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ISSN 1831-9424


Greenhouse gas emission intensities of

the steel
fertilisers, aluminium and cement
industries in the EU and its main trading

Vidovic, D., Marmier, A., Zore, L., Moya, J.


This publication is a Technical report by the Joint Research Centre (JRC), the European Commission’s science and knowledge service. It
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Contact information
Name: Jose Moya
Address: European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Westerduinweg 3, 1755LE, Netherlands
Email: Jose.MOYA@ec.europa.eu
Tel.: +31 224 56 5958

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PDF ISBN 978-92-68-07370-4 ISSN 1831-9424 doi:10.2760/359533 KJ-NA-31-653-EN-N

Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2023

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How to cite this report: Vidovic, D., Marmier, A., Zore, L. and Moya, J., Greenhouse gas emission intensities of the steel, fertilisers, aluminium
and cement industries in the EU and its main trading partners, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2023,
doi:10.2760/359533, JRC134682.

Abstract .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
Acknowledgements ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 2
Executive summary ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 3
1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
1.1 Geographical scope of emissions: embedded emissions in complex goods ............................................................................................... 7
2 Analysis for the products of the iron and steel industry ....................................................................................................................................................... 9
2.1 Countries under scope .................................................................................................................................................................................................................10
2.2 Determining greenhouse gas emission intensities ...................................................................................................................................................11
2.3 Results ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................50
2.4 Update of the results of the pilot study ..........................................................................................................................................................................56
3 Analysis for the products of the fertilisers industry ..............................................................................................................................................................57
3.1 Countries under scope .................................................................................................................................................................................................................58
3.2 Determining greenhouse gas emission intensities ...................................................................................................................................................60
3.3 Results ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................68
4 Analysis for the products of the aluminium industry ...........................................................................................................................................................73
4.1 Countries under scope .................................................................................................................................................................................................................74
4.2 Input data ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................76
4.2.1 Metal data ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................76
4.2.2 Emission data .................................................................................................................................................................................................................76
4.2.3 Other data.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................76
4.2.4 Data for primary aluminium .................................................................................................................................................................................78
4.2.5 Data for finalisation processes and manufacturing ..............................................................................................................................78
4.3 Results ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................79
5 Analysis for the products of the cement industry ..................................................................................................................................................................83
5.1 Countries under scope .................................................................................................................................................................................................................84
5.2 Determining greenhouse gas intensities .........................................................................................................................................................................85
5.2.1 Input data ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................86
5.2.2 Methodological approach for products based on Portland clinker ...............................................................................................87
5.2.3 Methodological approach for calcined clays ..............................................................................................................................................89
5.2.4 Methodological approach for aluminous cements..................................................................................................................................89
5.3 Results ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................92
5.3.1 Emissions from the production of Portland cement precursor clinker .......................................................................................92
5.3.2 Emissions from the production of Portland cements ...........................................................................................................................93
5.3.3 Emissions from the production of other hydraulic cement precursor calcined clay .........................................................94
5.3.4 Emissions from the production of other hydraulic cements ............................................................................................................95
5.3.5 Emissions from the production of aluminous cements .......................................................................................................................97

5.3.6 Comparison with the ETS benchmark curves .............................................................................................................................................98
6 Conclusions ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................100
References ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................101
List of abbreviations and definitions .....................................................................................................................................................................................................106
List of figures .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................107
List of tables .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................109
Annexes ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................110
Annex 1. Mapping of energy products across databases (GNR, IEA and CBAM) ..............................................................................................110
Annex 2. Emission intensities at country level .......................................................................................................................................................................111
Emission intensities of products in the iron and steel industry .........................................................................................................................111
Emission intensities of products in the fertilisers industry ...................................................................................................................................148
Emission intensities of products in the aluminium industry ................................................................................................................................155
Emission intensities of products in the cement industry ........................................................................................................................................162
Annex 3. Crude steel emission intensities – updated values following the methodology in the pilot study .................................165

This report provides an estimation of GHG emission intensities for products from four energy-intensive
industries (iron and steel, fertilisers, aluminium and cement) in the EU and in its main trading partners. The aim
of these estimations is to provide scientific support to the implementation of the Carbon Border Adjustment
Mechanism (CBAM).
These estimations follow the methodology and definitions of the monitoring and reporting rules of the CBAM,
adapting the approach to publicly available information. The results are validated, when feasible, by comparing
results at EU level with weighted average emission intensities based on actual data (i.e. data gathered through
the EU ETS benchmarking exercise), taking into consideration any methodological differences. The closely
matching figures prove the robustness of our approach.
The potential use of the values provided in this report will facilitate the replacement of the carbon leakage
mechanisms of the EU ETS with the CBAM, which, in turn, will facilitate the effective implementation of EU
climate policy.

The authors want to acknowledge DG TAXUD for their comments through the whole document, Catriona Black
for her proofreading, and GCCA for the information provided in the GNR dataset and the fruitful exchanges with
Fertilizers Europe, ECRA and CEMBUREAU.

Danko Vidovic, JRC
Alain Marmier, JRC
Lovro Zore, JRC
José A. Moya, JRC

Executive summary
Industry is of strategic importance to the EU economy, providing wealth and employment. However, it is also
responsible for significant greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions: the energy-intensive industries alone contributed
up to 22% of the EU total in 2019 (European Commission, 2021). To achieve its decarbonisation objectives, the
EU is gearing up its policy response: the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) will complement the EU
Emissions Trading System (EU ETS). The CBAM will ensure that the emissions embedded in goods imported into
the EU will also be accounted for and subject to a carbon price. In support to the CBAM, this report provides the
emission intensities of goods produced by key EU trading partners across four energy-intensive industries.
The EU has set clear, ambitious targets towards decarbonisation, with the goals of reducing emissions by 55%
by 2030 and becoming the first climate-neutral continent by 2050. The imperative for the EU’s energy-intensive
industries to accelerate their transition was highlighted in the Commission’s 2020 Industrial Strategy and its
2021 update.
This report is a contribution of the JRC in support to the CBAM, the EU’s new mechanism to prevent carbon
leakage. Carbon leakage occurs if, for reasons of costs related to climate policies, businesses in certain industry
sectors or subsectors transfer production to other countries or imports from those countries replace equivalent
products that are less intensive in terms of greenhouse gas emissions. The transitional CBAM period will start
in October 2023. That period is limited to the reporting of emissions without any financial adjustments at the
EU’s borders. Once the CBAM is fully implemented from 2026 onwards, importers into the EU will have to pay
for the emissions embedded in goods they import as if they were produced in the EU under the EU ETS.
Simultaneously, EU producers will progressively receive less free allowances, which is the main carbon leakage
measure of the EU ETS.
During the transitional CBAM period from October 2023 to December 2025, importers of CBAM goods are
required to report the emissions embedded in those goods, based on actual emissions. However, Implementing
Regulation (EU) 2023/5512 provides for some flexibilities including the use of default values until 31 July 2024
(European Commission, 2023b).
This report presents the JRC’s estimations of the GHG emission intensities or specific embedded emissions in
products from four energy-intensive industries (iron and steel, fertilisers, aluminium and cement) that may
serve to establish the default values for the transitional CBAM period. The products under the scope of this
study correspond to those in Annex I to the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) Regulation
(EU) 2023/956. This report does not constitute or anticipate any decision by the Commission on default values
to be used for the CBAM from 1 January 2026 onwards.
This report confirms the feasibility of accurately determining the emission intensity of products from four
energy-intensive industries. It then provides the values, disaggregating between direct and indirect emissions,
for products and countries in the scope of the CBAM.
Industry is increasingly reporting on its greenhouse gas emissions, and even providing data and/or
methodological approaches of interest for this study. Complementing industry data with publicly available data
allows capturing the complexity of the four industries considered in this report.
The production routes and product compositions strongly influence the emission intensities. Another important
factor is if emissions from biomass combustion are zero-rated. Under the EU ETS, this is only possible if an
operator provides evidence that the biomass consumed is sustainably sourced.
The JRC builds on a technical understanding of the sectors considered in this study to model the emissions
embedded in products. This knowledge will serve further prospective studies, investigating the means and
impact of emission reductions towards 2050. Also, as the CBAM enters its transitional phase, evidence provided
by importers on actual emission intensities will enable a critical review of the results presented.
Chapter 1 sets the scene by describing the policy context and methodological aspects of relevance for all
industries covered in this report. Chapters 2 to 5 focus on specific industries, namely iron and steel; fertilisers;
aluminium; and cement. In all four cases, the geographical scope is detailed, focusing on the EU’s main trading
partners, and products of interests are specified, based on their CN codes and associated definitions. Emission
intensities are then derived through a transparent methodology, on the basis of publicly available data. Results
are validated, when feasible, by comparing them at EU level with weighted average emission intensities, taking
into consideration any methodological differences. The latter data are gathered through the EU ETS
benchmarking exercise, which relies on real plant data. The differences (between the carbon intensity values
estimated in this report and the weighted average of the benchmarking curves) can largely be traced back to

the different scopes of the ETS (i.e. emissions per installation) and CBAM (i.e. emissions per goods including
precursors). Applying the scope of the EU ETS to our calculations produces closely matching figures prove the
robustness of our approach.

1 Introduction
As part of the European Green Deal (European Commission, 2019), the Commission proposed the 2030 Climate
target plan in September 2020 to raise the EU’s ambition on reducing greenhouse gas emissions to at least
55% below 1990 levels by 2030. To deliver these additional GHG emission reductions, the Commission
announced a review of all relevant climate-related policy instruments by June 2021 under the name of the
Fit-for-55 package (European Commission, 2021a). The package contains, among other initiatives, legislative
proposals for a revision of the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) and for a new Carbon Border Adjustment
Mechanism (CBAM) (European Commission 2021b). The CBAM Regulation was agreed upon by Council and
Parliament in December 2022 and the regulation published in May 2023 (European Union, 2023).
In its latest revision, the EU ETS tightened its provisions, including a reduced cap1, to achieve a more ambitious
emission reduction target. Installations covered by the EU ETS will thus have to further reduce GHG emissions
compared to the levels that were formerly targeted (i.e. 43% reduction by 2030 compared to 2005 in the ETS
revision of 2018). As a consequence of the increased emission reduction target, the free allocation budget will
decrease. Moreover, carbon prices are expected to increase in phase 4 due to the decreased supply of
allowances from a reduced cap.
These developments mean that the risk of carbon leakage may increase. Carbon leakage refers to the situation
that may occur if, for reasons of costs related to climate policies, businesses were to transfer production to
other countries with laxer emission constraints. This would involve either production being transferred from the
EU to other countries with lower ambition for emission reduction, or EU products being replaced by more carbon-
intensive imports.
To date, the free allocation of emission allowances is the main mechanism used under the EU ETS to mitigate
the risk of carbon leakage. During phase 4 of the EU ETS (European Commission, 2023a), sectors that are
deemed to be at risk of carbon leakage will receive a free allocation of allowances equivalent to 100% of the
relevant benchmark value. For sectors not deemed to be at risk of carbon leakage, the free allocation will
amount to 30% of the benchmark value from 2021 until 2026 and will be phased out from 2027 until 2030.
No free allocation is given to electricity generation.
Indirect cost compensation is another mechanism under the EU ETS to mitigate the risk of carbon leakage.
According to Article 10a(6) of the ETS Directive (European Union, 2018), Member States should adopt financial
measures in favour of sectors or subsectors which are exposed to a genuine risk of carbon leakage due to
significant indirect costs that are incurred due to GHG emission costs passed on in electricity prices. These
financial measures need to be in accordance with State aid rules and should not cause undue distortions of
competition in the internal market. Similarly to free allocation, indirect cost compensation is also based on the
application of electricity consumption efficiency benchmarks.
The CBAM forms part of the Fit-for-55 package and is designed to address the risk of carbon leakage. The
CBAM will equalise the price of carbon between domestic products and imports and will ensure that the EU’s
climate objectives are not undermined by the relocation of production by industry to countries with less
ambitious policies. It also aims to encourage industry at global level and the EU’s international partners to take
steps in the same (carbon-neutral) direction.
Under the CBAM, EU importers will be required to buy carbon certificates corresponding to the carbon price that
would have been paid, had the goods been produced under the EU’s carbon pricing rules. Conversely, once a
non-EU producer can show that they have already paid a price for the carbon used in the production of the
imported goods in a third country, the corresponding cost can be fully deducted for the EU importer.
The CBAM will be introduced in stages. During the first, transitional phase, starting in 2023 and finishing at the
end of 2025, importers will be obliged to report the emissions embedded in goods which fall under the scope
of the regulation, on a quarterly basis and based on actual emissions. These reporting obligations will be
applicable to both direct and indirect emissions. Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/5512 provides for some
flexibilities including the use of default values until 31 July 2024 (European Commission, 2023b). In 2026,

The overall volume of greenhouse gases that can be emitted by power plants, industry factories and aviation sector covered by the EU
Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) is limited by a 'cap' on the number of emission allowances. Within the cap, companies receive or
buy emission allowances, which they can trade as needed. The cap decreases every year, ensuring that total emissions fall.

when the transitional period ends and the system becomes fully operational, EU importers will have to declare
annually the quantity of goods and the amount of embedded emissions in the goods that they imported into
the EU in the preceding year, and surrender the corresponding number of CBAM certificates.
This report is a contribution of the JRC in support to the CBAM. Its purpose is to estimate GHG emission
intensities for products from four energy-intensive industries (iron and steel, fertilisers, aluminium and cement)
in the EU and in its global trading partners. The main aim of these estimations is to provide scientific support
to the implementation of the CBAM. Sections 2 to 5 describe the products for each industry, countries and
production processes under the scope of this study; the used input data; the methodological approach; and the
results. The methodological approach for each industry is customised according to the information publicly
available. For the steel industry, we build upon previous analysis of the carbon intensity of steel products up to
crude steel (JRC, 2022a), removing some of the simplifications used in the former (mainly, the artificial split in
energy consumption up to crude steel and in the final manufacturing steps (e.g. hot rolling). Hereafter, this
analysis is referred to as the pilot study. Section 2 is thus focused on describing the approach to the final
manufacturing steps of the goods in Annex I to the CBAM regulation.
Emissions refer to the emissions of greenhouse gases relevant for each industry, expressed in tonnes of CO2e
per tonne of good. For all industries and products, the indirect emissions use country-specific carbon emission
factors of electricity, based on data from the International Energy Agency (IEA) and calculated as a five-year
average for the period 2015-2019 (IEA, 2021a).

