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UPD FactSheet

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Fact sheet 2024-2025
Student exchange program


Université Paris Dauphine- Academics
PSL at a glance Academic Calendar

— 1st semester: September to December

Université Paris Dauphine-PSL is a selective French university — 2nd semester: January to May
whose research and teaching spans across the entire field — Full academic year: September to May.
of the Organization and Decision Sciences, including
Management, Economics, Law, Political Science, Sociology,
— Resit exams (both semesters): June to early July

Computer Science and Applied Mathematics. The university For more details see annex 1
has an enrollment of almost 9,000 students.
Fields of study
Management, Economics, Law, Social Sciences, Mathematics
Université Paris Dauphine-PSL offers multidisciplinary study
and Computer Sciences.
programs at all levels (Bachelor, Master, PhD, Executive
Education). These programs are taught in English and French, Academic structure
rely on small-group instruction and are taught by highly — Bachelor: 3 years
qualified academics and professionals. — Master: 2 years
Located in the heart of Paris, Université Paris Dauphine-PSL
offers an exciting environment with a vibrant campus life,
— PhD
which gives students the opportunity to participate in a wide Class format
range of activities (sports, events, student associations, etc.). Combination of lecture and small group classes
Contacts Classes may start as early as the welcome week:
attendance is mandatory for the first class.
For Students Credits and grading system
— Student Exchange Office:
Université Paris Dauphine-PSL uses the European Credit
Transfer System (ECTS). The full-time workload per semester
— Specific programs (double degrees, joint courses, ...):
is 30 ECTS.
The grading system goes from 0 to 20:
— Courses registration and learning agreement: — 10 to 20 = pass
courses.exchange@dauphine.fr — 0 to 9.99 = fail
— Accommodation:
— https://psl.eu/.../accomodation-in-public-student-residencies The transcripts of records are sent directly to the student’s
— International Affairs Office webpage:
home institution (around 8 weeks after the exams).
French as a foreign language
For Partners Each semester, French as a Foreign Language courses are
— International partnerships:
offered, going from beginner to advanced levels (6 ECTS).

Welcome Week
Campus location At the beginning of each semester, we organize a Welcome
Week, during which we will introduce you to the university,
— Campus Dauphine: Université Paris Dauphine-PSL, courses, activities and student life in Paris.
Place du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny, 75775 Paris
We organise an intensive French Language seminar (24 hours
Cedex 16

- €200 - 3 ECTS) during the Welcome Week.

We do not accept letters from your home university as a
Nomination & application language certificate.

procedures Cost of living

Nomination procedure — Student accommodation: from €500 (double room) to
€800 (studio) per month
Partner institutions have to submit their nominations through
— Private accommodation: from €700 to €1000 per month
our online form by the following deadlines:
— Food: €250/€300 per month
— 1st semester and full academic year: April 30th
— 2nd semester: October 2nd Public transport: students under 26 staying for an academic
year are eligible for an annual travel pass (Imagin’R card,
Nomination extension is not automatic and depends on €382.40) / Students staying for 1 semester are eligible for a
availability. Requests are considered individually, following an monthly Navigo card (€86,40 per month)
official e-mail by the partner up until the second semester’s
nomination deadline.
Application procedure Information will be sent by mail by PSL Housing Services only
when student is officially nominated by Dauphine-PSL.
At the end of the nomination period, students will receive the
link to the application procedure.
— 1st semester: mid May
Online application period: — 2nd semester: mid October
— 1st semester and full academic year: May 1st - 15th
— 2nd semester: October 3rd - 17th A nomination letter from the home university is requested to
apply for student accomodation at PSL Housing Services.
Required application documents:
For more details: PSL Housing Services
— 1Copy
passport size photo for your student card (4cm X 3cm)
— Language
of the personal details page of the passport
— requirements
proficiency test results (see Language
section below) Non-European citizens need a visa: once you have received
— Curiculum Vitae (maximum two pages) only Master level your acceptance letter from Université Paris Dauphine-PSL,
— Academic transcript (the most recent) only Master level please contact the French Embassy in your home country or
The application form and all required documents have to be Campus France.
sent by email in one PDF before: More information : PSL Welcome Desk

— May 31st: for the 1st semester and full academic year
— October 17th: for the 2nd semester
Health insurance
Université Paris Dauphine-PSL will send an acceptance
All students have to register with the French social security
letter to the student’s home institution upon receipt of the
system (CPAM) via the dedicated Ameli website.
— If you are an EU student, you have to bring your European
Courses registration Health Insurance Card, which has to be valid during your
Online course registration takes place during the following
periods: — If you are a student from Quebec, you will need to

— 1st semester and full academic year: June

provide the SE 401-Q-106 form.

