to higher-level approvers,
whether to approve or deny the request. such as department heads or HR
Once approved, attendance changes managers, for final approval.
are reflected in the employee's
attendance records, ensuring that Each approver in the workflow has the
accurate data is maintained for payroll authority to review and approve
processing, compliance reporting, and requests within their level of authority,
other purposes. Supervisors can also use ensuring that requests are processed in
the system to track and manage a timely manner and in accordance
attendance-related metrics, such as with organizational policies.
attendance exceptions, overtime hours,
and attendance compliance rates.
tÄj½U¤j-٪¤¤§Üj٪ ¤¤§Üj
LEVELS Supervisors play a crucial role in the
leave management process by
We offer the flexibility of multiple
approving or denying leave requests
approval levels for various HR
submitted by their team members. The
processes, including leave requests,
supervisor leave approval feature
overtime approval, attendance request,
streamlines this process, ensuring
and other customized workflow
efficient coordination and timely
approvals. This feature allows
decision-making while maintaining
organizations to configure approval
accountability and compliance with
workflows that align with their
company policies. When an employee
hierarchical structure and internal
submits a leave request through the
approval processes, ensuring efficient
self-service portal, the request is
routing and processing of requests.
automatically routed to their respective
With multiple approval levels, requests
supervisor for approval. Supervisors
are automatically routed to the
receive notifications of pending leave
appropriate approver(s) based on
requests and can review them within
predefined rules and criteria. For
the system. Supervisors can then
example, a leave request may first be
approve, deny or transfer to the higher
routed to the employee's immediate
the leave request based on factors such
supervisor for initial approval. If the
as business needs, staffing
request exceeds certain thresholds or

requirements, and team availability. COMPANY NEWS
They may also request additional
information or clarification from the The company news feature provides a
employee if needed. centralized platform for disseminating
important updates, announcements,
G§U-Üv- and information to all employees within
HANDLING the organization. This feature allows HR
administrators or designated personnel
Grievance handling functionality is to publish company-wide news articles,
designed to facilitate the efficient bulletins, or announcements directly
resolution of employee grievances and within the system.
complaints in a transparent and
organized manner. This feature allows Employees can access the company
employees to submit grievances or news section through the self-service
complaints electronically through the portal, where they can view the latest
self-service portal, providing a news articles and announcements in
convenient and confidential channel real-time. The news feed may include
for voicing concerns. updates on company policies,
organizational changes, upcoming
When an employee submits a events, employee recognition,
grievance, the system automatically achievements, and other relevant
routes it to the appropriate HR information.
personnel or designated grievance
handler for review and resolution. The
assigned handler receives notifications
of new grievances and can access
detailed information about the Personalized messages functionality
grievance. Once resolved, the system allows HR administrators or managers
updates the status of the grievance to send targeted and customized
and. HR personel can view pending messages to individual employees or
grievances and can take actions against groups of employees based on specific
them. criteria. This feature enhances
communication within the organization
by delivering relevant information,
updates, or notifications directly to

system as a personalized message,
employees through their preferred
which sends personalized birthday
channels. HR administrators can create
messages to employees on their special
personalized messages using
day. Additionally, the birthday list
predefined templates or customize
feature allows employees to view
messages according to the unique
upcoming birthdays of their colleagues
needs and preferences of the recipients.
through the self-service portal. This
Employees receive personalized
promotes a sense of camaraderie and
messages through the self-service
encourages employees to celebrate
portal. This allows for flexibility in
and acknowledge each other's
reaching employees across different
locations, shifts, or work arrangements.


v%٪U§½O%ã٪jU¯½ EMPLOYEES
In our HRIS system, the employee

The birthday wishes and birthday list self-service portal can include a feature

feature allows organizations to that allows existing employees to view

celebrate and acknowledge information about newly joined

employees' birthdays in a personalized colleagues. This feature promotes

and meaningful way. This feature transparency, facilitates introductions,

enhances employee engagement, and fosters a sense of community within

fosters a positive work culture, and the organization.

strengthens connections within the

organization. CONTACT LIST
The birthday list feature provides HR
We offer the functionality for employees
administrators or managers with a
to download a contact list via the
comprehensive view of employees'
self-service portal, providing them with
birthdays, organized by date. This
easy access to contact information for
enables them to plan and prepare
their colleagues within the organization.
birthday wishes or celebrations in
This feature enhances communication
advance, ensuring that no employee's
and collaboration among employees
special day goes unnoticed. HR
and promotes a sense of connectivity
administrators can also set up
within the workplace.
automated birthday wishes within the

The Victory OnTime mobile application is crafted with user convenience in mind, aiming to
simplify time and attendance tracking for employees spanning different sectors. With this
app, employees can effortlessly log their work hours using their mobile devices, offering
them flexibility and ease of access in managing their workforce responsibilities. Notably,
the application prioritizes security measures, ensuring a safe environment for data
handling. Supervisors gain the advantage of tracking employee login locations through an
integrated map feature. Moreover, the application's time synchronization with
international servers guarantees accuracy and reliability in time management. To further
bolster digital collaboration within the organization, each submission necessitates the
upload of an employee's facial photo, fostering a more cohesive and interactive digital
v%§U%٪‫ۂ‬٪U¤Ov- administrators to monitor workforce
attendance trends and make informed
The Victory OnTime mobile application decisions promptly.
is designed to support both Android
and iPhone devices, providing
accessibility and convenience to a wide
range of users across different mobile
platforms. Whether employees use
The integration of GPS location tracking
Android smartphones or iPhones, they
within the Victory OnTime mobile
can download and install the Victory
application revolutionizes attendance
OnTime app from the respective app
management by providing
stores for their devices.
organizations with a powerful tool to
ensure the accuracy and reliability of
¤½Ä§-٪§-j½Ut-٪ their workforce data. This feature allows

ATTENDANCE organizations to verify the precise

location of employees when they log in
or out, adding an extra layer of
The Victory OnTime mobile application
accountability and transparency to the
revolutionizes attendance
attendance tracking process. By
management by offering employees a
leveraging GPS technology, the app
seamless and intuitive platform to
enables organizations to establish
record their attendance in real-time.
geofences around designated work
With just a few taps on their
sites, ensuring that employees are
smartphones, employees can
physically present at the right location
effortlessly clock in and out of their
when recording their attendance. This
shifts, ensuring accurate timekeeping
not only helps prevent instances of time
and eliminating the need for
theft or unauthorized attendance but
cumbersome manual processes. This
also ensures compliance with labor
user-friendly app not only enhances
regulations and contractual
convenience but also ensures security
agreements. Additionally, GPS location
through features like credential based
tracking offers valuable insights into
authentication and geolocation
employee attendance patterns and
tracking, thereby minimizing instances
remote work activities, empowering
of unauthorized attendance recording.
organizations to optimize workforce
Real-time updates ensure that
management strategies and enhance
attendance data is instantly reflected in
operational efficiency.
the system, allowing supervisors and