In order to keep the number of countries manageable for each industry, this analysis is limited to those countries
which represent a cumulative share of more than 90% of total EU27 imports, with each country responsible for
at least 1% of those imports. The list of countries for the steel industry includes Japan, at only 0.2%, alongside
the 15 largest exporters to the EU27, for consistency with the pilot study. For the fertilisers industry, we add
Saudi Arabia, Indonesia and Canada (due to their relevance in the global fertiliser trade) to the list of 19
countries which cover 98.4% of EU imports. For the aluminium industry, we also add the US, due to its relevance
in the global aluminium trade, to the list of 15 countries which cover 91.2% of EU imports. The scale of
aluminium imports from the first country excluded is comparable to a single small aluminium remelter or
refinery. For the cement industry, we add eight countries (Saudi Arabia, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Malaysia,
Egypt, Serbia, Pakistan and India) to the list of 11 countries which represent 90% of EU27 imports, reaching a
coverage of over 96%. For countries that are not in the scope of this study in the respective industries, we also
provide, as a proxy, a production-weighted average of the emission intensities of the countries under the scope.
These values are referred to in this report as ‘weighted average’.
For the discussion in section 1.1, necessary to frame the scope of emissions covered by the CBAM and therefore
by our analysis, we assume that the reader is familiar with the implementing regulation (European Commission,
2023b) of Art 35 of the CBAM Regulation (EU) 2023/956 or with the guidance document (European Commission,
2023c). This report follows the definitions described in the implementing regulation.

1.1 Geographical scope of emissions: embedded emissions in complex goods
The following lines come from the guidance document of the CBAM (European Commission, 2023c), and detail
how the embedded emissions are calculated for complex goods. The calculation needs to include the emissions
of precursors.
This is represented in Annex III (3) of the CBAM regulation as follows:

𝐴𝑡𝑡𝑟𝐸𝑚𝑔 + 𝐸𝐸𝐼𝑛𝑝𝑀𝑎𝑡
𝑆𝐸𝐸𝑔 = (1)

AttrEmg = attributed emissions of goods g
ALg = activity level of the goods, the latter being the quantity of goods produced in the reporting period
in that installation
EEInpMat = embedded emissions of the precursors consumed in the production process.
Only input materials listed as relevant to the system boundaries of the production process as specified in the
implementing regulation adopted pursuant to Article 7(6) are to be considered.
The relevant EEInpMat are calculated as follows:

𝐸𝐸𝐼𝑛𝑝𝑀𝑎𝑡 = ∑ 𝑀𝑖 · 𝑆𝐸𝐸𝑖 (2)


Mi = mass of input material i used in the production process,
SEEi = specific embedded emissions for the input material.
For SEEi the operator of the installation shall use the value of emissions resulting from the installation where
the input material was produced, provided that that installation’s data can be adequately measured. The SEEi
values can come from facilities in countries different to those of the installations reporting the emissions. If the
same precursor comes from facilities in different countries, the mass of input material should have the specific
embedded emissions corresponding to each facility.
That is, for simple goods (goods that do not incorporate any precursor), all GHG-related emissions take place in
the same facility (and country) producing those simple goods. Whereas for complex goods, emissions from the
manufacturing of precursors that are imported are included in the individual installation consuming the
precursors. Figure 1, a slight modification of figure 6.1 of the guidance document (European Commission,
2023c), helps us to represent the GHG emissions from the precursors used for determining embedded emissions
in the CBAM.
In view of the challenge to record SEEi values for all precursors in all global countries, this study uses as SEEi
for those third countries a value that corresponds to a global average. This is referred to hereafter as the ‘trade
effect’. Moreover, the weighted average values of SEEi of the third countries under scope is used as a proxy for
the global averages.
However, for imported precursors that can have very different SEEi depending on the production route, due to
the impossibility of identifying that production route, we use the GHG intensity of the country consuming it,
using its most carbon-intensive route (this can be seen, for example, in the finalisation processes of aluminium
and steel).

Figure 1. Comparison of product environmental and GHG footprint, and the specific partial GHG footprint that are to be
used for determining embedded emissions in CBAM goods.

Source: JRC, 2023 based on Umweltbundesamt (European Commission, 2023c).

2 Analysis for the products of the iron and steel industry
Based on the production processes involved, steelmaking can be divided into primary, secondary, and DRI
production routes, as shown in Figure 2.
Primary steelmaking mainly uses iron ores as feedstock for raw material preparation, iron making and
steelmaking. This production route typically involves a coke oven plant, a sinter and/or pellet plant, a blast
furnace (BF) and a basic oxygen furnace (BOF), and is also referred to as the BF-BOF route2. Preparatory steps
include coke making in the coke oven (emissions corresponding to the coke production are not covered by the
CBAM regulation) from coking coals and agglomerating iron ore in the sinter/pellet plant (a raw material
preparation process). Coke, sinter, pellet, lump iron ore and limestone are then fed into the BF together with hot
air, forming a molten metal called pig iron or hot metal (an iron making process). By blowing high-purity oxygen
through this liquid metal, the pig iron, potentially in combination with steel scrap, it is converted into liquid steel
in the BOF (a steelmaking process). The steelmaking process consists of melting, purifying and alloying

Figure 2. Main production routes for steelmaking.

* - emissions from Coke ovens are not covered by the CBAM regulation
SR – Smelting reduction
RK – Rotary Kiln
Source: JRC, 2023.

Another process to produce steel via the primary route is to make direct reduced iron (DRI), also called sponge
iron, via a smelt reduction process (known commercially under the names Corex and Finex). This process uses
coal as a reducing agent in the production of liquid DRI. Alternatively, natural gas (e.g. Midrex and Energiron
HYL) or coal (e.g. rotary kiln furnaces) can be used as a reducing agent in the production of a solid state DRI
that is usually fed into an electric arc furnace (EAF) to produce steel. In 2019, 76% of DRI production made use

The open hearth furnace (OHF) also used to be a common process before the introduction of the BOF. The OHF has largely been replaced
by the faster and more fuel-efficient BOF, but was still operational in 2018 in Ukraine and India. When referring to the primary process,
we refer to both the BOF and OHF processes.

of natural gas as a reducing agent (Midrex, 2021). When low-carbon hydrogen (e.g. produced with renewable
electricity) is used as the reducing gas instead of natural gas, the process offers great potential for reducing
the carbon footprint of the entire steelmaking process.
Steel via the secondary route uses scrap steel as the primary raw material, where the steelmaking is performed
in an EAF3. The energy intensity is typically much lower than that of the primary route. High-current electric arcs
melt the steel, allowing for thermal control and a range of alloy additions.
Liquid steel from any of the production routes (primary or EAF via DRI or scrap) is further converted to crude
steel (the initial solid steel produced upon solidification of liquid steel) via a casting process, or cast into finished
products in a foundry plant. Crude steel includes ingots (in conventional mills) and semis (in modern mills with
a continuous casting facility). Semis represent the intermediate solid-steel products obtained by the hot rolling
or forging of ingots or by continuous casting of liquid steel. There are various types of semis, such as blooms,
billets, slabs, thin slabs, and near net shapes. These intermediate products are further rolled/forged to produce
finished steel products.

2.1 Countries under scope

The countries under the scope in this section, presented in Figure 3, remain the same as in the pilot study (JRC,
2022a). Figure 3 visualises the 16 countries within the geographical scope of this work, jointly accounting for
more than 90% of total imports of iron and steel products to the EU in 2018. The list includes the top 15 largest
exporters to the EU in 20184, which happen to also be the major global crude steel producers, and Japan: While
Japan is only the 22nd largest exporter of products to the EU, it plays a major role in the global iron and steel

Figure 3. Geographical scope of the pilot study: import of iron and steel products to EU27 in 2018, in Mt.

Source: (JRC, 2022a).

Most direct reduction plants also make use of this process, as they are part of a steelmaking process with an EAF located on site.
The EU’s sanctions adopted following Russia’s military aggression against Ukraine modify the list of the largest exporting countries into
the EU. However the estimations of carbon intensities for all industries rely on data from 2019: Russia is therefore maintained into
the analysis.

2.2 Determining greenhouse gas emission intensities
While the pilot study covered the semi-finished steel products (up to crude steel), this study goes one step
further, i.e. the calculation of the specific embedded emissions of all iron and steel products (both semi-finished
and final products) covered by the CBAM regulation.
Due to this difference in coverage, the methodology of this study differs from that of the pilot study regarding
the disaggregation of the industry’s total GHG emissions to the semi-finished steel products (i.e. up to crude
steel) and finished steel products (i.e. products obtained after applying finalisation processes like forging, rolling
and coating/plating to the semi-finished steel products). In the pilot study, an artificial split was made between
semi-finished steel products and finalisation processes, based on the data for EU from the JRC-IDEES database
(JRC, 2017c). In this study, a more accurate approach is applied, based on the production volume of the finished
steel products per country, combined with the energy intensities of the processes involved (as described below),
making the artificial split unnecessary.
The methodology applied in this study can be divided into three main steps summarised in Figure 4:

Figure 4. Methodology for calculation of iron and steel’s GHG emission intensities.

Source: JRC, 2023.

In short:
Step 1: Calculate total GHG emissions in the iron and steel industry per country and fuel type;
Step 2: Calculate GHG emissions intensities of all involved production subprocesses, taking into account
country’s production volumes of the products covered by the CBAM regulation and the
calculated total GHG emissions in step 1;
Step 3: Determine the specific GHG emission intensity per the CN product codes covered by the CBAM
regulation for each country under the scope, as well as the production route-based embedded
emissions per the CN codes for the countries out of the scope (referred to as weighted

In Step 1, to calculate total industry’s GHG emissions per country and fuel type, the following equation is

t CO2
𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝐸𝑚𝑖𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑓𝑢𝑒𝑙 [t CO2 ] = 𝐹𝑢𝑒𝑙 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑢𝑚𝑝𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 [GJ] ∙ 𝐸𝐹𝑓𝑢𝑒𝑙 [ ] (3)

With EFfuel standing for Emission Factor of fuel in tCO2 per gigajoule.
Input data for the fuel consumption comes from the IEA Extended world energy balances (IEA, 2022), i.e. energy
consumption in fuel transformation flow (blast furnaces) and energy consumption in final energy consumption
flow (iron and steel industry). According to the CBAM regulation, GHG emissions from coke production in coke
ovens are not covered (fuel consumption in coke ovens is reported separately from the iron and steel industry,
i.e. under the fuel transformation flow for coke ovens in the IEA Extended world energy balances). CO2 emission
factors, listed in Annex 1, for stationary combustion in manufacturing industries, are retrieved principally from
the CBAM Implementing Regulation (European Commission, 2023b). Country-specific carbon emission factors
of electricity and heat are based on IEA data and calculated as a five-year average for the period 2015-2019
(IEA, 2021a).

