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Incentives in Adopting Cloud Computing For Shaikh Zayed University, Khost Afghanistan

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Journal for Research in Applied Sciences ISSN: 2583-4053

and Biotechnology Volume-2 Issue-3 || June 2023 || PP. 7-11

www.jrasb.com https://doi.org/10.55544/jrasb.2.3.2

Incentives in Adopting Cloud Computing for Shaikh Zayed University,

Khost Afghanistan
Nasim Jan Taniwall1, Samiullah Hassan2, Habibullah Sulaimanzai3, Muhammad Sharif Haider4 and Salih Khan
Department of Information Technology, Faculty of Computer Science, Shaikh Zayed University, Khost AFGHANISTAN.
Department of Information Technology, Faculty of Computer Science, Shaikh Zayed University, Khost AFGHANISTAN.
Department of Information Technology, Faculty of Computer Science, Shaikh Zayed University, Khost AFGHANISTAN.
Department of Information Technology, Faculty of Computer Science, Shaikh Zayed University, Khost AFGHANISTAN.
Department of Information System, Faculty of Computer Science, Shaikh Zayed University, Khost AFGHANISTAN.

Corresponding Author: Nasim Jan Taniwall

www.jrasb.com || Vol. 2 No. 3 (2023): June Issue

Received: 03-05-2023 Revised: 23-05-2023 Accepted: 31-05-2023


Teaching in these days is almost regarded impossible without the Information Technology resources which needs a
great amount of investments in this sector, there are a huge number of educational institutions which cannot afford these IT
investments. Many institutions are in search of a cheap and economic way of delivering and managing these resources mainly in
the Asian countries. Among such solutions, it is debated that Cloud computing is the right choice to reduce the expenses of the
institutions. This paper describes the common benefits of cloud computing for Shaikh Zayed University. To provide imported
and updated information and to deliver daily lectures on time, a physical structure such as (hardware and software) is needed.
To attain this objective, the researcher conducted qualitative data to collect the data. Data from different experts were collected
using the questionnaires in this field. The results of these survey showed that cloud computing had great role in reducing the
Costs, achieved a Collaborating environment and all time Availability.

Keywords- Incentive, Adoption, Cloud Computing, Shaikh Zayed University.


Cloud computing has become a topic of Shaikh Zayed University is one of the top
consideration due to its high computing power, cost ranking universities in Afghanistan which is located in
effectiveness, high performance, scalability, Khost province and expands to an area of Eight (8)
accessibility, availability and reliability. Cloud kilometers. It has twelve (12) faculties, seven thousand
one hundred and fifty (7,150) students from many
computing is also called Internet computing, it is the
provinces under the supervision of two hundred and fifty
process to provide services and resources from the cloud
(250) lecturers. Currently Shaikh Zayed University has
online on the Internet from anywhere at any time. There many challenges and problems such as students and
is a need for such services in every Higher Educational teachers do not have access to services anytime and
Institution in order to share, collaborate, and get access anywhere and also this university has faced economic
to information all the time. For this purpose I have problems to make their own IT infrastructures in such
selected my study area of Shaikh Zayed University. case or situation the cost will be increased, but nowadays

7 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Journal for Research in Applied Sciences ISSN: 2583-4053
and Biotechnology Volume-2 Issue-3 || June 2023 || PP. 7-11
www.jrasb.com https://doi.org/10.55544/jrasb.2.3.2