݁§g٪¤j-٪ ¤½Ä§-٪
The Victory OnTime mobile application
Workplace binding, a key feature within
offers a seamless solution for capturing
the Victory OnTime mobile application,
employee photos as part of the
establishes virtual boundaries around
attendance recording process,
designated work sites or geographical
enhancing verification and
areas. This innovative functionality
accountability within workforce
ensures that employees can only clock
management. With this feature,
in or out when they are physically
employees can easily snap a photo
present within these predefined
using their device's camera when
boundaries. By leveraging geofencing
clocking in or out, ensuring that each
technology, organizations can enhance
attendance entry is accompanied by a
the accuracy of attendance records,
visual record of their presence. This
mitigate the risk of time theft, and
serves as a reliable verification of their
bolster compliance with labor
identity and helps prevent instances of
regulations and contractual
buddy punching or unauthorized
agreements. Workplace binding not
attendance recording. By incorporating
only provides insights into employee
employee photos into attendance
presence and movement but also
records, the app provides a robust audit
streamlines administrative processes
trail that aids in compliance with labor
by automating attendance tracking
regulations and internal policies.
based on location. Moreover, this
Ultimately, the capture of employee
feature contributes to improved
photos fosters a culture of
resource allocation, security, and overall
accountability, encourages adherence
efficiency in workforce management.
to attendance policies, and provides
In essence, workplace binding in the
organizations with a valuable tool for
Victory OnTime app empowers
managing workforce attendance
organizations to optimize attendance
effectively while prioritizing privacy and
management, strengthen compliance
data protection.
measures, and enhance operational
effectiveness within the workplace.

DEVICE Uv½-§v½Uvj٪
§-GU¯½§½Uv ¯½v%§%٪½Ut-
Device registration is a pivotal feature The Victory OnTime mobile application
within the Victory OnTime mobile is designed to seamlessly capture
application, offering organizations a attendance in International Standard
streamlined process for securely Time (IST), providing organizations with
associating employee devices with a reliable and standardized system for
their respective accounts. This timekeeping across different
functionality ensures that only geographical regions. By utilizing
authorized devices are permitted to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) as the
access the application, enhancing reference standard, the app ensures
security and preventing unauthorized consistency and accuracy in attendance
access. recording, regardless of employees'
When an employee downloads and locations or time zones. With
installs the Victory OnTime app on their automated timestamping functionality,
mobile device, they are prompted to employees can effortlessly clock in and
register the device within the system. out using the app, and their attendance
During this process, the device's unique data is automatically recorded in UTC
identifier is securely linked to the format. This real-time updating of
employee's account, establishing a attendance records enables supervisors
secure connection that enables and administrators to access accurate
seamless access to the application's information promptly, facilitating
features. Device registration serves as a efficient workforce management.
fundamental security measure, Moreover, the global accessibility of the
safeguarding sensitive workforce data Victory OnTime app allows
and preventing unauthorized access or organizations to maintain consistency
tampering. By ensuring that only in attendance tracking practices
registered devices can access the worldwide, ensuring compliance with
application, organizations can mitigate labor regulations and standards. In
the risk of data breaches and essence, the Victory OnTime mobile
unauthorized usage. application empowers organizations to
streamline attendance management
processes and promote adherence to
global best practices in timekeeping.

The performance evaluation module within the H2SO4 HRIS is a pivotal tool for assessing
and managing employee performance effectively. By integrating goal setting, continuous
feedback mechanisms, and formal appraisal processes, this module enables organizations
to cultivate a culture of accountability, transparency, and continuous improvement.
Employees and managers can collaboratively set SMART goals aligned with organizational
objectives, track progress in real-time, and address performance issues promptly through
ongoing feedback exchanges. Additionally, the system supports multisource feedback,
providing employees with a well-rounded perspective on their performance from peers,
subordinates, supervisors and outer space personnal. With automated performance
appraisals and competency assessments, H2SO4 HRIS streamlines the evaluation process,
ensuring consistency and fairness. Through robust performance analytics and reporting
features, organizations can gain valuable insights into workforce performance trends,
identify areas for improvement, and make informed decisions to optimize organizational
performance. Overall, the performance evaluation module in H2SO4 HRIS empowers
organizations to foster a high-performance culture, drive employee engagement, and
achieve strategic objectives effectively.
Incorporating performance evaluation data-driven decisions, H2SO4 HRIS
within the framework of H2SO4 HRIS facilitates continuous improvement
aligns with the company's overarching and supports organizational success.
vision and mission, reinforcing its Overall, by facilitating KPI setting
commitment to driving organizational within H2SO4 HRIS, the company
excellence and empowering clients to demonstrates its dedication to
achieve their strategic objectives. delivering comprehensive HR solutions
that empower organizations to achieve

KPI SETTING their strategic objectives and thrive in

today's competitive business

Setting Key Performance Indicators landscape.

(KPIs) within the H2SO4 HRIS is a

strategic initiative that aligns closely -OÜUÄ§j٪v%٪
with the company's vision and mission. FUNCTIONAL KPI
By enabling organizations to establish
and track KPIs related to workforce Incorporating both behavioral and
performance, engagement, and functional Key Performance Indicators
productivity, the system embodies (KPIs) within the H2SO4 HRIS is a
H2SO4's commitment to delivering strategic initiative aimed at optimizing
value-driven HR solutions. Through this employee performance and aligning
feature, H2SO4 empowers its clients to individual goals with organizational
unlock the full potential of their objectives. By integrating these KPIs,
workforce and drive sustainable H2SO4 underscores its commitment to
growth, aligning with the company's delivering comprehensive HR solutions
vision of becoming a global leader in that drive organizational success. This
innovative HR solutions. Furthermore, approach empowers organizations to
KPI setting within H2SO4 HRIS directly evaluate not only the tangible outcomes
supports the company's mission to of employee performance but also the
deliver HRIS solutions that streamline behaviors and competencies that
processes, enhance employee contribute to overall effectiveness. By
engagement, and drive business fostering a culture of accountability,
performance. By providing clients with collaboration, and continuous
the tools to measure progress, identify improvement, H2SO4 supports its vision
areas for improvement, and make of becoming a global leader in
innovative HR solutions. Moreover, by