In Step 2, GHG emission intensities of all subprocesses involved in the production of the products covered by
the CBAM regulation (which serves as an input to Step 3) are calculated as follows. Figure 5 presents the
processes involved in the production pathways of the iron and steel finished products, while Table 1 maps all
the iron and steel products covered by the CBAM regulation, with the production routes (the list of numbers in
the column, ‘Mapping’, of Table 1 corresponds to numbers in the upper left corner of the boxes in Figure 5).
Some of the final products can be produced via several production routes (indicated in the column, ‘Production
route’, of Table 1), and for each of these a GHG emission intensity value is produced, while the final product’s
GHG emission intensity is determined in Step 3. All boxes in Figure 5, except those which are green under the
finished products group, represent the subprocesses for which the GHG emission intensity is determined. The
GHG emission intensities of sinter and pellet plants are also determined since they represent precursors to pig
iron production in a blast furnace. The green boxes in Figure 5 represent the final products whose GHG emission
intensity is calculated as a sum of the GHG emission intensities of the previous boxes (numbers 1-20 + sinter
and pellet GHG emission intensities, calculated per tonne of the final product) according to Table 1.
For some boxes in Figure 5, there are several variants on the GHG emission intensities: based on the material
being processed (iron or steel for box number 8; and carbon steel or high alloy steel for box numbers 11, 12,
13, 14, 15, 17, 18, and 19), based on the technology used (Midrex, Corex, rotary kiln for box number 4), and on
furnace type (basic EAF or induction furnace). Box number 5 (AOD/VOD) is treated differently, being considered
a non-production box in which alloying elements are added to carbon steel in order to produce steel alloys.
Energy consumption is not included and it is therefore considered a zero-GHG emission intensity subprocess for
the purposes of this study. Consequently, GHG emission intensities are given for 34 subprocesses, including
those of sinter and pellet plants.
In order to calculate the GHG emission intensity of the subprocesses involved per tonne of final product, it is
necessary to:
Step 2-A: Determine the total production of each subprocess per country.
Step 2-B: Disaggregate the total GHG emissions calculated in the iron and steel industry in Step 1 to all
subprocesses (34 in total, as described above).
Step 2-C: Calculate the GHG emission intensities of onsite production (i.e., without taking into account the
trade effect of the precursors (sinter, pellet and pig iron)).
Step 2-D: Calculate the GHG emission intensities of the subprocesses, taking into account the trade effect
of the precursors.
Step 2-E: Calculate the GHG emission intensities of the subprocesses per tonne of the final product (i.e. the
values that serve as an input to Step 3), taking into account process losses and material mass
In Step 2-A, several references and assumptions were used in the determination of the subprocesses’
production, as follows:

 Production data are directly available from (WorldSteel, 2021) for the following boxes in Figure 5:
1 (BF), 2 (BOF), 3 (EAF, where all production is attributed to the basic EAF, i.e., no production attributed
to the induction furnace), 10 (Ingot casting) and 16 (Finishing of flat products). By applying to all
countries the EU’s share in total steel production of 78% of carbon non-alloy steel and 22% of high
alloy steel (EUROFER, 2022), the corresponding production amounts from (WorldSteel, 2021) of boxes
11 (Continuous casting), 13 (Hot rolled mill), 17 (Beams, billets, rails and tubes mills), 18 (Bars, rods,
and other long products mill), and 19 (Wire mill) are disaggregated into carbon steel and high alloy
steel subvariants. Furthermore, by applying the EU’s ratio of cold rolled flat products to total hot rolled
flat products of 49% (EUROFER, 2022), the production amount can be calculated for box 14 (Cold rolled
mill). It is assumed that all cold rolled flat products are also annealed, i.e., the production amounts of
box 15 (Annealing) are the same as the production amounts of box 14 (Cold rolled mill), for both carbon
steel and high alloy steel subvariants. The production amount of box 20 (Finishing of long products) is
calculated by applying the EU’s assumed share of 30% of galvanised/coated flat products in the total
production of hot rolled flat products (EUROFER, 2022) to the total production of hot rolled bars, wire
rods and tubular products (WorldSteel, 2021).
 The total production of DRI from (WorldSteel, 2021) is disaggregated into three types of DRI: natural
gas-based Midrex, coal-based Corex, and coal-based Rotary Kiln, taking into account the production
shares from (Midrex, 2021). DRI (natural gas-based Midrex) is the only production option in box 4 (DRI)
for all countries except India, where 22.2% of total DRI production is natural gas-based Midrex, 8.3%
coal-based Corex , and 69.5% coal-based Rotary Kiln.
 Production data are available from (CAEF, 2020) for the following boxes in Figure 5: 6 (Cast iron
melting), 7 (Steel melting), 8 (Foundry casting, both of iron and steel) and 9 (Pig casting). Here, the
assumption applied is that the total output from box 9 (Pig casting) is used in box 6 (Cast iron melting),
and the total output from box 6 directly inputs into box 8 (Foundry casting – iron). Similarly, it is
assumed that the total output from box 7 (Steel melting) becomes input to box 8 (Foundry casting –
 The total production (EUROFORGE, 2022) of box 12 (Forging) in Figure 5 is disaggregated into carbon
steel and high alloy steel subvariants by applying the EU’s shares of 78% and 22%, respectively, in
total steel production (EUROFER, 2022).
 Since sinter is not traded internationally, its production is assumed to be 4 380 kt in the United States
(USGS, 2019). For other countries, sinter production is calculated as follows:

𝐼𝑂𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 − 𝐼𝑂𝑒𝑥𝑝𝑜𝑟𝑡 + 𝐼𝑂𝑖𝑚𝑝𝑜𝑟𝑡 − 𝐼𝑂𝑝𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑡 − 𝐼𝑂𝑝𝑖𝑔 𝑖𝑟𝑜𝑛

𝑆𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 [t] = (4)
𝑖𝑟𝑜𝑛 𝑜𝑟𝑒 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑢𝑚𝑝𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟

Where IOproduction denotes the total iron ore produced in a country, IOexport and IOimport denote total traded
volumes of iron ore, and IOpellet and IOpig iron represent the iron ore consumed in pellet and pig iron
production, respectively.

Data source for iron ore production, export and import is (WorldSteel, 2021). Iron ore consumption per
tonne of sinter and pellet is 0.81 t/t and 0.98 t/t, respectively. The iron ore consumption raises to 1.42t/t
of pig iron when taking into account the amount of sinter, pellets and lump iron ore feeding the blast
furnace, 1.09t/t, 0.36t/t and 0.18 t/t, respectively. (JRC, 2022b).
 In 2019, pellet production in Brazil was 32,000 kt (Löf & Löf, 2023). In the United States, pellet
production is calculated as sum of 29,300 kt of pellet consumption (USGS, 2019) and 8,250 kt of pellet
exports (UN Comtrade, 2022). For other countries, production of pellets it is assumed to be equal to
the country’s annual production capacity (Steel Institute VDEh, 2019).

In Step 2-B, the GHG emissions stemming from energy consumption reported under the final energy
consumption flow of the iron and steel industry (calculated in Step 1) must be disaggregated to all 34
subprocesses described above, including the blast furnace. The GHG emissions stemming from energy

consumption reported under the fuel transformation flow of the blast furnace are attributed to the blast furnace
subprocess only. To disaggregate the former per fuel type, it is multiplied by the share of fuel consumption of
each subprocess in the total fuel consumption of each country. The following equation is applied:

𝑆𝑢𝑏𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑐𝑒𝑠𝑠 𝐺𝐻𝐺 e𝑚𝑖𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑓𝑢𝑒𝑙 [t CO2 ] = 𝐺𝐻𝐺 e𝑚𝑖𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑓𝑢𝑒𝑙 [t CO2 ] ∙ 𝑀𝑎𝑡𝑟𝑖𝑥 𝐴𝑠𝑢𝑏𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑐𝑒𝑠𝑠,𝑓𝑢𝑒𝑙 [−] (5)

Where Subprocess GHG emissionsfuel represents the total GHG emissions per fuel type from Step 1, denoted
with GHG emissionsfuel, disaggregated per the subprocesses, and Matrix Asubprocess,fuel denote the subprocess’ share
of a corresponding fuel consumption in the total fuel consumption in iron and steel industry in a country.
Matrix A is calculated as follows:

𝑀𝑎𝑡𝑟𝑖𝑥 𝐴𝑠𝑢𝑏𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑐𝑒𝑠𝑠,𝑓𝑢𝑒𝑙 [−]

𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑢𝑏𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑐𝑒𝑠𝑠 [t] ∙ 𝑀𝑎𝑡𝑟𝑖𝑥 𝐵𝑠𝑢𝑏𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑐𝑒𝑠𝑠,𝑓𝑢𝑒𝑙 [ ] ∙ 𝑀𝑎𝑡𝑟𝑖𝑥 𝐶𝑠𝑢𝑏𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑐𝑒𝑠𝑠,𝑓𝑢𝑒𝑙 [−] (6)
= t
∑𝑠𝑢𝑏𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑐𝑒𝑠𝑠 (𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑢𝑏𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑐𝑒𝑠𝑠 [t] ∙ 𝑀𝑎𝑡𝑟𝑖𝑥 𝐵𝑠𝑢𝑏𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑐𝑒𝑠𝑠,𝑓𝑢𝑒𝑙 [ ] ∙ 𝑀𝑎𝑡𝑟𝑖𝑥 𝐶𝑠𝑢𝑏𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑐𝑒𝑠𝑠,𝑓𝑢𝑒𝑙 [−])

Where Productionsubprocess represents the subprocess’s production amount calculated in Step 2-A, Matrix B
represents the subprocess’s energy intensities given in Table 2, and Matrix C, given in Table 3, contains Boolean
values to indicate whether a fuel is considered (1) or not (0) for a specific subprocess when disaggregating the
energy balance sheets.
Thus, in the columns of Matrix A are listed all the same fuel types as in Matrix B (including the Total which
corresponds to the consumption of all the fuels listed in the columns), while the rows contain the calculated
country-specific shares (in %) of fuel consumption per subprocess. The sum of all rows per column (i.e., fuel
types and Total) is 100%.
Since Matrix A has the same fuel types as Matrix B, but fewer than are reported in the IEA Extended world
energy balances, the mapping approach of Table 4 is applied. For some fuels, there is a direct link between the
IEA Extended world energy balances and Matrix A (e.g., blast furnace gas), while for some, where there is more
granularity in the IEA Extended world energy balances, the broader definition from Matrix A is applied (e.g., coal
instead of hard coal, brown coal, etc.). For the fuels that cannot be linked (e.g., peat and biogases), the Total
column from Matrix A is applied (corresponding to the subprocess’s share of all fuels consumed in the iron and
steel industry).
In Step 2-C, although limestone and dolomite are not precursors within the CBAM, the direct CO2 emissions
from the consumption of carbonates (limestone or dolomite) occurring in the different iron and steel making
processes are included in the scope. The corresponding emissions from the limestone and dolomite consumption
are 0.44 tCO2/and 0.476 tCO2/t, respectively (WorldSteel, 2023a). These GHG emissions have to be added to the
GHG emissions of sinter, pellet, BF, BOF, and EAF subprocesses (calculated in Step 2-B) according to the material
mass balance given in Table 5..
GHG emission intensities of the onsite subprocess production (i.e., without taking into account the trade effect
of the precursors) are calculated as follows:

t CO
𝑆𝑢𝑏𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑐𝑒𝑠𝑠 𝑑𝑖𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑡 𝐺𝐻𝐺 e𝑚𝑖𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑦𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑒 [ 2 ]
∑𝑓𝑢𝑒𝑙 𝑆𝑢𝑏𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑐𝑒𝑠𝑠 𝐺𝐻𝐺 e𝑚𝑖𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑓𝑢𝑒𝑙 [t CO2 ] (7)
𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑢𝑏𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑐𝑒𝑠𝑠 [t]

t CO
𝑆𝑢𝑏𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑐𝑒𝑠𝑠 𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑡 𝐺𝐻𝐺 e𝑚𝑖𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑦𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑒 [ 2 ]
𝑆𝑢𝑏𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑐𝑒𝑠𝑠 𝐺𝐻𝐺 e𝑚𝑖𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑟𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦 [t CO2 ] (8)
𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑢𝑏𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑐𝑒𝑠𝑠 [t]

Where fuel in the direct equation denotes all fuels from the IEA extended world energy balance sheet except
In Step 2-D, the GHG emission intensities of the subprocesses, taking into account the trade effect of the
precursors (pellets and pig iron), are calculated using the equations given in section 1.1. Because of its physical

characteristics, sinter is not traded between countries. The source used for trade data on pellets is (UN
Comtrade, 2022) and for pig iron the source is (WorldSteel, 2021).
The trade effect of crude steel (the precursor for rolling processes) is not taken into account because the
emission intensity of crude steel is strongly dependent on the production route.
The values calculated in Step 2-D for sinter, pellets, pig iron and DRI cannot be used directly in the calculation
of the product’s carbon intensity because they are per tonne of the subprocess output. Thus, in Step 2-E, the
emission intensities of sinter, pellets, pig iron and DRI are recalculated per tonne of the final product (iron or
steel) as follows. The GHG emission intensity of sinter and pellet plants is calculated by dividing the calculated
GHG emissions (both direct and indirect, with the trade effect) by the pig iron or DRI production figure. Here, it
is assumed that sinter and pellets are used exclusively in the iron and steel industry. Where the final product is
made of iron, the GHG emission intensities of pig iron and DRI (calculated in Step 2-D) are used.
For steel, a pig iron consumption of 0.94 t per tonne of semis is assumed from the calculations in (Moya &
Pardo, 2013). Therefore, coke, sinter and pellets consumption per tonne of pig iron are affected by the same
coefficient when accounted per tonne of semis. The DRI consumption per tonne of semis is similar to the
consumption of pig iron per tonne of semis. There is also a consumption of:
 1.06 tonnes of liquid steel per tonne of semis (output of continuous casting),
 1.03 tonnes of semis per tonne of hot-rolled flat and long products, and
 1.04 tonne of hot-rolled flat product per tonne of cold-rolled flat product.
 For other subprocesses, the data are not available and a factor of 1 is assumed, i.e. no material losses.
When combining these products’ consumptions with the EU’s production shares (39% long products, 61% flat
products, of which 49% cold-rolled flat products (EUROFER, 2022), the effect is equivalent to an increase of
the specific GHG emission intensities in steel furnaces (BOF, EAF), continuous casting, and hot rolling flat
products by 11%, 4%, 2%, respectively.
In Step 3, the specific GHG emission intensities are calculated according to the CN product codes covered by
the CBAM regulation. In addition to iron and non-alloy (carbon) steel, the CBAM regulation also covers stainless
steel and other steel alloys. Therefore, embedded emissions from the added alloying elements are taken into
Ferro-manganese (FeMn), Ferro-chromium (FeCr) and Ferro-nickel (FeNi) represent ferroalloys covered by the
CBAM regulation for which the GHG emission intensity values are calculated as described below. These
ferroalloys, together with other alloying elements not covered by the CBAM regulation (like pure nickel (Ni),
Ferro-molybdenum (FeMo), Ferro-silicon (FeSi), Silico-manganese (SiMn) etc.) and Nickel Pig Iron (NPI, covered
by the CBAM regulation), represent precursors in the production of stainless steel and other steel alloys (both
covered by the CBAM regulation). They are added to the carbon steel (produced via BOF or EAF) in box 5 of
Figure 5 according to strictly prescribed amounts, to formulate the desired steel grade. Among the countries in
scope, NPI as a nickel source is only relevant to China, where 60% of the nickel content in steel alloys comes
from NPI (SMM, 2023). Ferroalloys are ranged in grades according to the content of the main alloying element.
In the calculations, the following ferroalloy compositions were used:
 FeNi: 30% Ni, 70% Fe (Crundwell et al, 2011)
 FeCr: 52.5% Cr, 37% Fe (Holappa, 2013)
 FeMn: 72.5% Mn, 23% Fe (ZhenAn, 2023)
 Ni: 100% Ni
 FeMo: 62.5% Mo, 35.15% Fe (ZhenAn, 2023)
 FeSi: 70% Si, 27.74% Fe (ZhenAn, 2023)
 NPI: 12.5% Ni, 87.5% Fe (Rao et al., 2013)
Not all steel-producing countries also produce ferroalloys. Accordingly, the calculation of the GHG emission
intensity of ferroalloys is divided into three steps. In the first two steps, the direct and indirect GHG emission
intensities are calculated, while in the third step, the total GHG emission intensity of ferroalloys is calculated
per country, based on our categorisation of the countries in terms of the production and imports of ferroalloys
(as described below). In the first step, the direct GHG emission intensity is calculated by combining the energy