university of sheikh Zayed has limited budget. Shaikh effectiveness, high performance, scalability,
Zayed university has faced a lot of other problems like accessibility, availability and reliability. Cloud
the lake of collaboration between student and teacher as computing is also called Internet computing, is the
well as they cannot work as a team when they are in process to provide services and resources from the cloud
remote locations, they cannot view and share online on the Internet from anywhere at any time. In
information easily and securely. Also the other problem order to store data, it uses completely secure datacenters
of the current system, is that they have not outsourced which appears as a cloud[1]. In the past few years the
some of the services to other organizations. For cloud computing and virtualization has become very
outsourcing the organizations (third parties) have famous in the field of information technology. Cloud
professional employees responsible for handling a computing is now entered to the different portions of the
variety of configuration and management tasks for the society such as in education. Without modern
university. For instance, monitoring services and information technology it is impossible to train students
resources for some malicious activities, providing especially in technical institutions. But as universities
automated backup and archival. The University also have limited budgets and cannot afford updating
faced scalability issues i.e., whenever the university computer IT infrastructure and also the costs of software
wanted to extend its services, it was either difficult or used to keep students information, so they can adopt
totally impossible. cloud computing which can reduce their software and
hardware costs, application programs used during the
III. PROBLEM STATEMENTS training as well. There are different Cloud Services
Providers such as Google and Microsoft which provide
Due to the increased cost of physical hardware E-mail services and storing of private documents, this
and software, these has increased the challenges in results in good functionality in university system[2].
higher education of Afghanistan. Students and lecturers
do not have access to services anytime and anywhere, VIII. CLOUD SERVICE MODEL
lack of collaboration between students and lecturers etc.
Cloud Service Provider generally provide three
IV. RESEARCH QUESTIONS types of services such as SaaS, PaaS and IaaS which will
be describe in this portion of the paper.
4.1 What is cloud computing? • SaaS (Software as a Services): Software as a
4.2 What are the benefits of cloud computing adoption Service is a software distribution model in which
for university? applications are hosted by a cloud service provider and
made available to customer over Internet. These services
V. AIM can be a mail service, messaging services, storage
services and etc.[3].
The main goal of this research study is to • PaaS (Platform as a Services): This is a developer
identify the advantages by adopting cloud computing in programming platform which is created for the
Shaikh Zayed University. programmer to develop, test, run and manage the
applications regardless knowing of the underlying
platform. In this model programmer can use any kind of
programming language, writing any kind of application
in it.[3][1].
To fulfill the above-mentioned goal the
following sub-objectives has been formulated. • IaaS (Infrastructure as a Services): In this model
the customer organization outsources its IT
• To Reduce the cost of resources in the institution
infrastructure like Servers, Networking, Processing,
• To facilitate e-learning services.
Storage, Virtual machines and other over the Internet
• To facilitate collaborative work. with a pay-per use model. [4][3].
• To provide Services anywhere, anytime.
• To increase Scalability, flexibility and reliability.


Cloud computing is a model which provide
services according to the end user demands. Cloud
computing is referred to the use of remote servers which
are hosted on the internet in order to store, process and
manipulate data, in this the services are delivered over Figure 1: Shows the Cloud services model
the internet. Cloud computing has become of particular (Source: https://www.finoit.com/blog/cloud-computing-
consideration due to its high computing power, cost service-models/)
8 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Journal for Research in Applied Sciences ISSN: 2583-4053
and Biotechnology Volume-2 Issue-3 || June 2023 || PP. 7-11
www.jrasb.com https://doi.org/10.55544/jrasb.2.3.2

IX. CLOUD DEPLOYMENT MODEL storage and services you use. It decreases the
investments for IT infrastructures by pooling the
The deployment model of cloud computing resources through this you can achieve optimal usage of
includes Public cloud, Private cloud, community cloud hardware and software. This also enhances the
and the hybrid cloud. efficiency, effectiveness and availability. Instead of
• Public cloud: It allows accessibility of systems and purchasing individual or educational licenses for
services easily to everyone on the Internet. It is public software you can rent your software packages which will
means any customers, client organizations, industries be available online for a broad amount of users. This can
and many more can access it. significantly reduce the cost because you only spend
• Private cloud: Private Cloud allows accessibility of money on the service rather than the maintenance of
systems and services within the organization. Private hardware and software and their license. Due to cloud
cloud is operated only within a particular organization adoption there is no need for on premise IT
but managed internally by third party such as Google, infrastructure or datacenter, this also lessen power
Amazon or else. [1][3]. consumption and cooling equipment. Also the company
• Community Cloud Community Cloud: A type of will not spend money on hiring IT staff to maintain the
cloud that is shared among various organizations with IT infrastructure[2]
common resources. This is managed by a third party • Speed up collaboration: Cloud computing makes it
services and made available to on or off [5]. easy to collaborate, means teachers and students can
• Hybrid Cloud: Hybrid Cloud is the mixture of work as a team even if they are in remote locations over
Public and Private clouds, the organization internally use the cloud, they can view and share information easily
private cloud for critical activities and public cloud for and securely across the cloud platform. Cloud computing
non-critical activities. [3]. provides environment for students, teachers and
management staff to access information from their PCs
regardless of installing a specific program, all documents
are stored in a single place with unique format. This
provide flexibility and facilitates interdepartmental
collaboration. Forms, files, presentations can be edited at
the same time by different people from different
computers. Helps in quality improvement of information
and efficient tasks distribution by boosting feedback
Figure 2: Cloud Deployment Model • Information backup: Also called redundancy by
(Source: https://www.uniprint.net/en/7-types-cloud- software specialists; means the data is stored on many
computing-structures/) and different locations. The information storage by the
cloud computing is done in a large pool of servers
throughout the globe which results in high speed. With
X. THE BENEFITS OF CLOUD backups if a problem happens to a physical or virtual
COMPUTING FOR HIGHER server the data is still not lost and can be accessed [2].
EDUCATION • Disaster recovery: Means that the data is available
after physical or virtual failure or other problems
Cloud computing is a new technology happened. In cloud computing the data is stored on
nowadays and growing rapidly day by day, cloud multiple virtual servers in multiple locations. This saves
computing is extremely vital for education’s area. I a lot of time and expenses for the university. In all kinds
would like to mention some benefits of cloud computing of emergency situations cloud service providers provide
as follow. quick data recovery when disasters and power outages
• Availability: cloud computing provides services occurs [9].
24/7 without any concerns, the services are offered over • Outsourcing: Is the key benefit of cloud computing
the Internet accessible to all with a high speed, there will through which some of the functions of the IT
be no delay to make you ambiguous for the cloud department in a higher education is transfer to the cloud
computing services. Cloud computing allows students provider [2]. In Cloud environment, a system
and teachers taking online courses, examinations, administrator is responsible for handling a variety of
sending feedback, projects and homework anytime configuration and management tasks. For instance,
anywhere accessible by any device like PDA, PC, monitoring services and resources for some malicious
Laptop, mobile etc. But they must have access to the activity, providing automated backup and archival. As
internet[2][6]. the CC offers services in different service models
• Cost effective: Cloud computing reduce the cost for (Infrastructure as a Service, Platform as Service, and
hardware and software installation, upgrading and Software as a Services). The process of maintenance,
maintenance, you pay only for the virtual machines, management, and upgrading is responsibilities of the