providing tools to measure both the contribute to the company's broader
"how" and the "what" of employee goals and vision. This not only fosters a
performance, the system enables culture of accountability and
organizations to align individual transparency but also facilitates
behaviors with organizational goals and continuous improvement and drives
values. This strategic alignment performance excellence across the
facilitates effective performance organization. Furthermore, by
management, promotes a culture of providing the tools and capabilities to
high performance, and ultimately set, monitor, and evaluate employee
contributes to the achievement of the KPIs, H2SO4 empowers organizations
company's mission of supporting to enhance workforce productivity,
organizational success through engagement, and overall business
innovative HR solutions. Through this performance. Ultimately, employee KPI
integration, H2SO4 HRIS empowers setting within H2SO4 HRIS reflects the
organizations to leverage the full company's dedication to delivering
potential of their talent and drive value-driven HR solutions that enable
sustainable growth in today's dynamic organizations to thrive in today's
business environment. competitive business landscape while
staying true to their mission of driving
organizational success through
g¤U٪§-ÜU-Ý٪v%٪ innovation and excellence in HR
ACCEPTANCE practices.

Implementing employee Key

Performance Indicators (KPIs) within SELF EVALUATION
the H2SO4 HRIS is a strategic endeavor
that closely aligns with the company's Implementing self-evaluation

overarching vision and mission. By functionality within the H2SO4 HRIS is a

integrating this feature, H2SO4 strategic initiative aimed at

reinforces its commitment to empowering employees and fostering a

revolutionizing HR practices and culture of continuous improvement. By

empowering organizations to achieve providing individuals with the

their strategic objectives. Through opportunity to assess their own

employee KPI setting, the system performance, strengths, and areas for

enables organizations to establish development, H2SO4 facilitates

clear, measurable SMART goals for personal growth and accountability

individual employees that directly within the organization. This initiative

aligns closely with the company's vision This aligns seamlessly with the
of becoming a global leader in company's vision of delivering
innovative HR solutions, as it reflects innovative HR solutions that enable
H2SO4's commitment to delivering clients to optimize workforce
value-driven tools that support performance and achieve their
individual and organizational success. strategic objectives. Supervisor review
Furthermore, self-evaluation of employee KPIs in H2SO4 HRIS
functionality in H2SO4 HRIS directly facilitates transparent and data-driven
supports the company's mission of performance evaluations, enabling
delivering HRIS solutions that enhance supervisors to track progress, identify
employee engagement and drive areas for improvement, and recognize
business performance. By encouraging exemplary performance. By leveraging
self-awareness and proactive predefined criteria, real-time
development, H2SO4 enables performance data, and feedback from
organizations to cultivate a team members, the system provides
high-performing workforce that is supervisors with valuable insights into
equipped to meet the challenges of employee performance, enabling them
today's dynamic business environment. to make informed decisions and
Overall, self-evaluation in H2SO4 HRIS support the development of their team
underscores the company's dedication members.
to empowering individuals, driving
performance excellence, and achieving
strategic objectives.
¯Ä¤-§ÜU¯§٪§-ÜU-Ý Incorporating support for different
evaluation periods within the H2SO4
HRIS is a strategic initiative aimed at
Enabling supervisor review of
providing flexibility and customization
employee Key Performance Indicators
to meet the diverse needs of
(KPIs) within the H2SO4 HRIS is a
organizations. By offering this feature,
strategic initiative aimed at fostering
H2SO4 empowers organizations to
effective performance management
conduct performance evaluations at
and driving organizational success. By
intervals that align with their unique
incorporating this feature, H2SO4
business cycles, operational
empowers supervisors to assess and
requirements, and performance
provide feedback on the performance
management practices. This aligns
of their team members systematically.
seamlessly with the company's vision of

delivering innovative HR solutions that fairness in the evaluation process, as it

enable clients to optimize their ensures that feedback is well-rounded

workforce and achieve their strategic and reflects diverse viewpoints.

objectives. Support for different

evaluation periods in H2SO4 HRIS -jj٪ħÜ-
allows organizations to define and
implement performance review cycles Implementing a bell curve functionality
that suit their specific needs. Whether within the H2SO4 HRIS is a strategic
organizations prefer annual, initiative aimed at promoting fairness,
semi-annual, quarterly, or even objectivity, and performance
continuous performance evaluations, differentiation in the evaluation and
the system provides the necessary tools appraisal process. The bell curve, also
and capabilities to facilitate the process known as the forced ranking or
effectively. This flexibility enables performance distribution curve, allows
organizations to adapt their organizations to assess and rank
performance management practices to employee performance relative to their
changing business conditions, evolving peers, typically resulting in a distribution
industry trends, and shifting where a certain percentage of
organizational priorities. employees are rated as top performers,
a majority fall within the average range,

MULTIPLE and a smaller percentage are rated as

§-ÜU-Ý-§¯ low performers. By incorporating this

feature, H2SO4 empowers organizations
to ensure fairness and objectivity in
Support for multiple reviewers in
performance evaluations, encourage
H2SO4 HRIS allows organizations to
differentiation among employees, drive
designate various individuals, such as
performance improvement, and
direct supervisors, team leaders, peers,
support succession planning initiatives.
and cross-functional collaborators, to
Overall, implementing the bell curve
participate in the performance
functionality within the H2SO4 HRIS
evaluation process. Each reviewer can
reflects the company's commitment to
provide unique insights and
delivering comprehensive HR solutions
perspectives on an employee's
that promote fairness, objectivity, and
performance, contributing to a more
performance excellence, ultimately
comprehensive assessment.
driving organizational success.
Additionally, involving multiple
reviewers promotes accountability and

Implementing a KPI allowance within the importance of achieving KPIs that
the H2SO4 HRIS is a strategic endeavor directly impact organizational success.
designed to incentivize employees Moreover, offering a KPI allowance
towards achieving key performance demonstrates the organization's
indicators (KPIs) and fostering commitment to recognizing and
organizational success. The KPI rewarding employee contributions,
allowance, integrated as part of fostering higher levels of engagement,
performance-based compensation, job satisfaction, and retention. Overall,
serves as a powerful tool to reward the integration of a KPI allowance
employees for their contribution to within the H2SO4 HRIS underscores
meeting or exceeding predetermined the company's dedication to delivering
performance targets. By incorporating comprehensive HR solutions that
this feature, H2SO4 enables empower organizations to optimize
organizations to align employee workforce performance and achieve
incentives with strategic objectives, their strategic goals effectively.
cultivating a culture of performance
excellence and driving overall business
performance. This initiative not only
motivates employees to consistently
perform at their best but also reinforces