intensity of ferroalloys and the fuel emission factors (European Commission, 2023b), which results in the same
value for all countries. In the second step, the indirect GHG emission intensity is calculated by multiplying the
ferroalloy’s electricity intensity with the carbon intensity of electricity in that country (IEA, 2021a). The data
source for the energy intensity of FeCr and FeMn is (Holappa, 2013), and for FeNi and NPI the source is (Wei et
al, 2020). Since the carbon intensity of electricity differs per country, the trade effect of ferroalloys (UN
Comtrade, 2022) must be taken into account. In the absence of data on the production of ferroalloys, we use
the presence of exports as an indication of local production in each country. Therefore, if a country exports
ferroalloy, it is regarded as a ferroalloy producer and the total ferroalloy GHG emission intensity is calculated
as the sum of the direct and indirect GHG emission intensities calculated in the first two steps described above.
On the other hand, if a country does not export ferroalloys, it is assumed that it does not produce ferroalloys
(i.e., it is regarded as a ferroalloy importer) and, in order to calculate the country’s total GHG emission intensity
for ferroalloys, the indirect GHG emission intensity, weighted by the imported volumes of ferroalloys, is added
to the direct GHG emission intensity calculated in step 1.
To determine the GHG emission intensity of stainless steel and other steel alloys, the list of all steel grades per
CN code (Steel Institute VDEh, 2023) is used. It is calculated by multiplying the mid values of the steel grade
composition ranges by the alloying element emission intensities (FeNi, FeCr, FeMn and NPI), proportional to the
alloying element grades (listed above). The GHG emission intensities of other alloying elements not covered by
the CBAM regulation (like FeMo, FeSi, Ni, etc.) are not included, but their weight is taken into account for the
determination of ferrous content in the steel grade. Similarly, no additional GHG emissions are attributed to the
ferrous content in steel alloys stemming from the use of ferroalloys (which is already taken into account in the
ferroalloy GHG emission intensity) but its weight is taken into account when determining the share of GHG
emission intensity of the liquid (carbon) steel to be added in (i.e., the remaining ferrous content part). Two GHG
emission intensities are attributed to the remaining ferrous content in steel grade: one for the liquid (carbon)
steel from BOF and the other for liquid (carbon) steel from EAF. In situations where the use of FeNi (30%Ni) is
not possible due to low nickel content, the highest possible FeNi grade FeNi (70%Ni) is applied. If FeNi (70%Ni)
is also insufficient to provide all the nickel required, then the use of pure Ni is assumed (with a zero-GHG
emission intensity, due to its exclusion from the list of precursors in the CBAM regulation). When all stainless
steel and other steel alloy grades are considered, the selection of one steel grade, whose direct and indirect
GHG emission intensities are included in the further calculations, is based on the median value of the total steel
grade’s GHG emission intensity. The same applies where several steel grades can be used under one CN code.
Finally, the GHG emission intensities per the CN product codes covered by the CBAM regulation are calculated
by summing the specific GHG emission intensities per tonne of the final product (calculated in Step 2-E) while
following the mapping roadmap information given in Table 1. In the case of stainless steel and other steel
alloys, the GHG emission intensities calculated, per tonne, represent the starting point to which the intensities
(calculated in Step 2-E) of boxes 6-20 of Figure 5 are added, according to Table 1. When there are several
production pathways possible for a CN code, the final GHG emission intensity corresponds to the production
pathway with the highest GHG emission intensity.
For countries not under the scope of this study, embedded emissions for the primary route are calculated
weighting (by production volume) the calculated GHG emission intensities of the third countries under the scope
of this study (in this case, for China, NPI is not considered a nickel source). The resulting embedded emission
per CN code for all countries under the scope and weighted average are given in Annex 2.

Figure 5. Production routes of the iron and steel finished products.

BF – Blast Furnace; BOF - Basic Oxygen Furnace; EAF – Electric Arc Furnace; DRI – Direct Reduced Iron; AOD - Argon Oxygen Decarburization; VOD - Vacuum Oxygen Decarburization
Source: JRC, 2023.

Table 1. Mapping of the iron and steel products covered by the CBAM with the production routes and product CN codes.

Product CN
Mapping* Production route Description
Agglomerated iron ores and
2601 12 00 Sinter ore Iron ore
concentrates, other than roasted iron pyrites
Agglomerated iron ores and
2601 12 00 Pellets ore Iron ore
concentrates, other than roasted iron pyrites
7201 1, 9 Primary route Pig iron and spiegeleisen in pigs, blocks or other primary forms
7202 11
Ferro-manganese Ferro-alloys Ferro-manganese
7202 19
7202 41
Ferro-chromium Ferro-alloys Ferro-chromium
7202 49
7202 60 00 Ferro-nickel Ferro-alloys Ferro-nickel
Ferrous products obtained by direct reduction of iron ore and other spongy ferrous products, in lumps,
7203 4 DRI (Midrex)
pellets or the like; iron having a minimum purity of 99.94%, in lumps, pellets or similar forms
Ferrous products obtained by direct reduction of iron ore and other spongy ferrous products, in lumps,
7203 4 DRI (Corex)
pellets or the like; iron having a minimum purity of 99.94%, in lumps, pellets or similar forms
7205 1, 9 Primary route Granules and powders, of pig iron, spiegeleisen, iron or steel
7205 1, 2 Primary route Granules and powders, of pig iron, spiegeleisen, iron or steel
7206 Iron and non-alloy steel in ingots or other primary forms (excluding iron of heading no. 7203)
7206 10 00 1, 2, 10 Primary route Ingots
7206 10 00 3, 10 Secondary route - EAF Ingots
Secondary route -
7206 10 00 3, 10 Ingots
Induction furnace
7206 90 00 1, 2, 11 Primary route Continuous casting (slab, billet, bloom)
7206 90 00 3, 11 Secondary route - EAF Continuous casting (slab, billet, bloom)
Secondary route -
7206 90 00 3, 11 Continuous casting (slab, billet, bloom)
Induction furnace
7207 Iron or non-alloy steel; semi-finished products thereof
7207 11 11
7207 11 14
7207 11 16
7207 12 10
7207 19 12
1, 2, 11, 18, 25 Primary route Bars, rods, and other long products
7207 19 80
7207 20 11
7207 20 15
7207 20 17
7207 20 32

Product CN
Mapping* Production route Description
7207 20 52
7207 20 80
7207 11 11
7207 11 14
7207 11 16
7207 12 10
7207 19 12
7207 19 80
3, 11, 18, 25 Secondary route - EAF Bars, rods, and other long products
7207 20 11
7207 20 15
7207 20 17
7207 20 32
7207 20 52
7207 20 80
7207 11 11
7207 11 14
7207 11 16
7207 12 10
7207 19 12
7207 19 80 Secondary route -
3, 11, 18, 25 Bars, rods, and other long products
7207 20 11 Induction furnace
7207 20 15
7207 20 17
7207 20 32
7207 20 52
7207 20 80
7207 11 11
7207 11 14
7207 11 16
7207 12 10
7207 19 12
7207 19 80
3, 4, 11, 18, 25 DRI (Midrex)-EAF Bars, rods, and other long products
7207 20 11
7207 20 15
7207 20 17
7207 20 32
7207 20 52
7207 20 80
7207 11 11
2, 4, 11, 18, 25 DRI (Corex)-BOF Bars, rods, and other long products
7207 11 14

Product CN
Mapping* Production route Description
7207 11 16
7207 12 10
7207 19 12
7207 19 80
7207 20 11
7207 20 15
7207 20 17
7207 20 32
7207 20 52
7207 20 80
7207 11 11
7207 11 14
7207 11 16
7207 12 10
7207 19 12
7207 19 80
3, 4, 11, 18, 25 DRI (Rotary Kiln)-EAF Bars, rods, and other long products
7207 20 11
7207 20 15
7207 20 17
7207 20 32
7207 20 52
7207 20 80
7207 11 90
7207 12 90
7207 19 19
1, 2, 10, 12, 22 Primary route Forgings
7207 20 19
7207 20 39
7207 20 59
7207 11 90
7207 12 90
7207 19 19
3, 10, 12, 22 Secondary route - EAF Forgings
7207 20 19
7207 20 39
7207 20 59
7207 11 90
7207 12 90
7207 19 19 Secondary route -
3, 10, 12, 22 Forgings
7207 20 19 Induction furnace
7207 20 39
7207 20 59

Product CN
Mapping* Production route Description
7207 11 90
7207 12 90
7207 19 19
3, 4, 10, 12, 22 DRI (Midrex)-EAF Forgings
7207 20 19
7207 20 39
7207 20 59
7207 11 90
7207 12 90
7207 19 19
2, 4, 10, 12, 22 DRI (Corex)-BOF Forgings
7207 20 19
7207 20 39
7207 20 59
7207 11 90
7207 12 90
7207 19 19
3, 4, 10, 12, 22 DRI (Rotary Kiln)-EAF Forgings
7207 20 19
7207 20 39
7207 20 59
Iron or non-alloy steel; flat-rolled products of a width of 600mm or more, hot-rolled, not clad, plated or
7208 1, 2, 11, 13, 23 Primary route
Iron or non-alloy steel; flat-rolled products of a width of 600mm or more, hot-rolled, not clad, plated or
7208 3, 11, 13, 23 Secondary route - EAF
Secondary route - Iron or non-alloy steel; flat-rolled products of a width of 600mm or more, hot-rolled, not clad, plated or
7208 3, 11, 13, 23
Induction furnace coated
Iron or non-alloy steel; flat-rolled products of a width of 600mm or more, hot-rolled, not clad, plated or
7208 3, 4, 11, 13, 23 DRI (Midrex)-EAF
Iron or non-alloy steel; flat-rolled products of a width of 600mm or more, hot-rolled, not clad, plated or
7208 2, 4, 11, 13, 23 DRI (Corex)-BOF
Iron or non-alloy steel; flat-rolled products of a width of 600mm or more, hot-rolled, not clad, plated or
7208 3, 4, 11, 13, 23 DRI (Rotary Kiln)-EAF
Iron or non-alloy steel; flat-rolled products, width 600mm or more, cold-rolled (cold-reduced), not clad,
7209 1, 2, 11, 13, 14, 15, 23 Primary route
plated or coated
Iron or non-alloy steel; flat-rolled products, width 600mm or more, cold-rolled (cold-reduced), not clad,
7209 3, 11, 13, 14, 15, 23 Secondary route - EAF
plated or coated
Secondary route - Iron or non-alloy steel; flat-rolled products, width 600mm or more, cold-rolled (cold-reduced), not clad,
7209 3, 11, 13, 14, 15, 23
Induction furnace plated or coated
Iron or non-alloy steel; flat-rolled products, width 600mm or more, cold-rolled (cold-reduced), not clad,
7209 3, 4, 11, 13, 14, 15, 23 DRI (Midrex)-EAF
plated or coated

Product CN
Mapping* Production route Description
Iron or non-alloy steel; flat-rolled products, width 600mm or more, cold-rolled (cold-reduced), not clad,
7209 2, 4, 11, 13, 14, 15, 23 DRI (Corex)-BOF
plated or coated
Iron or non-alloy steel; flat-rolled products, width 600mm or more, cold-rolled (cold-reduced), not clad,
7209 3, 4, 11, 13, 14, 15, 23 DRI (Rotary Kiln)-EAF
plated or coated
7210 1, 2, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 23 Primary route Iron or non-alloy steel; flat-rolled products, width 600mm or more, clad, plated or coated
7210 3, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 23 Secondary route - EAF Iron or non-alloy steel; flat-rolled products, width 600mm or more, clad, plated or coated
Secondary route -
7210 3, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 23 Iron or non-alloy steel; flat-rolled products, width 600mm or more, clad, plated or coated
Induction furnace
7210 3, 4, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 23 DRI (Midrex)-EAF Iron or non-alloy steel; flat-rolled products, width 600mm or more, clad, plated or coated
7210 2, 4, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 23 DRI (Corex)-BOF Iron or non-alloy steel; flat-rolled products, width 600mm or more, clad, plated or coated
7210 3, 4, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 23 DRI (Rotary Kiln)-EAF Iron or non-alloy steel; flat-rolled products, width 600mm or more, clad, plated or coated
7211 Iron or non-alloy steel; flat-rolled products, width less than 600mm, not clad, plated or coated
7211 13 00
7211 14 00 1, 2, 11, 13, 23 Primary route Hot-rolled flat products
7211 19 00
7211 13 00
7211 14 00 3, 11, 13, 23 Secondary route - EAF Hot-rolled flat products
7211 19 00
7211 13 00
Secondary route -
7211 14 00 3, 11, 13, 23 Hot-rolled flat products
Induction furnace
7211 19 00
7211 13 00
7211 14 00 3, 4, 11, 13, 23 DRI (Midrex)-EAF Hot-rolled flat products
7211 19 00
7211 13 00
7211 14 00 2, 4, 11, 13, 23 DRI (Corex)-BOF Hot-rolled flat products
7211 19 00
7211 13 00
7211 14 00 3, 4, 11, 13, 23 DRI (Rotary Kiln)-EAF Hot-rolled flat products
7211 19 00
7211 23
7211 29 00 1, 2, 11, 13, 14, 15, 23 Primary route Cold-rolled and annealed flat products
7211 90
7211 23
7211 29 00 3, 11, 13, 14, 15, 23 Secondary route - EAF Cold-rolled and annealed flat products
7211 90
7211 23
Secondary route -
7211 29 00 3, 11, 13, 14, 15, 23 Cold-rolled and annealed flat products
Induction furnace
7211 90