— 2nd semester: November

Disability services
Please consult the course catalogue for information about
course offer and enrollment procedure. Once your courses Support in order to ensure equal access to all study programs,
selection is done, you cannot change it. activities and university life: handicap@dauphine.psl.eu
The Online Learning Agreement (OLA) must be sent to the
following email address: courses.exchange@dauphine.fr
Student services
Requirements — Buddy Program: possibility to meet Dauphine students
in order to find friends and receive help with academic
— Students must have completed at least 2 academic years matters - Managed by LE FORUM, Dauphine’s association.
before their exchange. Courses are designed for 3rd year
students and higher.
— Sport: more than 30 disciplines taught by accredited
— Students may choose only English-taught courses,
Courses are taught in English or French. — Community life: over 30 student clubs and
only French-taught courses or courses taught in both
— For non-native English speakers, we require the following
English test results to take courses in English: TOEFL IBT
92, IELTS 6.5 or Cambridge score 160 (should not be older
than 2 years).
— For non-native French speakers, a minimum level of
B2 (DELF, TCF) is mandatory for courses in French
(no prerequisite for French as a Foreign Language
Annex 1
Academic Calendar



Department Academic Level Study Périod Field

DAI - Office of Indicated in the course September to December Electives, French as

International catalogue / syllabus a Foreign Language
Relations (mostly Bachelor courses) (FLE)
Economics, Business
& Management,
Law, Sociology and
Political Science

LSO Department Bachelor courses September to December Economics, Business

& Management,
Sociology and
Political Science

LSO Department Bachelor courses September to January Law

MSO Department Master courses September to December Economics, Business

(Restricted Access) & Management,
Law, Sociology and
Political Science

MIDO Department Bachelor courses September to January Mathematics &

(Restricted Access) Computer Science

MIDO Department Master courses September to January Mathematics &

(Restricted Access) Computer Science


Department Academic Level Study Périod Field

DAI - Office of Indicated in the course January to April Electives, French as

International catalogue / syllabus a Foreign Language
Relations (mostly Bachelor courses) (FLE)
Economics, Business
& Management,
Law, Sociology and
Political Science

LSO Department Bachelor courses January to April Economics, Business

& Management,
Sociology and
Political Science

LSO Department Bachelor courses January to May Law


MSO Department Master courses January to April Economics, Business

(Restricted Access) & Management,
Law, Sociology and
Political Science

MIDO Department Bachelor courses January to May Mathematics &

(Restricted Access) Computer Science

MIDO Department Master courses January to May Mathematics &

(Restricted Access) Computer Science
Annex 2
Dear partners, Dear exchange students,

As exchange students will soon arrive at Université Paris-Dauphine PSL, we are sending you this document with important information
detailing how and when you can change a course selection. Both semesters are concerned by this document.

To have the best experience during your exchange, do not wait to make a change: as soon as you have a doubt regarding your ability to
follow a course, start the procedure!

Timeframe (week) Changes possible? Courses offered by Motives for change Procedure to follow

Welcome Yes — Department of — Time clashes Contact the Courses

week (WW)
of S1 OR S2
International Affairs
— Course cancelled or
moved to a later date.
coordinator office:

— Other departments — The difficulty of

the course was
— Come to office P034,
from 9:00 am to 1pm
underestimated or and from 2pm till 5pm
over-estimated. — Send an e-mail to
— Home university

Week 1 after Yes Same as during the WW Same as during the WW Contact the Courses
WW of S1 OR S2 coordinator office:

— Come to office P034,

during normal open
hours (indicated on
the door and in e-mail
— Send an e-mail to

Week 2 after Same as during the WW Same as week 1

WW of S1 OR S2 Yes Same as during the WW
and week 1 and week 1

Week 3 after Yes, but with condition — DAI courses in

priority, except FLE
— Home university
1. Contact the Courses
coordinator WITH:
WW of S1 OR S2
courses. — Unexpected event — written agreement of
— Other departments the teacher
only if no other
— AND a justified
request from the
home university
2. Procedure must be
completed by Friday.

None All changes will be denied

Week 4, 5, 6, No None
etc. after WW without exceptions.
of S1 OR S2

Contacts :

— Aide au logement / Housing service: logement.housing@dauphine.psl.eu


— PSL housing information : https://psl.eu/en/lifepsl/psl-housing-service/accomodation-in-public-student-residencies
— Visa information - Welcome Desk: welcomedesk@psl.eu
— Formalités administratives / student follow up: accompagnement.etudiant@dauphine.psl.eu
— Garantme : https://garantme.fr/fr
— Visale : https://www.visale.fr/




Facebook: @AffairesInternationalesParisDauphine
Instagram: @ aff_internationales_dauphine
Twitter: @AI_Dauphine

Université Paris Dauphine-PSL

Place du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny - 75775 Paris
cedex 16

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