Implementing robust training and development functionality within the H2SO4 HRIS is a
strategic initiative aimed at nurturing talent, enhancing employee skills, and driving
organizational growth. By incorporating this feature, H2SO4 empowers organizations to
create a culture of continuous learning and development, enabling employees to acquire
new skills, advance their careers, and contribute more effectively to the organization's
success. The training and development functionality within H2SO4 HRIS offers a
comprehensive platform for planning, managing, and tracking employee learning
initiatives. It facilitates the creation and delivery of personalized training programs, allowing
organizations to address specific skill gaps and development needs across different roles
and departments. Additionally, the system enables organizations to track employee
progress, assess training effectiveness, and measure the impact of learning initiatives on
performance and productivity. By providing employees with access to relevant training
resources and opportunities for growth, H2SO4 HRIS helps organizations attract and retain
top talent, foster a culture of innovation, and maintain a competitive edge in today's
dynamic business environment. Overall, implementing robust training and development
functionality within H2SO4 HRIS reflects the company's commitment to delivering
comprehensive HR solutions that support talent development, drive employee
engagement, and contribute to organizational success.

¯O-%Äj-§ ¯¯UGv٪½§Uv-§¯٪
Implementing a training scheduler Implementing the functionality to
within the H2SO4 HRIS is a strategic assign trainers within the H2SO4 HRIS
initiative aimed at streamlining the is a strategic initiative aimed at
planning, coordination, and streamlining the training management
management of employee training process and ensuring effective
programs. This feature enables communication between stakeholders.
organizations to efficiently schedule By incorporating this feature, H2SO4
and track training sessions, ensuring empowers organizations to efficiently
that employees have access to the allocate trainers to specific training
necessary resources and opportunities sessions and notify them of their
for skill development. By incorporating responsibilities. This helps ensure that
the training scheduler, H2SO4 the right trainers are available for each
empowers organizations to optimize session and that employees receive
their training processes, minimize high-quality instruction.
scheduling conflicts, and maximize the
effectiveness of learning initiatives. The ½§UvUvG٪t½-§Uj¯
training scheduler within H2SO4 HRIS
Incorporating a feature for managing
offers a user-friendly interface for
training materials within the H2SO4
administrators to create training
HRIS is a strategic initiative aimed at
events, assign trainers, designate
centralizing and organizing resources
locations, and specify participant
to support employee learning and
development. By integrating this
functionality, H2SO4 empowers
organizations to efficiently store,

manage, and distribute training training courses or achieved proficiency
materials such as presentations, in particular skills or competencies.
documents, videos, and e-learning Administrators can record certificate
modules. The training materials feature with relevant details such as employee
within H2SO4 HRIS provides a name, course title, completion date,
centralized repository where and organization branding, ensuring
administrators can upload and that each certificate is personalized
categorize training resources based on and reflects the employee's
topics, departments, or training accomplishments accurately.
programs. This allows employees to
easily access relevant materials ½§UvUvG٪§-ÜU-ݯ٪
whenever they need to enhance their
skills or knowledge. The training reviews feature within
H2SO4 HRIS allows trainees to provide
½§Uv--٪¯¯UGv feedback on various aspects of training,
including course content, instructor
The trainee assign feature within effectiveness, training materials, and
H2SO4 HRIS provides administrators overall learning experience. Trainees can
with a user-friendly interface to assign submit reviews, enabling honest and
employees to relevant training constructive feedback that helps
opportunities. Administrators can identify areas for improvement and
easily select trainees from employee areas of strength. Implementing
records or designated groups and training reviews functionality within
assign them to specific training H2SO4 HRIS reflects the company's
sessions or programs. This ensures that commitment to delivering
employees receive personalized comprehensive HR solutions that
development opportunities that align support talent development, foster a
with their career goals and culture of learning, and drive
performance improvement plans. organizational success. By collecting
and analyzing feedback from trainers,
organizations can optimize training
½§Uv--٪¯¯UGv programs, enhance employee
engagement, and ultimately achieve
The training certificates and awards
their strategic objectives more
feature within H2SO4 HRIS provides
administrators with tools to generate
and distribute certificates to employees
who have successfully completed

Implementing grievance handling module within the H2SO4 HRIS is a strategic initiative
aimed at providing employees with a structured and transparent process for addressing
workplace concerns and resolving conflicts. By integrating this feature, H2SO4 empowers
organizations to establish a fair and efficient mechanism for managing grievances,
promoting employee satisfaction, and maintaining a positive work environment.

The grievance handling feature within H2SO4 HRIS allows employees to submit grievances
or complaints electronically through a secure and confidential platform. Employees can
outline the details of their grievance, including the nature of the issue, relevant parties
involved, and desired resolution. This streamlines the process of reporting grievances and
ensures that all relevant information is captured accurately. Furthermore, the system
enables HR administrators or designated personnel to manage grievances effectively by
assigning them to the appropriate stakeholders for investigation and resolution. Overall,
implementing grievance handling functionality within H2SO4 HRIS reflects the company's
commitment to promoting a supportive and inclusive work environment where employees
feel valued and respected. By providing a structured process for addressing grievances,
organizations can proactively manage workplace conflicts, prevent escalation of issues, and
foster trust and confidence among employees.