Product CN
Mapping* Production route Description
7211 23
7211 29 00 3, 4, 11, 13, 14, 15, 23 DRI (Midrex)-EAF Cold-rolled and annealed flat products
7211 90
7211 23
7211 29 00 2, 4, 11, 13, 14, 15, 23 DRI (Corex)-BOF Cold-rolled and annealed flat products
7211 90
7211 23
7211 29 00 3, 4, 11, 13, 14, 15, 23 DRI (Rotary Kiln)-EAF Cold-rolled and annealed flat products
7211 90
7212 1, 2, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 23 Primary route Iron or non-alloy steel; flat-rolled products, width less than 600mm, clad, plated or coated
7212 3, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 23 Secondary route - EAF Iron or non-alloy steel; flat-rolled products, width less than 600mm, clad, plated or coated
Secondary route -
7212 3, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 23 Iron or non-alloy steel; flat-rolled products, width less than 600mm, clad, plated or coated
Induction furnace
7212 3, 4, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 23 DRI (Midrex)-EAF Iron or non-alloy steel; flat-rolled products, width less than 600mm, clad, plated or coated
7212 2, 4, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 23 DRI (Corex)-BOF Iron or non-alloy steel; flat-rolled products, width less than 600mm, clad, plated or coated
7212 3, 4, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 23 DRI (Rotary Kiln)-EAF Iron or non-alloy steel; flat-rolled products, width less than 600mm, clad, plated or coated
7213 1, 2, 11, 18, 25 Primary route Iron or non-alloy steel; bars and rods, hot-rolled, in irregularly wound coils
7213 3, 11, 18, 25 Secondary route - EAF Iron or non-alloy steel; bars and rods, hot-rolled, in irregularly wound coils
Secondary route -
7213 3, 11, 18, 25 Iron or non-alloy steel; bars and rods, hot-rolled, in irregularly wound coils
Induction furnace
7213 3, 4, 11, 18, 25 DRI (Midrex)-EAF Iron or non-alloy steel; bars and rods, hot-rolled, in irregularly wound coils
7213 2, 4, 11, 18, 25 DRI (Corex)-BOF Iron or non-alloy steel; bars and rods, hot-rolled, in irregularly wound coils
7213 3, 4, 11, 18, 25 DRI (Rotary Kiln)-EAF Iron or non-alloy steel; bars and rods, hot-rolled, in irregularly wound coils
Iron or non-alloy steel; bars and rods, not further worked than forged, hot-rolled, hot drawn or hot-
extruded, but including those twisted after rolling
7214 10 00 1, 2, 10, 12, 22 Primary route Forgings
7214 10 00 3, 10, 12, 22 Secondary route - EAF Forgings
Secondary route -
7214 10 00 3, 10, 12, 22 Forgings
Induction furnace
7214 10 00 3, 4, 10, 12, 22 DRI (Midrex)-EAF Forgings
7214 10 00 2, 4, 10, 12, 22 DRI (Corex)-BOF Forgings
7214 10 00 3, 4, 10, 12, 22 DRI (Rotary Kiln)-EAF Forgings
7214 20 00
7214 30 00
1, 2, 11, 18, 25 Primary route Bars, rods, and other long products
7214 91
7214 99
7214 20 00
3, 11, 18, 25 Secondary route - EAF Bars, rods, and other long products
7214 30 00

Product CN
Mapping* Production route Description
7214 91
7214 99
7214 20 00
7214 30 00 Secondary route -
3, 11, 18, 25 Bars, rods, and other long products
7214 91 Induction furnace
7214 99
7214 20 00
7214 30 00
3, 4, 11, 18, 25 DRI (Midrex)-EAF Bars, rods, and other long products
7214 91
7214 99
7214 20 00
7214 30 00
2, 4, 11, 18, 25 DRI (Corex)-BOF Bars, rods, and other long products
7214 91
7214 99
7214 20 00
7214 30 00
3, 4, 11, 18, 25 DRI (Rotary Kiln)-EAF Bars, rods, and other long products
7214 91
7214 99
7215 1, 2, 11, 18, 25 Primary route Iron or non-alloy steel; bars and rods, n.e.c. in chapter 72
7215 3, 11, 18, 25 Secondary route - EAF Iron or non-alloy steel; bars and rods, n.e.c. in chapter 72
Secondary route -
7215 3, 11, 18, 25 Iron or non-alloy steel; bars and rods, n.e.c. in chapter 72
Induction furnace
7215 3, 4, 11, 18, 25 DRI (Midrex)-EAF Iron or non-alloy steel; bars and rods, n.e.c. in chapter 72
7215 2, 4, 11, 18, 25 DRI (Corex)-BOF Iron or non-alloy steel; bars and rods, n.e.c. in chapter 72
7215 3, 4, 11, 18, 25 DRI (Rotary Kiln)-EAF Iron or non-alloy steel; bars and rods, n.e.c. in chapter 72
7216 1, 2, 11, 18, 25 Primary route Iron or non-alloy steel, angles, shapes and sections
7216 3, 11, 18, 25 Secondary route - EAF Iron or non-alloy steel, angles, shapes and sections
Secondary route -
7216 3, 11, 18, 25 Iron or non-alloy steel, angles, shapes and sections
Induction furnace
7216 3, 4, 11, 18, 25 DRI (Midrex)-EAF Iron or non-alloy steel, angles, shapes and sections
7216 2, 4, 11, 18, 25 DRI (Corex)-BOF Iron or non-alloy steel, angles, shapes and sections
7216 3, 4, 11, 18, 25 DRI (Rotary Kiln)-EAF Iron or non-alloy steel, angles, shapes and sections
7217 Wire of iron or non-alloy steel.
7217 10 1, 2, 11, 18, 19, 26 Primary route Wires
7217 10 3, 11, 18, 19, 26 Secondary route - EAF Wires
Secondary route -
7217 10 3, 11, 18, 19, 26 Wires
Induction furnace
7217 10 3, 4, 11, 18, 19, 26 DRI (Midrex)-EAF Wires
7217 10 2, 4, 11, 18, 19, 26 DRI (Corex)-BOF Wires

Product CN
Mapping* Production route Description
7217 10 3, 4, 11, 18, 19, 26 DRI (Rotary Kiln)-EAF Wires
7217 20
7217 30 1, 2, 11, 18, 19, 20, 26 Primary route Plated or coated wires
7217 90
7217 20
7217 30 3, 11, 18, 19, 20, 26 Secondary route - EAF Plated or coated wires
7217 90
7217 20
Secondary route -
7217 30 3, 11, 18, 19, 20, 26 Plated or coated wires
Induction furnace
7217 90
7217 20
7217 30 3, 4, 11, 18, 19, 20, 26 DRI (Midrex)-EAF Plated or coated wires
7217 90
7217 20
7217 30 2, 4, 11, 18, 19, 20, 26 DRI (Corex)-BOF Plated or coated wires
7217 90
7217 20
7217 30 3, 4, 11, 18, 19, 20, 26 DRI (Rotary Kiln)-EAF Plated or coated wires
7217 90
7218 Stainless steel in ingots or other primary forms; semi-finished products of stainless steel.
7218 10 00
Primary route steel
7218 99 19 1, 2, 5, 10, 12, 22 Ingots and forgings
7218 99 80
7218 10 00
Secondary route steel
7218 99 19 3, 5, 10, 12, 22 Ingots and forgings
alloy - EAF
7218 99 80
7218 10 00 Secondary route steel
7218 99 19 3, 5, 10, 12, 22 alloy - Induction Ingots and forgings
7218 99 80 furnace
7218 91
Primary route steel
7218 99 11 1, 2, 5, 11, 13, 23 Hot-rolled flat products
7218 99 20
7218 91
Secondary route steel
7218 99 11 3, 5, 11, 13, 23 Hot-rolled flat products
alloy - EAF
7218 99 20
7218 91 Secondary route steel
7218 99 11 3, 5, 11, 13, 23 alloy - Induction Hot-rolled flat products
7218 99 20 furnace
7219 Stainless steel; flat-rolled products of width of 600mm or more

Product CN
Mapping* Production route Description
7219 11 00
7219 12
7219 13
7219 14 Primary route steel
1, 2, 5, 11, 13, 23 Hot-rolled flat products
7219 21 alloy
7219 22
7219 23 00
7219 24 00
7219 11 00
7219 12
7219 13
7219 14 Secondary route steel
3, 5, 11, 13, 23 Hot-rolled flat products
7219 21 alloy - EAF
7219 22
7219 23 00
7219 24 00
7219 11 00
7219 12
7219 13
Secondary route steel
7219 14
3, 5, 11, 13, 23 alloy - Induction Hot-rolled flat products
7219 21
7219 22
7219 23 00
7219 24 00
7219 31 00
7219 32
7219 33 Primary route steel
1, 2, 5, 11, 13, 14, 15, 23 Cold-rolled and annealed flat products
7219 34 alloy
7219 35
7219 90
7219 31 00
7219 32
7219 33 Secondary route steel
3, 5, 11, 13, 14, 15, 23 Cold-rolled and annealed flat products
7219 34 alloy - EAF
7219 35
7219 90
7219 31 00 Secondary route steel
7219 32 3, 5, 11, 13, 14, 15, 23 alloy - Induction Cold-rolled and annealed flat products
7219 33 furnace

Product CN
Mapping* Production route Description
7219 34
7219 35
7219 90
7220 Stainless steel; flat-rolled products of width less than 600mm
7220 11 00 Primary route steel
1, 2, 5, 11, 13, 23 Hot-rolled flat products
7220 12 00 alloy
7220 11 00 Secondary route steel
3, 5, 11, 13, 23 Hot-rolled flat products
7220 12 00 alloy - EAF
Secondary route steel
7220 11 00
3, 5, 11, 13, 23 alloy - Induction Hot-rolled flat products
7220 12 00
7220 20 Primary route steel
1, 2, 5, 11, 13, 14, 15, 23 Cold-rolled and annealed flat products
7220 90 alloy
7220 20 Secondary route steel
3, 5, 11, 13, 14, 15, 23 Cold-rolled and annealed flat products
7220 90 alloy - EAF
Secondary route steel
7220 20
3, 5, 11, 13, 14, 15, 23 alloy - Induction Cold-rolled and annealed flat products
7220 90
Primary route steel
7221 1, 2, 5, 11, 18, 25 Stainless steel bars and rods, hot-rolled, in irregularly wound coils
Secondary route steel
7221 3, 5, 11, 18, 25 Stainless steel bars and rods, hot-rolled, in irregularly wound coils
alloy - EAF
Secondary route steel
7221 3, 5, 11, 18, 25 alloy - Induction Stainless steel bars and rods, hot-rolled, in irregularly wound coils
7222 Stainless steel bars and rods, angles, shapes and sections
7222 11
7222 19 Primary route steel
1, 2, 5, 11, 18, 25 Bars, rods, and other long products
7222 20 alloy
7222 40
7222 11
7222 19 Secondary route steel
3, 5, 11, 18, 25 Bars, rods, and other long products
7222 20 alloy - EAF
7222 40
7222 11
Secondary route steel
7222 19
3, 5, 11, 18, 25 alloy - Induction Bars, rods, and other long products
7222 20
7222 40

Product CN
Mapping* Production route Description
Primary route steel
7222 30 1, 2, 5, 10, 12, 22 Forgings
Secondary route steel
7222 30 3, 5, 10, 12, 22 Forgings
alloy - EAF
Secondary route steel
7222 30 3, 5, 10, 12, 22 alloy - Induction Forgings
7223 Stainless steel wire
Primary route steel
7223 00 1, 2, 5, 11, 18, 19, 26 Wires
Secondary route steel
7223 00 3, 5, 11, 18, 19, 26 Wires
alloy - EAF
Secondary route steel
7223 00 3, 5, 11, 18, 19, 26 alloy - Induction Wires
7224 Alloy steel in ingots or other primary forms, semi-finished products of other alloy steel
7224 10
Primary route steel
7224 90 18 1, 2, 5, 10, 12, 22 Ingots and forgings
7224 90 90
7224 10
Secondary route steel
7224 90 18 3, 5, 10, 12, 22 Ingots and forgings
alloy - EAF
7224 90 90
7224 10 Secondary route steel
7224 90 18 3, 5, 10, 12, 22 alloy - Induction Ingots and forgings
7224 90 90 furnace
7224 90 02
7224 90 03
7224 90 05
Primary route steel
7224 90 07 1, 2, 5, 11, 13, 23 Hot-rolled flat products
7224 90 14
7224 90 31
7224 90 38
7224 90 02
7224 90 03
7224 90 05
Secondary route steel
7224 90 07 3, 5, 11, 13, 23 Hot-rolled flat products
alloy - EAF
7224 90 14
7224 90 31
7224 90 38