9 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Journal for Research in Applied Sciences ISSN: 2583-4053
and Biotechnology Volume-2 Issue-3 || June 2023 || PP. 7-11
www.jrasb.com https://doi.org/10.55544/jrasb.2.3.2

Cloud provider or the third parties. The user is not higher institutions like universities and colleges. In our
responsible for managing or updating the underline case it is the Shaikh Zayed University. Additionally, we
infrastructure. In the case of using platform as a service, have also conducted survey in the form of questionnaires
customers are responsible for controlling their own which were distributed to the experts in the computer
services which they want to deploy in the Cloud science faculty as well as the students studying in this
environment and when an organization own field. After gathering these questionnaires, it was
Infrastructure as a service Cloud, then they can have a analyzed thoroughly for the adoption of these services.
control over the underline hardware, managing and
updating the overall infrastructure is still responsibilities XII. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
of Cloud providers [9].
• Scalability: Quickly build, deploy and manage Questionnaires which were gathered from
applications and users, ability to build and expand within various individuals were conducted based on their
minutes. You only have to pay for applications you need, degrees, level of Education and their responses to the
only the storage you need, only the virtual servers that advantages of the adoption of Cloud computing in
you use, you can grow as you need and at some points Sheikh Zayed University. The following pie chart shows
you can reduce. Based on the needs of the users, the the effectiveness of the advantages of Cloud computing
virtualized resources can be aligned up and down, we in terms of percentage of the people who have
can add more and more CPU or power to the existent participated in this survey. About 30 % percent of the
machines which is also known as vertical scaling. Load respondents were in favor of the advantage of bringing a
scalability is also known as the scaling of cloud collaborative environment. On the other hand 20 % of
resources[10][11] the expert showed that it is a cost effective method for
implementing it in a university. Another 30 % of the
XI. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY interviewees said that Availability of the cloud
infrastructure was the primary incentive. Finally, for the
We have conducted Literature Review related advantage of scalability and Outsourcing 10 % people
to the benefits of implementing the Cloud services in were in favor of adopting it in Shaikh Zayed University.

Figure 3: Percentage of responses in terms of advantages from Interviewees perspective.


Cloud computing has many advantages for As it is clear that every technology which is
educational institutions by providing SaaS, PaaS and designed for any system have Pros and Cons. As we
IaaS. The IT staff of educational institutions can free have discussed certain advantages of implementing the
from overburdened work such as maintenance, updates Cloud services, it is a need to conduct research on the
and etc. the rising demands of students from the campus disadvantages too in the future. It is a broad scope for
can be easily satisfied with the help of modern researchers to investigate those factors which obstruct
technology. The students of such system can have access the services of the Cloud in higher institutions.
to a shared environment through which they can easily
collaborate with each other without transferring files or REFERENCES
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Journal for Research in Applied Sciences ISSN: 2583-4053
and Biotechnology Volume-2 Issue-3 || June 2023 || PP. 7-11
www.jrasb.com https://doi.org/10.55544/jrasb.2.3.2

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