G§U-Üv-٪Ov%jUvG UvF§t٪½٪OUGO-§٪
Implementing a grievance handling Implementing functionality within the
hierarchy within the H2SO4 HRIS is a H2SO4 HRIS to inform higher
strategic initiative aimed at management levels about grievance
establishing clear lines of responsibility escalations is a strategic initiative aimed
and accountability for addressing at ensuring transparency,
employee grievances in a timely and accountability, and timely resolution of
effective manner. By integrating this employee concerns. By integrating this
feature, H2SO4 empowers feature, H2SO4 empowers organizations
organizations to define a structured to establish clear communication
process for managing grievances, channels for escalating grievances to
ensuring that they are handled higher levels of management when
consistently and transparently across necessary.
all levels of the organization. The
grievance handling hierarchy within
H2SO4 HRIS typically consists of
multiple tiers or levels for handling
Implementing bypass levels within the
grievances. At the first level, employees
H2SO4 HRIS is a strategic initiative
may be encouraged to address minor
aimed at providing flexibility in the
grievances directly with their
grievance handling process to address
immediate supervisor or manager.
urgent or critical issues that require
Additionally, the system enables HR
expedited resolution. By integrating this
administrators or designated personnel
feature, H2SO4 empowers organizations
to oversee the grievance handling
to define alternative escalation paths
process. Administrators may have
that allow certain grievances to bypass
access to tools and reports within the
standard hierarchical levels and be
HRIS to monitor the status of
addressed directly by higher
management or designated

The action taken review functionality the resolution process. This allows
within H2SO4 HRIS enables organizations to assess the impact of
organizations to conduct periodic their grievance handling efforts,
reviews of grievance resolution identify trends or patterns in employee
outcomes, including the actions taken feedback, and make data-driven
to address employee concerns, the decisions to enhance the effectiveness
effectiveness of those actions, and the of future grievance resolutions.
overall satisfaction of employees with

Implementing a fingerprint-based token system for meal management within the H2SO4
HRIS is a strategic initiative aimed at enhancing security, efficiency, and convenience in
managing employee meal allowances or subsidized meal programs. The fingerprint-based
token system within H2SO4 HRIS utilizes biometric authentication technology to link
employees' unique fingerprints to their meal allowances. Employees can access meal types
by simply scanning their fingerprints at designated terminals or devices. A meal token
system is a structured approach used in various settings, such as schools, workplaces, and
institutions, to manage the distribution of meals to individuals in an organized manner. The
system involves the use of tokens, which can be physical or digital, to represent a meal or a
specified meal allowance. Meal token system streamlines the process of meal distribution,
promotes fairness, and helps institutions efficiently manage their meal services.

H2SO4 Meal token system is a fully automated and feature-rich system. It is an advanced
version of the traditional meal token system, that utilizes biometric technology, specifically
fingerprints, to manage meal distribution. Users can select their meal plan and get printed
token in real-time from the connected printer. In this system, individuals entitled to meals
enroll by having their unique fingerprints scanned and stored securely. When it's time for a
meal, users simply place their finger on a scanner. The system matches the fingerprint with
stored data, verifying the person's eligibility. This eliminates the need for physical tokens
like cards or vouchers, making the process efficient and secure. Key benefits include
enhanced security due to the uniqueness of fingerprints, accurate real-time tracking of
meal consumption, and the ability to customize meal plans for different groups. It's
user-friendly, scalable to accommodate varying user volumes, and often offers integration
and reporting features.

Implementing biometric and grant access to their meal
authentication within the meal token allowances. By incorporating biometric
system of H2SO4 HRIS is a cutting-edge authentication into the meal token
approach to enhancing security, system, H2SO4 ensures that only
accuracy, and efficiency in managing authorized employees can access their
employee meal allowances. Biometric meal allowances, significantly reducing
authentication utilizes unique the risk of fraud or misuse. Moreover,
physiological characteristics such as biometric authentication offers a
fingerprints to verify the identity of seamless and user-friendly experience,
individuals accessing the meal token eliminating the need for physical
system. tokens or passwords and streamlining
In the H2SO4 HRIS meal token system, the meal distribution process.
employees' fingerprints are enrolled
and securely stored in the system's
database. When employees wish to
access their meal allowances, they
A real-time token system within the
simply scan their fingerprints at
H2SO4 HRIS meal management
designated terminals or devices
module is a dynamic approach to
connected to the HRIS platform. The
managing employee meal allowances
system then matches the scanned
or subsidized meal programs. This
fingerprints with the stored biometric
system operates instantaneously,
data to authenticate the user's identity
providing employees with immediate

access to their meal token as soon as enhancing employee satisfaction and
they are allocated or updated in the optimizing meal management
HRIS platform. The H2SO4 HRIS processes.
real-time token system allows
employees to instantly retrieve their
printed meal tokens via the printer,
eliminating any delays or wait times.
This will decrease congestion in the
cafeteria area, as employees can obtain
The daily meal plan report, or kitchen
their meal tokens before a specified
report, within the H2SO4 HRIS is a vital
tool for efficiently managing meal
preparation and service. This report
į-§‫ف‬F§U-v%jã٪v% provides kitchen staff and
t%-§vUí-%٪ management with a comprehensive
-â¤-§U-v- overview of meal schedules, menu
items, ingredient requirements, and
Providing a user-friendly and
dietary considerations for the day.
modernized experience within the
Additionally, information on employee
H2SO4 HRIS meal token system is
dietary preferences and restrictions
pivotal for ensuring employee
ensures that meals are tailored to
satisfaction and efficient meal
individual needs, promoting
management. By incorporating
satisfaction and well-being. With
intuitive design principles and
insights into meal counts, the report
contemporary features, the system
facilitates effective resource
enhances accessibility and usability for
management and helps minimize
employees across various modern
waste. Overall, the daily meal plan
technologies. Moreover, the system
report plays a crucial role in ensuring
leverages innovative technologies, such
smooth operations and delivering
as biometric authentication and
high-quality meal services that meet
real-time tokens to streamline
the diverse needs of employees within
processes and provide employees with
the organization.
seamless access to their meal
allowances. Overall, by prioritizing
user-friendliness and modernization,
the H2SO4 HRIS meal token system
delivers a contemporary and
streamlined experience, ultimately

The meal management system within tailored and satisfying dining
H2SO4 HRIS provides employees with a experience. Through the self-select
diverse array of meal options meal types feature, employees have the
throughout the day, ensuring they have flexibility to customize their meals
access to satisfying and nutritious food according to their preferences for
choices. Beginning with breakfast, breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, and
employees can choose from a variety of more. Whether they prefer traditional
options ranging from classic favourites favourites, healthier options, or specific
to healthier selections to fuel their day cuisines, employees can select meal
ahead. types that best suit their tastes and
The system enables users to choose dietary requirements.
various types of meals using the
biometric device's function keys. If an
employee opts for lunch, they can then
select Fish, Chicken, Egg, or another
option as a secondary choice. These
selections allow management to
generate reports for lunch preparation,
and at the end of the month, all
quantities can be linked to payroll