Product CN
Mapping* Production route Description
7224 90 02
7224 90 03
7224 90 05 Secondary route steel
7224 90 07 3, 5, 11, 13, 23 alloy - Induction Hot-rolled flat products
7224 90 14 furnace
7224 90 31
7224 90 38
7225 Alloy steel flat-rolled products, of a width 600mm or more
7225 11 00
7225 19 10 Primary route steel
1, 2, 5, 11, 13, 23 Hot-rolled flat products
7225 30 alloy
7225 40
7225 11 00
7225 19 10 Secondary route steel
3, 5, 11, 13, 23 Hot-rolled flat products
7225 30 alloy - EAF
7225 40
7225 11 00
Secondary route steel
7225 19 10
3, 5, 11, 13, 23 alloy - Induction Hot-rolled flat products
7225 30
7225 40
7225 19 90 Primary route steel
1, 2, 5, 11, 13, 14, 15, 23 Cold-rolled and annealed flat products
7225 50 alloy
7225 19 90 Secondary route steel
3, 5, 11, 13, 14, 15, 23 Cold-rolled and annealed flat products
7225 50 alloy - EAF
Secondary route steel
7225 19 90
3, 5, 11, 13, 14, 15, 23 alloy - Induction Cold-rolled and annealed flat products
7225 50
7225 91 00
Primary route steel
7225 92 00 1, 2, 5, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 23 Plated or coated flat products
7225 99 00
7225 91 00
Secondary route steel
7225 92 00 3, 5, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 23 Plated or coated flat products
alloy - EAF
7225 99 00
7225 91 00 Secondary route steel
7225 92 00 3, 5, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 23 alloy - Induction Plated or coated flat products
7225 99 00 furnace
7226 Alloy steel flat-rolled products, of a width of less than 600mm
7226 11 00 Primary route steel
1, 2, 5, 11, 13, 23 Hot-rolled flat products
7226 19 10 alloy

Product CN
Mapping* Production route Description
7226 20 00
7226 91
7226 11 00
7226 19 10 Secondary route steel
3, 5, 11, 13, 23 Hot-rolled flat products
7226 20 00 alloy - EAF
7226 91
7226 11 00
Secondary route steel
7226 19 10
3, 5, 11, 13, 23 alloy - Induction Hot-rolled flat products
7226 20 00
7226 91
7226 19 80 Primary route steel
1, 2, 5, 11, 13, 14, 15, 23 Cold-rolled and annealed flat products
7226 92 00 alloy
7226 19 80 Secondary route steel
3, 5, 11, 13, 14, 15, 23 Cold-rolled and annealed flat products
7226 92 00 alloy - EAF
Secondary route steel
7226 19 80
3, 5, 11, 13, 14, 15, 23 alloy - Induction Cold-rolled and annealed flat products
7226 92 00
Primary route steel
7226 99 1, 2, 5, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 23 Plated or coated flat products
Secondary route steel
7226 99 3, 5, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 23 Plated or coated flat products
alloy - EAF
Secondary route steel
7226 99 3, 5, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 23 alloy - Induction Plated or coated flat products
Primary route steel
7227 1, 2, 5, 11, 18, 25 Steel, alloy; bars and rods, hot-rolled, in irregularly wound coils
Secondary route steel
7227 3, 5, 11, 18, 25 Steel, alloy; bars and rods, hot-rolled, in irregularly wound coils
alloy - EAF
Secondary route steel
7227 3, 5, 11, 18, 25 alloy - Induction Steel, alloy; bars and rods, hot-rolled, in irregularly wound coils
7228 Alloy steel bars, rods, shapes and sections; hollow drill bars and rods, of alloy or non-alloy steel
7228 10 20
7228 10 90
7228 20 Primary route steel
1, 2, 5, 11, 18, 25 Bars, rods, and other long products
7228 30 alloy
7228 50
7228 60

Product CN
Mapping* Production route Description
7228 70
7228 80 00
7228 10 20
7228 10 90
7228 20
7228 30 Secondary route steel
3, 5, 11, 18, 25 Bars, rods, and other long products
7228 50 alloy - EAF
7228 60
7228 70
7228 80 00
7228 10 20
7228 10 90
7228 20
Secondary route steel
7228 30
3, 5, 11, 18, 25 alloy - Induction Bars, rods, and other long products
7228 50
7228 60
7228 70
7228 80 00
7228 10 50 Primary route steel
1, 2, 5, 10, 12, 22 Forgings
7228 40 alloy
7228 10 50 Secondary route steel
3, 5, 10, 12, 22 Forgings
7228 40 alloy - EAF
Secondary route steel
7228 10 50
3, 5, 10, 12, 22 alloy - Induction Forgings
7228 40
Primary route steel
7229 1, 2, 5, 11, 18, 19, 26 Wire of other alloy steel.
Secondary route steel
7229 3, 5, 11, 18, 19, 26 Wire of other alloy steel.
alloy - EAF
Secondary route steel
7229 3, 5, 11, 18, 19, 26 alloy - Induction Wire of other alloy steel.
Sheet piling of iron or steel, whether or not drilled, punched or made from assembled elements; welded
7301 1, 2, 11, 13, 14, 15, 23 Primary route
angles, shapes and sections, of iron or steel.
Primary route steel Sheet piling of iron or steel, whether or not drilled, punched or made from assembled elements; welded
7301 1, 2, 5, 11, 13, 14, 15, 23
alloy angles, shapes and sections, of iron or steel.
Secondary route steel Sheet piling of iron or steel, whether or not drilled, punched or made from assembled elements; welded
7301 3, 5, 11, 13, 14, 15, 23
alloy - EAF angles, shapes and sections, of iron or steel.

Product CN
Mapping* Production route Description
Secondary route steel
Sheet piling of iron or steel, whether or not drilled, punched or made from assembled elements; welded
7301 3, 5, 11, 13, 14, 15, 23 alloy - Induction
angles, shapes and sections, of iron or steel.
Sheet piling of iron or steel, whether or not drilled, punched or made from assembled elements; welded
7301 3, 4, 11, 13, 14, 15, 23 DRI (Midrex)-EAF
angles, shapes and sections, of iron or steel.
Sheet piling of iron or steel, whether or not drilled, punched or made from assembled elements; welded
7301 2, 4, 11, 13, 14, 15, 23 DRI (Corex)-BOF
angles, shapes and sections, of iron or steel.
Sheet piling of iron or steel, whether or not drilled, punched or made from assembled elements; welded
7301 3, 4, 11, 13, 14, 15, 23 DRI (Rotary Kiln)-EAF
angles, shapes and sections, of iron or steel.
Railway or tramway track construction material of iron or steel, the following : rails, check-rails and rack
7302 1, 2, 11, 17, 24 Primary route rails, switch blades, crossing frogs, point rods and other crossing pieces, sleepers (cross-ties), fish-
plates, chairs, chair wedges, sole plates
Railway or tramway track construction material of iron or steel, the following : rails, check-rails and rack
Primary route steel
7302 1, 2, 5, 11, 17, 24 rails, switch blades, crossing frogs, point rods and other crossing pieces, sleepers (cross-ties), fish-
plates, chairs, chair wedges, sole plates
Railway or tramway track construction material of iron or steel, the following : rails, check-rails and rack
Secondary route steel
7302 3, 5, 11, 17, 24 rails, switch blades, crossing frogs, point rods and other crossing pieces, sleepers (cross-ties), fish-
alloy - EAF
plates, chairs, chair wedges, sole plates
Secondary route steel Railway or tramway track construction material of iron or steel, the following : rails, check-rails and rack
7302 3, 5, 11, 17, 24 alloy - Induction rails, switch blades, crossing frogs, point rods and other crossing pieces, sleepers (cross-ties), fish-
furnace plates, chairs, chair wedges, sole plates
Railway or tramway track construction material of iron or steel, the following : rails, check-rails and rack
7302 3, 4, 11, 17, 24 DRI (Midrex)-EAF rails, switch blades, crossing frogs, point rods and other crossing pieces, sleepers (cross-ties), fish-
plates, chairs, chair wedges, sole plates
Railway or tramway track construction material of iron or steel, the following : rails, check-rails and rack
7302 2, 4, 11, 17, 24 DRI (Corex)-BOF rails, switch blades, crossing frogs, point rods and other crossing pieces, sleepers (cross-ties), fish-
plates, chairs, chair wedges, sole plates
Railway or tramway track construction material of iron or steel, the following : rails, check-rails and rack
7302 3, 4, 11, 17, 24 DRI (Rotary Kiln)-EAF rails, switch blades, crossing frogs, point rods and other crossing pieces, sleepers (cross-ties), fish-
plates, chairs, chair wedges, sole plates
7303 Tubes, pipes & hollow profiles of cast iron
730300 1, 9, 6, 11, 17, 24 Primary route Tubes, pipes & hollow profiles of cast iron
7304 Tubes, pipes and hollow profiles, seamless, of iron (other than cast iron) or steel
7304 11 00
7304 22 00
Primary route steel
7304 24 00 1, 2, 5, 11, 17, 24 Beams, billets, rails and tubes -- alloying elements group 1
7304 41 00
7304 49

Product CN
Mapping* Production route Description
7304 51
7304 59
7304 11 00
7304 22 00
7304 24 00
Secondary route steel
7304 41 00 3, 5, 11, 17, 24 Beams, billets, rails and tubes -- alloying elements group 1
alloy - EAF
7304 49
7304 51
7304 59
7304 11 00
7304 22 00
7304 24 00 Secondary route steel
7304 41 00 3, 5, 11, 17, 24 alloy - Induction Beams, billets, rails and tubes -- alloying elements group 1
7304 49 furnace
7304 51
7304 59
7304 19
7304 23 00
7304 29
1, 2, 11, 17, 24 Primary route Beams, billets, rails and tubes -- alloying elements group 2
7304 31
7304 39
7304 90 00
7304 19
7304 23 00
7304 29 Primary route steel
1, 2, 5, 11, 17, 24 Beams, billets, rails and tubes -- alloying elements group 2
7304 31 alloy
7304 39
7304 90 00
7304 19
7304 23 00
7304 29 Secondary route steel
3, 5, 11, 17, 24 Beams, billets, rails and tubes -- alloying elements group 2
7304 31 alloy - EAF
7304 39
7304 90 00
7304 19
Secondary route steel
7304 23 00
3, 5, 11, 17, 24 alloy - Induction Beams, billets, rails and tubes -- alloying elements group 2
7304 29
7304 31

Product CN
Mapping* Production route Description
7304 39
7304 90 00
7304 19
7304 23 00
7304 29
3, 4, 11, 17, 24 DRI (Midrex)-EAF Beams, billets, rails and tubes -- alloying elements group 2
7304 31
7304 39
7304 90 00
7304 19
7304 23 00
7304 29
2, 4, 11, 17, 24 DRI (Corex)-BOF Beams, billets, rails and tubes -- alloying elements group 2
7304 31
7304 39
7304 90 00
7304 19
7304 23 00
7304 29
3, 4, 11, 17, 24 DRI (Rotary Kiln)-EAF Beams, billets, rails and tubes -- alloying elements group 2
7304 31
7304 39
7304 90 00
Other tubes and pipes (for example, welded, riveted or similarly closed), having circular cross-sections,
7305 1, 2, 11, 13, 14, 15, 23 Primary route
the external diameter of which exceeds 406.4 mm, of iron or steel.
Primary route steel Other tubes and pipes (for example, welded, riveted or similarly closed), having circular cross-sections,
7305 1, 2, 5, 11, 13, 14, 15, 23
alloy the external diameter of which exceeds 406.4 mm, of iron or steel.
Secondary route steel Other tubes and pipes (for example, welded, riveted or similarly closed), having circular cross-sections,
7305 3, 5, 11, 13, 14, 15, 23
alloy - EAF the external diameter of which exceeds 406.4 mm, of iron or steel.
Secondary route steel
Other tubes and pipes (for example, welded, riveted or similarly closed), having circular cross-sections,
7305 3, 5, 11, 13, 14, 15, 23 alloy - Induction
the external diameter of which exceeds 406.4 mm, of iron or steel.
Other tubes and pipes (for example, welded, riveted or similarly closed), having circular cross-sections,
7305 3, 4, 11, 13, 14, 15, 23 DRI (Midrex)-EAF
the external diameter of which exceeds 406.4 mm, of iron or steel.
Other tubes and pipes (for example, welded, riveted or similarly closed), having circular cross-sections,
7305 2, 4, 11, 13, 14, 15, 23 DRI (Corex)-BOF
the external diameter of which exceeds 406.4 mm, of iron or steel.
Other tubes and pipes (for example, welded, riveted or similarly closed), having circular cross-sections,
7305 3, 4, 11, 13, 14, 15, 23 DRI (Rotary Kiln)-EAF
the external diameter of which exceeds 406.4 mm, of iron or steel.
Other tubes, pipes and hollow profiles (for example, open seam or welded, riveted or similarly closed),
of iron or steel.
7306 30 18 1, 2, 11, 13, 23 Primary route Hot-rolled flat products