The self-select meal types feature
within the H2SO4 HRIS empowers
employees to personalize their dining
experience by choosing their preferred
meal options from a variety of offerings.
This functionality allows employees to
select meal types based on their
individual tastes, dietary preferences,
and nutritional needs, ensuring a more

The medical and insurance module within H2SO4 HRIS offers a comprehensive platform for
managing employee healthcare benefits and insurance coverage as reimbursement.
Through this module, employees can easily enroll in medical plans, select insurance
coverage options, and access healthcare services. HR administrators benefit from
streamlined processes for managing plans, processing claims, and integrate with the
payroll. By centralizing medical and insurance management within the HRIS platform,
organizations can improve efficiency, enhance employee satisfaction, and optimize
healthcare benefits administration. Overall, the medical and insurance module plays a
crucial role in supporting employee health and well-being while ensuring compliance and
cost-effectiveness for the organization.
§-Utħ¯-t-v½¯ Uv¯Ä§v-٪§-jUt
The medical reimbursement module The insurance reclaim functionality
within H2SO4 HRIS simplifies the within H2SO4 HRIS streamlines the
process of claiming reimbursement for process of reimbursing employees for
eligible medical expenses, offering insuarance covered expenses, offering a
employees a convenient and efficient convenient and transparent system for
way to submit their out-of-pocket submitting and processing insurance
healthcare costs. Employees can easily claims. HR administrators review and
submit receipts or provide details of approve claims, ensuring compliance
their expenses to the designated.HR with insurance policies and regulatory
administrators review the submissions requirements before initiating
to ensure compliance with company reimbursement. This module not only
policies and regulatory requirements, provides employees with visibility into
before approving and processing the status of their claims but also offers
reimbursements. This module not only reporting tools for HR administrators to
provides employees with timely monitor claim activity and trends.
reimbursement for their medical
expenses but also offers tracking and ¤㧁jj٪Uv½-G§½Uv
reporting capabilities to monitor the
status of reimbursement requests. By The payroll integration feature within

integrating with payroll systems, H2SO4 HRIS facilitates seamless

approved reimbursements can be synchronization between the HRIS

seamlessly disbursed to employees, platform and the organization's payroll

further enhancing the efficiency of the system. By integrating payroll

process. Overall, the medical functionality directly into the HRIS,

reimbursement module enhances organizations can streamline payroll

employee satisfaction, reduces processes, enhance accuracy, and

administrative burden, and improve efficiency. This integration

underscores the organization's allows for the automatic transfer of

commitment to supporting employee employee data, including medical and

well-being. insuarance information, from the HRIS

to the payroll system. Additionally, it
enables HR administrators to make
updates and changes to employee
records in real-time, ensuring that

payroll information remains up-to-date relocation, and flexible spending
and accurate. By eliminating manual accounts. HR administrators efficiently
data entry and reducing the risk of review and approve these claims,
errors, the payroll integration feature ensuring adherence to company
saves time, reduces administrative policies and compliance regulations.
burden, and minimizes payroll-related By providing employees with
discrepancies. opportunities for reimbursement
across different categories, H2SO4 HRIS
%UFF-§-v½٪¯O-t-¯ fosters a supportive work environment
that values employee well-being,
H2SO4 HRIS offers a range of professional growth, and seamless
reimbursement schemes tailored to operational efficiency. Overall, these
meet the diverse needs of employees reimbursement schemes play a crucial
and the requirements of the role in enhancing employee
organization. These schemes satisfaction, promoting engagement,
encompass various aspects such as and contributing to the organization's
expense reimbursement, medical overall success.
expenses, travel costs, education,


Printing company IDs through H2SO4 HRIS streamlines the process of issuing secure and
standardized identification for employees. This feature allows authorized users to generate
IDs directly from the system, selecting employees and customizing employee information
as needed. With options to include employee details and company branding elements,
users can ensure that IDs adhere to organizational standards while also providing accurate
identification. The ability to preview IDs before printing helps minimize errors and ensures
that each ID meets the required specifications. Once printed, IDs can be distributed
efficiently to employees, facilitating secure access and identification within the workplace.
By integrating ID printing capabilities into H2SO4 HRIS, organizations can enhance
security, promote consistency, and simplify the process of issuing company IDs for
HRIS helps maintain a professional
Selecting employees within H2SO4
appearance across all employee IDs.
HRIS is a foundational step for printing
The preview feature allows users to
company IDs. The platform typically
review changes before finalizing,
offers intuitive functionality for
ensuring that uploaded photos meet
selecting employees based on different
organizational standards. Overall, this
criteria, facilitating streamlined
feature contributes to a more visually
workflows and efficient management.
cohesive and user-friendly HRIS
Users can select employees individually
experience, facilitating easy
or in bulk, filtering them based on
identification and recognition of
attributes like department, location,
employees within the organization.
job title, or custom fields. Additionally,
advanced search and filter options may
be available to refine selections further. ¤§Uv½٪U%٪§%
This flexibility empowers users to target
The ID card printing functionality
specific groups of employees or
within the H2SO4 system is a highly
Individual. Overall, the ability to select
advantageous feature that serves to
employees within H2SO4 HRIS
alleviate the human resources
enhances user experience and enables
workload within the organization.
effective management of ID card
Designated personnel with appropriate
printing feature.
authorization have the capability to
produce ID cards directly within the
Ĥj%٪v%٪§-¯Uí- system, utilizing the information
EMPLOYEE PHOTO already stored within it. Prior to
finalizing the printing process, users
Uploading and resizing employee
have the option to preview the
photos in H2SO4 HRIS is a user-friendly
generated IDs, ensuring accuracy and
process that enhances the visual
quality. The dimensions for printing
appeal and functionality of employee
adhere to the standardized size
profiles. With intuitive options available
specifications for global ID cards,
within the platform, users can
ensuring compatibility and uniformity.
seamlessly upload photos and make
Additionally, users have the flexibility to
necessary adjustments to ensure
either provide the generated template
consistency and uniformity. By
to an external printing partner or utilize
providing the capability to resize and
an in-house printer for the printing
crop photos to fit predefined
process, offering convenience and
dimensions or aspect ratios, H2SO4

The meeting schedule feature within H2SO4 HRIS offers a comprehensive solution for
organizing and managing organizational meetings efficiently. Through this feature, HR
administrators and managers can seamlessly schedule meetings through the system will
apprar on the individuals self service portal. Automated notifications ensure that
participants are informed about upcoming meetings. By centralizing meeting scheduling
and management, H2SO4 HRIS enhances communication, coordination, and productivity
across the organization, ultimately contributing to more effective decision-making and
workflow management.
administrators can create and maintain
The meeting scheduler tool embedded
detailed participant lists by filtering the
within H2SO4 HRIS serves as a pivotal
employee list from the system. The
resource for optimizing the
selected participants visible the
organization's meeting management
invitation, date and link for the meeting
process. This intuitive feature
or venue through the self-service portal.
empowers HR administrators and
managers to seamlessly plan and
coordinate meetings with precision
and efficiency. With its user-friendly
interface, scheduling meetings
becomes a streamlined task.
Ultimately, by centralizing meeting
planning within the H2SO4 HRIS
platform, organizations can foster
enhanced collaboration, productivity,
and effectiveness in their meeting
practices, driving overall operational
success and alignment with strategic

The "Manage Participants" feature in
H2SO4 HRIS streamlines the
organization and oversight of
participants across various
organizational events, meetings, and
training sessions. This functionality
offers a centralized platform for HR
administrators and event organizers to
efficiently handle participant lists, and
provide relevant information about the
meeting. Through this feature,

Company news and individual notices are integral components of the communication
framework within H2SO4 HRIS, serving to keep employees informed and engaged with
relevant updates and information. Company news broadcasts critical announcements,
organizational changes, and upcoming events to the entire workforce, fostering
transparency and alignment with company goals. On the other hand, individual notices
enable targeted communication, allowing HR administrators and managers to deliver
personalized messages and reminders tailored to specific employee needs or
circumstances. By utilizing these features, organizations can cultivate a culture of open
communication, ensure that employees are well-informed about important developments,
and promote engagement across all levels of the workforce. Additionally, viwing news and
notice to employees via self-service portal streamlines information dissemination,
enhancing efficiency and facilitating a cohesive and informed workforce
development, personalized messages
Incorporating images with news
demonstrate a genuine interest in
articles enhances engagement and
employees' well-being and growth.
comprehension, making it a valuable
Personalized messages contribute to a
addition to H2SO4 HRIS's
more inclusive and supportive work
communication arsenal. By including
environment, where employees feel
relevant visuals alongside company
valued, understood, and motivated to
updates, announcements, or
contribute their best.
achievements, HR administrators can
effectively capture employees'
attention and convey information more Uv%UÜU%Äj‫ؙ‬٪tÄj½U¤j-
effectively. Whether showcasing event §٪¯-j-½٪jj٪FUjU½ã
highlights, recognizing employee
accomplishments, or illustrating The individual, multiple, or select all
organizational milestones, images add facility within the news and messages
depth and context to news articles, feature of H2SO4 HRIS revolutionizes
making them more memorable and internal communication by offering
impactful. tailored options for disseminating
information across the organization.

¤-§¯vjUí-%٪ With individual selection, users can

deliver personalized messages to
MESSAGES address specific employee needs or
circumstances, fostering a sense of
Personalized messages within H2SO4
individualized attention and
HRIS serve as a powerful tool for
engagement. Multiple selection
fostering meaningful connections and
enables efficient group
engagement between employees and
communication, allowing users to
the organization. By tailoring
reach targeted segments of the
communications to address individual
workforce with relevant updates or
needs, achievements, and concerns, HR
announcements. Meanwhile, the select
administrators and managers can
all option ensures broad coverage by
create a more personalized employee
enabling users to broadcast important
experience. Whether it's recognizing
messages to the entire organization,
accomplishments, providing support
ensuring consistency and alignment
during challenging times, or offering
across all levels. Together, these
opportunities for professional


features empower HR administrators freshness and accuracy of content,
and managers to communicate preventing users from accessing
effectively, fostering a transparent and outdated or irrelevant information. This
informed workplace culture where approach not only enhances user
employees feel connected and valued. experience by keeping the interface
clutter-free but also promotes
compliance and accuracy by removing
-â¤U§-٪%½- expired policies or announcements
Implementing expiry dates for news
and messages within H2SO4 HRIS
streamlines communication by
ensuring that only relevant and
up-to-date information is accessible to
employees. By setting expiration dates,
HR administrators can maintain the



Document management module within

offers a
accessing critical documents essential for
Document storage functionality within
H2SO4 HRIS allows organizations to
HR and organizational operations. By efficiently store and manage
centralizing document storage, the documents and records. This feature
platform ensures that users can easily enables HR administrators to securely
locate and retrieve important files such as store valuable documents, ensuring
employee records, policies, and training compliance with access policies. By
materials. Security measures safeguard leveraging document storage
sensitive documents, while collaboration capabilities, organizations can
tools facilitate seamless teamwork in streamline document management
document creation and review.
processes, maintain compliance with
regulatory requirements, and preserve
valuable historical information for
future reference and audit purposes. H2SO4 HRIS enhances document
accessibility and usability, enabling

jÄ%٪¯½§G- users to effortlessly access and retrieve

important documents from the system.
Integrating cloud storage functionality This functionality empowers
into H2SO4 HRIS revolutionizes employees to conveniently download
document management by providing or view documents if they have
organizations with a secure, accessible, permissions.
and scalable solution for storing and
managing their critical documents.
With cloud storage services like Google
(.doc, .xls, .ppt, .jpeg, .mpeg or any)
Drive, HR departments can streamline
document storage processes, H2SO4 HRIS supports a wide range of
centralizing files into a single, easily file formats, including .doc, .xls, .ppt,
accessible repository. .jpeg, .mpeg, and many others. This
broad compatibility ensures that
DOCUMENT administrators can upload documents
¤-§tU¯¯Uv¯ in various formats, depending on their
specific needs and preferences.
Document permissions within H2SO4 Whether it's a Word document, Excel
HRIS empower organizations to finely spreadsheet, PowerPoint presentation,
control access to sensitive information, image file, video file, or any other
ensuring data security and compliance format, users can easily access and
with privacy regulations. By defining retrieve documents from the system
access levels and permissions for each with just a few clicks. This flexibility
document, HR administrators can enables seamless document
restrict who can view rights to management and collaboration,
authorized individuals, supervisors or allowing users to work with documents
all. This granular control allows in the format that best suits their
organizations to protect confidential requirements.
data while promoting collaboration
among team members.