Product CN
Mapping* Production route Description
Primary route steel
7306 30 18 1, 2, 5, 11, 13, 23 Hot-rolled flat products
Secondary route steel
7306 30 18 3, 5, 11, 13, 23 Hot-rolled flat products
alloy - EAF
Secondary route steel
7306 30 18 3, 5, 11, 13, 23 alloy - Induction Hot-rolled flat products
7306 30 18 3, 4, 11, 13, 23 DRI (Midrex)-EAF Hot-rolled flat products
7306 30 18 2, 4, 11, 13, 23 DRI (Corex)-BOF Hot-rolled flat products
7306 30 18 3, 4, 11, 13, 23 DRI (Rotary Kiln)-EAF Hot-rolled flat products
7306 19 00
7306 29 00 1, 2, 11, 13, 14, 15, 23 Primary route Cold-rolled and annealed flat products
7306 30 12
7306 19 00
Primary route steel
7306 29 00 1, 2, 5, 11, 13, 14, 15, 23 Cold-rolled and annealed flat products
7306 30 12
7306 19 00
Secondary route steel
7306 29 00 3, 5, 11, 13, 14, 15, 23 Cold-rolled and annealed flat products
alloy - EAF
7306 30 12
7306 19 00 Secondary route steel
7306 29 00 3, 5, 11, 13, 14, 15, 23 alloy - Induction Cold-rolled and annealed flat products
7306 30 12 furnace
7306 19 00
7306 29 00 3, 4, 11, 13, 14, 15, 23 DRI (Midrex)-EAF Cold-rolled and annealed flat products
7306 30 12
7306 19 00
7306 29 00 2, 4, 11, 13, 14, 15, 23 DRI (Corex)-BOF Cold-rolled and annealed flat products
7306 30 12
7306 19 00
7306 29 00 3, 4, 11, 13, 14, 15, 23 DRI (Rotary Kiln)-EAF Cold-rolled and annealed flat products
7306 30 12
7306 30 41
7306 30 49
7306 30 72
7306 30 77 1, 2, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 23 Primary route Plated or coated flat products
7306 30 80
7306 61 92
7306 61 99

Product CN
Mapping* Production route Description
7306 69 90
7306 90 00
7306 30 41
7306 30 49
7306 30 72
7306 30 77
Primary route steel
7306 30 80 1, 2, 5, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 23 Plated or coated flat products
7306 61 92
7306 61 99
7306 69 90
7306 90 00
7306 30 41
7306 30 49
7306 30 72
7306 30 77
Secondary route steel
7306 30 80 3, 5, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 23 Plated or coated flat products
alloy - EAF
7306 61 92
7306 61 99
7306 69 90
7306 90 00
7306 30 41
7306 30 49
7306 30 72
7306 30 77 Secondary route steel
7306 30 80 3, 5, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 23 alloy - Induction Plated or coated flat products
7306 61 92 furnace
7306 61 99
7306 69 90
7306 90 00
7306 30 41
7306 30 49
7306 30 72
7306 30 77
7306 30 80 3, 4, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 23 DRI (Midrex)-EAF Plated or coated flat products
7306 61 92
7306 61 99
7306 69 90
7306 90 00

Product CN
Mapping* Production route Description
7306 30 41
7306 30 49
7306 30 72
7306 30 77
7306 30 80 2, 4, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 23 DRI (Corex)-BOF Plated or coated flat products
7306 61 92
7306 61 99
7306 69 90
7306 90 00
7306 30 41
7306 30 49
7306 30 72
7306 30 77
7306 30 80 3, 4, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 23 DRI (Rotary Kiln)-EAF Plated or coated flat products
7306 61 92
7306 61 99
7306 69 90
7306 90 00
7306 40 80 Primary route steel
1, 2, 5, 11, 13, 23 Hot-rolled flat products -- alloyed
7306 50 29 alloy
7306 40 80 Secondary route steel
3, 5, 11, 13, 23 Hot-rolled flat products -- alloyed
7306 50 29 alloy - EAF
Secondary route steel
7306 40 80
3, 5, 11, 13, 23 alloy - Induction Hot-rolled flat products -- alloyed
7306 50 29
7306 11 00
7306 21 00
Primary route steel
7306 40 20 1, 2, 5, 11, 13, 14, 15, 23 Cold-rolled and annealed flat products -- alloying elements group 1
7306 61 10
7306 69 10
7306 11 00
7306 21 00
Secondary route steel
7306 40 20 3, 5, 11, 13, 14, 15, 23 Cold-rolled and annealed flat products -- alloying elements group 1
alloy - EAF
7306 61 10
7306 69 10
7306 11 00 Secondary route steel
7306 21 00 3, 5, 11, 13, 14, 15, 23 alloy - Induction Cold-rolled and annealed flat products -- alloying elements group 1
7306 40 20 furnace

Product CN
Mapping* Production route Description
7306 61 10
7306 69 10
7306 50 21 Primary route steel
1, 2, 5, 11, 13, 14, 15, 23 Cold-rolled and annealed flat products -- alloying elements group 2
7306 50 80 alloy
7306 50 21 Secondary route steel
3, 5, 11, 13, 14, 15, 23 Cold-rolled and annealed flat products -- alloying elements group 2
7306 50 80 alloy - EAF
Secondary route steel
7306 50 21
3, 5, 11, 13, 14, 15, 23 alloy - Induction Cold-rolled and annealed flat products -- alloying elements group 2
7306 50 80
7307 Tube or pipe fittings (for example, couplings, elbows, sleeves), of iron or steel.
7307 11
1, 10, 12, 22 Primary route Forgings of cast iron
7307 19 10
7307 19 90 3, 10, 12, 22 Secondary route - EAF Forgings of cast steel
Secondary route -
7307 19 90 3, 10, 12, 22 Forgings of cast steel
Induction furnace
7307 21 00
7307 22 Primary route steel
1, 2, 5, 11, 17, 24 Beams, billets, rails and tubes -- of stainless steel
7307 23 alloy
7307 29
7307 21 00
7307 22 Secondary route steel
3, 5, 11, 17, 24 Beams, billets, rails and tubes -- of stainless steel
7307 23 alloy - EAF
7307 29
7307 21 00
Secondary route steel
7307 22
3, 5, 11, 17, 24 alloy - Induction Beams, billets, rails and tubes -- of stainless steel
7307 23
7307 29
7307 91 00
7307 92
1, 2, 11, 17, 24 Primary route Beams, billets, rails and tubes
7307 93
7307 99
7307 91 00
7307 92
3, 11, 17, 24 Secondary route - EAF Beams, billets, rails and tubes
7307 93
7307 99
7307 91 00
7307 92 Secondary route -
3, 11, 17, 24 Beams, billets, rails and tubes
7307 93 Induction furnace
7307 99

Product CN
Mapping* Production route Description
7307 91 00
7307 92
3, 4, 11, 17, 24 DRI (Midrex)-EAF Beams, billets, rails and tubes
7307 93
7307 99
7307 91 00
7307 92
2, 4, 11, 17, 24 DRI (Corex)-BOF Beams, billets, rails and tubes
7307 93
7307 99
7307 91 00
7307 92
3, 4, 11, 17, 24 DRI (Rotary Kiln)-EAF Beams, billets, rails and tubes
7307 93
7307 99
Structures (excluding prefabricated buildings of heading 9406) and parts of structures (for example,
bridges and bridge-sections, lock- gates, towers, lattice masts, roofs, roofing frameworks, doors and
7308 1, 2, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 23 Primary route windows and their frames and thresholds for doors, shutters, balusTrades, pillars and columns), of iron
or steel; plates, rods, angles, shapes, sections, tubes and the like, prepared for use in structures, of iron
or steel
Structures (excluding prefabricated buildings of heading 9406) and parts of structures (for example,
bridges and bridge-sections, lock- gates, towers, lattice masts, roofs, roofing frameworks, doors and
Primary route steel
7308 1, 2, 5, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 23 windows and their frames and thresholds for doors, shutters, balusTrades, pillars and columns), of iron
or steel; plates, rods, angles, shapes, sections, tubes and the like, prepared for use in structures, of iron
or steel
Structures (excluding prefabricated buildings of heading 9406) and parts of structures (for example,
bridges and bridge-sections, lock- gates, towers, lattice masts, roofs, roofing frameworks, doors and
Secondary route steel
7308 3, 5, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 23 windows and their frames and thresholds for doors, shutters, balusTrades, pillars and columns), of iron
alloy - EAF
or steel; plates, rods, angles, shapes, sections, tubes and the like, prepared for use in structures, of iron
or steel
Structures (excluding prefabricated buildings of heading 9406) and parts of structures (for example,
Secondary route steel bridges and bridge-sections, lock- gates, towers, lattice masts, roofs, roofing frameworks, doors and
7308 3, 5, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 23 alloy - Induction windows and their frames and thresholds for doors, shutters, balusTrades, pillars and columns), of iron
furnace or steel; plates, rods, angles, shapes, sections, tubes and the like, prepared for use in structures, of iron
or steel
Structures (excluding prefabricated buildings of heading 9406) and parts of structures (for example,
bridges and bridge-sections, lock- gates, towers, lattice masts, roofs, roofing frameworks, doors and
7308 3, 4, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 23 DRI (Midrex)-EAF windows and their frames and thresholds for doors, shutters, balusTrades, pillars and columns), of iron
or steel; plates, rods, angles, shapes, sections, tubes and the like, prepared for use in structures, of iron
or steel
Structures (excluding prefabricated buildings of heading 9406) and parts of structures (for example,
7308 2, 4, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 23 DRI (Corex)-BOF
bridges and bridge-sections, lock- gates, towers, lattice masts, roofs, roofing frameworks, doors and

Product CN
Mapping* Production route Description
windows and their frames and thresholds for doors, shutters, balusTrades, pillars and columns), of iron
or steel; plates, rods, angles, shapes, sections, tubes and the like, prepared for use in structures, of iron
or steel
Structures (excluding prefabricated buildings of heading 9406) and parts of structures (for example,
bridges and bridge-sections, lock- gates, towers, lattice masts, roofs, roofing frameworks, doors and
7308 3, 4, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 23 DRI (Rotary Kiln)-EAF windows and their frames and thresholds for doors, shutters, balusTrades, pillars and columns), of iron
or steel; plates, rods, angles, shapes, sections, tubes and the like, prepared for use in structures, of iron
or steel
Reservoirs, tanks, vats and similar containers for any material (other than compressed or liquefied gas),
7309 1, 2, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 23 Primary route of iron or steel, of a capacity exceeding 300 l, whether or not lined or heat-insulated, but not fitted with
mechanical or thermal equipment
Reservoirs, tanks, vats and similar containers for any material (other than compressed or liquefied gas),
Primary route steel
7309 1, 2, 5, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 23 of iron or steel, of a capacity exceeding 300 l, whether or not lined or heat-insulated, but not fitted with
mechanical or thermal equipment
Reservoirs, tanks, vats and similar containers for any material (other than compressed or liquefied gas),
Secondary route steel
7309 3, 5, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 23 of iron or steel, of a capacity exceeding 300 l, whether or not lined or heat-insulated, but not fitted with
alloy - EAF
mechanical or thermal equipment
Secondary route steel Reservoirs, tanks, vats and similar containers for any material (other than compressed or liquefied gas),
7309 3, 5, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 23 alloy - Induction of iron or steel, of a capacity exceeding 300 l, whether or not lined or heat-insulated, but not fitted with
furnace mechanical or thermal equipment
Reservoirs, tanks, vats and similar containers for any material (other than compressed or liquefied gas),
7309 3, 4, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 23 DRI (Midrex)-EAF of iron or steel, of a capacity exceeding 300 l, whether or not lined or heat-insulated, but not fitted with
mechanical or thermal equipment
Reservoirs, tanks, vats and similar containers for any material (other than compressed or liquefied gas),
7309 2, 4, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 23 DRI (Corex)-BOF of iron or steel, of a capacity exceeding 300 l, whether or not lined or heat-insulated, but not fitted with
mechanical or thermal equipment
Reservoirs, tanks, vats and similar containers for any material (other than compressed or liquefied gas),
7309 3, 4, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 23 DRI (Rotary Kiln)-EAF of iron or steel, of a capacity exceeding 300 l, whether or not lined or heat-insulated, but not fitted with
mechanical or thermal equipment
Tanks, casks, drums, cans, boxes and similar containers, for any material (other than compressed or
7310 1, 2, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 23 Primary route liquefied gas), of iron or steel, of a capacity not exceeding 300 l, whether or not lined or heat-insulated,
but not fitted with mechanical or thermal equipment
Tanks, casks, drums, cans, boxes and similar containers, for any material (other than compressed or
Primary route steel
7310 1, 2, 5, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 23 liquefied gas), of iron or steel, of a capacity not exceeding 300 l, whether or not lined or heat-insulated,
but not fitted with mechanical or thermal equipment
Tanks, casks, drums, cans, boxes and similar containers, for any material (other than compressed or
Secondary route steel
7310 3, 5, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 23 liquefied gas), of iron or steel, of a capacity not exceeding 300 l, whether or not lined or heat-insulated,
alloy - EAF
but not fitted with mechanical or thermal equipment