The employee tasks module within H2SO4 HRIS offers a comprehensive solution for managing
and tracking tasks efficiently across the organization. With this feature, HR administrators can
easily create tasks, assign them to employees, and set deadlines, ensuring clear expectations
and accountability. By categorizing tasks by priority levels and divide to subordinates,
employees can effectively prioritize their workload and manage their time more efficiently.
Overall, the employee tasks functionality enhances productivity, collaboration, and
accountability within the organization, ultimately contributing to its success.
Creating and assigning tasks within distributed according to each person's
H2SO4 HRIS streamlines the process of skills and expertise. Moreover, the
delegating responsibilities and ability to set dependencies between
tracking progress across the subtasks helps maintain workflow
organization. With a user-friendly integrity and ensures that tasks are
interface, HR administrators can completed in the correct sequence.
effortlessly create tasks, specifying key
details such as descriptions, due dates,
and priority levels. Assigning tasks to
individual employees or groups is
equally intuitive, ensuring that
responsibilities are clearly
Task assign hierarchy in H2SO4 HRIS
communicated and allocated.
establishes a structured approach to
delegating tasks within the
¯Ä½¯g¯٪Äv%-§٪ organization, ensuring clarity,

THE MAIN TASK accountability, and efficiency in task

management. This hierarchy typically
The capability to create subtasks within follows a top-down approach, where
the main task in H2SO4 HRIS offers a tasks originate from higher-level
structured and efficient approach to managers or supervisors and are
managing complex projects or tasks. cascaded down to lower-level
This feature enables users to break employees based on roles,
down larger objectives into smaller, responsibilities, and expertise.
more manageable components, Managers and supervisors hold the
facilitating clearer delegation, authority to create and assign tasks to
organization, and tracking of work. By their direct reports or team members,
assigning specific subtasks to considering factors such as team
individual team members, structure, skill sets, and project
organizations can ensure that requirements.
responsibilities are clearly defined and

In H2SO4 HRIS, deadlines and H2SO4 HRIS offers invaluable insights
notifications play a pivotal role in into the progress and status of ongoing
ensuring timely task completion and projects or assignments. By providing a
facilitating effective communication comprehensive overview of tasks that
within the organization. This feature have been completed and those that
allows HR administrators and are still pending, this functionality
managers to set deadlines for tasks, empowers managers and team
projects, or goals, ensuring that members to monitor productivity,
employees have clear expectations identify bottlenecks, and allocate
regarding timelines and deliverables. resources more effectively. Completed
Additionally, notifications are tasks serve as a testament to the team's
automatically generated and sent to accomplishments, while pending tasks
relevant stakeholders to alert them highlight areas that require attention
about upcoming deadlines, task or additional support. With this
assignments, or changes in task status. visibility, stakeholders can prioritize
their efforts, address outstanding tasks
promptly, and ensure that projects stay
on schedule.


Notifications in H2SO4 HRIS are an essential feature designed to keep users informed about
relevant updates, tasks, and events within the system. These notifications are delivered in
real-time through various channels such as email, SMS, and in-app alerts, ensuring that users
stay connected and up-to-date wherever they are. The system sends notifications for a wide
range of activities, including Leave, tasks, upcoming birthdays and more. By leveraging
notifications in H2SO4 HRIS, users can stay informed about important information and take
timely action, improving communication, collaboration, and productivity across the
organization. Additionally, notifications help to streamline workflow processes, ensure
accountability, and facilitate effective task management. Overall, notifications play a crucial
role in enhancing user experience and maximizing the value of H2SO4 HRIS for organizations.

The notifications in H2SO4 are as follows.

Email Notifications | SMS Notifications | In-app Notifications

Permission management in H2SO4 HRIS is a fundamental aspect of ensuring data security and
maintaining organizational integrity. By implementing role-based access control (RBAC) and
granular permissions, administrators can precisely define the level of access granted to each
user or user group. This approach enables organizations to align permissions with specific job
roles and responsibilities, ensuring that users only have access to the information and
functionalities relevant to their duties. With the ability to assign permissions dynamically and
enforce security policies, H2SO4 HRIS helps mitigate the risk of unauthorized access and data
breaches. Additionally, audit trails provide transparency and accountability by tracking user
activities and changes to permissions. Overall, effective permission management in H2SO4
HRIS promotes data confidentiality, integrity, and compliance with regulatory requirements,
ultimately contributing to a secure and well-governed digital environment for the organization.
The audit tracker in H2SO4 HRIS is a robust tool designed to monitor and record user activities
within the system. It maintains a comprehensive log of all user interactions, including
login/logout events, data access, modifications, and other system activities. The audit tracker
captures essential details such as the user's identity, timestamp of the activity, the specific
action performed, and any relevant data changes.
This feature provides organizations with valuable insights into system usage and helps ensure
data integrity, security, and compliance with regulatory standards. Administrators can leverage
the audit tracker to track user behavior, detect unauthorized access or suspicious activities, and
investigate potential security incidents. Additionally, the audit trail serves as an invaluable tool
for conducting internal audits, addressing compliance requirements, and generating reports
for regulatory purposes.
By maintaining a detailed record of user actions and system events, the audit tracker enhances
transparency, accountability, and governance within the organization. It enables organizations
to identify and mitigate risks, maintain the integrity of their data, and uphold trust and
confidence in their HRIS platform. Overall, the audit tracker in H2SO4 HRIS plays a crucial role
in promoting security, compliance, and effective management of organizational data assets.

Reports in H2SO4 HRIS serve as essential tools for organizations to gain valuable insights into
various HR processes and activities. These reports provide a comprehensive view of key metrics,
enabling stakeholders to evaluate performance, track trends, and identify areas for
improvement. With standard reports, configurable reporting capabilities, users can tailor their
analyses to meet specific needs and objectives. Additionally, advanced analytics features
enable users to delve deeper into data, uncovering patterns and correlations that drive strategic
HR initiatives. Overall, reports in H2SO4 HRIS empower organizations to leverage data
effectively, optimize HR processes, and achieve their business objectives.
The support ticket system within H2SO4 HRIS streamlines the process of handling user
inquiries, technical issues, and assistance requests by providing a centralized platform for
submission, tracking, and resolution of tickets. Users can easily submit tickets detailing their
concerns. Throughout the ticket lifecycle, users receive updates and notifications, allowing
them to track the status of their requests in real-time. The system also includes escalation
procedures to ensure that critical issues are addressed promptly, along with integration with a
knowledge base to facilitate quicker resolutions. This system enhances user satisfaction,
promotes transparency, and enables efficient issue resolution within the organization.
011 211 8135 info@rabbit.lk


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