Product CN
Mapping* Production route Description
Secondary route steel Tanks, casks, drums, cans, boxes and similar containers, for any material (other than compressed or
7310 3, 5, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 23 alloy - Induction liquefied gas), of iron or steel, of a capacity not exceeding 300 l, whether or not lined or heat-insulated,
furnace but not fitted with mechanical or thermal equipment
Tanks, casks, drums, cans, boxes and similar containers, for any material (other than compressed or
7310 3, 4, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 23 DRI (Midrex)-EAF liquefied gas), of iron or steel, of a capacity not exceeding 300 l, whether or not lined or heat-insulated,
but not fitted with mechanical or thermal equipment
Tanks, casks, drums, cans, boxes and similar containers, for any material (other than compressed or
7310 2, 4, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 23 DRI (Corex)-BOF liquefied gas), of iron or steel, of a capacity not exceeding 300 l, whether or not lined or heat-insulated,
but not fitted with mechanical or thermal equipment
Tanks, casks, drums, cans, boxes and similar containers, for any material (other than compressed or
7310 3, 4, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 23 DRI (Rotary Kiln)-EAF liquefied gas), of iron or steel, of a capacity not exceeding 300 l, whether or not lined or heat-insulated,
but not fitted with mechanical or thermal equipment
7311 Containers for compressed or liquefied gas, of iron or steel
7311 00 1, 2, 11, 18, 25 Primary route Containers for compressed or liquefied gas, of iron or steel
Primary route steel
7311 00 1, 2, 5, 11, 18, 25 Containers for compressed or liquefied gas, of iron or steel
Secondary route steel
7311 00 3, 5, 11, 18, 25 Containers for compressed or liquefied gas, of iron or steel
alloy - EAF
Secondary route steel
7311 00 3, 5, 11, 18, 25 alloy - Induction Containers for compressed or liquefied gas, of iron or steel
7311 00 3, 4, 11, 18, 25 DRI (Midrex)-EAF Containers for compressed or liquefied gas, of iron or steel
7311 00 2, 4, 11, 18, 25 DRI (Corex)-BOF Containers for compressed or liquefied gas, of iron or steel
7311 00 3, 4, 11, 18, 25 DRI (Rotary Kiln)-EAF Containers for compressed or liquefied gas, of iron or steel
Screws, bolts, nuts, coach screws, screw hooks, rivets, cotters, cotter pins, washers (including spring
washers) and similar articles, of iron or steel
7318 11 00
7318 12 90
7318 13 00
7318 14 91 Coach screws; other wood screws; screw hooks and screw rings; self-tapping screws; other threaded
7318 14 99 1, 2, 11, 18, 25 Primary route articles; spring washers and other lock washers; cotters and cotter pins; other non-threaded articles - of
7318 19 00 iron or steel
7318 21 00
7318 24 00
7318 29 00
7318 11 00
Coach screws; other wood screws; screw hooks and screw rings; self-tapping screws; other threaded
7318 12 90
3, 11, 18, 25 Secondary route - EAF articles; spring washers and other lock washers; cotters and cotter pins; other non-threaded articles - of
7318 13 00
iron or steel
7318 14 91

Product CN
Mapping* Production route Description
7318 14 99
7318 19 00
7318 21 00
7318 24 00
7318 29 00
7318 11 00
7318 12 90
7318 13 00
7318 14 91 Coach screws; other wood screws; screw hooks and screw rings; self-tapping screws; other threaded
Secondary route -
7318 14 99 3, 11, 18, 25 articles; spring washers and other lock washers; cotters and cotter pins; other non-threaded articles - of
Induction furnace
7318 19 00 iron or steel
7318 21 00
7318 24 00
7318 29 00
7318 11 00
7318 12 90
7318 13 00
7318 14 91 Coach screws; other wood screws; screw hooks and screw rings; self-tapping screws; other threaded
7318 14 99 3, 4, 11, 18, 25 DRI (Midrex)-EAF articles; spring washers and other lock washers; cotters and cotter pins; other non-threaded articles - of
7318 19 00 iron or steel
7318 21 00
7318 24 00
7318 29 00
7318 11 00
7318 12 90
7318 13 00
7318 14 91 Coach screws; other wood screws; screw hooks and screw rings; self-tapping screws; other threaded
7318 14 99 2, 4, 11, 18, 25 DRI (Corex)-BOF articles; spring washers and other lock washers; cotters and cotter pins; other non-threaded articles - of
7318 19 00 iron or steel
7318 21 00
7318 24 00
7318 29 00
7318 11 00
7318 12 90
7318 13 00 Coach screws; other wood screws; screw hooks and screw rings; self-tapping screws; other threaded
7318 14 91 3, 4, 11, 18, 25 DRI (Rotary Kiln)-EAF articles; spring washers and other lock washers; cotters and cotter pins; other non-threaded articles - of
7318 14 99 iron or steel
7318 19 00
7318 21 00

Product CN
Mapping* Production route Description
7318 24 00
7318 29 00
7318 12 10 Primary route steel
1, 2, 5, 11, 18, 25 Other wood screws; self-tapping screws - of stainless steel
7318 14 10 alloy
7318 12 10 Secondary route steel
3, 5, 11, 18, 25 Other wood screws; self-tapping screws - of stainless steel
7318 14 10 alloy - EAF
Secondary route steel
7318 12 10
3, 5, 11, 18, 25 alloy - Induction Other wood screws; self-tapping screws - of stainless steel
7318 14 10
7318 15 1, 2, 11, 18, 25 Primary route Other screws and bolts, whether or not with their nuts or washers
Primary route steel
7318 15 1, 2, 5, 11, 18, 25 Other screws and bolts, whether or not with their nuts or washers
Secondary route steel
7318 15 3, 5, 11, 18, 25 Other screws and bolts, whether or not with their nuts or washers
alloy - EAF
Secondary route steel
7318 15 3, 5, 11, 18, 25 alloy - Induction Other screws and bolts, whether or not with their nuts or washers
7318 15 3, 4, 11, 18, 25 DRI (Midrex)-EAF Other screws and bolts, whether or not with their nuts or washers
7318 15 2, 4, 11, 18, 25 DRI (Corex)-BOF Other screws and bolts, whether or not with their nuts or washers
7318 15 3, 4, 11, 18, 25 DRI (Rotary Kiln)-EAF Other screws and bolts, whether or not with their nuts or washers
7318 16 1, 2, 11, 18, 25 Primary route Nuts
Primary route steel
7318 16 1, 2, 5, 11, 18, 25 Nuts
Secondary route steel
7318 16 3, 5, 11, 18, 25 Nuts
alloy - EAF
Secondary route steel
7318 16 3, 5, 11, 18, 25 alloy - Induction Nuts
7318 16 3, 4, 11, 18, 25 DRI (Midrex)-EAF Nuts
7318 16 2, 4, 11, 18, 25 DRI (Corex)-BOF Nuts
7318 16 3, 4, 11, 18, 25 DRI (Rotary Kiln)-EAF Nuts
7318 22 00 1, 2, 11, 18, 25 Primary route Other washers
Primary route steel
7318 22 00 1, 2, 5, 11, 18, 25 Other washers
Secondary route steel
7318 22 00 3, 5, 11, 18, 25 Other washers
alloy - EAF
Secondary route steel
7318 22 00 3, 5, 11, 18, 25 alloy - Induction Other washers

Product CN
Mapping* Production route Description
7318 22 00 3, 4, 11, 18, 25 DRI (Midrex)-EAF Other washers
7318 22 00 2, 4, 11, 18, 25 DRI (Corex)-BOF Other washers
7318 22 00 3, 4, 11, 18, 25 DRI (Rotary Kiln)-EAF Other washers
7318 23 00 1, 2, 11, 18, 25 Primary route Rivets
Primary route steel
7318 23 00 1, 2, 5, 11, 18, 25 Rivets
Secondary route steel
7318 23 00 3, 5, 11, 18, 25 Rivets
alloy - EAF
Secondary route steel
7318 23 00 3, 5, 11, 18, 25 alloy - Induction Rivets
7318 23 00 3, 4, 11, 18, 25 DRI (Midrex)-EAF Rivets
7318 23 00 2, 4, 11, 18, 25 DRI (Corex)-BOF Rivets
7318 23 00 3, 4, 11, 18, 25 DRI (Rotary Kiln)-EAF Rivets
7326 Other articles of iron or steel
7326 11 00
7326 19
7326 90 92 1, 2, 10, 12, 22 Primary route Forged, stamped, or sintered
7326 90 94
7326 90 96
7326 11 00
7326 19
7326 90 92 3, 10, 12, 22 Secondary route - EAF Forged, stamped, or sintered
7326 90 94
7326 90 96
7326 11 00
7326 19
Secondary route -
7326 90 92 3, 10, 12, 22 Forged, stamped, or sintered
Induction furnace
7326 90 94
7326 90 96
7326 11 00
7326 19
7326 90 92 3, 4, 10, 12, 22 DRI (Midrex)-EAF Forged, stamped, or sintered
7326 90 94
7326 90 96
7326 11 00
7326 19 2, 4, 10, 12, 22 DRI (Corex)-BOF Forged, stamped, or sintered
7326 90 92

Product CN
Mapping* Production route Description
7326 90 94
7326 90 96
7326 11 00
7326 19
7326 90 92 3, 4, 10, 12, 22 DRI (Rotary Kiln)-EAF Forged, stamped, or sintered
7326 90 94
7326 90 96
7326 20 00 1, 2, 11, 18, 19, 20, 26 Primary route Articles of iron or steel wire
7326 20 00 3, 11, 18, 19, 20, 26 Secondary route - EAF Articles of iron or steel wire
Secondary route -
7326 20 00 3, 11, 18, 19, 20, 26 Articles of iron or steel wire
Induction furnace
7326 20 00 3, 4, 11, 18, 19, 20, 26 DRI (Midrex)-EAF Articles of iron or steel wire
7326 20 00 2, 4, 11, 18, 19, 20, 26 DRI (Corex)-BOF Articles of iron or steel wire
7326 20 00 3, 4, 11, 18, 19, 20, 26 DRI (Rotary Kiln)-EAF Articles of iron or steel wire
7326 90 30
Ladders and steps; Pallets and similar platforms for handling goods; Reels for cables, piping and the
7326 90 40
1, 2, 11, 18, 25 Primary route like; Non-mechanical ventilators, guttering, hooks and like articles used in the building
7326 90 50
7326 90 60
7326 90 30
Ladders and steps; Pallets and similar platforms for handling goods; Reels for cables, piping and the
7326 90 40
3, 11, 18, 25 Secondary route - EAF like; Non-mechanical ventilators, guttering, hooks and like articles used in the building
7326 90 50
7326 90 60
7326 90 30
Ladders and steps; Pallets and similar platforms for handling goods; Reels for cables, piping and the
7326 90 40 Secondary route -
3, 11, 18, 25 like; Non-mechanical ventilators, guttering, hooks and like articles used in the building
7326 90 50 Induction furnace
7326 90 60
7326 90 30
Ladders and steps; Pallets and similar platforms for handling goods; Reels for cables, piping and the
7326 90 40
3, 4, 11, 18, 25 DRI (Midrex)-EAF like; Non-mechanical ventilators, guttering, hooks and like articles used in the building
7326 90 50
7326 90 60
7326 90 30
Ladders and steps; Pallets and similar platforms for handling goods; Reels for cables, piping and the
7326 90 40
2, 4, 11, 18, 25 DRI (Corex)-BOF like; Non-mechanical ventilators, guttering, hooks and like articles used in the building
7326 90 50
7326 90 60
7326 90 30
Ladders and steps; Pallets and similar platforms for handling goods; Reels for cables, piping and the
7326 90 40
3, 4, 11, 18, 25 DRI (Rotary Kiln)-EAF like; Non-mechanical ventilators, guttering, hooks and like articles used in the building
7326 90 50
7326 90 60
7326 90 98 1, 2, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 23 Primary route Other articles of iron or steel

Product CN
Mapping* Production route Description
7326 90 98 3, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 23 Secondary route - EAF Other articles of iron or steel
Secondary route -
7326 90 98 3, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 23 Other articles of iron or steel
Induction furnace
7326 90 98 3, 4, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 23 DRI (Midrex)-EAF Other articles of iron or steel
7326 90 98 2, 4, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 23 DRI (Corex)-BOF Other articles of iron or steel
7326 90 98 3, 4, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 23 DRI (Rotary Kiln)-EAF Other articles of iron or steel

*Numbers in the column Mapping represents the blocks from the Figure 5 (number shown in the upper left corner of the block).
Source: JRC, 2023.

Table 2. Net energy process balance per subprocess in the iron and steel industry.

furnace gas
Natural gas

Coke oven

BOS gas
Subprocess (subvariant) name Unit






- Sinter planta GJ/t sinter 1.51 1.28 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.16 0.00 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.00
- Pellet planta GJ/t pellet 1.02 0.33 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.14 0.00 0.43 0.00 0.00 0.00
GJ/t hot
1 Blast furnacea,b 11.18 10.81 1.00 0.00 1.27 0.27 0.16 0.17 0.28 1.54 0.21
2 BOF planta GJ/t semis 0.36 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.00 0.23 0.00 0.00 0.00
3 EAFa GJ/t semis 4.02 0.00 0.49 0.00 0.00 2.07 0.67 0.78 0.00 0.00 0.00
3 Induction furnace GJ/t semis
4 DRI-EAF (natural gas based)a GJ/t semis 13.76 0.00 0.49 0.00 0.00 2.42 0.67 10.18 0.00 0.00 0.00
4 DRI-EAF (coal based)a GJ/t semis 28.19 0.00 24.42 0.00 0.00 2.33 0.67 0.78 0.00 0.00 0.00
5 AOD/VOD GJ/t semis
6 Cast Iron meltinga GJ/t semis 3.92 3.42 0.36 0.14
7 Steel meltinga GJ/t semis 2.34 2.34 0.00
8 Foundry casting (Iron)a GJ/t semis 5.70 0.00 5.70
8 Foundry casting (Steel)a GJ/t semis 10.49 0.00 10.49
9 Pig casting GJ/t semis
10 Ingot casting GJ/t semis
11 Continuous casting (Carbon steel)c GJ/t semis 0.06 0.03 0.03
11 Continuous casting (High alloy steel)c GJ/t semis 0.06 0.03 0.03
12 Forging (Carbon steel)d GJ/t product 29.09 2.06 27.03


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